https://github.com/9h37/delikatess · Python · 221 lines · 174 code · 12 blank · 35 comment · 5 complexity · 3950a3e9277bf9c6d8d6f0a8ae1cb6a9 MD5 · raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from models import DatabaseEntry
- import os
- import hashlib
- import re
- class FileListing:
- """ Object use to list files recursively """
- def __init__ (self):
- pass
- def readdir (self, path):
- """
- List files recursively.
- path: Directory to list.
- return: List of files containned in @path and its subdirs.
- """
- ret = []
- for filename in os.listdir (path):
- abspath = os.path.join (path, filename)
- if os.path.isdir (abspath) == True:
- ret = ret + self.readdir (abspath)
- else:
- ret.append (abspath)
- return ret
- class FileChecksum:
- """ Object used to get files' checksum. """
- def __init__ (self):
- pass
- def checksum (self, filelist, block_size = 512):
- """
- Get checksum of each files
- filelist: List of files to hash (can be obtained with the #FileListing object
- block_size: Files are read by block of data, this param define the size in bytes of those block (default = 512)
- return: A list of tuples (filepath, filehash)
- """
- ret = []
- for f in filelist:
- h = hashlib.sha256 ()
- try:
- fd = open (f, "rb")
- except IOError:
- print "Can't open :", f
- else:
- while True:
- data = fd.read (block_size)
- if not data:
- break
- h.update (data)
- fd.close ()
- ret.append ((f, h.hexdigest ()))
- return ret
- class FileEncrypt:
- """ Object used to encrypt a list of files. """
- def __init__ (self, recipient, src, dest, nbackups = 5, extra_opts = ""):
- """
- Object's constructor
- recipient: GPG Key used to encrypt files. (need to be generated before the execution)
- src: Directory in which files are stored
- dest: Directory where to put encrypted files
- nbackups: number of copies (default = 5)
- """
- self.extra_opts = extra_opts
- self.recipient = recipient
- self.nbackups = nbackups
- self.src = src
- self.dest = dest
- self.pattern = re.compile (r"(\.\d+)*.gpg")
- def _backup (self, path, iterate = 1):
- """
- Internal function which backup existant encrypted files.
- path: Path of the original file
- iterate: Internal param for the recursivity
- """
- npath = self.pattern.sub ("." + str (iterate) + ".gpg", path)
- if os.path.exists (npath) == True:
- self._backup (npath, iterate + 1)
- if iterate <= self.nbackups + 1:
- # Rename the file
- os.rename (path, npath)
- # Update the database
- try:
- dbe = DatabaseEntry.objects.get (path = path)
- except DatabaseEntry.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- else:
- dbe.path = npath
- dbe.save ()
- def encrypt (self, filelist):
- """
- Encrypt files using GnuPG
- filelist: List of files to encrypt (files stored in @self.src)
- return: List of tuples (filepath, encryptedpath)
- """
- ret = []
- for f in filelist:
- ef = f.replace (self.src, self.dest) + ".gpg"
- dirname = os.path.dirname (ef)
- if os.path.exists (dirname) == False:
- os.makedirs (dirname)
- if os.path.exists (ef) == True:
- self._backup (ef)
- os.system ("gpg " + self.extra_opts + " --output " + ef + " --encrypt --recipient " + self.recipient + " " + f)
- ret.append ((f, ef))
- return ret
- def decrypt (self, filelist):
- """
- Decrypt files using GnuPG
- """
- pass
- class FileManager:
- """ Object implementing all previously created objects. """
- def __init__ (self, recipient, src, dest, nbackups = 5, extra_gpg_opts = ""):
- """
- Object's constructor
- See #FileEncrypt constructor for more details.
- """
- self.src = src
- self.fl = FileListing ()
- self.fh = FileChecksum ()
- self.fe = FileEncrypt (recipient, src, dest, nbackups, extra_gpg_opts)
- def _combinedata (self, checksums, encrypted):
- """
- Combine data in one list of tuples.
- checksums: List of tuples: (path, checksum) returned by #FileChecksum.checksum
- encrypted: List of tuples: (path, encrypted_path) returned by #FileEncrypt.encrypt
- return: List of tuples: (path, checksum, encrypted_path)
- """
- ret = []
- for path,checksum in checksums:
- for path2,encrypted_path in encrypted:
- if path == path2:
- ret.append ((path, checksum, encrypted_path))
- break
- return ret
- def run (self):
- """
- Do: Listing, hash and encryption.
- """
- try:
- if os.path.exists (self.src) == False:
- raise self.src + ": path doesn't exists."
- except Exception as e:
- print e
- else:
- files = self.fl.readdir (self.src)
- checksums = self.fh.checksum (files)
- to_encrypt = files
- for dbe in DatabaseEntry.objects.all ():
- # Check if file's checksum is already in the database
- for f,h in checksums:
- # If yes, don't need to encrypt it
- if dbe.checksum == h:
- to_encrypt.remove (f)
- break
- # Now, delete unused checksums from the list
- for c in checksums:
- if c[0] not in to_encrypt:
- checksums.remove (c)
- # Encrypt only files which are not in the database
- encrypted = self.fe.encrypt (to_encrypt)
- data = self._combinedata (checksums, encrypted)
- # Put all data in the database
- for _,filehash,encryptedpath in data:
- dbe = DatabaseEntry (checksum = filehash, path = encryptedpath, sent = 0)
- dbe.save ()
- # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab