Python | 236 lines | 184 code | 31 blank | 21 comment | 16 complexity | 7ebc67fe981e33c43e5494e212a598f9 MD5 | raw file
- import functools
- import traceback
- import time
- import inspect
- import os
- import SocketServer
- import django
- from django.conf import settings
- import pymongo
- import pymongo.collection
- import pymongo.cursor
- __all__ = ['queries', 'inserts', 'updates', 'removes', 'install_tracker',
- 'uninstall_tracker', 'reset']
- _original_methods = {
- 'insert': pymongo.collection.Collection.insert,
- 'update': pymongo.collection.Collection.update,
- 'remove': pymongo.collection.Collection.remove,
- 'refresh': pymongo.cursor.Cursor._refresh,
- }
- queries = []
- inserts = []
- updates = []
- removes = []
- def _get_stacktrace():
- return _tidy_stacktrace(reversed(inspect.stack()))
- else:
- return []
- # Wrap Cursor._refresh for getting queries
- @functools.wraps(_original_methods['insert'])
- def _insert(collection_self, doc_or_docs, manipulate=True,
- safe=False, check_keys=True, **kwargs):
- start_time = time.time()
- result = _original_methods['insert'](
- collection_self,
- doc_or_docs,
- manipulate=manipulate,
- safe=safe,
- check_keys=check_keys,
- **kwargs
- )
- total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
- __traceback_hide__ = True
- inserts.append({
- 'document': doc_or_docs,
- 'safe': safe,
- 'time': total_time,
- 'stack_trace': _get_stacktrace(),
- })
- return result
- # Wrap Cursor._refresh for getting queries
- @functools.wraps(_original_methods['update'])
- def _update(collection_self, spec, document, upsert=False,
- maniuplate=False, safe=False, multi=False, **kwargs):
- start_time = time.time()
- result = _original_methods['update'](
- collection_self,
- spec,
- document,
- upsert=upsert,
- safe=safe,
- multi=multi,
- **kwargs
- )
- total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
- __traceback_hide__ = True
- updates.append({
- 'document': document,
- 'upsert': upsert,
- 'multi': multi,
- 'spec': spec,
- 'safe': safe,
- 'time': total_time,
- 'stack_trace': _get_stacktrace(),
- })
- return result
- # Wrap Cursor._refresh for getting queries
- @functools.wraps(_original_methods['remove'])
- def _remove(collection_self, spec_or_id, safe=False, **kwargs):
- start_time = time.time()
- result = _original_methods['remove'](
- collection_self,
- spec_or_id,
- safe=safe,
- **kwargs
- )
- total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
- __traceback_hide__ = True
- removes.append({
- 'spec_or_id': spec_or_id,
- 'safe': safe,
- 'time': total_time,
- 'stack_trace': _get_stacktrace(),
- })
- return result
- # Wrap Cursor._refresh for getting queries
- @functools.wraps(_original_methods['refresh'])
- def _cursor_refresh(cursor_self):
- # Look up __ private instance variables
- def privar(name):
- return getattr(cursor_self, '_Cursor__{0}'.format(name))
- if privar('id') is not None:
- # getMore not query - move on
- return _original_methods['refresh'](cursor_self)
- # NOTE: See pymongo/cursor.py+557 [_refresh()] and
- # pymongo/message.py for where information is stored
- # Time the actual query
- start_time = time.time()
- result = _original_methods['refresh'](cursor_self)
- total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
- query_son = privar('query_spec')()
- __traceback_hide__ = True
- query_data = {
- 'time': total_time,
- 'operation': 'query',
- 'stack_trace': _get_stacktrace(),
- }
- # Collection in format <db_name>.<collection_name>
- collection_name = privar('collection')
- query_data['collection'] = collection_name.full_name.split('.')[1]
- if query_data['collection'] == '$cmd':
- query_data['operation'] = 'command'
- # Handle count as a special case
- if 'count' in query_son:
- # Information is in a different format to a standar query
- query_data['collection'] = query_son['count']
- query_data['operation'] = 'count'
- query_data['skip'] = query_son.get('skip')
- query_data['limit'] = query_son.get('limit')
- query_data['query'] = query_son['query']
- else:
- # Normal Query
- query_data['skip'] = privar('skip')
- query_data['limit'] = privar('limit')
- query_data['query'] = query_son['$query']
- query_data['ordering'] = _get_ordering(query_son)
- queries.append(query_data)
- return result
- def install_tracker():
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.insert != _insert:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.insert = _insert
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.update != _update:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.update = _update
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.remove != _remove:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.remove = _remove
- if pymongo.cursor.Cursor._refresh != _cursor_refresh:
- pymongo.cursor.Cursor._refresh = _cursor_refresh
- def uninstall_tracker():
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.insert == _insert:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.insert = _original_methods['insert']
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.update == _update:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.update = _original_methods['update']
- if pymongo.collection.Collection.remove == _remove:
- pymongo.collection.Collection.remove = _original_methods['remove']
- if pymongo.cursor.Cursor._refresh == _cursor_refresh:
- pymongo.cursor.Cursor._refresh = _original_methods['cursor_refresh']
- def reset():
- global queries, inserts, updates, removes
- queries = []
- inserts = []
- updates = []
- removes = []
- def _get_ordering(son):
- """Helper function to extract formatted ordering from dict.
- """
- def fmt(field, direction):
- return '{0}{1}'.format({-1: '-', 1: '+'}[direction], field)
- if '$orderby' in son:
- return ', '.join(fmt(f, d) for f, d in son['$orderby'].items())
- # Taken from Django Debug Toolbar 0.8.6
- def _tidy_stacktrace(stack):
- """
- Clean up stacktrace and remove all entries that:
- 1. Are part of Django (except contrib apps)
- 2. Are part of SocketServer (used by Django's dev server)
- 3. Are the last entry (which is part of our stacktracing code)
- ``stack`` should be a list of frame tuples from ``inspect.stack()``
- """
- django_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(django.__file__))
- django_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(django_path, '..'))
- socketserver_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(SocketServer.__file__))
- pymongo_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(pymongo.__file__))
- trace = []
- for frame, path, line_no, func_name, text in (f[:5] for f in stack):
- s_path = os.path.realpath(path)
- # Support hiding of frames -- used in various utilities that provide
- # inspection.
- if '__traceback_hide__' in frame.f_locals:
- continue
- if getattr(settings, 'DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG', {}).get('HIDE_DJANGO_SQL', True) \
- and django_path in s_path and not 'django/contrib' in s_path:
- continue
- if socketserver_path in s_path:
- continue
- if pymongo_path in s_path:
- continue
- if not text:
- text = ''
- else:
- text = (''.join(text)).strip()
- trace.append((path, line_no, func_name, text))
- return trace