C# | 3485 lines | 2662 code | 521 blank | 302 comment | 174 complexity | 8d37ca31b129a7bc9d59f00c4aac4129 MD5 | raw file
- #define MICRO_PARSER_NET35
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Included defines (C# requires #define to in the first part of a code file)
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Included code
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Included code
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Linq;
- using Internal;
- static partial class CharParser
- {
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipChar (char toSkip)
- {
- return SkipString (new string (toSkip, 1));
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipString (string toSkip)
- {
- if (toSkip.IsNullOrEmpty ())
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("toSkip");
- }
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy = (c, i) => c == toSkip[i];
- var parserErrorMessage = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.CharSatisfy.FormatChar_1.FormatWith (toSkip));
- return SkipSatisfy (
- new CharSatisfy (parserErrorMessage, satisfy),
- toSkip.Length,
- toSkip.Length);
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipAnyOf (string skipAnyOfThese)
- {
- var sat = CharSatisfy.CreateSatisfyForAnyOf (skipAnyOfThese);
- return SkipSatisfy (
- sat,
- maxCount:1
- );
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipNoneOf (string skipNoneOfThese)
- {
- var sat = CharSatisfy.CreateSatisfyForNoneOf (skipNoneOfThese);
- return SkipSatisfy (
- sat,
- maxCount: 1
- );
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipSatisfy (
- CharSatisfy charSatisfy,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- Parser.VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- Parser<Empty>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var advanceResult = state.SkipAdvance (charSatisfy.Satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- return ParserReply.Create (advanceResult, state, charSatisfy.ErrorMessage, Empty.Value);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipWhiteSpace (
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- return SkipSatisfy (CharSatisfy.WhiteSpace, minCount, maxCount);
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> SkipNewLine (
- )
- {
- return SkipChar ('\r').Opt ()
- .KeepRight (SkipChar ('\n'));
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<SubString> AnyOf (
- string match,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- var satisfy = CharSatisfy.CreateSatisfyForAnyOf (match);
- return ManyCharSatisfy (satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<SubString> NoneOf (
- string match,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- var satisfy = CharSatisfy.CreateSatisfyForNoneOf (match);
- return ManyCharSatisfy (satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<SubString> ManyCharSatisfy (
- CharSatisfy satisfy,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- Parser.VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- Parser<SubString>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var subString = new SubString ();
- var advanceResult = state.Advance (ref subString, satisfy.Satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- return ParserReply.Create (
- advanceResult,
- state,
- satisfy.ErrorMessage,
- subString
- );
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<SubString> ManyCharSatisfy2 (
- CharSatisfy satisfyFirst,
- CharSatisfy satisfyRest,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- Parser.VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- var first = satisfyFirst.Satisfy;
- var rest = satisfyRest.Satisfy;
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy = (c, i) => i == 0 ? first (c, i) : rest (c, i);
- Parser<SubString>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var subString = new SubString ();
- var advanceResult = state.Advance (ref subString, satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- var expected =
- (advanceResult == ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_EndOfStream_PostionChanged || advanceResult == ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed_PositionChanged)
- ? satisfyRest.ErrorMessage
- : satisfyFirst.ErrorMessage;
- return ParserReply.Create (
- advanceResult,
- state,
- expected,
- subString
- );
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- partial struct UIntResult
- {
- public uint Value;
- public int ConsumedCharacters;
- }
- static Parser<UIntResult> UIntImpl (
- int minCount = 1,
- int maxCount = 10
- )
- {
- Parser.VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy = (c, i) => char.IsDigit (c);
- Parser<UIntResult>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var subString = new SubString ();
- var oldPos = state.Position;
- var advanceResult = state.Advance (ref subString, satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- var newPos = state.Position;
- return ParserReply.Create (
- advanceResult,
- state,
- ParserErrorMessages.Expected_Digit,
- () =>
- {
- var accumulated = 0u;
- var length = subString.Length;
- const uint c0 = (uint) '0';
- for (var iter = 0; iter < length; ++iter)
- {
- var c = subString[iter];
- accumulated = accumulated*10 + (c - c0);
- }
- return new UIntResult
- {
- Value = accumulated,
- ConsumedCharacters = newPos.Position - oldPos.Position,
- };
- }
- );
- };
- return function;
- }
- static uint? CharToHex (char ch)
- {
- if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
- {
- return (uint?) (ch - '0');
- }
- else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F')
- {
- return (uint?) (ch - 'A' + 0xA);
- }
- else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f')
- {
- return (uint?)(ch - 'a' + 0xA);
- }
- else
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- [CLSCompliant (false)]
- public static Parser<uint> Hex (
- int minCount = 1,
- int maxCount = 10
- )
- {
- Parser.VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy = (c, i) => CharToHex (c) != null;
- Parser<uint>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var subString = new SubString ();
- var advanceResult = state.Advance (ref subString, satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- return ParserReply.Create (
- advanceResult,
- state,
- ParserErrorMessages.Expected_HexDigit,
- () =>
- {
- var accumulated = 0u;
- var length = subString.Length;
- for (var iter = 0; iter < length; ++iter)
- {
- var c = subString[iter];
- accumulated = accumulated * 0x10U + CharToHex (c).Value;
- }
- return accumulated;
- }
- );
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- [CLSCompliant (false)]
- public static Parser<uint> UInt (
- int minCount = 1,
- int maxCount = 10
- )
- {
- var uintParser = UIntImpl (minCount, maxCount);
- Parser<uint>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var uintResult = uintParser.Execute (state);
- if (uintResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return uintResult.Failure<uint> ();
- }
- return uintResult.Success (uintResult.Value.Value);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<int> Int (
- )
- {
- var intParser = Parser.Group (
- SkipChar ('-').Opt (),
- UInt ()
- );
- Parser<int>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var intResult = intParser.Execute (state);
- if (intResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return intResult.Failure<int> ();
- }
- var intValue = (int)intResult.Value.Item2;
- return intResult.Success (intResult.Value.Item1.HasValue ? -intValue : intValue);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<double> Double ()
- {
- var intParser = Int ();
- var fracParser = SkipChar ('.').KeepRight (UIntImpl ());
- var expParser = SkipAnyOf ("eE").KeepRight (Parser.Group (AnyOf ("+-", maxCount:1), UInt ()));
- var doubleParser = Parser.Group (
- intParser,
- fracParser.Opt (),
- expParser.Opt ()
- );
- Parser<double>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var doubleResult = doubleParser.Execute (state);
- if (doubleResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return doubleResult.Failure<double> ();
- }
- var value = doubleResult.Value;
- var intValue = value.Item1;
- double doubleValue;
- if (value.Item2.HasValue)
- {
- var uIntResult = value.Item2.Value;
- var multiplier = intValue >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
- doubleValue = intValue + multiplier * uIntResult.Value * (Math.Pow (0.1, uIntResult.ConsumedCharacters));
- }
- else
