Java | 2095 lines | 1728 code | 128 blank | 239 comment | 613 complexity | e9487002cf69dbd9246766c01c968b73 MD5 | raw file
- /*-
- * #%L
- * uniprint port for java environment
- * %%
- * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 COMSOFT, JSC
- * %%
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * #L%
- */
- package org.comsoft.juniprint;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.functions.FreeRefFunction;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.udf.DefaultUDFFinder;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFComment;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFName;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPrintSetup;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFShape;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.AreaReference;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddressList;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.userfunction.FML;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.userfunction.FMLR;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.userfunction.Nmb_Prop;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.userfunction.Sum_Prop;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.utils.ExcelBuffer;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.utils.ExcelUtils;
- public class JUniPrint {
- private static final Integer dimensions = 10; //размерность вектора
- private static final Integer dimensions2 = 20; //размерность вектора
- private static final Short xlSheetNumRow = 20; //число строк на листе
- private static final String RANGE_DATABEG = "DataBeg"; //
- private static final String RANGE_CUSING = "cusing";
- private static final String RANGE_ContentBegCol = "ContentBegCol";
- private static final String RANGE_ContentBegColRowHead = "ContentBegColRowHead";
- private static final String RANGE_DataRangeE = "DataRangeE"; //
- private static final String RANGE_DataRangeB = "DataRangeB"; //
- private static final String RANGE_DataPageE = "DataPageE";
- private HSSFName nameDataBeg;
- private HSSFName nameDataRangeE;
- private HSSFName nameDataRangeB;
- private HSSFName nameDataPageE;
- private static final String RESWORD_Series = "Series"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_PageFromDetail = "PageFromDetail"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_HPageBreak = "HPageBreak"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_AutoHeight = "AutoHeight"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_MultiHide = "MultiHide"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_ModSer = "ModSer"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_Group = "Group"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_GroupHide = "GroupHide"; //
- private static final String RESWORD_Uniq = "uniq"; //
- public static final Short FACTOR_PIXEL_TO_EXCEL = 52;
- private HSSFWorkbook wb;
- private HSSFFormulaEvaluator evaluator;
- Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> namesMap = null;
- String[] sheets = null;
- private HSSFFont fontWhiteColor;
- private HSSFCellStyle[] arrCellStyleTextWhiteColor;
- private boolean useSpecialSheets;
- private boolean useGeneral;
- private boolean hideDetailRows;
- //============================= Переменные для ОБРАЗЦА
- private int lastCol; //Колонка реально последняя
- private int modelRowE, modelColE; //ОБРАЗЕЦ номер послед.строки, колонки
- private int headPrimeRowB, headPrimeRowE;
- private String headPrimeSeries;
- private boolean headPrimeDetail;
- private int headPrimeRowHPageBreak;
- //ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАГОЛОВОК перв.строка, строк в ОБРАЗЦЕ, имя колонки с номером по порядку,
- //признак начала страницы с детальной строки, в этой строке ставить разделитель страницы
- private int futPrimeRowB, futPrimeRowE, futPrimeRowHPageBreak;
- //ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ КОНЕЦ перв.строка, строк в ОБРАЗЦЕ, в этой строке ставить разделитель страницы
- private int detailRowB, detailRowE; //Номер перв., послед.строки ДЕТАЛЬНОЙ СТРОКИ
- private int headPageRowB, headPageRowE, headPageAfterRow;
- //Номер перв., строк, после какой строки ОБРАЗЦА печатать ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ(3 Excel typ)
- private int topPageRowB, topPageRowE; //Номер перв., строк ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ(13)
- private int bottomPageRowB, bottomPageRowE; //Номер перв., строк НИЗ СТРАНИЦЫ(4)
- /**
- * количество ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private int keyTotCount;
- /**
- * тестируемая колонка ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private Integer[] keyTotColTest = new Integer[dimensions];
- /**
- * первая строка шаблона ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private Integer[] keyTotRowB = new Integer[dimensions];
- /**
- * количество строк шаблона ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private Integer[] keyTotRowE = new Integer[dimensions];
- /**
- * первая детальная строка для ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private Integer[] keyTotRowD = new Integer[dimensions];
- /**
- * признак группировки (появляются экселевские сворачивалки строк?) детальных строк ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- */
- private Integer[] keyTotGroup = new Integer[dimensions];
- private String[][] keyTotColHide = new String[dimensions][dimensions2];
- private String[] keyTotModSerP1 = new String[dimensions], keyTotModSerP2 = new String[dimensions];
- private Boolean[] keyTotFlagHide = new Boolean[dimensions];
- // вот этот КАПЕЦ съехал !!!
