https://github.com/pcolemonts/nginx-for-drupal · Patch · 551 lines · 551 code · 0 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · fb85c7ceae3679e44e2e415b069ff606 MD5 · raw file
- --- /dev/null 2010-06-09 13:49:44.501193278 -0500
- +++ commands/user/user.drush.inc 2010-06-24 14:18:14.000000000 -0500
- @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
- +<?php
- +// $Id:
- +
- +/**
- + * @file Drush User Management commands
- + */
- +
- +/**
- + * Implementation of hook_drush_help().
- + */
- +function user_drush_help($section) {
- + switch ($section) {
- + case 'drush:user-information':
- + return dt("Display information about a user identified by username, uid or email address.");
- + case 'drush:user-block':
- + return dt("Block the specified user(s).");
- + case 'drush:user-unblock':
- + return dt("Unblock the specified user(s).");
- + case 'drush:user-add-role':
- + return dt("Add a role to the specified user accounts.");
- + case 'drush:user-remove-role':
- + return dt("Remove a role from the specified user accounts.");
- + case 'drush:user-create':
- + return dt("Create a user account.");
- + case 'drush:user-cancel':
- + return dt("Cancel a user account.");
- + case 'drush:user-password':
- + return dt("(Re)Set the password for the given user account.");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Implementation of hook_drush_command().
- + */
- +function user_drush_command() {
- + $items['user-information'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_information',
- + 'description' => 'Print information about the specified user(s).',
- + 'aliases' => array('uinf'),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-information 2,3,someguy,somegal,billgates@microsoft.com' =>
- + 'Display information about any users with uids, names, or mail addresses matching the strings between commas.',
- + ),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'users' => 'A comma delimited list of uids, user names, or email addresses.',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--full' => 'show extended information about the user',
- + '--short' => 'show basic information about the user (this is the default)',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-block'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_block',
- + 'description' => 'Block the specified user(s).',
- + 'aliases' => array('ublk'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'users' => 'A comma delimited list of uids, user names, or email addresses.',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-block 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' =>
- + 'Block the users with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--uid' => 'A comma delimited list of uids to block',
- + '--name' => 'A comma delimited list of user names to block',
- + '--mail' => 'A comma delimited list of user mail addresses to block',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-unblock'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_unblock',
- + 'description' => 'Unblock the specified user(s).',
- + 'aliases' => array('uublk'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'users' => 'A comma delimited list of uids, user names, or email addresses.',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-unblock 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' =>
- + 'Unblock the users with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--uid' => 'A comma delimited list of uids to unblock',
- + '--name' => 'A comma delimited list of user names to unblock',
- + '--mail' => 'A comma delimited list of user mail addresses to unblock',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-add-role'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_add_role',
- + 'description' => 'Add a role to the specified user accounts.',
- + 'aliases' => array('urol'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'role' => 'The name of the role to add',
- + 'users' => '(optional) A comma delimited list of uids, user names, or email addresses.',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-add-role "power user" 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' =>
- + 'Add the "power user" role to the accounts with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--uid' => 'A comma delimited list of uids',
- + '--name' => 'A comma delimited list of user names',
- + '--mail' => 'A comma delimited list of user mail addresses',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-remove-role'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_remove_role',
- + 'description' => 'Remove a role from the specified user accounts.',
- + 'aliases' => array('urrol'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'role' => 'The name of the role to remove',
- + 'users' => '(optional) A comma delimited list of uids, user names, or email addresses.',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-remove-role "power user" 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' =>
- + 'Remove the "power user" role from the accounts with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--uid' => 'A comma delimited list of uids',
- + '--name' => 'A comma delimited list of user names',
- + '--mail' => 'A comma delimited list of user mail addresses',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-create'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_create',
- + 'description' => 'Create a user account with the specified name.',
- + 'aliases' => array('ucrt'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'name' => 'The name of the account to add'
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-create newuser --mail="person@example.com" --password="letmein"' =>
- + 'Create a new user account with the name newuser, the email address person@example.com, and the password letmein',
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--password' => 'The password for the new account',
- + '--mail' => 'The email address for the new account',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-cancel'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_cancel',
- + 'description' => 'Cancel a user account with the specified name.',
- + 'aliases' => array('ucan'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'name' => 'The name of the account to cancel',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-cancel username' =>
- + 'Cancel the user account with the name username and anonymize all content created by that user.',
- + ),
- + );
- + $items['user-password'] = array(
- + 'callback' => 'drush_user_password',
- + 'description' => '(Re)Set the password for the user account with the specified name.',
- + 'aliases' => array('upwd'),
- + 'arguments' => array(
- + 'name' => 'The name of the account to modify'
- + ),
- + 'options' => array(
- + '--password' => '(required) The new password for the account',
- + ),
- + 'examples' => array(
- + 'drush user-password someuser --password="gr3@tP@$s"' =>
- + 'Set the password for the username someuser to gr3@tP@$s.',
- + ),
- + );
- +
- + // Drupal 7 only options.