- {
- doubleValue = intValue;
- }
- if (value.Item3.HasValue)
- {
- var modifier = value.Item3.Value.Item1;
- var multiplier =
- modifier[0] == '-'
- ? -1.0
- : 1.0
- ;
- doubleValue *= Math.Pow (10.0, multiplier*value.Item3.Value.Item2);
- }
- return doubleResult.Success (doubleValue);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Linq.Expressions;
- using Internal;
- sealed partial class CharSatisfy
- {
- public delegate bool Function (char ch, int index);
- public readonly IParserErrorMessage ErrorMessage;
- public readonly Function Satisfy;
- public static implicit operator CharSatisfy (char ch)
- {
- return new CharSatisfy (
- new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.CharSatisfy.FormatChar_1.FormatWith (ch)),
- (c, i) => ch == c
- );
- }
- public CharSatisfy (IParserErrorMessage errorMessage, Function satisfy)
- {
- ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
- Satisfy = satisfy;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- ErrorMessage,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- class SatisfyFunctions
- {
- // ReSharper disable MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
- // ReSharper disable MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
- // These methods should be kept non static as that reduces delegate overhead
- public bool AnyChar (char ch, int index)
- {
- return true;
- }
- public bool WhiteSpace (char ch, int index)
- {
- return char.IsWhiteSpace (ch);
- }
- public bool Digit (char ch, int index)
- {
- return char.IsDigit (ch);
- }
- public bool Letter (char ch, int index)
- {
- return char.IsLetter (ch);
- }
- // ReSharper restore MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
- // ReSharper restore MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
- }
- static readonly SatisfyFunctions s_satisfyFunctions = new SatisfyFunctions ();
- public static readonly CharSatisfy AnyChar = new CharSatisfy (ParserErrorMessages.Expected_Any , s_satisfyFunctions.AnyChar );
- public static readonly CharSatisfy WhiteSpace = new CharSatisfy (ParserErrorMessages.Expected_WhiteSpace , s_satisfyFunctions.WhiteSpace );
- public static readonly CharSatisfy Digit = new CharSatisfy (ParserErrorMessages.Expected_Digit , s_satisfyFunctions.Digit );
- public static readonly CharSatisfy Letter = new CharSatisfy (ParserErrorMessages.Expected_Letter , s_satisfyFunctions.Letter );
- public static readonly CharSatisfy LineBreak = new CharSatisfy (ParserErrorMessages.Expected_LineBreak , CreateSatisfyFunctionForAnyOfOrNoneOf ("\r\n", true));
- public static readonly CharSatisfy LineBreakOrWhiteSpace = LineBreak.Or (WhiteSpace);
- public static readonly CharSatisfy LetterOrDigit = Letter.Or (Digit);
- #endif
- static Function CreateSatisfyFunctionForAnyOfOrNoneOf (
- string match,
- bool matchResult
- )
- {
- if (!match.Any (ch => ch > 255))
- {
- var boolMap = Enumerable.Repeat (!matchResult, 256).ToArray ();
- foreach (var c in match)
- {
- boolMap[c] = matchResult;
- }
- return (c, i) => ((c & 0xFF00) == 0) && boolMap[c & 0xFF];
- }
- // Windows Phone is basically .NET35 but lacks the HashSet class.
- // Approximate with Dictionary<>
- var dictionary = match.ToDictionary (v => v, v => true);
- return (c, i) => dictionary.ContainsKey (c) ? matchResult : !matchResult;
- #else
- var hashSet = new HashSet<char> (match);
- return (c, i) => hashSet.Contains (c) ? matchResult : !matchResult;
- #endif
- }
- #else
- static Function CreateSatisfyFunctionForAnyOfOrNoneOf (
- string match,
- bool matchResult
- )
- {
- // For input string "Test" this generates the equivalent code to
- // Func<char, int> d = (ch, index) =>
- // {
- // bool result;
- // switch (ch)
- // {
- // case 'T':
- // case 'e':
- // case 's':
- // case 't':
- // result = matchResult;
- // break;
- // default:
- // result = !matchResult;
- // break;
- // }
- // return result;
- // }
- var parameter0 = Expression.Parameter (typeof (char), "ch");
- var parameter1 = Expression.Parameter (typeof (int), "index");
- var resultVariable = Expression.Variable (typeof (bool), "result");
- var switchStatement = Expression.Switch (
- parameter0,
- Expression.Assign (resultVariable, Expression.Constant (!matchResult)),
- Expression.SwitchCase (
- Expression.Assign (resultVariable, Expression.Constant (matchResult)),
- match.Select (ch => Expression.Constant (ch)).ToArray ()
- ));
- var body = Expression.Block (
- new[] { resultVariable },
- switchStatement,
- resultVariable
- );
- var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Function>(
- body,
- parameter0,
- parameter1
- );
- return lambda.Compile ();
- }
- #endif
- static CharSatisfy CreateSatisfyForAnyOfOrNoneOf (
- string match,
- Func<char, IParserErrorMessage> action,
- bool matchResult
- )
- {
- if (match.IsNullOrEmpty ())
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("match");
- }
- var errorMessages = match
- .Select (action)
- .ToArray ()
- ;
- return new CharSatisfy (
- new ParserErrorMessage_Group (errorMessages),
- CreateSatisfyFunctionForAnyOfOrNoneOf (match, matchResult)
- );
- }
- public static CharSatisfy CreateSatisfyForAnyOf (string match)
- {
- return CreateSatisfyForAnyOfOrNoneOf (
- match,
- x => new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.CharSatisfy.FormatChar_1.FormatWith (x)),
- true
- );
- }
- public static CharSatisfy CreateSatisfyForNoneOf (string match)
- {
- return CreateSatisfyForAnyOfOrNoneOf (
- match,
- x => new ParserErrorMessage_Unexpected (Strings.CharSatisfy.FormatChar_1.FormatWith (x)),
- false
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- partial struct Empty
- {
- public static Empty Value;
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return Strings.Empty;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- static partial class Extensions
- {
- // ParserReply.State
- public static bool IsSuccessful (this ParserReply.State state)
- {
- return state == ParserReply.State.Successful;
- }
- public static bool HasConsistentState (this ParserReply.State state)
- {
- return
- (state & ParserReply.State.FatalError_StateIsNotRestored)
- == 0;
- }
- public static bool HasFatalError (this ParserReply.State state)
- {
- return state >= ParserReply.State.FatalError;
- }
- public static bool HasError (this ParserReply.State state)
- {
- return state >= ParserReply.State.Error;
- }
- public static bool HasNonFatalError (this ParserReply.State state)
- {
- return state >= ParserReply.State.Error && state < ParserReply.State.FatalError;
- }
- // IParserErrorMessage
- public static IEnumerable<IParserErrorMessage> DeepTraverse (this IParserErrorMessage value)
- {
- if (value == null)
- {
- yield break;
- }
- var stack = new Stack<IParserErrorMessage> ();
- stack.Push (value);
- while (stack.Count > 0)
- {
- var pop = stack.Pop ();
- var parserErrorMessageGroup = pop as ParserErrorMessage_Group;
- if (parserErrorMessageGroup != null && parserErrorMessageGroup.Group != null)
- {
- foreach (var parserErrorMessage in parserErrorMessageGroup.Group)
- {
- stack.Push (parserErrorMessage);
- }
- }
- else if (pop != null)
- {
- yield return pop;
- }
- }
- }
- public static IParserErrorMessage Append (this IParserErrorMessage left, IParserErrorMessage right)
- {
- return new ParserErrorMessage_Group (
- left.DeepTraverse ().Concat (right.DeepTraverse ()).ToArray ()
- );
- }
- // CharSatisfy
- public static CharSatisfy Or (this CharSatisfy first, CharSatisfy second)
- {
- return new CharSatisfy (
- first.ErrorMessage.Append (second.ErrorMessage),
- (c, i) => first.Satisfy (c, i) || second.Satisfy (c, i)
- );
- }
- #endif
- static IParserErrorMessage ExpectedToUnexpected (
- IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage
- )
- {
- var parserErrorMessageExpected = parserErrorMessage as ParserErrorMessage_Expected;
- return parserErrorMessageExpected != null
- ? new ParserErrorMessage_Unexpected (parserErrorMessageExpected.Expected)
- : parserErrorMessage
- ;
- }
- public static CharSatisfy Except (this CharSatisfy first, CharSatisfy second)
- {
- return new CharSatisfy (
- first.ErrorMessage.Append (ExpectedToUnexpected (second.ErrorMessage)),
- (c, i) => first.Satisfy (c, i) && !second.Satisfy (c, i)
- );
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser.Internal
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Text;
- static partial class Extensions
- {
- // System.String
- public static string FormatWith (this string format, params object[] args)
- {
