TypeScript | 1482 lines | 1103 code | 266 blank | 113 comment | 324 complexity | f71e25ac379086c84eeca4403d4204bc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- import {DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL} from '@yarnpkg/fslib';
- import {Filename, PortablePath, npath, ppath, xfs} from '@yarnpkg/fslib';
- import {parseSyml, stringifySyml} from '@yarnpkg/parsers';
- import camelcase from 'camelcase';
- import {isCI} from 'ci-info';
- import {UsageError} from 'clipanion';
- import pLimit, {Limit} from 'p-limit';
- import semver from 'semver';
- import {PassThrough, Writable} from 'stream';
- import {CorePlugin} from './CorePlugin';
- import {Manifest} from './Manifest';
- import {MultiFetcher} from './MultiFetcher';
- import {MultiResolver} from './MultiResolver';
- import {Plugin, Hooks} from './Plugin';
- import {ProtocolResolver} from './ProtocolResolver';
- import {Report} from './Report';
- import {TelemetryManager} from './TelemetryManager';
- import {VirtualFetcher} from './VirtualFetcher';
- import {VirtualResolver} from './VirtualResolver';
- import {WorkspaceFetcher} from './WorkspaceFetcher';
- import {WorkspaceResolver} from './WorkspaceResolver';
- import * as folderUtils from './folderUtils';
- import * as formatUtils from './formatUtils';
- import * as miscUtils from './miscUtils';
- import * as nodeUtils from './nodeUtils';
- import * as semverUtils from './semverUtils';
- import * as structUtils from './structUtils';
- import {IdentHash, Package, Descriptor} from './types';
- const IGNORED_ENV_VARIABLES = new Set([
- // "binFolder" is the magic location where the parent process stored the
- // current binaries; not an actual configuration settings
- `binFolder`,
- // "version" is set by Docker:
- // https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node/blob/5a6a5e91999358c5b04fddd6c22a9a4eb0bf3fbf/10/alpine/Dockerfile#L51
- `version`,
- // "flags" is set by Netlify; they use it to specify the flags to send to the
- // CLI when running the automatic `yarn install`
- `flags`,
- // "gpg" and "profile" are used by the install.sh script:
- // https://classic.yarnpkg.com/install.sh
- `profile`,
- `gpg`,
- // "ignoreNode" is used to disable the Node version check
- `ignoreNode`,
- // "wrapOutput" was a variable used to indicate nested "yarn run" processes
- // back in Yarn 1.
- `wrapOutput`,
- ]);
- export const ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX = `yarn_`;
- export const DEFAULT_RC_FILENAME = `.yarnrc.yml` as Filename;
- export const DEFAULT_LOCK_FILENAME = `yarn.lock` as Filename;
- export const SECRET = `********`;
- export enum SettingsType {
- ANY = `ANY`,
- MAP = `MAP`,
- }
- export type FormatType = formatUtils.Type;
- export const FormatType = formatUtils.Type;
- export type BaseSettingsDefinition<T extends SettingsType = SettingsType> = {
- description: string,
- type: T,
- isArray?: boolean,
- };
- export type ShapeSettingsDefinition = BaseSettingsDefinition<SettingsType.SHAPE> & {
- properties: {[propertyName: string]: SettingsDefinition},
- };
- export type MapSettingsDefinition = BaseSettingsDefinition<SettingsType.MAP> & {
- valueDefinition: SettingsDefinitionNoDefault,
- normalizeKeys?: (key: string) => string,
- };
- export type SimpleSettingsDefinition = BaseSettingsDefinition<Exclude<SettingsType, SettingsType.SHAPE | SettingsType.MAP>> & {
- default: any,
- defaultText?: any,
- isNullable?: boolean,
- values?: Array<any>,
- };
- export type SettingsDefinitionNoDefault =
- | MapSettingsDefinition
- | ShapeSettingsDefinition
- | Omit<SimpleSettingsDefinition, 'default'>;
- export type SettingsDefinition =
- | MapSettingsDefinition
- | ShapeSettingsDefinition
- | SimpleSettingsDefinition;
- export type PluginConfiguration = {
- modules: Map<string, any>,
- plugins: Set<string>,
- };
- // General rules:
- //
- // - filenames that don't accept actual paths must end with the "Filename" suffix
- // prefer to use absolute paths instead, since they are automatically resolved
- // ex: lockfileFilename
- //
- // - folders must end with the "Folder" suffix
- // ex: cacheFolder, pnpVirtualFolder
- //
- // - actual paths to a file must end with the "Path" suffix
- // ex: pnpPath
- //
- // - options that tweaks the strictness must begin with the "allow" prefix
- // ex: allowInvalidChecksums
- //
- // - options that enable a feature must begin with the "enable" prefix
- // ex: enableEmojis, enableColors
- export const coreDefinitions: {[coreSettingName: string]: SettingsDefinition} = {
- // Not implemented for now, but since it's part of all Yarn installs we want to declare it in order to improve drop-in compatibility
- lastUpdateCheck: {
- description: `Last timestamp we checked whether new Yarn versions were available`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: null,
- },
- // Settings related to proxying all Yarn calls to a specific executable
- yarnPath: {
- description: `Path to the local executable that must be used over the global one`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: null,
- },
- ignorePath: {
- description: `If true, the local executable will be ignored when using the global one`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- ignoreCwd: {
- description: `If true, the \`--cwd\` flag will be ignored`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- // Settings related to the package manager internal names
- cacheKeyOverride: {
- description: `A global cache key override; used only for test purposes`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: null,
- },
- globalFolder: {
- description: `Folder where are stored the system-wide settings`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: folderUtils.getDefaultGlobalFolder(),
- },
- cacheFolder: {
- description: `Folder where the cache files must be written`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: `./.yarn/cache`,
- },
- compressionLevel: {
- description: `Zip files compression level, from 0 to 9 or mixed (a variant of 9, which stores some files uncompressed, when compression doesn't yield good results)`,
- type: SettingsType.NUMBER,
- values: [`mixed`, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
- },
- virtualFolder: {
- description: `Folder where the virtual packages (cf doc) will be mapped on the disk (must be named $$virtual)`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: `./.yarn/$$virtual`,
- },
- bstatePath: {
- description: `Path of the file where the current state of the built packages must be stored`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: `./.yarn/build-state.yml`,
- },
- lockfileFilename: {
- description: `Name of the files where the Yarn dependency tree entries must be stored`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- },
