Java | 2561 lines | 1961 code | 360 blank | 240 comment | 301 complexity | c06b35b1e91eb53d9083d79c8d6754eb MD5 | raw file
- /* ===============================================================================
- *
- * Part of the InfoGlue Content Management Platform (www.infoglue.org)
- *
- * ===============================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C)
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation. See the file LICENSE.html for more information.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY, including the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. / 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330 / Boston, MA 02111-1307 / USA.
- *
- * ===============================================================================
- */
- package org.infoglue.cms.controllers.kernel.impl.simple;
- import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
- import java.io.StringReader;
- import java.io.Writer;
- import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
- import org.apache.log4j.Level;
- import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
- import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser;
- import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreDoc;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery;
- import org.apache.lucene.search.TopDocs;
- import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
- import org.apache.lucene.store.NIOFSDirectory;
- import org.apache.lucene.store.SingleInstanceLockFactory;
- import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;
- import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
- import org.exolab.castor.jdo.Database;
- import org.exolab.castor.jdo.OQLQuery;
- import org.exolab.castor.jdo.QueryResults;
- import org.infoglue.cms.applications.databeans.ProcessBean;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.Content;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.ContentCategory;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.ContentVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.ContentVersion;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.ContentVersionVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.DigitalAsset;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.DigitalAssetVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.SmallestContentVersionVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.ContentImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.ContentVersionImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.DigitalAssetImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.MediumDigitalAssetImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.SmallestContentVersionImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.kernel.BaseEntityVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.management.CategoryAttribute;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.management.ContentTypeDefinitionVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.management.LanguageVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.SiteNode;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.SiteNodeVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.SiteNodeVersion;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.SiteNodeVersionVO;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.impl.simple.PureSiteNodeImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.impl.simple.SiteNodeImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.impl.simple.SiteNodeVersionImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.entities.structure.impl.simple.SmallSiteNodeImpl;
- import org.infoglue.cms.exception.SystemException;
- import org.infoglue.cms.util.CmsPropertyHandler;
- import org.infoglue.cms.util.NotificationListener;
- import org.infoglue.cms.util.NotificationMessage;
- import org.infoglue.deliver.util.CacheController;
- import org.infoglue.deliver.util.RequestAnalyser;
- import org.infoglue.deliver.util.Timer;
- import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
- import org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper;
- public class LuceneController extends BaseController implements NotificationListener
- {
- private static Directory directory = null;
- private static IndexWriter writer = null;
- private static IndexReader indexReader = null;
- private static int reopened = 0;
- private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LuceneController.class.getName());
- private static int indexedDocumentsSinceLastOptimize = 0;
- private Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId = -1;
- private static Integer numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch = 1000;
- private static AtomicBoolean indexingInitialized = new AtomicBoolean(false);
- private static AtomicBoolean stopIndexing = new AtomicBoolean(false);
- private static AtomicBoolean deleteIndexOnStop = new AtomicBoolean(false);
- public static void setNumberOfVersionToIndexInBatch(Integer numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch)
- {
- numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch = numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch;
- }
- public static void stopIndexing()
- {
- stopIndexing.set(true);
- }
- /**
- * Default Constructor
- */
- public static LuceneController getController()
- {
- return new LuceneController();
- }
- private static List<NotificationMessage> qeuedMessages = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- private static List<NotificationMessage> maturedQeuedMessages = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- private StandardAnalyzer getStandardAnalyzer() throws Exception
- {
- return new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- }
- private Directory getDirectory() throws Exception
- {
- if(LuceneController.directory != null)
- return directory;
- String index = CmsPropertyHandler.getContextDiskPath() + File.separator + "lucene" + File.separator + "index";
- index = index.replaceAll("//", "/");
- //System.out.println("index:" + index);
- File INDEX_DIR = new File(index);
- directory = new NIOFSDirectory(INDEX_DIR);
- directory.setLockFactory(new SingleInstanceLockFactory());
- boolean indexExists = IndexReader.indexExists(directory);
- if(!indexExists)
- {
- createIndex(directory);
- }
- return directory;
- }
- private void createIndex(Directory directory) throws Exception
- {
- IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_34, getStandardAnalyzer());
- IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(directory, config);
- indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term("initializer", "true"));
- indexWriter.close(true);
- }
- private IndexWriter getIndexWriter() throws Exception
- {
- //Singleton returns
- if(writer != null)
- return writer;
- Timer t = new Timer();
- Directory directory = getDirectory();
- StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_34, analyzer);
- if(getIsIndexedLocked(true))
- {
- logger.warn("Directory is locked - leaving the messages in the qeuedMessages list...");
- throw new Exception("Lock not granted");
- }
- else
- {
- writer = new IndexWriter(directory, config);
- return writer;
- }
- }
- private IndexReader getIndexReader() throws Exception
- {
- if(indexReader == null)
- {
- indexReader = IndexReader.open(getDirectory(), true);
- }
- synchronized (indexReader)
- {
- if(!indexReader.isCurrent())
- {
- reopened++;
- indexReader.close();
- indexReader = IndexReader.open(getDirectory(), true);
- //indexReader = IndexReader.openIfChanged(indexReader, true);
- logger.info("reopened:" + reopened);
- }
- }
- return indexReader;
- }
- private IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher() throws Exception
- {
- return new IndexSearcher(getIndexReader());
- }
- private Boolean getIsIndexedLocked() throws Exception
- {
- return getIsIndexedLocked(false);
- }
- private Boolean getIsIndexedLocked(boolean returnIfFileLockException) throws Exception
- {
- Directory directory = getDirectory();
- try
- {
- return IndexWriter.isLocked(directory);
- }
- catch (OverlappingFileLockException e)
- {
- return returnIfFileLockException;
- }
- }
- private void unlockIndex() throws Exception
- {
- Directory directory = getDirectory();
- IndexWriter.unlock(directory);
- }
- public Map<String,Object> getIndexInformation() throws Exception
- {
- Map<String,Object> info = new HashMap<String,Object>();
- try
- {
- Directory directory = getDirectory();
- IndexReader reader = getIndexReader();
- int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();
- int numDoc = reader.numDocs();
- long lastModified = getIndexReader().lastModified(directory);
- info.put("maxDoc", new Integer(maxDoc));
- info.put("numDoc", new Integer(numDoc));
- info.put("lastModified", new Date(lastModified));
- info.put("lastCommitedContentVersionId", getLastCommitedContentVersionId());
- List<LanguageVO> languageVOList = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList();
- Iterator<LanguageVO> languageVOListIterator = languageVOList.iterator();
- outer:while(languageVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- LanguageVO languageVO = (LanguageVO)languageVOListIterator.next();
- info.put("indexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId_" + languageVO.getId(), getIndexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId(languageVO.getId()));
- info.put("indexAllLastCommittedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageVO.getId(), getIndexAllLastCommittedMetaContentVersionId(languageVO.getId()));
- }
- //reader.close();
- //directory.close();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error creating index:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw e;
- }
- return info;
- }
- public Integer getIndexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId(Integer languageId) throws Exception
- {
- Integer indexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId = null;
- try
- {
- Document indexAllDocumentMetaData = getIndexAllStatusDocument();
- if(indexAllDocumentMetaData != null && indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId) != null && !indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId).equals("null"))
- indexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId = new Integer(indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error creating index:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw e;
- }
- return indexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId;
- }
- public Integer getIndexAllLastCommittedMetaContentVersionId(Integer languageId) throws Exception
- {
- Integer indexAllLastCommittedSiteNodeVersionId = null;
- try
- {
- Document indexAllDocumentMetaData = getIndexAllStatusDocument();
- if(indexAllDocumentMetaData != null && indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId) != null && !indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId).equals("null"))
- indexAllLastCommittedSiteNodeVersionId = new Integer(indexAllDocumentMetaData.get("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error creating index:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw e;
- }
- return indexAllLastCommittedSiteNodeVersionId;
- }
- public Document createStatusDocument(Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId) throws Exception
- {
- Document doc = new Document();
- doc.add(new Field("lastCommitedContentVersionId", "" + lastCommitedContentVersionId, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastCommitedModifiedDate", "" + new Date().getTime(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("meta", new StringReader("lastCommitedContentVersionId")));
- return doc;
- }
- public Document getStatusDocument() throws Exception
- {
- List<Document> docs = queryDocuments("meta", "lastCommitedContentVersionId", 5);
- logger.info(docs.size() + " total matching documents for 'lastCommitedContentVersionId'");
- return (docs != null && docs.size() > 0 ? docs.get(0) : null);
- }
- public Document getIndexAllStatusDocument() throws Exception
- {
- List<Document> docs = queryDocuments(new Term("meta", "indexAllRunning"), 5);
- logger.info(docs.size() + " total matching documents for 'indexAllRunning'");
- return (docs != null && docs.size() > 0 ? docs.get(0) : null);
- }
- public Integer getLastCommitedContentVersionId() throws Exception
- {
- Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId = -1;