- //Для ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ номер тестируемой колонки
- //Перв.строка, строк в ОБРАЗЦЕ, перв.строка текущего интервала строк ДАННЫХ
- //Флаг скрыть повторяющееся значение, скрываемые колонки
- //Колонка(P1), при смене значений которой, в колонке(P2) формируется модифицированная серия
- //Признак группировки суммируемых строк (Group)
- private int keyPageCount; //Число ЗАГОЛОВОКИ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- private Integer[] keyPageColTest = new Integer[dimensions], keyPageRowB = new Integer[dimensions], keyPageRowE = new Integer[dimensions],
- keyPageRowD = new Integer[dimensions], keyPageGroup = new Integer[dimensions];
- private String[] keyPageSeries = new String[dimensions];
- //Для ЗАГОЛОВКИ ПО КЛЮЧУ номер тестируемой колонки
- //Перв.строка, строк в ОБРАЗЦЕ, признак новой страницы, имя колонки с номером по порядку
- //Признак группировки строк (Group)
- private boolean groupYes; //группировка есть в шаблоне
- private int formatCol, maxFormat; //колонка и максимальный уровень группировки
- private int pageFormat, totFormat;
- private int pageFormatCount; //Число ЗАГОЛОВОКИ для ФОРМАТИРОВАНИЯ
- private Integer[] pageFormatRowB = new Integer[dimensions], pageFormatRowE = new Integer[dimensions], pageFormatGroup = new Integer[dimensions];
- private Boolean[] pageFormatFormula = new Boolean[dimensions], pageFormatGroupHide = new Boolean[dimensions];
- private int totFormatCount; //Число ИТОГИ для ФОРМАТИРОВАНИЯ
- private Integer[] totFormatRowB = new Integer[dimensions], totFormatRowE = new Integer[dimensions], totFormatGroup = new Integer[dimensions];
- private Boolean[] totFormatFormula = new Boolean[dimensions], totFormatGroupHide = new Boolean[dimensions];
- private Boolean[] keyPageSecondRow = new Boolean[dimensions]; //признак ссылки строк типа 51-70 на вторую дет.строку
- private int addKeyTot; //ДОБАВКА К ИТОГАМ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- private String cellsAutoHeight; //Ячейки для автоподбора высоты AutoHeight(D4,D8)
- private int bottomPageColPgNmb, bottomPageRowPgNmb; //Ячейка для номера страницы
- private int topPageColPgNmb, topPageRowPgNmb, pgNmb; //Номер страницы
- //============================= Переменные для ДАННЫХ
- /**
- * Признак, что была хоть одна строка ДАННЫХ
- */
- private boolean flagB;
- /**
- * Первая строка ДАННЫХ
- */
- private int wRowB;
- /**
- * Последняя строка текущего интервала строк
- */
- private int wRowE;
- /**
- * Первая строка следующего интервала строк ДАННЫХ, она же текущая строка ДАННЫХ
- */
- private int wRow;
- /**
- * Перв.строка типа скопированного из ОБРАЗЦА в ДАННЫЕ (по идее нафиг здесь не нужна, используется локально каждый раз)
- */
- private int rangeRowB;
- private int i, j, k; //Глобально рабочие
- private String name_WorkSheet, text_KOP;
- private int indexPageUniq; //Имя активного листа
- private int rowWork;
- private int posSer;
- private String unC;
- private List<AreaReference> hideOneRow, hideFewRow;
- //+tolik
- public boolean uniOver;
- //-tolik
- private String shMainName;
- private String shAddName;
- private String dataBegName;
- public class CellValue /*implements Comparable<CellValue>*/ {
- private Object value;
- public CellValue(Object value){
- this.value = value;
- }
- /* not used
- public int compareTo(CellValue o){
- System.out.println("!!!CellValue.compareTo");
- if (o.value == null) return 1;
- else if (value != null) return value.toString().compareTo(((CellValue)o).value.toString());
- else return -1;
- }
- */
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if (obj instanceof CellValue){
- CellValue otherCellValue = (CellValue) obj;
- boolean thisValueEmpty = value == null || value.toString().trim().isEmpty();
- boolean otherValueEmpty = otherCellValue == null || otherCellValue.value == null || otherCellValue.value.toString().trim().isEmpty();
- if(thisValueEmpty && otherValueEmpty){
- return true;
- }
- else if (otherCellValue.value instanceof Double && value instanceof Double){
- return ((Double)value).equals((Double)otherCellValue.value);
- }else if (otherCellValue.value instanceof String && value instanceof String){
- return ((String)value).equals((String)otherCellValue.value);
- }
- else return false;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- public Object getValue() {
- return value;
- }
- }
