
MSBuild | 1823 lines | 1624 code | 199 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | c763443050bbd03b75c5b46bd330bcc4 MD5 | raw file
  1. ###
  2. ### jEdit user interface definitions
  3. ### :tabSize=8:indentSize=8:noTabs=false:
  4. ### :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
  5. ###
  6. ### Copyright (C) 1998, 2001 Slava Pestov
  7. ###
  8. #{{{ Default user catalog file
  9. defaultCatalog=<?xml version="1.0"?>\n\
  10. <!DOCTYPE MODES SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">\n\
  11. \n\
  12. <MODES>\n\
  13. \n\
  14. <!-- Add lines like the following, one for each edit mode you add: -->\n\
  15. <!-- <MODE NAME="foo" FILE="foo.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.foo" /> -->\n\
  16. \n\
  17. </MODES>
  18. #}}}
  19. #{{{ Common strings
  20. common.ok=OK
  21. common.cancel=Cancel
  22. common.close=Close
  23. common.apply=Apply
  24. common.more=More
  25. lineSep.unix=Unix (\\n)
  26. lineSep.windows=DOS/Windows (\\r\\n)
  27. lineSep.mac=MacOS (\\r)
  28. #}}}
  29. #{{{ A list of common file encodings used in various places
  30. encodings=ASCII Cp850 Cp1251 Cp1252 ISO8859_1 ISO8859_2 MacRoman Big5 GBK \
  31. KOI8_R SJIS Unicode UTF8
  32. #}}}
  33. #{{{ Miscellaneous
  34. history.caption=Previously entered strings:
  35. print.page=Page {0}
  36. action-set.jEdit=Built-in Commands
  37. action-set.macros=Macros
  38. action-set.plugin=Plugin: {0}
  39. view.docking.close-tooltip=Hides the current docked window
  40. #}}}
  41. #{{{ Tool bar
  42. view.toolbar=new-file open-file save print - \
  43. undo redo cut copy paste - find find-next - new-view unsplit \
  44. split-horizontal split-vertical - buffer-options global-options - \
  45. plugin-manager - help
  46. new-file.icon=New24.gif
  47. open-file.icon=Open24.gif
  48. save.icon=Save24.gif
  49. print.icon=Print24.gif
  50. undo.icon=Undo24.gif
  51. redo.icon=Redo24.gif
  52. cut.icon=Cut24.gif
  53. copy.icon=Copy24.gif
  54. paste.icon=Paste24.gif
  55. find.icon=Find24.gif
  56. find-next.icon=FindAgain24.gif
  57. new-view.icon=NewView24.gif
  58. unsplit.icon=Unsplit24.gif
  59. split-horizontal.icon=SplitHorizontal24.gif
  60. split-vertical.icon=SplitVertical24.gif
  61. buffer-options.icon=Properties24.gif
  62. global-options.icon=Preferences24.gif
  63. plugin-manager.icon=BeanAdd24.gif
  64. help.icon=Help24.gif
  65. #{{{ Icon list for tool bar editor
  66. icons=Blank24.gif \
  67. About24.gif \
  68. Add24.gif \
  69. AlignBottom24.gif \
  70. AlignCenter24.gif \
  71. AlignJustify24.gif \
  72. AlignJustifyHorizontal24.gif \
  73. AlignJustifyVertical24.gif \
  74. AlignLeft24.gif \
  75. AlignRight24.gif \
  76. AlignTop24.gif \
  77. Applet24.gif \
  78. Application24.gif \
  79. ApplicationDeploy24.gif \
  80. Back24.gif \
  81. Bean24.gif \
  82. BeanAdd24.gif \
  83. Bold24.gif \
  84. Bookmarks24.gif \
  85. ColumnDelete24.gif \
  86. ColumnInsertAfter24.gif \
  87. ColumnInsertBefore24.gif \
  88. ComposeMail24.gif \
  89. ContextualHelp24.gif \
  90. Copy24.gif \
  91. Cut24.gif \
  92. Delete24.gif \
  93. Down24.gif \
  94. Edit24.gif \
  95. EnterpriseJavaBean24.gif \
  96. EnterpriseJavaBeanJar24.gif \
  97. Export24.gif \
  98. FastForward24.gif \
  99. Find24.gif \
  100. FindAgain24.gif \
  101. Forward24.gif \
  102. Help24.gif \
  103. History24.gif \
  104. Home24.gif \
  105. Host24.gif \
  106. Import24.gif \
  107. Information24.gif \
  108. Italic24.gif \
  109. J2EEApplication24.gif \
  110. J2EEApplicationClient24.gif \
  111. J2EEApplicationClientAdd24.gif \
  112. J2EEServer24.gif \
  113. Jar24.gif \
  114. JarAdd24.gif \
  115. Movie24.gif \
  116. New24.gif \
  117. NewView24.gif \
  118. Normal24.gif \
  119. Open24.gif \
  120. PageSetup24.gif \
  121. Paste24.gif \
  122. Pause24.gif \
  123. Play24.gif \
  124. Preferences24.gif \
  125. Print24.gif \
  126. PrintPreview24.gif \
  127. Properties24.gif \
  128. Redo24.gif \
  129. Refresh24.gif \
  130. Remove24.gif \
  131. Replace24.gif \
  132. Rewind24.gif \
  133. RowDelete24.gif \
  134. RowInsertAfter24.gif \
  135. RowInsertBefore24.gif \
  136. Save24.gif \
  137. SaveAll24.gif \
  138. SaveAs24.gif \
  139. Search24.gif \
  140. SendMail24.gif \
  141. Server24.gif \
  142. SplitHorizontal24.gif \
  143. SplitVertical24.gif \
  144. StepBack24.gif \
  145. StepForward24.gif \
  146. Stop24.gif \
  147. TipOfTheDay24.gif \
  148. Underline24.gif \
  149. Undo24.gif \
  150. Unsplit24.gif \
  151. Up24.gif \
  152. Volume24.gif \
  153. War24.gif \
  154. WarAdd24.gif \
  155. WebComponent24.gif \
  156. WebComponentAdd24.gif \
  157. Zoom24.gif \
  158. ZoomIn24.gif \
  159. ZoomOut24.gif
  160. #}}}
  161. view.search.find=Search for:
  162. #}}}
  163. #{{{ Context menu
  164. view.context=undo redo - cut copy paste paste-previous - select-all \
  165. select-none - view-registers - to-upper to-lower - \
  166. hypersearch - unsplit split-horizontal - eval-selection - \
  167. buffer-options global-options
  168. #}}}
  169. #{{{ Menu bar
  170. view.mbar=file edit search markers view utils macros plugins help-menu
  171. #{{{ File menu
  172. file=new-file \
  173. open-file \
  174. %open-encoding \
  175. %recent-files \
  176. %recent-directories \
  177. %current-directory \
  178. insert-file \
  179. - \
  180. reload \
  181. reload-all \
  182. - \
  183. close-buffer \
  184. close-all \
  185. - \
  186. save \
  187. save-as \
  188. save-a-copy-as \
  189. save-all \
  190. - \
  191. print \
  192. - \
  193. exit
  194. file.label=$File
  195. new-file.label=$New
  196. open-file.label=$Open...
  197. open-encoding.label=Open With Encoding
  198. jedit-encoding=jEdit Default
  199. os-encoding=System Default
  200. other-encoding.label=Open With Other Encoding...
  201. recent-files.label=Recent Files
  202. recent-directories.label=Recent Directories
  203. current-directory.label=Current Directory
  204. current-directory.not-local=Cannot list directories on remote filesystems
  205. current-directory.no-files=No Files
  206. insert-file.label=$Insert...
  207. no-recent-files.label=No Recent Files
  208. no-recent-dirs.label=No Recent Directories
  209. reload.label=$Reload
  210. reload-all.label=Reloa$d All...
  211. close-buffer.label=$Close
  212. close-all.label=Clos$e All
  213. save.label=$Save
  214. save-as.label=S$ave As...
  215. save-a-copy-as.label=Save a Cop$y As...
  216. save-all.label=Save A$ll...
  217. print.label=$Print...
  218. exit.label=E$xit
  219. #}}}
  220. #{{{ Edit menu
  221. edit=undo \
  222. redo \
  223. - \
  224. cut \
  225. copy \
  226. cut-append \
  227. copy-append \
  228. paste \
  229. paste-previous \
  230. - \
  231. select-all \
  232. select-none \
  233. invert-selection \
  234. - \
  235. word-count \
  236. - \
  237. complete-word \
  238. expand-abbrev \
  239. - \
  240. goto-line \
  241. select-line-range \
  242. - \
  243. %text \
  244. %source \
  245. %registers
  246. edit.label=$Edit
  247. undo.label=$Undo
  248. redo.label=$Redo
  249. cut.label=$Cut
  250. copy.label=C$opy
  251. cut-append.label=Cu$t Append
  252. copy-append.label=Copy $Append
  253. paste.label=$Paste
  254. paste-previous.label=Paste Pre$vious...