- Document doc = getStatusDocument();
- logger.info("STATUS doc:" + doc);
- if(doc != null)
- {
- String lastCommitedContentVersionIdString = doc.get("lastCommitedContentVersionId");
- logger.info("doc:" + doc);
- logger.info("lastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionIdString);
- lastCommitedContentVersionId = Integer.parseInt(lastCommitedContentVersionIdString);
- }
- return lastCommitedContentVersionId;
- }
- private void setLastCommitedContentVersionId(IndexWriter writer, Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId) throws Exception
- {
- Integer prevLastCommitedContentVersionId = getLastCommitedContentVersionId();
- logger.info("prevLastCommitedContentVersionId:" + prevLastCommitedContentVersionId);
- logger.info("lastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- if(lastCommitedContentVersionId == -1 || prevLastCommitedContentVersionId > lastCommitedContentVersionId)
- return;
- logger.info("setLastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "meta", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse("lastCommitedContentVersionId");
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- writer.addDocument(createStatusDocument(lastCommitedContentVersionId));
- }
- public Date getLastCommitedModifiedDate() throws Exception
- {
- Date lastCommitedModifiedDate = new Date(10000);
- Document doc = getStatusDocument();
- if(doc != null)
- {
- String lastCommitedModifiedDateString = doc.get("lastCommitedModifiedDate");
- logger.info("doc:" + doc);
- logger.info("lastCommitedModifiedDate:" + lastCommitedModifiedDateString);
- Date d = new Date();
- d.setTime(Long.parseLong(lastCommitedModifiedDateString));
- lastCommitedModifiedDate = d;
- }
- return lastCommitedModifiedDate;
- }
- private void registerIndexAllProcessOngoing(Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId, Integer lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId, Integer languageId) throws Exception
- {
- //Document doc = new Document();
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Term term = new Term("meta", "indexAllRunning");
- TermQuery query = new TermQuery(term);
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "meta", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse("indexAllRunning");
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, 50);
- //System.out.println("hits:" + hits);
- //System.out.println("hits.scoreDocs.length:" + hits.scoreDocs.length);
- if(hits.scoreDocs.length > 1)
- System.out.println("Must be wrong - should only be one of these docs:" + hits.scoreDocs.length);
- if(hits.scoreDocs.length > 0)
- {
- for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits.scoreDocs)
- {
- org.apache.lucene.document.Document docExisting = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
- //System.out.println("Updating doc...:" + docExisting);
- //System.out.println("lastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- //System.out.println("lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId:" + lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId);
- //System.out.println("languageId:" + languageId);
- if(lastCommitedContentVersionId != null && lastCommitedContentVersionId != -1)
- {
- docExisting.removeFields("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId);
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId, "" + lastCommitedContentVersionId, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- }
- if(lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId != null && lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId != -1)
- {
- docExisting.removeFields("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId);
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId, "" + lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- }
- docExisting.removeFields("lastCommitedModifiedDate");
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedModifiedDate", "" + new Date().getTime(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- //docExisting.add(new Field("meta", new StringReader("indexAllRunning")));
- //docExisting.add(new Field("meta", "indexAllRunning", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- writer.updateDocument(term, docExisting);
- //System.out.println("Updating doc...:" + docExisting);
- //Term t = new Term("meta", "indexAllRunning");
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Document docExisting = new Document();
- //System.out.println("lastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- //System.out.println("lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId:" + lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId);
- //System.out.println("languageId:" + languageId);
- if(lastCommitedContentVersionId != null)
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedContentVersionId_" + languageId, "" + lastCommitedContentVersionId, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- if(lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId != null)
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedMetaContentVersionId_" + languageId, "" + lastCommitedSiteNodeVersionId, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- docExisting.add(new Field("lastCommitedModifiedDate", "" + new Date().getTime(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- //docExisting.add(new Field("meta", new StringReader("indexAllRunning")));
- docExisting.add(new Field("meta", "indexAllRunning", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- writer.addDocument(docExisting);
- }
- searcher.close();
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "meta", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse("indexAllRunning");
- //writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- //writer.updateDocument(term, doc);
- //writer.addDocument(doc);
- //writer.close(true);
- writer.commit();
- }
- private void registerIndexAllProcessDone() throws Exception
- {
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "meta", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse("indexAllRunning");
- Term term = new Term("meta", "indexAllRunning");
- TermQuery query = new TermQuery(term);
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- writer.commit();
- }
- public void clearIndex() throws Exception
- {
- if (indexingInitialized.compareAndSet(false, true))
- {
- logger.warn("Clearing index..");
- try
- {
- logger.info("NumDocs:" + getIndexReader().numDocs());
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- writer.deleteAll();
- //writer.close(true);
- writer.commit();
- logger.info("NumDocs after delete:" + getIndexReader().numDocs());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- stopIndexing.set(true);
- deleteIndexOnStop.set(true);
- logger.error("Error clearing index:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- logger.info("Releasing indexing flag");
- this.indexingInitialized.set(false);
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- stopIndexing.set(true);
- deleteIndexOnStop.set(true);
- logger.error("Could not delete index while indexing. Queueing it....");
- }
- }
- public TopDocs query(String text, Integer numberOfHits) throws Exception
- {
- return query("contents", text, numberOfHits);
- }
- public TopDocs query(String field, String text, Integer numberOfHits) throws Exception
- {
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contents", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse(text);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, numberOfHits);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + text + "'");
- return hits;
- }
- public List<Document> queryDocuments(Term term, Integer numberOfHits) throws Exception
- {
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Query query = new TermQuery(term);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, numberOfHits);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + term.field() + ":" + term.text() + "'");
- List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>();
- for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits.scoreDocs)
- {
- org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
- docs.add(doc);
- }
- searcher.close();
- return docs;
- }
- public List<Document> queryDocuments(String field, String text, Integer numberOfHits) throws Exception
- {
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, field, getStandardAnalyzer()).parse(text);
- logger.info("query:" + query);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, numberOfHits);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + field + ":" + text + "'");
- List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>();
- for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits.scoreDocs)
- {
- org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
- docs.add(doc);
- }
- searcher.close();
- return docs;
- }
- public TopDocs query(String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, String[] queries, Sort sort, Integer numberOfHits) throws Exception
- {
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Query query = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version.LUCENE_34, queries, fields, flags, getStandardAnalyzer());
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contents", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse(text);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, numberOfHits);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + queries + "'");
- return hits;
- }
- public List<Document> queryDocuments(String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, String[] queries, Sort sort, Integer numberOfHits, Map searchMetaData) throws Exception
- {
- IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher();
- Query query = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version.LUCENE_34, queries, fields, flags, getStandardAnalyzer());
- logger.info("query:" + query);
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contents", getStandardAnalyzer()).parse(text);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, numberOfHits);
- searchMetaData.put("totalHits", hits.totalHits);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + query + "'");
- //System.out.println(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + queries + "'");
- List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>();
- for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits.scoreDocs)
- {
- org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
- docs.add(doc);
- }
- searcher.close();
- return docs;
- }
- private void query(IndexSearcher searcher, Analyzer analyzer, String text) throws Exception
- {
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contents", analyzer).parse(text);
- TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, 50);
- logger.info(hits.totalHits + " total matching documents for '" + text + "'");
- for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc : hits.scoreDocs)
- {
- org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
- String cvId = doc.get("contentVersionId");
- logger.info("cvId: " + cvId);
- }
- }
- public boolean indexAll() throws Exception
- {
- if(!CmsPropertyHandler.getInternalSearchEngine().equalsIgnoreCase("lucene"))
- return false;
- logger.warn("INDEXING ALL - correct: " + indexingInitialized + "/" + deleteIndexOnStop + "/" + stopIndexing + "?");
- Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- if(deleteIndexOnStop.get())
- {
- clearIndex();
- deleteIndexOnStop.set(false);
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- else
- {
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- logger.warn("Resetting stopIndexing to false....");
- logger.warn("------------------------------Got indexAll directive....");
- if (indexingInitialized.compareAndSet(false, true))
- {
- //createTestIndex();
- //indexingInitialized.set(false);
- //if(true)
- // return true;
- try
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- Timer t2 = new Timer();
- //Indexing all normal contents now
- logger.info("Indexing all normal contents: " + CmsPropertyHandler.getContextDiskPath());
- List<LanguageVO> languageVOList = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList();
- Iterator<LanguageVO> languageVOListIterator = languageVOList.iterator();
- outer:while(languageVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- LanguageVO languageVO = (LanguageVO)languageVOListIterator.next();