- public JUniPrint(HSSFWorkbook wb){
- this.wb = wb;
- fontWhiteColor = wb.createFont();
- fontWhiteColor.setColor((short)1);
- String[] functionNames = new String[]{Nmb_Prop.class.getSimpleName(),
- Sum_Prop.class.getSimpleName(),
- FML.class.getSimpleName(),
- FMLR.class.getSimpleName()};
- FreeRefFunction[] functionImpls = new FreeRefFunction[]{Nmb_Prop.instance,
- Sum_Prop.instance,
- FML.instance,
- FMLR.instance};
- DefaultUDFFinder userUDFFinder = new DefaultUDFFinder(functionNames, functionImpls);
- evaluator = HSSFFormulaEvaluator.create(wb, null, userUDFFinder);
- this.dataBegName = RANGE_DATABEG;
- }
- public void init(String shMainName, String shAddName, String dataBegName) {
- this.shMainName = shMainName;
- this.shAddName = shAddName;
- this.dataBegName = dataBegName;
- if (this.shMainName != null && this.shAddName != null)
- sheets = new String[]{this.shMainName, this.shAddName};
- if (this.dataBegName == null) this.dataBegName = RANGE_DATABEG;
- useSpecialSheets = (shMainName != null);
- useGeneral = !useSpecialSheets;
- }
- private void calculate(HSSFSheet sh, byte mode){
- for(Iterator rit = sh.rowIterator(); rit.hasNext();) {
- HSSFRow r = (HSSFRow)rit.next();
- for(Iterator cit = r.cellIterator(); cit.hasNext();) {
- HSSFCell c = (HSSFCell)cit.next();
- if(c.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
- try{
- switch (mode){
- case 0:
- evaluator.evaluate(c);
- break;
- case 1:
- evaluator.evaluateFormulaCell(c);
- break;
- case 2:
- evaluator.evaluateInCell(c);
- break;
- }
- }catch( Exception e){
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void uNIQ(Object a){
- }
- public void t_Query(String ws_Name, String query_Text, String ws_Dist){
- }
- private void setStyleRow(HSSFSheet ash, String strStyle, int row, int beCol, int countCol, int breakCol,
- Map<String, HSSFCellStyle[]> styleRowMap, HSSFFont font){
- int count =0;
- HSSFRow row1 = ash.getRow(row);
- HSSFCell cell;
- int endCol = beCol+countCol;
- if (!styleRowMap.containsKey(strStyle)){
- HSSFCellStyle[] rowStyle = new HSSFCellStyle[countCol];
- for(int indexCol = beCol; indexCol < endCol; indexCol++){
- cell = row1.getCell(indexCol);
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setFont(font);
- if (indexCol != breakCol) cell.setCellStyle(style);
- rowStyle[count++] = style;
- }
- styleRowMap.put(strStyle, rowStyle);
- }else{
- for(int indexCol = beCol; indexCol < endCol; indexCol++){
- cell = row1.getCell(indexCol);
- if (cell != null && indexCol != breakCol)
- cell.setCellStyle(styleRowMap.get(strStyle)[count]);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- public void formatStyle(String[] sheets)throws JUniPrintException{
- if(namesMap != null) namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- HSSFName nameCUsing = useGeneral? ExcelUtils.getNamedRange(wb, RANGE_CUSING): ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_CUSING, sheets);
- HSSFName nameContentBegCol = useGeneral? ExcelUtils.getNamedRange(wb, RANGE_ContentBegCol): ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_ContentBegCol, sheets);
- HSSFName nameContentBegColRowHead = useGeneral? ExcelUtils.getNamedRange(wb, RANGE_ContentBegColRowHead): ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_ContentBegColRowHead, sheets);
- HSSFName nameDataBeg = useGeneral? ExcelUtils.getNamedRange(wb, dataBegName): ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, dataBegName, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- Map<String, HSSFCellStyle> styleMap = new HashMap<String, HSSFCellStyle>();
- Map<String, HSSFCellStyle[]> styleRowMap = new HashMap<String, HSSFCellStyle[]>();
- if(nameCUsing != null && nameContentBegCol != null && nameContentBegColRowHead != null && nameDataBeg != null){
- AreaReference ref = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameCUsing);
- String shName = ref.getFirstCell().getSheetName();
- int c = ref.getFirstCell().getCol();
- int r = ref.getFirstCell().getRow();
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(wb.getSheet(shName), r, c);
- int cusing = ((Double) cell.getNumericCellValue()).intValue()-1;
- ref= ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameContentBegCol);
- shName = ref.getFirstCell().getSheetName();
- c = ref.getFirstCell().getCol();
- r = ref.getFirstCell().getRow();
