C++ | 2889 lines | 2246 code | 574 blank | 69 comment | 88 complexity | 4b5b7b265fe760ba106131c7b248949d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, LGPL-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include "rutil/Logger.hxx"
- #include "rutil/ParseException.hxx"
- #include "rutil/Data.hxx"
- #include "rutil/DataStream.hxx"
- #include "P2PSubsystem.hxx"
- #include "MessageStructsGen.hxx"
- #include <assert.h>
- namespace s2c {
- /* EKR: Most unprincipled hack of the day */
- #define TELLP(a) (static_cast<resip::DataStream &>(a)).tellp()
- #define SEEKP(a,b) (static_cast<resip::DataStream &>(a)).seekp(b)
- // Classes for NodeIdStruct */
- NodeIdStruct :: NodeIdStruct ()
- {
- mName = "NodeIdStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing NodeIdStruct");
- mHigh=0;
- mLow=0;
- };
- NodeIdStruct :: NodeIdStruct (const NodeIdStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "NodeIdStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void NodeIdStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "NodeId:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "high:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mHigh << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "low:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mLow << "\n";
- };
- void NodeIdStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding NodeIdStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mHigh);
- StackLog( << "mHigh =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mHigh );
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mLow);
- StackLog( << "mLow =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLow );
- };
- void NodeIdStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding NodeIdStruct");
- StackLog( << "mHigh =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mHigh );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mHigh);
- StackLog( << "mLow =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLow );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mLow);
- };
- // Classes for ResourceIdStruct */
- ResourceIdStruct :: ResourceIdStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ResourceIdStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ResourceIdStruct");
- };
- ResourceIdStruct :: ResourceIdStruct (const ResourceIdStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ResourceIdStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ResourceIdStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ResourceId:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mId.hex();
- };
- void ResourceIdStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ResourceIdStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mId);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "id",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void ResourceIdStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ResourceIdStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mId.size());
- out << mId;
- };
- // Classes for IPv4AddrPortStruct */
- IPv4AddrPortStruct :: IPv4AddrPortStruct ()
- {
- mName = "IPv4AddrPortStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing IPv4AddrPortStruct");
- mAddr=0;
- mPort=0;
- };
- IPv4AddrPortStruct :: IPv4AddrPortStruct (const IPv4AddrPortStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "IPv4AddrPortStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void IPv4AddrPortStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "IPv4AddrPort:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "addr:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mAddr << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "port:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mPort << "\n";
- };
- void IPv4AddrPortStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding IPv4AddrPortStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mAddr);
- StackLog( << "mAddr =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAddr );
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mPort);
- StackLog( << "mPort =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mPort );
- };
- void IPv4AddrPortStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding IPv4AddrPortStruct");
- StackLog( << "mAddr =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAddr );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mAddr);
- StackLog( << "mPort =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mPort );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mPort);
- };
- // Classes for IPv6AddrPortStruct */
- IPv6AddrPortStruct :: IPv6AddrPortStruct ()
- {
- mName = "IPv6AddrPortStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing IPv6AddrPortStruct");
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<16;i++){
- mAddr[i]=0;
- }
- mPort=0;
- };
- IPv6AddrPortStruct :: IPv6AddrPortStruct (const IPv6AddrPortStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "IPv6AddrPortStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void IPv6AddrPortStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "IPv6AddrPort:\n";
- indent+=2;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<16;i++) {
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "opaque:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAddr[i] << "\n";
- }
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "port:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mPort << "\n";
- };
- void IPv6AddrPortStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding IPv6AddrPortStruct");
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<16;i++){
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mAddr[i]);
- StackLog( << "mAddr[i] =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAddr[i] );
- }
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mPort);
- StackLog( << "mPort =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mPort );
- };
- void IPv6AddrPortStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding IPv6AddrPortStruct");
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<16;i++){
- StackLog( << "mAddr[i] =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAddr[i] );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mAddr[i]);
- }
- StackLog( << "mPort =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mPort );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mPort);
- };
- // Classes for IpAddressAndPortStruct */
- IpAddressAndPortStruct :: IpAddressAndPortStruct ()
- {
- mName = "IpAddressAndPortStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing IpAddressAndPortStruct");
- mType=(AddressType)0;
- mLength=0;
- mIpv4Address.mV4addrPort=0;
- mIpv6Address.mV6addrPort=0;
- };
- IpAddressAndPortStruct :: IpAddressAndPortStruct (const IpAddressAndPortStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "IpAddressAndPortStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void IpAddressAndPortStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "IpAddressAndPort:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "type:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mType << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "length:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mLength << "\n";
- };
- void IpAddressAndPortStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding IpAddressAndPortStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mType=(AddressType)v;
- }
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mLength);
