Emacs Lisp | 8679 lines | 7223 code | 774 blank | 682 comment | 271 complexity | 89b5512e5c5904e034ebe8a4bff124e0 MD5 | raw file
- ;;; spice-mode.el --- major mode providing a spice mode hook for fontification
- ;;; $Id: spice-mode.el,v 1.100 2007/01/03 16:46:46 vdplasg Exp $
- ;; Emacs Lisp Archive Entry
- ;; Author: Geert A. M. Van der Plas <geert_vanderplas@email.com> 1999-
- ;; Emmanuel Rouat <emmanuel.rouat@wanadoo.fr> 1997-
- ;; Carlin J. Vieri, MIT AI Lab <cvieri@ai.mit.edu> 1994
- ;; Keywords: ngspice, gnucap, spice, spice2g6, spice3, eldo, hspice, layla, mondriaan, fasthenry, CDL, spectre compatibility, netlist editing
- ;; Filename: spice-mode.el
- ;; Version: 1.2.25
- ;; Maintainer: Geert A. M. Van der Plas <geert_vanderplas@email.com>
- ;; Last-Updated: 01 November 2004
- ;; Description: spice file editing
- ;; URL: http://spice-mode.4t.com/
- ;; old-URL: http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~vdplas/emacs/
- ;; Compatibility: Emacs2[01], (partly tested)XEmacs21
- ;; Please send suggestions and bug reports to
- ;; mailto:Geert_VanderPlas@email.com
- ;; Copyright (C) 1994, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
- ;; Copyright (C) 1997- Emmanuel Rouat
- ;; Copyright (C) 1999- Geert A. M. Van der Plas
- ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;; ========
- ;; byte compile spice-mode.el to spice-mode.elc (see `byte-compile-file')
- ;; put these two files in an arbitrary, but accesible directory
- ;; for example: $HOME/emacs, /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/ or
- ;; /usr/local/lib/emacs/site-lisp/
- ;; If you chose a non-standard place to put the files add the following
- ;; line to your Emacs start-up file (`.emacs') or custom `site-start.el'
- ;; file (replace <directory-name> by the directory where you placed
- ;; spice-mode.el and spice-mode.elc):
- ;; (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "<directory-name>") load-path))
- ;; To use spice-mode, add either the following to your `.emacs' file. This
- ;; assumes that you will use the .sp, .cir, .ckt, .mod, ... extensions for
- ;; your spice source decks and output files:
- ;; (autoload 'spice-mode "spice-mode" "Spice/Layla Editing Mode" t)
- ;; (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.sp$" 'spice-mode)
- ;; (cons "\\.cir$" 'spice-mode)
- ;; (cons "\\.ckt$" 'spice-mode)
- ;; (cons "\\.spc$" 'spice-mode) ; xcircuit output
- ;; (cons "\\.spice$" 'spice-mode) ; magic output
- ;; (cons "\\.mod$" 'spice-mode)
- ;; (cons "\\.cdl$" 'spice-mode)
- ;; (cons "\\.chi$" 'spice-mode) ;eldo outpt
- ;; (cons "\\.inp$" 'spice-mode))
- ;; auto-mode-alist))
- ;; Other way to load spice mode (by Andrew Scott):
- ;; ;;; Testing for spice-mode (Another spice mode, also works on Spice,
- ;; ;;; Eldo, Layla; this one works on GNU Emacs-20.6 issues).
- ;; (autoload 'spice-mode "spice-mode" "Spice/Layla Editing Mode" t)
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cir$" . spice-mode))
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ckt$" . spice-mode))
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.inp$" . spice-mode))
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.spout$" . spice-mode));hspice out
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pdir$" . spice-mode))
- ;; ;;; Intel formats
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[sS][pP]$" . spice-mode))
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[sm]?t0$" . spice-mode))
- ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[h]?spice$" . spice-mode))
- ;; ==============
- ;; use customization to modify the behaviour of spice-mode; add
- ;; custom-set-variables to your `.emacs' file, for example:
- ;; (custom-set-variables
- ;; ; '(spice-initialize-file-function (quote geert-spice-file-header)) ;; use geert-spice-file-header function (not included in this file !)
- ;; '(spice-initialize-empty-file t) ;; initialize empty/new spice file
- ;; ; '(spice-standard '(spice2g6 (hspice eldo eldorf eldovloga layla))) ;; all 4 modes
- ;; '(spice-standard (quote (spice2g6 (hspice eldo)))) ;; hspice and eldo
- ;; '(spice-standard (quote (spice2g6 ()))) ;; spice2g6/3 only
- ;; '(spice-simulator "Spice3") ;; default simulator
- ;; '(spice-waveform-viewer "ngnutmeg") ;; default waveform
- ;; '(spice-highlight-keywords nil) ;; less highlighting
- ;; '(spice-section-alist ;; add own sections
- ;; ;; this is ugly, I know ;)
- ;; (append (nth 1 (nth 0 (get 'spice-section-alist 'standard-value)))
- ;; (list
- ;; (list "My Header" "MY HEADER" nil)
- ;; )))
- ;; '(spice-use-func-menu t) ;; use func-menu (XEmacs)
- ;; '(spice-show-describe-mode nil) ;; don't describe mode at startup
- ;; )
- ;; This can also be achieved interactively through customizations !
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; The original spice-mode.el created by C. Vieri has been modified
- ;; extensively. These changes have been heavily influenced by the eldo-mode.el
- ;; of Emmanuel Rouat (the tempo-templates for one) and the vhdl-mode.el of
- ;; Reto Zimmermann and Rodney J. Whitby (the font-locking, the
- ;; customization, the menus, ...) Help in understanding 'advanced' lisp
- ;; was provided by G. Debyser <geert.debyser@advalvas.be>, our (common) lisp
- ;; expert. Since version 0.97 a lot of input/ideas have been provided by
- ;; Emmanuel Rouat. Just take a look and search for eldo-mode ;)
- ;; This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing SPICE decks.
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; TODO:
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; - customization group spice- needs to be improved
- ;; activate customizations needs to be looked at (potentially removed)
- ;; - fix problem imenu sometimes truncating filenames of include files
- ;; by replacing the functionality with own function
- ;; - improve Y instance handling. use builtin macromodels, and own development;; models
- ;; - ...
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; BUGS:
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; - searching for .subckt could be buggy because of user's file structure
- ;; - xinstance highlighting is buggy, and probably always will ?
- ;; - font-lock expressions are incredibly complicated, and multiple spice
- ;; formats are not handled correctly at the same time...
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; If you have any questions about this mode, feel free to contact me
- ;; at the following address: geert_vanderplas@email.com. If I find the
- ;; time, I can take a look at the problem
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; free variables
- (defvar fume-function-name-regexp-alist)
- (defvar fume-function-name-regexp)
- (defvar compilation-file-regexp-alist)
- (defvar fume-find-function-name-method-alist)
- (defvar fume-menubar-menu-name)
- (defvar fume-buffer-menu)
- (defvar fume-buffer-name)
- (defvar fume-index-method)
- (defvar msb-menu-cond)
- (defconst spice-version "1.2.26 (12 Dec 2009)"
- "Current version of spice mode (spice2g6/spice3/hspice/eldo(rf&verilog-a)/fasthenry/layla/mondriaan/draccdl/spectre).")
- (defconst spice-developer
- "Geert Van der Plas & Emmanuel Rouat (<geert_vanderplas@email.com>, <emmanuel.rouat@wanadoo.fr>)"
- "Current developers/maintainers of spice-mode.")
- (defvar spice-running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
- "A variable that tells us whether we're in Xemacs or not")
- (defvar spice-tempo-tags nil
- "List of templates used in spice mode.")
- ;; help function
- (defun spice-custom-set (variable value &rest functions)
- "Set variables as in `custom-set-default' and call FUNCTIONS (if
- bound) afterwards."
- (if (fboundp 'custom-set-default)
- (custom-set-default variable value)
- (set-default variable value))
- (while functions
- (when (fboundp (car functions)) (funcall (car functions)))
- (setq functions (cdr functions))))
- (defgroup spice nil
- "Customizations for Spice mode."
- :prefix "spice-"
- :link '(url-link "http://spice-mode.4t.com/")
- :group 'languages
- )
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-mode-hook nil
- "*List of hook functions run by `spice-mode' (see `run-hooks')."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-standard '(spice2g6 (hspice eldo eldorf eldovloga fasthenry)) ; "layla" has been removed
- "*Spice standards used.
- Basic standard:
- Spice2g6 : Original Berkeley Spice (leave this always on!)
- Additional standards:
- Gnucap : The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
- Hspice (TM) : Commercial Spice, formerly Meta Software, now owned by Synopsys
- Eldo (TM) : Commercial Spice, formerly Anacad, now owned by Mentor Graphics
- EldoRf (TM) : RF Steady State analyses of Eldo (also turn on Eldo!)
- EldoVlogA : Verilog-A extensions to Eldo netlist language (also turn on Eldo!)
- FastHenry : Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program from MIT
- Layla : KULeuven LAYLA (layout synthesis) extensions to Spice format
- Mondriaan : KULeuven MONDRIAAN (layout synthesis) extensions (also turn on Layla!)
- DracCDL (TM): Dracula CDL extensions (Cadence LOGLVS netlists)
- Spectre (TM): Spice compatibility of Spectre language (simulator language=spice decks)
- "
- :type '(list (choice :tag "Basic standard"
- (const :tag "Spice2g6" spice2g6))
- (set :tag "Additional standards" :indent 2
- (const :tag "Hspice" hspice)
- (const :tag "Eldo" eldo)
- (const :tag "Eldo RF" eldorf)
- (const :tag "Eldo Verilog-A" eldovloga)
- (const :tag "FastHenry" fasthenry)
- (const :tag "Layla" layla)
- (const :tag "Mondriaan" mondriaan)
- (const :tag "DracCDL" draccdl)
- (const :tag "Spectre Spice Compatibility" spectre)))
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-check-spice-standard
- 'spice-mode-syntax-table-init
- 'spice-keywords-init
- 'spice-font-lock-init
- 'spice-imenu-init
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-imenu-add-to-menubar t
- "*Spice mode adds imenu (Index) item to menubar"
- :group 'spice
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :type 'boolean)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-use-func-menu nil
- "*Spice func menu setting (untested), comparable to imenu"
- :group 'spice
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :type 'boolean)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-show-describe-mode nil ; was t
- "*Spice mode runs `describe-mode' once at start of spice-mode"
- :group 'spice
- :type 'boolean)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-echo-intro t
- "*Spice mode echos introductory message on entry to spice-mode"
- :group 'spice
- :type 'boolean)
- (defgroup spice-initialize-file nil
- "Customizations for initialization of empty/new spice files."
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-initialize-empty-file nil
- "*Spice initialize empty/new file setting"
- :group 'spice-initialize-file
- :type 'boolean)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-initialize-template-file "~/.spice-default"
- "*File containing the default header that is inserted when opening
- an empty file (ie. a new file), see also `spice-initialize-empty-file'"
- :group 'spice-initialize-file
- :type 'file)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-default-header nil
- "*Default header for new Spice netlists, see also `spice-initialize-empty-file'"
- :group 'spice-initialize-file
- :type 'string)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-initialize-file-function 'spice-initialize-empty-file
- "*Optional initialize function for empty/new files, see also
- `spice-initialize-empty-file'. If a different function is specified it
- should insert a default header/template in the current buffer. This
- function should check which submode is in use with `spice-standard-p'
- and adapt its output accordingly. It may also use the `spice-default-header'
- variable and insert its contents into the buffer."
- :group 'spice-initialize-file
- :type 'function)
- (defgroup spice-simulate nil
- "Customizations for simulation."
- :group 'spice)
- (defcustom spice-simulator-alist
- '(
- ;; Spice3; spice3 -b <file.cir>
- ;;
- ("Gnucap" "gnucap -b" ""
- ("\\s-*Error[\t ]+on[ \t]+line[\t ]+\\([0-9]+\\) +:.+"
- 0 1 nil (buffer-file-name))
- ("Circuit: \\(.*\\)$" 1)) ; spice3 hack, is not the filename, but that's no prob
- ;; Hspice; hspice <file.cir>
- ;; **error**: only 1 connection at node 0:2
- ("Hspice" "hspice" ""
- ("\\s-*\\(..?error..?[: ]\\).+" 0 spice-linenum 1 (buffer-file-name))
- ("[* ]* [iI]nput [fF]ile: +\\([^ \t]+\\).*$" 1))
- ;; Eldo; eldo -i <file.cir>
- ;; ERROR 503: MODEL "NMOS": Undeclared model reference.
- ("Eldo" "eldo -i" ""
- ("\\s-*\\(E[rR][rR][oO][rR] +[0-9]+:\\).*"
- 0 spice-linenum 1 (buffer-file-name))
- ("Running \\(eldo\\).*$" 1)) ; eldo hack, true filename can not be found
- ;; Spectre; spectre <file.cir>
- ;; "viblok2.cir" 7: Unknown dot word `.param'.
- ("Spectre" "spectre" ""
- ("\\s-*\"\\([^ \t\n]+\\)\" +\\([0-9]+\\):.*"
- 1 2)
- ("" 0)) ; filename is in regexp of error
- ;;; Add your local simulators here:
- ;;
- )
- "*List of available Spice simulators and their properties.
- Each list entry specifies the following items for a simulator:
- Simulator:
- Simulator Name : name used in variable `spice-simulator' to choose
- simulator
- Simulate Command : command including options used for simulation program
- Extra switches : extra switches for simulator, after filename
- Error Message:
- Regexp : regular expression to match error messages
- File Subexp Index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
- Line Subexp Index: index of subexpression that matches the line number.
- use function `spice-linenum' when the line number
- is not available
- Col Subexp Index : index of subexpression that matches the column number
- if not available but `spice-linenum' has been
- supplied in the previous field, use 1
- File Message:
- Regexp : regular expression to match a file name message
- File Subexp Index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
- See also variable `spice-simulator-switches' to add options to the
- simulate command.
- Most simulators do not include the file name in the error message, but print
- out a file name message in advance. In this case, set \"File Subexp Index\"
- to 0 and fill out the \"File Message\" entries.
- "
- :type '(repeat (list :tag "Simulator" :indent 2
- (string :tag "Simulator Name ")
- (string :tag "Simulate Command ")
- ;(string :tag "From Directory " "./")
- (string :tag "Extra Switches ")
- (list :tag "Error Message" :indent 4
- (regexp :tag "Regexp ")
- (integer :tag "File Subexp Index")
- (integer :tag "Line Subexp Index"))
- (list :tag "File Message" :indent 4
- (regexp :tag "Regexp ")
- (integer :tag "File Subexp Index"))))
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-menu-init
- 'spice-compile-variables-init
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :group 'spice-simulate)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-simulator nil ; example: "Hspice"
- "*Spice command, used when compiling buffer with `compile-mode',
- see also `spice-simulator-switches'."
- :group 'spice-simulate
- :type 'string)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-simulator-switches "" ; example "-noconf"
- "*Spice command switches, used when compiling buffer with `compile-mode',
- see also `spice-simulator'."
- :group 'spice-simulate
- :type 'string)
- (defcustom spice-waveform-viewer-alist
- '(
- ;; Nutmeg; nutmeg <waveformdata.dat>
- ;;
- ("Gwave" "gwave" "" spice-run-silent
- (".raw" ".braw" ".ac0" ".tr0" ".sw0" ".W" ".N" ".acs")) ; gwave viewer
- ("ngnutmeg" "ngnutmeg" "" spice-run-interactive (".dat" ".ac0" ".tr0")) ; spice3 nutmeg viewer
- ("Xelga" "xelga" "" spice-run-silent ".cou") ; xelga eldo viewer
- ("Awaves" "awaves_emacs" "" spice-run-silent (".ac0" ".tr0")) ; awaves hspice viewer, this doesn't work yet and will it ever ? Explanation: awaves is a script that starts an executable/binary in the background. This means the shell starting awaves ends immediately after the forking of the executable; after which all backgrounded programs get killed by emacs since their parent's parent shell (/bin/sh) ends. awaves shouldn't return immediately and then this will work; that's why I called the program awaves_emacs...
- ;; ("Awaves2" "echo_awaves" "" spice-run-silent nil) ; awaves hspice viewer
- ;;; Add your local waveform viewers here:
- ;;
- )
- "*List of available Waveform viewers and their properties.
- Each list entry specifies the following items for a waveform viewer:
- Waveform Viewer:
- Wave Viewer Name : name used in variable `spice-waveform-viewer' to choose
- a waveform viewer
- Wave Viewer Command : command including options used for waveform viewer
- Extra switches : extra switches for waveform viewer, after filename
- See also variable `spice-waveform-viewer-switches' to add options to the
- waveform viewer command.
- "
- :type '(repeat (list :tag "Waveform Viewer" :indent 2
- (string :tag "Waveform Viewer Name ")
- (string :tag "Waveform Viewing Command ")
- (string :tag "Extra Switches ")
- (choice :tag "How"
- :value spice-run-silent
- (function-item spice-run-silent)
- (function-item spice-run-interactive)
- (function :tag "Other"))
- (choice (string :tag "Filename Suffix ")
- (function :tag "Function Deriving Filename")
- (repeat (list :tag "List of Filename Suffixes")))))
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-menu-init
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :group 'spice-simulate)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-waveform-viewer nil ; example: "ngnutmeg"
- "*Spice command, used when starting waveform viewer,
- see also `spice-waveform-viewer-switches'."
- :group 'spice-simulate
- :type 'string)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-waveform-viewer-switches "" ; example "-b"
- "*Spice waveform viewer command switches,
- see also `spice-waveform-viewer'."
- :group 'spice-simulate
- :type 'string)
- (defgroup spice-commands nil
- "Customizations for commands."
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-shell
- (if (memq system-type '(ms-dos emx windows-nt))
- shell-file-name
- "/bin/sh")
- "*Name of shell used to parse spice commands."
- :group 'spice-commands
- :type 'file)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-shell-command-option
- (cond ((memq system-type '(ms-dos emx windows-nt) )
- (cond ((boundp 'shell-command-option)
- shell-command-option)
- ((boundp 'shell-command-switch)
- shell-command-switch)
- (t
- "/c")))
- (t ;Unix & EMX (Emacs 19 port to OS/2)
- "-c"))
- "*Shell argument indicating that next argument is the command."
- :group 'spice-commands
- :type 'string)
- (defgroup spice-hide nil
- "Customizations for hiding of comments."
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (custom-declare-variable 'spice-hide-line-prefix
- '(concat
- (regexp-quote
- (concat comment-start
- (if (boundp 'comment-padding)
- (if (integerp comment-padding)
- (make-string comment-padding ? )
- comment-padding)
- " ")))
- "[a-z\\*!$0-9+\\.]")
- "*Regexp string describing lines that are commented out and will be
- hidden. The regexp is matched to the beginning of a line, the ^ is
- added automatically. The initialization of this variable is handled
- in `spice-hide-init', which is after the setting of `comment-start'
- and `comment-padding' variables."
- :initialize (lambda (variable value)
- (message "Deferring initialization of %s with %s to spice-hide-init" variable value)) ; avoid init now, comment-start and padding aren't set yet.
- :group 'spice-hide
- :type 'string)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-auto-hide-comments nil
- "*Boolean indicating automatic hiding of all commented regions at load time."
- :group 'spice-hide
- :type 'boolean)
- (defgroup spice-section nil
- "Customizations for sections."
- :group 'spice)
- ;; sections (entirely different implementation but sections idea has
- ;; been taken from eldo-mode.el)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-section-alist
- '(
- ;; Libraries
- ("Libraries" "LIBRARIES" nil) ;
- ;; Netlist
- ("Netlist" "NETLIST" nil) ;
- ;; Main Circuit
- ("Main Circuit" "MAIN CIRCUIT" nil) ;
- ;; Options
- ("Options" "SIMULATION OPTIONS" nil) ;
- ;; Supplies
- ("Supplies" "SUPPLIES/REFERENCES" nil) ;
- ;; Input Signals
- ("Input Signals" "INPUT SIGNALS" nil) ;
- ;; DC Analysis
- ("DC Analysis" "DC ANALYSIS" nil) ;
- ;; AC Analysis
- ("AC Analysis" "AC ANALYSIS" nil) ;
- ;; Transient Analysis
- ("Transient Analysis" "TRANSIENT ANALYSIS" nil) ;
- ;;; Add your site-local spice sections here:
- ;;
- )
- "*List of valid sections in a Spice file and their options.
- Each list entry specifies the following items for a section:
- Section:
- Section Name : name used in to select/create find section, make this
- name short and descriptive.
- Section String : string used in file to start section (usually all
- uppercase variant of name).
- Extra switches : extra switches for a section, unspecified for now."
- :type '(repeat (list :tag "Section" :indent 2
- (string :tag "Section Name ")
- (string :tag "Section String ")
- (sexp :tag "Extra Switches (nil)")))
- :set (lambda (variable value)
- (spice-custom-set variable value
- 'spice-keywords-init
- 'spice-font-lock-init
- 'spice-menu-init
- 'spice-imenu-init
- 'spice-update-existing-buffers))
- :group 'spice-section)
- (defgroup spice-faces nil
- "Customizations for highlighting."
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-highlight-keywords t
- "*Non-nil means highlight SPICE keywords and other standardized words.
- The following faces are used:
- `spice-title-face' : title (first line in a spice file)
- `spice-doc-face' : doc strings
- `spice-analysis-face' : analyses
- `spice-instance-name-face' : instance/element names
- `spice-model-name-face' : subckt model names
- `spice-layla-function-name-face': layla function names
- `spice-include-file-face' : include files and libraries
- `font-lock-keyword-face' : keywords
- `font-lock-warning-face' : warnings
- `font-lock-comment-face' : comment
- `font-lock-function-name-face': subcircuit references / names of objects
- `font-lock-type-face' : types
- `font-lock-string-face' : strings & include files
- `font-lock-constant-face' : simulator's options
- `font-lock-variable-name-face': names of .param's & variables
- NOTE: Activate the new setting in a spice buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
- entry \"Fontify Buffer\"). XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'spice-faces)
- ;; We try to use usual/standard font-lock faces, plus a few specific ones:
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-comment-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-keyword-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-type-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-function-name-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-variable-name-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-warning-face 'custom-face)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-string-face 'custom-face)
- (defgroup spice-output nil
- "Customizations for spice output file handling."
- :group 'spice)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defcustom spice-output-filename-alist
- '(
- ;; Libraries
- (eldo (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".chi")) ;
- (hspice (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".lis")) ;
- (hspice (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".spout")) ;
- (hspice (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".hspout")) ;
- (spice2g6 (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".out")) ;
- )
- "*List of valid output names depending on selected spice standard:
- Spice Standard : one of spice2g6, hspice, eldo or layla
- Expression : expression calculating the output filename
- "
- :type '(repeat (list :tag "Output Filenames" :indent 2
- (symbol :tag "Spice Standard ")
- (sexp :tag "Expression ")))
- :group 'spice-output)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; buffer local vars for spice-mode
- ;;(defvar spice-standard-local nil
- ;; "buffer local version of spice-standard.")
- (defvar spice-output-local nil
- "buffer local version of spice-output.")
- (defun spice-standard-p (standard)
- "Check if STANDARD is specified as used standard on local variable."
- (or (eq standard (car spice-standard))
- (memq standard (cadr spice-standard))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; regexps for spice mode
- (defconst spice-continuation-prefix "+"
- "Continuation prefix for normal spice line")
- (defconst spice-line-break "\\(\n\\s-*\\+\\s-*\\)*"
- "Regexp that matches a (possible) line break (\n+)")
- (defconst spice-model-name "\\([a-z][^ \t\n=]*\\)" ; "\\([a-z]\\sw*[^ \t\n=]*\\)"
- "Regexp that describes a syntactically correct model or subckt name")
- (defconst spice-library-regexp-start
- "^\\.\\(inc\\|include\\|verilog\\|use_veriloga\\|lib\\(\\s-+key=\\w+\\)?\\|libfas\\|subckt\\s-+lib\\|model\\s-+lib\\)\\s-+[\"']?"
