PageRenderTime 51ms CodeModel.GetById 21ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

PHP | 229 lines | 176 code | 19 blank | 34 comment | 11 complexity | 5af82bc6f3f3ef86b21be9c0196aca44 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0, LGPL-3.0, BSD-3-Clause, BSD-2-Clause
  1. <?php
  2. /* WebProfilerBundle:Collector:events.html.twig */
  3. class __TwigTemplate_d4a951a457e2dae3abdea4712fecfbc1 extends Twig_Template
  4. {
  5. public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)
  6. {
  7. parent::__construct($env);
  8. $this->parent = $this->env->loadTemplate("WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:layout.html.twig");
  9. $this->blocks = array(
  10. 'menu' => array($this, 'block_menu'),
  11. 'panel' => array($this, 'block_panel'),
  12. 'panelContent' => array($this, 'block_panelContent'),
  13. );
  14. }
  15. protected function doGetParent(array $context)
  16. {
  17. return "WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:layout.html.twig";
  18. }
  19. protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
  20. {
  21. // line 3
  22. $context["__internal_2ed9e36e88ab0cbea5cbad052a2c2b36bd752a5f"] = $this;
  23. $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
  24. }
  25. // line 5
  26. public function block_menu($context, array $blocks = array())
  27. {
  28. // line 6
  29. echo "<span class=\"label\">
  30. <span class=\"icon\"><img src=\"";
  31. // line 7
  32. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('assets')->getAssetUrl("bundles/webprofiler/images/profiler/events.png"), "html", null, true);
  33. echo "\" alt=\"Events\" /></span>
  34. <strong>Events</strong>
  35. </span>
  36. ";
  37. }
  38. // line 12
  39. public function block_panel($context, array $blocks = array())
  40. {
  41. // line 13
  42. echo " ";
  43. if (twig_length_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["collector"]) ? $context["collector"] : $this->getContext($context, "collector")), "calledlisteners"))) {
  44. // line 14
  45. echo " ";
  46. $this->displayBlock("panelContent", $context, $blocks);
  47. echo "
  48. ";
  49. } else {
  50. // line 16
  51. echo " <h2>Events</h2>
  52. <p>
  53. <em>No events have been recorded. Are you sure that debugging is enabled in the kernel?</em>
  54. </p>
  55. ";
  56. }
  57. }
  58. // line 23
  59. public function block_panelContent($context, array $blocks = array())
  60. {
  61. // line 24
  62. echo " <h2>Called Listeners</h2>
  63. <table>
  64. <tr>
  65. <th>Event name</th>
  66. <th>Priority</th>
  67. <th>Listener</th>
  68. </tr>
  69. ";
  70. // line 32
  71. $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
  72. $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getAttribute((isset($context["collector"]) ? $context["collector"] : $this->getContext($context, "collector")), "calledlisteners"));
  73. foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["listener"]) {
  74. // line 33
  75. echo " <tr>
  76. <td><code>";
  77. // line 34
  78. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "event"), "html", null, true);
  79. echo "</code></td>
  80. <td><code>";
  81. // line 35
  82. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "priority"), "html", null, true);
  83. echo "</code></td>
  84. <td><code>";
  85. // line 36
  86. echo $context["__internal_2ed9e36e88ab0cbea5cbad052a2c2b36bd752a5f"]->getdisplay_listener((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")));
  87. echo "</code></td>
  88. </tr>
  89. ";
  90. }
  91. $_parent = $context['_parent'];
  92. unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['listener'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  93. $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
  94. // line 39
  95. echo " </table>
  96. ";
  97. // line 41
  98. if ($this->getAttribute((isset($context["collector"]) ? $context["collector"] : $this->getContext($context, "collector")), "notcalledlisteners")) {
  99. // line 42
  100. echo " <h2>Not Called Listeners</h2>
  101. <table>
  102. <tr>
  103. <th>Event name</th>
  104. <th>Priority</th>
  105. <th>Listener</th>
  106. </tr>
  107. ";
  108. // line 50
  109. $context["listeners"] = $this->getAttribute((isset($context["collector"]) ? $context["collector"] : $this->getContext($context, "collector")), "notcalledlisteners");
  110. // line 51
  111. echo " ";
  112. $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
  113. $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_sort_filter(twig_get_array_keys_filter((isset($context["listeners"]) ? $context["listeners"] : $this->getContext($context, "listeners")))));
  114. foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["listener"]) {
  115. // line 52
  116. echo " <tr>
  117. <td><code>";
  118. // line 53
  119. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listeners"]) ? $context["listeners"] : $this->getContext($context, "listeners")), (isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), array(), "array"), "event"), "html", null, true);
  120. echo "</code></td>
  121. <td><code>";
  122. // line 54
  123. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listeners"]) ? $context["listeners"] : $this->getContext($context, "listeners")), (isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), array(), "array"), "priority"), "html", null, true);
  124. echo "</code></td>
  125. <td><code>";
  126. // line 55