  255. select-all.label=$Select All
  256. select-none.label=Select $None
  257. invert-selection.label=$Invert Selection
  258. word-count.label=$Word Count...
  259. complete-word.label=Co$mplete Word
  260. expand-abbrev.label=E$xpand Abbreviation
  261. goto-line.label=$Go to Line...
  262. select-line-range.label=Se$lect Line Range...
  263. #{{{ Text menu
  264. text=select-word \
  265. - \
  266. select-line \
  267. delete-line \
  268. delete-start-line \
  269. delete-end-line \
  270. remove-trailing-ws \
  271. join-lines \
  272. - \
  273. select-paragraph \
  274. format-paragraph \
  275. delete-paragraph \
  276. - \
  277. to-lower \
  278. to-upper \
  279. spaces-to-tabs \
  280. tabs-to-spaces
  281. text.label=Text
  282. select-word.label=Select Word
  283. select-line.label=Select Line
  284. delete-line.label=Delete Line
  285. delete-start-line.label=Delete to Start of Line
  286. delete-end-line.label=Delete to End of Line
  287. remove-trailing-ws.label=Remove Trailing Whitespace
  288. join-lines.label=Join Lines
  289. select-paragraph.label=Select Paragraph
  290. delete-paragraph.label=Delete Paragraph
  291. format-paragraph.label=Format Paragraph
  292. to-lower.label=To Lower Case
  293. to-upper.label=To Upper Case
  294. spaces-to-tabs.label=Spaces to Tabs
  295. tabs-to-spaces.label=Tabs to Spaces
  296. #}}}
  297. #{{{ Source menu
  298. source=range-comment \
  299. line-comment \
  300. - \
  301. indent-lines \
  302. - \
  303. select-block \
  304. match-bracket \
  305. prev-bracket \
  306. next-bracket
  307. source.label=Source
  308. range-comment.label=Range Comment
  309. line-comment.label=Line Comment
  310. indent-lines.label=Indent Selected Lines
  311. select-block.label=Select Code Block
  312. match-bracket.label=Go to Matching Bracket
  313. prev-bracket.label=Go to Previous Bracket
  314. next-bracket.label=Go to Next Bracket
  315. #}}}
  316. #{{{ Registers menu
  317. registers=view-registers \
  318. - \
  319. cut-string-register \
  320. copy-string-register \
  321. cut-append-string-register \
  322. copy-append-string-register \
  323. paste-string-register
  324. registers.label=Registers
  325. cut-string-register.label=Cut to Register
  326. copy-string-register.label=Copy to Register
  327. cut-append-string-register.label=Cut Append to Register
  328. copy-append-string-register.label=Copy Append to Register
  329. paste-string-register.label=Paste Register
  330. view-registers.label=View Registers...
  331. #}}}
  332. #}}}
  333. #{{{ Search menu
  334. search=find \
  335. find-next \
  336. find-prev \
  337. - \
  338. search-in-open-buffers \
  339. search-in-directory \
  340. - \
  341. replace-in-selection \
  342. replace-and-find-next \
  343. replace-all \
  344. - \
  345. quick-search \
  346. hypersearch \
  347. - \
  348. hypersearch-results
  349. search.label=$Search
  350. find.label=$Find...
  351. find-next.label=Fi$nd Next
  352. find-prev.label=Find Pre$vious
  353. search-in-open-buffers.label=Search in Open $Buffers...
  354. search-in-directory.label=Search in $Directory...
  355. replace-in-selection.label=$Replace in Selection
  356. replace-and-find-next.label=Re$place and Find Next
  357. replace-all.label=Replace $All
  358. quick-search.label=Quick $Incremental Search
  359. hypersearch.label=$Quick HyperSearch
  360. hypersearch-results.label=$HyperSearch Results
  361. #}}}
  362. #{{{ Markers menu
  363. markers=add-marker \
  364. add-marker-shortcut \
  365. - \
  366. goto-marker \
  367. select-marker \
  368. swap-marker \
  369. - \
  370. remove-all-markers \
  371. - \
  372. prev-marker \
  373. next-marker \
  374. -
  375. markers.label=$Markers
  376. add-marker.label=$Add/Remove Marker
  377. add-marker-shortcut.label=Add Marker $With Shortcut
  378. goto-marker.label=$Go to Marker
  379. select-marker.label=$Select to Marker
  380. swap-marker.label=Swa$p Caret and Marker
  381. remove-all-markers.label=Re$move All Markers
  382. prev-marker.label=Go to $Previous Marker
  383. next-marker.label=Go to $Next Marker
  384. no-markers.label=No Markers
  385. markers.blank-line=[Blank line]
  386. #}}}
  387. #{{{ View menu
  388. view=new-view \
  389. close-view \
  390. - \
  391. prev-buffer \
  392. next-buffer \
  393. recent-buffer \
  394. - \
  395. toggle-line-numbers \
  396. - \
  397. %scrolling \
  398. %folding \
  399. %splitting \
  400. %docking
  401. view.label=$View
  402. new-view.label=New $View
  403. close-view.label=$Close View
  404. prev-buffer.label=Go to $Previous Buffer
  405. next-buffer.label=Go to $Next Buffer
  406. recent-buffer.label=Go to $Recent Buffer
  407. toggle-line-numbers.label=$Line Numbers
  408. #{{{ Scrolling menu
  409. scrolling=scroll-to-current-line \
  410. center-caret \
  411. - \
  412. scroll-up-line \
  413. scroll-down-line \
  414. - \
  415. scroll-up-page \
  416. scroll-down-page \
  417. - \
  418. toggle-synchro-scroll
  419. scrolling.label=Scrolling
  420. scroll-to-current-line.label=Scroll to Current Line
  421. center-caret.label=Center Caret on Screen
  422. scroll-up-line.label=Line Scroll Up
  423. scroll-down-line.label=Line Scroll Down
  424. scroll-up-page.label=Page Scroll Up
  425. scroll-down-page.label=Page Scroll Down
  426. toggle-synchro-scroll.label=Synchronized Scrolling
  427. #}}}
  428. #{{{ Folding menu
  429. folding=collapse-fold \
  430. expand-one-level \
  431. expand-fold \
  432. - \
  433. collapse-all-folds \
  434. expand-folds \
  435. expand-all-folds \
  436. - \
  437. select-fold \
  438. - \
  439. narrow
  440. folding.label=Folding
  441. collapse-fold.label=Collapse Fold
  442. expand-one-level.label=Expand Fold One Level
  443. expand-fold.label=Expand Fold Fully
  444. collapse-all-folds.label=Collapse All Folds
  445. expand-folds.label=Expand Folds With Level
  446. expand-all-folds.label=Expand All Folds
  447. select-fold.label=Select Fold
  448. narrow.label=Narrow Buffer to Selection
  449. #}}}
  450. #{{{ Splitting menu
  451. splitting=unsplit \
  452. split-horizontal \
  453. split-vertical \
  454. prev-textarea \
  455. next-textarea
  456. splitting.label=Splitting
  457. split-horizontal.label=Split Horizontally
  458. split-vertical.label=Split Vertically
  459. unsplit.label=Unsplit
  460. prev-textarea.label=Go to Previous Text Area
  461. next-textarea.label=Go to Next Text Area
  462. #}}}
  463. #{{{ Docking menu
  464. docking=close-left-docking-area \
  465. close-top-docking-area \
  466. close-right-docking-area \
  467. close-bottom-docking-area
  468. docking.label=Docking
  469. close-left-docking-area.label=Close Left Docking Area
  470. close-top-docking-area.label=Close Top Docking Area
  471. close-right-docking-area.label=Close Right Docking Area
  472. close-bottom-docking-area.label=Close Bottom Docking Area
  473. #}}}
  474. #{{{ Utilities menu
  475. utils=vfs.browser \
  476. io-progress-monitor \
  477. - \
  478. log-viewer \
  479. update-log \
  480. - \
  481. eval \
  482. eval-for-selected-lines \
  483. eval-selection \
  484. - \
  485. reload-modes \
  486. - \
  487. memory-status \
  488. - \
  489. buffer-options \
  490. global-options
  491. utils.label=$Utilities
  492. vfs.browser.label=$File System Browser
  493. io-progress-monitor.label=$I/O Progress Monitor...
  494. log-viewer.label=$Activity Log
  495. update-log.label=Update Activity Log on $Disk
  496. eval.label=$Evaluate BeanShell Expression...
  497. eval-for-selected-lines.label=Evaluate For Selected $Lines...
  498. eval-selection.label=E$valuate Selection
  499. reload-modes.label=$Reload Edit Modes
  500. memory-status.label=$Memory Status...
  501. buffer-options.label=$Buffer Options...
  502. global-options.label=$Global Options...