- return string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, args);
- }
- public static bool IsNullOrEmpty (this string str)
- {
- return string.IsNullOrEmpty (str);
- }
- // IEnumerable<string>
- public static string Concatenate (
- this IEnumerable<string> strings,
- string delimiter = null,
- string prepend = null,
- string append = null
- )
- {
- var first = true;
- var sb = new StringBuilder (prepend ?? String.Empty);
- var del = delimiter ?? String.Empty;
- foreach (var value in strings)
- {
- if (first)
- {
- first = false;
- }
- else
- {
- sb.Append (del);
- }
- sb.Append (value);
- }
- sb.Append (append ?? String.Empty);
- return sb.ToString ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- public partial class CharParser
- {
- }
- public partial class CharSatisfy
- {
- }
- public partial interface IParserErrorMessage
- {
- }
- public partial struct Empty
- {
- }
- public partial class Extensions
- {
- }
- public partial class Optional
- {
- }
- public partial struct Optional<TValue>
- {
- }
- public partial class Parser<TValue>
- {
- }
- public partial class Parser
- {
- }
- public partial class ParserFunctionRedirect<TValue>
- {
- }
- public partial class ParserReply
- {
- }
- public partial struct ParserReply<TValue>
- {
- }
- public partial class BaseParserResult
- {
- }
- public partial class ParserResult<TValue>
- {
- }
- public partial class ParserState
- {
- }
- public partial struct ParserStatePosition
- {
- }
- public partial struct SubString
- {
- }
- public partial class Tuple
- {
- }
- public partial struct Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>
- {
- }
- public partial struct Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>
- {
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- static partial class Optional
- {
- public static Optional<TValue> Create<TValue> (TValue value)
- {
- return new Optional<TValue> (value);
- }
- public static Optional<TValue> Create<TValue> ()
- {
- return new Optional<TValue> ();
- }
- }
- partial struct Optional<TValue>
- {
- public readonly bool HasValue;
- public readonly TValue Value;
- public Optional (TValue value)
- {
- HasValue = true;
- Value = value;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- HasValue,
- Value = HasValue ? Value : default (TValue),
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Linq;
- using Internal;
- sealed partial class Parser<TValue>
- {
- // ParserState is basically a string with a position
- // ParserReply contains the updated state and the result of the parser
- // operation depending on if the operation was successful
- public delegate ParserReply<TValue> Function (ParserState state);
- public readonly Function Execute;
- public Parser (Function function)
- {
- if (function == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("function");
- }
- Execute = function;
- }
- public static implicit operator Parser<TValue> (Function function)
- {
- return new Parser<TValue> (function);
- }
- }
- static partial class Parser
- {
- public static ParserResult<TValue> Parse<TValue> (Parser<TValue> parserFunction, string text)
- {
- var parseResult = parserFunction.Execute (
- ParserState.Create (
- text ?? Strings.Empty,
- suppressParserErrorMessageOperations:true
- ));
- if (!parseResult.State.IsSuccessful ())
- {
- var parseResultWithErrorInfo = parserFunction.Execute (
- ParserState.Create (
- text ?? Strings.Empty
- ));
- var errorResult = parseResultWithErrorInfo
- .ParserErrorMessage
- .DeepTraverse ()
- .GroupBy (msg => msg.Description)
- .OrderBy (group => group.Key)
- .Select (group =>
- Strings.Parser.ErrorMessage_2.FormatWith (
- group.Key,
- group.Select (message => message.Value.ToString ()).Distinct ().OrderBy (v => v).Concatenate (", ")
- ))
- .Concatenate (", ");
- var subString = new SubString (
- text,
- parseResultWithErrorInfo.ParserState.InternalPosition
- );
- var completeErrorResult =
- "Pos: {0} ('{1}') - {2}".FormatWith (
- subString.Position,
- subString[0],
- errorResult
- );
- return new ParserResult<TValue> (
- false,
- subString,
- completeErrorResult,
- default (TValue)
- );
- }
- return new ParserResult<TValue> (
- true,
- new SubString (
- text,
- parseResult.ParserState.InternalPosition
- ),
- Strings.Empty,
- parseResult.Value
- );
- }
- public static ParserFunctionRedirect<TValue> Redirect<TValue> ()
- {
- return new ParserFunctionRedirect<TValue> ();
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Return<TValue> (TValue value)
- {
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state => ParserReply<TValue>.Success (state, value);
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Fail<TValue>(string message)
- {
- var parserErrorMessageMessage = new ParserErrorMessage_Message (message);
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state => ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (ParserReply.State.Error, state, parserErrorMessageMessage);
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> FailWithExpected<TValue>(this Parser<TValue> parser, string message)
- {
- var parserErrorMessageMessage = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (message);
- Parser<TValue>.Function function =
- state =>
- {
- var reply = parser.Execute (state);
- if (reply.State.HasError ())
- {
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure(
- ParserReply.State.Error_Expected | reply.State & ParserReply.State.FatalError_Mask,
- state,
- parserErrorMessageMessage
- );
- }
- return reply;
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> DebugBreak<TValue> (this Parser<TValue> parser)
- {
- Parser<TValue>.Function function =
- state =>
- {
- Debug.Assert (false);
- return parser.Execute (state);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Empty> EndOfStream ()
- {
- Parser<Empty>.Function function = state =>
- state.EndOfStream
- ? ParserReply<Empty>.Success (state, Empty.Value)
- : ParserReply<Empty>.Failure (
- ParserReply.State.Error_Expected,
- state,
- ParserErrorMessages.Expected_EndOfStream
- );
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue2> Combine<TValue, TValue2>(this Parser<TValue> firstParser, Func<TValue, Parser<TValue2>> second)
- {
- Parser<TValue2>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (firstResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return firstResult.Failure<TValue2> ();
- }
- var secondParser = second (firstResult.Value);
- var secondResult = secondParser.Execute (state);
- return secondResult;
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue2> Map<TValue1, TValue2> (this Parser<TValue1> firstParser, Func<TValue1, TValue2> mapper)
- {
- Parser<TValue2>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (firstResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return firstResult.Failure<TValue2> ();
- }
- return firstResult.Success (mapper (firstResult.Value));
- };
- return function;
- }
- public static Parser<TValue2> Map<TValue1, TValue2> (this Parser<TValue1> firstParser, TValue2 value2)
- {
- return firstParser.Map (ignore => value2);
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue1> Chain<TValue1, TValue2>(
- this Parser<TValue1> parser,
- Parser<TValue2> separator,
- Func<TValue1, TValue2, TValue1, TValue1> combiner
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue1>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var result = parser.Execute (state);
- if (result.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result;
- }
- var accu = result.Value;
- ParserReply<TValue2> separatorResult;
- while ((separatorResult = separator.Execute (state)).State.IsSuccessful ())
- {
- var trailingResult = parser.Execute (state);
- if (trailingResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return trailingResult;
- }
- accu = combiner (accu, separatorResult.Value, trailingResult.Value);
- }
- if (separatorResult.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return separatorResult.Failure<TValue1> ();
- }
- return ParserReply<TValue1>.Success (state, accu);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue[]> Array<TValue> (
- this Parser<TValue> parser,
- Parser<Empty> separator,
- bool allowTrailingSeparator = false,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- Parser<TValue[]>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var result = new List<TValue> (Math.Max (minCount, 16));
- // Collect required
- for (var iter = 0; iter < minCount; ++iter)
- {
- if (result.Count > 0)
- {
- var separatorResult = separator.Execute (state);
