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  5. // (c) 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
  6. // Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license.
  7. // Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype,
  8. // Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating.
  9. // For all details and documentation:
  10. //
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  35. // Backbone.js 0.9.0
  36. // (c) 2010-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
  37. // Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  38. // For all details and documentation:
  39. //
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  66. j(this,"events"))){this.undelegateEvents();for(var b in a){var c=a[b];f.isFunction(c)||(c=this[a[b]]);if(!c)throw Error('Event "'+a[b]+'" does not exist');var d=b.match(z),e=d[1],d=d[2],c=f.bind(c,this);e+=".delegateEvents"+this.cid;d===""?this.$el.bind(e,c):this.$el.delegate(d,e,c)}}},undelegateEvents:function(){this.$el.unbind(".delegateEvents"+this.cid)},_configure:function(a){this.options&&(a=f.extend({},this.options,a));for(var b=0,c=p.length;b<c;b++){var d=p[b];a[d]&&(this[d]=a[d])}this.options=
  67. a},_ensureElement:function(){if(this.el)this.setElement(this.el,false);else{var a=j(this,"attributes")||{};if(;if(this.className)a["class"]=this.className;this.setElement(this.make(this.tagName,a),false)}}});g.Model.extend=g.Collection.extend=g.Router.extend=g.View.extend=function(a,b){var c=A(this,a,b);c.extend=this.extend;return c};var B={create:"POST",update:"PUT","delete":"DELETE",read:"GET"};g.sync=function(a,b,c){var d=B[a],e={type:d,dataType:"json"};if(!c.url)e.url=j(b,
  68. "url")||o();if(!"create"||a=="update"))e.contentType="application/json",;if(g.emulateJSON)e.contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded",{}:{};if(g.emulateHTTP&&(d==="PUT"||d==="DELETE")){if(g.emulateJSON);e.type="POST";e.beforeSend=function(a){a.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override",d)}}if(e.type!=="GET"&&!g.emulateJSON)e.processData=false;return h.ajax(f.extend(e,c))};g.wrapError=function(a,b,c){return function(d,
  69. e){e=d===b?e:d;a?a(d,e,c):b.trigger("error",d,e,c)}};var q=function(){},A=function(a,b,c){var d;d=b&&b.hasOwnProperty("constructor")?b.constructor:function(){a.apply(this,arguments)};f.extend(d,a);q.prototype=a.prototype;d.prototype=new q;b&&f.extend(d.prototype,b);c&&f.extend(d,c);d.prototype.constructor=d;d.__super__=a.prototype;return d},j=function(a,b){return!a||!a[b]?null:f.isFunction(a[b])?a[b]():a[b]},o=function(){throw Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');}}).call(this);
  70. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  71. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  72. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  73. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  74. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  75. // For all details and documentation:
  76. //
  77. var root = this,
  78. jQuery = root.jQuery,
  79. Backbone = root.Backbone,
  80. _ = root._;
  81. // ## VIE constructor
  82. //
  83. // The VIE constructor is the way to initialize VIE for your
  84. // application. The instance of VIE handles all management of
  85. // semantic interaction, including keeping track of entities,
  86. // changes to them, the possible RDFa views on the page where
  87. // the entities are displayed, and connections to external
  88. // services like Stanbol and DBPedia.
  89. //
  90. // To get a VIE instance, simply run:
  91. //
  92. // var vie = new VIE();
  93. //
  94. // You can also pass configurations to the VIE instance through
  95. // the constructor. For example, to set a different default
  96. // namespace to be used for names that don't have a namespace
  97. // specified, do:
  98. //
  99. // var vie = new VIE({
  100. // baseNamespace: ''
  101. // });
  102. //
  103. // ### Differences with VIE 1.x
  104. //
  105. // VIE 1.x used singletons for managing entities and views loaded
  106. // from a page. This has been changed with VIE 2.x, and now all
  107. // data managed by VIE is tied to the instance of VIE being used.
  108. //
  109. // This means that VIE needs to be instantiated before using. So,
  110. // when previously you could get entities from page with:
  111. //
  112. // VIE.RDFaEntities.getInstances();
  113. //
  114. // Now you need to instantiate VIE first. This example uses the
  115. // Classic API compatibility layer instead of the `load` method:
  116. //
  117. // var vie = new VIE();
  118. // vie.RDFaEntities.getInstances();
  119. //
  120. // Currently the Classic API is enabled by default, but it is
  121. // recommended to ensure it is enabled before using it. So:
  122. //
  123. // var vie = new VIE({classic: true});
  124. // vie.RDFaEntities.getInstances();
  125. var VIE = root.VIE = function(config) {
  126. this.config = (config) ? config : {};
  127. = {};
  128. this.jQuery = jQuery;
  129. this.entities = new this.Collection();
  130. this.Entity.prototype.entities = this.entities;
  131. this.entities.vie = this;
  132. this.Entity.prototype.entityCollection = this.Collection;
  133. this.Entity.prototype.vie = this;
  134. this.Namespaces.prototype.vie = this;
  135. // ### Namespaces in VIE
  136. // VIE supports different ontologies and an easy use of them.
  137. // Namespace prefixes reduce the amount of code you have to
  138. // write. In VIE, it does not matter if you access an entitie's
  139. // property with
  140. // `entity.get('<>')` or
  141. // `entity.get('dbprop:capitalOf')` or even
  142. // `entity.get('capitalOf')` once the corresponding namespace
  143. // is registered as *baseNamespace*.
  144. // By default `""`is set as base namespace.
  145. // For more information about how to set, get and list all
  146. // registered namespaces, refer to the
  147. // <a href="Namespace.html">Namespaces documentation</a>.
  148. this.namespaces = new this.Namespaces(
  149. (this.config.baseNamespace) ? this.config.baseNamespace : "",
  150. // By default, VIE is shipped with common namespace prefixes:
  151. // + owl : ""
  152. // + rdfs : ""
  153. // + rdf : ""
  154. // + schema : ''
  155. // + foaf : ''
  156. // + geo : ''
  157. // + dbpedia: ""
  158. // + dbprop : ""
  159. // + skos : ""
  160. // + xsd : ""
  161. // + sioc : ""
  162. // + dcterms: ""
  163. {
  164. owl : "",
  165. rdfs : "",
  166. rdf : "",
  167. schema : '',
  168. foaf : '',
  169. geo : '',
  170. dbpedia: "",
  171. dbprop : "",
  172. skos : "",
  173. xsd : "",
  174. sioc : "",
  175. dcterms: ""
  176. }
  177. );
  178. this.Type.prototype.vie = this;
  179. this.Types.prototype.vie = this;
  180. this.Attribute.prototype.vie = this;
  181. this.Attributes.prototype.vie = this;
  182. // ### Type hierarchy in VIE
  183. // VIE takes care about type hierarchy of entities
  184. // (aka. *schema* or *ontology*).
  185. // Once a type hierarchy is known to VIE, we can leverage
  186. // this information, to easily ask, whether an entity
  187. // is of type, e.g., *foaf:Person* or *schema:Place*.
  188. // For more information about how to generate such a type
  189. // hierarchy, refer to the
  190. // <a href="Type.html">Types documentation</a>.
  191. this.types = new this.Types();
  192. // By default, there is a parent type in VIE, called
  193. // *owl:Thing*. All types automatically inherit from this
  194. // type and all registered entities, are of this type.
  195. this.types.add("owl:Thing");
  196. // As described above, the Classic API of VIE 1.x is loaded
  197. // by default. As this might change in the future, it is
  198. // recommended to ensure it is enabled before using it. So:
  199. //
  200. // var vie = new VIE({classic: true});
  201. // vie.RDFaEntities.getInstances();
  202. if (this.config.classic !== false) {
  203. /* Load Classic API as well */
  204. this.RDFa = new this.ClassicRDFa(this);
  205. this.RDFaEntities = new this.ClassicRDFaEntities(this);
  206. this.EntityManager = new this.ClassicEntityManager(this);
  207. this.cleanup = function() {
  208. this.entities.reset();
  209. };
  210. }
  211. };
  212. // ### use(service, name)
  213. // This method registers services within VIE.
  214. // **Parameters**:
  215. // *{string|object}* **service** The service to be registered.
  216. // *{string}* **name** An optional name to register the service with. If this
  217. // is not set, the default name that comes with the service is taken.
  218. // **Throws**:
  219. // *nothing*
  220. // **Returns**:
  221. // *{VIE}* : The current VIE instance.
  222. // **Example usage**:
  223. //
  224. // var vie = new VIE();
  225. // var conf1 = {...};
  226. // var conf2 = {...};
  227. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService());
  228. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(conf1), "stanbol_1");
  229. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(conf2), "stanbol_2");
  230. // // <-- this means that there are now 3 services registered!
  231. VIE.prototype.use = function(service, name) {
  232. if (!name && ! {
  233. throw new Error("Please provide a name for the service!");
  234. }
  235. service.vie = this;
  236. = (name)? name :;
  237. if (service.init) {
  238. service.init();
  239. }
  240.[] = service;
  241. return this;
  242. };
  243. // ### service(name)
  244. // This method returns the service object that is
  245. // registered under the given name.
  246. // **Parameters**:
  247. // *{string}* **name** ...
  248. // **Throws**:
  249. // *{Error}* if no service could be found.
  250. // **Returns**:
  251. // *{object}* : The service to be queried.
  252. // **Example usage**:
  253. //
  254. // var vie = new VIE();
  255. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  256. // var service = vie.service("stanbol");
  257. VIE.prototype.service = function(name) {
  258. if (![name]) {
  259. throw "Undefined service " + name;
  260. }
  261. return[name];
  262. };
  263. // ### getServicesArray()
  264. // This method returns an array of all registered services.
  265. // **Parameters**:
  266. // *nothing*
  267. // **Throws**:
  268. // *nothing*
  269. // **Returns**:
  270. // *{array}* : An array of service instances.
  271. // **Example usage**:
  272. //
  273. // var vie = new VIE();
  274. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  275. // var services = vie.getServicesArray();
  276. // services.length; // <-- 1
  277. VIE.prototype.getServicesArray = function() {
  278. return, function (v) {return v;});
  279. };
  280. // ### load(options)
  281. // This method instantiates a new VIE.Loadable in order to
  282. // perform queries on the services.
  283. // **Parameters**:
  284. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  285. // **Throws**:
  286. // *nothing*
  287. // **Returns**:
  288. // *{VIE.Loadable}* : A new instance of VIE.Loadable.
  289. // **Example usage**:
  290. //
  291. // var vie = new VIE();
  292. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  293. // var loader = vie.load({...});
  294. VIE.prototype.load = function(options) {
  295. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  296. options.vie = this;
  297. return new this.Loadable(options);
  298. };
  299. // ### save(options)
  300. // This method instantiates a new VIE.Savable in order to
  301. // perform queries on the services.
  302. // **Parameters**:
  303. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  304. // **Throws**:
  305. // *nothing*
  306. // **Returns**:
  307. // *{VIE.Savable}* : A new instance of VIE.Savable.
  308. // **Example usage**:
  309. //
  310. // var vie = new VIE();
  311. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  312. // var saver ={...});
  313. = function(options) {
  314. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  315. options.vie = this;
  316. return new this.Savable(options);
  317. };
  318. // ### remove(options)
  319. // This method instantiates a new VIE.Removable in order to
  320. // perform queries on the services.
  321. // **Parameters**:
  322. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  323. // **Throws**:
  324. // *nothing*
  325. // **Returns**:
  326. // *{VIE.Removable}* : A new instance of VIE.Removable.
  327. // **Example usage**:
  328. //
  329. // var vie = new VIE();
  330. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  331. // var remover = vie.remove({...});
  332. VIE.prototype.remove = function(options) {
  333. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  334. options.vie = this;
  335. return new this.Removable(options);
  336. };
  337. // ### analyze(options)
  338. // This method instantiates a new VIE.Analyzable in order to
  339. // perform queries on the services.
  340. // **Parameters**:
  341. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  342. // **Throws**:
  343. // *nothing*
  344. // **Returns**:
  345. // *{VIE.Analyzable}* : A new instance of VIE.Analyzable.
  346. // **Example usage**:
  347. //
  348. // var vie = new VIE();
  349. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  350. // var analyzer = vie.analyze({...});
  351. VIE.prototype.analyze = function(options) {
  352. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  353. options.vie = this;
  354. return new this.Analyzable(options);
  355. };
  356. // ### find(options)
  357. // This method instantiates a new VIE.Findable in order to
  358. // perform queries on the services.
  359. // **Parameters**:
  360. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  361. // **Throws**:
  362. // *nothing*
  363. // **Returns**:
  364. // *{VIE.Findable}* : A new instance of VIE.Findable.
  365. // **Example usage**:
  366. //
  367. // var vie = new VIE();
  368. // vie.use(new vie.StanbolService(), "stanbol");
  369. // var finder = vie.find({...});
  370. VIE.prototype.find = function(options) {
  371. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  372. options.vie = this;
  373. return new this.Findable(options);
  374. };
  375. // ### loadSchema(url, options)
  376. // VIE only knows the *owl:Thing* type by default.
  377. // You can use this method to import another
  378. // schema (ontology) from an external resource.
  379. // (Currently, this supports only the JSON format!!)
  380. // As this method works asynchronously, you might want
  381. // to register `success` and `error` callbacks via the
  382. // options.
  383. // **Parameters**:
  384. // *{string}* **url** The url, pointing to the schema to import.
  385. // *{object}* **options** Options to be set.
  386. // (Set ```success``` and ```error``` as callbacks.).
  387. // **Throws**:
  388. // *{Error}* if the url is not set.
  389. // **Returns**:
  390. // *{VIE}* : The VIE instance itself.
  391. // **Example usage**:
  392. //
  393. // var vie = new VIE();
  394. // vie.loadSchema("",
  395. // {
  396. // baseNS : "",
  397. // succes : function () {console.log("success");},
  398. // error : function (msg) {console.warn(msg);}
  399. // });
  400. VIE.prototype.loadSchema = function(url, options) {
  401. options = (!options)? {} : options;
  402. if (!url) {
  403. throw new Error("Please provide a proper URL");
  404. }
  405. else {
  406. var vie = this;
  407. jQuery.getJSON(url)
  408. .success(function(data) {
  409. VIE.Util.loadSchemaOrg(vie, data, options.baseNS);
  410. if (options.success) {
  412. }
  413. })
  414. .error(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
  415. if (options.error) {
  416. console.warn(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
  417., "Could not load schema from URL (" + url + ")");
  418. }
  419. });
  420. }
  421. return this;
  422. };
  423. // ## Running VIE on Node.js
  424. //
  425. // When VIE is running under Node.js we can use the CommonJS
  426. // require interface to load our dependencies automatically.
  427. //
  428. // This means Node.js users don't need to care about dependencies
  429. // and can just run VIE with:
  430. //
  431. // var VIE = require('vie');
  432. //
  433. // In browser environments the dependencies have to be included
  434. // before including VIE itself.
  435. if(typeof exports === 'object') {
  436. exports.VIE = VIE;
  437. if (!jQuery) {
  438. jQuery = require('jquery');
  439. }
  440. if (!Backbone) {
  441. Backbone = require('backbone');
  442. }
  443. if (!_) {
  444. _ = require('underscore')._;
  445. }
  446. }
  447. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  448. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  449. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  450. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  451. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  452. // For all details and documentation:
  453. //
  454. // ## VIE.Able
  455. // VIE implements asynchronius service methods through
  456. // [jQuery.Deferred]( objects.
  457. // Loadable, Analysable, Savable, etc. are part of the VIE service API and
  458. // are implemented with the generic VIE.Able class.
  459. // Example:
  460. //
  461. // VIE.prototype.Loadable = function (options) {
  462. // this.init(options,"load");
  463. // };
  464. // VIE.prototype.Loadable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  465. //
  466. // This defines
  467. //
  468. // someVIEService.load(options)
  469. // .using(...)
  470. // .execute()
  471. // .success(...)
  472. // .fail(...)
  473. // which will run the asynchronius `load` function of the service with the created Loadable
  474. // object.
  475. // ### VIE.Able()
  476. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Able. This should not be called
  477. // globally but using the inherited classes below.
  478. // **Parameters**:
  479. // *nothing*
  480. // **Throws**:
  481. // *nothing*
  482. // **Returns**:
  483. // *{VIE.Able}* : A **new** VIE.Able object.
  484. // Example:
  485. //
  486. // VIE.prototype.Loadable = function (options) {
  487. // this.init(options,"load");
  488. // };
  489. // VIE.prototype.Loadable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  490. VIE.prototype.Able = function(){
  491. // ### init(options, methodName)
  492. // Internal method, called during initialization.
  493. // **Parameters**:
  494. // *{object}* **options** the *able* options coming from the API call
  495. // *{string}* **methodName** the service method called on `.execute`.
  496. // **Throws**:
  497. // *nothing*
  498. // **Returns**:
  499. // *{VIE.Able}* : The current instance.
  500. // **Example usage**:
  501. //
  502. // VIE.prototype.Loadable = function (options) {
  503. // this.init(options,"load");
  504. // };
  505. // VIE.prototype.Loadable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  506. this.init = function(options, methodName) {
  507. this.options = options;
  508. = options.from || options.using || || [];
  509. this.vie = options.vie;
  510. this.methodName = methodName;
  511. // Instantiate the deferred object
  512. this.deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
  513. // In order to get more information and documentation about the passed-through
  514. // deferred methods and their synonyms, please see the documentation of
  515. // the [jQuery.Deferred object](
  516. /* Public deferred-methods */
  517. this.resolve = this.deferred.resolve;
  518. this.resolveWith = this.deferred.resolveWith;
  519. this.reject = this.deferred.reject;
  520. this.rejectWith = this.deferred.rejectWith;
  521. this.success = this.done = this.deferred.done;
  522. =;
  523. this.then = this.deferred.then;
  524. this.always = this.deferred.always;
  525. this.from = this.using;
  526. = this.using;
  527. return this;
  528. };
  529. // ### using(services)
  530. // This method registers services with the current able instance.
  531. // **Parameters**:
  532. // *{string|array}* **services** An id of a service or an array of strings.
  533. // **Throws**:
  534. // *nothing*
  535. // **Returns**:
  536. // *{VIE.Able}* : The current instance.
  537. // **Example usage**:
  538. //
  539. // var loadable = vie.load({id: ""});
  540. // able.using("myService");
  541. this.using = function(services) {
  542. var self = this;
  543. services = (_.isArray(services))? services : [ services ];
  544. _.each (services, function (s) {
  545. var obj = (typeof s === "string")? self.vie.service(s) : s;
  547. });
  548. return this;
  549. };
  550. // ### execute()
  551. // This method runs the actual method on all registered services.
  552. // **Parameters**:
  553. // *nothing*
  554. // **Throws**:
  555. // *nothing* ...
  556. // **Returns**:
  557. // *{VIE.Able}* : The current instance.
  558. // **Example usage**:
  559. //
  560. // var able = new vie.Able().init();
  561. // able.using("stanbol")
  562. // .done(function () {alert("finished");})
  563. // .execute();
  564. this.execute = function() {
  565. /* call service[methodName] */
  566. var able = this;
  567. _({
  568. service[able.methodName](able);
  569. });
  570. return this;
  571. };
  572. };
  573. // ## VIE.Loadable
  574. // A ```VIE.Loadable``` is a wrapper around the deferred object
  575. // to **load** semantic data from a semantic web service.
  576. VIE.prototype.Loadable = function (options) {
  577. this.init(options,"load");
  578. };
  579. VIE.prototype.Loadable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  580. // ## VIE.Savable
  581. // A ```VIE.Savable``` is a wrapper around the deferred object
  582. // to **save** entities by a VIE service. The RDFaService would write the data
  583. // in the HTML as RDFa, the StanbolService stores the data in its Entityhub, etc.
  584. VIE.prototype.Savable = function(options){
  585. this.init(options, "save");
  586. };
  587. VIE.prototype.Savable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  588. // ## VIE.Removable
  589. // A ```VIE.Removable``` is a wrapper around the deferred object
  590. // to **remove** semantic data from a semantic web service.
  591. VIE.prototype.Removable = function(options){
  592. this.init(options, "remove");
  593. };
  594. VIE.prototype.Removable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  595. // ## VIE.Analyzable
  596. // A ```VIE.Analyzable``` is a wrapper around the deferred object
  597. // to **analyze** data and extract semantic information with the
  598. // help of a semantic web service.
  599. VIE.prototype.Analyzable = function (options) {
  600. this.init(options, "analyze");
  601. };
  602. VIE.prototype.Analyzable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  603. // ## VIE.Findable
  604. // A ```VIE.Findable``` is a wrapper around the deferred object
  605. // to **find** semantic data on a semantic storage.
  606. VIE.prototype.Findable = function (options) {
  607. this.init(options, "find");
  608. };
  609. VIE.prototype.Findable.prototype = new VIE.prototype.Able();
  610. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  611. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  612. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  613. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  614. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  615. // For all details and documentation:
  616. //
  617. // ## VIE Utils
  618. //
  619. // The here-listed methods are utility methods for the day-to-day
  620. // VIE.js usage. All methods are within the static namespace ```VIE.Util```.
  621. VIE.Util = {
  622. // ### VIE.Util.toCurie(uri, safe, namespaces)
  623. // This method converts a given
  624. // URI into a CURIE (or SCURIE), based on the given ```VIE.Namespaces``` object.
  625. // If the given uri is already a URI, it is left untouched and directly returned.
  626. // If no prefix could be found, an ```Error``` is thrown.
  627. // **Parameters**:
  628. // *{string}* **uri** The URI to be transformed.
  629. // *{boolean}* **safe** A flag whether to generate CURIEs or SCURIEs.
  630. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* **namespaces** The namespaces to be used for the prefixes.
  631. // **Throws**:
  632. // *{Error}* If no prefix could be found in the passed namespaces.
  633. // **Returns**:
  634. // *{string}* The CURIE or SCURIE.
