Python | 1309 lines | 979 code | 171 blank | 159 comment | 187 complexity | 90e468b936e8d3fa51fc596265cf1835 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # pyglet
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alex Holkner
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- # are met:
- #
- # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- # distribution.
- # * Neither the name of pyglet nor the names of its
- # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- # derived from this software without specific prior written
- # permission.
- #
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
- __version__ = '$Id$'
- from ctypes import *
- import unicodedata
- import warnings
- import pyglet
- from pyglet.window import WindowException, NoSuchDisplayException, \
- MouseCursorException, MouseCursor, \
- DefaultMouseCursor, ImageMouseCursor, BaseWindow, _PlatformEventHandler, \
- _ViewEventHandler
- from pyglet.window import key
- from pyglet.window import mouse
- from pyglet.event import EventDispatcher
- from pyglet.canvas.xlib import XlibCanvas
- from pyglet.libs.x11 import xlib
- from pyglet.libs.x11 import cursorfont
- from pyglet.compat import asbytes
- try:
- from pyglet.libs.x11 import xsync
- _have_xsync = True
- except:
- _have_xsync = False
- class mwmhints_t(Structure):
- _fields_ = [
- ('flags', c_uint32),
- ('functions', c_uint32),
- ('decorations', c_uint32),
- ('input_mode', c_int32),
- ('status', c_uint32)
- ]
- # XXX: wraptypes can't parse the header this function is in yet
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat = xlib._lib.XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat.restype = c_int
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat.argtypes = [POINTER(xlib.Display), c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
- _can_detect_autorepeat = None
- XA_CARDINAL = 6 # Xatom.h:14
- # Do we have the November 2000 UTF8 extension?
- _have_utf8 = hasattr(xlib._lib, 'Xutf8TextListToTextProperty')
- # symbol,ctrl -> motion mapping
- _motion_map = {
- (key.UP, False): key.MOTION_UP,
- (key.RIGHT, False): key.MOTION_RIGHT,
- (key.DOWN, False): key.MOTION_DOWN,
- (key.LEFT, False): key.MOTION_LEFT,
- (key.RIGHT, True): key.MOTION_NEXT_WORD,
- (key.END, False): key.MOTION_END_OF_LINE,
- (key.PAGEDOWN, False): key.MOTION_NEXT_PAGE,
- (key.END, True): key.MOTION_END_OF_FILE,
- (key.DELETE, False): key.MOTION_DELETE,
- }
- class XlibException(WindowException):
- '''An X11-specific exception. This exception is probably a programming
- error in pyglet.'''
- pass
- class XlibMouseCursor(MouseCursor):
- drawable = False
- def __init__(self, cursor):
- self.cursor = cursor
- # Platform event data is single item, so use platform event handler directly.
- XlibEventHandler = _PlatformEventHandler
- ViewEventHandler = _ViewEventHandler
- class XlibWindow(BaseWindow):
- _x_display = None # X display connection
- _x_screen_id = None # X screen index
- _x_ic = None # X input context
- _window = None # Xlib window handle
- _minimum_size = None
- _maximum_size = None
- _override_redirect = False
- _x = 0
- _y = 0 # Last known window position
- _width = 0
- _height = 0 # Last known window size
- _mouse_exclusive_client = None # x,y of "real" mouse during exclusive
- _mouse_buttons = [False] * 6 # State of each xlib button
- _keyboard_exclusive = False
- _active = True
- _applied_mouse_exclusive = False
- _applied_keyboard_exclusive = False
- _mapped = False
- _lost_context = False
- _lost_context_state = False
- _enable_xsync = False
- _current_sync_value = None
- _current_sync_valid = False
- _needs_resize = False # True when resize event has been received but not
- # dispatched
- _default_event_mask = (0x1ffffff
- & ~xlib.PointerMotionHintMask
- & ~xlib.ResizeRedirectMask
- & ~xlib.SubstructureNotifyMask)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # Bind event handlers
- self._event_handlers = {}
- self._view_event_handlers = {}
- for name in self._platform_event_names:
- if not hasattr(self, name):
- continue
- func = getattr(self, name)
- for message in func._platform_event_data:
- if hasattr(func, '_view'):
- self._view_event_handlers[message] = func
- else:
- self._event_handlers[message] = func
- super(XlibWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- global _can_detect_autorepeat
- if _can_detect_autorepeat == None:
- supported_rtrn = c_int()
- _can_detect_autorepeat = XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(self.display._display, c_int(1), byref(supported_rtrn))
- if _can_detect_autorepeat:
- self.pressed_keys = set()
- def _recreate(self, changes):
- # If flipping to/from fullscreen, need to recreate the window. (This
- # is the case with both override_redirect method and
- #
- # A possible improvement could be to just hide the top window,
- # destroy the GLX window, and reshow it again when leaving fullscreen.
- # This would prevent the floating window from being moved by the
- # WM.
- if ('fullscreen' in changes or 'resizable' in changes):
- # clear out the GLX context
- self.context.detach()
- xlib.XDestroyWindow(self._x_display, self._window)
- del self.display._window_map[self._window]
- del self.display._window_map[self._view]
- self._window = None
- self._mapped = False
- # TODO: detect state loss only by examining context share.
