http://github.com/cliffmoon/dynomite · Erlang · 233 lines · 201 code · 22 blank · 10 comment · 1 complexity · c84f9163b99c26cecd4b333ccb751be1 MD5 · raw file
- -module (mnesia_storage).
- -export ([open/2, close/1, get/2, put/4, has_key/2, delete/2, fold/3]).
- %% largest value size allowed in RAM storage
- -define(MEM_VALUE_LIMIT, 1024).
- -record(entry, {
- key,
- values,
- path,
- context,
- updated
- %% expires -- someday
- }).
- open(Directory, Name) ->
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Directory ++ "/"),
- TableName = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Name, '_', node()])),
- ok = ensure_table(TableName),
- {ok, {Directory, TableName}}.
- % noop
- close({_Directory, Table}) -> ok.
- fold(Fun, {_Directory, Table}, AccIn) when is_function(Fun) ->
- InnerFoldFun = fun(#entry{key=Key, values=V, path=P, context=C}, Acc) ->
- Values = case V of
- undefined ->
- read_file(P);
- _ ->
- V
- end,
- Fun({Key, C, Values}, Acc)
- end,
- FoldFun = fun() ->
- mnesia:foldl(InnerFoldFun, AccIn, Table)
- end,
- mnesia:ets(FoldFun).
- put(Key, Context, Values, {Directory, Table}) ->
- Vlist = if
- is_list(Values) -> Values;
- true -> [Values]
- end,
- Old = mnesia:ets(fun() ->
- case mnesia:read(Table, Key, read) of
- [Entry] ->
- Entry;
- _ ->
- #entry{}
- end
- end),
- case value_size(Values) of
- large ->
- put_values_in_file(
- Key, Context, Vlist, Directory, Table, Old#entry.path);
- _ ->
- Write = fun() ->
- Entry = #entry{key=Key,
- context=Context,
- values=Vlist,
- updated=erlang:now()},
- mnesia:write(Table, Entry, write)
- end,
- %% can't use ets access here, since we're writing
- ok = mnesia:async_dirty(Write),
- %% clean up any old path
- case Old#entry.path of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- P when is_list(P) ->
- ok = file:delete(P)
- end,
- {ok, {Directory, Table}}
- end.
- get(Key, {_Directory, Table}) ->
- Read = fun() ->
- mnesia:read(Table, Key, read)
- end,
- case mnesia:ets(Read) of
- [] ->
- {ok, not_found};
- [#entry{key=Key, context=C, path=P}] when is_list(P) ->
- {ok, {C, read_file(P)}};
- [#entry{key=Key, values=V, context=C}] ->
- {ok, {C, V}};
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
- has_key(Key, {_Directory, Table}) ->
- Read = fun () ->
- mnesia:read(Table, Key, read)
- end,
- case mnesia:ets(Read) of
- [] ->
- {ok, false};
- [_Record] ->
- {ok, true};
- Other ->
- {ok, false}
- end.
- delete(Key, {Directory, Table}) ->
- Del = fun () ->
- case mnesia:read(Table, Key, read) of
- [#entry{path=P}] ->
- {mnesia:delete(Table, Key, write), P};
- _ ->
- {ok, not_found}
- end
- end,
- %% can't use ets access mode here, since we're writing
- case mnesia:async_dirty(Del) of
- {ok, not_found} ->
- {ok, {Directory, Table}};
- {ok, undefined} ->
- {ok, {Directory, Table}};
- {ok, Path} when is_list(Path) ->
- ok = file:delete(Path),
- {ok, {Directory, Table}};
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % internal functions
- read_file(Path) ->
- {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(Path),
- Values = case (catch binary_to_term(Binary)) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> [Binary];
- Terms -> Terms
- end,
- Values.
- put_values_in_file(Key, Context, Values, Directory, Table, Path) ->
- Read = fun() ->
- mnesia:read(Table, Key, read)
- end,
- HashedFilename = case Path of
- undefined ->
- create_filename(Directory, Key);
- _ ->
- Path
- end,
- ToWrite = term_to_binary(Values),
- Write = fun() ->
- Entry = #entry{key=Key,
- context=Context,
- path=HashedFilename,
- updated=erlang:now()},
- mnesia:write(Table, Entry, write)
- end,
- %% can't use ets access mode here, since we're writing
- ok = mnesia:async_dirty(Write),
- ok = file:write_file(HashedFilename, ToWrite, [raw]),
- {ok, {Directory, Table}}.
- create_filename(Directory, Key) ->
- Hash = lists:concat(
- lists:map(
- fun(Int) -> erlang:integer_to_list(Int, 16) end,
- binary_to_list(
- crypto:sha(
- list_to_binary(Key))))),
- Filename = ensure_against_collisions(Directory, Hash),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Filename),
- Filename.
- ensure_against_collisions(Directory, Hash) ->
- ensure_against_collisions(Directory, Hash, 0).
- ensure_against_collisions(Directory, Hash, Append) ->
- Filename = case Append > 0 of
- true -> hash_to_directory(Directory, Hash) ++ "-" ++ integer_to_list(Append);
- false -> hash_to_directory(Directory, Hash)
- end,
- case filelib:is_file(Filename) of
- true -> ensure_against_collisions(Directory, Hash, Append+1);
- false -> Filename
- end.
- hash_to_directory(Directory, Hash) ->
- hash_to_directory(Directory, Hash, Hash, 3).
- hash_to_directory(Directory, _Left, Original, 0) ->
- lists:concat([Directory, '/', Original]);
- hash_to_directory(Directory, [Char|Left], Original, Depth) ->
- hash_to_directory(lists:concat([Directory, '/', [Char]]), Left, Original, Depth-1).
- value_size(V) ->
- Len = iolist_size(V),
- if Len >= ?MEM_VALUE_LIMIT ->
- large;
- true ->
- small
- end.
- ensure_table(Table) ->
- %% ensure that schema is on disc
- case mnesia:start() of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, already_started} ->
- ok;
- Error ->
- exit(Error)
- end,
- case mnesia:change_table_copy_type(schema, node(), disc_copies) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- ok;
- {aborted, {already_exists, _, _, _}} ->
- ok;
- Fail ->
- exit(Fail)
- end,
- case mnesia:create_table(Table,
- [{record_name, entry},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, entry)},
- {disc_copies, [node()]},
- {local_content, true}]) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- ok;
- {aborted, {already_exists, _}} ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- Other
- end.