https://github.com/quinta/quintacms · PHP · 997 lines · 411 code · 122 blank · 464 comment · 54 complexity · 941d616a186035804b55cb75acfd4c53 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * The abstract ContentItemGen class defined here is
- * code-generated and contains all the basic CRUD-type functionality as well as
- * basic methods to handle relationships and index-based loading.
- *
- * To use, you should use the ContentItem subclass which
- * extends this ContentItemGen class.
- *
- * Because subsequent re-code generations will overwrite any changes to this
- * file, you should leave this file unaltered to prevent yourself from losing
- * any information or code changes. All customizations should be done by
- * overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables
- * in the ContentItem class.
- *
- * @package Quinta CMS
- * @subpackage GeneratedDataObjects
- * @property-read integer $Id the value for intId (Read-Only PK)
- * @property string $Name the value for strName (Unique)
- * @property string $Cssclass the value for strCssclass
- * @property string $Title the value for strTitle
- * @property string $Description the value for strDescription
- * @property string $Text the value for strText
- * @property integer $SortOrder the value for intSortOrder
- * @property boolean $ShowTitle the value for blnShowTitle (Not Null)
- * @property boolean $ShowDescription the value for blnShowDescription (Not Null)
- * @property boolean $ShowCreator the value for blnShowCreator (Not Null)
- * @property boolean $ShowCreationDate the value for blnShowCreationDate (Not Null)
- * @property boolean $ShowLastModification the value for blnShowLastModification (Not Null)
- * @property integer $CreatorId the value for intCreatorId
- * @property string $CopyrightNotice the value for strCopyrightNotice
- * @property-read string $CreationDate the value for strCreationDate (Read-Only Timestamp)
- * @property-read string $LastModification the value for strLastModification (Read-Only Timestamp)
- * @property integer $TypeId the value for intTypeId (Not Null)
- * @property integer $StatusId the value for intStatusId (Not Null)
- * @property Person $Creator the value for the Person object referenced by intCreatorId
- * @property-read ContentBlock $_ContentBlock the value for the private _objContentBlock (Read-Only) if set due to an expansion on the content_item_content_block_assn association table
- * @property-read ContentBlock[] $_ContentBlockArray the value for the private _objContentBlockArray (Read-Only) if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_content_block_assn association table
- * @property-read ContentCategory $_ContentCategory the value for the private _objContentCategory (Read-Only) if set due to an expansion on the content_item_content_category_assn association table
- * @property-read ContentCategory[] $_ContentCategoryArray the value for the private _objContentCategoryArray (Read-Only) if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_content_category_assn association table
- * @property-read Usergroup $_Usergroup the value for the private _objUsergroup (Read-Only) if set due to an expansion on the content_item_usergroup_assn association table
- * @property-read Usergroup[] $_UsergroupArray the value for the private _objUsergroupArray (Read-Only) if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_usergroup_assn association table
- * @property-read boolean $__Restored whether or not this object was restored from the database (as opposed to created new)
- */
- class ContentItemGen extends QBaseClass
- {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////// Object properties ////////////
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database PK Identity column content_item.id
- * @var integer intId
- *
- */
- protected $intId = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.name
- * @var string strName
- *
- */
- protected $strName = null;
- const NameMaxLength = 128;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.cssclass
- * @var string strCssclass
- *
- */
- protected $strCssclass = null;
- const CssclassMaxLength = 128;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.title
- * @var string strTitle
- *
- */
- protected $strTitle = null;
- const TitleMaxLength = 128;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.description
- * @var string strDescription
- *
- */
- protected $strDescription = null;
- const DescriptionMaxLength = 256;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.text
- * @var string strText
- *
- */
- protected $strText = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.sort_order
- * @var integer intSortOrder
- *
- */
- protected $intSortOrder = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.show_title
- * @var boolean blnShowTitle
- *
- */
- protected $blnShowTitle = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.show_description
- * @var boolean blnShowDescription
- *
- */
- protected $blnShowDescription = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.show_creator
- * @var boolean blnShowCreator
- *
- */
- protected $blnShowCreator = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.show_creation_date
- * @var boolean blnShowCreationDate
- *
- */
- protected $blnShowCreationDate = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.show_last_modification
- * @var boolean blnShowLastModification
- *
- */
- protected $blnShowLastModification = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.creator_id
- * @var integer intCreatorId
- *
- */
- protected $intCreatorId = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.copyright_notice
- * @var string strCopyrightNotice
- *
- */
- protected $strCopyrightNotice = null;
- const CopyrightNoticeMaxLength = 256;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.creation_date
- * @var string strCreationDate
- *
- */
- protected $strCreationDate = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.last_modification
- * @var string strLastModification
- *
- */
- protected $strLastModification = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.type_id
- * @var integer intTypeId
- *
- */
- protected $intTypeId = null;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.status_id
- * @var integer intStatusId
- *
- */
- protected $intStatusId = null;
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to a single ContentBlock object
- * (of type ContentBlock), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an expansion on the content_item_content_block_assn association table.