  503. #}}}
  504. #{{{ Macros menu
  505. macros=record-macro \
  506. record-temp-macro \
  507. stop-recording \
  508. - \
  509. run-temp-macro \
  510. run-last-macro \
  511. run-other-macro \
  512. - \
  513. browse-system-macros \
  514. browse-user-macros \
  515. - \
  516. rescan-macros \
  517. -
  518. macros.label=Ma$cros
  519. record-macro.label=$Record Macro...
  520. record-temp-macro.label=Record $Temporary Macro
  521. stop-recording.label=$Stop Recording
  522. run-temp-macro.label=Run Tem$porary Macro
  523. run-last-macro.label=Run $Last Macro
  524. run-other-macro.label=Run $Other Macro...
  525. browse-system-macros.label=Browse S$ystem Macros
  526. browse-user-macros.label=Browse $User Macros
  527. rescan-macros.label=Resca$n Macros
  528. no-macros.label=No Macros
  529. #}}}
  530. #{{{ Plugins menu
  531. plugins=plugin-manager -
  532. plugins.label=$Plugins
  533. plugin-manager.label=Plugin $Manager...
  534. no-plugins.label=No Plugins Installed
  535. #}}}
  536. #{{{ Help menu
  537. help-menu=about \
  538. help \
  539. tip-of-the-day
  540. help-menu.label=$Help
  541. about.label=$About jEdit...
  542. help.label=jEdit $Help
  543. tip-of-the-day.label=$Tip of the Day
  544. #}}}
  545. #}}}
  546. #{{{ Macro strings
  547. macro.temp.header=// This is a temporary macro. First, check over the\n\
  548. // commands to make sure this is what you intended.\n\
  549. // Then, to run this macro, switch to the buffer\n\
  550. // where you would like to execute it and press C+m C+p.
  551. macro.header=// This is a recorded macro. First, check over the\n\
  552. // commands to make sure this is what you intended. Then,\n\
  553. // save this buffer, and the macro should appear in the\n\
  554. // Macros menu.
  555. #}}}
  556. #{{{ Commands that don't appear in menus
  557. backspace-word.label=Delete Previous Word
  558. backspace.label=Delete Previous Character
  559. delete-word.label=Delete Next Word
  560. delete.label=Delete Next Character
  561. document-end.label=Go to End of Buffer
  562. document-home.label=Go to Beginning of Buffer
  563. end.label=End of Line
  564. home.label=Beginning of Line
  565. insert-literal.label=Insert Next Character Literally
  566. next-char.label=Go to Next Character
  567. next-line.label=Go to Next Line
  568. next-page.label=Go to Next Page
  569. next-paragraph.label=Go to Next Paragraph
  570. next-word.label=Go to Next Word
  571. overwrite.label=Overwrite Mode
  572. prev-char.label=Go to Previous Character
  573. prev-line.label=Go to Previous Line
  574. prev-page.label=Go to Previous Page
  575. prev-paragraph.label=Go to Previous Paragraph
  576. prev-word.label=Go to Previous Word
  577. repeat.label=Repeat Next Command
  578. select-document-end.label=Select to End of Buffer
  579. select-document-home.label=Select to Beginning of Buffer
  580. select-end.label=Select to End of Line
  581. select-home.label=Select to Beginning of Line
  582. select-next-char.label=Select Next Character
  583. select-next-line.label=Select Next Line
  584. select-next-page.label=Select Next Page
  585. select-next-paragraph.label=Select Next Paragraph
  586. select-next-word.label=Select Next Word
  587. select-prev-char.label=Select Previous Character
  588. select-prev-line.label=Select Previous Line
  589. select-prev-page.label=Select Previous Page
  590. select-prev-paragraph.label=Select Previous Paragraph
  591. select-prev-word.label=Select Previous Word
  592. shift-left.label=Shift Indent Left
  593. shift-right.label=Shift Indent Right
  594. toggle-multi-select.label=Multiple Selection
  595. hypersearch-results-toggle=HyperSearch Results Toggle
  596. vfs.browser-toggle.label=File System Browser Toggle
  597. log-viewer-toggle.label=Activity Log Toggle
  598. #}}}
  599. #{{{ View stuff
  600. # Title
  601. view.title=jEdit -
  602. #{{{ Gutter highlight
  603. view.gutter.marker.no-name=Marker
  604. view.gutter.marker=Marker: {0}
  605. #}}}
  606. #{{{ Status messages
  607. view.status.recording=Macro recording
  608. view.status.repeat=Enter repeat count: {0}
  609. view.status.cut-string-register=Enter register name to cut to
  610. view.status.copy-string-register=Enter register name to copy to
  611. view.status.cut-append-string-register=Enter register name to cut append to
  612. view.status.copy-append-string-register=Enter register name to copy append to
  613. view.status.paste-string-register=Enter register name to paste from
  614. view.status.add-marker=Enter shortcut for new marker
  615. view.status.goto-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to go to
  616. view.status.select-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to select to
  617. view.status.swap-marker=Enter shortcut of marker to swap caret position with
  618. view.status.expand-folds=Press 1-9 to specify fold level
  619. view.status.insert-literal=Press key to insert literally
  620. view.status.auto-wrap=Search text not found; wrapping around
  621. view.status.replace-all=Replaced {0} occurrence(s) in {1} file(s)
  622. view.status.io=I/O: {0} operations in progress
  623. view.status.io-1=I/O: 1 operation in progress
  624. view.status.io.done=Input/output complete
  625. view.status.caret-tooltip=Line and column number indicator
  626. view.status.mode-tooltip=Current edit mode
  627. view.status.encoding-tooltip=Current encoding
  628. view.status.fold-tooltip=Fold mode (click to change)
  629. view.status.multi-tooltip=Multiple selection indicator (click to change)
  630. view.status.overwrite-tooltip=Overwrite/insert mode indicator (click to change)
  631. view.status.memory-tooltip=Java heap memory: {0}Kb/{1}Kb
  632. view.status.narrow=Invoke "Expand All Folds" to make all text visible again
  633. view.status.bracket=Matches "{0}"
  634. #}}}
  635. #}}}
  636. #{{{ Various dialog boxes
  637. #{{{ About dialog
  638. about.title=About jEdit
  639. about.version=jEdit version {0}
  640. # This text scrolls by in the about dialog box.
  641. # Hack: Since StringTokenizer treats two consequent \n as one token, we
  642. # insert a space by itself in the text to create blank lines.
  643. about.text=jEdit is brought to you by:\n\
  644. \ \n\
  645. Slava Pestov\n\
  646. Alwyn Barry\n\
  647. Amadeo Farello\n\
  648. Andre Kaplan\n\
  649. Artur Biesiadowski\n\
  650. Aziz Sharif\n\
  651. Bruno Tatibouet\n\
  652. Calvin Yu\n\
  653. Carlos Quiroz\n\
  654. Carmine Lucarelli\n\
  655. Chris Scott\n\
  656. Danny Dig\n\
  657. Dante Fabrizio\n\
  658. David Taylor\n\
  659. Denis Lambot\n\
  660. Dirk Moebius\n\
  661. Dominic Stolerman\n\
  662. Ed Stewart\n\
  663. Francesc Roses\n\
  664. George Latkiewicz\n\
  665. Gili Tzabari\n\
  666. Greg Merrill\n\
  667. Ian Maclean\n\
  668. Jamie LaScolea\n\
  669. Jason Ginchereau\n\
  670. Jerry McBride\n\
  671. John Gellene\n\
  672. Jonathan Revusky\n\
  673. Juha Lindfors\n\
  674. Kenrick Drew\n\
  675. Kevin Burton\n\
  676. Klaus Hartlage\n\
  677. Kris Kopicki\n\
  678. Kristian Ovaska\n\
  679. Lionel Fiol\n\
  680. Maik Schreiber\n\
  681. Marc Rummel\n\
  682. Matija Kejzar\n\
  683. Matt Albrecht\n\
  684. Matt Price\n\
  685. Matthias Schneider\n\
  686. Michael Jacobson\n\
  687. Mike Dillon\n\
  688. Mike Hansen\n\
  689. Nils Krahnstoever\n\
  690. Nitsan Vardi\n\
  691. Ollie Rutherfurd\n\
  692. Patrick Tingen\n\
  693. Peter Graves\n\
  694. Phillip Mateescu\n\
  695. Ralf Engels\n\
  696. Richard Ashwell\n\
  697. Richard Beton\n\
  698. Rick Gibbs\n\
  699. Rick Owen\n\
  700. Romain Guy\n\
  701. Saimon Moore\n\
  702. Satguru Srivastava\n\
  703. Scott Willy\n\
  704. Scott Wyatt\n\
  705. Sergey Udaltsov\n\
  706. Steve Jakob\n\
  707. Tal Davidson\n\
  708. Thomas Bock\n\
  709. Todd Papaioannou\n\
  710. Tom Locke\n\
  711. Vinod Kiran\n\
  712. Will Sargent\n\
  713. Wojciech Stryjewski\n\
  714. \ \n\
  715. I'd also like to thank all the users for their\n\
  716. comments, feedback and bug reports.