- logger.info("Getting notification messages for " + languageVO.getName());
- Integer previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId = getIndexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId(languageVO.getId());
- int startID = 0;
- if(previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId != null)
- startID = previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId;
- logger.info("Starting from " + startID);
- int newLastContentVersionId = getContentNotificationMessages(languageVO, startID);
- logger.info("newLastContentVersionId: " + newLastContentVersionId + " on " + languageVO.getName());
- registerIndexAllProcessOngoing(newLastContentVersionId, null, languageVO.getId());
- //previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId = newLastContentVersionId;
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getNotificationMessages", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("newLastContentVersionId " + newLastContentVersionId);
- while(newLastContentVersionId != -1)
- {
- logger.info("stopIndexing.get():" + stopIndexing.get());
- if(stopIndexing.get())
- break outer;
- Thread.sleep(5000);
- newLastContentVersionId = getContentNotificationMessages(languageVO, newLastContentVersionId);
- logger.info("newLastContentVersionId: " + newLastContentVersionId + " on " + languageVO.getName());
- registerIndexAllProcessOngoing(newLastContentVersionId, null, languageVO.getId());
- //previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId = newLastContentVersionId;
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getNotificationMessages 2", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("newLastContentVersionId " + newLastContentVersionId);
- }
- }
- languageVOList = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList();
- languageVOListIterator = languageVOList.iterator();
- outer:while(languageVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- LanguageVO languageVO = (LanguageVO)languageVOListIterator.next();
- logger.info("languageVO from " + languageVO);
- List<NotificationMessage> notificationMessages = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- Integer previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId = getIndexAllLastCommittedMetaContentVersionId(languageVO.getId());
- logger.info("previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId: " + previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId);
- int startID = 0;
- if(previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId != null)
- startID = previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId;
- logger.info("Starting from " + startID);
- int newLastMetaContentVersionId = getPageNotificationMessages(notificationMessages, languageVO, startID);
- logger.info("newLastSiteNodeVersionId " + newLastMetaContentVersionId + " on " + languageVO.getName());
- logger.info("notificationMessages: " + notificationMessages.size());
- registerIndexAllProcessOngoing(null, newLastMetaContentVersionId, languageVO.getId());
- //previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId = newLastMetaContentVersionId;
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getNotificationMessagesForStructure", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("newLastMetaContentVersionId " + newLastMetaContentVersionId);
- while(newLastMetaContentVersionId != -1)
- {
- logger.info("stopIndexing.get():" + stopIndexing.get());
- if(stopIndexing.get())
- break outer;
- Thread.sleep(5000);
- newLastMetaContentVersionId = getPageNotificationMessages(notificationMessages, languageVO, newLastMetaContentVersionId);
- logger.info("newLastMetaContentVersionId " + newLastMetaContentVersionId + " on " + languageVO.getName());
- logger.info("notificationMessages: " + notificationMessages.size());
- registerIndexAllProcessOngoing(null, newLastMetaContentVersionId, languageVO.getId());
- //previousIndexAllLastMetaContentVersionId = newLastMetaContentVersionId;
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getNotificationMessages 2", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("newLastMetaContentVersionId " + newLastMetaContentVersionId);
- }
- }
- registerIndexAllProcessDone();
- t2.printElapsedTime("All indexing took");
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error indexing notifications:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- logger.error("Releasing indexing flag");
- this.indexingInitialized.set(false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.warn("-------------------: Allready running index all...");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void createTestIndex()
- {
- System.out.println("STARTING TEST");
- try
- {
- clearIndex();
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- for(int i=0; i<10000; i++)
- {
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- doc.add(new NumericField("publishDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(23423423423L));
- doc.add(new NumericField("modificationDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(23423423423L));
- doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(23423423423L, DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentVersionId", "324234234", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentId", "324234234", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentTypeDefinitionId", "344", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("languageId", "33", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "22", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "Mattias Bogeblad", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("stateId", "3", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "false", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(i + " fwe foweif oiwejfoijweoifiweuhfi uehwiufh weiuhfiuwehfiew iufiuwehfi ewiufh iuwehfiuehwiufiweuhfiu ehwifhw eifew efiwehfiuwe" +
- "ff wehfiuehwiufiuwehfiuehw iufhwei uhfiehwiufweiuhf iwefihw eifiuwe ifhwe ifihew iufi weuhfiuwe" +
- "dfbsdjfsjdjfjksdf s f jdsjkfs dkjfh ksdfk sdkfhkds fksd " +
- "fjsd fsdhf uiweo p fiieowhf iehwiufiewhfiewfhw efn ewfowe ifioewf owehfowe")));
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "" + i, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- writer.addDocument(doc);
- if(i == 1000 || i == 2000 ||i == 3000 ||i == 4000 ||i == 5000 ||i == 6000 ||i == 7000 ||i == 8000 ||i == 9000)
- {
- //writer.optimize();
- //writer.optimize(true);
- logger.info("Sleeping...:" + getIndexInformation().get("numDoc"));
- Thread.sleep(5000);
- }
- }
- //writer.close(true);
- writer.commit();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method gets called when a new notification has come.
- * It then iterates through the listeners and notifies them.
- */
- public void addNotificationMessage(NotificationMessage notificationMessage)
- {
- if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentVersionImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(PureSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SmallSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeVersionImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(MediumDigitalAssetImpl.class.getName()))
- {
- if(qeuedMessages.size() == 1000)
- {
- logger.warn("qeuedMessages went over 1000 - seems wrong");
- //Thread.dumpStack();
- }
- synchronized (qeuedMessages)
- {
- qeuedMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("Skipping indexing:" + notificationMessage.getClassName());
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method gets called when a new NotificationMessage is available.
- * The writer just calls the transactionHistoryController which stores it.
- */
- public void notify(NotificationMessage notificationMessage)
- {
- try
- {
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Indexing:" + notificationMessage.getName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getType() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectName());
- addNotificationMessage(notificationMessage);
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error notifying: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- public void process() throws Exception
- {
- logger.info("Process inside LuceneController");
- notifyListeners(false, true);
- }
- public void notifyListeners(boolean forceVersionIndexing, boolean checkForIndexingJobs) throws IOException, Exception
- {
- if(!CmsPropertyHandler.getInternalSearchEngine().equalsIgnoreCase("lucene") || CmsPropertyHandler.getContextDiskPath().contains("@deploy.dir"))
- return;
- boolean initDoneLocally = false;
- boolean finishDoneLocally = false;
- logger.info("------------------------------->notifyListeners before check in " + CmsPropertyHandler.getContextRootPath() + "/" + deleteIndexOnStop.get() + "/" + stopIndexing.get());
- if(deleteIndexOnStop.get())
- {
- clearIndex();
- deleteIndexOnStop.set(false);
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- else
- {
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- if (!checkForIndexingJobs || indexingInitialized.compareAndSet(false, true))
- {
- if(checkForIndexingJobs)
- initDoneLocally = true;
- List<NotificationMessage> internalMessageList = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- List<NotificationMessage> revisitedInternalMessageList = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- synchronized (qeuedMessages)
- {
- //logger.error("internalMessageList: " + internalMessageList.size() + "/" + qeuedMessages.size());
- internalMessageList.addAll(qeuedMessages);
- //logger.error("internalMessageList: " + internalMessageList.size() + "/" + qeuedMessages.size());
- qeuedMessages.clear();
- //logger.error("internalMessageList: " + internalMessageList.size() + "/" + qeuedMessages.size());
- }
- synchronized (maturedQeuedMessages)
- {
- logger.info("maturedQeuedMessages:" + maturedQeuedMessages.size());
- if(maturedQeuedMessages.size() > 0)
- {
- logger.info("Was a matured message - let's take it also");
- internalMessageList.addAll(maturedQeuedMessages);
- revisitedInternalMessageList.addAll(maturedQeuedMessages);
- //logger.error("internalMessageList: " + internalMessageList.size() + "/" + qeuedMessages.size());
- maturedQeuedMessages.clear();
- }
- }
- //Should implement equals on NotificationMessage later
- List<NotificationMessage> baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- List<String> existingSignatures = new ArrayList<String>();
- logger.info("Before AAAAA:" + internalMessageList.size() + ":" + existingSignatures.size());
- Iterator<NotificationMessage> cleanupInternalMessageListIterator = internalMessageList.iterator();
- while(cleanupInternalMessageListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- NotificationMessage notificationMessage = cleanupInternalMessageListIterator.next();
- logger.info("Indexing........:" + notificationMessage.getClassName());
- if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(Content.class.getName()))
- {
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getLocklessContentVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- //ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- if(contentVO != null)
- {
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO ctdVO = null;
- try
- {
- ctdVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithId(contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId());
- }
- catch (SystemException sex)
- {
- logger.warn("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId() + ". The content will not be indexed. Message: " + sex.getMessage());
- logger.info("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId(), sex);
- }
- if(ctdVO != null && ctdVO.getName().equals("Meta info"))
- {
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithMetaInfoContentId(contentVO.getContentId());
- if(siteNodeVO != null && notificationMessage != null)
- {
- NotificationMessage newNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("" + siteNodeVO.getName(), SiteNodeImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", notificationMessage.getType(), siteNodeVO.getId(), "" + siteNodeVO.getName());
