XML | 1322 lines | 1321 code | 1 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 15e95767d34a702eddc59ad97b0fb1ee MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <doc>
- <assembly>
- <name>Delta.Utilities</name>
- </assembly>
- <members>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector">
- <summary>
- Vector class, will be automatically merged with XNA, OpenTK and SlimDx
- vector classes by the build system for quick access and optimized code
- paths (as it turns out however it seems most of our own methods are
- faster than those from XNA, OpenTK or SlimDx, see results below in the
- VectorPerformance class or more importantly MatrixPerformance).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary">
- <summary>
- This interface allows saving and loading of an object into and from a
- byte data stream. For speed and simplicity the BinaryWriter and
- BinaryReader classes are used to save and load the bytes. This interface
- is usually used to save and load simple data types inside a larger
- structure (e.g. scene files, level files, model data, etc. all use
- Points, Rectangles, Vectors, Matrices, etc.).
- <para />
- Please note that some complex classes with safe loading processes will
- need an additional layer on top of BinaryLoader to make sure data can
- be loaded even if one of the contained ISaveLoadBinary data types is
- corrupt. Then the stream is advanced by the number of bytes used and
- the failed loading of the object is reported, but the rest works fine!
- <para />
- Please use Factory.Load and .Save or the Content.Get functionality to
- create and load classes using this interface. FileHelper.Load and
- FileHelper.Save are useful functions for this interface.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
- <summary>
- Saves all necessary data of the object into a binary writer stream for
- the caller to use for saving (or sending over network).
- </summary>
- <param name="writer">BinaryWriter for the stream to write into</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
- <summary>
- Loads the object again from previously saved data.
- </summary>
- <param name="reader">BinaryReader for reading the data</param>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DataSize">
- <summary>
- Represents the size in bytes of a Vector (3 * 4 = 12 bytes).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Zero">
- <summary>
- Returns a Vector with every value set to 0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Half">
- <summary>
- Returns a Vector with every value set to 0.5
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.One">
- <summary>
- Returns a Vector with every value set to 1
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitX">
- <summary>
- Returns a unit vector on the X axis (1, 0, 0)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitY">
- <summary>
- Returns a unit vector on the Y axis (0, 1, 0)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitZ">
- <summary>
- Returns a unit vector on the Z axis (0, 0, 1)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Add(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Add the components two vectors
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>
- New vector with X, Y and Z added from value1 and value2.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Add(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Add the components two vectors
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">
- New vector with X, Y and Z added from value1 and value2.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Subtract(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Subtract
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">
- New vector with X, Y and Z value2 values subtracted from value1.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Multiply the components of a vector with the specified factor.
- </summary>
- <param name="scaleFactor">scale factor</param>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <returns>Multiplied vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Multiply the components of a vector with the specified factor.
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <param name="scaleFactor">scale factor</param>
- <param name="result">Multiplied vector</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Multiply the components of two vectors
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- <returns>Multiplied vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Divide(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Divide vector through a value
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- <param name="result">Divided vector</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Negate(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Negate
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value to negate</param>
- <param name="result">Negated vector</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Min(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Return minimum values from 2 vectors (x, y, and z are checked
- separately). If you use XNA, SlimDX or Delta's fallback code than a
- vector containing the smallest values will be returned.
- OpenTK would return the vector with the smallest DistanceSquared,
- which is wrong for us and won't be used!
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- <returns>minimum values from 2 vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Min(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Minimum
- </summary>
- <param name="result">result</param>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Max(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Return maximum values from 2 vectors (largest x, y and z values).
- If you use XNA, SlimDX or Delta's fallback code than a vector
- containing the largest values will be returned.
- OpenTK would return the vector with the biggest DistanceSquared,
- which is wrong for us and won't be used!
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- <returns>maximum values from 2 vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Max(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Maximum
- </summary>
- <param name="result">result</param>
- <param name="value1">value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">value 2</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Dot(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Dot product of 2 vectors, will return 1 if vectors are equal,
- and 0 if vectors are orthogonal (90 degrees) and -1 if vectors
- pointing into opposite directions.
- </summary>
- <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>Dot product</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Dot(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
- <summary>
- Dot product of 2 vectors, will return 1 if vectors are equal,
- and 0 if vectors are orthogonal (90 degrees) and -1 if vectors
- pointing into opposite directions.
- </summary>
- <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">Dot product</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Clamp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Clamp. Computing the closest point in an bounding box to a point.
- Notice that if the point is already inside the box, then this code
- returns the original point.
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector value to clamp</param>
- <param name="max">
- Maximum vector (each component is checked individually)
- </param>
- <param name="min">
- Minimum vector (each component is checked individually)
- </param>
- <returns>
- Clamped vector that has all components between min and max.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Clamp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Clamp. Computing the closest point in an bounding box to a point.
- Notice that if the point is already inside the box, then this code
- returns the original point.
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector value to clamp</param>
- <param name="max">
- Maximum vector (each component is checked individually)
- </param>
- <param name="min">
- Minimum vector (each component is checked individually)
- </param>
- <param name="result">
- Clamped vector that has all components between min and max.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Cross(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Cross product of vector1 and vector2. Please note that if your vectors
- are not normalized or they are not orthogonal to each other, you should
- normalize the result if it is used for other calculations requiring
- normalized vectors (e.g. camera code or for billboards).
- </summary>
- <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>Cross product between vector 1 and 2</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Cross(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Cross product of vector1 and vector2. Please note that if your vectors
- are not normalized or they are not orthogonal to each other, you should
- normalize the result if it is used for other calculations requiring
- normalized vectors (e.g. camera code or for billboards).
- </summary>
- <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">Cross product between vector 1 and 2</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Distance(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Distance between two points (DistanceSquared is faster)
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>Distance between vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Distance(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
- <summary>
- Distance between two points (DistanceSquared is faster)
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">Distance between vectors</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DistanceSquared(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Distance squared
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>Squared distance between vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DistanceSquared(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
- <summary>
- Distance squared
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="result">Squared distance between vectors</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Normalize the given vector and return the normalized version of it.
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector to normalize</param>
- <returns>Normalized vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Normalize the given vector.
- </summary>
- <param name="value">
- Vector to normalize, will be normalized after calling this method.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.TransformNormal(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
- <summary>
- Transform normal (a Vector3 version of Transform, that won't use the
- translation part of the matrix).
- </summary>
- <param name="normal">Normal to transform</param>
- <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
- <returns>Transformed normal vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.TransformNormal(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Transform normal (a Vector3 version of Transform, that won't use the
- translation part of the matrix).
- </summary>
- <param name="normal">
- The normal vector which will be transformed by the matrix.
- </param>
- <param name="matrix">
- The matrix used for transforming the provided vector.
- </param>
- <param name="result">The resulting transformed normal vector.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Transform(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
- <summary>
- Transform the given vector by the matrix. Note: This method is slower
- than the ref version, which should be used for performance critical
- code!
- </summary>
- <param name="position">Position vector to transform</param>
- <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
- <returns>Transformed vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Transform(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Transform the given vector by the matrix (faster ref version).
- </summary>
- <param name="position">Position vector to transform</param>
- <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
- <param name="result">Transformed vector</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.AngleBetweenVectors(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Angle between vectors in degrees.
- http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/vectors/angleBetween/index.htm
- RadiansToDegrees(atan2(a.y,a.x) - atan2(b.y,b.x)) would only give
- you 0-180 degrees, but we want full 0-360 degrees with Acos :)
- <para />
- Note: If one of the vectors is zero the method we will return 0.0f.
- </summary>
- <param name="a">First vector.</param>
- <param name="b">Second vector.</param>
- <returns>Angle between the two vectors in the range [0, 360]</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Lerp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors.
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="amount">Interpolation amount</param>
- <returns>Interpolated vector between vector 1 and 2</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Lerp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
- <summary>
- Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors.
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <param name="amount">Interpolation amount</param>
- <param name="result">Interpolated vector between vector 1 and 2</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetByIndex(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Get a vector side (X, Y or Z) by index (0, 1 or 2).
- </summary>
- <param name="index">
- Index, 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z, all other values will thrown an
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- </param>
- <param name="vec">Vector for the X, Y or Z values.</param>
- <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
- If index is outside of 0-2.
- </exception>
- <returns>X, Y or Z value depending on the index.</returns>
- <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
- Throws index out of range exception if index is not 0, 1 or 2.
