Java | 55 lines | 39 code | 10 blank | 6 comment | 6 complexity | 4b231e126e732c4cabc8b828b0397153 MD5 | raw file
- package com.drhelper.android.service;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
- import com.drhelper.android.bean.com.Login;
- import com.drhelper.common.db.DBManager;
- import com.drhelper.common.entity.User;
- public class LoginService extends Service {
- public String doAction(HttpSession session, String reqBody) {
- Login reqLogin = null;
- Login respLogin = null;
- String respBody = null;
- //parse the body
- try{
- reqLogin = JSON.parseObject(reqBody, Login.class);
- }catch (Exception e) {
- System.out.println("LoginService.doAction(): json parse body failure: " + e.getMessage());
- return respBody;
- }
- //check the input param
- String userName = reqLogin.getUserName();
- String userPasswd = reqLogin.getUserPasswd();
- if (userName.length() == 0 || userPasswd.length() == 0) {
- System.out.println("LoginService.doAction(): userName or userPasswd is null");
- return respBody;
- }
- respLogin = new Login();
- //check the user and passwd
- DBManager db = new DBManager();
- User user = db.getUser(userName, userPasswd);
- if (user == null) {
- respLogin.setResult(false);
- respBody = JSON.toJSONString(respLogin);
- return respBody;
- }
- //create the resp object
- respLogin.setUserName(user.getUser_name());
- respLogin.setUserPasswd(user.getUser_passwd());
- respLogin.setResult(true);
- //save the user name
- session.setAttribute("id", user.getUser_name());
- //serialize the object
- respBody = JSON.toJSONString(respLogin);
- return respBody;
- }
- }