- StackLog( << "mLength =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLength );
- switch(mType){
- case 1:
- mIpv4Address.mV4addrPort = new IPv4AddrPortStruct();
- mIpv4Address.mV4addrPort->decode(in);
- break;
- case 2:
- mIpv6Address.mV6addrPort = new IPv6AddrPortStruct();
- mIpv6Address.mV6addrPort->decode(in);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- void IpAddressAndPortStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding IpAddressAndPortStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mType));
- StackLog( << "mLength =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLength );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mLength);
- switch(mType) {
- case 1:
- mIpv4Address.mV4addrPort->encode(out);
- break;
- case 2:
- mIpv6Address.mV6addrPort->encode(out);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- // Classes for DestinationStruct */
- DestinationStruct :: DestinationStruct ()
- {
- mName = "DestinationStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing DestinationStruct");
- mType=(DestinationType)0;
- mPeer.mNodeId=0;
- mResource.mResourceId=0;
- };
- DestinationStruct :: DestinationStruct (const DestinationStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "DestinationStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void DestinationStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "Destination:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "type:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mType << "\n";
- };
- void DestinationStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding DestinationStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mType=(DestinationType)v;
- }
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 1, d);
- resip::DataStream in_auto(d);
- switch(mType){
- case 1:
- mPeer.mNodeId = new NodeIdStruct();
- mPeer.mNodeId->decode(in_auto);
- break;
- case 2:
- mResource.mResourceId = new ResourceIdStruct();
- mResource.mResourceId->decode(in_auto);
- break;
- case 3:
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in_auto, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mCompressed.mCompressedId);
- while(len--){
- c=in_auto.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "compressed_id",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- if(in_auto.peek()!=EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Inner encoded value too long",
- "Destination",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- }
- };
- void DestinationStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding DestinationStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mType));
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<1;i++) out.put(0);
- switch(mType) {
- case 1:
- mPeer.mNodeId->encode(out);
- break;
- case 2:
- mResource.mResourceId->encode(out);
- break;
- case 3:
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mCompressed.mCompressedId.size());
- out << mCompressed.mCompressedId;
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (pos2 - pos1) - 1);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- };
- // Classes for SignerIdentityStruct */
- SignerIdentityStruct :: SignerIdentityStruct ()
- {
- mName = "SignerIdentityStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing SignerIdentityStruct");
- mIdentityType=(SignerIdentityType)0;
- };
- SignerIdentityStruct :: SignerIdentityStruct (const SignerIdentityStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "SignerIdentityStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void SignerIdentityStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "SignerIdentity:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "identity_type:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mIdentityType << "\n";
- out << mSignerIdentity.hex();
- };
- void SignerIdentityStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding SignerIdentityStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mIdentityType=(SignerIdentityType)v;
- }
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mSignerIdentity);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "signer_identity",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void SignerIdentityStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding SignerIdentityStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mIdentityType));
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mSignerIdentity.size());
- out << mSignerIdentity;
- };
- // Classes for SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct */
- SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct :: SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct ()
- {
- mName = "SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct");
- mSig=0;
- mHash=0;
- };
- SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct :: SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct (const SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "SignatureAndHashAlgorithm:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "sig:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mSig << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "hash:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mHash << "\n";
- };
- void SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mSig);
- StackLog( << "mSig =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mSig );
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mHash);
- StackLog( << "mHash =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mHash );
- };
- void SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct");
- StackLog( << "mSig =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mSig );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mSig);
- StackLog( << "mHash =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mHash );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mHash);
- };
- // Classes for SignatureStruct */
- SignatureStruct :: SignatureStruct ()
- {
- mName = "SignatureStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing SignatureStruct");
- mAlgorithm=0;
- mIdentity=0;
- };
- SignatureStruct :: SignatureStruct (const SignatureStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "SignatureStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void SignatureStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "Signature:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mAlgorithm->print(out, indent);
- mIdentity->print(out, indent);
- out << mSignatureValue.hex();
- };
- void SignatureStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding SignatureStruct");
- mAlgorithm = new SignatureAndHashAlgorithmStruct();
- mAlgorithm->decode(in);
- mIdentity = new SignerIdentityStruct();
- mIdentity->decode(in);
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mSignatureValue);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "signature_value",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void SignatureStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding SignatureStruct");
- mAlgorithm->encode(out);
- mIdentity->encode(out);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mSignatureValue.size());
- out << mSignatureValue;
- };
- // Classes for ForwardingHeaderStruct */
- ForwardingHeaderStruct :: ForwardingHeaderStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ForwardingHeaderStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ForwardingHeaderStruct");
- mReloToken=0;
- mOverlay=0;
