Visual Basic | 209 lines | 160 code | 28 blank | 21 comment | 2 complexity | 3ff486d9d0be773e45c5d98e6db13769 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): CC-BY-SA-3.0
- <Assembly: OrganismClass("Exercise3.MyAnimal")>
- <Assembly: AuthorInformation("Your Name", "someone@microsoft.com")>
- < _
- Carnivore(False), _
- MatureSize(36), _
- AnimalSkin(AnimalSkinFamily.Beetle), _
- MarkingColor(KnownColor.Red), _
- MaximumEnergyPoints(20), _
- EatingSpeedPointsAttribute(0), _
- AttackDamagePointsAttribute(12), _
- DefendDamagePointsAttribute(12), _
- MaximumSpeedPointsAttribute(16), _
- CamouflagePointsAttribute(10), _
- EyesightPointsAttribute(20) _
- > _
- Public Class MyAnimal : Inherits Animal
- Dim targetPlant As PlantState = Nothing ' The current plant we're going after
- Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Initialize()
- ' TODO: Add Initialization logic here
- AddHandler Idle, AddressOf MyAnimal_Idle
- AddHandler Load, AddressOf MyAnimal_Load
- AddHandler Attacked, AddressOf MyAnimal_Attacked
- AddHandler MoveCompleted, AddressOf MyAnimal_MoveCompleted
- End Sub
- ' First event fired on an organism each turn
- Sub MyAnimal_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LoadEventArgs)
- Try
- If Not (targetPlant Is Nothing) Then
- ' See if our target plant still exists (it may have died)
- ' LookFor returns null if it isn't found
- targetPlant = CType(LookFor(targetPlant), PlantState)
- If (targetPlant Is Nothing) Then
- ' WriteTrace is the best way to debug your creatures.
- WriteTrace("Target plant disappeared.")
- End If
- End If
- Catch exc As Exception
- WriteTrace(exc.ToString())
- End Try
- End Sub
- ' Fired if we're being attacked
- Sub MyAnimal_Attacked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AttackedEventArgs)
- If (e.Attacker.IsAlive) Then
- Dim TheAttacker As AnimalState = e.Attacker
- BeginDefending(TheAttacker) 'defend against the attacker
- WriteTrace("Run away to some random point")
- Dim x As Integer = OrganismRandom.Next(0, WorldWidth - 1)
- Dim y As Integer = OrganismRandom.Next(0, WorldHeight - 1)
- BeginMoving(New MovementVector(New Point(x, y), 10))
- End If
- End Sub
- ' Fired when we've finished moving.
- Sub MyAnimal_MoveCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MoveCompletedEventArgs)
- ' Reset the antenna value
- Antennas.AntennaValue = 0
- ' If we've stopped because something is blocking us...
- If (e.Reason = ReasonForStop.Blocked) Then
- WriteTrace("Something's blocking my way.")
- If (TypeOf e.BlockingOrganism Is AnimalState) Then
- Dim blockingAnimal As AnimalState = CType(e.BlockingOrganism, AnimalState)
- If (blockingAnimal.AnimalSpecies.IsSameSpecies(Me.Species)) Then
- ' Signal to our friend to move out of our way.
- WriteTrace("One of my friends is blocking my way. I'll ask him to move.")
- Antennas.AntennaValue = 13
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- ' Fired after all other events are fired during a turn
- Sub MyAnimal_Idle(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As IdleEventArgs)
- Try
- ' Reproduce as often as possible
- If (CanReproduce) Then
- BeginReproduction(Nothing)
- End If
- ' If we can eat and we have a target plant, eat
- If (CanEat) Then
- WriteTrace("Hungry.")
- If Not (IsEating) Then
- WriteTrace("Not eating: Have target plant?")
- If Not (targetPlant Is Nothing) Then
- WriteTrace("Yes, Have target plant already.")
- If (WithinEatingRange(targetPlant)) Then
- WriteTrace("Within Range, Start eating.")
- BeginEating(targetPlant)
- If (IsMoving) Then
- WriteTrace("Stop while eating.")
- StopMoving()
- End If
- Else
- If Not (IsMoving) Then
- WriteTrace("Move to Target Plant")
- BeginMoving(New MovementVector(targetPlant.Position, 2))
- End If
- End If
- Else
- WriteTrace("Don't have target plant.")
- If Not (ScanForTargetPlant()) Then
- If Not (IsMoving) Then
- WriteTrace("No plant found, so pick a random point and move there")
- Dim RandomX As Integer = OrganismRandom.Next(0, WorldWidth - 1)
- Dim RandomY As Integer = OrganismRandom.Next(0, WorldHeight - 1)
- BeginMoving(New MovementVector(New Point(RandomX, RandomY), 2))
- Else
- WriteTrace("Moving and Looking...")
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- WriteTrace("Eating.")
- If (IsMoving) Then
- WriteTrace("Stop moving while eating.")
- StopMoving()
- End If
- End If
- Else
- WriteTrace("Full: do nothing.")
- If (IsMoving) Then
- StopMoving()
- End If
- End If
- ShouldIMoveForMyFriend()
- Catch exc As Exception
- WriteTrace(exc.ToString())
- End Try
- End Sub
- ' Looks for target plants, and starts moving towards the first one it finds
- Function ScanForTargetPlant() As Boolean
- Try
- Dim foundCreatures As System.Collections.ArrayList = Scan()
- If (foundCreatures.Count > 0) Then
- Dim orgState As OrganismState
- ' Always move after closest plant or defend closest creature if there is one
- For Each orgState In foundCreatures
- If (TypeOf orgState Is PlantState) Then
- targetPlant = CType(orgState, PlantState)
- BeginMoving(New MovementVector(orgState.Position, 2))
- Return True
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Catch exc As Exception
- WriteTrace(exc.ToString())
- End Try
- Return False
- End Function
- ' Routine to move out of the way when blocking our friends.
- Sub ShouldIMoveForMyFriend()
- Try
- Dim foundAnimals As System.Collections.ArrayList = Scan()
- If (foundAnimals.Count > 0) Then
- Dim orgState As OrganismState
- For Each orgState In foundAnimals
- If (TypeOf orgState Is AnimalState) Then
- Dim visibleAnimal As AnimalState = CType(orgState, AnimalState)
- ' Only move if the animal is one of our friends (IsSameSpecies).
- If (visibleAnimal.Species.IsSameSpecies(Me.Species)) Then
- ' If the animal's antenna value is 13, it means they're blocked (see the MoveCompletedEvent method).
- If (visibleAnimal.Antennas.AntennaValue = 13) Then
- ' We're blocking our friend, so we should move.
- WriteTrace("I'm blocking one of my friends. I should move.")
- Dim newX As Integer = Me.Position.X - (visibleAnimal.Position.X - Me.Position.X)
- Dim newY As Integer = Me.Position.Y - (visibleAnimal.Position.Y - Me.Position.Y)
- BeginMoving(New MovementVector(New Point(newX, newY), 2))
- Return
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Catch exc As Exception
- WriteTrace(exc.ToString())
- End Try
- End Sub
- Public Overloads Overrides Sub SerializeAnimal(ByVal m As MemoryStream)
- ' TODO: Add Serialization logic here
- End Sub
- Public Overloads Overrides Sub DeserializeAnimal(ByVal m As MemoryStream)
- ' TODO: Add Deserialization logic here
- End Sub
- End Class