ActionScript | 1591 lines | 957 code | 318 blank | 316 comment | 131 complexity | 4a6425f4ad77bf314d1b637ac56a286b MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * Latest information on this project can be found at http://www.rogue-development.com/objectHandles.html
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Marc Hughes
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
- * is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Contributions by:
- *
- * Alexander Kludt
- * Thomas Jakobi
- * Mario Ernst
- * Aaron Winkler
- * Gregory Tappero
- * Andrew Westberg
- * Erik Hoffmann
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Description:
- * ObjectHandles gives the user the ability to move and resize a component with the mouse.
- *
- *
- *
- **/
- package com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles
- {
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.ui.Keyboard;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import mx.containers.Canvas;
- import mx.core.ClassFactory;
- import mx.core.Container;
- import mx.core.IFactory;
- import mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent;
- import mx.events.ScrollEvent;
- [Event(name="handleClicked",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.HandleClickedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectMoved",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectResized",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectRotated",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectMoving",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectResizing",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectRotating",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectMoveStart",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectResizeStart",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- [Event(name="objectRotateStart",type="com.roguedevelopment.objecthandles.ObjectChangedEvent")]
- public class ObjectHandles extends EventDispatcher
- {
- /**
- * The default handle class to use.
- *
- * SpriteHandle is good for Flex 3 based applications, or Flex 4 applications where the object handles live
- * inside a Canvas.
- *
- * Switch it over to a VisualElementHandle for Flex 4 based applications. Do this before creating ObjectHandle instances,
- * it's merely here to provide a convienent way to set the default globally.
- **/
- public static var defaultHandleClass:Class = SpriteHandle;
- // We need a zero point a lot, so lets not re-create it all the time.
- protected const zero:Point = new Point(0,0);
- // The container that the object handles all live inside.
- protected var container:Sprite;
- /**
- * Should the user be allowed to select multiple items?
- **/
- public var enableMultiSelect:Boolean=true;
- [Bindable] public var selectionManager:ObjectHandlesSelectionManager;
- protected var handleFactory:IFactory;
- /**
- * When a single object is selected, these are the default handles that will appear.
- *
- * You can modify it on an object by object basis by setting handleDescriptions in the
- * registerComponent method.
- **/
- public var defaultHandles:Array = [];
- /**
- * These are the handles that appear around the bounding box when multiple objects are selected.
- **/
- private var _multiSelectHandles:Array = [];
- // Key = a Model, value = an Array of handles
- protected var handles:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // Key = a visual, value = the model
- protected var models:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // Key = a model, value = an array of constraints for that model.
- protected var constraints:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // A dictionary of the geometry of the models before the current drag operation started.
- // This is set at the beginning of the user gesture.
- // Key = a visual, value = the model
- protected var originalModelGeometry:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // Key = a model, value = the visual
- protected var visuals:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // Key = a model, value = an array of HandleDescription objects;
- protected var handleDefinitions:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
- // Array of unused, visible=false handles
- protected var handleCache:Array = [];
- protected var temp:Point = new Point(0,0);
- protected var tempMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- protected var isDragging:Boolean = false;
- protected var currentDragRole:uint = 0;
- protected var mouseDownPoint:Point;
- protected var containerMouseDownPoint:Point;
- protected var mouseDownRotation:Number;
- protected var originalGeometry:DragGeometry;
- /**
- * An array of IConstraint objects that influence how the objects are allowed to be
- * moved or resized.
- *
- * For instance, put in a SizeConstraint to set the max or minimum sizes.
- **/
- protected var defaultConstraints:Array = [];
- /**
- * An array of IConstraint objects that influence how a group of objects are allowed to be
- * moved or resized.
- **/
- protected var multiSelectConstraints:Array = [];
- protected var currentHandleConstraint:IFactory;
- /**
- * Flex 3 and Flex 4 applications manage children addition/removal differently (addChild vs. addElement) so I've abstracted
- * out that functionality into an IChildManager interface.
- **/
- protected var _childManager:IChildManager;
- public var modelList:Array=[];
- //used to remember object changes so
- //events can be fired when the changes are complete
- private var isMoved:Boolean = false;
- private var isResized:Boolean = false;
- private var isRotated:Boolean = false;
- protected var multiSelectModel:DragGeometry=new DragGeometry();
- /**
- * Many times below we have the need to create lots of temporary DragGeometry objects,
- * we can use this one instead for times when we only need one at a time so we're not
- * allocating and deallocating tons of objects causing the garbage collector to go crazy.
- *
- * Be very careful not to use this in a way that multiple places are depending on it at once!
- *
- **/
- private var tempGeometry:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- /**
- * @param container The base container that all of the objects and the handles will be added to.
- *
- * @param selectionManager A manager class that deals with which object(s) are currently selected. If you
- * pass null, a new one will be created for you. It's often times useful to share
- * a single selection manage across an entire app so that "selection" is global.
- *
- * @param handleFactory A factory capable of creating IHandle objects.
- * If you pass null, a generic Flex 3 based factory will be created.
- * Use the Flex4HandleFactory to make Group compatible handles.
- *
- * @param childManager Flex 3 and Flex 4 applications manage children addition/removal differently (addChild vs. addElement) so I've abstracted
- * out that functionality into an IChildManager interface that understands those differences. In general, use Flex3ChildManager for
- * Flex3 applications and use Flex4ChildManager for Flex 4 based applications.
