PHP | 487 lines | 16 code | 11 blank | 460 comment | 2 complexity | 8e79bd01f716d0dad4f6384a4da9d8dc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0
- <?php
- /*
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | NovaBoard
- | ========================================
- | By The NovaBoard team
- | Released under the Artistic License 2.0
- | http://www.novaboard.net
- | ========================================
- | themes.php - install/remove forum themes
- */
- if (!defined('NOVA_RUN')){
- echo "<h1>ACCESS DENIED</h1>You cannot access this file directly.";
- exit();
- }
- require_once "scripts/php/dUnzip2.inc.php";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "start");
- if ($can_change_site_settings=='0'){
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=error&error=11","error/11");
- }
- else{
- foreach (glob("themes/*.zip") as $file_name) {
- unlink ($file_name);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['upload'])){
- $contenttype = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['type'];
- $file=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'];
- $parts = explode('.', $file);
- $ext = $parts[count($parts)-1];
- $contenttype = strtolower($ext);
- if ($contenttype=='zip'){
- $allowed="1";
- }
- else{
- $allowed="0";
- }
- if ($allowed=='0'){
- echo "contenttype = $contenttype<br /><br />";
- exit("You are not allowed to upload files with this extension.");
- }
- else{
- // Where the file is going to be placed
- $target_path = "themes/";
- $file_name = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'];
- $new_file_name = $file_name;
- $target_path_complete = $target_path . basename( $new_file_name);
- $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'];
- if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path_complete)) {
- if($contenttype == 'zip'){
- $zip = new dUnzip2('themes/'.$file_name);
- $zip->debug = true;
- $zip->getList();
- $zip->unzipAll('themes');
- }
- foreach (glob("themes/*.zip") as $filename) {
- unlink ($filename);
- }
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_1");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['alter']) && ($_GET['alter']=='rss')){
- $order = $_POST['order'];
- $order = escape_string($order);
- $limit = $_POST['limit'];
- $limit = escape_string($limit);
- $method = $_POST['method'];
- $method = escape_string($method);
- mysql_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}settings SET theme_order='$order', theme_limit='$limit', theme_method='$method'");
- # Delete cache
- $Cache->delete('settings');
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_2");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='remote')){
- // first warn the admin about what he/she is about to do
- // because this feature could be maliciously abused by
- // crafty people wanting you to install nasty things
- // onto the server...
- if ($_POST['agree']!='1'){
- $token_id = md5(microtime());
- $token = md5(uniqid(rand(),true));
- $token_name = "token_remote_$token_id";
- $_SESSION[$token_name] = $token;
- $file = escape_string($_GET['file']);
- $themename = escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- $func = escape_string($_GET['func']);
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "warn");
- }
- else{
- $token_id = $_POST['token_id'];
- $token_id = escape_string($token_id);
- $token_name = "token_remote_$token_id";
- if (isset($_POST[$token_name]) && isset($_SESSION[$token_name]) && $_SESSION[$token_name] == $_POST[$token_name]){
- $theme_file = htmlentities(escape_string($_GET['file']));
- if(strpos($theme_file, "http://themes.novaboard.net") === false){
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=error","error");
- }
- else{
- nova_remote(" http://themes.novaboard.net/files/".$theme_file, "themes/");
- $filename = basename(" http://themes.novaboard.net/files/".$theme_file);
- $zip = new dUnzip2('themes/'.$filename);
- $zip->debug = true;
- $zip->getList();
- $zip->unzipAll('themes');
- foreach (glob("themes/*.zip") as $file_name) {
- unlink ($file_name);
- }
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_3");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- }
- else{
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=error&error=28","error/28");
- }
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='install')){
- // first warn the admin about what he/she is about to do
- // because this feature could be maliciously abused by
- // crafty people wanting you to install nasty things
- // onto the server...
- if ($_POST['agree']!='1'){
- $token_id = md5(microtime());
- $token = md5(uniqid(rand(),true));
- $token_name = "token_install_$token_id";
- $_SESSION[$token_name] = $token;
- $file = escape_string($_GET['file']);
- $themename = escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- $func = escape_string($_GET['func']);
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "warn");
- }
- else{
- $token_id = $_POST['token_id'];
- $token_id = escape_string($token_id);
- $token_name = "token_install_$token_id";
- if (isset($_POST[$token_name]) && isset($_SESSION[$token_name]) && $_SESSION[$token_name] == $_POST[$token_name]){
- $theme_name =escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}themes WHERE theme_name ='$theme_name'");
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}themes (theme_name, installed) VALUES ('$theme_name', '1')");
- if (file_exists("themes/$theme_name/install.php")){
- include "themes/$theme_name/install.php";
- }
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_4");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=error&error=28","error/28");
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='remove')){
- // first warn the admin about what he/she is about to do
- // because this feature could be maliciously abused by
- // crafty people wanting you to install nasty things
- // onto the server...