  635. // **Example usage**:
  636. //
  637. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  638. // "",
  639. // { "dbp": "" }
  640. // );
  641. // var uri = "<>";
  642. // VIE.Util.toCurie(uri, false, ns); // --> dbp:Person
  643. // VIE.Util.toCurie(uri, true, ns); // --> [dbp:Person]
  644. toCurie : function (uri, safe, namespaces) {
  645. if (VIE.Util.isCurie(uri, namespaces)) {
  646. return uri;
  647. }
  648. var delim = ":";
  649. for (var k in namespaces.toObj()) {
  650. if (uri.indexOf(namespaces.get(k)) === 1) {
  651. var pattern = new RegExp("^" + "<?" + namespaces.get(k));
  652. if (k === '') {
  653. delim = '';
  654. }
  655. return ((safe)? "[" : "") +
  656. uri.replace(pattern, k + delim).replace(/>$/, '') +
  657. ((safe)? "]" : "");
  658. }
  659. }
  660. throw new Error("No prefix found for URI '" + uri + "'!");
  661. },
  662. // ### VIE.Util.isCurie(curie, namespaces)
  663. // This method checks, whether
  664. // the given string is a CURIE and returns ```true``` if so and ```false```otherwise.
  665. // **Parameters**:
  666. // *{string}* **curie** The CURIE (or SCURIE) to be checked.
  667. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* **namespaces** The namespaces to be used for the prefixes.
  668. // **Throws**:
  669. // *nothing*
  670. // **Returns**:
  671. // *{boolean}* ```true``` if the given curie is a CURIE or SCURIE and ```false``` otherwise.
  672. // **Example usage**:
  673. //
  674. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  675. // "",
  676. // { "dbp": "" }
  677. // );
  678. // var uri = "<>";
  679. // var curie = "dbp:Person";
  680. // var scurie = "[dbp:Person]";
  681. // var text = "This is some text.";
  682. // VIE.Util.isCurie(uri, ns); // --> false
  683. // VIE.Util.isCurie(curie, ns); // --> true
  684. // VIE.Util.isCurie(scurie, ns); // --> true
  685. // VIE.Util.isCurie(text, ns); // --> false
  686. isCurie : function (curie, namespaces) {
  687. if (VIE.Util.isUri(curie)) {
  688. return false;
  689. } else {
  690. try {
  691. VIE.Util.toUri(curie, namespaces);
  692. return true;
  693. } catch (e) {
  694. return false;
  695. }
  696. }
  697. },
  698. // ### VIE.Util.toUri(curie, namespaces)
  699. // This method converts a
  700. // given CURIE (or save CURIE) into a URI, based on the given ```VIE.Namespaces``` object.
  701. // **Parameters**:
  702. // *{string}* **curie** The CURIE to be transformed.
  703. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* **namespaces** The namespaces object
  704. // **Throws**:
  705. // *{Error}* If no URI could be assembled.
  706. // **Returns**:
  707. // *{string}* : A string, representing the URI.
  708. // **Example usage**:
  709. //
  710. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  711. // "",
  712. // { "dbp": "" }
  713. // );
  714. // var curie = "dbp:Person";
  715. // var scurie = "[dbp:Person]";
  716. // VIE.Util.toUri(curie, ns);
  717. // --> <>
  718. // VIE.Util.toUri(scurie, ns);
  719. // --> <>
  720. toUri : function (curie, namespaces) {
  721. var delim = ":";
  722. for (var prefix in namespaces.toObj()) {
  723. if (prefix !== "" && (curie.indexOf(prefix + ":") === 0 || curie.indexOf("[" + prefix + ":") === 0)) {
  724. var pattern = new RegExp("^" + "\\[{0,1}" + prefix + delim);
  725. return "<" + curie.replace(pattern, namespaces.get(prefix)).replace(/\]{0,1}$/, '') + ">";
  726. }
  727. }
  728. /* check for the default namespace */
  729. if (curie.indexOf(delim) === -1) {
  730. return "<" + namespaces.base() + curie + ">";
  731. }
  732. throw new Error("No prefix found for CURIE '" + curie + "'!");
  733. },
  734. // ### VIE.Util.isUri(something)
  735. // This method checks, whether the given string is a URI.
  736. // **Parameters**:
  737. // *{string}* **something** : The string to be checked.
  738. // **Throws**:
  739. // *nothing*
  740. // **Returns**:
  741. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the string is a URI, ```false``` otherwise.
  742. // **Example usage**:
  743. //
  744. // var uri = "<>";
  745. // var curie = "dbp:Person";
  746. // VIE.Util.isUri(uri); // --> true
  747. // VIE.Util.isUri(curie); // --> false
  748. isUri : function (something) {
  749. return (typeof something === "string" &&^<.+>$/) === 0);
  750. },
  751. // ### VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results)
  752. // This method converts *rdf/json* data from an external service
  753. // into VIE.Entities.
  754. // **Parameters**:
  755. // *{object}* **service** The service that retrieved the data.
  756. // *{object}* **results** The data to be transformed.
  757. // **Throws**:
  758. // *nothing*
  759. // **Returns**:
  760. // *{[VIE.Entity]}* : An array, containing VIE.Entity instances which have been transformed from the given data.
  761. rdf2Entities: function (service, results) {
  762. if (typeof jQuery.rdf !== 'function') {
  763. /* fallback if no rdfQuery has been loaded */
  764. return VIE.Util._rdf2EntitiesNoRdfQuery(service, results);
  765. }
  766. try {
  767. var rdf = (results instanceof jQuery.rdf)? results : jQuery.rdf().load(results, {});
  768. rdf.base(service.vie.namespaces.base());
  769. /* if the service contains rules to apply special transformation, they are executed here.*/
  770. if (service.rules) {
  771. var rules = jQuery.rdf.ruleset();
  772. for (var prefix in service.vie.namespaces.toObj()) {
  773. if (prefix !== "") {
  774. rules.prefix(prefix, service.vie.namespaces.get(prefix));
  775. }
  776. }
  777. for (var i = 0; i < service.rules.length; i++)if(service.rules.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  778. var rule = service.rules[i];
  779. rules.add(rule['left'], rule['right']);
  780. }
  781. rdf = rdf.reason(rules, 10); /* execute the rules only 10 times to avoid looping */
  782. }
  783. var entities = {};
  784. rdf.where('?subject ?property ?object').each(function() {
  785. var subject = this.subject.toString();
  786. if (!entities[subject]) {
  787. entities[subject] = {
  788. '@subject': subject,
  789. '@context': service.vie.namespaces.toObj(true),
  790. '@type': []
  791. };
  792. }
  793. var propertyUri =;
  794. var propertyCurie;
  795. try {
  796. propertyCurie = service.vie.namespaces.curie(propertyUri);
  797. //jQuery.createCurie(propertyUri, {namespaces: service.vie.namespaces.toObj(true)});
  798. } catch (e) {
  799. propertyCurie = propertyUri;
  800. console.warn(propertyUri + " doesn't have a namespace definition in '", service.vie.namespaces.toObj());
  801. }
  802. entities[subject][propertyCurie] = entities[subject][propertyCurie] || [];
  803. function getValue(rdfQueryLiteral){
  804. if(typeof rdfQueryLiteral.value === "string"){
  805. if (rdfQueryLiteral.lang)
  806. return rdfQueryLiteral.toString();
  807. else
  808. return rdfQueryLiteral.value;
  809. return rdfQueryLiteral.value.toString();
  810. } else if (rdfQueryLiteral.type === "uri"){
  811. return rdfQueryLiteral.toString();
  812. } else {
  813. return rdfQueryLiteral.value;
  814. }
  815. }
  816. entities[subject][propertyCurie].push(getValue(this.object));
  817. });
  818. _(entities).each(function(ent){
  819. ent["@type"] = ent["@type"].concat(ent["rdf:type"]);
  820. delete ent["rdf:type"];
  821. _(ent).each(function(value, property){
  822. if(value.length === 1){
  823. ent[property] = value[0];
  824. }
  825. });
  826. });
  827. var vieEntities = [];
  828. jQuery.each(entities, function() {
  829. var entityInstance = new service.vie.Entity(this);
  830. entityInstance = service.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(entityInstance);
  831. vieEntities.push(entityInstance);
  832. });
  833. return vieEntities;
  834. } catch (e) {
  835. console.warn("Something went wrong while parsing the returned results!", e);
  836. return [];
  837. }
  838. },
  839. // ### VIE.Util._rdf2EntitiesNoRdfQuery(service, results)
  840. // This is a **private** method which should
  841. // only be accessed through ```VIE.Util._rdf2Entities()``` and is a helper method in case there is no
  842. // rdfQuery loaded (*not recommended*).
  843. // **Parameters**:
  844. // *{object}* **service** The service that retrieved the data.
  845. // *{object}* **results** The data to be transformed.
  846. // **Throws**:
  847. // *nothing*
  848. // **Returns**:
  849. // *{[VIE.Entity]}* : An array, containing VIE.Entity instances which have been transformed from the given data.
  850. _rdf2EntitiesNoRdfQuery: function (service, results) {
  851. var jsonLD = [];
  852. _.forEach(results, function(value, key) {
  853. var entity = {};
  854. entity['@subject'] = '<' + key + '>';
  855. _.forEach(value, function(triples, predicate) {
  856. predicate = '<' + predicate + '>';
  857. _.forEach(triples, function(triple) {
  858. if (triple.type === 'uri') {
  859. triple.value = '<' + triple.value + '>';
  860. }
  861. if (entity[predicate] && !_.isArray(entity[predicate])) {
  862. entity[predicate] = [entity[predicate]];
  863. }
  864. if (_.isArray(entity[predicate])) {
  865. entity[predicate].push(triple.value);
  866. return;
  867. }
  868. entity[predicate] = triple.value;
  869. });
  870. });
  871. jsonLD.push(entity);
  872. });
  873. return jsonLD;
  874. },
  875. // ### VIE.Util.loadSchemaOrg(vie, SchemaOrg, baseNS)
  876. // This method is a wrapper around
  877. // the <a href=""></a> ontology. It adds all the
  878. // given types and properties as ```VIE.Type``` instances to the given VIE instance.
  879. // If the paramenter **baseNS** is set, the method automatically sets the namespace
  880. // to the provided one. If it is not set, it will keep the base namespace of VIE untouched.
  881. // **Parameters**:
  882. // *{VIE}* **vie** The instance of ```VIE```.
  883. // *{object}* **SchemaOrg** The data imported from
  884. // *{string|undefined}* **baseNS** If set, this will become the new baseNamespace within the given ```VIE``` instance.
  885. // **Throws**:
  886. // *{Error}* If the parameter was not given.
  887. // **Returns**:
  888. // *nothing*
  889. loadSchemaOrg : function (vie, SchemaOrg, baseNS) {
  890. if (!SchemaOrg) {
  891. throw new Error("Please load the schema.json file.");
  892. }
  893. vie.types.remove("<>");
  894. var baseNSBefore = (baseNS)? baseNS : vie.namespaces.base();
  895. vie.namespaces.base(baseNS);
  896. var datatypeMapping = {
  897. 'DataType': 'xsd:anyType',
  898. 'Boolean' : 'xsd:boolean',
  899. 'Date' : 'xsd:date',
  900. 'Float' : 'xsd:float',
  901. 'Integer' : 'xsd:integer',
  902. 'Number' : 'xsd:anySimpleType',
  903. 'Text' : 'xsd:string',
  904. 'URL' : 'xsd:anyURI'
  905. };
  906. var dataTypeHelper = function (ancestors, id) {
  907. var type = vie.types.add(id, [{'id' : 'value', 'range' : datatypeMapping[id]}]);
  908. for (var i = 0; i < ancestors.length; i++) {
  909. var supertype = (vie.types.get(ancestors[i]))? vie.types.get(ancestors[i]) :
  910., SchemaOrg["datatypes"][ancestors[i]].supertypes, ancestors[i]);
  911. type.inherit(supertype);
  912. }
  913. return type;
  914. };
  915. for (var dt in SchemaOrg["datatypes"]) {
  916. if (!vie.types.get(dt)) {
  917. var ancestors = SchemaOrg["datatypes"][dt].supertypes;
  918., ancestors, dt);
  919. }
  920. }
  921. var typeProps = function (id) {
  922. var props = [];
  923. var specProps = SchemaOrg["types"][id]["specific_properties"];
  924. for (var p = 0; p < specProps.length; p++) {
  925. var pId = specProps[p];
  926. var range = SchemaOrg["properties"][pId]["ranges"];
  927. props.push({
  928. 'id' : pId,
  929. 'range' : range
  930. });
  931. }
  932. return props;
  933. };
  934. var typeHelper = function (ancestors, id, props) {
  935. var type = vie.types.add(id, props);
  936. for (var i = 0; i < ancestors.length; i++) {
  937. var supertype = (vie.types.get(ancestors[i]))? vie.types.get(ancestors[i]) :
  938., SchemaOrg["types"][ancestors[i]].supertypes, ancestors[i],, ancestors[i]));
  939. type.inherit(supertype);
  940. }
  941. if (id === "Thing" && !type.isof("owl:Thing")) {
  942. type.inherit("owl:Thing");
  943. }
  944. return type;
  945. };
  946. for (var t in SchemaOrg["types"]) {
  947. if (!vie.types.get(t)) {
  948. var ancestors = SchemaOrg["types"][t].supertypes;
  949., ancestors, t,, t));
  950. }
  951. }
  952. /* set the namespace to either the old value or the provided baseNS value */
  953. vie.namespaces.base(baseNSBefore);
  954. },
  955. // ### VIE.Util.xsdDateTime(date)
  956. // This transforms a ```Date``` instance into an xsd:DateTime format.
  957. // **Parameters**:
  958. // *{```Date```}* **date** An instance of a javascript ```Date```.
  959. // **Throws**:
  960. // *nothing*..
  961. // **Returns**:
  962. // *{string}* A string representation of the dateTime in the xsd:dateTime format.
  963. xsdDateTime : function(date) {
  964. function pad(n) {
  965. var s = n.toString();
  966. return s.length < 2 ? '0'+s : s;
  967. };
  968. var yyyy = date.getFullYear();
  969. var mm1 = pad(date.getMonth()+1);
  970. var dd = pad(date.getDate());
  971. var hh = pad(date.getHours());
  972. var mm2 = pad(date.getMinutes());
  973. var ss = pad(date.getSeconds());
  974. return yyyy +'-' +mm1 +'-' +dd +'T' +hh +':' +mm2 +':' +ss;
  975. },
  976. // ### VIE.Util.transformationRules(service)
  977. // This returns a default set of rdfQuery rules that transform semantic data into the
  978. // VIE entity types.
  979. // **Parameters**:
  980. // *{object}* **service** An instance of a vie.service.
  981. // **Throws**:
  982. // *nothing*..
  983. // **Returns**:
  984. // *{array}* An array of rules with 'left' and 'right' side.
  985. transformationRules : function (service) {
  986. var res = [
  987. // rule(s) to transform a dbpedia:Person into a VIE:Person
  988. {
  989. 'left' : [
  990. '?subject a dbpedia:Person',
  991. '?subject rdfs:label ?label'
  992. ],
  993. 'right': function(ns){
  994. return function(){
  995. return [
  996. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  997. 'a',
  998. '<' + ns.base() + 'Person>', {
  999. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1000. }),
  1001. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1002. '<' + ns.base() + 'name>',
  1003. this.label, {
  1004. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1005. })
  1006. ];
  1007. };
  1008. }(service.vie.namespaces)
  1009. },
  1010. // rule(s) to transform a foaf:Person into a VIE:Person
  1011. {
  1012. 'left' : [
  1013. '?subject a foaf:Person',
  1014. '?subject rdfs:label ?label'
  1015. ],
  1016. 'right': function(ns){
  1017. return function(){
  1018. return [
  1019. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1020. 'a',
  1021. '<' + ns.base() + 'Person>', {
  1022. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1023. }),
  1024. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1025. '<' + ns.base() + 'name>',
  1026. this.label, {
  1027. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1028. })
  1029. ];
  1030. };
  1031. }(service.vie.namespaces)
  1032. },
  1033. // rule(s) to transform a dbpedia:Place into a VIE:Place
  1034. {
  1035. 'left' : [
  1036. '?subject a dbpedia:Place',
  1037. '?subject rdfs:label ?label'
  1038. ],
  1039. 'right': function(ns) {
  1040. return function() {
  1041. return [
  1042. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1043. 'a',
  1044. '<' + ns.base() + 'Place>', {
  1045. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1046. }),
  1047. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1048. '<' + ns.base() + 'name>',
  1049. this.label.toString(), {
  1050. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1051. })
  1052. ];
  1053. };
  1054. }(service.vie.namespaces)
  1055. },
  1056. // rule(s) to transform a dbpedia:City into a VIE:City
  1057. {
  1058. 'left' : [
  1059. '?subject a dbpedia:City',
  1060. '?subject rdfs:label ?label',
  1061. '?subject dbpedia:abstract ?abs',
  1062. '?subject dbpedia:country ?country'
  1063. ],
  1064. 'right': function(ns) {
  1065. return function() {
  1066. return [
  1067. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1068. 'a',
  1069. '<' + ns.base() + 'City>', {
  1070. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1071. }),
  1072. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1073. '<' + ns.base() + 'name>',
  1074. this.label.toString(), {
  1075. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1076. }),
  1077. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1078. '<' + ns.base() + 'description>',
  1079. this.abs.toString(), {
  1080. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1081. }),
  1082. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  1083. '<' + ns.base() + 'containedIn>',
  1084., {
  1085. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  1086. })
  1087. ];
  1088. };
  1089. }(service.vie.namespaces)
  1090. },
  1091. ];
  1092. return res;
  1093. }
  1094. };
  1095. VIE.prototype.Entity = function(attrs, opts) {
  1096. attrs = (attrs)? attrs : {};
  1097. opts = (opts)? opts : {};
  1098. var self = this;
  1099. var mapAttributeNS = function (attr, ns) {
  1100. var a = attr;
  1101. if (ns.isUri (attr) || attr.indexOf('@') === 0) {
  1102. //ignore
  1103. } else if (ns.isCurie(attr)) {
  1104. a = ns.uri(attr);
  1105. } else if (!ns.isUri(attr)) {
  1106. if (attr.indexOf(":") === -1) {
  1107. a = '<' + ns.base() + attr + '>';
  1108. } else {
  1109. a = '<' + attr + '>';
  1110. }
  1111. }
  1112. return a;
  1113. };
  1114. if (attrs['@type'] !== undefined) {
  1115. attrs['@type'] = (_.isArray(attrs['@type']))? attrs['@type'] : [ attrs['@type'] ];
  1116. attrs['@type'] =['@type'], function(val){
  1117. if (!self.vie.types.get(val)) {
  1118. //if there is no such type -> add it and let it inherit from "owl:Thing"
  1119. self.vie.types.add(val).inherit("owl:Thing");
  1120. }
  1121. return self.vie.types.get(val).id;
  1122. });
  1123. attrs['@type'] = (attrs['@type'].length === 1)? attrs['@type'][0] : attrs['@type'];
  1124. } else {
  1125. // provide "owl:Thing" as the default type if none was given
  1126. attrs['@type'] = self.vie.types.get("owl:Thing").id;
  1127. }
  1128. //the following provides full seamless namespace support
  1129. //for attributes. It should not matter, if you
  1130. //query for `model.get('name')` or `model.get('foaf:name')`
  1131. //or even `model.get('');`
  1132. //However, if we just overwrite `set()` and `get()`, this
  1133. //raises a lot of side effects, so we need to expand
  1134. //the attributes before we create the model.
