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XML | 1322 lines | 1321 code | 1 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 15e95767d34a702eddc59ad97b0fb1ee MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Delta.Utilities</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector">
  8. <summary>
  9. Vector class, will be automatically merged with XNA, OpenTK and SlimDx
  10. vector classes by the build system for quick access and optimized code
  11. paths (as it turns out however it seems most of our own methods are
  12. faster than those from XNA, OpenTK or SlimDx, see results below in the
  13. VectorPerformance class or more importantly MatrixPerformance).
  14. </summary>
  15. </member>
  16. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary">
  17. <summary>
  18. This interface allows saving and loading of an object into and from a
  19. byte data stream. For speed and simplicity the BinaryWriter and
  20. BinaryReader classes are used to save and load the bytes. This interface
  21. is usually used to save and load simple data types inside a larger
  22. structure (e.g. scene files, level files, model data, etc. all use
  23. Points, Rectangles, Vectors, Matrices, etc.).
  24. <para />
  25. Please note that some complex classes with safe loading processes will
  26. need an additional layer on top of BinaryLoader to make sure data can
  27. be loaded even if one of the contained ISaveLoadBinary data types is
  28. corrupt. Then the stream is advanced by the number of bytes used and
  29. the failed loading of the object is reported, but the rest works fine!
  30. <para />
  31. Please use Factory.Load and .Save or the Content.Get functionality to
  32. create and load classes using this interface. FileHelper.Load and
  33. FileHelper.Save are useful functions for this interface.
  34. </summary>
  35. </member>
  36. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
  37. <summary>
  38. Saves all necessary data of the object into a binary writer stream for
  39. the caller to use for saving (or sending over network).
  40. </summary>
  41. <param name="writer">BinaryWriter for the stream to write into</param>
  42. </member>
  43. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.ISaveLoadBinary.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
  44. <summary>
  45. Loads the object again from previously saved data.
  46. </summary>
  47. <param name="reader">BinaryReader for reading the data</param>
  48. </member>
  49. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DataSize">
  50. <summary>
  51. Represents the size in bytes of a Vector (3 * 4 = 12 bytes).
  52. </summary>
  53. </member>
  54. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Zero">
  55. <summary>
  56. Returns a Vector with every value set to 0
  57. </summary>
  58. </member>
  59. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Half">
  60. <summary>
  61. Returns a Vector with every value set to 0.5
  62. </summary>
  63. </member>
  64. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.One">
  65. <summary>
  66. Returns a Vector with every value set to 1
  67. </summary>
  68. </member>
  69. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitX">
  70. <summary>
  71. Returns a unit vector on the X axis (1, 0, 0)
  72. </summary>
  73. </member>
  74. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitY">
  75. <summary>
  76. Returns a unit vector on the Y axis (0, 1, 0)
  77. </summary>
  78. </member>
  79. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.UnitZ">
  80. <summary>
  81. Returns a unit vector on the Z axis (0, 0, 1)
  82. </summary>
  83. </member>
  84. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Add(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  85. <summary>
  86. Add the components two vectors
  87. </summary>
  88. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  89. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  90. <returns>
  91. New vector with X, Y and Z added from value1 and value2.
  92. </returns>
  93. </member>
  94. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Add(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  95. <summary>
  96. Add the components two vectors
  97. </summary>
  98. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  99. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  100. <param name="result">
  101. New vector with X, Y and Z added from value1 and value2.
  102. </param>
  103. </member>
  104. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Subtract(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  105. <summary>
  106. Subtract
  107. </summary>
  108. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  109. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  110. <param name="result">
  111. New vector with X, Y and Z value2 values subtracted from value1.
  112. </param>
  113. </member>
  114. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
  115. <summary>
  116. Multiply the components of a vector with the specified factor.
  117. </summary>
  118. <param name="scaleFactor">scale factor</param>
  119. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  120. <returns>Multiplied vector</returns>
  121. </member>
  122. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  123. <summary>
  124. Multiply the components of a vector with the specified factor.
  125. </summary>
  126. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  127. <param name="scaleFactor">scale factor</param>
  128. <param name="result">Multiplied vector</param>
  129. </member>
  130. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  131. <summary>
  132. Multiply the components of two vectors
  133. </summary>
  134. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  135. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  136. <returns>Multiplied vector</returns>
  137. </member>
  138. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Divide(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  139. <summary>
  140. Divide vector through a value
  141. </summary>
  142. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  143. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  144. <param name="result">Divided vector</param>
  145. </member>
  146. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Negate(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  147. <summary>
  148. Negate
  149. </summary>
  150. <param name="value">Vector value to negate</param>
  151. <param name="result">Negated vector</param>
  152. </member>
  153. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Min(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  154. <summary>
  155. Return minimum values from 2 vectors (x, y, and z are checked
  156. separately). If you use XNA, SlimDX or Delta's fallback code than a
  157. vector containing the smallest values will be returned.
  158. OpenTK would return the vector with the smallest DistanceSquared,
  159. which is wrong for us and won't be used!
  160. </summary>
  161. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  162. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  163. <returns>minimum values from 2 vectors</returns>
  164. </member>
  165. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Min(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  166. <summary>
  167. Minimum
  168. </summary>
  169. <param name="result">result</param>
  170. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  171. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  172. </member>
  173. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Max(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  174. <summary>
  175. Return maximum values from 2 vectors (largest x, y and z values).
  176. If you use XNA, SlimDX or Delta's fallback code than a vector
  177. containing the largest values will be returned.
  178. OpenTK would return the vector with the biggest DistanceSquared,
  179. which is wrong for us and won't be used!
  180. </summary>
  181. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  182. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  183. <returns>maximum values from 2 vectors</returns>
  184. </member>
  185. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Max(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  186. <summary>
  187. Maximum
  188. </summary>
  189. <param name="result">result</param>
  190. <param name="value1">value 1</param>
  191. <param name="value2">value 2</param>
  192. </member>
  193. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Dot(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  194. <summary>
  195. Dot product of 2 vectors, will return 1 if vectors are equal,
  196. and 0 if vectors are orthogonal (90 degrees) and -1 if vectors
  197. pointing into opposite directions.
  198. </summary>
  199. <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
  200. <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
  201. <returns>Dot product</returns>
  202. </member>
  203. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Dot(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
  204. <summary>
  205. Dot product of 2 vectors, will return 1 if vectors are equal,
  206. and 0 if vectors are orthogonal (90 degrees) and -1 if vectors
  207. pointing into opposite directions.
  208. </summary>
  209. <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
  210. <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
  211. <param name="result">Dot product</param>
  212. </member>
  213. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Clamp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  214. <summary>
  215. Clamp. Computing the closest point in an bounding box to a point.
  216. Notice that if the point is already inside the box, then this code
  217. returns the original point.
  218. </summary>
  219. <param name="value1">Vector value to clamp</param>
  220. <param name="max">
  221. Maximum vector (each component is checked individually)
  222. </param>
  223. <param name="min">
  224. Minimum vector (each component is checked individually)
  225. </param>
  226. <returns>
  227. Clamped vector that has all components between min and max.
  228. </returns>
  229. </member>
  230. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Clamp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  231. <summary>
  232. Clamp. Computing the closest point in an bounding box to a point.
  233. Notice that if the point is already inside the box, then this code
  234. returns the original point.
  235. </summary>
  236. <param name="value1">Vector value to clamp</param>
  237. <param name="max">
  238. Maximum vector (each component is checked individually)
  239. </param>
  240. <param name="min">
  241. Minimum vector (each component is checked individually)
  242. </param>
  243. <param name="result">
  244. Clamped vector that has all components between min and max.
  245. </param>
  246. </member>
  247. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Cross(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  248. <summary>
  249. Cross product of vector1 and vector2. Please note that if your vectors
  250. are not normalized or they are not orthogonal to each other, you should
  251. normalize the result if it is used for other calculations requiring
  252. normalized vectors (e.g. camera code or for billboards).
  253. </summary>
  254. <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
  255. <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
  256. <returns>Cross product between vector 1 and 2</returns>
  257. </member>
  258. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Cross(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  259. <summary>
  260. Cross product of vector1 and vector2. Please note that if your vectors
  261. are not normalized or they are not orthogonal to each other, you should
  262. normalize the result if it is used for other calculations requiring
  263. normalized vectors (e.g. camera code or for billboards).
  264. </summary>
  265. <param name="vector1">Vector 1</param>
  266. <param name="vector2">Vector 2</param>
  267. <param name="result">Cross product between vector 1 and 2</param>
  268. </member>
  269. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Distance(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  270. <summary>
  271. Distance between two points (DistanceSquared is faster)
  272. </summary>
  273. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  274. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  275. <returns>Distance between vectors</returns>
  276. </member>
  277. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Distance(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
  278. <summary>
  279. Distance between two points (DistanceSquared is faster)
  280. </summary>
  281. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  282. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  283. <param name="result">Distance between vectors</param>
  284. </member>
  285. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DistanceSquared(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  286. <summary>
  287. Distance squared
  288. </summary>
  289. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  290. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  291. <returns>Squared distance between vectors</returns>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.DistanceSquared(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single@)">
  294. <summary>
  295. Distance squared
  296. </summary>
  297. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  298. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  299. <param name="result">Squared distance between vectors</param>
  300. </member>
  301. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  302. <summary>
  303. Normalize the given vector and return the normalized version of it.
  304. </summary>
  305. <param name="value">Vector to normalize</param>
  306. <returns>Normalized vector</returns>
  307. </member>
  308. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  309. <summary>
  310. Normalize the given vector.
  311. </summary>
  312. <param name="value">
  313. Vector to normalize, will be normalized after calling this method.
  314. </param>
  315. </member>
  316. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.TransformNormal(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
  317. <summary>
  318. Transform normal (a Vector3 version of Transform, that won't use the
  319. translation part of the matrix).
  320. </summary>
  321. <param name="normal">Normal to transform</param>
  322. <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
  323. <returns>Transformed normal vector</returns>
  324. </member>
  325. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.TransformNormal(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  326. <summary>
  327. Transform normal (a Vector3 version of Transform, that won't use the
  328. translation part of the matrix).
  329. </summary>
  330. <param name="normal">
  331. The normal vector which will be transformed by the matrix.
  332. </param>
  333. <param name="matrix">
  334. The matrix used for transforming the provided vector.
  335. </param>
  336. <param name="result">The resulting transformed normal vector.</param>
  337. </member>
  338. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Transform(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
  339. <summary>
  340. Transform the given vector by the matrix. Note: This method is slower
  341. than the ref version, which should be used for performance critical
  342. code!
