ActionScript | 1793 lines | 927 code | 292 blank | 574 comment | 164 complexity | 332d58eae4c27a8c42b9696c3fad4e6c MD5 | raw file
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright (c) 2008 The Degrafa Team : http://www.Degrafa.com/team
- //
- // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- //
- // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- package com.degrafa.geometry{
- import com.degrafa.IGeometryComposition;
- import com.degrafa.IGraphic;
- import com.degrafa.core.DegrafaObject;
- import com.degrafa.core.IDegrafaObject;
- import com.degrafa.core.IGraphicSkin;
- import com.degrafa.core.IGraphicsFill;
- import com.degrafa.core.IGraphicsStroke;
- import com.degrafa.core.ITransformablePaint;
- import com.degrafa.core.collections.DecoratorCollection;
- import com.degrafa.core.collections.DisplayObjectCollection;
- import com.degrafa.core.collections.FilterCollection;
- import com.degrafa.core.collections.GeometryCollection;
- import com.degrafa.events.DegrafaEvent;
- import com.degrafa.geometry.command.CommandStack;
- import com.degrafa.geometry.layout.LayoutConstraint;
- import com.degrafa.states.IDegrafaStateClient;
- import com.degrafa.states.State;
- import com.degrafa.states.StateManager;
- import com.degrafa.transform.ITransform;
- import com.degrafa.triggers.ITrigger;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Graphics;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.filters.BitmapFilter;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher;
- import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
- import mx.core.UIComponent;
- import mx.events.FlexEvent;
- import mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent;
- import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient;
- [DefaultProperty("geometry")]
- [Bindable(event="propertyChange")]
- /**
- * A geometry object is a type of Degrafa object that enables
- * rendering to a graphics context. Degrafa provides a number of
- * ready-to-use geometry objects. All geometry objects inherit
- * from the Geometry class. All geometry objects have a default data
- * property that can be used for short hand property setting.
- **/
- public class Geometry extends DegrafaObject implements IDegrafaObject,
- IGeometryComposition, IDegrafaStateClient, ISimpleStyleClient {
- private var _invalidated:Boolean;
- /**
- * Specifies whether this object is to be re calculated
- * on the next cycle. Only property updates which affect the
- * computation of this object set this property
- **/
- public function get invalidated():Boolean{
- return _invalidated;
- }
- public function set invalidated(value:Boolean):void{
- if(_invalidated != value){
- _invalidated = value;
- if(_invalidated && _isRootGeometry){
- drawToTargets();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry object is invalidated
- **/
- public function get isInvalidated():Boolean{
- return _invalidated;
- }
- private var _data:Object;
- /**
- * Allows a short hand property setting that is
- * specific to and parsed by each geometry object.
- * Look at the various geometry objects to learn what
- * this setting requires.
- **/
- public function get data():Object{
- return _data;
- }
- public function set data(value:Object):void{
- _data=value;
- }
- private var _visible:Boolean=true;
- /**
- * Controls the visibility of this geometry object. If true, the geometry is visible.
- *
- * When set to false this geometry object will be pre computed nor drawn.
- **/
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- public function get visible():Boolean{
- return _visible;
- }
- public function set visible(value:Boolean):void{
- if(_visible != value){
- var oldValue:Boolean=_visible;
- _visible=value;
- invalidated = true;
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("visible",oldValue,_visible,this);
- }
- }
- //Dev Note :: Needed to add this speacial case as the parent in
- //DegrafaObject is of type IDegrafaObject for type safty.
- /**
- * Provides access to the IGraphic object parent in a nested situation.
- * Set when this object is at the root of a Degrafa
- * IGraphic object such as GeometryGroup.
- **/
- private var _IGraphicParent:IGraphic;
- public function get IGraphicParent():IGraphic{
- return _IGraphicParent;
- }
- public function set IGraphicParent(value:IGraphic):void{
- if (parent==null){
- if(_IGraphicParent != value){
- _IGraphicParent=value;
- }
- }
- }
- private var _inheritStroke:Boolean=true;
- /**
- * If set to true and no stroke is defined and there is a parent object
- * then this object will walk up through the parents to retrive a stroke
- * object.
- **/
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- public function get inheritStroke():Boolean{
- return _inheritStroke;
- }
- public function set inheritStroke(value:Boolean):void{
- _inheritStroke=value;
- }
- private var _inheritFill:Boolean=true;
- /**
- * If set to true and no fill is defined and there is a parent object
- * then this object will walk up through the parents to retrive a fill
- * object.
- **/
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- public function get inheritFill():Boolean{
- return _inheritFill;
- }
- public function set inheritFill(value:Boolean):void{
- _inheritFill=value;
- }
- private var _scaleOnLayout:Boolean=true;
- /**
- * When using layout this flag will determine if you want
- * Scale to be applied to fit layout rules
- **/
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- public function get scaleOnLayout():Boolean{
- return _scaleOnLayout;
- }
- public function set scaleOnLayout(value:Boolean):void{
- _scaleOnLayout=value;
- }
- private var _autoClearGraphicsTarget:Boolean=true;
- /**
- * When using a graphicsTarget and if this property is set to true
- * the draw phase will clear the graphics context before drawing.