  1135. _.each (attrs, function (value, key) {
  1136. var newKey = mapAttributeNS(key, this.namespaces);
  1137. if (key !== newKey) {
  1138. delete attrs[key];
  1139. attrs[newKey] = value;
  1140. }
  1141. }, self.vie);
  1142. var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
  1143. idAttribute: '@subject',
  1144. initialize: function(attributes, options) {
  1145. if (attributes['@subject']) {
  1146. = this['@subject'] = this.toReference(attributes['@subject']);
  1147. } else {
  1148. = this['@subject'] = attributes['@subject'] = this.cid.replace('c', '_:bnode');
  1149. }
  1150. return this;
  1151. },
  1152. get: function (attr) {
  1153. attr = mapAttributeNS(attr, self.vie.namespaces);
  1154. var value =, attr);
  1155. value = (_.isArray(value))? value : [ value ];
  1156. value =, function(v) {
  1157. if (v !== undefined && attr === '@type' && self.vie.types.get(v)) {
  1158. return self.vie.types.get(v);
  1159. } else if (v !== undefined && self.vie.entities.get(v)) {
  1160. return self.vie.entities.get(v);
  1161. } else {
  1162. return v;
  1163. }
  1164. }, this);
  1165. if(value.length === 0) {
  1166. return undefined;
  1167. }
  1168. // if there is only one element, just return that one
  1169. value = (value.length === 1)? value[0] : value;
  1170. return value;
  1171. },
  1172. has: function(attr) {
  1173. attr = mapAttributeNS(attr, self.vie.namespaces);
  1174. return, attr);
  1175. },
  1176. set : function(attrs, options, opts) {
  1177. if (!attrs) {
  1178. return this;
  1179. }
  1180. if (typeof attrs === "string") {
  1181. var obj = {};
  1182. obj[attrs] = options;
  1183. return this.set(obj, opts);
  1184. }
  1185. if (attrs.attributes) {
  1186. attrs = attrs.attributes;
  1187. }
  1188. var self = this;
  1189. _.each (attrs, function (value, key) {
  1190. var newKey = mapAttributeNS(key, self.vie.namespaces);
  1191. if (key !== newKey) {
  1192. delete attrs[key];
  1193. attrs[newKey] = value;
  1194. }
  1195. }, this);
  1196. _.each (attrs, function (value, key) {
  1197. if (!value) { return; }
  1198. if (key.indexOf('@') === -1) {
  1199. if (value.isCollection) {
  1200. // ignore
  1201. value.each(function (child) {
  1202. self.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(child);
  1203. });
  1204. } else if (value.isEntity) {
  1205. self.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(value);
  1206. var coll = new self.vie.Collection();
  1207. coll.add(value);
  1208. attrs[key] = coll;
  1209. } else if (_.isArray(value)) {
  1210. // ignore
  1211. } else if (typeof value == "object") {
  1212. var child = new self.vie.Entity(value, options);
  1213. self.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(child);
  1214. var coll = new self.vie.Collection();
  1215. coll.add(value);
  1216. attrs[key] = coll;
  1217. } else {
  1218. // ignore
  1219. }
  1220. }
  1221. }, this);
  1222. return, attrs, options);
  1223. },
  1224. unset: function (attr, opts) {
  1225. attr = mapAttributeNS(attr, self.vie.namespaces);
  1226. return, attr, opts);
  1227. },
  1228. getSubject: function(){
  1229. if (typeof === "undefined") {
  1230. = this.attributes[this.idAttribute];
  1231. }
  1232. if (typeof === 'string') {
  1233. if (, 7) === 'http://' ||, 4) === 'urn:') {
  1234. return this.toReference(;
  1235. }
  1236. return;
  1237. }
  1238. return this.cid.replace('c', '_:bnode');
  1239. },
  1240. getSubjectUri: function(){
  1241. return this.fromReference(this.getSubject());
  1242. },
  1243. toReference: function(uri){
  1244. var ns = this.vie.namespaces;
  1245. var ret = uri;
  1246. if (uri.substring(0, 2) === "_:") {
  1247. ret = uri;
  1248. }
  1249. else if (ns.isCurie(uri)) {
  1250. ret = ns.uri(uri);
  1251. if (ret === "<" + ns.base() + uri + ">") {
  1252. /* no base namespace extension with IDs */
  1253. ret = '<' + uri + '>';
  1254. }
  1255. } else if (!ns.isUri(uri)) {
  1256. ret = '<' + uri + '>';
  1257. }
  1258. return ret;
  1259. },
  1260. fromReference: function(uri){
  1261. var ns = this.vie.namespaces;
  1262. if (!ns.isUri(uri)) {
  1263. return uri;
  1264. }
  1265. return uri.substring(1, uri.length - 1);
  1266. },
  1267. as: function(encoding){
  1268. if (encoding === "JSON") {
  1269. return this.toJSON();
  1270. }
  1271. if (encoding === "JSONLD") {
  1272. return this.toJSONLD();
  1273. }
  1274. throw new Error("Unknown encoding " + encoding);
  1275. },
  1276. toJSONLD: function(){
  1277. var instanceLD = {};
  1278. var instance = this;
  1279. _.each(instance.attributes, function(value, name){
  1280. var entityValue = value; //instance.get(name);
  1281. if (value instanceof instance.vie.Collection) {
  1282. entityValue = {
  1283. return instance.getSubject();
  1284. });
  1285. }
  1286. // TODO: Handle collections separately
  1287. instanceLD[name] = entityValue;
  1288. });
  1289. instanceLD['@subject'] = instance.getSubject();
  1290. return instanceLD;
  1291. },
  1292. setOrAdd: function (arg1, arg2) {
  1293. var entity = this;
  1294. if (typeof arg1 === "string" && arg2) {
  1295. // calling entity.setOrAdd("rdfs:type", "example:Musician")
  1296. entity._setOrAddOne(arg1, arg2);
  1297. }
  1298. else
  1299. if (typeof arg1 === "object") {
  1300. // calling entity.setOrAdd({"rdfs:type": "example:Musician", ...})
  1301. _(arg1).each(function(val, key){
  1302. entity._setOrAddOne(key, val);
  1303. });
  1304. }
  1305. return this;
  1306. },
  1307. /* attr is always of type string */
  1308. /* value can be of type: undefined,string,int,double,object,array,VIE.Entity,VIE.Collection */
  1309. /* val can be of type: undefined,string,int,double,array,VIE.Collection */
  1310. /* depending on the type of value and the type of val, different actions need to be made */
  1311. _setOrAddOne: function (attr, value) {
  1312. if (!attr || !value)
  1313. return;
  1314. attr = mapAttributeNS(attr, self.vie.namespaces);
  1315. if (_.isArray(value)) {
  1316. for (var v = 0; v < value.length; v++) {
  1317. this._setOrAddOne(attr, value[v]);
  1318. }
  1319. return;
  1320. }
  1321. if (attr === "@type" && value instanceof self.vie.Type) {
  1322. value =
  1323. }
  1324. var obj = {};
  1325. var existing =, attr);
  1326. if (!existing) {
  1327. obj[attr] = value;
  1328. this.set(obj);
  1329. } else if (existing.isCollection) {
  1330. if (value.isCollection) {
  1331. value.each(function (model) {
  1332. existing.add(model);
  1333. });
  1334. } else if (value.isEntity) {
  1335. existing.add(value);
  1336. } else if (typeof value === "object") {
  1337. value = new this.vie.Entity(value);
  1338. existing.add(value);
  1339. } else {
  1340. throw new Error("you cannot add a literal to a collection of entities!");
  1341. }
  1342. this.trigger('change:' + attr, this, value, {});
  1343. this.change({});
  1344. } else if (_.isArray(existing)) {
  1345. if (value.isCollection) {
  1346. throw new Error("you cannot add a collection of entities to an array of literals!");
  1347. } else if (value.isEntity) {
  1348. this._setOrAddOne(attr, value.getSubject());
  1349. /*throw new Error("you cannot add an entity to an array of literals!");*/
  1350. } else if (typeof value === "object") {
  1351. throw new Error("you cannot add an entity of entities to an array of literals!");
  1352. } else {
  1353. existing.push(value);
  1354. obj[attr] = existing;
  1355. this.set(obj);
  1356. }
  1357. } else {
  1358. if (value.isCollection) {
  1359. throw new Error("you cannot add a collection of entities to a literal!");
  1360. } else if (value.isEntity) {
  1361. this._setOrAddOne(attr, value.getSubject());
  1362. /*throw new Error("you cannot add an entity to a literal!");*/
  1363. } else if (typeof value === "object") {
  1364. throw new Error("you cannot add an entity of entities to a literal!");
  1365. } else {
  1366. /* yes, we allow multiple equal literals */
  1367. var arr = [];
  1368. arr.push(existing);
  1369. arr.push(value);
  1370. obj[attr] = arr;
  1371. this.set(obj);
  1372. }
  1373. }
  1374. return;
  1375. },
  1376. hasType: function(type){
  1377. type = self.vie.types.get(type);
  1378. return this.hasPropertyValue("@type", type);
  1379. },
  1380. hasPropertyValue: function(property, value) {
  1381. var t = this.get(property);
  1382. if (!(value instanceof Object)) {
  1383. value = self.vie.entities.get(value);
  1384. }
  1385. if (t instanceof Array) {
  1386. return t.indexOf(value) !== -1;
  1387. }
  1388. else {
  1389. return t === value;
  1390. }
  1391. },
  1392. isof: function (type) {
  1393. var types = this.get('@type');
  1394. if (types === undefined) {
  1395. return false;
  1396. }
  1397. types = (_.isArray(types))? types : [ types ];
  1398. type = (self.vie.types.get(type))? self.vie.types.get(type) : new self.vie.Type(type);
  1399. for (var t = 0; t < types.length; t++) {
  1400. if (self.vie.types.get(types[t])) {
  1401. if (self.vie.types.get(types[t]).isof(type)) {
  1402. return true;
  1403. }
  1404. } else {
  1405. var typeTmp = new self.vie.Type(types[t]);
  1406. if ( === {
  1407. return true;
  1408. }
  1409. }
  1410. }
  1411. return false;
  1412. },
  1413. addTo : function (collection, update) {
  1414. var self = this;
  1415. if (collection instanceof self.vie.Collection) {
  1416. if (update) {
  1417. collection.addOrUpdate(self);
  1418. } else {
  1419. collection.add(self);
  1420. }
  1421. return this;
  1422. }
  1423. throw new Error("Please provide a proper collection of type VIE.Collection as argument!");
  1424. },
  1425. isEntity: true,
  1426. vie: self.vie
  1427. });
  1428. return new Model(attrs, opts);
  1429. };
  1430. VIE.prototype.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  1431. model: VIE.prototype.Entity,
  1432. get: function(id) {
  1433. if (id === null) {
  1434. return null;
  1435. }
  1436. id = (id.getSubject)? id.getSubject() : id;
  1437. if (typeof id === "string" && id.indexOf("_:") === 0) {
  1438. if (id.indexOf("bnode") === 2) {
  1439. //bnode!
  1440. id = id.replace("_:bnode", 'c');
  1441. return this._byCid[id];
  1442. } else {
  1443. return this._byId["<" + id + ">"];
  1444. }
  1445. } else {
  1446. id = this.toReference(id);
  1447. return this._byId[id];
  1448. }
  1449. },
  1450. addOrUpdate: function(model, options) {
  1451. options || (options = {});
  1452. var collection = this;
  1453. var existing;
  1454. if (_.isArray(model)) {
  1455. var entities = [];
  1456. _.each(model, function(item) {
  1457. entities.push(collection.addOrUpdate(item, options));
  1458. });
  1459. return entities;
  1460. }
  1461. if (!model.isEntity) {
  1462. model = new this.model(model);
  1463. }
  1464. if ( && this.get( {
  1465. existing = this.get(;
  1466. }
  1467. if (this.getByCid(model.cid)) {
  1468. var existing = this.getByCid(model.cid);
  1469. }
  1470. if (existing) {
  1471. var newAttribs = {};
  1472. _.each(model.attributes, function(value, attribute) {
  1473. if (!existing.has(attribute)) {
  1474. newAttribs[attribute] = value;
  1475. return true;
  1476. }
  1477. else if (existing.get(attribute) === value) {
  1478. return true;
  1479. } else {
  1480. //merge existing attribute values with new ones!
  1481. //not just overwrite 'em!!
  1482. var oldVals = existing.attributes[attribute];
  1483. var newVals = value;
  1484. if (oldVals instanceof collection.vie.Collection) {
  1485. // TODO: Merge collections
  1486. return true;
  1487. }
  1488. if (attribute === '@context') {
  1489. newAttribs[attribute] = jQuery.extend(true, {}, oldVals, newVals);
  1490. } else {
  1491. oldVals = (jQuery.isArray(oldVals))? oldVals : [ oldVals ];
  1492. newVals = (jQuery.isArray(newVals))? newVals : [ newVals ];
  1493. newAttribs[attribute] = _.uniq(oldVals.concat(newVals));
  1494. newAttribs[attribute] = (newAttribs[attribute].length === 1)? newAttribs[attribute][0] : newAttribs[attribute];
  1495. }
  1496. }
  1497. });
  1498. if (!_.isEmpty(newAttribs)) {
  1499. existing.set(newAttribs, options.updateOptions);
  1500. }
  1501. return existing;
  1502. }
  1503. this.add(model, options.addOptions);
  1504. return model;
  1505. },
  1506. isReference: function(uri){
  1507. var matcher = new RegExp("^\\<([^\\>]*)\\>$");
  1508. if (matcher.exec(uri)) {
  1509. return true;
  1510. }
  1511. return false;
  1512. },
  1513. toReference: function(uri){
  1514. if (this.isReference(uri)) {
  1515. return uri;
  1516. }
  1517. return '<' + uri + '>';
  1518. },
  1519. fromReference: function(uri){
  1520. if (!this.isReference(uri)) {
  1521. return uri;
  1522. }
  1523. return uri.substring(1, uri.length - 1);
  1524. },
  1525. isCollection: true
  1526. });
  1527. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  1528. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  1529. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  1530. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  1531. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  1532. // For all details and documentation:
  1533. //
  1534. //
  1535. // ## VIE.Types
  1536. // Within VIE, we provide special capabilities of handling types of entites. This helps
  1537. // for example to query easily for certain entities (e.g., you only need to query for *Person*s
  1538. // and not for all subtypes).
  1539. if (VIE.prototype.Type) {
  1540. throw new Error("ERROR: VIE.Type is already defined. Please check your installation!");
  1541. }
  1542. if (VIE.prototype.Types) {
  1543. throw new Error("ERROR: VIE.Types is already defined. Please check your installation!");
  1544. }
  1545. // ### VIE.Type(id, attrs)
  1546. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Type.
  1547. // **Parameters**:
  1548. // *{string}* **id** The id of the type.
  1549. // *{string|array|VIE.Attribute}* **attrs** A string, proper ```VIE.Attribute``` or an array of these which
  1550. // are the possible attributes of the type
  1551. // **Throws**:
  1552. // *{Error}* if one of the given paramenters is missing.
  1553. // **Returns**:
  1554. // *{VIE.Type}* : A **new** VIE.Type object.
  1555. // **Example usage**:
  1556. //
  1557. // var person = new vie.Type("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1558. VIE.prototype.Type = function (id, attrs) {
  1559. if (id === undefined || typeof id !== 'string') {
  1560. throw "The type constructor needs an 'id' of type string! E.g., 'Person'";
  1561. }
  1562. // ### id
  1563. // This field stores the id of the type's instance.
  1564. // **Parameters**:
  1565. // nothing
  1566. // **Throws**:
  1567. // nothing
  1568. // **Returns**:
  1569. // *{string}* : The id of the type as a URI.
  1570. // **Example usage**:
  1571. //
  1572. // console.log(;
  1573. // // --> "<>"
  1574. = this.vie.namespaces.isUri(id) ? id : this.vie.namespaces.uri(id);
  1575. /* checks whether such a type is already defined. */
  1576. if (this.vie.types.get( {
  1577. throw new Error("The type " + + " is already defined!");
  1578. }
  1579. // ### supertypes
  1580. // This field stores all parent types of the type's instance. This
  1581. // is set if the current type inherits from another type.
  1582. // **Parameters**:
  1583. // nothing
  1584. // **Throws**:
  1585. // nothing
  1586. // **Returns**:
  1587. // *{VIE.Types}* : The supertypes (parents) of the type.
  1588. // **Example usage**:
  1589. //
  1590. // console.log(person.supertypes);
  1591. this.supertypes = new this.vie.Types();
  1592. // ### subtypes
  1593. // This field stores all children types of the type's instance. This
  1594. // will be set if another type inherits from the current type.
  1595. // **Parameters**:
  1596. // nothing
  1597. // **Throws**:
  1598. // nothing
  1599. // **Returns**:
  1600. // *{VIE.Types}* : The subtypes (parents) of the type.
  1601. // **Example usage**:
  1602. //
  1603. // console.log(person.subtypes);
  1604. this.subtypes = new this.vie.Types();
  1605. // ### attributes
  1606. // This field stores all attributes of the type's instance as
  1607. // a proper ```VIE.Attributes``` class. (see also <a href="Attribute.html">VIE.Attributes</a>)
  1608. // **Parameters**:
  1609. // nothing
  1610. // **Throws**:
  1611. // nothing
  1612. // **Returns**:
  1613. // *{VIE.Attributes}* : The attributes of the type.
  1614. // **Example usage**:
  1615. //
  1616. // console.log(person.attributes);
  1617. this.attributes = new this.vie.Attributes(this, (attrs)? attrs : []);
  1618. // ### isof(type)
  1619. // This method checks whether the current type is a child of the given type.
  1620. // **Parameters**:
  1621. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **type** The type (or the id of that type) to be checked.
  1622. // **Throws**:
  1623. // *{Error}* If the type is not valid.
  1624. // **Returns**:
  1625. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the current type inherits from the type, ```false``` otherwise.
  1626. // **Example usage**:
  1627. //
  1628. // console.log(person.isof("owl:Thing"));
  1629. // // <-- true
  1630. this.isof = function (type) {
  1631. type = this.vie.types.get(type);
  1632. if (type) {
  1633. return type.subsumes(;
  1634. } else {
  1635. throw new Error("No valid type given");
  1636. }
  1637. };
  1638. // ### subsumes(type)
  1639. // This method checks whether the current type is a parent of the given type.
  1640. // **Parameters**:
  1641. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **type** The type (or the id of that type) to be checked.
  1642. // **Throws**:
  1643. // *{Error}* If the type is not valid.
  1644. // **Returns**:
  1645. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the current type is a parent of the type, ```false``` otherwise.
  1646. // **Example usage**:
  1647. //
  1648. // var x = new vie.Type(...);
  1649. // var y = new vie.Type(...).inherit(x);
  1650. // y.isof(x) === x.subsumes(y);
  1651. this.subsumes = function (type) {
  1652. type = this.vie.types.get(type);
  1653. if (type) {
  1654. if ( === {
  1655. return true;
  1656. }
  1657. var subtypes = this.subtypes.list();
  1658. for (var c = 0; c < subtypes.length; c++) {
  1659. var childObj = subtypes[c];
  1660. if (childObj) {
  1661. if ( === || childObj.subsumes(type)) {
  1662. return true;
  1663. }
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1666. return false;
  1667. } else {
  1668. throw new Error("No valid type given");
  1669. }
  1670. };
  1671. // ### inherit(supertype)
  1672. // This method invokes inheritance throught the types. This adds the current type to the
  1673. // subtypes of the supertype and vice versa.
  1674. // **Parameters**:
  1675. // *{string|VIE.Type|array}* **supertype** The type to be inherited from. If this is an array
  1676. // the inherit method is called sequentially on all types.
  1677. // **Throws**:
  1678. // *{Error}* If the type is not valid.
  1679. // **Returns**:
  1680. // *{VIE.Type}* : The instance itself.
  1681. // **Example usage**:
  1682. //
  1683. // var x = new vie.Type(...);
  1684. // var y = new vie.Type(...).inherit(x);
  1685. // y.isof(x) // <-- true
  1686. this.inherit = function (supertype) {
  1687. if (typeof supertype === "string") {
  1688. this.inherit(this.vie.types.get(supertype));
  1689. }
  1690. else if (supertype instanceof this.vie.Type) {
  1691. supertype.subtypes.addOrOverwrite(this);
  1692. this.supertypes.addOrOverwrite(supertype);
  1693. try {
  1694. /* only for validation of attribute-inheritance!
  1695. if this throws an error (inheriting two attributes
  1696. that cannot be combined) we reverse all changes. */
  1697. this.attributes.list();
  1698. } catch (e) {
  1699. supertype.subtypes.remove(this);
  1700. this.supertypes.remove(supertype);
  1701. throw e;
  1702. }
  1703. } else if (jQuery.isArray(supertype)) {
  1704. for (var i = 0, slen = supertype.length; i < slen; i++) {
  1705. this.inherit(supertype[i]);
  1706. }
  1707. } else {
  1708. throw new Error("Wrong argument in VIE.Type.inherit()");
  1709. }
  1710. return this;
  1711. };
  1712. // ### hierarchy()
  1713. // This method serializes the hierarchy of child types into an object.
  1714. // **Parameters**:
  1715. // *nothing*
  1716. // **Throws**:
  1717. // *nothing*
  1718. // **Returns**:
  1719. // *{object}* : The hierachy of child types as an object.
  1720. // **Example usage**:
  1721. //
  1722. // var x = new vie.Type(...);
  1723. // var y = new vie.Type(...).inherit(x);
  1724. // x.hierarchy();
  1725. this.hierarchy = function () {
  1726. var obj = {id :, subtypes: []};
  1727. var list = this.subtypes.list();
  1728. for (var c = 0, llen = list.length; c < llen; c++) {
  1729. var childObj = this.vie.types.get(list[c]);
  1730. obj.subtypes.push(childObj.hierarchy());
  1731. }
  1732. return obj;
  1733. };
  1734. // ### instance()
  1735. // This method creates a ```VIE.Entity``` instance from this type.
  1736. // **Parameters**:
  1737. // *{object}* **attrs** see <a href="Entity.html">constructor of VIE.Entity</a>
  1738. // *{object}* **opts** see <a href="Entity.html">constructor of VIE.Entity</a>
  1739. // **Throws**:
  1740. // *{Error}* if the instance could not be built
  1741. // **Returns**:
  1742. // *{VIE.Entity}* : A **new** instance of a ```VIE.Entity``` with the current type.
  1743. // **Example usage**:
  1744. //
  1745. // var person = new vie.Type("person");
  1746. // var sebastian = person.instance(
  1747. // {"@subject" : "#me",
  1748. // "name" : "Sebastian"});
  1749. // console.log(sebastian.get("name")); // <-- "Sebastian"
  1750. this.instance = function (attrs, opts) {
  1751. attrs = (attrs)? attrs : {};
  1752. opts = (opts)? opts : {};
  1753. /* turn type/attribute checking on by default! */
  1754. if (opts.typeChecking !== false) {
  1755. for (var a in attrs) {
  1756. if (a.indexOf('@') !== 0 && !this.attributes.get(a)) {
  1757. throw new Error("Cannot create an instance of " + + " as the type does not allow an attribute '" + a + "'!");
  1758. }
  1759. }
  1760. }
  1761. if (attrs['@type']) {
  1762. attrs['@type'].push(;
  1763. } else {
  1764. attrs['@type'] =;
  1765. }
  1766. return new this.vie.Entity(attrs, opts);
  1767. };
  1768. // ### toString()
  1769. // This method returns the id of the type.
  1770. // **Parameters**:
  1771. // *nothing*
  1772. // **Throws**:
  1773. // *nothing*
  1774. // **Returns**:
  1775. // *{string}* : The id of the type.
  1776. // **Example usage**:
  1777. //
  1778. // var x = new vie.Type(...);
  1779. // x.toString() ===;
  1780. this.toString = function () {
  1781. return;
  1782. };
  1783. };
  1784. // ### VIE.Types()
  1785. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Types. This is a convenience class
  1786. // to store ```VIE.Type``` instances properly.
  1787. // **Parameters**:
  1788. // *nothing*
  1789. // **Throws**:
  1790. // *nothing*
  1791. // **Returns**:
  1792. // *{VIE.Types}* : A **new** VIE.Types object.
  1793. // **Example usage**:
  1794. //
  1795. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1796. VIE.prototype.Types = function () {
  1797. this._types = {};
  1798. // ### add(id, attrs)
  1799. // This method adds a `VIE.Type` to the types.
  1800. // **Parameters**:
  1801. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **id** If this is a string, the type is created and directly added.
  1802. // *{string|object}* **attrs** Only used if ```id``` is a string.
  1803. // **Throws**:
  1804. // *{Error}* if a type with the given id already exists a ```VIE.Entity``` instance from this type.
  1805. // **Returns**:
  1806. // *{VIE.Types}* : The instance itself.
  1807. // **Example usage**:
  1808. //
  1809. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1810. // types.add("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1811. this.add = function (id, attrs) {
  1812. if (this.get(id)) {
  1813. throw new Error("Type '" + id + "' already registered.");
  1814. }
  1815. else {
  1816. if (typeof id === "string") {
  1817. var t = new this.vie.Type(id, attrs);
  1818. this._types[] = t;
  1819. return t;
  1820. } else if (id instanceof this.vie.Type) {
  1821. this._types[] = id;
  1822. return id;
  1823. } else {
  1824. throw new Error("Wrong argument to VIE.Types.add()!");
  1825. }
  1826. }
  1827. return this;
  1828. };
  1829. // ### addOrOverwrite(id, attrs)
  1830. // This method adds or overwrites a `VIE.Type` to the types. This is the same as
  1831. // ``this.remove(id); this.add(id, attrs);``
  1832. // **Parameters**:
  1833. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **id** If this is a string, the type is created and directly added.
  1834. // *{string|object}* **attrs** Only used if ```id``` is a string.
