https://github.com/midnightskinhead/elib1 · Erlang · 143 lines · 104 code · 25 blank · 14 comment · 3 complexity · ec498abf7bb3155f6f249a4d4cb0920a MD5 · raw file
- %% Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Joe Armstrong
- %% See MIT-LICENSE for licensing information.
- -module(elib1_guid_store).
- %% The entire history of a file is kept in an association list
- %% as a set of patches
- -export([test/0, store/1, fetch/1, fetch/2]).
- -import(lists, [reverse/1, reverse/2, filter/2, member/2]).
- test() ->
- file:delete("myblob.dets"),
- elib1_blob_store:open("myblob.dets"),
- store([{guid,g1},{name,joe},{content,"abc"}]),
- store([{guid,g1},{name,joe1},{content,"abc\ndef"}]),
- store([{guid,g1},{date,123},{content,"123"}]),
- store([{guid,g1},{date,125},{stuff,123}, {content,"123abc\ndef\n\234"}]),
- store([{guid,g1},{nonsense,foodedo}, {content,""}]),
- store([{guid,g1},{nonsense,foodedo12313}, {content,"123123"}]),
- elib1_blob_store:close().
- fetch(Guid) -> fetch(Guid, 0).
- fetch(Guid, N) ->
- case elib1_blob_store:fetch(Guid) of
- {ok, OldBlob} ->
- {Meta, Patches} = binary_to_term(OldBlob),
- fetch1(Meta, N, Patches);
- error ->
- exit(eBadGuid)
- end.
- fetch1(Meta, 0, _) -> Meta;
- fetch1(Meta, N, [P|T]) ->
- OldMeta = patch(P, Meta),
- fetch1(OldMeta, N-1, T);
- fetch1(_, N, []) ->
- exit({ebadLevel,N}).
- store(Assoc) ->
- Guid = must(guid, Assoc),
- NewBlob = case elib1_blob_store:fetch(Guid) of
- {ok, OldBlob} ->
- {OldMeta, Patches} = binary_to_term(OldBlob),
- P = diff(Assoc, OldMeta),
- term_to_binary({Assoc,[P|Patches]});
- error ->
- P = diff(Assoc, [{content,""}]),
- term_to_binary({Assoc,[P]})
- end,
- elib1_blob_store:store(Guid, NewBlob).
- %% patch(P, NewMeta) -> OldMeta'
- patch([{k,K,V}|T], Meta) ->
- %% key replace
- Meta1 = replace(K, V, Meta, []),
- patch(T, Meta1);
- patch([{d,K}|T], Meta) ->
- Meta1 = delete_key(K, Meta),
- patch(T, Meta1);
- patch([{p,P}|T], Meta) ->
- NewContent = must(content, Meta),
- OldContent = elib1_diff:patch(NewContent, P),
- Meta1 = replace(content, OldContent, Meta, []),
- patch(T, Meta1);
- patch([], Meta) ->
- lists:sort(Meta).
- %% diff(NewMeta, OldMeta) -> Patches
- %% compute the diffs necessary to turn the current metadata and content
- %% into the old metadata and content
- diff(NewMeta, OldMeta) ->
- Patch = diff1(NewMeta, OldMeta),
- %% io:format("Patches=~p~n",[Patch]),
- Old = patch(Patch, NewMeta),
- case {lists:sort(Old),
- lists:sort(OldMeta)} of
- {A, A} ->
- io:format("patches ok ...~n"),
- Patch;
- _ ->
- io:format("oops debug me"),
- elib1_misc:dump("debug",{newMeta,lists:sort(NewMeta),
- oldMeta,lists:sort(OldMeta),
- patch, Patch,
- old, lists:sort(Old)}),
- exit(oops)
- end.
- %% comput a patch to turn New into Old
- diff1(NewMeta, OldMeta) ->
- L1 = deletions(NewMeta, OldMeta),
- diff(OldMeta, NewMeta, L1).
- deletions(New, Old) ->
- %% keys in new that are just not in Old
- NewKeys = [K || {K,_} <- New],
- OldKeys = [K || {K,_} <- Old],
- L = filter(fun(I) -> not member(I, OldKeys) end, NewKeys),
- [{d,I} || I <- L].
- diff([{content,OldContent}|T], New, L) ->
- NewContent = must(content, New),
- P = elib1_diff:diff(OldContent, NewContent),
- diff(T, New, [{p,P}|L]);
- diff([{K,V}|T], New, L) ->
- case lookup(K, New) of
- {value, V} ->
- %% same value in both no change
- diff(T, New, L);
- _ ->
- %% not the same value or missing
- diff(T, New, [{k,K,V}|L])
- end;
- diff([], _, L) ->
- L.
- lookup(Key, L) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, L) of
- {value, {_,V}} -> {value, V};
- false -> false
- end.
- must(K, [{K,V}|_]) -> V;
- must(K, [_|T]) -> must(K, T);
- must(K, []) -> exit({eMissingkey, K}).
- replace(K, V, [{K,_}|T], L) -> reverse(L, [{K,V}|T]);
- replace(K, V, [H|T], L) -> replace(K, V, T, [H|L]);
- replace(K, V, [], L) -> [{K,V}|L].
- delete_key(K, [{K,_}|T]) -> T;
- delete_key(K, [H|T]) -> [H|delete_key(K, T)];
- delete_key(_, []) -> [].