Perl | 539 lines | 531 code | 6 blank | 2 comment | 0 complexity | fb64cba52519295bd3ec9ec8a10f860e MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, AGPL-1.0
- =head1 NAME
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrixI - SiteMatrixI implementation, holds a
- position scoring matrix (or position weight matrix) and log-odds
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- # You cannot use this module directly; see Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix
- # for an example implementation
- SiteMatrix is designed to provide some basic methods when working with position
- scoring (weight) matrices, such as transcription factor binding sites for
- example. A DNA PSM consists of four vectors with frequencies {A,C,G,T}. This is
- the minimum information you should provide to construct a PSM object. The
- vectors can be provided as strings with frequenciesx10 rounded to an int, going
- from {0..a} and 'a' represents the maximum (10). This is like MEME's compressed
- representation of a matrix and it is quite useful when working with relational
- DB. If arrays are provided as an input (references to arrays actually) they can
- be any number, real or integer (frequency or count).
- When creating the object you can ask the constructor to make a simple pseudo
- count correction by adding a number (typically 1) to all positions (with the
- -correction option). After adding the number the frequencies will be
- calculated. Only use correction when you supply counts, not frequencies.
- Throws an exception if: You mix as an input array and string (for example A
- matrix is given as array, C - as string). The position vector is (0,0,0,0). One
- of the probability vectors is shorter than the rest.
- Summary of the methods I use most frequently (details bellow):
- iupac - return IUPAC compliant consensus as a string
- score - Returns the score as a real number
- IC - information content. Returns a real number
- id - identifier. Returns a string
- accession - accession number. Returns a string
- next_pos - return the sequence probably for each letter, IUPAC
- symbol, IUPAC probability and simple sequence
- consenus letter for this position. Rewind at the end. Returns a hash.
- pos - current position get/set. Returns an integer.
- regexp - construct a regular expression based on IUPAC consensus.
- For example AGWV will be [Aa][Gg][AaTt][AaCcGg]
- width - site width
- get_string - gets the probability vector for a single base as a string.
- get_array - gets the probability vector for a single base as an array.
- get_logs_array - gets the log-odds vector for a single base as an array.
- New methods, which might be of interest to anyone who wants to store PSM in a relational
- database without creating an entry for each position is the ability to compress the
- PSM vector into a string with losing usually less than 1% of the data.
- this can be done with:
- my $str=$matrix->get_compressed_freq('A');
- or
- my $str=$matrix->get_compressed_logs('A');
- Loading from a database should be done with new, but is not yest implemented.
- However you can still uncompress such string with:
- my @arr=Bio::Matrix::PSM::_uncompress_string ($str,1,1); for PSM
- or
- my @arr=Bio::Matrix::PSM::_uncompress_string ($str,1000,2); for log odds
- =head1 FEEDBACK
- =head2 Mailing Lists
- User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
- Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
- of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
- bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
- http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- =head2 Support
- Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
- I<bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
- rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
- reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
- address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
- with code and data examples if at all possible.
- =head2 Reporting Bugs
- Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
- the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
- web:
- https://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live/issues
- =head1 AUTHOR - Stefan Kirov
- Email skirov@utk.edu
- =head1 APPENDIX
- =cut
- # Let the code begin...
- package Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrixI;
- # use strict;
- use base qw(Bio::Root::RootI);
- =head2 calc_weight
- Title : calc_weight
- Usage : $self->calc_weight({A=>0.2562,C=>0.2438,G=>0.2432,T=>0.2568});
- Function: Recalculates the PSM (or weights) based on the PFM (the frequency matrix)
- and user supplied background model.
- Throws : if no model is supplied
- Example :
- Returns :
- Args : reference to a hash with background frequencies for A,C,G and T
- =cut
- sub calc_weight {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 next_pos
- Title : next_pos
- Usage : my %base=$site->next_pos;
- Function:
- Retrieves the next position features: frequencies and weights for
- A,C,G,T, the main letter (as in consensus) and the
- probabilty for this letter to occur at this position and
- the current position
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : hash (pA,pC,pG,pT,lA,lC,lG,lT,base,prob,rel)
- Args : none
- =cut
- sub next_pos {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 curpos
- Title : curpos
- Usage : my $pos=$site->curpos;
- Function: Gets/sets the current position. Converts to 0 if argument is minus and
- to width if greater than width
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : integer
- Args : integer
- =cut
- sub curpos {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 e_val
- Title : e_val
- Usage : my $score=$site->e_val;
- Function: Gets/sets the e-value
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : real number
- Args : real number
- =cut
- sub e_val {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 consensus
- Title : consensus
- Usage :
- Function: Returns the consensus
- Returns : string
- Args : (optional) threshold value 1 to 10, default 5
- '5' means the returned characters had a 50% or higher presence at
- their position
- =cut
- sub consensus {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 accession_number
- Title : accession_number
- Usage :
- Function: accession number, this will be unique id for the SiteMatrix object as
- well for any other object, inheriting from SiteMatrix
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : string
- Args : string
- =cut
- sub accession_number {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 width
- Title : width
- Usage : my $width=$site->width;
- Function: Returns the length of the site
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : number
- Args :
- =cut
- sub width {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 IUPAC
- Title : IUPAC
- Usage : my $iupac_consensus=$site->IUPAC;
- Function: Returns IUPAC compliant consensus
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : string
- Args :
- =cut
- sub IUPAC {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 IC
- Title : IC
- Usage : my $ic=$site->IC;
- Function: Information content
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : real number
- Args : none
- =cut
- sub IC {
- my $self=shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 get_string
- Title : get_string
- Usage : my $freq_A=$site->get_string('A');
- Function: Returns given probability vector as a string. Useful if you want to
- store things in a rel database, where arrays are not first choice
- Throws : If the argument is outside {A,C,G,T}
- Example :
- Returns : string
- Args : character {A,C,G,T}
- =cut
- sub get_string {
- my $self=shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 id
- Title : id
- Usage : my $id=$site->id;
- Function: Gets/sets the site id
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : string
- Args : string
- =cut
- sub id {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 regexp
- Title : regexp
- Usage : my $regexp=$site->regexp;
- Function: Returns a regular expression which matches the IUPAC convention.