  1835. // **Throws**:
  1836. // *nothing*
  1837. // **Returns**:
  1838. // *{VIE.Types}* : The instance itself.
  1839. // **Example usage**:
  1840. //
  1841. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1842. // types.addOrOverwrite("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1843. this.addOrOverwrite = function(id, attrs){
  1844. if (this.get(id)) {
  1845. this.remove(id);
  1846. }
  1847. return this.add(id, attrs);
  1848. };
  1849. // ### get(id)
  1850. // This method retrieves a `VIE.Type` from the types by it's id.
  1851. // **Parameters**:
  1852. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **id** The id or the type itself.
  1853. // **Throws**:
  1854. // *nothing*
  1855. // **Returns**:
  1856. // *{VIE.Type}* : The instance of the type or ```undefined```.
  1857. // **Example usage**:
  1858. //
  1859. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1860. // types.addOrOverwrite("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1861. // types.get("Person");
  1862. this.get = function (id) {
  1863. if (!id) {
  1864. return undefined;
  1865. }
  1866. if (typeof id === 'string') {
  1867. var lid = this.vie.namespaces.isUri(id) ? id : this.vie.namespaces.uri(id);
  1868. return this._types[lid];
  1869. } else if (id instanceof this.vie.Type) {
  1870. return this.get(;
  1871. }
  1872. return undefined;
  1873. };
  1874. // ### remove(id)
  1875. // This method removes a type of given id from the type. This also
  1876. // removes all children if their only parent were this
  1877. // type. Furthermore, this removes the link from the
  1878. // super- and subtypes.
  1879. // **Parameters**:
  1880. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **id** The id or the type itself.
  1881. // **Throws**:
  1882. // *nothing*
  1883. // **Returns**:
  1884. // *{VIE.Type}* : The removed type.
  1885. // **Example usage**:
  1886. //
  1887. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1888. // types.addOrOverwrite("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1889. // types.remove("Person");
  1890. this.remove = function (id) {
  1891. var t = this.get(id);
  1892. /* test whether the type actually exists in VIE
  1893. * and prevents removing *owl:Thing*.
  1894. */
  1895. if (!t) {
  1896. return this;
  1897. }
  1898. if (!t || t.subsumes("owl:Thing")) {
  1899. console.warn("You are not allowed to remove 'owl:Thing'.");
  1900. return this;
  1901. }
  1902. delete this._types[];
  1903. var subtypes = t.subtypes.list();
  1904. for (var c = 0; c < subtypes.length; c++) {
  1905. var childObj = subtypes[c];
  1906. if (childObj.supertypes.list().length === 1) {
  1907. /* recursively remove all children
  1908. that inherit only from this type */
  1909. this.remove(childObj);
  1910. } else {
  1911. childObj.supertypes.remove(;
  1912. }
  1913. }
  1914. return t;
  1915. };
  1916. // ### toArray() === list()
  1917. // This method returns an array of all types.
  1918. // **Parameters**:
  1919. // *nothing*
  1920. // **Throws**:
  1921. // *nothing*
  1922. // **Returns**:
  1923. // *{array}* : An array of ```VIE.Type``` instances.
  1924. // **Example usage**:
  1925. //
  1926. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1927. // types.addOrOverwrite("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1928. // types.list();
  1929. this.toArray = this.list = function () {
  1930. var ret = [];
  1931. for (var i in this._types) {
  1932. ret.push(this._types[i]);
  1933. }
  1934. return ret;
  1935. };
  1936. // ### sort(types, desc)
  1937. // This method sorts an array of types in their order, given by the
  1938. // inheritance. This returns a copy and leaves the original array untouched.
  1939. // **Parameters**:
  1940. // *{array|VIE.Type}* **types** The array of ```VIE.Type``` instances or ids of types to be sorted.
  1941. // *{boolean}* **desc** If 'desc' is given and 'true', the array will be sorted
  1942. // in descendant order.
  1943. // *nothing*
  1944. // **Throws**:
  1945. // *nothing*
  1946. // **Returns**:
  1947. // *{array}* : A sorted copy of the array.
  1948. // **Example usage**:
  1949. //
  1950. // var types = new vie.Types();
  1951. // types.addOrOverwrite("Person", ["name", "knows"]);
  1952. // types.sort(types.list(), true);
  1953. this.sort = function (types, desc) {
  1954. var self = this;
  1955. types = (jQuery.isArray(types))? types : [ types ];
  1956. desc = (desc)? true : false;
  1957. if (types.length === 0) return [];
  1958. var copy = [ types[0] ];
  1959. for (var x = 1, tlen = types.length; x < tlen; x++) {
  1960. var insert = types[x];
  1961. var insType = self.get(insert);
  1962. if (insType) {
  1963. for (var y = 0; y < copy.length; y++) {
  1964. if (insType.subsumes(copy[y])) {
  1965. copy.splice(y,0,insert);
  1966. break;
  1967. } else if (y === copy.length - 1) {
  1968. copy.push(insert);
  1969. }
  1970. }
  1971. }
  1972. }
  1973. if (!desc) {
  1974. copy.reverse();
  1975. }
  1976. return copy;
  1977. };
  1978. };
  1979. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  1980. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  1981. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  1982. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  1983. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  1984. // For all details and documentation:
  1985. //
  1986. //
  1987. // ## VIE.Attributes
  1988. // Within VIE, we provide special capabilities of handling attributes of types of entites. This
  1989. // helps first of all to list all attributes of an entity type, but furthermore fully supports
  1990. // inheritance of attributes from the type-class to inherit from.
  1991. if (VIE.prototype.Attribute) {
  1992. throw new Error("ERROR: VIE.Attribute is already defined. Please check your VIE installation!");
  1993. }
  1994. if (VIE.prototype.Attributes) {
  1995. throw new Error("ERROR: VIE.Attributes is already defined. Please check your VIE installation!");
  1996. }
  1997. // ### VIE.Attribute(id, range, domain)
  1998. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Attribute.
  1999. // **Parameters**:
  2000. // *{string}* **id** The id of the attribute.
  2001. // *{string|array}* **range** A string or an array of strings of the target range of
  2002. // the attribute.
  2003. // *{string}* **domain** The domain of the attribute.
  2004. // *{number}* **minCount** The minimal number this attribute can occur. (needs to be >= 0)
  2005. // *{number}* **maxCount** The maximal number this attribute can occur. (needs to be >= minCount)
  2006. // **Throws**:
  2007. // *{Error}* if one of the given paramenters is missing.
  2008. // **Returns**:
  2009. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : A **new** VIE.Attribute object.
  2010. // **Example usage**:
  2011. //
  2012. // var knowsAttr = new vie.Attribute("knows", ["Person"], "Person", 0, 10);
  2013. // // Creates an attribute to describe a *knows*-relationship
  2014. // // between persons. Each person can only have
  2015. VIE.prototype.Attribute = function (id, range, domain, minCount, maxCount) {
  2016. if (id === undefined || typeof id !== 'string') {
  2017. throw new Error("The attribute constructor needs an 'id' of type string! E.g., 'Person'");
  2018. }
  2019. if (range === undefined) {
  2020. throw new Error("The attribute constructor needs 'range'.");
  2021. }
  2022. if (domain === undefined) {
  2023. throw new Error("The attribute constructor needs a 'domain'.");
  2024. }
  2025. this._domain = domain;
  2026. // ### id
  2027. // This field stores the id of the attribute's instance.
  2028. // **Parameters**:
  2029. // nothing
  2030. // **Throws**:
  2031. // nothing
  2032. // **Returns**:
  2033. // *{string}* : A URI, representing the id of the attribute.
  2034. // **Example usage**:
  2035. //
  2036. // var knowsAttr = new vie.Attribute("knows", ["Person"], "Person");
  2037. // console.log(;
  2038. // // --> <>
  2039. = this.vie.namespaces.isUri(id) ? id : this.vie.namespaces.uri(id);
  2040. // ### range
  2041. // This field stores the ranges of the attribute's instance.
  2042. // **Parameters**:
  2043. // nothing
  2044. // **Throws**:
  2045. // nothing
  2046. // **Returns**:
  2047. // *{array}* : An array of strings which represent the types.
  2048. // **Example usage**:
  2049. //
  2050. // var knowsAttr = new vie.Attribute("knows", ["Person"], "Person");
  2051. // console.log(knowsAttr.range);
  2052. // // --> ["Person"]
  2053. this.range = (_.isArray(range))? range : [ range ];
  2054. // ### min
  2055. // This field stores the minimal amount this attribute can occur in the type's instance. The number
  2056. // needs to be greater or equal to zero.
  2057. // **Parameters**:
  2058. // nothing
  2059. // **Throws**:
  2060. // nothing
  2061. // **Returns**:
  2062. // *{int}* : The minimal amount this attribute can occur.
  2063. // **Example usage**:
  2064. //
  2065. // console.log(person.min);
  2066. // // --> 0
  2067. minCount = minCount ? minCount : 0;
  2068. this.min = (minCount > 0) ? minCount : 0;
  2069. // ### max
  2070. // This field stores the maximal amount this attribute can occur in the type's instance.
  2071. // This number cannot be smaller than min
  2072. // **Parameters**:
  2073. // nothing
  2074. // **Throws**:
  2075. // nothing
  2076. // **Returns**:
  2077. // *{int}* : The maximal amount this attribute can occur.
  2078. // **Example usage**:
  2079. //
  2080. // console.log(person.max);
  2081. // // --> 1.7976931348623157e+308
  2082. maxCount = maxCount ? maxCount : Number.MAX_VALUE;
  2083. this.max = (maxCount >= this.min)? maxCount : this.min;
  2084. // ### applies(range)
  2085. // This method checks, whether the current attribute applies in the given range.
  2086. // If ```range``` is a string and cannot be transformed into a ```VIE.Type```,
  2087. // this performs only string comparison, if it is a VIE.Type
  2088. // or an ID of a VIE.Type, then inheritance is checked as well.
  2089. // **Parameters**:
  2090. // *{string|VIE.Type}* **range** The ```VIE.Type``` (or it's string representation) to be checked.
  2091. // **Throws**:
  2092. // nothing
  2093. // **Returns**:
  2094. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the given type applies to this attribute and ```false``` otherwise.
  2095. // **Example usage**:
  2096. //
  2097. // var knowsAttr = new vie.Attribute("knows", ["Person"], "Person");
  2098. // console.log(knowsAttr.applies("Person")); // --> true
  2099. // console.log(knowsAttr.applies("Place")); // --> false
  2100. this.applies = function (range) {
  2101. if (this.vie.types.get(range)) {
  2102. range = this.vie.types.get(range);
  2103. }
  2104. for (var r = 0, len = this.range.length; r < len; r++) {
  2105. var x = this.vie.types.get(this.range[r]);
  2106. if (x === undefined && typeof range === "string") {
  2107. if (range === this.range[r]) {
  2108. return true;
  2109. }
  2110. }
  2111. else {
  2112. if (range.isof(this.range[r])) {
  2113. return true;
  2114. }
  2115. }
  2116. }
  2117. return false;
  2118. };
  2119. };
  2120. // ## VIE.Attributes(domain, attrs)
  2121. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Attributes. Basically a convenience class
  2122. // that represents a list of ```VIE.Attribute```. As attributes are part of a
  2123. // certain ```VIE.Type```, it needs to be passed for inheritance checks.
  2124. // **Parameters**:
  2125. // *{string}* **domain** The domain of the attributes (the type they will be part of).
  2126. // *{string|VIE.Attribute|array}* **attrs** Either a string representation of an attribute,
  2127. // a proper instance of ```VIE.Attribute``` or an array of both.
  2128. // *{string}* **domain** The domain of the attribute.
  2129. // **Throws**:
  2130. // *{Error}* if one of the given paramenters is missing.
  2131. // **Returns**:
  2132. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : A **new** VIE.Attribute instance.
  2133. // **Example usage**:
  2134. //
  2135. // var knowsAttr = new vie.Attribute("knows", ["Person"], "Person");
  2136. // var personAttrs = new vie.Attributes("Person", knowsAttr);
  2137. VIE.prototype.Attributes = function (domain, attrs) {
  2138. this._local = {};
  2139. this._attributes = {};
  2140. // ### domain
  2141. // This field stores the domain of the attributes' instance.
  2142. // **Parameters**:
  2143. // nothing
  2144. // **Throws**:
  2145. // nothing
  2146. // **Returns**:
  2147. // *{string}* : The string representation of the domain.
  2148. // **Example usage**:
  2149. //
  2150. // console.log(personAttrs.domain);
  2151. // // --> ["Person"]
  2152. this.domain = domain;
  2153. // ### add(id, range)
  2154. // This method adds a ```VIE.Attribute``` to the attributes instance.
  2155. // **Parameters**:
  2156. // *{string|VIE.Attribute}* **id** The string representation of an attribute, or a proper
  2157. // instance of a ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2158. // *{string|array}* **range** An array representing the target range of the attribute.
  2159. // *{number}* **mmin** The minimal amount this attribute can appear.
  2160. // instance of a ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2161. // *{number}* **max** The maximal amount this attribute can appear.
  2162. // **Throws**:
  2163. // *{Error}* If an atribute with the given id is already registered.
  2164. // *{Error}* If the ```id``` parameter is not a string, nor a ```VIE.Type``` instance.
  2165. // **Returns**:
  2166. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : The generated or passed attribute.
  2167. // **Example usage**:
  2168. //
  2169. // personAttrs.add("name", "Text", 0, 1);
  2170. this.add = function (id, range, min, max) {
  2171. if (this.get(id)) {
  2172. throw new Error("Attribute '" + id + "' already registered for domain " + + "!");
  2173. }
  2174. else {
  2175. if (typeof id === "string") {
  2176. var a = new this.vie.Attribute(id, range, this.domain, min, max);
  2177. this._local[] = a;
  2178. return a;
  2179. } else if (id instanceof this.vie.Attribute) {
  2180. id.domain = this.domain;
  2181. id.vie = this.vie;
  2182. this._local[] = id;
  2183. return id;
  2184. } else {
  2185. throw new Error("Wrong argument to VIE.Types.add()!");
  2186. }
  2187. }
  2188. };
  2189. // ### remove(id)
  2190. // This method removes a ```VIE.Attribute``` from the attributes instance.
  2191. // **Parameters**:
  2192. // *{string|VIE.Attribute}* **id** The string representation of an attribute, or a proper
  2193. // instance of a ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2194. // **Throws**:
  2195. // *{Error}* When the attribute is inherited from a parent ```VIE.Type``` and thus cannot be removed.
  2196. // **Returns**:
  2197. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : The removed attribute.
  2198. // **Example usage**:
  2199. //
  2200. // personAttrs.remove("knows");
  2201. this.remove = function (id) {
  2202. var a = this.get(id);
  2203. if ( in this._local) {
  2204. delete this._local[];
  2205. return a;
  2206. }
  2207. throw new Error("The attribute " + id + " is inherited and cannot be removed from the domain " + + "!");
  2208. };
  2209. // ### get(id)
  2210. // This method returns a ```VIE.Attribute``` from the attributes instance by it's id.
  2211. // **Parameters**:
  2212. // *{string|VIE.Attribute}* **id** The string representation of an attribute, or a proper
  2213. // instance of a ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2214. // **Throws**:
  2215. // *{Error}* When the method is called with an unknown datatype.
  2216. // **Returns**:
  2217. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : The attribute.
  2218. // **Example usage**:
  2219. //
  2220. // personAttrs.get("knows");
  2221. this.get = function (id) {
  2222. if (typeof id === 'string') {
  2223. var lid = this.vie.namespaces.isUri(id) ? id : this.vie.namespaces.uri(id);
  2224. return this._inherit()._attributes[lid];
  2225. } else if (id instanceof this.vie.Attribute) {
  2226. return this.get(;
  2227. } else {
  2228. throw new Error("Wrong argument in VIE.Attributes.get()");
  2229. }
  2230. };
  2231. // ### _inherit()
  2232. // The private method ```_inherit``` creates a full list of all attributes. This includes
  2233. // local attributes as well as inherited attributes from the parents. The ranges of attributes
  2234. // with the same id will be merged. This method is called everytime an attribute is requested or
  2235. // the list of all attributes. Usually this method should not be invoked outside of the class.
  2236. // **Parameters**:
  2237. // *nothing*
  2238. // instance of a ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2239. // **Throws**:
  2240. // *nothing*
  2241. // **Returns**:
  2242. // *nothing*
  2243. // **Example usage**:
  2244. //
  2245. // personAttrs._inherit();
  2246. this._inherit = function () {
  2247. var attributes = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this._local);
  2248. var inherited =,
  2249. function (x) {
  2250. return x.attributes;
  2251. }
  2252. );
  2253. var add = {};
  2254. var merge = {};
  2255. for (var a = 0, ilen = inherited.length; a < ilen; a++) {
  2256. var attrs = inherited[a].list();
  2257. for (var x = 0, alen = attrs.length; x < alen; x++) {
  2258. var id = attrs[x].id;
  2259. if (!(id in attributes)) {
  2260. if (!(id in add) && !(id in merge)) {
  2261. add[id] = attrs[x];
  2262. }
  2263. else {
  2264. if (!merge[id]) {
  2265. merge[id] = {range : [], mins : [], maxs: []};
  2266. }
  2267. if (id in add) {
  2268. merge[id]["range"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["range"], add[id].range);
  2269. merge[id]["mins"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["mins"], [ add[id].min ]);
  2270. merge[id]["maxs"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["maxs"], [ add[id].max ]);
  2271. delete add[id];
  2272. }
  2273. merge[id]["range"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["range"], attrs[x].range);
  2274. merge[id]["mins"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["mins"], [ attrs[x].min ]);
  2275. merge[id]["maxs"] = jQuery.merge(merge[id]["maxs"], [ attrs[x].max ]);
  2276. merge[id]["range"] = _.uniq(merge[id]["range"]);
  2277. merge[id]["mins"] = _.uniq(merge[id]["mins"]);
  2278. merge[id]["maxs"] = _.uniq(merge[id]["maxs"]);
  2279. }
  2280. }
  2281. }
  2282. }
  2283. /* adds inherited attributes that do not need to be merged */
  2284. jQuery.extend(attributes, add);
  2285. /* merges inherited attributes */
  2286. for (var id in merge) {
  2287. var mranges = merge[id]["range"];
  2288. var mins = merge[id]["mins"];
  2289. var maxs = merge[id]["maxs"];
  2290. var ranges = [];
  2291. //merging ranges
  2292. for (var r = 0, mlen = mranges.length; r < mlen; r++) {
  2293. var p = this.vie.types.get(mranges[r]);
  2294. var isAncestorOf = false;
  2295. if (p) {
  2296. for (var x = 0; x < mlen; x++) {
  2297. if (x === r) {
  2298. continue;
  2299. }
  2300. var c = this.vie.types.get(mranges[x]);
  2301. if (c && c.isof(p)) {
  2302. isAncestorOf = true;
  2303. break;
  2304. }
  2305. }
  2306. }
  2307. if (!isAncestorOf) {
  2308. ranges.push(mranges[r]);
  2309. }
  2310. }
  2311. var maxMin = _.max(mins);
  2312. var minMax = _.min(maxs);
  2313. if (maxMin <= minMax && minMax >= 0 && maxMin >= 0) {
  2314. attributes[id] = new this.vie.Attribute(id, ranges, this, maxMin, minMax);
  2315. } else {
  2316. throw new Error("This inheritance is not allowed because of an invalid minCount/maxCount pair!");
  2317. }
  2318. }
  2319. this._attributes = attributes;
  2320. return this;
  2321. };
  2322. // ### toArray() === list()
  2323. // This method return an array of ```VIE.Attribute```s from the attributes instance.
  2324. // **Parameters**:
  2325. // *nothing.
  2326. // **Throws**:
  2327. // *nothing*
  2328. // **Returns**:
  2329. // *{array}* : An array of ```VIE.Attribute```.
  2330. // **Example usage**:
  2331. //
  2332. // personAttrs.list();
  2333. this.toArray = this.list = function (range) {
  2334. var ret = [];
  2335. var attributes = this._inherit()._attributes;
  2336. for (var a in attributes) {
  2337. if (!range || attributes[a].applies(range)) {
  2338. ret.push(attributes[a]);
  2339. }
  2340. }
  2341. return ret;
  2342. };
  2343. attrs = _.isArray(attrs) ? attrs : [ attrs ];
  2344. for (var a = 0, len = attrs.length; a < len; a++) {
  2345. this.add(attrs[a].id, attrs[a].range, attrs[a].min, attrs[a].max);
  2346. }
  2347. };
  2348. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  2349. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  2350. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  2351. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  2352. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  2353. // For all details and documentation:
  2354. //
  2355. if (VIE.prototype.Namespaces) {
  2356. throw new Error("ERROR: VIE.Namespaces is already defined. " +
  2357. "Please check your VIE installation!");
  2358. }
  2359. // ## VIE Namespaces
  2360. //
  2361. // In general, a namespace is a container that provides context for the identifiers.
  2362. // Within VIE, namespaces are used to distinguish different ontolgies or vocabularies
  2363. // of identifiers, types and attributes. However, because of their verbosity, namespaces
  2364. // tend to make their usage pretty circuitous. The ``VIE.Namespaces(...)`` class provides VIE
  2365. // with methods to maintain abbreviations (akak **prefixes**) for namespaces in order to
  2366. // alleviate their usage. By default, every VIE instance is equipped with a main instance
  2367. // of the namespaces in ``myVIE.namespaces``. Furthermore, VIE uses a **base namespace**,
  2368. // which is used if no prefix is given (has an empty prefix).
  2369. // In the upcoming sections, we will explain the
  2370. // methods to add, access and remove prefixes.
  2371. // ## VIE.Namespaces(base, namespaces)
  2372. // This is the constructor of a VIE.Namespaces. The constructor initially
  2373. // needs a *base namespace* and can optionally be initialised with an
  2374. // associative array of prefixes and namespaces. The base namespace is used in a way
  2375. // that every non-prefixed, non-expanded attribute or type is assumed to be of that
  2376. // namespace. This helps, e.g., in an environment where only one namespace is given.
  2377. // **Parameters**:
  2378. // *{string}* **base** The base namespace.
  2379. // *{object}* **namespaces** Initial namespaces to bootstrap the namespaces. (optional)
  2380. // **Throws**:
  2381. // *{Error}* if the base namespace is missing.
  2382. // **Returns**:
  2383. // *{VIE.Attribute}* : A **new** VIE.Attribute object.
