Java | 1011 lines | 497 code | 122 blank | 392 comment | 53 complexity | c40ada96b4adf1ff5d4539468e2d2911 MD5 | raw file
✨ Summary
- /**
- * AmbientTalk/2 Project
- * NATObject.java created on Jul 13, 2006 at 3:52:15 PM
- * (c) Programming Technology Lab, 2006 - 2007
- * Authors: Tom Van Cutsem & Stijn Mostinckx
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- package edu.vub.at.objects.natives;
- import edu.vub.at.actors.ATActorMirror;
- import edu.vub.at.actors.ATAsyncMessage;
- import edu.vub.at.eval.Evaluator;
- import edu.vub.at.exceptions.InterpreterException;
- import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XArityMismatch;
- import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XDuplicateSlot;
- import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XSelectorNotFound;
- import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XTypeMismatch;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATBoolean;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATClosure;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATCompiledMethod;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATContext;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATField;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATHandler;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATMessage;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATMethod;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATNil;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATNumber;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATObject;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATTable;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.ATTypeTag;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.coercion.Coercer;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.coercion.NativeTypeTags;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATBegin;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATDefinition;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATMessageCreation;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATSplice;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATStatement;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATSymbol;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ATUnquoteSplice;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.mirrors.NativeClosure;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.mirrors.PrimitiveMethod;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.natives.grammar.AGSplice;
- import edu.vub.at.objects.natives.grammar.AGSymbol;
- import edu.vub.at.util.logging.Logging;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.Vector;
- /**
- * Native implementation of a default ambienttalk object. Although a native
- * AmbientTalk object is implemented as a subtype of callframes, the reality is
- * that call frames are a special kind of object. This is a pure form of
- * implementation subclassing: we subclass NATCallframe only for reusing the
- * field definition/assignment protocol and for inheriting the variable map, the
- * state vector and the lexical parent.
- * <p>
- * NATObjects are one of the five native classes that (almost) fully implement
- * the ATObject interface (next to NATCallFrame, NATNil, NATMirage and
- * JavaObject). The implementation is such that a NATObject instance represents
- * <b>both</b> a base-level AmbientTalk object, as well as a meta-level
- * AmbientTalk mirror on that object.
- *
- * An AmbientTalk base-level object has the following structure:
- * <ul>
- * <li> properties: a set of boolean flags denoting:
- * <ul>
- * <li> whether the dynamic parent is an IS_A or a SHARES_A parent
- * <li> whether the object shares its variable map with clones
- * <li> whether the object shares its method dictionary with clones
- * <li> whether the object is an isolate (i.e. pass-by-copy)
- * </ul>
- * <li> a variable map, mapping variable names to indices into the state vector
- * <li> a state vector, containing the field values of the object
- * <li> a linked list containing custom field objects
- * <li> a method dictionary, mapping selectors to methods
- * <li> a dynamic object parent, to delegate select and invoke operations ( this
- * parent slot is represented by a true AmbientTalk field, rather than by an
- * instance variable )
- * <li> a lexical object parent, to support lexical scoping
- * <li> a table of type tags that were attached to this object (for
- * classification purposes)
- * </ul>
- *
- * @author tvcutsem
- * @author smostinc
- */
- public class NATObject extends NATCallframe implements ATObject {
- // The name of the field that points to the dynamic parent
- public static final AGSymbol _SUPER_NAME_ = AGSymbol.jAlloc("super");
