Python | 142 lines | 72 code | 19 blank | 51 comment | 8 complexity | ff509a1860c0bb5c292db4abc1d98955 MD5 | raw file
- import copy
- import logging
- import time
- import numpy as np
- import scipy.optimize
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- DEFAULT_MAX_EXAMPLES = 1000 # estimate stepsize from this many examples
- DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = 1.0 # in log-2 units of the learning rate
- DEFAULT_SGD_STEP_SIZE_FLOOR = 1e-7 # -- for huge feature vectors, reduce this.
- def find_sgd_step_size0(
- model, partial_fit_args,
- """Use a Brent line search to find the best step size
- Parameters
- ----------
- model: BinaryASGD
- Instance of a BinaryASGD
- partial_fit_args - tuple of arguments for model.partial_fit.
- This tuple must start with X, y, ...
- tolerance: in logarithmic step size units
- Returns
- -------
- Optimal sgd_step_size0 given `X` and `y`.
- """
- # -- stupid solver calls some sizes twice!?
- _cache = {}
- def eval_size0(log2_size0):
- try:
- return _cache[float(log2_size0)]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- other = copy.deepcopy(model)
- current_step_size = 2 ** log2_size0
- other.sgd_step_size0 = current_step_size
- other.sgd_step_size = current_step_size
- other.partial_fit(*partial_fit_args)
- other.asgd_weights = other.sgd_weights
- other.asgd_bias = other.sgd_bias
- X, y = partial_fit_args[:2]
- rval = other.cost(X, y)
- if np.isnan(rval):
- rval = float('inf')
- logger.info('find step %e: %e' % (current_step_size, rval))
- _cache[float(log2_size0)] = rval
- return rval
- if tolerance < 0.5:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'tolerance too small, need adaptive stepsize')
- # N.B. we step downward first so that if both y0 == y1 == inf
- # we stay going downward
- step = -tolerance
- x0 = np.log2(model.sgd_step_size0)
- x1 = np.log2(model.sgd_step_size0) + step
- y0 = eval_size0(x0)
- y1 = eval_size0(x1)
- if y1 > y0:
- step *= -1
- y0, y1 = y1, y0
- x0, x1 = x1, x0
- while (y1 < y0) or (y1 == float('inf')):
- x0, y0 = x1, y1
- x1 += step
- y1 = eval_size0(x1)
- # I tried using sp.optimize.fmin, but this function is bumpy and we only
- # want a really coarse estimate of the optimmum, so fmin and fmin_powell
- # end up being relatively inefficient even compared to this really stupid
- # search.
- #
- # TODO: increase the stepsize every time it still goes down, and then
- # backtrack when we over-step
- rval = 2.0 ** x0
- return rval
- # XXX: use different name, function is not specific to binary classification
- def binary_fit(
- model, fit_args,
- max_examples=DEFAULT_MAX_EXAMPLES,
- step_size_floor=DEFAULT_SGD_STEP_SIZE_FLOOR,
- **find_sgd_step_size0_kwargs):
- """Returns a model with automatically-selected sgd_step_size0
- Parameters
- ----------
- model: BaseASGD instance
- Instance of the model to be fitted.
- fit_args - tuple of args to model.fit
- This method assumes they are all length-of-dataset ndarrays.
- max_examples: int
- Maximum number of examples to use from `X` and `y` to find an
- estimate of the best sgd_step_size0. N.B. That the entirety of X and y
- is used for the final fit() call after the best step size has been found.
- Returns
- -------
- model: model, fitted with an estimate of the best sgd_step_size0
- """
- assert max_examples > 0
- logger.info('binary_fit: design matrix shape %s' % str(fit_args[0].shape))
- # randomly choose up to max_examples uniformly without replacement from
- # across the whole set of training data.
- all_idxs = model.rstate.permutation(len(fit_args[0]))
- idxs = all_idxs[:max_examples]
- # Find the best learning rate for that subset
- t0 = time.time()
- best = find_sgd_step_size0(
- model, [a[idxs] for a in fit_args], **find_sgd_step_size0_kwargs)
- logger.info('found best stepsize %e in %f seconds' % (
- best, time.time() - t0))
- # Heuristic: take the best stepsize according to the first max_examples,
- # and go half that fast for the full run.
- step_size0 = max(best / 2.0, step_size_floor)
- logger.info('setting sgd_step_size: %e' % step_size0)
- model.sgd_step_size0 = float(step_size0)
- model.sgd_step_size = float(step_size0)
- t0 = time.time()
- model.fit(*fit_args)
- logger.info('full fit took %f seconds' % (time.time() - t0))
- return model