C# | 108 lines | 94 code | 14 blank | 0 comment | 6 complexity | 395eb0191a6de734d21c2547b280da83 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.Linq;
- using Raven.Server.Documents;
- using Voron;
- using Voron.Impl;
- namespace Raven.Server.Storage.Schema
- {
- public static class SchemaUpgrader
- {
- internal class CurrentVersion
- {
- public const int ServerVersion = 11;
- public const int ConfigurationVersion = 10;
- public const int DocumentsVersion = 15;
- public const int IndexVersion = 12;
- }
- private static readonly int[] SkippedDocumentsVersion = { 12 };
- public enum StorageType
- {
- Server,
- Configuration,
- Documents,
- Index,
- }
- private class InternalUpgrader
- {
- private readonly StorageType _storageType;
- private readonly ConfigurationStorage _configurationStorage;
- private readonly DocumentsStorage _documentsStorage;
- internal InternalUpgrader(StorageType storageType, ConfigurationStorage configurationStorage, DocumentsStorage documentsStorage)
- {
- _storageType = storageType;
- _configurationStorage = configurationStorage;
- _documentsStorage = documentsStorage;
- }
- internal bool Upgrade(Transaction readTx, Transaction writeTx, int currentVersion, out int versionAfterUpgrade)
- {
- switch (_storageType)
- {
- case StorageType.Server:
- break;
- case StorageType.Configuration:
- break;
- case StorageType.Documents:
- if (SkippedDocumentsVersion.Contains(currentVersion))
- {
- throw new NotSupportedException($"Documents schema upgrade from version {currentVersion} is not supported, use the recovery tool to dump the data and then import it into a new database");
- }
- break;
- case StorageType.Index:
- break;
- default:
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_storageType), _storageType, null);
- }
- versionAfterUpgrade = currentVersion;
- var name = $"Raven.Server.Storage.Schema.Updates.{_storageType.ToString()}.From{currentVersion}";
- var schemaUpdateType = typeof(SchemaUpgrader).Assembly.GetType(name);
- if (schemaUpdateType == null)
- return false;
- versionAfterUpgrade++;
- switch (_storageType)
- {
- case StorageType.Server:
- break;
- case StorageType.Configuration:
- break;
- case StorageType.Documents:
- while (SkippedDocumentsVersion.Contains(versionAfterUpgrade))
- {
- versionAfterUpgrade++;
- }
- break;
- case StorageType.Index:
- break;
- default:
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_storageType), _storageType, null);
- }
- var schemaUpdate = (ISchemaUpdate)Activator.CreateInstance(schemaUpdateType);
- return schemaUpdate.Update(new UpdateStep
- {
- ReadTx = readTx,
- WriteTx = writeTx,
- ConfigurationStorage = _configurationStorage,
- DocumentsStorage = _documentsStorage,
- });
- }
- }
- public static UpgraderDelegate Upgrader(StorageType storageType, ConfigurationStorage configurationStorage, DocumentsStorage documentsStorage)
- {
- var upgrade = new InternalUpgrader(storageType, configurationStorage, documentsStorage);
- return upgrade.Upgrade;
- }
- }
- }