- "Regexp that matches the beginning of library or include filename")
- (defconst spice-library-regexp-end
- "\\([^ \t\n\"']*\\)"
- "Regexp that matches the end of library or include filename") ; doesn't catch end of buffer
- (defconst spice-section-regexp-start "\\(^[*!$]\\s-*\\)"
- "spice mode section header start regexp.")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-keywords
- '(
- "subckt"
- "print" "plot"
- "opt" ; opt is actually a spice3 keyword, not 2g6
- "nodeset"
- "model" "macro" "include" ; include is actually a spice3 keyword, not 2g6
- "ends" "end"
- )
- "List of Spice2g6 keywords")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-analyses
- '(
- "tran" "op" "noise" "four" "disto" "dc" "ac"
- )
- "List of Spice2g6 analysis keywords")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-analysis-modifiers
- '(
- "dec" "lin" "oct" ;; the ubiquitous spice2g6 ac modifiers
- "pol" "zer" "pz" "cur" "vol" ;; pz analysis spice3
- "ac" ;; .sens analysis spice3
- )
- "List of Spice2g6 analysis modifier keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldo-keywords
- '(
- "width" "use" "unprotect" "tvinclude" "topcell"
- "table" "subdup" "solve" "sinus" "sigbus"
- "setsoa" "setbus" "save" "restart" "ramp"
- "protect" "probe" "plotbus"
- "param" "overwrite_input" "optwind" "optpwl" "optnoise" "options"
- "option" "optfour"
- "notrc" "nocom" "modlogic"
- "moddup" "meas" "mcmod" "lotgroup" "loop" "load"
- "libfas" "lib" "init" "include" "ic" "hier" "guess" "global"
- "extract" "endl" "enddata" "dspf_include" "distrib" "del"
- "defwave" "defplotdig" "defmac" "data" "d2a" "comchar" "conso" "connect"
- "chrsim" "chrent" "chrand" "checksoa" "checkbus" "alter" "addlib" "a2d"
- )
- "List of Eldo keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldo-colon-keywords
- '(
- "param" "pin" "model"
- )
- "List of Eldo colon keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldo-macromodel-keywords
- '(
- "opamp0" "opamp0d" "opamp1" "opamp1d" "opamp2" "opamp2d"
- "satr" "satv" "vswitch" "cswitch"
- "tri2sin" "stairgen" "sawgen" "trigen"
- "amm" "pam"
- "sa_ho" "tr_ho"
- "pwm" "vco"
- "peak_d" "lev_d"
- "logamp" "expamp"
- "diff" "integ"
- "add" "sub" "mult" "div"
- "sc_ideal" "sc_i" "sc_n" "sc_p" "sc_s1" "sc_s2"
- "sc_sp1" "sc_sp2" "sc_b" "sc_u"
- )
- "List of Eldo macromodels")
- (defconst spice-eldo-analyses
- '(
- "wcase" "tf" "temp"
- "step" "snf" "sens" "pz"
- "noisetran" "mc"
- )
- "List of Eldo analysis keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldo-analysis-modifiers
- '(
- )
- "List of Eldo analysis modifier keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-keywords
- '(
- "sst"
- )
- "List of Eldo RF keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldovloga-keywords
- '(
- "verilog" "use_veriloga"
- )
- "List of Eldo Verilog-A keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldovloga-colon-keywords
- '(
- "port" "generic"
- )
- "List of Eldo Verilog-A colon keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-analyses
- '(
- "sstac" "sstxf" "sstnoise"
- )
- "List of Eldo RF keywords")
- (defconst spice-hspice-keywords
- '(
- "width" "unprot" "unprotect" "uic"
- "title" "sys" "system" "save"
- "sample" "prot" "protect"
- "probe" "pc" "parameter"
- "param" "options" "option"
- "nomod"
- "measure" "meas" "macro"
- "load" "lib" "include" "inc" "ic" "graph" "global"
- "eom" "enddata" "dellib" "delete"
- "del" "dcvolt" "data" "control" "comment"
- "alter"
- "fsoptions" "layerstack" "material" "shape" ; FEM solver for W elements
- )
- "List of Hspice keywords")
- (defconst spice-hspice-analyses
- '(
- "disto"
- "fft"
- "tf" "temp"
- "net" ;; S, Z, Y and H parameters
- "sample"
- "sens"
- "pz"
- "noise"
- )
- "List of Hspice analysis keywords")
- (defconst spice-hspice-analysis-modifiers
- '(
- "sweep" "poi"
- )
- "List of Hspice analysis modifier keywords")
- (defconst spice-fasthenry-keywords
- '(
- "units" "default" "external" "equiv"
- )
- "List of FastHenry keywords")
- (defconst spice-fasthenry-analyses
- '(
- "freq"
- )
- "List of FastHenry analysis keywords")
- (defconst spice-fasthenry-analysis-modifiers
- '(
- )
- "List of FastHenry analysis modifier keywords")
- (defconst spice-layla-keywords
- '(
- "stop" "start"
- "port" "performance" "parameter"
- "param" "options" "option"
- "net"
- "model" "matching"
- "include" "inc"
- "bus"
- )
- "List of Layla keywords")
- (defconst spice-mondriaan-keywords
- '(
- "master" "routingarea" "routingchannel" "ports" "portgrid" "net"
- )
- "List of Mondriaan keywords")
- (defconst spice-draccdl-keywords
- '(
- "bipolar" "busdelimiter" "capa" "caparea" "capval" "default" "dioarea"
- "dioperi" "diode" "edifdelimiter" "busdelimiter" "equation" "equiv"
- "gnonswap" "ldd" "mega" "nonswap" "nopin" "nosub" "pin" "pininfo"
- "resi" "ressize" "resval" "reverse" "scale" "spice" "unspec"
- "eom" "global" "param" "macro" "swap"
- )
- "List of Dracula CDL keywords")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-types
- '(
- "ac" "dc" "exp" "pulse" "pwl" "sffm" "sin"
- )
- "List of types in spice2g6")
- (defconst spice-hspice-types
- '(
- "metal" "dielectric" "pec" "rectangle" "circle" "strip" "polygon" ;; ""
- )
- "List of types in hspice")
- (defconst spice-eldo-types
- '(
- "pattern"
- )
- "List of source types in eldo")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-types
- '(
- "fpulse" "four" "probe"
- )
- "List of source types in eldorf")
- (defconst spice-fasthenry-types
- '(
- "point" "rect" "circle"
- "user1" "user2" "user3" "user4" "user5" "user6" "user7"
- )
- "List of source types in fasthenry")
- (defconst spice-special-model-type-names
- '(
- "d" "npn" "pnp" "nmos" "pmos"
- )
- "List of model type names which are excluded for imenu")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-model-type-names
- '(
- "r" "c" "urc" "ltra"
- "njf" "pjf"
- "nmf" "pmf"
- "sw" "csw"
- )
- "List of model type names in spice2g6")
- (defconst spice-eldo-model-type-names
- '(
- "res" "cap" "ind"
- "rn" "rp" "lpnp"
- )
- "List of model type names extra in eldo")
- (defconst spice-eldo-vloga-model-type-names
- '(
- "macro"
- )
- "List of model type names extra in Eldo Verilog-A")
- (defconst spice-hspice-model-type-names
- '(
- "l" "core" "w" "plot"
- )
- "List of model type names extra in hspice")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-output-keywords
- '("print" "plot")
- "List of output keywords in spice2g6")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-output-types
- '("ac" "dc" "tran")
- "List of output types in spice2g6")
- (defconst spice-eldo-output-keywords
- '("extract" "meas")
- "List of output keywords in eldo")
- (defconst spice-eldo-output-types
- '("dcac" "dcsweep" "dctran" "noise" "four" "sweep")
- "List of output types in eldo")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-output-types
- '("fsst" "tsst" "sstac" "sstxf" "ssnoise" )
- "List of output types in eldo")
- (defconst spice-hspice-output-keywords
- '("probe" "graph" "measure")
- "List of output keywords in hspice")
- (defconst spice-hspice-output-types
- '("noise" "disto")
- "List of output types in hspice")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-options-keywords
- '("trytocompact")
- "List of spice2g6/3 options keywords.")
- (defconst spice-eldo-options-keywords
- '("wsf" "wsfascii" "sda"
- "precise" "spi3asc" "spi3bin" "spicedc" "spiout" "libfas" "nolib"
- "ammeter" "msgbias" "nowarn" "ulogic" "aspec" "mod4pins" "modwl" "wl"
- "captab" "coustep" "input" "lcapop" "list" "noascii" "ascii"
- "autostop" "nobound_phase" "nocou" "node" "nomod" "nopage" "nosizechk"
- "notrc" "trap" "smooth" "be" "gear" "newton" "iem" "analog" "digital"
- "osr" "mixed" "pstran" "dptran" "itl6" "itl7" "itl8" "nmaxsize"
- "noconvassist" "nolat" "pivrel" "pivtol" "qtrunc" "noconvassist"
- "nolat" "pivrel" "pivtol" "qtrunc" "relvar" "splitc" "noswitch"
- "unbound" "randmc" "usedefap" "engnot" "nodcpart" "probeop"
- "noprobeop" "histlim" "wbulk" "noinit" "nonoise" "tempcouk" "nofnsiem"
- "icdc" "icdev" "carlo_gauss" "cteprec" "d2dmvl9bit" "defconvmsg"
- "maxnodeord" "notrclib" "motorola" "aex")
- "List of eldo options keywords.")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-options-keywords
- '("sst_freqdiv")
- "List of Eldo RF options keywords.")
- (defconst spice-hspice-options-keywords
- '("acct" "converge"
- "absh" "acout" "cds" "scale" "cshdc" "alt999" "alt9999" "csdf"
- "accurate" "dvdt" "measout" "acout" "brief" "cshunt" "gshunt" "probe"
- "kcltest" "dctran" "di" "itl5" "list" "sda" "gshunt" "cshunt" "post"
- "node" "noelck" "gshunt" "maxamp" "nomod" "aspec" "icsweep" "relh"
- "nopage" "newtol" "reli" "notop" "parhier" "off" "spice" "wl"
- "dvtr" "nxx" "seed" "risetime" "imax" "nopiv" "imin" "opts" "cscal"
- "vntol" "absv" "pathnum" "badchr" "fmax" "plim" "diagnostic" "pivref"
- "fscal" "autostop" "nowarn" "gscal" "search" "lscal" "bypass" "verify"
- "sparse" "pivot" "pzabs" "cpu" "pztol" "fast" "interp" "h9007" "expli"
- "ritol" "itlpz" "itrprt" "unwrap" "captab" "newtol" "dccap")
- "List of hspice options keywords.")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-options-parameters
- '("gmin" "reltol" "abstol" "vntol" "trtol" "chgtol" "pivtol" "pivrel"
- "tnom" "temp" "lvlcod" "itl1" "itl2" "itl3" "itl4" "itl5" "defl"
- "defw" "defad" "defas" "method")
- "List of spice2g6/3 options parameters.")
- (defconst spice-eldo-options-parameters
- '("cptime" "msgnode" "zoomtime" "bsim3ver" "defnrd" "defnrs" "defpd" "defps"
- "gramp" "scale" "scalebsim" "scalm" "soiback" "flicker_noise"
- "thermal_noise" "cousmp" "limprobe" "ascii" "savetime" "simudiv"
- "stat" "timediv" "maxord" "bloc" "epsdig" "absvar" "capanw" "chgtol"
- "dvdt" "eps" "fluxtol" "freqsmp" "ft" "hmin" "hmax" "itol" "lvltim"
- "maxnodes" "maxtran" "maxv" "netsize" "ngtol" "ratprint" "reltrunc"
- "sample" "startsmp" "step" "trtol" "tuning" "vmin" "vntol" "xa"
- "numdgt" "dcpart" "couresol" "defa2d" "defd2a" "vbcsat" "dclog" "epso"
- "optype")
- "List of eldo options parameters.")
- (defconst spice-eldorf-options-parameters
- '("sst_start" "sst_stop" "sst_nper"
- "sst_npt" "sst_ovrsmp" "sst_spectrum" "sst_uic"
- "sst_max_liniter" "sst_verbose")
- "List of Eldo RF options parameters.")
- (defconst spice-hspice-options-parameters
- '("artist" "dcap" "absh" "absvar" "absi" "absv" "delmax" "absmos"
- "dcfor" "dchold" "fs" "mentor" "absvdc" "dcon" "ft" "co" "reltol" ; "post"
- "cvtol" "di" "dcstep" "imin" "ingold" "imax" "lennam" "psf" "maxamp"
- "dv" "defl" "relh" "gmax" "relvar" "measdgt" "zuken" "defnrd" "reli"
- "gmindc" "rmax" "defnrs" "relmos" "gramp" "rmin" "defpd" "relv"
- "slopetol" "defps" "relvdc" "timeres" "limpts" "scalm" "relq" "numdgt"
- "resmin" "optlst" "trtol" "genk" "pivot" "sparse" "lvltim" "klim"
- "maxord" "post_version" "bkpsiz" "mu" "xmu" "warnlimit" "expli"
- "bytol" "cptime" "epsmin" "mbypass" "expmax" "limtim" "vfloor")
- "List of hspice options parameters.")
- (defconst spice-layla-options-parameters
- '("begin_temp_iterations" "begin_acc_prob" "min_temp_scale_factor"
- "max_temp_scale_factor" "max_inner_loop_delta" "max_cost_delta"
- "min_range_scale_factor" "nr_temp_steps"
- "min_stable_inner_loops" "min_local_iterations" "max_local_iterations"
- "max_iterations" "bank_min_ar" "bank_max_ar" "bank_orientations"
- "bank_routing_space" "bus_sides" "bus_layer" "bus_port_width"
- "bus_port_height" "bus_port_distance" "bus_routing_space" "cap_min_ar"
- "cap_max_ar" "cap_orientations" "cap_routing_space" "cap_ar_step"
- "coil_orientations" "coil_routing_space" "alfa_area"
- "alfa_performance" "alfa_aspect_ratio" "alfa_overlap" "alfa_overlap_min"
- "alfa_overlap_max" "kappa_overlap" "device_min_ar" "device_max_ar"
- "device_orientations" "device_routing_space" "device_current"
- "diode_min_ar" "diode_max_ar" "diode_orientations"
- "diode_routing_space" "diode_current" "matching_compute_method"
- "dummy_min_ar" "dummy_max_ar" "dummy_orientations"
- "dummy_routing_space" "dummy_ar_step"
- "mos_min_ar" "mos_max_ar" "mos_orientations" "mos_routing_space"
- "mos_current" "prob_reshape" "prob_reorientation"
- "prob_symmetric_translation" "prob_symmetric_swap"
- "prob_symmetric_flip" "prob_symmetric_flip" "prob_symmetric_shift"
- "prob_independent_translation" "prob_independent_swap"
- "prob_independent_flip" "min_move_range" "net_compute_method"
- "write_init" "write_int" "int_write_interval" "write_fin" "write_final"
- "mentor_write_ipc" "gds2_write_ipc" "construct_net_performance"
- "construct_matching_performance" "aspect_ratio" "field_grow_factor"
- "field_aspect_ratio" "disable_symmetry" "disable_matching"
- "do_kul_routing" "kul_router_program" "kul_router_directives_file"
- "number_of_randomize_loops" "port_inherit_terminals" "bus_priority"
- "port_sides" "port_layer" "port_width" "port_height" "port_distance"
- "port_abutment" "port_routing_space" "port_no_routing" "port_current"
- "res_ar_step" "res_min_ar" "res_max_ar" "res_orientations"
- "res_routing_space" "res_width" "res_current" "disable_couple_flipping"
- "symmetry_max_offset_factor" "print_cost" "placement_name"
- "write_final_ample" "write_final_skill" "write_final_gds2_bin"
- "write_final_gds2_cells" "write_final_tud"
- "write_final_ample_generators" "write_final_ample_cells"
- "write_final_cif" "write_final_rose" "write_final_kul"
- "write_final_text"
- "write_int_ample" "write_int_skill" "write_int_gds2_bin"
- "write_int_gds2_cells" "write_int_tud" "write_int_ample_generators"
- "write_int_ample_cells" "write_int_cif" "write_int_rose"
- "write_int_kul" "write_int_text"
- "write_init_ample" "write_init_skill" "write_init_gds2_bin"
- "write_init_gds2_cells" "write_init_tud" "write_init_ample_generators"
- "write_init_ample_cells" "write_init_cif" "write_init_rose"
- "write_init_kul" "write_init_text" "time_out"
- "random_seed" "anneal_rs" )
- "List of LAYLA options parameters.")
- (defconst spice-layla-functions
- '(
- "bus_double_param" "bus_integer_param" "bus_string_param"
- "device_double_param" "device_integer_param" "device_string_param"
- "net_double_param" "net_integer_param" "net_string_param"
- "placement_double_param" "placement_integer_param" "placement_string_param"
- "port_double_param" "port_integer_param" "port_string_param"
- "symmetry_double_param" "symmetry_integer_param" "symmetry_string_param"
- )
- "List of functions in Layla mode")
- (defconst spice-draccdl-device-keywords
- '("nonswap" )
- "List of Dracula CDL device keywords.")
- (defconst spice-draccdl-device-parameters
- '("w" "l" "sub" "ea" ;; CDL parameters
- "x" "y") ;; added X&Y, dracula extracts them (not CDL!)
- "List of Dracula & CDL device parameters.")
- (defconst spice-spice2g6-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "ends" "macro" "subckt"
- )
- "List of spice2g6 entity start keywords")
- (defconst spice-eldo-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "endl"
- )
- "List of eldo entity start keywords")
- (defconst spice-hspice-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "endl" "eom"
- "fsoptions" "layerstack" "material" "shape" ; FEM solver for W elements
- )
- "List of hspice entity start keywords")
- (defconst spice-layla-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "bus" "net" "symmetry" "performance" "port"
- )
- "List of layla entity start keywords")
- (defconst spice-mondriaan-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "routingarea" "routingchannel" ;; "net" ; already in layla
- )
- "List of mondriaan entity start keywords")
- (defconst spice-draccdl-entity-start-keywords
- '(
- "eom"
- )
- "List of DracCDL entity start keywords")
- (defvar spice-keywords nil
- "List of spice mode keywords.")
- (defvar spice-colon-keywords nil
- "List of spice mode colon keywords.")
- (defvar spice-analyses nil
- "List of spice mode analyses.")
- (defvar spice-analysis-modifiers nil
- "List of spice mode analysis modifiers.")
- (defvar spice-types nil
- "List of spice mode standardized types.")
- (defvar spice-functions nil
- "List of spice mode functions.")
- (defvar spice-section-headings nil
- "List of spice mode section headings.")
- (defvar spice-misc-model-type-names nil
- "List of miscellaneous model type name.")
- (defvar spice-model-type-names nil
- "List of all model type name.")
- (defvar spice-output-keywords nil
- "List of all output keywords.")
- (defvar spice-output-types nil
- "List of all output types.")
- (defvar spice-options-keywords nil
- "List of all output options keywords.")
- (defvar spice-options-parameters nil
- "List of all output options parameters.")
- (defvar spice-entity-start-keywords nil
- "List of entity definition keywords.")
- (defvar spice-keywords-regexp nil
- "Regexp for keywords.")
- (defvar spice-colon-keywords-regexp nil
- "Regexp for colon keywords.")
- (defvar spice-analyses-regexp nil
- "Regexp for analyses.")
- (defvar spice-analysis-modifiers-regexp nil
- "Regexp for analysis modifiers.")
- (defvar spice-layla-keywords-regexp nil
- "Regexp for layla keywords.")
- (defvar spice-mondriaan-keywords-regexp nil
- "Regexp for mondriaan keywords.")
- (defvar spice-draccdl-keywords-regexp nil
- "Regexp for dracula CDL keywords.")
- (defvar spice-types-regexp nil
- "Regexp for spice mode types.")
- (defvar spice-functions-regexp nil
- "Regexp for spice mode functions (Layla).")
- (defvar spice-section-headings-regexp nil
- "Regexp for spice mode section headings.")
- (defvar spice-xinstance-regexp nil
- "Regexp for x instances.")
- (defvar spice-model-name-regexp nil
- "Regexp model names of elements.")
- (defvar spice-entity-start-regexp nil
- "Regexp for start of entity definition.")
- (require 'font-lock)
- (defvar spice-instance-name-face 'spice-instance-name-face
- "Face name to use spice instances.")
- (defface spice-instance-name-face
- '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t))
- (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow" :bold t))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used to highlight instances."
- :group 'spice-faces)
- (defvar spice-model-name-face 'spice-model-name-face
- "Face name to use spice instances.")
- (defface spice-model-name-face
- '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray"))
- (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray"))
- (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Red3"))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSteelBlue"))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used to highlight models."
- :group 'spice-faces)
- (defvar spice-title-face 'spice-title-face
- "Face name for title string.")
- (defface spice-title-face
- '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t))
- (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background light))
- (:foreground "Yellow" :background "black" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background dark))
- (:foreground "green3":background "lightyellow" :bold t))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used for title string."
- :group 'spice-faces)
- (defvar spice-layla-function-name-face 'spice-layla-function-name-face
- "Face name to use for layla function names.")
- (defface spice-layla-function-name-face
- '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t))
- (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background light))
- (:foreground "Darkgreen"))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "green"))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used to higlight layla functions."
- :group 'spice-faces)
- (defvar spice-analysis-face 'spice-analysis-face
- "Face name to highlight spice mode analysis commands.")
- (defface spice-analysis-face
- '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Magenta" :bold t :underline t))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Lightgreen" :bold t :underline t))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used to highlight analysis commands."
- :group 'spice-faces)
- (defvar spice-doc-face (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-doc-string-face
- 'font-lock-string-face)
- "Face name to use for doc strings.")
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-doc-string-face
- 'font-lock-string-face)
- 'custom-face)
- (defvar spice-constant-face (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-reference-face
- (if (facep 'font-lock-constant-face)
- 'font-lock-constant-face
- 'font-lock-reference-face)) ; old emacs20.1
- "Face name to use for constants.")
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-reference-face
- (if (facep 'font-lock-constant-face)
- 'font-lock-constant-face
- 'font-lock-reference-face))
- 'custom-face)
- (defvar spice-include-file-face (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-preprocessor-face
- 'font-lock-string-face)
- "Face name to use for include files and libraries.")
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'font-lock-preprocessor-face
- 'font-lock-string-face)
- 'custom-face)
- (if (not spice-running-xemacs)
- (custom-add-to-group
- 'spice-faces 'font-lock-builtin-face 'custom-face)
- (defface spice-builtin-face
- '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray"))
- (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray"))
- (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Orchid" :bold t))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightBlue" :bold t))
- (t (:bold t)))
- "Spice mode face used for builtin types."
- :group 'spice-faces))
- (defvar spice-builtin-face (if spice-running-xemacs
- 'spice-builtin-face
- 'font-lock-builtin-face)
- "Face name for builtin types.")
- (defun spice-keywords-init ()
- "Initialize reserved words."
- (setq spice-keywords
- (append spice-spice2g6-keywords
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'fasthenry)
- spice-fasthenry-keywords)))
- (setq spice-colon-keywords
- (append (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-colon-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldovloga)
- spice-eldovloga-colon-keywords)))
- (setq spice-analyses
- (append spice-spice2g6-analyses
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-analyses)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-analyses)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-analyses)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'fasthenry)
- spice-fasthenry-analyses)))
- (setq spice-analysis-modifiers
- (append spice-spice2g6-analysis-modifiers
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-analysis-modifiers)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-analysis-modifiers)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'fasthenry)
- spice-fasthenry-analysis-modifiers)))
- (setq spice-misc-model-type-names
- (append spice-spice2g6-model-type-names
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-model-type-names)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldovloga)
- spice-eldo-vloga-model-type-names)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-model-type-names)))
- (setq spice-output-keywords
- (append spice-spice2g6-output-keywords
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-output-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-output-keywords)))
- (setq spice-output-types
- (append spice-spice2g6-output-types
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-output-types)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-output-types)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-output-types)))
- (setq spice-model-type-names
- (append spice-misc-model-type-names
- spice-special-model-type-names))
- (setq spice-types
- (append spice-spice2g6-types
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-types)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-types)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-types)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'fasthenry)
- spice-fasthenry-types)))
- (setq spice-options-keywords
- (append spice-spice2g6-options-keywords
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-options-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-options-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-options-keywords)))
- (setq spice-options-parameters
- (append spice-spice2g6-options-parameters
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-options-parameters)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- spice-layla-options-parameters)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-options-parameters)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- spice-eldorf-options-parameters)))
- (setq spice-functions spice-layla-functions)
- (setq spice-section-headings (list "Changelog")) ; Changelog is special case
- (let ((section-alist spice-section-alist) heading)
- (while section-alist
- (setq heading (downcase (car (cdr (car section-alist)))))
- (setq spice-section-headings (append spice-section-headings
- (list heading)))
- (setq section-alist (cdr section-alist))))
- (setq spice-entity-start-keywords
- (append spice-spice2g6-entity-start-keywords
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- spice-hspice-entity-start-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- spice-layla-entity-start-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'mondriaan)
- spice-mondriaan-entity-start-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- spice-draccdl-entity-start-keywords)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-eldo-entity-start-keywords)))
- (setq spice-section-headings-regexp
- (concat spice-section-regexp-start "\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-section-headings) "\\)\\(.*\\)$"
- ; "\\s-*$" ; ??
- ))
- (setq spice-keywords-regexp
- (concat "^\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-keywords)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-colon-keywords-regexp
- (concat "\\<\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-colon-keywords)
- "\\)\\(:\\)"))
- (setq spice-analyses-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*"
- "\\(\\.\\)\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-analyses)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-analysis-modifiers-regexp
- (concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt spice-analysis-modifiers) "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-layla-keywords-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*\\*?"
- "\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-layla-keywords)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-mondriaan-keywords-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*\\*?"
- "\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-mondriaan-keywords)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-draccdl-keywords-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*"
- "\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-draccdl-keywords)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-types-regexp
- (concat "\\<\\(" ;"\\(\\s-+\\|\n\\+\\s-*\\)\\<\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-types)
- "\\)\\>"))
- (setq spice-functions-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*\\(\\*?\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-functions)
- "\\)\\)\\>(\\([^,]+\\),\\([^,]+\\),[^,]+)"))
- ; old xinstance regexp
- ; "\\([ \t]+[^ $!(=\t\n][^ (=\t\n]*\\|\n[+]\\)*" ; $! are hspice & eldo's doc string starters
- (setq spice-xinstance-regexp
- (concat "^\\(x\\S-*\\)"
- "\\(\\([ \t]+[^ *"
- ;; "\\(\\([ \t]*[^ *" ;; should solve problem when no space between + and name, but fails horribly due to CPU hungry recursion in matcher....
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- ":(=\t\n][^ :(=\t\n]*\\|[ \t]*\\(\n?[*"
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "].*\\)?\n[+]\\)*\\s-*\\)" ;; \\([a-z]\\w*\\)
- "\\<" spice-model-name "\\>"
- "\\(\\s-*\n\\|\\s-+[^=\n]\\)"
- ))
- (setq spice-model-name-regexp
- (concat "^\\([qmd]\\S-*\\)" ;; only bips, mos and diodes
- "\\([ \t]+[^ *" ;; first '*' was '+' ! but fails see spice-xinstance-regexp...
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "(=\t\n][^ (=\t\n]*\\|[ \t]*\\([*"
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "].*\\)?\n[+]\\)*\\s-*" ;; \\([a-z]\\w*\\)
- "\\<" spice-model-name "\\>"
- "\\(\\s-*\n\\|\\s-+[^=]\\)"
- ))
- (setq spice-entity-start-regexp
- (concat "^\\*?\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-entity-start-keywords)
- "\\)")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Font lock initialization
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-0 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-1 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-2 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-3 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-4 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-5 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-6 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-7 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-8 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-9 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-10 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-11 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-12 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords-13 nil
- ;; set in `spice-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
- "For consideration as a value of `spice-font-lock-keywords'.