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(wb.getSheet(shName), r, c);
- int colData = ((Double) cell.getNumericCellValue()).intValue()-1;
- ref = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameContentBegColRowHead);
- shName = ref.getFirstCell().getSheetName();
- c = ref.getFirstCell().getCol();
- r = ref.getFirstCell().getRow();
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(wb.getSheet(shName), r, c);
- int firstCol = ((Double) cell.getNumericCellValue()).intValue()-1;
- int countCol = cusing - firstCol;
- ref = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataBeg);
- HSSFSheet ash = wb.getSheet(ref.getFirstCell().getSheetName());
- int begRow = ref.getFirstCell().getRow();
- HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont();
- font1.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
- font1.setFontHeightInPoints((short)10);
- HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont();
- font2.setItalic(true);
- HSSFFont font3 = wb.createFont();
- font3.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
- HSSFFont font4 = wb.createFont();
- font4.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
- font4.setItalic(true);
- font4.setFontHeightInPoints((short)8);
- for(int row = begRow; row <= ash.getLastRowNum(); row++){
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(ash, row, 0));
- if(value == null) break;
- for(int col=0; col <= colData-firstCol; col++){
- value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(ash, row, cusing+col));
- if (value != null){
- if (value instanceof String){
- String strValue = value.toString();
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(ash, row, firstCol + col);
- if( strValue.equals("total")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font1);
- }else if(strValue.equals("h1")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font1);
- }else if(strValue.equals("h2")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font1);
- }else if(strValue.equals("det")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, cell.getColumnIndex(), styleRowMap, font1);
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)1);
- style.setFont(font4);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if( strValue.equals("code") || strValue.equals("indexcol")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setAlignment(style.ALIGN_CENTER);
- style.setFont(font3);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d0")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font3);
- }else if(strValue.equals("d1")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font3);
- }else if(strValue.equals("d2")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)1);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d3")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)2);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d4")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)3);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d5")){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, -1, styleRowMap, font2);
- }else if(strValue.equals("d6")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)4);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d7")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)5);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d8")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)6);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d9")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)7);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(strValue.equals("d10")){
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)8);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }else if(!strValue.isEmpty()) {
- Short val = Short.parseShort(strValue);
- if(val > 0){
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, cell.getColumnIndex(), styleRowMap, font4);
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)(4+val-1));
- style.setFont(font4);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }
- }
- }else if (value instanceof Double){
- Short val = (Short)value;
- if(val > 0){
- String strValue = val.toString();
- setStyleRow(ash, strValue, row, firstCol, countCol, cell.getColumnIndex(), styleRowMap, font1);
- if (!styleMap.containsKey(strValue)){
- HSSFCellStyle style= wb.createCellStyle();
- style.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- style.setIndention((short)(4+val-1));