- *
- **/
- public function ObjectHandles( container:Sprite ,
- selectionManager:ObjectHandlesSelectionManager = null,
- handleFactory:IFactory = null,
- childManager:IChildManager = null
- )
- {
- this.container = container;
- //container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onContainerRollOut );
- container.addEventListener( ScrollEvent.SCROLL, onContainerScroll );
- if( selectionManager )
- this.selectionManager = selectionManager;
- else
- this.selectionManager = new ObjectHandlesSelectionManager();
- if( handleFactory )
- this.handleFactory = handleFactory;
- else
- this.handleFactory = new ClassFactory( defaultHandleClass );
- this.selectionManager.addEventListener(SelectionEvent.ADDED_TO_SELECTION, onSelectionAdded );
- this.selectionManager.addEventListener(SelectionEvent.REMOVED_FROM_SELECTION, onSelectionRemoved );
- this.selectionManager.addEventListener(SelectionEvent.SELECTION_CLEARED, onSelectionCleared );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP + HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- zero ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP ,
- new Point(50,0) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP + HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,0) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,50) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN + HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,100) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN ,
- new Point(50,100) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN + HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- new Point(0,100) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- new Point(0,50) ,
- zero ) );
- multiSelectHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.ROTATE,
- new Point(100,50) ,
- new Point(20,0) ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP + HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- zero ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP ,
- new Point(50,0) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_UP + HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,0) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,50) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN + HandleRoles.RESIZE_RIGHT,
- new Point(100,100) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN ,
- new Point(50,100) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_DOWN + HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- new Point(0,100) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.RESIZE_LEFT,
- new Point(0,50) ,
- zero ) );
- defaultHandles.push( new HandleDescription( HandleRoles.ROTATE,
- new Point(100,50) ,
- new Point(20,0) ) );
- if( childManager == null )
- {
- _childManager = new Flex3ChildManager();
- }
- else
- {
- _childManager = childManager
- }
- registerComponent(multiSelectModel,null,multiSelectHandles,false);
- }
- public function get multiSelectHandles():Array
- {
- return _multiSelectHandles;
- }
- public function set multiSelectHandles(value:Array):void
- {
- var ind:int = modelList.indexOf( multiSelectModel );
- if( ind != -1 ) modelList.splice(ind,1);
- multiSelectModel.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, onModelChange );
- _multiSelectHandles = value;
- registerComponent(multiSelectModel,null,_multiSelectHandles,false);
- }
- /**
- * Registers a component with the ObjectHandle manager.
- *
- * @param dataModel The data model that represents this object. This is where values will be commited to. It should have a getter/setter for x,y,width, height, and optionally
- * rotation.
- *
- * @param visualDisplay This is the actual on-screen display of the object. We never set the coordinates of this object explictly, it should be bound
- * to your data model.
- *
- * @param handleDescriptions If you want non-standard handles, create a list of HandleDescription objects and pass them in.
- *
- * @param captureKeyEvents Should we add event listeners to support keyboard navigation?
- **/
- public function registerComponent( dataModel:Object,
- visualDisplay:IEventDispatcher ,
- handleDescriptions:Array = null,
- captureKeyEvents:Boolean = true,
- customConstraints:Array = null ) : void
- {
- modelList.push(dataModel);
- if( visualDisplay )
- {
- visualDisplay.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onComponentMouseDown, false, 0, true );
- visualDisplay.addEventListener( SelectionEvent.SELECTED, handleSelection );
- if(captureKeyEvents)
- {
- visualDisplay.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown );
- }
- models[visualDisplay] = dataModel;
- }
- dataModel.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, onModelChange );
- visuals[dataModel] = visualDisplay;
- if( handleDescriptions )
- {
- handleDefinitions[ dataModel ] = handleDescriptions;
- }
- if( customConstraints )
- {
- constraints[dataModel] = customConstraints;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A constraint limits the way something could be sized or moved. For instance, you could have a minimum size.
- *
- * There are 3 types of constraints.
- *
- * A constraint that applies to a single component (set in the registerComponent call)
- * A constraint that applies to groups of components during multi selection (set in addMultiSelectConstraint)
- * Constraints that apply to all individual components
- *
- * This method adds constraints to that last one.
- **/
- public function addDefaultConstraint( constraint:IConstraint ) : void
- {
- defaultConstraints.push( constraint );
- }
- /**
- * A constraint limits the way something could be sized or moved. For instance, you could have a minimum size.
- *
- * There are 3 types of constraints.
- *
- * A constraint that applies to a single component (set in the registerComponent call)
- * Constraints that apply to all individual components (set in addDefaultConstraint)
- * A constraint that applies to groups of components during multi selection
- *
- * This method adds constraints to that last one.
- **/
- public function addMultiSelectConstraint( constraint:IConstraint ) : void
- {
- multiSelectConstraints.push( constraint );
- }
- public function getDisplayForModel( model:Object ) : IEventDispatcher
- {
- return visuals[model];
- }
- protected function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
- {
- var t:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- switch(event.keyCode )
- {
- case Keyboard.UP : t.y --; break;
- case Keyboard.DOWN : t.y ++; break;
- case Keyboard.RIGHT : t.x ++; break;
- case Keyboard.LEFT : t.x --; break;
- default:return;
- }
- //Respect locked
- var locked:Boolean = false;
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 0)
- {
- for each ( var obj:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected )
- {
- if( obj.hasOwnProperty("isLocked") && obj["isLocked"] )
- {
- locked = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if( locked) { return; }
- // saving old coordinates
- originalModelGeometry = new Dictionary();
- for each(var current:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected)
- {
- originalModelGeometry[current] = selectionManager.getGeometryForObject(current);
- }
- originalGeometry = selectionManager.getGeometry();
- applyConstraints( t, HandleRoles.MOVE );
- applyTranslation( t );
- dispatchMoving();
- }
- //
- // protected function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
- // {
- // var t:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- // switch(event.keyCode )
- // {
- // case Keyboard.UP : t.y --; break;
- // case Keyboard.DOWN : t.y ++; break;
- // case Keyboard.RIGHT : t.x ++; break;
- // case Keyboard.LEFT : t.x --; break;
- // default:return;
- // }
- //
- // originalGeometry = selectionManager.getGeometry();
- //
- //
- // applyConstraints( t, HandleRoles.MOVE );
- //
- // applyTranslation( t );
- // }
- /**
- * Returns true if the given model should have a movement handle.
