Python | 173 lines | 121 code | 39 blank | 13 comment | 26 complexity | 942c42beef16b442084ffe8e857bfbd3 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import plistlib
- import os
- import re
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import listenercounter
- from halitespotify import URLHandlerSpotify
- from haliteyoutube import URLHandlerYouTube
- from halitewrappers import MPlayerWrapper
- from halitelogging import Logger
- from haliteconfig import HaliteConfig
- from haliteplaylist import PlaylistHandler
- config = HaliteConfig.default_config()
- PIDFILE = config.get("halite","pidfile")
- COMMANDFILE = config.get("halite","commandfile")
- class FileHandler():
- def handled_extensions( self ):
- return []
- def handle_file( self, filepath ):
- self.filepath = filepath
- class FileHandlerURL():
- def __init__( self ):
- self.handlers = [ URLHandlerYouTube(),
- URLHandlerSpotify() ];
- def handled_extensions( self ):
- return[ ".webloc", ".txt", ".url" ]
- def handle_url( self, url ):
- handled = False
- # find a handler for the url
- for url_handler in self.handlers:
- # if we find one..
- if( url_handler.handles_url( url ) ):
- # process the url
- url_handler.handle_url( url )
- # exit the loop
- handled = True
- break;
- return( handled )
- def handle_file( self, filepath ):
- # get a url
- fh = open( filepath )
- fstring = fh.read()
- if( "plist" in fstring ):
- # file is a .webloc plist
- pl = plistlib.readPlist( filepath )
- self.handle_url( pl["URL"] )
- else:
- # step through lines, trying to handle each one
- lines = fstring.splitlines()
- for line in lines:
- if( self.handle_url( line ) ):
- break
- fh.close()
- class FileHandlerMediaFile():
- def handled_extensions( self ):
- return[ ".mp3", ".mp4", ".m4a" ]
- def handle_file( self, filepath ):
- Logger.log_message( "-> handle file: %s" % filepath )
- mplayer_wrapper = MPlayerWrapper()
- mplayer_wrapper.play_file( filepath )
- def start():
- if( os.path.isfile(PIDFILE) ):
- Logger.log_message( "There is already an instance of Halite running." )
- exit()
- else:
- fh = open( PIDFILE, "w" )
- fh.write( "%d" % os.getpid() )
- fh.close()
- Logger.log_message( "Halite start, pid is %d" % os.getpid() )
- file_handlers = [ FileHandlerMediaFile(),
- FileHandlerURL() ]
- playlist_handler = PlaylistHandler()
- running = True
- while running:
- # get a new file
- file = playlist_handler.get_next_file()
- (path, ext) = os.path.splitext(file)
- # play it
- handled = False
- for file_handler in file_handlers:
- handled_extensions = file_handler.handled_extensions()
- for handled_extension in handled_extensions:
- if( handled_extension == ext ):
- file_handler.handle_file( file )
- handled = True
- if( handled ):
- break
- if( handled ):
- break
- # check contol file
- if( os.path.isfile(COMMANDFILE) ):
- Logger.log_message( "Halite: has a commandfile" )
- fh = open( COMMANDFILE )
- command = fh.read()
- fh.close()
- Logger.log_message( "-> command is %s" % command )
- if( command == "stop" ):
- running = False
- os.remove( COMMANDFILE )
- Logger.log_message( "Halite: end main loop" )
- os.remove(PIDFILE)
- def write_command( command ):
- fh = open(COMMANDFILE, "w")
- fh.write( exec_command )
- fh.close()
- def main():
- if( len(sys.argv) > 1 ):
- exec_command = sys.argv[1]
- if( exec_command == "connect" ):
- listener_counter = listenercounter.ListenerCounter()
- num_listeners = listener_counter.increment_count()
- Logger.log_message( "Halite: listener connect, new num_listeners=%d" % num_listeners )
- if( num_listeners > 0 ):
- start()
- elif( exec_command == "disconnect" ):
- listener_counter = listenercounter.ListenerCounter()
- num_listeners = listener_counter.decrement_count()
- Logger.log_message( "Halite: listener disconnect, new num_listeners=%d" % num_listeners )
- if( num_listeners < 1 ):
- write_command( "stop" )
- elif( exec_command == "start" ):
- # Logger.PRINT_MESSAGES = False
- start()
- else:
- # write command to COMMANDFILE so running instance can use it
- if( os.path.isfile(PIDFILE) ):
- write_command( exec_command )
- else:
- Logger.log_message( "There is no instance of Halite running" )
- else:
- Logger.log_message( "No argument provided" )
- main()