- if 'context' in changes:
- self._lost_context = True
- self._lost_context_state = True
- self._create()
- def _create(self):
- # Unmap existing window if necessary while we fiddle with it.
- if self._window and self._mapped:
- self._unmap()
- self._x_display = self.display._display
- self._x_screen_id = self.display.x_screen
- # Create X window if not already existing.
- if not self._window:
- root = xlib.XRootWindow(self._x_display, self._x_screen_id)
- visual_info = self.config.get_visual_info()
- visual = visual_info.visual
- visual_id = xlib.XVisualIDFromVisual(visual)
- default_visual = xlib.XDefaultVisual(
- self._x_display, self._x_screen_id)
- default_visual_id = xlib.XVisualIDFromVisual(default_visual)
- window_attributes = xlib.XSetWindowAttributes()
- if visual_id != default_visual_id:
- window_attributes.colormap = xlib.XCreateColormap(
- self._x_display, root, visual, xlib.AllocNone)
- else:
- window_attributes.colormap = xlib.XDefaultColormap(
- self._x_display, self._x_screen_id)
- window_attributes.bit_gravity = xlib.StaticGravity
- # Issue 287: Compiz on Intel/Mesa doesn't draw window decoration
- # unless CWBackPixel is given in mask. Should have
- # no effect on other systems, so it's set
- # unconditionally.
- mask = xlib.CWColormap | xlib.CWBitGravity | xlib.CWBackPixel
- if self._fullscreen:
- width, height = self.screen.width, self.screen.height
- self._view_x = (width - self._width) // 2
- self._view_y = (height - self._height) // 2
- else:
- width, height = self._width, self._height
- self._view_x = self._view_y = 0
- self._window = xlib.XCreateWindow(self._x_display, root,
- 0, 0, width, height, 0, visual_info.depth,
- xlib.InputOutput, visual, mask,
- byref(window_attributes))
- self._view = xlib.XCreateWindow(self._x_display,
- self._window, self._view_x, self._view_y,
- self._width, self._height, 0, visual_info.depth,
- xlib.InputOutput, visual, mask,
- byref(window_attributes));
- xlib.XMapWindow(self._x_display, self._view)
- xlib.XSelectInput(
- self._x_display, self._view, self._default_event_mask)
- self.display._window_map[self._window] = \
- self.dispatch_platform_event
- self.display._window_map[self._view] = \
- self.dispatch_platform_event_view
- self.canvas = XlibCanvas(self.display, self._view)
- self.context.attach(self.canvas)
- self.context.set_vsync(self._vsync) # XXX ?
- # Setting null background pixmap disables drawing the background,
- # preventing flicker while resizing (in theory).
- #
- # Issue 287: Compiz on Intel/Mesa doesn't draw window decoration if
- # this is called. As it doesn't seem to have any
- # effect anyway, it's just commented out.
- #xlib.XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(self._x_display, self._window, 0)
- self._enable_xsync = (pyglet.options['xsync'] and
- self.display._enable_xsync and
- self.config.double_buffer)
- # Set supported protocols
- protocols = []
- protocols.append(xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display,
- asbytes('WM_DELETE_WINDOW'), False))
- if self._enable_xsync:
- protocols.append(xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display,
- asbytes('_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST'),
- False))
- protocols = (c_ulong * len(protocols))(*protocols)
- xlib.XSetWMProtocols(self._x_display, self._window,
- protocols, len(protocols))
- # Create window resize sync counter
- if self._enable_xsync:
- value = xsync.XSyncValue()
- self._sync_counter = xlib.XID(
- xsync.XSyncCreateCounter(self._x_display, value))
- atom = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display,
- asbytes('_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER'), False)
- ptr = pointer(self._sync_counter)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window,
- atom, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
- xlib.PropModeReplace,
- cast(ptr, POINTER(c_ubyte)), 1)
- # Set window attributes
- attributes = xlib.XSetWindowAttributes()
- attributes_mask = 0
- self._override_redirect = False
- if self._fullscreen:
- if pyglet.options['xlib_fullscreen_override_redirect']:
- # Try not to use this any more, it causes problems; disabled
- # by default in favour of _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN.
- attributes.override_redirect = self._fullscreen
- attributes_mask |= xlib.CWOverrideRedirect
- self._override_redirect = True
- else:
- self._set_wm_state('_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN')
- if self._fullscreen:
- xlib.XMoveResizeWindow(self._x_display, self._window,
- self.screen.x, self.screen.y,
- self.screen.width, self.screen.height)
- else:
- xlib.XResizeWindow(self._x_display, self._window,
- self._width, self._height)
- xlib.XChangeWindowAttributes(self._x_display, self._window,
- attributes_mask, byref(attributes))
- # Set style
- styles = {
- }
- if self._style in styles:
- self._set_atoms_property('_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE',
- (styles[self._style],))
- elif self._style == self.WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS:
- mwmhints = mwmhints_t()
- mwmhints.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS
- mwmhints.decorations = 0
- name = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes('_MOTIF_WM_HINTS'), False)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window,
- name, name, 32, xlib.PropModeReplace,
- cast(pointer(mwmhints), POINTER(c_ubyte)),
- # Set resizeable
- if not self._resizable and not self._fullscreen:
- self.set_minimum_size(self._width, self._height)
- self.set_maximum_size(self._width, self._height)
- # Set caption
- self.set_caption(self._caption)
- # this is supported by some compositors (ie gnome-shell), and more to come
- # see: http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html#idp6357888
- _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR_HINT_ON = c_ulong(int(self._fullscreen))
- name = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display,
- asbytes('_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR'), False)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window,
- name, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
- xlib.PropModeReplace,
- cast(ptr, POINTER(c_ubyte)), 1)
- # Create input context. A good but very outdated reference for this
- # is http://www.sbin.org/doc/Xlib/chapt_11.html
- if _have_utf8 and not self._x_ic:
- if not self.display._x_im:
- xlib.XSetLocaleModifiers(asbytes('@im=none'))
- self.display._x_im = \
- xlib.XOpenIM(self._x_display, None, None, None)
- xlib.XFlush(self._x_display);
- # Need to set argtypes on this function because it's vararg,
- # and ctypes guesses wrong.