- </exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.FromString(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Convert a string to a Vector. The expected format is (x.x, y.y, z.z)
- </summary>
- <param name="vectorString">The string containing the values in the
- correct format.</param>
- <returns>Vector from string if possible, otherwise Zero</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.X">
- <summary>
- X coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
- union vector and value 0 means the first float
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Y">
- <summary>
- Y coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
- union vector and value 4 means the second float (4 bytes per float).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Z">
- <summary>
- Z coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
- union vector and value 8 means the third float (4 bytes per float).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Point,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Create vector
- </summary>
- <param name="value">value</param>
- <param name="z">z</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Create vector
- </summary>
- <param name="setX">Set x</param>
- <param name="setY">Set y</param>
- <param name="setZ">Set z</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
- <summary>
- Create vector
- </summary>
- <param name="reader">reader</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Equals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Equals
- </summary>
- <param name="other">Other</param>
- <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
- <summary>
- Load all vector values from a stream (reads 12 bytes, 3 floats)
- </summary>
- <param name="reader">The stream that will be used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
- <summary>
- Saves this vector to a stream (12 bytes, 3 floats).
- </summary>
- <param name="writer">The stream that will be used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Equality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Check for equality
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>True if the vectors are equal</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Inequality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Check for inequality
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>True if the vectors are not equal.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Addition(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Operator for addition
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>
- New vector with X, Y and Z values added from value1 and value2.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_UnaryNegation(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Operator for unary negation
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <returns>Negated vector</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Subtraction(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Operator for subtraction
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>X, Y and Z of value2 subtracted from value1</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Operator for multiplication
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
- <returns>Dot product, which is the multiplication result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Operator for multiplication
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
- <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Operator for multiplication
- </summary>
- <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
- <summary>
- Operator for multiplication
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <param name="transformMatrix">Transformation matrix</param>
- <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Division(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Operator for division
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
- <returns>Division result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Division(System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Op multiply
- </summary>
- <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
- <param name="value">Vector value</param>
- <returns>Division result</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize">
- <summary>
- Normalize this vector.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetByIndex(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Get a vector side (X, Y or Z) by index (0, 1 or 2).
- </summary>
- <param name="index">
- Index, 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z, all other values will thrown an
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- </param>
- <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
- If index is outside of 0-2.
- </exception>
- <returns>X, Y or Z value depending on the index.</returns>
- <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">Unsupported index</exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetHashCode">
- <summary>
- Get hash code
- </summary>
- <returns>Hash code from X, Y and Z</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.NearlyEquals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
- <summary>
- Equals
- </summary>
- <param name="other">Other</param>
- <param name="epsilon">Epsilon difference we allow for
- floating imprecission</param>
- <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Equals(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Equals
- </summary>
- <param name="obj">Object to check against</param>
- <returns>True if obj is a Vector and is equal to this vector.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToPoint">
- <summary>
- Creates a Point from the X and Y values
- </summary>
- <returns>Point created from X and Y values of this vector.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToArray">
- <summary>
- Returns the vector as float array (X, Y, Z)
- </summary>
- <returns>
- Array with just X, Y and Z float values created from this Vector.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToString">
- <summary>
- To string, also used for the old ToColladaString method, this
- is precise enough to be used for saving collada files.
- </summary>
- <returns>
- Text string with the vector in braces, e.g. "(0.4, 2.8)"
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToString(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- To string, also used for the old ToColladaString method, this
- is precise enough to be used for saving collada files.
- </summary>
- <param name="openBrace">Add open brace string, e.g. "("</param>
- <param name="closeBrace">Add close brace string, e.g. ")"</param>
- <returns>String with X, Y and Z values with the format 0.0000</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.XProperty">
- <summary>
- Property-wrapper for using the X field in the editor.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.YProperty">
- <summary>
- Property-wrapper for using the Y field in the editor
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ZProperty">
- <summary>
- Property-wrapper for using the Z field in the editor
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Length">
- <summary>
- The length of the vector. This takes the square root and thus is
- slower than using LengthSquared.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.LengthSquared">
- <summary>
- Length squared, much faster than using Length because we do not
- have to take the square root.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.IsNormalized">
- <summary>
- Is normalized? Will return true if the vector length is 1.0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests">
- <summary>
- Tests
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.SizeOf">
- <summary>
- Checks if the size of Point is exactly 8 bytes (2 floats: X and Y)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Length">
- <summary>
- Length
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.LengthSquared">
- <summary>
- Length squared
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.AngleBetweenVectors">
- <summary>
- Angle between vectors
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.NearlyEqual">
- <summary>
- Nearly equal
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.ToPoint">
- <summary>
- To string
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Equality">
- <summary>
- Equality
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Addition">
- <summary>
- Addition
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Substraction">
- <summary>
- Substraction
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Multiplication">
- <summary>
- Multiplication
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Division">
- <summary>
- Multiplication
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Min">
- <summary>
- Minimum
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Max">
- <summary>
- Maximum
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Dot">
- <summary>
- Dot
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Clamp">
- <summary>
- Clamp
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Cross">
- <summary>
- Cross
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Distance">
- <summary>
- Distance
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.DistanceSquared">
- <summary>
- Distance squared
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Normalize">
- <summary>
- Normalize
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.TransformNormal">
- <summary>
- Transform normal
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.VectorToString">
- <summary>
- To string
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance">
- <summary>
- Vector performance class to figure out performance differences between
- different implementations of Vector methods available on different
- platforms and in different frameworks.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestLength">
- <summary>
- Test the length property of the Vector class.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestDot">
- <summary>
- Test the dot method of the vector struct.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestCross">
- <summary>
- Test the cross method of the vector struct.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestDistance">
- <summary>
- Test the distance method of the vector struct.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestNormalize">
- <summary>
- Test the normalize method of the vector struct.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestTransformNormal">
- <summary>
- Test the transform normal method of the vector struct.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.ExecuteAllForPerformanceOverview">
- <summary>
- Execute all vector tests for a performance overview.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox">
- <summary>
- Bounding box helper structure, basically just contains a min and max
- vector for the bounding. Can also be used to calculate a BoundingSphere.