  2384. // **Example usage**:
  2385. //
  2386. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces("",
  2387. // {
  2388. // "foaf": ""
  2389. // });
  2390. VIE.prototype.Namespaces = function (base, namespaces) {
  2391. if (!base) {
  2392. throw new Error("Please provide a base namespace!");
  2393. }
  2394. this._base = base;
  2395. this._namespaces = (namespaces)? namespaces : {};
  2396. if (typeof this._namespaces !== "object" || _.isArray(this._namespaces)) {
  2397. throw new Error("If you want to initialise VIE namespace prefixes, " +
  2398. "please provide a proper object!");
  2399. }
  2400. };
  2401. // ### base(ns)
  2402. // This is a **getter** and **setter** for the base
  2403. // namespace. If called like ``base();`` it
  2404. // returns the actual base namespace as a string. If provided
  2405. // with a string, e.g., ``base("");``
  2406. // it sets the current base namespace and retuns the namespace object
  2407. // for the purpose of chaining. If provided with anything except a string,
  2408. // it throws an Error.
  2409. // **Parameters**:
  2410. // *{string}* **ns** The namespace to be set. (optional)
  2411. // **Throws**:
  2412. // *{Error}* if the namespace is not of type string.
  2413. // **Returns**:
  2414. // *{string}* : The current base namespace.
  2415. // **Example usage**:
  2416. //
  2417. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2418. // console.log(namespaces.base()); // <-- "http://base.ns/"
  2419. // namespaces.base("");
  2420. // console.log(namespaces.base()); // <-- ""
  2421. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.base = function (ns) {
  2422. if (!ns) {
  2423. return this._base;
  2424. }
  2425. else if (typeof ns === "string") {
  2426. /* remove another mapping */
  2427. this.removeNamespace(ns);
  2428. this._base = ns;
  2429. return this._base;
  2430. } else {
  2431. throw new Error("Please provide a valid namespace!");
  2432. }
  2433. };
  2434. // ### add(prefix, namespace)
  2435. // This method adds new prefix mappings to the
  2436. // current instance. If a prefix or a namespace is already
  2437. // present (in order to avoid ambiguities), an Error is thrown.
  2438. // ``prefix`` can also be an object in which case, the method
  2439. // is called sequentially on all elements.
  2440. // **Parameters**:
  2441. // *{string|object}* **prefix** The prefix to be set. If it is an object, the
  2442. // method will be applied to all key,value pairs sequentially.
  2443. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace to be set.
  2444. // **Throws**:
  2445. // *{Error}* If a prefix or a namespace is already
  2446. // present (in order to avoid ambiguities).
  2447. // **Returns**:
  2448. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The current namespaces instance.
  2449. // **Example usage**:
  2450. //
  2451. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2452. // namespaces.add("", "http://...");
  2453. // // is always equal to
  2454. // namespaces.base("http://..."); // <-- setter of base namespace
  2455. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.add = function (prefix, namespace) {
  2456. if (typeof prefix === "object") {
  2457. for (var k1 in prefix) {
  2458. this.add(k1, prefix[k1]);
  2459. }
  2460. return this;
  2461. }
  2462. if (prefix === "") {
  2463. this.base(namespace);
  2464. return this;
  2465. }
  2466. /* checking if we overwrite existing mappings */
  2467. else if (this.contains(prefix) && namespace !== this._namespaces[prefix]) {
  2468. throw new Error("ERROR: Trying to register namespace prefix mapping (" + prefix + "," + namespace + ")!" +
  2469. "There is already a mapping existing: '(" + prefix + "," + this.get(prefix) + ")'!");
  2470. } else {
  2471. jQuery.each(this._namespaces, function (k1,v1) {
  2472. if (v1 === namespace && k1 !== prefix) {
  2473. throw new Error("ERROR: Trying to register namespace prefix mapping (" + prefix + "," + namespace + ")!" +
  2474. "There is already a mapping existing: '(" + k1 + "," + namespace + ")'!");
  2475. }
  2476. });
  2477. }
  2478. /* if not, just add them */
  2479. this._namespaces[prefix] = namespace;
  2480. return this;
  2481. };
  2482. // ### addOrReplace(prefix, namespace)
  2483. // This method adds new prefix mappings to the
  2484. // current instance. This will overwrite existing mappings.
  2485. // **Parameters**:
  2486. // *{string|object}* **prefix** The prefix to be set. If it is an object, the
  2487. // method will be applied to all key,value pairs sequentially.
  2488. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace to be set.
  2489. // **Throws**:
  2490. // *nothing*
  2491. // **Returns**:
  2492. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The current namespaces instance.
  2493. // **Example usage**:
  2494. //
  2495. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2496. // namespaces.addOrReplace("", "http://...");
  2497. // // is always equal to
  2498. // namespaces.base("http://..."); // <-- setter of base namespace
  2499. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.addOrReplace = function (prefix, namespace) {
  2500. if (typeof prefix === "object") {
  2501. for (var k1 in prefix) {
  2502. this.addOrReplace(k1, prefix[k1]);
  2503. }
  2504. return this;
  2505. }
  2506. this.remove(prefix);
  2507. this.removeNamespace(namespace);
  2508. return this.add(prefix, namespace);
  2509. };
  2510. // ### get(prefix)
  2511. // This method retrieves a namespaces, given a prefix. If the
  2512. // prefix is the empty string, the base namespace is returned.
  2513. // **Parameters**:
  2514. // *{string}* **prefix** The prefix to be retrieved.
  2515. // **Throws**:
  2516. // *nothing*
  2517. // **Returns**:
  2518. // *{string|undefined}* : The namespace or ```undefined``` if no namespace could be found.
  2519. // **Example usage**:
  2520. //
  2521. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2522. // namespaces.addOrReplace("test", "http://test.ns");
  2523. // console.log(namespaces.get("test")); // <-- "http://test.ns"
  2524. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.get = function (prefix) {
  2525. if (prefix === "") {
  2526. return this.base();
  2527. }
  2528. return this._namespaces[prefix];
  2529. };
  2530. // ### getPrefix(namespace)
  2531. // This method retrieves a prefix, given a namespace.
  2532. // **Parameters**:
  2533. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace to be retrieved.
  2534. // **Throws**:
  2535. // *nothing*
  2536. // **Returns**:
  2537. // *{string|undefined}* : The prefix or ```undefined``` if no prefix could be found.
  2538. // **Example usage**:
  2539. //
  2540. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2541. // namespaces.addOrReplace("test", "http://test.ns");
  2542. // console.log(namespaces.getPrefix("http://test.ns")); // <-- "test"
  2543. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.getPrefix = function (namespace) {
  2544. var prefix = undefined;
  2545. jQuery.each(this._namespaces, function (k1,v1) {
  2546. if (v1 === namespace) {
  2547. prefix = k1;
  2548. }
  2549. });
  2550. return prefix;
  2551. };
  2552. // ### contains(prefix)
  2553. // This method checks, whether a prefix is stored in the instance.
  2554. // **Parameters**:
  2555. // *{string}* **prefix** The prefix to be checked.
  2556. // **Throws**:
  2557. // *nothing*
  2558. // **Returns**:
  2559. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the prefix could be found, ```false``` otherwise.
  2560. // **Example usage**:
  2561. //
  2562. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2563. // namespaces.addOrReplace("test", "http://test.ns");
  2564. // console.log(namespaces.contains("test")); // <-- true
  2565. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.contains = function (prefix) {
  2566. return (prefix in this._namespaces);
  2567. };
  2568. // ### containsNamespace(namespace)
  2569. // This method checks, whether a namespace is stored in the instance.
  2570. // **Parameters**:
  2571. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace to be checked.
  2572. // **Throws**:
  2573. // *nothing*
  2574. // **Returns**:
  2575. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the namespace could be found, ```false``` otherwise.
  2576. // **Example usage**:
  2577. //
  2578. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2579. // namespaces.addOrReplace("test", "http://test.ns");
  2580. // console.log(namespaces.containsNamespace("http://test.ns")); // <-- true
  2581. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.containsNamespace = function (namespace) {
  2582. return this.getPrefix(namespace) !== undefined;
  2583. };
  2584. // ### update(prefix, namespace)
  2585. // This method overwrites the namespace that is stored under the
  2586. // prefix ``prefix`` with the new namespace ``namespace``.
  2587. // If a namespace is already bound to another prefix, an Error is thrown.
  2588. // **Parameters**:
  2589. // *{string}* **prefix** The prefix.
  2590. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace.
  2591. // **Throws**:
  2592. // *{Error}* If a namespace is already bound to another prefix.
  2593. // **Returns**:
  2594. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The namespace instance.
  2595. // **Example usage**:
  2596. //
  2597. // ...
  2598. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.update = function (prefix, namespace) {
  2599. this.remove(prefix);
  2600. return this.add(prefix, namespace);
  2601. };
  2602. // ### updateNamespace(prefix, namespace)
  2603. // This method overwrites the prefix that is bound to the
  2604. // namespace ``namespace`` with the new prefix ``prefix``. If another namespace is
  2605. // already registered with the given ``prefix``, an Error is thrown.
  2606. // **Parameters**:
  2607. // *{string}* **prefix** The prefix.
  2608. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace.
  2609. // **Throws**:
  2610. // *nothing*
  2611. // **Returns**:
  2612. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The namespace instance.
  2613. // **Example usage**:
  2614. //
  2615. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2616. // namespaces.add("test", "http://test.ns");
  2617. // namespaces.updateNamespace("test2", "http://test.ns");
  2618. // namespaces.get("test2"); // <-- "http://test.ns"
  2619. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.updateNamespace = function (prefix, namespace) {
  2620. this.removeNamespace(prefix);
  2621. return this.add(prefix, namespace);
  2622. };
  2623. // ### remove(prefix)
  2624. // This method removes the namespace that is stored under the prefix ``prefix``.
  2625. // **Parameters**:
  2626. // *{string}* **prefix** The prefix to be removed.
  2627. // **Throws**:
  2628. // *nothing*
  2629. // **Returns**:
  2630. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The namespace instance.
  2631. // **Example usage**:
  2632. //
  2633. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2634. // namespaces.add("test", "http://test.ns");
  2635. // namespaces.get("test"); // <-- "http://test.ns"
  2636. // namespaces.remove("test");
  2637. // namespaces.get("test"); // <-- undefined
  2638. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.remove = function (prefix) {
  2639. if (prefix) {
  2640. delete this._namespaces[prefix];
  2641. }
  2642. return this;
  2643. };
  2644. // ### removeNamespace(namespace)
  2645. // This method removes removes the namespace ``namespace`` from the instance.
  2646. // **Parameters**:
  2647. // *{string}* **namespace** The namespace to be removed.
  2648. // **Throws**:
  2649. // *nothing*
  2650. // **Returns**:
  2651. // *{VIE.Namespaces}* : The namespace instance.
  2652. // **Example usage**:
  2653. //
  2654. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2655. // namespaces.add("test", "http://test.ns");
  2656. // namespaces.get("test"); // <-- "http://test.ns"
  2657. // namespaces.removeNamespace("http://test.ns");
  2658. // namespaces.get("test"); // <-- undefined
  2659. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.removeNamespace = function (namespace) {
  2660. var prefix = this.getPrefix(namespace);
  2661. if (prefix) {
  2662. delete this._namespaces[prefix];
  2663. }
  2664. return this;
  2665. };
  2666. // ### toObj()
  2667. // This method serializes the namespace instance into an associative
  2668. // array representation. The base namespace is given an empty
  2669. // string as key.
  2670. // **Parameters**:
  2671. // *{boolean}* **omitBase** If set to ```true``` this omits the baseNamespace.
  2672. // **Throws**:
  2673. // *nothing*
  2674. // **Returns**:
  2675. // *{object}* : A serialization of the namespaces as an object.
  2676. // **Example usage**:
  2677. //
  2678. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2679. // namespaces.add("test", "http://test.ns");
  2680. // console.log(namespaces.toObj());
  2681. // // <-- {"" : "http://base.ns/",
  2682. // "test": "http://test.ns"}
  2683. // console.log(namespaces.toObj(true));
  2684. // // <-- {"test": "http://test.ns"}
  2685. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.toObj = function (omitBase) {
  2686. if (omitBase) {
  2687. return jQuery.extend({}, this._namespaces);
  2688. }
  2689. return jQuery.extend({'' : this._base}, this._namespaces);
  2690. };
  2691. // ### curie(uri, safe)
  2692. // This method converts a given
  2693. // URI into a CURIE (or SCURIE), based on the given ```VIE.Namespaces``` object.
  2694. // If the given uri is already a URI, it is left untouched and directly returned.
  2695. // If no prefix could be found, an ```Error``` is thrown.
  2696. // **Parameters**:
  2697. // *{string}* **uri** The URI to be transformed.
  2698. // *{boolean}* **safe** A flag whether to generate CURIEs or SCURIEs.
  2699. // **Throws**:
  2700. // *{Error}* If no prefix could be found in the passed namespaces.
  2701. // **Returns**:
  2702. // *{string}* The CURIE or SCURIE.
  2703. // **Example usage**:
  2704. //
  2705. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  2706. // "",
  2707. // { "dbp": "" }
  2708. // );
  2709. // var uri = "<>";
  2710. // ns.curie(uri, false); // --> dbp:Person
  2711. // ns.curie(uri, true); // --> [dbp:Person]
  2712. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.curie = function(uri, safe){
  2713. return VIE.Util.toCurie(uri, safe, this);
  2714. };
  2715. // ### isCurie(curie)
  2716. // This method checks, whether
  2717. // the given string is a CURIE and returns ```true``` if so and ```false```otherwise.
  2718. // **Parameters**:
  2719. // *{string}* **curie** The CURIE (or SCURIE) to be checked.
  2720. // **Throws**:
  2721. // *nothing*
  2722. // **Returns**:
  2723. // *{boolean}* ```true``` if the given curie is a CURIE or SCURIE and ```false``` otherwise.
  2724. // **Example usage**:
  2725. //
  2726. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  2727. // "",
  2728. // { "dbp": "" }
  2729. // );
  2730. // var uri = "<>";
  2731. // var curie = "dbp:Person";
  2732. // var scurie = "[dbp:Person]";
  2733. // var text = "This is some text.";
  2734. // ns.isCurie(uri); // --> false
  2735. // ns.isCurie(curie); // --> true
  2736. // ns.isCurie(scurie); // --> true
  2737. // ns.isCurie(text); // --> false
  2738. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.isCurie = function (something) {
  2739. return VIE.Util.isCurie(something, this);
  2740. };
  2741. // ### uri(curie)
  2742. // This method converts a
  2743. // given CURIE (or save CURIE) into a URI, based on the given ```VIE.Namespaces``` object.
  2744. // **Parameters**:
  2745. // *{string}* **curie** The CURIE to be transformed.
  2746. // **Throws**:
  2747. // *{Error}* If no URI could be assembled.
  2748. // **Returns**:
  2749. // *{string}* : A string, representing the URI.
  2750. // **Example usage**:
  2751. //
  2752. // var ns = new myVIE.Namespaces(
  2753. // "",
  2754. // { "dbp": "" }
  2755. // );
  2756. // var curie = "dbp:Person";
  2757. // var scurie = "[dbp:Person]";
  2758. // ns.uri(curie);
  2759. // --> <>
  2760. // ns.uri(scurie);
  2761. // --> <>
  2762. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.uri = function (curie) {
  2763. return VIE.Util.toUri(curie, this);
  2764. };
  2765. // ### isUri(something)
  2766. // This method checks, whether the given string is a URI.
  2767. // **Parameters**:
  2768. // *{string}* **something** : The string to be checked.
  2769. // **Throws**:
  2770. // *nothing*
  2771. // **Returns**:
  2772. // *{boolean}* : ```true``` if the string is a URI, ```false``` otherwise.
  2773. // **Example usage**:
  2774. //
  2775. // var namespaces = new vie.Namespaces("http://base.ns/");
  2776. // namespaces.addOrReplace("test", "http://test.ns");
  2777. // var uri = "<http://test.ns/Person>";
  2778. // var curie = "test:Person";
  2779. // namespaces.isUri(uri); // --> true
  2780. // namespaces.isUri(curie); // --> false
  2781. VIE.prototype.Namespaces.prototype.isUri = VIE.Util.isUri;
  2782. // Classic VIE API bindings to new VIE
  2783. VIE.prototype.ClassicRDFa = function(vie) {
  2784. this.vie = vie;
  2785. };
  2786. VIE.prototype.ClassicRDFa.prototype = {
  2787. readEntities: function(selector) {
  2788. var jsonEntities = [];
  2789. var entities = this.vie.RDFaEntities.getInstances(selector);
  2790. _.each(entities, function(entity) {
  2791. jsonEntities.push(entity.toJSONLD());
  2792. });
  2793. return jsonEntities;
  2794. },
  2795. findPredicateElements: function(subject, element, allowNestedPredicates) {
  2796. return, element, allowNestedPredicates);
  2797. },
  2798. getPredicate: function(element) {
  2799. return;
  2800. },
  2801. getSubject: function(element) {
  2802. return;
  2803. }
  2804. };
  2805. VIE.prototype.ClassicRDFaEntities = function(vie) {
  2806. this.vie = vie;
  2807. };
  2808. VIE.prototype.ClassicRDFaEntities.prototype = {
  2809. getInstances: function(selector) {
  2810. if (! {
  2811. this.vie.use(new this.vie.RdfaService());
  2812. }
  2813. var foundEntities = null;
  2814. var loaded = false;
  2815. this.vie.load({element: selector}).from('rdfa').execute().done(function(entities) {
  2816. foundEntities = entities;
  2817. loaded = true;
  2818. });
  2819. while (!loaded) {
  2820. }
  2821. return foundEntities;
  2822. },
  2823. getInstance: function(selector) {
  2824. var instances = this.getInstances(selector);
  2825. if (instances && instances.length) {
  2826. return instances.pop();
  2827. }
  2828. return null;
  2829. }
  2830. };
  2831. VIE.prototype.ClassicEntityManager = function(vie) {
  2832. this.vie = vie;
  2833. this.entities = this.vie.entities;
  2834. };
  2835. VIE.prototype.ClassicEntityManager.prototype = {
  2836. getBySubject: function(subject) {
  2837. return this.vie.entities.get(subject);
  2838. },
  2839. getByJSONLD: function(json) {
  2840. if (typeof json === 'string') {
  2841. try {
  2842. json = jQuery.parseJSON(json);
  2843. } catch (e) {
  2844. return null;
  2845. }
  2846. }
  2847. return this.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(json);
  2848. },
  2849. initializeCollection: function() {
  2850. return;
  2851. }
  2852. };
  2853. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  2854. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  2855. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  2856. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  2857. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  2858. // For all details and documentation:
  2859. //
  2860. // ## VIE - DBPedia service
  2861. // The DBPedia service allows a VIE developer to directly query
  2862. // the DBPedia database for entities and their properties. Obviously,
  2863. // the service does not allow for saving, removing or analyzing methods.
  2864. (function(){
  2865. // ## VIE.DBPediaService(options)
  2866. // This is the constructor to instantiate a new service to collect
  2867. // properties of an entity from <a href="">DBPedia</a>.
  2868. // **Parameters**:
  2869. // *{object}* **options** Optional set of fields, ```namespaces```, ```rules```, or ```name```.
  2870. // **Throws**:
  2871. // *nothing*
  2872. // **Returns**:
  2873. // *{VIE.DBPediaService}* : A **new** VIE.DBPediaService instance.
  2874. // **Example usage**:
  2875. //
  2876. // var dbpService = new vie.DBPediaService({<some-configuration>});
  2877. VIE.prototype.DBPediaService = function (options) {
  2878. var defaults = {
  2879. /* the default name of this service */
  2880. name : 'dbpedia',
  2881. /* default namespaces that are shipped with this service */
  2882. namespaces : {
  2883. owl : "",
  2884. yago : "",
  2885. foaf: '',
  2886. georss: "",
  2887. geo: '',
  2888. rdfs: "",
  2889. rdf: "",
  2890. dbpedia: "",
  2891. dbprop : "",
  2892. dcelements : ""
  2893. },
  2894. /* default rules that are shipped with this service */
  2895. rules : []
  2896. };
  2897. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  2898. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  2899. this.vie = null; /* this.vie will be set via VIE.use(); */
  2900. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  2901. =;
  2902. /* basic setup for the ajax connection */
  2903. jQuery.ajaxSetup({
  2904. converters: {"text application/rdf+json": function(s){return JSON.parse(s);}},
  2905. timeout: 60000 /* 60 seconds timeout */
  2906. });
  2907. };
  2908. VIE.prototype.DBPediaService.prototype = {
  2909. // ### init()
  2910. // This method initializes certain properties of the service and is called
  2911. // via ```VIE.use()```.
  2912. // **Parameters**:
  2913. // *nothing*
  2914. // **Throws**:
  2915. // *nothing*
  2916. // **Returns**:
  2917. // *{VIE.DBPediaService}* : The VIE.DBPediaService instance itself.
  2918. // **Example usage**:
  2919. //
  2920. // var dbpService = new vie.DBPediaService({<some-configuration>});
  2921. // dbpService.init();
  2922. init: function() {
  2923. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  2924. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  2925. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  2926. }
  2927. this.rules = jQuery.extend([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  2928. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  2929. this.connector = new this.vie.DBPediaConnector(this.options);
  2930. return this;
  2931. },
  2932. // ### load(loadable)
  2933. // This method loads the entity that is stored within the loadable into VIE.
  2934. // You can also query for multiple queries by setting ```entities``` with
  2935. // an array of entities.
  2936. // **Parameters**:
  2937. // *{VIE.Loadable}* **lodable** The loadable.
  2938. // **Throws**:
  2939. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Loadable is passed.
  2940. // **Returns**:
  2941. // *{VIE.DBPediaService}* : The VIE.DBPediaService instance itself.