- String key = "" + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an META PAGE notification - just adding it AS A PAGE instead: " + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(newNotificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping Content notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- String key = "" + notificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + notificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + "_" + notificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an Content notification - just adding it: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(notificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping Content notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("The content seems to be missing from the database. A guess is that it's new or deleted. Let's try later.");
- if(!revisitedInternalMessageList.contains(notificationMessage))
- maturedQeuedMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- else
- logger.info("No - allready tried it again.. skipping.");
- }
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentVersionImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentVersion.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an ContentVersion notification - focus on content: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- //ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLocklessContentVersionVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- if(contentVersionVO != null)
- {
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getLocklessContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId());
- if(contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId() != null)
- {
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO ctdVO = null;
- try
- {
- ctdVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithId(contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId());
- }
- catch (SystemException sex)
- {
- logger.warn("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId() + ". The content version will not be indexed. Message: " + sex.getMessage());
- logger.info("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId(), sex);
- }
- if(ctdVO != null && ctdVO.getName().equals("Meta info"))
- {
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithMetaInfoContentId(contentVO.getContentId());
- if (siteNodeVO == null)
- {
- logger.warn("Got meta info notification but could not find a page for the Content-id. Content.id: " + contentVO.getContentId());
- }
- else
- {
- NotificationMessage newNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("" + siteNodeVO.getName(), SiteNodeImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", notificationMessage.getType(), siteNodeVO.getId(), "" + siteNodeVO.getName());
- String key = "" + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an META PAGE notification - just adding it AS A PAGE instead: " + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(newNotificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping Content notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NotificationMessage newNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("" + contentVersionVO.getContentName(), ContentImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", notificationMessage.getType(), contentVersionVO.getContentId(), "" + contentVersionVO.getContentName());
- String key = "" + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an Content notification - just adding it: " + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(newNotificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping Content notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("The content version seems to be missing from the database. A guess is that it's new or deleted. Let's try later.");
- if(!revisitedInternalMessageList.contains(notificationMessage))
- maturedQeuedMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- else
- logger.info("No - allready tried it again.. skipping.");
- }
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(MediumDigitalAssetImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(DigitalAsset.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SmallSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(PureSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNode.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeVersionImpl.class.getName()) ||
- notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeVersion.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("notificationMessage.getClassName():" + notificationMessage.getClassName());
- String key = "" + notificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + notificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + "_" + notificationMessage.getType();
- if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeVersionImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeVersion.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP:" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- try
- {
- SiteNodeVersionVO siteNodeVersionVO = SiteNodeVersionController.getController().getSiteNodeVersionVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId(siteNodeVersionVO.getSiteNodeId());
- NotificationMessage newNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("" + siteNodeVO.getName(), SiteNodeImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", notificationMessage.getType(), siteNodeVO.getId(), "" + siteNodeVO.getName());
- key = "" + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an SiteNodeVersionImpl notification - just adding it as SiteNodeImpl: " + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(newNotificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- logger.warn("Got an error handling SiteNodeVersion with ID: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId() + ":" + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNode.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SmallSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(PureSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()))
- {
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an Page notification - just adding it: " + notificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(notificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NotificationMessage newNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("" + notificationMessage.getName(), DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", notificationMessage.getType(), notificationMessage.getObjectId(), "" + notificationMessage.getName());
- key = "" + newNotificationMessage.getClassName() + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getObjectId() + "_" + "_" + newNotificationMessage.getType();
- if(!existingSignatures.contains(key))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an Content notification - just adding it: " + notificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList.add(newNotificationMessage);
- existingSignatures.add(key);
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Skipping notification - duplicate existed: " + notificationMessage.getClassName() + ":" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- internalMessageList = baseEntitiesToIndexMessageList;
- logger.info("After in [" + CmsPropertyHandler.getContextRootPath() + "]:" + internalMessageList.size() + ":" + existingSignatures.size());
- try
- {
- logger.info("notifyListeners actually running");
- if(getIsIndexedLocked())
- {
- logger.warn("The index should not be locked as no indexing is registered to be carried out. Lets unlock it as it may be the result of a crash.");
- unlockIndex();
- }
- //logger.error("Starting indexin of " + qeuedMessages.size());
- Timer t = new Timer();
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- //t.printElapsedTime("Creating writer took");
- Database db = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- beginTransaction(db);
- try
- {
- int numberOfMessages = internalMessageList.size();
- Iterator internalMessageListIterator = internalMessageList.iterator();
- while(internalMessageListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- NotificationMessage notificationMessage = (NotificationMessage)internalMessageListIterator.next();
- try
- {
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Starting indexin of " + notificationMessage);
- indexInformation(notificationMessage, writer, internalMessageList, forceVersionIndexing, db);
- internalMessageListIterator.remove();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- //t.printElapsedTime("Indexing " + numberOfMessages + " documents took");
- //Map<String,String> commitUserData = new HashMap<String,String>();
- //internalMessageList.clear();
- //writer.commit(commitUserData);
- logger.info("##############lastCommitedContentVersionId before close:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- if(lastCommitedContentVersionId > -1)
- {
- Integer previousLastCommittedContentVersionId = getLastCommitedContentVersionId();
- logger.info("##############previousLastCommittedContentVersionId before close:" + previousLastCommittedContentVersionId);
- if(previousLastCommittedContentVersionId < lastCommitedContentVersionId)
- {
- try
- {
- logger.info("*************ADDING status doc " + lastCommitedContentVersionId + "**************");
- setLastCommitedContentVersionId(writer, lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("*************ERROR: ADDING status doc**************", e);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.warn("The content version was not a higher number than what was allready indexed - lets not add status....");
- }
- }
- commitTransaction(db);
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("An error occurred so we should not complete the transaction:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- rollbackTransaction(db);
- }
- finally
- {
- writer.commit();
- //writer.close(true);
- }
- logger.info("OOOOOOOOOOOOOO:" + getLastCommitedContentVersionId());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error indexing notifications:" + e.getMessage());
- logger.warn("Error indexing notifications:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- logger.info("Releasing indexing flag");
- try
- {
- if(internalMessageList.size() > 0)
- {
- synchronized (qeuedMessages)
- {
- logger.info("Returning internalMessageList:" + internalMessageList.size() + " to qeuedMessages as some failed.");
- qeuedMessages.addAll(internalMessageList);
- internalMessageList.clear();
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- if(checkForIndexingJobs)
- {
- this.indexingInitialized.set(false);
- finishDoneLocally = true;
- }
- }
- if(initDoneLocally && !finishDoneLocally)
- logger.info("internalMessageList 1:" + internalMessageList.size() + " / " + qeuedMessages.size());
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("------------------------------->Indexing job allready running... skipping in " + CmsPropertyHandler.getContextRootPath());
- }
- logger.info("queued messages 1:" + qeuedMessages.size());
- }
- public void index() throws Exception
- {
- if(!CmsPropertyHandler.getInternalSearchEngine().equalsIgnoreCase("lucene"))
- return;
- logger.info("Start index: " + CmsPropertyHandler.getContextRootPath() + "/" + deleteIndexOnStop.get() + "/" + stopIndexing.get());
- if(deleteIndexOnStop.get())
- {
- clearIndex();
- deleteIndexOnStop.set(false);
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- else
- {
- stopIndexing.set(false);
- }
- logger.info("################# starting index");
- //if (indexStarted.compareAndSet(false, true))
- //{
- IndexReader indexReader = null;
- try
- {
- Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId = getLastCommitedContentVersionId();
- Document indexAllDocumentMetaData = getIndexAllStatusDocument();
- //Integer previousIndexAllLastContentVersionId = getIndexAllLastCommittedContentVersionId();
- logger.info("lastCommitedContentVersionId:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- Date lastCommitedModifiedDate = getLastCommitedModifiedDate();
- Calendar yesterday = Calendar.getInstance();
- yesterday.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -1);
- logger.info("lastCommitedContentVersionId: " + lastCommitedContentVersionId);
- logger.info("lastCommitedModifiedDate: " + lastCommitedModifiedDate);
- indexReader = getIndexReader();
- boolean didIndex = false;
- if(lastCommitedContentVersionId == -1 || indexAllDocumentMetaData != null || indexReader.numDocs() < 100)
- {
- logger.info("indexAll as it seemed to be not ready.....");
- logger.info("###########################IndexAll");
- didIndex = indexAll();
- }
- else //Skipping indexing for now..