- <para />
- Little ASCII art for the BoundingBox (Note: Does not translate well into
- the documentation, see the BoundingBox.cs file for details):
- o--------o
- /: /| Y (TOP)
- / : / | |
- o--------M | |
- | : | | |
- | m.....|..o o------X (RIGHT)
- | ' | / /
- |' |/ /
- o--------o Z (FRONT)
- m is the Min component, M is the Max component
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains">
- <summary>
- Interface IContains checks whether a Delta.Utilities.Datatypes
- contains another datatype.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether a Box contains another box or sphere
- </summary>
- <param name="box">Box to check against</param>
- <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingSphere)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether a sphere contains another box or sphere
- </summary>
- <param name="sphere">Sphere to check against</param>
- <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Checks whether a box or sphere contains a vector position.
- </summary>
- <param name="position">Position to check against</param>
- <returns>Either the position is inside the box or sphere (
- <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.Fully"/> is returned), or not (then
- <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.None"/> is returned).</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Create(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector})">
- <summary>
- Creates a bounding box around the given positions.
- </summary>
- <param name="setPositions">Set positions</param>
- <returns>The created bounding box</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Min">
- <summary>
- Min values for this bounding box
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Max">
- <summary>
- Max values for this bounding box
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.#ctor(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Create bounding box
- </summary>
- <param name="setMax">SetMax</param>
- <param name="setMin">SetMin</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether a Box contains another box
- </summary>
- <param name="box">Box to check against</param>
- <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingSphere)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether a box contains another sphere
- </summary>
- <param name="sphere">The sphere.</param>
- <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
- <summary>
- Checks whether this box contains a vector position.
- </summary>
- <param name="position">Position to check against</param>
- <returns>Either the position is inside the box or sphere (
- <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.Fully"/> is returned), or not (then
- <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.None"/> is returned).</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Equals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Equals
- </summary>
- <param name="other">Other</param>
- <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
- <summary>
- Load the BoundingBox values (Min and Max vectors) from a stream.
- </summary>
- <param name="reader">The stream that will be used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
- <summary>
- Saves the BoundingBox (Min and Max vectors) to a stream.
- </summary>
- <param name="writer">The stream that will be used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.op_Equality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Check for equality
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Value 2</param>
- <returns>True if the values are equal, false otherwise</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.op_Inequality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Check for inequality
- </summary>
- <param name="value1">Value 1</param>
- <param name="value2">Value 2</param>
- <returns>True if the values are not equal, false if they are</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Equals(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Check if an object is equal to this bounding box.
- </summary>
- <param name="obj">Object to compare</param>
- <returns>True if obj is a boundbing box and equals to this</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.GetHashCode">
- <summary>
- Get hash code from min and max.
- </summary>
- <returns>Hash code</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Merge(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
- <summary>
- Merge two bounding boxes together building a bigger box.
- </summary>
- <param name="otherBox">Other box</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.ToBoundingSphere">
- <summary>
- Create bounding sphere from Min and Max values of this box.