  2942. // **Example usage**:
  2943. //
  2944. // var dbpService = new vie.DBPediaService({<some-configuration>});
  2945. // dbpService.load(new vie.Loadable({entity : "<http://...>"}));
  2946. // OR
  2947. // var dbpService = new vie.DBPediaService({<some-configuration>});
  2948. // dbpService.load(new vie.Loadable({entities : ["<http://...>", "<http://...>"]}));
  2949. load: function(loadable){
  2950. var service = this;
  2951. var correct = loadable instanceof this.vie.Loadable;
  2952. if (!correct) {
  2953. throw new Error("Invalid Loadable passed");
  2954. }
  2955. var success = function (results) {
  2956. results = (typeof results === "string")? JSON.parse(results) : results;
  2957. _.defer(function() {
  2958. try {
  2959. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  2960. entities = (_.isArray(entities))? entities : [ entities ];
  2961. for (var e = 0; e < entities.length; e++) {
  2962. entities[e].set("DBPediaServiceLoad", VIE.Util.xsdDateTime(new Date()));
  2963. }
  2964. entities = (entities.length === 1)? entities[0] : entities;
  2965. loadable.resolve(entities);
  2966. } catch (e) {
  2967. loadable.reject(e);
  2968. }
  2969. });
  2970. };
  2971. var error = function (e) {
  2972. loadable.reject(e);
  2973. };
  2974. var entities = (loadable.options.entity)? loadable.options.entity : loadable.options.entities;
  2975. if (!entities) {
  2976. loadable.reject([]);
  2977. } else {
  2978. entities = (_.isArray(entities))? entities : [ entities ];
  2979. var tmpEntities = [];
  2980. for (var e = 0; e < entities.length; e++) {
  2981. var tmpEnt = (typeof entities[e] === "string")? entities[e] : entities[e].id;
  2982. tmpEntities.push(tmpEnt);
  2983. }
  2984. this.connector.load(tmpEntities, success, error);
  2985. }
  2986. return this;
  2987. }
  2988. };
  2989. // ## VIE.DBPediaConnector(options)
  2990. // The DBPediaConnector is the connection between the DBPedia service
  2991. // and the backend service.
  2992. // **Parameters**:
  2993. // *{object}* **options** The options.
  2994. // **Throws**:
  2995. // *nothing*
  2996. // **Returns**:
  2997. // *{VIE.DBPediaConnector}* : The **new** VIE.DBPediaConnector instance.
  2998. // **Example usage**:
  2999. //
  3000. // var dbpConn = new vie.DBPediaConnector({<some-configuration>});
  3001. VIE.prototype.DBPediaConnector = function (options) {
  3002. this.options = options;
  3003. this.baseUrl = "";
  3004. };
  3005. VIE.prototype.DBPediaConnector.prototype = {
  3006. // ### load(uri, success, error, options)
  3007. // This method loads all properties from an entity and returns the result by the success callback.
  3008. // **Parameters**:
  3009. // *{string}* **uri** The URI of the entity to be loaded.
  3010. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  3011. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  3012. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  3013. // **Throws**:
  3014. // *nothing*
  3015. // **Returns**:
  3016. // *{VIE.DBPediaConnector}* : The VIE.DBPediaConnector instance itself.
  3017. // **Example usage**:
  3018. //
  3019. // var dbpConn = new vie.DBPediaConnector(opts);
  3020. // dbpConn.load("<>",
  3021. // function (res) { ... },
  3022. // function (err) { ... });
  3023. load: function (uri, success, error, options) {
  3024. if (!options) { options = {}; }
  3025. var url = this.baseUrl +
  3026. "&format=" + encodeURIComponent("application/rdf+json") +
  3027. "&query=";
  3028. if (_.isArray(uri)) {
  3029. var construct = "";
  3030. var where = "";
  3031. for (var u = 0; u < uri.length; u++) {
  3032. var subject = (/^<.+>$/.test(uri[u]))? uri[u] : '<' + uri[u] + '>';
  3033. if (u > 0) {
  3034. construct += " .";
  3035. where += " UNION ";
  3036. }
  3037. construct += " " + subject + " ?prop" + u + " ?val" + u;
  3038. where += " { " + subject + " ?prop" + u + " ?val" + u + " }";
  3039. }
  3040. url += encodeURIComponent("CONSTRUCT {" + construct + " } WHERE {" + where + " }");
  3041. } else {
  3042. uri = (/^<.+>$/.test(uri))? uri : '<' + uri + '>';
  3043. url += encodeURIComponent("CONSTRUCT { " + uri + " ?prop ?val } WHERE { " + uri + " ?prop ?val }");
  3044. }
  3045. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  3046. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  3047. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  3048. return this._loadNode(url, success, error, options, format);
  3049. }
  3050. jQuery.ajax({
  3051. success: function(response){
  3052. success(response);
  3053. },
  3054. error: error,
  3055. type: "GET",
  3056. url: url,
  3057. accepts: {"application/rdf+json": "application/rdf+json"}
  3058. });
  3059. return this;
  3060. },
  3061. _loadNode: function (uri, success, error, options, format) {
  3062. var request = require('request');
  3063. var r = request({
  3064. method: "GET",
  3065. uri: uri,
  3066. headers: {
  3067. Accept: format
  3068. }
  3069. }, function(error, response, body) {
  3070. success(JSON.parse(body));
  3071. });
  3072. r.end();
  3073. return this;
  3074. }
  3075. };
  3076. })();
  3077. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  3078. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  3079. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  3080. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  3081. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  3082. // For all details and documentation:
  3083. //
  3084. // ## VIE - OpenCalaisService service
  3085. // The OpenCalaisService ...
  3086. (function(){
  3087. // ## VIE.OpenCalaisService(options)
  3088. // This is the constructor to instantiate a new service to collect
  3089. // properties of an entity from OpenCalais.
  3090. // **Parameters**:
  3091. // *{object}* **options** Optional set of fields, ```namespaces```, ```rules```, ```url```, or ```name```.
  3092. // **Throws**:
  3093. // *nothing*
  3094. // **Returns**:
  3095. // *{VIE.OpenCalaisService}* : A **new** VIE.OpenCalaisService instance.
  3096. // **Example usage**:
  3097. //
  3098. // var service = new vie.OpenCalaisService({<some-configuration>});
  3099. VIE.prototype.OpenCalaisService = function(options) {
  3100. var defaults = {
  3101. /* the default name of this service */
  3102. name : 'opencalais',
  3103. /* you can pass an array of URLs which are then tried sequentially */
  3104. url: [""],
  3105. timeout : 60000, /* 60 seconds timeout */
  3106. namespaces : {
  3107. opencalaisc: "",
  3108. opencalaiscr: "",
  3109. opencalaiscm: ""
  3110. },
  3111. /* default rules that are shipped with this service */
  3112. rules : []
  3113. };
  3114. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  3115. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  3116. this.vie = null; /* will be set via VIE.use(); */
  3117. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  3118. =;
  3119. /* basic setup for the ajax connection */
  3120. jQuery.ajaxSetup({
  3121. converters: {"text application/rdf+json": function(s){return JSON.parse(s);}},
  3122. timeout: this.options.timeout
  3123. });
  3124. };
  3125. VIE.prototype.OpenCalaisService.prototype = {
  3126. // ### init()
  3127. // This method initializes certain properties of the service and is called
  3128. // via ```VIE.use()```.
  3129. // **Parameters**:
  3130. // *nothing*
  3131. // **Throws**:
  3132. // *nothing*
  3133. // **Returns**:
  3134. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  3135. // **Example usage**:
  3136. //
  3137. // var service = new vie.OpenCalaisService({<some-configuration>});
  3138. // service.init();
  3139. init: function(){
  3140. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  3141. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  3142. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  3143. }
  3144. this.rules = jQuery.extend([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  3145. /* this.rules = jQuery.extend(this.rules, [{
  3146. 'left' : [
  3147. '?subject a opencalaiscm:Person',
  3148. '?subject opencalaisc:name ?name'
  3149. ],
  3150. 'right': function(ns) {
  3151. return function() {
  3152. return [
  3153. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  3154. 'a',
  3155. '<' + ns.base() + 'Person>', {
  3156. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  3157. }),
  3158. jQuery.rdf.triple(this.subject.toString(),
  3159. '<' + ns.base() + 'name>',
  3160. this.label, {
  3161. namespaces: ns.toObj()
  3162. })
  3163. ];
  3164. };
  3165. }(this.vie.namespaces)
  3166. }]);*/
  3167. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  3168. //this.rules = [];
  3169. this.connector = new this.vie.OpenCalaisConnector(this.options);
  3170. },
  3171. // ### analyze(analyzable)
  3172. // This method extracts text from the jQuery element and sends it to OpenCalais for analysis.
  3173. // **Parameters**:
  3174. // *{VIE.Analyzable}* **analyzable** The analyzable.
  3175. // **Throws**:
  3176. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Findable is passed.
  3177. // **Returns**:
  3178. // *{VIE.OpenCalaisService}* : The VIE.OpenCalaisService instance itself.
  3179. // **Example usage**:
  3180. //
  3181. // var service = new vie.OpenCalaisService({<some-configuration>});
  3182. // service.analyzable(
  3183. // new vie.Analyzable({element : jQuery("#foo")})
  3184. // );
  3185. analyze: function(analyzable) {
  3186. var service = this;
  3187. var correct = analyzable instanceof this.vie.Analyzable;
  3188. if (!correct) {throw "Invalid Analyzable passed";}
  3189. var element = analyzable.options.element ? analyzable.options.element : jQuery('body');
  3190. var text = service._extractText(element);
  3191. if (text.length > 0) {
  3192. /* query enhancer with extracted text */
  3193. var success = function (results) {
  3194. _.defer(function(){
  3195. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  3196. analyzable.resolve(entities);
  3197. });
  3198. };
  3199. var error = function (e) {
  3200. analyzable.reject(e);
  3201. };
  3202. this.connector.analyze(text, success, error);
  3203. } else {
  3204. console.warn("No text found in element.");
  3205. analyzable.resolve([]);
  3206. }
  3207. },
  3208. // this private method extracts text from a jQuery element
  3209. _extractText: function (element) {
  3210. if (element.get(0) &&
  3211. element.get(0).tagName &&
  3212. (element.get(0).tagName == 'TEXTAREA' ||
  3213. element.get(0).tagName == 'INPUT' && element.attr('type', 'text'))) {
  3214. return element.get(0).val();
  3215. }
  3216. else {
  3217. var res = element
  3218. .text() /* get the text of element */
  3219. .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') /* collapse multiple whitespaces */
  3220. .replace(/\0\b\n\r\f\t/g, ''); /* remove non-letter symbols */
  3221. return jQuery.trim(res);
  3222. }
  3223. }
  3224. };
  3225. // ## VIE.OpenCalaisConnector(options)
  3226. // The OpenCalaisConnector is the connection between the VIE OpenCalais service
  3227. // and the actual ajax calls.
  3228. // **Parameters**:
  3229. // *{object}* **options** The options.
  3230. // **Throws**:
  3231. // *nothing*
  3232. // **Returns**:
  3233. // *{VIE.OpenCalaisService}* : The **new** VIE.OpenCalaisService instance.
  3234. // **Example usage**:
  3235. //
  3236. // var conn = new vie.OpenCalaisConnector({<some-configuration>});
  3237. VIE.prototype.OpenCalaisConnector = function (options) {
  3238. this.options = options;
  3239. this.baseUrl = (_.isArray(options.url))? options.url : [ options.url ];
  3240. this.enhancerUrlPrefix = "/";
  3241. };
  3242. VIE.prototype.OpenCalaisConnector.prototype = {
  3243. // ### analyze(text, success, error, options)
  3244. // This method sends the given text to OpenCalais returns the result by the success callback.
  3245. // **Parameters**:
  3246. // *{string}* **text** The text to be analyzed.
  3247. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  3248. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  3249. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  3250. // **Throws**:
  3251. // *nothing*
  3252. // **Returns**:
  3253. // *{VIE.OpenCalaisConnector}* : The VIE.OpenCalaisConnector instance itself.
  3254. // **Example usage**:
  3255. //
  3256. // var conn = new vie.OpenCalaisConnector(opts);
  3257. // conn.analyze("This is some text.",
  3258. // function (res) { ... },
  3259. // function (err) { ... });
  3260. analyze: function(text, success, error, options) {
  3261. if (!options) { options = { urlIndex : 0}; }
  3262. if (options.urlIndex >= this.baseUrl.length) {
  3263. error("Could not connect to the given OpenCalais endpoints! Please check for their setup!");
  3264. return;
  3265. }
  3266. var enhancerUrl = this.baseUrl[options.urlIndex].replace(/\/$/, '');
  3267. enhancerUrl += this.enhancerUrlPrefix;
  3268. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  3269. var retryErrorCb = function (c, t, s, e, o) {
  3270. /* in case a OpenCalais backend is not responding and
  3271. * multiple URLs have been registered
  3272. */
  3273. return function () {
  3274. console.error("OpenCalais connection error", arguments);
  3275. c.analyze(t, s, e, _.extend(o, {urlIndex : o.urlIndex+1}));
  3276. };
  3277. }(this, text, success, error, options);
  3278. var data = this._prepareData(text);
  3279. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  3280. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  3281. return this._analyzeNode(enhancerUrl, data, success, retryErrorCb, options, format);
  3282. }
  3283. jQuery.ajax({
  3284. success: function(a, b, c){
  3285. var responseData = c.responseText.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '');
  3286. success(responseData);
  3287. },
  3288. error: retryErrorCb,
  3289. type: "POST",
  3290. url: enhancerUrl,
  3291. data: data,
  3292. accept: "text/plain"
  3293. });
  3294. },
  3295. _analyzeNode: function(url, text, success, errorCB, options, format) {
  3296. var request = require('request');
  3297. var r = request({
  3298. method: "POST",
  3299. uri: url,
  3300. body: text,
  3301. headers: {
  3302. Accept: format
  3303. }
  3304. }, function(error, response, body) {
  3305. try {
  3306. success({results: JSON.parse(body)});
  3307. } catch (e) {
  3308. errorCB(e);
  3309. }
  3310. });
  3311. r.end();
  3312. },
  3313. _prepareData : function (text) {
  3314. return {
  3315. licenseID: this.options.api_key,
  3316. calculareRelevanceScore: "true",
  3317. enableMetadataType: "GenericRelations,SocialTags",
  3318. contentType: "text/html",
  3319. content: text
  3320. // for more options check
  3321. };
  3322. }
  3323. };
  3324. })();
  3325. (function(){
  3326. VIE.prototype.RdfaRdfQueryService = function(options) {
  3327. var defaults = {
  3328. name : 'rdfardfquery',
  3329. namespaces : {},
  3330. rules : []
  3331. };
  3332. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  3333. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  3334. this.views = [],
  3335. this.vie = null; /* will be set via VIE.use(); */
  3336. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  3337. =;
  3338. };
  3339. VIE.prototype.RdfaRdfQueryService.prototype = {
  3340. init: function(){
  3341. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  3342. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  3343. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  3344. }
  3345. this.rules = jQuery.extend([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  3346. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  3347. },
  3348. analyze: function(analyzable) {
  3349. // in a certain way, analyze is the same as load
  3350. return this.load(analyzable);
  3351. },
  3352. load : function(loadable) {
  3353. var service = this;
  3354. var correct = loadable instanceof this.vie.Loadable || loadable instanceof this.vie.Analyzable;
  3355. if (!correct) {
  3356. throw new Error("Invalid Loadable/Analyzable passed");
  3357. }
  3358. var element = loadable.options.element ? loadable.options.element : jQuery(document);
  3359. try {
  3360. var rdf = jQuery(element).find("[about],[typeof]").rdfa();
  3361. jQuery.each(jQuery(element).xmlns(), function(prefix, ns){
  3362. service.vie.namespaces.addOrReplace(prefix, ns.toString());
  3363. });
  3364. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(this, rdf);
  3365. loadable.resolve(entities);
  3366. } catch (e) {
  3367. loadable.reject(e);
  3368. }
  3369. },
  3370. save : function(savable) {
  3371. var correct = savable instanceof this.vie.Savable;
  3372. if (!correct) {
  3373. savable.reject("Invalid Savable passed");
  3374. }
  3375. if (!savable.options.element) {
  3376. savable.reject("Unable to write entity to RDFa, no element given");
  3377. }
  3378. if (!savable.options.entity) {
  3379. savable.reject("Unable to write to RDFa, no entity given");
  3380. }
  3381. if (!jQuery.rdf) {
  3382. savable.reject("No rdfQuery found.");
  3383. }
  3384. var entity = savable.options.entity;
  3385. var triples = [];
  3386. var type = entity.get('@type');
  3387. type = (jQuery.isArray(type))? type[0] : type;
  3388. type =;
  3389. triples.push(entity.getSubject() + " a " + type);
  3390. //TODO: add all attributes!
  3391. jQuery(savable.options.element).rdfa(triples);
  3392. savable.resolve();
  3393. }
  3394. };
  3395. })();// VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  3396. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  3397. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  3398. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  3399. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  3400. // For all details and documentation:
  3401. //
  3402. // ## VIE - RdfaService service
  3403. // The RdfaService service allows ...
  3404. (function(){
  3405. // ## VIE.RdfaService(options)
  3406. // This is the constructor to instantiate a new service.
  3407. // **Parameters**:
  3408. // *{object}* **options** Optional set of fields, ```namespaces```, ```rules```, ```url```, or ```name```.
  3409. // **Throws**:
  3410. // *nothing*
  3411. // **Returns**:
  3412. // *{VIE.RdfaService}* : A **new** VIE.RdfaService instance.
  3413. // **Example usage**:
  3414. //
  3415. // var rdfaService = new vie.RdfaService({<some-configuration>});
  3416. VIE.prototype.RdfaService = function(options) {
  3417. var defaults = {
  3418. name : 'rdfa',
  3419. namespaces : {},
  3420. subjectSelector : "[about],[typeof],[src],html",
  3421. predicateSelector : "[property],[rel]",
  3422. /* default rules that are shipped with this service */
  3423. rules : []
  3424. };
  3425. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  3426. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  3427. this.views = [],
  3428. this.vie = null; /* will be set via VIE.use(); */
  3429. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  3430. =;
  3431. };
  3432. VIE.prototype.RdfaService.prototype = {
  3433. // ### init()
  3434. // This method initializes certain properties of the service and is called
  3435. // via ```VIE.use()```.
  3436. // **Parameters**:
  3437. // *nothing*
  3438. // **Throws**:
  3439. // *nothing*
  3440. // **Returns**:
  3441. // *{VIE.RdfaService}* : The VIE.RdfaService instance itself.
  3442. // **Example usage**:
  3443. //
  3444. // var rdfaService = new vie.RdfaService({<some-configuration>});
  3445. // rdfaService.init();
  3446. init: function(){
  3447. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  3448. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  3449. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  3450. }
  3451. this.rules = jQuery.merge([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  3452. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  3453. },
  3454. analyze: function(analyzable) {
  3455. // in a certain way, analyze is the same as load
  3456. return this.load(analyzable);
  3457. },
  3458. load : function(loadable) {
  3459. var service = this;
  3460. var correct = loadable instanceof this.vie.Loadable || loadable instanceof this.vie.Analyzable;
  3461. if (!correct) {
  3462. throw new Error("Invalid Loadable/Analyzable passed");
  3463. }
  3464. var element;
  3465. if (!loadable.options.element) {
  3466. if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
  3467. return loadable.resolve([]);
  3468. }
  3469. element = jQuery(document);
  3470. } else {
  3471. element = loadable.options.element;
  3472. }
  3473. var ns = this.xmlns(element);
  3474. for (var prefix in ns) {
  3475. this.vie.namespaces.addOrReplace(prefix, ns[prefix]);
  3476. }
  3477. var entities = [];
  3478. var entityElements = jQuery(this.options.subjectSelector, element).add(jQuery(element).filter(this.options.subjectSelector)).each(function() {
  3479. var entity = service._readEntity(jQuery(this));
  3480. if (entity) {
  3481. entities.push(entity);
  3482. }
  3483. });
  3484. loadable.resolve(entities);
  3485. },
  3486. save : function(savable) {
  3487. var correct = savable instanceof this.vie.Savable;
  3488. if (!correct) {
  3489. throw "Invalid Savable passed";
  3490. }
  3491. if (!savable.options.element) {
  3492. // FIXME: we could find element based on subject
  3493. throw "Unable to write entity to RDFa, no element given";
  3494. }
  3495. if (!savable.options.entity) {
  3496. throw "Unable to write to RDFa, no entity given";
  3497. }
  3498. this._writeEntity(savable.options.entity, savable.options.element);
  3499. savable.resolve();
  3500. },
  3501. _readEntity : function(element) {
  3502. var subject = this.getElementSubject(element);
  3503. var type = this._getElementType(element);
  3504. var predicate, value, valueCollection;
  3505. var entity = this._readEntityPredicates(subject, element, false);
  3506. if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(entity)) {
  3507. return null;
  3508. }
  3509. var vie = this.vie;
  3510. for (predicate in entity) {
  3511. value = entity[predicate];
  3512. if (!_.isArray(value)) {
  3513. continue;
  3514. }
  3515. valueCollection = new this.vie.Collection();
  3516. _.each(value, function(valueItem) {
  3517. var linkedEntity = vie.entities.addOrUpdate({'@subject': valueItem});
  3518. valueCollection.addOrUpdate(linkedEntity);
  3519. });
  3520. entity[predicate] = valueCollection;
  3521. }
  3522. entity['@subject'] = subject;
  3523. if (type) {
  3524. entity['@type'] = type;
  3525. }
  3526. var entityInstance = new this.vie.Entity(entity);
  3527. entityInstance = this.vie.entities.addOrUpdate(entityInstance, {
  3528. updateOptions: {
  3529. silent: true
  3530. }
  3531. });
  3532. this._registerEntityView(entityInstance, element);
  3533. return entityInstance;
  3534. },
  3535. _writeEntity : function(entity, element) {
  3536. var service = this;
  3537. this._findPredicateElements(this.getElementSubject(element), element, true).each(function() {
  3538. var predicateElement = jQuery(this);
  3539. var predicate = service.getElementPredicate(predicateElement);
  3540. if (!entity.has(predicate)) {
  3541. return true;
  3542. }
  3543. var value = entity.get(predicate);
  3544. if (value && value.isCollection) {
  3545. // Handled by CollectionViews separately
  3546. return true;
  3547. }
  3548. if (value === service.readElementValue(predicate, predicateElement)) {
  3549. return true;
  3550. }
  3551. service.writeElementValue(predicate, predicateElement, value);
  3552. });
  3553. return true;
  3554. },
  3555. _getViewForElement : function(element, collectionView) {
  3556. var viewInstance;
  3557. jQuery.each(this.views, function() {
  3558. if (jQuery(this.el).get(0) === element.get(0)) {
  3559. if (collectionView && !this.template) {
  3560. return true;
  3561. }
  3562. viewInstance = this;
  3563. return false;
  3564. }
  3565. });
  3566. return viewInstance;
  3567. },
  3568. _registerEntityView : function(entity, element) {
  3569. if (!element.length) {
  3570. return;
  3571. }
  3572. var service = this;
  3573. var viewInstance = this._getViewForElement(element);
  3574. if (viewInstance) {
  3575. return viewInstance;
  3576. }
  3577. viewInstance = new this.vie.view.Entity({
  3578. model: entity,
  3579. el: element,
  3580. tagName: element.get(0).nodeName,
  3581. vie: this.vie,
  3582. service:
  3583. });
  3584. this.views.push(viewInstance);
  3585. // Find collection elements and create collection views for them
  3586. _.each(entity.attributes, function(value, predicate) {
  3587. var attributeValue = entity.fromReference(entity.get(predicate));
  3588. if (attributeValue.isCollection) {
  3589. jQuery.each(service.getElementByPredicate(predicate, element), function() {
  3590. service._registerCollectionView(attributeValue, jQuery(this), entity);
  3591. });
  3592. }
  3593. });
  3594. return viewInstance;
  3595. },
  3596. _registerCollectionView : function(collection, element, entity) {
  3597. var viewInstance = this._getViewForElement(element, true);
  3598. if (viewInstance) {
  3599. return viewInstance;
  3600. }
  3601. var entityTemplate = element.children(':first-child');
  3602. viewInstance = new this.vie.view.Collection({
  3603. owner: entity,
  3604. collection: collection,
  3605. model: collection.model,
  3606. el: element,
  3607. template: entityTemplate,
  3608. service: this,
  3609. tagName: element.get(0).nodeName
  3610. });
  3611. this.views.push(viewInstance);
  3612. return viewInstance;
  3613. },
  3614. _getElementType : function (element) {
  3615. var type;
  3616. if (jQuery(element).attr('typeof') !== this.options.attributeExistenceComparator) {
  3617. type = jQuery(element).attr('typeof');
  3618. if (type.indexOf("://") !== -1) {
  3619. return "<" + type + ">";
  3620. } else {
  3621. return type;
  3622. }
  3623. }
  3624. return null;
  3625. },
  3626. getElementSubject : function(element) {
  3627. var service = this;
  3628. if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  3629. if (element === document) {
  3630. return document.baseURI;
  3631. }
  3632. }
  3633. var subject = undefined;
  3634. var matched = null;
  3635. jQuery(element).closest(this.options.subjectSelector).each(function() {
  3636. matched = this;
  3637. if (jQuery(this).attr('about') !== service.options.attributeExistenceComparator) {
  3638. subject = jQuery(this).attr('about');
  3639. return true;
  3640. }
  3641. if (jQuery(this).attr('src') !== service.options.attributeExistenceComparator) {
  3642. subject = jQuery(this).attr('src');
  3643. return true;
  3644. }
  3645. if (jQuery(this).attr('typeof') !== service.options.attributeExistenceComparator) {
  3646. return true;
  3647. }
  3648. // We also handle baseURL outside browser context by manually
  3649. // looking for the `<base>` element inside HTML head.
