Python | 97 lines | 39 code | 16 blank | 42 comment | 6 complexity | c37ca034ce65719c7264864735b522aa MD5 | raw file
- """This module is for moshing data. It aims to provides helpful functions for
- common interactions with filesystems, json feeds, web feeds, etc.
- """
- import os
- import fnmatch
- import simplejson as json
- import copy
- ###
- ### Filesystem Helpers
- ###
- def locate_by_pattern(pattern, root_dir):
- """This is a generator for recursively detecting files with names that
- match the given pattern in a directory.
- The pattern can be any regular expression identifying files.
- The root_dir is the directory from which to recurse.
- """
- for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root_dir)):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
- yield os.path.join(path, filename)
- ###
- ### Feed Handing
- ###
- def process_json_feed(fun, filename):
- """Loops across each line in `filename` and converts the data from JSON to
- a Python dictionary.
- It then calls `fun` which is a function provided by the caller that takes
- one argument, the line of data.
- No return value is generated to avoid overhead, but `fun` should be a
- closure for aggregating values.
- """
- fd = open(filename, 'r')
- for line in fd:
- data = json.loads(line)
- fun(data)
- fd.close()
- ###
- ### Feed Conversions
- ###
- """
- The garbage key is used for fields we know to be uninteresting. An example
- conversion map might look like below.
- #
- The conversion map is intended for use with `convert_keys`.
- #
- gc_key_map = {
- 'to': 'toAddress',
- 'time': 'sendTime'
- '---': GARBAGE_KEY,
- 'date': GARBAGE_KEY, # redundant with 'time'
- }
- """
- GARBAGE_KEY = '__garbage__'
- def convert_keys(data_dict, alternate_key_map, deepcopy=False):
- """Convert keys takes a python dictionary, representing a lucene document,
- and creates a new document with the keys mapped to their maildir equivalent.
- Uses `obcene_key_map` for the mapping. If a mapping isn't present, it
- leaves the in the map.
- Deepcopy is supported, but off by default to favor speed.
- """
- if deepcopy:
- data_dict = copy.deepcopy(data_dict)
- else:
- data_dict = copy.copy(data_dict) # don't mutate the input
- for key, value in data_dict.items():
- if key in alternate_key_map:
- new_key = alternate_key_map[key]
- # handle unicode representations of < and >
- # TODO investigate if more work is necessary here
- value = value.replace('\u003c', '<')
- value = value.replace('\u003e', '>')
- data_dict[new_key] = value
- del data_dict[key]
- # dictionary based garbage collection ;)
- if GARBAGE_KEY in data_dict:
- del data_dict[GARBAGE_KEY]
- return data_dict