- **/
- protected function hasMovementHandle( model:Object ) : Boolean
- {
- var desiredHandles:Array = getHandleDefinitions(model);
- for each ( var handle:HandleDescription in desiredHandles )
- {
- if( HandleRoles.isMove( handle.role ) ) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function unregisterModel( model:Object ) : void
- {
- var display:IEventDispatcher = visuals[model];
- unregisterComponent( display );
- }
- public function unregisterComponent( visualDisplay:IEventDispatcher ) : void
- {
- visualDisplay.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onComponentMouseDown);
- visualDisplay.removeEventListener( SelectionEvent.SELECTED, handleSelection );
- visualDisplay.removeEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown );
- var dataModel:Object = findModel(visualDisplay as DisplayObject);
- if( dataModel )
- {
- dataModel.removeEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, onModelChange );
- }
- modelList.splice( modelList.indexOf(dataModel), 1 );
- delete visuals[dataModel];
- delete models[visualDisplay];
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.indexOf(dataModel) != -1 )
- {
- selectionManager.clearSelection();
- }
- }
- protected function onModelChange(event:PropertyChangeEvent):void
- {
- switch( event.property )
- {
- case "x":
- case "y":
- case "width":
- case "height":
- case "rotation": updateHandlePositions(event.target);
- break;
- case "isLocked": redrawHandle(event.target);
- }
- }
- protected function onSelectionAdded( event:SelectionEvent ) : void
- {
- setupHandles();
- }
- protected function onSelectionRemoved( event:SelectionEvent ) : void
- {
- setupHandles();
- }
- protected function onSelectionCleared( event:SelectionEvent ) : void
- {
- setupHandles();
- lastSelectedModel=null;
- }
- protected function onComponentMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- handleSelection( event );
- container.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onContainerMouseMove );
- container.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onContainerMouseUp );
- try
- {
- event.target.setFocus();
- }catch(e:Error){}
- var model:Object = findModel( event.target as DisplayObject);
- if( ! hasMovementHandle(model) )
- {
- currentDragRole = HandleRoles.MOVE; // a mouse down on the component itself as opposed to a handle is a move operation.
- currentHandleConstraint = null;
- handleBeginDrag( event );
- dispatchEvent( new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_MOVE_START) );
- }
- }
- protected function onContainerRollOut(event:MouseEvent) : void
- {
- isDragging = false;
- }
- protected function onContainerMouseUp( event:MouseEvent ) : void
- {
- if (isMoved)
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected, ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_MOVED, true));
- }
- else if (isResized)
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected, ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_RESIZED, true));
- }
- else if (isRotated)
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected, ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_ROTATED, true));
- }
- isMoved = false;
- isResized = false;
- isRotated = false;
- container.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onContainerMouseMove );
- container.stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onContainerMouseUp );
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 1 )
- {
- multiSelectModel.copyFrom( selectionManager.getGeometry() );
- updateHandlePositions(multiSelectModel);
- }
- isDragging = false;
- }
- protected function onContainerScroll(event:ScrollEvent):void
- {
- for each (var model:Object in models )
- {
- updateHandlePositions(model);
- }
- }
- // Pulling these 4 variables to a member level var so we allocate less of them, this method gets called a lot
- // so a ton of objects were being created and eventually destroyed leading to some choppiness.
- protected var translation:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- protected function onContainerMouseMove( event:MouseEvent ) : void
- {
- var locked:Boolean = false;
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 0)
- {
- for each ( var obj:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected )
- {
- if( obj.hasOwnProperty("isLocked") && obj["isLocked"] )
- {
- locked = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if( (! isDragging) || locked) { return; }
- //var translation:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- translation.height=0;
- translation.width=0;
- translation.x=0;
- translation.y=0;
- translation.rotation=0;
- if( HandleRoles.isMove( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- isMoved = true;
- applyMovement( event, translation );
- applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeLeft( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- isResized = true;
- applyResizeLeft( event, translation );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeUp( currentDragRole) )
- {
- isResized = true;
- applyResizeUp( event, translation );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeRight( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- isResized = true;
- applyResizeRight( event, translation );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeDown( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- isResized = true;
- applyResizeDown( event, translation );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isRotate( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- isRotated = true;
- applyRotate( event, translation );
- }
- applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- applyAnchorPoint(originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- applyTranslation( translation );
- event.updateAfterEvent();
- if (isMoved)
- {
- dispatchMoving();
- }
- else if (isResized)
- {
- dispatchResizing();
- }
- else if (isRotated)
- {
- dispatchRotating();
- }
- }
- private function dispatchRotating():void
- {
- if( willTrigger( ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_ROTATING ) ) // Don't create an event object unless it's actually needed. Should help avoid GC and improve performance.