- **/
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- public function get autoClearGraphicsTarget():Boolean{
- return _autoClearGraphicsTarget;
- }
- public function set autoClearGraphicsTarget(value:Boolean):void{
- _autoClearGraphicsTarget=value;
- }
- private var _graphicsTarget:DisplayObjectCollection;
- [Inspectable(category="General", arrayType="flash.display.DisplayObject")]
- [ArrayElementType("flash.display.DisplayObject")]
- /**
- * One or more display object's that this Geometry is to be drawn to.
- * During the drawing phase this is tested first. If items have been defined
- * the drawing of the geometry is done on each item(s) graphics context.
- **/
- public function get graphicsTarget():Array{
- initGraphicsTargetCollection();
- return _graphicsTarget.items;
- }
- public function set graphicsTarget(value:Array):void{
- if(!value){return;}
- var item:Object;
- for each (item in value){
- if (!item){return;}
- }
- //make sure we don't set anything until all target creation is
- //complete otherwise we will be getting null items since flex
- //has not finished creation of the target items.
- initGraphicsTargetCollection();
- _graphicsTarget.items = value;
- var displayObject:DisplayObject;
- for each (displayObject in _graphicsTarget.items ){
- //for now this process does not include skins
- //to be investigated post b3.
- if(!(displayObject is IGraphicSkin)){
- //only need to call on first render of each target
- //dev note :: does not support runtime addition of targets. To Investigate.
- displayObject.addEventListener(Event.RENDER,onTargetRender);
- //required for stand alone player.
- displayObject.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,onTargetRender);
- if(displayObject is UIComponent){
- displayObject.addEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE,onTargetRender);
- }
- }
- }
- _isRootGeometry = true;
- }
- //Method Queue Work
- /**
- * NOTE :: All this code can be moved into the DisplayObjectCollection post b3.
- * This way only targets that have changed are drawn to.
- **/
- private function onTargetRender(event:Event):void{
- //update local stage property
- if(!_stage){
- _stage = event.currentTarget.stage;
- }
- if(_stage){
- //remove the event listeners no longer needed
- event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.RENDER,onTargetRender);
- event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,onTargetRender);
- //we may want to do this only for displayobject containers
- if(event.currentTarget is UIComponent){
- event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE,onTargetRender);
- }
- }
- else{
- return;
- }
- //and setup the layoutChange watcher for the target
- //Only do this for IContainer. Requires extensive testing.
- if(event.currentTarget is UIComponent){
- initLayoutChangeWatcher(event.currentTarget as UIComponent);
- }
- //init the draw que
- initDrawQueue();
- //make sure we have not missed one draw cycle chance.
- //add a draw to the que.
- queueDraw(event.currentTarget,event.currentTarget.graphics,null)
- }
- //target stage refference
- private var _stage:Stage;
- private var methodQueue:Array=[];
- private function initDrawQueue():void{
- //add listener to frame change.
- _stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, processMethodQueue);
- }
- //adds a draw to the queue
- private function queueDraw(...args):void{
- //make sure we are not already queued up to draw
- //to that target otherwise add it
- //DEV note: could improve perf here
- for each(var item:Object in methodQueue){
- //we only want to add it one time
- if(item.args[0] == args[0]){
- return;
- }
- }
- methodQueue.push({method:drawToTarget, args:args});
- if(_stage){
- _stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, processMethodQueue,false,0,true);
- }
- else{
- //could have been added runtime
- if(graphicsTarget.length){
- if(graphicsTarget[0].stage){
- _stage = graphicsTarget[0].stage;
- _stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, processMethodQueue,false,0,true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function processMethodQueue(event:Event):void{
- if(methodQueue.length == 0){return;}
- //trace("Queue LENGTH :::" + methodQue.length)
- // make local copy so that new calls get through
- var queue:Array = methodQueue;
- //methodQueue = [];
- var len:int = queue.length;
- for (var i:int=0;i<len;i++){
- //do the draw
- queue[i].method.apply(null,[queue[i].args[0]]);
- }
- methodQueue.length = 0;
- queue.length=0;
- //no longer needed as all que items have been processed
- //will get re added in queDraw() on as needed basis.
- if(methodQueue.length==0 && _stage){
- _stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, processMethodQueue);
- }
- }
- //keep a local dictionary so we can compare bounds to the targets
- //enables us to only draw when absolutly required.
- //this does not include a graphics clear on the target
- //although we could eventually store a original bitmapdata and
- //compare.
- private var targetDictionary:Dictionary=new Dictionary(true);
- //return the data stored for the given target
- private function requestTarget(value:UIComponent):Object{
- return targetDictionary[value];
- }
- private function removeTarget(value:UIComponent):void{
- delete targetDictionary[value];
- }
- private function addUpdateTarget(value:UIComponent,data:Object):void{
- if(!targetDictionary[value]){
- targetDictionary[value] = []
- targetDictionary[value].data = data;
- }
- else{
- targetDictionary[value].data = data;
- }
- }
- //this will need to be called in the layout constraint setter as well.
- private function initLayoutChangeWatcher(container:UIComponent):void{
- //if this root geometry has a constraint based layout
- //we have to be aware of changes to the target. In this
- //case we only care about width and height for now. We also only care
- //if the target is also using a contraint based layout.
- var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(container.x,container.y,
- container.width,container.height);
- //add a watcher for each property
- var watchers:Array=[]
- //could use some work here to only watch specific items related
- //to the current layout post b3.