- {
- logger.info("###########################indexIncremental");
- didIndex = indexIncremental(lastCommitedContentVersionId, yesterday.getTime());
- }
- if(didIndex)
- {
- CacheController.clearCache("pageCache");
- CacheController.clearCache("pageCacheExtra");
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error indexing notifications:" + e.getMessage());
- logger.warn("Error indexing notifications:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- /*
- }
- else
- {
- logger.error("################# skipping index, was allready started");
- }
- */
- }
- public boolean indexIncremental(Integer lastCommitedContentVersionId, Date lastCommitedDateTime) throws Exception
- {
- if(!CmsPropertyHandler.getInternalSearchEngine().equalsIgnoreCase("lucene"))
- return false;
- Timer t = new Timer();
- Timer t2 = new Timer();
- logger.info("Indexing incremental:" + lastCommitedContentVersionId + "/" + lastCommitedDateTime);
- //Map<String,String> lastCommitData = reader.getCommitUserData();
- List<LanguageVO> languageVOList = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList();
- Iterator<LanguageVO> languageVOListIterator = languageVOList.iterator();
- outer:while(languageVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- LanguageVO languageVO = (LanguageVO)languageVOListIterator.next();
- List<NotificationMessage> notificationMessages = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
- //logger.error("Getting notification messages for " + languageVO.getName());
- int newLastContentVersionId = getNotificationMessages(notificationMessages, languageVO, lastCommitedContentVersionId, lastCommitedDateTime, 1000);
- while(newLastContentVersionId != -1)
- {
- Thread.sleep(5000);
- if(stopIndexing.get())
- break outer;
- logger.info("Queueing " + notificationMessages.size() + " notificationMessages for indexing");
- for(NotificationMessage notificationMessage : notificationMessages)
- {
- notify(notificationMessage);
- }
- notifyListeners(true, false);
- notificationMessages.clear();
- //t.printElapsedTime("Indexing size():" + notificationMessages.size() + " took");
- Integer newLastContentVersionIdCandidate = getNotificationMessages(notificationMessages, languageVO, newLastContentVersionId, lastCommitedDateTime, 1000);
- logger.info("newLastContentVersionIdCandidate:" + newLastContentVersionIdCandidate + "=" + newLastContentVersionId);
- if(newLastContentVersionIdCandidate > newLastContentVersionId)
- newLastContentVersionId = newLastContentVersionIdCandidate;
- else
- break;
- //t.printElapsedTime("newLastContentVersionId:" + newLastContentVersionId + " took");
- }
- }
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- t2.printElapsedTime("All indexing took");
- return true;
- }
- private int getNotificationMessagesForStructure(List<NotificationMessage> notificationMessages, LanguageVO languageVO, int lastSiteNodeVersionId) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- logger.info("getNotificationMessages:" + lastSiteNodeVersionId);
- int newLastSiteNodeVersionId = -1;
- Database db = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- try
- {
- beginTransaction(db);
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO contentTypeDefinitionVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithName("Meta info", db);
- ContentVersionVO lastContentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestContentVersionVO(languageVO.getId(), db);
- Integer maxContentVersionId = (lastContentVersionVO == null ? 1000 : lastContentVersionVO.getId());
- logger.info("maxContentVersionId:" + maxContentVersionId + " for " + languageVO.getName());
- List<ContentVersionVO> versions = new ArrayList<ContentVersionVO>();
- if(CmsPropertyHandler.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase("cms"))
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), null, languageVO.getId(), false, 0, newLastSiteNodeVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, true, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- else
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), null, languageVO.getId(), false, Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), newLastSiteNodeVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, true, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Index all : getContentVersionVOList", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("versions in getNotificationMessagesForStructure:" + versions.size());
- logger.info("Looping versions:" + versions.size());
- for(ContentVersionVO version : versions)
- {
- NotificationMessage notificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("LuceneController", ContentVersionImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", NotificationMessage.TRANS_UPDATE, version.getId(), "dummy");
- notificationMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- newLastSiteNodeVersionId = version.getId().intValue();
- }
- logger.info("Finished round 1:" + notificationMessages.size() + ":" + newLastSiteNodeVersionId);
- }
- catch ( Exception e )
- {
- rollbackTransaction(db);
- throw new SystemException("An error occurred when we tried to fetch a list of users in this role. Reason:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- commitTransaction(db);
- return newLastSiteNodeVersionId;
- }
- private int getContentNotificationMessages(LanguageVO languageVO, int lastContentVersionId) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- logger.info("getNotificationMessages:" + languageVO.getName() + " : " + lastContentVersionId);
- logger.info("notifyListeners actually running");
- if(getIsIndexedLocked())
- {
- logger.info("The index should not be locked as no indexing is registered to be carried out. Lets unlock it as it may be the result of a crash.");
- unlockIndex();
- }
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- //t.printElapsedTime("Creating writer took");
- int newLastContentVersionId = -1;
- Database db = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- try
- {
- beginTransaction(db);
- logger.info("lastContentVersionId:" + lastContentVersionId);
- if(lastContentVersionId < 1)
- {
- SmallestContentVersionVO firstContentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getFirstContentVersionId(languageVO.getId(), db);
- if(firstContentVersionVO != null)
- lastContentVersionId = firstContentVersionVO.getId();
- }
- logger.info("lastContentVersionId 2:" + lastContentVersionId);
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO contentTypeDefinitionVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithName("Meta info", db);
- ContentVersionVO lastContentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestContentVersionVO(languageVO.getId(), db);
- Integer maxContentVersionId = (lastContentVersionVO == null ? 1000 : lastContentVersionVO.getId());
- logger.info("maxContentVersionId 1:" + maxContentVersionId + " for " + languageVO.getName());
- List<ContentVersionVO> versions = new ArrayList<ContentVersionVO>();
- if(CmsPropertyHandler.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase("cms"))
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(null, contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), languageVO.getId(), false, 0, lastContentVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, false, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- else
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(null, contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), languageVO.getId(), false, Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), lastContentVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, false, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Index all : getContentVersionVOList", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("versions in getContentNotificationMessages:" + versions.size());
- logger.info("Looping versions:" + versions.size());
- for(ContentVersionVO version : versions)
- {
- if(stopIndexing.get())
- return newLastContentVersionId;
- Document document = getDocumentFromContentVersion(version, db);
- String uid = document.get("uid");
- logger.info("document: " + document);
- writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("uid", "" + uid));
- if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
- logger.debug("Adding document with uid:" + uid + " - " + document);
- if(document != null)
- writer.addDocument(document);
- logger.info("version assetCount:" + version.getAssetCount());
- if(version.getAssetCount() == null || version.getAssetCount() > 0)
- {
- List digitalAssetVOList = DigitalAssetController.getDigitalAssetVOList(version.getId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDigitalAssetVOList", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(digitalAssetVOList.size() > 0)
- {
- logger.info("digitalAssetVOList:" + digitalAssetVOList.size());
- Iterator digitalAssetVOListIterator = digitalAssetVOList.iterator();
- while(digitalAssetVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- DigitalAssetVO assetVO = (DigitalAssetVO)digitalAssetVOListIterator.next();
- Document assetDocument = getDocumentFromDigitalAsset(assetVO, version, db);
- String assetUid = assetDocument.get("uid");
- writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("uid", "" + assetUid));
- if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
- logger.debug("Adding document with assetUid:" + assetUid + " - " + assetDocument);
- if(assetDocument != null)
- writer.addDocument(assetDocument);
- }
- }
- }
- newLastContentVersionId = version.getId().intValue();
- }
- //logger.info("Finished round 2:" + notificationMessages.size() + ":" + newLastContentVersionId);
- }
- catch ( Exception e )
- {
- logger.error("Error in lucene indexing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- rollbackTransaction(db);
- throw new SystemException("An error occurred when we tried to getContentNotificationMessages. Reason:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- try{setLastCommitedContentVersionId(writer, newLastContentVersionId); writer.commit(); /*writer.close(true);*/}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
- }
- commitTransaction(db);
- return newLastContentVersionId;
- }
- private int getPageNotificationMessages(List notificationMessages, LanguageVO languageVO, int lastContentVersionId) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- logger.info("getNotificationMessages:" + languageVO.getName() + " : " + lastContentVersionId);
- logger.info("notifyListeners actually running");
- if(getIsIndexedLocked())
- {
- logger.info("The index should not be locked as no indexing is registered to be carried out. Lets unlock it as it may be the result of a crash.");
- unlockIndex();
- }
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- //t.printElapsedTime("Creating writer took");
- int newLastContentVersionId = -1;
- Database db = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- try
- {
- beginTransaction(db);
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO contentTypeDefinitionVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithName("Meta info", db);
- ContentVersionVO lastContentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestContentVersionVO(languageVO.getId(), db);
- Integer maxContentVersionId = (lastContentVersionVO == null ? 1000 : lastContentVersionVO.getId());
- logger.info("maxContentVersionId:" + maxContentVersionId + " for " + languageVO.getName());
- List<ContentVersionVO> versions = new ArrayList<ContentVersionVO>();
- if(CmsPropertyHandler.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase("cms"))
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), null, languageVO.getId(), false, 0, lastContentVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, true, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- else
- {
- versions = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOList(contentTypeDefinitionVO.getId(), null, languageVO.getId(), false, Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), lastContentVersionId, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch, numberOfVersionToIndexInBatch*10, true, db, true, maxContentVersionId);
- }
- logger.info("versions:" + versions.size());
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Index all : getContentVersionVOList", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("versions in getContentNotificationMessages:" + versions.size());
- logger.info("Looping versions:" + versions.size());
- for(ContentVersionVO version : versions)
- {
- if(stopIndexing.get())
- return newLastContentVersionId;
- Document documents = getSiteNodeDocument(version, writer, db);
- if (documents != null)
- {
- String uid = documents.get("uid");
- logger.debug("Regging doc: " + documents);
- writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("uid", "" + uid));
- if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
- logger.debug("Adding document with uid:" + uid + " - " + documents);
- writer.addDocument(documents);
- }
- else if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- {
- logger.info("Failed to get document for SiteNode. Meta info content.id: " + version.getContentVersionId());