- xlib.XCreateIC.argtypes = [xlib.XIM,
- c_char_p, c_int,
- c_char_p, xlib.Window,
- c_char_p, xlib.Window,
- c_void_p]
- self._x_ic = xlib.XCreateIC(self.display._x_im,
- asbytes('inputStyle'), xlib.XIMPreeditNothing|xlib.XIMStatusNothing,
- asbytes('clientWindow'), self._window,
- asbytes('focusWindow'), self._window,
- None)
- filter_events = c_ulong()
- xlib.XGetICValues(self._x_ic,
- 'filterEvents', byref(filter_events),
- None)
- self._default_event_mask |= filter_events.value
- xlib.XSetICFocus(self._x_ic)
- self.switch_to()
- if self._visible:
- self.set_visible(True)
- self.set_mouse_platform_visible()
- self._applied_mouse_exclusive = None
- self._update_exclusivity()
- def _map(self):
- if self._mapped:
- return
- # Map the window, wait for map event before continuing.
- xlib.XSelectInput(
- self._x_display, self._window, xlib.StructureNotifyMask)
- xlib.XMapRaised(self._x_display, self._window)
- e = xlib.XEvent()
- while True:
- xlib.XNextEvent(self._x_display, e)
- if e.type == xlib.ConfigureNotify:
- self._width = e.xconfigure.width
- self._height = e.xconfigure.height
- elif e.type == xlib.MapNotify:
- break
- xlib.XSelectInput(
- self._x_display, self._window, self._default_event_mask)
- self._mapped = True
- if self._override_redirect:
- # Possibly an override_redirect issue.
- self.activate()
- self._update_view_size()
- self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height)
- self.dispatch_event('on_show')
- self.dispatch_event('on_expose')
- def _unmap(self):
- if not self._mapped:
- return
- xlib.XSelectInput(
- self._x_display, self._window, xlib.StructureNotifyMask)
- xlib.XUnmapWindow(self._x_display, self._window)
- e = xlib.XEvent()
- while True:
- xlib.XNextEvent(self._x_display, e)
- if e.type == xlib.UnmapNotify:
- break
- xlib.XSelectInput(
- self._x_display, self._window, self._default_event_mask)
- self._mapped = False
- def _get_root(self):
- attributes = xlib.XWindowAttributes()
- xlib.XGetWindowAttributes(self._x_display, self._window,
- byref(attributes))
- return attributes.root
- def _is_reparented(self):
- root = c_ulong()
- parent = c_ulong()
- children = pointer(c_ulong())
- n_children = c_uint()
- xlib.XQueryTree(self._x_display, self._window,
- byref(root), byref(parent), byref(children),
- byref(n_children))
- return root.value != parent.value
- def close(self):
- if not self._window:
- return
- self.context.destroy()
- self._unmap()
- if self._window:
- xlib.XDestroyWindow(self._x_display, self._window)
- del self.display._window_map[self._window]
- self._window = None
- if _have_utf8:
- xlib.XDestroyIC(self._x_ic)
- self._x_ic = None
- super(XlibWindow, self).close()
- def switch_to(self):
- if self.context:
- self.context.set_current()
- def flip(self):
- self.draw_mouse_cursor()
- # TODO canvas.flip?
- if self.context:
- self.context.flip()
- self._sync_resize()
- def set_vsync(self, vsync):
- if pyglet.options['vsync'] is not None:
- vsync = pyglet.options['vsync']
- self._vsync = vsync
- self.context.set_vsync(vsync)
- def set_caption(self, caption):
- if caption is None:
- caption = ''
- self._caption = caption
- self._set_text_property('WM_NAME', caption, allow_utf8=False)
- self._set_text_property('WM_ICON_NAME', caption, allow_utf8=False)
- self._set_text_property('_NET_WM_NAME', caption)
- self._set_text_property('_NET_WM_ICON_NAME', caption)
- def get_caption(self):
- return self._caption
- def set_size(self, width, height):
- if self._fullscreen:
- raise WindowException('Cannot set size of fullscreen window.')