- watchers.push(ChangeWatcher.watch(container,"width",onTargetChange,true));
- watchers.push(ChangeWatcher.watch(container,"height",onTargetChange,true));
- watchers.push(ChangeWatcher.watch(container,"x",onTargetChange,true));
- watchers.push(ChangeWatcher.watch(container,"y",onTargetChange,true));
- //only add if not there
- if(!requestTarget(container)){
- addUpdateTarget(container,{oldbounds:bounds,watchers:watchers})
- }
- }
- private function onTargetChange(event:Event):void{
- //see if it's there
- var object:Object = requestTarget(event.currentTarget as UIComponent);
- var watchers:Array;
- if(object){
- watchers = object.data.watchers;
- }
- //if we have no layout on this root object and the
- //first render pass is complete we can clean up the
- //watchers and exit
- if(object){
- if(!hasLayout){
- var changeWatcher:ChangeWatcher;
- for each (changeWatcher in watchers){
- changeWatcher.unwatch();
- }
- removeTarget(event.currentTarget as UIComponent)
- return;
- }
- }
- //compare and update the dictionary
- if(object){
- var container:UIComponent = event.currentTarget as UIComponent;
- //compare the 2 testing will show if we need to do this test
- //as it may only get the event if it has changed. Though in some cases
- //for example a canvas with a border may have been inited with the
- //correct bounds
- //get the current bounds
- var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(container.x,container.y,
- container.width,container.height);
- //compare
- if(!bounds.equals(object.data.oldbounds)){
- //trace("Requires Redraw::::");
- //update with the new bounds for next compare
- addUpdateTarget(container,{oldbounds:bounds,watchers:watchers})
- //add a draw to the que.
- queueDraw(container,container.graphics,null)
- }
- }
- }
- //property that specifies if this is the root geom
- //object and no other parent geometries exist. Usually
- //the only on with a target array and set in the targets
- //setter
- private var _isRootGeometry:Boolean=false;
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry object is a root Geometry Object.
- **/
- public function get isRootGeometry():Boolean{
- return _isRootGeometry;
- }
- /**
- * Access to the Degrafa target collection object for this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get graphicsTargetCollection():DisplayObjectCollection{
- initGraphicsTargetCollection();
- return _graphicsTarget;
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the target graphics collection by creating it and adding an event listener.
- **/
- private function initGraphicsTargetCollection():void{
- if(!_graphicsTarget){
- _graphicsTarget = new DisplayObjectCollection();
- //add a listener to the collection
- if(enableEvents){
- _graphicsTarget.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- }
- //draws to a single target
- /**
- * @private
- **/
- private function drawToTarget(target:Object):void{
- if(target){
- if(autoClearGraphicsTarget){
- target.graphics.clear();
- }
- _currentGraphicsTarget = target as Sprite;
- draw(target.graphics,null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Clears all graphics targets specified in the graphicsTarget array.
- **/
- public function clearGraphicsTargets():void{
- if(graphicsTarget){
- for each (var target:Object in graphicsTarget){
- if(target){
- target.graphics.clear();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Requests a draw for each graphics target specified in the graphicsTarget array.
- **/
- public function drawToTargets():void{
- if(_graphicsTarget){
- for each (var target:Object in _graphicsTarget.items){
- queueDraw(target,target.graphics,null)
- }
- }
- _currentGraphicsTarget=null;
- }
- private var _geometry:GeometryCollection;
- [Inspectable(category="General", arrayType="com.degrafa.IGeometryComposition")]
- [ArrayElementType("com.degrafa.IGeometryComposition")]
- /**
- * A array of IGeometryComposition objects.
- **/
- public function get geometry():Array{
- initGeometryCollection();
- return _geometry.items;
- }
- public function set geometry(value:Array):void{
- initGeometryCollection();
- _geometry.items = value;
- }
- /**
- * Access to the Degrafa geometry collection object for this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get geometryCollection():GeometryCollection{
- initGeometryCollection();
- return _geometry;
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the geometry collection by creating it and adding an event listener.
- **/
- private function initGeometryCollection():void{
- if(!_geometry){
- _geometry = new GeometryCollection();
- //add the parent so it can be managed by the collection
- _geometry.parent = this;
- //add a listener to the collection
- if(enableEvents){
- _geometry.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- }
- protected var _stroke:IGraphicsStroke;
- /**
- * Defines the stroke object that will be used for
- * rendering this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get stroke():IGraphicsStroke{
- return _stroke;
- }
- public function set stroke(value:IGraphicsStroke):void{
- if(_stroke != value){
- var oldValue:Object=_stroke;
- if(_stroke){
- if(_stroke.hasEventManager){
- _stroke.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- _stroke = value;
- if(enableEvents && _stroke){
- _stroke.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler,false,0,true);
- }
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("stroke",oldValue,_stroke,this);
- }
- }
- protected var _fill:IGraphicsFill;
- /**
- * Defines the fill object that will be used for
- * rendering this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get fill():IGraphicsFill{
- return _fill;
- }
- public function set fill(value:IGraphicsFill):void{
- if(_fill != value){
- var oldValue:Object=_fill;
- if(_fill){
- if(_fill.hasEventManager){
- _fill.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- _fill = value;
- if(enableEvents){
- _fill.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler,false,0,true);
- }
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("fill",oldValue,_fill,this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Principle event handler for any property changes to a
- * geometry object or it's child objects.
