MSBuild | 1823 lines | 1624 code | 199 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | c763443050bbd03b75c5b46bd330bcc4 MD5 | raw file
- ###
- ### jEdit user interface definitions
- ### :tabSize=8:indentSize=8:noTabs=false:
- ### :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
- ###
- ### Copyright (C) 1998, 2001 Slava Pestov
- ###
- #{{{ Default user catalog file
- defaultCatalog=<?xml version="1.0"?>\n\
- <!DOCTYPE MODES SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">\n\
- \n\
- <MODES>\n\
- \n\
- <!-- Add lines like the following, one for each edit mode you add: -->\n\
- <!-- <MODE NAME="foo" FILE="foo.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.foo" /> -->\n\
- \n\
- </MODES>
- #}}}
- #{{{ Common strings
- common.ok=OK
- common.cancel=Cancel
- common.close=Close
- common.apply=Apply
- common.more=More
- lineSep.unix=Unix (\\n)
- lineSep.windows=DOS/Windows (\\r\\n)
- lineSep.mac=MacOS (\\r)
- #}}}
- #{{{ A list of common file encodings used in various places
- encodings=ASCII Cp850 Cp1251 Cp1252 ISO8859_1 ISO8859_2 MacRoman Big5 GBK \
- KOI8_R SJIS Unicode UTF8
- #}}}
- #{{{ Miscellaneous
- history.caption=Previously entered strings:
- print.page=Page {0}
- action-set.jEdit=Built-in Commands
- action-set.macros=Macros
- action-set.plugin=Plugin: {0}
- view.docking.close-tooltip=Hides the current docked window
- #}}}
- #{{{ Tool bar
- view.toolbar=new-file open-file save print - \
- undo redo cut copy paste - find find-next - new-view unsplit \
- split-horizontal split-vertical - buffer-options global-options - \
- plugin-manager - help
- new-file.icon=New24.gif
- open-file.icon=Open24.gif
- save.icon=Save24.gif
- print.icon=Print24.gif
- undo.icon=Undo24.gif
- redo.icon=Redo24.gif
- cut.icon=Cut24.gif
- copy.icon=Copy24.gif
- paste.icon=Paste24.gif
- find.icon=Find24.gif
- find-next.icon=FindAgain24.gif
- new-view.icon=NewView24.gif
- unsplit.icon=Unsplit24.gif
- split-horizontal.icon=SplitHorizontal24.gif
- split-vertical.icon=SplitVertical24.gif
- buffer-options.icon=Properties24.gif
- global-options.icon=Preferences24.gif
- plugin-manager.icon=BeanAdd24.gif
- help.icon=Help24.gif
- #{{{ Icon list for tool bar editor
- icons=Blank24.gif \
- About24.gif \
- Add24.gif \
- AlignBottom24.gif \
- AlignCenter24.gif \
- AlignJustify24.gif \
- AlignJustifyHorizontal24.gif \
- AlignJustifyVertical24.gif \
- AlignLeft24.gif \
- AlignRight24.gif \
- AlignTop24.gif \
- Applet24.gif \
- Application24.gif \
- ApplicationDeploy24.gif \
- Back24.gif \
- Bean24.gif \
- BeanAdd24.gif \
- Bold24.gif \
- Bookmarks24.gif \
- ColumnDelete24.gif \
- ColumnInsertAfter24.gif \
- ColumnInsertBefore24.gif \
- ComposeMail24.gif \
- ContextualHelp24.gif \
- Copy24.gif \
- Cut24.gif \
- Delete24.gif \
- Down24.gif \
- Edit24.gif \
- EnterpriseJavaBean24.gif \
- EnterpriseJavaBeanJar24.gif \
- Export24.gif \
- FastForward24.gif \
- Find24.gif \
- FindAgain24.gif \
- Forward24.gif \
- Help24.gif \
- History24.gif \
- Home24.gif \
- Host24.gif \
- Import24.gif \
- Information24.gif \
- Italic24.gif \
- J2EEApplication24.gif \
- J2EEApplicationClient24.gif \
- J2EEApplicationClientAdd24.gif \
- J2EEServer24.gif \
- Jar24.gif \
- JarAdd24.gif \
- Movie24.gif \
- New24.gif \
- NewView24.gif \
- Normal24.gif \
- Open24.gif \
- PageSetup24.gif \
- Paste24.gif \
- Pause24.gif \
- Play24.gif \
- Preferences24.gif \
- Print24.gif \
- PrintPreview24.gif \
- Properties24.gif \
- Redo24.gif \
- Refresh24.gif \
- Remove24.gif \
- Replace24.gif \
- Rewind24.gif \
- RowDelete24.gif \
- RowInsertAfter24.gif \
- RowInsertBefore24.gif \
- Save24.gif \
- SaveAll24.gif \
- SaveAs24.gif \
- Search24.gif \
- SendMail24.gif \
- Server24.gif \
- SplitHorizontal24.gif \
- SplitVertical24.gif \
- StepBack24.gif \
- StepForward24.gif \
- Stop24.gif \
- TipOfTheDay24.gif \
- Underline24.gif \
- Undo24.gif \
- Unsplit24.gif \
- Up24.gif \
- Volume24.gif \
- War24.gif \
- WarAdd24.gif \
- WebComponent24.gif \
- WebComponentAdd24.gif \
- Zoom24.gif \
- ZoomIn24.gif \
- ZoomOut24.gif
- #}}}
- view.search.find=Search for:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Context menu
- view.context=undo redo - cut copy paste paste-previous - select-all \
- select-none - view-registers - to-upper to-lower - \
- hypersearch - unsplit split-horizontal - eval-selection - \
- buffer-options global-options
- #}}}
- #{{{ Menu bar
- view.mbar=file edit search markers view utils macros plugins help-menu
- #{{{ File menu
- file=new-file \
- open-file \
- %open-encoding \
- %recent-files \
- %recent-directories \
- %current-directory \
- insert-file \
- - \
- reload \
- reload-all \
- - \
- close-buffer \
- close-all \
- - \
- save \
- save-as \
- save-a-copy-as \
- save-all \
- - \
- print \
- - \
- exit
- file.label=$File
- new-file.label=$New
- open-file.label=$Open...
- open-encoding.label=Open With Encoding
- jedit-encoding=jEdit Default
- os-encoding=System Default
- other-encoding.label=Open With Other Encoding...
- recent-files.label=Recent Files
- recent-directories.label=Recent Directories
- current-directory.label=Current Directory
- current-directory.not-local=Cannot list directories on remote filesystems
- current-directory.no-files=No Files
- insert-file.label=$Insert...
- no-recent-files.label=No Recent Files
- no-recent-dirs.label=No Recent Directories
- reload.label=$Reload
- reload-all.label=Reloa$d All...
- close-buffer.label=$Close
- close-all.label=Clos$e All
- save.label=$Save
- save-as.label=S$ave As...
- save-a-copy-as.label=Save a Cop$y As...
- save-all.label=Save A$ll...
- print.label=$Print...
- exit.label=E$xit
- #}}}
- #{{{ Edit menu
- edit=undo \
- redo \
- - \
- cut \
- copy \
- cut-append \
- copy-append \
- paste \
- paste-previous \
- - \
- select-all \
- select-none \
- invert-selection \
- - \
- word-count \
- - \
- complete-word \
- expand-abbrev \
- - \
- goto-line \
- select-line-range \
- - \
- %text \
- %source \
- %registers
- edit.label=$Edit
- undo.label=$Undo
- redo.label=$Redo
- cut.label=$Cut
- copy.label=C$opy
- cut-append.label=Cu$t Append
- copy-append.label=Copy $Append
- paste.label=$Paste
- paste-previous.label=Paste Pre$vious...