- N will match X, N, - and .
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : string
- Args :
- =cut
- sub regexp {
- my $self=shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 regexp_array
- Title : regexp_array
- Usage : my @regexp=$site->regexp;
- Function: Returns a regular expression which matches the IUPAC convention.
- N will match X, N, - and .
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : array
- Args :
- To do : I have separated regexp and regexp_array, but
- maybe they can be rewritten as one - just check what
- should be returned
- =cut
- sub regexp_array {
- my $self=shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 get_array
- Title : get_array
- Usage : my @freq_A=$site->get_array('A');
- Function: Returns an array with frequencies for a specified base
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : array
- Args : char
- =cut
- sub get_array {
- my $self=shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 _to_IUPAC
- Title : _to_IUPAC
- Usage :
- Function: Converts a single position to IUPAC compliant symbol and
- returns its probability. For rules see the implementation.
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : char, real number
- Args : real numbers for A,C,G,T (positional)
- =cut
- sub _to_IUPAC {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 _to_cons
- Title : _to_cons
- Usage :
- Function: Converts a single position to simple consensus character and
- returns its probability. For rules see the implementation,
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns : char, real number
- Args : real numbers for A,C,G,T (positional)
- =cut
- sub _to_cons {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 _calculate_consensus
- Title : _calculate_consensus
- Usage :
- Function: Internal stuff
- Throws :
- Example :
- Returns :
- Args :
- =cut
- sub _calculate_consensus {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 _compress_array
- Title : _compress_array
- Usage :
- Function: Will compress an array of real signed numbers to a string (ie vector of bytes)
- -127 to +127 for bi-directional(signed) and 0..255 for unsigned ;
- Throws :
- Example : Internal stuff
- Returns : String
- Args : array reference, followed by an max value and
- direction (optional, default 1-unsigned),1 unsigned, any other is signed.
- =cut
- sub _compress_array {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 _uncompress_string
- Title : _uncompress_string
- Usage :
- Function: Will uncompress a string (vector of bytes) to create an array of real
- signed numbers (opposite to_compress_array)
- Throws :
- Example : Internal stuff
- Returns : string, followed by an max value and
- direction (optional, default 1-unsigned), 1 unsigned, any other is signed.
- Args : array
- =cut
- sub _uncompress_string {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 get_compressed_freq
- Title : get_compressed_freq
- Usage :
- Function: A method to provide a compressed frequency vector. It uses one byte to
- code the frequence for one of the probability vectors for one position.
- Useful for relational database. Improvment of the previous 0..a coding.
- Throws :
- Example : my $strA=$self->get_compressed_freq('A');
- Returns : String
- Args : char
- =cut
- sub get_compressed_freq {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 get_compressed_logs
- Title : get_compressed_logs
- Usage :
- Function: A method to provide a compressed log-odd vector. It uses one byte to
- code the log value for one of the log-odds vectors for one position.
- Throws :
- Example : my $strA=$self->get_compressed_logs('A');
- Returns : String
- Args : char
- =cut
- sub get_compressed_logs {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 sequence_match_weight
- Title : sequence_match_weight
- Usage :
- Function: This method will calculate the score of a match, based on the PWM
- if such is associated with the matrix object. Returns undef if no
- PWM data is available.
- Throws : if the length of the sequence is different from the matrix width
- Example : my $score=$matrix->sequence_match_weight('ACGGATAG');
- Returns : Floating point
- Args : string
- =cut
- sub sequence_match_weight {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- =head2 get_all_vectors
- Title : get_all_vectors
- Usage :
- Function: returns all possible sequence vectors to satisfy the PFM under
- a given threshold
- Throws : If threshold outside of 0..1 (no sense to do that)
- Example : my @vectors=$self->get_all_vectors(4);
- Returns : Array of strings
- Args : (optional) floating
- =cut
- sub get_all_vectors {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->throw_not_implemented();
- }
- 1;