  717. #}}}
  718. #{{{ IO Error dialog, {0}=the error message
  719. ioerror.title=I/O Error
  720. # {0} - the error message
  721. ioerror.message=An I/O error occurred ({0})
  722. #}}}
  723. #{{{ Read error
  724. read-error.title=Read Error
  725. # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
  726. read-error.message=The file {0}\n\
  727. could not be loaded due to an I/O error.\n\
  728. ({1})
  729. #}}}
  730. #{{{ Write error
  731. write-error.title=Write Error
  732. # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
  733. write-error.message=The file {0}\n\
  734. could not be saved due to an I/O error.\n\
  735. ({1})
  736. #}}}
  737. #{{{ Directory error
  738. directory-error.title=Directory Error
  739. # {0} - the path name {1} - the error message
  740. directory-error.message=The directory {0}\n\
  741. could not be listed due to an I/O error.\n\
  742. ({1})
  743. #}}}
  744. #{{{ Directory error with no message
  745. directory-error-nomsg.title=Directory Error
  746. # {0} - the path name
  747. directory-error-nomsg.message=The directory {0}\n\
  748. could not be listed due to an I/O error.
  749. #}}}
  750. #{{{ Character conversion error, {0}=path, {1}=current encoding, {2}=error message
  751. encoding-error.title=Incompatible Encoding
  752. encoding-error.message=The file {0}\n\
  753. could not be loaded with the "{1}" encoding.\n\
  754. ({2})\n\
  755. \n\
  756. To use a different encoding, try the commands in the\n\
  757. File->Open With Encoding menu.\n\
  758. \n\
  759. If you are really stuck and do not know which encoding\n\
  760. to use, try "ASCII" or "8859_1".
  761. #}}}
  762. #{{{ Cannot open directory dialog box
  763. open-directory.title=Cannot Open Directory
  764. open-directory.message={0} is a directory.\n\
  765. Directories cannot be opened for editing.
  766. #}}}
  767. #{{{ Cannot save directory dialog box
  768. save-directory.title=Cannot Save Directory
  769. save-directory.message={0} is a directory.\n\
  770. Buffers cannot be saved over directories.
  771. #}}}
  772. #{{{ Cannot read dialog box
  773. no-read.title=Cannot Open File
  774. no-read.message=Cannot read from {0}.\n\
  775. This probably means you have insufficent permissions.
  776. #}}}
  777. #{{{ Cannot write dialog box
  778. no-write.title=Cannot Save File
  779. no-write.message=Cannot save to {0}.\n\
  780. This probably means you have insufficent permissions.
  781. #}}}
  782. #{{{ Malformed URL error
  783. badurl.title=Invalid URL
  784. # {0} - the URL
  785. # {1} - the error
  786. badurl.message=The following URL is invalid: {0}\n
  787. ({1})
  788. #}}}
  789. #{{{ Go to line dialog
  790. goto-line.title=Go To Line
  791. goto-line.message=Go to line:
  792. #}}}
  793. #{{{ Word count dialog
  794. wordcount.title=Word Count
  795. # {0} - characters
  796. # {1} - words
  797. # {2} - lines
  798. wordcount.message=Characters: {0}\nWords: {1}\nLines: {2}
  799. #}}}
  800. #{{{ Set marker dialog
  801. setmarker.title=Set Marker
  802. setmarker.message=Marker name:
  803. #}}}
  804. #{{{ File not saved dialog
  805. notsaved.title=File Not Saved
  806. # {0} - file name
  807. notsaved.message=Save changes to {0}?
  808. #}}}
  809. #{{{ File changed, still reload dialog
  810. changedreload.title=File Modified
  811. changedreload.message=File has been modified since last save;\n\
  812. If you reload, you will lose those changes. Continue?
  813. #}}}
  814. #{{{ Autosave file exists dialog
  815. autosave-found.title=Autosave File Found
  816. # {0} - autosave file name
  817. autosave-found.message=An autosave file {0}\n\
  818. was found! This probably means that jEdit crashed before you could\n\
  819. save. Would you like to open the autosave file?
  820. autosave-loaded.title=Autosave File Loaded
  821. autosave-loaded.message=The autosave file {0}\n\
  822. has been loaded. You should now check if it contains your unsaved\n\
  823. data. If you would like to keep the autosaved changes, save the file.\n\
  824. If you would like to discard them, select File->Reload.
  825. #}}}
  826. #{{{ Save all confirm dialog
  827. saveall.title=Save All Buffers
  828. saveall.message=Are you sure you want to save all modified buffers?
  829. #}}}
  830. #{{{ Reload all confirm dialog
  831. reload-all.title=Reload All Buffers
  832. reload-all.message=Are you sure you want to reload all buffers from disk?\n\
  833. Unsaved changes in any open buffers WILL BE LOST!
  834. #}}}
  835. #{{{ Encoding prompt
  836. encoding-prompt.title=Open With Other Encoding
  837. encoding-prompt.message=Character encoding to use:
  838. #}}}
  839. #{{{ Macro recording already in progress dialog
  840. already-recording.title=Already Recording
  841. already-recording.message=A macro recording is already in progress.
  842. #}}}
  843. #{{{ Record macro dialog
  844. record.title=Record Macro
  845. record.message=Macro name:
  846. #}}}
  847. #{{{ Some features don't work with -nosettings dialog
  848. no-settings.title=Feature Disabled
  849. no-settings.message=jEdit was started with the -nosettings switch.\n\
  850. To use this feature, you must start jEdit without that switch.
  851. #}}}
  852. #{{{ Some features don't work with the web start version
  853. no-webstart.title=Feature Disabled
  854. no-webstart.message=This feature is not available in the WebStart version\n\
  855. of jEdit.
  856. #}}}
  857. #{{{ Search and replace dialog
  858. search.title=Search And Replace
  859. search.find=Search for: (press up arrow to recall previous)
  860. search.find.mnemonic=s
  861. search.replace=Replace with:
  862. search.replace.mnemonic=w
  863. search.string-replace-btn=Text
  864. search.beanshell-replace-btn=Return value of a BeanShell snippet
  865. search.settings=Settings:
  866. search.keep=Keep dialog
  867. search.keep.mnemonic=k
  868. search.case=Ignore case
  869. search.case.mnemonic=i
  870. search.regexp=Regular expressions
  871. search.regexp.mnemonic=x
  872. search.hypersearch=HyperSearch
  873. search.hypersearch.mnemonic=h
  874. search.wrap=Auto wrap
  875. search.wrap.mnemonic=t
  876. search.direction=Direction:
  877. search.back=Backward
  878. search.back.mnemonic=b
  879. search.forward=Forward
  880. search.forward.mnemonic=o
  881. search.fileset=Search in:
  882. search.selection=Selection
  883. search.selection.mnemonic=n
  884. search.current=Current buffer
  885. search.current.mnemonic=c
  886. search.all=All buffers
  887. search.all.mnemonic=l
  888. search.directory=Directory:
  889. search.directory.mnemonic=d
  890. search.directoryField=Directory:
  891. search.directoryField.mnemonic=y
  892. search.filterField=Filter:
  893. search.filterField.mnemonic=f
  894. search.subdirs=Search subdirectories
  895. search.subdirs.mnemonic=u
  896. search.choose=Choose...
  897. search.choose.mnemonic=e
  898. search.findBtn=Find
  899. search.replaceBtn=Replace
  900. search.replaceBtn.mnemonic=r
  901. search.replaceAndFindBtn=Replace & Find
  902. search.replaceAndFindBtn.mnemonic=p
  903. search.replaceAllBtn=Replace All
  904. search.replaceAllBtn.mnemonic=a
  905. # Beep when searching automatically wraps?
  906. search.beepOnSearchAutoWrap=false
  907. #}}}
  908. #{{{ Keep searching dialog
  909. keepsearching.title=No More Matches Found
  910. keepsearching.message=No more matches were found. Continue search from\n\
  911. {0,choice,0#beginning|1#end}?
  912. #}}}
  913. #{{{ HyperSearch results dialog
  914. hypersearch-results.title=HyperSearch Results
  915. hypersearch-results.caption=Found {0} occurrence(s) in {1} file(s).
  916. hypersearch-results.file-caption={0} ({1} occurrences)
  917. hypersearch-results.file-caption1={0} (1 occurrence)
  918. hypersearch-results.searching=Searching...
  919. hypersearch.status=HyperSearch
  920. hypersearch-no-results.title=HyperSearch Complete
  921. hypersearch-no-results.message=No occurrences of the search string were found.
  922. #}}}
  923. #{{{ Search and replace error dialog
  924. searcherror.title=Search and Replace Error
  925. # {0} - error message
  926. searcherror.message=An error occurred while performing this operation.\n\
  927. ({0})
  928. #}}}
  929. #{{{ Empty fileset error dialog
  930. empty-fileset.title=Empty File Set
  931. empty-fileset.message=The specified search file set contains no files.\n\
  932. Please ensure that the file name filter and directory to search\n\
  933. (if applicable) are set correctly.