- **/
- protected function propertyChangeHandler(event:PropertyChangeEvent):void{
- if (!parent){
- dispatchEvent(event);
- drawToTargets();
- }
- else{
- dispatchEvent(event)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Ends the draw phase for geometry objects.
- *
- * @param graphics The current Graphics context being drawn to.
- **/
- public function endDraw(graphics:Graphics):void {
- if (fill) {
- //force a null stroke before closing the fill -
- //prevents a 'closepath' stroke for unclosed paths
- graphics.lineStyle.apply(graphics, null);
- fill.end(graphics);
- }
- //append a null moveTo following a stroke without a fill
- //forces a break in continuity with moveTo before the next
- //path - if we have the last point coords we could use them
- //instead of null, null or perhaps any value
- if (stroke && !fill) graphics.moveTo.call(graphics, null, null);
- //draw children
- if (geometry){
- for each (var geometryItem:IGeometryComposition in geometry){
- geometryItem.draw(graphics,null);
- }
- }
- CommandStack.unstackAlpha();
- dispatchEvent(new DegrafaEvent(DegrafaEvent.RENDER));
- }
- /**
- * Initialise the stroke for this geometry object. Typically only called by draw
- *
- * @param graphics The current context to draw to.
- * @param rc A Rectangle object used for fill bounds.
- **/
- public function initStroke(graphics:Graphics,rc:Rectangle):void{
- //this will only be done one time unless no stroke is found
- if(parent){
- if(inheritStroke && !_stroke && parent is Geometry){
- _stroke = Geometry(parent).stroke;
- }
- }
- //setup the stroke
- if (_stroke) {
- //same approach as used for fills: it's required for transform inheritance by some strokes
- if (_stroke is ITransformablePaint) (_stroke as ITransformablePaint).requester = this;
- _stroke.apply(graphics, (rc)? rc:null);
- CommandStack.currentStroke = _stroke;
- }
- else{
- graphics.lineStyle();
- CommandStack.currentStroke = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialise the fill for this geometry object. Typically only called by draw
- *
- * @param graphics The current context to draw to.
- * @param rc A Rectangle object used for fill bounds.
- **/
- public function initFill(graphics:Graphics,rc:Rectangle):void{
- //this will only be done one time unless no fill is found
- if(parent){
- if(inheritFill && !_fill && parent is Geometry){
- _fill = Geometry(parent).fill;
- }
- }
- //setup the fill
- if (_fill)
- {
- //we can't pass a reference to the requesting Geometry in the method signature with IFill - its required for transform inheritance by some fills
- if (_fill is ITransformablePaint) (_fill as ITransformablePaint).requester = this;
- _fill.begin(graphics, (rc) ? rc:null);
- CommandStack.currentFill = _fill;
- } else CommandStack.currentFill = null;
- }
- /**
- * The tight bounds of this element as represented by a Rectangle.
- * The value does not include children.
- **/
- public function get bounds():Rectangle{
- return commandStack.bounds;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a transformed version of this objects bounds as
- * represented by a Rectangle. If no transform is specified
- * bounds is returned. The value does not include children.
- **/
- public function get transformBounds():Rectangle{
- return commandStack.transformBounds;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- **/
- protected var _layoutRectangle:Rectangle;
- /**
- * Returns the constraint based layout rectangle for this object
- * or bounds if no layout constraint is specified.
- **/
- public function get layoutRectangle():Rectangle{
- return (_layoutRectangle)? _layoutRectangle : bounds;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the point at t(0-1) on this object.
- **/
- public function pointAt(t:Number):Point{
- return commandStack.pathPointAt(t);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the angle of a point t(0-1) on the path.
- **/
- public function angleAt(t:Number):Number {
- return commandStack.pathAngleAt(t);
- }
- /**
- * Returns geometric length of this object. The value does not
- * include children.
- **/
- public function get geometricLength():Number{
- return commandStack.pathLength;
- }
- /**
- * Performs any pre calculation that is required to successfully render
- * this element. Including bounds calculations and lower level drawing
- * command storage. Each geometry object overrides this
- * and is responsible for it's own pre calculation cycle.
- **/
- public function preDraw():void{
- //overriden by subclasses
- }
- private var _commandStack:CommandStack;
- /**
- * Provides access to the command stack.
- **/
- public function get commandStack():CommandStack{
- if(!_commandStack)
- _commandStack = new CommandStack(this);
- return _commandStack;
- }
- public function set commandStack(value:CommandStack):void{
- _commandStack=value;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * The current graphics target being rendered to.
- **/
- public var _currentGraphicsTarget:Sprite;
- /**
- * Access to the layout matrix if this Geometry has layout.
- **/
- public var _layoutMatrix:Matrix;
- /**
- * Performs the layout calculations if required.
- * All geometry override this for specifics.
- *
- * @param childBounds the bounds to be layed out. If not specified a rectangle
- * of (0,0,1,1) is used.
- **/
- public function calculateLayout(childBounds:Rectangle=null):void{
- if(_layoutConstraint){
- //setup default
- if(!childBounds){
- childBounds = new Rectangle(0,0,1,1);
- }
- //either the layout rect of the parent or the bounds
- //if no layout depending on the way the nesting is setup.
