https://github.com/midnightskinhead/elib1 · Erlang · 143 lines · 118 code · 16 blank · 9 comment · 3 complexity · f72c8e93e6bc8960c81bb7315aa38a5c MD5 · raw file
- %% Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Joe Armstrong
- %% See MIT-LICENSE for licensing information.
- -module(elib1_publish).
- -compile(export_all).
- -import(lists, [reverse/1]).
- %% run elib1_rsa:make_sig("joe").
- %% publish:publish()
- %% c(nmap)
- %% publish:validate()
- compile() ->
- L = filelib:wildcard("*.erl"),
- [compile_file(I) || I <- L].
- test() ->
- compile_file("elib1_rsa.erl").
- compile_file(File) ->
- {ok, Mod, Bin} = compile:file(File, [no_error_module_mismatch,
- binary,{parse_transform, ?MODULE}]),
- OF = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".beam",
- io:format("creating:~p~n",[OF]),
- file:write_file(OF, Bin).
- parse_transform(X, Opts) ->
- elib1_misc:dump("foo", {X,Opts}),
- Y = xform(X),
- elib1_misc:dump("bar", Y),
- Y.
- xform({attribute,Ln,module,Mod}) ->
- {attribute,Ln,module,rename(Mod)};
- %% Is this a bug or a feature?
- xform({attribute,Ln,import,{Mod,L}}) ->
- {attribute,Ln,import, {rename(Mod), L}};
- xform({call,Ln,{remote,Ln1,{atom,Ln2, Mod }, Func}, Args }) ->
- {call, Ln, {remote,Ln1,{atom,Ln2,rename(Mod)}, Func}, xform(Args)};
- xform(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
- %% io:format("T=~p~n",[T]),
- L = tuple_to_list(T),
- L1 = [xform(I) || I <- L],
- list_to_tuple(L1);
- xform([H|T]) ->
- [xform(H)|xform(T)];
- xform(X) ->
- X.
- rename(Mod) ->
- Data = nmap:map(),
- case lists:keysearch(Mod,1,Data) of
- {value, Tuple} ->
- New = element(4, Tuple),
- %% io:format("Rename:~p -> ~w~n",[Mod,New]),
- New;
- false ->
- Mod
- end.
- publish() ->
- elib1_misc:show_loaded(fun() ->
- publish1()
- end).
- publish1() ->
- Key = find_key(),
- L = filelib:wildcard("*.erl"),
- Data = [process(I,Key) || I <- L],
- {ok, S} = file:open("nmap.erl", [write]),
- io:format(S,"-module(nmap).~n",[]),
- io:format(S,"%% autogenerated do not edit by hand.~n",[]),
- io:format(S,"-export([map/0]).~n",[]),
- io:format(S,"map()->~n~p.~n",[Data]),
- file:close(S),
- ok.
- validate() ->
- Expected = nmap:map(),
- case check(Expected, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- L ->
- {failed, L}
- end.
- check([{Mod,File,Key,NewModName,Sign}|T], L) ->
- io:format("checking:~s ",[File]),
- [$m|M] = atom_to_list(NewModName),
- Md5= elib1_misc:hex2bin(M),
- case file:read_file(File) of
- {ok, B} ->
- case erlang:md5(B) of
- Md5 ->
- io:format("md5 ok"),
- case file:read_file(Key++".pub") of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- Code = binary_to_term(Bin),
- case elib1_rsa:decode_sig(Sign , Code) of
- Md5 ->
- io:format(" signed~n"),
- check(T, L);
- _ ->
- io:format(" bad sig~n"),
- check(T, [File|L])
- end;
- _ ->
- io:format("no keyfile~n"),
- check(T, [File|L])
- end;
- _ ->
- io:format("bad checksum~n"),
- check(T, [File|L])
- end;
- _ ->
- io:format(" enreadable~n"),
- check(T, [File|L])
- end;
- check([], L) ->
- L.
- find_key() ->
- case filelib:wildcard("*.pri") of
- [X] ->
- Key = elib1_rsa:get_key(X),
- "irp." ++ X1 = reverse(X),
- Who = reverse(X1),
- {Who, Key};
- [] ->
- exit(eNoKey);
- O ->
- exit({badKeys,O})
- end.
- process(File,{Who,Key}) ->
- {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
- Md5Bin = erlang:md5(Bin),
- Sig = elib1_rsa:sign_bin(Md5Bin, Key),
- Mod = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File)),
- NewName = list_to_atom("m" ++ elib1_misc:bin2hex(Md5Bin)),
- {Mod,File,Who,NewName,Sig}.