- select-all.label=$Select All
- select-none.label=Select $None
- invert-selection.label=$Invert Selection
- word-count.label=$Word Count...
- complete-word.label=Co$mplete Word
- expand-abbrev.label=E$xpand Abbreviation
- goto-line.label=$Go to Line...
- select-line-range.label=Se$lect Line Range...
- #{{{ Text menu
- text=select-word \
- - \
- select-line \
- delete-line \
- delete-start-line \
- delete-end-line \
- remove-trailing-ws \
- join-lines \
- - \
- select-paragraph \
- format-paragraph \
- delete-paragraph \
- - \
- to-lower \
- to-upper \
- spaces-to-tabs \
- tabs-to-spaces
- text.label=Text
- select-word.label=Select Word
- select-line.label=Select Line
- delete-line.label=Delete Line
- delete-start-line.label=Delete to Start of Line
- delete-end-line.label=Delete to End of Line
- remove-trailing-ws.label=Remove Trailing Whitespace
- join-lines.label=Join Lines
- select-paragraph.label=Select Paragraph
- delete-paragraph.label=Delete Paragraph
- format-paragraph.label=Format Paragraph
- to-lower.label=To Lower Case
- to-upper.label=To Upper Case
- spaces-to-tabs.label=Spaces to Tabs
- tabs-to-spaces.label=Tabs to Spaces
- #}}}
- #{{{ Source menu
- source=range-comment \
- line-comment \
- - \
- indent-lines \
- - \
- select-block \
- match-bracket \
- prev-bracket \
- next-bracket
- source.label=Source
- range-comment.label=Range Comment
- line-comment.label=Line Comment
- indent-lines.label=Indent Selected Lines
- select-block.label=Select Code Block
- match-bracket.label=Go to Matching Bracket
- prev-bracket.label=Go to Previous Bracket
- next-bracket.label=Go to Next Bracket
- #}}}
- #{{{ Registers menu
- registers=view-registers \
- - \
- cut-string-register \
- copy-string-register \
- cut-append-string-register \
- copy-append-string-register \
- paste-string-register
- registers.label=Registers
- cut-string-register.label=Cut to Register
- copy-string-register.label=Copy to Register
- cut-append-string-register.label=Cut Append to Register
- copy-append-string-register.label=Copy Append to Register
- paste-string-register.label=Paste Register
- view-registers.label=View Registers...
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Search menu
- search=find \
- find-next \
- find-prev \
- - \
- search-in-open-buffers \
- search-in-directory \
- - \
- replace-in-selection \
- replace-and-find-next \
- replace-all \
- - \
- quick-search \
- hypersearch \
- - \
- hypersearch-results
- search.label=$Search
- find.label=$Find...
- find-next.label=Fi$nd Next
- find-prev.label=Find Pre$vious
- search-in-open-buffers.label=Search in Open $Buffers...
- search-in-directory.label=Search in $Directory...
- replace-in-selection.label=$Replace in Selection
- replace-and-find-next.label=Re$place and Find Next
- replace-all.label=Replace $All
- quick-search.label=Quick $Incremental Search
- hypersearch.label=$Quick HyperSearch
- hypersearch-results.label=$HyperSearch Results
- #}}}
- #{{{ Markers menu
- markers=add-marker \
- add-marker-shortcut \
- - \
- goto-marker \
- select-marker \
- swap-marker \
- - \
- remove-all-markers \
- - \
- prev-marker \
- next-marker \
- -
- markers.label=$Markers
- add-marker.label=$Add/Remove Marker
- add-marker-shortcut.label=Add Marker $With Shortcut
- goto-marker.label=$Go to Marker
- select-marker.label=$Select to Marker
- swap-marker.label=Swa$p Caret and Marker
- remove-all-markers.label=Re$move All Markers
- prev-marker.label=Go to $Previous Marker
- next-marker.label=Go to $Next Marker
- no-markers.label=No Markers
- markers.blank-line=[Blank line]
- #}}}
- #{{{ View menu
- view=new-view \
- close-view \
- - \
- prev-buffer \
- next-buffer \
- recent-buffer \
- - \
- toggle-line-numbers \
- - \
- %scrolling \
- %folding \
- %splitting \
- %docking
- view.label=$View
- new-view.label=New $View
- close-view.label=$Close View
- prev-buffer.label=Go to $Previous Buffer
- next-buffer.label=Go to $Next Buffer
- recent-buffer.label=Go to $Recent Buffer
- toggle-line-numbers.label=$Line Numbers
- #{{{ Scrolling menu
- scrolling=scroll-to-current-line \
- center-caret \
- - \
- scroll-up-line \
- scroll-down-line \
- - \
- scroll-up-page \
- scroll-down-page \
- - \
- toggle-synchro-scroll
- scrolling.label=Scrolling
- scroll-to-current-line.label=Scroll to Current Line
- center-caret.label=Center Caret on Screen
- scroll-up-line.label=Line Scroll Up
- scroll-down-line.label=Line Scroll Down
- scroll-up-page.label=Page Scroll Up
- scroll-down-page.label=Page Scroll Down
- toggle-synchro-scroll.label=Synchronized Scrolling
- #}}}
- #{{{ Folding menu
- folding=collapse-fold \
- expand-one-level \
- expand-fold \
- - \
- collapse-all-folds \
- expand-folds \
- expand-all-folds \
- - \
- select-fold \
- - \
- narrow
- folding.label=Folding
- collapse-fold.label=Collapse Fold
- expand-one-level.label=Expand Fold One Level
- expand-fold.label=Expand Fold Fully
- collapse-all-folds.label=Collapse All Folds
- expand-folds.label=Expand Folds With Level
- expand-all-folds.label=Expand All Folds
- select-fold.label=Select Fold
- narrow.label=Narrow Buffer to Selection
- #}}}
- #{{{ Splitting menu
- splitting=unsplit \
- split-horizontal \
- split-vertical \
- prev-textarea \
- next-textarea
- splitting.label=Splitting
- split-horizontal.label=Split Horizontally
- split-vertical.label=Split Vertically
- unsplit.label=Unsplit
- prev-textarea.label=Go to Previous Text Area
- next-textarea.label=Go to Next Text Area
- #}}}
- #{{{ Docking menu
- docking=close-left-docking-area \
- close-top-docking-area \
- close-right-docking-area \
- close-bottom-docking-area
- docking.label=Docking
- close-left-docking-area.label=Close Left Docking Area
- close-top-docking-area.label=Close Top Docking Area
- close-right-docking-area.label=Close Right Docking Area
- close-bottom-docking-area.label=Close Bottom Docking Area
- #}}}
- #{{{ Utilities menu
- utils=vfs.browser \
- io-progress-monitor \
- - \
- log-viewer \
- update-log \
- - \
- eval \
- eval-for-selected-lines \
- eval-selection \
- - \
- reload-modes \
- - \
- memory-status \
- - \
- buffer-options \
- global-options
- utils.label=$Utilities
- vfs.browser.label=$File System Browser
- io-progress-monitor.label=$I/O Progress Monitor...
- log-viewer.label=$Activity Log
- update-log.label=Update Activity Log on $Disk
- eval.label=$Evaluate BeanShell Expression...
- eval-for-selected-lines.label=Evaluate For Selected $Lines...
