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- //
- // RSClient.h
- // CloudFilesSDKDemo
- //
- // Created by Mike Mayo on 10/25/11.
- // Copyright (c) 2011 Rackspace. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- #import "RSContainer.h"
- #import "RSCDNContainer.h"
- #import "RSStorageObject.h"
- #define kRSDefaultTTL 259200
- #define EAUTHFAILURE 1 /* Authentication failed */
- static NSString *RSErrorDomain = @"RSErrorDomain";
- /** Rackspace API provider types */
- typedef enum {
- RSProviderTypeRackspaceUS,
- RSProviderTypeRackspaceUK
- } RSProviderType;
- /**
- The RSClient class is the root class for the Rackspace Cloud Files SDK. You use it to authenticate
- with your account and work with containers and CDN containers. You must have a RSClient object available
- in your code to use the other classes.
- Your username is the username you use to login to http://manage.rackspacecloud.com, and your API Key
- is available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com. If you are a UK user,
- pass `RSProviderTypeRackspaceUK` to the provider argument in the constructor. If you are using
- OpenStack Swift, you can provide your own authentication URL.
- Once you have created your object, you can optionally authenticate before performing any operations.
- If you do not authenticate, the client will authenticate for you before performing any other
- API operations.
- */
- @interface RSClient : RSModel
- #pragma mark - Properties
- /** The username for this account */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *username;
- /** The API Key for this account. For Rackspace Cloud accounts, this is available in the
- * My Account section of https://manage.rackspacecloud.com.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *apiKey;
- /** The authentication URL for the API */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSURL *authURL;
- /** This property is set to YES when the client object has authenticated with the API. */
- @property (nonatomic) BOOL authenticated;
- /** The authentication token returned by the authentication API. The auth token is used
- * to authenticate for other API options, but it is ephemeral, so you still need to authenticate
- * at the beginning of a session with your username and API key.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *authToken;
- /** Base URL string for the Cloud Files Storage API */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *storageURL;
- /** Base URL string for the Cloud Files CDN Management API */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *cdnManagementURL;
- /** The total number of containers in this account */
- @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger containerCount;
- /** The total number of bytes stored in this account */
- @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger totalBytesUsed;
- #pragma mark - Constructors
- /** Creates a RSClient object with the specified provider, username, and API key.
- * @provider The cloud provider to use
- * @param username Your username
- * @param apiKey Your API key, available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com for Rackspace Cloud accounts
- */
- - (id)initWithProvider:(RSProviderType)provider username:(NSString *)username apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey;
- /** Creates a RSClient object with the specified auth URL, username, and API key.
- * @param authURL The URL to use for authentication
- * @param username Your username
- * @param apiKey Your API key, available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com for Rackspace Cloud accounts
- */
- - (id)initWithAuthURL:(NSURL *)authURL username:(NSString *)username apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey;
- #pragma mark - Common
- /** Returns a request to the Storage API with the given path and HTTP method
- * @param path The path in the API. Example: /containers
- * @param httpMethod The HTTP method to use
- */
- - (NSMutableURLRequest *)storageRequest:(NSString *)path httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod;
- /** Returns a GET request to the Storage API with the given path
- * @param path The path in the API. Example: /containers
- */
- - (NSMutableURLRequest *)storageRequest:(NSString *)path;
- /** Returns a request to the CDN Management API with the given path and HTTP method
- * @param path The path in the API. Example: /containers
- * @param httpMethod The HTTP method to use
- */
- - (NSMutableURLRequest *)cdnRequest:(NSString *)path httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod;
- /** Returns a GET request to the CDN Management API with the given path
- * @param path The path in the API. Example: /containers
- */
- - (NSMutableURLRequest *)cdnRequest:(NSString *)path;
- /** Asynchronously sends a HTTP request with callbacks for success and failure responses.
- * @param requestSelector A selector to retrieve the HTTP request to send
- * @param object Optional argument for the requestSelector
- * @param sender The object that owns the requestSelector
- * @param successHandler A block that will be executed if the request is successfully executed and returns a HTTP response code in the 2xx block (200-299)
- * @param failureHandler A block that will be executed if the request is not successfully executed or returns a HTTP response code outside of the 2xx block (for example, a 404 Not Found response)
- */
- - (void)sendAsynchronousRequest:(SEL)requestSelector object:(id)object sender:(id)sender successHandler:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))successHandler failureHandler:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- /** Asynchronously sends a HTTP request with callbacks for success and failure responses.
- * @param requestSelector A selector to retrieve the HTTP request to send
- * @param sender The object that owns the requestSelector
- * @param successHandler A block that will be executed if the request is successfully executed and returns a HTTP response code in the 2xx block (200-299)
- * @param failureHandler A block that will be executed if the request is not successfully executed or returns a HTTP response code outside of the 2xx block (for example, a 404 Not Found response)
- */
- - (void)sendAsynchronousRequest:(SEL)requestSelector sender:(id)sender successHandler:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))successHandler failureHandler:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark - Authentication
- /** Returns a request object that represents an authentication request to the API */
- - (NSURLRequest *)authenticationRequest;
- /** Authenticates with the API. If you do not authenticate before performing any API operations,
- * RSClient will authenticate for you.
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)authenticate:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark - Storage Services
- #pragma mark Get Account Metadata
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request for account metadata */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getAccountMetadataRequest;
- /** Retrieves account metadata (number of containers and total bytes used) from the API.
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)getAccountMetadata:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Get Containers
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request for an account's containers */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getContainersRequest;
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request for an account's containers.
- * @param limit The maximum number of containers to return
- * @param marker Pass a value here to return object names greater than the marker you specify
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getContainersRequestWithLimit:(NSUInteger)limit marker:(NSString *)marker;
- /** Retrieves a list of containers in your account.
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)getContainers:(void (^)(NSArray *containers, NSError *jsonError))successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Create Container
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to create a container
- * @param container The container to create
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)createContainerRequest:(RSContainer *)container;
- /** Creates a container in your account.
- * @param container The container to create
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)createContainer:(RSContainer *)container success:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Delete Container
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to delete a container
- * @param container The container to delete
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)deleteContainerRequest:(RSContainer *)container;
- /** Deletes a container from your account.
- * @param container The container to delete
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)deleteContainer:(RSContainer *)container success:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Get Container Metadata
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to retrieve a container's metadata
- * @param container The container to get metadata
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getContainerMetadataRequest:(RSContainer *)container;
- /** Retrieves a container's metadata.
- * @param container The container to get metadata
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)getContainerMetadata:(RSContainer *)container success:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark - CDN Services
- #pragma mark CDN Enable Container
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to CDN enable a container
- * @param container The container to CDN enable
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)cdnEnableContainerRequest:(RSContainer *)container;
- /** CDN enables a container.
- * @param container The container to CDN enable
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)cdnEnableContainer:(RSContainer *)container success:(void (^)(RSCDNContainer *container))successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Get CDN Containers
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to retrieve a list of CDN containers in your account */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getCDNContainersRequest;
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to retrieve a list of CDN containers in your account
- * @param limit The maximum number of containers to return
- * @param marker Pass a value here to return object names greater than the marker you specify
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getCDNContainersRequestWithLimit:(NSUInteger)limit marker:(NSString *)marker;
- /** Retrieves a list of CDN containers in your account.
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)getCDNContainers:(void (^)(NSArray *containers, NSError *jsonError))successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Get CDN Container Metadata
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to retrieve a CDN container's metadata
- * @param container The container to get metadata
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)getCDNContainerMetadataRequest:(RSCDNContainer *)container;
- /** Retrieves a CDN container's metadata.
- * @param container The container to retrieve metadata
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)getCDNContainerMetadata:(RSCDNContainer *)container success:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- #pragma mark Update CDN Container
- /** Returns a request object that represents a request to update a container.
- * @param container The container to purge
- */
- - (NSURLRequest *)updateCDNContainerRequest:(RSCDNContainer *)container;
- /** Updates a CDN container. You can update TTL, Log Retention settings, and whether or not the container should still be CDN enabled.
- * @param container The container to update
- * @param successHandler Executes if successful
- * @param failureHandler Executes if not successful
- */
- - (void)updateCDNContainer:(RSCDNContainer *)container success:(void (^)())successHandler failure:(void (^)(NSHTTPURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))failureHandler;
- @end