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $items['user-cancel']['options'] = array(
- + 'delete-content' => 'Delete all content created by the user',
- + );
- + $items['user-cancel']['examples']['drush user-cancel --delete-content=true username'] =
- + 'Cancel the user account with the name username and delete all content created by that user.';
- + }
- + return $items;
- +}
- +
- +// Implementation of hook_drush_init().
- +function user_drush_init() {
- + $command_info = drush_get_command();
- + $command = $command_info['command'];
- + $needs_parse_args = array('user-block', 'user-unblock', 'user-add-role', 'user-remove-role');
- + if (in_array($command, $needs_parse_args)) {
- + // parse args and call drush_set_option for --uids
- + $users = array();
- + foreach (array('uid', 'name', 'mail' ) as $user_attr) {
- + if ($arg = drush_get_option($user_attr)) {
- + foreach(explode(',', $arg) as $search) {
- + $uid_query = FALSE;
- + switch ($user_attr) {
- + case 'uid':
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid", array(':uid' => $search));
- + }
- + else {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d", $search);
- + }
- + break;
- + case 'name':
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $search));
- + }
- + else {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = '%s'", $search);
- + }
- + break;
- + case 'mail':
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE mail = :mail", array(':mail' => $search));
- + }
- + else {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE mail = '%s'", $search);
- + }
- + break;
- + }
- + if ($uid_query !== FALSE) {
- + if ($uid = drush_db_result($uid_query)) {
- + $users[] = $uid;
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_set_error("Could not find a uid for $user_attr = $search");
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + if (!empty($users)) {
- + drush_set_option('uids', $users);
- + }
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Prints information about the specified user(s).
- + */
- +function drush_user_information($users) {
- + $users = explode(',', $users);
- + foreach($users as $user) {
- + $uid = _drush_user_get_uid($user);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + _drush_user_print_info($uid);
- + }
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Block the specified user(s).
- + */
- +function drush_user_block($users = '') {
- + $uids = drush_get_option('uids');
- + if ($users !== '') {
- + $users = explode(',', $users);
- + foreach($users as $user) {
- + $uid = _drush_user_get_uid($user);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + $uids[] = $uid;
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + if (!empty($uids)) {
- + user_user_operations_block($uids);
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("Could not find any valid uids!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Unblock the specified user(s).
- + */
- +function drush_user_unblock($users = '') {
- + $uids = drush_get_option('uids');
- + if ($users !== '') {
- + $users = explode(',', $users);
- + foreach($users as $user) {
- + $uid = _drush_user_get_uid($user);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + $uids[] = $uid;
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + if (!empty($uids)) {
- + user_user_operations_unblock($uids);
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("Could not find any valid uids!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Add a role to the specified user accounts.
- + */
- +function drush_user_add_role($role, $users = '') {
- + $uids = drush_get_option('uids');
- + if ($users !== '') {
- + $users = explode(',', $users);
- + foreach($users as $user) {
- + $uid = _drush_user_get_uid($user);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + $uids[] = $uid;
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $rid_query = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = :role", array(':role' => $role));
- + }
- + else {
- + $rid_query = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = '%s'", $role);
- + }
- + if (!empty($uids)) {
- + if ($rid = drush_db_result($rid_query)) {
- + user_multiple_role_edit($uids, 'add_role', $rid);
- + foreach($uids as $uid) {
- + drush_log(dt("Added the %role role to uid %uid", array('%role' => $role, '%uid' => $uid)), 'success');
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("There is no role named: \"$role\"!");
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("Could not find any valid uids!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Remove a role from the specified user accounts.
- + */
- +function drush_user_remove_role($role, $users = '') {
- + $uids = drush_get_option('uids');
- + if ($users !== '') {
- + $users = explode(',', $users);
- + foreach($users as $user) {
- + $uid = _drush_user_get_uid($user);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + $uids[] = $uid;
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $rid_query = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = :role", array(':role' => $role));
- + }
- + else {
- + $rid_query = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = '%s'", $role);
- + }
- + if (!empty($uids)) {
- + if ($rid = drush_db_result($rid_query)) {
- + user_multiple_role_edit($uids, 'remove_role', $rid);
- + foreach($uids as $uid) {
- + drush_log(dt("Removed the %role role from uid %uid", array('%role' => $role, '%uid' => $uid)), 'success');
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("There is no role named: \"$role\"!");
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + return drush_set_error("Could not find any valid uids!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Creates a new user account.
- + */
- +function drush_user_create($name) {
- + $mail = drush_get_option('mail');
- + $pass = drush_get_option('password');
- + $new_user = array(
- + 'name' => $name,
- + 'pass' => $pass,
- + 'mail' => $mail,
- + 'access' => '0',
- + 'status' => 1,
- + );
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $result = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = :name OR mail = :mail", array(':name' => $name, ':mail' => $new_user['mail']));
- + }
- + else {
- + $result = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = '%s' OR mail = '%s'", $name, $new_user['mail']);
- + }
- + if (drush_db_result($result) === FALSE) {
- + $new_user_object = user_save(NULL, $new_user, NULL);
- + if ($new_user_object !== FALSE) {
- + _drush_user_print_info($new_user_object->uid);
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_set_error("Could not create a new user account with the name " . $name . "!");
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_set_error("There is already a user account with the name " . $name . " or email address " . $new_user['mail'] . "!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Cancels a user account.