- eval-selection.label=E$valuate Selection
- reload-modes.label=$Reload Edit Modes
- memory-status.label=$Memory Status...
- buffer-options.label=$Buffer Options...
- global-options.label=$Global Options...
- #}}}
- #{{{ Macros menu
- macros=record-macro \
- record-temp-macro \
- stop-recording \
- - \
- run-temp-macro \
- run-last-macro \
- run-other-macro \
- - \
- browse-system-macros \
- browse-user-macros \
- - \
- rescan-macros \
- -
- macros.label=Ma$cros
- record-macro.label=$Record Macro...
- record-temp-macro.label=Record $Temporary Macro
- stop-recording.label=$Stop Recording
- run-temp-macro.label=Run Tem$porary Macro
- run-last-macro.label=Run $Last Macro
- run-other-macro.label=Run $Other Macro...
- browse-system-macros.label=Browse S$ystem Macros
- browse-user-macros.label=Browse $User Macros
- rescan-macros.label=Resca$n Macros
- no-macros.label=No Macros
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugins menu
- plugins=plugin-manager -
- plugins.label=$Plugins
- plugin-manager.label=Plugin $Manager...
- no-plugins.label=No Plugins Installed
- #}}}
- #{{{ Help menu
- help-menu=about \
- help \
- tip-of-the-day
- help-menu.label=$Help
- about.label=$About jEdit...
- help.label=jEdit $Help
- tip-of-the-day.label=$Tip of the Day
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Macro strings
- macro.temp.header=// This is a temporary macro. First, check over the\n\
- // commands to make sure this is what you intended.\n\
- // Then, to run this macro, switch to the buffer\n\
- // where you would like to execute it and press C+m C+p.
- macro.header=// This is a recorded macro. First, check over the\n\
- // commands to make sure this is what you intended. Then,\n\
- // save this buffer, and the macro should appear in the\n\
- // Macros menu.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Commands that don't appear in menus
- backspace-word.label=Delete Previous Word
- backspace.label=Delete Previous Character
- delete-word.label=Delete Next Word
- delete.label=Delete Next Character
- document-end.label=Go to End of Buffer
- document-home.label=Go to Beginning of Buffer
- end.label=End of Line
- home.label=Beginning of Line
- insert-literal.label=Insert Next Character Literally
- next-char.label=Go to Next Character
- next-line.label=Go to Next Line
- next-page.label=Go to Next Page
- next-paragraph.label=Go to Next Paragraph
- next-word.label=Go to Next Word
- overwrite.label=Overwrite Mode
- prev-char.label=Go to Previous Character
- prev-line.label=Go to Previous Line
- prev-page.label=Go to Previous Page
- prev-paragraph.label=Go to Previous Paragraph
- prev-word.label=Go to Previous Word
- repeat.label=Repeat Next Command
- select-document-end.label=Select to End of Buffer
- select-document-home.label=Select to Beginning of Buffer
- select-end.label=Select to End of Line
- select-home.label=Select to Beginning of Line
- select-next-char.label=Select Next Character
- select-next-line.label=Select Next Line
- select-next-page.label=Select Next Page
- select-next-paragraph.label=Select Next Paragraph
- select-next-word.label=Select Next Word
- select-prev-char.label=Select Previous Character
- select-prev-line.label=Select Previous Line
- select-prev-page.label=Select Previous Page
- select-prev-paragraph.label=Select Previous Paragraph
- select-prev-word.label=Select Previous Word
- shift-left.label=Shift Indent Left
- shift-right.label=Shift Indent Right
- toggle-multi-select.label=Multiple Selection
- hypersearch-results-toggle=HyperSearch Results Toggle
- vfs.browser-toggle.label=File System Browser Toggle
- log-viewer-toggle.label=Activity Log Toggle
- #}}}
- #{{{ View stuff
- # Title
- view.title=jEdit -
- #{{{ Gutter highlight
- view.gutter.marker.no-name=Marker
- view.gutter.marker=Marker: {0}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Status messages
- view.status.recording=Macro recording
- view.status.repeat=Enter repeat count: {0}
- view.status.cut-string-register=Enter register name to cut to
- view.status.copy-string-register=Enter register name to copy to
- view.status.cut-append-string-register=Enter register name to cut append to
- view.status.copy-append-string-register=Enter register name to copy append to
- view.status.paste-string-register=Enter register name to paste from
- view.status.add-marker=Enter shortcut for new marker
- view.status.goto-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to go to
- view.status.select-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to select to
- view.status.swap-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to swap caret position with
- view.status.expand-folds=Press 1-9 to specify fold level
- view.status.insert-literal=Press key to insert literally
- view.status.auto-wrap=Search text not found; wrapping around
- view.status.replace-all=Replaced {0} occurrence(s) in {1} file(s)
- view.status.io=I/O: {0} operations in progress
- view.status.io-1=I/O: 1 operation in progress
- view.status.io.done=Input/output complete
- view.status.caret-tooltip=Line and column number indicator
- view.status.mode-tooltip=Current edit mode
- view.status.encoding-tooltip=Current encoding
- view.status.fold-tooltip=Fold mode (click to change)
- view.status.multi-tooltip=Multiple selection indicator (click to change)
- view.status.overwrite-tooltip=Overwrite/insert mode indicator (click to change)
- view.status.memory-tooltip=Java heap memory: {0}Kb/{1}Kb
- view.status.narrow=Invoke "Expand All Folds" to make all text visible again
- view.status.bracket=Matches "{0}"
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Various dialog boxes
- #{{{ About dialog
- about.title=About jEdit
- about.version=jEdit version {0}
- # This text scrolls by in the about dialog box.
- # Hack: Since StringTokenizer treats two consequent \n as one token, we
- # insert a space by itself in the text to create blank lines.
- about.text=jEdit is brought to you by:\n\
- \ \n\
- Slava Pestov\n\
- Alwyn Barry\n\
- Amadeo Farello\n\
- Andre Kaplan\n\
- Artur Biesiadowski\n\
- Aziz Sharif\n\
- Bruno Tatibouet\n\
- Calvin Yu\n\
- Carlos Quiroz\n\
- Carmine Lucarelli\n\
- Chris Scott\n\
- Danny Dig\n\
- Dante Fabrizio\n\
- David Taylor\n\
- Denis Lambot\n\
- Dirk Moebius\n\
- Dominic Stolerman\n\
- Ed Stewart\n\
- Francesc Roses\n\
- George Latkiewicz\n\
- Gili Tzabari\n\
- Greg Merrill\n\
- Ian Maclean\n\
- Jamie LaScolea\n\
- Jason Ginchereau\n\
- Jerry McBride\n\
- John Gellene\n\
- Jonathan Revusky\n\
- Juha Lindfors\n\
- Kenrick Drew\n\
- Kevin Burton\n\
- Klaus Hartlage\n\
- Kris Kopicki\n\
- Kristian Ovaska\n\
- Lionel Fiol\n\
- Maik Schreiber\n\
- Marc Rummel\n\
- Matija Kejzar\n\
- Matt Albrecht\n\
- Matt Price\n\
- Matthias Schneider\n\
- Michael Jacobson\n\
- Mike Dillon\n\
- Mike Hansen\n\
- Nils Krahnstoever\n\
- Nitsan Vardi\n\
- Ollie Rutherfurd\n\
- Patrick Tingen\n\
- Peter Graves\n\
- Phillip Mateescu\n\
- Ralf Engels\n\
- Richard Ashwell\n\
- Richard Beton\n\
- Rick Gibbs\n\
- Rick Owen\n\
- Romain Guy\n\
- Saimon Moore\n\
- Satguru Srivastava\n\
- Scott Willy\n\
- Scott Wyatt\n\
- Sergey Udaltsov\n\
- Steve Jakob\n\
- Tal Davidson\n\
- Thomas Bock\n\
- Todd Papaioannou\n\
- Tom Locke\n\
- Vinod Kiran\n\
- Will Sargent\n\
- Wojciech Stryjewski\n\
- \ \n\
- I'd also like to thank all the users for their\n\
- comments, feedback and bug reports.