- if (separatorResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return separatorResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- }
- var parserResult = parser.Execute (state);
- if (parserResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return parserResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- result.Add (parserResult.Value);
- }
- // Collect optional
- for (var iter = minCount; iter < maxCount; ++iter)
- {
- if (result.Count > 0)
- {
- var separatorResult = separator.Execute (state);
- if (separatorResult.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return separatorResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- else if (separatorResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- var parserResult = parser.Execute (state);
- if (!allowTrailingSeparator && result.Count > 0)
- {
- // If a separator has been consumed we need to fail on failures
- if (parserResult.State.HasError())
- {
- return parserResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If a separator has not been consumed we only need to fail on fatal errors
- if (parserResult.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return parserResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- else if (parserResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- result.Add (parserResult.Value);
- }
- return ParserReply<TValue[]>.Success (state, result.ToArray ());
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue[]> Many<TValue> (
- this Parser<TValue> parser,
- int minCount = 0,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- VerifyMinAndMaxCount (minCount, maxCount);
- Parser<TValue[]>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var result = new List<TValue> (Math.Max (minCount, 16));
- // Collect required
- for (var iter = 0; iter < minCount; ++iter)
- {
- var parserResult = parser.Execute (state);
- if (parserResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return parserResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- result.Add (parserResult.Value);
- }
- // Collect optional
- for (var iter = minCount; iter < maxCount; ++iter)
- {
- var parserResult = parser.Execute (state);
- if (parserResult.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return parserResult.Failure<TValue[]> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- else if (parserResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- break;
- }
- result.Add (parserResult.Value);
- }
- return ParserReply<TValue[]>.Success (state, result.ToArray ());
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public enum SwitchCharacterBehavior
- {
- Consume ,
- Leave ,
- }
- public struct SwitchCase<TValue>
- {
- public readonly string Case;
- public readonly Parser<TValue> Parser;
- public readonly string Expected;
- public SwitchCase (string @case, Parser<TValue> parser, string expected) : this()
- {
- Case = @case ?? "";
- Parser = parser ;
- Expected = expected ?? "";
- }
- }
- public static SwitchCase<TValue> Case<TValue> (
- string @case,
- Parser<TValue> parser,
- string expected = null
- )
- {
- return new SwitchCase<TValue>(@case, parser, expected);
- }
- public static Parser<TValue> Switch<TValue> (
- SwitchCharacterBehavior switchCharacterBehavior,
- params SwitchCase<TValue>[] cases
- )
- {
- if (cases == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("cases");
- }
- if (cases.Length == 0)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("cases", Strings.Parser.Verify_AtLeastOneParserFunctions);
- }
- var caseDictionary = cases
- .SelectMany ((@case, i) => @case.Case.Select (c => Tuple.Create (c, i)))
- .ToDictionary (kv => kv.Item1, kv => kv.Item2);
- var errorMessages = cases
- .SelectMany(
- (@case, i) => @case.Expected.IsNullOrEmpty()
- ? @case
- .Case
- .Select(ch => Strings.CharSatisfy.FormatChar_1.FormatWith(ch))
- : new[] { @case.Expected })
- .Distinct ()
- .Select (message => new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (message))
- .ToArray();
- var errorMessage = new ParserErrorMessage_Group (
- errorMessages
- );
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var peeked = state.PeekChar ();
- if (peeked == null)
- {
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (
- ParserReply.State.Error_Unexpected,
- state,
- ParserErrorMessages.Unexpected_Eos
- );
- }
- var peekedValue = peeked.Value;
- int index;
- if (!caseDictionary.TryGetValue (peekedValue, out index))
- {
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (
- ParserReply.State.Error_Expected,
- state,
- errorMessage
- );
- }
- if (switchCharacterBehavior == SwitchCharacterBehavior.Consume)
- {
- // Intentionally ignores result as SkipAdvance can't fail
- // in this situation (we know ParserState has at least one character left)
- state.SkipAdvance (1);
- }
- return cases[index].Parser.Execute(
- state
- )
- .VerifyConsistency(initialPosition);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Choice<TValue> (
- params Parser<TValue>[] parserFunctions
- )
- {
- if (parserFunctions == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("parserFunctions");
- }
- if (parserFunctions.Length == 0)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("parserFunctions", Strings.Parser.Verify_AtLeastOneParserFunctions);
- }
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var suppressParserErrorMessageOperations = state.SuppressParserErrorMessageOperations;
- var potentialErrors =
- !suppressParserErrorMessageOperations
- ? new List<IParserErrorMessage> (parserFunctions.Length)
- : null
- ;
- foreach (var parserFunction in parserFunctions)
- {
- var result = parserFunction.Execute (state);
- if (result.State.IsSuccessful ())
- {
- return result;
- }
- else if (result.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return result;
- }
- else if (!suppressParserErrorMessageOperations)
- {
- potentialErrors.Add (result.ParserErrorMessage);
- }
- }
- if (!suppressParserErrorMessageOperations)
- {
- var topGroup = new ParserErrorMessage_Group (potentialErrors.ToArray ());
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (ParserReply.State.Error_Group, state, topGroup);
- }
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (ParserReply.State.Error_Expected, state, ParserErrorMessages.Expected_Choice);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue1> KeepLeft<TValue1, TValue2> (
- this Parser<TValue1> firstParser,
- Parser<TValue2> secondParser
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue1>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (firstResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return firstResult;
- }
- var secondResult = secondParser.Execute (state);
- if (secondResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return secondResult.Failure<TValue1> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- return firstResult.Success (secondResult.ParserState);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue2> KeepRight<TValue1, TValue2> (
- this Parser<TValue1> firstParser,
- Parser<TValue2> secondParser
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue2>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (firstResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return firstResult.Failure<TValue2> ();
- }
- return secondParser.Execute (state);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Attempt<TValue>(
- this Parser<TValue> firstParser
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var backupPosition = state.InternalPosition;
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (!firstResult.State.HasConsistentState ())
- {
- ParserState.RestorePosition (state, backupPosition);
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (
- ParserReply.State.Error_StateIsRestored,
- state,
- firstResult.ParserErrorMessage
- );
- }
- #if DEBUG
- else
- {
- Debug.Assert (backupPosition == state.InternalPosition);
- }
- #endif
- return firstResult;
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Optional<TValue>> Opt<TValue> (
- this Parser<TValue> firstParser
- )
- {
- Parser<Optional<TValue>>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var firstResult = firstParser.Execute (state);
- if (firstResult.State.IsSuccessful ())
- {
- return firstResult.Success (Optional.Create (firstResult.Value));
- }
- if (firstResult.State.HasNonFatalError ())
- {
- return firstResult.Success (Optional.Create<TValue> ());
- }
- return firstResult.Failure<Optional<TValue>> ();
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Between<TValue> (
- this Parser<TValue> middleParser,
- Parser<Empty> preludeParser,
- Parser<Empty> epilogueParser
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var preludeResult = preludeParser.Execute (state);
- if (preludeResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return preludeResult.Failure<TValue> ();
- }
- var middleResult = middleParser.Execute (state);
- if (middleResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return middleResult.VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- var epilogueResult = epilogueParser.Execute (state);
- if (epilogueResult.State.HasError ())
- {
- return epilogueResult.Failure<TValue> ().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- return middleResult.Success (epilogueResult.ParserState);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<TValue> Except<TValue> (
- this Parser<TValue> parser,
- Parser<Empty> exceptParser
- )
- {
- Parser<TValue>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var exceptResult = exceptParser.Execute (state);
- if (exceptResult.State.IsSuccessful ())
- {
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (
- ParserReply.State.Error_Unexpected,
- exceptResult.ParserState,
- ParserErrorMessages.Message_TODO
- );
- }
- else if (exceptResult.State.HasFatalError ())
- {
- return exceptResult.Failure<TValue> ();
- }
- return parser.Execute (state);
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- internal static void VerifyMinAndMaxCount (int minCount, int maxCount)
- {
- if (minCount > maxCount)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("minCount", Strings.Parser.Verify_MinCountAndMaxCount);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) M�rten R�nge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Linq;
- using Internal;
- partial interface IParserErrorMessage
- {
- string Description { get; }
- object Value { get; }
- }
- abstract partial class ParserErrorMessage : IParserErrorMessage
- {
- public abstract string Description { get; }
- public abstract object Value { get; }
- }
- static partial class ParserErrorMessages
- {
- [Obsolete]
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Message_TODO = new ParserErrorMessage_Message (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Todo);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Message_Unknown = new ParserErrorMessage_Message (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Unknown);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_EndOfStream = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Eos);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_Digit = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Digit);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_HexDigit = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.HexDigit);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_WhiteSpace = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.WhiteSpace);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_Choice = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Choice);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_Any = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Any);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_Letter = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Letter);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Expected_LineBreak = new ParserErrorMessage_Expected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.LineBreak);
- public readonly static IParserErrorMessage Unexpected_Eos = new ParserErrorMessage_Unexpected (Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Eos);
- }
- sealed partial class ParserErrorMessage_Message : ParserErrorMessage
- {
- public readonly string Message;
- public ParserErrorMessage_Message (string message)
- {
- Message = message;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Message_1.FormatWith (Message);
- }
- public override string Description
- {
- get { return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Message; }
- }
- public override object Value
- {
- get { return Message; }
- }
- }
- sealed partial class ParserErrorMessage_Expected : ParserErrorMessage
- {
- public readonly string Expected;
- public ParserErrorMessage_Expected (string expected)
- {
- Expected = expected;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Expected_1.FormatWith (Expected);
- }
- public override string Description
- {
- get { return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Expected; }
- }
- public override object Value
- {
- get { return Expected; }
- }
- }
- sealed partial class ParserErrorMessage_Unexpected : ParserErrorMessage
- {
- public readonly string Unexpected;
- public ParserErrorMessage_Unexpected (string unexpected)
- {
- Unexpected = unexpected;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Unexpected_1.FormatWith (Unexpected);
- }
- public override string Description
- {
- get { return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Unexpected; }
- }
- public override object Value
- {
- get { return Unexpected; }
- }
- }
- sealed partial class ParserErrorMessage_Group : ParserErrorMessage
- {
- public readonly IParserErrorMessage[] Group;
- public ParserErrorMessage_Group (IParserErrorMessage[] group)
- {
- Group = group;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Group_1.FormatWith (Group.Select (message => message.ToString ()).Concatenate (Strings.CommaSeparator));
- }
- public override string Description
- {
- get { return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Group; }
- }
- public override object Value
- {
- get { return Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Group; }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- sealed partial class ParserFunctionRedirect<TValue>
- {
- public readonly Parser<TValue> Parser;
- public Parser<TValue> ParserRedirect;
- public ParserFunctionRedirect ()
- {
- Parser<TValue> .Function function = state => ParserRedirect.Execute (state);
- Parser = function;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using MicroParser.Internal;
- partial class Parser
- {
- public static Parser<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>> Group<TValue1, TValue2> (
- Parser<TValue1> parser1
- , Parser<TValue2> parser2
- )
- {
- Parser<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var result1 = parser1.Execute (state);
- if (result1.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result1.Failure<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>>().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- var result2 = parser2.Execute (state);
- if (result2.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result2.Failure<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>>().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- return result2.Success (
- Tuple.Create (
- result1.Value
- , result2.Value
- ));
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- public static Parser<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>> Group<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3> (
- Parser<TValue1> parser1
- , Parser<TValue2> parser2
- , Parser<TValue3> parser3
- )
- {
- Parser<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>>.Function function = state =>
- {
- var initialPosition = state.Position;
- var result1 = parser1.Execute (state);
- if (result1.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result1.Failure<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>>().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- var result2 = parser2.Execute (state);
- if (result2.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result2.Failure<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>>().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- var result3 = parser3.Execute (state);
- if (result3.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result3.Failure<Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>>().VerifyConsistency (initialPosition);
- }
- return result3.Success (
- Tuple.Create (
- result1.Value
- , result2.Value
- , result3.Value
- ));
- };
- return function;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using Internal;
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- static partial class ParserReply
- {
- // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
- [Flags]
- public enum State
- {
- Successful = 00,
- Error = 10,
- Error_Message = 11,
- Error_Expected = 12,