- mTtl=0;
- mReserved=0;
- mFragment=0;
- mVersion=0;
- mLength=0;
- mTransactionId=0;
- mFlags=0;
- mRouteLogLenDummy=0;
- mMessageCode=0;
- };
- ForwardingHeaderStruct :: ForwardingHeaderStruct (const ForwardingHeaderStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ForwardingHeaderStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ForwardingHeaderStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ForwardingHeader:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "relo_token:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mReloToken << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "overlay:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mOverlay << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "ttl:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mTtl << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "reserved:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mReserved << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "fragment:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mFragment << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "version:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mVersion << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "length:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mLength << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "transaction_id:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mTransactionId << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "flags:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mFlags << "\n";
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mViaList.size();i++){
- mViaList[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mDestinationList.size();i++){
- mDestinationList[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "route_log_len_dummy:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mRouteLogLenDummy << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "message_code:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mMessageCode << "\n";
- };
- void ForwardingHeaderStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ForwardingHeaderStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mReloToken);
- StackLog( << "mReloToken =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReloToken );
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mOverlay);
- StackLog( << "mOverlay =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mOverlay );
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mTtl);
- StackLog( << "mTtl =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mTtl );
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mReserved);
- StackLog( << "mReserved =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReserved );
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mFragment);
- StackLog( << "mFragment =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mFragment );
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mVersion);
- StackLog( << "mVersion =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mVersion );
- decode_uintX(in, 24, mLength);
- StackLog( << "mLength =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLength );
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mTransactionId);
- StackLog( << "mTransactionId =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mTransactionId );
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mFlags);
- StackLog( << "mFlags =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mFlags );
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mViaList.push_back(0);
- mViaList[i] = new DestinationStruct();
- mViaList[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mDestinationList.push_back(0);
- mDestinationList[i] = new DestinationStruct();
- mDestinationList[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mRouteLogLenDummy);
- StackLog( << "mRouteLogLenDummy =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mRouteLogLenDummy );
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mMessageCode);
- StackLog( << "mMessageCode =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mMessageCode );
- };
- void ForwardingHeaderStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ForwardingHeaderStruct");
- StackLog( << "mReloToken =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReloToken );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mReloToken);
- StackLog( << "mOverlay =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mOverlay );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mOverlay);
- StackLog( << "mTtl =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mTtl );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mTtl);
- StackLog( << "mReserved =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReserved );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mReserved);
- StackLog( << "mFragment =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mFragment );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mFragment);
- StackLog( << "mVersion =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mVersion );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mVersion);
- StackLog( << "mLength =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLength );
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mLength);
- StackLog( << "mTransactionId =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mTransactionId );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mTransactionId);
- StackLog( << "mFlags =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mFlags );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mFlags);
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mViaList.size();i++)
- {
- mViaList[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, (pos2 - pos1) - 2);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mDestinationList.size();i++)
- {
- mDestinationList[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, (pos2 - pos1) - 2);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- StackLog( << "mRouteLogLenDummy =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mRouteLogLenDummy );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mRouteLogLenDummy);
- StackLog( << "mMessageCode =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mMessageCode );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mMessageCode);
- };
- // Classes for ForwardingLayerMessageStruct */
- ForwardingLayerMessageStruct :: ForwardingLayerMessageStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ForwardingLayerMessageStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ForwardingLayerMessageStruct");
- mHeader=0;
- mSig=0;
- };
- ForwardingLayerMessageStruct :: ForwardingLayerMessageStruct (const ForwardingLayerMessageStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ForwardingLayerMessageStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ForwardingLayerMessageStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ForwardingLayerMessage:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mHeader->print(out, indent);
- out << mPayload.hex();
- mSig->print(out, indent);
- };
- void ForwardingLayerMessageStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ForwardingLayerMessageStruct");
- mHeader = new ForwardingHeaderStruct();
- mHeader->decode(in);
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 24, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mPayload);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "payload",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- mSig = new SignatureStruct();
- mSig->decode(in);
- };
- void ForwardingLayerMessageStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ForwardingLayerMessageStruct");
- mHeader->encode(out);
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mPayload.size());
- out << mPayload;
- mSig->encode(out);
- };
- // Classes for MessagePayloadStruct */
- MessagePayloadStruct :: MessagePayloadStruct ()
- {
- mName = "MessagePayloadStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing MessagePayloadStruct");
- };
- MessagePayloadStruct :: MessagePayloadStruct (const MessagePayloadStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "MessagePayloadStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void MessagePayloadStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "MessagePayload:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mPayload.hex();
- };
- void MessagePayloadStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding MessagePayloadStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 24, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mPayload);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "payload",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void MessagePayloadStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding MessagePayloadStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mPayload.size());
- out << mPayload;
- };
- // Classes for ErrorResponseStruct */
- ErrorResponseStruct :: ErrorResponseStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ErrorResponseStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ErrorResponseStruct");
- mErrorCode=0;
- };
- ErrorResponseStruct :: ErrorResponseStruct (const ErrorResponseStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ErrorResponseStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ErrorResponseStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ErrorResponse:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "error_code:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mErrorCode << "\n";
- out << mReasonPhrase.hex();
- out << mErrorInfo.hex();
- };
- void ErrorResponseStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ErrorResponseStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mErrorCode);
- StackLog( << "mErrorCode =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mErrorCode );
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mReasonPhrase);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "reason_phrase",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mErrorInfo);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "error_info",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void ErrorResponseStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ErrorResponseStruct");
- StackLog( << "mErrorCode =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mErrorCode );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mErrorCode);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mReasonPhrase.size());
- out << mReasonPhrase;
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mErrorInfo.size());
- out << mErrorInfo;
- };
- // Classes for JoinReqStruct */
- JoinReqStruct :: JoinReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "JoinReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing JoinReqStruct");
- mJoiningPeerId=0;
- };
- JoinReqStruct :: JoinReqStruct (const JoinReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "JoinReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void JoinReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "JoinReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mJoiningPeerId->print(out, indent);
- out << mOverlaySpecificData.hex();
- };
- void JoinReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding JoinReqStruct");
- mJoiningPeerId = new NodeIdStruct();
- mJoiningPeerId->decode(in);
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mOverlaySpecificData);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "overlay_specific_data",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void JoinReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding JoinReqStruct");
- mJoiningPeerId->encode(out);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mOverlaySpecificData.size());
- out << mOverlaySpecificData;
- };
- // Classes for JoinAnsStruct */
- JoinAnsStruct :: JoinAnsStruct ()
- {
- mName = "JoinAnsStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing JoinAnsStruct");
- };
- JoinAnsStruct :: JoinAnsStruct (const JoinAnsStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "JoinAnsStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void JoinAnsStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "JoinAns:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mOverlaySpecificData.hex();
- };
- void JoinAnsStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding JoinAnsStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mOverlaySpecificData);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "overlay_specific_data",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void JoinAnsStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding JoinAnsStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mOverlaySpecificData.size());
- out << mOverlaySpecificData;
- };
- // Classes for LeaveReqStruct */
- LeaveReqStruct :: LeaveReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "LeaveReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing LeaveReqStruct");
- mLeavingPeerId=0;
- };
- LeaveReqStruct :: LeaveReqStruct (const LeaveReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "LeaveReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void LeaveReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "LeaveReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mLeavingPeerId->print(out, indent);
- out << mOverlaySpecificData.hex();
- };
- void LeaveReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding LeaveReqStruct");
- mLeavingPeerId = new NodeIdStruct();
- mLeavingPeerId->decode(in);
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mOverlaySpecificData);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "overlay_specific_data",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void LeaveReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding LeaveReqStruct");
- mLeavingPeerId->encode(out);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mOverlaySpecificData.size());
- out << mOverlaySpecificData;
- };
- // Classes for RouteQueryReqStruct */
- RouteQueryReqStruct :: RouteQueryReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "RouteQueryReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing RouteQueryReqStruct");
- mSendUpdate=(Boolean)0;
- mDestination=0;
- };
- RouteQueryReqStruct :: RouteQueryReqStruct (const RouteQueryReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "RouteQueryReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void RouteQueryReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "RouteQueryReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "send_update:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mSendUpdate << "\n";
- mDestination->print(out, indent);
- out << mOverlaySpecificData.hex();
- };
- void RouteQueryReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding RouteQueryReqStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mSendUpdate=(Boolean)v;
- }
- mDestination = new DestinationStruct();
- mDestination->decode(in);
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mOverlaySpecificData);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "overlay_specific_data",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void RouteQueryReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding RouteQueryReqStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mSendUpdate));
- mDestination->encode(out);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mOverlaySpecificData.size());
- out << mOverlaySpecificData;
- };
- // Classes for FramedMessageStruct */
- FramedMessageStruct :: FramedMessageStruct ()
- {
- mName = "FramedMessageStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing FramedMessageStruct");
- mType=(FramedMessageType)0;
- mData.mSequence=0;
- mAck.mAckSequence=0;
- mAck.mReceived=0;
- };
- FramedMessageStruct :: FramedMessageStruct (const FramedMessageStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "FramedMessageStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void FramedMessageStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "FramedMessage:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "type:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mType << "\n";
- };
- void FramedMessageStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding FramedMessageStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mType=(FramedMessageType)v;
- }
- switch(mType){
- case 128:
- decode_uintX(in, 24, mData.mSequence);
- StackLog( << "mData.mSequence =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mData.mSequence );
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 24, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mData.mMessage);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "message",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- break;
- case 129:
- decode_uintX(in, 24, mAck.mAckSequence);
- StackLog( << "mAck.mAckSequence =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAck.mAckSequence );
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mAck.mReceived);
- StackLog( << "mAck.mReceived =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAck.mReceived );
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- void FramedMessageStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding FramedMessageStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mType));
- switch(mType) {
- case 128:
- StackLog( << "mData.mSequence =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mData.mSequence );
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mData.mSequence);
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mData.mMessage.size());
- out << mData.mMessage;
- break;
- case 129:
- StackLog( << "mAck.mAckSequence =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAck.mAckSequence );
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mAck.mAckSequence);
- StackLog( << "mAck.mReceived =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mAck.mReceived );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mAck.mReceived);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- // Classes for IceCandidateStruct */
- IceCandidateStruct :: IceCandidateStruct ()
- {
- mName = "IceCandidateStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing IceCandidateStruct");
- };
- IceCandidateStruct :: IceCandidateStruct (const IceCandidateStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "IceCandidateStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void IceCandidateStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "IceCandidate:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mCandidate.hex();
- };
- void IceCandidateStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding IceCandidateStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mCandidate);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "candidate",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void IceCandidateStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding IceCandidateStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mCandidate.size());
- out << mCandidate;
- };
- // Classes for ConnectReqAnsStruct */
- ConnectReqAnsStruct :: ConnectReqAnsStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ConnectReqAnsStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ConnectReqAnsStruct");
- mApplication=0;
- };
- ConnectReqAnsStruct :: ConnectReqAnsStruct (const ConnectReqAnsStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ConnectReqAnsStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ConnectReqAnsStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ConnectReqAns:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mUfrag.hex();
- out << mPassword.hex();
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "application:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mApplication << "\n";
- out << mRole.hex();
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mCandidates.size();i++){
- mCandidates[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void ConnectReqAnsStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ConnectReqAnsStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mUfrag);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "ufrag",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mPassword);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "password",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mApplication);
- StackLog( << "mApplication =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mApplication );
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mRole);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "role",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mCandidates.push_back(0);
- mCandidates[i] = new IceCandidateStruct();
- mCandidates[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void ConnectReqAnsStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ConnectReqAnsStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mUfrag.size());
- out << mUfrag;
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mPassword.size());
- out << mPassword;
- StackLog( << "mApplication =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mApplication );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mApplication);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mRole.size());
- out << mRole;
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mCandidates.size();i++)
- {
- mCandidates[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, (pos2 - pos1) - 2);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for PingReqStruct */
- PingReqStruct :: PingReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "PingReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing PingReqStruct");
- };
- PingReqStruct :: PingReqStruct (const PingReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "PingReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void PingReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "PingReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mRequestedInfo.size();i++){
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "uint8:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mRequestedInfo[i] << "\n";
- }
- };
- void PingReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding PingReqStruct");
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 1, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mRequestedInfo.push_back(0);