- //so store this as we go through the tests.
- var idealParentRectangle:Rectangle;
- //if we have a geometry parent then layout to bounds or layout rectangle
- //is our first test layoutRectangle call will return either the layout
- //rectangle or the bounds if no layout is set.
- if(parent && parent is Geometry){
- //if no valid rect then walk up the stack and try to find one
- //until the parent is null meaning the root geometry.
- var currParent:Geometry = Geometry(parent);
- var lastParent:Geometry;
- while(currParent && !idealParentRectangle){
- if(!Geometry(parent).layoutRectangle.isEmpty()){
- //if(!isNaN(Geometry(parent).layoutRectangle.x) && !isNaN(Geometry(parent).layoutRectangle.y)){
- idealParentRectangle = currParent.layoutRectangle;
- }
- else{
- //store the last parent reached for next test step
- lastParent = currParent;
- currParent = currParent.parent as Geometry;
- }
- }
- }
- //this test step will test the last found parent to see if it has a
- //IGraphicParent and attemp to use that unless the last parent has a
- //_currentGraphicsTarget.
- //DEV Note:: should walk the geom groups eventually as well to find the next
- //parent if empty bounds.
- if(lastParent && !idealParentRectangle){
- if(!lastParent._currentGraphicsTarget){
- if(lastParent.IGraphicParent){
- //we are not the root object and we are not doing the drawing
- //so we can try to get the bounds from the IGraphic
- var graphicDisplayObject:DisplayObject = lastParent.IGraphicParent as DisplayObject;
- var iGraphicsRect:Rectangle = graphicDisplayObject.getRect(graphicDisplayObject);
- if(iGraphicsRect.isEmpty()){
- if(graphicDisplayObject.width !=0 || graphicDisplayObject.height !=0){
- iGraphicsRect.x=graphicDisplayObject.x;
- iGraphicsRect.y=graphicDisplayObject.y;
- iGraphicsRect.width=graphicDisplayObject.width;
- iGraphicsRect.height=graphicDisplayObject.height;
- }
- }
- //test for empty here as even that could have nothing set.
- if(!iGraphicsRect.isEmpty()){
- idealParentRectangle=iGraphicsRect.clone();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //drawing to a _currentGraphicsTarget attempt to use that.
- if(_currentGraphicsTarget && !idealParentRectangle){
- var graphicsTargetRect:Rectangle = _currentGraphicsTarget.getRect(_currentGraphicsTarget);
- //if empty try explicit as the target may not have anything in it
- //This can happen when you have a percent width/heigh on a canvas and it has no
- //fill nor border in these cases there is no update event.
- if(graphicsTargetRect.isEmpty()){
- if(_currentGraphicsTarget.width !=0 || _currentGraphicsTarget.height !=0){
- graphicsTargetRect.x=_currentGraphicsTarget.x;
- graphicsTargetRect.y=_currentGraphicsTarget.y;
- graphicsTargetRect.width=_currentGraphicsTarget.width;
- graphicsTargetRect.height=_currentGraphicsTarget.height;
- }
- }
- if(graphicsTargetRect){
- idealParentRectangle=graphicsTargetRect.clone();
- }
- }
- //add more rules here or above.
- //handle skins this way as they will not always follow the above rules.
- if(!idealParentRectangle){
- var iGraphicsSkinRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
- if(lastParent){
- if(lastParent.graphicsTarget.length!=0){
- if (lastParent.graphicsTarget[0] is IGraphicSkin){
- iGraphicsSkinRect.x=lastParent.graphicsTarget[0].x;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.y=lastParent.graphicsTarget[0].y;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.width=lastParent.graphicsTarget[0].width;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.height=lastParent.graphicsTarget[0].height;
- }
- if(iGraphicsSkinRect){
- idealParentRectangle=iGraphicsSkinRect.clone();
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- //if the first graphics taregt is a IGraphicSkin
- if(graphicsTarget.length!=0){
- if (graphicsTarget[0] is IGraphicSkin){
- iGraphicsSkinRect.x=graphicsTarget[0].x;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.y=graphicsTarget[0].y;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.width=graphicsTarget[0].width;
- iGraphicsSkinRect.height=graphicsTarget[0].height;
- }
- if(iGraphicsSkinRect){
- idealParentRectangle=iGraphicsSkinRect.clone();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //fall back to the document as a last effort
- if(document && !idealParentRectangle){ //Sometimes the document will not be a display object (like a fill described via MXML)
- idealParentRectangle = new Rectangle(document.x,
- document.y,document.width,document.height);
- }
- //finally apply it
- _layoutConstraint.computeLayoutRectangle(childBounds,idealParentRectangle);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Begins the draw phase for geometry objects. All geometry objects
- * override this to do their specific rendering.
- *
- * @param graphics The current context to draw to.
- * @param rc A Rectangle object used for fill bounds.
- **/
- public function draw(graphics:Graphics,rc:Rectangle):void{
- //don't draw unless visible
- if (!visible) { return; }
- //stack the current alpha value
- CommandStack.stackAlpha(alpha);
- //Exit if no context specified. Calling draw(null, null) on a geometry
- //can now be used as a pre calculation phase where the predraw and layout will
- //be done but the object will not be rendered. Also avoids the rte when called
- //with a graphics of null.