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_ROTATING,true) );
- }
- }
- private function dispatchResizing():void
- {
- if( willTrigger( ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_RESIZING ) ) // Don't create an event object unless it's actually needed. Should help avoid GC and improve performance.
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_RESIZING,true) );
- }
- }
- protected function dispatchMoving():void
- {
- if( willTrigger( ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_MOVING ) ) // Don't create an event object unless it's actually needed. Should help avoid GC and improve performance.
- {
- dispatchEvent(new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_MOVING,true) );
- }
- }
- /**
- * When resizing, there should be an "anchor point" that doesn't move. Sometimes, we need to move the entire object around so
- * that anchor point doesn't move.
- *
- * Example: Resizing a rectangle larger to the left. The width should increase and the whole thing should move to the left so the
- * right side stays stationary.
- *
- * This method applies an x/y translation based upon a width/height translation and drag role
- **/
- protected function applyAnchorPoint( original:DragGeometry, translation:DragGeometry, currentDragRole:uint ) : void
- {
- if( HandleRoles.isRotate( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- var mid:Point = new Point(original.width/2, original.height/2) ;
- // We want to rotate around the center instead of around the upper left corner.
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians(original.rotation) );
- temp = tempMatrix.transformPoint( mid ) // this is where the center was.
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians(original.rotation + translation.rotation) );
- mid = tempMatrix.transformPoint( mid ); // This is where the new center should be.
- translation.x = temp.x - mid.x;
- translation.y = temp.y - mid.y;
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResize(currentDragRole) )
- {
- var proportion:Point = getAnchorProportion( currentDragRole );
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate(toRadians(original.rotation));
- temp.x = (proportion.x * (translation.width + originalGeometry.width)) - proportion.x * originalGeometry.width;
- temp.y = (proportion.y * (translation.height + originalGeometry.height)) - proportion.y * originalGeometry.height;
- temp = tempMatrix.transformPoint( temp );
- translation.x += temp.x;
- translation.y += temp.y;
- // More readable version of the optimized code above:
- // var proportion:Point = getAnchorProportion( currentDragRole );
- // var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
- // m.rotate(toRadians(rotation));
- // var anchorPoint:Point = new Point( proportion.x * originalGeometry.width, proportion.y * originalGeometry.height );
- // var destAnchorPoint:Point = new Point( proportion.x * (translation.width + originalGeometry.width), proportion.y * (translation.height + originalGeometry.height) );
- //
- // var offset:Point = new Point(destAnchorPoint.x - anchorPoint.x, destAnchorPoint.y - anchorPoint.y);
- //
- // offset = m.transformPoint( offset );
- // translation.x += offset.x;
- // translation.y += offset.y;
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * Figure out which point is the anchor, and then return what the width/height proportion of
- * the translation applies to it.
- *
- * Anchor = This is the point that shouldn't move.
- * I'm only going to worry about the 8 main places a handle could be, so this will get
- * a bit weird if you have custom handles in odd places. If that's the case for you,
- * subclass this class and override getAnchorProportion
- **/
- protected function getAnchorProportion( resizeHandleRole:uint) : Point
- {
- var anchorPoint:Point = new Point();
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeUp(resizeHandleRole) )
- {
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeLeft( resizeHandleRole ) )
- {
- // Upper left handle being used, so the lower right corner should not move.
- anchorPoint.x = -1;
- anchorPoint.y = -1;
- }
- else if( HandleRoles.isResizeRight( resizeHandleRole ) )
- {
- // Upper right handle
- anchorPoint.x = 0;
- anchorPoint.y = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- anchorPoint.x = -0.5;
- anchorPoint.y = -1;
- }
- }
- else if( HandleRoles.isResizeDown(resizeHandleRole) )
- {
- if( HandleRoles.isResizeLeft( resizeHandleRole ) )
- {
- // lower left handle
- anchorPoint.x = -1;
- anchorPoint.y = 0;
- }
- else if( HandleRoles.isResizeRight( resizeHandleRole ) )
- {
- // lower right handle
- anchorPoint.x = 0;
- anchorPoint.y = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // middle bottom handle
- anchorPoint.x = -0.5;
- anchorPoint.y = 0;
- }
- }
- else if( HandleRoles.isResizeLeft(resizeHandleRole) )
- {
- // left middle handle
- anchorPoint.x = -1;
- anchorPoint.y = -0.5;
- }
- else
- {
- // right middle
- anchorPoint.x = 0;
- anchorPoint.y = -0.5;
- }
- return anchorPoint;
- }
- protected function applyTranslationForSingleObject( current:Object, translation:DragGeometry , originalGeometry:DragGeometry) : void
- {
- if( current.hasOwnProperty("x") ) current.x = translation.x + originalGeometry.x;
- if( current.hasOwnProperty("y") ) current.y = translation.y + originalGeometry.y;
- if( current.hasOwnProperty("width") ) current.width = translation.width + originalGeometry.width;
- if( current.hasOwnProperty("height") ) current.height = translation.height + originalGeometry.height;
- if( current.hasOwnProperty("rotation") ) current.rotation = translation.rotation + originalGeometry.rotation;
- updateHandlePositions( current );
- }
- protected function applyTranslation( translation:DragGeometry) : void
- {
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length == 1 )
- {
- applyTranslationForSingleObject( selectionManager.currentlySelected[0], translation, originalGeometry );
- }
- else if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 1 )
- {
- applyTranslationForSingleObject(multiSelectModel, translation , originalGeometry);
- for each ( var subObject:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected )
- {
- var subTranslation:DragGeometry = calculateTranslationFromMultiTranslation( translation, subObject );
- var originalGeometry:DragGeometry = originalModelGeometry[ subObject ]
- // At this point, constraints to the entire group have already been applied, but we need to apply per component constraints.