  934. #}}}
  935. #{{{ Paste previous dialog
  936. pasteprev.title=Paste Previous
  937. pasteprev.caption=Previous clippings:
  938. pasteprev.insert=Insert
  939. #}}}
  940. #{{{ File changed on disk dialogs
  941. filechanged-save.title=File Changed on Disk
  942. filechanged-save.message=The file {0}\n\
  943. has been modified on disk by another program. Are you sure\n\
  944. you want to continue saving it?
  945. filechanged-focus.title=File Changed on Disk
  946. filechanged-focus.message=The file {0}\n\
  947. has been modified on disk by another program. Would you like to\n\
  948. reload it from disk?
  949. filechanged-dirty.title=File Changed on Disk
  950. filechanged-dirty.message=The file {0}\n\
  951. has been modified on disk by another program. Would you like to\n\
  952. reload it from disk? IF YOU RELOAD, UNSAVED CHANGES WILL BE LOST.
  953. filedeleted.title=File Deleted on Disk
  954. filedeleted.message=The file {0}\n\
  955. has been deleted. If you want to re-create it, save the buffer.
  956. #}}}
  957. #{{{ File exists dialog
  958. fileexists.title=File Exists
  959. fileexists.message=The file {0} already exists. Are you sure you want\n\
  960. to overwrite it?
  961. #}}}
  962. #{{{ Select line range dialog
  963. selectlinerange.title=Select Line Range
  964. selectlinerange.caption=Select line range:
  965. selectlinerange.start=Start line:
  966. selectlinerange.end=End line:
  967. #}}}
  968. #{{{ View registers dialog
  969. view-registers.title=Registers
  970. view-registers.caption=Register:
  971. view-registers.clipboard=$ (clipboard)
  972. view-registers.selection=% (selection)
  973. view-registers.none=No registers defined
  974. view-registers.register=Register:
  975. view-registers.contents=Contents:
  976. #}}}
  977. #{{{ Close all buffers dialog
  978. close.title=Unsaved Changes
  979. close.caption=The following buffers have unsaved changes:
  980. close.selectAll=Select All
  981. close.selectAll.mnemonic=a
  982. close.save=Save Selected
  983. close.save.mnemonic=s
  984. close.discard=Discard Selected
  985. close.discard.mnemonic=d
  986. #}}}
  987. #{{{ Abbrev dialogs
  988. add-abbrev.title=Add Abbreviation
  989. add-abbrev.mode=Add mode-specific
  990. add-abbrev.global=Add global
  991. edit-abbrev.title=Edit Abbreviation
  992. abbrev-editor.abbrev=Abbreviation:
  993. abbrev-editor.before=Text to insert before caret:
  994. abbrev-editor.after=Text to insert after caret:
  995. #}}}
  996. #{{{ XMode errors
  997. xmode-error.title=XML Parse Error
  998. # {2} is the column number, but it's not too useful so we don't show it
  999. xmode-error.message=An error occurred while parsing {0}, line {1}:\n\
  1000. {3}
  1001. xmode-error.dtd=The DTD could not be loaded ({0})
  1002. xmode-error.termchar-invalid=The value of the AT_CHAR attribute is invalid ({0})
  1003. xmode-error.doctype-invalid=Expected a document type of MODE, found {0}
  1004. xmode-error.empty-tag=The {0} tag cannot be empty
  1005. xmode-error.token-invalid=The token type {0} is invalid
  1006. xmode-error.empty-keyword=The keyword text cannot be empty
  1007. #}}}
  1008. #{{{ JARClassLoader errors
  1009. plugin.load-error.title=Cannot Load Plugin
  1010. plugin.load-error.message=The plugin {0} cannot be loaded\n\
  1011. ({1}).\n\
  1012. The most likely reason is that the JAR file is corrupt; try\n\
  1013. reinstalling it. See the activity log for a full stack trace.
  1014. plugin.start-error.title=Cannot Start Plugin
  1015. plugin.start-error.message=The plugin {0} cannot be started\n\
  1016. ({1}).\n\
  1017. Possible reasons include:\n\
  1018. - the plugin is incompatible with this jEdit release; try updating\n\
  1019. the plugin\n\
  1020. - there is a bug in this plugin. If you suspect this is the case,\n\
  1021. e-mail the stack trace printed in the activity log to the plugin\n\
  1022. author.
  1023. plugin.already-loaded.title=Plugin Already Loaded
  1024. plugin.already-loaded.message=You have two copies of the {0} plugin.\n\
  1025. Please remove one of the two copies.
  1026. plugin.dep-jdk.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1027. plugin.dep-jdk.message=The plugin {0} requires Java {1} or later,\n\
  1028. but you only have version {2}.
  1029. plugin.dep-jedit.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1030. plugin.dep-jedit.message=The plugin {0} requires jEdit {1} or later,\n\
  1031. but you only have version {2}. Download new\n\
  1032. jEdit versions from <http://www.jedit.org>.
  1033. plugin.dep-plugin.no-version.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1034. plugin.dep-plugin.no-version.message=The plugin {0} requires version {1} or later of {2},\n\
  1035. but {2} does not appear to be installed.
  1036. plugin.dep-plugin.broken.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1037. plugin.dep-plugin.broken.message=The plugin {0} requires the plugin {1},\n\
  1038. but an error prevented {1} from being loaded.
  1039. plugin.dep-plugin.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1040. plugin.dep-plugin.message=The plugin {0} requires version {1} or later of {2},\n\
  1041. but you only have {2} version {3}.
  1042. plugin.dep-class.title=Unsatisfied Dependency
  1043. plugin.dep-class.message=The plugin {0} requires the class {1}.\n\
  1044. Try installing the appropriate plugin or class library.
  1045. plugin.obsolete.title=Obsolete Plugin
  1046. plugin.obsolete.message=The plugin {0} is obsolete.\n\
  1047. Please remove it.
  1048. #}}}
  1049. #{{{ Macro dialogs
  1050. macro-input.title=Macro Input
  1051. macro-error.title=Macro Error
  1052. macro-message.title=Macro Message
  1053. macro-confirm.title=Macro Confirmation
  1054. #}}}
  1055. #{{{ BeanShell stuff
  1056. beanshell-error.title=BeanShell Execution Error
  1057. beanshell-error.message.1=A BeanShell execution error occurred. More details can \
  1058. be found
  1059. beanshell-error.message.2=in the activity log (Utilities->Activity Log).
  1060. beanshell-eval-input.title=Evaluate BeanShell Expression
  1061. beanshell-eval-input.message=BeanShell expression:\n\
  1062. \n\
  1063. Variables:\n\
  1064. view - The current view instance\n\
  1065. editPane - The current edit pane instance\n\
  1066. textArea - The current text area instance\n\
  1067. buffer - The current buffer
  1068. beanshell-eval.title=BeanShell Evaluation
  1069. beanshell-eval.message={0}
  1070. beanshell-eval-line.title=Evaluate BeanShell Expression
  1071. beanshell-eval-line.message=BeanShell expression to evaluate for each \
  1072. selected line:\n\
  1073. \n\
  1074. Variables:\n\
  1075. line - The index of the line, from the start of the buffer\n\
  1076. index - The index of the line, from the start of the selection\n\
  1077. text - The text of the line\n\
  1078. view - The current view instance\n\
  1079. editPane - The current edit pane instance\n\
  1080. textArea - The current text area instance\n\
  1081. buffer - The current buffer
  1082. #}}}
  1083. #{{{ Macro not recording dialog
  1084. macro-not-recording.title=Not Recording
  1085. macro-not-recording.message=A macro is not currently being recorded.
  1086. #}}}
  1087. #{{{ Large repeat count warning
  1088. large-repeat-count.title=Large Repeat Count
  1089. large-repeat-count.message=Are you sure you want to invoke "{0}" {1} times?
  1090. large-repeat-count.user-input.title=Large Repeat Count
  1091. large-repeat-count.user-input.message=Are you sure you want to insert "{0}" \
  1092. {1} times?