- if(!graphics){return;}
- //endDraw if not specifically denied from commandStack
- if (!commandStack.draw(graphics,rc)) endDraw(graphics);
- }
- //Decoration related.
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry has decorators.
- **/
- public var hasDecorators:Boolean;
- private var _decorators:DecoratorCollection;
- [Inspectable(category="General", arrayType="com.degrafa.decorators.IDecorator")]
- [ArrayElementType("com.degrafa.decorators.IDecorator")]
- /**
- * A array of IDecorator objects to be applied on this Geometry.
- **/
- public function get decorators():Array{
- initDecoratorsCollection();
- return _decorators.items;
- }
- public function set decorators(value:Array):void{
- initDecoratorsCollection();
- _decorators.items = value;
- if(value && value.length!=0){
- hasDecorators = true;
- }
- else{
- hasDecorators = false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Access to the Decorator collection object for this Geometry object.
- **/
- public function get decoratorCollection():DecoratorCollection{
- initDecoratorsCollection();
- return _decorators;
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the collection by creating it and adding an event listener.
- **/
- private function initDecoratorsCollection():void{
- if(!_decorators){
- _decorators = new DecoratorCollection();
- //add a listener to the collection
- if(enableEvents){
- _decorators.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- }
- //END Decoration related.
- //Transform related.
- private var _transformContext:Matrix;
- /**
- * A reference to the transformation matrix context within which local transforms will be applied.
- * Similar in concept to the concatenatedMatrix on a flash DisplayObjects transform property.
- */
- public function get transformContext():Matrix{
- return _transformContext;
- }
- public function set transformContext(value:Matrix):void{
- _transformContext = value;
- }
- private var _transform:ITransform;
- /**
- * Defines the transform object that will be used for
- * rendering this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get transform():ITransform{
- return _transform;
- }
- public function set transform(value:ITransform):void
- {
- //get a reference to the transform hierachy
- if (parent && (parent as Geometry).transform)
- {
- _transformContext = (parent as Geometry).transform.getTransformFor(parent as Geometry);
- }
- if(_transform != value){
- var oldValue:Object=_transform;
- if(_transform){
- if(_transform.hasEventManager){
- _transform.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- _transform = value;
- if(enableEvents){
- _transform.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler,false,0,true);
- }
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("transform",oldValue,_transform,this);
- }
- }
- //END Transform related.
- //Layout related.
- /**
- * @private
- **/
- protected var _layoutConstraint:LayoutConstraint;
- /**
- * The layout constraint that is used for positioning/sizing this geometry object.
- **/
- public function get layoutConstraint():LayoutConstraint{
- if(!_layoutConstraint){
- layoutConstraint= new LayoutConstraint();
- }
- return _layoutConstraint;
- }
- public function set layoutConstraint(value:LayoutConstraint):void{
- if(_layoutConstraint != value){
- var oldValue:Object=_layoutConstraint;
- if(_layoutConstraint){
- if(_layoutConstraint.hasEventManager){
- _layoutConstraint.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- _layoutConstraint = value;
- if(enableEvents){
- _layoutConstraint.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler,false,0,true);
- }
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("layoutConstraint",oldValue,_layoutConstraint,this);
- hasLayout=true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry has layout.
- **/
- public var hasLayout:Boolean;
- //The below are proxy properties for contraint based layout. Depending on the
- //object some of these are overrideen in the respective Geometry subclass.
- //For example width on a RegularRectangle.
- //x,y,width,height are different as we need a getter and a setter
- [PercentProxy("percentWidth")]
- /**
- * Defines the width of the layout.
- * Once left (or percentLeft) or right (or percentRight)
- * is set, the width value no longer applies. If
- * percentWidth exists when width is set, percentWidth
- * will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. This
- * property also accepts a percent value for example 75%.
- */
- public function get width():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? _layoutConstraint.width:NaN;
- }
- public function set width(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.width = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the width of the layout will be
- * set as the value of this property multiplied
- * by the containing width.
- * A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
- * a value of 75 represents 75%.
- */
- public function get percentWidth():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.percentWidth:NaN;
- }
- public function set percentWidth(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.percentWidth = value;
- }
- /**
- * The maximum width that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get maxWidth():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.maxWidth:NaN;
- }
- public function set maxWidth(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.maxWidth = value;
- }
- /**
- * The minimum width that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get minWidth():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.minWidth:NaN;
- }
- public function set minWidth(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.minWidth = value;
- }
- [PercentProxy("percentHeight")]
- /**
- * Defines the height of the layout boundary.
- * Once top (or percentTop) or bottom (or percentBottom)
- * is set, the width value no longer applies. If
- * percentWidth exists when width is set, percentWidth
- * will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. This
- * property also accepts a percent value for example 75%.
- */
- public function get height():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.height:NaN;
- }
- public function set height(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.height = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the height of the layout will be
- * set as the value of this property multiplied
- * by the containing height.
- * A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
- * a value of 75 represents 75%.
- */
- public function get percentHeight():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.percentHeight:NaN;
- }
- public function set percentHeight(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.percentHeight = value;
- }
- /**
- * The maximum height that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get maxHeight():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.maxHeight:NaN;
- }
- public function set maxHeight(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.maxHeight = value;
- }
- /**
- * The minimum height that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get minHeight():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.minHeight:NaN;
- }
- public function set minHeight(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.minHeight = value;
- }
- /**
- * Defines the x location (top left) of the layout.