- }
- /*
- logger.info("version assetCount:" + version.getAssetCount());
- if(version.getAssetCount() == null || version.getAssetCount() > 0)
- {
- List digitalAssetVOList = DigitalAssetController.getDigitalAssetVOList(version.getId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDigitalAssetVOList", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(digitalAssetVOList.size() > 0)
- {
- logger.info("digitalAssetVOList:" + digitalAssetVOList.size());
- Iterator digitalAssetVOListIterator = digitalAssetVOList.iterator();
- while(digitalAssetVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- DigitalAssetVO assetVO = (DigitalAssetVO)digitalAssetVOListIterator.next();
- NotificationMessage assetNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("LuceneController", DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", NotificationMessage.TRANS_UPDATE, assetVO.getId(), "dummy");
- notificationMessages.add(assetNotificationMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- NotificationMessage notificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("LuceneController", ContentVersionImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", NotificationMessage.TRANS_UPDATE, version.getId(), "dummy");
- notificationMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- */
- newLastContentVersionId = version.getId().intValue();
- }
- logger.info("Finished round 3:" + notificationMessages.size() + ":" + newLastContentVersionId);
- }
- catch ( Exception e )
- {
- rollbackTransaction(db);
- throw new SystemException("An error occurred when we tried to fetch a list of users in this role. Reason:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- try{setLastCommitedContentVersionId(writer, newLastContentVersionId); writer.commit(); /*writer.close(true);*/}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
- }
- commitTransaction(db);
- return newLastContentVersionId;
- }
- public void testSQL()
- {
- try {
- getNotificationMessages(new ArrayList(), LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOWithCode("sv"), 100000, new Date(), 1000);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- logger.error("Errro:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- private int getNotificationMessages(List notificationMessages, LanguageVO languageVO, int lastContentVersionId, Date lastCheckDateTime, int batchSize) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- logger.info("getNotificationMessages:" + languageVO.getName() + " : " + lastContentVersionId + ":" + lastCheckDateTime);
- int newLastContentVersionId = -1;
- Database db = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- try
- {
- beginTransaction(db);
- logger.info("**************Getting contents start:" + t.getElapsedTime() + ":" + lastCheckDateTime);
- Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
- date.setTime(lastCheckDateTime);
- date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1);
- //String SQL = "select cv.contentVersionId, cv.stateId, cv.modifiedDateTime, cv.versionComment, cv.isCheckedOut, cv.isActive, cv.contentId, cv.languageId, cv.versionModifier FROM cmContentVersion cv where cv.languageId = $1 AND cv.isActive = $2 AND ((cv.contentVersionId > $3 AND cv.contentVersionId < $4) OR cv.modifiedDateTime > $5) ORDER BY cv.contentVersionId";
- //if(CmsPropertyHandler.getUseShortTableNames() != null && CmsPropertyHandler.getUseShortTableNames().equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
- // SQL = "select cv.contVerId, cv.stateId, cv.modifiedDateTime, cv.verComment, cv.isCheckedOut, cv.isActive, cv.contId, cv.languageId, cv.versionModifier FROM cmContVer cv where cv.languageId = $1 AND cv.isActive = $2 AND ((cv.contVerId > $3 AND cv.contVerId < $4) OR cv.modifiedDateTime > TO_DATE('2013-03-20','YYYY-MM-DD')) ORDER BY cv.contVerId";
- //System.out.println("SQL:" + SQL);
- //OQLQuery oql = db.getOQLQuery("CALL SQL " + SQL + " AS org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.SmallestContentVersionImpl");
- //if(CmsPropertyHandler.getUseShortTableNames() != null && CmsPropertyHandler.getUseShortTableNames().equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
- // oql = db.getOQLQuery("CALL SQL " + SQL + " AS org.infoglue.cms.entities.content.impl.simple.SmallestContentVersionImpl");
- //oracle.sql.DATE oracleDate = new oracle.sql.DATE(new java.sql.Date(date.getTime().getTime()));
- OQLQuery oql = db.getOQLQuery( "SELECT cv FROM " + SmallestContentVersionImpl.class.getName() + " cv WHERE cv.languageId = $1 AND cv.isActive = $2 AND ((cv.contentVersionId > $3 AND cv.contentVersionId < $4) OR cv.modifiedDateTime > $5) ORDER BY cv.contentVersionId limit $6");
- //OQLQuery oql = db.getOQLQuery( "SELECT cv FROM " + SmallestContentVersionImpl.class.getName() + " cv WHERE cv.languageId = $1 AND cv.isActive = $2 AND ((cv.contentVersionId > $3 AND cv.contentVersionId < $4)) ORDER BY cv.contentVersionId limit $5");
- oql.bind(languageVO.getId());
- oql.bind(true);
- oql.bind(lastContentVersionId);
- oql.bind(lastContentVersionId+(batchSize*10));
- //oql.bind(date.getTime());
- oql.bind(date.getTime());
- oql.bind(batchSize);
- QueryResults results = oql.execute(Database.READONLY);
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Getting contents took: " + t.getElapsedTime());
- int processedItems = 0;
- Integer previousContentId = null;
- while (results.hasMore())
- {
- SmallestContentVersionImpl smallestContentVersionImpl = (SmallestContentVersionImpl)results.next();
- if(previousContentId == null || !previousContentId.equals(smallestContentVersionImpl.getContentId()))
- {
- List digitalAssetVOList = DigitalAssetController.getDigitalAssetVOList(smallestContentVersionImpl.getId(), db);
- if(digitalAssetVOList.size() > 0)
- {
- logger.info("digitalAssetVOList:" + digitalAssetVOList.size());
- Iterator digitalAssetVOListIterator = digitalAssetVOList.iterator();
- while(digitalAssetVOListIterator.hasNext())
- {
- DigitalAssetVO assetVO = (DigitalAssetVO)digitalAssetVOListIterator.next();
- if(assetVO.getAssetFileSize() < 10000000) //Do not index large files
- {
- NotificationMessage assetNotificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("LuceneController", DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", NotificationMessage.TRANS_UPDATE, assetVO.getId(), "dummy");
- notificationMessages.add(assetNotificationMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- NotificationMessage notificationMessage = new NotificationMessage("LuceneController", ContentVersionImpl.class.getName(), "SYSTEM", NotificationMessage.TRANS_UPDATE, smallestContentVersionImpl.getId(), "dummy");
- notificationMessages.add(notificationMessage);
- previousContentId = smallestContentVersionImpl.getContentId();
- }
- newLastContentVersionId = smallestContentVersionImpl.getId().intValue();
- lastCommitedContentVersionId = newLastContentVersionId;
- processedItems++;
- logger.info("previousContentId:" + previousContentId + "/" + processedItems);
- if(processedItems > batchSize)
- {
- System.out.println("Batch full...");
- break;
- }
- }
- results.close();
- logger.info("Finished round 4:" + processedItems + ":" + newLastContentVersionId);
- }
- catch ( Exception e )
- {
- rollbackTransaction(db);
- throw new SystemException("An error occurred when we tried to fetch a list of users in this role. Reason:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- commitTransaction(db);
- return newLastContentVersionId;
- }
- private void indexInformation(NotificationMessage notificationMessage, IndexWriter writer, List<NotificationMessage> internalMessageList, Boolean forceVersionIndexing, Database db)
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- try
- {
- try
- {
- //writer.setMaxMergeDocs(500000);
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Indexing to directory '" + writer.getDirectory().toString() + "'...");
- List<Document> documents = getDocumentsForIncremental(notificationMessage, writer, forceVersionIndexing, db);
- Iterator<Document> documentsIterator = documents.iterator();
- while(documentsIterator.hasNext())
- {
- Document indexingDocument = documentsIterator.next();
- String uid = indexingDocument.get("uid");
- if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
- logger.debug("Adding document with uid:" + uid + " - " + indexingDocument);
- //logger.error("Adding document with uid:" + uid + " - " + indexingDocument);
- if(indexingDocument != null)
- writer.addDocument(indexingDocument);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error indexing:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- indexedDocumentsSinceLastOptimize++;
- if(indexedDocumentsSinceLastOptimize > 1000)
- {
- indexedDocumentsSinceLastOptimize = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error indexing:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- private List<Document> getDocumentsForIncremental(NotificationMessage notificationMessage, IndexWriter writer, Boolean forceVersionIndexing, Database db) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- List<Document> returnDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>();
- logger.info("2222222222 notificationMessage.getClassName():" + notificationMessage.getClassName() + " in " + CmsPropertyHandler.getApplicationName());
- Set<Integer> contentIdsToIndex = new HashSet<Integer>();
- Set<Integer> siteNodeIdsToIndex = new HashSet<Integer>();
- if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(Content.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an Content notification: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db);
- //ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentVOWithId", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- contentIdsToIndex.add(contentVO.getId());
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentVersionImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(ContentVersion.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an ContentVersion notification: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentVersionVOWithId", t.getElapsedTime());
- contentIdsToIndex.add(contentVersionVO.getContentId());
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(DigitalAssetImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(DigitalAsset.class.getName()))
- {
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Got an DigitalAssetImpl notification: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- Database db2 = CastorDatabaseService.getDatabase();
- beginTransaction(db2);
- try
- {
- DigitalAssetVO asset = DigitalAssetController.getController().getLocklessSmallDigitalAssetVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db2);
- //DigitalAssetVO asset = DigitalAssetController.getSmallDigitalAssetVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db2);
- if(asset != null)
- {
- List<SmallestContentVersionVO> contentVersionVOList = DigitalAssetController.getContentVersionVOListConnectedToAssetWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("contentVersionVOList:" + contentVersionVOList.size());
- Iterator<SmallestContentVersionVO> contentVersionsIterator = contentVersionVOList.iterator();
- while(contentVersionsIterator.hasNext())
- {
- SmallestContentVersionVO version = contentVersionsIterator.next();
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("contentVersionsIterator", t.getElapsedTime());
- ContentVersionVO cvVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOWithId(version.getId(), db2);
- Document document = getDocumentFromDigitalAsset(asset, cvVO, db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDocumentFromDigitalAsset", t.getElapsedTime());
- logger.info("00000000000000000: Adding asset document:" + document);
- if(document != null)
- returnDocuments.add(document);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- logger.info("Asset was probably deleted - ignoring it.");
- }
- commitTransaction(db2);
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("An error occurred so we should not complete the transaction:" + e, e);
- rollbackTransaction(db2);
- throw new SystemException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- else if(notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SiteNode.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(SmallSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()) || notificationMessage.getClassName().equals(PureSiteNodeImpl.class.getName()))
- {
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db);
- if (siteNodeVO == null)
- {
- logger.warn("Could not find SiteNode with id: " + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- }
- else
- {
- siteNodeIdsToIndex.add(siteNodeVO.getId());
- }
- }
- logger.info("Indexing:" + siteNodeIdsToIndex.size());
- for(Integer siteNodeId : siteNodeIdsToIndex)
- {
- //Deleting all info based on content
- Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- logger.info("Deleting all info on:" + siteNodeId);
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "siteNodeId", analyzer).parse("" + siteNodeId);
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- //End