  1093. #}}}
  1094. #}}}
  1095. #{{{ Buffer options dialog
  1096. buffer-options.title=Buffer Options
  1097. buffer-options.mode=Edit mode:
  1098. buffer-options.lineSeparator=Line separator:
  1099. buffer-options.encoding=Character encoding:
  1100. buffer-options.trailingEOL=Trailing end-of-line at end of file
  1101. buffer-options.props=Corresponding buffer-local properties: (C+c copies)
  1102. #}}}
  1103. #{{{ Global options dialog
  1104. options.title=Global Options
  1105. options.jedit.label=jEdit Options
  1106. options.plugins.label=Plugin Options
  1107. #{{{ General pane
  1108. options.general.label=General
  1109. options.general.history=History entries to remember:
  1110. options.general.saveCaret=Save caret positions in recent file list
  1111. options.general.sortBuffers=Sort buffer list (takes effect after restart)
  1112. options.general.sortByName=Sort buffer list by file name, instead of path name
  1113. options.general.sortRecent=Sort recent file list
  1114. options.general.checkModStatus=Warn if file is modified on disk by another program
  1115. options.general.showFullPath=Show full path of buffer in title bar
  1116. options.general.showSearchbar=Show search bar
  1117. options.general.beepOnSearchAutoWrap=Beep when when searching automatically wraps
  1118. options.general.showBufferSwitcher=Show buffer switcher
  1119. options.general.showTips=Show tips on startup
  1120. options.general.showSplash=Show splash screen on startup
  1121. #}}}
  1122. #{{{ Appearance pane
  1123. options.appearance.label=Appearance
  1124. options.appearance.lf.note=Restart jEdit for look & feel changes to take effect
  1125. options.appearance.lf=Swing look & feel:
  1126. options.appearance.primaryFont=Button, menu, label font:
  1127. options.appearance.secondaryFont=List, tree, table, text field font:
  1128. options.appearance.textColors=Use jEdit text area color scheme in all text components
  1129. #}}}
  1130. #{{{ Loading and Saving pane
  1131. options.loadsave.label=Loading & Saving
  1132. options.loadsave.encoding=Default character encoding:
  1133. options.loadsave.autosave=Autosave frequency (secs):
  1134. options.loadsave.backups=Max number of backups:
  1135. options.loadsave.backupDirectory=Backup directory:
  1136. options.loadsave.backupPrefix=Backup filename prefix:
  1137. options.loadsave.backupSuffix=Backup filename suffix:
  1138. options.loadsave.lineSeparator=Default line separator:
  1139. options.loadsave.ioThreadCount=Number of I/O threads:
  1140. options.loadsave.restore=Restore previously open files on startup
  1141. options.loadsave.restore.cli=... even if file names were specified on the \
  1142. command line
  1143. options.loadsave.newView=Client instances open files in new view
  1144. options.loadsave.persistentMarkers=Save marker positions
  1145. options.loadsave.parseFully=More accurate syntax highlighting (slows file loading)
  1146. #}}}
  1147. #{{{ Text Area pane
  1148. options.textarea.label=Text Area
  1149. options.textarea.font=Text font:
  1150. options.textarea.lineHighlight=Current line highlighting
  1151. options.textarea.bracketHighlight=Bracket highlighting
  1152. options.textarea.eolMarkers=End of line markers
  1153. options.textarea.wrapGuide=Wrap guide
  1154. options.textarea.blinkCaret=Blinking caret
  1155. options.textarea.blockCaret=Block caret
  1156. options.textarea.electricBorders=Electric (auto scroll) borders
  1157. options.textarea.homeEnd="Smart" home/end key behaviour
  1158. options.textarea.middleMousePaste=Middle mouse button click pastes \
  1159. most recent selection
  1160. options.textarea.antiAlias=Smooth text
  1161. options.textarea.fracFontMetrics=Fractional font metrics (for better smooth \
  1162. text display)
  1163. #}}}
  1164. #{{{ Gutter pane
  1165. options.gutter.label=Gutter
  1166. options.gutter.font=Gutter font:
  1167. options.gutter.borderWidth=Gutter border width:
  1168. options.gutter.numberAlignment=Line number alignment:
  1169. options.gutter.interval=Line highlight interval:
  1170. options.gutter.lineNumbers=Line numbering
  1171. options.gutter.currentLineHighlight=Current line highlighting
  1172. options.gutter.bracketHighlight=Show bracket scope
  1173. options.gutter.markerHighlight=Indicate marker positions
  1174. #}}}
  1175. #{{{ Colors pane
  1176. options.color.label=Colors
  1177. options.color.object=Object
  1178. options.color.color=Color
  1179. options.color.bgColor=Text background
  1180. options.color.fgColor=Text foreground
  1181. options.color.caretColor=Caret
  1182. options.color.selectionColor=Selection
  1183. options.color.foldedLineColor=Collapsed fold line
  1184. options.color.lineHighlightColor=Current line highlight
  1185. options.color.bracketHighlightColor=Bracket highlight in text area
  1186. options.color.eolMarkerColor=EOL markers
  1187. options.color.wrapGuideColor=Wrap guide
  1188. options.color.gutterBgColor=Gutter background
  1189. options.color.gutterFgColor=Gutter foreground
  1190. options.color.gutterHighlightColor=Gutter highlight
  1191. options.color.gutterCurrentLineColor=Current line in gutter
  1192. options.color.gutterBracketHighlightColor=Bracket highlight in gutter
  1193. options.color.gutterMarkerColor=Markers in gutter
  1194. options.color.gutterFoldColor=Fold markers in gutter
  1195. options.color.gutterFocusBorderColor=Focused gutter border
  1196. options.color.gutterNoFocusBorderColor=Unfocused gutter border
  1197. #}}}
  1198. #{{{ Styles pane
  1199. options.style.label=Styles
  1200. options.style.object=Object
  1201. options.style.style=Style
  1202. options.style.comment1Style=Comment 1
  1203. options.style.comment2Style=Comment 2
  1204. options.style.literal1Style=Literal 1
  1205. options.style.literal2Style=Literal 2
  1206. options.style.labelStyle=Label
  1207. options.style.keyword1Style=Keyword 1
  1208. options.style.keyword2Style=Keyword 2
  1209. options.style.keyword3Style=Keyword 3
  1210. options.style.functionStyle=Function
  1211. options.style.markupStyle=Markup
  1212. options.style.operatorStyle=Operator
  1213. options.style.digitStyle=Digit
  1214. options.style.invalidStyle=Invalid token
  1215. #}}}
  1216. #{{{ Editing pane
  1217. options.editing.label=Editing
  1218. options.editing.defaultMode=Default edit mode:
  1219. options.editing.tabSize=Tab width:
  1220. options.editing.indentSize=Indent width:
  1221. options.editing.maxLineLen=Wrap lines at column:
  1222. options.editing.wordBreakChars=Break lines at these characters:
  1223. options.editing.folding=Folding mode:
  1224. options.editing.collapseFolds=Initially collapse folds with level:
  1225. options.editing.undoCount=Number of undos:
  1226. options.editing.syntax=Syntax highlighting
  1227. options.editing.indentOnTab=Indent line when Tab key is pressed
  1228. options.editing.indentOnEnter=Indent line when Enter key is pressed
  1229. options.editing.noTabs=Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs
  1230. #}}}
  1231. #{{{ Mode-Specific pane
  1232. options.mode.label=Mode-Specific
  1233. options.mode.mode=Edit mode:
  1234. options.mode.useDefaults=Use default settings
  1235. options.mode.filenameGlob=File name glob:
  1236. options.mode.firstlineGlob=First line glob:
  1237. options.mode.noWordSep=Extra word characters:
  1238. #}}}
  1239. #{{{ Printing pane
  1240. options.print.label=Printing
  1241. options.print.font=Print font:
  1242. options.print.fontstyle=Print font style:
  1243. options.print.fontsize=Print font size:
  1244. options.print.header=Print a header with the file name
  1245. options.print.footer=Print a footer with the date, time and page number
  1246. options.print.lineNumbers=Print line numbers
  1247. options.print.style=Use syntax styles in output
  1248. options.print.color=Use syntax colors in output
  1249. options.print.margins=Margins (in inches)
  1250. options.print.margin.top=Top:
  1251. options.print.margin.left=Left:
  1252. options.print.margin.bottom=Bottom:
  1253. options.print.margin.right=Right:
  1254. #}}}
  1255. #{{{ Docking pane
  1256. options.docking.label=Docking
  1257. options.docking.layout=Docked window placement:
  1258. options.docking.tabsPos=Docked window tabs position:
  1259. options.docking.top=top
  1260. options.docking.bottom=bottom
  1261. options.docking.title=Window
  1262. options.docking.dockPosition=Docking position
  1263. #}}}
  1264. #{{{ Tool Bar pane
  1265. options.toolbar.label=Tool Bar
  1266. options.toolbar.showToolbar=Show tool bar
  1267. options.toolbar.caption=Buttons to display on tool bar:
  1268. options.toolbar.add=Add...
  1269. options.toolbar.edit=Edit...
  1270. options.toolbar.remove=Remove
  1271. options.toolbar.moveUp=Move Up
  1272. options.toolbar.moveDown=Move Down
  1273. options.toolbar.edit.title=Edit Tool Bar Entry
  1274. options.toolbar.edit.caption=Type:
  1275. options.toolbar.edit.separator=Separator
  1276. options.toolbar.edit.action=Command or macro:
  1277. options.toolbar.edit.icon=Icon:
  1278. options.toolbar.edit.builtin=Use built-in icon:
  1279. options.toolbar.edit.file=Load icon from file:
  1280. options.toolbar.edit.choose=Choose
  1281. options.toolbar.edit.no-icon=No icon selected
  1282. #}}}
  1283. #{{{ Context Menu pane
  1284. options.context.label=Context Menu
  1285. options.context.caption=Items in text area right click menu:
  1286. options.context.add=Add...