- */
- public function get x():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.x:NaN;
- }
- public function set x(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.x = value;
- }
- /**
- * The maximum x location that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get maxX():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.maxX:NaN;
- }
- public function set maxX(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.maxX = value;
- }
- /**
- * The minimum x location that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get minX():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.minX:NaN;
- }
- public function set minX(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.minX = value;
- }
- /**
- * Defines the y location (top left) of the layout.
- */
- public function get y():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.y:NaN;
- }
- public function set y(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.y = value;
- }
- /**
- * The maximum y location that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get maxY():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.maxY:NaN;
- }
- public function set maxY(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.maxY = value;
- }
- /**
- * The minimum y location that can be applied
- * to the layout.
- */
- public function get minY():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.minY:NaN;
- }
- public function set minY(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.minY = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, if left or right is not set, the layout
- * will be centered horizontally offset by the numeric
- * value of this property.
- */
- public function get horizontalCenter():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.horizontalCenter:NaN;
- }
- public function set horizontalCenter(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.horizontalCenter = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, if top or bottom is not set, the layout
- * will be centered vertically offset by the numeric
- * value of this property.
- */
- public function get verticalCenter():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.verticalCenter:NaN;
- }
- public function set verticalCenter(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.verticalCenter = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the top of the layout will be located
- * offset from the top of it's parent.
- */
- public function get top():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.top:NaN;
- }
- public function set top(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.top = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the bottom of the layout will be located
- * offset from the bottom of it's parent.
- */
- public function get bottom():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.bottom:NaN;
- }
- public function set bottom(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.bottom = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the left of the layout will be located
- * offset by the value of this property multiplied
- * by the containing width.
- */
- public function get left():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.left:NaN;
- }
- public function set left(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.left = value;
- }
- /**
- * When set, the right of the layout will be located
- * offset by the value of this property multiplied
- * by the containing width.
- */
- public function get right():Number{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.right:NaN;
- }
- public function set right(value:Number):void{
- layoutConstraint.right = value;
- }
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
- /**
- * When true, the size of the layout will always
- * maintain an aspect ratio relative to the ratio
- * of the current width and height properties, even
- * if those properties are not in control of the
- * height and width of the layout.
- */
- public function get maintainAspectRatio():Boolean{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.maintainAspectRatio:false;
- }
- public function set maintainAspectRatio(value:Boolean):void{
- layoutConstraint.maintainAspectRatio = value;
- }
- /**
- * The display object that defines the coordinate system to use.
- * Dev Note:: Not yet implemented as of Beta 3.
- **/
- public function get targetCoordinateSpace():DisplayObject{
- return (hasLayout)? layoutConstraint.targetCoordinateSpace:null;
- }
- public function set targetCoordinateSpace(value:DisplayObject):void {
- layoutConstraint.targetCoordinateSpace = value;
- }
- //END Layout related.
- //Trigger related.
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry has triggers.
- **/
- public var hasTriggers:Boolean;
- private var _triggers:Array= [];
- [Inspectable(arrayType="com.degrafa.triggers.ITrigger")]
- [ArrayElementType("com.degrafa.triggers.ITrigger")]
- /**
- * An array of ITrigger objects that this Geometry object will use.
- **/
- public function get triggers():Array{
- return _triggers;
- }
- public function set triggers(value:Array):void{
- _triggers = value;
- if(_triggers){
- //make sure each item knows about it's manager
- for each (var trigger:ITrigger in _triggers){
- trigger.triggerParent = this;
- }
- }
- if(value && value.length!=0){
- hasTriggers = true;
- }
- else{
- hasTriggers = false;
- }
- }
- //End Trigger related.
- //State related.
- private var _currentState:String="";
- [Bindable("currentStateChange")]
- /**
- * The current view state.
- **/
- public function get currentState():String{
- return (stateManager) ? stateManager.currentState:"";
- }
- public function set currentState(value:String):void{
- stateManager.currentState = value;
- }
- private var stateManager:StateManager;
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry has states.
- **/
- public var hasStates:Boolean;
- private var _states:Array= [];
- [Inspectable(arrayType="com.degrafa.states.State")]
- [ArrayElementType("com.degrafa.states.State")]
- /**
- * An array of states defined for this Geometry.
- **/
- public function get states():Array{
- return _states;
- }
- public function set states(value:Array):void{
- _states = value;
- if(value){
- if(!stateManager){
- stateManager = new StateManager(this)
- //make sure each item knows about it's manager
- for each (var state:State in _states){
- state.stateManager = stateManager;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- stateManager = null;
- }
- if(value && value.length!=0){
- hasStates = true;
- }
- else{
- hasStates = false;
- }
- }
- private var _state:String;
- /**
- * The state at which to draw this object. This property is specific to Skinning.
- **/
- public function get state():String{
- return _state;
- }
- public function set state(value:String):void{
- _state = value;
- }
- private var _stateEvent:String;
- /**
- * The state event at which to draw this object. This property is specific to Skinning.
- **/
- public function get stateEvent():String{
- return _stateEvent;
- }
- public function set stateEvent(value:String):void{
- _stateEvent = value;
- }
- //END state related.