- // The names of the primitive methods
- public static final AGSymbol _EQL_NAME_ = AGSymbol.jAlloc("==");
- public static final AGSymbol _NEW_NAME_ = AGSymbol.jAlloc("new");
- public static final AGSymbol _INI_NAME_ = AGSymbol.jAlloc("init");
- // The primitive methods themselves
- /** def ==(comparand) { nil } */
- private static final PrimitiveMethod _PRIM_EQL_ = new PrimitiveMethod(
- _EQL_NAME_, NATTable
- .atValue(new ATObject[] { AGSymbol.jAlloc("comparand") })) {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -4475956316807558583L;
- public ATObject base_apply(ATTable arguments, ATContext ctx)
- throws InterpreterException {
- if (!arguments.base_length().equals(NATNumber.ONE)) {
- throw new XArityMismatch("==", 1, arguments.base_length()
- .asNativeNumber().javaValue);
- }
- ATObject comparand = arguments.base_at(NATNumber.ONE);
- // make other object perform the actual pointer equality
- // if comparand is a proxy, it can delegate this request to its
- // principal
- return comparand.impl_identityEquals(ctx.base_lexicalScope());
- }
- };
- /** def new(@initargs) { nil } */
- private static final PrimitiveMethod _PRIM_NEW_ = new PrimitiveMethod(
- _NEW_NAME_, NATTable.atValue(new ATObject[] { new AGSplice(AGSymbol
- .jAlloc("initargs")) })) {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -5475956316807558583L;
- public ATObject base_apply(ATTable arguments, ATContext ctx)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return ctx.base_lexicalScope().base_new(
- arguments.asNativeTable().elements_);
- }
- };
- /** def init(@initargs) { nil } */
- private static final PrimitiveMethod _PRIM_INI_ = new PrimitiveMethod(
- _INI_NAME_, NATTable.atValue(new ATObject[] { new AGSplice(AGSymbol
- .jAlloc("initargs")) })) {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -6475956316807558583L;
- public ATObject base_apply(ATTable arguments, ATContext ctx)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return ctx.base_lexicalScope().asAmbientTalkObject().prim_init(
- ctx.base_self(), arguments.asNativeTable().elements_);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Does the selector signify a 'primitive' method, present in each
- * AmbientTalk object?
- */
- public static boolean isPrimitive(ATSymbol name) {
- return name.equals(_EQL_NAME_) || name.equals(_NEW_NAME_)
- || name.equals(_INI_NAME_);
- }
- // Auxiliary static methods to support the type of dynamic parent
- public static final boolean _IS_A_ = true;
- public static final boolean _SHARES_A_ = false;
- /**
- * This flag determines the type of parent pointer of this object. We
- * distinguish two cases: - 1: an is-a link, which results in a recursive
- * cloning of the parent when this object is cloned. - 0: a shares-a link,
- * which ensures that clones of this object share the same parent.
- */
- private static final byte _ISAPARENT_FLAG_ = 1 << 0;
- /**
- * This flag determines whether or not the field map of this object is
- * shared by other objects: - 1: the map is shared, so modifications must be
- * performed on a copy - 0: the map is not shared, modifications may be
- * directly performed on it
- *
- * This flag is important for maintaining the semantics that clones are
- * self-sufficient objects: they share field names and methods only at the
- * implementation-level.
- */
- private static final byte _SHARE_MAP_FLAG_ = 1 << 1;
- /**
- * Similar to _SHARE_MAP_FLAG__ but for determining the shared status of the
- * method dictionary.
- */
- private static final byte _SHARE_DCT_FLAG_ = 1 << 2;
- /**
- * This flag determines whether or not the object is an isolate and hence
- * pass-by-copy: - 1: the object is an isolate, pass-by-copy and no lexical
- * parent except for the root - 0: the object is pass-by-reference and can
- * have any lexical parent
- */
- private static final byte _IS_ISOLATE_FLAG_ = 1 << 3;
- /**
- * An empty type tag array shared by those objects that do not have any type
- * tags.
- */
- public static final ATTypeTag[] _NO_TYPETAGS_ = new ATTypeTag[0];
- /**
- * The flags of an AmbientTalk object encode the following boolean
- * information: Format: 0b0000idap where p = parent flag: if set, dynamic
- * parent is 'is-a' parent, otherwise 'shares-a' parent a = shares map flag:
- * if set, the map of this object is shared between clones d = shares
- * dictionary flag: if set, the method dictionary of this object is shared
- * between clones i = is isolate flag: if set, the object is passed by copy
- * in inter-actor communication
- */
- private byte flags_;
- // inherited from NATCallframe:
- // private FieldMap variableMap_;
- // private Vector stateVector_;
- // private LinkedList customFields_;
- /**
- * The method dictionary of this object. It maps method selectors to
- * ATMethod objects.