- + */
- +function drush_user_cancel($name) {
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $result = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $name));
- + }
- + else {
- + $result = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = '%s'", $name);
- + }
- + $uid = drush_db_result($result);
- + if ($uid !== FALSE) {
- + drush_print("Cancelling the user account with the following information:");
- + _drush_user_print_info($uid);
- + if (drush_get_option('delete-content') && drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + drush_print("All content created by this user will be deleted!");
- + }
- + if (drush_confirm('Cancel user account?: ')) {
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + if (drush_get_option('delete-content')) {
- + user_cancel(array(), $uid, 'user_cancel_delete');
- + }
- + else {
- + user_cancel(array(), $uid, 'user_cancel_reassign');
- + }
- + // I got the following technique here: http://drupal.org/node/638712
- + $batch =& batch_get();
- + $batch['progressive'] = FALSE;
- + batch_process();
- + }
- + else {
- + user_delete(array(), $uid);
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_set_error("Could not find a user account with the name " . $name . "!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Sets the password for the account with the given username
- + */
- +function drush_user_password($name) {
- + $pass = drush_get_option('password');
- + if (empty($pass)) {
- + return drush_set_error("You must specify a password!");
- + }
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $result = db_query("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $name));
- + $userinfo = drush_db_fetch_object($result);
- + if ($userinfo->name != $name) return drush_set_error("Could not find a user with the name '" . $name . "'!");
- + $user = user_load(drush_db_result($result));
- + }
- + else {
- + $user = user_load(array('name' => $name));
- + }
- + if ($user !== FALSE) {
- + $user_object = user_save($user, array('pass' => $pass));
- + if ($user_object === FALSE) {
- + drush_set_error("Could not change the password for the user account with the name " . $name . "!");
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_set_error("The user account with the name " . $name . " could not be loaded!");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Print information about a given uid
- + */
- +function _drush_user_print_info($uid) {
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $userinfo = user_load($uid);
- + }
- + else {
- + $userinfo = user_load(array('uid' => $uid));
- + }
- + if (drush_get_option('full')) {
- + $userinfo = (array)$userinfo;
- + $userinfo_pipe = array();
- + unset($userinfo['data']);
- + unset($userinfo['block']);
- + unset($userinfo['form_build_id']);
- + foreach($userinfo as $key => $val) {
- + if (is_array($val)) {
- + drush_print($key . ': ');
- + drush_print_r($val);
- + $userinfo_pipe[] = '"' . implode(",", $val) . '"';
- + }
- + else {
- + if ($key === 'created' OR $key === 'access' OR $key === 'login') {
- + drush_print($key . ': ' . format_date($val));
- + $userinfo_pipe[] = $val;
- + }
- + else {
- + drush_print($key . ': ' . $val);
- + $userinfo_pipe[] = $val;
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + drush_print_pipe(implode(",", $userinfo_pipe));
- + drush_print_pipe("\n");
- + }
- + else {
- + $userinfo_short = array(
- + 'User ID' => $userinfo->uid,
- + 'User name' => $userinfo->name,
- + 'User mail' => $userinfo->mail,
- + );
- + $userinfo_short['User roles'] = implode(', ', $userinfo->roles);
- + $userinfo->status ? $userinfo_short['User status'] = 'active' : $userinfo_short['User status'] = 'blocked';
- + drush_print_table(drush_key_value_to_array_table($userinfo_short));
- + drush_print_pipe("$userinfo->name, $userinfo->uid, $userinfo->mail, $userinfo->status, \"" . implode(', ', $userinfo->roles) . "\"\n");
- + }
- +}
- +
- +/**
- + * Get uid(s) from a uid, user name, or email address.
- + * Returns a uid, or FALSE if none found.
- + */
- +function _drush_user_get_uid($search) {
- + // We use a DB query while looking for the uid to keep things speedy.
- + $uids = array();
- + if (is_numeric($search)) {
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid OR name = :name", array(':uid' => $search, ':name' => $search));
- + }
- + else {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d OR name = '%d'", $search, $search);
- + }
- + }
- + else {
- + if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE mail = :mail OR name = :name", array(':mail' => $search, ':name' => $search));
- + }
- + else {
- + $uid_query = db_query("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE mail = '%s' OR name = '%s'", $search, $search);
- + }
- + }
- + while ($uid = drush_db_fetch_object($uid_query)) {
- + $uids[$uid->uid] = $uid->name;
- + }
- + switch (count($uids)) {
- + case 0:
- + return drush_set_error("Could not find a uid for the search term '" . $search . "'!");
- + break;
- + case 1:
- + return array_pop(array_keys($uids));
- + break;
- + default:
- + drush_print('More than one user account was found for the search string "' . $search . '".');
- + return(drush_choice($uids, 'Please choose a name:', '!value (uid=!key)'));
- + }
- +}