- applySingleObjectConstraints(subObject, originalGeometry, subTranslation, currentDragRole );
- applyTranslationForSingleObject( subObject, subTranslation , originalModelGeometry[subObject] );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Convienence method for dealing with tempGeometry, again BE VERY CAREFUL when calling it.
- **/
- private function copyToTempGeometry( obj:Object ) : void
- {
- tempGeometry.height = obj.height;
- tempGeometry.width = obj.width;
- tempGeometry.x = obj.x;
- tempGeometry.y = obj.y;
- if( obj.hasOwnProperty("rotation") ) tempGeometry.rotation = obj.rotation;
- if( obj.hasOwnProperty("isLocked") ) tempGeometry.isLocked = obj.isLocked;
- }
- private var selectionMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- private var objectMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- private var relativeGeometry:Point = new Point();
- /**
- * Calculates the translation of a single object in a group of objects that is selected
- * based on the translation of the entire group.
- **/
- protected function calculateTranslationFromMultiTranslation(overallTranslation:DragGeometry , object:Object) : DragGeometry
- {
- var rv:DragGeometry = new DragGeometry();
- // This is the rotation, scaling, and translation of the entire selection.
- selectionMatrix.identity();
- selectionMatrix.rotate( toRadians( overallTranslation.rotation ));
- selectionMatrix.scale( (originalGeometry.width + overallTranslation.width) / originalGeometry.width,
- (originalGeometry.height + overallTranslation.height) / originalGeometry.height );
- selectionMatrix.translate( overallTranslation.x + originalGeometry.x, overallTranslation.y + originalGeometry.y);
- // This is the point the object is relative to the selection
- relativeGeometry.x = originalModelGeometry[object].x - originalGeometry.x;
- relativeGeometry.y = originalModelGeometry[object].y - originalGeometry.y;
- objectMatrix.identity();
- objectMatrix.rotate( toRadians( overallTranslation.rotation + originalModelGeometry[object].rotation) );
- objectMatrix.translate(relativeGeometry.x, relativeGeometry.y);
- var translatedZeroPoint:Point = objectMatrix.transformPoint( zero );
- var translatedTopRightCorner:Point = objectMatrix.transformPoint( new Point(originalModelGeometry[object].width,0) );
- var translatedBottomLeftCorner:Point = objectMatrix.transformPoint( new Point(0,originalModelGeometry[object].height) );
- translatedZeroPoint = selectionMatrix.transformPoint( translatedZeroPoint );
- translatedTopRightCorner = selectionMatrix.transformPoint( translatedTopRightCorner );
- translatedBottomLeftCorner = selectionMatrix.transformPoint( translatedBottomLeftCorner );
- // uncomment to draw debug graphics.
- // container.graphics.lineStyle(2,0xff0000,0.5);
- // container.graphics.drawCircle(translatedZeroPoint.x, translatedZeroPoint.y , 4);
- // container.graphics.lineStyle(2,0xffff00,0.5);
- // container.graphics.drawCircle(translatedTopRightCorner.x, translatedTopRightCorner.y , 4);
- var targetWidth:Number = Point.distance( translatedZeroPoint, translatedTopRightCorner);
- var targetHeight:Number = Point.distance( translatedZeroPoint, translatedBottomLeftCorner ) ;
- // remember, rv is the CHANGE in value from the original, not an absolute value.
- rv.x = translatedZeroPoint.x - originalModelGeometry[object].x;
- rv.y = translatedZeroPoint.y - originalModelGeometry[object].y;
- rv.width = targetWidth - originalModelGeometry[object].width;
- rv.height = targetHeight - originalModelGeometry[object].height;
- var targetAngle:Number = toDegrees(Math.atan2( translatedTopRightCorner.y - translatedZeroPoint.y, translatedTopRightCorner.x - translatedZeroPoint.x));
- rv.rotation = targetAngle - originalModelGeometry[object].rotation - overallTranslation.rotation;
- return rv;
- }
- protected function applyConstraints(translation:DragGeometry, currentDragRole:uint):void
- {
- var constraint:IConstraint;
- if (currentHandleConstraint != null)
- {
- currentHandleConstraint.newInstance().applyConstraint( originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- if( selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 1 )
- {
- // Deal with multi-select
- for each ( constraint in multiSelectConstraints )
- {
- constraint.applyConstraint( originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- return;
- // we'll apply per-component constraints in the applyTranslation method
- }
- // Single object selection constraint...