- if ($_POST['agree']!='1'){
- $token_id = md5(microtime());
- $token = md5(uniqid(rand(),true));
- $token_name = "token_remove_$token_id";
- $_SESSION[$token_name] = $token;
- $file = escape_string($_GET['file']);
- $themename = escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- $func = escape_string($_GET['func']);
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "warn");
- }
- else{
- $token_id = $_POST['token_id'];
- $token_id = escape_string($token_id);
- $token_name = "token_remove_$token_id";
- if (isset($_POST[$token_name]) && isset($_SESSION[$token_name]) && $_SESSION[$token_name] == $_POST[$token_name]){
- $theme_name =escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}themes WHERE theme_name ='$theme_name'");
- if (file_exists("themes/$theme_name/uninstall.php")){
- include "themes/$theme_name/uninstall.php";
- }
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_5");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- else{
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=error&error=28","error/28");
- }
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='delete')){
- // first warn the admin about what he/she is about to do
- // because this feature could be maliciously abused by
- // crafty people wanting you to install nasty things
- // onto the server...
- if ($_POST['agree']!='1'){
- $file = escape_string($_GET['file']);
- $themename = escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- $func = escape_string($_GET['func']);
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "warn");
- }
- else{
- $theme_name = escape_string($_GET['theme']);
- nova_remove("themes/$theme_name");
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "form_6");
- nova_redirect("index.php?page=admin&act=themes","admin/themes");
- }
- }
- else{
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "1");
- list_themes_admin("themes/", "details");
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "3");
- template_hook('pages/admin/themes.template.php', 'remote_replacement');
- /*template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "4");
- class RSSParser {
- var $title = "";
- var $version = "";
- var $date = "";
- var $downloads = "";
- var $link = "";
- var $description = "";
- var $author = "";
- var $site = "";
- var $image = "";
- var $inside_item = false;
- function startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs='' ){
- global $current_tag;
- $current_tag = $name;
- if( $current_tag == "ITEM" )
- $this->inside_item = true;
- } // endfunc startElement
- function endElement( $parser, $tagName, $attrs='' ){
- global $current_tag;
- if ( $tagName == "ITEM" ) {
- $title = $this->title;
- $version = $this->version;
- $date = $this->date;
- $downloads = $this->downloads;
- $link = $this->link;
- $link = str_replace(" http://themes.novaboard.net/files/", "", $link);
- $description = $this->description;
- $author = $this->author;
- $site = $this->site;
- $image = $this->image;
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "5");
- echo "$image";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "14");
- echo "$title";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "6");
- echo "$version";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "7");
- echo "$author";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "8");
- echo "$site";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "9");
- echo "$site";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "10");
- echo "$description";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "11");
- echo "$link";
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "12");
- $this->title = "";
- $this->version = "";
- $this->date = "";
- $this->downloads = "";
- $this->link = "";
- $this->description = "";
- $this->author = "";
- $this->site = "";
- $this->image = "";
- $this->inside_item = false;
- }
- } // endfunc endElement
- function characterData( $parser, $data ){
- global $current_tag;
- if( $this->inside_item ){
- switch($current_tag){
- case "TITLE":
- $this->title .= $data;
- break;
- case "VERSION":
- $this->version .= $data;
- break;
- case "DATE":
- $this->date .= $data;
- break;
- case "DOWNLOADS":
- $this->downloads .= $data;
- break;
- case "LINK":
- $this->link .= $data;
- break;
- $this->description .= $data;
- break;
- case "AUTHOR":
- $this->author .= $data;
- break;
- case "SITE":
- $this->site .= $data;
- break;
- case "IMAGE":
- $this->image .= $data;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // endswitch
- } // end if
- } // endfunc characterData
- function parse_results( $xml_parser, $rss_parser, $file ) {
- xml_set_object( $xml_parser, &$rss_parser );
- xml_set_element_handler( $xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement" );
- xml_set_character_data_handler( $xml_parser, "characterData" );
- $fp = fopen("$file","r") or die( "Error reading XML file, $file" );
- while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
- // parse the data
- xml_parse( $xml_parser, $data, feof($fp) ) or die( sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code($xml_parser) ), xml_get_current_line_number( $xml_parser ) ) );
- } // endwhile
- fclose($fp);
- xml_parser_free( $xml_parser );
- } // endfunc parse_results
- } // endclass RSSParser
- global $rss_url;
- $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
- $rss_parser = new RSSParser();
- $parse_nova_version = str_replace(" ", "_", $nova_version);
- $rss_parser->parse_results( $xml_parser, $rss_parser, "http://themes.novaboard.net/$parse_nova_version/$module_order/$module_limit/$module_method/files.php" );
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "3");
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "13");*/
- }
- }
- template_hook("pages/admin/themes.template.php", "end");
- ?>