Perl | 375 lines | 239 code | 65 blank | 71 comment | 61 complexity | 5a28db5f80de7d2315de29f30b8e3078 MD5 | raw file
✨ Summary
- #
- # BioPerl module for Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory
- #
- # Please direct questions and support issues to <bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
- #
- # Cared for by Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at gmx.net>
- #
- # Copyright Hilmar Lapp
- #
- # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
- #
- # (c) Hilmar Lapp, hlapp at gnf.org, 2002.
- # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2002.
- #
- # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself.
- # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this
- # software package, or see http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html)
- # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module.
- #
- #
- # POD documentation - main docs before the code
- =head1 NAME
- Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory - A FeatureTable Location Parser
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- # parse a string into a location object
- $loc = Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory->from_string("join(100..200,
- 400..500");
- Implementation of string-encoded location parsing for the Genbank feature
- table encoding of locations.
- =head1 FEEDBACK
- =head2 Mailing Lists
- User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
- Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
- the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
- bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
- http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- =head2 Support
- Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
- I<bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
- rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
- reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
- address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
- with code and data examples if at all possible.
- =head2 Reporting Bugs
- Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
- of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
- web:
- https://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live/issues
- =head1 AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp
- Email hlapp at gmx.net
- Jason Stajich, jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
- Chris Fields, cjfields-at-uiuc-dot-edu
- =head1 APPENDIX
- The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
- Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
- =cut
- # Let the code begin...
- package Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory;
- use vars qw($LOCREG);
- use strict;
- # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
- use Bio::Location::Simple;
- use Bio::Location::Split;
- use Bio::Location::Fuzzy;
- use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Factory::LocationFactoryI);
- # the below is an optimized regex obj. from J. Freidl's Mastering Reg Exp.
- $LOCREG = qr{
- (?>
- [^()]+
- |
- \(
- (??{$LOCREG})
- \)
- )*
- }x;
- }
- =head2 new
- Title : new
- Usage : my $obj = Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory->new();
- Function: Builds a new Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory object
- Returns : an instance of Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory
- Args :
- =cut
- =head2 from_string
- Title : from_string
- Usage : $loc = $locfactory->from_string("100..200");
- Function: Parses the given string and returns a Bio::LocationI implementing
- object representing the location encoded by the string.
- This implementation parses the Genbank feature table
- encoding of locations.
- Example :
- Returns : A Bio::LocationI implementing object.
- Args : A string.
- =cut
- sub from_string {
- my ($self,$locstr,$op) = @_;
- my $loc;
- #$self->debug("$locstr\n");
- # $op for operator (error handling)
- # run on first pass only
- # Note : These location types are now deprecated in GenBank (Oct. 2006)
- if (!defined($op)) {
- # convert all (X.Y) to [X.Y]
- $locstr =~ s{\((\d+\.\d+)\)}{\[$1\]}g;
- # convert ABC123:(X..Y) to ABC123:[X..Y]
- # we should never see the above
- $locstr =~ s{:\((\d+\.{2}\d+)\)}{:\[$1\]}g;
- }
- if ($locstr =~ m{(.*?)\(($LOCREG)\)(.*)}o) { # any matching parentheses?
- my ($beg, $mid, $end) = ($1, $2, $3);
- my (@sublocs) = (split(q(,),$beg), $mid, split(q(,),$end));
- my @loc_objs;
- my $loc_obj;
- while (@sublocs) {
- my $subloc = shift @sublocs;
- next if !$subloc;
- my $oparg = ($subloc eq 'join' || $subloc eq 'bond' ||
- $subloc eq 'order' || $subloc eq 'complement') ? $subloc : undef;
- # has operator, requires further work (recurse)
- if ($oparg) {
- my $sub = shift @sublocs;
- # simple split operators (no recursive calls needed)
- if (($oparg eq 'join' || $oparg eq 'order' || $oparg eq 'bond' )
- && $sub !~ m{(?:join|order|bond)}) {
- my @splitlocs = split(q(,), $sub);
- $loc_obj = Bio::Location::Split->new(-verbose => 1,
- -splittype => $oparg);
- # Store strand values for later consistency check
- my @subloc_strands;
- my @s_objs;
- foreach my $splitloc (@splitlocs) {
- next unless $splitloc;
- my $sobj;
- if ($splitloc =~ m{\(($LOCREG)\)}) {
- my $comploc = $1;
- $sobj = $self->_parse_location($comploc);