- #}}}
- #{{{ IO Error dialog, {0}=the error message
- ioerror.title=I/O Error
- # {0} - the error message
- ioerror.message=An I/O error occurred ({0})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Read error
- read-error.title=Read Error
- # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
- read-error.message=The file {0}\n\
- could not be loaded due to an I/O error.\n\
- ({1})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Write error
- write-error.title=Write Error
- # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
- write-error.message=The file {0}\n\
- could not be saved due to an I/O error.\n\
- ({1})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Directory error
- directory-error.title=Directory Error
- # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
- directory-error.message=The directory {0}\n\
- could not be listed due to an I/O error.\n\
- ({1})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Directory error with no message
- directory-error-nomsg.title=Directory Error
- # {0} - the path name
- directory-error-nomsg.message=The directory {0}\n\
- could not be listed due to an I/O error.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Character conversion error, {0}=path, {1}=current encoding, {2}=error message
- encoding-error.title=Incompatible Encoding
- encoding-error.message=The file {0}\n\
- could not be loaded with the "{1}" encoding.\n\
- ({2})\n\
- \n\
- To use a different encoding, try the commands in the\n\
- File->Open With Encoding menu.\n\
- \n\
- If you are really stuck and do not know which encoding\n\
- to use, try "ASCII" or "8859_1".
- #}}}
- #{{{ Cannot open directory dialog box
- open-directory.title=Cannot Open Directory
- open-directory.message={0} is a directory.\n\
- Directories cannot be opened for editing.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Cannot save directory dialog box
- save-directory.title=Cannot Save Directory
- save-directory.message={0} is a directory.\n\
- Buffers cannot be saved over directories.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Cannot read dialog box
- no-read.title=Cannot Open File
- no-read.message=Cannot read from {0}.\n\
- This probably means you have insufficent permissions.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Cannot write dialog box
- no-write.title=Cannot Save File
- no-write.message=Cannot save to {0}.\n\
- This probably means you have insufficent permissions.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Malformed URL error
- badurl.title=Invalid URL
- # {0} - the URL
- # {1} - the error
- badurl.message=The following URL is invalid: {0}\n
- ({1})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Go to line dialog
- goto-line.title=Go To Line
- goto-line.message=Go to line:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Word count dialog
- wordcount.title=Word Count
- # {0} - characters
- # {1} - words
- # {2} - lines
- wordcount.message=Characters: {0}\nWords: {1}\nLines: {2}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Set marker dialog
- setmarker.title=Set Marker
- setmarker.message=Marker name:
- #}}}
- #{{{ File not saved dialog
- notsaved.title=File Not Saved
- # {0} - file name
- notsaved.message=Save changes to {0}?
- #}}}
- #{{{ File changed, still reload dialog
- changedreload.title=File Modified
- changedreload.message=File has been modified since last save;\n\
- If you reload, you will lose those changes. Continue?
- #}}}
- #{{{ Autosave file exists dialog
- autosave-found.title=Autosave File Found
- # {0} - autosave file name
- autosave-found.message=An autosave file {0}\n\
- was found! This probably means that jEdit crashed before you could\n\
- save. Would you like to open the autosave file?
- autosave-loaded.title=Autosave File Loaded
- autosave-loaded.message=The autosave file {0}\n\
- has been loaded. You should now check if it contains your unsaved\n\
- data. If you would like to keep the autosaved changes, save the file.\n\
- If you would like to discard them, select File->Reload.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Save all confirm dialog
- saveall.title=Save All Buffers
- saveall.message=Are you sure you want to save all modified buffers?
- #}}}
- #{{{ Reload all confirm dialog
- reload-all.title=Reload All Buffers
- reload-all.message=Are you sure you want to reload all buffers from disk?\n\
- Unsaved changes in any open buffers WILL BE LOST!
- #}}}
- #{{{ Encoding prompt
- encoding-prompt.title=Open With Other Encoding
- encoding-prompt.message=Character encoding to use:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Macro recording already in progress dialog
- already-recording.title=Already Recording
- already-recording.message=A macro recording is already in progress.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Record macro dialog
- record.title=Record Macro
- record.message=Macro name:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Some features don't work with -nosettings dialog
- no-settings.title=Feature Disabled
- no-settings.message=jEdit was started with the -nosettings switch.\n\
- To use this feature, you must start jEdit without that switch.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Some features don't work with the web start version
- no-webstart.title=Feature Disabled
- no-webstart.message=This feature is not available in the WebStart version\n\
- of jEdit.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Search and replace dialog
- search.title=Search And Replace
- search.find=Search for: (press up arrow to recall previous)
- search.find.mnemonic=s
- search.replace=Replace with:
- search.replace.mnemonic=w
- search.string-replace-btn=Text
- search.beanshell-replace-btn=Return value of a BeanShell snippet
- search.settings=Settings:
- search.keep=Keep dialog
- search.keep.mnemonic=k
- search.case=Ignore case
- search.case.mnemonic=i
- search.regexp=Regular expressions
- search.regexp.mnemonic=x
- search.hypersearch=HyperSearch
- search.hypersearch.mnemonic=h
- search.wrap=Auto wrap
- search.wrap.mnemonic=t
- search.direction=Direction:
- search.back=Backward
- search.back.mnemonic=b
- search.forward=Forward
- search.forward.mnemonic=o
- search.fileset=Search in:
- search.selection=Selection
- search.selection.mnemonic=n
- search.current=Current buffer
- search.current.mnemonic=c
- search.all=All buffers
- search.all.mnemonic=l
- search.directory=Directory:
- search.directory.mnemonic=d
- search.directoryField=Directory:
- search.directoryField.mnemonic=y
- search.filterField=Filter:
- search.filterField.mnemonic=f
- search.subdirs=Search subdirectories
- search.subdirs.mnemonic=u
- search.choose=Choose...
- search.choose.mnemonic=e
- search.findBtn=Find
- search.replaceBtn=Replace
- search.replaceBtn.mnemonic=r
- search.replaceAndFindBtn=Replace & Find
- search.replaceAndFindBtn.mnemonic=p
- search.replaceAllBtn=Replace All
- search.replaceAllBtn.mnemonic=a
- # Beep when searching automatically wraps?
- search.beepOnSearchAutoWrap=false
- #}}}
- #{{{ Keep searching dialog
- keepsearching.title=No More Matches Found
- keepsearching.message=No more matches were found. Continue search from\n\
- {0,choice,0#beginning|1#end}?
- #}}}
- #{{{ HyperSearch results dialog
- hypersearch-results.title=HyperSearch Results
- hypersearch-results.caption=Found {0} occurrence(s) in {1} file(s).
- hypersearch-results.file-caption={0} ({1} occurrences)
- hypersearch-results.file-caption1={0} (1 occurrence)
- hypersearch-results.searching=Searching...
- hypersearch.status=HyperSearch
- hypersearch-no-results.title=HyperSearch Complete
- hypersearch-no-results.message=No occurrences of the search string were found.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Search and replace error dialog
- searcherror.title=Search and Replace Error
- # {0} - error message
- searcherror.message=An error occurred while performing this operation.\n\
- ({0})
- #}}}
- #{{{ Empty fileset error dialog
- empty-fileset.title=Empty File Set
- empty-fileset.message=The specified search file set contains no files.\n\
- Please ensure that the file name filter and directory to search\n\
- (if applicable) are set correctly.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Paste previous dialog
- pasteprev.title=Paste Previous
- pasteprev.caption=Previous clippings:
- pasteprev.insert=Insert
- #}}}
- #{{{ File changed on disk dialogs
- filechanged-save.title=File Changed on Disk
- filechanged-save.message=The file {0}\n\
- has been modified on disk by another program. Are you sure\n\
- you want to continue saving it?
- filechanged-focus.title=File Changed on Disk
- filechanged-focus.message=The file {0}\n\
- has been modified on disk by another program. Would you like to\n\
- reload it from disk?
- filechanged-dirty.title=File Changed on Disk
- filechanged-dirty.message=The file {0}\n\
- has been modified on disk by another program. Would you like to\n\
- filedeleted.title=File Deleted on Disk
- filedeleted.message=The file {0}\n\
- has been deleted. If you want to re-create it, save the buffer.
- #}}}
- #{{{ File exists dialog
- fileexists.title=File Exists
- fileexists.message=The file {0} already exists. Are you sure you want\n\
- to overwrite it?
- #}}}
- #{{{ Select line range dialog
- selectlinerange.title=Select Line Range
- selectlinerange.caption=Select line range:
- selectlinerange.start=Start line:
- selectlinerange.end=End line:
- #}}}
- #{{{ View registers dialog
- view-registers.title=Registers
- view-registers.caption=Register:
- view-registers.clipboard=$ (clipboard)
- view-registers.selection=% (selection)
- view-registers.none=No registers defined
- view-registers.register=Register:
- view-registers.contents=Contents:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Close all buffers dialog
- close.title=Unsaved Changes
- close.caption=The following buffers have unsaved changes:
- close.selectAll=Select All
- close.selectAll.mnemonic=a
- close.save=Save Selected
- close.save.mnemonic=s
- close.discard=Discard Selected
- close.discard.mnemonic=d
- #}}}
- #{{{ Abbrev dialogs
- add-abbrev.title=Add Abbreviation
- add-abbrev.mode=Add mode-specific
- add-abbrev.global=Add global
- edit-abbrev.title=Edit Abbreviation
- abbrev-editor.abbrev=Abbreviation:
- abbrev-editor.before=Text to insert before caret:
- abbrev-editor.after=Text to insert after caret:
- #}}}
- #{{{ XMode errors
- xmode-error.title=XML Parse Error
- # {2} is the column number, but it's not too useful so we don't show it
- xmode-error.message=An error occurred while parsing {0}, line {1}:\n\
- {3}
- xmode-error.dtd=The DTD could not be loaded ({0})
- xmode-error.termchar-invalid=The value of the AT_CHAR attribute is invalid ({0})
- xmode-error.doctype-invalid=Expected a document type of MODE, found {0}
- xmode-error.empty-tag=The {0} tag cannot be empty
- xmode-error.token-invalid=The token type {0} is invalid
- xmode-error.empty-keyword=The keyword text cannot be empty
- #}}}
- #{{{ JARClassLoader errors
- plugin.load-error.title=Cannot Load Plugin
- plugin.load-error.message=The plugin {0} cannot be loaded\n\
- ({1}).\n\
- The most likely reason is that the JAR file is corrupt; try\n\
- reinstalling it. See the activity log for a full stack trace.
- plugin.start-error.title=Cannot Start Plugin
- plugin.start-error.message=The plugin {0} cannot be started\n\
- ({1}).\n\
- Possible reasons include:\n\
- - the plugin is incompatible with this jEdit release; try updating\n\
- the plugin\n\
- - there is a bug in this plugin. If you suspect this is the case,\n\
- e-mail the stack trace printed in the activity log to the plugin\n\
- author.
- plugin.already-loaded.title=Plugin Already Loaded
- plugin.already-loaded.message=You have two copies of the {0} plugin.\n\
- Please remove one of the two copies.
- plugin.dep-jdk.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-jdk.message=The plugin {0} requires Java {1} or later,\n\
- but you only have version {2}.
- plugin.dep-jedit.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-jedit.message=The plugin {0} requires jEdit {1} or later,\n\
- but you only have version {2}. Download new\n\
- jEdit versions from <http://www.jedit.org>.
- plugin.dep-plugin.no-version.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-plugin.no-version.message=The plugin {0} requires version {1} or later of {2},\n\
- but {2} does not appear to be installed.
- plugin.dep-plugin.broken.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-plugin.broken.message=The plugin {0} requires the plugin {1},\n\
- but an error prevented {1} from being loaded.
- plugin.dep-plugin.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-plugin.message=The plugin {0} requires version {1} or later of {2},\n\
- but you only have {2} version {3}.
- plugin.dep-class.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
- plugin.dep-class.message=The plugin {0} requires the class {1}.\n\
- Try installing the appropriate plugin or class library.
- plugin.obsolete.title=Obsolete Plugin
- plugin.obsolete.message=The plugin {0} is obsolete.\n\
- Please remove it.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Macro dialogs
- macro-input.title=Macro Input
- macro-error.title=Macro Error
- macro-message.title=Macro Message
- macro-confirm.title=Macro Confirmation
- #}}}
- #{{{ BeanShell stuff
- beanshell-error.title=BeanShell Execution Error
- beanshell-error.message.1=A BeanShell execution error occurred. More details can \
- be found
- beanshell-error.message.2=in the activity log (Utilities->Activity Log).
- beanshell-eval-input.title=Evaluate BeanShell Expression
- beanshell-eval-input.message=BeanShell expression:\n\
- \n\
- Variables:\n\
- view - The current view instance\n\
- editPane - The current edit pane instance\n\
- textArea - The current text area instance\n\
- buffer - The current buffer
- beanshell-eval.title=BeanShell Evaluation
- beanshell-eval.message={0}
- beanshell-eval-line.title=Evaluate BeanShell Expression
- beanshell-eval-line.message=BeanShell expression to evaluate for each \
- selected line:\n\
- \n\
- Variables:\n\
- line - The index of the line, from the start of the buffer\n\
- index - The index of the line, from the start of the selection\n\
- text - The text of the line\n\
- view - The current view instance\n\
- editPane - The current edit pane instance\n\
- textArea - The current text area instance\n\
- buffer - The current buffer
- #}}}
- #{{{ Macro not recording dialog
- macro-not-recording.title=Not Recording
- macro-not-recording.message=A macro is not currently being recorded.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Large repeat count warning
- large-repeat-count.title=Large Repeat Count
- large-repeat-count.message=Are you sure you want to invoke "{0}" {1} times?
- large-repeat-count.user-input.title=Large Repeat Count
- large-repeat-count.user-input.message=Are you sure you want to insert "{0}" \
- {1} times?
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Buffer options dialog
- buffer-options.title=Buffer Options
- buffer-options.mode=Edit mode:
- buffer-options.lineSeparator=Line separator:
- buffer-options.encoding=Character encoding:
- buffer-options.trailingEOL=Trailing end-of-line at end of file
- buffer-options.props=Corresponding buffer-local properties: (C+c copies)
- #}}}
- #{{{ Global options dialog
- options.title=Global Options
- options.jedit.label=jEdit Options
- options.plugins.label=Plugin Options
- #{{{ General pane
- options.general.label=General
- options.general.history=History entries to remember:
- options.general.saveCaret=Save caret positions in recent file list
- options.general.sortBuffers=Sort buffer list (takes effect after restart)
- options.general.sortByName=Sort buffer list by file name, instead of path name
- options.general.sortRecent=Sort recent file list
- options.general.checkModStatus=Warn if file is modified on disk by another program
- options.general.showFullPath=Show full path of buffer in title bar
- options.general.showSearchbar=Show search bar
- options.general.beepOnSearchAutoWrap=Beep when when searching automatically wraps
- options.general.showBufferSwitcher=Show buffer switcher
- options.general.showTips=Show tips on startup
- options.general.showSplash=Show splash screen on startup
- #}}}
- #{{{ Appearance pane
- options.appearance.label=Appearance
- options.appearance.lf.note=Restart jEdit for look & feel changes to take effect
- options.appearance.lf=Swing look & feel:
- options.appearance.primaryFont=Button, menu, label font:
- options.appearance.secondaryFont=List, tree, table, text field font:
- options.appearance.textColors=Use jEdit text area color scheme in all text components
- #}}}
- #{{{ Loading and Saving pane
- options.loadsave.label=Loading & Saving
- options.loadsave.encoding=Default character encoding:
- options.loadsave.autosave=Autosave frequency (secs):
- options.loadsave.backups=Max number of backups:
- options.loadsave.backupDirectory=Backup directory:
- options.loadsave.backupPrefix=Backup filename prefix:
- options.loadsave.backupSuffix=Backup filename suffix:
- options.loadsave.lineSeparator=Default line separator:
- options.loadsave.ioThreadCount=Number of I/O threads:
- options.loadsave.restore=Restore previously open files on startup
- options.loadsave.restore.cli=... even if file names were specified on the \
- command line
- options.loadsave.newView=Client instances open files in new view
- options.loadsave.persistentMarkers=Save marker positions
- options.loadsave.parseFully=More accurate syntax highlighting (slows file loading)
- #}}}
- #{{{ Text Area pane
- options.textarea.label=Text Area
- options.textarea.font=Text font:
- options.textarea.lineHighlight=Current line highlighting
- options.textarea.bracketHighlight=Bracket highlighting
- options.textarea.eolMarkers=End of line markers
- options.textarea.wrapGuide=Wrap guide
- options.textarea.blinkCaret=Blinking caret
- options.textarea.blockCaret=Block caret
- options.textarea.electricBorders=Electric (auto scroll) borders
- options.textarea.homeEnd="Smart" home/end key behaviour
- options.textarea.middleMousePaste=Middle mouse button click pastes \
- most recent selection
- options.textarea.antiAlias=Smooth text
- options.textarea.fracFontMetrics=Fractional font metrics (for better smooth \
- text display)
- #}}}
- #{{{ Gutter pane
- options.gutter.label=Gutter
- options.gutter.font=Gutter font:
- options.gutter.borderWidth=Gutter border width:
- options.gutter.numberAlignment=Line number alignment:
- options.gutter.interval=Line highlight interval:
- options.gutter.lineNumbers=Line numbering
- options.gutter.currentLineHighlight=Current line highlighting
- options.gutter.bracketHighlight=Show bracket scope
- options.gutter.markerHighlight=Indicate marker positions
- #}}}
- #{{{ Colors pane
- options.color.label=Colors
- options.color.object=Object
- options.color.color=Color
- options.color.bgColor=Text background
- options.color.fgColor=Text foreground
- options.color.caretColor=Caret
- options.color.selectionColor=Selection
- options.color.foldedLineColor=Collapsed fold line
- options.color.lineHighlightColor=Current line highlight
- options.color.bracketHighlightColor=Bracket highlight in text area
- options.color.eolMarkerColor=EOL markers
- options.color.wrapGuideColor=Wrap guide
- options.color.gutterBgColor=Gutter background
- options.color.gutterFgColor=Gutter foreground
- options.color.gutterHighlightColor=Gutter highlight
- options.color.gutterCurrentLineColor=Current line in gutter
- options.color.gutterBracketHighlightColor=Bracket highlight in gutter
- options.color.gutterMarkerColor=Markers in gutter
- options.color.gutterFoldColor=Fold markers in gutter
- options.color.gutterFocusBorderColor=Focused gutter border
- options.color.gutterNoFocusBorderColor=Unfocused gutter border
- #}}}
- #{{{ Styles pane
- options.style.label=Styles
- options.style.object=Object
- options.style.style=Style
- options.style.comment1Style=Comment 1
- options.style.comment2Style=Comment 2
- options.style.literal1Style=Literal 1
- options.style.literal2Style=Literal 2
- options.style.labelStyle=Label
- options.style.keyword1Style=Keyword 1
- options.style.keyword2Style=Keyword 2
- options.style.keyword3Style=Keyword 3
- options.style.functionStyle=Function
- options.style.markupStyle=Markup
- options.style.operatorStyle=Operator
- options.style.digitStyle=Digit
- options.style.invalidStyle=Invalid token
- #}}}
- #{{{ Editing pane
- options.editing.label=Editing
- options.editing.defaultMode=Default edit mode:
- options.editing.tabSize=Tab width:
- options.editing.indentSize=Indent width:
- options.editing.maxLineLen=Wrap lines at column:
- options.editing.wordBreakChars=Break lines at these characters:
- options.editing.folding=Folding mode:
- options.editing.collapseFolds=Initially collapse folds with level:
- options.editing.undoCount=Number of undos:
- options.editing.syntax=Syntax highlighting
- options.editing.indentOnTab=Indent line when Tab key is pressed
- options.editing.indentOnEnter=Indent line when Enter key is pressed
- options.editing.noTabs=Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs
- #}}}
- #{{{ Mode-Specific pane
- options.mode.label=Mode-Specific
- options.mode.mode=Edit mode:
- options.mode.useDefaults=Use default settings
- options.mode.filenameGlob=File name glob:
- options.mode.firstlineGlob=First line glob:
- options.mode.noWordSep=Extra word characters:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Printing pane
- options.print.label=Printing
- options.print.font=Print font:
- options.print.fontstyle=Print font style:
- options.print.fontsize=Print font size:
- options.print.header=Print a header with the file name
- options.print.footer=Print a footer with the date, time and page number
- options.print.lineNumbers=Print line numbers
- options.print.style=Use syntax styles in output
- options.print.color=Use syntax colors in output
- options.print.margins=Margins (in inches)
- options.print.margin.top=Top:
- options.print.margin.left=Left:
- options.print.margin.bottom=Bottom:
- options.print.margin.right=Right:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Docking pane
- options.docking.label=Docking
- options.docking.layout=Docked window placement:
- options.docking.tabsPos=Docked window tabs position:
- options.docking.top=top
- options.docking.bottom=bottom
- options.docking.title=Window
- options.docking.dockPosition=Docking position
- #}}}
- #{{{ Tool Bar pane
- options.toolbar.label=Tool Bar
- options.toolbar.showToolbar=Show tool bar
- options.toolbar.caption=Buttons to display on tool bar:
- options.toolbar.add=Add...
- options.toolbar.edit=Edit...