- logger.info("QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ:" + notificationMessage.getObjectId());
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId((Integer)notificationMessage.getObjectId(), db);
- logger.info("$$$$$$$$$$Getting doc for " + siteNodeVO.getName());
- Document document = getDocumentFromSiteNode(siteNodeVO, writer, db);
- logger.info("document " + document);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDocumentFromSiteNode", t.getElapsedTime());
- if(document != null)
- returnDocuments.add(document);
- }
- logger.info("Indexing contentIdsToIndex:" + contentIdsToIndex.size());
- for(Integer contentId : contentIdsToIndex)
- {
- //Deleting all info based on content
- Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- logger.info("Deleting all info on:" + contentId);
- String[] fields = new String[]{"isAsset","contentId"};
- String[] queries = new String[]{"true","" + contentId};
- BooleanClause.Occur[] flags = new BooleanClause.Occur[]{BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT,BooleanClause.Occur.MUST};
- Query query = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version.LUCENE_34, queries, fields, flags, analyzer);
- //Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contentId", analyzer).parse("" + contentId);
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- //End
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentId, db);
- Document document = getDocumentFromContent(contentVO, notificationMessage, writer, forceVersionIndexing, db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDocumentFromContent", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(document != null)
- {
- returnDocuments.add(document);
- logger.info("++++++++++++++Forcing cv indexing");
- List<ContentVersionVO> versions = new ArrayList<ContentVersionVO>();
- if(CmsPropertyHandler.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase("cms"))
- {
- //List<LanguageVO> languages = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList(contentVO.getRepositoryId());
- List<LanguageVO> languages = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList(contentVO.getRepositoryId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getLanguageVOList", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- for(LanguageVO language : languages)
- {
- ContentVersionVO latestVersion = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(contentVO.getId(), language.getId(), Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getLatestActiveContentVersionVO", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(latestVersion != null)
- versions.add(latestVersion);
- ContentVersionVO latestVersionPublishedVersion = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(contentVO.getId(), language.getId(), ContentVersionVO.PUBLISHED_STATE, db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getLatestActiveContentVersionVO", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(latestVersionPublishedVersion != null && latestVersionPublishedVersion.getId().intValue() != latestVersion.getId().intValue())
- versions.add(latestVersionPublishedVersion);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- List<LanguageVO> languages = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList(contentVO.getRepositoryId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getLanguageVOList", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- for(LanguageVO language : languages)
- {
- ContentVersionVO version = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(contentVO.getId(), language.getId(), Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getLatestActiveContentVersionVO", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(version != null)
- versions.add(version);
- }
- }
- logger.info("versions:" + versions.size());
- for(ContentVersionVO version : versions)
- {
- logger.info("version:" + version.getId());
- Document versionDocument = getDocumentFromContentVersion(version, db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDocumentFromContentVersion", t.getElapsedTime());
- if(versionDocument != null)
- returnDocuments.add(versionDocument);
- if(version.getId() > this.lastCommitedContentVersionId)
- lastCommitedContentVersionId = version.getId();
- }
- }
- }
- return returnDocuments;
- }
- private List<Document> getDocumentsForContentVersion(ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO, Database db) throws Exception
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- List<Document> returnDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>();
- //ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId(), db);
- //RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentVOWithId", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- Document document = getDocumentFromContentVersion(contentVersionVO, db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDocumentFromContentVersion", t.getElapsedTime());
- if(document != null)
- returnDocuments.add(document);
- return returnDocuments;
- }
- public Document getDocumentFromSiteNode(SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO, IndexWriter writer, Database db) throws Exception, InterruptedException
- {
- logger.info("getDocumentFromSiteNode:" + siteNodeVO.getName() + ":" + siteNodeVO.getIsDeleted());
- if(siteNodeVO == null || siteNodeVO.getIsDeleted())
- {
- logger.info("Adding a delete directive to the indexer");
- String uid = "siteNodeId_" + siteNodeVO.getId();
- logger.info("Deleting documents:" + "uid=" + uid);
- logger.info("Before delete:" + writer.numDocs());
- //writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("uid", "" + uid));
- Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "siteNodeId", analyzer).parse("" + siteNodeVO.getId());
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- logger.info("Before delete:" + writer.numDocs());
- return null;
- }
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".
- // Use a field that is indexed (i.e. searchable), but don't tokenize
- // the field into words.
- doc.add(new NumericField("publishDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(siteNodeVO.getPublishDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(new Date().getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("siteNodeId", "" + siteNodeVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "" + siteNodeVO.getRepositoryId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "" + siteNodeVO.getCreatorName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "false", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isSiteNode", "true", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- SiteNodeVersionVO siteNodeVersionVO = SiteNodeVersionController.getController().getLatestActiveSiteNodeVersionVO(db, siteNodeVO.getId());
- if(siteNodeVersionVO != null)
- {
- doc.add(new NumericField("modificationDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(siteNodeVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("siteNodeVersionId", "" + siteNodeVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("stateId", "" + siteNodeVersionVO.getStateId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("path", "" + getSiteNodePath(siteNodeVO.getId(), db), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- }
- // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally
- // maintained.
- // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
- // tokenized prior to indexing.
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "siteNodeId_" + siteNodeVO.getId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it
- // will
- // get tokenized and indexed.
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(siteNodeVO.getName())));
- if(siteNodeVO.getMetaInfoContentId() != null && siteNodeVO.getMetaInfoContentId() > -1)
- {
- List<LanguageVO> languages = LanguageController.getController().getLanguageVOList(siteNodeVO.getRepositoryId(), db);
- for(LanguageVO language : languages)
- {
- ContentVersionVO cvVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(siteNodeVO.getMetaInfoContentId(), language.getId(), Integer.parseInt(CmsPropertyHandler.getOperatingMode()), db);
- if(cvVO != null)
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(cvVO.getVersionValue())));
- }
- }
- // return the document
- return doc;
- }
- public Document getSiteNodeDocument(ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO, IndexWriter writer, Database db) throws Exception, InterruptedException
- {
- Timer t = new Timer();
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentVOWithId", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(contentVO.getIsDeleted())
- return null;
- if (contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId() == null || contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeName() == null)
- {
- logger.warn("Content version does not have a SiteNode connected. Will not index content version. ContentVersion.id: " + contentVersionVO.getContentVersionId());
- return null;
- }
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".
- // Use a field that is indexed (i.e. searchable), but don't tokenize
- // the field into words.
- doc.add(new NumericField("publishDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(new Date().getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("siteNodeId", "" + contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "" + contentVO.getRepositoryId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "" + contentVersionVO.getVersionModifier(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "false", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isSiteNode", "true", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- //doc.add(new Field("contentTypeDefinitionId", "" + ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithName("Meta info", db).getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- try
- {
- SiteNodeVersionVO siteNodeVersionVO = SiteNodeVersionController.getController().getLatestActiveSiteNodeVersionVO(db, contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId());
- if(siteNodeVersionVO != null)
- doc.add(new Field("siteNodeVersionId", "" + siteNodeVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- else
- logger.warn("No site node version found on siteNode: " + contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- doc.add(new NumericField("modificationDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("stateId", "" + contentVersionVO.getStateId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("path", "" + getSiteNodePath(contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId(), db), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally
- // maintained.
- // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
- // tokenized prior to indexing.
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "siteNodeId_" + contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it
- // will
- // get tokenized and indexed.
- String pageName = contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeName();
- if(pageName == null)
- {
- logger.info("Have to read again...");
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getSiteNodeId(), db);
- pageName = siteNodeVO.getName();
- }
- String versionValue = contentVersionVO.getVersionValue();
- if(versionValue == null)
- {
- logger.info("Have to read version again...");
- ContentVersionVO cvVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController().getContentVersionVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentVersionId(), db);
- versionValue = cvVO.getVersionValue();
- }
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(versionValue)));
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(pageName)));
- // return the document
- return doc;
- }
- public Document getDocumentFromContent(ContentVO contentVO, NotificationMessage message, IndexWriter writer, boolean indexVersions, Database db) throws Exception, InterruptedException
- {
- logger.info("getDocumentFromContent:" + contentVO.getName() + ":" + contentVO.getIsDeleted());
- if(contentVO == null || contentVO.getIsDeleted())
- {
- //NotificationMessage notificationMessage = new NotificationMessage(message.getName(), message.getClassName(), message.getSystemUserName(), NotificationMessage.TRANS_DELETE, message.getObjectId(), message.getObjectName());
- logger.info("Adding a delete directive to the indexer");
- //internalMessageList.add(notificationMessage);
- String uid = "contentId_" + contentVO.getId();
- logger.info("Deleting documents:" + "uid=" + uid);
- logger.info("Before delete:" + writer.numDocs());
- //writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("uid", "" + uid));
- Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34);
- Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contentId", analyzer).parse("" + contentVO.getId());
- writer.deleteDocuments(query);
- logger.info("Before delete:" + writer.numDocs());
- return null;
- }
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".
- // Use a field that is indexed (i.e. searchable), but don't tokenize
- // the field into words.