- applySingleObjectConstraints( selectionManager.currentlySelected[0], originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- protected function applySingleObjectConstraints(modelObject:Object, originalGeometry:DragGeometry, translation:DragGeometry, currentDragRole:uint):void
- {
- var constraint:IConstraint;
- // Default ObjectHandles wide constraints
- for each ( constraint in defaultConstraints )
- {
- constraint.applyConstraint( originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- // Constraints that are set on a per component basis in the registerComponent call
- var customConstraints:Array = constraints[ modelObject ];
- if( customConstraints )
- {
- for each ( constraint in customConstraints )
- {
- constraint.applyConstraint( originalGeometry, translation, currentDragRole );
- }
- }
- }
- protected function applyRotate( event:MouseEvent, proposed:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- var centerRotatedAmount:Number = toRadians(originalGeometry.rotation) -
- toRadians(mouseDownRotation) +
- getAngleInRadians(event.stageX, event.stageY);
- tempMatrix.identity();
- //var oldRotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation) );
- var oldCenter:Point = tempMatrix.transformPoint(new Point(originalGeometry.width/2,originalGeometry.height/2));
- //
- var newRotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- //newRotationMatrix.rotate( toRadians(originalGeometry.rotation) );
- newRotationMatrix.translate(-oldCenter.x, -oldCenter.y);//-originalGeometry.width/2,-originalGeometry.height/2);
- newRotationMatrix.rotate( centerRotatedAmount );
- newRotationMatrix.translate(oldCenter.x, oldCenter.y);
- var newOffset:Point = newRotationMatrix.transformPoint( zero );
- // proposed.x += newOffset.x;
- // proposed.y += newOffset.y;
- proposed.rotation = toDegrees(centerRotatedAmount);
- }
- protected function getAngleInRadians(x:Number,y:Number):Number
- {
- tempMatrix.identity();
- var mousePos:Point = container.globalToLocal( new Point(x,y) );
- var angle1:Number;
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation) );
- var originalCenter:Point = tempMatrix.transformPoint( new Point(originalGeometry.width/2, originalGeometry.height/2) );
- originalCenter.offset( originalGeometry.x, originalGeometry.y );
- //// This will draw some debug lines
- // container.graphics.clear();
- // container.graphics.lineStyle(1,0xff0000);
- // container.graphics.moveTo( originalCenter.x, originalCenter.y );
- // container.graphics.lineTo( mousePos.x, mousePos.y );
- // container.graphics.lineStyle(1,0x00ff00);
- // var ang:Number = Math.atan2(mousePos.y - originalCenter.x, mousePos.x - originalCenter.y) ;
- // container.graphics.moveTo( originalCenter.x, originalCenter.y );
- // container.graphics.lineTo( originalCenter.x + Math.cos(ang)*300, originalCenter.y + Math.sin(ang)*300);
- if( container is Canvas) {
- var parentCanvas:Canvas = container as Canvas;
- return Math.atan2((mousePos.y + parentCanvas.verticalScrollPosition) - originalCenter.y, (mousePos.x + parentCanvas.horizontalScrollPosition) - originalCenter.x) ;
- }
- else
- return Math.atan2(mousePos.y - originalCenter.y, mousePos.x - originalCenter.x) ;
- }
- protected function applyMovement( event:MouseEvent, translation:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- temp.x = event.stageX;
- temp.y = event.stageY;
- //var localDown:Point = container.globalToLocal( mouseDownPoint );
- var current:Point = container.globalToLocal( temp );
- var mouseDelta:Point = new Point( current.x - containerMouseDownPoint.x, current.y - containerMouseDownPoint.y );
- translation.x = mouseDelta.x;
- translation.y = mouseDelta.y;
- }
- protected function applyResizeRight( event:MouseEvent, translation:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- var containerOriginalMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal(new Point( mouseDownPoint.x, mouseDownPoint.y ));
- var containerMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal( new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY) );
- // "local coordinates" = the coordinate system that is relative to the piece that moves around.
- // matrix describes the current rotation and helps us to go from container to local coordinates
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation ) );
- // The inverse matrix helps us to go from local to container coordinates
- var invMatrix:Matrix = tempMatrix.clone();
- invMatrix.invert();
- // The point where we pressed the mouse down in local coordinates
- var localOriginalMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerOriginalMousePoint );
- // The point where the mouse is currently in local coordinates
- var localMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerMousePoint );
- // How far along the X axis (in local coordinates) has the mouse been moved? This is the amount the user has tried to resize the object
- var resizeDistance:Number = localMousePoint.x - localOriginalMousePoint.x;
- // So our new width is the original width plus that resize amount
- translation.width += resizeDistance;
- // applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- // // Now, that we've resize the object, we need to know where the upper left corner should get moved to because when we resize left, we have to move left.
- // var translationp:Point = matrix.transformPoint( zero );
- //
- // translation.x += translationp.x;
- // translation.y += translationp.y;
- }
- protected function applyResizeDown( event:MouseEvent, translation:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- var containerOriginalMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal(new Point( mouseDownPoint.x, mouseDownPoint.y ));
- var containerMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal( new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY) );
- // "local coordinates" = the coordinate system that is relative to the piece that moves around.
- // matrix describes the current rotation and helps us to go from container to local coordinates
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation ) );
- // The inverse matrix helps us to go from local to container coordinates
- var invMatrix:Matrix = tempMatrix.clone();
- invMatrix.invert();
- // The point where we pressed the mouse down in local coordinates
- var localOriginalMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerOriginalMousePoint );
- // The point where the mouse is currently in local coordinates
- var localMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerMousePoint );
- // How far along the X axis (in local coordinates) has the mouse been moved? This is the amount the user has tried to resize the object
- var resizeDistance:Number = localMousePoint.y - localOriginalMousePoint.y;
- // So our new width is the original width plus that resize amount
- translation.height += resizeDistance;
- // applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- // // Now, that we've resize the object, we need to know where the upper left corner should get moved to because when we resize left, we have to move left.
- // var translationp:Point = matrix.transformPoint( zero );
- //
- // translation.x += translationp.x;
- // translation.y += translationp.y;
- }
- protected function applyResizeLeft( event:MouseEvent, translation:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- var containerOriginalMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal(new Point( mouseDownPoint.x, mouseDownPoint.y ));
- var containerMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal( new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY) );
- // "local coordinates" = the coordinate system that is relative to the piece that moves around.