  1287. options.context.remove=Remove
  1288. options.context.moveUp=Move Up
  1289. options.context.moveDown=Move Down
  1290. options.context.add.title=Add to Context Menu
  1291. options.context.add.caption=Add to context menu:
  1292. options.context.add.separator=Separator
  1293. options.context.add.action=Command or macro:
  1294. #}}}
  1295. #{{{ Abbreviations pane
  1296. options.abbrevs.label=Abbreviations
  1297. options.abbrevs.set=Abbrev set:
  1298. options.abbrevs.expandOnInput=Space bar expands abbrevs
  1299. options.abbrevs.abbrev=Abbrev
  1300. options.abbrevs.expand=Expansion
  1301. options.abbrevs.add=Add...
  1302. options.abbrevs.edit=Edit...
  1303. options.abbrevs.remove=Remove
  1304. #}}}
  1305. #{{{ Shortcuts pane
  1306. options.shortcuts.label=Shortcuts
  1307. options.shortcuts.select.label=Edit Shortcuts:
  1308. options.shortcuts.name=Command
  1309. options.shortcuts.shortcut1=Primary shortcut
  1310. options.shortcuts.shortcut2=Alternative shortcut
  1311. grab-key.title=Specify Shortcut
  1312. grab-key.caption=Press the desired shortcut for "{0}", then click OK.
  1313. grab-key.assigned-to=Currently assigned to: {0}
  1314. grab-key.assigned-to.none=<none>
  1315. grab-key.assigned-to.prefix={0} prefix
  1316. grab-key.clear=Clear
  1317. grab-key.remove=Remove Current
  1318. grab-key.remove-ask.title=Remove Shortcut?
  1319. grab-key.remove-ask.message=\
  1320. You didn't specify a new shortcut.\n\
  1321. Do you want to remove the current shortcut?
  1322. grab-key.duplicate-alt-shortcut.title=Duplicate Shortcut
  1323. grab-key.duplicate-alt-shortcut.message=\
  1324. The shortcut you selected duplicates the other\n\
  1325. shortcut for this item. Please choose another.
  1326. grab-key.duplicate-shortcut.title=Duplicate Shortcut
  1327. grab-key.duplicate-shortcut.message=\
  1328. This shortcut is already assigned to\n\
  1329. "{0}".\n\
  1330. \n\
  1331. Do you want to override this assignment?
  1332. grab-key.prefix-shortcut.title=Invalid Shortcut
  1333. grab-key.prefix-shortcut.message=\
  1334. You cannot use this shortcut, because\n\
  1335. it is a prefix to other shortcuts.\n\
  1336. Please choose another.
  1337. #}}}
  1338. #{{{ File System Browser pane
  1339. options.browser.label=File System Browser
  1340. options.browser.general.label=General
  1341. options.browser.general.defaultPath=Default path:
  1342. options.browser.general.defaultPath.buffer=Parent directory of current buffer
  1343. options.browser.general.defaultPath.home=Home directory
  1344. options.browser.general.defaultPath.favorites=Favorites
  1345. options.browser.general.defaultPath.last=Most recently visited directory
  1346. options.browser.general.showIcons=Show icons
  1347. options.browser.general.showHiddenFiles=Show hidden files
  1348. options.browser.general.sortFiles=Sort file list
  1349. options.browser.general.sortIgnoreCase=Case insensitive sort
  1350. options.browser.general.sortMixFilesAndDirs=Mix files and directories
  1351. options.browser.general.doubleClickClose=Double-clicking an open file closes it
  1352. options.browser.general.currentBufferFilter=Filter in file dialogs is \
  1353. current buffer extension
  1354. options.browser.colors.label=Colors
  1355. options.browser.colors.glob=File name glob
  1356. options.browser.colors.color=Color
  1357. options.browser.colors.add=Add
  1358. options.browser.colors.remove=Remove
  1359. #}}}
  1360. #{{{ Font selector
  1361. font-selector.title=Font Selector
  1362. font-selector.family=Font family:
  1363. font-selector.size=Font size:
  1364. font-selector.style=Font style:
  1365. font-selector.plain=Plain
  1366. font-selector.bold=Bold
  1367. font-selector.italic=Italic
  1368. font-selector.bolditalic=Bold italic
  1369. font-selector.preview=Preview
  1370. font-selector.long-text=The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
  1371. #}}}
  1372. #{{{ Color chooser, used by options.styles
  1373. colorChooser.title=Pick a Color
  1374. #}}}
  1375. #{{{ Style editor, used by options.styles
  1376. style-editor.title=Style Editor
  1377. style-editor.italics=Italics
  1378. style-editor.bold=Bold
  1379. style-editor.fgColor=Text color:
  1380. style-editor.bgColor=Background color:
  1381. #}}}
  1382. #}}}
  1383. #{{{ Help viewer
  1384. helpviewer.title=jEdit Help
  1385. helpviewer.url=Location:
  1386. helpviewer.back=Back
  1387. helpviewer.forward=Forward
  1388. helpviewer.toc.welcome=Welcome to jEdit
  1389. helpviewer.toc.misc=Miscellaneous Documentation
  1390. helpviewer.toc.readme=jEdit Read Me
  1391. helpviewer.toc.news=Major Changes in jEdit 4.0
  1392. helpviewer.toc.todo=To Do List and Known Bugs
  1393. helpviewer.toc.changes=Version History
  1394. helpviewer.toc.copying=GNU General Public License
  1395. helpviewer.toc.copying-doc=GNU Free Documentation License
  1396. helpviewer.toc.plugins=Plugin Documentation
  1397. #}}}
  1398. #{{{ Tip of the day window
  1399. tip.title=Tip of the Day
  1400. tip.caption=Did you know...
  1401. tip.show-next-time=Show tips on startup
  1402. tip.next-tip=Next Tip
  1403. # Show on startup?
  1404. tip.show=true
  1405. # Number of tips
  1406. tip.count=67
  1407. #}}}
  1408. #{{{ Activity log
  1409. log-viewer.title=Activity Log
  1410. log-viewer.caption=Full text of log is stored in {0}.
  1411. log-viewer.tail.label=Tail
  1412. #}}}
  1413. #{{{ Memory status dialog box
  1414. memory-status.title=Java Heap Memory
  1415. memory-status.gc=Garbage collection released {0} Kb.
  1416. memory-status.use={0} Kb used, {1} Kb total
  1417. #}}}
  1418. #{{{ I/O progress monitor
  1419. io-progress-monitor.title=I/O Progress Monitor
  1420. io-progress-monitor.caption={0} pending request(s)
  1421. io-progress-monitor.idle=Thread idle
  1422. io-progress-monitor.abort=Abort
  1423. #{{{ I/O abort dialog box
  1424. abort.title=Abort I/O
  1425. abort.message=Are you sure you want to abort the currently executing\n\
  1426. input/output request? If you are aborting a file save, this may\n\
  1427. result in data loss.
  1428. #}}}
  1429. #}}}
  1430. #{{{ Multiple I/O requst errors
  1431. buffer-multiple-io.title=I/O Error
  1432. buffer-multiple-io.message=Each buffer can only execute one input/output\n\
  1433. operation at a time. Please wait until the current\n\
  1434. operation finishes (or abort it in the I/O progress monitor)\n\
  1435. before starting another one.
  1436. browser-multiple-io.title=I/O Error
  1437. browser-multiple-io.message=Each file system browser can only execute one input/output\n\
  1438. operation at a time. Please wait until the current operation\n\
  1439. finishes (or abort it in the I/O progress monitor) before starting\n\
  1440. another one.
  1441. #}}}
  1442. #{{{ VFS browser
  1443. vfs.browser.title=File System Browser
  1444. vfs.browser.path=Path:
  1445. vfs.browser.path.mnemonic=p
  1446. vfs.browser.filter=Filter:
  1447. vfs.browser.default-filter=[^#]*[^~#]
  1448. vfs.browser.filter-enabled=true
  1449. vfs.browser.tree.loading=Loading...
  1450. #{{{ Context menu
  1451. vfs.browser.commands.close.label=Close
  1452. vfs.browser.commands.open.label=Open
  1453. vfs.browser.commands.open-view.label=Open in New View
  1454. vfs.browser.commands.insert.label=Insert
  1455. vfs.browser.commands.browse.label=Browse
  1456. vfs.browser.commands.choose.label=Choose
  1457. vfs.browser.commands.delete.label=Delete...
  1458. vfs.browser.commands.rename.label=Rename...