- doc.add(new NumericField("publishDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVO.getPublishDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(new Date().getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentId", "" + contentVO.getContentId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentTypeDefinitionId", "" + contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "" + contentVO.getRepositoryId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "" + contentVO.getCreatorName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "false", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("path", "" + getContentPath(contentVO.getId(), db), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally
- // maintained.
- // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
- // tokenized prior to indexing.
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "contentId_" + contentVO.getId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it
- // will
- // get tokenized and indexed.
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(contentVO.getName())));
- // return the document
- return doc;
- }
- public Document getDocumentFromContentVersion(ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO, Database db) throws Exception, InterruptedException
- {
- logger.info("getting document from content version:" + contentVersionVO.getContentName());
- Timer t = new Timer();
- //ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId());
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId(), db);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentVOWithId", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- if(contentVO.getIsDeleted())
- return null;
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".
- // Use a field that is indexed (i.e. searchable), but don't tokenize
- // the field into words.
- logger.info("contentVersionVO:" + contentVersionVO.getContentName());
- doc.add(new NumericField("publishDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVO.getPublishDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new NumericField("modificationDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentVersionId", "" + contentVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentId", "" + contentVersionVO.getContentId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentTypeDefinitionId", "" + contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("languageId", "" + contentVersionVO.getLanguageId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "" + contentVO.getRepositoryId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "" + contentVersionVO.getVersionModifier(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("stateId", "" + contentVersionVO.getStateId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "false", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("path", "" + getContentPath(contentVO.getId(), db), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Indexing normalFields", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- //Testing adding the categories for this version
- try
- {
- if(contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId() != null)
- {
- ContentTypeDefinitionVO ctdVO = null;
- try
- {
- ctdVO = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithId(contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId(), db);
- }
- catch (SystemException sex)
- {
- logger.warn("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId() + ". The categories for the content will not be indexed. Message: " + sex.getMessage());
- logger.info("Failed to get the content type definition for content with Id: " + contentVO.getContentId(), sex);
- }
- if (ctdVO != null)
- {
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getContentTypeDefinitionVOWithId", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- List<CategoryAttribute> categoryKeys = ContentTypeDefinitionController.getController().getDefinedCategoryKeys(ctdVO, true);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("getDefinedCategoryKeys", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- for(CategoryAttribute categoryKey : categoryKeys)
- {
- logger.info("categoryKey:" + categoryKey.getValue() + " for content:" + contentVO.getName());
- //List<ContentCategoryVO> contentCategoryVOList = ContentCategoryController.getController().findByContentVersionAttribute(categoryKey.getValue(), contentVersionVO.getId());
- List<ContentCategory> contentCategoryVOList = ContentCategoryController.getController().findByContentVersionAttribute(categoryKey.getValue(), contentVersionVO.getId(), db, true);
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Indexing categories", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- logger.info("contentCategoryVOList:" + contentCategoryVOList.size());
- for(ContentCategory contentCategory : contentCategoryVOList)
- {
- doc.add(new Field("categories", "" + contentCategory.getAttributeName().replaceAll(" ", "_").toLowerCase() + "eq" + contentCategory.getCategory().getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("categories", "" + contentCategory.getAttributeName() + "=" + contentCategory.getCategory().getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("" + contentCategory.getAttributeName() + "_categoryId", "" + contentCategory.getCategory().getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Problem indexing categories for contentVO: " + contentVO.getName() + "(" + contentVO.getId() + "): " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Indexing categories", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- //End test
- // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally
- // maintained.
- // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
- // tokenized prior to indexing.
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "contentVersionId_" + contentVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it
- // will
- // get tokenized and indexed.
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(contentVersionVO.getVersionValue())));
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(contentVersionVO.getContentName())));
- RequestAnalyser.getRequestAnalyser().registerComponentStatistics("Indexing end fields", (t.getElapsedTimeNanos() / 1000));
- // return the document
- return doc;
- }
- public Document getDocumentFromDigitalAsset(DigitalAssetVO digitalAssetVO, ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO, Database db) throws Exception, InterruptedException
- {
- //ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId(), db);
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getLocklessContentVOWithId(contentVersionVO.getContentId(), db);
- if(contentVO == null || contentVO.getIsDeleted())
- return null;
- // make a new, empty document
- Document doc = new Document();
- // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".
- // Use a field that is indexed (i.e. searchable), but don't tokenize
- // the field into words.
- //doc.add(new Field("modified", DateTools.timeToString(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new NumericField("modificationDateTime", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(contentVersionVO.getModifiedDateTime().getTime()));
- doc.add(new Field("digitalAssetId", "" + digitalAssetVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentVersionId", "" + contentVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentId", "" + contentVersionVO.getContentId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("contentTypeDefinitionId", "" + contentVO.getContentTypeDefinitionId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("languageId", "" + contentVersionVO.getLanguageId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("repositoryId", "" + contentVO.getRepositoryId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("lastModifier", "" + contentVersionVO.getVersionModifier(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("stateId", "" + contentVersionVO.getStateId(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("isAsset", "true", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- doc.add(new Field("path", "" + getContentPath(contentVO.getId(), db), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally
- // maintained.
- // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
- // tokenized prior to indexing.
- doc.add(new Field("uid", "digitalAssetId_" + digitalAssetVO.getId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- //doc.add(new Field("uid", "" + contentVersionVO.getId(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
- // Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it
- // will
- // get tokenized and indexed.
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(digitalAssetVO.getAssetKey() + " " + digitalAssetVO.getAssetFileName() + " " + digitalAssetVO.getAssetContentType())));
- if (CmsPropertyHandler.getIndexDigitalAssetContent())
- {
- //String url = DigitalAssetController.getController().getDigitalAssetUrl(digitalAssetVO, db);
- //if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- // logger.info("url if we should index file:" + url);
- try
- {
- String filePath = DigitalAssetController.getController().getDigitalAssetFilePath(digitalAssetVO, db);
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("filePath if we should index file:" + filePath);
- File file = new File(filePath);
- String text = extractTextToIndex(digitalAssetVO, file);
- doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(text)));
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- logger.warn("Problem getting asset:" + digitalAssetVO.getId() + ": " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- return doc;
- }
- private String extractTextToIndex(DigitalAssetVO digitalAssetVO, File file)
- {
- String text = "";
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Asset content type:" + digitalAssetVO.getAssetContentType());
- if(digitalAssetVO.getAssetContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/pdf"))
- {
- try
- {
- Writer output = null;
- PDDocument document = null;
- try
- {
- document = PDDocument.load(file);
- ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- if(!document.isEncrypted())
- {
- output = new OutputStreamWriter(baos, "UTF-8");
- PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
- //stripper.setSortByPosition( sort );
- //stripper.setStartPage( startPage );
- //stripper.setEndPage( endPage );
- stripper.writeText( document, output );
- text = baos.toString("UTF-8");
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("PDF Document has " + text.length() + " chars\n\n" + text);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.warn("Error indexing file: " + file + "\nMessage: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- finally
- {
- if( output != null )
- {
- output.close();
- }
- if( document != null )
- {
- document.close();
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.warn("Error indexing:" + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- else if(digitalAssetVO.getAssetContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/msword"))
- {
- try
- {
- InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
- POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(file));
- is.close();
- // Create a document for this file
- HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(fs);
- // Create a WordExtractor to read the text of the word document
- WordExtractor we = new WordExtractor(doc);
- // Extract all paragraphs in the document as strings
- text = we.getText();
- // Output the document
- if(logger.isInfoEnabled())
- logger.info("Word Document has " + text.length() + " chars\n\n" + text);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.warn("Error indexing file: " + file + "\nMessage: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- return text;
- }
- public void deleteVersionFromIndex(String contentVersionId)
- {
- try
- {
- IndexWriter writer = getIndexWriter();
- logger.info("Deleting contentVersionId:" + contentVersionId);
- writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("contentVersionId", "" + contentVersionId));
- writer.commit();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logger.error("Error deleteVersionFromIndex:" + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- public String getContentPath(Integer contentId, Database db) throws Exception
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- ContentVO contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentId, db);
- if (contentVO.getName() == null || contentVO.getName().equals(""))
- {
- sb.insert(0, "]");
- sb.insert(0, contentVO.getId());
- sb.insert(0, "[");
- }
- else
- {
- sb.insert(0, contentVO.getName());
- }
- while(contentVO.getParentContentId() != null)
- {
- contentVO = ContentController.getContentController().getContentVOWithId(contentVO.getParentContentId(), db);
- sb.insert(0, "/");
- if (contentVO.getName() == null || contentVO.getName().equals(""))
- {
- sb.insert(0, "]");
- sb.insert(0, contentVO.getId());
- sb.insert(0, "[");
- }
- else
- {
- sb.insert(0, contentVO.getName());
- }
- }
- sb.insert(0, "/");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public String getSiteNodePath(Integer siteNodeId, Database db) throws Exception
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- SiteNodeVO siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId(siteNodeId, db);
- while(siteNodeVO != null)
- {
- sb.insert(0, "/" + siteNodeVO.getName());
- if(siteNodeVO.getParentSiteNodeId() != null)
- siteNodeVO = SiteNodeController.getController().getSiteNodeVOWithId(siteNodeVO.getParentSiteNodeId(), db);
- else
- siteNodeVO = null;
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /**
- * This is a method that never should be called.
- */
- public BaseEntityVO getNewVO()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public void setContextParameters(Map map)
- {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- }
- }