- installStatePath: {
- description: `Path of the file where the install state will be persisted`,
- type: SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH,
- default: `./.yarn/install-state.gz`,
- },
- immutablePatterns: {
- description: `Array of glob patterns; files matching them won't be allowed to change during immutable installs`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: [],
- isArray: true,
- },
- rcFilename: {
- description: `Name of the files where the configuration can be found`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: getRcFilename(),
- },
- enableGlobalCache: {
- description: `If true, the system-wide cache folder will be used regardless of \`cache-folder\``,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- enableAbsoluteVirtuals: {
- description: `If true, the virtual symlinks will use absolute paths if required [non portable!!]`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- // Settings related to the output style
- enableColors: {
- description: `If true, the CLI is allowed to use colors in its output`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: formatUtils.supportsColor,
- defaultText: `<dynamic>`,
- },
- enableHyperlinks: {
- description: `If true, the CLI is allowed to use hyperlinks in its output`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: formatUtils.supportsHyperlinks,
- defaultText: `<dynamic>`,
- },
- enableInlineBuilds: {
- description: `If true, the CLI will print the build output on the command line`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: isCI,
- defaultText: `<dynamic>`,
- },
- enableProgressBars: {
- description: `If true, the CLI is allowed to show a progress bar for long-running events`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: !isCI && process.stdout.isTTY && process.stdout.columns > 22,
- defaultText: `<dynamic>`,
- },
- enableTimers: {
- description: `If true, the CLI is allowed to print the time spent executing commands`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: true,
- },
- preferAggregateCacheInfo: {
- description: `If true, the CLI will only print a one-line report of any cache changes`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: isCI,
- },
- preferInteractive: {
- description: `If true, the CLI will automatically use the interactive mode when called from a TTY`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- preferTruncatedLines: {
- description: `If true, the CLI will truncate lines that would go beyond the size of the terminal`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- progressBarStyle: {
- description: `Which style of progress bar should be used (only when progress bars are enabled)`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: undefined,
- defaultText: `<dynamic>`,
- },
- // Settings related to how packages are interpreted by default
- defaultLanguageName: {
- description: `Default language mode that should be used when a package doesn't offer any insight`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: `node`,
- },
- defaultProtocol: {
- description: `Default resolution protocol used when resolving pure semver and tag ranges`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: `npm:`,
- },
- enableTransparentWorkspaces: {
- description: `If false, Yarn won't automatically resolve workspace dependencies unless they use the \`workspace:\` protocol`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: true,
- },
- // Settings related to network access
- enableMirror: {
- description: `If true, the downloaded packages will be retrieved and stored in both the local and global folders`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: true,
- },
- enableNetwork: {
- description: `If false, the package manager will refuse to use the network if required to`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: true,
- },
- httpProxy: {
- description: `URL of the http proxy that must be used for outgoing http requests`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: null,
- },
- httpsProxy: {
- description: `URL of the http proxy that must be used for outgoing https requests`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: null,
- },
- unsafeHttpWhitelist: {
- description: `List of the hostnames for which http queries are allowed (glob patterns are supported)`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: [],
- isArray: true,
- },
- httpTimeout: {
- description: `Timeout of each http request in milliseconds`,
- type: SettingsType.NUMBER,
- default: 60000,
- },
- httpRetry: {
- description: `Retry times on http failure`,
- type: SettingsType.NUMBER,
- default: 3,
- },
- networkConcurrency: {
- description: `Maximal number of concurrent requests`,
- type: SettingsType.NUMBER,
- default: Infinity,
- },
- // Settings related to telemetry
- enableTelemetry: {
- description: `If true, telemetry will be periodically sent, following the rules in https://yarnpkg.com/advanced/telemetry`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: !isCI,
- },
- telemetryInterval: {
- description: `Minimal amount of time between two telemetry uploads, in days`,
- type: SettingsType.NUMBER,
- default: 7,
- },
- telemetryUserId: {
- description: `If you desire to tell us which project you are, you can set this field. Completely optional and opt-in.`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: null,
- },
- // Settings related to security
- enableScripts: {
- description: `If true, packages are allowed to have install scripts by default`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: true,
- },
- enableImmutableCache: {
- description: `If true, the cache is reputed immutable and actions that would modify it will throw`,
- type: SettingsType.BOOLEAN,
- default: false,
- },
- checksumBehavior: {
- description: `Enumeration defining what to do when a checksum doesn't match expectations`,
- type: SettingsType.STRING,
- default: `throw`,
- },
- // Package patching - to fix incorrect definitions
- packageExtensions: {
- description: `Map of package corrections to apply on the dependency tree`,
- type: SettingsType.MAP,
- valueDefinition: {
- description: ``,
- type: SettingsType.ANY,
- },
- },
- };
- export interface MapConfigurationValue<T extends object> {
- get<K extends keyof T>(key: K): T[K];
- }
- export interface ConfigurationValueMap {
- lastUpdateCheck: string | null;
- yarnPath: PortablePath;
- ignorePath: boolean;
- ignoreCwd: boolean;
- cacheKeyOverride: string | null;
- globalFolder: PortablePath;
- cacheFolder: PortablePath;
- compressionLevel: `mixed` | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
- virtualFolder: PortablePath;
- bstatePath: PortablePath;
- lockfileFilename: Filename;
- installStatePath: PortablePath;
- immutablePatterns: Array<string>;
- rcFilename: Filename;
- enableGlobalCache: boolean;
- enableAbsoluteVirtuals: boolean;
- enableColors: boolean;
- enableHyperlinks: boolean;
- enableInlineBuilds: boolean;
- enableProgressBars: boolean;
- enableTimers: boolean;
- preferAggregateCacheInfo: boolean;
- preferInteractive: boolean;
- preferTruncatedLines: boolean;
- progressBarStyle: string | undefined;
- defaultLanguageName: string;
- defaultProtocol: string;
- enableTransparentWorkspaces: boolean;
- enableMirror: boolean;
- enableNetwork: boolean;
- httpProxy: string;
- httpsProxy: string;
- unsafeHttpWhitelist: Array<string>;
- httpTimeout: number;
- httpRetry: number;
- networkConcurrency: number;
- // Settings related to telemetry
- enableTelemetry: boolean;
- telemetryInterval: number;
- telemetryUserId: string | null;
- // Settings related to security
- enableScripts: boolean;
- enableImmutableCache: boolean;
- checksumBehavior: string;
- // Package patching - to fix incorrect definitions
- packageExtensions: Map<string, any>;
- }
- type SimpleDefinitionForType<T> = SimpleSettingsDefinition & {
- type:
- | (T extends boolean ? SettingsType.BOOLEAN : never)
- | (T extends number ? SettingsType.NUMBER : never)
- | (T extends PortablePath ? SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH : never)
- | (T extends string ? SettingsType.LOCATOR | SettingsType.LOCATOR_LOOSE | SettingsType.SECRET | SettingsType.STRING : never)
- | SettingsType.ANY
- ;
- };
- type DefinitionForTypeHelper<T> = T extends Map<string, infer U>
- ? (MapSettingsDefinition & {valueDefinition: Omit<DefinitionForType<U>, 'default'>})
- : T extends MapConfigurationValue<infer U>
- ? (ShapeSettingsDefinition & {properties: ConfigurationDefinitionMap<U>})
- : SimpleDefinitionForType<T>;
- type DefinitionForType<T> = T extends Array<infer U>
- ? (DefinitionForTypeHelper<U> & {isArray: true})
- : (DefinitionForTypeHelper<T> & {isArray?: false});
- // We use this type to enforce that the types defined in the
- // `ConfigurationValueMap` interface match what's listed in
- // the `configuration` field from plugin definitions
- //
- // Note: it doesn't currently support checking enumerated types
- // against what's actually put in the `values` field.
- export type ConfigurationDefinitionMap<V = ConfigurationValueMap> = {
- [K in keyof V]: DefinitionForType<V[K]>;
- }
- function parseBoolean(value: unknown) {
- switch (value) {
- case `true`:
- case `1`:
- case 1:
- case true: {
- return true;
- } break;
- case `false`:
- case `0`:
- case 0:
- case false: {
- return false;
- } break;
- default: {
- throw new Error(`Couldn't parse "${value}" as a boolean`);
- } break;
- }
- }
- function parseValue(configuration: Configuration, path: string, value: unknown, definition: SettingsDefinition, folder: PortablePath) {
- if (definition.isArray) {
- if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
- return String(value).split(/,/).map(segment => {
- return parseSingleValue(configuration, path, segment, definition, folder);
- });
- } else {
- return value.map((sub, i) => parseSingleValue(configuration, `${path}[${i}]`, sub, definition, folder));
- }
- } else {
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- throw new Error(`Non-array configuration settings "${path}" cannot be an array`);
- } else {
- return parseSingleValue(configuration, path, value, definition, folder);
- }
- }
- }
- function parseSingleValue(configuration: Configuration, path: string, value: unknown, definition: SettingsDefinition, folder: PortablePath) {
- switch (definition.type) {
- case SettingsType.ANY:
- return value;
- case SettingsType.SHAPE:
- return parseShape(configuration, path, value, definition, folder);
- case SettingsType.MAP:
- return parseMap(configuration, path, value, definition, folder);
- }
- if (value === null && !definition.isNullable && definition.default !== null)
- throw new Error(`Non-nullable configuration settings "${path}" cannot be set to null`);
- if (definition.values?.includes(value))
- return value;
- const interpretValue = () => {
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.BOOLEAN)
- return parseBoolean(value);
- if (typeof value !== `string`)
- throw new Error(`Expected value (${value}) to be a string`);
- const valueWithReplacedVariables = miscUtils.replaceEnvVariables(value, {
- env: process.env,
- });
- switch (definition.type) {
- case SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH:
- return ppath.resolve(folder, npath.toPortablePath(valueWithReplacedVariables));
- case SettingsType.LOCATOR_LOOSE:
- return structUtils.parseLocator(valueWithReplacedVariables, false);
- case SettingsType.NUMBER:
- return parseInt(valueWithReplacedVariables);
- case SettingsType.LOCATOR:
- return structUtils.parseLocator(valueWithReplacedVariables);
- default:
- return valueWithReplacedVariables;
- }
- };
- const interpreted = interpretValue();
- if (definition.values && !definition.values.includes(interpreted))
- throw new Error(`Invalid value, expected one of ${definition.values.join(`, `)}`);
- return interpreted;
- }
- function parseShape(configuration: Configuration, path: string, value: unknown, definition: ShapeSettingsDefinition, folder: PortablePath) {
- if (typeof value !== `object` || Array.isArray(value))
- throw new UsageError(`Object configuration settings "${path}" must be an object`);
- const result: Map<string, any> = getDefaultValue(configuration, definition);
- if (value === null)
- return result;
- for (const [propKey, propValue] of Object.entries(value)) {
- const subPath = `${path}.${propKey}`;
- const subDefinition = definition.properties[propKey];
- if (!subDefinition)
- throw new UsageError(`Unrecognized configuration settings found: ${path}.${propKey} - run "yarn config -v" to see the list of settings supported in Yarn`);
- result.set(propKey, parseValue(configuration, subPath, propValue, definition.properties[propKey], folder));
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseMap(configuration: Configuration, path: string, value: unknown, definition: MapSettingsDefinition, folder: PortablePath) {
- const result = new Map<string, any>();
- if (typeof value !== `object` || Array.isArray(value))
- throw new UsageError(`Map configuration settings "${path}" must be an object`);
- if (value === null)
- return result;
- for (const [propKey, propValue] of Object.entries(value)) {
- const normalizedKey = definition.normalizeKeys? definition.normalizeKeys(propKey) : propKey;
- const subPath = `${path}['${normalizedKey}']`;
- // @ts-expect-error: SettingsDefinitionNoDefault has ... no default ... but
- // that's fine because we're guaranteed it's not undefined.
- const valueDefinition: SettingsDefinition = definition.valueDefinition;
- result.set(normalizedKey, parseValue(configuration, subPath, propValue, valueDefinition, folder));
- }
- return result;
- }
- function getDefaultValue(configuration: Configuration, definition: SettingsDefinition) {
- switch (definition.type) {
- case SettingsType.SHAPE: {
- const result = new Map<string, any>();
- for (const [propKey, propDefinition] of Object.entries(definition.properties))
- result.set(propKey, getDefaultValue(configuration, propDefinition));
- return result;
- } break;
- case SettingsType.MAP: {
- return new Map<string, any>();
- } break;
- case SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH: {
- if (definition.default === null)
- return null;
- if (configuration.projectCwd === null) {
- if (ppath.isAbsolute(definition.default)) {
- return ppath.normalize(definition.default);
- } else if (definition.isNullable) {
- return null;
- } else {
- // Reached when a relative path is the default but the current
- // context is evaluated outside of a Yarn project
- return undefined;
- }
- } else {
- if (Array.isArray(definition.default)) {
- return definition.default.map((entry: string) => ppath.resolve(configuration.projectCwd!, entry as PortablePath));
- } else {
- return ppath.resolve(configuration.projectCwd, definition.default);
- }
- }
- } break;
- default: {
- return definition.default;
- } break;
- }
- }
- type SettingTransforms = {
- hideSecrets: boolean;
- getNativePaths: boolean;
- };
- function transformConfiguration(rawValue: unknown, definition: SettingsDefinitionNoDefault, transforms: SettingTransforms) {
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.SECRET && typeof rawValue === `string` && transforms.hideSecrets)
- return SECRET;
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.ABSOLUTE_PATH && typeof rawValue === `string` && transforms.getNativePaths)
- return npath.fromPortablePath(rawValue);
- if (definition.isArray && Array.isArray(rawValue)) {
- const newValue: Array<unknown> = [];
- for (const value of rawValue)
- newValue.push(transformConfiguration(value, definition, transforms));
- return newValue;
- }
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.MAP && rawValue instanceof Map) {
- const newValue: Map<string, unknown> = new Map();
- for (const [key, value] of rawValue.entries())
- newValue.set(key, transformConfiguration(value, definition.valueDefinition, transforms));
- return newValue;
- }
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.SHAPE && rawValue instanceof Map) {
- const newValue: Map<string, unknown> = new Map();
- for (const [key, value] of rawValue.entries()) {
- const propertyDefinition = definition.properties[key];
- newValue.set(key, transformConfiguration(value, propertyDefinition, transforms));
- }
- return newValue;
- }
- return rawValue;
- }
- function getEnvironmentSettings() {
- const environmentSettings: {[key: string]: any} = {};
- for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(process.env)) {
- key = key.toLowerCase();
- if (!key.startsWith(ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX))
- continue;
- key = camelcase(key.slice(ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX.length));
- environmentSettings[key] = value;
- }
- return environmentSettings;
- }
- function getRcFilename() {
- const rcKey = `${ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX}rc_filename`;
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(process.env))
- if (key.toLowerCase() === rcKey && typeof value === `string`)
- return value as Filename;
- return DEFAULT_RC_FILENAME as Filename;
- }
- export enum ProjectLookup {
- }
- export type FindProjectOptions = {
- lookup?: ProjectLookup,
- strict?: boolean,
- usePath?: boolean,
- useRc?: boolean,
- };
- export class Configuration {
- public static telemetry: TelemetryManager | null = null;
- public startingCwd: PortablePath;
- public projectCwd: PortablePath | null = null;
- public plugins: Map<string, Plugin> = new Map();
- public settings: Map<string, SettingsDefinition> = new Map();
- public values: Map<string, any> = new Map();
- public sources: Map<string, string> = new Map();
- public invalid: Map<string, string> = new Map();
- public packageExtensions: Map<IdentHash, Array<{
- descriptor: Descriptor,
- changes: Set<string>,
- patch: (pkg: Package) => void,
- }>> = new Map();
- public limits: Map<string, Limit> = new Map();
- /**
- * Instantiate a new configuration object with the default values from the
- * core. You typically don't want to use this, as it will ignore the values
- * configured in the rc files. Instead, prefer to use `Configuration#find`.
- */
- static create(startingCwd: PortablePath, plugins?: Map<string, Plugin>): Configuration;
- static create(startingCwd: PortablePath, projectCwd: PortablePath | null, plugins?: Map<string, Plugin>): Configuration;
- static create(startingCwd: PortablePath, projectCwdOrPlugins?: Map<string, Plugin> | PortablePath | null, maybePlugins?: Map<string, Plugin>) {
- const configuration = new Configuration(startingCwd);
- if (typeof projectCwdOrPlugins !== `undefined` && !(projectCwdOrPlugins instanceof Map))
- configuration.projectCwd = projectCwdOrPlugins;
- configuration.importSettings(coreDefinitions);
- const plugins = typeof maybePlugins !== `undefined`
- ? maybePlugins
- : projectCwdOrPlugins instanceof Map
- ? projectCwdOrPlugins
- : new Map();
- for (const [name, plugin] of plugins)
- configuration.activatePlugin(name, plugin);
- return configuration;
- }
- /**
- * Instantiate a new configuration object exposing the configuration obtained
- * from reading the various rc files and the environment settings.
- *
- * The `pluginConfiguration` parameter is expected to indicate:
- *
- * 1. which modules should be made available to plugins when they require a
- * package (this is the dynamic linking part - for example we want all the
- * plugins to use the exact same version of @yarnpkg/core, which also is the
- * version used by the running Yarn instance).
- *
- * 2. which of those modules are actually plugins that need to be injected
- * within the configuration.
- *
- * Note that some extra plugins will be automatically added based on the
- * content of the rc files - with the rc plugins taking precedence over
- * the other ones.
- *
- * One particularity: the plugin initialization order is quite strict, with
- * plugins listed in /foo/bar/.yarnrc.yml taking precedence over plugins
- * listed in /foo/.yarnrc.yml and /.yarnrc.yml. Additionally, while plugins
- * can depend on one another, they can only depend on plugins that have been
- * instantiated before them (so a plugin listed in /foo/.yarnrc.yml can
- * depend on another one listed on /foo/bar/.yarnrc.yml, but not the other
- * way around).
- */
- static async find(startingCwd: PortablePath, pluginConfiguration: PluginConfiguration | null, {lookup = ProjectLookup.LOCKFILE, strict = true, usePath = false, useRc = true}: FindProjectOptions = {}) {
- const environmentSettings = getEnvironmentSettings();
- delete environmentSettings.rcFilename;
- const rcFiles = await Configuration.findRcFiles(startingCwd);
- const homeRcFile = await Configuration.findHomeRcFile();
- // First we will parse the `yarn-path` settings. Doing this now allows us
- // to not have to load the plugins if there's a `yarn-path` configured.
- type CoreKeys = keyof typeof coreDefinitions;
- type CoreFields = {[key in CoreKeys]: any};
- const pickCoreFields = ({ignoreCwd, yarnPath, ignorePath, lockfileFilename}: CoreFields) => ({ignoreCwd, yarnPath, ignorePath, lockfileFilename});
- const excludeCoreFields = ({ignoreCwd, yarnPath, ignorePath, lockfileFilename, ...rest}: CoreFields) => rest;
- const configuration = new Configuration(startingCwd);
- configuration.importSettings(pickCoreFields(coreDefinitions));
- configuration.useWithSource(`<environment>`, pickCoreFields(environmentSettings), startingCwd, {strict: false});
- for (const {path, cwd, data} of rcFiles)
- configuration.useWithSource(path, pickCoreFields(data), cwd, {strict: false});
- if (homeRcFile)
- configuration.useWithSource(homeRcFile.path, pickCoreFields(homeRcFile.data), homeRcFile.cwd, {strict: false});
- if (usePath) {
- const yarnPath = configuration.get(`yarnPath`);
- const ignorePath = configuration.get(`ignorePath`);
- if (yarnPath !== null && !ignorePath) {
- return configuration;
- }
- }
- // We need to know the project root before being able to truly instantiate
- // our configuration, and to know that we need to know the lockfile name
- const lockfileFilename = configuration.get(`lockfileFilename`);
- let projectCwd: PortablePath | null;
- switch (lookup) {
- case ProjectLookup.LOCKFILE: {
- projectCwd = await Configuration.findProjectCwd(startingCwd, lockfileFilename);
- } break;
- case ProjectLookup.MANIFEST: {
- projectCwd = await Configuration.findProjectCwd(startingCwd, null);
- } break;
- case ProjectLookup.NONE: {
- if (xfs.existsSync(ppath.join(startingCwd, `package.json` as Filename))) {
- projectCwd = ppath.resolve(startingCwd);
- } else {
- projectCwd = null;
- }
- } break;
- }
- // Great! We now have enough information to really start to setup the
- // core configuration object.
- configuration.startingCwd = startingCwd;
- configuration.projectCwd = projectCwd;
- configuration.importSettings(excludeCoreFields(coreDefinitions));
- // Now that the configuration object is almost ready, we need to load all
- // the configured plugins
- const plugins = new Map<string, Plugin>([
- [`@@core`, CorePlugin],
- ]);
- const interop =
- (obj: any) => obj.__esModule
- ? obj.default
- : obj;
- if (pluginConfiguration !== null) {
- for (const request of pluginConfiguration.plugins.keys())
- plugins.set(request, interop(pluginConfiguration.modules.get(request)));
- const requireEntries = new Map();
- for (const request of nodeUtils.builtinModules())
- requireEntries.set(request, () => nodeUtils.dynamicRequire(request));
- for (const [request, embedModule] of pluginConfiguration.modules)
- requireEntries.set(request, () => embedModule);
- const dynamicPlugins = new Set();
- const getDefault = (object: any) => {
- return object.default || object;
- };
- const importPlugin = (pluginPath: PortablePath, source: string) => {
- const {factory, name} = nodeUtils.dynamicRequire(npath.fromPortablePath(pluginPath));
- // Prevent plugin redefinition so that the ones declared deeper in the
- // filesystem always have precedence over the ones below.
- if (dynamicPlugins.has(name))
- return;
- const pluginRequireEntries = new Map(requireEntries);
- const pluginRequire = (request: string) => {
- if (pluginRequireEntries.has(request)) {
- return pluginRequireEntries.get(request)();
- } else {
- throw new UsageError(`This plugin cannot access the package referenced via ${request} which is neither a builtin, nor an exposed entry`);
- }
- };
- const plugin = miscUtils.prettifySyncErrors(() => {
- return getDefault(factory(pluginRequire));
- }, message => {
- return `${message} (when initializing ${name}, defined in ${source})`;
- });
- requireEntries.set(name, () => plugin);
- dynamicPlugins.add(name);
- plugins.set(name, plugin);
- };
- if (environmentSettings.plugins) {
- for (const userProvidedPath of environmentSettings.plugins.split(`;`)) {
- const pluginPath = ppath.resolve(startingCwd, npath.toPortablePath(userProvidedPath));
- importPlugin(pluginPath, `<environment>`);
- }
- }
- for (const {path, cwd, data} of rcFiles) {
- if (!useRc)
- continue;
- if (!Array.isArray(data.plugins))
- continue;
- for (const userPluginEntry of data.plugins) {
- const userProvidedPath = typeof userPluginEntry !== `string`
- ? userPluginEntry.path
- : userPluginEntry;
- const pluginPath = ppath.resolve(cwd, npath.toPortablePath(userProvidedPath));
- importPlugin(pluginPath, path);
- }
- }
- }
- for (const [name, plugin] of plugins)
- configuration.activatePlugin(name, plugin);
- configuration.useWithSource(`<environment>`, excludeCoreFields(environmentSettings), startingCwd, {strict});
- for (const {path, cwd, data} of rcFiles)
- configuration.useWithSource(path, excludeCoreFields(data), cwd, {strict});
- // The home configuration is never strict because it improves support for
- // multiple projects using different Yarn versions on the same machine
- if (homeRcFile)
- configuration.useWithSource(homeRcFile.path, excludeCoreFields(homeRcFile.data), homeRcFile.cwd, {strict: false});
- if (configuration.get(`enableGlobalCache`)) {
- configuration.values.set(`cacheFolder`, `${configuration.get(`globalFolder`)}/cache`);
- configuration.sources.set(`cacheFolder`, `<internal>`);
- }
- await configuration.refreshPackageExtensions();
- return configuration;
- }
- static async findRcFiles(startingCwd: PortablePath) {
- const rcFilename = getRcFilename();
- const rcFiles = [];
- let nextCwd = startingCwd;
- let currentCwd = null;
- while (nextCwd !== currentCwd) {
- currentCwd = nextCwd;
- const rcPath = ppath.join(currentCwd, rcFilename as PortablePath);
- if (xfs.existsSync(rcPath)) {
- const content = await xfs.readFilePromise(rcPath, `utf8`);
- let data;
- try {
- data = parseSyml(content) as any;
- } catch (error) {
- let tip = ``;
- if (content.match(/^\s+(?!-)[^:]+\s+\S+/m))
- tip = ` (in particular, make sure you list the colons after each key name)`;
- throw new UsageError(`Parse error when loading ${rcPath}; please check it's proper Yaml${tip}`);
- }
- rcFiles.push({path: rcPath, cwd: currentCwd, data});
- }
- nextCwd = ppath.dirname(currentCwd);
- }
- return rcFiles;
- }
- static async findHomeRcFile() {
- const rcFilename = getRcFilename();
- const homeFolder = folderUtils.getHomeFolder();
- const homeRcFilePath = ppath.join(homeFolder, rcFilename);
- if (xfs.existsSync(homeRcFilePath)) {
- const content = await xfs.readFilePromise(homeRcFilePath, `utf8`);
- const data = parseSyml(content) as any;
- return {path: homeRcFilePath, cwd: homeFolder, data};
- }
- return null;
- }
- static async findProjectCwd(startingCwd: PortablePath, lockfileFilename: Filename | null) {
- let projectCwd = null;
- let nextCwd = startingCwd;
- let currentCwd = null;
- while (nextCwd !== currentCwd) {
- currentCwd = nextCwd;
- if (xfs.existsSync(ppath.join(currentCwd, `package.json` as Filename)))
- projectCwd = currentCwd;
- if (lockfileFilename !== null) {
- if (xfs.existsSync(ppath.join(currentCwd, lockfileFilename))) {
- projectCwd = currentCwd;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (projectCwd !== null) {
- break;
- }
- }
- nextCwd = ppath.dirname(currentCwd);
- }
- return projectCwd;
- }
- static async updateConfiguration(cwd: PortablePath, patch: {[key: string]: ((current: unknown) => unknown) | {} | undefined} | ((current: {[key: string]: unknown}) => {[key: string]: unknown})) {
- const rcFilename = getRcFilename();
- const configurationPath = ppath.join(cwd, rcFilename as PortablePath);
- const current = xfs.existsSync(configurationPath)
- ? parseSyml(await xfs.readFilePromise(configurationPath, `utf8`)) as any
- : {};
- let patched = false;
- let replacement: {[key: string]: unknown};
- if (typeof patch === `function`) {
- try {
- replacement = patch(current);
- } catch {
- replacement = patch({});
- }
- if (replacement === current) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- replacement = current;
- for (const key of Object.keys(patch)) {
- const currentValue = current[key];
- const patchField = patch[key];
- let nextValue: unknown;
- if (typeof patchField === `function`) {
- try {
- nextValue = patchField(currentValue);
- } catch {
- nextValue = patchField(undefined);
- }
- } else {
- nextValue = patchField;
- }
- if (currentValue === nextValue)
- continue;
- replacement[key] = nextValue;
- patched = true;
- }
- if (!patched) {
- return;
- }
- }
- await xfs.changeFilePromise(configurationPath, stringifySyml(replacement), {
- automaticNewlines: true,
- });
- }
- static async updateHomeConfiguration(patch: {[key: string]: ((current: unknown) => unknown) | {} | undefined} | ((current: {[key: string]: unknown}) => {[key: string]: unknown})) {
- const homeFolder = folderUtils.getHomeFolder();
- return await Configuration.updateConfiguration(homeFolder, patch);
- }
- private constructor(startingCwd: PortablePath) {
- this.startingCwd = startingCwd;
- }
- activatePlugin(name: string, plugin: Plugin) {
- this.plugins.set(name, plugin);
- if (typeof plugin.configuration !== `undefined`) {
- this.importSettings(plugin.configuration);
- }
- }
- private importSettings(definitions: {[name: string]: SettingsDefinition | undefined}) {
- for (const [name, definition] of Object.entries(definitions)) {
- if (definition == null)
- continue;
- if (this.settings.has(name))
- throw new Error(`Cannot redefine settings "${name}"`);
- this.settings.set(name, definition);
- this.values.set(name, getDefaultValue(this, definition));
- }
- }
- useWithSource(source: string, data: {[key: string]: unknown}, folder: PortablePath, opts?: {strict?: boolean, overwrite?: boolean}) {
- try {
- this.use(source, data, folder, opts);
- } catch (error) {
- error.message += ` (in ${source})`;
- throw error;
- }
- }
- use(source: string, data: {[key: string]: unknown}, folder: PortablePath, {strict = true, overwrite = false}: {strict?: boolean, overwrite?: boolean} = {}) {
- for (const key of Object.keys(data)) {
- const value = data[key];
- if (typeof value === `undefined`)
- continue;
- // The plugins have already been loaded at this point
- if (key === `plugins`)
- continue;
- // Some environment variables should be ignored when applying the configuration
- if (source === `<environment>` && IGNORED_ENV_VARIABLES.has(key))
- continue;
- // It wouldn't make much sense, would it?
- if (key === `rcFilename`)
- throw new UsageError(`The rcFilename settings can only be set via ${`${ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX}RC_FILENAME`.toUpperCase()}, not via a rc file`);
- const definition = this.settings.get(key);
- if (!definition) {
- if (strict) {
- throw new UsageError(`Unrecognized or legacy configuration settings found: ${key} - run "yarn config -v" to see the list of settings supported in Yarn`);
- } else {
- this.invalid.set(key, source);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (this.sources.has(key) && !(overwrite || definition.type === SettingsType.MAP))
- continue;
- let parsed;
- try {
- parsed = parseValue(this, key, data[key], definition, folder);
- } catch (error) {
- error.message += ` in ${source}`;
- throw error;
- }
- if (definition.type === SettingsType.MAP) {
- const previousValue = this.values.get(key) as Map<string, any>;
- this.values.set(key, new Map(overwrite
- ? [...previousValue, ...parsed as Map<string, any>]
- : [...parsed as Map<string, any>, ...previousValue]
- ));
- this.sources.set(key, `${this.sources.get(key)}, ${source}`);
- } else {
- this.values.set(key, parsed);
- this.sources.set(key, source);
- }
- }
- }
- get<K extends keyof ConfigurationValueMap>(key: K): ConfigurationValueMap[K];
- /** @deprecated pass in a known configuration key instead */
- get<T>(key: string): T;
- /** @note Type will change to unknown in a future major version */
- get(key: string): any;
- get(key: string) {
- if (!this.values.has(key))
- throw new Error(`Invalid configuration key "${key}"`);
- return this.values.get(key);
- }
- getSpecial<T = any>(key: string, {hideSecrets = false, getNativePaths = false}: Partial<SettingTransforms>) {
- const rawValue = this.get(key);
- const definition = this.settings.get(key);
- if (typeof definition === `undefined`)
- throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a configuration settings named "${key}"`);
- return transformConfiguration(rawValue, definition, {
- hideSecrets,
- getNativePaths,
- }) as T;
- }
- getSubprocessStreams(logFile: PortablePath, {header, prefix, report}: {header?: string, prefix: string, report: Report}) {
- let stdout: Writable;
- let stderr: Writable;
- const logStream = xfs.createWriteStream(logFile);
- if (this.get(`enableInlineBuilds`)) {
- const stdoutLineReporter = report.createStreamReporter(`${prefix} ${formatUtils.pretty(this, `STDOUT`, `green`)}`);
- const stderrLineReporter = report.createStreamReporter(`${prefix} ${formatUtils.pretty(this, `STDERR`, `red`)}`);
- stdout = new PassThrough();
- stdout.pipe(stdoutLineReporter);
- stdout.pipe(logStream);
- stderr = new PassThrough();
- stderr.pipe(stderrLineReporter);
- stderr.pipe(logStream);
- } else {
- stdout = logStream;
- stderr = logStream;
- if (typeof header !== `undefined`) {
- stdout.write(`${header}\n`);
- }
- }
- return {stdout, stderr};
- }
- makeResolver() {
- const pluginResolvers = [];
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values())
- for (const resolver of plugin.resolvers || [])
- pluginResolvers.push(new resolver());
- return new MultiResolver([
- new VirtualResolver(),
- new WorkspaceResolver(),
- new ProtocolResolver(),
- ...pluginResolvers,
- ]);
- }
- makeFetcher() {
- const pluginFetchers = [];
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values())
- for (const fetcher of plugin.fetchers || [])
- pluginFetchers.push(new fetcher());
- return new MultiFetcher([
- new VirtualFetcher(),
- new WorkspaceFetcher(),
- ...pluginFetchers,
- ]);
- }
- getLinkers() {
- const linkers = [];
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values())
- for (const linker of plugin.linkers || [])
- linkers.push(new linker());
- return linkers;
- }
- async refreshPackageExtensions() {
- this.packageExtensions = new Map();
- const packageExtensions = this.packageExtensions;
- const registerPackageExtension = (descriptor: Descriptor, extensionData: any) => {
- if (!semver.validRange(descriptor.range))
- throw new Error(`Only semver ranges are allowed as keys for the lockfileExtensions setting`);
- const extension = new Manifest();
- extension.load(extensionData);
- miscUtils.getArrayWithDefault(packageExtensions, descriptor.identHash).push({
- descriptor,
- changes: new Set([
- ...[
- ...extension.dependencies.values(),
- ...extension.peerDependencies.values(),
- ].map(descriptor => {
- return structUtils.stringifyIdent(descriptor);
- }),
- ...extension.dependenciesMeta.keys(),
- ...extension.peerDependenciesMeta.keys(),
- ]),
- patch: pkg => {
- pkg.dependencies = new Map([...pkg.dependencies, ...extension.dependencies]);
- pkg.peerDependencies = new Map([...pkg.peerDependencies, ...extension.peerDependencies]);
- pkg.dependenciesMeta = new Map([...pkg.dependenciesMeta, ...extension.dependenciesMeta]);
- pkg.peerDependenciesMeta = new Map([...pkg.peerDependenciesMeta, ...extension.peerDependenciesMeta]);
- },
- });
- };
- for (const [descriptorString, extensionData] of this.get(`packageExtensions`))
- registerPackageExtension(structUtils.parseDescriptor(descriptorString, true), extensionData);
- await this.triggerHook(hooks => {
- return hooks.registerPackageExtensions;
- }, this, registerPackageExtension);
- }
- normalizePackage(original: Package) {
- const pkg = structUtils.copyPackage(original);
- // We use the extensions to define additional dependencies that weren't
- // properly listed in the original package definition
- if (this.packageExtensions == null)
- throw new Error(`refreshPackageExtensions has to be called before normalizing packages`);
- const extensionList = this.packageExtensions.get(original.identHash);
- if (typeof extensionList !== `undefined`) {
- const version = original.version;
- if (version !== null) {
- const extensionEntry = extensionList.find(({descriptor}) => {
- return semverUtils.satisfiesWithPrereleases(version, descriptor.range);
- });
- if (typeof extensionEntry !== `undefined`) {
- extensionEntry.patch(pkg);
- }
- }
- }
- // We also add implicit optional @types peer dependencies for each peer
- // dependency. This is for compatibility reason, as many existing packages
- // forget to define their @types/react optional peer dependency when they
- // peer-depend on react.
- const getTypesName = (descriptor: Descriptor) => {
- return descriptor.scope
- ? `${descriptor.scope}__${descriptor.name}`
- : `${descriptor.name}`;
- };
- for (const descriptor of pkg.peerDependencies.values()) {
- if (descriptor.scope === `@types`)
- continue;
- const typesName = getTypesName(descriptor);
- const typesIdent = structUtils.makeIdent(`types`, typesName);
- if (pkg.peerDependencies.has(typesIdent.identHash) || pkg.peerDependenciesMeta.has(typesIdent.identHash))
- continue;
- pkg.peerDependenciesMeta.set(structUtils.stringifyIdent(typesIdent), {
- optional: true,
- });
- }
- // I don't like implicit dependencies, but package authors are reluctant to
- // use optional peer dependencies because they would print warnings in older
- // npm releases.
- for (const identString of pkg.peerDependenciesMeta.keys()) {
- const ident = structUtils.parseIdent(identString);
- if (!pkg.peerDependencies.has(ident.identHash)) {
- pkg.peerDependencies.set(ident.identHash, structUtils.makeDescriptor(ident, `*`));
- }
- }
- // We sort the dependencies so that further iterations always occur in the
- // same order, regardless how the various registries formatted their output
- pkg.dependencies = new Map(miscUtils.sortMap(pkg.dependencies, ([, descriptor]) => structUtils.stringifyDescriptor(descriptor)));
- pkg.peerDependencies = new Map(miscUtils.sortMap(pkg.peerDependencies, ([, descriptor]) => structUtils.stringifyDescriptor(descriptor)));
- return pkg;
- }
- getLimit(key: string) {
- return miscUtils.getFactoryWithDefault(this.limits, key, () => {
- return pLimit(this.get<number>(key));
- });
- }
- async triggerHook<U extends Array<any>, V, HooksDefinition = Hooks>(get: (hooks: HooksDefinition) => ((...args: U) => V) | undefined, ...args: U): Promise<void> {
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values()) {
- const hooks = plugin.hooks as HooksDefinition;
- if (!hooks)
- continue;
- const hook = get(hooks);
- if (!hook)
- continue;
- await hook(...args);
- }
- }
- async triggerMultipleHooks<U extends Array<any>, V, HooksDefinition = Hooks>(get: (hooks: HooksDefinition) => ((...args: U) => V) | undefined, argsList: Array<U>): Promise<void> {
- for (const args of argsList) {
- await this.triggerHook(get, ...args);
- }
- }
- async reduceHook<U extends Array<any>, V, HooksDefinition = Hooks>(get: (hooks: HooksDefinition) => ((reduced: V, ...args: U) => Promise<V>) | undefined, initialValue: V, ...args: U): Promise<V> {
- let value = initialValue;
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values()) {
- const hooks = plugin.hooks as HooksDefinition;
- if (!hooks)
- continue;
- const hook = get(hooks);
- if (!hook)
- continue;
- value = await hook(value, ...args);
- }
- return value;
- }
- async firstHook<U extends Array<any>, V, HooksDefinition = Hooks>(get: (hooks: HooksDefinition) => ((...args: U) => Promise<V>) | undefined, ...args: U): Promise<Exclude<V, void> | null> {
- for (const plugin of this.plugins.values()) {
- const hooks = plugin.hooks as HooksDefinition;
- if (!hooks)
- continue;
- const hook = get(hooks);
- if (!hook)
- continue;
- const ret = await hook(...args);
- if (typeof ret !== `undefined`) {
- // @ts-expect-error
- return ret;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated Prefer using formatUtils.pretty instead, which is type-safe
- */
- format(value: string, formatType: formatUtils.Type | string): string {
- return formatUtils.pretty(this, value, formatType);
- }
- }