- self._width = width
- self._height = height
- if not self._resizable:
- self.set_minimum_size(width, height)
- self.set_maximum_size(width, height)
- xlib.XResizeWindow(self._x_display, self._window, width, height)
- self._update_view_size()
- self.dispatch_event('on_resize', width, height)
- def _update_view_size(self):
- xlib.XResizeWindow(self._x_display, self._view,
- self._width, self._height)
- def get_size(self):
- # XGetGeometry and XWindowAttributes seem to always return the
- # original size of the window, which is wrong after the user
- # has resized it.
- # XXX this is probably fixed now, with fix of resize.
- return self._width, self._height
- def set_location(self, x, y):
- if self._is_reparented():
- # Assume the window manager has reparented our top-level window
- # only once, in which case attributes.x/y give the offset from
- # the frame to the content window. Better solution would be
- # to use _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS, where supported.
- attributes = xlib.XWindowAttributes()
- xlib.XGetWindowAttributes(self._x_display, self._window,
- byref(attributes))
- # XXX at least under KDE's WM these attrs are both 0
- x -= attributes.x
- y -= attributes.y
- xlib.XMoveWindow(self._x_display, self._window, x, y)
- def get_location(self):
- child = xlib.Window()
- x = c_int()
- y = c_int()
- xlib.XTranslateCoordinates(self._x_display,
- self._window,
- self._get_root(),
- 0, 0,
- byref(x),
- byref(y),
- byref(child))
- return x.value, y.value
- def activate(self):
- xlib.XSetInputFocus(self._x_display, self._window,
- xlib.RevertToParent, xlib.CurrentTime)
- def set_visible(self, visible=True):
- if visible:
- self._map()
- else:
- self._unmap()
- self._visible = visible
- def set_minimum_size(self, width, height):
- self._minimum_size = width, height
- self._set_wm_normal_hints()
- def set_maximum_size(self, width, height):
- self._maximum_size = width, height
- self._set_wm_normal_hints()
- def minimize(self):
- xlib.XIconifyWindow(self._x_display, self._window, self._x_screen_id)
- def maximize(self):
- self._set_wm_state('_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ',
- def set_mouse_platform_visible(self, platform_visible=None):
- if not self._window:
- return
- if platform_visible is None:
- platform_visible = self._mouse_visible and \
- not self._mouse_cursor.drawable
- if not platform_visible:
- # Hide pointer by creating an empty cursor
- black = xlib.XBlackPixel(self._x_display, self._x_screen_id)
- black = xlib.XColor()
- bmp = xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData(self._x_display, self._window,
- c_buffer(8), 8, 8)
- cursor = xlib.XCreatePixmapCursor(self._x_display, bmp, bmp,
- black, black, 0, 0)
- xlib.XDefineCursor(self._x_display, self._window, cursor)
- xlib.XFreeCursor(self._x_display, cursor)
- xlib.XFreePixmap(self._x_display, bmp)
- else:
- # Restore cursor
- if isinstance(self._mouse_cursor, XlibMouseCursor):
- xlib.XDefineCursor(self._x_display, self._window,
- self._mouse_cursor.cursor)
- else:
- xlib.XUndefineCursor(self._x_display, self._window)
- def set_mouse_position(self, x, y):
- xlib.XWarpPointer(self._x_display,
- 0, # src window
- self._window, # dst window
- 0, 0, # src x, y
- 0, 0, # src w, h
- x, self._height - y,
- )
- def _update_exclusivity(self):
- mouse_exclusive = self._active and self._mouse_exclusive
- keyboard_exclusive = self._active and self._keyboard_exclusive
- if mouse_exclusive != self._applied_mouse_exclusive:
- if mouse_exclusive:
- self.set_mouse_platform_visible(False)
- # Restrict to client area
- xlib.XGrabPointer(self._x_display, self._window,
- True,
- 0,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- self._window,
- 0,
- xlib.CurrentTime)
- # Move pointer to center of window
- x = self._width // 2
- y = self._height // 2
- self._mouse_exclusive_client = x, y
- self.set_mouse_position(x, y)
- elif self._fullscreen and not self.screen._xinerama:
- # Restrict to fullscreen area (prevent viewport scrolling)
- self.set_mouse_position(0, 0)
- r = xlib.XGrabPointer(self._x_display, self._view,
- True, 0,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- self._view,
- 0,
- xlib.CurrentTime)
- if r:
- # Failed to grab, try again later
- self._applied_mouse_exclusive = None
- return
- self.set_mouse_platform_visible()
- else:
- # Unclip
- xlib.XUngrabPointer(self._x_display, xlib.CurrentTime)
- self.set_mouse_platform_visible()
- self._applied_mouse_exclusive = mouse_exclusive
- if keyboard_exclusive != self._applied_keyboard_exclusive:
- if keyboard_exclusive:
- xlib.XGrabKeyboard(self._x_display,
- self._window,
- False,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- xlib.GrabModeAsync,
- xlib.CurrentTime)
- else:
- xlib.XUngrabKeyboard(self._x_display, xlib.CurrentTime)
- self._applied_keyboard_exclusive = keyboard_exclusive
- def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True):
- if exclusive == self._mouse_exclusive:
- return
- self._mouse_exclusive = exclusive
- self._update_exclusivity()
- def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True):
- if exclusive == self._keyboard_exclusive:
- return
- self._keyboard_exclusive = exclusive
- self._update_exclusivity()
- def get_system_mouse_cursor(self, name):
- if name == self.CURSOR_DEFAULT:
- return DefaultMouseCursor()
- # NQR means default shape is not pretty... surely there is another
- # cursor font?