- */
- private MethodDictionary methodDictionary_;
- /**
- * The types with which this object has been tagged.
- */
- protected ATTypeTag[] typeTags_;
- /*
- * ------------------ -- Constructors -- ------------------
- */
- /**
- * Creates an object tagged with the at.types.Isolate type. Such an object
- * is called an isolate because: - it has no access to an enclosing lexical
- * scope (except for the root lexical scope) - it can therefore be passed by
- * copy
- */
- public static NATObject createIsolate() {
- return new NATObject(new ATTypeTag[] { NativeTypeTags._ISOLATE_ });
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new AmbientTalk object whose lexical parent is the global
- * scope and whose dynamic parent is the dynamic root.
- */
- public NATObject() {
- this(Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope());
- }
- /**
- * Construct a new AmbientTalk object directly tagged with the given type
- * tags.
- */
- public NATObject(ATTypeTag[] tags) {
- this(Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope(), tags);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object parametrised by a lexical scope. The
- * object is thus not equipped with a pointer to a dynamic parent.
- *
- * @param lexicalParent -
- * the lexical scope in which the object's definition was nested
- */
- public NATObject(ATObject lexicalParent) {
- this(OBJNil._INSTANCE_, lexicalParent, _SHARES_A_);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object parametrised by a lexical scope. The
- * object's dynamic parent is nil and is tagged with the given table of type
- * tags
- */
- public NATObject(ATObject lexicalParent, ATTypeTag[] tags) {
- this(OBJNil._INSTANCE_, lexicalParent, _SHARES_A_, tags);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object with the given dynamic parent. The
- * lexical parent is assumed to be the global scope.
- *
- * @param dynamicParent -
- * the dynamic parent of the new object
- * @param parentType -
- * the type of parent link
- */
- public NATObject(ATObject dynamicParent, boolean parentType) {
- this(dynamicParent, Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope(), parentType);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object based on a set of parent pointers.
- * The object has no types.
- *
- * @param dynamicParent -
- * the parent object of the newly created object
- * @param lexicalParent -
- * the lexical scope in which the object's definition was nested
- * @param parentType -
- * how this object extends its dynamic parent (is-a or shares-a)
- */
- public NATObject(ATObject dynamicParent, ATObject lexicalParent,
- boolean parentType) {
- this(dynamicParent, lexicalParent, parentType, _NO_TYPETAGS_);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object based on a set of parent pointers.
- * The object is typed with the given types.
- *
- * @param dynamicParent -
- * the parent object of the newly created object
- * @param lexicalParent -
- * the lexical scope in which the object's definition was nested
- * @param parentType -
- * how this object extends its dynamic parent (is-a or shares-a)
- * @param tags -
- * the type tags attached to this object
- */
- public NATObject(ATObject dynamicParent, ATObject lexicalParent,
- boolean parentType, ATTypeTag[] tags) {
- super(lexicalParent);
- // by default, an object has a shares-a parent, does not share its map
- // or dictionary and is no isolate, so all flags are set to 0
- flags_ = 0;
- typeTags_ = tags;
- methodDictionary_ = new MethodDictionary();
- // bind the dynamic parent to the field named 'super'
- // we don't pass via meta_defineField as this would trigger mirages too
- // early
- variableMap_.put(_SUPER_NAME_);
- stateVector_.add(dynamicParent);
- // add ==, new and init to the method dictionary directly
- // we don't pass via meta_addMethod as this would trigger mirages too
- // early
- methodDictionary_.put(_EQL_NAME_, _PRIM_EQL_);
- methodDictionary_.put(_NEW_NAME_, _PRIM_NEW_);
- methodDictionary_.put(_INI_NAME_, _PRIM_INI_);
- if (parentType) { // parentType == _IS_A_)
- // requested an 'is-a' parent
- setFlag(_ISAPARENT_FLAG_); // set is-a parent flag to 1
- }
- try {
- // if this object is tagged as at.types.Isolate, flag it as an
- // isolate
- // we cannot perform 'this.meta_isTypedAs(ISOLATE)' because this
- // would trigger mirages too early
- if (isLocallyTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._ISOLATE_)
- || dynamicParent.meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._ISOLATE_)
- .asNativeBoolean().javaValue) {
- setFlag(_IS_ISOLATE_FLAG_);
- // isolates can only have the global lexical root as their
- // lexical scope
- lexicalParent_ = Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope();
- }
- } catch (InterpreterException e) {
- // some custom type failed to match agains the Isolate type,
- // the object is not considered an Isolate
- Logging.Actor_LOG.error("Error testing for Isolate type, ignored:",
- e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new ambienttalk object as a clone of an existing object.