- * @var ContentBlock _objContentBlock;
- */
- private $_objContentBlock;
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to an array of ContentBlock objects
- * (of type ContentBlock[]), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_content_block_assn association table.
- * @var ContentBlock[] _objContentBlockArray;
- */
- private $_objContentBlockArray = array();
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to a single ContentCategory object
- * (of type ContentCategory), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an expansion on the content_item_content_category_assn association table.
- * @var ContentCategory _objContentCategory;
- */
- private $_objContentCategory;
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to an array of ContentCategory objects
- * (of type ContentCategory[]), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_content_category_assn association table.
- * @var ContentCategory[] _objContentCategoryArray;
- */
- private $_objContentCategoryArray = array();
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to a single Usergroup object
- * (of type Usergroup), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an expansion on the content_item_usergroup_assn association table.
- * @var Usergroup _objUsergroup;
- */
- private $_objUsergroup;
- /**
- * Private member variable that stores a reference to an array of Usergroup objects
- * (of type Usergroup[]), if this ContentItem object was restored with
- * an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_usergroup_assn association table.
- * @var Usergroup[] _objUsergroupArray;
- */
- private $_objUsergroupArray = array();
- /**
- * Protected array of virtual attributes for this object (e.g. extra/other calculated and/or non-object bound
- * columns from the run-time database query result for this object). Used by InstantiateDbRow and
- * GetVirtualAttribute.
- * @var string[] $__strVirtualAttributeArray
- */
- protected $__strVirtualAttributeArray = array();
- /**
- * Protected internal member variable that specifies whether or not this object is Restored from the database.
- * Used by Save() to determine if Save() should perform a db UPDATE or INSERT.
- * @var bool __blnRestored;
- */
- protected $__blnRestored;
- ///////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Protected member variable that contains the object pointed by the reference
- * in the database column content_item.creator_id.
- *
- * NOTE: Always use the Creator property getter to correctly retrieve this Person object.
- * (Because this class implements late binding, this variable reference MAY be null.)
- * @var Person objCreator
- */
- protected $objCreator;
- ///////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Static method to retrieve the Database object that owns this class.
- * @return QDatabaseBase reference to the Database object that can query this class
- */
- public static function GetDatabase() {
- return QApplication::$Database[1];
- }
- /**
- * Load a ContentItem from PK Info
- * @param integer $intId
- * @return ContentItem
- */
- public static function Load($intId) {
- // Use QuerySingle to Perform the Query
- return ContentItem::QuerySingle(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->Id, $intId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load all ContentItems
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadAll($objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadAll query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(QQ::All(), $objOptionalClauses);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count all ContentItems
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountAll() {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryCount to perform the CountAll query
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(QQ::All());
- }
- ///////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Internally called method to assist with calling Qcodo Query for this class
- * on load methods.