- decode_uintX(in2, 8, mRequestedInfo[i]);
- StackLog( << "mRequestedInfo[i] =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mRequestedInfo[i] );
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void PingReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding PingReqStruct");
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<1;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mRequestedInfo.size();i++)
- {
- StackLog( << "mRequestedInfo[i] =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mRequestedInfo[i] );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mRequestedInfo[i]);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (pos2 - pos1) - 1);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for PingInformationStruct */
- PingInformationStruct :: PingInformationStruct ()
- {
- mName = "PingInformationStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing PingInformationStruct");
- mType=(PingInformationType)0;
- mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb=0;
- mNumResources.mNumResources=0;
- };
- PingInformationStruct :: PingInformationStruct (const PingInformationStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "PingInformationStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void PingInformationStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "PingInformation:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "type:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mType << "\n";
- };
- void PingInformationStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding PingInformationStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mType=(PingInformationType)v;
- }
- switch(mType){
- case 1:
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb);
- StackLog( << "mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb );
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mNumResources.mNumResources);
- StackLog( << "mNumResources.mNumResources =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mNumResources.mNumResources );
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- void PingInformationStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding PingInformationStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mType));
- switch(mType) {
- case 1:
- StackLog( << "mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mResponsibleSet.mResponsiblePpb);
- break;
- case 2:
- StackLog( << "mNumResources.mNumResources =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mNumResources.mNumResources );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mNumResources.mNumResources);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- // Classes for PingAnsStruct */
- PingAnsStruct :: PingAnsStruct ()
- {
- mName = "PingAnsStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing PingAnsStruct");
- mResponseId=0;
- };
- PingAnsStruct :: PingAnsStruct (const PingAnsStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "PingAnsStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void PingAnsStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "PingAns:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "response_id:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mResponseId << "\n";
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mPingInfo.size();i++){
- mPingInfo[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void PingAnsStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding PingAnsStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mResponseId);
- StackLog( << "mResponseId =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mResponseId );
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mPingInfo.push_back(0);
- mPingInfo[i] = new PingInformationStruct();
- mPingInfo[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void PingAnsStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding PingAnsStruct");
- StackLog( << "mResponseId =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mResponseId );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mResponseId);
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mPingInfo.size();i++)
- {
- mPingInfo[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, (pos2 - pos1) - 2);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for TunnelReqStruct */
- TunnelReqStruct :: TunnelReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "TunnelReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing TunnelReqStruct");
- mApplication=0;
- };
- TunnelReqStruct :: TunnelReqStruct (const TunnelReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "TunnelReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void TunnelReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "TunnelReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "application:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mApplication << "\n";
- out << mDialogId.hex();
- out << mApplicationPdu.hex();
- };
- void TunnelReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding TunnelReqStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 16, mApplication);
- StackLog( << "mApplication =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mApplication );
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mDialogId);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "dialog_id",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 24, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mApplicationPdu);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "application_pdu",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void TunnelReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding TunnelReqStruct");
- StackLog( << "mApplication =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mApplication );
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mApplication);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mDialogId.size());
- out << mDialogId;
- encode_uintX(out, 24, mApplicationPdu.size());
- out << mApplicationPdu;
- };
- // Classes for DataValueStruct */
- DataValueStruct :: DataValueStruct ()
- {
- mName = "DataValueStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing DataValueStruct");
- mExists=(Boolean)0;
- };
- DataValueStruct :: DataValueStruct (const DataValueStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "DataValueStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void DataValueStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "DataValue:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "exists:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mExists << "\n";
- out << mValue.hex();
- };
- void DataValueStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding DataValueStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mExists=(Boolean)v;
- }
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 32, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mValue);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "value",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void DataValueStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding DataValueStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mExists));
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mValue.size());
- out << mValue;
- };
- // Classes for ArrayEntryStruct */
- ArrayEntryStruct :: ArrayEntryStruct ()
- {
- mName = "ArrayEntryStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing ArrayEntryStruct");