- *
- * The caller of this method *must* ensure that the shares flags are set.
- *
- * This constructor is responsible for manually re-initialising any custom
- * field objects, because the init method of such custom fields is
- * parameterized by the clone, which only comes into existence when this
- * constructor runs.
- */
- protected NATObject(FieldMap map, Vector state,
- LinkedList originalCustomFields, MethodDictionary methodDict,
- ATObject dynamicParent, ATObject lexicalParent, byte flags,
- ATTypeTag[] types) throws InterpreterException {
- super(map, state, lexicalParent, null);
- methodDictionary_ = methodDict;
- flags_ = flags; // a cloned object inherits all flags from original
- // clone inherits all types (this implies that clones of isolates are
- // also isolates)
- typeTags_ = types;
- // ==, new and init should already be present in the method dictionary
- // set the 'super' field to point to the new dynamic parent
- setLocalField(_SUPER_NAME_, dynamicParent);
- // re-initialize all custom fields
- if (originalCustomFields != null) {
- customFields_ = new LinkedList();
- Iterator it = originalCustomFields.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- ATField field = (ATField) it.next();
- customFields_.add(field.base_new(new ATObject[] { this })
- .asField());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize a new AmbientTalk object with the given closure.
- *
- * The closure encapsulates: - the code with which to initialize the object -
- * the lexical parent of the object (but that parent should already be set) -
- * the lexically inherited fields for the object (the parameters of the
- * closure)
- */
- public void initializeWithCode(ATClosure code) throws InterpreterException {
- NATTable copiedBindings = Evaluator.evalMandatoryPars(code
- .base_method().base_parameters(), code.base_context());
- code.base_applyInScope(copiedBindings, this);
- }
- /**
- * Invoke NATObject's primitive implementation, such that Java invocations
- * of this method have the same behaviour as AmbientTalk invocations.
- */
- public ATObject base_init(ATObject[] initargs) throws InterpreterException {
- return this.prim_init(this, initargs);
- }
- /**
- * The primitive implementation of init in objects is to invoke the init
- * method of their parent.
- *
- * @param self
- * the object that originally received the 'init' message.
- *
- * def init(@args) { super^init(@args) }
- */
- private ATObject prim_init(ATObject self, ATObject[] initargs)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return base_super().meta_invoke(self, Evaluator._INIT_,
- NATTable.atValue(initargs));
- }
- public ATBoolean base__opeql__opeql_(ATObject comparand)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return this.meta_invoke(this, _EQL_NAME_, NATTable.of(comparand))
- .asBoolean();
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------ -- Slot accessing and mutating
- * protocol -- ------------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * When a new field is defined in an object, it is important to check
- * whether or not the field map is shared between clones or not. If it is
- * shared, the map must be cloned first.
- *
- * @throws InterpreterException
- */
- public ATNil meta_defineField(ATSymbol name, ATObject value)
- throws InterpreterException {
- if (this.isFlagSet(_SHARE_MAP_FLAG_)) {
- // copy the variable map
- variableMap_ = variableMap_.copy();
- // set the 'shares map' flag to false
- unsetFlag(_SHARE_MAP_FLAG_);
- }
- return super.meta_defineField(name, value);
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------ -- Extension and cloning protocol --
- * ------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * When cloning an object, it is first determined whether the parent has to
- * be shared by the clone, or whether the parent must also be cloned. This
- * depends on whether the dynamic parent is an 'is-a' parent or a 'shares-a'
- * parent. This is determined by the _ISAPARENT_FLAG_ object flag.