- options.toolbar.remove=Remove
- options.toolbar.moveUp=Move Up
- options.toolbar.moveDown=Move Down
- options.toolbar.edit.title=Edit Tool Bar Entry
- options.toolbar.edit.caption=Type:
- options.toolbar.edit.separator=Separator
- options.toolbar.edit.action=Command or macro:
- options.toolbar.edit.icon=Icon:
- options.toolbar.edit.builtin=Use built-in icon:
- options.toolbar.edit.file=Load icon from file:
- options.toolbar.edit.choose=Choose
- options.toolbar.edit.no-icon=No icon selected
- #}}}
- #{{{ Context Menu pane
- options.context.label=Context Menu
- options.context.caption=Items in text area right click menu:
- options.context.add=Add...
- options.context.remove=Remove
- options.context.moveUp=Move Up
- options.context.moveDown=Move Down
- options.context.add.title=Add to Context Menu
- options.context.add.caption=Add to context menu:
- options.context.add.separator=Separator
- options.context.add.action=Command or macro:
- #}}}
- #{{{ Abbreviations pane
- options.abbrevs.label=Abbreviations
- options.abbrevs.set=Abbrev set:
- options.abbrevs.expandOnInput=Space bar expands abbrevs
- options.abbrevs.abbrev=Abbrev
- options.abbrevs.expand=Expansion
- options.abbrevs.add=Add...
- options.abbrevs.edit=Edit...
- options.abbrevs.remove=Remove
- #}}}
- #{{{ Shortcuts pane
- options.shortcuts.label=Shortcuts
- options.shortcuts.select.label=Edit Shortcuts:
- options.shortcuts.name=Command
- options.shortcuts.shortcut1=Primary shortcut
- options.shortcuts.shortcut2=Alternative shortcut
- grab-key.title=Specify Shortcut
- grab-key.caption=Press the desired shortcut for "{0}", then click OK.
- grab-key.assigned-to=Currently assigned to: {0}
- grab-key.assigned-to.none=<none>
- grab-key.assigned-to.prefix={0} prefix
- grab-key.clear=Clear
- grab-key.remove=Remove Current
- grab-key.remove-ask.title=Remove Shortcut?
- grab-key.remove-ask.message=\
- You didn't specify a new shortcut.\n\
- Do you want to remove the current shortcut?
- grab-key.duplicate-alt-shortcut.title=Duplicate Shortcut
- grab-key.duplicate-alt-shortcut.message=\
- The shortcut you selected duplicates the other\n\
- shortcut for this item. Please choose another.
- grab-key.duplicate-shortcut.title=Duplicate Shortcut
- grab-key.duplicate-shortcut.message=\
- This shortcut is already assigned to\n\
- "{0}".\n\
- \n\
- Do you want to override this assignment?
- grab-key.prefix-shortcut.title=Invalid Shortcut
- grab-key.prefix-shortcut.message=\
- You cannot use this shortcut, because\n\
- it is a prefix to other shortcuts.\n\
- Please choose another.
- #}}}
- #{{{ File System Browser pane
- options.browser.label=File System Browser
- options.browser.general.label=General
- options.browser.general.defaultPath=Default path:
- options.browser.general.defaultPath.buffer=Parent directory of current buffer
- options.browser.general.defaultPath.home=Home directory
- options.browser.general.defaultPath.favorites=Favorites
- options.browser.general.defaultPath.last=Most recently visited directory
- options.browser.general.showIcons=Show icons
- options.browser.general.showHiddenFiles=Show hidden files
- options.browser.general.sortFiles=Sort file list
- options.browser.general.sortIgnoreCase=Case insensitive sort
- options.browser.general.sortMixFilesAndDirs=Mix files and directories
- options.browser.general.doubleClickClose=Double-clicking an open file closes it
- options.browser.general.currentBufferFilter=Filter in file dialogs is \
- current buffer extension
- options.browser.colors.label=Colors
- options.browser.colors.glob=File name glob
- options.browser.colors.color=Color
- options.browser.colors.add=Add
- options.browser.colors.remove=Remove
- #}}}
- #{{{ Font selector
- font-selector.title=Font Selector
- font-selector.family=Font family:
- font-selector.size=Font size:
- font-selector.style=Font style:
- font-selector.plain=Plain
- font-selector.bold=Bold
- font-selector.italic=Italic
- font-selector.bolditalic=Bold italic
- font-selector.preview=Preview
- font-selector.long-text=The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Color chooser, used by options.styles
- colorChooser.title=Pick a Color
- #}}}
- #{{{ Style editor, used by options.styles
- style-editor.title=Style Editor
- style-editor.italics=Italics
- style-editor.bold=Bold
- style-editor.fgColor=Text color:
- style-editor.bgColor=Background color:
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Help viewer
- helpviewer.title=jEdit Help
- helpviewer.url=Location:
- helpviewer.back=Back
- helpviewer.forward=Forward
- helpviewer.toc.welcome=Welcome to jEdit
- helpviewer.toc.misc=Miscellaneous Documentation
- helpviewer.toc.readme=jEdit Read Me
- helpviewer.toc.news=Major Changes in jEdit 4.0
- helpviewer.toc.todo=To Do List and Known Bugs
- helpviewer.toc.changes=Version History
- helpviewer.toc.copying=GNU General Public License
- helpviewer.toc.copying-doc=GNU Free Documentation License
- helpviewer.toc.plugins=Plugin Documentation
- #}}}
- #{{{ Tip of the day window
- tip.title=Tip of the Day
- tip.caption=Did you know...
- tip.show-next-time=Show tips on startup
- tip.next-tip=Next Tip
- # Show on startup?
- tip.show=true
- # Number of tips
- tip.count=67
- #}}}
- #{{{ Activity log
- log-viewer.title=Activity Log
- log-viewer.caption=Full text of log is stored in {0}.
- log-viewer.tail.label=Tail
- #}}}
- #{{{ Memory status dialog box
- memory-status.title=Java Heap Memory
- memory-status.gc=Garbage collection released {0} Kb.
- memory-status.use={0} Kb used, {1} Kb total
- #}}}
- #{{{ I/O progress monitor
- io-progress-monitor.title=I/O Progress Monitor
- io-progress-monitor.caption={0} pending request(s)
- io-progress-monitor.idle=Thread idle
- io-progress-monitor.abort=Abort
- #{{{ I/O abort dialog box
- abort.title=Abort I/O
- abort.message=Are you sure you want to abort the currently executing\n\
- input/output request? If you are aborting a file save, this may\n\
- result in data loss.
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Multiple I/O requst errors
- buffer-multiple-io.title=I/O Error
- buffer-multiple-io.message=Each buffer can only execute one input/output\n\
- operation at a time. Please wait until the current\n\
- operation finishes (or abort it in the I/O progress monitor)\n\
- before starting another one.
- browser-multiple-io.title=I/O Error
- browser-multiple-io.message=Each file system browser can only execute one input/output\n\
- operation at a time. Please wait until the current operation\n\
- finishes (or abort it in the I/O progress monitor) before starting\n\
- another one.
- #}}}
- #{{{ VFS browser
- vfs.browser.title=File System Browser
- vfs.browser.path=Path:
- vfs.browser.path.mnemonic=p
- vfs.browser.filter=Filter:
- vfs.browser.default-filter=[^#]*[^~#]
- vfs.browser.filter-enabled=true
- vfs.browser.tree.loading=Loading...
- #{{{ Context menu
- vfs.browser.commands.close.label=Close
- vfs.browser.commands.open.label=Open
- vfs.browser.commands.open-view.label=Open in New View
- vfs.browser.commands.insert.label=Insert
- vfs.browser.commands.browse.label=Browse
- vfs.browser.commands.choose.label=Choose
- vfs.browser.commands.delete.label=Delete...