- // matrix describes the current rotation and helps us to go from container to local coordinates
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation ) );
- // The inverse matrix helps us to go from local to container coordinates
- var invMatrix:Matrix = tempMatrix.clone();
- invMatrix.invert();
- // The point where we pressed the mouse down in local coordinates
- var localOriginalMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerOriginalMousePoint );
- // The point where the mouse is currently in local coordinates
- var localMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerMousePoint );
- // How far along the X axis (in local coordinates) has the mouse been moved? This is the amount the user has tried to resize the object
- var resizeDistance:Number = localOriginalMousePoint.x - localMousePoint.x ;
- // So our new width is the original width plus that resize amount
- translation.width += resizeDistance;
- // applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- // // Now, that we've resize the object, we need to know where the upper left corner should get moved to because when we resize left, we have to move left.
- // var translationp:Point = matrix.transformPoint( new Point(-translation.width,0) );
- //
- // translation.x += translationp.x;
- // translation.y += translationp.y;
- }
- protected function applyResizeUp( event:MouseEvent, translation:DragGeometry ) : void
- {
- var containerOriginalMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal(new Point( mouseDownPoint.x, mouseDownPoint.y ));
- var containerMousePoint:Point = container.globalToLocal( new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY) );
- // "local coordinates" = the coordinate system that is relative to the piece that moves around.
- // matrix describes the current rotation and helps us to go from container to local coordinates
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( originalGeometry.rotation ) );
- // The inverse matrix helps us to go from local to container coordinates
- var invMatrix:Matrix = tempMatrix.clone();
- invMatrix.invert();
- // The point where we pressed the mouse down in local coordinates
- var localOriginalMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerOriginalMousePoint );
- // The point where the mouse is currently in local coordinates
- var localMousePoint:Point = invMatrix.transformPoint( containerMousePoint );
- // How far along the Y axis (in local coordinates) has the mouse been moved? This is the amount the user has tried to resize the object
- var resizeDistance:Number = localOriginalMousePoint.y - localMousePoint.y ;
- // So our new width is the original width plus that resize amount
- translation.height += resizeDistance;
- // applyConstraints(translation, currentDragRole );
- // Now, that we've resize the object, we need to know where the upper left corner should get moved to because when we resize left, we have to move left.
- // var translationp:Point = matrix.transformPoint( new Point(0, -translation.height) );
- //
- // translation.x += translationp.x;
- // translation.y += translationp.y;
- }
- protected function findModel( display:DisplayObject ) : Object
- {
- var model:Object = models[ display ];
- while( (model==null) && (display.parent != null) )
- {
- display = display.parent as DisplayObject;
- model = models[ display ];
- }
- return model;
- }
- public function handleSelection( event : MouseEvent ) : void
- {
- var model:Object = findModel( event.target as DisplayObject );
- if( ! model ) { return; }
- // if shift key - add/remove to selection
- if(event.shiftKey && enableMultiSelect)
- {
- if(selectionManager.isSelected(model) && selectionManager.currentlySelected.length > 1) {
- selectionManager.removeFromSelected(model);
- } else {
- selectionManager.addToSelected(model);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(! selectionManager.isSelected( model ) )
- selectionManager.setSelected( model );
- }
- }
- protected function handleBeginDrag( event : MouseEvent ) : void
- {
- isDragging = true;
- mouseDownPoint = new Point( event.stageX, event.stageY );
- containerMouseDownPoint = container.globalToLocal( mouseDownPoint );
- originalGeometry = selectionManager.getGeometry();
- // saving old coordinates
- originalModelGeometry = new Dictionary();
- for each(var current:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected) {
- originalModelGeometry[current] = selectionManager.getGeometryForObject(current);
- }
- mouseDownRotation = originalGeometry.rotation + toDegrees( getAngleInRadians(event.stageX, event.stageY) );
- }
- protected var lastSelectedModel:Object;
- protected function getCurrentSelection() : Array
- {
- var rv:Array = [];
- for each ( var model:Object in selectionManager.currentlySelected )
- {
- if( model in visuals)
- {
- rv.push( model );
- }
- }
- return rv;
- }
- protected function setupHandles( ) : void
- {
- var selection:Array = getCurrentSelection();
- if( selection.length == 0 )
- {
- removeHandles( lastSelectedModel );
- removeHandles( multiSelectModel );
- }
- else if( selection.length == 1 )
- {
- // single object selected
- createHandlesFor( selection[0] );
- updateHandlePositions(selection[0]);
- removeHandles( multiSelectModel );
- removeHandles( lastSelectedModel );
- lastSelectedModel = selection[0] ;
- }
- else
- {
- // Many objects selected
- removeHandles( lastSelectedModel );
- var geo:DragGeometry = selectionManager.getGeometry();
- if(geo )
- {
- multiSelectModel.copyFrom( geo );
- createHandlesFor( multiSelectModel );
- updateHandlePositions( multiSelectModel );
- lastSelectedModel = multiSelectModel;
- }
- }
- }
- protected function createHandlesFor( model:Object ) : void
- {
- var desiredHandles:Array = getHandleDefinitions(model);
- for each ( var descriptor:HandleDescription in desiredHandles )
- {
- createHandle( model, descriptor);
- }
- }
- protected function getHandleDefinitions( model:Object ) :Array
- {
- var desiredHandles:Array;
- desiredHandles = handleDefinitions[ model ];
- if(! desiredHandles)
- {
- desiredHandles = defaultHandles;
- }
- return desiredHandles;
- }
- protected function createHandle( model:Object, descriptor:HandleDescription ) : void
- {
- var current:Array = handles[model];
- if( ! current )
- {
- current = [];
- handles[model] = current;
- }
- // todo: use cached handles for performance.