- This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
- ;; fast variable name matcher in parameter=value constructs
- (defun spice-match-variable-name (limit)
- "match variable names"
- (let (pos found (start (point)))
- (setq found nil)
- (setq pos (search-forward "=" limit 'end)) ;
- (while (and pos
- (not found))
- (forward-word -1)
- (if (< (point) start) (goto-char pos))
- (if (looking-at "\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\s-*\\(=\\)")
- (progn
- (goto-char pos)
- ;; (message (match-string 1))
- (setq found t))
- (progn
- (goto-char pos)
- (setq pos (search-forward "=" limit 'end)))))
- found))
- ;; font-lock aux functions
- (defun spice-match-eldo-colon-keywords (limit)
- "match ((param|pin|model|port|generic):)" ;; latter two are eldo verilog-A
- (let (pos found (start (point)))
- (setq found nil)
- (setq pos (search-forward ":" limit 'end)) ;
- (while pos
- (forward-word -1)
- (if (< (point) start) (goto-char pos))
- ;; (message "pos is %d" pos)
- (if (looking-at ;; "\\(\\(param\\|pin\\|model\\|port\\|generic\\):\\)")
- spice-colon-keywords-regexp)
- (progn
- (goto-char pos)
- (setq pos nil)
- (setq found t))
- (progn
- (goto-char pos)
- (setq pos (search-forward ":" limit 'end)))))
- found))
- ;; these are try outs to solve the font-locking of problematic xinstances:
- (defun spice-match-xinstances-dummy (limit)
- "match xinstances"
- (let (min max pt)
- (setq pt (point))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq min (point))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (setq max (point))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Matcher*"))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert (format "Point min is %s\n" min))
- (insert (format "Current point is %s\n" pt))
- (insert (format "Limit is %s\n" limit))
- (insert (format "Point max is %s\n" max))
- )
- )
- nil
- )
- (defun spice-idle-font-lock (beg end)
- "runs font-lock on a region"
- (message "rerunning font-lock on %s:%s=%s" beg end (buffer-substring beg end))
- (save-excursion (font-lock-fontify-region beg end)))
- (defvar spice-previous-xinstance-match-result nil)
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'spice-previous-xinstance-match-result)
- (defun spice-match-in-xinstance (limit)
- "checks if in xinstance"
- (let ((pt (point)))
- (if (or (looking-at "^\\s-*[xX]")
- (re-search-backward "^[xX]" (point-min) t))
- (if (and (looking-at spice-xinstance-regexp)
- (or (> (match-end 5) pt)
- (not spice-previous-xinstance-match-result))
- )
- (progn
- (message ".")
- (goto-char (match-end 5))
- (if (or (> pt (match-beginning 1))
- (< limit (match-end 5)))
- (progn
- (message "*")
- ;;(spice-idle-font-lock (match-beginning 1) (match-end 5))
- (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil 'spice-idle-font-lock
- (match-beginning 1) (match-end 5))
- ))
- ;; (if (> (match-end 5) limit)
- ;; (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil 'spice-idle-font-lock
- ;; (match-beginning 1) (match-end 5)))
- t)
- (goto-char pt)
- nil)
- nil)
- ))
- (defun spice-match-next-xinstance (limit)
- "checks if there is a next xinstance partly within limit"
- (if (re-search-forward "^[xX]" limit 'end)
- (progn
- (backward-char 1)
- (if (looking-at spice-xinstance-regexp)
- (progn
- (message "+")
- (goto-char (match-end 5))
- t)
- (message "-")
- (forward-char 1)
- (spice-match-next-xinstance limit))
- )
- nil))
- (defun spice-match-xinstance (limit)
- "match xinstances"
- (if (spice-match-in-xinstance limit)
- t
- (spice-match-next-xinstance limit)))
- (defun spice-match-xinstances-old (limit)
- "match an xinstance"
- (setq spice-previous-xinstance-match-result (spice-match-xinstance limit))
- spice-previous-xinstance-match-result)
- ;; this xinstances matcher is a complete parser !
- (defun spice-match-xinstances (limit)
- "match xinstance subckt name, this one parses the lines, should work for
- all cases, infinite number of comment lines, continuation lines. Could fail
- when modifying an xinstance line though, hard to tell."
- (interactive)
- (let ((result nil) match-start)
- (while
- (and (not result)
- (re-search-forward "^\\(x\\S-*\\)" limit 'end)) ;; should be checked ?
- (setq match-start (match-data))
- ;;(message "match-start is %s" match-start)
- (while
- (or
- (and (looking-at "\\([ \t]+\\|\\s-*\n[+]\\s-*\\)\\(\\([a-z][^ :(=\t\n]*\\)\\|\\([^ *$!:(=\t\n][^ :(=\t\n]*\\)\\)\\(\\s-*\n\\|\\s-+[^=\n]\\)")
- (progn
- (goto-char (match-end 2))
- (setq result t)))
- (save-match-data
- (and
- (looking-at "\\(\\([ \t]+\\|\\s-*\n\\s-*\\)[$!*].*\\)")
- (progn
- (goto-char (match-end 1))
- t))))
- nil))
- (when result (set-match-data
- (append (list (car match-start) (car (cdr (match-data))))
- (cdr (cdr match-start)) (cdr (cdr (match-data))))))
- ;;(when result (message "Matched %s[%d]" (match-string 3) (match-end 3)))
- (when result (when (< limit (match-end 3)) (setq result nil)))
- result))
- (defvar spice-font-lock-keywords nil
- "Regular expressions to highlight in spice mode.")
- (defun spice-font-lock-init ()
- "Initialize fontification." ; makes spice-font-lock-keywords valid
- ;; highlight title & titles after .alter & .title (hspice only)
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-0
- (append (list ;; first line of spice deck
- (list "\\`.+$" 0 spice-title-face)
- (list spice-section-headings-regexp
- '(1 font-lock-comment-face)
- '(2 spice-title-face)
- (list (regexp-opt-depth spice-section-headings-regexp)
- spice-doc-face 'keep t)))
- ;; hspice title in .alter or .title line
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (list
- (list "^\\.\\(alter\\|title\\)\\s-+\\(.+\\)$"
- 2 spice-title-face)))))
- ;; highlight layla functions: .xx_yy_param(name,prop,val);
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-1
- (list
- (list spice-functions-regexp
- '(1 spice-layla-function-name-face)
- (list (- (regexp-opt-depth spice-functions-regexp) 1)
- font-lock-function-name-face)
- (list (regexp-opt-depth spice-functions-regexp)
- font-lock-variable-name-face)
- )))
- ;; highlight spice keywords (mainly .<keyword> & .<analysis>)
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-2
- (list ;; .opt, .nodeset, ...
- (list spice-keywords-regexp 0 font-lock-keyword-face)
- ;; '+' of continuation lines ? maybe over the top ...
- ;; (list (concat "^"
- ;; (when (spice-standard-p 'layla) "\\*?")
- ;; "\\+") 0 font-lock-keyword-face)
- ;; .op, .ac, .dc, .tran, ...
- (list spice-analyses-regexp
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 spice-analysis-face)
- (list spice-analysis-modifiers-regexp
- nil nil '(0 font-lock-type-face)))))
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-12
- ;; do dracula CDL stuff
- (list
- ;; add $ docs when they are followed by a space...
- (list (concat "\\<\\([$]\\)\\s-+\\(.*\\)$")
- (list 1 font-lock-comment-face)
- (list 2 spice-doc-face 'keep))
- ;; special models on element line
- (list (concat "\\([$]\\(?:ldd\\)?\\[\\)" spice-model-name "\\(\\]\\)")
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 spice-model-name-face)
- '(3 font-lock-keyword-face))
- ;; normal .model on element line
- (list (concat "\\([$]\\.model\\)\\s-*=\\s-*" spice-model-name)
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 spice-model-name-face))
- ;; element options behind $ syntax
- (list (concat "\\([$]\\)\\(" (regexp-opt spice-draccdl-device-keywords) "\\)")
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 font-lock-keyword-face))
- ;; element parameters behind $ syntax
- (list (concat "\\([$]\\)\\(" (regexp-opt spice-draccdl-device-parameters) "\\)\\s-*=")
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 font-lock-variable-name-face))
- ;; general '.' keywords
- (list spice-draccdl-keywords-regexp 0 font-lock-keyword-face)))
- ;; highlight layla specific keywords, also if *. syntax is used
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-3
- (append (list
- (list spice-layla-keywords-regexp 0 font-lock-keyword-face)
- (list "^\\(\\*\\)\\+" 1 font-lock-keyword-face))
- (when (spice-standard-p 'mondriaan)
- (list
- (list spice-mondriaan-keywords-regexp 0 font-lock-keyword-face)))))
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-13
- ;; do spectre stuff
- (list
- ;; * spectre: + syntax
- (list "^\\(\\*\\)\\s-+spectre:\\s-+" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- ;; // comments
- (list "//.*$" 0 font-lock-comment-face)
- ;; add simulator language=spice
- (list "^\\s-*\\(simulator\\)\\>"
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face))))
- ;; varia: .end, spice instances and '*' comment lines and output lines
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-4
- (list
- ;; elements
- ;;'("^[a-z]\\S-*" . spice-instance-name-face)
- '("^[a-z][^ \t\n]+" . spice-instance-name-face)
- ;(list (concat "^\\*\\([^"
- ; (when (spice-standard-p 'layla) "+")
- ; "\n].*\\|\n\\)") 0 font-lock-comment-face)
- (list (concat "^\\*[^\n"
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- (spice-standard-p 'layla)) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "]*") 0 font-lock-comment-face)
- (list (concat "^\\.\\(" (regexp-opt spice-output-keywords)
- "\\)\\s-*" spice-line-break "\\s-+\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-output-types) "\\)\\>")
- '(0 font-lock-type-face keep)) ;
- ))
- ;; highlight additional . unknowns (to detect stupid typing errors)
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-5
- (list '("^\\s-*\\.[^ \t\n]*" 0 font-lock-warning-face)))
- ;; highlight additional $ and ! comments, only eldo, hspice, draccdl and layla
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-6
- (list
- (list (concat "\\<\\(["
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- (spice-standard-p 'layla)) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "]\\)\\(.*\\)$")
- (list 1 font-lock-comment-face)
- (list 2 spice-doc-face 'append) ;; needs at least 'append or 'keep
- )
- (list (concat "\\<\\([*"
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- (spice-standard-p 'layla)) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "]\\)")
- ;; elisp mode like quotes, for extra clarity
- (list "['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)['\"]" nil nil
- (list 1 spice-constant-face 'prepend)))))
- ;; subcircuit instance names of x instances and model names of mos,bip&diode
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-7
- (list
- (list spice-xinstance-regexp 5 spice-model-name-face)
- ;; test xinstance function matcher
- ;;(list 'spice-match-xinstances
- ;; '(4 spice-model-name-face keep t)
- ;; '(5 font-lock-warning-face keep t))
- (list spice-model-name-regexp 4 spice-model-name-face)
- ))
- ;; highlight poly's of inductors and caps
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-8
- (list
- '("^[cl]\\w*\\s-+\\w[^ \t\n]*\\s-+\\w[^ \t\n]*\\s-+\\(poly\\)"
- 1 font-lock-type-face)))
- ;; types, included files, libs and names of subcircuits, ports, libs, models
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-9
- (append
- ;; names and types of models/subckt, lib concept of eldo...
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (list
- (list (concat "^\\s-*\\.\\(model\\|subckt\\|macro\\)\\s-+"
- "\\(\\(lib\\)\\s-+[^ \t\n]+\\s-+\\)"
- spice-model-name)
- '(3 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(4 font-lock-function-name-face))))
- (list
- ;; types
- (list "^[+vi.]" '(0 'default) ;; find v & i's and continuation and . lines
- (list spice-types-regexp nil nil '(1 font-lock-type-face)))
- ;; libs, inc's, ...
- (list (concat spice-library-regexp-start
- spice-library-regexp-end) 3 spice-include-file-face)
- ;; names of (defined) entities
- (list
- (concat spice-entity-start-regexp
- "\\(\\s-+\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\s-*"
- "\\|\\s-*[\n][+]\\s-*\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\s-*\\)")
- (1+ (regexp-opt-depth spice-entity-start-regexp))
- font-lock-function-name-face)
- ;; names and types of models
- (list (concat "^\\s-*\\.model\\s-+"
- spice-model-name
- spice-line-break "\\s-+\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-model-type-names) "\\)\\>")
- '(1 font-lock-function-name-face)
- '(3 font-lock-type-face))
- ))
- )
- ;; highlight additional eldo reserved words
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-10
- (list
- ;; eldo's labels
- (list "\\<\\(label\\)\\s-*=\\s-*\\([^\"]\\w*\\)\\>"
- '(1 font-lock-type-face)
- '(2 font-lock-variable-name-face))
- ;; eldo's labels(2)
- (list "\\<\\(label\\)\\s-*=\\s-*\"\\([^\"]+\\)\""
- '(1 font-lock-type-face)
- '(2 font-lock-variable-name-face))
- ;; eldo's param,model&pin:
- ;;'("\\<\\(\\(param\\|pin\\|model\\):\\)" 0 font-lock-keyword-face)
- (list 'spice-match-eldo-colon-keywords
- (list 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(2 'default))
- ;; eldo's builtin macro models
- (list (concat "^y\\w+\\s-+\\<\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-eldo-macromodel-keywords) "\\)\\>")
- '(1 spice-builtin-face))
- ;; eldo's y instances, type is second word on line
- (list (concat "^y\\w+\\s-+\\<" spice-model-name "\\>")
- 1 spice-model-name-face)))
- ;; highlight property names property=value & strings (way at the end)
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords-11
- (list
- ;; this is 1 second faster when loading 28 files, appx 10000 lines
- ;; .options keywords & parameters
- (list (concat "^\\s-*" ;; was "^"
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla) "\\*?")
- "\\.opt\\(ion"
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'layla))
- "\\(s\\)?")
- "\\)?\\s-+")
- '(0 font-lock-keyword-face) ;; not used, already colored
- (list (concat "\\<\\(\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-options-keywords)
- "\\)\\>\\|\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-options-parameters)
- "\\)\\s-*=\\)") nil nil
- (list 1 spice-constant-face)))
- ;; param=value
- ;; '("\\<\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\s-*=" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
- ;; this function matcher is much faster, it searches for '=' and then
- ;; returns the word in front of the '=', doesn't work in xemacs though
- ;;(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
- ;; (list "\\<\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\s-*=" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
- (list 'spice-match-variable-name
- (list 1 font-lock-variable-name-face 'append)
- ;;(list 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
- '(2 'default 'append)) ;; default is required for XEmacs
- ;; 'append is required for Xemacs 21.4.11 on Windows. Otherwise
- ;; the matcher overrules the previous highlighting (for instance when
- ;; this 'var=value' is after a doc starter...
- ;; )
- ;; changelog entries
- (list
- (concat
- "^[*"
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'layla)) "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "!")
- "]+\\s-+\\([A-Z].*[0-9]\\)\\s-+\\([a-zA-Z].*\\)<\\(.*@.*\\)>$")
- '(1 font-lock-string-face t)
- '(2 font-lock-type-face t)
- '(3 font-lock-variable-name-face t))
- ;; strings
- '("\"[^\"]*\"" 0 font-lock-string-face)
- ;; scale factors and powers or is this overkill ?
- (list (concat
- "\\<[-+]?[0-9.]+\\(\\("
- (regexp-opt '("T" "G" "Meg" "K" "mil" "m" "u" "M" "n" "p" "f"))
- "\\)[a-zA-Z]*\\)\\>")
- (list 2 spice-constant-face 'append))
- (list (concat
- "[0-9.]\\(e\\)[-+]?[0-9]+\\>")
- (list 1 spice-constant-face 'append))
- ))
- ;; set font-lock-keywords, all of 'em
- (setq spice-font-lock-keywords
- (append spice-font-lock-keywords-0 ;; title first
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-1)
- (when spice-highlight-keywords
- spice-font-lock-keywords-2)
- (when (and
- spice-highlight-keywords
- (spice-standard-p 'layla))
- spice-font-lock-keywords-3)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'spectre)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-13)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-12)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-4
- (when spice-highlight-keywords
- spice-font-lock-keywords-5)
- (when (or (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (spice-standard-p 'draccdl)
- (spice-standard-p 'eldo))
- spice-font-lock-keywords-6)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-7
- (when spice-highlight-keywords
- spice-font-lock-keywords-8)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-9
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- spice-font-lock-keywords-10)
- (when spice-highlight-keywords
- spice-font-lock-keywords-11)
- )))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; Comments (taken from eldo-mode.el)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; uncomment function, should work for any case now:
- (defun spice-uncomment-region (beg end)
- "Uncomment selected region - comment symbol is '*'
- Doc comments (starting with '!') are unaffected."
- (interactive "*r")
- (comment-region beg end '(2))) ; 2 is arbitrary, can be any value
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; spice mode map
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; (require 'tempo) ; ? is this necessary
- (defvar spice-mode-map ()
- "Keymap used in spice-mode.")
- (if spice-mode-map
- ()
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- ;; key binding for template completion
- (define-key map "\t" 'tempo-complete-tag)
- ;; (define-key map "\S-\t" 'indent-for-tab-command)
- (define-key map [(shift tab)] 'indent-for-tab-command)
- (define-key map [(shift iso-lefttab)] 'indent-for-tab-command)
- ;; key bindings for compile
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'spice-compile) ;; r for run
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'kill-compilation)
- ;; replace global binding
- (define-key map "\C-x`" 'spice-next-error)
- ;; key bindings for waveform viewer
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'spice-run-waveform-viewer)
- ;; key bindings for output file loading
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-o" 'spice-load-output-file)
- ;; key bindings for include file loading
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'spice-load-include-files)
- ;; comment region, use auctex-mode bindings...
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'comment-region)
- ;;(define-key map "\C-c:" 'spice-uncomment-region) ;; \C-u\C-c\C-c
- ;; .subckt search
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'spice-search-subckt)
- ;; join lines
- (define-key map "\M-^" 'spice-delete-indentation)
- ;; key bindings for hiding/unhidding comments
- (define-key map "\C-c;" 'spice-hide-all-comments)
- (define-key map "\C-c:" 'spice-unhide-all-comments)
- ;; changelog addition
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-ac" 'spice-add-changelog-entry)
- ;; fontification
- (when spice-running-xemacs
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'font-lock-fontify-buffer))
- (setq spice-mode-map map)))
- (defvar spice-output-mode-map ()
- "Keymap used in Spice-output mode.")
- (if spice-output-mode-map
- ()
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- ;; nothing for now ...
- (setq spice-output-mode-map map)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; libraries & include files (taken & adapted from eldo-mode.el, E. Rouat)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (if spice-running-xemacs
- (require 'overlay)
- (require 'lucid)) ;; what else can we do ??
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Mouse bindings (only used by 'spice-load-file-at-mouse')
- ;; I separate this from spice-mode-map so that this particular
- ;; mouse binding doesn't interfere with other bindings
- (defvar spice-mode-mouse-map nil
- "Map containing mouse bindings for spice-mode.")
- (if spice-mode-mouse-map
- ()
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (set-keymap-parent map spice-mode-map)
- ;; mouse button bindings
- ;;(define-key map "\r" 'ffap)
- (define-key map "\r" 'spice-load-file-at-point)
- (if spice-running-xemacs
- (define-key map 'button2 'spice-load-file-at-mouse) ;; ffap-at-mouse ?
- (define-key map [mouse-2] 'spice-load-file-at-mouse))
- (if spice-running-xemacs
- (define-key map 'Sh-button2 'mouse-yank)
- (define-key map [S-mouse-2] 'mouse-yank-at-click))
- (setq spice-mode-mouse-map map)))
- ;; overlays and extents are a mess. Depending on emacs/xemacs versions the
- ;; following code might actually work. What is known now is that this
- ;; works in: emacs 20.7, 21.1 and 21.2 (Linux versions have been tested),
- ;; xemacs 21.1 (Windows) and xemacs 21.5 (Linux). You need
- ;; fsf-compat package for xemacs 21.4.5 (Linux). Anyone still following this ?
- ;; create set-extent-keymap procedure when it does not exist
- (eval-and-compile
- (unless (fboundp 'set-extent-keymap)
- (defun set-extent-keymap (extent keymap)
- "fallback version of set-extent-keymap (for emacs 2[01])"
- (set-extent-property extent 'local-map keymap))))
- (defun spice-colorize-libraries (beg end old-len)
- "This function colorises libraries and included files when the mouse
- passes over them. Clicking on the middle-mouse button loads them in a buffer.
- BEWARE, this feature was hard to implement, and contains (non-fatal) bugs,
- primarily because emacs 20 does not have the same support for this as xemacs
- has."
- (save-excursion
- (save-match-data
- (let (end-point)
- (goto-char end)
- (end-of-line)
- (setq end-point (point))
- (goto-char beg)
- (beginning-of-line) ; scan entire line !
- ;; delete overlays existing on this line
- (let ((overlays (overlays-in (point) end-point)))
- (while overlays
- (if (and (overlay-get (car overlays) 'detachable)
- (overlay-get (car overlays) 'spice-library))
- (delete-overlay (car overlays))
- )
- (setq overlays (cdr overlays)))) ; let
- ; make new ones, could reuse deleted one ?
- (while (search-forward-regexp spice-library-regexp-start end-point t)
- (let (start-lib extent)
- (setq start-lib (point))
- (search-forward-regexp spice-library-regexp-end end-point)
- ; (let ((end-lib (point)))
- (or (extent-at (point) (buffer-name) 'mouse-face) ;; not yet extended
- (progn
- (setq extent (make-extent start-lib (point)))
- (set-extent-property extent 'start-closed 't)
- (set-extent-property extent 'end-closed 't)
- (set-extent-property extent 'detachable 't)
- (set-extent-property extent 'spice-library 't)
- (set-extent-property extent 'mouse-face 'highlight)
- (set-extent-keymap extent spice-mode-mouse-map)))))))))
- (defun spice-colorize-libraries-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- ;; (message "running colorize libraries buffer")
- ;; delete overlays
- (let ((overlays (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))
- (while overlays
- (if (and
- (overlay-get (car overlays) 'detachable)
- (overlay-get (car overlays) 'spice-library))
- (delete-overlay (car overlays)))
- (setq overlays (cdr overlays)))) ; let
- ;; remake overlays
- (spice-colorize-libraries (point-min) (point-max) nil))
- ;; ffap needs wrapper to detect end of buffer condition
- (defun spice-load-file-at-point ()
- "wrapper for ffap. But if at end of buffer inserts a newline instead"
- (interactive)
- (if (looking-at "\\'")
- (newline) ;; assumes \r is bound to load file...
- (ffap)))
- ;; ffap-at-mouse isn't available in xemacs < 21
- ;; so define this function to do more or less the same (primarily
- ;; wraps ffap-at-mouse, except for xemacs 20)...
- (defun spice-load-file-at-mouse (event)
- "loads file under button 2 click. Checks if file is readable."
- (interactive "@e")
- (if (fboundp 'ffap-at-mouse)
- (ffap-at-mouse event) ;; use ffap-at-mouse if available
- (save-excursion ;; implement a spice specific ffap-at-mouse
- (mouse-set-point event)
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if (looking-at (concat spice-library-regexp-start
- spice-library-regexp-end))
- (if (file-readable-p (substitute-in-file-name (match-string 3)))
- (find-file (substitute-in-file-name (match-string 3)))
- (progn
- (message "File '%s' isn't readable, use shift-mouse2 to paste in this field" (match-string 3))))
- ))))
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Changelog and sections support (taken from eldo-mode, trying
- ;; to be compatible :)
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun spice-doc-char ()
- "Return doc char that's valid in the selected spice submode"
- (cond
- ((and (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (spice-standard-p 'hspice))
- "*") ; if both eldo and hspice is turned on
- ((spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- "!") ; only eldo
- ((spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- "$") ; only hspice
- (t
- "*"))) ; everything else
- (defun spice-find-changelog-point ()
- "Find adequate position to place Changelog entries: just before .end
- or if not found at end of buffer."
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((pos (re-search-forward
- "^\\.end\\b" nil t)))
- (if pos (progn (forward-line 1)
- (point))
- (point-max)))))
- (defun spice-add-changelog-entry (changelog-entry)
- "Find changelog section (create it if not found) and add an entry for today."
- (interactive "sChangelog entry: ")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (not (re-search-forward
- (concat spice-section-regexp-start "Changelog") nil t))
- (spice-add-section "Changelog" (spice-find-changelog-point)))
- (spice-goto-section "Changelog")
- ; (forward-line 2)
- (let ((string (concat (spice-doc-char)
- (if (equal (spice-doc-char) "*") "* " " ")
- (substring (current-time-string) 0 11)
- (substring (current-time-string) -4) " "
- (user-full-name) " <" user-mail-address ">")))
- (if (not (search-forward string nil t))
- (insert "\n" string "\n\n")
- (forward-line 2))
- (insert (spice-doc-char)
- (if (equal (spice-doc-char) "*") "*" "")
- " - " changelog-entry "\n")))
- (defun spice-goto-section (section)
- "Move point to the beginning of the specified section; If the
- section is not found, leave point at previous location."
- (interactive "ssection: ")
- (let ((pos (point)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (not (re-search-forward
- (concat spice-section-regexp-start section "\\b") nil t))
- (progn (message "Couldn't find section %s" section)
- (goto-char pos))
- (progn
- (forward-line 2)
- (recenter))))) ;; added recenter
- (defun spice-comment-bar (&optional aligned)
- "Insert solid comment bar from column zero to end of line. If optional
- argument is provided, bar will be added from current column."
- (interactive)
- (if (not aligned) (beginning-of-line) )
- (insert "*")
- (insert-char ?- (- (1- fill-column) (current-column)))
- (insert "\n"))
- (defun spice-add-section (section &optional arg)
- "Add a section in buffer at (optional) point arg"
- (interactive "ssection: ")
- (if arg
- (goto-char arg))
- (spice-comment-bar)
- (insert
- (concat (spice-doc-char) "\t" section " \n"))
- (spice-comment-bar)
- ;; (unless (assoc section spice-section-alist)
- ;; ;; new entry
- ;; (custom-set-variables
- ;; (quote (spice-section-alist
- ;; (append spice-section-alist
- ;; (list (list section (upcase section) nil))))))
- ;; )
- )
- (defvar spice-cache-section-alist nil)
- (defun spice-cache-section-p (section)
- "checks for all sections in file and remembers if they were present or not"
- (save-excursion
- (setq spice-cache-section-alist nil)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward spice-section-headings-regexp nil t)
- (setq spice-cache-section-alist
- (cons (cons (downcase (spice-match-string-no-properties 2)) t)
- spice-cache-section-alist)))
- (spice-section-p section)))
- (defun spice-section-p (section)
- "checks if named section is in file, returns t if found, nil otherwise,
- uses cache generated with the `spice-cache-section-p' function."