  3650. if (jQuery(this).get(0).nodeName === 'HTML') {
  3651. jQuery('base', this).each(function() {
  3652. subject = jQuery(this).attr('href');
  3653. });
  3654. }
  3655. });
  3656. if (!subject) {
  3657. if (matched === element) {
  3658. // Workaround for
  3659. return service.getElementSubject(jQuery(element).parent());
  3660. }
  3661. return undefined;
  3662. }
  3663. if (typeof subject === 'object') {
  3664. return subject;
  3665. }
  3666. if (subject.indexOf('_:') === 0) {
  3667. return subject;
  3668. }
  3669. if (subject.indexOf('<') === 0) {
  3670. return subject;
  3671. }
  3672. return "<" + subject + ">";
  3673. },
  3674. setElementSubject : function(subject, element) {
  3675. if (jQuery(element).attr('src')) {
  3676. return jQuery(element).attr('src', subject);
  3677. }
  3678. return jQuery(element).attr('about', subject);
  3679. },
  3680. getElementPredicate : function(element) {
  3681. var predicate;
  3682. element = jQuery(element);
  3683. predicate = element.attr('property');
  3684. if (!predicate) {
  3685. predicate = element.attr('rel');
  3686. }
  3687. return predicate;
  3688. },
  3689. getElementBySubject : function(subject, element) {
  3690. var service = this;
  3691. return jQuery(element).find(this.options.subjectSelector).add(jQuery(element).filter(this.options.subjectSelector)).filter(function() {
  3692. if (service.getElementSubject(jQuery(this)) !== subject) {
  3693. return false;
  3694. }
  3695. return true;
  3696. });
  3697. },
  3698. getElementByPredicate : function(predicate, element) {
  3699. var service = this;
  3700. var subject = this.getElementSubject(element);
  3701. return jQuery(element).find(this.options.predicateSelector).add(jQuery(element).filter(this.options.predicateSelector)).filter(function() {
  3702. var foundPredicate = service.getElementPredicate(jQuery(this));
  3703. if (service.vie.namespaces.curie(foundPredicate) !== service.vie.namespaces.curie(predicate)) {
  3704. return false;
  3705. }
  3706. if (service.getElementSubject(this) !== subject) {
  3707. return false;
  3708. }
  3709. return true;
  3710. });
  3711. },
  3712. _readEntityPredicates : function(subject, element, emptyValues) {
  3713. var service = this;
  3714. var entityPredicates = {};
  3715. this._findPredicateElements(subject, element, true).each(function() {
  3716. var predicateElement = jQuery(this);
  3717. var predicate = service.getElementPredicate(predicateElement);
  3718. if (predicate === '') {
  3719. return;
  3720. }
  3721. var value = service.readElementValue(predicate, predicateElement);
  3722. if (value === null && !emptyValues) {
  3723. return;
  3724. }
  3725. entityPredicates[predicate] = value;
  3726. });
  3727. if (jQuery(element).get(0).tagName !== 'HTML') {
  3728. jQuery(element).parent('[rev]').each(function() {
  3729. var relation = jQuery(this).attr('rev');
  3730. if (!relation) {
  3731. return;
  3732. }
  3733. entityPredicates[jQuery(this).attr('rev')] = service.getElementSubject(this);
  3734. });
  3735. }
  3736. return entityPredicates;
  3737. },
  3738. _findPredicateElements : function(subject, element, allowNestedPredicates) {
  3739. var service = this;
  3740. return jQuery(element).find(this.options.predicateSelector).add(jQuery(element).filter(this.options.predicateSelector)).filter(function() {
  3741. if (service.getElementSubject(this) !== subject) {
  3742. return false;
  3743. }
  3744. if (!allowNestedPredicates) {
  3745. if (!jQuery(this).parents('[property]').length) {
  3746. return true;
  3747. }
  3748. return false;
  3749. }
  3750. return true;
  3751. });
  3752. },
  3753. readElementValue : function(predicate, element) {
  3754. // The `content` attribute can be used for providing machine-readable
  3755. // values for elements where the HTML presentation differs from the
  3756. // actual value.
  3757. var content = element.attr('content');
  3758. if (content) {
  3759. return content;
  3760. }
  3761. // The `resource` attribute can be used to link a predicate to another
  3762. // RDF resource.
  3763. var resource = element.attr('resource');
  3764. if (resource) {
  3765. return ["<" + resource + ">"];
  3766. }
  3767. // `href` attribute also links to another RDF resource.
  3768. var href = element.attr('href');
  3769. if (href && element.attr('rel') === predicate) {
  3770. return ["<" + href + ">"];
  3771. }
  3772. // If the predicate is a relation, we look for identified child objects
  3773. // and provide their identifiers as the values. To protect from scope
  3774. // creep, we only support direct descentants of the element where the
  3775. // `rel` attribute was set.
  3776. if (element.attr('rel')) {
  3777. var value = [];
  3778. var service = this;
  3779. jQuery(element).children(this.options.subjectSelector).each(function() {
  3780. value.push(service.getElementSubject(this));
  3781. });
  3782. return value;
  3783. }
  3784. // If none of the checks above matched we return the HTML contents of
  3785. // the element as the literal value.
  3786. return element.html();
  3787. },
  3788. writeElementValue : function(predicate, element, value) {
  3789. //TODO: this is a hack, please fix!
  3790. if (value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) {
  3791. value = value[0];
  3792. }
  3793. // The `content` attribute can be used for providing machine-readable
  3794. // values for elements where the HTML presentation differs from the
  3795. // actual value.
  3796. var content = element.attr('content');
  3797. if (content) {
  3798. element.attr('content', value);
  3799. return;
  3800. }
  3801. // The `resource` attribute can be used to link a predicate to another
  3802. // RDF resource.
  3803. var resource = element.attr('resource');
  3804. if (resource) {
  3805. element.attr('resource', value);
  3806. }
  3807. // Property has inline value. Change the HTML contents of the property
  3808. // element to match the new value.
  3809. element.html(value);
  3810. },
  3811. // mostyl copied from
  3812. xmlns : function (elem) {
  3813. var $elem;
  3814. if (!elem) {
  3815. if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
  3816. return {};
  3817. }
  3818. $elem = jQuery(document);
  3819. } else {
  3820. $elem = jQuery(elem);
  3821. }
  3822. // Collect namespace definitions from the element and its parents
  3823. $elem = $elem.add($elem.parents());
  3824. var obj = {};
  3825. $elem.each(function (i, e) {
  3826. if (e.attributes) {
  3827. for (i = 0; i < e.attributes.length; i += 1) {
  3828. var attr = e.attributes[i];
  3829. if (/^xmlns(:(.+))?$/.test(attr.nodeName)) {
  3830. var prefix = /^xmlns(:(.+))?$/.exec(attr.nodeName)[2] || '';
  3831. var value = attr.nodeValue;
  3832. if (prefix === '' || value !== '') {
  3833. obj[prefix] = attr.nodeValue;
  3834. }
  3835. }
  3836. }
  3837. }
  3838. });
  3839. return obj;
  3840. }
  3841. };
  3842. })();
  3843. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  3844. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  3845. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  3846. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  3847. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  3848. // For all details and documentation:
  3849. //
  3850. // ## VIE - StanbolService service
  3851. // The StanbolService service allows a VIE developer to directly query
  3852. // the <a href="">Apache Stanbol</a> entityhub for entities and their properties.
  3853. // Furthermore, it gives access to the enhance facilities of
  3854. // Stanbol to analyze content and semantically enrich it.
  3855. (function(){
  3856. // ## VIE.StanbolService(options)
  3857. // This is the constructor to instantiate a new service to collect
  3858. // properties of an entity from <a href="">Apache Stanbol</a>.
  3859. // **Parameters**:
  3860. // *{object}* **options** Optional set of fields, ```namespaces```, ```rules```, ```url```, or ```name```.
  3861. // **Throws**:
  3862. // *nothing*
  3863. // **Returns**:
  3864. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : A **new** VIE.StanbolService instance.
  3865. // **Example usage**:
  3866. //
  3867. // var stnblService = new vie.StanbolService({<some-configuration>});
  3868. VIE.prototype.StanbolService = function(options) {
  3869. var defaults = {
  3870. /* the default name of this service */
  3871. name : 'stanbol',
  3872. /* you can pass an array of URLs which are then tried sequentially */
  3873. url: [""],
  3874. timeout : 60000, /* 60 seconds timeout */
  3875. namespaces : {
  3876. semdeski : "",
  3877. semdeskf : "",
  3878. skos: "",
  3879. foaf: "",
  3880. opengis: "",
  3881. dbpedia: "",
  3882. dbprop: "",
  3883. owl : "",
  3884. geonames : "",
  3885. enhancer : "",
  3886. entityhub: "",
  3887. entityhub2: "",
  3888. rdf: "",
  3889. rdfs: "",
  3890. dcterms : '',
  3891. schema: '',
  3892. geo: ''
  3893. },
  3894. /* default rules that are shipped with this service */
  3895. rules : [
  3896. /* rule to add backwards-relations to the triples
  3897. * this makes querying for entities a lot easier!
  3898. */
  3899. {
  3900. 'left' : [
  3901. '?subject a <>',
  3902. '?subject enhancer:entity-type ?type',
  3903. '?subject enhancer:confidence ?confidence',
  3904. '?subject enhancer:entity-reference ?entity',
  3905. '?subject dcterms:relation ?relation',
  3906. '?relation a <>',
  3907. '?relation enhancer:selected-text ?selected-text',
  3908. '?relation enhancer:selection-context ?selection-context',
  3909. '?relation enhancer:start ?start',
  3910. '?relation enhancer:end ?end'
  3911. ],
  3912. 'right' : [
  3913. '?entity a ?type',
  3914. '?entity enhancer:hasTextAnnotation ?relation',
  3915. '?entity enhancer:hasEntityAnnotation ?subject'
  3916. ]
  3917. }
  3918. ]
  3919. };
  3920. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  3921. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  3922. this.vie = null; /* will be set via VIE.use(); */
  3923. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  3924. =;
  3925. /* basic setup for the ajax connection */
  3926. jQuery.ajaxSetup({
  3927. converters: {"text application/rdf+json": function(s){return JSON.parse(s);}},
  3928. timeout: this.options.timeout
  3929. });
  3930. };
  3931. VIE.prototype.StanbolService.prototype = {
  3932. // ### init()
  3933. // This method initializes certain properties of the service and is called
  3934. // via ```VIE.use()```.
  3935. // **Parameters**:
  3936. // *nothing*
  3937. // **Throws**:
  3938. // *nothing*
  3939. // **Returns**:
  3940. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  3941. // **Example usage**:
  3942. //
  3943. // var stnblService = new vie.StanbolService({<some-configuration>});
  3944. // stnblService.init();
  3945. init: function(){
  3946. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  3947. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  3948. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  3949. }
  3950. this.rules = jQuery.extend([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  3951. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  3952. this.connector = new this.vie.StanbolConnector(this.options);
  3953. /* adding these entity types to VIE helps later the querying */
  3954. this.vie.types.addOrOverwrite('enhancer:EntityAnnotation', [
  3955. /*TODO: add attributes */
  3956. ]).inherit("owl:Thing");
  3957. this.vie.types.addOrOverwrite('enhancer:TextAnnotation', [
  3958. /*TODO: add attributes */
  3959. ]).inherit("owl:Thing");
  3960. this.vie.types.addOrOverwrite('enhancer:Enhancement', [
  3961. /*TODO: add attributes */
  3962. ]).inherit("owl:Thing");
  3963. },
  3964. // ### analyze(analyzable)
  3965. // This method extracts text from the jQuery element and sends it to Apache Stanbol for analysis.
  3966. // **Parameters**:
  3967. // *{VIE.Analyzable}* **analyzable** The analyzable.
  3968. // **Throws**:
  3969. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Findable is passed.
  3970. // **Returns**:
  3971. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  3972. // **Example usage**:
  3973. //
  3974. // var stnblService = new vie.StanbolService({<some-configuration>});
  3975. // stnblService.analyzable(
  3976. // new vie.Analyzable({element : jQuery("#foo")})
  3977. // );
  3978. analyze: function(analyzable) {
  3979. var service = this;
  3980. var correct = analyzable instanceof this.vie.Analyzable;
  3981. if (!correct) {throw "Invalid Analyzable passed";}
  3982. var element = analyzable.options.element ? analyzable.options.element : jQuery('body');
  3983. var text = service._extractText(element);
  3984. if (text.length > 0) {
  3985. /* query enhancer with extracted text */
  3986. var success = function (results) {
  3987. _.defer(function(){
  3988. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  3989. analyzable.resolve(entities);
  3990. });
  3991. };
  3992. var error = function (e) {
  3993. analyzable.reject(e);
  3994. };
  3995. this.connector.analyze(text, success, error);
  3996. } else {
  3997. console.warn("No text found in element.");
  3998. analyzable.resolve([]);
  3999. }
  4000. },
  4001. // ### find(findable)
  4002. // This method finds entities given the term from the entity hub.
  4003. // **Parameters**:
  4004. // *{VIE.Findable}* **findable** The findable.
  4005. // **Throws**:
  4006. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Findable is passed.
  4007. // **Returns**:
  4008. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  4009. // **Example usage**:
  4010. //
  4011. // var stnblService = new vie.StanbolService({<some-configuration>});
  4012. // stnblService.load(new vie.Findable({
  4013. // term : "Bischofsh",
  4014. // limit : 10,
  4015. // offset: 0
  4016. // }));
  4017. find: function (findable) {
  4018. var correct = findable instanceof this.vie.Findable;
  4019. if (!correct) {throw "Invalid Findable passed";}
  4020. var service = this;
  4021. /* The term to find, * as wildcard allowed */
  4022. var term = escape(findable.options.term);
  4023. if(!term){
  4024. console.warn("StanbolConnector: No term to look for!");
  4025. findable.resolve([]);
  4026. };
  4027. var limit = (typeof findable.options.limit === "undefined") ? 20 : findable.options.limit;
  4028. var offset = (typeof findable.options.offset === "undefined") ? 0 : findable.options.offset;
  4029. var success = function (results) {
  4030. _.defer(function(){
  4031. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  4032. findable.resolve(entities);
  4033. });
  4034. };
  4035. var error = function (e) {
  4036. findable.reject(e);
  4037. };
  4038. this.connector.find(term, limit, offset, success, error);
  4039. },
  4040. // ### load(loadable)
  4041. // This method loads the entity that is stored within the loadable into VIE.
  4042. // **Parameters**:
  4043. // *{VIE.Loadable}* **lodable** The loadable.
  4044. // **Throws**:
  4045. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Loadable is passed.
  4046. // **Returns**:
  4047. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  4048. // **Example usage**:
  4049. //
  4050. // var stnblService = new vie.StanbolService({<some-configuration>});
  4051. // stnblService.load(new vie.Loadable({
  4052. // entity : "<http://...>"
  4053. // }));
  4054. load: function(loadable){
  4055. var correct = loadable instanceof this.vie.Loadable;
  4056. if (!correct) {throw "Invalid Loadable passed";}
  4057. var service = this;
  4058. var entity = loadable.options.entity;
  4059. if(!entity){
  4060. console.warn("StanbolConnector: No entity to look for!");
  4061. loadable.resolve([]);
  4062. };
  4063. var success = function (results) {
  4064. _.defer(function(){
  4065. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  4066. loadable.resolve(entities);
  4067. });
  4068. };
  4069. var error = function (e) {
  4070. loadable.reject(e);
  4071. };
  4072. this.connector.load(entity, success, error);
  4073. },
  4074. // this private method extracts text from a jQuery element
  4075. _extractText: function (element) {
  4076. if (element.get(0) &&
  4077. element.get(0).tagName &&
  4078. (element.get(0).tagName == 'TEXTAREA' ||
  4079. element.get(0).tagName == 'INPUT' && element.attr('type', 'text'))) {
  4080. return element.get(0).val();
  4081. }
  4082. else {
  4083. var res = element
  4084. .text() /* get the text of element */
  4085. .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') /* collapse multiple whitespaces */
  4086. .replace(/\0\b\n\r\f\t/g, ''); /* remove non-letter symbols */
  4087. return jQuery.trim(res);
  4088. }
  4089. }
  4090. };
  4091. // ## VIE.StanbolConnector(options)
  4092. // The StanbolConnector is the connection between the VIE Stanbol service
  4093. // and the actual ajax calls.
  4094. // **Parameters**:
  4095. // *{object}* **options** The options.
  4096. // **Throws**:
  4097. // *nothing*
  4098. // **Returns**:
  4099. // *{VIE.StanbolConnector}* : The **new** VIE.StanbolConnector instance.
  4100. // **Example usage**:
  4101. //
  4102. // var stnblConn = new vie.StanbolConnector({<some-configuration>});
  4103. VIE.prototype.StanbolConnector = function (options) {
  4104. options = (options)? options : {};
  4105. this.options = options;
  4106. this.baseUrl = (_.isArray(options.url))? options.url : [ options.url ];
  4107. this.enhancerUrlPostfix = (options.enhancerUrlPostfix)? options.enhancerUrlPostfix : "/enhancer";
  4108. this.entityhubUrlPostfix = (options.entityhubUrlPostfix)? options.entityhubUrlPostfix : "/entityhub";
  4109. /*TODO: this.ontonetUrlPostfix = "/ontonet"; */
  4110. /*TODO: this.rulesUrlPostfix = "/rules"; */
  4111. /*TODO: this.factstoreUrlPostfix = "/factstore"; */
  4112. };
  4113. VIE.prototype.StanbolConnector.prototype = {
  4114. // ### analyze(text, success, error, options)
  4115. // This method sends the given text to Apache Stanbol returns the result by the success callback.
  4116. // **Parameters**:
  4117. // *{string}* **text** The text to be analyzed.
  4118. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  4119. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  4120. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  4121. // **Throws**:
  4122. // *nothing*
  4123. // **Returns**:
  4124. // *{VIE.StanbolConnector}* : The VIE.StanbolConnector instance itself.
  4125. // **Example usage**:
  4126. //
  4127. // var stnblConn = new vie.StanbolConnector(opts);
  4128. // stnblConn.analyze("This is some text.",
  4129. // function (res) { ... },
  4130. // function (err) { ... });
  4131. analyze: function(text, success, error, options) {
  4132. if (!options) { options = { urlIndex : 0}; }
  4133. if (options.urlIndex >= this.baseUrl.length) {
  4134. error("Could not connect to the given Stanbol endpoints! Please check for their setup!");
  4135. return;
  4136. }
  4137. var enhancerUrl = this.baseUrl[options.urlIndex].replace(/\/$/, '');
  4138. enhancerUrl += this.enhancerUrlPostfix;
  4139. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  4140. var retryErrorCb = function (c, t, s, e, o) {
  4141. /* in case a Stanbol backend is not responding and
  4142. * multiple URLs have been registered
  4143. */
  4144. return function () {
  4145. console.error("Stanbol connection error", arguments);
  4146. c.analyze(t, s, e, _.extend(o, {urlIndex : o.urlIndex+1}));
  4147. };
  4148. }(this, text, success, error, options);
  4149. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  4150. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  4151. return this._analyzeNode(enhancerUrl, text, success, retryErrorCb, options, format);
  4152. }
  4153. jQuery.ajax({
  4154. success: function(response){
  4155. success(response);
  4156. },
  4157. error: retryErrorCb,
  4158. type: "POST",
  4159. url: enhancerUrl,
  4160. data: text,
  4161. dataType: format,
  4162. contentType: "text/plain",
  4163. accepts: {"application/rdf+json": "application/rdf+json"}
  4164. });
  4165. },
  4166. _analyzeNode: function(url, text, success, errorCB, options, format) {
  4167. var request = require('request');
  4168. var r = request({
  4169. method: "POST",
  4170. uri: url,
  4171. body: text,
  4172. headers: {
  4173. Accept: format
  4174. }
  4175. }, function(error, response, body) {
  4176. try {
  4177. success({results: JSON.parse(body)});
  4178. } catch (e) {
  4179. errorCB(e);
  4180. }
  4181. });
  4182. r.end();
  4183. },
  4184. // ### load(uri, success, error, options)
  4185. // This method loads all properties from an entity and returns the result by the success callback.