- //Style related.
- private var _styleName:Object;
- /**
- * The css style name associated with this Geometry. Not yet fully implemented as of Beta 3.
- **/
- public function get styleName():Object{
- return _styleName;
- }
- public function set styleName(value:Object):void{
- _styleName=value;
- }
- /**
- * Called when the value of a style property is changed.
- **/
- public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void{
- //handle change
- }
- //END Style related.
- //Filter / Display object related.
- //Any setting of the below items indicate a requirement for a display
- //object to be used at render time.
- /**
- * Returns true if this Geometry has filters.
- **/
- public var hasFilters:Boolean;
- /**
- * A collection of filters to apply to the geometry.
- */
- private var _filters:FilterCollection;
- [Inspectable(category="General", arrayType="flash.filters.BitmapFilter")]
- [ArrayElementType("flash.filters.BitmapFilter")]
- /**
- * An array of BitmapFilter objects applied to this Geometry.
- **/
- public function get filters():Array{
- initFilterCollection();
- return _filters.items;
- }
- public function set filters(value:Array):void {
- initFilterCollection();
- if(_filters.items != value){
- var oldValue:Array=_filters.items;
- _filters.items = value;
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("filters",oldValue,_filters.items,this);
- }
- if(value && value.length!=0){
- hasFilters = true;
- }
- else{
- hasFilters = false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the filter collection by creating it and adding an event listener.
- **/
- private function initFilterCollection():void{
- if(!_filters){
- _filters = new FilterCollection();
- //add the parent so it can be managed by the collection
- _filters.parent = this;
- //add a listener to the collection
- if(enableEvents){
- _filters.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- }
- }
- }
- //End Filter related.
- //Blend Mode related.
- //private var _blendMode:String=undefined;
- //[Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="normal,layer,multiply,screen,lighten,darken,difference,add,subtract,invert,alpha,erase,overlay,hardlight", defaultValue="normal")]
- /**
- * The blend mode which is used to render the geometry to the target.
- */
- /*public function get blendMode():String {
- return _blendMode;
- }
- public function set blendMode(value:String):void {
- if(_blendMode != value){
- var oldValue:String=_blendMode;
- _blendMode = value;
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("blendMode",oldValue,_blendMode,this);
- }
- }*/
- //End Blend Mode related.
- //Clipping related.
- private var _clippingRectangle:Rectangle=null;
- /**
- * A clipping rectangle to use when rendering this geometry.
- */
- public function get clippingRectangle():Rectangle {
- return _clippingRectangle;
- }
- public function set clippingRectangle(value:Rectangle):void {
- if(_clippingRectangle != value){
- var oldValue:Rectangle=_clippingRectangle;
- _clippingRectangle = value;
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("clippingRectangle",oldValue,_clippingRectangle,this);
- }
- }
- //Clipping related.
- //Mask related.
- private var _maskMode:String;
- private var _maskSpace:String;
- private var _mask:IGeometryComposition;
- /**
- * A separate geometry object to use as a mask when rendering this geometry.
- */
- public function get mask():IGeometryComposition {
- return _mask;
- }
- public function set mask(value:IGeometryComposition):void {
- if (_mask != value && value != this) {
- if (_mask) Geometry(_mask).removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,propertyChangeHandler);
- var oldValue:IGeometryComposition=_mask;
- _mask = value;
- Geometry(_mask).addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, propertyChangeHandler);
- //call local helper to dispatch event
- initChange("mask", oldValue, _mask, this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * The mode used when this object is being masked by the geometry assigned to the mask property.
- * The value can either be "clip" or "mask". Clip mode is shape based clipping, alpha mode is alpha based masking.
- * "svgClip" is a mode that mimics svg's clip-path setting with a non-zero clip-rule and userSpaceOnUse clipping units
- */
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="alpha,clip,svgClip")]
- public function get maskMode():String {
- return _maskMode?_maskMode:"clip";
- }
- public function set maskMode(value:String):void {
- if (value == "alpha" || value=="clip" || value=="svgClip") {
- //only fire propertyChange event if there is a mask assigned.
- if (_mask) initChange("maskMode", maskMode, _maskMode = value, this);
- else _maskMode = value
- }
- }
- /**
- * The coordinate space within which the referenced mask geometry is rendered before being applied as a mask (respecting maskMode)
- * to this object.
- */
- [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="local,global")]
- public function get maskSpace():String {
- return _maskSpace?_maskSpace:"local";
- }
- public function set maskSpace(value:String):void {
- if (value == "local" || value=="global" ) {
- //only fire propertyChange event if there is a mask assigned.
- if (_mask) initChange("maskSpace", maskSpace, _maskSpace = value, this);
- else _maskSpace = value
- }
- }
- //End mask related.
- //paint modifiers
- private var _alpha:Number;
- /**
- * The alpha setting that applies to this object. Actual alpha used when rendering reflects this objects parent chain alpha settings. If this object descends from other
- * geometries with alpha settings less than, the combined effect of the parent alphas is used in conjunction with the setting on this object.
- */
- public function get alpha():Number {
- return isNaN(_alpha)?1:_alpha;
- }
- public function set alpha(value:Number):void {
- if (value !=_alpha ) {
- initChange("alpha", alpha, _alpha = value, this);
- }
- }
- //end paint modifiers
- }
- }