- *
- * A cloned object shares with its original both the variable map (to avoid
- * having to copy space for field names) and the method dictionary (method
- * bindings are constant and can hence be shared).
- *
- * Should either the original or the clone later modify the map or the
- * dictionary (at the meta-level), the map or dictionary will be copied
- * first. Hence, sharing between clones is an implementation-level
- * optimization: clones are completely self-sufficient and do not influence
- * one another by meta-level operations.
- */
- public ATObject meta_clone() throws InterpreterException {
- ATObject dynamicParent;
- if (this.isFlagSet(_ISAPARENT_FLAG_)) {
- // IS-A Relation : clone the dynamic parent.
- dynamicParent = base_super().meta_clone();
- } else {
- // SHARES_A Relation : share the dynamic parent.
- dynamicParent = base_super();
- }
- // ! set the shares flags of this object *and* of its clone
- // both this object and the clone now share the map and method
- // dictionary
- setFlag(_SHARE_DCT_FLAG_);
- setFlag(_SHARE_MAP_FLAG_);
- NATObject clone = this.createClone(variableMap_,
- (Vector) stateVector_.clone(), // shallow copy
- customFields_, // must be re-initialized by clone!
- methodDictionary_, dynamicParent, lexicalParent_, flags_,
- typeTags_);
- return clone;
- }
- /**
- * When new is invoked on an object's mirror, the object is first cloned by
- * the mirror, after which the method named 'init' is invoked on it.
- *
- * meta_newInstance(t) = base_init(t) o meta_clone
- *
- * Care should be taken that a shares-a child implements its own init method
- * which does NOT perform a super-send. If this is not the case, then it is
- * possible that a shared parent is accidentally re-initialized because a
- * sharing child is cloned via new.
- */
- public ATObject meta_newInstance(ATTable initargs)
- throws InterpreterException {
- ATObject clone = this.meta_clone();
- clone.meta_invoke(clone, Evaluator._INIT_, initargs);
- return clone;
- }
- public ATBoolean meta_isExtensionOfParent() throws InterpreterException {
- return NATBoolean.atValue(isFlagSet(_ISAPARENT_FLAG_));
- }
- /*
- * --------------------------------- -- Structural Access Protocol --
- * ---------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * When a method is added to an object, it is first checked whether the
- * method does not already exist. Also, care has to be taken that the method
- * dictionary of an object does not affect clones. Therefore, if the method
- * dictionary is shared, a copy of the dictionary is taken before adding the
- * method.
- *
- * One exception to method addition are primitive methods: if the method
- * added would conflict with a primitive method, the primitive is replaced
- * by the new method instead.
- */
- public ATNil meta_addMethod(ATMethod method) throws InterpreterException {
- ATSymbol name = method.base_name();
- if (this.hasLocalField(name)
- || (this.hasLocalMethod(name) && !isPrimitive(name))) {
- throw new XDuplicateSlot(name);
- } else {
- // first check whether the method dictionary is shared
- if (this.isFlagSet(_SHARE_DCT_FLAG_)) {
- methodDictionary_ = (MethodDictionary) methodDictionary_
- .clone();
- this.unsetFlag(_SHARE_DCT_FLAG_);
- }
- methodDictionary_.put(name, method);
- }
- return OBJNil._INSTANCE_;
- }
- public ATMethod meta_grabMethod(ATSymbol selector)
- throws InterpreterException {
- ATMethod result = (ATMethod) methodDictionary_.get(selector);
- if (result == null) {
- throw new XSelectorNotFound(selector, this);
- } else {
- return result;
- }
- }
- public ATTable meta_listMethods() throws InterpreterException {
- Collection methods = methodDictionary_.values();
- return NATTable.atValue((ATObject[]) methods
- .toArray(new ATObject[methods.size()]));
- }
- public NATText meta_print() throws InterpreterException {
- if (typeTags_.length == 0) {
- return NATText.atValue("<object:" + this.hashCode() + ">");