- (assoc section spice-cache-section-alist))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; Templates (extensive, long code...)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (require 'tempo)
- ;;; element templates
- ;; resistors
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[val]: "))
- ;; "spice2g6 resistor"
- "R"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice3-semiconductor-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<value>: " value) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "TEMP=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "spice3 semiconductor resistor"
- "RSS"
- "tempo template for spice3 semiconductor resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "")
- (list 'l "r=" '(p "[val]: "))
- (list 'l '(p "[val]: "))) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<ac resistance>: " ac 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ac) "")
- () (list 'l "AC=" '(s ac)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "T=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<nonoise in transient [y/n]?>: " nonoise 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y")
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<kf>: " kf 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'kf) "")
- () (list 'l '(s kf) '(p "<af>: " af 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'af)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'af) "")))
- (list 'l '(s af)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "eldo resistor"
- "RE"
- "tempo template for eldo resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-expression-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[VALUE | TABLE]: " type 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'type) "VALUE")
- (list 'l "VALUE={" '(p "[val, enter expression without {}]: ") "}")
- (list 'l "TABLE={" '(p "[table of values, enter table without {}]: ") "}"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'type) "VALUE")
- (list 'l '(p "<nonoise in transient [y/n]?>: " nonoise 'noinsert)))
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y"))
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<kf>: " kf 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'kf) "")
- () (list 'l '(s kf) '(p "<af>: " af 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'af)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'af) "")))
- (list 'l '(s af)))
- )
- ;; "eldo expression resistor"
- "REE"
- "tempo template for eldo expression resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-semiconductor-resistor"
- '("P"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<res>: " r 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'r) "")
- () (list 'l "R=" '(s r)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<contact offset length>: " cl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cl) "")
- () (list 'l "CL=" '(s cl)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<contact offset width>: " cw 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cw) "")
- () (list 'l "CW=" '(s cw)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- () (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<init cond (voltage, voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "eldo semiconductor resistor"
- "RES"
- "tempo template for eldo semiconductor resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "")
- (list 'l "R=" '(p "[val]: "))
- (list 'l '(p "<val>: " val 'noinsert)
- '(if (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'val) ""))
- (list 'l "R=" '(s val))))) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<scale>: " scale 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'scale) "")
- () (list 'l "SCALE=" '(s scale)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<ac resistance>: " ac 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ac) "")
- () (list 'l "AC=" '(s ac)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<cap>: " c 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'c) "")
- () (list 'l "C=" '(s c)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "hspice resistor"
- "RH"
- "template for hspice resistor tempo templates"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-layla-resistor"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- ; (p "<mname>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[value]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "width=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "\n+ type=\""
- (p "[type (no quotes)]: ") "\""
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<symmetry (no quotes)>: " symmetry 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'symmetry) "")
- () (list 'l "symmetry=\"" '(s symmetry) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<matching (no quotes)>: " matching 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'matching) "")
- () (list 'l "matching=\"" '(s matching) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<couple>: " couple 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'couple) "")
- () (list 'l "couple=" '(s couple)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<array (no quotes)>: " array 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'array) "")
- () (list 'l "array=\"" '(s array) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<orientations (no quotes)>: " orientations 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'orientations) "")
- () (list 'l "orientations=\"" '(s orientations) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<unit_value>: " unit_value 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'unit_value) "")
- () (list 'l "unit_value=" '(s unit_value)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<current>: " current 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'current) "")
- () (list 'l "current=" '(s current)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<power>: " power 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'power) "")
- () (list 'l "power=" '(s power)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<min_ar>: " min_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'min_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "min_ar=" '(s min_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<max_ar>: " max_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'max_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "max_ar=" '(s max_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<routing_space>: " routing_space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'routing_space) "")
- () (list 'l "routing_space=" '(s routing_space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "layla resistor"
- "RL"
- "tempo template for layla resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; capacitors
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[val]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "ic=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;; "spice2g6 capacitor"
- "C"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice3-semiconductor-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<value>: " value) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial conditions (Voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "spice3 semiconductor capacitor"
- "CSS"
- "tempo template for spice3 semiconductor capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname | POLY>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "POLY")
- (list 'l '(p "[val and poly coefficients]: "))
- (list 'l '(p "[val]: ")))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;; "eldo capacitor"
- "CE"
- "tempo template for eldo capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-expression-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 3>: " tc3 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc3) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC3=" '(s tc3)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "VALUE={"
- (p "[val enter expression without {}]: ")
- "}"
- )
- ;; "eldo expression capacitor"
- "CEE"
- "tempo template for eldo expression capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname | POLY>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "POLY")
- (list 'l '(p "[val and poly coefficients]: " val))
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "")
- (list 'l "C=" '(p "[val or expression]: " val))
- (list 'l "C=" '(p "[val]: " val))))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "POLY"))
- (char-equal (string-to-char (tempo-lookup-named 'val))
- (string-to-char "'")))
- (list 'l '(p "<ctype>: " ctype 'noinsert)))
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'ctype)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ctype) "")))
- (list 'l "CTYPE=" '(s ctype)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<scale>: " scale 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'scale) "")
- () (list 'l "SCALE=" '(s scale)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "hspice capacitor"
- "CH"
- "tempo template for hspice capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-layla-capacitor"
- '("C"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[value]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<units_ver>: " units_ver 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'units_ver) "")
- () (list 'l "units_ver=" '(s units_ver)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<units_hor>: " units_hor 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'units_hor) "")
- () (list 'l "units_hor=" '(s units_hor)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "\n+ type=\""
- (p "[type (no quotes)]: ") "\""
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<symmetry (no quotes)>: " symmetry 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'symmetry) "")
- () (list 'l "symmetry=\"" '(s symmetry) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<matching (no quotes)>: " matching 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'matching) "")
- () (list 'l "matching=\"" '(s matching) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<couple>: " couple 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'couple) "")
- () (list 'l "couple=" '(s couple)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<array (no quotes)>: " array 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'array) "")
- () (list 'l "array=\"" '(s array) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<orientations (no quotes)>: " orientations 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'orientations) "")
- () (list 'l "orientations=\"" '(s orientations) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<unit_value>: " unit_value 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'unit_value) "")
- () (list 'l "unit_value=" '(s unit_value)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<power>: " power 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'power) "")
- () (list 'l "power=" '(s power)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<min_ar>: " min_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'min_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "min_ar=" '(s min_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<max_ar>: " max_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'max_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "max_ar=" '(s max_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<routing_space>: " routing_space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'routing_space) "")
- () (list 'l "routing_space=" '(s routing_space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "layla capacitor"
- "CL"
- "tempo template for layla capacitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; inductors
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-inductor"
- '("L"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[val]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (current)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "ic=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;; "spice2g6 inductor"
- "L"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 inductor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-inductor"
- '("L"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<mname | POLY>: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'mname) "POLY")
- (list 'l '(p "[val and poly coefficients]: "))
- (list 'l '(p "[val]: ")))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (current)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "ic=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;; "eldo inductor"
- "LE"
- "tempo template for eldo inductor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-expression-inductor"
- '("L"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- "VALUE={"
- (p "[val enter expression without {}]: ")
- "}"
- )
- ;; "eldo expression inductor"
- "LEE"
- "tempo template for eldo expression inductor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-inductor"
- '("L"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<POLY | NT>: " poly 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (cond ((string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'poly) "POLY")
- (list 'l "POLY " '(p "[value and coefficients]: ")))
- ((string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'poly) "NT")
- (list 'l "NT=" '(p "[number of turns]: " nt)))
- (t
- (list 'l "L=" '(p "[value or expression]: " val)))
- )
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'val)
- (char-equal (string-to-char (tempo-lookup-named 'val))
- (string-to-char "'")))
- (list 'l '(p "<ltype>: " ltype 'noinsert)))
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'ltype)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ltype) "")))
- (list 'l "LTYPE=" '(s ltype)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<scale>: " scale 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'scale) "")
- () (list 'l "SCALE=" '(s scale)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (current)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<res>: " r 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'r) "")
- () (list 'l "R=" '(s r)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "hspice inductor"
- "LH"
- "tempo template for hspice inductor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-layla-inductor"
- '("L"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<value>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<outer radius>: " radius 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'radius) "")
- () (list 'l "radius=" '(s radius)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "w=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of turns>: " n 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'n) "")
- () (list 'l "n=" '(s n)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<space>: " space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'space) "")
- () (list 'l "space=" '(s space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<end_fraction [0-1]>: " end_fraction 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'end_fraction) "")
- () (list 'l "end_fraction=" '(s end_fraction)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "\n+ type=\""
- (p "[type (no quotes)]: ") "\""
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<symmetry (no quotes)>: " symmetry 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'symmetry) "")
- () (list 'l "symmetry=\"" '(s symmetry) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<matching (no quotes)>: " matching 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'matching) "")
- () (list 'l "matching=\"" '(s matching) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<couple>: " couple 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'couple) "")
- () (list 'l "couple=" '(s couple)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<array (no quotes)>: " array 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'array) "")
- () (list 'l "array=\"" '(s array) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<orientations (no quotes)>: " orientations 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'orientations) "")
- () (list 'l "orientations=\"" '(s orientations) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<power>: " power 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'power) "")
- () (list 'l "power=" '(s power)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<min_ar>: " min_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'min_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "min_ar=" '(s min_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<max_ar>: " max_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'max_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "max_ar=" '(s max_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<routing_space>: " routing_space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'routing_space) "")
- () (list 'l "routing_space=" '(s routing_space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;; "layla inductor"
- "LL"
- "tempo template for layla inductor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; coupled inductors
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-coupled-inductors"
- '("K"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[first inductor]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[second inductor]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[coupling coefficient]: ")
- )
- ;; "spice2g6 inductor coupling"
- "K"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 coupled inductors"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; lossless transmission lines
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-lossless-transmission"
- '("T"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- "Z0=" (p "[char impedance]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<time delay in seconds>: " td 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'td) "")
- (list 'l '(p "<freq>: " freq 'noinsert)) (list 'l "td=" '(s td)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'freq)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'freq) "")))
- (list 'l "f=" '(s freq) '(p "<normalized length [0.25]>: " nrmlen 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nrmlen)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrmlen) "")))
- (list 'l "nl=" '(s nrmlen)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage port1, current port1, voltage port2, current port2)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "ic=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 lossless transmission line"
- "T"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 lossless transmission line"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-lossless-transmission"
- '("T"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- "Z0=" (p "[char impedance]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<time delay in seconds per meter>: " td 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'td) "")
- (list 'l '(p "<freq>: " freq 'noinsert))
- (list 'l "td=" '(s td) '(p "<length [1m]>: " l 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'l)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")))
- (list 'l "l=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'freq)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'freq) "")))
- (list 'l "f=" '(s freq) '(p "<normalized length [0.25]>: " nrmlen 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nrmlen)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrmlen) "")))
- (list 'l "nl=" '(s nrmlen)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage port1, current port1, voltage port2, current port2)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "ic=" '(s ic)))
- )
- ;;"hspice lossless transmission line"
- "TH"
- "tempo template for hspice lossless transmission line"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; lossy transmission lines
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-lossy-transmission"
- '("O"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 lossy transmission line"
- "O"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 lossy transmission line"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice3-rcline"
- '("U"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[in port]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[out port]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[ref port]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- "L="
- (p "[length (m)]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<lumps>: " lumps 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'lumps) "")
- () (list 'l "N=" '(s lumps)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice3 lossy transmission line"
- "RCLS"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 lossy transmission line"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-rcline"
- '("R"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[pos node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[neg node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: " mname) '(just-one-space)
- (p "<res>: " r 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'r) "")
- () (list 'l "R=" '(s r)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp coef 1>: " tc1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc1) "") ()
- (list 'l "TC1=" '(s tc1) '(p "<temp coef 2>: " tc2 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tc2) "")))
- (list 'l "TC2=" '(s tc2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<cap>: " c 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'c) "")
- () (list 'l "C=" '(s c)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<scale>: " scale 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'scale) "")
- () (list 'l "SCALE=" '(s scale)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"eldo rcline"
- "RCLE"
- "tempo template for eldo rcline"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; active elements
- ;; diodes
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-diode"
- '("D"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (diode voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "TEMP=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 diode"
- "D"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 diode"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-diode"
- '("D"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- () (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter>: " peri 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'peri) "")
- () (list 'l "PERI=" '(s peri)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "TEMP=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<nonoise [y/n]>: " nonoise 'noinsert)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y"))
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"eldo diode"
- "DE"
- "tempo template for eldo diode"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-diode"
- '("D"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- (list 'l '(p "<width>: " w 'noinsert))
- (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area) '(p "<perimeter>: " peri 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'peri)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'peri) "")))
- (list 'l "PJ=" '(s peri)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- (list 'l '(p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'l)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")))
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width poly cap>: " wp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'wp) "")
- () (list 'l "WP=" '(s wp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length poly cap>: " lp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'lp) "")
- () (list 'l "LP=" '(s lp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width metal cap>: " wm 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'wm) "")
- () (list 'l "WM=" '(s wm)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length metal cap>: " lm 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'lm) "")
- () (list 'l "LM=" '(s lm)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (voltage)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"hspice diode"
- "DH"
- "tempo template for hspice diode"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-layla-diode"
- '("D"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- ; (p "<mname>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[area]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<units_ver>: " units_ver 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'units_ver) "")
- () (list 'l "units_ver=" '(s units_ver)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<units_hor>: " units_hor 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'units_hor) "")
- () (list 'l "units_hor=" '(s units_hor)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "\n+ type=\""
- (p "[type (no quotes)]: ") "\""
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<symmetry (no quotes)>: " symmetry 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'symmetry) "")
- () (list 'l "symmetry=\"" '(s symmetry) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<matching (no quotes)>: " matching 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'matching) "")
- () (list 'l "matching=\"" '(s matching) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<couple>: " couple 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'couple) "")
- () (list 'l "couple=" '(s couple)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<array (no quotes)>: " array 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'array) "")
- () (list 'l "array=\"" '(s array) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<orientations (no quotes)>: " orientations 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'orientations) "")
- () (list 'l "orientations=\"" '(s orientations) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<unit_value>: " unit_value 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'unit_value) "")
- () (list 'l "unit_value=" '(s unit_value)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<current>: " current 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'current) "")
- () (list 'l "current=" '(s current)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<power>: " power 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'power) "")
- () (list 'l "power=" '(s power)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<min_ar>: " min_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'min_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "min_ar=" '(s min_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<max_ar>: " max_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'max_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "max_ar=" '(s max_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<routing_space>: " routing_space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'routing_space) "")
- () (list 'l "routing_space=" '(s routing_space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"layla diode"
- "DL"
- "tempo template for layla diode"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; bipolars
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-bipolar"
- '("Q"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[collector node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[base node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[emitter node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<substrate node>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (vbe, vce)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "TEMP=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 bipolar"
- "Q"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 bipolar"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-bipolar"
- '("Q"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[collector node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[base node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[emitter node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<substrate node>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- () (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<rel base area>: " areab 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'areab) "")
- () (list 'l "AREAB=" '(s areab)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<rel collector area>: " areac 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'areac) "")
- () (list 'l "AREAC=" '(s areac)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "T=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<nonoise [y/n]>: " nonoise 'noinsert)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y"))
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"eldo bipolar"
- "QE"
- "tempo template for eldo bipolar"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-bipolar"
- '("Q"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[collector node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[base node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[emitter node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<substrate node>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- () (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<rel base area>: " areab 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'areab) "")
- () (list 'l "AREAB=" '(s areab)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<rel collector area>: " areac 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'areac) "")
- () (list 'l "AREAC=" '(s areac)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<init vbe>: " vbe 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vbe) "")
- () (list 'l "VBE=" '(s vbe)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<init vce>: " vce 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vce) "")
- () (list 'l "VCE=" '(s vce)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"hspice bipolar"
- "QH"
- "tempo template for hspice bipolar"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; jfets
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-jfet"
- '("J"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (vds, vgs)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "TEMP=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 jfet"
- "J"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 jfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-jfet"
- '("J"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- () (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "T=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<nonoise [y/n]>: " nonoise 'noinsert)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y"))
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"eldo jfet"
- "JE"
- "tempo template for eldo jfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-jfet"
- '("J"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: " area 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'area) "")
- (list 'l '(p "<length>: " l 'noinsert) '(p "<width>: " w 'noinsert))
- (list 'l "AREA=" '(s area)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'l)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")))
- (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'w)
- (not (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")))
- (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (vds,vgs)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"hspice jfet"
- "JH"
- "tempo template for hspice jfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; mosfets
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-mosfet"
- '("M"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[bulk node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area drain>: " ad 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ad) "")
- () (list 'l "AD=" '(s ad)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area source>: " as 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'as) "")
- () (list 'l "AS=" '(s as)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter drain>: " pd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pd) "")
- () (list 'l "PD=" '(s pd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter source>: " ps 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ps) "")
- () (list 'l "PS=" '(s ps)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of drain contacts>: " nrd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrd) "")
- () (list 'l "NRD=" '(s nrd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of source contacts>: " nrs 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrs) "")
- () (list 'l "NRS=" '(s nrs)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (vds, vgs, vgs)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 mosfet"
- "M"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 mosfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-mosfet"
- '("M"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[bulk node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<optional nodes>: ") '(just-one-space)
- "MOD="
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area drain>: " ad 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ad) "")
- () (list 'l "AD=" '(s ad)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area source>: " as 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'as) "")
- () (list 'l "AS=" '(s as)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter drain>: " pd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pd) "")
- () (list 'l "PD=" '(s pd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter source>: " ps 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ps) "")
- () (list 'l "PS=" '(s ps)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<geometry model>: " geo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'geo) "")
- () (list 'l "GEO=" '(s geo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of drain contacts>: " nrd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrd) "")
- () (list 'l "NRD=" '(s nrd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of source contacts>: " nrs 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrs) "")
- () (list 'l "NRS=" '(s nrs)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<extra drain contact resistance>: " rdc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rdc) "")
- () (list 'l "RDC=" '(s rdc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<extra source contact resistance>: " rsc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rsc) "")
- () (list 'l "RSC=" '(s rsc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<temp>: " temp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'temp) "")
- () (list 'l "T=" '(s temp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<nonoise [y/n]>: " nonoise 'noinsert)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nonoise) "y"))
- (list 'l "NONOISE"))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"eldo mosfet"
- "ME"
- "tempo template for eldo mosfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-hspice-mosfet"
- '("M"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[bulk node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area drain>: " ad 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ad) "")
- () (list 'l "AD=" '(s ad)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area source>: " as 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'as) "")
- () (list 'l "AS=" '(s as)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter drain>: " pd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pd) "")
- () (list 'l "PD=" '(s pd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<perimeter source>: " ps 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ps) "")
- () (list 'l "PS=" '(s ps)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of drain contacts>: " nrd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrd) "")
- () (list 'l "NRD=" '(s nrd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<number of source contacts>: " nrs 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nrs) "")
- () (list 'l "NRS=" '(s nrs)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<extra drain contact resistance>: " rdc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rdc) "")
- () (list 'l "RDC=" '(s rdc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<extra source contact resistance>: " rsc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rsc) "")
- () (list 'l "RSC=" '(s rsc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<init cond (vds,vgs,vbs)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<diff temp>: " dtemp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dtemp) "")
- () (list 'l "DTEMP=" '(s dtemp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<geometry model>: " geo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'geo) "")
- () (list 'l "GEO=" '(s geo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<m>: " m 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'm) "")
- () (list 'l "M=" '(s m)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<delvto>: " delvto 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'delvto) "")
- () (list 'l "DELVTO=" '(s delvto)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"hspice mosfet"
- "MH"
- "tempo template for hspice mosfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-layla-mosfet"
- '("M"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[bulk node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<length>: " l 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'l) "")
- () (list 'l "L=" '(s l)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<width>: " w 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'w) "")
- () (list 'l "W=" '(s w)))
- '(just-one-space)
- "\n+ type=\""
- (p "[type (no quotes)]: ") "\""
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<symmetry (no quotes)>: " symmetry 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'symmetry) "")
- () (list 'l "symmetry=\"" '(s symmetry) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<matching (no quotes)>: " matching 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'matching) "")
- () (list 'l "matching=\"" '(s matching) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<couple>: " couple 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'couple) "")
- () (list 'l "couple=" '(s couple)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<array (no quotes)>: " array 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'array) "")
- () (list 'l "array=\"" '(s array) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<orientations (no quotes)>: " orientations 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'orientations) "")
- () (list 'l "orientations=\"" '(s orientations) "\""))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<unit_value>: " unit_value 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'unit_value) "")
- () (list 'l "unit_value=" '(s unit_value)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<current>: " current 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'current) "")
- () (list 'l "current=" '(s current)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<power>: " power 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'power) "")
- () (list 'l "power=" '(s power)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<min_ar>: " min_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'min_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "min_ar=" '(s min_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<max_ar>: " max_ar 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'max_ar) "")
- () (list 'l "max_ar=" '(s max_ar)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<routing_space>: " routing_space 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'routing_space) "")
- () (list 'l "routing_space=" '(s routing_space)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"layla mosfet"
- "ML"
- "tempo template for layla mosfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; mesfets
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-mesfet"
- '("Z"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[drain node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gate node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[source node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[mname]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<area>: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "<off [y/n]>: " off 'noinsert) '(just-one-space)
- (if (and (tempo-lookup-named 'off)
- (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'off) "y"))
- (list 'l "OFF"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<initial cond (vds, vgs)>: " ic 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ic) "")
- () (list 'l "IC=" '(s ic)))
- '(just-one-space)
- )
- ;;"spice2g6 mesfet"
- "Z"
- "tempo template for spice2g6 mesfet"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; subcircuit defs
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-subckt"
- '(".subckt "
- (p "[subckt name]: " lname) 'r 'n 'n
- ".ends " (s lname) '>)
- "SUB"
- "template for inserting a subckt definition"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; Controlled sources
- ;; Voltage sources
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-vcvs"
- '("E"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive controling node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative controling node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gain]: ") '(just-one-space)
- )
- "VCVS"
- "template for inserting a voltage controled voltage source"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-ccvs"
- '("H"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[voltage source]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gain]: ") '(just-one-space)
- )
- "CCVS"
- "template for inserting a current controled voltage source"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; Current sources
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-vccs"
- '("G"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive controling node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative controling node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[transadmitance]: ") '(just-one-space)
- )
- "VCCS"
- "template for inserting a voltage controled current source"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-spice2g6-cccs"
- '("F"
- (p "[name]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[positive node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[negative node]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[voltage source]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[gain]: ") '(just-one-space)
- )
- "CCCS"
- "template for inserting a current controled current source"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; Waveforms
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-pulse"
- '("pulse("
- (p "[start value]: ") " "
- (p "[pulsed value]: ") " "
- (p "[delay]: ") " "
- (p "[rise time]: ") " "
- (p "[fall time]: ") " "
- (p "[pulse duration]: ") " "
- (p "[period]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "PU"
- "template for inserting an Pulse waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-sine"
- '("sin("
- (p "[Offset]: ") " "
- (p "[Amplitude]: ") " "
- (p "[Frequency]: ") " "
- (p "[Delay]: ") " "
- (p "[Damping factor]: ")
- (p "[Phase delay]: ") '(just-one-space)
- ")"'n)
- "sin"
- "template for inserting a Sine function"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-exp"
- '("exp("
- (p "[start value]: ") " "
- (p "[target value]: ") " "
- (p "[rise delay]: ") " "
- (p "[tau1]: ") " "
- (p "[fall delay]: ") " "
- (p "[tau2]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "exp"
- "template for inserting an EXP waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;;(tempo-define-template
- ;; "spice-pwl"
- ;; '("pwl("
- ;; (p "[start time]: ") " "
- ;; (p "[start value]: ") " "
- ;; ")"'n)
- ;; "pwl"
- ;; "template for inserting an PWL waveform")
- (load "skeleton")
- (define-skeleton spice-pwl
- "Skeleton for Piece Wise Linear waveform"
- "Time/value doublet: "
- "pwl(" str
- ( "Next doublet: (%s) "
- " "str )
- resume:
- ")"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "hspice-sffm"
- '("sffm("
- (p "[offset value]: ") " "
- (p "[amplitude value]: ") " "
- (p "[carrier frequency]: ") " "
- (p "[modulation index]: ") " "
- (p "[signal frequency]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "sffm"
- "template for inserting an HSPICE SFFM waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "hspice-am"
- '("am("
- (p "[signal amplitude]: ") " "
- (p "[offset constant]: ") " "
- (p "[modulation frequency]: ") " "
- (p "[carrier frequency]: ") " "
- (p "[delay time]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "am"
- "template for inserting an HSPICE AM waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-ac"
- '("ac("
- (p "[magnitude]: ") " "
- (p "[phase]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "ac"
- "template for inserting an AC waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-pattern"
- '("pattern "
- (p "[Vhi]: ") " "
- (p "[Vlo]: ") " "
- (p "[delay]: ") " "
- (p "[rise time]: ") " "
- (p "[fall time]: ") " "
- (p "[Bit duration]: ") " "
- (p "[Bits]: ")
- 'n)
- "eldo-pattern"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Pattern function"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-noise"
- '("noise("
- (p "[White noise level]: ") " "
- (p "[Flicker noise level]: ") " "
- (p "[Alpha]: ") " "
- (p "[Cut-off freq]: ") " "
- (p "[Filter order]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "noise"
- "template for inserting an ELDO NOISE waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldorf-fpulse"