  1459. #}}}
  1460. #{{{ Commands menu and tool bar
  1461. vfs.browser.commands.label=Commands
  1462. vfs.browser.commands.up.label=Parent Directory
  1463. vfs.browser.commands.up.icon=Up24.gif
  1464. vfs.browser.commands.reload.label=Reload Directory
  1465. vfs.browser.commands.reload.icon=Refresh24.gif
  1466. vfs.browser.commands.roots.label=Local Drives
  1467. vfs.browser.commands.roots.icon=Server24.gif
  1468. vfs.browser.commands.home.label=Home Directory
  1469. vfs.browser.commands.home.icon=Home24.gif
  1470. vfs.browser.commands.synchronize.label=Directory of Current Buffer
  1471. vfs.browser.commands.synchronize.icon=Import24.gif
  1472. vfs.browser.commands.new-file.label=New File
  1473. vfs.browser.commands.new-file.icon=New24.gif
  1474. vfs.browser.commands.new-directory.label=New Directory...
  1475. # XXX
  1476. vfs.browser.commands.new-directory.icon=Open24.gif
  1477. vfs.browser.commands.search-in-directory.label=Search in Directory...
  1478. vfs.browser.commands.search-in-directory.icon=Search24.gif
  1479. vfs.browser.commands.show-hidden-files.label=Show Hidden Files
  1480. #}}}
  1481. #{{{ Plugins menu
  1482. vfs.browser.plugins.label=Plugins
  1483. vfs.browser.plugins.plugin-manager.label=Plugin Manager...
  1484. vfs.browser.plugins.no-plugins.label=No Plugins
  1485. #}}}
  1486. #{{{ Favorites menu
  1487. vfs.browser.favorites.label=Favorites
  1488. vfs.browser.favorites.add-to-favorites.label=Add to Favorites
  1489. vfs.browser.favorites.edit-favorites.label=Edit Favorites
  1490. vfs.browser.favorites.no-favorites.label=No Favorites
  1491. #}}}
  1492. vfs.browser.dialog.open=Open
  1493. vfs.browser.dialog.save=Save
  1494. vfs.browser.dialog.filename=File name:
  1495. vfs.browser.dialog.filename.mnemonic=f
  1496. #{{{ Dialogs
  1497. vfs.browser.bad-filter.title=Invalid Filter
  1498. vfs.browser.bad-filter.message=The filter {0} is invalid ({1})
  1499. vfs.browser.files-favorites.title=Cannot Add Files to Favorites
  1500. vfs.browser.files-favorites.message=Only directories can be added to the favorites list.
  1501. vfs.browser.recurse-favorites.title=Cannot Add Favorites to Itself
  1502. vfs.browser.recurse-favorites.message=The favorites list cannot be added to itself.
  1503. vfs.browser.delete-confirm.title=Delete File Confirmation
  1504. vfs.browser.delete-confirm.message=Are you sure you want to delete\n\
  1505. {0}?
  1506. vfs.browser.delete-favorites.title=Delete From Favorites
  1507. vfs.browser.delete-favorites.message=Are you sure you want to remove\n\
  1508. {0}\n\
  1509. from the favorites?
  1510. vfs.browser.delete-error.title=Cannot Delete File
  1511. vfs.browser.delete-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
  1512. to delete {0}.
  1513. vfs.browser.rename.title=Rename File
  1514. vfs.browser.rename.message=Enter a new name for {0}:
  1515. vfs.browser.rename-exists.title=Rename Error
  1516. vfs.browser.rename-exists.message=A file named {0} already exists.
  1517. vfs.browser.rename-error.title=Rename Error
  1518. vfs.browser.rename-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
  1519. to rename {0}.
  1520. vfs.browser.mkdir.title=New Directory
  1521. vfs.browser.mkdir.message=Name (or path) of new directory:
  1522. vfs.browser.mkdir-error.title=Cannot Create Directory
  1523. vfs.browser.mkdir-error.message=An error occurred while attempting\n\
  1524. to create {0}.
  1525. #}}}
  1526. #}}}
  1527. #{{{ I/O status messages
  1528. vfs.status.load=Loading {0}
  1529. vfs.status.load-markers=Loading markers for {0}
  1530. vfs.status.save=Saving {0}
  1531. vfs.status.save-markers=Saving markers for {0}
  1532. vfs.status.autosave=Autosaving {0}
  1533. vfs.status.listing-directory=Listing {0}
  1534. vfs.status.deleting=Deleting {0}
  1535. vfs.status.renaming=Renaming {0} to {1}
  1536. #}}}
  1537. #{{{ Unsupported operation errors
  1538. vfs.not-supported.list.title=Operation Not Supported
  1539. vfs.not-supported.list.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
  1540. directory browsing.
  1541. vfs.not-supported.load.title=Operation Not Supported
  1542. vfs.not-supported.load.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
  1543. file loading.
  1544. vfs.not-supported.save.title=Operation Not Supported
  1545. vfs.not-supported.save.message=The {0} filesystem does not support\n\
  1546. file saving.
  1547. #}}}
  1548. #{{{ Plugin manager
  1549. plugin-manager.title=Plugin Manager
  1550. plugin-manager.url=http://plugins.jedit.org/export/new_plugin_manager.php
  1551. plugin-manager.caption=Installed plugins:
  1552. plugin-manager.not-loaded=Not loaded due to errors
  1553. plugin-manager.loaded=Loaded plugins
  1554. plugin-manager.new=Newly installed plugins
  1555. plugin-manager.info.name=Plugin name:
  1556. plugin-manager.info.author=Author:
  1557. plugin-manager.info.version=Version:
  1558. plugin-manager.remove=Remove Plugins
  1559. plugin-manager.update=Update Plugins
  1560. plugin-manager.install=Install Plugins
  1561. plugin-manager.remove-confirm.title=Remove Plugins
  1562. plugin-manager.remove-confirm.message=Are you sure you want to remove the \
  1563. following plugins?\n\
  1564. \n\
  1565. {0}
  1566. #{{{ Plugin list download progress
  1567. plugin-list.progress.title=Downloading Plugin List
  1568. plugin-list.progress.caption=Downloading plugin list from server...
  1569. plugin-list.progress.stop=Stop
  1570. #}}}
  1571. #{{{ Error while loading plugin list
  1572. plugin-list.ioerror.title=I/O Error
  1573. plugin-list.ioerror.message=An I/O error occurred ({0})\n\
  1574. \n\
  1575. If you are using Java 2 and are connected to the Internet\n\
  1576. through a firewall, you should configure the Firewall plugin\n\
  1577. in Utilities->Global Options before using the plugin manager.
  1578. plugin-list.xmlerror.title=XML Parser Error
  1579. plugin-list.xmlerror.message=An error occurred while parsing {0}, line {1}:\n\
  1580. {2}
  1581. #}}}
  1582. #{{{ Plugin update
  1583. plugin-manager.up-to-date.title=Plugins Up to Date
  1584. plugin-manager.up-to-date.message=All installed plugins are their latest versions.
  1585. #}}}
  1586. #{{{ Plugin installation
  1587. install-plugins.title=Install Plugins
  1588. update-plugins.title=Update Plugins
  1589. install-plugins.caption=Click the check box next to plugins you wish to install:
  1590. install-plugins.info.name=Name:
  1591. install-plugins.info.author=Author:
  1592. install-plugins.info.latest-version=Latest version:
  1593. install-plugins.info.obsolete=Obsolete (will be deleted)
  1594. install-plugins.info.installed-version=Installed version:
  1595. install-plugins.info.updated=Last updated:
  1596. install-plugins.info.description=Description:
  1597. install-plugins.info.also-install=\ Installing this plugin will also install \
  1598. the following plugins:
  1599. install-plugins.info.obsolete-text=\ This plugin is obsolete and no longer \
  1600. needed. It will be deleted if you check the box next to its name.
  1601. install-plugins.user=Install in user plugin directory ({0})
  1602. install-plugins.system=Install in system plugin directory ({0})
  1603. install-plugins.downloadSource=Download source code
  1604. install-plugins.none=none
  1605. install-plugins.install=Install
  1606. #}}}
  1607. #{{{ Plugin progress
  1608. plugin-manager.progress.removing-task=Removing Plugins
  1609. plugin-manager.progress.updating-task=Updating Plugins
  1610. plugin-manager.progress.installing-task=Installing Plugins
  1611. plugin-manager.progress.removing=Removing {0}
  1612. plugin-manager.progress.downloading=Downloading {0}
  1613. plugin-manager.progress.installing=Installing {0}
  1614. plugin-manager.progress.stop=Stop
  1615. plugin-manager.done.title=Operations Complete
  1616. plugin-manager.done.message=You must restart jEdit for plugin installation\n\
  1617. and removal to take effect.
  1618. #}}}
  1619. #{{{ Plugin remove error
  1620. plugin-manager.remove-failed.title=Remove Failed
  1621. plugin-manager.remove-failed.message=The plugin {0}\n\
  1622. could not be removed.
  1623. #}}}
  1624. #}}}