Python | 445 lines | 440 code | 3 blank | 2 comment | 6 complexity | 05fa03852a2f587b25021b327cca2d43 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
- from basic import Basic
- import re, os, sys, pickle, time, urllib
- from config import Config
- class Marathon(Basic):
- c = None
- rss = None
- shows = []
- currentshow = ''
- knownfileextensions = ["mpg", "avi", "mkv", "mp4"]
- def get_show_count(self):
- return len(self.shows)
- def is_video(self, f):
- w = f.split(".")
- return w[len(w)-1] in self.knownfileextensions
- def analyse_filename(self, f, backupseason):
- try:
- t = re.search("s?([0-9][0-9]?) ?[xe]([0-9][0-9]?)", f, re.I)
- season = int(t.group(1))
- number = int(t.group(2))
- except AttributeError:
- print "File `%s' confused me..." % f
- try:
- if backupseason == None:
- season = int(self.i("Which season is this? "))
- else:
- season = backupseason
- number = int(self.i("Which number in the season is this? "))
- except ValueError:
- return self.analyse_filename(f, backupseason)
- print "Assuming season %s, episode %s for `%s'..." % (season, number, f)
- return (f, season, number)
- def obtain_episodes(self, episodes, top, d, backupseason):
- for r, d, files in os.walk(top + "/" + d):
- for f in files:
- if self.is_video(f):
- (filename, season, number) = self.analyse_filename(f, backupseason)
- try:
- t = episodes[season]
- except:
- episodes.update({season : {}})
- episodes[season].update({number : os.path.join(r, filename)})
- return episodes
- def season_guess(self, d):
- t = re.search("(season|s) ?([0-9][0-9]?)", d, re.I)
- try:
- season = int(t.group(2))
- except (ValueError, AttributeError):
- return None
- return season
- def known_episode(self, show, filename):
- for season in show['episodes']:
- for episode in show['episodes'][season]:
- if filename in show['episodes'][season][episode]:
- return True
- return False
- def add_files(self, title, show, ignoreknown=False):
- print "Where should I look for files of it?"
- path = self.i("Path: ")
- searchtitle = title.lower().replace(" ", "[ \._]")
- for r, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for d in dirs:
- if re.match(searchtitle, d, re.I):
- print "Found `%s'..." % d
- p = self.i("Should I include this directory for this show? (Y/n) ")
- if p == "" or p.lower() == "y":
- seasonguess = self.season_guess(d)
- s = self.i("Which season? (0 for more than one%s) " % (", blank for season %s" % seasonguess if seasonguess != None else ""))
- if s == "0":
- s = None
- elif s == "":
- if seasonguess == None:
- s = None
- else:
- s = seasonguess
- show['episodes'] = self.obtain_episodes(show['episodes'], path, d, s)
- print ""
- for f in files:
- if re.match(searchtitle, f, re.I):
- if ignoreknown and self.known_episode(show, f):
- print "Ignoring `%s' as I know it..." % f
- else:
- print "Found file `%s'..." % f
- p = self.i("Should I include this file for this show? (Y/n) ")
- if p == "" or p.lower() == "y":
- (filename, season, number) = self.analyse_filename(f, None)
- try:
- show['episodes'][season].update({number : {'file': os.path.join(r, filename), 'mplayersettings': ''}})
- except:
- show['episodes'].update({season : {number: {'file': os.path.join(r, filename), 'mplayersettings': ''}}})
- print ""
- break
- return show
- def add_show(self):
- print "Time to configure a new show..."
- show = {'episodes' : {}, 'mplayersettings': ''}
- title = self.i("Title: ")
- show.update({'title' : title, 'currentepisode' : (1, 1)})
- show = self.add_files(title, show)
- while True:
- if self.yesno("Should we include another directory?", self.NO):
- show = self.add_files(title, show)
- else:
- break
- self.c.showdata.update({title : show})
- if not title in self.shows:
- self.shows.append(title)
- def mplayer(self, filename, mplayersettings=None):
- if mplayersettings==None:
- s = os.system("mplayer %s \"%s\"" % (self.c.mplayerconfig, filename))
- else:
- s = os.system("mplayer %s \"%s\"" % (mplayersettings, filename))
- return s == 0
- def watch(self, curep):
- ep = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['episodes'][curep[0]][curep[1]]
- try:
- s = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['mplayersettings']
- if s.strip() == '':
- s = None
- except KeyError:
- s = None
- if self.mplayer(ep, s):
- self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['currentepisode'] = self.next_episode(self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['episodes'], curep)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def cwatch(self, curep):
- while True:
- if self.watch(curep):
- curep = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['currentepisode']
- else:
- break
- def get_episodes_left(self, showdata):
- try:
- curep = showdata['currentepisode']
- except:
- curep = (1,1)
- c = 0
- for season in showdata['episodes']:
- if season < curep[0]:
- continue
- for episode in showdata['episodes'][season]:
- if season == curep[0] and episode <= curep[1]:
- continue
- c += 1
- return c
- def seasonsort(self, x, y):
- return x[0] - y[0]
- def handle_episode(self, show, season, episode):
- print ""
- print "Episode: (S%sE%s)\n%s" % (self.z(season), self.z(episode), self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season][episode])
- p = self.menu([("WATCH", "Watch"),
- ("CURRENT", "Set this to current"),
- ("EDIT", "Edit"),
- ("REMOVE", "Remove")], None)
- if p == "RETURN":
- return
- else:
- if p == "WATCH":
- pass
- elif p == "CURRENT":
- self.c.showdata[show]['currentepisode'] = (season, episode)
- print "Current episode to season %s, episode %s." % (season, episode)
- elif p == "EDIT":
- pass
- elif p == "REMOVE":
- self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season].pop(episode)
- print "Removed."
- self.handle_episode(show, season, episode)
- def browse_season(self, show, season):
- print ""
- print "Episodes of season %s:" % season
- tmp = []
- for episode in self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season]:
- t = self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season][episode]
- try:
- t = t.split("/")
- except AttributeError:
- print "Unusual error"
- print t,dir(t)
- return
- tmp.append((episode, t[len(t)-1]))
- tmp.sort(self.seasonsort)
- for episode in tmp:
- print "%s: %s" % episode
- p = self.i("Option: ", True)
- if p == "RETURN":
- return
- else:
- try:
- e = int(p)
- t = self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season][e]
- self.handle_episode(show, season, e)
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- pass
- self.browse_season(show, season)
- def browse_show(self, show):
- print ""
- print "Known seasons:"
- tmp = []
- topop = []
- for season in self.c.showdata[show]['episodes']:
- try:
- int(season)
- tmp.append((season, len(self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][season])))
- except ValueError:
- topop.append(season)
- for p in topop:
- self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'].pop(p)
- tmp.sort(self.seasonsort)
- for season in tmp:
- print "%s: (%s episodes)" % season
- p = self.i("Option: ", True)
- if p == "RETURN":
- return
- else:
- try:
- s = int(p)
- t = self.c.showdata[show]['episodes'][s]
- self.browse_season(show, s)
- except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
- pass
- self.browse_show(show)
- def set_currentshow(self, s):
- self.currentshow = s
- try:
- self.c.showdata[0]['currentshow'] = self.currentshow
- except KeyError:
- try:
- self.c.showdata[0].update({'currentshow' : self.currentshow})
- except KeyError:
- self.c.showdata.update({0 : {'currentshow' : self.currentshow}})
- def download_torrent(self, url, title):
- os.system("wget \"%s\" -O \"%s/%s.torrent\"" % (url, self.c.torrentwatchdir, title.replace(' ', '_')))
- def rssmenu(self):
- if len(self.rssfeeds) < 1:
- t = self.i("You have no feeds set, want to set one now? (Y/n)" )
- if t != 'y' and t != '':
- return
- if self.torrentwatchdir == '':
- directory = self.i("Please type the directory you want the torrents to be saved in (no trailing /):")
- self.torrentwatchdir = directory
- feed = self.i("Please type in the RSS feed URL:")
- self.rssfeeds = [feed]
- self.rss.update_feeds(self.rssfeeds)
- items = self.rss.get_torrents()
- if len(items) < 1:
- print "No new RSS items."
- else:
- fullbreak = False
- for item in items:
- print item['title']
- action = ''
- while True:
- action = self.i("Download? (Y/n) ")
- if action == None:
- fullbreak = True
- break
- if action == '':
- action = 'y'
- action = action.lower()
- if not action in ['y', 'n']:
- print "Not understood."
- else:
- break
- if fullbreak:
- break
- if action == 'y':
- self.download_torrent(item['url'], item['title'])
- self.c.rsslastupdate = self.rss.rssfeeds[0]['lastupdate']
- def run(self):
- # this will eventually be more fluid and just a hackish
- # run loop like this.
- menu = self.MAIN
- while True:
- # main loop
- print ""
- if menu == self.MAIN:
- print "You have %s show(s) in your configuration." % len(self.shows)
- print "Please select an option:"
- p = self.menu([("SHOW", "Select a show to watch%s" % (" (disabled)" if len(self.shows)==0 else "")),
- ("ADD", "Add shows"),
- ("RSS", "Check RSS feeds"),
- ("SETTINGS", "Settings")], "SHOW")
- if p == "SHOW":
- if len(self.shows) == 0:
- print "No shows available, please add some."
- else:
- menu = self.SHOWS
- elif p == "ADD":
- menu = self.ADDSHOWS
- elif p == "RSS":
- menu = self.RSS
- elif p == "SETTINGS":
- menu = self.SETTINGS
- elif menu == self.SHOWS:
- print "Select show:"
- i = 0
- for show in self.shows:
- i += 1
- print "%s: %s (%s left)" % (i, show, self.get_episodes_left(self.c.showdata[show]))
- p = self.i("Option: ", True)
- if p == "RETURN":
- menu = self.MAIN
- else:
- try:
- s = self.shows[int(p)-1]
- self.set_currentshow(s)
- menu = self.SHOW
- except IndexError:
- print "Ununderstood option."
- continue
- except ValueError:
- continue
- except TypeError:
- continue
- elif menu == self.SHOW:
- print "Selected `%s'..." % self.currentshow
- try:
- curep = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['currentepisode']
- except:
- self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['currentepisode'] = (1, 1)
- curep = (1, 1)
- try:
- tep = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['episodes'][curep[0]][curep[1]]
- except KeyError:
- while True:
- curep = (curep[0], curep[1]-1)
- if curep[1] < 1:
- curep = (curep[0]-1, 1)
- if curep[0] < 1:
- tep = None
- break
- try:
- tep = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['episodes'][curep[0]][curep[1]]
- break
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if tep != None:
- t = tep.split("/")
- t = t[len(t)-1]
- print "Current episode: S%sE%s: %s" % (self.z(curep[0]), self.z(curep[1]), t)
- p = self.menu([("WATCH", "Watch current episode"),
- ("CWATCH", "Continuesly watch without prompt (crash mplayer to stop)"),
- ("ADD", "Add more/new episodes"),
- ("BROWSE", "Browse show's files"),
- ("MPLAYER", "MPlayer settings")], "WATCH")
- if p == "WATCH":
- self.watch(curep)
- elif p == "CWATCH":
- self.cwatch(curep)
- elif p == "ADD":
- self.c.showdata[self.currentshow] = self.add_files(self.currentshow, self.c.showdata[self.currentshow], True)
- elif p == "BROWSE":
- self.browse_show(self.currentshow)
- elif p == "MPLAYER":
- try:
- settings = self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['mplayersettings']
- except:
- settings = ''
- self.c.showdata[self.currentshow].update({'mplayersettings':''})
- print ""
- print "Set mplayer settings for `%s':" % self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['title']
- print settings
- print "Hit enter to make no chance; space and enter to clear."
- p = self.i(": ")
- if p != '':
- self.c.showdata[self.currentshow]['mplayersettings'] = p
- elif p == "RETURN":
- menu = self.SHOWS
- elif p == "TOP":
- menu = self.MAIN
- else:
- menu = self.SHOWS
- elif menu == self.ADDSHOWS:
- self.add_show()
- menu = self.MAIN
- elif menu == self.RSS:
- self.rssmenu()
- menu = self.MAIN
- elif menu == self.SETTINGS:
- print "Select settings to edit."
- p = self.menu([("MPLAYER", "mplayer options")], None)
- if p == "MPLAYER":
- print "Please write on one line, the options to pass to mplayer:"
- print "Current options: %s" % self.mplayerconfig
- print "Hit enter to make no chance; space and enter to clear."
- c = self.i(": ")
- if c != '':
- self.c.mplayerconfig = c
- self.c.showdata[0]['mplayerconfig'] = c
- print "Set mplayer option to: %s" % c
- elif p == "RETURN":
- menu = self.MAIN
- def next_episode(self, episodes, current):
- if current[0] > len(episodes):
- try:
- return (current[0]-1, len(episodes[current[1]])-1)
- except KeyError:
- return (1,1)
- try:
- t = episodes[current[0]][current[1]+1]
- return (current[0], current[1]+1)
- except:
- return self.next_episode(episodes, (current[0]+1, 0))
- def z(self, i):
- if i < 10:
- return "0%s" % i
- return i
- def save(self):
- self.c.save()
- def __init__(self):
- self.c = Config()