- </summary>
- <returns>BoundingSphere created from this bounding box size.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.ToString">
- <summary>
- To string
- </summary>
- <returns>String</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Center">
- <summary>
- Gets the center point of this bounding box.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests">
- <summary>
- Tests
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Merge">
- <summary>
- Merge
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Create">
- <summary>
- Create
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Contains">
- <summary>
- ContainsFully
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.ToBoundingSphere">
- <summary>
- Test Bounding spheres
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Equality">
- <summary>
- Equality
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.SaveAndLoad">
- <summary>
- Test to save and load spheres into a binary stream
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper">
- <summary>
- File helper class to get text lines, number of text lines, etc. This
- extends the existing File and Path functionality of .NET.
- <para />
- This class also abstracts the use of File.Exists and File.Open for
- platforms like WP7 where those calls are not allowed (instead the
- IsolatedStorage classes are used, which just allow access to the
- current directory, which is all we need in the engine internally).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.FileExtensionSeperator">
- <summary>
- The typical file extension separator is just a dot: .
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.FolderSeparator">
- <summary>
- Represents the separator for folders in file paths on microsoft
- platforms.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.AlternateFolderSeparator">
- <summary>
- Represents the separator for folders in file paths on Unix platforms.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.AllFolderSeparators">
- <summary>
- Both folder separators together in one char array, used for GetFilename
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Exists(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Check if the file exists.
- On WP7 this is looking for the file in the Isolated Storage.
- </summary>
- <param name="filename">Filename</param>
- <returns>filename</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Copy(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Copy the source file to the destination file.
- Note: this method overwrites existing destination files!
- </summary>
- <param name="sourceFile">Source filepath.</param>
- <param name="destinationFile">Destination Filepath.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Move(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Move the source file to the destination file.
- </summary>
- <param name="sourceFile">Source filepath.</param>
- <param name="destinationFile">Destination filepath.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Open(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Opens a the given file (will not create it if it doesn't exists) on
- platforms where this is possible.
- <para />
- Note: The file-mode is "Open" only and the file-access + file-share
- mode is "Read".
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Open(System.String,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare)">
- <summary>
- Open, will use File.Open on platforms where this is possible.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Rename(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Rename the file.
- </summary>
- <param name="sourceFile">Path to the file to rename.</param>
- <param name="destFile">Path to the file after rename.</param>
- <returns>True if succeeded otherwise false.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Extracts filename from full path+filename, but don't cuts off the
- extension. Can be also used to cut of directories from a path (only
- last one will remain).
- </summary>
- <returns>filename</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String,System.String@)">
- <summary>
- Extracts filename from full path+filename, but don't cuts off the
- extension. Can be also used to cut of directories from a path (only
- last one will remain).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Extracts filename from full path+filename, cuts of extension
- if cutExtension is true. Can be also used to cut of directories
- from a path (only last one will remain).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.IsFilenameOnly(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Is filename only
- </summary>
- <param name="anyFilePath">Any file path</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.HasFileNoExtension(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Has a filename no extension
- </summary>
- <param name="anyFilePath">Any file path</param>
- <returns>True if the given file path has no extension.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get directory of path+File, if only a path is given we will cut off
- the last sub path!
- </summary>
- <param name="filePath">File path</param>
- <returns>Directory path</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(System.String,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Get directory sub path of the given path or file path.
- (-> e.g. "FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(@"C:\Ab\cde\App.exe", 2)" will
- return "C:\Ab")
- </summary>
- <param name="filePath">File path</param>
- <param name="jumpbackCount">
- The number of folders it should be "jumped" back.
- </param>
- <returns>Directory path</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFirstDirectoryName(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get first directory of path or file path! Returns "c:" for "C:\test.x"
- or "bla" for "bla\blub\honk.txt".
- </summary>
- <param name="pathFile">Path file to search</param>
- <returns>First found directory part</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLastDirectoryName(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get last directory of path+File, if only a path is given we will cut
- off the last sub path! Returns "Models" for "C:\aoeus\Models\test.x".
- Warning: If you just use a path, the results might be different from
- what you want (use GetFilename instead): ""C:\aoeus\Models" will return
- "aoeus" and not "Models".
- </summary>
- <param name="pathFile">Path file to search</param>
- <returns>Last found directory</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.RemoveFirstDirectory(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Remove first directory of path if one exists. "maps\\mymaps\\hehe.map"
- becomes "mymaps\\hehe.map". Also used to cut first folder off,
- especially useful for paths. e.g. "maps\\test" becomes "test".