  343. </summary>
  344. <param name="position">Position vector to transform</param>
  345. <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
  346. <returns>Transformed vector</returns>
  347. </member>
  348. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Transform(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  349. <summary>
  350. Transform the given vector by the matrix (faster ref version).
  351. </summary>
  352. <param name="position">Position vector to transform</param>
  353. <param name="matrix">Matrix for the transformation</param>
  354. <param name="result">Transformed vector</param>
  355. </member>
  356. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.AngleBetweenVectors(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  357. <summary>
  358. Angle between vectors in degrees.
  360. RadiansToDegrees(atan2(a.y,a.x) - atan2(b.y,b.x)) would only give
  361. you 0-180 degrees, but we want full 0-360 degrees with Acos :)
  362. <para />
  363. Note: If one of the vectors is zero the method we will return 0.0f.
  364. </summary>
  365. <param name="a">First vector.</param>
  366. <param name="b">Second vector.</param>
  367. <returns>Angle between the two vectors in the range [0, 360]</returns>
  368. </member>
  369. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Lerp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
  370. <summary>
  371. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors.
  372. </summary>
  373. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  374. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  375. <param name="amount">Interpolation amount</param>
  376. <returns>Interpolated vector between vector 1 and 2</returns>
  377. </member>
  378. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Lerp(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@)">
  379. <summary>
  380. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors.
  381. </summary>
  382. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  383. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  384. <param name="amount">Interpolation amount</param>
  385. <param name="result">Interpolated vector between vector 1 and 2</param>
  386. </member>
  387. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetByIndex(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector@,System.Int32)">
  388. <summary>
  389. Get a vector side (X, Y or Z) by index (0, 1 or 2).
  390. </summary>
  391. <param name="index">
  392. Index, 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z, all other values will thrown an
  393. IndexOutOfRangeException
  394. </param>
  395. <param name="vec">Vector for the X, Y or Z values.</param>
  396. <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
  397. If index is outside of 0-2.
  398. </exception>
  399. <returns>X, Y or Z value depending on the index.</returns>
  400. <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
  401. Throws index out of range exception if index is not 0, 1 or 2.
  402. </exception>
  403. </member>
  404. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.FromString(System.String)">
  405. <summary>
  406. Convert a string to a Vector. The expected format is (x.x, y.y, z.z)
  407. </summary>
  408. <param name="vectorString">The string containing the values in the
  409. correct format.</param>
  410. <returns>Vector from string if possible, otherwise Zero</returns>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.X">
  413. <summary>
  414. X coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
  415. union vector and value 0 means the first float
  416. </summary>
  417. </member>
  418. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Y">
  419. <summary>
  420. Y coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
  421. union vector and value 4 means the second float (4 bytes per float).
  422. </summary>
  423. </member>
  424. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Z">
  425. <summary>
  426. Z coordinate. FieldOffset means that we use the defined float in our
  427. union vector and value 8 means the third float (4 bytes per float).
  428. </summary>
  429. </member>
  430. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Point,System.Single)">
  431. <summary>
  432. Create vector
  433. </summary>
  434. <param name="value">value</param>
  435. <param name="z">z</param>
  436. </member>
  437. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  438. <summary>
  439. Create vector
  440. </summary>
  441. <param name="setX">Set x</param>
  442. <param name="setY">Set y</param>
  443. <param name="setZ">Set z</param>
  444. </member>
  445. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
  446. <summary>
  447. Create vector
  448. </summary>
  449. <param name="reader">reader</param>
  450. </member>
  451. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Equals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  452. <summary>
  453. Equals
  454. </summary>
  455. <param name="other">Other</param>
  456. <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
  457. </member>
  458. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
  459. <summary>
  460. Load all vector values from a stream (reads 12 bytes, 3 floats)
  461. </summary>
  462. <param name="reader">The stream that will be used.</param>
  463. </member>
  464. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
  465. <summary>
  466. Saves this vector to a stream (12 bytes, 3 floats).
  467. </summary>
  468. <param name="writer">The stream that will be used.</param>
  469. </member>
  470. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Equality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  471. <summary>
  472. Check for equality
  473. </summary>
  474. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  475. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  476. <returns>True if the vectors are equal</returns>
  477. </member>
  478. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Inequality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  479. <summary>
  480. Check for inequality
  481. </summary>
  482. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  483. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  484. <returns>True if the vectors are not equal.</returns>
  485. </member>
  486. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Addition(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  487. <summary>
  488. Operator for addition
  489. </summary>
  490. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  491. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  492. <returns>