- * @param QQueryBuilder &$objQueryBuilder the QueryBuilder object that will be created
- * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause object or array of QQClause objects for this query
- * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with (sending in null will skip the PrepareStatement step)
- * @param boolean $blnCountOnly only select a rowcount
- * @return string the query statement
- */
- protected static function BuildQueryStatement(&$objQueryBuilder, QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, $blnCountOnly) {
- // Get the Database Object for this Class
- $objDatabase = ContentItem::GetDatabase();
- // Create/Build out the QueryBuilder object with ContentItem-specific SELET and FROM fields
- $objQueryBuilder = new QQueryBuilder($objDatabase, 'content_item');
- ContentItem::GetSelectFields($objQueryBuilder);
- $objQueryBuilder->AddFromItem('content_item');
- // Set "CountOnly" option (if applicable)
- if ($blnCountOnly)
- $objQueryBuilder->SetCountOnlyFlag();
- // Apply Any Conditions
- if ($objConditions)
- try {
- $objConditions->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Iterate through all the Optional Clauses (if any) and perform accordingly
- if ($objOptionalClauses) {
- if ($objOptionalClauses instanceof QQClause)
- $objOptionalClauses->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder);
- else if (is_array($objOptionalClauses))
- foreach ($objOptionalClauses as $objClause)
- $objClause->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder);
- else
- throw new QCallerException('Optional Clauses must be a QQClause object or an array of QQClause objects');
- }
- // Get the SQL Statement
- $strQuery = $objQueryBuilder->GetStatement();
- // Prepare the Statement with the Query Parameters (if applicable)
- if ($mixParameterArray) {
- if (is_array($mixParameterArray)) {
- if (count($mixParameterArray))
- $strQuery = $objDatabase->PrepareStatement($strQuery, $mixParameterArray);
- // Ensure that there are no other Unresolved Named Parameters
- if (strpos($strQuery, chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{') !== false)
- throw new QCallerException('Unresolved named parameters in the query');
- } else
- throw new QCallerException('Parameter Array must be an array of name-value parameter pairs');
- }
- // Return the Objects
- return $strQuery;
- }
- /**
- * Static Qcodo Query method to query for a single ContentItem object.
- * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work.
- * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with
- * @return ContentItem the queried object
- */
- public static function QuerySingle(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) {
- // Get the Query Statement
- try {
- $strQuery = ContentItem::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, false);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Perform the Query, Get the First Row, and Instantiate a new ContentItem object
- $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery);
- return ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbResult->GetNextRow(), null, null, null, $objQueryBuilder->ColumnAliasArray);
- }
- /**
- * Static Qcodo Query method to query for an array of ContentItem objects.
- * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work.
- * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with
- * @return ContentItem[] the queried objects as an array
- */
- public static function QueryArray(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) {
- // Get the Query Statement
- try {
- $strQuery = ContentItem::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, false);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Array Result
- $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery);
- return ContentItem::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult, $objQueryBuilder->ExpandAsArrayNodes, $objQueryBuilder->ColumnAliasArray);
- }
- /**
- * Static Qcodo Query method to query for a count of ContentItem objects.
- * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work.
- * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with
- * @return integer the count of queried objects as an integer
- */
- public static function QueryCount(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) {
- // Get the Query Statement
- try {
- $strQuery = ContentItem::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, true);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Perform the Query and return the row_count
- $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery);
- // Figure out if the query is using GroupBy
- $blnGrouped = false;
- if ($objOptionalClauses) foreach ($objOptionalClauses as $objClause) {
- if ($objClause instanceof QQGroupBy) {
- $blnGrouped = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($blnGrouped)
- // Groups in this query - return the count of Groups (which is the count of all rows)
- return $objDbResult->CountRows();
- else {
- // No Groups - return the sql-calculated count(*) value
- $strDbRow = $objDbResult->FetchRow();
- return QType::Cast($strDbRow[0], QType::Integer);
- }
- }
- /* public static function QueryArrayCached($strConditions, $mixParameterArray = null) {
- // Get the Database Object for this Class
- $objDatabase = ContentItem::GetDatabase();
- // Lookup the QCache for This Query Statement
- $objCache = new QCache('query', 'content_item_' . serialize($strConditions));
- if (!($strQuery = $objCache->GetData())) {
- // Not Found -- Go ahead and Create/Build out a new QueryBuilder object with ContentItem-specific fields
- $objQueryBuilder = new QQueryBuilder($objDatabase);
- ContentItem::GetSelectFields($objQueryBuilder);
- ContentItem::GetFromFields($objQueryBuilder);
- // Ensure the Passed-in Conditions is a string
- try {
- $strConditions = QType::Cast($strConditions, QType::String);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Create the Conditions object, and apply it
- $objConditions = eval('return ' . $strConditions . ';');
- // Apply Any Conditions
- if ($objConditions)
- $objConditions->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder);
- // Get the SQL Statement
- $strQuery = $objQueryBuilder->GetStatement();
- // Save the SQL Statement in the Cache
- $objCache->SaveData($strQuery);
- }
- // Prepare the Statement with the Parameters
- if ($mixParameterArray)
- $strQuery = $objDatabase->PrepareStatement($strQuery, $mixParameterArray);
- // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Array Result
- $objDbResult = $objDatabase->Query($strQuery);
- return ContentItem::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult);
- }*/
- /**
- * Updates a QQueryBuilder with the SELECT fields for this ContentItem
- * @param QQueryBuilder $objBuilder the Query Builder object to update
- * @param string $strPrefix optional prefix to add to the SELECT fields
- */
- public static function GetSelectFields(QQueryBuilder $objBuilder, $strPrefix = null) {
- if ($strPrefix) {
- $strTableName = $strPrefix;
- $strAliasPrefix = $strPrefix . '__';
- } else {
- $strTableName = 'content_item';
- $strAliasPrefix = '';
- }
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'id', $strAliasPrefix . 'id');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'name', $strAliasPrefix . 'name');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'cssclass', $strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'title', $strAliasPrefix . 'title');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'description', $strAliasPrefix . 'description');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'text', $strAliasPrefix . 'text');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'sort_order', $strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_title', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_title');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_description', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_description');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_creator', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_creator');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_creation_date', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_creation_date');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_last_modification', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_last_modification');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'creator_id', $strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'copyright_notice', $strAliasPrefix . 'copyright_notice');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'creation_date', $strAliasPrefix . 'creation_date');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'last_modification', $strAliasPrefix . 'last_modification');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'type_id', $strAliasPrefix . 'type_id');
- $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'status_id', $strAliasPrefix . 'status_id');
- }
- ///////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Instantiate a ContentItem from a Database Row.
- * Takes in an optional strAliasPrefix, used in case another Object::InstantiateDbRow
- * is calling this ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow in order to perform
- * early binding on referenced objects.
- * @param DatabaseRowBase $objDbRow
- * @param string $strAliasPrefix
- * @param string $strExpandAsArrayNodes
- * @param QBaseClass $objPreviousItem
- * @param string[] $strColumnAliasArray
- * @return ContentItem
- */
- public static function InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix = null, $strExpandAsArrayNodes = null, $objPreviousItem = null, $strColumnAliasArray = array()) {
- // If blank row, return null
- if (!$objDbRow)
- return null;
- // See if we're doing an array expansion on the previous item
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && ($objPreviousItem) &&
- ($objPreviousItem->intId == $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'))) {
- // We are. Now, prepare to check for ExpandAsArray clauses
- $blnExpandedViaArray = false;
- if (!$strAliasPrefix)
- $strAliasPrefix = 'content_item__';
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) &&
- (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) {
- if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objContentBlockArray)) {
- $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objContentBlockArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1];
- $objChildItem = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray);
- if ($objChildItem)
- $objPreviousItem->_objContentBlockArray[] = $objChildItem;
- } else
- $objPreviousItem->_objContentBlockArray[] = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- $blnExpandedViaArray = true;
- }
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) &&
- (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) {
- if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objContentCategoryArray)) {
- $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objContentCategoryArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1];
- $objChildItem = ContentCategory::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray);
