Python | 310 lines | 192 code | 53 blank | 65 comment | 54 complexity | 0a5587edc38d1ac197cec78900b00bd8 MD5 | raw file
- """Models streams
- Classes:
- Stream_Material -- Class for material stream. Inherits from UnitOperation
- Stream_Energy -- Class for energy stream. Inherits from UnitOperation
- """
- from sim.solver.Error import SimError
- from sim.solver.Variables import *
- from sim.solver import S42Glob
- from sim.solver.Ports import SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE
- from sim.solver.Messages import MessageHandler
- import UnitOperations
- VALID_UNIT_OPERATIONS = ['Stream_Material',
- 'Stream_Energy',
- 'Stream_Signal',
- 'ClonePort',
- 'SensorPort']
- class Stream_Material(UnitOperations.UnitOperation):
- """Class for material stream. Inherits from UnitOperation"""
- def __init__(self, initScript = None):
- """Init the stream"""
- super(Stream_Material, self).__init__(initScript)
- p = self.CreatePort(MAT|IN, IN_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- p = self.CreatePort(MAT|OUT, OUT_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- def AddObject(self, obj, name):
- """
- if object is clone port, create the appropriate kind of port
- other wise call parent method
- """
- if isinstance(obj, ClonePort):
- oldPort = self.GetPort(name)
- if oldPort:
- self.DeletePort(oldPort) # can't have duplicates
- if obj.incoming:
- self.CreatePort(MAT|IN, name)
- else:
- self.CreatePort(MAT|OUT, name)
- self.PushSolveOp(self)
- elif isinstance(obj, SensorPort):
- oldPort = self.GetPort(name)
- if oldPort:
- self.DeletePort(oldPort) # can't have duplicates
- port = self.CreatePort(SIG, name)
- port.SetSignalType(obj.varType)
- self.PushSolveOp(self)
- else:
- super(Stream_Material, self).AddObject(obj, name)
- def SensorShare(self, withPort):
- """
- Share any information from signal ports with material port withPort
- """
- sigPorts = self.GetPorts(SIG)
- for port in sigPorts:
- #Gets the type as a string with a name of the compound appended if necessary
- portTypeName = port.GetSignalType()
- #Get the compound name separately
- cmpName = port.GetCompoundName()
- if portTypeName != SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE and portTypeName != None:
- portValue = port.GetValue()
- if portValue != None:
- #Put the value into the material port
- if not cmpName:
- withPort.SetPropValue(portTypeName, portValue, CALCULATED_V)
- elif portTypeName[:len(CMPMOLEFRAC_VAR)] == CMPMOLEFRAC_VAR:
- withPort.SetPropValue(portTypeName, portValue, CALCULATED_V)
- else:
- #Any other variable per compound should be checked only for consistency
- #as those values can not be input
- withValue = withPort.GetPropValue(portTypeName)
- if withValue != None:
- port.SetValue(withValue, CALCULATED_V)
- else:
- #Put the value into the signal port
- withValue = withPort.GetPropValue(portTypeName)
- if withValue != None:
- port.SetValue(withValue, CALCULATED_V)
- def Solve(self):
- """Solve"""
- #if self.IsForgetting(): return
- inPort = self.GetPort(IN_PORT)
- outPort = self.GetPort(OUT_PORT)
- clonePorts = self.GetPorts(MAT|IN|OUT)
- idx = clonePorts.index(inPort)
- clonePorts.pop(idx)
- idx = clonePorts.index(outPort)
- clonePorts.pop(idx)
- hasClones = (len(clonePorts) > 0)
- #Start by flashing the inPort
- inPort.Flash()
- while 1:
- #Everything known in "signals" goes into the "out" port
- self.SensorShare(outPort)
- #Everything in "signals" and "out" goes into "in"
- #Everything in "in" goes into "out"
- inPort.ShareWith(outPort)
- if hasClones:
- # share with clones
- #Everything in "signals", "out" and "in" go into "clones"
- for port in clonePorts:
- inPort.ShareWith(port)
- # share between in and out again
- #Everything in "clones" that went into "in" now go into "out"
- inPort.ShareWith(outPort)
- for port in clonePorts:
- port.CalcFlows()
- inPort.CalcFlows()
- outPort.CalcFlows()
- #Everything new in "out" finally goes into the "signals"
- self.SensorShare(outPort)
- # only have to check one flash since everything was shared
- if not inPort.Flash(skipCalcFlows=1):
- break
- return 1
- def ValidateOk(self):
- if self.GetParameterValue(NULIQPH_PAR) <= 0: return 0
- return 1
- class ClonePort:
- """
- dummy class to allow AddObject to add clone ports to stream classes
- """
- def __init__(self, incoming=1):
- """
- incoming is true if input stream
- """
- self.incoming = incoming
- class SensorPort:
- """