- vfs.browser.commands.rename.label=Rename...
- #}}}
- #{{{ Commands menu and tool bar
- vfs.browser.commands.label=Commands
- vfs.browser.commands.up.label=Parent Directory
- vfs.browser.commands.up.icon=Up24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.reload.label=Reload Directory
- vfs.browser.commands.reload.icon=Refresh24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.roots.label=Local Drives
- vfs.browser.commands.roots.icon=Server24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.home.label=Home Directory
- vfs.browser.commands.home.icon=Home24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.synchronize.label=Directory of Current Buffer
- vfs.browser.commands.synchronize.icon=Import24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.new-file.label=New File
- vfs.browser.commands.new-file.icon=New24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.new-directory.label=New Directory...
- # XXX
- vfs.browser.commands.new-directory.icon=Open24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.search-in-directory.label=Search in Directory...
- vfs.browser.commands.search-in-directory.icon=Search24.gif
- vfs.browser.commands.show-hidden-files.label=Show Hidden Files
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugins menu
- vfs.browser.plugins.label=Plugins
- vfs.browser.plugins.plugin-manager.label=Plugin Manager...
- vfs.browser.plugins.no-plugins.label=No Plugins
- #}}}
- #{{{ Favorites menu
- vfs.browser.favorites.label=Favorites
- vfs.browser.favorites.add-to-favorites.label=Add to Favorites
- vfs.browser.favorites.edit-favorites.label=Edit Favorites
- vfs.browser.favorites.no-favorites.label=No Favorites
- #}}}
- vfs.browser.dialog.open=Open
- vfs.browser.dialog.save=Save
- vfs.browser.dialog.filename=File name:
- vfs.browser.dialog.filename.mnemonic=f
- #{{{ Dialogs
- vfs.browser.bad-filter.title=Invalid Filter
- vfs.browser.bad-filter.message=The filter {0} is invalid ({1})
- vfs.browser.files-favorites.title=Cannot Add Files to Favorites
- vfs.browser.files-favorites.message=Only directories can be added to the favorites list.
- vfs.browser.recurse-favorites.title=Cannot Add Favorites to Itself
- vfs.browser.recurse-favorites.message=The favorites list cannot be added to itself.
- vfs.browser.delete-confirm.title=Delete File Confirmation
- vfs.browser.delete-confirm.message=Are you sure you want to delete\n\
- {0}?
- vfs.browser.delete-favorites.title=Delete From Favorites
- vfs.browser.delete-favorites.message=Are you sure you want to remove\n\
- {0}\n\
- from the favorites?
- vfs.browser.delete-error.title=Cannot Delete File
- vfs.browser.delete-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
- to delete {0}.
- vfs.browser.rename.title=Rename File
- vfs.browser.rename.message=Enter a new name for {0}:
- vfs.browser.rename-exists.title=Rename Error
- vfs.browser.rename-exists.message=A file named {0} already exists.
- vfs.browser.rename-error.title=Rename Error
- vfs.browser.rename-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
- to rename {0}.
- vfs.browser.mkdir.title=New Directory
- vfs.browser.mkdir.message=Name (or path) of new directory:
- vfs.browser.mkdir-error.title=Cannot Create Directory
- vfs.browser.mkdir-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
- to create {0}.
- #}}}
- #}}}
- #{{{ I/O status messages
- vfs.status.load=Loading {0}
- vfs.status.load-markers=Loading markers for {0}
- vfs.status.save=Saving {0}
- vfs.status.save-markers=Saving markers for {0}
- vfs.status.autosave=Autosaving {0}
- vfs.status.listing-directory=Listing {0}
- vfs.status.deleting=Deleting {0}
- vfs.status.renaming=Renaming {0} to {1}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Unsupported operation errors
- vfs.not-supported.list.title=Operation Not Supported
- vfs.not-supported.list.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
- directory browsing.
- vfs.not-supported.load.title=Operation Not Supported
- vfs.not-supported.load.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
- file loading.
- vfs.not-supported.save.title=Operation Not Supported
- vfs.not-supported.save.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
- file saving.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugin manager
- plugin-manager.title=Plugin Manager
- plugin-manager.url=http://plugins.jedit.org/export/new_plugin_manager.php
- plugin-manager.caption=Installed plugins:
- plugin-manager.not-loaded=Not loaded due to errors
- plugin-manager.loaded=Loaded plugins
- plugin-manager.new=Newly installed plugins
- plugin-manager.info.name=Plugin name:
- plugin-manager.info.author=Author:
- plugin-manager.info.version=Version:
- plugin-manager.remove=Remove Plugins
- plugin-manager.update=Update Plugins
- plugin-manager.install=Install Plugins
- plugin-manager.remove-confirm.title=Remove Plugins
- plugin-manager.remove-confirm.message=Are you sure you want to remove the \
- following plugins?\n\
- \n\
- {0}
- #{{{ Plugin list download progress
- plugin-list.progress.title=Downloading Plugin List
- plugin-list.progress.caption=Downloading plugin list from server...
- plugin-list.progress.stop=Stop
- #}}}
- #{{{ Error while loading plugin list
- plugin-list.ioerror.title=I/O Error
- plugin-list.ioerror.message=An I/O error occurred ({0})\n\
- \n\
- If you are using Java 2 and are connected to the Internet\n\
- through a firewall, you should configure the Firewall plugin\n\
- in Utilities->Global Options before using the plugin manager.
- plugin-list.xmlerror.title=XML Parser Error
- plugin-list.xmlerror.message=An error occurred while parsing {0}, line {1}:\n\
- {2}
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugin update
- plugin-manager.up-to-date.title=Plugins Up to Date
- plugin-manager.up-to-date.message=All installed plugins are their latest versions.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugin installation
- install-plugins.title=Install Plugins
- update-plugins.title=Update Plugins
- install-plugins.caption=Click the check box next to plugins you wish to install:
- install-plugins.info.name=Name:
- install-plugins.info.author=Author:
- install-plugins.info.latest-version=Latest version:
- install-plugins.info.obsolete=Obsolete (will be deleted)
- install-plugins.info.installed-version=Installed version:
- install-plugins.info.updated=Last updated:
- install-plugins.info.description=Description:
- install-plugins.info.also-install=\ Installing this plugin will also install \
- the following plugins:
- install-plugins.info.obsolete-text=\ This plugin is obsolete and no longer \
- needed. It will be deleted if you check the box next to its name.
- install-plugins.user=Install in user plugin directory ({0})
- install-plugins.system=Install in system plugin directory ({0})
- install-plugins.downloadSource=Download source code
- install-plugins.none=none
- install-plugins.install=Install
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugin progress
- plugin-manager.progress.removing-task=Removing Plugins
- plugin-manager.progress.updating-task=Updating Plugins
- plugin-manager.progress.installing-task=Installing Plugins
- plugin-manager.progress.removing=Removing {0}
- plugin-manager.progress.downloading=Downloading {0}
- plugin-manager.progress.installing=Installing {0}
- plugin-manager.progress.stop=Stop
- plugin-manager.done.title=Operations Complete
- plugin-manager.done.message=You must restart jEdit for plugin installation\n\
- and removal to take effect.
- #}}}
- #{{{ Plugin remove error
- plugin-manager.remove-failed.title=Remove Failed
- plugin-manager.remove-failed.message=The plugin {0}\n\
- could not be removed.
- #}}}
- #}}}