- } else {
- return NATText
- .atValue("<object:"
- + this.hashCode()
- + Evaluator.printElements(typeTags_, "[", ",", "]").javaValue
- + ">");
- }
- }
- public boolean isCallFrame() {
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * --------------------- -- Mirror Fields -- ---------------------
- */
- // protected methods, may be adapted by extensions
- protected NATObject createClone(FieldMap map, Vector state,
- LinkedList originalCustomFields, MethodDictionary methodDict,
- ATObject dynamicParent, ATObject lexicalParent, byte flags,
- ATTypeTag[] types) throws InterpreterException {
- return new NATObject(map, state, originalCustomFields, methodDict,
- dynamicParent, lexicalParent, flags, types);
- }
- /*
- * ---------------------------------- -- Object Relational Comparison --
- * ----------------------------------
- */
- public ATBoolean meta_isCloneOf(ATObject original)
- throws InterpreterException {
- if (original instanceof NATObject) {
- MethodDictionary originalMethods = ((NATObject) original).methodDictionary_;
- FieldMap originalVariables = ((NATObject) original).variableMap_;
- return NATBoolean.atValue(methodDictionary_
- .isDerivedFrom(originalMethods)
- & variableMap_.isDerivedFrom(originalVariables));
- } else {
- return NATBoolean._FALSE_;
- }
- }
- public ATBoolean meta_isRelatedTo(final ATObject object)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return this.meta_isCloneOf(object).base_or_(new NativeClosure(this) {
- public ATObject base_apply(ATTable args)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return scope_.base_super().meta_isRelatedTo(object);
- }
- }).asBoolean();
- }
- /*
- * --------------------------------- -- Type Testing and Querying --
- * ---------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * Check whether one of the type tags of this object is a subtype of the
- * given type. If not, then delegate the query to the dynamic parent.
- */
- public ATBoolean meta_isTaggedAs(ATTypeTag type)
- throws InterpreterException {
- if (isLocallyTaggedAs(type)) {
- return NATBoolean._TRUE_;
- } else {
- // no type tags match, ask the parent
- return base_super().meta_isTaggedAs(type);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return the type tags that were directly attached to this object.
- */
- public ATTable meta_typeTags() throws InterpreterException {
- // make a copy of the internal type tag array to ensure that the types
- // of the object are immutable. Tables allow assignment!
- if (typeTags_.length == 0) {
- return NATTable.EMPTY;
- } else {
- ATTypeTag[] types = new ATTypeTag[typeTags_.length];
- System.arraycopy(typeTags_, 0, types, 0, typeTags_.length);
- return NATTable.atValue(types);
- }
- }
- // NATObject has to duplicate the NATByCopy implementation
- // because NATObject inherits from NATByRef, and because Java has no
- // multiple inheritance to override that implementation with that of
- // NATByCopy if this object signifies an isolate.
- /**
- * An isolate object does not return a proxy representation of itself during
- * serialization, hence it is serialized itself. If the object is not an
- * isolate, invoke the default behaviour for by-reference objects
- */
- public ATObject meta_pass() throws InterpreterException {
- if (isFlagSet(_IS_ISOLATE_FLAG_)) {
- return this;
- } else {
- return super.meta_pass();
- }
- }
- /**
- * An isolate object represents itself upon deserialization. If this object
- * is not an isolate, the default behaviour for by-reference objects is
- * invoked.
- */
- public ATObject meta_resolve() throws InterpreterException {
- if (isFlagSet(_IS_ISOLATE_FLAG_)) {
- // re-bind to the new local global lexical root
- lexicalParent_ = Evaluator.getGlobalLexicalScope();
- return this;
- } else {
- return super.meta_resolve();
- }
- }
- /**
- * This Java serialization hook is overridden merely to provide clearer
- * error messages in the case of a failing deserialization.