  493. New vector with X, Y and Z values added from value1 and value2.
  494. </returns>
  495. </member>
  496. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_UnaryNegation(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  497. <summary>
  498. Operator for unary negation
  499. </summary>
  500. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  501. <returns>Negated vector</returns>
  502. </member>
  503. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Subtraction(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  504. <summary>
  505. Operator for subtraction
  506. </summary>
  507. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  508. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  509. <returns>X, Y and Z of value2 subtracted from value1</returns>
  510. </member>
  511. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  512. <summary>
  513. Operator for multiplication
  514. </summary>
  515. <param name="value1">Vector 1</param>
  516. <param name="value2">Vector 2</param>
  517. <returns>Dot product, which is the multiplication result</returns>
  518. </member>
  519. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
  520. <summary>
  521. Operator for multiplication
  522. </summary>
  523. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  524. <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
  525. <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
  526. </member>
  527. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  528. <summary>
  529. Operator for multiplication
  530. </summary>
  531. <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
  532. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  533. <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
  534. </member>
  535. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Multiply(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Matrix)">
  536. <summary>
  537. Operator for multiplication
  538. </summary>
  539. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  540. <param name="transformMatrix">Transformation matrix</param>
  541. <returns>Multiplication result</returns>
  542. </member>
  543. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Division(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
  544. <summary>
  545. Operator for division
  546. </summary>
  547. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  548. <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
  549. <returns>Division result</returns>
  550. </member>
  551. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.op_Division(System.Single,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  552. <summary>
  553. Op multiply
  554. </summary>
  555. <param name="scaleFactor">Scale factor</param>
  556. <param name="value">Vector value</param>
  557. <returns>Division result</returns>
  558. </member>
  559. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Normalize">
  560. <summary>
  561. Normalize this vector.
  562. </summary>
  563. </member>
  564. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetByIndex(System.Int32)">
  565. <summary>
  566. Get a vector side (X, Y or Z) by index (0, 1 or 2).
  567. </summary>
  568. <param name="index">
  569. Index, 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z, all other values will thrown an
  570. IndexOutOfRangeException
  571. </param>
  572. <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
  573. If index is outside of 0-2.
  574. </exception>
  575. <returns>X, Y or Z value depending on the index.</returns>
  576. <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">Unsupported index</exception>
  577. </member>
  578. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.GetHashCode">
  579. <summary>
  580. Get hash code
  581. </summary>
  582. <returns>Hash code from X, Y and Z</returns>
  583. </member>
  584. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.NearlyEquals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,System.Single)">
  585. <summary>
  586. Equals
  587. </summary>
  588. <param name="other">Other</param>
  589. <param name="epsilon">Epsilon difference we allow for
  590. floating imprecission</param>
  591. <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
  592. </member>
  593. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Equals(System.Object)">
  594. <summary>
  595. Equals
  596. </summary>
  597. <param name="obj">Object to check against</param>
  598. <returns>True if obj is a Vector and is equal to this vector.</returns>
  599. </member>
  600. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToPoint">
  601. <summary>
  602. Creates a Point from the X and Y values
  603. </summary>
  604. <returns>Point created from X and Y values of this vector.</returns>
  605. </member>
  606. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToArray">
  607. <summary>
  608. Returns the vector as float array (X, Y, Z)
  609. </summary>
  610. <returns>
  611. Array with just X, Y and Z float values created from this Vector.
  612. </returns>
  613. </member>
  614. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToString">
  615. <summary>
  616. To string, also used for the old ToColladaString method, this
  617. is precise enough to be used for saving collada files.
  618. </summary>
  619. <returns>
  620. Text string with the vector in braces, e.g. "(0.4, 2.8)"
  621. </returns>
  622. </member>
  623. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ToString(System.String,System.String)">
  624. <summary>
  625. To string, also used for the old ToColladaString method, this
  626. is precise enough to be used for saving collada files.
  627. </summary>
  628. <param name="openBrace">Add open brace string, e.g. "("</param>
  629. <param name="closeBrace">Add close brace string, e.g. ")"</param>
  630. <returns>String with X, Y and Z values with the format 0.0000</returns>
  631. </member>
  632. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.XProperty">
  633. <summary>
  634. Property-wrapper for using the X field in the editor.
  635. </summary>
  636. </member>
  637. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.YProperty">
  638. <summary>
  639. Property-wrapper for using the Y field in the editor
  640. </summary>
  641. </member>
  642. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.ZProperty">
  643. <summary>
  644. Property-wrapper for using the Z field in the editor
  645. </summary>
  646. </member>
  647. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.Length">
  648. <summary>
  649. The length of the vector. This takes the square root and thus is
  650. slower than using LengthSquared.
  651. </summary>
  652. </member>
  653. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.LengthSquared">
  654. <summary>
  655. Length squared, much faster than using Length because we do not
  656. have to take the square root.
  657. </summary>
  658. </member>
  659. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.IsNormalized">
  660. <summary>
  661. Is normalized? Will return true if the vector length is 1.0
  662. </summary>
  663. </member>
  664. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests">
  665. <summary>
  666. Tests
  667. </summary>
  668. </member>
  669. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.SizeOf">
  670. <summary>
  671. Checks if the size of Point is exactly 8 bytes (2 floats: X and Y)
  672. </summary>
  673. </member>
  674. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Length">
  675. <summary>
  676. Length
  677. </summary>
  678. </member>
  679. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.LengthSquared">
  680. <summary>
  681. Length squared
  682. </summary>
  683. </member>
  684. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.AngleBetweenVectors">
  685. <summary>
  686. Angle between vectors
  687. </summary>
  688. </member>
  689. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.NearlyEqual">
  690. <summary>
  691. Nearly equal
  692. </summary>
  693. </member>
  694. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.ToPoint">
  695. <summary>
  696. To string
  697. </summary>
  698. </member>
  699. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Equality">
  700. <summary>
  701. Equality
  702. </summary>
  703. </member>
  704. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Addition">
  705. <summary>
  706. Addition
  707. </summary>
  708. </member>
  709. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Substraction">
  710. <summary>
  711. Substraction
  712. </summary>
  713. </member>
  714. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Multiplication">
  715. <summary>
  716. Multiplication
  717. </summary>
  718. </member>
  719. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Division">
  720. <summary>
  721. Multiplication
  722. </summary>
  723. </member>
  724. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Min">
  725. <summary>
  726. Minimum
  727. </summary>
  728. </member>
  729. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Max">
  730. <summary>
  731. Maximum
  732. </summary>
  733. </member>
  734. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Dot">
  735. <summary>
  736. Dot
  737. </summary>
  738. </member>
  739. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Clamp">
  740. <summary>
  741. Clamp
  742. </summary>
  743. </member>
  744. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Cross">
  745. <summary>
  746. Cross
  747. </summary>
  748. </member>
  749. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Distance">
  750. <summary>
  751. Distance
  752. </summary>
  753. </member>
  754. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.DistanceSquared">
  755. <summary>
  756. Distance squared
  757. </summary>
  758. </member>
  759. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.Normalize">
  760. <summary>
  761. Normalize
  762. </summary>
  763. </member>
  764. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.TransformNormal">
  765. <summary>
  766. Transform normal
  767. </summary>
  768. </member>
  769. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorTests.VectorToString">
  770. <summary>
  771. To string
  772. </summary>
  773. </member>
  774. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance">
  775. <summary>
  776. Vector performance class to figure out performance differences between
  777. different implementations of Vector methods available on different
  778. platforms and in different frameworks.
  779. </summary>
  780. </member>
  781. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestLength">
  782. <summary>
  783. Test the length property of the Vector class.
  784. </summary>
  785. </member>
  786. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestDot">
  787. <summary>
  788. Test the dot method of the vector struct.
  789. </summary>
  790. </member>
  791. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestCross">
  792. <summary>
  793. Test the cross method of the vector struct.
  794. </summary>
  795. </member>
  796. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestDistance">
  797. <summary>
  798. Test the distance method of the vector struct.
  799. </summary>
  800. </member>
  801. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestNormalize">
  802. <summary>
  803. Test the normalize method of the vector struct.
  804. </summary>
  805. </member>
  806. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.TestTransformNormal">
  807. <summary>
  808. Test the transform normal method of the vector struct.
  809. </summary>
  810. </member>
  811. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector.VectorPerformance.ExecuteAllForPerformanceOverview">
  812. <summary>
  813. Execute all vector tests for a performance overview.
  814. </summary>
  815. </member>
  816. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox">
  817. <summary>
  818. Bounding box helper structure, basically just contains a min and max
  819. vector for the bounding. Can also be used to calculate a BoundingSphere.
  820. <para />
  821. Little ASCII art for the BoundingBox (Note: Does not translate well into
  822. the documentation, see the BoundingBox.cs file for details):
  823. o--------o
  824. /: /| Y (TOP)
  825. / : / | |
  826. o--------M | |
  827. | : | | |
  828. | m.....|..o o------X (RIGHT)
  829. | ' | / /
  830. |' |/ /
  831. o--------o Z (FRONT)
  832. m is the Min component, M is the Max component
  833. </summary>
  834. </member>
  835. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains">
  836. <summary>
  837. Interface IContains checks whether a Delta.Utilities.Datatypes
  838. contains another datatype.
  839. </summary>
  840. </member>
  841. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  842. <summary>
  843. Determines whether a Box contains another box or sphere
  844. </summary>
  845. <param name="box">Box to check against</param>
  846. <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
  847. </member>
  848. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingSphere)">
  849. <summary>
  850. Determines whether a sphere contains another box or sphere
  851. </summary>
  852. <param name="sphere">Sphere to check against</param>
  853. <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
  854. </member>
  855. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.IContains.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  856. <summary>
  857. Checks whether a box or sphere contains a vector position.
  858. </summary>
  859. <param name="position">Position to check against</param>
  860. <returns>Either the position is inside the box or sphere (
  861. <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.Fully"/> is returned), or not (then
  862. <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.None"/> is returned).</returns>
  863. </member>
  864. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Create(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector})">
  865. <summary>
  866. Creates a bounding box around the given positions.
  867. </summary>
  868. <param name="setPositions">Set positions</param>
  869. <returns>The created bounding box</returns>
  870. </member>
  871. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Min">
  872. <summary>
  873. Min values for this bounding box
  874. </summary>
  875. </member>
  876. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Max">
  877. <summary>
  878. Max values for this bounding box
  879. </summary>
  880. </member>
  881. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.#ctor(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  882. <summary>
  883. Create bounding box
  884. </summary>
  885. <param name="setMax">SetMax</param>
  886. <param name="setMin">SetMin</param>
  887. </member>
  888. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  889. <summary>
  890. Determines whether a Box contains another box
  891. </summary>
  892. <param name="box">Box to check against</param>
  893. <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
  894. </member>
  895. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingSphere)">
  896. <summary>
  897. Determines whether a box contains another sphere
  898. </summary>
  899. <param name="sphere">The sphere.</param>
  900. <returns>Containment type (fully, partial or none)</returns>
  901. </member>
  902. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Contains(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Vector)">
  903. <summary>
  904. Checks whether this box contains a vector position.
  905. </summary>
  906. <param name="position">Position to check against</param>
  907. <returns>Either the position is inside the box or sphere (
  908. <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.Fully"/> is returned), or not (then
  909. <see cref="F:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.Advanced.ContainmentType.None"/> is returned).</returns>
  910. </member>
  911. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Equals(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  912. <summary>
  913. Equals
  914. </summary>
  915. <param name="other">Other</param>
  916. <returns>Value indicating the equality of two vectors</returns>
  917. </member>
  918. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Load(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
  919. <summary>
  920. Load the BoundingBox values (Min and Max vectors) from a stream.
  921. </summary>
  922. <param name="reader">The stream that will be used.</param>
  923. </member>
  924. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Save(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
  925. <summary>
  926. Saves the BoundingBox (Min and Max vectors) to a stream.
  927. </summary>
  928. <param name="writer">The stream that will be used.</param>
  929. </member>
  930. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.op_Equality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  931. <summary>
  932. Check for equality
  933. </summary>
  934. <param name="value1">Value 1</param>
  935. <param name="value2">Value 2</param>
  936. <returns>True if the values are equal, false otherwise</returns>
  937. </member>
  938. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.op_Inequality(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox,Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  939. <summary>
  940. Check for inequality
  941. </summary>
  942. <param name="value1">Value 1</param>
  943. <param name="value2">Value 2</param>
  944. <returns>True if the values are not equal, false if they are</returns>
  945. </member>
  946. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Equals(System.Object)">
  947. <summary>
  948. Check if an object is equal to this bounding box.
  949. </summary>
  950. <param name="obj">Object to compare</param>
  951. <returns>True if obj is a boundbing box and equals to this</returns>
  952. </member>
  953. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.GetHashCode">
  954. <summary>
  955. Get hash code from min and max.
  956. </summary>
  957. <returns>Hash code</returns>
  958. </member>
  959. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Merge(Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox)">
  960. <summary>
  961. Merge two bounding boxes together building a bigger box.
  962. </summary>
  963. <param name="otherBox">Other box</param>
  964. </member>
  965. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.ToBoundingSphere">
  966. <summary>
  967. Create bounding sphere from Min and Max values of this box.
  968. </summary>
  969. <returns>BoundingSphere created from this bounding box size.</returns>
  970. </member>
  971. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.ToString">
  972. <summary>
  973. To string
  974. </summary>
  975. <returns>String</returns>
  976. </member>
  977. <member name="P:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.Center">
  978. <summary>
  979. Gets the center point of this bounding box.
  980. </summary>
  981. </member>
  982. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests">
  983. <summary>
  984. Tests
  985. </summary>
  986. </member>
  987. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Merge">
  988. <summary>
  989. Merge
  990. </summary>
  991. </member>
  992. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Create">
  993. <summary>
  994. Create
  995. </summary>
  996. </member>
  997. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Contains">
  998. <summary>
  999. ContainsFully
  1000. </summary>
  1001. </member>
  1002. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.ToBoundingSphere">
  1003. <summary>
  1004. Test Bounding spheres
  1005. </summary>
  1006. </member>
  1007. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.Equality">
  1008. <summary>
  1009. Equality
  1010. </summary>
  1011. </member>
  1012. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Datatypes.BoundingBox.BoundingBoxTests.SaveAndLoad">
  1013. <summary>
  1014. Test to save and load spheres into a binary stream
  1015. </summary>
  1016. </member>
  1017. <member name="T:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper">
  1018. <summary>
  1019. File helper class to get text lines, number of text lines, etc. This
  1020. extends the existing File and Path functionality of .NET.
  1021. <para />
  1022. This class also abstracts the use of File.Exists and File.Open for
  1023. platforms like WP7 where those calls are not allowed (instead the
  1024. IsolatedStorage classes are used, which just allow access to the
  1025. current directory, which is all we need in the engine internally).
  1026. </summary>
  1027. </member>
  1028. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.FileExtensionSeperator">
  1029. <summary>
  1030. The typical file extension separator is just a dot: .
  1031. </summary>
  1032. </member>
  1033. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.FolderSeparator">
  1034. <summary>
  1035. Represents the separator for folders in file paths on microsoft
  1036. platforms.
  1037. </summary>
  1038. </member>
  1039. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.AlternateFolderSeparator">
  1040. <summary>
  1041. Represents the separator for folders in file paths on Unix platforms.
  1042. </summary>
  1043. </member>
  1044. <member name="F:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.AllFolderSeparators">
  1045. <summary>
  1046. Both folder separators together in one char array, used for GetFilename
  1047. </summary>
  1048. </member>
  1049. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Exists(System.String)">
  1050. <summary>
  1051. Check if the file exists.
  1052. On WP7 this is looking for the file in the Isolated Storage.
  1053. </summary>
  1054. <param name="filename">Filename</param>
  1055. <returns>filename</returns>
  1056. </member>
  1057. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Copy(System.String,System.String)">
  1058. <summary>
  1059. Copy the source file to the destination file.
  1060. Note: this method overwrites existing destination files!
  1061. </summary>
  1062. <param name="sourceFile">Source filepath.</param>
  1063. <param name="destinationFile">Destination Filepath.</param>
  1064. </member>
  1065. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Move(System.String,System.String)">
  1066. <summary>
  1067. Move the source file to the destination file.
  1068. </summary>
  1069. <param name="sourceFile">Source filepath.</param>
  1070. <param name="destinationFile">Destination filepath.</param>
  1071. </member>
  1072. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Open(System.String)">
  1073. <summary>
  1074. Opens a the given file (will not create it if it doesn't exists) on
  1075. platforms where this is possible.
  1076. <para />
  1077. Note: The file-mode is "Open" only and the file-access + file-share
  1078. mode is "Read".
  1079. </summary>
  1080. </member>
  1081. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Open(System.String,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare)">
  1082. <summary>
  1083. Open, will use File.Open on platforms where this is possible.
  1084. </summary>
  1085. </member>
  1086. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.Rename(System.String,System.String)">
  1087. <summary>
  1088. Rename the file.
  1089. </summary>
  1090. <param name="sourceFile">Path to the file to rename.</param>
  1091. <param name="destFile">Path to the file after rename.</param>
  1092. <returns>True if succeeded otherwise false.</returns>
  1093. </member>
  1094. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String)">
  1095. <summary>
  1096. Extracts filename from full path+filename, but don't cuts off the
  1097. extension. Can be also used to cut of directories from a path (only
  1098. last one will remain).
  1099. </summary>
  1100. <returns>filename</returns>
  1101. </member>
  1102. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String,System.String@)">
  1103. <summary>
  1104. Extracts filename from full path+filename, but don't cuts off the
  1105. extension. Can be also used to cut of directories from a path (only
  1106. last one will remain).
  1107. </summary>
  1108. </member>
  1109. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  1110. <summary>
  1111. Extracts filename from full path+filename, cuts of extension
  1112. if cutExtension is true. Can be also used to cut of directories
  1113. from a path (only last one will remain).
  1114. </summary>
  1115. </member>
  1116. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.IsFilenameOnly(System.String)">
  1117. <summary>
  1118. Is filename only
  1119. </summary>
  1120. <param name="anyFilePath">Any file path</param>
  1121. </member>
  1122. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.HasFileNoExtension(System.String)">
  1123. <summary>
  1124. Has a filename no extension
  1125. </summary>
  1126. <param name="anyFilePath">Any file path</param>
  1127. <returns>True if the given file path has no extension.</returns>
  1128. </member>
  1129. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(System.String)">
  1130. <summary>
  1131. Get directory of path+File, if only a path is given we will cut off
  1132. the last sub path!
  1133. </summary>
  1134. <param name="filePath">File path</param>
  1135. <returns>Directory path</returns>
  1136. </member>
  1137. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(System.String,System.Int32)">
  1138. <summary>
  1139. Get directory sub path of the given path or file path.
  1140. (-> e.g. "FileHelper.GetDirectoryPath(@"C:\Ab\cde\App.exe", 2)" will
  1141. return "C:\Ab")
  1142. </summary>
  1143. <param name="filePath">File path</param>
  1144. <param name="jumpbackCount">
  1145. The number of folders it should be "jumped" back.
  1146. </param>
  1147. <returns>Directory path</returns>
  1148. </member>
  1149. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFirstDirectoryName(System.String)">
  1150. <summary>
  1151. Get first directory of path or file path! Returns "c:" for "C:\test.x"
  1152. or "bla" for "bla\blub\honk.txt".
  1153. </summary>
  1154. <param name="pathFile">Path file to search</param>
  1155. <returns>First found directory part</returns>
  1156. </member>
  1157. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLastDirectoryName(System.String)">
  1158. <summary>
  1159. Get last directory of path+File, if only a path is given we will cut
  1160. off the last sub path! Returns "Models" for "C:\aoeus\Models\test.x".
  1161. Warning: If you just use a path, the results might be different from
  1162. what you want (use GetFilename instead): ""C:\aoeus\Models" will return
  1163. "aoeus" and not "Models".
  1164. </summary>
  1165. <param name="pathFile">Path file to search</param>
  1166. <returns>Last found directory</returns>
  1167. </member>
  1168. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.RemoveFirstDirectory(System.String)">
  1169. <summary>
  1170. Remove first directory of path if one exists. "maps\\mymaps\\"
  1171. becomes "mymaps\\". Also used to cut first folder off,
  1172. especially useful for paths. e.g. "maps\\test" becomes "test".
  1173. </summary>
  1174. <param name="path">Path</param>
  1175. <returns>Reduced directory path</returns>
  1176. </member>
  1177. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CutExtension(System.String)">
  1178. <summary>
  1179. Cut of extension, e.g. "hi.txt" becomes "hi"
  1180. </summary>
  1181. <param name="file">File</param>
  1182. <returns>Filename without extension</returns>
  1183. </member>
  1184. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetExtension(System.String)">
  1185. <summary>
  1186. Get extension (whatever is behind that '.'), e.g. "test.bmp" will
  1187. return "bmp". Only a filename will return "", e.g. "Test" returns ""
  1188. </summary>
  1189. <param name="file">Filename to get the extension from</param>
  1190. <returns>Returns the extension string of the file.</returns>
  1191. </member>
  1192. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseRelativePath(System.String)">
  1193. <summary>
  1194. Helper function for saving, we check if path starts with same as
  1195. our application. If so, better use relative path, then we can use
  1196. them even if application is moved or copied over network!
  1197. </summary>
  1198. <param name="fullPath">Full path to check against</param>
  1199. <returns>Relative path starting at fullPath if possible</returns>
  1200. </member>
  1201. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseRelativePath(System.String,System.String)">
  1202. <summary>
  1203. Helper function for saving, we check if path starts with same as
  1204. our application. If so, better use relative path, then we can use
  1205. them even if application is moved or copied over network!
  1206. </summary>
  1207. <param name="pathToCheckFrom">Path to check from (e.g. from our
  1208. application) and the origin for the relative path that is returned
  1209. </param>
  1210. <param name="fullPath">Full path to check against</param>
  1211. <returns>Relative path starting at fullPath if possible</returns>
  1212. </member>
  1213. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TryToUseAbsolutePath(System.String,System.String)">
  1214. <summary>
  1215. Helper method to use an absolute path. If the path is already absolute
  1216. nothing will change, but if the path is relative the basePath is added.
  1217. </summary>
  1218. <param name="basePath">Path to check from</param>
  1219. <param name="possibleFullPath">Full or relative path to check.</param>
  1220. <returns>Absolute path to the file</returns>
  1221. </member>
  1222. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.IsDirectSubFolder(System.String,System.String)">
  1223. <summary>
  1224. Check if a folder is a direct sub folder of a main folder.
  1225. True is only returned if this is a direct sub folder, not if
  1226. it is some sub folder few levels below.
  1227. </summary>
  1228. <param name="mainFolder">MainFolder</param>
  1229. <param name="subFolder">SubFolder</param>
  1230. <returns>
  1231. True if the subFolder is a direct sub folder of mainFolder.
  1232. </returns>
  1233. </member>
  1234. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CleanupWindowsPath(System.String)">
  1235. <summary>
  1236. Cleans up the given path, so that it's in an homogenous unix/web path.
  1237. E.g. ".\MyPath\With/Subfolder" => "My/Path/With/Subfolder"
  1238. Also used by our whole content pipeline to make searching easier.
  1239. </summary>
  1240. <param name="anyPath">Any path in windows or unix format</param>
  1241. <returns>Path in windows format</returns>
  1242. </member>
  1243. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.CleanupLinuxPath(System.String)">
  1244. <summary>
  1245. Cleans up the given path, so that it's in an homogenous unix/web path.
  1246. E.g. ".\MyPath\With/Subfolder" => "My/Path/With/Subfolder"
  1247. Also used by our whole content pipeline to make searching easier.
  1248. </summary>
  1249. <param name="anyPath">Any path in windows or unix format</param>
  1250. <returns>Path in unix format</returns>
  1251. </member>
  1252. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetRelativeFilePath(System.String,System.String)">
  1253. <summary>
  1254. Get relative file path of a given absolute file path based on basePath.
  1255. If the basePath and the absoluteFilePath share something in common this
  1256. method will try to remove the common part (e.g. "c:\code\Delta\bla"
  1257. in the basePath "c:\code" will be reduced to "Delta\bla" or in the
  1258. basePath "c:\code\DeltaEngine" will be "..\Delta\bla").
  1259. </summary>
  1260. <param name="absoluteFilePath">
  1261. Absolute file path, might already be relative or even be on a different
  1262. drive, then it will just be returned.
  1263. </param>
  1264. <param name="basePath">Base path</param>
  1265. <returns>Relative path if possible</returns>
  1266. </member>
  1267. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.TrimPath(System.String)">
  1268. <summary>
  1269. Removes all unnecessary relative path fragments and will return a
  1270. trimmed path. Useful in combination with GetRelativeFilePath.
  1271. <para />
  1272. Example: "C:\Path\SubPath1\..\SubPath2\file.exe" will become to
  1273. "C:\Path\SubPath2\file.exe". Also works with relative paths and unix
  1274. paths (e.g. '/SomePath/../SomeFile.xml' will become 'SomeFile.xml').
  1275. </summary>
  1276. <param name="filePath">Path to be shortened if possible.</param>
  1277. </member>
  1278. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetFileSize(System.String)">
  1279. <summary>
  1280. Get file size. Returns 0 if file does not exists instead of throwing
  1281. an exception. Else it returns file size as a long number.
  1282. </summary>
  1283. <param name="filename">Filename</param>
  1284. <returns>Long</returns>
  1285. </member>
  1286. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLines(System.String)">
  1287. <summary>
  1288. Returns the text lines we got in a file.
  1289. </summary>
  1290. <param name="filename">Filename</param>
  1291. <returns>
  1292. All text lines from the file or null if no file was found.
  1293. </returns>
  1294. </member>
  1295. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetLines(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
  1296. <summary>
  1297. Returns the text lines we got in a file. Will not crash! If file does
  1298. not exist, we will just return null, same for an unreadable file.
  1299. </summary>
  1300. <param name="filename">Filename</param>
  1301. <param name="textEncoding">Text encoding</param>
  1302. <returns>
  1303. All text lines from the file or null if no file was found.
  1304. </returns>
  1305. </member>
  1306. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetText(System.String)">
  1307. <summary>
  1308. Gets all the text of a file (e.g. if you just want to the text of a
  1309. text file). Will not crash! If file does not exist, we will just return
  1310. an empty string. If file is somehow unreadable, we will log an warning
  1311. (because this shouldn't happen, we should always open files in a way
  1312. that allows reading) and return an empty string too.
  1313. </summary>
  1314. <param name="filename">Filename for the file to load</param>
  1315. <returns>String with all the text from the file</returns>
  1316. </member>
  1317. <member name="M:Delta.Utilities.Helpers.FileHelper.GetText(System.String,System.String@)">
  1318. <summary>
  1319. Gets all the text of a file (e.g. if you just want to the text of a
  1320. text file). Will not crash! If file does not exist, we will just return
  1321. an empty