- </summary>
- <param name="path">Path</param>
- <returns>Reduced directory path</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CutExtension(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Cut of extension, e.g. "hi.txt" becomes "hi"
- </summary>
- <param name="file">File</param>
- <returns>Filename without extension</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetExtension(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get extension (whatever is behind that '.'), e.g. "test.bmp" will
- return "bmp". Only a filename will return "", e.g. "Test" returns ""
- </summary>
- <param name="file">Filename to get the extension from</param>
- <returns>Returns the extension string of the file.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseRelativePath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Helper function for saving, we check if path starts with same as
- our application. If so, better use relative path, then we can use
- them even if application is moved or copied over network!
- </summary>
- <param name="fullPath">Full path to check against</param>
- <returns>Relative path starting at fullPath if possible</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseRelativePath(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Helper function for saving, we check if path starts with same as
- our application. If so, better use relative path, then we can use
- them even if application is moved or copied over network!
- </summary>
- <param name="pathToCheckFrom">Path to check from (e.g. from our
- application) and the origin for the relative path that is returned
- </param>
- <param name="fullPath">Full path to check against</param>
- <returns>Relative path starting at fullPath if possible</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseAbsolutePath(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Helper method to use an absolute path. If the path is already absolute
- nothing will change, but if the path is relative the basePath is added.
- </summary>
- <param name="basePath">Path to check from</param>
- <param name="possibleFullPath">Full or relative path to check.</param>
- <returns>Absolute path to the file</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.IsDirectSubFolder(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Check if a folder is a direct sub folder of a main folder.
- True is only returned if this is a direct sub folder, not if
- it is some sub folder few levels below.
- </summary>
- <param name="mainFolder">MainFolder</param>
- <param name="subFolder">SubFolder</param>
- <returns>
- True if the subFolder is a direct sub folder of mainFolder.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CleanupWindowsPath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Cleans up the given path, so that it's in an homogenous unix/web path.
- E.g. ".\MyPath\With/Subfolder" => "My/Path/With/Subfolder"
- Also used by our whole content pipeline to make searching easier.
- </summary>
- <param name="anyPath">Any path in windows or unix format</param>
- <returns>Path in windows format</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CleanupLinuxPath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Cleans up the given path, so that it's in an homogenous unix/web path.
- E.g. ".\MyPath\With/Subfolder" => "My/Path/With/Subfolder"
- Also used by our whole content pipeline to make searching easier.
- </summary>
- <param name="anyPath">Any path in windows or unix format</param>
- <returns>Path in unix format</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetRelativeFilePath(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get relative file path of a given absolute file path based on basePath.
- If the basePath and the absoluteFilePath share something in common this
- method will try to remove the common part (e.g. "c:\code\Delta\bla"
- in the basePath "c:\code" will be reduced to "Delta\bla" or in the
- basePath "c:\code\DeltaEngine" will be "..\Delta\bla").
- </summary>
- <param name="absoluteFilePath">
- Absolute file path, might already be relative or even be on a different
- drive, then it will just be returned.
- </param>
- <param name="basePath">Base path</param>
- <returns>Relative path if possible</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TrimPath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Removes all unnecessary relative path fragments and will return a
- trimmed path. Useful in combination with GetRelativeFilePath.
- <para />
- Example: "C:\Path\SubPath1\..\SubPath2\file.exe" will become to
- "C:\Path\SubPath2\file.exe". Also works with relative paths and unix
- paths (e.g. '/SomePath/../SomeFile.xml' will become 'SomeFile.xml').
- </summary>
- <param name="filePath">Path to be shortened if possible.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFileSize(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get file size. Returns 0 if file does not exists instead of throwing
- an exception. Else it returns file size as a long number.
- </summary>
- <param name="filename">Filename</param>
- <returns>Long</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLines(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the text lines we got in a file.
- </summary>
- <param name="filename">Filename</param>
- <returns>
- All text lines from the file or null if no file was found.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLines(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
- <summary>
- Returns the text lines we got in a file. Will not crash! If file does
- not exist, we will just return null, same for an unreadable file.
- </summary>
- <param name="filename">Filename</param>
- <param name="textEncoding">Text encoding</param>
- <returns>
- All text lines from the file or null if no file was found.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetText(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets all the text of a file (e.g. if you just want to the text of a
- text file). Will not crash! If file does not exist, we will just return
- an empty string. If file is somehow unreadable, we will log an warning
- (because this shouldn't happen, we should always open files in a way
- that allows reading) and return an empty string too.
- </summary>
- <param name="filename">Filename for the file to load</param>
- <returns>String with all the text from the file</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetText(System.String,System.String@)">
- <summary>
- Gets all the text of a file (e.g. if you just want to the text of a
- text file). Will not crash! If file does not exist, we will just return
- an empty