- '("fpulse("
- (p "[initial value]: ") " "
- (p "[pulse value]: ") " "
- (p "[delay time]: ") " "
- (p "[rise time]: ") " "
- (p "[fall time]: ") " "
- (p "[pulse duration]: ") " "
- (p "[FUND1|FUND2|FUND3 (of .sst)]: ")
- ")"'n)
- "eldorf-fpulse"
- "template for inserting an Eldo-RF fpulse waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldorf-four"
- '("four" '(just-one-space)
- (p "[FUND1]: ")
- (p "<FUND2>: " fund2 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fund2) "")
- ()
- (list 'l " " '(s fund2) '(p "<FUND3>: " fund3 'noinsert)))
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fund3) "")
- ()
- (list 'l " " '(s fund3)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "[MA|RI|DB|PMA|PDB|PDBM]: ") '(just-one-space)
- "("
- (p "[int_val1]: ")
- (p "<int_val2>: " int_val2 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'int_val2) "")
- ()
- (list 'l "," '(s int_val2) '(p "<int_val3>: " int_val3 'noinsert)))
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'int_val3) "")
- ()
- (list 'l "," '(s int_val3)))
- ")" '(just-one-space)
- (p "[real_val1]: ") '(just-one-space)
- (p "[real_val2]: ") '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "eldorf-four"
- "template for inserting an Eldo-RF Fpulse waveform"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; Eldo Extracts
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-phmag"
- '(".EXTRACT AC label=\"Phase margin\" xycond(vp("
- (p "[Node]: " lname)
- "),vdb(" (s lname) ")<0.0)+180 "
- 'n)
- "phmag"
- "template for extracting the phase margin"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-gmag"
- '(".EXTRACT AC label=\"Gain margin\" -xycond(vdb("
- (p "[Node]: " lname)
- "),vp(" (s lname) ")<-180) "
- 'n)
- "gmag"
- "template for extracting the gain margin"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-fc"
- '(".EXTRACT AC label=\"Cut freq\" xdown(vdb("
- (p "[Node]: " lname)
- "),yval(vdb(" (s lname) "),1)-3) "
- 'n)
- "fc"
- "template for extracting the cut frequency"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-ugfc"
- '(".EXTRACT AC label=\"Unity gain freq\" xdown(vdb("
- (p "[Node]: " lname)
- "),0) "
- 'n)
- "ugfc"
- "template for extracting the unity gain frequency"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-period"
- '(".EXTRACT TRAN xdown(v("
- (p "[Node]: " lname)
- "),"
- (p "[threshold]: " vth)
- ","
- (p "[estimation time]: " t)
- ",end)"
- "-xdown(v(" (s lname) "),"(s vth) ","(s t) ",start) !period"
- 'n)
- "period"
- "template for extracting the period of a signal"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-period-macro"
- '(".DEFMAC period(a,th,time)=xdown(a,th,time,end)"
- "-xdown(a,th,time,start)"
- 'n)
- "period"
- "macro for extracting the period of signal a"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-duty-macro"
- '(".DEFMAC duty_cycle(a,th,time)=(xdown(a,th,time,end)"
- "-xup(a,th,time,end))/(xdown(a,th,time,end)-xdown(a,th,time,start))*100"
- 'n)
- "duty"
- "macro for extracting the duty cycle of signal a"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-settling-macro"
- '(".DEFMAC settling(xaxis,a,ratio,Tstart,Tfinal)=xycond(xaxis,(a>(yval(a,Tfinal)*(1+ratio)))"
- " || (a<(yval(a,Tfinal)*(1-ratio))),Tfinal,Tstart) - Tstart"
- 'n)
- "settling"
- "macro for extracting the settling cycle of signal A, within ?ratio of value of A at time Tfinal"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; Eldo Macromodels
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-comp"
- '("COMP"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Hysteresis voltage>: " vdef 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vdef) "")
- (list 'l "VDEF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VDEF=" '(s vdef)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Commutation time>: " tcom 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tcom) "")
- (list 'l "TCOM=1ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TCOM=" '(s tcom)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "comp"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Single output comparator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-compd"
- '("COMPD"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Hysteresis voltage>: " vdef 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vdef) "")
- (list 'l "VDEF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VDEF=" '(s vdef)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Commutation time>: " tcom 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tcom) "")
- (list 'l "TCOM=1ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TCOM=" '(s tcom)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "compd"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Differential output comparator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa0"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP0 "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa0"
- "template for inserting an ELDO single output linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa0d"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP0D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa0d"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differential output linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa1"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP1 "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Dominant pole>: " p1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p1) "")
- (list 'l "P1=100") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P1=" '(s p1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa1"
- "template for inserting an ELDO single output 1-pole linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa1d"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP1D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Dominant pole>: " p1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p1) "")
- (list 'l "P1=100") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P1=" '(s p1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Common mode rejection ratio>: " cmrr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cmrr) "")
- (list 'l "CMRR=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CMRR=" '(s cmrr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa1d"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differential output 1-pole linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa2"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP2 "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Dominant pole>: " p1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p1) "")
- (list 'l "P1=100") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P1=" '(s p1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Non-dominant pole>: " p2 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p2) "")
- (list 'l "P2=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P2=" '(s p2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa2"
- "template for inserting an ELDO single output 2-pole linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-linear-opa2d"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " OPAMP2D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Ground]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Dominant pole>: " p1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p1) "")
- (list 'l "P1=100") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P1=" '(s p1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Non-dominant pole>: " p2 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p2) "")
- (list 'l "P2=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P2=" '(s p2)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input impedance>: " rin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rin) "")
- (list 'l "RIN=1e7") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RIN=" '(s rin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Common mode rejection ratio>: " cmrr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cmrr) "")
- (list 'l "CMRR=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CMRR=" '(s cmrr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "opa2d"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differential output 2-pole linear opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-delay"
- '("DEL"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Delay value]: ") " "
- 'n)
- "del"
- "template for inserting an ELDO delay"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-satr"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " SATR "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Value of resistance>: " r 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'r) "")
- (list 'l "R=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "R=" '(s r)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Max current>: " imax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'imax) "")
- (list 'l "IMAX=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "IMAX=" '(s imax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slew rate(V/?s)>: " sr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'sr) "")
- (list 'l "SR=0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SR=" '(s sr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Dominant pole>: " p1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'p1) "")
- (list 'l "P1=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "P1=" '(s p1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<resistance of low-pass filter>: " r1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'r1) "")
- (list 'l "R1=30") ;; default value
- (list 'l "R1=" '(s r1)))
- 'n)
- "satr"
- "template for inserting an ELDO saturating resistor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-satv"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " SATV "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<VMax>: " vmax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmax) "")
- (list 'l "VMAX=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMAX=" '(s vmax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<VMin>: " vmin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmin) "")
- (list 'l "VMIN=-5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMIN=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Positive saturation voltage>: " vsatp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatp) "")
- (list 'l "VSATP=4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATP=" '(s vsatp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Negative saturation voltage>: " vsatn 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatn) "")
- (list 'l "VSATN=-4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATN=" '(s vsatn)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATP>: " pslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pslope) "")
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=" '(s pslope)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATN>: " nslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nslope) "")
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=" '(s nslope)))
- 'n)
- "satv"
- "template for inserting an ELDO voltage limitor"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-vswitch"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " VSWITCH "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive controlling node]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative controlling node]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=2" ))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Voltage for 'ON' state>: " von 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'von) "")
- (list 'l "VON=0.95") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VON=" '(s von)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Voltage for 'OFF' state>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.05") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<RON resistance>: " ron 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ron) "")
- (list 'l "RON=1e-2") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RON=" '(s ron)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<ROFF resistance>: " roff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'roff) "")
- (list 'l "ROFF=1e10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "ROFF=" '(s roff)))
- 'n)
- "vswitch"
- "template for inserting an ELDO voltage controled switch"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-cswitch"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " CSWITCH "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " IC: "
- (p "[Controlling current]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=2" ))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Current for 'ON' state>: " ion 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ion) "")
- (list 'l "ION=0.95") ;; default value
- (list 'l "ION=" '(s ion)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Current for 'OFF' state>: " ioff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ioff) "")
- (list 'l "IOFF=0.05") ;; default value
- (list 'l "IOFF=" '(s ioff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<RON resistance>: " ron 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ron) "")
- (list 'l "RON=1e-2") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RON=" '(s ron)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<ROFF resistance>: " roff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'roff) "")
- (list 'l "ROFF=1e10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "ROFF=" '(s roff)))
- 'n)
- "cswitch"
- "template for inserting an ELDO current controled switch"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-tri2sin"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " TRI2SIN "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=" '(s level)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Upper input voltage limit >: " vu 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vu) "")
- (list 'l "VU=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VU=" '(s vu)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Lower input voltage limit >: " vl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vl) "")
- (list 'l "VL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VL=" '(s vl)))
- 'n)
- "tri2sin"
- "template for inserting an ELDO triangular to sine wave converter"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-stairgen"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " STAIRGEN "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Start voltage>: " vstart 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vstart) "")
- (list 'l "VSTART=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSTART=" '(s vstart)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Step voltage>: " vdelta 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vdelta) "")
- (list 'l "VDELTA=0.1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VDELTA=" '(s vdelta)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Number of steps>: " nstep 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nstep) "")
- (list 'l "NSTEP=10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSTEP=" '(s nstep)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Period>: " tdu 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tdu) "")
- (list 'l "TDU=1e-4") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TDU=" '(s tdu)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slew rate (V/?s)>: " slr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'slr) "")
- (list 'l "SLR=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SLR=" '(s slr)))
- 'n)
- "stairgen"
- "template for inserting an ELDO staircase waveform generator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-sawgen"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " SAWGEN "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Start voltage>: " v0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v0) "")
- (list 'l "V0=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V0=" '(s v0)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Voltage magnitude>: " v1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v1) "")
- (list 'l "V1=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V1=" '(s v1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Period>: " tdu 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tdu) "")
- (list 'l "TDU=1e-4") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TDU=" '(s tdu)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Delay>: " tdel 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tdel) "")
- (list 'l "TDEL=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TDEL=" '(s tdel)))
- 'n)
- "sawgen"
- "template for inserting an ELDO sawtooth waveform generator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-trigen"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " TRIGEN "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Start voltage>: " v0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v0) "")
- (list 'l "V0=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V0=" '(s v0)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Voltage magnitude>: " v1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v1) "")
- (list 'l "V1=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V1=" '(s v1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<First edge duration>: " rdu 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rdu) "")
- (list 'l "RDU=1e-4") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RDU=" '(s rdu)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Second edge duration>: " fdu 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fdu) "")
- (list 'l "FDU=1e-4") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FDU=" '(s fdu)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Delay>: " tdel 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tdel) "")
- (list 'l "TDEL=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TDEL=" '(s tdel)))
- 'n)
- "trigen"
- "template for inserting an ELDO triangular waveform generator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-amm"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " AMM "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=" '(s level)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slewrate (V/?s)>: " slr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'slr) "")
- (list 'l "SLR=10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SLR=" '(s slr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Offset voltage>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Carrier frequency>: " fc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fc) "")
- (list 'l "FC=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FC=" '(s fc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Minimal number of sampling points per period>: " nsam 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nsam) "")
- (list 'l "NSAM=10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSAM=" '(s nsam)))
- 'n)
- "amm"
- "template for inserting an ELDO amplitude modulator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-pam"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " PAM "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=" '(s level)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slewrate (V/?s)>: " slr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'slr) "")
- (list 'l "SLR=10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SLR=" '(s slr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Offset voltage>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Carrier frequency>: " fc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fc) "")
- (list 'l "FC=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FC=" '(s fc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Minimal number of sampling points per period>: " nsam 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nsam) "")
- (list 'l "NSAM=10") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSAM=" '(s nsam)))
- 'n)
- "pam"
- "template for inserting an ELDO pulse amplitude modulator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-saho"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " SA_HO "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Sampling frequency>: " fs 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fs) "")
- (list 'l "FS=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FS=" '(s fs)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Acquisition time>: " tacq 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tacq) "")
- (list 'l "TACQ=1e-9") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TACQ=" '(s tacq)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Droop voltage>: " dv 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'dv) "")
- (list 'l "DV=20mv") ;; default value
- (list 'l "DV=" '(s dv)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "saho"
- "template for inserting an ELDO sample&hold"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-trho"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " TR_HO "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Controlling node]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Threshold voltage for CRT>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=0.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Acquisition time>: " tacq 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tacq) "")
- (list 'l "TACQ=1e-9") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TACQ=" '(s tacq)))
- 'n)
- "trho"
- "template for inserting an ELDO track&hold"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-peakd"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " PEAK_D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Controlling node]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Level (1/2)>: " level 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'level) "")
- (list 'l "LEVEL=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "LEVEL=2" ))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold voltage for CRT>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=0.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold voltage for reset on output>: " res 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'res) "")
- (list 'l "RES=0.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RES=" '(s res)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Output slewrate (V/?s)>: " slr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'slr) "")
- (list 'l "SLR=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SLR=" '(s slr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Output slewrate on reset>: " rslr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rslr) "")
- (list 'l "RSLR=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RSLR=" '(s rslr)))
- 'n)
- "peakd"
- "template for inserting an ELDO peak detector"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-levdso"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " LEV_D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Rise time (?s)>: " tr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tr) "")
- (list 'l "TR=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TR=" '(s tr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Fall time (?s)>: " tf 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tf) "")
- (list 'l "TF=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TF=" '(s tf)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time (s)>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Lower voltage level>: " v0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v0) "")
- (list 'l "V0=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V0=" '(s v0)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Higher voltage level>: " v1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v1) "")
- (list 'l "V1=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V1=" '(s v1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset voltage>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Lower reference voltage>: " vrl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vrl) "")
- (list 'l "VRL=-0.1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VRL=" '(s vrl)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Higher reference voltage>: " vru 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vru) "")
- (list 'l "VRU=0.1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VRU=" '(s vru)))
- 'n)
- "levdso"
- "template for inserting an ELDO single-output level detector"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-levddo"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " LEV_D "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Reference node]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Rise time (?s)>: " tr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tr) "")
- (list 'l "TR=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TR=" '(s tr)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Fall time (?s)>: " tf 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tf) "")
- (list 'l "TF=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TF=" '(s tf)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time (s)>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Lower voltage level>: " v0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v0) "")
- (list 'l "V0=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V0=" '(s v0)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Higher voltage level>: " v1 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'v1) "")
- (list 'l "V1=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "V1=" '(s v1)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input offset voltage>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Lower reference voltage>: " vrl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vrl) "")
- (list 'l "VRL=-0.1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VRL=" '(s vrl)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Higher reference voltage>: " vru 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vru) "")
- (list 'l "VRU=0.1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VRU=" '(s vru)))
- 'n)
- "levddo"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differential-output level detector"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-logamp"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " LOGAMP "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "K=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "K=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Log function argument>: " e 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'e) "")
- (list 'l "E=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "E=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vmax>: " vmax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmax) "")
- (list 'l "VMAX=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMAX=" '(s vmax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vmin>: " vmin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmin) "")
- (list 'l "VMIN=-5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMIN=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Positive saturation voltage>: " vsatp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatp) "")
- (list 'l "VSATP=4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATP=" '(s vsatp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Negative saturation voltage>: " vsatn 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatn) "")
- (list 'l "VSATN=-4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATN=" '(s vsatn)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATP>: " pslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pslope) "")
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=" '(s pslope)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATN>: " nslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nslope) "")
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=" '(s nslope)))
- 'n)
- "logamp"
- "template for inserting an ELDO logarithmic amplifier"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-antilog"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " EXPAMP "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Gain>: " k 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'k) "")
- (list 'l "K=1.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "K=" '(s k)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Exp function argument>: " e 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'e) "")
- (list 'l "E=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "E=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Base of power function>: " base 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'base) "")
- (list 'l "BASE={EXP(1)}") ;; default value
- (list 'l "BASE=" '(s base)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vmax>: " vmax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmax) "")
- (list 'l "VMAX=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMAX=" '(s vmax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vmin>: " vmin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmin) "")
- (list 'l "VMIN=-5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMIN=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Positive saturation voltage>: " vsatp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatp) "")
- (list 'l "VSATP=4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATP=" '(s vsatp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Negative saturation voltage>: " vsatn 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatn) "")
- (list 'l "VSATN=-4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATN=" '(s vsatn)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATP>: " pslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pslope) "")
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=" '(s pslope)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATN>: " nslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nslope) "")
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=" '(s nslope)))
- 'n)
- "expamp"
- "template for inserting an ELDO anti-logarithmic amplifier"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-diff"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " DIFF "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Time constant>: " k 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'k) "")
- (list 'l "K=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "K=" '(s k)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<DC value>: " c0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'c0) "")
- (list 'l "C0=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "C0=" '(s c0)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slewrate (V/s)>: " slr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'slr) "")
- (list 'l "SLR=1e9") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SLR=" '(s slr)))
- 'n)
- "diff"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differentiator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-integ"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " INTEG "
- (p "[Input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Time constant>: " k 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'k) "")
- (list 'l "K=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "K=" '(s k)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<DC value>: " c0 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'c0) "")
- (list 'l "C0=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "C0=" '(s c0)))
- 'n)
- "integ"
- "template for inserting an ELDO integrator"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-adder"
- '("Y"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "<ADD/SUB/MULT/DIV>: ") " "
- (p "[Input 2]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " param: "
- (p "<Vmax>: " vmax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmax) "")
- (list 'l "VMAX=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMAX=" '(s vmax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vmin>: " vmin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vmin) "")
- (list 'l "VMIN=-5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VMIN=" '(s vmin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Positive saturation voltage>: " vsatp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatp) "")
- (list 'l "VSATP=4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATP=" '(s vsatp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Negative saturation voltage>: " vsatn 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatn) "")
- (list 'l "VSATN=-4.75") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATN=" '(s vsatn)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATP>: " pslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'pslope) "")
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "PSLOPE=" '(s pslope)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slope at VSATN>: " nslope 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'nslope) "")
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=0.25") ;; default value
- (list 'l "NSLOPE=" '(s nslope)))
- 'n)
- "add"
- "template for inserting an ELDO adder/subtrator/multiplier/divider"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; -------------------
- ;; Digital Macromodels
- ;; -------------------
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-inv"
- '("INV"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "inv"
- "template for inserting an ELDO INVERTER gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-xor"
- '("XOR"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "xor"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Exclusive-OR gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-and2"
- '("AND"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "and"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 2 input AND gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-nand2"
- '("NAND"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "nand"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 2 input NAND gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-or2"
- '("OR"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "or"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 2 input OR gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-nor2"
- '("NOR"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "nor"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 2 input NOR gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-and3"
- '("AND3"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "and3"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 3 input AND gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-nand3"
- '("NAND3"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "nand3"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 3 input NAND gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-or3"
- '("OR3"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "or3"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 3 input OR gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-nor3"
- '("NOR3"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[First input]: ") " "
- (p "[Second input]: ") " "
- (p "[Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage rising edge>: " vthi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vthi) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vthi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage falling edge>: " vtlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtlo) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTLO=" '(s vtlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTHI>: " tpdup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdup) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDUP=" '(s tpdup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time for output to reach VTLO>: " tpdown 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpdown) "")
- (list 'l "") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPDOWN=" '(s tpdown)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "nor3"
- "template for inserting an ELDO 3 input NOR gate macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; -------------------------
- ;; Mixed signal Macromodels
- ;; -------------------------
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-adc"
- '("ADC"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Clock]: ") " "
- (p "[Analog input]: ") " "
- (p "[Digital Outputs from MSB to LSB]: ") " "
- (p "<Edge (1/-1)>: " edge 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'edge) "")
- (list 'l "EDGE=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "EDGE=-1"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold clock voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Analog input lower voltage>: " vinf 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vinf) "")
- (list 'l "VINF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTHI=" '(s vinf)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Analog input higher voltage>: " vsup 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsup) "")
- (list 'l "VSUP=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSUP=" '(s vsup)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Output bits commutation time>: " tcom 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tcom) "")
- (list 'l "TCOM=1.0ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TCOM=" '(s tcom)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=10ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "adc"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Analog to Digital Converter macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-dac"
- '("DAC"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Clock]: ") " "
- (p "[Digital inputs from MSB to LSB]: ") " "
- (p "[Analog output]: ") " "
- (p "<Edge (1/-1)>: " edge 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'edge) "")
- (list 'l "EDGE=1") ;; default value
- (list 'l "EDGE=-1"))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold clock voltage>: " vth 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vth) "")
- (list 'l "VTH=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTH=" '(s vth)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Threshold input voltage>: " vtin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vtin) "")
- (list 'l "VTIN=2.5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VTIN=" '(s vtin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Analog Output Vhigh>: " vhi 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vhi) "")
- (list 'l "VHI=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VHI=" '(s vhi)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Analog Output Vlow>: " vlo 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vlo) "")
- (list 'l "VLO=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VLO=" '(s vlo)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Transit time>: " tpd 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'tpd) "")
- (list 'l "TPD=10ns") ;; default value
- (list 'l "TPD=" '(s tpd)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Output slope (V/s)>: " sl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'sl) "")
- (list 'l "SL=10e8") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SL=" '(s tcom)))
- '(just-one-space)
- 'n)
- "DAC"
- "template for inserting an ELDO Digital to Analog Converter macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- ;; -------------------------
- ;; Switched cap Macromodels
- ;; -------------------------
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-switchcap-opa"
- '("OPA"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive input]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative input]: ") " "
- (p "[Positive Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Negative Output]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<Input offset>: " voff 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'voff) "")
- (list 'l "VOFF=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VOFF=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Slew rate (V/s)>: " sl 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'sl) "")
- (list 'l "SL=1e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "SL=" '(s voff)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Gain>: " gain 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'gain) "")
- (list 'l "GAIN=1e5") ;; default value
- (list 'l "GAIN=" '(s gain)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Input capacitance>: " cin 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cin) "")
- (list 'l "CIN=0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CIN=" '(s cin)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Output resistance>: " rs 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'rs) "")
- (list 'l "RS=10e6") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RS=" '(s rs)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Symmetrical saturation voltage>: " vsat 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsat) "")
- (list 'l "VSAT=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSAT=" '(s vsat)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Asymmetrical saturation voltage>: " vsatm 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'vsatm) "")
- (list 'l "VSATM=5.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "VSATM=" '(s vsatm)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Cutoff frequency (double stage only)>: " fc 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fc) "")
- (list 'l "FC=1k") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FC=" '(s fc)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Non-dominant pole (single stage only)>: " fndp 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'fndp) "")
- (list 'l "FNDP=1k") ;; default value
- (list 'l "FNDP=" '(s fndp)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Max current>: " imax 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'imax) "")
- (list 'l "IMAX=100mA") ;; default value
- (list 'l "IMAX=" '(s imax)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Common mode rejection ratio>: " cmrr 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'cmrr) "")
- (list 'l "CMRR=0.0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CMRR=" '(s cmrr)))
- 'n)
- "opa"
- "template for inserting an ELDO differential single or double stage opamp"
- 'spice-tempo-tags
- )
- (tempo-define-template
- "spice-eldo-switch"
- '("S"
- (p "[Instance name]: ") " "
- (p "[Controlling node]: ") " "
- (p "[Node 1]: ") " "
- (p "[Node 2]: ") " "
- (p "[Model name]: ") " "
- (p "<RON resistance>: " ron 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'ron) "")
- (list 'l "RON=1k") ;; default value
- (list 'l "RON=" '(s ron)))
- '(just-one-space)
- (p "<Overlap capacitance>: " crec 'noinsert)
- (if (string-equal (tempo-lookup-named 'crec) "")
- (list 'l "CREC=0") ;; default value
- (list 'l "CREC=" '(s crec)))
- 'n)
- "switch"
- "template for inserting an ELDO switch macromodel"
- 'spice-tempo-tags
- )
- ;; Layla constructs
- (tempo-define-template
- "layla-port"
- '(".port "
- (p "[Name of port]: ") " "
- (p "[Name of net]: ") " "
- 'n)
- "layla-port"
- "template for inserting a Layla port"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "layla-performance"
- '(".performance "
- (p "[Name of performance]: ") " "
- (p "[Nominal value]: ") " \n+"
- (p "[Weight (alfa)]: ") " "
- ; (p "[Weight (alfa)]: ") " "
- 'n)
- "layla-performance"
- "template for inserting a Layla performance"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "layla-net"
- '(".net "
- (p "[Name of net]: ") " "
- 'n)
- "layla-net"
- "template for inserting a Layla net"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (tempo-define-template
- "layla-bus"
- '(".bus "
- (p "[Name of bus]: ") " "
- 'n)
- "layla-bus"
- "template for inserting a Layla bus"
- 'spice-tempo-tags)
- (defmacro spice-layla-function-template (name type)
- "Create a layla tempo define for name and type"
- `(let (p_prompt)
- (setq p_prompt (concat "[Name of " ,name "]: "))
- (tempo-define-template
- (concat "layla-" ,name "-" ,type)
- (list (concat "." ,name "_" ,type "_param(")
- (list 'p p_prompt) ", "
- '(p "[Name of parameter]: ") ", "
- '(p "[Value of parameter]: ") ")"
- 'n)
- (concat "layla-" ,name "-" ,type)
- (concat "template for inserting a " ,type " parameter for a Layla "
- ,name)
- 'spice-tempo-tags)))
- (spice-layla-function-template "bus" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "bus" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "bus" "string")
- (spice-layla-function-template "device" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "device" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "device" "string")
- (spice-layla-function-template "net" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "net" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "net" "string")
- (spice-layla-function-template "placement" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "placement" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "placement" "string")
- (spice-layla-function-template "port" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "port" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "port" "string")
- (spice-layla-function-template "symmetry" "double")
- (spice-layla-function-template "symmetry" "integer")
- (spice-layla-function-template "symmetry" "string")
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Abbrev hook bindings (taken from eldo-mode)
- (defvar spice-mode-abbrev-table nil
- "Abbrev table to use in `spice-mode' buffers.")