- mIndex=0;
- mValue=0;
- };
- ArrayEntryStruct :: ArrayEntryStruct (const ArrayEntryStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "ArrayEntryStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void ArrayEntryStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "ArrayEntry:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "index:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mIndex << "\n";
- mValue->print(out, indent);
- };
- void ArrayEntryStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding ArrayEntryStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mIndex);
- StackLog( << "mIndex =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mIndex );
- mValue = new DataValueStruct();
- mValue->decode(in);
- };
- void ArrayEntryStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding ArrayEntryStruct");
- StackLog( << "mIndex =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mIndex );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mIndex);
- mValue->encode(out);
- };
- // Classes for DictionaryKeyStruct */
- DictionaryKeyStruct :: DictionaryKeyStruct ()
- {
- mName = "DictionaryKeyStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing DictionaryKeyStruct");
- };
- DictionaryKeyStruct :: DictionaryKeyStruct (const DictionaryKeyStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "DictionaryKeyStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void DictionaryKeyStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "DictionaryKey:\n";
- indent+=2;
- out << mKey.hex();
- };
- void DictionaryKeyStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding DictionaryKeyStruct");
- {
- UInt32 len;
- int c;
- decode_uintX(in, 16, len);
- resip::DataStream strm(mKey);
- while(len--){
- c=in.get();
- if(c==EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Premature end of data",
- "key",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- strm.put(c);
- };
- }
- };
- void DictionaryKeyStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding DictionaryKeyStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 16, mKey.size());
- out << mKey;
- };
- // Classes for DictionaryEntryStruct */
- DictionaryEntryStruct :: DictionaryEntryStruct ()
- {
- mName = "DictionaryEntryStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing DictionaryEntryStruct");
- mKey=0;
- mValue=0;
- };
- DictionaryEntryStruct :: DictionaryEntryStruct (const DictionaryEntryStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "DictionaryEntryStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void DictionaryEntryStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "DictionaryEntry:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mKey->print(out, indent);
- mValue->print(out, indent);
- };
- void DictionaryEntryStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding DictionaryEntryStruct");
- mKey = new DictionaryKeyStruct();
- mKey->decode(in);
- mValue = new DataValueStruct();
- mValue->decode(in);
- };
- void DictionaryEntryStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding DictionaryEntryStruct");
- mKey->encode(out);
- mValue->encode(out);
- };
- // Classes for StoredDataValueStruct */
- StoredDataValueStruct :: StoredDataValueStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoredDataValueStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoredDataValueStruct");
- mModel=(DataModel)0;
- mSingleValue.mSingleValueEntry=0;
- mArray.mArrayEntry=0;
- mDictionary.mDictionaryEntry=0;
- };
- StoredDataValueStruct :: StoredDataValueStruct (const StoredDataValueStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoredDataValueStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoredDataValueStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoredDataValue:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "model:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mModel << "\n";
- };
- void StoredDataValueStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoredDataValueStruct");
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mModel=(DataModel)v;
- }
- switch(mModel){
- case 1:
- mSingleValue.mSingleValueEntry = new DataValueStruct();
- mSingleValue.mSingleValueEntry->decode(in);
- break;
- case 2:
- mArray.mArrayEntry = new ArrayEntryStruct();
- mArray.mArrayEntry->decode(in);
- break;
- case 3:
- mDictionary.mDictionaryEntry = new DictionaryEntryStruct();
- mDictionary.mDictionaryEntry->decode(in);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- void StoredDataValueStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding StoredDataValueStruct");
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mModel));
- switch(mModel) {
- case 1:
- mSingleValue.mSingleValueEntry->encode(out);
- break;
- case 2:
- mArray.mArrayEntry->encode(out);
- break;
- case 3:
- mDictionary.mDictionaryEntry->encode(out);
- break;
- default: /* User error */
- assert(1==0);
- }
- };
- // Classes for StoredDataStruct */
- StoredDataStruct :: StoredDataStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoredDataStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoredDataStruct");
- mStorageTime=0;
- mLifetime=0;
- mValue=0;
- mSignature=0;
- };
- StoredDataStruct :: StoredDataStruct (const StoredDataStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoredDataStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoredDataStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoredData:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "storage_time:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mStorageTime << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "lifetime:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mLifetime << "\n";
- mValue->print(out, indent);
- mSignature->print(out, indent);
- };
- void StoredDataStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoredDataStruct");
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 4, d);
- resip::DataStream in_auto(d);
- decode_uintX(in_auto, 64, mStorageTime);
- StackLog( << "mStorageTime =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mStorageTime );
- decode_uintX(in_auto, 32, mLifetime);
- StackLog( << "mLifetime =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLifetime );
- mValue = new StoredDataValueStruct();
- mValue->decode(in_auto);
- mSignature = new SignatureStruct();
- mSignature->decode(in_auto);
- if(in_auto.peek()!=EOF)
- throw resip::ParseException("Inner encoded value too long",
- "StoredData",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- }
- };
- void StoredDataStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding StoredDataStruct");
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<4;i++) out.put(0);
- StackLog( << "mStorageTime =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mStorageTime );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mStorageTime);
- StackLog( << "mLifetime =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mLifetime );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mLifetime);
- mValue->encode(out);
- mSignature->encode(out);
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 32, (pos2 - pos1) - 4);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- };
- // Classes for StoreKindDataStruct */
- StoreKindDataStruct :: StoreKindDataStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoreKindDataStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoreKindDataStruct");
- mKind=0;
- mDataModel=(DataModel)0;
