https://github.com/irshad84/jclouds · Java · 181 lines · 131 code · 26 blank · 24 comment · 16 complexity · f1e9cd8abecae8cc24920843198040c7 MD5 · raw file
- /**
- * Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. jclouds licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- package org.jclouds.loadbalancer;
- import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
- import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Properties;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
- import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
- import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
- import org.jclouds.Constants;
- import org.jclouds.compute.BaseVersionedServiceLiveTest;
- import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext;
- import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextFactory;
- import org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException;
- import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
- import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
- import org.jclouds.compute.predicates.NodePredicates;
- import org.jclouds.loadbalancer.domain.LoadBalancerMetadata;
- import org.jclouds.logging.log4j.config.Log4JLoggingModule;
- import org.jclouds.net.IPSocket;
- import org.jclouds.predicates.RetryablePredicate;
- import org.jclouds.predicates.SocketOpen;
- import org.jclouds.ssh.SshClient;
- import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
- import org.testng.annotations.BeforeGroups;
- import org.testng.annotations.Test;
- import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
- import com.google.inject.Guice;
- import com.google.inject.Module;
- /**
- *
- * @author Adrian Cole
- */
- @Test(groups = "live", sequential = true)
- public abstract class BaseLoadBalancerServiceLiveTest extends BaseVersionedServiceLiveTest {
- protected SshClient.Factory sshFactory;
- protected String group;
- protected RetryablePredicate<IPSocket> socketTester;
- protected Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes;
- protected Template template;
- protected Map<String, String> keyPair;
- protected LoadBalancerMetadata loadbalancer;
- protected LoadBalancerServiceContext context;
- protected String computeProvider;
- protected String computeIdentity;
- protected String computeCredential;
- protected String computeEndpoint;
- protected String computeApiversion;
- protected ComputeServiceContext computeContext;
- @Override
- protected void setupCredentials() {
- super.setupCredentials();
- computeProvider = checkNotNull(System.getProperty("test." + provider + ".compute.provider"), "test." + provider
- + ".compute.provider");
- computeIdentity = checkNotNull(System.getProperty("test." + provider + ".compute.identity"), "test." + provider
- + ".compute.identity");
- computeCredential = System.getProperty("test." + provider + ".compute.credential");
- computeEndpoint = System.getProperty("test." + provider + ".compute.endpoint");
- computeApiversion = System.getProperty("test." + provider + ".compute.apiversion");
- }
- protected Properties setupComputeProperties() {
- Properties overrides = new Properties();
- overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_TRUST_ALL_CERTS, "true");
- overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_RELAX_HOSTNAME, "true");
- overrides.setProperty(computeProvider + ".identity", computeIdentity);
- if (computeCredential != null)
- overrides.setProperty(computeProvider + ".credential", computeCredential);
- if (computeEndpoint != null)
- overrides.setProperty(computeProvider + ".endpoint", computeEndpoint);
- if (computeApiversion != null)
- overrides.setProperty(computeProvider + ".apiversion", computeApiversion);
- return overrides;
- }
- @BeforeGroups(groups = { "integration", "live" })
- public void setupClient() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, IOException {
- setServiceDefaults();
- if (group == null)
- group = checkNotNull(provider, "provider");
- setupCredentials();
- initializeContext();
- initializeComputeContext();
- buildSocketTester();
- }
- public void setServiceDefaults() {
- }
- private void initializeContext() throws IOException {
- if (context != null)
- context.close();
- context = new LoadBalancerServiceContextFactory(setupRestProperties()).createContext(provider,
- ImmutableSet.of(new Log4JLoggingModule()), setupProperties());
- }
- private void initializeComputeContext() throws IOException {
- if (computeContext != null)
- computeContext.close();
- computeContext = new ComputeServiceContextFactory(setupRestProperties()).createContext(computeProvider,
- ImmutableSet.of(new Log4JLoggingModule(), getSshModule()), setupComputeProperties());
- }
- protected void buildSocketTester() {
- SocketOpen socketOpen = Guice.createInjector(getSshModule()).getInstance(SocketOpen.class);
- socketTester = new RetryablePredicate<IPSocket>(socketOpen, 60, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- }
- abstract protected Module getSshModule();
- @BeforeGroups(groups = { "integration", "live" }, dependsOnMethods = "setupClient")
- public void createNodes() throws RunNodesException {
- try {
- nodes = computeContext.getComputeService().createNodesInGroup(group, 2);
- } catch (RunNodesException e) {
- nodes = e.getSuccessfulNodes();
- throw e;
- }
- }
- @Test(enabled = true)
- public void testLoadBalanceNodesMatching() throws Exception {
- // create load balancers
- loadbalancer = context.getLoadBalancerService().createLoadBalancerInLocation(null, group, "HTTP", 80, 80, nodes);
- assertNotNull(loadbalancer);
- validateNodesInLoadBalancer();
- }
- // TODO create a LoadBalancerService method for this.
- protected abstract void validateNodesInLoadBalancer();
- @Test(enabled = true, dependsOnMethods = "testLoadBalanceNodesMatching")
- public void testDestroyLoadBalancers() throws Exception {
- context.getLoadBalancerService().destroyLoadBalancer(loadbalancer.getId());
- }
- @AfterTest
- protected void cleanup() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
- if (loadbalancer != null) {
- context.getLoadBalancerService().destroyLoadBalancer(loadbalancer.getId());
- }
- if (nodes != null) {
- computeContext.getComputeService().destroyNodesMatching(NodePredicates.inGroup(group));
- }
- computeContext.close();
- context.close();
- }
- }