Python | 318 lines | 245 code | 37 blank | 36 comment | 70 complexity | 2572c83735367a2e2ce07c9a1db16c42 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from django.db import transaction as django_transaction
- from django.db import connection
- try:
- from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
- except:
- try:
- from functools import wraps
- except ImportError:
- from django.utils.functional import wraps # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallback.
- import django
- class TransactionManager(object):
- """TransactionManager is a wrapper around a cache_backend that is
- transaction aware.
- If we are in a transaction, it will return the locally cached version.
- * On rollback, it will flush all local caches
- * On commit, it will push them up to the real shared cache backend
- (ex. memcached).
- """
- _patched_var = False
- def __init__(self, cache_backend, keygen):
- from johnny import cache, settings
- self.timeout = settings.MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS
- self.prefix = settings.MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX
- self.cache_backend = cache_backend
- self.local = cache.local
- self.keygen = keygen(self.prefix)
- self._originals = {}
- self._dirty_backup = {}
- self.local['trans_sids'] = {}
- def _get_sid(self, using=None):
- if 'trans_sids' not in self.local:
- self.local['trans_sids'] = {}
- d = self.local['trans_sids']
- if self.has_multi_db():
- if using is None:
- else:
- using = 'default'
- if using not in d:
- d[using] = []
- return d[using]
- def _clear_sid_stack(self, using=None):
- if self.has_multi_db():
- if using is None:
- else:
- using = 'default'
- if using in self.local.get('trans_sids', {}):
- del self.local['trans_sids']
- def has_multi_db(self):
- if django.VERSION[:2] in ((1, 2), (1, 3)):
- return True
- return False
- def is_managed(self):
- return django_transaction.is_managed()
- def get(self, key, default=None, using=None):
- if self.is_managed() and self._patched_var:
- val = self.local.get(key, None)
- if val: return val
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- val = self._get_from_savepoints(key, using)
- if val: return val
- return self.cache_backend.get(key, default)
- def _get_from_savepoints(self, key, using=None):
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- cp = list(sids)
- cp.reverse()
- for sid in cp:
- if key in self.local[sid]:
- return self.local[sid][key]
- def _trunc_using(self, using):
- if self.has_multi_db():
- if using is None:
- else:
- using = 'default'
- if len(using) > 100:
- using = using[0:68] + self.keygen.gen_key(using[68:])
- return using
- def set(self, key, val, timeout=None, using=None):
- """
- Set will be using the generational key, so if another thread
- bumps this key, the localstore version will still be invalid.
- If the key is bumped during a transaction it will be new
- to the global cache on commit, so it will still be a bump.
- """
- if timeout is None:
- timeout = self.timeout
- if self.is_managed() and self._patched_var:
- self.local[key] = val
- else:
- self.cache_backend.set(key, val, timeout)
- def _clear(self, using=None):
- if self.has_multi_db():
- self.local.clear('%s_%s_*'%(self.prefix, self._trunc_using(using)))
- else:
- self.local.clear('%s_*'%self.prefix)
- def _flush(self, commit=True, using=None):
- """
- Flushes the internal cache, either to the memcache or rolls back
- """
- if commit:
- # XXX: multi-set?
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- self._commit_all_savepoints(using)
- if self.has_multi_db():
- c = self.local.mget('%s_%s_*'%(self.prefix, self._trunc_using(using)))
- else:
- c = self.local.mget('%s_*'%self.prefix)
- for key, value in c.iteritems():
- self.cache_backend.set(key, value, self.timeout)
- else:
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- self._rollback_all_savepoints(using)
- self._clear(using)
- self._clear_sid_stack(using)
- def _patched(self, original, commit=True):
- @wraps(original)
- def newfun(using=None):
- #1.2 version
- original(using=using)
- self._flush(commit=commit, using=using)
- @wraps(original)
- def newfun11():
- #1.1 version
- original()
- self._flush(commit=commit)
- if django.VERSION[:2] == (1,1):
- return newfun11
- elif django.VERSION[:2] in ((1,2), (1,3)):
- return newfun
- return original
- def _uses_savepoints(self):
- return connection.features.uses_savepoints
- def _sid_key(self, sid, using=None):
- if using != None:
- return 'trans_savepoint_%s_%s'%(using, sid)
- return 'trans_savepoint_%s'%sid
- def _create_savepoint(self, sid, using=None):
- key = self._sid_key(sid, using)
- #get all local dirty items
- if self.has_multi_db():
- c = self.local.mget('%s_%s_*'%(self.prefix, self._trunc_using(using)))
- else:
- c = self.local.mget('%s_*'%self.prefix)
- #store them to a dictionary in the localstore
- if key not in self.local:
- self.local[key] = {}
- for k, v in c.iteritems():
- self.local[key][k] = v
- #clear the dirty
- self._clear(using)
- #append the key to the savepoint stack
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- sids.append(key)
- def _rollback_savepoint(self, sid, using=None):
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- key = self._sid_key(sid, using)
- stack = []
- try:
- popped = None
- while popped != key:
- popped = sids.pop()
- stack.insert(0, popped)
- #delete items from localstore
- for i in stack:
- del self.local[i]
- #clear dirty
- self._clear(using)
- except IndexError, e:
- #key not found, don't delete from localstore, restore sid stack
- for i in stack:
- sids.insert(0, i)
- def _commit_savepoint(self, sid, using=None):
- #commit is not a commit but is in reality just a clear back to that savepoint
- #and adds the items back to the dirty transaction.