- mGenerationCounter=0;
- };
- StoreKindDataStruct :: StoreKindDataStruct (const StoreKindDataStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoreKindDataStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoreKindDataStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoreKindData:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "kind:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mKind << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "data_model:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mDataModel << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "generation_counter:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mGenerationCounter << "\n";
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mValues.size();i++){
- mValues[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void StoreKindDataStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoreKindDataStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mKind);
- StackLog( << "mKind =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mKind );
- {
- u_int32 v;
- decode_uintX(in, 8, v);
- mDataModel=(DataModel)v;
- }
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mGenerationCounter);
- StackLog( << "mGenerationCounter =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mGenerationCounter );
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 4, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mValues.push_back(0);
- mValues[i] = new StoredDataStruct();
- mValues[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void StoreKindDataStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding StoreKindDataStruct");
- StackLog( << "mKind =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mKind );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mKind);
- encode_uintX(out, 8, (u_int64)(mDataModel));
- StackLog( << "mGenerationCounter =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mGenerationCounter );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mGenerationCounter);
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<4;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mValues.size();i++)
- {
- mValues[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 32, (pos2 - pos1) - 4);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for StoreReqStruct */
- StoreReqStruct :: StoreReqStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoreReqStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoreReqStruct");
- mResource=0;
- mReplicaNumber=0;
- };
- StoreReqStruct :: StoreReqStruct (const StoreReqStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoreReqStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoreReqStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoreReq:\n";
- indent+=2;
- mResource->print(out, indent);
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "replica_number:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mReplicaNumber << "\n";
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mKindData.size();i++){
- mKindData[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void StoreReqStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoreReqStruct");
- mResource = new ResourceIdStruct();
- mResource->decode(in);
- decode_uintX(in, 8, mReplicaNumber);
- StackLog( << "mReplicaNumber =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReplicaNumber );
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 4, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mKindData.push_back(0);
- mKindData[i] = new StoreKindDataStruct();
- mKindData[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void StoreReqStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding StoreReqStruct");
- mResource->encode(out);
- StackLog( << "mReplicaNumber =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mReplicaNumber );
- encode_uintX(out, 8, mReplicaNumber);
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<4;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mKindData.size();i++)
- {
- mKindData[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 32, (pos2 - pos1) - 4);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for StoreKindResponseStruct */
- StoreKindResponseStruct :: StoreKindResponseStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoreKindResponseStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoreKindResponseStruct");
- mKind=0;
- mGenerationCounter=0;
- };
- StoreKindResponseStruct :: StoreKindResponseStruct (const StoreKindResponseStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoreKindResponseStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoreKindResponseStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoreKindResponse:\n";
- indent+=2;
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "kind:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mKind << "\n";
- do_indent(out, indent);
- (out) << "generation_counter:" << std::hex << (unsigned long long)mGenerationCounter << "\n";
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mReplicas.size();i++){
- mReplicas[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void StoreKindResponseStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoreKindResponseStruct");
- decode_uintX(in, 32, mKind);
- StackLog( << "mKind =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mKind );
- decode_uintX(in, 64, mGenerationCounter);
- StackLog( << "mGenerationCounter =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mGenerationCounter );
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mReplicas.push_back(0);
- mReplicas[i] = new NodeIdStruct();
- mReplicas[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void StoreKindResponseStruct :: encode(std::ostream& out) const
- {
- StackLog(<< "Encoding StoreKindResponseStruct");
- StackLog( << "mKind =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mKind );
- encode_uintX(out, 32, mKind);
- StackLog( << "mGenerationCounter =" << std::hex << (unsigned long long) mGenerationCounter );
- encode_uintX(out, 64, mGenerationCounter);
- {
- long pos1=TELLP(out);
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++) out.put(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mReplicas.size();i++)
- {
- mReplicas[i]->encode(out);
- }
- long pos2=TELLP(out);
- SEEKP(out,pos1);
- encode_uintX(out, 16, (pos2 - pos1) - 2);
- SEEKP(out,pos2);
- }
- };
- // Classes for StoreAnsStruct */
- StoreAnsStruct :: StoreAnsStruct ()
- {
- mName = "StoreAnsStruct";
- StackLog(<< "Constructing StoreAnsStruct");
- };
- StoreAnsStruct :: StoreAnsStruct (const StoreAnsStruct &from)
- {
- // World's lamest copy constructor
- if(this==&from) return;
- mName = "StoreAnsStruct";
- resip::Data dat;
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- from.encode(strm);
- }
- {
- resip::DataStream strm(dat);
- decode(strm);
- }
- }
- void StoreAnsStruct :: print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const
- {
- do_indent(out,indent);
- (out) << "StoreAns:\n";
- indent+=2;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<mKindResponses.size();i++){
- mKindResponses[i]->print(out, indent);
- }
- };
- void StoreAnsStruct :: decode(std::istream& in)
- {
- StackLog(<< "Decoding StoreAnsStruct");
- {
- resip::Data d;
- read_varray1(in, 2, d);
- resip::DataStream in2(d);
- int i=0;
- while(in2.peek()!=EOF){
- mKindResponses.push_back(0);
- mKindResponses[i] = new StoreKindResponseStruct();
- mKindResponses[i]->decode(in2);
- i++;
- }
- ; }
- };
- void St