  4186. // **Parameters**:
  4187. // *{string}* **uri** The URI of the entity to be loaded.
  4188. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  4189. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  4190. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  4191. // **Throws**:
  4192. // *nothing*
  4193. // **Returns**:
  4194. // *{VIE.StanbolConnector}* : The VIE.StanbolConnector instance itself.
  4195. // **Example usage**:
  4196. //
  4197. // var stnblConn = new vie.StanbolConnector(opts);
  4198. // stnblConn.load("<>",
  4199. // function (res) { ... },
  4200. // function (err) { ... });
  4201. load: function (uri, success, error, options) {
  4202. if (!options) { options = { urlIndex : 0}; }
  4203. if (options.urlIndex >= this.baseUrl.length) {
  4204. error("Could not connect to the given Stanbol endpoints! Please check for their setup!");
  4205. return;
  4206. }
  4207. uri = uri.replace(/^</, '').replace(/>$/, '');
  4208. var url = this.baseUrl[options.urlIndex].replace(/\/$/, '');
  4209. url += this.entityhubUrlPostfix + "/sites/entity?id=" + escape(uri);
  4210. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  4211. var retryErrorCb = function (c, u, s, e, o) {
  4212. /* in case an backend of Stanbol is not responding and
  4213. * multiple URLs have been registered
  4214. */
  4215. return function () {
  4216. c.load(u, s, e, _.extend(o, {urlIndex : o.urlIndex+1}));
  4217. };
  4218. }(this, uri, success, error, options);
  4219. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  4220. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  4221. return this._loadNode(url, success, retryErrorCb, options, format);
  4222. }
  4223. jQuery.ajax({
  4224. success: function(response){
  4225. success(response);
  4226. },
  4227. error: retryErrorCb,
  4228. type: "GET",
  4229. url: url,
  4230. data: null,
  4231. dataType: format,
  4232. contentType: "text/plain",
  4233. accepts: {"application/rdf+json": "application/rdf+json"}
  4234. });
  4235. },
  4236. _loadNode: function (uri, success, errorCB, options, format) {
  4237. var request = require('request');
  4238. var r = request({
  4239. method: "GET",
  4240. uri: uri,
  4241. headers: {
  4242. Accept: format
  4243. }
  4244. }, function(error, response, body) {
  4245. try {
  4246. success(JSON.parse(body));
  4247. } catch (e) {
  4248. errorCB(e);
  4249. }
  4250. });
  4251. r.end();
  4252. return this;
  4253. },
  4254. // ### find(term, limit, offset, success, error, options)
  4255. // This method finds entities given the term from the entity hub and returns the result by the success callback.
  4256. // **Parameters**:
  4257. // *{string}* **term** The term to be searched for.
  4258. // *{int}* **limit** The limit of results to be returned.
  4259. // *{int}* **offset** The offset to be search for.
  4260. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  4261. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  4262. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  4263. // **Throws**:
  4264. // *nothing*
  4265. // **Returns**:
  4266. // *{VIE.StanbolConnector}* : The VIE.StanbolConnector instance itself.
  4267. // **Example usage**:
  4268. //
  4269. // var stnblConn = new vie.StanbolConnector(opts);
  4270. // stnblConn.find("Bishofsh", 10, 0,
  4271. // function (res) { ... },
  4272. // function (err) { ... });
  4273. find: function (term, limit, offset, success, error, options) {
  4274. /* curl -X POST -d "name=Bishofsh&limit=10&offset=0" http://localhost:8080/entityhub/sites/find */
  4275. if (!options) { options = { urlIndex : 0}; }
  4276. if (options.urlIndex >= this.baseUrl.length) {
  4277. error("Could not connect to the given Stanbol endpoints! Please check for their setup!");
  4278. return;
  4279. }
  4280. var url = this.baseUrl[options.urlIndex].replace(/\/$/, '');
  4281. url += this.entityhubUrlPostfix + "/sites/find";
  4282. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  4283. if (offset == null) {
  4284. offset = 0;
  4285. }
  4286. if (limit == null) {
  4287. limit = 10;
  4288. }
  4289. var retryErrorCb = function (c, t, l, of, s, e, o) {
  4290. /* in case an backend of Stanbol is not responding and
  4291. * multiple URLs have been registered
  4292. */
  4293. return function () {
  4294. c.find(t, l, of, s, e, _.extend(o, {urlIndex : o.urlIndex+1}));
  4295. };
  4296. }(this, term, limit, offset, success, error, options);
  4297. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  4298. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  4299. return this._findNode(url, term, limit, offset, success, retryErrorCb, options, format);
  4300. }
  4301. jQuery.ajax({
  4302. success: function(response){
  4303. success(response);
  4304. },
  4305. error: retryErrorCb,
  4306. type: "POST",
  4307. url: url,
  4308. data: "name=" + term + "&limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + offset,
  4309. dataType: format,
  4310. accepts: {"application/rdf+json": "application/rdf+json"}
  4311. });
  4312. },
  4313. _findNode: function (uri, term, limit, offset, success, errorCB, options, format) {
  4314. var request = require('request');
  4315. var r = request({
  4316. method: "POST",
  4317. uri: uri,
  4318. headers: {
  4319. Accept: format
  4320. },
  4321. body : "name=" + term + "&limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + offset
  4322. }, function(error, response, body) {
  4323. try {
  4324. success(JSON.parse(body));
  4325. } catch (e) {
  4326. errorCB(e);
  4327. }
  4328. });
  4329. r.end();
  4330. return this;
  4331. }
  4332. };
  4333. })();
  4334. // VIE - Vienna IKS Editables
  4335. // (c) 2011 Henri Bergius, IKS Consortium
  4336. // (c) 2011 Sebastian Germesin, IKS Consortium
  4337. // (c) 2011 Szaby Grünwald, IKS Consortium
  4338. // VIE may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
  4339. // For all details and documentation:
  4340. //
  4341. // ## VIE - ZemantaService service
  4342. // The ZemantaService ...
  4343. (function(){
  4344. // ## VIE.ZemantaService(options)
  4345. // This is the constructor to instantiate a new service to collect
  4346. // properties of an entity from Zemanta.
  4347. // **Parameters**:
  4348. // *{object}* **options** Optional set of fields, ```namespaces```, ```rules```, ```url```, or ```name```.
  4349. // **Throws**:
  4350. // *nothing*
  4351. // **Returns**:
  4352. // *{VIE.ZemantaService}* : A **new** VIE.ZemantaService instance.
  4353. // **Example usage**:
  4354. //
  4355. // var service = new vie.ZemantaService({<some-configuration>});
  4356. VIE.prototype.ZemantaService = function(options) {
  4357. var defaults = {
  4358. /* the default name of this service */
  4359. name : 'zemanta',
  4360. /* you can pass an array of URLs which are then tried sequentially */
  4361. url: [""],
  4362. timeout : 60000, /* 60 seconds timeout */
  4363. namespaces : {
  4364. zemanta: ""
  4365. },
  4366. /* default rules that are shipped with this service */
  4367. rules : [
  4368. {
  4369. 'left' : [
  4370. '?subject a zemanta:Recognition',
  4371. '?subject zemanta:object ?object',
  4372. '?object owl:sameAs ?entity'
  4373. ],
  4374. 'right' : [
  4375. '?entity zemanta:hasEntityAnnotation ?subject'
  4376. ]
  4377. }
  4378. ]
  4379. };
  4380. /* the options are merged with the default options */
  4381. this.options = jQuery.extend(true, defaults, options ? options : {});
  4382. this.vie = null; /* will be set via VIE.use(); */
  4383. /* overwrite if you want to set another name */
  4384. =;
  4385. /* basic setup for the ajax connection */
  4386. jQuery.ajaxSetup({
  4387. converters: {"text application/rdf+json": function(s){return JSON.parse(s);}},
  4388. timeout: this.options.timeout
  4389. });
  4390. };
  4391. VIE.prototype.ZemantaService.prototype = {
  4392. // ### init()
  4393. // This method initializes certain properties of the service and is called
  4394. // via ```VIE.use()```.
  4395. // **Parameters**:
  4396. // *nothing*
  4397. // **Throws**:
  4398. // *nothing*
  4399. // **Returns**:
  4400. // *{VIE.StanbolService}* : The VIE.StanbolService instance itself.
  4401. // **Example usage**:
  4402. //
  4403. // var service = new vie.ZemantaService({<some-configuration>});
  4404. // service.init();
  4405. init: function(){
  4406. for (var key in this.options.namespaces) {
  4407. var val = this.options.namespaces[key];
  4408. this.vie.namespaces.add(key, val);
  4409. }
  4410. this.rules = jQuery.extend([], VIE.Util.transformationRules(this));
  4411. this.rules = jQuery.merge(this.rules, (this.options.rules) ? this.options.rules : []);
  4412. this.connector = new this.vie.ZemantaConnector(this.options);
  4413. /* adding these entity types to VIE helps later the querying */
  4414. this.vie.types.addOrOverwrite('zemanta:EntityAnnotation', [
  4415. /*TODO: add attributes */
  4416. ]).inherit("owl:Thing");
  4417. },
  4418. // ### analyze(analyzable)
  4419. // This method extracts text from the jQuery element and sends it to Zemanta for analysis.
  4420. // **Parameters**:
  4421. // *{VIE.Analyzable}* **analyzable** The analyzable.
  4422. // **Throws**:
  4423. // *{Error}* if an invalid VIE.Findable is passed.
  4424. // **Returns**:
  4425. // *{VIE.ZemantaService}* : The VIE.ZemantaService instance itself.
  4426. // **Example usage**:
  4427. //
  4428. // var service = new vie.ZemantaService({<some-configuration>});
  4429. // service.analyzable(
  4430. // new vie.Analyzable({element : jQuery("#foo")})
  4431. // );
  4432. analyze: function(analyzable) {
  4433. var service = this;
  4434. var correct = analyzable instanceof this.vie.Analyzable;
  4435. if (!correct) {throw "Invalid Analyzable passed";}
  4436. var element = analyzable.options.element ? analyzable.options.element : jQuery('body');
  4437. var text = service._extractText(element);
  4438. if (text.length > 0) {
  4439. /* query enhancer with extracted text */
  4440. var success = function (results) {
  4441. _.defer(function(){
  4442. var entities = VIE.Util.rdf2Entities(service, results);
  4443. analyzable.resolve(entities);
  4444. });
  4445. };
  4446. var error = function (e) {
  4447. analyzable.reject(e);
  4448. };
  4449. this.connector.analyze(text, success, error);
  4450. } else {
  4451. console.warn("No text found in element.");
  4452. analyzable.resolve([]);
  4453. }
  4454. },
  4455. // this private method extracts text from a jQuery element
  4456. _extractText: function (element) {
  4457. if (element.get(0) &&
  4458. element.get(0).tagName &&
  4459. (element.get(0).tagName == 'TEXTAREA' ||
  4460. element.get(0).tagName == 'INPUT' && element.attr('type', 'text'))) {
  4461. return element.get(0).val();
  4462. }
  4463. else {
  4464. var res = element
  4465. .text() /* get the text of element */
  4466. .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') /* collapse multiple whitespaces */
  4467. .replace(/\0\b\n\r\f\t/g, ''); /* remove non-letter symbols */
  4468. return jQuery.trim(res);
  4469. }
  4470. }
  4471. };
  4472. // ## VIE.ZemantaConnector(options)
  4473. // The ZemantaConnector is the connection between the VIE Zemanta service
  4474. // and the actual ajax calls.
  4475. // **Parameters**:
  4476. // *{object}* **options** The options.
  4477. // **Throws**:
  4478. // *nothing*
  4479. // **Returns**:
  4480. // *{VIE.ZemantaService}* : The **new** VIE.ZemantaService instance.
  4481. // **Example usage**:
  4482. //
  4483. // var conn = new vie.ZemantaConnector({<some-configuration>});
  4484. VIE.prototype.ZemantaConnector = function (options) {
  4485. this.options = options;
  4486. this.baseUrl = (_.isArray(options.url))? options.url : [ options.url ];
  4487. this.enhancerUrlPrefix = "/";
  4488. };
  4489. VIE.prototype.ZemantaConnector.prototype = {
  4490. // ### analyze(text, success, error, options)
  4491. // This method sends the given text to Zemanta returns the result by the success callback.
  4492. // **Parameters**:
  4493. // *{string}* **text** The text to be analyzed.
  4494. // *{function}* **success** The success callback.
  4495. // *{function}* **error** The error callback.
  4496. // *{object}* **options** Options, like the ```format```.
  4497. // **Throws**:
  4498. // *nothing*
  4499. // **Returns**:
  4500. // *{VIE.ZemantaConnector}* : The VIE.ZemantaConnector instance itself.
  4501. // **Example usage**:
  4502. //
  4503. // var conn = new vie.ZemantaConnector(opts);
  4504. // conn.analyze("This is some text.",
  4505. // function (res) { ... },
  4506. // function (err) { ... });
  4507. analyze: function(text, success, error, options) {
  4508. if (!options) { options = { urlIndex : 0}; }
  4509. if (options.urlIndex >= this.baseUrl.length) {
  4510. error("Could not connect to the given Zemanta endpoints! Please check for their setup!");
  4511. return;
  4512. }
  4513. var enhancerUrl = this.baseUrl[options.urlIndex].replace(/\/$/, '');
  4514. enhancerUrl += this.enhancerUrlPrefix;
  4515. var format = options.format || "application/rdf+json";
  4516. var retryErrorCb = function (c, t, s, e, o) {
  4517. /* in case a Zemanta backend is not responding and
  4518. * multiple URLs have been registered
  4519. */
  4520. return function () {
  4521. console.error("Zemanta connection error", arguments);
  4522. c.analyze(t, s, e, _.extend(o, {urlIndex : o.urlIndex+1}));
  4523. };
  4524. }(this, text, success, error, options);
  4525. var data = this._prepareData(text);
  4526. if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof process !== "undefined") {
  4527. /* We're on Node.js, don't use jQuery.ajax */
  4528. return this._analyzeNode(enhancerUrl, data, success, retryErrorCb, options, format);
  4529. }
  4530. jQuery.ajax({
  4531. success: function(a, b, c){
  4532. var responseData = c.responseText.replace(/<z:signature>.*?<\/z:signature>/, '');
  4533. success(responseData);
  4534. },
  4535. error: retryErrorCb,
  4536. type: "POST",
  4537. url: enhancerUrl,
  4538. data: data
  4539. });
  4540. },
  4541. _analyzeNode: function(url, text, success, errorCB, options, format) {
  4542. var request = require('request');
  4543. var r = request({
  4544. method: "POST",
  4545. uri: url,
  4546. body: text,
  4547. headers: {
  4548. Accept: format
  4549. }
  4550. }, function(error, response, body) {
  4551. try {
  4552. success({results: JSON.parse(body)});
  4553. } catch (e) {
  4554. errorCB(e);
  4555. }
  4556. });
  4557. r.end();
  4558. },
  4559. _prepareData : function (text) {
  4560. return {
  4561. method: 'zemanta.suggest_markup',
  4562. format: 'rdfxml',
  4563. api_key: this.options.api_key,
  4564. text: text,
  4565. return_rdf_links: 1
  4566. // for more options check
  4567. };
  4568. }
  4569. };
  4570. })();
  4571. if (!VIE.prototype.view) {
  4572. VIE.prototype.view = {};
  4573. }
  4574. VIE.prototype.view.Collection = Backbone.View.extend({
  4575. // Ensure the collection view gets updated when items get added or removed
  4576. initialize: function() {
  4577. this.template = this.options.template;
  4578. this.service = this.options.service;
  4579. if (!this.service) {
  4580. throw "No RDFa service provided to the Collection View";
  4581. }
  4582. this.owner = this.options.owner;
  4583. this.entityViews = {};
  4584. _.bindAll(this, 'addItem', 'removeItem', 'refreshItems');
  4585. this.collection.bind('add', this.addItem);
  4586. this.collection.bind('remove', this.removeItem);
  4587. // Make the view aware of existing entities in collection
  4588. var view = this;
  4589. this.collection.forEach(function(entity) {
  4590. view.registerItem(entity, view.collection);
  4591. });
  4592. },
  4593. addItem: function(entity, collection) {
  4594. if (collection !== this.collection) {
  4595. return;
  4596. }
  4597. if (!this.template || this.template.length === 0) {
  4598. return;
  4599. }
  4600. var entityView = this.service._registerEntityView(entity, this.cloneElement(this.template, entity));
  4601. var entityElement = jQuery(entityView.render().el);
  4602. if ( {
  4603. this.service.setElementSubject(entity.getSubjectUri(), entityElement);
  4604. }
  4605. // TODO: Ordering
  4606. jQuery(this.el).append(entityElement);
  4607. // Ensure we catch all inferred predicates. We add these via JSONLD
  4608. // so the references get properly Collectionized.
  4609. var service = this.service;
  4610. entityElement.parent('[rev]').each(function() {
  4611. var predicate = jQuery(this).attr('rev');
  4612. var relations = {};
  4613. relations[predicate] = new service.vie.Collection();
  4614. relations[predicate].addOrUpdate(service.vie.entities.get(service.getElementSubject(this)));
  4615. entity.set(relations);
  4616. });
  4617. this.trigger('add', entityView);
  4618. this.entityViews[entity.cid] = entityView;
  4620. },
  4621. registerItem: function(entity, collection) {
  4622. var element = this.service.getElementBySubject(, this.el);
  4623. if (!element) {
  4624. return;
  4625. }
  4626. var entityView = this.service._registerEntityView(entity, element);
  4627. this.entityViews[entity.cid] = entityView;
  4628. },
  4629. removeItem: function(entity) {
  4630. if (!this.entityViews[entity.cid]) {
  4631. return;
  4632. }
  4633. this.trigger('remove', this.entityViews[entity.cid]);
  4634. jQuery(this.entityViews[entity.cid].el).remove();
  4635. delete(this.entityViews[entity.cid]);
  4636. },
  4637. refreshItems: function(collection) {
  4638. var view = this;
  4639. jQuery(this.el).empty();
  4640. collection.forEach(function(entity) {
  4641. view.addItem(entity, collection);
  4642. });
  4643. },
  4644. cloneElement: function(element, entity) {
  4645. var newElement = jQuery(element).clone(false);
  4646. var service = this.service;
  4647. if (newElement.attr('about') !== undefined) {
  4648. // Direct match with container
  4649. newElement.attr('about', '');
  4650. }
  4651. newElement.find('[about]').attr('about', '');
  4652. var subject = this.service.getElementSubject(newElement);
  4653. service._findPredicateElements(subject, newElement, false).each(function() {
  4654. var predicate = service.getElementPredicate(jQuery(this));
  4655. if (entity.get(predicate) && entity.get(predicate).isCollection) {
  4656. return true;
  4657. }
  4658. service.writeElementValue(null, jQuery(this), '');
  4659. });
  4660. return newElement;
  4661. }
  4662. });
  4663. if (!VIE.prototype.view) {
  4664. VIE.prototype.view = {};
  4665. }
  4666. VIE.prototype.view.Entity = Backbone.View.extend({
  4667. initialize: function(options) {
  4668. this.service = options.service ? options.service : 'rdfa';
  4669. this.vie = options.vie;
  4670. // Ensure view gets updated when properties of the Entity change.
  4671. _.bindAll(this, 'render');
  4672. this.model.bind('change', this.render);
  4673. },
  4674. // Rendering a view means writing the properties of the Entity back to
  4675. // the element containing our RDFa annotations.
  4676. render: function() {
  4678. element: this.el,
  4679. entity: this.model
  4680. }).
  4681. to(this.service).
  4682. execute();
  4683. return this;
  4684. }
  4685. });
  4686. // Based on [Julian Aubourg's xdr.js](
  4687. // Internet Explorer 8 & 9 don't support the cross-domain request protocol known as CORS.
  4688. // Their solution we use is called XDomainRequest. This module is a wrapper for
  4689. // XDR using jQuery ajaxTransport, jQuery's way to support such cases.
  4690. // Author: Szaby Grünwald @ Salzburg Research, 2011
  4691. var root = this;
  4692. (function( jQuery ) {
  4693. if ( root.XDomainRequest ) {
  4694. jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) {
  4695. if ( s.crossDomain && s.async ) {
  4696. if ( s.timeout ) {
  4697. s.xdrTimeout = s.timeout;
  4698. delete s.timeout;
  4699. }
  4700. var xdr;
  4701. return {
  4702. send: function( _, complete ) {
  4703. function callback( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders ) {
  4704. xdr.onload = xdr.onerror = xdr.ontimeout = jQuery.noop;
  4705. xdr = undefined;
  4706. complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders );
  4707. }
  4708. xdr = new XDomainRequest();
  4709. // For backends supporting header_* in the URI instead of real header parameters,
  4710. // use the dataType for setting the Accept request header. e.g. Stanbol supports this.
  4711. if(s.dataType){
  4712. var headerThroughUriParameters = "header_Accept=" + encodeURIComponent(s.dataType);
  4713. s.url = s.url + (s.url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&" ) + headerThroughUriParameters;
  4714. }
  4715. s.type, s.url );
  4716. xdr.onload = function(e1, e2) {
  4717. callback( 200, "OK", { text: xdr.responseText }, "Content-Type: " + xdr.contentType );
  4718. };
  4719. // XDR cannot differentiate between errors,
  4720. // we call every error 404. Could be changed to another one.
  4721. xdr.onerror = function(e) {
  4722. console.error(JSON.stringify(e));
  4723. callback( 404, "Not Found" );
  4724. };
  4725. if ( s.xdrTimeout ) {
  4726. xdr.ontimeout = function() {
  4727. callback( 0, "timeout" );
  4728. };
  4729. xdr.timeout = s.xdrTimeout;
  4730. }
  4731. xdr.send( ( s.hasContent && ) || null );
  4732. },
  4733. abort: function() {
  4734. if ( xdr ) {
  4735. xdr.onerror = jQuery.noop();
  4736. xdr.abort();
  4737. }
  4738. }
  4739. };
  4740. }
  4741. });
  4742. }
  4743. })( jQuery );})();