- ;; the table, global init inline here:
- (if spice-mode-abbrev-table
- ()
- (let ((ac abbrevs-changed))
- (define-abbrev-table 'spice-mode-abbrev-table ())
- ;; passive elements:
- ;; resistors
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "r" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "rss" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice3-semiconductor-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "re" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ree" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "res" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-semiconductor-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "rh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-resistor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "rl" "" 'tempo-template-spice-layla-resistor)
- ;; capacitors
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "c" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-capacitor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "css" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice3-semiconductor-capacitor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ce" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-capacitor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "cee" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-capacitor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ch" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-capacitor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "cl" "" 'tempo-template-spice-layla-capacitor)
- ;; inductors
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "l" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-inductor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "le" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-inductor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "lee" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-inductor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "lh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-inductor)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ll" "" 'tempo-template-spice-layla-inductor)
- ;; coupled inductors
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "k" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-coupled-inductors)
- ;; lossless transmission lines
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "t" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-lossless-transmission)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "te" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-lossless-transmission)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "th" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-lossless-transmission)
- ;; lossy transmission lines
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "o" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-lossy-transmission)
- ; spice3 rcline
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "rcls" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice3-rcline)
- ; eldo rc-line
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "rcle" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-rcline)
- ; eldo lossy transmission line
- ; not implemented
- ;; active elements:
- ;; diodes
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "d" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-diode)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "de" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-diode)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "dh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-diode)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "dl" "" 'tempo-template-spice-layla-diode)
- ;; bipolars
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "q" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-bipolar)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "qe" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-bipolar)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "qh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-bipolar)
- ;; jfets
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "j" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-jfet)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "je" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-jfet)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "jh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-jfet)
- ;; mosfets
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "m" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-mosfet)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "me" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-mosfet)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "mh" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-mosfet)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ml" "" 'tempo-template-spice-layla-mosfet)
- ;; mesfets
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "z" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-mesfet)
- ;; subcircuits
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "sub" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-subckt)
- ;; controlled sources
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "vcvs" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vcvs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "e" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vcvs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ccvs" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-ccvs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "h" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-ccvs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "vccs" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vccs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "g" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vccs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "cccs" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-cccs)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "f" "" 'tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-cccs)
- ;; transient signals
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "pwl" "" '(spice-pwl))
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "pu" "" 'tempo-template-spice-pulse)
- ;(define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "'su" "" 'tempo-template-spice-subckt)
- ;(define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "'ac" "" 'tempo-template-spice-ac)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "sin" "" 'tempo-template-spice-sine)
- ;(define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "'sffm" "" 'tempo-template-spice-hspice-sffm)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "exp" "" 'tempo-template-spice-exp)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "noi" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-noise)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "pat" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-pattern)
- ;; behavioral models
- ;; eldo
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "comp" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-comp)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "compd" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-compd)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa0" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa0d" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0d)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa1" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa1d" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0d)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa2" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "opa2d" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0d)
- ;; extracts
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "phmag" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-phmag)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "gmag" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-gmag)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "fc" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-fc)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "ugfc" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-ugfc)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "tf" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-period)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "tfm" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-period-macro)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "dc" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-duty-macro)
- (define-abbrev spice-mode-abbrev-table "he" "" 'tempo-template-spice-eldo-circuit-header)
- (setq abbrevs-changed ac)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; Menus
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Spice menu (using `easy-menu.el')
- (defun spice-create-mode-menu ()
- "Create Spice Mode menu."
- (append
- (list
- "Spice"
- '("Edit"
- ["Comment Region" comment-region (and (mark) (not buffer-read-only))]
- ["Uncomment Region" spice-uncomment-region (and (mark) (not buffer-read-only))]
- ["Comment bar" (spice-comment-bar 't) (not buffer-read-only)]
- ["Fill Paragraph (Break Line)" fill-paragraph (not buffer-read-only)]
- ["Join line" spice-delete-indentation (not buffer-read-only)]
- "--"
- ["Fontify..." font-lock-fontify-buffer t]
- "--"
- ["(Re)activate File links..." spice-colorize-libraries-buffer t]
- ["Load include/lib files..." spice-load-include-files (assoc spice-imenu-libraries-submenu-name imenu--index-alist)]
- ["Load output file" spice-load-output-file (spice-output-file-p)]
- ["Unload all other spice files" spice-unload-other-decks t]
- "--"
- ["Replace with .guess stats" spice-replace-with-guess-statements (and (mark) (not buffer-read-only))]
- ["Replace with .nodeset stats" spice-replace-with-nodeset-statements (and (mark) (not buffer-read-only))]
- "--"
- ["Hide Comment Regions" spice-hide-all-comments (spice-hide-all-comments-p)]
- ["Unhide Comment Regions" spice-unhide-all-comments spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden]
- "--"
- ["Search .subckt def" spice-search-subckt t]
- "--"
- ["Add Changelog Entry" spice-add-changelog-entry (not buffer-read-only)]
- )
- (list
- "Simulate"
- ;; ["Simulate" compile t]
- ["Simulate" spice-compile (and buffer-file-name (not (spice-output-p)))]
- ["Stop Simulation" kill-compilation (condition-case ()
- (get-buffer-process
- (compilation-find-buffer))
- (error nil))]
- "--"
- ["Next Error..." spice-next-error t]
- ["Previous Error..." spice-previous-error t]
- "--"
- (append
- '("Simulator")
- ;; example code taken literally from vhdl-mode.el !
- ;; add menu entries for defined simulators
- (let ((simu-alist spice-simulator-alist) menu-alist name)
- (while simu-alist
- (setq name (car (car simu-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist (cons (vector name
- (list 'spice-set-simulator name)
- :style 'radio :selected
- ; (list 'equal 'spice-simulator name)
- (list 'equal '(spice-get-simulator) name)
- )
- menu-alist))
- (setq simu-alist (cdr simu-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons '["Add Simulator..."
- (customize-variable 'spice-simulator-alist) t]
- (cons "--" menu-alist)))
- (nreverse menu-alist))))
- (list
- "Waveform viewer"
- ["View" spice-run-waveform-viewer
- (and spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry
- buffer-file-name)]
- ["Kill Waveform Viewer" spice-kill-waveform-viewer
- (condition-case ()
- (get-buffer-process
- (spice-waveform-buffer-name-function nil))
- (error nil))]
- "--"
- (append
- '("Waveform Viewer")
- ;; example code taken literally from vhdl-mode.el !
- ;; add menu entries for defined simulators
- (let ((wave-alist spice-waveform-viewer-alist) menu-alist name)
- (while wave-alist
- (setq name (car (car wave-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist (cons (vector name
- (list 'spice-set-waveform-viewer name)
- :style 'radio :selected
- ;(list 'equal 'spice-simulator name)
- (list 'equal
- '(spice-get-waveform-viewer)
- name))
- menu-alist))
- (setq wave-alist (cdr wave-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons '["Add Waveform Viewer..."
- (customize-variable 'spice-waveform-viewer-alist) t]
- (cons "--" menu-alist)))
- (nreverse menu-alist))))
- "--"
- '("Passive Elements"
- ("Resistors"
- ["Spice2g6 Resistor" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-resistor t]
- ["Spice3 Silicon Resistor" tempo-template-spice-spice3-semiconductor-resistor t]
- ["Eldo Resistor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-resistor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Eldo Expression Resistor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-resistor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Eldo Silicon Resistor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-semiconductor-resistor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Resistor" tempo-template-spice-hspice-resistor (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Layla Resistor" tempo-template-spice-layla-resistor (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Capacitors"
- ["Spice2g6 Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-capacitor t]
- ["Spice3 Silicon Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-spice3-semiconductor-capacitor t]
- ["Eldo Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-capacitor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Eldo Expression Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-capacitor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-hspice-capacitor (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Layla Capacitor" tempo-template-spice-layla-capacitor (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Inductors"
- ["Spice2g6 Inductor" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-inductor t]
- ["Spice2g6 Coupled Inductors" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-coupled-inductors t]
- ["Eldo Inductor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-inductor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Eldo Expression Inductor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-expression-inductor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Inductor" tempo-template-spice-hspice-inductor (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Layla Inductor" tempo-template-spice-layla-inductor (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Transmission lines"
- ["Spice2g6 Lossless" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-lossless-transmission t]
- ["Eldo Lossless" tempo-template-spice-eldo-lossless-transmission (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Lossless" tempo-template-spice-hspice-lossless-transmission (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Spice2g6 Lossy" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-lossy-transmission t]
- ["Spice3 RC line" tempo-template-spice-spice3-rcline t]
- ["Eldo RC line" tempo-template-spice-eldo-rcline (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- )
- )
- '("Active Elements"
- ("Diodes"
- ["Spice2g6 Diode" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-diode t]
- ["Eldo Diode" tempo-template-spice-eldo-diode (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Diode" tempo-template-spice-hspice-diode (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Layla Diode" tempo-template-spice-layla-diode (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Bipolars"
- ["Spice2g6 Bipolar" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-bipolar t]
- ["Eldo Bipolar" tempo-template-spice-eldo-bipolar (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Bipolar" tempo-template-spice-hspice-bipolar (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- )
- ("Jfets & Mesfets"
- ["Spice2g6 Jfet" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-jfet t]
- ["Spice2g6 Mesfet" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-mesfet t]
- ["Eldo Jfet" tempo-template-spice-eldo-jfet (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Jfet" tempo-template-spice-hspice-jfet (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- )
- ("Mosfets"
- ["Spice2g6 Mosfet" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-mosfet t]
- ["Eldo Mosfet" tempo-template-spice-eldo-mosfet (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Hspice Mosfet" tempo-template-spice-hspice-mosfet (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["Layla Mosfet" tempo-template-spice-hspice-mosfet (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- )
- '("Controlled Sources"
- ["Spice2g6 VCVS" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vcvs t]
- ["Spice2g6 CCVS" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-ccvs t]
- ["Spice2g6 VCCS" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-vccs t]
- ["Spice2g6 CCCS" tempo-template-spice-spice2g6-ccvs t]
- )
- '("Waveforms"
- ["PWL" (spice-pwl) t]
- ["pulse" tempo-template-spice-pulse t]
- ; ["ac" tempo-template-eldo-ac t]
- ["sine" tempo-template-spice-sine t]
- ["exp" tempo-template-spice-exp t]
- ["hspice sffm" tempo-template-spice-hspice-sffm (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["hspice am" tempo-template-spice-hspice-am (spice-standard-p 'hspice)]
- ["eldo pattern" tempo-template-spice-eldo-pattern (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["eldo noise" tempo-template-spice-eldo-noise (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["eldoRF four" tempo-template-spice-eldorf-four (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)]
- ["eldoRF fpulse" tempo-template-spice-eldorf-fpulse (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)]
- )
- "--"
- '("Eldo Macromodels"
- ("Analog"
- ["SO Comparator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-comp (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DO Comparator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-compd (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["SO Linear Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DO Linear Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa0d (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["SO Linear 1-pole Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa1 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DO Linear 1-pole Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa1d (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["SO Linear 2-pole Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa2 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DO Linear 2-pole Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-linear-opa2d (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Delay" tempo-template-spice-eldo-delay (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Saturating Resistor" tempo-template-spice-eldo-satr (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Voltage Limiter" tempo-template-spice-eldo-satv (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Voltage cont. switch" tempo-template-spice-eldo-vswitch (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Current cont. switch" tempo-template-spice-eldo-cswitch (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Triangular to sine converter" tempo-template-spice-eldo-tri2sin (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Staircase generator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-stairgen (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Sawtooth generator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-sawgen (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Triangle generator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-trigen (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Amplitude modulator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-amm (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Pulse amplitude modulator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-pam (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Sample&Hold" tempo-template-spice-eldo-saho (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Track&Hold" tempo-template-spice-eldo-trho (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Peak Detector" tempo-template-spice-eldo-peakd (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["SO Level Detector" tempo-template-spice-eldo-levdso (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DO Level Detector" tempo-template-spice-eldo-levddo (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Log Amplifier" tempo-template-spice-eldo-logamp (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Antilog Amplifier" tempo-template-spice-eldo-antilog (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Differentiator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-diff (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Integrator" tempo-template-spice-eldo-integ (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Add/Sub/Mult/Div" tempo-template-spice-eldo-adder (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- )
- ("Digital"
- ["Delay" tempo-template-spice-eldo-delay (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Inverter" tempo-template-spice-eldo-inv (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["XOR gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-xor (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["2 input AND gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-and2 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["2 input NAND gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-nand2 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["2 input OR gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-or2 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["2 input NOR gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-nor2 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["3 input AND gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-and3 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["3 input NAND gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-nand3 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["3 input OR gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-or3 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["3 input NOR gate" tempo-template-spice-eldo-nor3 (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- )
- ("Mixed Signal"
- ["AD Converter" tempo-template-spice-eldo-adc (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["DA Converter" tempo-template-spice-eldo-dac (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- )
- ("Switched Cap"
- ["Opamp" tempo-template-spice-eldo-switchcap-opa (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- ["Switch" tempo-template-spice-eldo-switch (spice-standard-p 'eldo)]
- )
- )
- "--"
- '("Layla Objects"
- ["Port" tempo-template-layla-port (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Performance" tempo-template-layla-performance (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Net" tempo-template-layla-net (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Bus" tempo-template-layla-bus (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ; ["ac" tempo-template-eldo-ac t]
- )
- '("Layla Properties"
- ("Port"
- ["Port double" tempo-template-layla-port-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Port integer" tempo-template-layla-port-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Port string" tempo-template-layla-port-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Placement"
- ["Placement double" tempo-template-layla-placement-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Placement integer" tempo-template-layla-placement-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Placement string" tempo-template-layla-placement-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Symmetry"
- ["Symmetry double" tempo-template-layla-symmetry-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Symmetry integer" tempo-template-layla-symmetry-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Symmetry string" tempo-template-layla-symmetry-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Net"
- ["Net double" tempo-template-layla-net-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Net integer" tempo-template-layla-net-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Net string" tempo-template-layla-net-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Device"
- ["Device double" tempo-template-layla-device-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Device integer" tempo-template-layla-device-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Device string" tempo-template-layla-device-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- ("Bus"
- ["Bus double" tempo-template-layla-bus-double (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Bus integer" tempo-template-layla-bus-integer (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- ["Bus string" tempo-template-layla-bus-string (spice-standard-p 'layla)]
- )
- )
- "--"
- (append
- '("Goto Section")
- (let ((section-alist spice-section-alist) menu-alist name str)
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons "--"
- (cons '["Changelog"
- (spice-goto-section "changelog")
- ; (setq menu-sec (current-time))
- (spice-cache-section-p "changelog")
- ] menu-alist)))
- (while section-alist
- (setq name (car (car section-alist)))
- (setq str (downcase (car (cdr (car section-alist)))))
- (setq menu-alist (cons (vector name
- (list 'spice-goto-section str)
- (list 'spice-section-p str)
- )
- menu-alist))
- (setq section-alist (cdr section-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons '["Specify..."
- spice-goto-section t]
- (cons "--" menu-alist)))
- (nreverse menu-alist))
- )
- (append
- '("Add Section Header")
- (let ((section-alist spice-section-alist) menu-alist name str)
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons "--"
- (cons '["Changelog"
- (spice-add-section "Changelog")
- (not (spice-section-p "changelog"))] menu-alist)))
- (while section-alist
- (setq name (car (car section-alist)))
- (setq str (car (cdr (car section-alist))))
- (setq menu-alist (cons (vector name
- (list 'spice-add-section str)
- (list 'not (list 'spice-section-p (downcase str)))
- )
- menu-alist))
- (setq section-alist (cdr section-alist)))
- (setq menu-alist
- (cons '["Specify..."
- spice-add-section t]
- (cons "--" menu-alist)))
- (nreverse menu-alist))
- )
- )
- (spice-common-menu-tail-entries))
- )
- (defun spice-create-output-mode-menu ()
- "Create Spice-output Mode menu."
- (append
- (list
- "Spice-output"
- '("Edit"
- ["Fontify..." font-lock-fontify-buffer t]
- "--"
- ["Unload all other spice files" spice-unload-other-decks t]
- "--"
- ["Create <name>_guess.cir file" (spice-create-guess-nodeset-file "guess") (spice-output-p)]
- ["Create <name>_nodeset.cir file" (spice-create-guess-nodeset-file "nodeset") (spice-output-p)]
- )
- )
- (spice-common-menu-tail-entries))
- )
- (defun spice-common-menu-tail-entries ()
- "Creat Common Spice and Spice-output Mode menu entries."
- (list
- "--"
- ;; customize sub menu
- '("Customize"
- ["Browse Spice Group" (customize-browse 'spice) t]
- ["Spice Standard" (customize-variable 'spice-standard) t]
- ["Spice Faces" (customize-group 'spice-faces) t]
- ["Section Header list" (customize-variable 'spice-section-alist) t]
- ;; "--"
- ;; ["Activate Customizations in Buffer" spice-activate-customizations t]
- ;; (not (equal spice-standard-local spice-standard))]
- )
- ;; settings sub menu
- (append '("Settings")
- (when (fboundp 'speedbar)
- (list '["Speedbar" speedbar-frame-mode
- :style toggle
- :selected (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame)
- (frame-live-p speedbar-frame)
- (frame-visible-p speedbar-frame))]))
- (list
- '["Abbrevs" abbrev-mode :style toggle :selected abbrev-mode]
- '["List abbrevs" list-abbrevs abbrev-mode]
- '["Auto fill" auto-fill-mode :style toggle
- :selected auto-fill-function]))
- "--"
- ["About Spice-Mode" spice-about t]
- )
- )
- (defvar spice-menu-list nil
- "Spice Mode menu.") ; global variable
- (defvar spice-output-menu-list nil
- "Spice-output Mode menu.") ; global variable
- (require 'easymenu)
- (defun spice-menu-init ()
- "Initializes global vars for Spice menu's"
- (setq spice-menu-list (spice-create-mode-menu))
- (setq spice-output-menu-list (spice-create-output-mode-menu))
- )
- (defun spice-update-mode-menu ()
- "Updates Spice mode menu for current buffer." ; assumes globals have
- ; been updated
- (interactive)
- (if (spice-output-p)
- (progn
- (easy-menu-remove spice-output-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- ;; (setq spice-output-menu-list (spice-create-output-mode-menu))
- (easy-menu-add spice-output-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- (easy-menu-define spice-output-menu spice-output-mode-map
- "Menu keymap for Spice-output Mode." spice-output-menu-list))
- (easy-menu-remove spice-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- ;; (setq spice-menu-list (spice-create-mode-menu))
- (easy-menu-add spice-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- (easy-menu-define spice-menu spice-mode-map
- "Menu keymap for Spice Mode." spice-menu-list)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; spice mode syntax table
- (defvar spice-mode-syntax-table nil
- "Syntax table used in spice-mode buffers.")
- (defun spice-mode-syntax-table-init ()
- "initialize syntax table from scratch."
- (setq spice-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
- (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?! "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?* "w" spice-mode-syntax-table) ; not < !!!!
- (if (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (progn (modify-syntax-entry ?# "w 13" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?c "w 2" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?e "w 4" spice-mode-syntax-table)))
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" spice-mode-syntax-table) ;; no no, comments are handled by spice-mode, not by syntax-table !!!
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "." spice-mode-syntax-table) ;; make it punctuation ?
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" spice-mode-syntax-table) ;; font-lock prob
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?, "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?/ "w" spice-mode-syntax-table)
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(>" spice-mode-syntax-table) ; can be in symbols
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")<" spice-mode-syntax-table) ; can be in symbols
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "w" spice-mode-syntax-table) ; can be in expr
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w" spice-mode-syntax-table) ; can be in expr
- ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." spice-mode-syntax-table) ; can be in expr
- )
- ;;;
- ;;; speedbar stuff
- ;;;
- (eval-and-compile
- (when (fboundp 'speedbar)
- (require 'speedbar)
- (defun spice-speedbar-init ()
- "Initialize speedbar."
- ;; general settings, depends on auto-mode-alist, so should be
- ;; called every time auto-mode-alist is modified (set
- ;; (make-local-variable 'speedbar-tag-hierarchy-method) nil)
- ;; SPICE file extensions (extracted from `auto-mode-alist')
- (let ((mode-alist auto-mode-alist))
- (while mode-alist
- (when (eq (cdr (car mode-alist)) 'spice-mode)
- (speedbar-add-supported-extension (car (car mode-alist))))
- (setq mode-alist (cdr mode-alist)))))
- (defun spice-speedbar (&optional arg)
- "Open/close speedbar."
- (interactive)
- (if (not (fboundp 'speedbar))
- (error "WARNING: Speedbar is only available in newer Emacs versions")
- (condition-case () ; due to bug in `speedbar-el' v0.7.2a
- (speedbar-frame-mode arg)
- (error "WARNING: Install included `speedbar.el' patch first"))))
- )
- )
- ;;; speedbar end
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; Imenu: S-mouse3 in emacs to find spice objects quickly (xemacs ?)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (require 'imenu)
- (defvar spice-imenu-generic-expression nil
- "Imenu generic expression for spice mode. See `imenu-generic-expression'.")
- (defconst spice-imenu-end-submenu-name "*End*"
- "label of End submenu in imenu")
- (defconst spice-imenu-libraries-submenu-name "*Libraries*"
- "label of Libraries submenu in imenu")
- (defun spice-imenu-init ()
- "initialize imenu generic expression and pass to imenu"
- (setq spice-imenu-generic-expression
- (append
- (list
- (list spice-imenu-end-submenu-name
- (concat
- "^"
- "\\.\\(end\\)\\>"
- ) 1))
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- (list
- (list "*Nets*" (concat
- "^\\*?"
- "[\.]\\(net\\)\\s-+"
- "\\([a-z0-9]\\w*\\)\\>"
- ) 2)
- (list "*Ports*"
- (concat
- "^\\*?"
- "\\.\\(port\\)\\s-+"
- "\\([a-z0-9]\\w*\\)\\>"
- ) 2)
- (list "*Performances*"
- (concat
- "^\\*?"
- "\\.\\(performance\\)\\s-+"
- "\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\>"
- ) 2)) ; list
- )
- (list
- (list
- "*Misc*"
- (concat
- "^\\s-*\\.model\\s-+" spice-model-name spice-line-break
- "\\s-+\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-misc-model-type-names)
- "\\)\\>" )
- 1)
- (list
- "*Diodes*"
- (concat "^\\s-*\\.model\\s-+" spice-model-name
- spice-line-break "\\s-+d\\>")
- 1)
- (list
- "*Bipolars*"
- (concat "^\\s-*\\.model\\s-+" spice-model-name
- spice-line-break "\\s-+\\(npn\\|pnp\\)\\>")
- 1)
- (list
- "*Mosfets*"
- (concat "^\\s-*\\.model\\s-+" spice-model-name
- spice-line-break "\\s-+\\(n\\|p\\)mos\\>")
- 1)
- (list spice-imenu-libraries-submenu-name
- (concat spice-library-regexp-start
- spice-library-regexp-end)
- 3)
- (list
- "*Analyses*"
- (concat "^\\s-*\\.\\("
- (regexp-opt spice-analyses)
- "\\)\\>")
- 1)
- (list "*Sections*"
- spice-section-headings-regexp 2)
- (list nil
- (concat
- "^\\.\\(subckt\\s-+"
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- "\\(lib\\s-+[^ \t\n]+\\s-+\\)?")
- "\\|macro\\s-+\\)"
- "\\([a-z]\\w*\\)\\>"
- ) (if (spice-standard-p 'eldo) 3 2))
- )
- )))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; Support for compilation (simulation) - doesn't work 100% currently
- ;; and probably never will ...
- ;; ======================================================================
- (defun spice-simulation-buffer-name-function (arg)
- "Derives unique spice simulation buffer for simulator output"
- (concat "*Spice-simulation-" (buffer-name) "*"))
- (defun spice-get-simulator ()
- "Make an educated guess on what simulator a user likely wants to use"
- (if (and spice-simulator
- (assoc spice-simulator spice-simulator-alist))
- spice-simulator ;; is specified by user, take his choice
- (if (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "Eldo" ;; eldo
- (if (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "Hspice" ;; Hspice
- "Spice3")))) ;; fallback Spice3
- (defun spice-set-simulator-command ()
- (interactive)
- (setq compile-command
- (let ((commands-alist spice-simulator-alist)
- command)
- (while commands-alist
- (when (equal (spice-get-simulator) (nth 0 (car commands-alist)))
- (setq command
- (concat
- (nth 1 (car commands-alist)) " "
- spice-simulator-switches
- (unless
- (string-equal spice-simulator-switches "") " ")
- (file-name-nondirectory (if buffer-file-name
- buffer-file-name ""))
- (unless
- (string-equal (nth 2 (car commands-alist)) "") " ")
- (nth 2 (car commands-alist))
- )))
- (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))
- command)))
- (defun spice-set-simulator (name)
- (setq spice-simulator name)
- (spice-set-simulator-command))
- (require 'compile)
- (defvar spice-compilation-error-regexp-alist nil)
- (defvar spice-compilation-file-regexp-alist nil)
- (defun spice-compile ()
- "spice wrapper function for compile."
- (interactive)
- (spice-set-simulator-command)
- (call-interactively 'compile nil)
- )
- (defun spice-compile-variables-init ()
- "build variable lists."
- (setq spice-compilation-error-regexp-alist
- (let ((commands-alist spice-simulator-alist)
- regexp-alist sublist)
- (while commands-alist
- (setq sublist (nth 3 (car commands-alist)))
- (unless (equal "" (car sublist))
- (setq regexp-alist
- (cons (append
- (list (nth 0 sublist)
- (if (= 0 (nth 1 sublist))
- (if spice-running-xemacs 9 nil)
- (nth 1 sublist))
- (if (numberp (nth 2 sublist))
- (nth 2 sublist)
- (if spice-running-xemacs 0
- (nth 2 sublist))))
- (list (nth 3 sublist))
- (if (nth 4 sublist)
- (if (stringp (nth 4 sublist))
- (list (nth 4 sublist))
- (list (eval (nth 4 sublist))))))
- regexp-alist)))
- (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))
- regexp-alist))
- ; (message "setting compilation file regexps command")
- (setq spice-compilation-file-regexp-alist
- (let ((commands-alist spice-simulator-alist)
- regexp-alist)
- (while commands-alist
- (unless (equal "" (car (nth 4 (car commands-alist))))
- (setq regexp-alist
- (append regexp-alist
- (list (nth 4 (car commands-alist))))))
- (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))
- regexp-alist))
- )
- (defun spice-compile-init ()
- "Initialize for simulation(/compilation)."
