ActionScript | 182 lines | 153 code | 19 blank | 10 comment | 6 complexity | 55099e08c7f10091c224b4b552526210 MD5 | raw file
- package com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.gui.maindisplay.input
- {
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.gui.layout.IContainable;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.interfaces.IThemeable;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.Notifications;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.style.Colors;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.style.GUIUnits;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.style.TextFormats;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.text.TextUtils;
- import com.furusystems.dconsole2.IConsole;
- import com.furusystems.messaging.pimp.MessageData;
- import com.furusystems.messaging.pimp.PimpCentral;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldType;
- /**
- * The main input field
- * @author Andreas Roenning
- */
- public class InputField extends Sprite implements IContainable,IThemeable
- {
- private var _inputTextField:TextField;
- private var _console:IConsole;
- public function InputField(console:IConsole)
- {
- _console = console;
- tabEnabled = tabChildren = false;
- _inputTextField = new TextField();
- _inputTextField.border = true;
- _inputTextField.embedFonts = TextFormats.INPUT_FONT.charAt(0) != "_";
- _inputTextField.defaultTextFormat = TextFormats.inputTformat;
- _inputTextField.multiline = false;
- _inputTextField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
- _inputTextField.background = true;
- _inputTextField.borderColor = Colors.INPUT_BORDER;
- _inputTextField.backgroundColor = Colors.INPUT_BG;
- _inputTextField.textColor = Colors.INPUT_FG;
- _inputTextField.tabEnabled = false;
- _inputTextField.text = "Input";
- _inputTextField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onInputChange);
- addChild(_inputTextField);
- _console.messaging.addCallback(Notifications.CONSOLE_INPUT_LINE_CHANGE_REQUEST, onInputlineChangeRequest);
- _console.messaging.addCallback(Notifications.THEME_CHANGED, onThemeChange);
- }
- private function onInputlineChangeRequest(md:MessageData):void
- {
- text = String(md.data);
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
- }
- private function onInputChange(e:Event):void
- {
- dispatchEvent(e.clone());
- }
- public function get text():String {
- return _inputTextField.text;
- }
- public function set text(s:String):void {
- _inputTextField.text = s;
- focus();
- }
- /* INTERFACE com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.gui.layout.IContainable */
- public function onParentUpdate(allotedRect:Rectangle):void
- {
- y = allotedRect.y;
- x = allotedRect.x;
- _inputTextField.height = GUIUnits.SQUARE_UNIT;
- _inputTextField.width = allotedRect.width-1;
- }
- public function get rect():Rectangle
- {
- return getRect(parent);
- }
- public function get minHeight():Number
- {
- return 0;
- }
- public function get minWidth():Number
- {
- return 0;
- }
- public function moveCaretToIndex(index:int = -1):void
- {
- if (index == -1) {
- index = inputTextField.length;
- }
- inputTextField.setSelection(index, index);
- }
- public function get selectionBeginIndex():int {
- return _inputTextField.selectionBeginIndex;
- }
- public function get selectionEndIndex():int {
- return _inputTextField.selectionEndIndex;
- }
- public function getWordAtIndex(index:int):String {
- return TextUtils.getWordAtIndex(_inputTextField, index);
- }
- public function get firstIndexOfWordAtCaret():int {
- return TextUtils.getFirstIndexOfWordAtCaretIndex(_inputTextField);
- }
- public function get firstWord():String {
- return getWordAtIndex(0);
- }
- public function get wordAtCaret():String {
- return TextUtils.getWordAtCaretIndex(inputTextField);
- }
- public function selectWordAtCaret():void {
- TextUtils.selectWordAtCaretIndex(_inputTextField);
- }
- public function moveCaretToEnd():void {
- moveCaretToIndex( -1);
- }
- public function moveCaretToStart():void {
- moveCaretToIndex(0);
- }
- public function focus():void
- {
- if (stage.focus == _inputTextField) return;
- stage.focus = _inputTextField;
- moveCaretToEnd();
- }
- /* INTERFACE com.furusystems.dconsole2.core.interfaces.IThemable */
- public function onThemeChange(md:MessageData):void
- {
- _inputTextField.borderColor = Colors.INPUT_BORDER;
- _inputTextField.backgroundColor = Colors.INPUT_BG;
- _inputTextField.textColor = Colors.INPUT_FG;
- }
- public function clear():void
- {
- text = "";
- }
- /**
- * Insert a string at the current caret index, as though the user typed a word
- * @param string
- */
- public function insertAtCaret(string:String):void
- {
- deleteSelection();
- var a:String = text.substr(0, caretIndex);
- var b:String = text.substr(caretIndex);
- text = a + string + b;
- moveCaretToIndex(a.length + string.length);
- }
- public function deleteSelection():void
- {
- var a:String = text.substr(0, _inputTextField.selectionBeginIndex);
- var b:String = text.substr(_inputTextField.selectionEndIndex);
- _inputTextField.text = a + b;
- }
- public function get selectionActive():Boolean
- {
- return _inputTextField.selectedText != "";
- }
- public function get length():int
- {
- return _inputTextField.length;
- }
- public function get caretIndex():int { return _inputTextField.caretIndex; }
- public function get inputTextField():TextField { return _inputTextField; }
- }
- }