- dummy object to allow Stream_Material.AddObject to add arbitrary signal ports
- """
- def __init__(self, varType):
- """
- varType is the type of signal
- """
- self.varType = varType
- class Stream_Energy(UnitOperations.UnitOperation):
- """Class for energy stream. Inherits from UnitOperation"""
- def __init__(self, initScript = None):
- """Init the stream"""
- super(Stream_Energy, self).__init__(initScript)
- p = self.CreatePort(ENE|IN, IN_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- p = self.CreatePort(ENE|OUT, OUT_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- def AddObject(self, obj, name):
- """
- if object is clone port, create the appropriate kind of port
- other wise call parent method
- """
- if isinstance(obj, ClonePort):
- oldPort = self.GetPort(name)
- if oldPort:
- self.DeletePort(oldPort) # can't have duplicates
- if obj.incoming:
- self.CreatePort(ENE|IN, name)
- else:
- self.CreatePort(ENE|OUT, name)
- self.PushSolveOp(self)
- elif isinstance(obj, SensorPort):
- oldPort = self.GetPort(name)
- if oldPort:
- self.DeletePort(oldPort) # can't have duplicates
- port = self.CreatePort(SIG, name)
- port.SetSignalType(ENERGY_VAR)
- self.PushSolveOp(self)
- else:
- super(Stream_Energy, self).AddObject(obj, name)
- def Solve(self):
- """Solve"""
- inPort = self.GetPort(IN_PORT)
- outPort = self.GetPort(OUT_PORT)
- ports = self.GetPorts(ENE|IN|OUT|SIG)
- for port in ports:
- inPort.ShareWith(port)
- if len(ports) > 2:
- # do again to avoid order dependance
- for port in ports:
- inPort.ShareWith(port)
- return 1
- class Stream_Signal(UnitOperations.UnitOperation):
- """Class for signal stream. Inherits from UnitOperation"""
- def __init__(self, initScript = None):
- """Init the stream"""
- super(Stream_Signal, self).__init__(initScript)
- p = self.CreatePort(SIG, IN_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- p = self.CreatePort(SIG, OUT_PORT)
- p.SetLocked(True)
- #self.SetParameterValue(SIGTYPE_PAR, GENERIC_VAR) # generic type by default
- self.SetParameterValue(SIGTYPE_PAR, None)
- def SetParameterValue(self, paramName, value):
- UnitOperations.UnitOperation.SetParameterValue(self, paramName, value)
- if paramName == SIGTYPE_PAR:
- for port in self.GetPorts():
- port.SetSignalType(value)
- def ValidateParameter(self, paramName, value):
- if not super(Stream_Signal, self).ValidateParameter(paramName, value):
- return 0
- if paramName == SIGTYPE_PAR:
- currName = self.parameters.get(SIGTYPE_PAR, None)
- if not currName: return 1
- currName = currName.split('_', 1)[0]
- validateName = value.split('_', 1)[0]
- equivalent = 1
- try:
- if PropTypes[currName].unitType != PropTypes[validateName].unitType:
- equivalent = S42Glob.unitSystem.IsEquivalentType(PropTypes[currName].unitType, PropTypes[validateName].unitType)
- except:
- #if it failed comparing, then assume they are equivalent
- pass
- if equivalent: return 1
- #The types are not equivalent. If any port is already connected, then
- #there will be a type conflict, hence, return false
- for port in self.GetPorts():
- conn = port.GetConnection()
- if conn != None:
- return 0
- return 1
- def DeleteObject(self, obj):
- if isinstance(obj, UnitOperations.OpParameter):
- if obj.GetName() in (SIGTYPE_PAR):
- self.InfoMessage('CantDeleteObject', (obj.GetPath(),), MessageHandler.errorMessage)
- return
- super(Stream_Signal, self).DeleteObject(obj)
- def AddObject(self, obj, name):
- """
- if object is clone port, create the appropriate kind of port
- other wise call parent method
- """
- if isinstance(obj, ClonePort):
- oldPort = self.GetPort(name)
- if oldPort:
- self.DeletePort(oldPort) # can't have duplicates
- port = self.CreatePort(SIG, name)
- type = self.GetParameterValue(SIGTYPE_PAR)
- if type != None:
- port.SetSignalType(type)
- self.PushSolveOp(self)
- else:
- super(Stream_Signal, self).AddObject(obj, name)
- def Solve(self):
- """Solve"""
- inPort = self.GetPort(IN_PORT)
- inPortType = inPort.GetSignalType()
- for i in range(2): # do twice to avoid order dependence
- for port in self.GetPorts(SIG):
- portType = port.GetSignalType()
- if inPortType != SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE:
- if portType == SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE:
- port.CreateProperty(inPortType)
- elif portType != SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE:
- inPort.CreateProperty(portType)
- inPortType = portType
- inPort.ShareWith(port)
- return 1