- cursor_shapes = {
- self.CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: cursorfont.XC_crosshair,
- self.CURSOR_HAND: cursorfont.XC_hand2,
- self.CURSOR_HELP: cursorfont.XC_question_arrow, # NQR
- self.CURSOR_NO: cursorfont.XC_pirate, # NQR
- self.CURSOR_SIZE: cursorfont.XC_fleur,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP: cursorfont.XC_top_side,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_RIGHT: cursorfont.XC_top_right_corner,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_RIGHT: cursorfont.XC_right_side,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_RIGHT: cursorfont.XC_bottom_right_corner,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN: cursorfont.XC_bottom_side,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_LEFT: cursorfont.XC_bottom_left_corner,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT: cursorfont.XC_left_side,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_LEFT: cursorfont.XC_top_left_corner,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_DOWN: cursorfont.XC_sb_v_double_arrow,
- self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT_RIGHT: cursorfont.XC_sb_h_double_arrow,
- self.CURSOR_TEXT: cursorfont.XC_xterm,
- self.CURSOR_WAIT: cursorfont.XC_watch,
- self.CURSOR_WAIT_ARROW: cursorfont.XC_watch, # NQR
- }
- if name not in cursor_shapes:
- raise MouseCursorException('Unknown cursor name "%s"' % name)
- cursor = xlib.XCreateFontCursor(self._x_display, cursor_shapes[name])
- return XlibMouseCursor(cursor)
- def set_icon(self, *images):
- # Careful! XChangeProperty takes an array of long when data type
- # is 32-bit (but long can be 64 bit!), so pad high bytes of format if
- # necessary.
- import sys
- format = {
- ('little', 4): 'BGRA',
- ('little', 8): 'BGRAAAAA',
- ('big', 4): 'ARGB',
- ('big', 8): 'AAAAARGB'
- }[(sys.byteorder, sizeof(c_ulong))]
- data = asbytes('')
- for image in images:
- image = image.get_image_data()
- pitch = -(image.width * len(format))
- s = c_buffer(sizeof(c_ulong) * 2)
- memmove(s, cast((c_ulong * 2)(image.width, image.height),
- POINTER(c_ubyte)), len(s))
- data += s.raw + image.get_data(format, pitch)
- buffer = (c_ubyte * len(data))()
- memmove(buffer, data, len(data))
- atom = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes('_NET_WM_ICON'), False)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window, atom, XA_CARDINAL,
- 32, xlib.PropModeReplace, buffer, len(data)//sizeof(c_ulong))
- # Private utility
- def _set_wm_normal_hints(self):
- hints = xlib.XAllocSizeHints().contents
- if self._minimum_size:
- hints.flags |= xlib.PMinSize
- hints.min_width, hints.min_height = self._minimum_size
- if self._maximum_size:
- hints.flags |= xlib.PMaxSize
- hints.max_width, hints.max_height = self._maximum_size
- xlib.XSetWMNormalHints(self._x_display, self._window, byref(hints))
- def _set_text_property(self, name, value, allow_utf8=True):
- atom = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes(name), False)
- if not atom:
- raise XlibException('Undefined atom "%s"' % name)
- assert type(value) in (str, unicode)
- property = xlib.XTextProperty()
- if _have_utf8 and allow_utf8:
- buf = create_string_buffer(value.encode('utf8'))
- result = xlib.Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(self._x_display,
- cast(pointer(buf), c_char_p), 1, xlib.XUTF8StringStyle,
- byref(property))
- if result < 0:
- raise XlibException('Could not create UTF8 text property')
- else:
- buf = create_string_buffer(value.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
- result = xlib.XStringListToTextProperty(
- cast(pointer(buf), c_char_p), 1, byref(property))
- if result < 0:
- raise XlibException('Could not create text property')
- xlib.XSetTextProperty(self._x_display,
- self._window, byref(property), atom)
- # XXX <rj> Xlib doesn't like us freeing this
- #xlib.XFree(property.value)
- def _set_atoms_property(self, name, values, mode=xlib.PropModeReplace):
- name_atom = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes(name), False)
- atoms = []
- for value in values:
- atoms.append(xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes(value), False))
- atom_type = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes('ATOM'), False)
- if len(atoms):
- atoms_ar = (xlib.Atom * len(atoms))(*atoms)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window,
- name_atom, atom_type, 32, mode,
- cast(pointer(atoms_ar), POINTER(c_ubyte)), len(atoms))
- else:
- xlib.XDeleteProperty(self._x_display, self._window, net_wm_state)
- def _set_wm_state(self, *states):
- # Set property
- net_wm_state = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes('_NET_WM_STATE'), False)
- atoms = []
- for state in states:
- atoms.append(xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes(state), False))
- atom_type = xlib.XInternAtom(self._x_display, asbytes('ATOM'), False)
- if len(atoms):
- atoms_ar = (xlib.Atom * len(atoms))(*atoms)
- xlib.XChangeProperty(self._x_display, self._window,
- net_wm_state, atom_type, 32, xlib.PropModePrepend,
- cast(pointer(atoms_ar), POINTER(c_ubyte)), len(atoms))
- else:
- xlib.XDeleteProperty(self._x_display, self._window, net_wm_state)
- # Nudge the WM
- e = xlib.XEvent()
- e.xclient.type = xlib.ClientMessage
- e.xclient.message_type = net_wm_state
- e.xclient.display = cast(self._x_display, POINTER(xlib.Display))
- e.xclient.window = self._window
- e.xclient.format = 32
- e.xclient.data.l[0] = xlib.PropModePrepend
- for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
- e.xclient.data.l[i + 1] = atom
- xlib.XSendEvent(self._x_display, self._get_root(),
- False, xlib.SubstructureRedirectMask, byref(e))
- # Event handling
- def dispatch_events(self):
- self.dispatch_pending_events()
- self._allow_dispatch_event = True
- e = xlib.XEvent()
- # Cache these in case window is closed from an event handler
- _x_display = self._x_display
- _window = self._window
- _view = self._view
- # Check for the events specific to this window
- while xlib.XCheckWindowEvent(_x_display, _window,
- 0x1ffffff, byref(e)):
- # Key events are filtered by the xlib window event
- # handler so they get a shot at the prefiltered event.