- */
- private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
- ClassNotFoundException {
- try {
- in.defaultReadObject();
- } catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
- Logging.Actor_LOG.fatal("Failed to deserialize instance of "
- + this.getClass(), e);
- throw new IOException("Object deserialized as wrong type: "
- + e.getMessage()
- + ". Did you forget to make a type tag object an isolate?");
- }
- }
- /*
- * --------------------------------------- -- Conversion and Testing
- * Protocol -- ---------------------------------------
- */
- public NATObject asAmbientTalkObject() {
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * ALL asXXX methods return a coercer object which returns a proxy of the
- * correct interface that will 'down' subsequent Java base-level invocations
- * to the AmbientTalk level.
- *
- * Coercion only happens if the object is tagged with the correct type.
- */
- private Object coerce(ATTypeTag requiredType, Class providedInterface)
- throws InterpreterException {
- if (this.meta_isTaggedAs(requiredType).asNativeBoolean().javaValue) {
- return Coercer.coerce(this, providedInterface);
- } else {
- // if the object does not possess the right type tag, raise a type
- // error
- throw new XTypeMismatch(providedInterface, this);
- }
- }
- public ATBoolean asBoolean() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATBoolean) coerce(NativeTypeTags._BOOLEAN_, ATBoolean.class);
- }
- public ATClosure asClosure() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATClosure) coerce(NativeTypeTags._CLOSURE_, ATClosure.class);
- }
- public ATField asField() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATField) coerce(NativeTypeTags._FIELD_, ATField.class);
- }
- public ATMessage asMessage() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATMessage) coerce(NativeTypeTags._MESSAGE_, ATMessage.class);
- }
- public ATMethod asMethod() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATMethod) coerce(NativeTypeTags._METHOD_, ATMethod.class);
- }
- public ATHandler asHandler() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATHandler) coerce(NativeTypeTags._HANDLER_, ATHandler.class);
- }
- public ATNumber asNumber() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATNumber) coerce(NativeTypeTags._NUMBER_, ATNumber.class);
- }
- public ATTable asTable() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATTable) coerce(NativeTypeTags._TABLE_, ATTable.class);
- }
- public ATAsyncMessage asAsyncMessage() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATAsyncMessage) coerce(NativeTypeTags._ASYNCMSG_,
- ATAsyncMessage.class);
- }
- public ATActorMirror asActorMirror() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATActorMirror) coerce(NativeTypeTags._ACTORMIRROR_,
- ATActorMirror.class);
- }
- public ATTypeTag asTypeTag() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATTypeTag) coerce(NativeTypeTags._TYPETAG_, ATTypeTag.class);
- }
- public ATBegin asBegin() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATBegin) coerce(NativeTypeTags._BEGIN_, ATBegin.class);
- }
- public ATStatement asStatement() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATStatement) coerce(NativeTypeTags._STATEMENT_,
- ATStatement.class);
- }
- public ATUnquoteSplice asUnquoteSplice() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATUnquoteSplice) coerce(NativeTypeTags._UQSPLICE_,
- ATUnquoteSplice.class);
- }
- public ATSymbol asSymbol() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATSymbol) coerce(NativeTypeTags._SYMBOL_, ATSymbol.class);
- }
- public ATSplice asSplice() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATSplice) coerce(NativeTypeTags._SPLICE_, ATSplice.class);
- }
- public ATDefinition asDefinition() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATDefinition) coerce(NativeTypeTags._DEFINITION_,
- ATDefinition.class);
- }
- public ATMessageCreation asMessageCreation() throws InterpreterException {
- return (ATMessageCreation) coerce(NativeTypeTags._MSGCREATION_,
- ATMessageCreation.class);
- }
- // ALL isXXX methods return true (can be overridden by programmer-defined
- // base-level methods)
- public boolean isAmbientTalkObject() {
- return true;
- }
- // objects can only be 'cast' to a native category if they are marked with
- // the appropriate native type
- public boolean isSplice() throws InterpreterException {