- Error_Unexpected = 13,
- Error_Group = 14,
- Error_StateIsRestored = 15,
- Error_Mask = 0x0000FFFF,
- FatalError = 0x00010000,
- FatalError_Mask = 0x7FFF0000,
- FatalError_Terminate = 0x00010000,
- FatalError_StateIsNotRestored = 0x00020000,
- }
- // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
- static ParserReply<TValue> CreateParserReplyFailure<TValue>(ParserState.AdvanceResult advanceResult, ParserState state, IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage)
- {
- switch (advanceResult)
- {
- case ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_EndOfStream:
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (State.Error_Unexpected, state, ParserErrorMessages.Unexpected_Eos);
- case ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed:
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (State.Error, state, parserErrorMessage);
- case ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_EndOfStream_PostionChanged:
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (State.FatalError_StateIsNotRestored | State.Error_Unexpected, state, ParserErrorMessages.Unexpected_Eos);
- case ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed_PositionChanged:
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (State.FatalError_StateIsNotRestored | State.Error, state, parserErrorMessage);
- case ParserState.AdvanceResult.Error:
- default:
- return ParserReply<TValue>.Failure (State.Error, state, ParserErrorMessages.Message_Unknown);
- }
- }
- public static ParserReply<TValue> Create<TValue>(
- ParserState.AdvanceResult advanceResult,
- ParserState state,
- IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage,
- TValue value
- )
- {
- return advanceResult == ParserState.AdvanceResult.Successful
- ? ParserReply<TValue>.Success (state, value)
- : CreateParserReplyFailure<TValue>(advanceResult, state, parserErrorMessage)
- ;
- }
- public static ParserReply<TValue> Create<TValue>(
- ParserState.AdvanceResult advanceResult,
- ParserState state,
- IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage,
- Func<TValue> valueCreator
- )
- {
- return advanceResult == ParserState.AdvanceResult.Successful
- ? ParserReply<TValue>.Success (state, valueCreator ())
- : CreateParserReplyFailure<TValue>(advanceResult, state, parserErrorMessage)
- ;
- }
- }
- partial struct ParserReply<TValue>
- {
- public readonly ParserReply.State State;
- public readonly ParserState ParserState;
- public readonly IParserErrorMessage ParserErrorMessage;
- public readonly TValue Value;
- ParserReply (ParserReply.State state, ParserState parserState, TValue value, IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage)
- {
- State = state;
- ParserState = parserState;
- ParserErrorMessage = parserErrorMessage;
- Value = value;
- }
- public static ParserReply<TValue> Success (
- ParserState parserState,
- TValue value
- )
- {
- return new ParserReply<TValue>(
- ParserReply.State.Successful,
- parserState,
- value,
- null
- );
- }
- public static ParserReply<TValue> Failure (
- ParserReply.State state,
- ParserState parserState,
- IParserErrorMessage parserErrorMessage
- )
- {
- Debug.Assert (!state.IsSuccessful ());
- Debug.Assert (parserErrorMessage != null);
- return new ParserReply<TValue>(
- state.IsSuccessful () ? ParserReply.State.Error : state,
- parserState,
- default (TValue),
- parserErrorMessage
- );
- }
- public ParserReply<TValueTo> Failure<TValueTo> ()
- {
- return ParserReply<TValueTo>.Failure (State, ParserState, ParserErrorMessage);
- }
- public ParserReply<TValue> Success (ParserState parserState)
- {
- return Success (parserState, Value);
- }
- public ParserReply<TValueTo> Success<TValueTo> (TValueTo valueTo)
- {
- return ParserReply<TValueTo>.Success (ParserState, valueTo);
- }
- public ParserReply<TValue> Failure (ParserState parserState)
- {
- return Failure (
- State,
- parserState,
- ParserErrorMessage
- );
- }
- public ParserReply<TValue> VerifyConsistency (ParserStatePosition initialPosition)
- {
- if (
- State.HasError ()
- && ParserState.InternalPosition - initialPosition.Position > 0
- )
- {
- return new ParserReply<TValue>(
- ParserReply.State.FatalError_StateIsNotRestored | State,
- ParserState,
- default (TValue),
- ParserErrorMessage
- );
- }
- return this;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- if (State == ParserReply.State.Successful)
- {
- return new
- {
- State,
- ParserState,
- Value,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- else
- {
- return new
- {
- State,
- ParserState,
- ParserErrorMessage,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- abstract partial class BaseParserResult
- {
- public readonly bool IsSuccessful;
- public readonly SubString Unconsumed;
- public readonly string ErrorMessage;
- public bool EndOfStream
- {
- get
- {
- return !(Unconsumed.Begin < Unconsumed.End);
- }
- }
- protected BaseParserResult (bool isSuccessful, SubString unconsumed, string errorMessage)
- {
- IsSuccessful = isSuccessful;
- Unconsumed = unconsumed;
- ErrorMessage = errorMessage ?? Strings.Empty;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- if (IsSuccessful)
- {
- return new
- {
- IsSuccessful,
- Position = Unconsumed.Begin,
- EndOfStream,
- Current = !EndOfStream ? new string (Unconsumed[Unconsumed.Begin], 1) : Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Eos,
- Value = GetValue (),
- }.ToString ();
- }
- else
- {
- return new
- {
- IsSuccessful,
- Position = Unconsumed.Begin,
- EndOfStream,
- Current = !EndOfStream ? new string (Unconsumed[Unconsumed.Begin], 1) : Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Eos,
- ErrorMessage,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- }
- #endif
- protected abstract object GetValue ();
- }
- sealed partial class ParserResult<TValue> : BaseParserResult
- {
- public readonly TValue Value;
- public ParserResult (bool isSuccessful, SubString subString, string errorMessage, TValue value)
- : base (isSuccessful, subString, errorMessage)
- {
- Value = value;
- }
- protected override object GetValue ()
- {
- return Value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- partial struct ParserStatePosition
- {
- public readonly int Position;
- public ParserStatePosition (int position)
- {
- Position = position;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- Position,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- }
- sealed partial class ParserState
- {
- // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
- public enum AdvanceResult
- {
- Successful = 00,
- Error = 10,
- Error_EndOfStream = 11,
- Error_SatisfyFailed = 12,
- Error_EndOfStream_PostionChanged = 23,
- Error_SatisfyFailed_PositionChanged = 24,
- }
- // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
- readonly string m_text;
- int m_position;
- public readonly bool SuppressParserErrorMessageOperations;
- ParserState (int position, string text, bool suppressParserErrorMessageOperations)
- {
- m_position = Math.Max (position, 0);
- m_text = text ?? String.Empty;
- SuppressParserErrorMessageOperations = suppressParserErrorMessageOperations;
- }
- internal int InternalPosition
- {
- get
- {
- return m_position;
- }
- }
- public string Text
- {
- get
- {
- return m_text;
- }
- }
- public ParserStatePosition Position
- {
- get
- {
- return new ParserStatePosition (m_position);
- }
- }
- public bool EndOfStream
- {
- get
- {
- return !(m_position < m_text.Length);
- }
- }
- public char? PeekChar ()
- {
- if (EndOfStream)
- {
- return null;
- }
- return m_text[m_position];
- }
- public AdvanceResult Advance (
- ref SubString subString,
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy,
- int minCount = 1,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- Debug.Assert (minCount <= maxCount);
- var localSatisfy = satisfy ?? CharSatisfy.AnyChar.Satisfy;
- subString.Value = m_text;
- subString.Position = m_position;
- /*
- * This optimization is very tempting to do, but this will give the wrong error message
- * The optimization only saves time at the end of stream so it was removed
- if (m_position + minCount >= m_text.Length + 1)
- {
- return AdvanceResult.Error_EndOfStream;
- }
- */
- var length = Math.Min (maxCount, m_text.Length - m_position);
- for (var iter = 0; iter < length; ++iter)
- {
- var c = m_text[m_position];
- if (!localSatisfy (c, iter))
- {
- if (iter < minCount)
- {
- return subString.Position == m_position
- ? AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed
- : AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed_PositionChanged
- ;
- }
- subString.Length = m_position - subString.Position;
- return AdvanceResult.Successful;
- }
- ++m_position;
- }
- subString.Length = m_position - subString.Position;
- if (length < minCount)
- {
- return subString.Position == m_position
- ? AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed
- : AdvanceResult.Error_SatisfyFailed_PositionChanged
- ;
- }
- return AdvanceResult.Successful;
- }
- public AdvanceResult SkipAdvance (int count)
- {
- if (m_position + count >= m_text.Length + 1)
- {
- return AdvanceResult.Error_EndOfStream;
- }
- m_position += count;
- return AdvanceResult.Successful;
- }
- public AdvanceResult SkipAdvance (
- CharSatisfy.Function satisfy,
- int minCount = 1,
- int maxCount = int.MaxValue
- )
- {
- var subString = new SubString ();
- return Advance (ref subString, satisfy, minCount, maxCount);
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- Position = m_position,
- SuppressParserErrorMessageOperations,
- EndOfStream,
- Current = !EndOfStream ? new string (m_text[m_position], 1) : Strings.ParserErrorMessages.Eos,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- public static ParserState Create (
- string text,
- int position = 0,
- bool suppressParserErrorMessageOperations = false
- )
- {
- return new ParserState (
- Math.Max (position, 0),
- text ?? Strings.Empty,
- suppressParserErrorMessageOperations
- );
- }
- public static ParserState Clone (ParserState parserState)
- {
- if (parserState == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- return new ParserState (
- parserState.m_position,
- parserState.m_text,
- parserState.SuppressParserErrorMessageOperations
- );
- }
- public static void Restore (ParserState parserState, ParserState clone)
- {
- if (parserState == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (clone == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- parserState.m_position = clone.m_position;
- }
- internal static void RestorePosition (ParserState parserState, int position)
- {
- if (parserState == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- parserState.m_position = position;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- static partial class Strings
- {
- public const string CommaSeparator = ", ";
- public const string Empty = "";
- public static class Parser
- {
- public const string ErrorMessage_2 = "{0} : {1}";
- public const string Verify_AtLeastOneParserFunctions = "cases should contain at least 1 item";
- public const string Verify_MinCountAndMaxCount = "minCount need to be less or equal to maxCount";
- }
- public static class CharSatisfy
- {
- public const string FormatChar_1 = "'{0}'";
- }
- public static class ParserErrorMessages
- {
- public const string Message_1 = "Message:{0}";
- public const string Expected_1 = "Expected:{0}";
- public const string Unexpected_1 = "Unexpected:{0}";
- public const string Group_1 = "Group:{0}";
- [Obsolete]
- public const string Todo = "TODO:";
- public const string Unexpected = "unexpected ";
- public const string Unknown = "unknown error";
- public const string Eos = "end of stream";
- public const string WhiteSpace = "whitespace";
- public const string Digit = "digit";
- public const string HexDigit = "hexdigit";
- public const string Letter = "letter";
- public const string Any = "any";
- public const string LineBreak = "linebreak";
- public const string Choice = "multiple choices";
- public const string Message = "message";
- public const string Group = "group";
- public const string Expected = "expected";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Text;
- partial struct SubString : IEquatable<SubString>
- {
- public string Value;
- public int Position;
- public int Length;
- public static implicit operator SubString (string s)
- {
- return new SubString (s);
- }
- public SubString (string value, int position, int length)
- {
- Value = value;
- Position = position;
- Length = length;
- }
- public SubString (string value, int position = 0)
- : this (value, position, (value ?? Strings.Empty).Length - position)
- {
- }
- public int EffectiveLength
- {
- get
- {
- return End - Begin;
- }
- }
- public int Begin
- {
- get
- {
- return Math.Max (Position, 0);
- }
- }
- public int End
- {
- get
- {
- return Math.Min (Position + Length, SafeValue.Length);
- }
- }
- string SafeValue
- {
- get
- {
- return Value ?? Strings.Empty;
- }
- }
- public bool Equals (SubString other)
- {
- var value = SafeValue;
- var otherValue = other.SafeValue;
- var effectiveLength = EffectiveLength;
- var effectiveOtherLength = other.EffectiveLength;
- if (effectiveLength != effectiveOtherLength)
- {
- return false;
- }
- var begin = Begin;
- var otherBegin = other.Begin;
- var end = End;
- var otherEnd = other.End;
- var diff = otherBegin - begin;
- for (var iter = begin; iter < end; ++iter)
- {
- if (value[iter] != otherValue[iter + diff])
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return SafeValue.Substring (Begin, EffectiveLength);
- }
- public char this[int index]
- {
- get
- {
- var realIndex = Position + index;
- return realIndex > -1 && realIndex < Value.Length
- ? Value[Position + index]
- : ' '
- ;
- }
- }
- public static bool operator == (SubString left, SubString right)
- {
- return left.Equals (right);
- }
- public static bool operator != (SubString left, SubString right)
- {
- return !(left == right);
- }
- public override bool Equals (object obj)
- {
- return obj is SubString && Equals ((SubString) obj);
- }
- public override int GetHashCode ()
- {
- var result = 0x55555555;
- var value = SafeValue;
- var end = End;
- for (var iter = Begin; iter < end; ++iter)
- {
- result = (result * 397) ^ value[iter];
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- namespace Include
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser
- {
- static partial class Tuple
- {
- public static Tuple<TValue1, TValue2> Create<TValue1, TValue2> (
- TValue1 value1
- , TValue2 value2
- )
- {
- return new Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>
- {
- Item1 = value1 ,
- Item2 = value2 ,
- };
- }
- public static Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3> Create<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3> (
- TValue1 value1
- , TValue2 value2
- , TValue3 value3
- )
- {
- return new Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>
- {
- Item1 = value1 ,
- Item2 = value2 ,
- Item3 = value3 ,
- };
- }
- }
- partial struct Tuple<TValue1, TValue2>
- {
- public TValue1 Item1;
- public TValue2 Item2;
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- Item1,
- Item2,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- }
- partial struct Tuple<TValue1, TValue2, TValue3>
- {
- public TValue1 Item1;
- public TValue2 Item2;
- public TValue3 Item3;
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- Item1,
- Item2,
- Item3,
- }.ToString ();
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser.Json
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using Include.MicroParser;
- public sealed partial class JsonUnserializeError
- {
- public readonly string ErrorMessage;
- public readonly int ErrorOffset;
- public JsonUnserializeError (string errorMessage, int errorOffset)
- {
- ErrorMessage = errorMessage ?? "<NULL>";
- ErrorOffset = errorOffset;
- }
- public override string ToString ()
- {
- return new
- {
- ErrorOffset,
- ErrorMessage
- }.ToString ();
- }
- }
- static partial class JsonSerializer
- {
- static partial void TransformObjects (object[] objects, ref object result);
- static partial void TransformObject (Tuple<string, object>[] properties, ref object result);
- static IEnumerable<TZipped> Zip<T0, T1, TZipped>(
- this IEnumerable<T0> values0,
- IEnumerable<T1> values1,
- Func<T0, T1, TZipped> zipper
- )
- {
- if (zipper == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException ("zipper");
- }
- values0 = values0 ?? new T0[0];
- values1 = values1 ?? new T1[0];
- using (var e0 = values0.GetEnumerator ())
- using (var e1 = values1.GetEnumerator ())
- {
- bool moveNext0;
- bool moveNext1;
- while ((moveNext0 = e0.MoveNext () & (moveNext1 = e1.MoveNext ())))
- {
- yield return zipper (e0.Current, e1.Current);
- }
- if (moveNext0 != moveNext1)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException ("values0 and values1 must be of same length");
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- static readonly Parser<object> s_parser;
- struct StringPart
- {
- readonly int m_item1;