- if e.xany.type not in (xlib.KeyPress, xlib.KeyRelease):
- if xlib.XFilterEvent(e, 0):
- continue
- self.dispatch_platform_event(e)
- # Check for the events specific to this view
- while xlib.XCheckWindowEvent(_x_display, _view,
- 0x1ffffff, byref(e)):
- # Key events are filtered by the xlib window event
- # handler so they get a shot at the prefiltered event.
- if e.xany.type not in (xlib.KeyPress, xlib.KeyRelease):
- if xlib.XFilterEvent(e, 0):
- continue
- self.dispatch_platform_event_view(e)
- # Generic events for this window (the window close event).
- while xlib.XCheckTypedWindowEvent(_x_display, _window,
- xlib.ClientMessage, byref(e)):
- self.dispatch_platform_event(e)
- if self._needs_resize:
- self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height)
- self.dispatch_event('on_expose')
- self._needs_resize = False
- self._allow_dispatch_event = False
- def dispatch_pending_events(self):
- while self._event_queue:
- EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *self._event_queue.pop(0))
- # Dispatch any context-related events
- if self._lost_context:
- self._lost_context = False
- EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, 'on_context_lost')
- if self._lost_context_state:
- self._lost_context_state = False
- EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, 'on_context_state_lost')
- def dispatch_platform_event(self, e):
- if self._applied_mouse_exclusive is None:
- self._update_exclusivity()
- event_handler = self._event_handlers.get(e.type)
- if event_handler:
- event_handler(e)
- def dispatch_platform_event_view(self, e):
- event_handler = self._view_event_handlers.get(e.type)
- if event_handler:
- event_handler(e)
- @staticmethod
- def _translate_modifiers(state):
- modifiers = 0
- if state & xlib.ShiftMask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_SHIFT
- if state & xlib.ControlMask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_CTRL
- if state & xlib.LockMask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_CAPSLOCK
- if state & xlib.Mod1Mask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_ALT
- if state & xlib.Mod2Mask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_NUMLOCK
- if state & xlib.Mod4Mask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_WINDOWS
- if state & xlib.Mod5Mask:
- modifiers |= key.MOD_SCROLLLOCK
- return modifiers
- # Event handlers
- '''
- def _event_symbol(self, event):
- # pyglet.self.key keysymbols are identical to X11 keysymbols, no
- # need to map the keysymbol.
- symbol = xlib.XKeycodeToKeysym(self._x_display, event.xkey.keycode, 0)
- if symbol == 0:
- # XIM event
- return None
- elif symbol not in key._key_names.keys():
- symbol = key.user_key(event.xkey.keycode)
- return symbol
- '''
- def _event_text_symbol(self, ev):
- text = None
- symbol = xlib.KeySym()
- buffer = create_string_buffer(128)
- # Look up raw keysym before XIM filters it (default for keypress and
- # keyrelease)
- count = xlib.XLookupString(ev.xkey,
- buffer, len(buffer) - 1,
- byref(symbol), None)
- # Give XIM a shot
- filtered = xlib.XFilterEvent(ev, ev.xany.window)
- if ev.type == xlib.KeyPress and not filtered:
- status = c_int()
- if _have_utf8:
- encoding = 'utf8'
- count = xlib.Xutf8LookupString(self._x_ic,
- ev.xkey,
- buffer, len(buffer) - 1,
- byref(symbol), byref(status))
- if status.value == xlib.XBufferOverflow:
- raise NotImplementedError('TODO: XIM buffer resize')
- else:
- encoding = 'ascii'
- count = xlib.XLookupString(ev.xkey,
- buffer, len(buffer) - 1,
- byref(symbol), None)
- if count:
- status.value = xlib.XLookupBoth
- if status.value & (xlib.XLookupChars | xlib.XLookupBoth):
- text = buffer.value[:count].decode(encoding)
- # Don't treat Unicode command codepoints as text, except Return.