- return meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._SPLICE_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue;
- }
- public boolean isSymbol() throws InterpreterException {
- return meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._SYMBOL_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue;
- }
- public boolean isTable() throws InterpreterException {
- return meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._TABLE_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue;
- }
- public boolean isUnquoteSplice() throws InterpreterException {
- return meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._UQSPLICE_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue;
- }
- public boolean isTypeTag() throws InterpreterException {
- return meta_isTaggedAs(NativeTypeTags._TYPETAG_).asNativeBoolean().javaValue;
- }
- // private methods
- private boolean isFlagSet(byte flag) {
- return (flags_ & flag) != 0;
- }
- private void setFlag(byte flag) {
- flags_ = (byte) (flags_ | flag);
- }
- private void unsetFlag(byte flag) {
- flags_ = (byte) (flags_ & (~flag));
- }
- protected boolean hasLocalMethod(ATSymbol selector)
- throws InterpreterException {
- return methodDictionary_.containsKey(selector);
- }
- protected ATMethod getLocalMethod(ATSymbol selector)
- throws InterpreterException {
- ATMethod result = ((ATObject) methodDictionary_.get(selector))
- .asMethod();
- if (result == null) {
- throw new XSelectorNotFound(selector, this);
- }
- /*
- * else { if (result instanceof NATMethod && !(result instanceof
- * NATCompiledMethod)) { System.out.println("veranderd"); ATMethod
- * compiledMethod = NATMethod.compileMethod((NATMethod) result);
- * methodDictionary_.change(selector, compiledMethod); return
- * compiledMethod; } else return result; }
- */
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Performs a type test for this object locally.
- *
- * @return whether this object is tagged with a particular type tag or not.
- */
- private boolean isLocallyTaggedAs(ATTypeTag tag)
- throws InterpreterException {
- for (int i = 0; i < typeTags_.length; i++) {
- if (typeTags_[i].base_isSubtypeOf(tag).asNativeBoolean().javaValue) {
- // if one type matches, return true
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Auxiliary method to access the fields of an object and all of its
- * super-objects up to (but excluding) nil. Overridden fields of parent
- * objects are not included.
- */
- public static ATField[] listTransitiveFields(ATObject obj)
- throws InterpreterException {
- Vector fields = new Vector();
- HashSet encounteredNames = new HashSet(); // to filter duplicates
- for (; obj != OBJNil._INSTANCE_; obj = obj.base_super()) {
- ATObject[] localFields = obj.meta_listFields().asNativeTable().elements_;
- for (int i = 0; i < localFields.length; i++) {
- ATField field = localFields[i].asField();
- ATSymbol fieldName = field.base_name();
- if (!encounteredNames.contains(fieldName)) {
- fields.add(field);
- encounteredNames.add(fieldName);
- }
- }
- }
- return (ATField[]) fields.toArray(new ATField[fields.size()]);
- }
- /**
- * Auxiliary method to access the methods of an object and all of its
- * super-objects up to (but excluding) nil. Overridden methods of parent
- * objects are not included.
- */
- public static ATMethod[] listTransitiveMethods(ATObject obj)
- throws InterpreterException {
- Vector methods = new Vector();
- HashSet encounteredNames = new HashSet(); // to filter duplicates
- for (; obj != OBJNil._INSTANCE_; obj = obj.base_super()) {
- // fast-path for native objects
- if (obj instanceof NATObject) {
- Collection localMethods = ((NATObject) obj).methodDictionary_
- .values();
- for (Iterator iter = localMethods.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- ATMethod localMethod = (ATMethod) iter.next();
- ATSymbol methodName = localMethod.base_name();
- if (!encounteredNames.contains(methodName)) {
- methods.add(localMethod);
- encounteredNames.add(methodName);
- }
- }
- } else {
- ATObject[] localMethods = obj.meta_listMethods()
- .asNativeTable().elements_;
- for (int i = 0; i < localMethods.length; i++) {
- ATMethod localMethod = localMethods[i].asMethod();
- ATSymbol methodName = localMethod.base_name();
- if (!encounteredNames.contains(methodName)) {
- methods.add(localMethod);
- encounteredNames.add(methodName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (ATMethod[]) methods.toArray(new ATMethod[methods.size()]);
- }
- }