- $sobj->strand(-1);
- push @subloc_strands, -1;
- } else {
- $sobj = $self->_parse_location($splitloc);
- push @subloc_strands, 1;
- }
- push @s_objs, $sobj;
- }
- # Sublocations strand values consistency check to set
- # Guide Strand and sublocations adding order
- if (scalar @s_objs > 0) {
- my $identical = 0;
- my $first_value = $subloc_strands[0];
- foreach my $strand (@subloc_strands) {
- $identical++ if ($strand == $first_value);
- }
- if ($identical == scalar @subloc_strands) {
- # Set guide_strand if all sublocations have the same strand
- $loc_obj->guide_strand($first_value);
- # Reverse sublocation order for negative strand locations, e.g.:
- # Common (CAA24672.1):
- # join(complement(4918..5163),complement(2691..4571))
- # Trans-splicing (NP_958375.1):
- # join(32737..32825,complement(174205..174384),complement(69520..71506))
- if ($first_value == -1) {
- @s_objs = reverse @s_objs;
- }
- }
- else {
- # Mixed strand values
- $loc_obj->guide_strand(undef);
- }
- # Add sublocations
- foreach my $s_obj (@s_objs) {
- $loc_obj->add_sub_Location($s_obj);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $loc_obj = $self->from_string($sub, $oparg);
- # reinsure the operator is set correctly for this level
- # unless it is complement
- $loc_obj->splittype($oparg) unless $oparg eq 'complement';
- }
- }
- # no operator, simple or fuzzy
- else {
- $loc_obj = $self->from_string($subloc,1);
- }
- if ($op && $op eq 'complement') {
- $loc_obj->strand(-1);
- }
- # For Split-type $loc_obj, if guide strand is set (meaning consistent strand for
- # all sublocs) and guide strand is the same than the last location from @loc_objs,
- # then recover the sublocations and add them to @loc_objs. This way,
- # "join(10..20,join(30..40,50..60))" becomes "join(10..20,30..40,50..60)"
- my $guide_strand = ($loc_obj->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI')) ? ($loc_obj->guide_strand || 0) : 0;
- my $last_strand = (scalar @loc_objs > 0) ? $loc_objs[-1]->strand : 0;
- if ( $guide_strand != 0
- and $guide_strand == $last_strand
- and $oparg eq $op # join(,join()) OK, order(join()) NOT OK
- ) {
- my @subloc_objs = $loc_obj->sub_Location(0);
- foreach my $subloc_obj (@subloc_objs) {
- push @loc_objs, $subloc_obj;
- }
- }
- else {
- push @loc_objs, $loc_obj;
- }
- }
- my $ct = @loc_objs;
- if ($op && !($op eq 'join' || $op eq 'order' || $op eq 'bond')
- && $ct > 1 ) {
- $self->throw("Bad operator $op: had multiple locations ".
- scalar(@loc_objs).", should be SplitLocationI");
- }
- if ($ct > 1) {
- $loc = Bio::Location::Split->new();
- $loc->add_sub_Location(shift @loc_objs) while (@loc_objs);
- return $loc;
- } else {
- $loc = shift @loc_objs;
- return $loc;
- }
- } else { # simple location(s)
- $loc = $self->_parse_location($locstr);
- $loc->strand(-1) if ($op && $op eq 'complement');
- }
- return $loc;
- }
- =head2 _parse_location
- Title : _parse_location
- Usage : $loc = $locfactory->_parse_location( $loc_string)
- Function: Parses the given location string and returns a location object
- with start() and end() and strand() set appropriately.
- Note that this method is private.
- Returns : A Bio::LocationI implementing object or undef on failure
- Args : location string
- =cut
- sub _parse_location {
- my ($self, $locstr) = @_;
- my ($loc, $seqid);
- #$self->debug( "Location parse, processing $locstr\n");
- # 'remote' location?
- if($locstr =~ m{^(\S+):(.*)$}o) {
- # yes; memorize remote ID and strip from location string
- $seqid = $1;
- $locstr = $2;
- }
- # split into start and end
- my ($start, $end) = split(/\.\./, $locstr);
- # remove enclosing parentheses if any; note that because of parentheses
- # possibly surrounding the entire location the parentheses around start
- # and/or may be asymmetrical
- # Note: these are from X.Y fuzzy locations, which are deprecated!
- $start =~ s/(?:^\[+|\]+$)//g if $start;
- $end =~ s/(?:^\[+|\]+$)//g if $end;
- # Is this a simple (exact) or a fuzzy location? Simples have exact start
- # and end, or is between two adjacent bases. Everything else is fuzzy.
- my $loctype = ".."; # exact with start and end as default
- $loctype = '?' if ( ($locstr =~ /\?/) && ($locstr !~ /\?\d+/) );
- my $locclass = "Bio::Location::Simple";
- if(! defined($end)) {
- if($locstr =~ /(\d+)([\.\^])(\d+)/) {
- $start = $1;
- $end = $3;
- $loctype = $2;
- $locclass = "Bio::Location::Fuzzy"
- unless (abs($end-$start) <= 1) && ($loctype eq "^");
- } else {
- $end = $start;
- }
- }
- # start_num and end_num are for the numeric only versions of
- # start and end so they can be compared
- # in a few lines
- my ($start_num, $end_num) = ($start,$end);
- if ( ($start =~ /[\>\<\?\.\^]/) || ($end =~ /[\>\<\?\.\^]/) ) {
- $locclass = 'Bio::Location::Fuzzy';
- if($start =~ /(\d+)/) {
- ($start_num) = $1;
- } else {
- $start_num = 0
- }
- if ($end =~ /(\d+)/) {
- ($end_num) = $1;
- } else { $end_num = 0 }
- }
- my $strand = 1;
- if( $start_num > $end_num && $loctype ne '?') {
- ($start,$end,$strand) = ($end,$start,-1);
- }
- # instantiate location and initialize
- $loc = $locclass->new(-verbose => $self->verbose,
- -start => $start,
- -end => $end,
- -strand => $strand,
- -location_type => $loctype);
- # set remote ID if remote location
- if($seqid) {
- $loc->is_remote(1);
- $loc->seq_id($seqid);
- }
- # done (hopefully)
- return $loc;
- }
- 1;