  127. echo $context["__internal_2ed9e36e88ab0cbea5cbad052a2c2b36bd752a5f"]->getdisplay_listener($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listeners"]) ? $context["listeners"] : $this->getContext($context, "listeners")), (isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), array(), "array"));
  128. echo "</code></td>
  129. </tr>
  130. ";
  131. }
  132. $_parent = $context['_parent'];
  133. unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['listener'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  134. $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
  135. // line 58
  136. echo " </table>
  137. ";
  138. }
  139. }
  140. // line 62
  141. public function getdisplay_listener($_listener = null)
  142. {
  143. $context = $this->env->mergeGlobals(array(
  144. "listener" => $_listener,
  145. ));
  146. $blocks = array();
  147. ob_start();
  148. try {
  149. // line 63
  150. echo " ";
  151. if (($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "type") == "Closure")) {
  152. // line 64
  153. echo " Closure
  154. ";
  155. } elseif (($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "type") == "Function")) {
  156. // line 66
  157. echo " ";
  158. $context["link"] = $this->env->getExtension('code')->getFileLink($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "file"), $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "line"));
  159. // line 67
  160. echo " ";
  161. if ((isset($context["link"]) ? $context["link"] : $this->getContext($context, "link"))) {
  162. echo "<a href=\"";
  163. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["link"]) ? $context["link"] : $this->getContext($context, "link")), "html", null, true);
  164. echo "\">";
  165. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "function"), "html", null, true);
  166. echo "</a>";
  167. } else {
  168. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "function"), "html", null, true);
  169. }
  170. // line 68
  171. echo " ";
  172. } elseif (($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "type") == "Method")) {
  173. // line 69
  174. echo " ";
  175. $context["link"] = $this->env->getExtension('code')->getFileLink($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "file"), $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "line"));
  176. // line 70
  177. echo " ";
  178. echo $this->env->getExtension('code')->abbrClass($this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "class"));
  179. echo "::";
  180. if ((isset($context["link"]) ? $context["link"] : $this->getContext($context, "link"))) {
  181. echo "<a href=\"";
  182. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["link"]) ? $context["link"] : $this->getContext($context, "link")), "html", null, true);
  183. echo "\">";
  184. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "method"), "html", null, true);
  185. echo "</a>";
  186. } else {
  187. echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context["listener"]) ? $context["listener"] : $this->getContext($context, "listener")), "method"), "html", null, true);
  188. }
  189. // line 71
  190. echo " ";
  191. }
  192. } catch (Exception $e) {
  193. ob_end_clean();
  194. throw $e;
  195. }
  196. return ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Twig_Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
  197. }
  198. public function getTemplateName()
  199. {
  200. return "WebProfilerBundle:Collector:events.html.twig";
  201. }
  202. public function isTraitable()
  203. {
  204. return false;
  205. }
  206. public function getDebugInfo()
  207. {
  208. return array ( 204 => 71, 191 => 70, 185 => 68, 167 => 64, 164 => 63, 153 => 62, 147 => 58, 138 => 55, 134 => 54, 127 => 52, 122 => 51, 95 => 36, 91 => 35, 87 => 34, 84 => 33, 49 => 13, 27 => 3, 77 => 24, 71 => 21, 68 => 20, 62 => 16, 58 => 16, 56 => 13, 44 => 8, 388 => 160, 385 => 159, 379 => 158, 377 => 157, 370 => 156, 366 => 155, 362 => 153, 360 => 152, 357 => 151, 354 => 150, 352 => 149, 344 => 147, 342 => 146, 339 => 145, 330 => 140, 327 => 139, 320 => 135, 314 => 131, 311 => 130, 308 => 129, 306 => 128, 301 => 125, 292 => 120, 289 => 119, 287 => 118, 282 => 115, 280 => 114, 275 => 111, 273 => 110, 268 => 107, 264 => 105, 258 => 103, 254 => 101, 247 => 97, 240 => 93, 234 => 89, 231 => 88, 226 => 86, 221 => 83, 215 => 79, 212 => 78, 209 => 77, 207 => 76, 202 => 73, 196 => 69, 193 => 68, 190 => 67, 188 => 69, 183 => 63, 177 => 59, 174 => 67, 171 => 66, 169 => 56, 162 => 53, 143 => 43, 130 => 53, 107 => 27, 103 => 25, 97 => 23, 88 => 20, 82 => 19, 79 => 18, 76 => 17, 73 => 16, 67 => 23, 61 => 12, 47 => 9, 36 => 5, 70 => 24, 63 => 9, 46 => 12, 39 => 6, 22 => 1, 163 => 32, 155 => 50, 152 => 49, 149 => 48, 145 => 46, 139 => 45, 123 => 35, 120 => 50, 115 => 39, 111 => 38, 108 => 41, 106 => 36, 101 => 33, 98 => 32, 96 => 31, 92 => 21, 80 => 32, 74 => 22, 64 => 19, 55 => 9, 52 => 14, 50 => 10, 43 => 9, 41 => 8, 37 => 8, 32 => 5, 29 => 6, 356 => 163, 347 => 160, 343 => 159, 340 => 158, 335 => 157, 333 => 141, 325 => 138, 323 => 149, 316 => 145, 309 => 141, 302 => 137, 295 => 121, 288 => 129, 281 => 125, 274 => 121, 259 => 109, 252 => 100, 245 => 96, 238 => 97, 228 => 87, 225 => 88, 217 => 83, 214 => 82, 211 => 81, 206 => 78, 203 => 77, 198 => 74, 192 => 72, 184 => 70, 182 => 69, 172 => 64, 165 => 54, 158 => 56, 154 => 48, 151 => 47, 148 => 46, 140 => 42, 135 => 47, 131 => 42, 128 => 45, 125 => 44, 119 => 43, 116 => 31, 113 => 40, 110 => 42, 104 => 39, 100 => 24, 93 => 31, 89 => 29, 86 => 29, 83 => 28, 75 => 23, 72 => 22, 69 => 20, 66 => 20, 60 => 8, 54 => 6, 51 => 12, 48 => 15, 42 => 7, 38 => 7, 35 => 6, 33 => 4, 30 => 3,);
  209. }
  210. }