- key = self._sid_key(sid, using)
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- stack = []
- try:
- popped = None
- while popped != key:
- popped = sids.pop()
- stack.insert(0, popped)
- self._store_dirty(using)
- for i in stack:
- for k, v in self.local[i].iteritems():
- self.local[k] = v
- del self.local[i]
- self._restore_dirty(using)
- except IndexError, e:
- for i in stack:
- sids.insert(0, i)
- def _commit_all_savepoints(self, using=None):
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- if sids:
- self._commit_savepoint(sids[0], using)
- def _rollback_all_savepoints(self, using=None):
- sids = self._get_sid(using)
- if sids:
- self._rollback_savepoint(sids[0], using)
- def _store_dirty(self, using=None):
- if self.has_multi_db():
- c = self.local.mget('%s_%s_*'%(self.prefix, self._trunc_using(using)))
- else:
- c = self.local.mget('%s_*'%self.prefix)
- backup = 'trans_dirty_store_%s'%self._trunc_using(using)
- self.local[backup] = {}
- for k, v in c.iteritems():
- self.local[backup][k] = v
- self._clear(using)
- def _restore_dirty(self, using=None):
- backup = 'trans_dirty_store_%s'%self._trunc_using(using)
- for k, v in self.local.get(backup, {}).iteritems():
- self.local[k] = v
- del self.local[backup]
- def _savepoint(self, original):
- @wraps(original)
- def newfun(using=None):
- if using != None:
- sid = original(using=using)
- else:
- sid = original()
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- self._create_savepoint(sid, using)
- return sid
- return newfun
- def _savepoint_rollback(self, original):
- def newfun(sid, *args, **kwargs):
- original(sid, *args, **kwargs)
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- if len(args) == 2:
- using = args[1]
- else:
- using = kwargs.get('using', None)
- self._rollback_savepoint(sid, using)
- return newfun
- def _savepoint_commit(self, original):
- def newfun(sid, *args, **kwargs):
- original(sid, *args, **kwargs)
- if self._uses_savepoints():
- if len(args) == 1:
- using = args[0]
- else:
- using = kwargs.get('using', None)
- self._commit_savepoint(sid, using)
- return newfun
- def _getreal(self, name):
- return getattr(django_transaction, 'real_%s' % name,
- getattr(django_transaction, name))
- def patch(self):
- """
- This function monkey patches commit and rollback
- writes to the cache should not happen until commit (unless our state isn't managed).
- It does not yet support savepoints.
- """
- if not self._patched_var:
- self._originals['rollback'] = self._getreal('rollback')
- self._originals['commit'] = self._getreal('commit')
- self._originals['savepoint'] = self._getreal('savepoint')
- self._originals['savepoint_rollback'] = self._getreal('savepoint_rollback')
- self._originals['savepoint_commit'] = self._getreal('savepoint_commit')
- django_transaction.rollback = self._patched(django_transaction.rollback, False)
- django_transaction.commit = self._patched(django_transaction.commit, True)
- django_transaction.savepoint = self._savepoint(django_transaction.savepoint)
- django_transaction.savepoint_rollback = self._savepoint_rollback(django_transaction.savepoint_rollback)
- django_transaction.savepoint_commit = self._savepoint_commit(django_transaction.savepoint_commit)
- self._patched_var = True
- def unpatch(self):
- for fun in self._originals:
- setattr(django_transaction, fun, self._originals[fun])
- self._patched_var = False