- if ($objChildItem)
- $objPreviousItem->_objContentCategoryArray[] = $objChildItem;
- } else
- $objPreviousItem->_objContentCategoryArray[] = ContentCategory::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- $blnExpandedViaArray = true;
- }
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) &&
- (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) {
- if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objUsergroupArray)) {
- $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objUsergroupArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1];
- $objChildItem = Usergroup::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray);
- if ($objChildItem)
- $objPreviousItem->_objUsergroupArray[] = $objChildItem;
- } else
- $objPreviousItem->_objUsergroupArray[] = Usergroup::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- $blnExpandedViaArray = true;
- }
- // Either return false to signal array expansion, or check-to-reset the Alias prefix and move on
- if ($blnExpandedViaArray)
- return false;
- else if ($strAliasPrefix == 'content_item__')
- $strAliasPrefix = null;
- }
- // Create a new instance of the ContentItem object
- $objToReturn = new ContentItem();
- $objToReturn->__blnRestored = true;
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'id';
- $objToReturn->intId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'name', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'name'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'name';
- $objToReturn->strName = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass';
- $objToReturn->strCssclass = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'title', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'title'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'title';
- $objToReturn->strTitle = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'description', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'description'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'description';
- $objToReturn->strDescription = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'text', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'text'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'text';
- $objToReturn->strText = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Blob');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order';
- $objToReturn->intSortOrder = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_title', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_title'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_title';
- $objToReturn->blnShowTitle = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_description', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_description'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_description';
- $objToReturn->blnShowDescription = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_creator', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_creator'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_creator';
- $objToReturn->blnShowCreator = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_creation_date', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_creation_date'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_creation_date';
- $objToReturn->blnShowCreationDate = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_last_modification', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_last_modification'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_last_modification';
- $objToReturn->blnShowLastModification = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id';
- $objToReturn->intCreatorId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'copyright_notice', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'copyright_notice'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'copyright_notice';
- $objToReturn->strCopyrightNotice = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'creation_date', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'creation_date'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'creation_date';
- $objToReturn->strCreationDate = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'last_modification', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'last_modification'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'last_modification';
- $objToReturn->strLastModification = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'type_id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'type_id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'type_id';
- $objToReturn->intTypeId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer');
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'status_id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'status_id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'status_id';
- $objToReturn->intStatusId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer');
- // Instantiate Virtual Attributes
- foreach ($objDbRow->GetColumnNameArray() as $strColumnName => $mixValue) {
- $strVirtualPrefix = $strAliasPrefix . '__';
- $strVirtualPrefixLength = strlen($strVirtualPrefix);
- if (substr($strColumnName, 0, $strVirtualPrefixLength) == $strVirtualPrefix)
- $objToReturn->__strVirtualAttributeArray[substr($strColumnName, $strVirtualPrefixLength)] = $mixValue;
- }
- // Prepare to Check for Early/Virtual Binding
- if (!$strAliasPrefix)
- $strAliasPrefix = 'content_item__';
- // Check for Creator Early Binding
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))
- $objToReturn->objCreator = Person::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'creator_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- // Check for ContentBlock Virtual Binding
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) {
- if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)))
- $objToReturn->_objContentBlockArray[] = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- else
- $objToReturn->_objContentBlock = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentblock__content_block_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- }
- // Check for ContentCategory Virtual Binding
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) {
- if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)))
- $objToReturn->_objContentCategoryArray[] = ContentCategory::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- else
- $objToReturn->_objContentCategory = ContentCategory::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentcategory__content_category_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- }
- // Check for Usergroup Virtual Binding
- $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__id';
- $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias;
- if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) {
- if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)))
- $objToReturn->_objUsergroupArray[] = Usergroup::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- else
- $objToReturn->_objUsergroup = Usergroup::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'usergroup__usergroup_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- }