- if text and unicodedata.category(text) == 'Cc' and text != '\r':
- text = None
- symbol = symbol.value
- # If the event is a XIM filtered event, the keysym will be virtual
- # (e.g., aacute instead of A after a dead key). Drop it, we don't
- # want these kind of key events.
- if ev.xkey.keycode == 0 and not filtered:
- symbol = None
- # pyglet.self.key keysymbols are identical to X11 keysymbols, no
- # need to map the keysymbol. For keysyms outside the pyglet set, map
- # raw key code to a user key.
- if symbol and symbol not in key._key_names and ev.xkey.keycode:
- # Issue 353: Symbol is uppercase when shift key held down.
- try:
- symbol = ord(unichr(symbol).lower())
- except ValueError:
- # Not a valid unichr, use the keycode
- symbol = key.user_key(ev.xkey.keycode)
- else:
- # If still not recognised, use the keycode
- if symbol not in key._key_names:
- symbol = key.user_key(ev.xkey.keycode)
- if filtered:
- # The event was filtered, text must be ignored, but the symbol is
- # still good.
- return None, symbol
- return text, symbol
- def _event_text_motion(self, symbol, modifiers):
- if modifiers & key.MOD_ALT:
- return None
- ctrl = modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL != 0
- return _motion_map.get((symbol, ctrl), None)
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.KeyPress)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.KeyRelease)
- def _event_key_view(self, ev):
- # Try to detect autorepeat ourselves if the server doesn't support it
- # XXX: Doesn't always work, better off letting the server do it
- global _can_detect_autorepeat
- if not _can_detect_autorepeat and ev.type == xlib.KeyRelease:
- # Look in the queue for a matching KeyPress with same timestamp,
- # indicating an auto-repeat rather than actual key event.
- saved = []
- while True:
- auto_event = xlib.XEvent()
- result = xlib.XCheckWindowEvent(self._x_display,
- self._window, xlib.KeyPress|xlib.KeyRelease,
- byref(auto_event))
- if not result:
- break
- saved.append(auto_event)
- if auto_event.type == xlib.KeyRelease:
- # just save this off for restoration back to the queue
- continue
- if ev.xkey.keycode == auto_event.xkey.keycode:
- # Found a key repeat: dispatch EVENT_TEXT* event
- text, symbol = self._event_text_symbol(auto_event)
- modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xkey.state)
- modifiers_ctrl = modifiers & (key.MOD_CTRL | key.MOD_ALT)
- motion = self._event_text_motion(symbol, modifiers)
- if motion:
- if modifiers & key.MOD_SHIFT:
- self.dispatch_event(
- 'on_text_motion_select', motion)
- else:
- self.dispatch_event('on_text_motion', motion)
- elif text and not modifiers_ctrl:
- self.dispatch_event('on_text', text)
- ditched = saved.pop()
- for auto_event in reversed(saved):
- xlib.XPutBackEvent(self._x_display, byref(auto_event))
- return
- else:
- # Key code of press did not match, therefore no repeating
- # is going on, stop searching.
- break
- # Whoops, put the events back, it's for real.
- for auto_event in reversed(saved):
- xlib.XPutBackEvent(self._x_display, byref(auto_event))
- text, symbol = self._event_text_symbol(ev)
- modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xkey.state)
- modifiers_ctrl = modifiers & (key.MOD_CTRL | key.MOD_ALT)
- motion = self._event_text_motion(symbol, modifiers)
- if ev.type == xlib.KeyPress:
- if symbol and (not _can_detect_autorepeat or symbol not in self.pressed_keys):
- self.dispatch_event('on_key_press', symbol, modifiers)
- if _can_detect_autorepeat:
- self.pressed_keys.add(symbol)
- if motion:
- if modifiers & key.MOD_SHIFT:
- self.dispatch_event('on_text_motion_select', motion)
- else:
- self.dispatch_event('on_text_motion', motion)
- elif text and not modifiers_ctrl:
- self.dispatch_event('on_text', text)
- elif ev.type == xlib.KeyRelease:
- if symbol:
- self.dispatch_event('on_key_release', symbol, modifiers)
- if _can_detect_autorepeat and symbol in self.pressed_keys:
- self.pressed_keys.remove(symbol)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.KeyPress)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.KeyRelease)
- def _event_key(self, ev):
- return self._event_key_view(ev)
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.MotionNotify)
- def _event_motionnotify_view(self, ev):
- x = ev.xmotion.x
- y = self.height - ev.xmotion.y
- if self._mouse_in_window:
- dx = x - self._mouse_x
- dy = y - self._mouse_y
- else:
- dx = dy = 0
- if self._applied_mouse_exclusive and \
- (ev.xmotion.x, ev.xmotion.y) == self._mouse_exclusive_client:
- # Ignore events caused by XWarpPointer
- self._mouse_x = x
- self._mouse_y = y
- return
- if self._applied_mouse_exclusive:
- # Reset pointer position
- ex, ey = self._mouse_exclusive_client
- xlib.XWarpPointer(self._x_display,
- 0,
- self._window,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0,
- ex, ey)
- self._mouse_x = x
- self._mouse_y = y
- self._mouse_in_window = True
- buttons = 0
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button1MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.LEFT
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button2MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.MIDDLE
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button3MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.RIGHT
- if buttons:
- # Drag event
- modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xmotion.state)
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_drag',
- x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)
- else:
- # Motion event
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_motion', x, y, dx, dy)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.MotionNotify)
- def _event_motionnotify(self, ev):
- # Window motion looks for drags that are outside the view but within
- # the window.