- var handle:IHandle
- if (descriptor.handleFactory != null)
- {
- handle = descriptor.handleFactory.newInstance() as IHandle;
- }
- else
- {
- handle = handleFactory.newInstance() as IHandle;
- }
- handle.targetModel = model;
- handle.handleDescriptor = descriptor;
- connectHandleEvents( handle , descriptor);
- current.push(handle);
- addToContainer( handle as Sprite);
- handle.redraw();
- }
- protected function getContainerScrollAmount() : Point
- {
- var rv:Point = new Point(0,0);
- if( container is Container )
- {
- var con:Container = container as Container;
- if (con.horizontalScrollPosition < 0)
- rv.x = 0
- else if (con.horizontalScrollPosition > con.maxHorizontalScrollPosition)
- rv.y = con.maxHorizontalScrollPosition
- else
- rv.x = con.horizontalScrollPosition;
- if (con.verticalScrollPosition < 0)
- rv.y = 0
- else if (con.verticalScrollPosition > con.maxVerticalScrollPosition)
- rv.y = con.maxVerticalScrollPosition
- else
- rv.y = con.verticalScrollPosition;
- }
- return rv;
- }
- protected function updateHandlePositions( model:Object ) : void
- {
- var h:Array = handles[model]
- var scroll:Point = getContainerScrollAmount();
- if( ! h ) { return; }
- for each ( var handle:IHandle in h )
- {
- if( model.hasOwnProperty("rotation") )
- {
- tempMatrix.identity();
- tempMatrix.translate( (model.width * handle.handleDescriptor.percentageOffset.x / 100) + handle.handleDescriptor.offset.x, // The tX
- (model.height * handle.handleDescriptor.percentageOffset.y / 100) + handle.handleDescriptor.offset.y);
- //tempMatrix.translate(- Math.floor(handle.width / 2), - Math.floor(handle.height / 2));
- tempMatrix.rotate( toRadians( model.rotation ) );
- tempMatrix.translate( model.x, model.y);
- var p2:Point = tempMatrix.transformPoint( zero );
- handle.rotation = model.rotation;
- handle.x = p2.x - scroll.x ;
- handle.y = p2.y - scroll.y ;
- }
- else
- {
- handle.x = model.x + (model.width * handle.handleDescriptor.percentageOffset.x / 100) + handle.handleDescriptor.offset.x - scroll.x;
- handle.y = model.y + (model.height * handle.handleDescriptor.percentageOffset.y / 100) + handle.handleDescriptor.offset.y - scroll.y;
- }
- }
- }
- public function redrawHandle( model:Object ) : void
- {
- var h:Array = handles[model];
- if( ! h ) { return; }
- for each ( var handle:IHandle in h )
- {
- handle.redraw();
- }
- }
- protected static function toRadians( degrees:Number ) :Number
- {
- return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
- }
- protected static function toDegrees( radians:Number ) :Number
- {
- return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
- }
- protected function connectHandleEvents( handle:IHandle , descriptor:HandleDescription) : void
- {
- handle.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onHandleDown );
- }
- protected function onHandleDown( event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- var handle:IHandle = event.target as IHandle;
- if( ! handle ) { return; }
- // If it has NO_ROLE we just send an event as it is more like a "click"
- if (handle.handleDescriptor.role == HandleRoles.NO_ROLE)
- {
- dispatchEvent( new HandleClickedEvent(event.target as IHandle) );
- }
- else
- {
- container.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onContainerMouseMove );
- container.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onContainerMouseUp );
- currentDragRole = handle.handleDescriptor.role;
- currentHandleConstraint = handle.handleDescriptor.constraint;
- handleBeginDrag(event);
- if( HandleRoles.isMove( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- dispatchEvent( new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_MOVE_START) );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isResize( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- dispatchEvent( new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_RESIZE_START) );
- }
- if( HandleRoles.isRotate( currentDragRole ) )
- {
- dispatchEvent( new ObjectChangedEvent(selectionManager.currentlySelected,ObjectChangedEvent.OBJECT_ROTATE_START) );
- }
- }
- }
- protected function addToContainer( display:Sprite):void
- {
- _childManager.addChild(container, display );
- }
- protected function removeFromContainer( display:Sprite):void
- {
- _childManager.removeChild(container, display );
- }
- protected function removeHandles( model:Object ) : void
- {
- var currentHandles:Array = handles[model];
- for each ( var handle:IHandle in currentHandles )
- {
- if( handleCache.length <= 10 )
- {
- handle.visible = false;
- handleCache.push( handle );
- }
- else
- {
- removeFromContainer( handle as Sprite);
- }
- }
- delete handles[model];
- }
- /* added by greg */
- // return the rotated point coordinates
- // help from http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=775357
- public function getRotatedRectPoint( angle:Number, point:Point, rotationPoint:Point = null):Point {
- var ix:Number = (rotationPoint) ? rotationPoint.x : 0;
- var iy:Number = (rotationPoint) ? rotationPoint.y : 0;
- var m:Matrix = new Matrix( 1,0,0,1, point.x - ix, point.y - iy);
- m.rotate(angle);
- return new Point( m.tx + ix, m.ty + iy);
- }
- /* end added */
- }
- }