- readonly int m_item2;
- public StringPart (int position, int length)
- {
- m_item1 = position;
- m_item2 = length;
- }
- public StringPart (char ch)
- {
- m_item1 = ch;
- m_item2 = 0;
- }
- public bool IsRange
- {
- get
- {
- return m_item2 > 0;
- }
- }
- public int Position
- {
- get
- {
- Debug.Assert (IsRange);
- return m_item1;
- }
- }
- public int Length
- {
- get
- {
- Debug.Assert (IsRange);
- return m_item2;
- }
- }
- public char Character
- {
- get
- {
- unchecked
- {
- Debug.Assert (!IsRange);
- return (char)(m_item1 & 0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static Parser<string> CombineStringParts (
- this Parser<StringPart[]> parser
- )
- {
- Parser<string>.Function function =
- state =>
- {
- var result = parser.Execute (state);
- if (result.State.HasError ())
- {
- return result.Failure<string>();
- }
- var text = state.Text;
- var length = 0;
- foreach (var stringPart in result.Value)
- {
- if (stringPart.IsRange)
- {
- length += stringPart.Length;
- }
- else
- {
- ++length;
- }
- }
- var charArray = new char[length];
- var position = 0;
- foreach (var stringPart in result.Value)
- {
- if (stringPart.IsRange)
- {
- var begin = stringPart.Position;
- var end = begin + stringPart.Length;
- for (var iter = begin; iter < end; ++iter)
- {
- charArray[position++] = text[iter];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- charArray[position++] = stringPart.Character;
- }
- }
- var stringValue = new string (charArray);
- return result.Success (stringValue);
- };
- return function;
- }
- static object TransformObjects (object[] objects)
- {
- object result = objects;
- TransformObjects (objects, ref result);
- return result;
- }
- static object TransformObject (Tuple<string, object>[] properties)
- {
- object result = properties;
- TransformObject (properties, ref result);
- return result;
- }
- static JsonSerializer ()
- {
- // Language spec at www.json.org
- // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
- Func<char, Parser<Empty>> p_char = CharParser.SkipChar;
- Func<string, Parser<Empty>> p_str = CharParser.SkipString;
- var p_spaces = CharParser.SkipWhiteSpace ();
- const string expected_bool = "bool" ;
- const string expected_string = "string" ;
- const string expected_number = "number" ;
- const string expected_null = "null" ;
- var p_null = p_str ("null").Map (null as object);
- var p_true = p_str ("true").Map (true as object);
- var p_false = p_str ("false").Map (false as object);
- var p_number = CharParser.Double ().Map (d => d as object);
- const string simpleEscape = "\"\\/bfnrt";
- const string simpleEscapeMap = "\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t";
- Debug.Assert (simpleEscape.Length == simpleEscapeMap.Length);
- var simpleSwitchCases = simpleEscape
- .Zip (
- simpleEscapeMap,
- (l, r) => Parser.Case (l.ToString (s_cultureInfo), Parser.Return (new StringPart (r)))
- );
- var otherSwitchCases =
- new[]
- {
- Parser.Case (
- "u",
- CharParser
- .Hex (minCount: 4, maxCount: 4)
- .Map (ui => new StringPart ((char) ui)))
- };
- var switchCases = simpleSwitchCases.Concat (otherSwitchCases).ToArray ();
- var p_escape = Parser.Switch (
- Parser.SwitchCharacterBehavior.Consume,
- switchCases
- );
- var p_string = Parser
- .Choice (
- CharParser.NoneOf ("\\\"", minCount: 1).Map (ss => new StringPart (ss.Position, ss.Length)),
- CharParser.SkipChar ('\\').KeepRight (p_escape))
- .Many ()
- .Between (
- p_char ('"'),
- p_char ('"')
- )
- .CombineStringParts ();
- var p_array_redirect = Parser.Redirect<object>();
- var p_object_redirect = Parser.Redirect<object>();
- var p_array = p_array_redirect.Parser;
- var p_object = p_object_redirect.Parser;
- // .Switch is used as we can tell by looking at the first character which parser to use
- var p_value = Parser
- .Switch (
- Parser.SwitchCharacterBehavior.Leave,
- Parser.Case ("\"" , p_string.Map (v => v as object), expected_string ),
- Parser.Case ("-0123456789" , p_number , expected_number ),
- Parser.Case ("{" , p_object ),
- Parser.Case ("[" , p_array ),
- Parser.Case ("t" , p_true , expected_bool ),
- Parser.Case ("f" , p_false , expected_bool ),
- Parser.Case ("n" , p_null , expected_null )
- )
- .KeepLeft (p_spaces);
- var p_elements = p_value
- .Array (p_char (',')
- .KeepLeft (p_spaces))
- .Map (TransformObjects);
- p_array_redirect.ParserRedirect = p_elements
- .Between (
- p_char ('[').KeepLeft (p_spaces),
- p_char (']')
- );
- var p_member = Parser
- .Group (
- p_string.KeepLeft (p_spaces),
- p_char (':').KeepLeft (p_spaces).KeepRight (p_value)
- );
- var p_members = p_member
- .Array (p_char (',')
- .KeepLeft (p_spaces));
- p_object_redirect.ParserRedirect = p_members
- .Between (
- p_char ('{').KeepLeft (p_spaces),
- p_char ('}')
- )
- .Map (TransformObject);
- var p_eos = Parser.EndOfStream ();
- // .Switch is used as we can tell by looking at the first character which parser to use
- var p_root = Parser
- .Switch (
- Parser.SwitchCharacterBehavior.Leave,
- Parser.Case ("{", p_object),
- Parser.Case ("[", p_array)
- )
- .KeepLeft (p_spaces);
- s_parser = p_spaces.KeepRight (p_root).KeepLeft (p_spaces).KeepLeft (p_eos);
- // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
- }
- public static object Unserialize (string str)
- {
- var result = Parser.Parse (s_parser, str);
- return result.IsSuccessful ? result.Value : new JsonUnserializeError (result.ErrorMessage, result.Unconsumed.Begin);
- }
- static readonly CultureInfo s_cultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
- static void SerializeImpl (StringBuilder stringBuilder, object dyn)
- {
- if (dyn is double)
- {
- stringBuilder.Append (((double)dyn).ToString (s_cultureInfo));
- }
- else if (dyn is int)
- {
- stringBuilder.Append (((int)dyn).ToString (s_cultureInfo));
- }
- else if (dyn is string)
- {
- SerializeStringValue (stringBuilder, (string)dyn);
- }
- else if (dyn is bool)
- {
- if ((bool)dyn)
- {
- stringBuilder.Append ("true");
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.Append ("false");
- }
- }
- else if (dyn is IDictionary<string, object>)
- {
- var dictionary = dyn as IDictionary<string, object>;
- stringBuilder.Append ('{');
- var first = true;
- foreach (var kv in dictionary)
- {
- if (first)
- {
- first = false;
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.Append (',');
- }
- SerializeStringValue (stringBuilder, kv.Key);
- stringBuilder.Append (':');
- SerializeImpl (stringBuilder, kv.Value);
- }
- stringBuilder.Append ('}');
- }
- else if (dyn is IEnumerable)
- {
- var enumerable = (IEnumerable)dyn;
- stringBuilder.Append ('[');
- var first = true;
- foreach (var obj in enumerable)
- {
- if (first)
- {
- first = false;
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.Append (',');
- }
- SerializeImpl (stringBuilder, obj);
- }
- stringBuilder.Append (']');
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.Append ("null");
- }
- }
- static void SerializeStringValue (StringBuilder stringBuilder, string str)
- {
- stringBuilder.Append ('"');
- foreach (var ch in str)
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '\b':
- stringBuilder.Append ("\\b");
- break;
- case '\f':
- stringBuilder.Append ("\\f");
- break;
- case '\n':
- stringBuilder.Append ("\\n");
- break;
- case '\r':
- stringBuilder.Append ("\\r");
- break;
- case '\t':
- stringBuilder.Append ("\\t");
- break;
- default:
- stringBuilder.Append (ch);
- break;
- }
- }
- stringBuilder.Append ('"');
- }
- public static string Serialize (object dyn)
- {
- var sb = new StringBuilder (32);
- SerializeImpl (sb, dyn);
- return sb.ToString ();
- }
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser.Json
- {
- public partial class JsonUnserializeError
- {
- }
- public partial class JsonSerializer
- {
- }
- }
- #endif
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- // copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
- // If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- // dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- // by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace MicroParser.Json
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Dynamic;
- partial class JsonSerializer
- {
- static partial void TransformObject (Tuple<string, object>[] properties, ref object result)
- {
- IDictionary<string, object> expando = new ExpandoObject ();
- foreach (var p in properties)
- {
- expando[p.Item1 ?? ""] = p.Item2;
- }
- result = expando;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif