Java | 3513 lines | 3027 code | 379 blank | 107 comment | 69 complexity | 9f9753ac1411133e88541b3c78d14a72 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**********************************************************************
- Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- **********************************************************************/
- package com.google.appengine.datanucleus.query;
- import static com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.Flight.newFlightEntity;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreFailureException;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreTimeoutException;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.KeyFactory;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.FilterOperator;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.FilterPredicate;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.SortDirection;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.SortPredicate;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.ShortBlob;
- import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.dev.LocalDatastoreService;
- import com.google.appengine.api.users.User;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.DatastoreManager;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.DatastoreServiceInterceptor;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.PrimitiveArrays;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.TestUtils;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.Utils;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.WriteBlocker;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.jdo.JDOTestCase;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.AbstractBaseClassesJDO.Base1;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.BidirectionalChildListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.Flight;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasBytesJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasEmbeddedJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasEncodedStringPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasEncodedStringPkSeparateIdFieldJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasEncodedStringPkSeparateNameFieldJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasEnumJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasKeyAncestorKeyPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasKeyPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasLongPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasMultiValuePropsJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyKeyPkListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyKeyPkSetJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyLongPkSetJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkListJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkSetJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToOneJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasOneToOneParentJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.HasUnencodedStringPkJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.KitchenSink;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.NullDataJDO;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.Person;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jdo.UnidirectionalSuperclassTableChildJDO.UnidirTop;
- import com.google.appengine.datanucleus.test.jpa.Book;
- import com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy;
- import com.google.apphosting.api.DatastorePb;
- import junit.framework.Assert;
- import org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOPersistenceManagerFactory;
- import org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOQuery;
- import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException;
- import org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression;
- import org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache;
- import org.easymock.EasyMock;
- import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
- import java.math.BigDecimal;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.concurrent.Future;
- import javax.jdo.Extent;
- import javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException;
- import javax.jdo.JDOException;
- import javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException;
- import javax.jdo.JDOUserException;
- import javax.jdo.Query;
- import javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEvent;
- import javax.jdo.listener.LoadLifecycleListener;
- /**
- * @author Max Ross <maxr@google.com>
- */
- public class JDOQLQueryTest extends JDOTestCase {
- private static final List<SortPredicate> NO_SORTS = Collections.emptyList();
- private static final List<FilterPredicate> NO_FILTERS = Collections.emptyList();
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_EQ_2 =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.EQUAL, 2);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.EQUAL, 2L);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_NEQ_NULL_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_EQ_2STR =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.EQUAL, "2");
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_NEQ_2_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.NOT_EQUAL, 2L);
- private static final FilterPredicate DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("dest", FilterOperator.EQUAL, 4L);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIG_GT_2_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN, 2L);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIG_GTE_2_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 2L);
- private static final FilterPredicate DEST_LT_4_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("dest", FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, 4L);
- private static final FilterPredicate DEST_LTE_4_LITERAL =
- new FilterPredicate("dest", FilterOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 4L);
- private static final SortPredicate ORIG_ASC =
- new SortPredicate("origin", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
- private static final SortPredicate DESC_DESC =
- new SortPredicate("dest", SortDirection.DESCENDING);
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_IN_2_ARGS =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.IN, Arrays.asList("2", 2L));
- private static final FilterPredicate ORIGIN_IN_3_ARGS =
- new FilterPredicate("origin", FilterOperator.IN, Arrays.asList("2", 2L, false));
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- DatastoreServiceInterceptor.install(getStoreManager(), new WriteBlocker());
- beginTxn();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- if (!pm.isClosed() && pm.currentTransaction().isActive()) {
- commitTxn();
- }
- try {
- super.tearDown();
- } finally {
- DatastoreServiceInterceptor.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testUnsupportedFilters() {
- Set<Expression.Operator> unsupportedOps = Utils.newHashSet(DatastoreQuery.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATORS);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "!origin", Expression.OP_NOT, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "(origin + dest) == 4", Expression.OP_ADD, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin + dest == 4", Expression.OP_ADD, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "(origin - dest) == 4", Expression.OP_SUB, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin - dest == 4", Expression.OP_SUB, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "(origin / dest) == 4", Expression.OP_DIV, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin / dest == 4", Expression.OP_DIV, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "(origin * dest) == 4", Expression.OP_MUL, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin * dest == 4", Expression.OP_MUL, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "(origin % dest) == 4", Expression.OP_MOD, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin % dest == 4", Expression.OP_MOD, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "~origin == 4", Expression.OP_COM, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "!origin == 4", Expression.OP_NOT, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "-origin == 4", Expression.OP_NEG, unsupportedOps);
- assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(Flight.class, "origin instanceof " + Flight.class.getName(),
- Expression.OP_IS, unsupportedOps);
- assertEquals(Utils.<Expression.Operator>newHashSet(Expression.OP_CONCAT, Expression.OP_LIKE,
- Expression.OP_ISNOT), unsupportedOps);
- String baseQuery = "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where ";
- // multiple inequality filters
- // TODO(maxr) Make this pass against the real datastore.
- // We need to have it return BadRequest instead of NeedIndex for that to
- // happen.
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(baseQuery + "(origin > 2 && dest < 4)");
- // inequality filter prop is not the same as the first order by prop
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(baseQuery + "origin > 2 order by dest");
- // gets split into multiple inequality filters
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(baseQuery + "origin != 2 && dest != 4");
- // can't have 'or' on multiple properties
- assertQueryRequiresUnsupportedDatastoreFeature(baseQuery + "origin == 'yar' || dest == null");
- assertQueryRequiresUnsupportedDatastoreFeature(baseQuery + "origin == 4 && (dest == 'yar' || name == 'yam')");
- // TODO This query is flawed - defines a parameter but doesn't provide it (now an error in DN 3.x)
- // assertQueryRequiresUnsupportedDatastoreFeature(baseQuery + ":p1.contains(origin) || name == 'yam'");
- // can only check equality
- assertQueryRequiresUnsupportedDatastoreFeature(baseQuery + "origin > 5 || origin < 2");
- }
- private void assertQueryRequiresUnsupportedDatastoreFeature(String query) {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected JDOUserException->UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException for query <" + query + ">");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testEvaluateInMemory() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- // This is impossible in the datastore, so run totally in-memory
- String query = "SELECT FROM " + Flight.class.getName() + " WHERE origin == 'yar' || dest == null";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.addExtension("datanucleus.query.evaluateInMemory", "true");
- try {
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- Assert.assertEquals("Number of results was wrong", 2, results.size());
- } catch (JDOException jdoe) {
- fail("Threw exception when evaluating query in-memory, but should have run");
- }
- }
- public void testCacheQueryResults() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- QueryResultsCache cache = null;
- try {
- String query = "SELECT FROM " + Flight.class.getName();
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.addExtension("datanucleus.query.results.cached", "true");
- try {
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- Assert.assertEquals("Number of results was wrong", 2, results.size());
- } catch (JDOException jdoe) {
- fail("Threw exception when evaluating query and caching results : " + jdoe.getMessage());
- }
- q.closeAll();
- if (pm.currentTransaction().isActive()) {
- pm.currentTransaction().rollback();
- }
- pm.close();
- cache =
- ((JDOPersistenceManagerFactory)pmf).getNucleusContext().getStoreManager().getQueryManager().getQueryResultsCache();
- assertEquals("Number of entries in the query results cache is wrong", 1, cache.size());
- pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
- Query q2 = pm.newQuery(query);
- try {
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q2.execute();
- Assert.assertEquals("Number of results was wrong", 2, results.size());
- } catch (JDOException jdoe) {
- fail("Threw exception when evaluating query with cached results : " + jdoe.getMessage());
- }
- q2.closeAll();
- } finally {
- // Evict the cached results
- cache.evictAll();
- }
- }
- public void testCandidateCollectionInMemory() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- Collection<Flight> coll = new HashSet<Flight>();
- Iterator<Flight> iter = pm.getExtent(Flight.class).iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- coll.add(iter.next());
- }
- // Query is impossible in-datastore, and run against candidates so has to be in-memory
- String query = "SELECT FROM " + Flight.class.getName() + " WHERE origin == 'yar' || dest == null";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.setCandidates(coll);
- try {
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- Assert.assertEquals("Number of results was wrong", 2, results.size());
- } catch (JDOException jdoe) {
- fail("Threw exception when evaluating query in-memory, but should have run");
- }
- }
- public void testSupportedFilters() {
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "", NO_FILTERS, NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin == 2", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(
- Flight.class, "origin == \"2\"", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2STR), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "(origin == 2)", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin == 2 && dest == 4", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL,
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "(origin == 2 && dest == 4)", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL,
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "(origin == 2) && (dest == 4)", Utils.newArrayList(
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin > 2", Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_GT_2_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin >= 2", Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_GTE_2_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "dest < 4", Utils.newArrayList(DEST_LT_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "dest <= 4", Utils.newArrayList(DEST_LTE_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " order by origin asc",
- NO_FILTERS, Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_ASC));
- assertQuerySupported("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " order by dest desc",
- NO_FILTERS, Utils.newArrayList(DESC_DESC));
- assertQuerySupported("select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " order by origin asc, dest desc", NO_FILTERS, Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_ASC, DESC_DESC));
- assertQuerySupported("select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == 2 && dest == 4 order by origin asc, dest desc",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2_LITERAL, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL), Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_ASC, DESC_DESC));
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin != 2", Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_NEQ_2_LITERAL), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin != null",
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin == '2' || origin == 2",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_2_ARGS), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "origin == '2' || origin == 2 || origin == false",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_3_ARGS), NO_SORTS);
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, ":p1.contains(origin)",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_2_ARGS), NO_SORTS, Arrays.asList("2", 2L));
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, ":p1.contains(origin)",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_3_ARGS), NO_SORTS, Arrays.asList("2", 2L, false));
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "(origin == '2' || origin == 2) && dest == 4",
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, ":p1.contains(origin) && dest == 4",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_2_ARGS, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS, Arrays.asList("2", 2L));
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, "(origin == '2' || origin == 2 || origin == false) && dest == 4",
- assertQuerySupported(Flight.class, ":p1.contains(origin) && dest == 4",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_IN_3_ARGS, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS, Arrays.asList("2", 2L, false));
- }
- public void testBindVariables() {
- String queryStr = "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == two ";
- assertQuerySupported(queryStr + " parameters String two",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2STR), NO_SORTS, "2");
- assertQuerySupportedWithExplicitParams(queryStr,
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2STR), NO_SORTS, "String two", "2");
- queryStr = "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == two && dest == four ";
- assertQuerySupported(queryStr + "parameters int two, int four",
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS, 2, 4L);
- assertQuerySupportedWithExplicitParams(queryStr,
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL), NO_SORTS, "int two, int four", 2, 4L);
- queryStr = "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == two && dest == four ";
- String orderStr = "order by origin asc, dest desc";
- assertQuerySupported(queryStr + "parameters int two, int four " + orderStr,
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL),
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_ASC, DESC_DESC), 2, 4L);
- assertQuerySupportedWithExplicitParams(queryStr + orderStr,
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIGIN_EQ_2, DEST_EQ_4_LITERAL),
- Utils.newArrayList(ORIG_ASC, DESC_DESC), "int two, int four", 2, 4L);
- }
- public void test2Equals2OrderBy() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null ,newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you asc, me desc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(4, result.size());
- assertEquals("1", result.get(0).getName());
- assertEquals("2", result.get(1).getName());
- assertEquals("4", result.get(2).getName());
- assertEquals("3", result.get(3).getName());
- }
- public void testSetFilter() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.setFilter("origin == \"yam\" && you == 2");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testSetInvalidFilter() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.setFilter("origin == \"yam\" AND you == 2");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testDefaultOrderingIsAsc() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(4, result.size());
- assertEquals("1", result.get(0).getName());
- assertEquals("2", result.get(1).getName());
- assertEquals("3", result.get(2).getName());
- assertEquals("4", result.get(3).getName());
- }
- public void testLimitQuery() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you asc, me desc");
- q.setRange(0, 1);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result1 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result1.size());
- assertEquals("1", result1.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(4, result2.size());
- assertEquals("1", result2.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(0, 0);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result3.size());
- }
- public void testOffsetQuery() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you asc, me desc");
- q.setRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result1 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(4, result1.size());
- assertEquals("1", result1.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(3, result2.size());
- assertEquals("2", result2.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(4, result3.size());
- assertEquals("1", result3.get(0).getName());
- }
- public void testOffsetLimitQuery() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you asc, me desc");
- q.setRange(0, 0);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result1 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result1.size());
- q.setRange(1, 0);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result2.size());
- q.setRange(0, 1);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result3.size());
- assertEquals("1", result3.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(0, 2);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result4 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result4.size());
- assertEquals("1", result4.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(1, 2);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result5 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result5.size());
- assertEquals("2", result5.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(2, 5);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result6 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result6.size());
- assertEquals("4", result6.get(0).getName());
- q.setRange(2, 2);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result7 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result7.size());
- q.setRange(2, 1);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result8 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result8.size());
- }
- public void testOffsetLimitSingleStringQuery() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("4", "yam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "notyam", "bam", 2, 2));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("5", "yam", "notbam", 2, 2));
- String queryFormat =
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by you asc, me desc range %d,%d";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 0, 0));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result1 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result1.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 1, 0));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result2.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 0, 1));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result3.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 0, 2));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result4 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result4.size());
- assertEquals("1", result4.get(0).getName());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 1, 2));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result5 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result5.size());
- assertEquals("2", result5.get(0).getName());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 2, 5));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result6 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result6.size());
- assertEquals("4", result6.get(0).getName());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 2, 2));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result7 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result7.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(String.format(queryFormat, 2, 1));
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result8 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(0, result8.size());
- }
- public void testSerialization() throws IOException {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.execute();
- JDOQLQuery innerQuery = (JDOQLQuery)((JDOQuery)q).getInternalQuery();
- ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
- // the fact that this doesn't blow up is the test
- oos.writeObject(innerQuery);
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_StringPk() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == key parameters String key");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_KeyPk() {
- Entity entityWithName = new Entity(HasKeyPkJDO.class.getSimpleName(), "blarg");
- Entity entityWithId = new Entity(HasKeyPkJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, entityWithName);
- ds.put(null, entityWithId);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyPkJDO.class.getName() +
- " where key == mykey parameters " + Key.class.getName() + " mykey");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasKeyPkJDO> result = (List<HasKeyPkJDO>) q.execute(entityWithName.getKey());
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertEquals(entityWithName.getKey(), result.get(0).getKey());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyPkJDO.class.getName() +
- " where key == mykey parameters " + Key.class.getName() + " mykey");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasKeyPkJDO> result2 = (List<HasKeyPkJDO>) q.execute(entityWithId.getKey());
- assertEquals(1, result2.size());
- assertEquals(entityWithId.getKey(), result2.get(0).getKey());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyPkJDO.class.getName() +
- " where key == mykeyname parameters " + String.class.getName() + " mykeyname");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasKeyPkJDO> result3 = (List<HasKeyPkJDO>) q.execute(entityWithName.getKey().getName());
- assertEquals(1, result3.size());
- assertEquals(entityWithName.getKey(), result3.get(0).getKey());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyPkJDO.class.getName() +
- " where key == mykeyid parameters " + String.class.getName() + " mykeyid");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasKeyPkJDO> result4 = (List<HasKeyPkJDO>) q.execute(entityWithId.getKey().getId());
- assertEquals(1, result4.size());
- assertEquals(entityWithId.getKey(), result4.get(0).getKey());
- }
- public void testKeyQueryWithSorts() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where id == key parameters String key order by id asc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_MultipleFilters() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where id == key && origin == \"yam\" parameters String key");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_NonEqualityFilter() {
- Entity flightEntity1 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity1);
- Entity flightEntity2 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id > key parameters String key");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity1.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_SortByKey() {
- Entity flightEntity1 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity1);
- Entity flightEntity2 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == 'yam' order by id DESC");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(flightEntity1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testKeyQuery_FilterAndSortByKeyComponent() {
- // filter by pk-id
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkSeparateIdFieldJDO.class.getName() + " where id == 4");
- // sort by pk-id
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkSeparateIdFieldJDO.class.getName() + " order by id");
- // filter by pk-id
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkSeparateNameFieldJDO.class.getName() + " where name == 4");
- // sort by pk-id
- assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkSeparateNameFieldJDO.class.getName() + " order by name");
- }
- public void testAncestorQueryWithStringAncestor() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Entity hasAncestorEntity = new Entity(HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getSimpleName(), flightEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, hasAncestorEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName()
- + " where ancestorId == ancId parameters String ancId");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO> haList =
- (List<HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, haList.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(haList.get(0).getAncestorId()));
- assertEquals(
- flightEntity.getKey(), getDatastoreQuery(q).getLatestDatastoreQuery().getAncestor());
- assertEquals(NO_FILTERS, getFilterPredicates(q));
- assertEquals(NO_SORTS, getSortPredicates(q));
- }
- public void testAncestorQueryWithKeyAncestor() {
- Entity e = new Entity("parent");
- ds.put(null, e);
- Entity childEntity = new Entity(HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getSimpleName(), e.getKey());
- ds.put(null, childEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName()
- + " where ancestorKey == ancId parameters " + Key.class.getName() + " ancId");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO> result =
- (List<HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey());
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertEquals(e.getKey(), result.get(0).getAncestorKey());
- }
- public void testIllegalAncestorQuery_BadOperator() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Entity hasAncestorEntity = new Entity(HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName(), flightEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, hasAncestorEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName()
- + " where ancestorId > ancId parameters String ancId");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- fail ("expected udfe");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testSortByFieldWithCustomColumn() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2, 400));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("2", "yam", "bam", 1, 1, 300));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("3", "yam", "bam", 2, 1, 200));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName()
- + " where origin == \"yam\" && dest == \"bam\""
- + " order by flightNumber asc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> result = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(3, result.size());
- assertEquals("3", result.get(0).getName());
- assertEquals("2", result.get(1).getName());
- assertEquals("1", result.get(2).getName());
- }
- public void testIllegalAncestorQuery_SortByAncestor() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Entity hasAncestorEntity = new Entity(HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName(), flightEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, hasAncestorEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasStringAncestorStringPkJDO.class.getName()
- + " where ancestorId == ancId parameters String ancId order by ancestorId ASC");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- fail ("expected udfe");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- private interface FlightProvider {
- Flight getFlight(Key key);
- }
- private class AttachedFlightProvider implements FlightProvider {
- public Flight getFlight(Key key) {
- return pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, key);
- }
- }
- private class TransientFlightProvider implements FlightProvider {
- public Flight getFlight(Key key) {
- Flight f = new Flight();
- f.setId(KeyFactory.keyToString(key));
- return f;
- }
- }
- private void testFilterByChildObject(FlightProvider fp) {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity(parentEntity.getKey(), null, "f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Flight flight = fp.getFlight(flightEntity.getKey());
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- List<HasOneToOneJDO> result = (List<HasOneToOneJDO>) q.execute(flight);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertEquals(parentEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject() {
- testFilterByChildObject(new AttachedFlightProvider());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- testFilterByChildObject(new TransientFlightProvider());
- }
- public void testFilterByNullChildObject() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity(parentEntity.getKey(), null, "f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(null);
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testContains() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", null, 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia2", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(name)");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Arrays.asList("name1", "name3"));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- // Same but using executeWithMap
- Query q2 = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(name)");
- Map params = new HashMap();
- params.put("p1", Arrays.asList("name1", "name3"));
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q2.executeWithMap(params);
- assertEquals(2, flights2.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights2.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights2.get(1).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(dest)");
- flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Arrays.asList(null, "mia1"));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(dest) || :p2.contains(dest)");
- flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Arrays.asList(null, "mia1"), Arrays.asList("mia2"));
- assertEquals(3, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(2).getId());
- }
- public void testContainsOnlyForCollection() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", null, 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia2", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.contains(:param)");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute("na");
- fail("Should have thrown an exception when invoking 'contains' on a String");
- } catch (JDOUserException ue) {
- // Expected
- }
- }
- public void testMultipleIn_Params() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "mia1", "bos1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "mia2", "bos2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "mia3", "bos3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(name) && :p2.contains(origin)");
- List<Flight> flights =
- (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList("name1", "name3"), Utils.newArrayList("mia3", "mia2"));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(name) || :p2.contains(name)");
- flights =
- (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList("name1", "name3"), Utils.newArrayList("name4", "name5"));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- }
- public void testMultipleIn_Params_KeyFilter() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "mia1", "bos1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "mia2", "bos2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "mia3", "bos3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :p1.contains(id) && :p2.contains(origin)");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(
- Utils.newArrayList(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey())), Utils.newArrayList("mia3", "mia2"));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where (id == :p1 || id ==:p2) && :p3.contains(origin)");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute(
- e2.getKey(), e3.getKey(), Utils.newArrayList("mia3", "dne"));
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- }
- public void testOr_Literals() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", null, 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia2", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " where name == 'name1' || name == 'name3'");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " where dest == null || dest == 'mia1'");
- flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- }
- public void testOr_Params() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", "mia2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " where name == :p1 || name == :p2");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute("name1", "name3");
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(1).getId());
- }
- public void testMultipleOr_Literals() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", "mia2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where "
- + "(name == 'name1' || name == 'name3') && "
- + "(origin == 'bos3' || origin == 'bos2')");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testMultipleOr_Params() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", "mia2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where "
- + "(name == :p1 || name == :p2) && "
- + "(origin == :p3 || origin == :p4)");
- Map<String, String> paramMap = Utils.newHashMap();
- paramMap.put("p1", "name1");
- paramMap.put("p2", "name3");
- paramMap.put("p3", "bos3");
- paramMap.put("p4", "bos2");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.executeWithMap(paramMap);
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testExecuteWithArray() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name1", "bos1", "mia1", 23, 24);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name2", "bos2", "mia2", 25, 26);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("name3", "bos3", "mia3", 27, 28);
- ds.put(null, Arrays.asList(e, e2, e3));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where "
- + "(name == :p1 || name == :p2) && "
- + "(origin == :p3 || origin == :p4)");
- Map<String, String> paramMap = Utils.newHashMap();
- paramMap.put("p1", "name1");
- paramMap.put("p2", "name3");
- paramMap.put("p3", "bos3");
- paramMap.put("p4", "bos2");
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.executeWithArray("name1", "name3", "bos3", "bos2");
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e3.getKey()), flights.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testIsNullChild() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName() + " where flight == null");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testIsNullParent() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- Key key = ds.put(null, e);
- e = new Entity(HasOneToOneParentJDO.class.getSimpleName(), key);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneParentJDO.class.getName() + " where parent == null");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
- // good
- }
- }
- private void testFilterByChildObject_AdditionalFilterOnParent(FlightProvider fp) {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity(parentEntity.getKey(), null, "f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Flight flight = fp.getFlight(flightEntity.getKey());
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where id == parentId && flight == f "
- + "parameters String parentId, " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- List<HasOneToOneJDO> result = (List<HasOneToOneJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()), flight);
- assertTrue(result.isEmpty());
- result = (List<HasOneToOneJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(parentEntity.getKey()), flight);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertEquals(parentEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_AdditionalFilterOnParent() {
- testFilterByChildObject_AdditionalFilterOnParent(new AttachedFlightProvider());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- testFilterByChildObject_AdditionalFilterOnParent(new TransientFlightProvider());
- }
- private void testFilterByChildObject_UnsupportedOperator(FlightProvider fp) {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity(parentEntity.getKey(), null, "f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Flight flight = fp.getFlight(flightEntity.getKey());
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight > f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(flight);
- fail("expected udfe");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_UnsupportedOperator() {
- testFilterByChildObject_UnsupportedOperator(new AttachedFlightProvider());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- testFilterByChildObject_UnsupportedOperator(new TransientFlightProvider());
- }
- private void testFilterByChildObject_ValueWithoutAncestor(FlightProvider fp) {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Flight flight = fp.getFlight(flightEntity.getKey());
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(flight);
- fail("expected JDOException");
- } catch (JDOException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_ValueWithoutAncestor() {
- testFilterByChildObject_ValueWithoutAncestor(new AttachedFlightProvider());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- testFilterByChildObject_ValueWithoutAncestor(new TransientFlightProvider());
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_KeyIsWrongType() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(parentEntity.getKey());
- fail("expected JDOException");
- } catch (JDOException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_KeyParentIsWrongType() {
- Key parent = KeyFactory.createKey("yar", 44);
- Entity flightEntity = new Entity(Flight.class.getSimpleName(), parent);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- assertTrue(((Collection)q.execute(flightEntity.getKey())).isEmpty());
- }
- public void testFilterByChildObject_ValueWithoutId() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("f", "bos", "mia", 2, 4, 33);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Flight flight = new Flight();
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName()
- + " where flight == f parameters " + Flight.class.getName() + " f");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(flight);
- fail("expected JDOException");
- } catch (JDOException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testFilterByParentObject() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToManyListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity = new Entity(BidirectionalChildListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity2 = new Entity(BidirectionalChildListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity2);
- HasOneToManyListJDO parent =
- pm.getObjectById(HasOneToManyListJDO.class, KeyFactory.keyToString(parentEntity.getKey()));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + BidirectionalChildListJDO.class.getName()
- + " where parent == p parameters " + HasOneToManyListJDO.class.getName() + " p");
- List<BidirectionalChildListJDO> result = (List<BidirectionalChildListJDO>) q.execute(parent);
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals(bidirEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(bidirEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByParentLongObjectId() throws Exception {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity = new Entity(BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity2 = new Entity(BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity2);
- HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO parent =
- pm.getObjectById(HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class, KeyFactory.keyToString(parentEntity.getKey()));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getName()
- + " where parent == p parameters long p");
- List<BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO> result =
- (List<BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO>) q.execute(parent.getId());
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals(bidirEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(bidirEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByParentIntObjectId() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity = new Entity(BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity);
- Entity bidirEntity2 = new Entity(BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, bidirEntity2);
- HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO parent =
- pm.getObjectById(HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class, KeyFactory.keyToString(parentEntity.getKey()));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO.class.getName()
- + " where parent == p parameters int p");
- List<BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO> result =
- (List<BidirectionalChildLongPkListJDO>) q.execute(parent.getId().intValue());
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals(bidirEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(bidirEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByParentObjectWhereParentIsAChild() {
- Entity parentEntity = new Entity(HasOneToManyListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, parentEntity);
- Entity childEntity = new Entity(BidirectionalChildListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), parentEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, childEntity);
- Entity grandChildEntity1 =
- new Entity(BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), childEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, grandChildEntity1);
- Entity grandChildEntity2 =
- new Entity(BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), childEntity.getKey());
- ds.put(null, grandChildEntity2);
- BidirectionalChildListJDO child =
- pm.getObjectById(BidirectionalChildListJDO.class, KeyFactory.keyToString(childEntity.getKey()));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO.class.getName()
- + " where parent == p parameters " + BidirectionalChildListJDO.class.getName() + " p");
- List<BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO> result = (List<BidirectionalGrandchildListJDO>) q.execute(child);
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals(grandChildEntity1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(grandChildEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByMultiValueProperty() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("strList", Utils.newArrayList("1", "2", "3"));
- entity.setProperty("keyList",
- Utils.newArrayList(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be")));
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where strList == p1 && strList == p2 parameters String p1, String p2");
- List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO> result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("1", "3");
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("1", "4");
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where keyList == p1 && keyList == p2 parameters " + Key.class.getName() + " p1, "
- + Key.class.getName() + " p2");
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be"));
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be2"));
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- }
- public void testNoPutsAfterLoadingMultiValueProperty() throws NoSuchMethodException {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- testFilterByMultiValueProperty();
- pm.close();
- }
- public void testFilterByMultiValueProperty_ContainsWithParam() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("strList", Utils.newArrayList("1", "2", "3"));
- entity.setProperty("keyList",
- Utils.newArrayList(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be")));
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where strList.contains(p1) parameters String p1");
- List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO> result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("1");
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("4");
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where keyList.contains(p1) && keyList.contains(p2) parameters "
- + Key.class.getName() + " p1, " + Key.class.getName() + " p2");
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be"));
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be2"));
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByMultiValueProperty_ContainsWithImplicitParam() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("strList", Utils.newArrayList("1", "2", "3"));
- entity.setProperty("keyList",
- Utils.newArrayList(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be")));
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where strList.contains(:p)");
- List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO> result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("1");
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute("4");
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where keyList.contains(:p1) && keyList.contains(:p2)");
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be"));
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("be", "bo"), KeyFactory.createKey("bo", "be2"));
- assertEquals(0, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByMultiValueProperty_ContainsWithLiteralString() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("strList", Utils.newArrayList("1", "2", "3"));
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasMultiValuePropsJDO.class.getName()
- + " where strList.contains(\"1\")");
- List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO> result = (List<HasMultiValuePropsJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEmbeddedField() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName()
- + " where name.first == \"max\"");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEmbeddedField_2LevelsDeep() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(HasEmbeddedJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("val1", "v1");
- entity.setProperty("val2", "v2");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasEmbeddedJDO.class.getName()
- + " where embedded1.embedded2.val2 == \"v2\"");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasEmbeddedJDO> result = (List<HasEmbeddedJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEmbeddedField_OverriddenColumn() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName()
- + " where anotherName.last == \"notross\"");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEmbeddedField_MultipleFields() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "max");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName()
- + " where name.first == \"max\" && anotherName.last == \"notross\"");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterBySubObject_UnknownField() {
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin.doesnotexist == \"max\"");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testFilterBySubObject_NotEmbeddable() {
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName() + " where flight.origin == \"max\"");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSortByEmbeddedField() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max2");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross2");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax2");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross2");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName() + " order by name.first desc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals("max2", result.get(0).getName().getFirst());
- assertEquals("max", result.get(1).getName().getFirst());
- }
- public void testSortByEmbeddedField_OverriddenColumn() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max2");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross2");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax2");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross2");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q =
- pm.newQuery("select from " + Person.class.getName() + " order by anotherName.last desc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals("notross2", result.get(0).getAnotherName().getLast());
- assertEquals("notross", result.get(1).getAnotherName().getLast());
- }
- public void testSortByEmbeddedField_MultipleFields() {
- Entity entity0 = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity0.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity0.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity0.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity0.setProperty("anotherLast", "z");
- ds.put(null, entity0);
- Entity entity1 = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity1.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity1.setProperty("last", "ross2");
- entity1.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax2");
- entity1.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross2");
- ds.put(null, entity1);
- Entity entity2 = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity2.setProperty("first", "a");
- entity2.setProperty("last", "b");
- entity2.setProperty("anotherFirst", "c");
- entity2.setProperty("anotherLast", "d");
- ds.put(null, entity2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName() + " order by name.first asc, anotherName.last desc");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(3, result.size());
- assertEquals(Long.valueOf(entity2.getKey().getId()), result.get(0).getId());
- assertEquals(Long.valueOf(entity0.getKey().getId()), result.get(1).getId());
- assertEquals(Long.valueOf(entity1.getKey().getId()), result.get(2).getId());
- }
- public void testSortBySubObject_UnknownField() {
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " order by origin.first");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSortBySubObject_NotEmbeddable() {
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName() + " order by flight.origin");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testUserQuery() {
- Entity e = KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName() + " where userVal == u parameters " + User.class.getName() + " u");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute(KitchenSink.USER1);
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- Query q2 = pm.newQuery(KitchenSink.class, "userVal == u");
- q2.declareParameters(User.class.getName() + " u");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results2 = (List<KitchenSink>) q2.execute(KitchenSink.USER1);
- assertEquals(1, results2.size());
- }
- public void testBigDecimalQuery() {
- Entity e = KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName()
- + " where bigDecimal == bd parameters " + BigDecimal.class.getName()
- + " bd");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute(
- new BigDecimal("2.444"));
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testBigDecimalInequalityQuery() {
- Entity e = KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName()
- + " where bigDecimal > bd1 && bigDecimal < bd2 parameters "
- + BigDecimal.class.getName() + " bd1, " + BigDecimal.class.getName()
- + " bd2");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute(
- new BigDecimal("2"), new BigDecimal("3"));
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testQueryWithNegativeLiteralLong() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", -1, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == -1");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you > -2");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results2.size());
- }
- public void testQueryWithNegativeLiteralDouble() {
- ds.put(null, KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName() + " where doubleVal > -2.25");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testQueryWithNegativeParam() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", -1, 2));
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == p parameters int p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute(-1);
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testKeyQueryWithUnencodedStringPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasUnencodedStringPkJDO.class.getSimpleName(), "yar");
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasUnencodedStringPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters String p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasUnencodedStringPkJDO> results =
- (List<HasUnencodedStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey().getName());
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(e.getKey().getName(), results.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasUnencodedStringPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters "
- + Key.class.getName() + " p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasUnencodedStringPkJDO> results2 =
- (List<HasUnencodedStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey());
- assertEquals(1, results2.size());
- assertEquals(e.getKey().getName(), results2.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testKeyQueryWithLongPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasLongPkJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasLongPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters Long p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasLongPkJDO> results = (List<HasLongPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey().getId());
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(Long.valueOf(e.getKey().getId()), results.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasLongPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters "
- + Key.class.getName() + " p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasLongPkJDO> results2 = (List<HasLongPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey().getId());
- assertEquals(1, results2.size());
- assertEquals(Long.valueOf(e.getKey().getId()), results2.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testKeyQueryWithEncodedStringPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEncodedStringPkJDO.class.getSimpleName(), "yar");
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters String p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO> results =
- (List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey().getName());
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), results.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters "
- + Key.class.getName() + " p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO> results2 =
- (List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey());
- assertEquals(1, results2.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), results2.get(0).getId());
- q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasEncodedStringPkJDO.class.getName() + " where id == p parameters String p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO> results3 =
- (List<HasEncodedStringPkJDO>) q.execute(e.getKey().getName());
- assertEquals(1, results3.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e.getKey()), results3.get(0).getId());
- }
- public void testUniqueQuery_OneResult() {
- Entity e = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == p parameters Long p");
- q.setUnique(true);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Flight result = (Flight) q.execute(23);
- assertEquals(e.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.getId()));
- }
- public void testUniqueQuery_NoResult() {
- Entity e = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == p parameters Long p");
- q.setUnique(true);
- assertNull(q.execute(43));
- }
- public void testUniqueQuery_MultipleResults() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == p parameters Long p");
- q.setUnique(true);
- try {
- q.execute(23);
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSortByUnknownProperty() {
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " order by dne");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSetOrdering() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setOrdering("you");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, results.size());
- Flight f1 = results.get(0);
- Flight f2 = results.get(1);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.stringToKey(f2.getId()), e2.getKey());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.stringToKey(f1.getId()), e1.getKey());
- }
- public void testSize() {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- Entity e = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- }
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(10, results.size());
- }
- public void testDatastoreFailureWhileIterating() {
- // Need to have enough data to ensure a Next call
- for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
- Entity e = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- }
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.ExceptionPolicy policy =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.BaseExceptionPolicy() {
- boolean exploded = false;
- protected void doIntercept(String methodName) {
- if (!exploded && methodName.equals("Next")) {
- exploded = true;
- throw new DatastoreFailureException("boom: " + methodName);
- }
- }
- };
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate dd =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate(getDelegateForThread(), policy);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- setDelegateForThread(dd);
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- try {
- results.size();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
- // good
- assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof DatastoreFailureException);
- }
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testBadRequest() {
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.ExceptionPolicy policy =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.BaseExceptionPolicy() {
- int count = 0;
- protected void doIntercept(String methodName) {
- count++;
- if (count == 1) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("boom");
- }
- }
- };
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate dd =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate(getDelegateForThread(), policy);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- setDelegateForThread(dd);
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
- }
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testCountQuery_SetResult() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setResult("count(id)");
- Object val = q.execute();
- assertEquals(2l, val);
- }
- public void testCountQuery_SingleString() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- assertEquals(2l, q.execute());
- q = pm.newQuery("select COUNT(id) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- assertEquals(2l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testMaxQuery_SingleString() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select max(me) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "true");
- assertEquals(34, q.execute());
- }
- public void testCountQueryWithFilter_SingleString() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == 23");
- assertEquals(1l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testCountQueryWithUnknownCountProp_SingleString() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- // letting this go through intentionally
- // we may want to circle back and lock this down but for now it's really
- // not a big deal
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(doesnotexist) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- assertEquals(2l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testCountQueryWithOffset() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.setRange(1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
- assertEquals(1l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testCountQueryWithLimit() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.setRange(0, 1);
- assertEquals(1l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testCountQueryWithOffsetAndLimit() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 33, 34, 35);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 43, 44, 45);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName());
- q.setRange(1, 2);
- assertEquals(1l, q.execute());
- }
- public void testFilterByEnum_ProvideStringExplicitly() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEnumJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("myEnum", HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasEnumJDO.class.getName() + " where myEnum == p1");
- q.declareParameters(String.class.getName() + " p1");
- List<HasEnumJDO> result = (List<HasEnumJDO>) q.execute(HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEnum_ProvideEnumExplicitly() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEnumJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("myEnum", HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasEnumJDO.class.getName() + " where myEnum == p1");
- q.declareParameters(HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.class.getName() + " p1");
- List<HasEnumJDO> result = (List<HasEnumJDO>) q.execute(HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEnum_ProvideStringParameterInline() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEnumJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("myEnum", HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasEnumJDO.class.getName() + " where myEnum == p1 parameters String p1");
- List<HasEnumJDO> result = (List<HasEnumJDO>) q.execute(HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEnum_ProvideEnumParameterInline() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEnumJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("myEnum", HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasEnumJDO.class.getName() + " where myEnum == p1 parameters " + HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.class.getName() + " p1");
- List<HasEnumJDO> result = (List<HasEnumJDO>) q.execute(HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByEnum_ProvideLiteral() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasEnumJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("myEnum", HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasEnumJDO.class.getName() + " where myEnum == '"
- + HasEnumJDO.MyEnum.V1.name() + "'");
- List<HasEnumJDO> result = (List<HasEnumJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByShortBlob() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasBytesJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("onePrimByte", 8L);
- e.setProperty("shortBlob", new ShortBlob("short blob".getBytes()));
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasBytesJDO.class.getName() + " where shortBlob == p1");
- q.declareParameters(ShortBlob.class.getName() + " p1");
- List<HasBytesJDO> result =
- (List<HasBytesJDO>) q.execute(new ShortBlob("short blob".getBytes()));
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByPrimitiveByteArray() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasBytesJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("onePrimByte", 8L);
- e.setProperty("primBytes", new ShortBlob("short blob".getBytes()));
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasBytesJDO.class.getName() + " where primBytes == p1");
- q.declareParameters("byte[] p1");
- List<HasBytesJDO> result = (List<HasBytesJDO>) q.execute("short blob".getBytes());
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByByteArray() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasBytesJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("onePrimByte", 8L);
- e.setProperty("bytes", new ShortBlob("short blob".getBytes()));
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasBytesJDO.class.getName() + " where bytes == p1");
- q.declareParameters("Byte[] p1");
- List<HasBytesJDO> result = (List<HasBytesJDO>) q.execute(
- PrimitiveArrays.asList("short blob".getBytes()).toArray(new Byte[0]));
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByDate() {
- Key key = ds.put(null, KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity(null));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName()
- + " where dateVal >= p1 parameters java.util.Date p1");
- List<KitchenSink> result = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute(KitchenSink.DATE1);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertEquals(key, KeyFactory.stringToKey(result.get(0).key));
- }
- public void testExtents() {
- LinkedList<Key> keyStack = new LinkedList<Key>();
- keyStack.addFirst(ds.put(null, new Entity(HasLongPkJDO.class.getSimpleName())));
- keyStack.addFirst(ds.put(null, new Entity(HasLongPkJDO.class.getSimpleName())));
- keyStack.addFirst(ds.put(null, new Entity(HasLongPkJDO.class.getSimpleName())));
- Extent<HasLongPkJDO> ext = pm.getExtent(HasLongPkJDO.class);
- for (HasLongPkJDO pojo : ext) {
- assertEquals(keyStack.removeLast(), TestUtils.createKey(pojo, pojo.getId()));
- }
- assertTrue(keyStack.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testNullExtentAndClose() {
- try {
- Extent<Flight> ex = pm.getExtent(Flight.class);
- Iterator<Flight> exIter = ex.iterator();
- while (exIter.hasNext()) {
- exIter.next();
- }
- ex.closeAll();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- fail("Exception thrown on Extent iteration and close");
- }
- }
- public void testAliasedFilter() {
- Entity flightEntity = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where this.id == key parameters String key");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(KeyFactory.keyToString(flightEntity.getKey()));
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- }
- public void testAliasedSort() {
- Entity flightEntity1 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 2, 2);
- Entity flightEntity2 = newFlightEntity("1", "yam", "bam", 1, 2);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity1);
- ds.put(null, flightEntity2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " order by this.you");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(flightEntity2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(flightEntity1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testAliasedEmbeddedFilter() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName() + " where this.name.first == \"max\"");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testAliasedEmbeddedSort() {
- Entity entity1 = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity1.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity1.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity1.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax2");
- entity1.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity1);
- Entity entity2 = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity2.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity2.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity2.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax1");
- entity2.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + Person.class.getName() + " order by this.anotherName.first");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Person> result = (List<Person>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, result.size());
- assertEquals(entity2.getKey(), TestUtils.createKey(Person.class, result.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(entity1.getKey(), TestUtils.createKey(Person.class, result.get(1).getId()));
- }
- public void testFilterByLiteralDoubleValue() {
- Entity e = KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName() + " where doublePrimVal > 2.1");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByParameterDoubleValue() {
- Entity e = KitchenSink.newKitchenSinkEntity("blarg", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + KitchenSink.class.getName() + " where doublePrimVal > p parameters double p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<KitchenSink> results = (List<KitchenSink>) q.execute(2.1d);
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByNullValue_Literal() {
- Entity e = new Entity(NullDataJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("string", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + NullDataJDO.class.getName() + " where string == null");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<NullDataJDO> results = (List<NullDataJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testFilterByNullValue_Param() {
- Entity e = new Entity(NullDataJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- e.setProperty("string", null);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + NullDataJDO.class.getName() + " where string == p");
- q.declareParameters("String p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<NullDataJDO> results = (List<NullDataJDO>) q.execute(null);
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- }
- public void testIsNotNull() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", null, 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- assertEquals(1, countForClass(Flight.class));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where dest != null");
- assertTrue(((List)q.execute()).isEmpty());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "not null", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- q.setUnique(true);
- Flight flight = (Flight) q.execute();
- assertEquals("not null", flight.getDest());
- }
- public void testIsNotNull_Param() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", null, 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where dest != :p");
- assertTrue(((List)q.execute((String) null)).isEmpty());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "not null", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- q.setUnique(true);
- Flight flight = (Flight) q.execute((String) null);
- assertEquals("not null", flight.getDest());
- }
- public void testNotEqual() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- assertEquals(1, countForClass(Flight.class));
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where dest != 'mia'");
- assertTrue(((List)q.execute()).isEmpty());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "not mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- q.setUnique(true);
- Flight flight = (Flight) q.execute();
- assertEquals("not mia", flight.getDest());
- }
- public void testNotEqual_Param() {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where dest != :p");
- assertTrue(((List)q.execute("mia")).isEmpty());
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- e = Flight.newFlightEntity("name", "origin", "not mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- q.setUnique(true);
- Flight flight = (Flight) q.execute("mia");
- assertEquals("not mia", flight.getDest());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManySetWithKeyPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyKeyPkSetJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyKeyPkSetJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyKeyPkSetJDO> results = (List<HasOneToManyKeyPkSetJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManyListWithKeyPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyKeyPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyKeyPkListJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyKeyPkListJDO> results = (List<HasOneToManyKeyPkListJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManySetWithLongPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyLongPkSetJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyLongPkSetJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyLongPkSetJDO> results = (List<HasOneToManyLongPkSetJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManyListWithLongPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO> results = (List<HasOneToManyLongPkListJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManySetWithUnencodedStringPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkSetJDO.class.getSimpleName(), "yar");
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkSetJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkSetJDO> results =
- (List<HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkSetJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testQueryForOneToManyListWithUnencodedStringPk() {
- Entity e = new Entity(HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkListJDO.class.getSimpleName(), "yar");
- ds.put(null, e);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkListJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkListJDO> results =
- (List<HasOneToManyUnencodedStringPkListJDO>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(0, results.get(0).getFlights().size());
- }
- public void testImplicitParams() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == :orig");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute("bos");
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- }
- public void testBatchGet_NoTxn() {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("yar", "does not exist");
- NoQueryDelegate nqd = new NoQueryDelegate().install();
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(key, e1.getKey(), e2.getKey()));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(e1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(e2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- } finally {
- nqd.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testBatchGet_NoTxn_EncodedStringKey() {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("yar", "does not exist");
- NoQueryDelegate nqd = new NoQueryDelegate().install();
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(
- KeyFactory.keyToString(key),
- KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()),
- KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey())));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(e1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(e2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- } finally {
- nqd.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testBatchGet_NoTxn_Contains() {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("yar", "does not exist");
- NoQueryDelegate nqd = new NoQueryDelegate().install();
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where :ids.contains(id)");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(key, e1.getKey(), e2.getKey()));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(e1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(e2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- } finally {
- nqd.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testBatchGet_Count_NoTxn() {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("yar", "does not exist");
- NoQueryDelegate nqd = new NoQueryDelegate().install();
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select count(id) from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids");
- long count = (Long) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(key, e1.getKey(), e2.getKey()));
- assertEquals(2l, count);
- } finally {
- nqd.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testBatchGet_Txn() {
- Entity e1 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = newFlightEntity(e1.getKey(), "blar", "the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = newFlightEntity("the name", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Key key = KeyFactory.createKey(e1.getKey(), "yar", "does not exist");
- NoQueryDelegate nqd = new NoQueryDelegate().install();
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(key, e1.getKey(), e2.getKey()));
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- assertEquals(e1.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(0).getId()));
- assertEquals(e2.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(flights.get(1).getId()));
- } finally {
- nqd.uninstall();
- }
- }
- public void testBatchGet_Illegal() {
- commitTxn();
- switchDatasource(PersistenceManagerFactoryName.nontransactional);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == :ids");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(Utils.newArrayList());
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids && origin == :origin");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(Utils.newArrayList(), "bos");
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where origin == :origin && id == :ids");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute("bos", Utils.newArrayList());
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id > :ids");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(Utils.newArrayList());
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where id == :ids order by id");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(Utils.newArrayList());
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSetKeysOnly() {
- DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal.setDatastoreService(null);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- Future<DatastorePb.QueryResult> result = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Future.class);
- try {
- ApiProxy.Delegate delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- ApiProxy.ApiConfig config = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig();
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- KeysOnlyMatcher.eqKeysOnly(true),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate, result);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id from " + Flight.class.getName());
- List<String> ids = (List<String>) q.execute();
- ids.size(); // force resolution of the entire result set
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_OneField() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select origin from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<String> origins = (List<String>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, origins.size());
- assertEquals("bos", origins.get(0));
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<String> origins2 = (List<String>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, origins2.size());
- assertEquals("bos", origins2.get(0));
- assertEquals("lax", origins2.get(1));
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_OneIdField() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- // Remove this blocker since the test needs to update!
- commitTxn();
- DatastoreServiceInterceptor.uninstall();
- beginTxn();
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<String> ids = (List<String>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, ids.size());
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), ids.get(0));
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), ids.get(1));
- Flight f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e1.getKey());
- assertEquals("jimmy", f.getName());
- f.setName("not jimmy");
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e1.getKey());
- assertEquals("not jimmy", f.getName());
- commitTxn();
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_TwoIdFields() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- // Remove this blocker since the test needs to update!
- commitTxn();
- DatastoreServiceInterceptor.uninstall();
- beginTxn();
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id, id from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> ids = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, ids.size());
- assertEquals(2, ids.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(2, ids.get(1).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), ids.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), ids.get(0)[1]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), ids.get(1)[0]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), ids.get(1)[1]);
- Flight f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e1.getKey());
- assertEquals("jimmy", f.getName());
- f.setName("not jimmy");
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e1.getKey());
- assertEquals("not jimmy", f.getName());
- commitTxn();
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_TwoFields() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select origin, dest from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(2, results.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("bos", results.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals("mia", results.get(0)[1]);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", null, 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results2 = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, results2.size());
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("bos", results2.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals("mia", results2.get(0)[1]);
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("lax", results2.get(1)[0]);
- assertNull(results2.get(1)[1]);
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_TwoFields_IdIsFirst() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id, dest from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(2, results.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals("mia", results.get(0)[1]);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", null, 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results2 = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, results2.size());
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results2.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals("mia", results2.get(0)[1]);
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), results2.get(1)[0]);
- assertNull(results2.get(1)[1]);
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_TwoFields_IdIsSecond() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select origin, id from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(2, results.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("bos", results.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results.get(0)[1]);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "lax", null, 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results2 = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, results2.size());
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("bos", results2.get(0)[0]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results2.get(0)[1]);
- assertEquals(2, results2.get(0).length);
- assertEquals("lax", results2.get(1)[0]);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e2.getKey()), results2.get(1)[1]);
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_OneToOne() {
- Entity e1 = new Entity(HasOneToOneJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity(e1.getKey(), "key name", "jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id, flight from " + HasOneToOneJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(2, results.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results.get(0)[0]);
- Flight f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e2.getKey());
- assertEquals(f, results.get(0)[1]);
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_OneToMany() {
- Entity e1 = new Entity(HasOneToManyListJDO.class.getSimpleName());
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity(e1.getKey(), "key name", "jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- e2.setProperty("flights_INTEGER_IDX", 0);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- e1.setProperty("flights", Utils.newArrayList(e2.getKey()));
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select id, flights from " + HasOneToManyListJDO.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, results.size());
- assertEquals(2, results.get(0).length);
- assertEquals(KeyFactory.keyToString(e1.getKey()), results.get(0)[0]);
- Flight f = pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e2.getKey());
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) results.get(0)[1];
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- assertEquals(f, flights.get(0));
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_AliasedField() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("jimmy", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select this.origin from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<String> origins = (List<String>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, origins.size());
- assertEquals("bos", origins.get(0));
- }
- public void testRestrictFetchedFields_EmbeddedField() {
- Entity entity = new Entity(Person.class.getSimpleName());
- entity.setProperty("first", "max");
- entity.setProperty("last", "ross");
- entity.setProperty("anotherFirst", "notmax");
- entity.setProperty("anotherLast", "notross");
- ds.put(null, entity);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select name.first, anotherName.last from " + Person.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Object[]> result = (List<Object[]>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- }
- public void testAggregateInFilterFails() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where you == max(you)");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testQueryWithSingleCharacterLiteral() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name == 'y'");
- List<Flight> result = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertTrue(result.isEmpty());
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 23, 24);
- ds.put(null, e);
- commitTxn();
- beginTxn();
- q.setUnique(true);
- Flight f = (Flight) q.execute();
- assertEquals(e.getKey(), KeyFactory.stringToKey(f.getId()));
- }
- public void testAccessResultsAfterClose() {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- Entity e = Flight.newFlightEntity("this", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- }
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- Iterator<Flight> iter = results.iterator();
- iter.next();
- commitTxn();
- pm.close();
- Flight f = iter.next();
- f.getDest();
- iter.next();
- }
- public void testParamReferencedTwice() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name == p && origin == p");
- q.declareParameters("String p");
- q.execute("23");
- }
- public void testStartsWith_Literal() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.startsWith(\"y\")");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.startsWith(\"ya\")");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.startsWith(\"za\")");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertTrue(flights3.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testEndsWith_Literal() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.endsWith(\"y\")");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "true");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, flights.size());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.endsWith(\"am\")");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "true");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.endsWith(\"za\")");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "true");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- assertTrue(flights3.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testStartsWith_Param() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.startsWith(p)");
- q.declareParameters("String p");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute("y");
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("ya");
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- List<Flight> flights3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("za");
- assertTrue(flights3.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testStartsWith_ImplicitParam() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.startsWith(:p)");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute("y");
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("ya");
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- List<Flight> flights3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("za");
- assertTrue(flights3.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testStartsWithOnlyOnString() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where flightNumber.startsWith(\"y\")");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- q.execute();
- fail("Should have thrown an exception when invoking 'int.startsWith' but didn't");
- } catch (JDOUserException ue) {
- // Expected
- }
- }
- public void testMatches_ImplicitParam() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- Entity e2 = Flight.newFlightEntity("yam", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e2);
- Entity e3 = Flight.newFlightEntity("z", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e3);
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Flight.class.getName() + " where name.matches(:p)");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>) q.execute("y.*");
- assertEquals(2, flights.size());
- List<Flight> flights2 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("ya.*");
- assertEquals(1, flights2.size());
- List<Flight> flights3 = (List<Flight>) q.execute("za.*");
- assertTrue(flights3.isEmpty());
- }
- public void testMatchesQuery_InvalidLiteral() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches('.*y')");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches('y.*y')");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches('y')");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches('y.*') && author.matches('z.*')");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- assertTrue(e.getCause().getClass().getName(), e.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
- }
- }
- public void testMatchesQuery_InvalidParameter() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches(:p)");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute(".*y")).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute("y.*y")).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute("y")).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute(23)).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where title.matches(:p) && author.matches(:q)");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute("y.*", "y.*")).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- assertTrue(e.getCause().getClass().getName(), e.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
- }
- }
- public void testAncestorQueryForDifferentEntityGroupWithCurrentTxn() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- // Not used, but associates the txn with the flight's entity group
- /*Flight f = */pm.getObjectById(Flight.class, e1.getKey());
- Query q = pm.newQuery(
- "select from " + HasKeyAncestorKeyPkJDO.class.getName() + " where ancestorKey == :p");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("yar", 33L))).isEmpty();
- fail("expected iae");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- Map<String, Object> extensions = Utils.newHashMap();
- extensions.put("gae.exclude-query-from-txn", false);
- q.setExtensions(extensions);
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("yar", 33L))).isEmpty();
- fail("expected iae");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- extensions.put("gae.exclude-query-from-txn", true);
- q.setExtensions(extensions);
- q.execute(KeyFactory.createKey("yar", 33L));
- }
- public void testNullAncestorParam() {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(HasKeyAncestorStringPkJDO.class);
- q.setFilter("ancestorKey == :p");
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute(null);
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- if (jdoe.getCause() instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreFeatureException) {
- // good
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testNonexistentClassThrowsReasonableException() {
- try {
- pm.newQuery("select from xyam order by date desc range 0,5").execute();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- public void testSubclassesNotSupported() {
- JDOQLQuery q = new JDOQLQuery(getExecutionContext().getStoreManager(), getExecutionContext());
- q.setCandidateClass(Base1.class);
- q.setSubclasses(false);
- try {
- q.setSubclasses(true);
- fail("expected nue");
- } catch (NucleusUserException nue) {
- // good
- }
- q.setCandidateClass(UnidirTop.class);
- q.setSubclasses(false);
- q.setSubclasses(true);
- }
- public void testQueryTimeout() {
- DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal.setDatastoreService(null);
- ApiProxy.ApiConfig config = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig();
- config.setDeadlineInSeconds(3.0);
- ApiProxy.Delegate delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- EasyMock.isA(byte[].class),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config)))
- .andThrow(new DatastoreTimeoutException("too long")).anyTimes();
- EasyMock.replay(delegate);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(3000);
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.executeWithMap(new HashMap())).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) { // TODO Catch nested as QueryTimeoutException
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(3000);
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.executeWithArray()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) { // TODO Catch nested as QueryTimeoutException
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(3000);
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.executeWithArray()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) { // TODO Catch nested as QueryTimeoutException
- // good
- }
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(3000);
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) { // TODO Catch nested as QueryTimeoutException
- // good
- }
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- }
- public void testQueryTimeoutWhileIterating() {
- DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal.setDatastoreService(null);
- // Need to have enough data to ensure a Next call
- for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
- Entity e = newFlightEntity("harold", "bos", "mia", 23, 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e);
- }
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.ExceptionPolicy policy =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate.BaseExceptionPolicy() {
- boolean exploded = false;
- protected void doIntercept(String methodName) {
- if (!exploded && methodName.equals("Next")) {
- exploded = true;
- throw new DatastoreTimeoutException("boom: " + methodName);
- }
- }
- };
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate dd =
- new ExceptionThrowingDatastoreDelegate(getDelegateForThread(), policy);
- setDelegateForThread(dd);
- try {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<Flight> results = (List<Flight>) q.execute();
- try {
- results.size();
- fail("expected exception");
- } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryTimeoutException);
- assertTrue(e.getCause().getCause().toString(), e.getCause().getCause() instanceof DatastoreTimeoutException);
- }
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testOverrideReadConsistency() {
- DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal.setDatastoreService(null);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- Future<DatastorePb.QueryResult> result = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Future.class);
- try {
- ApiProxy.Delegate delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- ApiProxy.ApiConfig config = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig();
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- FailoverMsMatcher.eqFailoverMs(null),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate, result);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.execute();
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- FailoverMsMatcher.eqFailoverMs(null),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate);
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.addExtension("datanucleus.appengine.datastoreReadConsistency", null);
- q.execute();
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- FailoverMsMatcher.eqFailoverMs(null),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate);
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.addExtension("datanucleus.appengine.datastoreReadConsistency", "STRONG");
- q.execute();
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- FailoverMsMatcher.eqFailoverMs(-1L),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate);
- q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.addExtension("datanucleus.appengine.datastoreReadConsistency", "EVENTUAL");
- q.execute();
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testSetChunkSize() {
- DatastoreServiceFactoryInternal.setDatastoreService(null);
- ApiProxy.Delegate original = getDelegateForThread();
- Future<DatastorePb.QueryResult> result = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Future.class);
- try {
- ApiProxy.Delegate delegate = EasyMock.createMock(ApiProxy.Delegate.class);
- setDelegateForThread(delegate);
- ApiProxy.ApiConfig config = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig();
- EasyMock.expect(delegate.makeAsyncCall(EasyMock.isA(ApiProxy.Environment.class),
- EasyMock.eq(LocalDatastoreService.PACKAGE),
- EasyMock.eq("RunQuery"),
- ChunkMatcher.eqChunkSize(33),
- ApiConfigMatcher.eqApiConfig(config))).andReturn(result);
- EasyMock.replay(delegate, result);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- q.getFetchPlan().setFetchSize(33);
- q.execute();
- EasyMock.verify(delegate);
- } finally {
- setDelegateForThread(original);
- }
- }
- public void testPostLoadOnQuery() {
- Entity e1 = Flight.newFlightEntity("y", "bos", "mia", 24, 25);
- ds.put(null, e1);
- MyLoadListener listener = new MyLoadListener();
- pm.addInstanceLifecycleListener(listener, (Class[])null);
- Query q = pm.newQuery(Flight.class);
- List<Flight> flights = (List<Flight>)q.execute();
- Iterator<Flight> iter = flights.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- iter.next();
- }
- assertEquals("Number of postLoad calls is wrong", 1, listener.getNumPostLoads());
- pm.removeInstanceLifecycleListener(listener);
- }
- public class MyLoadListener implements LoadLifecycleListener {
- int num = 0;
- public void postLoad(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
- {
- num++;
- }
- public int getNumPostLoads() {
- return num;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test of projection "SELECT result FROM candidate" returning just the field rather than the whole entity.
- */
- public void testProjectionAsResultFields() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 3, 4));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- String query = "SELECT origin, dest FROM " + Flight.class.getName() + " WHERE you == 3";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- List results = (List) q.execute();
- assertEquals("Number of results is wrong", 1, results.size());
- Object obj = results.iterator().next();
- assertTrue("Result row is of invalid type", obj instanceof Object[]);
- Object[] row = (Object[])obj;
- assertEquals("Number of returned fields is incorrect", 2, row.length);
- assertEquals("Origin field is wrong", "yar", row[0]);
- assertEquals("Dest field is wrong", "bam", row[1]);
- }
- /**
- * Test of projection "SELECT result INTO resultClass FROM candidate WHERE ..." with a result class
- * that has a constructor taking arguments.
- */
- public void testProjectionWithResultClass1() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 3, 4));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- String query = "SELECT origin, dest INTO " + FlightStartEnd1.class.getName() + " FROM " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " WHERE you == 3";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- List results = (List) q.execute();
- assertEquals("Number of results is wrong", 1, results.size());
- Object obj = results.iterator().next();
- assertTrue("Result row is of invalid type", obj instanceof FlightStartEnd1);
- FlightStartEnd1 row = (FlightStartEnd1)obj;
- assertEquals("Origin field is wrong", "yar", row.getOrigin());
- assertEquals("Dest field is wrong", "bam", row.getDest());
- }
- /**
- * Test of projection "SELECT result INTO resultClass FROM candidate WHERE ..." with a result class
- * that has a default constructor and setters.
- */
- public void testProjectionWithResultClass2() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 3, 4));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- String query = "SELECT origin, dest INTO " + FlightStartEnd2.class.getName() + " FROM " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " WHERE you == 3";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- List results = (List) q.execute();
- assertEquals("Number of results is wrong", 1, results.size());
- Object obj = results.iterator().next();
- assertTrue("Result row is of invalid type", obj instanceof FlightStartEnd2);
- FlightStartEnd2 row = (FlightStartEnd2)obj;
- assertEquals("Origin field is wrong", "yar", row.getOrigin());
- assertEquals("Dest field is wrong", "bam", row.getDest());
- }
- /**
- * Test of projection "SELECT NEW ResultClass(start,end) INTO ResultClass FROM candidate WHERE ...".
- */
- public void testProjectionWithCreatorAndResultClass2() {
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yar", "bam", 3, 4));
- ds.put(null, newFlightEntity("1", "yam", null, 1, 2));
- String query = "SELECT new " + FlightStartEnd2.class.getName() + "(origin, dest)" +
- " INTO " + FlightStartEnd2.class.getName() + " FROM " + Flight.class.getName() +
- " WHERE you == 3";
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- List results = (List) q.execute();
- assertEquals("Number of results is wrong", 1, results.size());
- Object obj = results.iterator().next();
- assertTrue("Result row is of invalid type : " + obj, obj instanceof FlightStartEnd2);
- FlightStartEnd2 row = (FlightStartEnd2)obj;
- assertEquals("Origin field is wrong", "yar", row.getOrigin());
- assertEquals("Dest field is wrong", "bam", row.getDest());
- }
- private void assertQueryUnsupportedByOrm(
- Class<?> clazz, String query, Expression.Operator unsupportedOp,
- Set<Expression.Operator> unsupportedOps) {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(clazz, query);
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- q.execute();
- fail("expected JDOUserException->UnsupportedOperationException for query <" + query + ">");
- } catch (JDOUserException jdoe) {
- Throwable cause = jdoe.getCause();
- if (cause instanceof DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreOperatorException) {
- // good
- assertEquals(unsupportedOp, ((DatastoreQuery.UnsupportedDatastoreOperatorException)cause).getOperation());
- }
- else {
- throw jdoe;
- }
- }
- unsupportedOps.remove(unsupportedOp);
- }
- private void assertQueryUnsupportedByDatastore(String query) {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.addExtension(DatastoreManager.QUERYEXT_INMEMORY_WHEN_UNSUPPORTED, "false");
- try {
- ((List<?>) q.execute()).isEmpty();
- fail("expected exception for query <" + query + ">");
- } catch (JDOFatalUserException e) {
- // good
- }
- }
- private void assertQuerySupported(Class<?> clazz, String query,
- List<FilterPredicate> addedFilters, List<SortPredicate> addedSorts, Object... bindVariables) {
- Query q;
- if (query.equals("")) {
- q = pm.newQuery(clazz);
- } else {
- q = pm.newQuery(clazz, query);
- }
- assertQuerySupported(q, addedFilters, addedSorts, bindVariables);
- }
- private void assertQuerySupported(String query,
- List<FilterPredicate> addedFilters, List<SortPredicate> addedSorts, Object... bindVariables) {
- assertQuerySupported(pm.newQuery(query), addedFilters, addedSorts, bindVariables);
- }
- private void assertQuerySupported(Query q, List<FilterPredicate> addedFilters,
- List<SortPredicate> addedSorts, Object... bindVariables) {
- if (bindVariables.length == 0) {
- q.execute();
- } else if (bindVariables.length == 1) {
- q.execute(bindVariables[0]);
- } else if (bindVariables.length == 2) {
- q.execute(bindVariables[0], bindVariables[1]);
- }
- assertFilterPredicatesEqual(addedFilters, getFilterPredicates(q));
- assertEquals(addedSorts, getSortPredicates(q));
- }
- // TODO(maxr): Get rid of this when we've fixed the npe in FilterPredicate.equals().
- private static void assertFilterPredicatesEqual(
- List<FilterPredicate> expected, List<FilterPredicate> actual) {
- List<FilterPredicate> expected2 = Utils.newArrayList();
- for (FilterPredicate fp : expected) {
- if (fp.getValue() == null) {
- expected2.add(new FilterPredicate(fp.getPropertyName(), fp.getOperator(), "____null"));
- } else {
- expected2.add(fp);
- }
- }
- List<FilterPredicate> actual2 = Utils.newArrayList();
- for (FilterPredicate fp : actual) {
- if (fp.getValue() == null) {
- actual2.add(new FilterPredicate(fp.getPropertyName(), fp.getOperator(), "____null"));
- } else {
- actual2.add(fp);
- }
- }
- assertEquals(expected2, actual2);
- }
- private DatastoreQuery getDatastoreQuery(Query q) {
- return ((JDOQLQuery)((JDOQuery)q).getInternalQuery()).getDatastoreQuery();
- }
- private List<FilterPredicate> getFilterPredicates(Query q) {
- return getDatastoreQuery(q).getLatestDatastoreQuery().getFilterPredicates();
- }
- private List<SortPredicate> getSortPredicates(Query q) {
- return getDatastoreQuery(q).getLatestDatastoreQuery().getSortPredicates();
- }
- private void assertQuerySupportedWithExplicitParams(String query,
- List<FilterPredicate> addedFilters, List<SortPredicate> addedSorts, String explicitParams,
- Object... bindVariables) {
- Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
- q.declareParameters(explicitParams);
- if (bindVariables.length == 0) {
- q.execute();
- } else if (bindVariables.length == 1) {
- q.execute(bindVariables[0]);
- } else if (bindVariables.length == 2) {
- q.execute(bindVariables[0], bindVariables[1]);
- }
- assertEquals(addedFilters, getFilterPredicates(q));
- assertEquals(addedSorts, getSortPredicates(q));
- }
- }