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; use Eldo/Hspice as compiler, on current buffer
- (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
- (make-local-variable 'compilation-read-command)
- (make-local-variable 'compilation-buffer-name-function)
- (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
- (make-local-variable 'compilation-file-regexp-alist)
- (setq compilation-read-command 't)
- (setq compilation-buffer-name-function
- 'spice-simulation-buffer-name-function)
- ; (message "setting compilation error regexps command")
- (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist spice-compilation-error-regexp-alist
- compilation-file-regexp-alist spice-compilation-file-regexp-alist)
- )
- (defvar spice-column 1
- "global variable to do column hack. Why ? Compile.el requires that
- every error is 'special', ie. different from the previous one. This is
- either the file is different, the line number is different or the column
- number is different. Prob: the file is always the same, the simulator
- guys never output the file name of the file that is being read, so that
- one doesn't change; the line number can not be found either; the column
- number is same problem; Solution: always take line number one, then take
- the column number 1 or 2 alternatingly, remember previous value here !
- This is ugly, I know, but it's the only way I could think of to find
- the errors in the simulation buffer with compile.el")
- (defun spice-linenum (f c)
- ;(message (format "calling linenum fun '%s'" f))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
- ;(message (format "buffer '%s'" (buffer-name)))
- )
- (list (point-marker) f 1 (if (= spice-column 1)
- (setq spice-column 2)
- (setq spice-column 1))))
- (defun spice-next-error (n)
- "Move point to the next error in the compilation buffer.
- Does NOT find the source line like \\[next-error] does, is defined
- in spice-mode since many simulators don't output errors with source line
- numbers included, so finding the error is still difficult."
- (interactive "p")
- (save-excursion
- (let (prev-buffer)
- (setq prev-buffer (buffer-name))
- (pop-to-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
- (compilation-next-error n)
- (recenter)
- (pop-to-buffer prev-buffer))))
- (defun spice-previous-error (n)
- "Move point to the previous error in the compilation buffer.
- Does NOT find the source line like \\[next-error] does, is defined
- in spice-mode since many simulators don't output errors with source line
- numbers included, so finding the error is still difficult."
- (interactive "p")
- (save-excursion
- (let (prev-buffer)
- (setq prev-buffer (buffer-name))
- (pop-to-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
- (compilation-previous-error n)
- (recenter)
- (pop-to-buffer prev-buffer))))
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Waveform viewer support
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; This is work in progress; (user) interface might change
- (defun spice-waveform-buffer-name-function (arg)
- "check running process"
- (let ((name (if arg arg (buffer-name))))
- (concat "*Spice-waveform-" name "*")))
- (defun spice-set-waveform-viewer (name)
- (setq spice-waveform-viewer name)
- (spice-set-waveform-viewer-command))
- (defun spice-get-waveform-viewer ()
- "Make an educated guess on what waveform viewer a user likely would want"
- (if (and spice-waveform-viewer
- (assoc spice-waveform-viewer spice-waveform-viewer-alist))
- spice-waveform-viewer ;; is specified by user, take his choice
- (if (spice-standard-p 'eldo) "Xelga" ;; eldo's viewer is xelga
- (if (spice-standard-p 'hspice) "Awaves" ;; Hspice's viewer is awaves
- "Nutmeg")))) ;; fallback Spice3's viewer nutmeg ...
- (defun spice-waveform-viewer-derive-filename (arg)
- "Derive from the buffer file name the name of a derived file. If ARG is
- a string, it is a suffix to replace the buffer's suffix, if ARG is a list
- , , if ARG is a function, the function is called without arguments and it
- should return the derived filename, if ARG is nil, nil is returned, if ARG
- is t, the filename itself is returned unmodified."
- (cond ((stringp arg)
- (concat (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name) arg))
- ((listp arg)
- (let ((alist arg)
- filename)
- ;(message alist)
- (while alist
- (message (concat (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name) (car alist)))
- (setq
- filename
- (concat (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name) (car alist)))
- (setq alist (cdr alist)))
- filename))
- ((functionp arg)
- (funcall arg))
- (nil
- nil) ;; nil if nil ...
- (t
- buffer-file-name) ;; fallback if t ...
- )
- )
- (defvar spice-waveform-viewer-command ""
- "variable containing buffer local waveform viewer command")
- (defvar spice-waveform-viewer-filename nil
- "variable filename field of waveform viewer structure")
- (defvar spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry nil
- "variable holding selected entry of waveform viewer")
- (defvar spice-waveform-viewer-read-command t
- "variable containing boolean indicating reading of buffer local waveform viewer command")
- (defvar spice-after-start-process-function nil
- "variable containing after start process function")
- (defun spice-set-waveform-viewer-command ()
- (interactive)
- (setq spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry nil)
- (let ((commands-alist spice-waveform-viewer-alist))
- (while commands-alist
- (when (equal (spice-get-waveform-viewer)
- (nth 0 (car commands-alist)))
- (setq spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry (car commands-alist))
- )
- (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))))
- (defun spice-waveform-viewer-init ()
- "Initialize for waveform viewer."
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- (make-local-variable 'spice-waveform-viewer-command)
- (make-local-variable 'spice-waveform-viewer-read-command)
- (make-local-variable 'spice-waveform-viewer-filename)
- (make-local-variable 'spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry)
- (make-local-variable 'spice-after-start-process-function)
- (setq spice-waveform-viewer-read-command 't)
- (spice-set-waveform-viewer-command))
- (defun spice-run-waveform-viewer ()
- "run the waveform viewer if it is not yet running."
- (interactive)
- (if (not buffer-file-name)
- (message "Can not run waveform viewer on unsaved file-less buffers.")
- (let (name command file)
- (setq name (nth 0 spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry)
- command (concat (nth 1 spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry)
- " "
- (nth 2 spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry)
- " "
- (spice-waveform-viewer-derive-filename
- (nth 4 spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry)))
- file (buffer-name))
- (spice-process-check file)
- (message "Starting waveform viewer %s" name)
- (funcall (nth 3 spice-waveform-viewer-alist-entry) name command file))
- ) ; if (else part)
- )
- (defun spice-master-directory ()
- "Directory of master file."
- (abbreviate-file-name
- (expand-file-name
- (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))))
- (defun spice-run-silent (name command file)
- "Start process with (optional) second argument."
- (let ((dir (spice-master-directory)))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*spice silent*"))
- (erase-buffer)
- (if dir (cd dir))
- ; (message "cd to %s" dir)
- (let ((process (start-process (concat name " silent")
- (current-buffer) ; can be nil
- spice-shell
- spice-shell-command-option
- command)))
- (message "started %s" command)
- (if spice-after-start-process-function
- (funcall spice-after-start-process-function process))
- (process-query-on-exit-flag process))))
- (defun spice-run-interactive (name command file)
- "Run waveform viewer interactively.
- Run command in a buffer (in comint-shell-mode) so that it accepts user
- interaction."
- (require 'comint)
- (let (; (default spice-command-default)
- (buffer (spice-waveform-buffer-name-function file))
- (process nil)
- (dir (spice-master-directory)))
- (spice-process-check file) ; Check that no process is running
- ; (setq spice-command-buffer (current-buffer))
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer)
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (setq buffer-read-only nil)
- (if dir (cd dir))
- (insert "Running `" name "' on `" file "' with ``" command "''\n")
- (comint-exec buffer name spice-shell nil
- (list spice-shell-command-option command))
- (comint-mode)
- (setq mode-name name)
- ; (setq spice-command-default default)
- (setq process (get-buffer-process buffer))
- (if spice-after-start-process-function
- (funcall spice-after-start-process-function process))
- ; (spice-command-mode-line process) ; mode line setting
- ; (set-process-sentinel process 'spice-command-sentinel)
- (set-marker (process-mark process) (point-max))
- ;;; (setq compilation-in-progress (cons process compilation-in-progress))
- ; (spice-parse-reset)
- ; (setq spice-parse-function 'spice-parse-spice)
- ; (setq spice-sentinel-function 'spice-LaTeX-sentinel)
- ))
- (defun spice-command-mode-line (process)
- "Format the mode line for a buffer containing output from PROCESS."
- (setq mode-line-process (concat ": "
- (symbol-name (process-status process))))
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
- (defun spice-process-check (name)
- "Check if a process for the spice deck NAME already exist.
- If so, give the user the choice of aborting the process or the current
- command."
- (let ((process (get-buffer-process
- (spice-waveform-buffer-name-function name))))
- ; (message "checking %s for running process" (spice-waveform-buffer-name-function name))
- (cond ((null process))
- ((not (eq (process-status process) 'run)))
- ((yes-or-no-p (concat "Process `"
- (process-name process)
- "' for deck `"
- name
- "' running, kill it? "))
- (delete-process process))
- (t
- (error "Cannot have two processes for the spice deck")))))
- ;; ---- setting commands ?
- (defun spice-set-command ()
- "Sets both simulator an waveform viewer commands for current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (spice-set-simulator-command)
- (spice-set-waveform-viewer-command)
- )
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; File initialization support, code taken from eldo-mode and
- ;; modified/extended
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; initialize empty file:
- (defun spice-initialize-empty-file ()
- "Create a standard template for a new/empty file.
- This is the default initialization function. If the user has specified
- an initialization function, by setting
- `spice-initialize-file-function', the user-specified function is
- called instead. This function first checks for the template file
- specified in `spice-initialization-file' which is inserted and a default
- changelog entry is added. If this file isn't readable, a default
- template is inserted depending on the submode (eldo, hspice or layla)
- that has been selected."
- (interactive "*") ; read-only check
- (if (file-readable-p spice-initialize-template-file) ;; template file
- (insert-file-contents spice-initialize-template-file)
- ;; this has been taken from eldo-mode and thus only applies if
- ;; eldo is selected
- (if (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (progn
- (insert
- (concat "# " (buffer-name) " "
- "\n.notrc\n.nocom"
- "\n\n"
- spice-default-header
- "\n\n"))
- (spice-add-section "LIBRARIES")
- (insert "\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "SIMULATION OPTIONS")
- (insert
- (concat "\n\n"
- ".options STAT=1 SIMUDIV=10 !Status reports\n"
- ".options noascii nomod \n"
- ".options eps=1e-7 itol=1e-6 gmin=1e-16 analog \n"
- ".options nobound_phase"
- ".width out=80 \n"
- ".temp=27 \n"
- "\n\n\n"))
- (spice-add-section "SUPPLIES/REFERENCES")
- (insert "\n\n.END\n\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "Changelog")
- (insert "\n\n*** Local Variables:\n*** mode:spice\n*** End:\n")
- )
- (if (spice-standard-p 'hspice) ;; hspice specific options
- (progn
- (insert
- (concat "* " (buffer-name) " "
- "\n\n"
- spice-default-header
- "\n\n"))
- (spice-add-section "LIBRARIES")
- (insert "\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "SIMULATION OPTIONS")
- (insert
- (concat "\n\n"
- ".options nomod nopage opts \n"
- ".options itl1=5000 itl2=2500 itl3=20 itl4=20 itl5=0 \n"
- ".options numdgt=10 $ print 10 digits in output \n"
- ".width out=80 \n"
- ".temp=27 \n"
- "\n\n\n"))
- (spice-add-section "SUPPLIES/REFERENCES")
- (insert "\n\n.end\n\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "Changelog")
- (insert "\n\n*** Local Variables:\n*** mode:spice\n*** End:\n")
- )
- (if (spice-standard-p 'layla) ;; layla specific options
- (progn
- (insert
- (concat "* " (buffer-name) " "
- "\n"
- spice-default-header
- "\n\n"))
- (spice-add-section "MAIN CIRCUIT")
- (insert "\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "PORTS")
- (insert "\n\n.end\n\n\n\n")
- (spice-add-section "Changelog")
- (insert "\n\n*** Local Variables:\n*** mode:spice\n*** End:\n")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (spice-add-changelog-entry "File created") ; in any case
- )
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Hacks to implement the find function menu bar for spice-mode
- ;; subckts/models Fortunately spice-mode only provides one means of
- ;; abstraction so the parsing is very easy. (only available in
- ;; XEmacs, remove this and spice-mode entry when compiling for emacs
- ;; to avoid warnings) This code has been taken from eldo-mode.el
- ;; (E. Rouat)
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- (eval-and-compile
- (when (fboundp 'function-menu)
- (require 'func-menu)
- (defconst fume-function-name-regexp-spice
- "^\\.\\(subckt\\|model\\|macro\\)\\s-+\\([a-z]\\w*\\)"
- "Expression to parse Spice subcircuit and model names.")
- (defun fume-find-next-spice-function-name (buffer)
- "Searches for the next spice subcircuit name in BUFFER."
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (setq case-fold-search 't) ;;otherwise func-menu bombs....
- (if (re-search-forward fume-function-name-regexp nil t)
- (let ((beg (match-beginning 2))
- (end (match-end 2)))
- (cons (buffer-substring beg end) beg))))
- ) ; when
- )
- (defun spice-func-menu-init ()
- "Initialize function menu." ; buffer local stuff
- ;; hook in the spice-mode mode regular expression above into the
- ;; association list of regexps used by the function menu generator
- (setq fume-function-name-regexp-alist
- (purecopy
- (append
- fume-function-name-regexp-alist
- (list
- '(spice-mode . fume-function-name-regexp-spice)))))
- ;; hook in the search method above into the association list used by the
- ;; function menu generating code
- (setq fume-find-function-name-method-alist
- (purecopy
- (append
- fume-find-function-name-method-alist
- (list '(spice-mode . fume-find-next-spice-function-name)))))
- ;; Now activate func-menu - I hope that these settings don't
- ;; interfere with users settings
- (make-local-variable 'fume-menubar-menu-name)
- (make-local-variable 'fume-buffer-name)
- (make-local-variable 'fume-index-method)
- (setq fume-menubar-menu-name "Subckts"
- fume-buffer-name "*Subcircuits List*"
- fume-index-method 2)
- ;; (make-local-hook 'find-file-hooks) not available since Emacs 21.1
- (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-add-menubar-entry)
- (define-key global-map '(shift button2) 'fume-mouse-function-goto)
- (fume-add-menubar-entry))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; Support for .subckt search !?
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; What about searching from an included file, how to find the
- ;; top-level then ? think I've cracked it: .end identifies top-level
- ;; spice files so remember the last one to start search from if the
- ;; search fails
- ;; BUG: doesn't handle nested .subckt defs ! Reports first found match...
- (defun spice-search-included-files (subckt)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((mrk nil))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (and
- (search-forward-regexp spice-library-regexp-start
- (point-max) t)
- (not mrk))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if (looking-at (concat spice-library-regexp-start
- spice-library-regexp-end))
- (if (file-readable-p (substitute-in-file-name (match-string 3)))
- (setq mrk
- (spice-search-file-for-subckt
- (substitute-in-file-name (match-string 3)) subckt))
- (message "File '%s' isn't readable" (match-string 3))) ; if
- ) ; if
- (end-of-line)) ; while
- mrk) ; let
- ) ; save-
- )
- (defvar spice-subckt-search-master-filename nil
- "latest top-level (identified by .end in file) .cir file used in
- subcircuit searches.")
- (defun spice-search-file-for-subckt (filename subckt)
- "Searches a file for a .subckt definition. Remembers
- `spice-subckt-search-master-filename' for future subckt searches."
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
- (condition-case nil
- (let ((index-alist (imenu--make-index-alist t))
- (mrk nil))
- (if (assoc spice-imenu-end-submenu-name index-alist)
- (setq spice-subckt-search-master-filename buffer-file-name))
- (setq mrk (assoc-ignore-case subckt index-alist))
- (if mrk mrk
- (spice-search-included-files subckt))
- )
- (error nil))))
- ;; History of subckt searches.
- (defvar spice-subckt-search-history nil
- "History of subcircuit searches.")
- (defun spice-guess-subckt-name ()
- "guesses name of subckt from context, multiple lines"
- (let ((subckt "")) ; (current-word)
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (while (and (looking-at "^+")
- (not (forward-line -1))))
- (if (looking-at spice-xinstance-regexp)
- (progn
- ;; (message "Could it be '%s' ?" (match-string 3))
- (setq subckt (match-string 5))
- (remove-text-properties 0 (length subckt) '(face nil) subckt)
- ))) ; save-
- subckt))
- (defun spice-visit-subckt-def (mrk)
- "Helper function visiting buffer and mark specified."
- (if (eq (marker-buffer (cdr mrk))
- (current-buffer))
- (if (or
- spice-running-xemacs ; then push mark always
- (not (and transient-mark-mode mark-active))) ; emacs, check if active region
- (push-mark)))
- (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer (cdr mrk)) t)
- (widen)
- (goto-char (cdr mrk)))
- (defun spice-search-subckt (subckt-args)
- "Searches for the .subckt definition with name under cursor, or any other
- name specified by user. Be CAREFUL using this command. Depending on the
- structure of your spice decks this might find wrong definitions. To AVOID any
- such problems always start searching from the TOP-LEVEL spice deck (ie. the
- file that is supplied to the simulator). If you start searching from an
- included file, potentially the definition is not found or it is found starting
- from ANOTHER top-level file (which could result in a completely wrong
- search result).
- This search command places the mark if search result is in the same file,
- return to the search start position by using C-u C-<SPC> or C-u C-@."
- (interactive
- (list (let* ((default-subckt (spice-guess-subckt-name))
- (input (read-from-minibuffer
- "Subcircuit name: "
- default-subckt nil nil
- spice-subckt-search-history)))
- (if (string= input "")
- (if (string= default-subckt "")
- (error "No subckt args given")
- default-subckt)
- input))))
- ;(message (format "name of subckt is %s" subckt-args))
- (let (mrk)
- (setq mrk (spice-search-file-for-subckt buffer-file-name subckt-args))
- ; (message (format "mark is %s" (cdr mrk)))
- (if (and (cdr mrk) (markerp (cdr mrk)))
- (spice-visit-subckt-def mrk)
- (progn
- (message "Couldn't find subcircuit '%s', retrying search in top-level file"
- subckt-args))) ; if
- (if (and (not mrk)
- spice-subckt-search-master-filename)
- (progn
- (setq mrk (spice-search-file-for-subckt
- spice-subckt-search-master-filename subckt-args))
- (if (and (cdr mrk) (markerp (cdr mrk)))
- (progn
- (spice-visit-subckt-def mrk)
- (message "Used top-level file '%s' to find '%s'"
- spice-subckt-search-master-filename subckt-args)
- )
- (progn
- (message
- (format "Couldn't find subcircuit '%s', retry search in top-level file"
- subckt-args))
- ))))))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; loading of include files of current deck.
- (defun spice-load-include-files (&optional non-recursive)
- "Loads all files that are included in this deck. Makes it more easy
- to load a project. This loading occurs recursively. Files already
- loaded are not reloaded or scanned for .includes. This function is
- only guaranteed to work when all included files are not already loaded."
- (interactive)
- (let ((index-alist (imenu--make-index-alist t))
- l filename)
- (if (setq l (cdr (assoc spice-imenu-libraries-submenu-name index-alist))) ;; file contains include files/libraries
- (while l
- (setq filename (expand-file-name
- (substitute-in-file-name (car (car l)))))
- ;;(message "Trying to load %s" filename)
- (if (and (file-readable-p filename)
- (not
- (assoc filename ;; already loaded
- (mapcar
- (lambda (buffer)
- (cons (buffer-file-name buffer) buffer))
- (buffer-list)))))
- (save-excursion
- ;; (message "filename is %s" filename)
- (set-buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
- ;; (spice-mode) ? ref. discussion Manu
- (unless (or non-recursive
- (not (eq major-mode 'spice-mode)))
- (spice-load-include-files))))
- (setq l (cdr l))))))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; unloading of spice files except current deck.
- (defun spice-unload-other-decks ()
- "Kills all other spice files except current one. Makes it easy to
- unload a lot of spice files without restarting emacs."
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((current (current-buffer)))
- (mapcar
- (lambda (buffer)
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (if (and (eq major-mode 'spice-mode)
- (not (eq current buffer)))
- (progn
- (message "Killing %s" buffer)
- (kill-buffer buffer))))
- (buffer-list)))))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; folding for commented out regions ...
- ;;; taken from and adapted:
- ;;; Filename: foldingo.el
- ;;; Author: Christian Queinnec <Christian.Queinnec@lip6.fr>
- ;; This is work in progress; (user) interface might change
- (defvar spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden nil
- "Keeps track if some comment regions are hidden.")
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden)
- (defvar spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick nil
- "Keeps track when last time comment hiding was called.")
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick)
- (defun spice-hide-init ()
- "Initialize buffer local variables to make hiding of spice regions
- effective"
- ;; trick to make a comment-start/padding dependent regexp:
- (custom-initialize-reset 'spice-hide-line-prefix
- (car (get 'spice-hide-line-prefix
- 'standard-value)))
- ;; make sure we have invisibility property working, local for a buffer
- (if (fboundp 'add-to-invisibility-spec)
- (add-to-invisibility-spec 'spice-mode))
- ;; (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(spice-mode . t))
- ;; local for buffers:
- (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-ignore-invisible) t)
- (if spice-auto-hide-comments
- (spice-hide-all-comments))
- )
- (defun spice-hide (from to)
- "Not supported, don't use this."
- (interactive "*r")
- (spice-hide-region from to t))
- (defun spice-unhide (from to)
- "Not supported, don't use this."
- (interactive "*r")
- (spice-hide-region from to nil))
- (defun spice-hide-all-comments-p ()
- "Checks if there are comments that can be hidden...; assumes that if
- the user edited the file, new comments might have been created and
- thus hide all comments must be activated. This is not the best
- criterion, but it is safe."
- ;; (interactive)
- ;; (message "buffer tick is %s, last hide comment is %s"
- ;; (buffer-modified-tick) spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick)
- (if (and
- spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick ; can be nil
- (= spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick (buffer-modified-tick)))
- nil t))
- (defun spice-hide-all-comments ()
- "Hides all commented out regions in the current spice deck. Allows
- to get a better overview of the deck if many lines are commented out.
- It relies on having all regions being commented out using the
- \"Comment Region\" menu entry that uses `comment-region'. The regexp
- used to match comment lines, `spice-hide-line-prefix', might identify
- standard spice comment lines used for documentation. To avoid
- problems, make sure documentation is not part of comments. For
- instance by using the doc starters available in the spice languages,
- or by making sure they are different from the comment lines generated
- with the menu entry, by placing two *'s when the default comment is
- only one *. If you want to unhide all the hidden comment lines, use
- `spice-unhide-all-comments'."
- (interactive)
- (spice-unhide-all-comments)
- (setq spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick (buffer-modified-tick))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; (message "beginning of buffer reached %s" (point))
- (forward-line)
- (while (search-forward-regexp (concat "^" spice-hide-line-prefix)
- (point-max) t)
- (beginning-of-line)
- ;; (message "reached %s" (point))
- (let ((beg (point))
- end
- lines)
- ;; (message "found start of regexp %s" (point))
- (setq lines (forward-line))
- ;; (message "%s left" lines)
- ;; the empty lines following commented lines are also hidden
- (while (and (looking-at (concat "^\\(" spice-hide-line-prefix "\\|[ ]*$\\)"))
- (= (setq lines (forward-line)) 0))
- ;; (message "%s left" lines)
- )
- (setq end (point))
- (spice-hide-region beg end t))))
- (set-spice-name)
- )
- (defun spice-unhide-all-comments ()
- "Unhides all hidden comment regions."
- (interactive)
- (setq spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden nil)
- (setq spice-last-hide-comment-regions-tick nil)
- (spice-hide-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)
- (set-spice-name)) ;; update mode-line
- (defun spice-hide-region (from to flag)
- "Hides or shows lines from FROM to TO, according to FLAG. If FLAG
- is nil then the text is shown, while if FLAG is t the text is hidden."
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char from)
- ; (foldingo-discard-overlays (point) to 'invisible 'spice-comment)
- (spice-discard-overlays from to 'spice-comment)
- (if flag
- (let ((overlay (make-overlay (point) to)))
- (spice-make-overlay-hidden overlay))))))
- (defun spice-make-overlay-hidden (overlay)
- ;; Make overlay hidden and intangible.
- ;; (overlay-put overlay 'intangible t)
- (overlay-put overlay 'invisible 'spice-mode)
- (overlay-put overlay 'spice-comment t)
- (setq spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden t)
- ;; (overlay-put overlay 'intangible t)
- )
- (defun spice-discard-overlays (from to prop)
- "discards overlays in region FROM to TO that have property PROP set."
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char from)
- (while (< (point) to)
- (let ((overlays (overlays-at (point))))
- (while overlays
- (let ((o (car overlays)))
- (if (overlay-get o prop)
- (delete-overlay o)))
- (setq overlays (cdr overlays))))
- (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point)))))))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; utility spice-mode-output functions
- (defun spice-check-output-mode ()
- "Check if current buffer is output file and return symbol or NIL."
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (looking-at "1\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*") ; eldo
- 'eldo
- (if (or (looking-at "Using: ")
- (looking-at " \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* Star-HSPICE")) ; hspice
- 'hspice
- nil))))
- (defun spice-output-p ()
- "Check if current buffer is output file."
- (interactive)
- (if spice-output-local t nil))
- (defconst spice-output-sections-regexp
- (concat
- "^"
- "\\(0\\*\\*\\*\\*\\| \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\) *"
- "\\( [a-z0-9]\\w*\\(\\s-+\\w+\\)* \\)\\s-+\\(t[a-z]*\\) ?=.*$")
- "Regexp identifying spice output headers (both hspice and eldo).")
- (defvar spice-output-font-lock-keywords
- (list
- (list spice-output-sections-regexp
- '(1 font-lock-comment-face)
- '(2 spice-title-face)
- (list 4 spice-constant-face))
- (list "^[0-1] ?\\*.*$" 0 font-lock-comment-face)
- (list "^ \\(\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*?\\) \\(.*\\)$"
- '(1 font-lock-comment-face)
- '(2 font-lock-type-face))
- (list "^\\(FATAL \\)?ERROR.+$" 0 'font-lock-warning-face) ; eldo errors
- (list "^\\s-*\\(..?error..?[: ]\\).+$" 0 'font-lock-warning-face) ; hspice errors
- )
- "List of regexps for font-lock in output mode."