- buttons = 0
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button1MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.LEFT
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button2MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.MIDDLE
- if ev.xmotion.state & xlib.Button3MotionMask:
- buttons |= mouse.RIGHT
- if buttons:
- # Drag event
- x = ev.xmotion.x - self._view_x
- y = self._height - (ev.xmotion.y - self._view_y)
- if self._mouse_in_window:
- dx = x - self._mouse_x
- dy = y - self._mouse_y
- else:
- dx = dy = 0
- self._mouse_x = x
- self._mouse_y = y
- modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xmotion.state)
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_drag',
- x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.ClientMessage)
- def _event_clientmessage(self, ev):
- atom = ev.xclient.data.l[0]
- if atom == xlib.XInternAtom(ev.xclient.display,
- asbytes('WM_DELETE_WINDOW'), False):
- self.dispatch_event('on_close')
- elif (self._enable_xsync and
- atom == xlib.XInternAtom(ev.xclient.display,
- asbytes('_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST'), False)):
- lo = ev.xclient.data.l[2]
- hi = ev.xclient.data.l[3]
- self._current_sync_value = xsync.XSyncValue(hi, lo)
- def _sync_resize(self):
- if self._enable_xsync and self._current_sync_valid:
- if xsync.XSyncValueIsZero(self._current_sync_value):
- self._current_sync_valid = False
- return
- xsync.XSyncSetCounter(self._x_display,
- self._sync_counter,
- self._current_sync_value)
- self._current_sync_value = None
- self._current_sync_valid = False
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.ButtonPress)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.ButtonRelease)
- def _event_button(self, ev):
- x = ev.xbutton.x
- y = self.height - ev.xbutton.y
- button = 1 << (ev.xbutton.button - 1) # 1, 2, 3 -> 1, 2, 4
- modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xbutton.state)
- if ev.type == xlib.ButtonPress:
- # override_redirect issue: manually activate this window if
- # fullscreen.
- if self._override_redirect and not self._active:
- self.activate()
- if ev.xbutton.button == 4:
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, 1)
- elif ev.xbutton.button == 5:
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, -1)
- elif ev.xbutton.button < len(self._mouse_buttons):
- self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = True
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_press',
- x, y, button, modifiers)
- else:
- if ev.xbutton.button < 4:
- self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = False
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_release',
- x, y, button, modifiers)
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.Expose)
- def _event_expose(self, ev):
- # Ignore all expose events except the last one. We could be told
- # about exposure rects - but I don't see the point since we're
- # working with OpenGL and we'll just redraw the whole scene.
- if ev.xexpose.count > 0: return
- self.dispatch_event('on_expose')
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.EnterNotify)
- def _event_enternotify(self, ev):
- # figure active mouse buttons
- # XXX ignore modifier state?
- state = ev.xcrossing.state
- self._mouse_buttons[1] = state & xlib.Button1Mask
- self._mouse_buttons[2] = state & xlib.Button2Mask
- self._mouse_buttons[3] = state & xlib.Button3Mask
- self._mouse_buttons[4] = state & xlib.Button4Mask
- self._mouse_buttons[5] = state & xlib.Button5Mask
- # mouse position
- x = self._mouse_x = ev.xcrossing.x
- y = self._mouse_y = self.height - ev.xcrossing.y
- self._mouse_in_window = True
- # XXX there may be more we could do here
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_enter', x, y)
- @ViewEventHandler
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.LeaveNotify)
- def _event_leavenotify(self, ev):
- x = self._mouse_x = ev.xcrossing.x
- y = self._mouse_y = self.height - ev.xcrossing.y
- self._mouse_in_window = False
- self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_leave', x, y)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.ConfigureNotify)
- def _event_configurenotify(self, ev):
- if self._enable_xsync and self._current_sync_value:
- self._current_sync_valid = True
- if self._fullscreen:
- return
- self.switch_to()
- w, h = ev.xconfigure.width, ev.xconfigure.height
- x, y = ev.xconfigure.x, ev.xconfigure.y
- if self._width != w or self._height != h:
- self._width = w
- self._height = h
- self._update_view_size()
- self._needs_resize = True
- if self._x != x or self._y != y:
- self.dispatch_event('on_move', x, y)
- self._x = x
- self._y = y
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.FocusIn)
- def _event_focusin(self, ev):
- self._active = True
- self._update_exclusivity()
- self.dispatch_event('on_activate')
- xlib.XSetICFocus(self._x_ic)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.FocusOut)
- def _event_focusout(self, ev):
- self._active = False
- self._update_exclusivity()
- self.dispatch_event('on_deactivate')
- xlib.XUnsetICFocus(self._x_ic)
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.MapNotify)
- def _event_mapnotify(self, ev):
- self._mapped = True
- self.dispatch_event('on_show')
- self._update_exclusivity()
- @XlibEventHandler(xlib.UnmapNotify)
- def _event_unmapnotify(self, ev):
- self._mapped = False
- self.dispatch_event('on_hide')