- return $objToReturn;
- }
- /**
- * Instantiate an array of ContentItems from a Database Result
- * @param DatabaseResultBase $objDbResult
- * @param string $strExpandAsArrayNodes
- * @param string[] $strColumnAliasArray
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function InstantiateDbResult(QDatabaseResultBase $objDbResult, $strExpandAsArrayNodes = null, $strColumnAliasArray = null) {
- $objToReturn = array();
- if (!$strColumnAliasArray)
- $strColumnAliasArray = array();
- // If blank resultset, then return empty array
- if (!$objDbResult)
- return $objToReturn;
- // Load up the return array with each row
- if ($strExpandAsArrayNodes) {
- $objLastRowItem = null;
- while ($objDbRow = $objDbResult->GetNextRow()) {
- $objItem = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, null, $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objLastRowItem, $strColumnAliasArray);
- if ($objItem) {
- $objToReturn[] = $objItem;
- $objLastRowItem = $objItem;
- }
- }
- } else {
- while ($objDbRow = $objDbResult->GetNextRow())
- $objToReturn[] = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, null, null, null, $strColumnAliasArray);
- }
- return $objToReturn;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // INDEX-BASED LOAD METHODS (Single Load and Array)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Load a single ContentItem object,
- * by Id Index(es)
- * @param integer $intId
- * @return ContentItem
- */
- public static function LoadById($intId) {
- return ContentItem::QuerySingle(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->Id, $intId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load a single ContentItem object,
- * by Name Index(es)
- * @param string $strName
- * @return ContentItem
- */
- public static function LoadByName($strName) {
- return ContentItem::QuerySingle(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->Name, $strName)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentItem objects,
- * by Title Index(es)
- * @param string $strTitle
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByTitle($strTitle, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByTitle query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->Title, $strTitle),
- $objOptionalClauses);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems
- * by Title Index(es)
- * @param string $strTitle
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByTitle($strTitle) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryCount to perform the CountByTitle query
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->Title, $strTitle)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentItem objects,
- * by CreatorId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intCreatorId
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByCreatorId($intCreatorId, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByCreatorId query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->CreatorId, $intCreatorId),
- $objOptionalClauses);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems
- * by CreatorId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intCreatorId
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByCreatorId($intCreatorId) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryCount to perform the CountByCreatorId query
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->CreatorId, $intCreatorId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentItem objects,
- * by TypeId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intTypeId
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByTypeId($intTypeId, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByTypeId query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->TypeId, $intTypeId),
- $objOptionalClauses);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems
- * by TypeId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intTypeId
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByTypeId($intTypeId) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryCount to perform the CountByTypeId query
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->TypeId, $intTypeId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentItem objects,
- * by StatusId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intStatusId
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByStatusId($intStatusId, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByStatusId query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->StatusId, $intStatusId),
- $objOptionalClauses);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems
- * by StatusId Index(es)
- * @param integer $intStatusId
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByStatusId($intStatusId) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryCount to perform the CountByStatusId query
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->StatusId, $intStatusId)
- );
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // INDEX-BASED LOAD METHODS (Array via Many to Many)
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentBlock objects for a given ContentBlock
- * via the content_item_content_block_assn table
- * @param integer $intContentBlockId
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByContentBlock($intContentBlockId, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByContentBlock query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->ContentBlock->ContentBlockId, $intContentBlockId),
- $objOptionalClauses
- );
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems for a given ContentBlock
- * via the content_item_content_block_assn table
- * @param integer $intContentBlockId
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByContentBlock($intContentBlockId) {
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->ContentBlock->ContentBlockId, $intContentBlockId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of ContentCategory objects for a given ContentCategory
- * via the content_item_content_category_assn table
- * @param integer $intContentCategoryId
- * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
- * @return ContentItem[]
- */
- public static function LoadArrayByContentCategory($intContentCategoryId, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // Call ContentItem::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByContentCategory query
- try {
- return ContentItem::QueryArray(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->ContentCategory->ContentCategoryId, $intContentCategoryId),
- $objOptionalClauses
- );
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Count ContentItems for a given ContentCategory
- * via the content_item_content_category_assn table
- * @param integer $intContentCategoryId
- * @return int
- */
- public static function CountByContentCategory($intContentCategoryId) {
- return ContentItem::QueryCount(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentItem()->ContentCategory->ContentCategoryId, $intContentCategoryId)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Load an array of Usergrou