- )
- (defun spice-mode-output ()
- "Spice major mode start up function for spice output files. Experimental ;)"
- (setq buffer-read-only t) ; don't want to edit output files, do we
- ; common mistake in hspice output files!
- ;; use local keymap (for keys and menu)
- (use-local-map spice-output-mode-map)
- ;; set menu for local buffer
- (easy-menu-add spice-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- (easy-menu-define spice-output-menu spice-output-mode-map
- "Menu keymap for Spice Output Mode." spice-output-menu-list)
- ;; font-lock local start-up
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
- (list 'spice-output-font-lock-keywords
- nil t (list (cons ?\" "w")))) ; nil, t (do multiline
- ; comments)
- ;; imenu buffer local init
- (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
- (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
- (list (list "*Errors*"
- "^\\s-*\\(\\(..?error..?[: ]\\|\\(FATAL \\)?ERROR\\).+$\\)"
- 1)
- (list nil ;; "*Sections*"
- spice-output-sections-regexp
- 2)))
- )
- (defun spice-output-filename ()
- "Determines output filename of current spice deck."
- (interactive)
- (let ((filename nil)
- (l spice-output-filename-alist))
- (while l
- (if (spice-standard-p (car (car l)))
- (progn
- (setq filename (eval (car (cdr (car l)))))
- ;; (message "Checking filename %s" filename)
- (if (file-readable-p filename)
- (setq l nil)
- (setq filename nil))))
- (setq l (cdr l)))
- filename))
- (defun spice-output-file-p ()
- "Checks if an output file is available for current spice deck."
- (interactive)
- (and (not spice-output-local)
- (buffer-file-name)
- (spice-output-filename)))
- (defun spice-load-output-file-internal (filename)
- "Loads output file into emacs and sets major mode"
- (interactive)
- (if (and
- (stringp filename)
- (file-readable-p filename))
- (progn
- (find-file-other-window filename)
- (spice-mode))))
- (defun spice-load-output-file ()
- "Loads output file into spice, calls `spice-load-output-file-internal'
- to do the actual work, this is called from the menu or key binding"
- (interactive)
- (let (filename)
- (setq filename (spice-output-filename))
- (spice-load-output-file-internal filename)))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; .guess statement auxiliary functions (eldo !)
- (defvar spice-guess-nodeset-statements nil
- "holds temp .guess/nodeset statements")
- (defun spice-derive-guess-nodeset-statements (from to)
- "Derives .guess/nodeset statements from DC operating point
- lines. This implements the hspice functionality of .ic0 files for
- eldo..."
- (save-excursion
- (let ( ;; (count 0)
- m1)
- (goto-char (max from to))
- (setq m1 (make-marker))
- (set-marker m1 (point))
- (goto-char (min from to))
- (while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-+\\([-0-9\.E+]+\\)"
- m1 t)
- (progn
- ;;(message "Inserting .guess...(%s)" (make-string (incf count) ?.))
- ;;(beginning-of-line)
- ;;(insert ".guess V(" (match-string 1) ") = " (match-string 2) "\n*")
- (setq spice-guess-nodeset-statements
- (append spice-guess-nodeset-statements
- (list (concat " V("
- (spice-match-string-no-properties 1)
- ") = "
- (spice-match-string-no-properties 2)))
- ))
- )))))
- (defun spice-create-guess-nodeset-file (str)
- "Creates a <buffer-file-name>_guess/nodeset.cir file from node
- voltage pairs in the current output file."
- (interactive)
- (setq spice-guess-nodeset-statements nil)
- (let (from to outbuf stats filename)
- (setq filename (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq from (re-search-forward "^\\s-+NODE\\s-+VOLTAGE\\s-*$" (point-max) t))
- (if from
- (setq to (re-search-forward "^$" (point-max) t)))
- (if (and from to)
- (spice-derive-guess-nodeset-statements from to)))
- (if (not spice-guess-nodeset-statements)
- (message "Didn't find 'node -- voltage' pairs in output file...")
- (setq outbuf
- (find-file-noselect (concat
- (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name)
- "_" str ".cir")))
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window outbuf)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert "* ." str " statements derived from " filename " ["
- (format-time-string "%b %d %Y") " " (format-time-string "%T")
- "]\n\n")
- (setq stats spice-guess-nodeset-statements)
- (while stats
- (insert ".")
- (insert str)
- (insert " ")
- (insert (car stats))
- (insert "\n")
- (setq stats (cdr stats)))
- (insert "\n\n* ." str " statements derived "
- (format-time-string "%b %d %Y") " "
- (format-time-string "%T") "\n\n")
- (save-buffer)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ) ; when
- ) ; let
- )
- (defun spice-replace-with-guess-statements (from to)
- "replace with .guess statements."
- (interactive "*r")
- (spice-replace-with-guess-nodeset-statements "guess" from to))
- (defun spice-replace-with-nodeset-statements (from to)
- "replace with .nodeset statements."
- (interactive "*r")
- (spice-replace-with-guess-nodeset-statements "nodeset" from to))
- (defun spice-replace-with-guess-nodeset-statements (str from to)
- "Replaces selected region with .guess/nodeset statements."
- (interactive)
- (setq spice-guess-nodeset-statements nil)
- (if (and from to)
- (spice-derive-guess-nodeset-statements from to))
- (if (not spice-guess-nodeset-statements)
- (message "Didn't find any 'node -- voltage' pairs in region...")
- (let (stats)
- (kill-region from to)
- (setq stats spice-guess-nodeset-statements)
- (while stats
- (insert ".")
- (insert str)
- (insert " ")
- (insert (car stats))
- (insert "\n")
- (setq stats (cdr stats))))
- ))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; fill-prefix related functions
- (defvar spice-save-comment-line-break-function nil
- "*Mode specific variable to save previous line break function in.")
- (defun spice-comment-indent-new-line (&optional soft)
- "Spice mode comment-indent-new-line function, used by `auto-fill'. Sets
- `fill-prefix' depending on context: comment prefix if in comment with special
- layla handling (!); \"!\" doc prefix if in hspice mode; \"$\" doc prefix
- in eldo mode, otherwise uses \"+ \" prefix."
- (interactive)
- (let ((fpx fill-prefix) ; remember prefix
- (end (point))) ; don't look beyond point for doc starters
- (if (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (or
- (looking-at (concat "\\([" comment-start
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- spice-continuation-prefix)
- (when (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- "$")
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- "!")
- "]+\\)"))
- (and
- (spice-standard-p 'hspice)
- (re-search-forward "\\s-\\([$]\\)" end t))
- (and
- (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (re-search-forward "\\s-\\([!]\\)" end t))))
- (setq fill-prefix (concat (spice-match-string-no-properties 1) " "))
- (setq fill-prefix (concat spice-continuation-prefix " ")))
- ;(comment-indent-new-line) ;;call standard comment-indent-new-line function
- (when spice-save-comment-line-break-function
- (funcall spice-save-comment-line-break-function))
- (setq fill-prefix fpx)))
- (defun spice-fill-context-prefix () ; ???
- "Calculates prefix from current position (move-to-left-margin), and
- returns it. Non-comment paragraphs can also be filled correctly."
- ;; (message "deriving fill prefix")
- (let ((result
- (if (or (looking-at (concat "\\([" comment-start
- (when (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- spice-continuation-prefix)
- "]+\\)"))
- (looking-at "\\([$!]+\\)"))
- (concat (spice-match-string-no-properties 1) " ")
- (concat spice-continuation-prefix " "))))
- ;; (message (format "result is '%s'" result))
- result))
- (defun spice-delete-indentation (&optional arg)
- "Wrapper for `delete-indentation', sets `fill-prefix' to adequate value."
- (interactive "*P")
- (let ((fillpfx fill-prefix))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if arg (forward-line 1))
- (if (looking-at "\\([+$!*]+\\)") ;; don't check submodes here ?
- (setq fill-prefix (spice-match-string-no-properties 1)))
- (delete-indentation)
- (setq fill-prefix fillpfx)))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; msb fix (from cperl-mode.el)
- (defvar spice-msb-fixed nil) ;; global variable keeping track of addition
- (defun spice-msb-fix ()
- "Adds \"Spice Decks\" entry in msb menu, assumes that msb is already loaded"
- (setq spice-msb-fixed t)
- (let* ((l (length msb-menu-cond))
- (last (nth (1- l) msb-menu-cond))
- (precdr (nthcdr (- l 2) msb-menu-cond)) ; cdr of this is last
- (handle (1- (nth 1 last))))
- (setcdr precdr (list
- (list
- '(eq major-mode 'spice-mode)
- handle
- "Spice Decks (%d)")
- last))))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; utility spice-mode functions
- (defun spice-about ()
- (interactive)
- (sit-for 0)
- (message "spice-mode version %s, Š %s" spice-version spice-developer))
- (defun set-spice-name ()
- "Set mode line name of spice mode"
- (setq mode-name
- (concat
- "Spice"
- (when spice-output-local "-output")
- (when spice-some-comment-regions-are-hidden " H+"))))
- (defun spice-check-spice-standard ()
- "checks if spice-standard is set to a correct value."
- ;; if mondriaan then also layla
- (when (spice-standard-p 'mondriaan)
- (unless (spice-standard-p 'layla)
- (error "Error: turn on Layla when you want to use Mondriaan")))
- ;; if eldoRf then also eldo
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldorf)
- (unless (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (error "Error: turn on Eldo when you want to use Eldo RF")))
- ;; if eldo verilog-A then also eldo
- (when (spice-standard-p 'eldovloga)
- (unless (spice-standard-p 'eldo)
- (error "Error: turn on Eldo when you want to use Eldo Verilog-A")))
- )
- ;; xemacs - emacs compatibility wrapper
- (defun spice-match-string-no-properties (num)
- "wrapper for no properties string matcher"
- (if spice-running-xemacs
- (match-string num)
- (match-string-no-properties num)))
- (defun spice-update-existing-buffers ()
- "updates all spice-mode buffers with new customization"
- (save-excursion
- (let ((current (current-buffer)))
- (mapcar
- (lambda (buffer)
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (if (and (eq major-mode 'spice-mode)
- (not (eq current buffer)))
- (progn
- (message "Activating customizations in %s" buffer)
- (spice-activate-customizations-local))))
- (buffer-list))))
- )
- (defun spice-activate-customizations-local ()
- "Activates customization (of global variables) in current buffer"
- (if (spice-output-p)
- (use-local-map spice-output-mode-map)
- (use-local-map spice-mode-map))
- (set-spice-name)
- (spice-update-mode-menu)
- (set-syntax-table spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (if spice-use-func-menu
- (if (fboundp 'function-menu)
- (funcall 'spice-func-menu-init)))
- (if (not (spice-output-p))
- (setq imenu-generic-expression spice-imenu-generic-expression))
- (when spice-imenu-add-to-menubar
- (imenu-add-to-menubar "Index"))
- ;; rebuild menu:
- (setq imenu--index-alist nil)
- (imenu--make-index-alist t)
- (spice-compile-init)
- (spice-waveform-viewer-init)
- (if (fboundp 'font-lock-unset-defaults)
- (font-lock-unset-defaults))
- (font-lock-set-defaults)
- (if (not (and spice-running-xemacs font-lock-mode))
- (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
- (font-lock-mode)
- (font-lock-mode))
- )
- (defun spice-activate-customizations-obsolete ()
- "Activate all customizations on local variables. Run this if you set
- the spice-standard variable to modify spice-mode's behaviour in the local
- buffer. It sets up the buffer local variables using the modified global
- variables of the customization buffer."
- (interactive)
- (if (spice-output-p)
- (use-local-map spice-output-mode-map)
- (use-local-map spice-mode-map))
- ;; (setq spice-standard-local spice-standard)
- (set-spice-name)
- (spice-menu-init)
- (spice-update-mode-menu)
- (spice-mode-syntax-table-init)
- (set-syntax-table spice-mode-syntax-table)
- (spice-keywords-init)
- (spice-font-lock-init)
- (if spice-use-func-menu
- (if (fboundp 'function-menu)
- (funcall 'spice-func-menu-init)))
- (spice-imenu-init)
- (if (not (spice-output-p))
- (setq imenu-generic-expression spice-imenu-generic-expression))
- ;; add imenu to menubar ?
- (when spice-imenu-add-to-menubar
- (imenu-add-to-menubar "Index"))
- (spice-compile-variables-init)
- (spice-compile-init)
- (spice-waveform-viewer-init)
- (if (fboundp 'font-lock-unset-defaults)
- (font-lock-unset-defaults))
- ;; (setq font-lock-defaults
- ;; (list 'spice-font-lock-keywords nil t (list (cons ?\" "w"))))
- (font-lock-set-defaults)
- (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;; spice-mode main entry point
- ;; ======================================================================
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun spice-mode ()
- "Major mode for editing spice decks in (X)Emacs.
- Entry to Spice mode calls the value of the variable `spice-mode-hook'
- with no args, if that value is non-nil after initialization is finished.
- Usage & Features:
- -----------------
- - Comprehensive menu
- - Highlighting of (extended) SPICE syntax, with (limited) ERROR notification
- Please setup spice-mode to recognize the correct syntax through
- customization of the `spice-standard' variable. You can use the menu
- entry Spice->Customize->Spice Standard to do this interactively.
- - Template insertion (abbrev/electrification) for many spice constructs,
- two alternatives are available: Abbrev minor mode and `tempo-complete-tag'
- + Abbrevs can be turned on and off via the Settings submenu.
- To see the available abbrevs, use `M-x list-abbrevs' or use the menu
- after enabling abbrev minor mode. To find out what key sequence
- triggers an expand do 'C-h w expand-abbrev'.
- + `tempo-complete-tag' is bound to <tab> - for example, type 'M<tab>'
- at the beginning of a line and you will be prompted with a complete
- Mosfet template. Most tags are pretty straightforward i.e 'C' for a
- capacitor, 'L' for an inductance etc...
- You can type `C-h v tempo-tags'for a complete list of tags and
- associated templates. Note: to insert a real <TAB>, use <C-q TAB> or
- <shift TAB>.
- - Comment & documentation string handling
- + the '*' symbol is used to comment out a whole line - that symbol has
- to be at the beginning of a line
- + the '!' and '$' symbols are used to document your netlist in eldo
- and hspice/layla mode respectively
- + menu entry to comment out region/uncomment region
- + key bindings for commenting/uncommenting a region as in `auctex-mode'.
- - Comment hiding support
- + Can hide all commented out regions in a buffer to improve readability
- + prefix string is customizable: `spice-hide-line-prefix'.
- + custom variable can be set to automatically hide all commented regions
- at load time (`spice-auto-hide-comments')
- + requires use of doc strings, otherwise also documentation might be
- hidden
- + When parts of the deck are hidden the string \"H+\" appears in the
- modeline.
- - Imenu (Index menu and/or shift right click in emacs if configured)
- + shows subcircuit definitions
- + shows .end statements in submenu
- + shows device models in submenus
- + shows libraries (.lib/.inc) in submenu
- + shows analyses in submenu
- + shows sections in submenu
- + shows output file sections in menu
- + shows LAYLA objects in submenus if layla submode has been enabled
- + can be added to the menubar by setting `spice-imenu-add-to-menubar'
- (uses `imenu-add-to-menubar' to add an Imenu entry to the menubar).
- - File browser using Speedbar (`speedbar') and/or index/sources menu
- - .inc/.include/.lib/.libfas access
- + through mouse-2 click (`ffap-at-mouse' or `spice-load-file-at-mouse')
- + using \\r (ie. <return>), (`ffap')
- + through menu entry all include/lib files of a deck can be loaded at
- once (`spice-load-include-files'), recursively.
- - Searching for .subckt defs: `spice-search-subckt' or `C-c C-s'
- + extracts subcircuit name from context
- + search history
- + mark is set where search has been started if the definition is found
- in the same file. Return to mark with `C-u C-<SPC>' (or `C-u C-@')
- as with interactive searches (fi `isearch-forward')
- + be careful when starting the search from an included file,
- correctness can not be guaranteed. Starting a search from
- a top-level .cir file gives correct results. The latest used
- top-level file is stored (a top-level file contains a .end
- statement !), and also searched if the subckt def is not found in
- a first pass (for instance when starting from an included file).
- - Postscript printing with fontification (through `ps-print' package).
- - Addition of Spice Deck submenu in msb mode, see `msb', `spice-msb-fix'.
- - Section support (as in eldo-mode):
- + add section headers, goto section through menu entries or interactive
- + customizable through `spice-section-alist', you can add your
- own section headers, alter the list of predefined sections, ...
- + Changelog addition through `spice-add-changelog-entry', or
- use `C-c a c'.
- - Simulator support
- + use `spice-simulator' and `spice-simulator-switches' to
- select your simulator from `spice-simulator-alist'.
- + Support for error parsing of spice3 (batch-mode, -b),
- hspice, eldo and spectre. Add your own in spice-mode or through
- customization in `.emacs'.
- + use local file variables to customize per file as follows:
- <<< test.cir >>>
- .op
- .end
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: spice
- * spice-simulator: \"Hspice\"
- * spice-simulator-switches: \"\"
- * eval: (spice-set-command)
- * End:
- <<< test.cir ends here >>>
- - Waveform viewer support (beta)
- + use `spice-waveform-viewer' and `spice-waveform-viewer-switches' to
- select your waveform from `spice-waveform-viewer-alist'.
- + Support for interactive (command-line) waveform viewer such as
- nutmeg, or batch (GUI) type waveform viewer such as xelga or gsi.
- - Output file support
- + can load output file from menu (checks if file exists and is readable)
- + imenu in output files shows output file sections
- + for eldo .chi files: can create <file>_guess.cir files automatically
- for inclusion in <file>.cir file through
- `spice-create-guess-nodeset-file'
- or `spice-replace-with-guess-nodeset-statements'; this speeds up DC
- convergence for AC analyses.
- - (Fully) customizable
- + can select spice compatibility mode:
- * spice2g6/3 (default)
- * hspice (default)
- * eldo (default), RF and verilog-A extensions
- * fasthenry (default)
- * Dracula CDL
- * LAYLA, Mondriaan extensions
- * any combination of the above (there are conflicts however, so not
- all keyword fontification is correct in the latter case)
- + spice-mode font-lock faces
- + spice-mode default initialization of empty/new files determined by
- `spice-initialize-empty-file', `spice-initialize-template-file',
- `spice-default-header' and `spice-initialize-file-function'.
- + see the customization examples in the `spice-mode.el' file header
- + You can adapt `spice-simulator-alist' for your local site in
- `spice-mode.el' or in `.emacs' through customization.
- + You can adapt `spice-waveform-viewer-alist' for your local site in
- `spice-mode.el' or in `.emacs' through customization.
- + You can adapt `spice-section-alist' for your local site in
- `spice-mode.el' or in `.emacs' through customization.
- - Auto fill minor mode support
- + can be turned on from the Settings menu
- + auto fill works both for element where the continuation character
- is a '+', as well as in comment/doc mode where the continuation
- character is a '*', '$' or a '!'.
- + uses `fill-column' to determine where to wrap the line
- + doesn't use `fill-prefix'. A context dependent prefix is calculated
- through the `spice-comment-indent-new-line' function. This function
- is used as `comment-line-break-function' instead of the default line
- break function (in emacs: `comment-indent-new-line').
- - Paragraph support: [a-z] starts dev lines, '+' continues dev lines,
- [*!$] start paragraphs.
- - Works under GNU Emacs20.6/21.[123], also tested under XEmacs21.1/21.4.5,
- requires fsf-compat package for XEmacs 21.4.5.
- Do not use a -*- Mode -*- line in a spice deck as the first card in
- the deck is defined to be the title card. Rather, autoload spice-mode
- through your .emacs file:
- (autoload 'spice-mode \"spice-mode\" \"Spice/Layla Editing Mode\" t)
- (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons \"\\\\.sp$\" 'spice-mode)
- (cons \"\\\\.cir$\" 'spice-mode)
- (cons \"\\\\.cdl$\" 'spice-mode)
- (cons \"\\\\.chi$\" 'spice-mode) ; output
- (cons \"\\\\.mod$\" 'spice-mode)); models
- auto-mode-alist))
- Alternative methods are provided in the spice-mode.el file header.
- Key bindings in highlighted include file lines:
- -----------------------------------------------
- \\{spice-mode-mouse-map}
- Key bindings for other parts in the file:
- -----------------------------------------
- \\{spice-mode-map}
- "
- ;;Key bindings for output files:
- ;;------------------------------
- ;;
- ;;\\{spice-output-mode-map}
- ;;"
- (interactive)
- (kill-all-local-variables) ; important !
- (setq major-mode 'spice-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Spice")
- ;; remember if this file is an output type
- (set (make-local-variable 'spice-output-local) (spice-check-output-mode))
- ;; set mode name
- (set-spice-name)
- ;; build global syntax table
- (unless spice-mode-syntax-table
- (spice-mode-syntax-table-init))
- ;; set it for local buffer
- (set-syntax-table spice-mode-syntax-table)
- ;; initialize global spice keywords, required for output mode !
- (unless spice-keywords
- (spice-keywords-init))
- ;; global font-lock start-up
- (unless spice-font-lock-keywords
- (spice-font-lock-init))
- ;; create global Spice mode menu's: mode-menu and output-mode-menu
- (unless (and spice-menu-list spice-output-menu-list)
- (spice-menu-init))
- ;; global spice-imenu init (not output mode !)
- (unless spice-imenu-generic-expression
- (spice-imenu-init))
- ;; global vars for compile init
- (unless spice-compilation-error-regexp-alist
- (spice-compile-variables-init))
- (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'tempo-interactive) t)
- (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) t) ; hspice empty deck errors
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "*")
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "\*")
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) nil)
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; initialize hiding functions, mix of global and buffer local settings
- (spice-hide-init)
- (if (spice-output-p)
- (spice-mode-output)
- ;; use local keymap (for keys and menu)
- (use-local-map spice-mode-map)
- ;; set menu for local buffer
- (easy-menu-add spice-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
- (easy-menu-define spice-menu spice-mode-map
- "Menu keymap for Spice Mode." spice-menu-list)
- ;; abbreviations table: buffer local
- (setq local-abbrev-table spice-mode-abbrev-table)
- ;; buffer local init
- (set (make-local-variable 'fill-prefix) nil) ; automatically derived
- ;; remove auto-fill-inhibit and added spice-comment-indent... function
- ;; (set (make-local-variable 'auto-fill-inhibit-regexp) "^\*[^\.\+].*")
- ;; buffer local init for indentation of comment
- (set (make-local-variable 'spice-save-comment-line-break-function)
- comment-line-break-function)
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-line-break-function)
- 'spice-comment-indent-new-line)
- (set (make-local-variable 'fill-column) 78) ;; was 80
- ;; support for paragraphs (is it useful?) ; this is really arbitrary
- ;; all buffer local
- ;; (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "^[!$*]-.*$")
- ;; (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "^[!$*]-.*$")
- (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
- "\\([a-z\\.].*\\([\n][+].*\\)*\\|[$]...+\\|[!]...+\\|[ \t\f]*$\\|\\*...+\\|.*\\s-[$!].*$\\)")
- ;; (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "[a-z$!*]")
- (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "\\([ \t\f]*\\|.*\\s-[$!].*\\)$")
- (set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-regexp) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-function) 'spice-fill-context-prefix)
- (set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp) "[*$!+]\\s-+")
- ;; Tempo tags - using 'tempo-local-tags' doesn't work (why??)
- (set (make-local-variable 'tempo-tags)
- (append spice-tempo-tags tempo-tags))
- ;; buffer local font lock
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
- (list 'spice-font-lock-keywords nil t (list (cons ?\" "w")))) ;; nil, t (do multiline comments)
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-multiline) t)
- (font-lock-set-defaults)
- ;; imenu init:
- (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
- ;; buffer local imenu init
- (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
- spice-imenu-generic-expression)
- ;; add speedbar (global, can be moved ?)
- (spice-speedbar-init)
- ;; func-menu stuff, all buffer local
- (if spice-use-func-menu
- (if (fboundp 'function-menu)
- (funcall 'spice-func-menu-init)))
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; now hook in 'spice-colorize-libraries (eldo-mode.el)
- ;; all buffer local:
- ;;(make-local-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook) ; not available since emacs 21.1
- ;; (make-local-hook 'font-lock-after-fontify-buffer-hook); doesn't exist in emacs 20
- ;;(add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'spice-colorize-libraries-buffer t t)
- (add-hook 'font-lock-after-fontify-buffer-hook 'spice-colorize-libraries-buffer t t) ; not in emacs 20
- ;; (make-local-hook 'after-change-functions) ; not available since emacs 21.1
- (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'spice-colorize-libraries t t)
- (spice-colorize-libraries-buffer)
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; compile buffer local init
- (spice-compile-init)
- ;;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; buffer local init
- (spice-waveform-viewer-init)
- ;; if new file add a default template
- (if (and (= (buffer-size) 0)
- (not buffer-read-only)
- spice-initialize-empty-file
- (functionp spice-initialize-file-function))
- (funcall spice-initialize-file-function))
- ) ;; matches big if (normal spice or spice output mode)
- ;; build imenu, buffer local
- (imenu--make-index-alist t)
- ;; add imenu to menubar, buffer local
- (when spice-imenu-add-to-menubar
- (imenu-add-to-menubar "Index"))
- ;; msb fix, run only once
- (and (featurep 'msb) ;; have we got this feature ?
- msb-mode ;; is it on ?
- (boundp 'msb-menu-cond) ;; still using msb-menu-cond ?
- (not spice-msb-fixed) ;; haven't yet added spice decks category ?
- (spice-msb-fix)) ;; add category
- ;; open describe window, hope this doesn't annoy people too much...
- (if spice-show-describe-mode
- (save-excursion
- (describe-mode) ;; aha...
- (setq spice-show-describe-mode nil)) ;; but only once in a session !!
- )
- (if spice-echo-intro
- (message "Spice mode %s. Type C-h m for documentation." ;; always
- spice-version))
- ;; run spice-mode hooks
- (run-hooks 'spice-mode-hook)
- )
- ;; this is sometimes useful
- (provide 'spice-mode)
- ;;; spice-mode.el ends here
- ;;; Local Variables:
- ;;; mode:Emacs-lisp
- ;;; End: