Scala | 49 lines | 30 code | 7 blank | 12 comment | 0 complexity | 9ad1ccfc986ed9eb9b0c03226de01455 MD5 | raw file
- package controllers
- import play.api._
- import play.api.mvc._
- import models._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- /**
- * Just some stuff to play around w/ casbah and mongodb
- *
- * Check project/Build.scala to see that salat + casbah has been
- * added as a dependency. Running: > play compile will suck in all
- * the necessary libraries to make the mongo driver work...
- */
- object Mongo extends Controller {
- val col = MongoConnection()("testDb")("testCol")
- val _id:java.lang.Integer = 1
- def index() = Action {
- Ok("index")
- }
- def list() = Action {
- Ok("list goes here")
- }
- /**
- * looks for a document within mongo, if it can't find it
- * it will create it and tell the user to reload the page.
- */
- def create(id: String) = Action {
- col.findOneByID(id) match {
- case None => {
- // the += operator allows Docs to be added to mongo easily
- col += MongoDBObject("_id" -> id, "created" -> true)
- Ok("created: " + id + ", refresh to load record")
- }
- case _ => Ok("already exists")
- }
- }
- def show(id: String) = Action {
- col.findOneByID(id) match {
- case None => Ok("Not, Found")
- case result => Ok("Found: " + result)
- }
- }
- }