- style.setFont(font4);
- styleMap.put(strValue, style);
- }
- cell.setCellStyle(styleMap.get(strValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else
- throw new JUniPrintException("В шаблоне не задана одна из поименованных областей: '"+RANGE_CUSING+"', '"+
- RANGE_ContentBegCol+"', '"+RANGE_ContentBegColRowHead+"', '"+dataBegName+"'!");
- }
- public void uniPrint(boolean calc) throws JUniPrintException{
- int activeIndexSheet = wb.getActiveSheetIndex();
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(activeIndexSheet);
- uniPrint(sheet, calc);
- }
- public void uniPrint(int indexSheet, boolean calc) throws JUniPrintException{
- uniPrint(wb.getSheetAt(indexSheet), calc);
- }
- public void uniPrint(HSSFSheet sheet, boolean calc) throws JUniPrintException{
- //+tolik
- uniOver = false;
- //-tolik
- modelRowE = ExcelUtils.findMarkInColumn(sheet, "777", 0, 0);
- if (modelRowE < 0){
- throw new JUniPrintException("Нет строки с типом 777 - конец ОБРАЗЦА!");
- }
- nameDataBeg = null;
- nameDataRangeE = null;
- nameDataRangeB = null;
- nameDataPageE = null;
- model();//Заряжаем переменные для ОБРАЗЦА
- wRow = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeB).getFirstCell().getRow();
- if(ExcelUtils.getCell(sheet, wRow, 0).getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK){
- AreaReference areaReferance = new AreaReference("A"+(wRow+1)+":A"+(ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()));
- for(CellReference celRef:areaReferance.getAllReferencedCells()){
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sheet, celRef.getRow(), celRef.getCol()), 0);
- }
- }
- /*
- On Error Resume Next //Определяем есть ли группы
- ActiveSheet.Rows.OutlineLevel
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then On Error GoTo 0
- */
- rowWork = modelRowE + 1;
- if (headPageAfterRow == -1 && headPageRowB != -1) {headPage(sheet);} //Есть ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ
- if (headPrimeRowB != -1) {
- headPrime(sheet); //Есть ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАГОЛОВОК
- }
- flagB = true;
- int count = 0;
- while(true){//Исходим из предположения - 999 послед.строка ДАННЫХ
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sheet, wRow, 0));
- if(value != null && value instanceof Double && (Double)value != 999){
- if ((Double)value == 0) { //Тип ДЕТАЛЬНОЙ СТРОКИ
- int detailRowIndex = wRow;
- if (flagB) {//Це начало
- formatLine(sheet);
- /*
- for (int i = 1; i <= lastCol; i++){
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sheet, detailRowB, i);
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- CellRangeAddress rangeRef = ExcelUtils.mergeArea(sheet, new CellReference(detailRowB, i));
- System.out.println("col"+i+"");
- int indexRow = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- ExcelUtils.paste(sheet, wRow, i, indexRow, i, ExcelUtils.copy(sheet, rangeRef), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas);
- }
- }
- */
- if (pageFormatCount != 0 || totFormatCount != 0) formatFormat(sheet);
- /*
- Rows(WRow & ":" & Range("DataRangeE").row - 1).Calculate
- If ((VarType(Rows(DetailRowB).WrapText) = vbNull) Or _
- (Rows(DetailRowB).WrapText = True)) And Len(CellsAutoHeight) = 0 Then
- Rows(WRow & ":" & Range("DataRangeE").row - 1).AutoFit
- End If
- */
- for(k = 0; k <= keyPageCount - 1; k++) {
- keyPage(sheet);
- }
- wRowB = wRow;
- for (int i = 0; i <= keyTotCount; i++) keyTotRowD[i] = wRow;
- flagB = false;
- if (keyTotCount == 0 && keyPageCount == 0) { //не нужен проход по детальным строкам
- wRowE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- wRow = wRowE + 1;
- break;
- }
- }else{
- //k =0;
- //System.out.println("wRow before = " + wRow);
- //int totRangeRowB = wRow;
- int keyTotIndex = checkKeyTot(sheet); //ИТОГИ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- //int keyRangeRowB = wRow;
- int keyPageRowsInserted = checkKeyPage(sheet); //ЗАГОЛОВКИ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- if (keyTotIndex >= 0) for (int i = 0; i <= keyTotIndex; i++) keyTotRowD[i] = keyTotRowD[i] + keyPageRowsInserted;
- //System.out.println("wRow after = " + wRow);
- if (hideDetailRows) ExcelUtils.getRow(sheet, detailRowIndex - 1).setZeroHeight(true);
- }
- wRowE = wRow;
- }
- wRow++;
- }else break;
- }
- if (flagB && (pageFormatCount != 0 || totFormatCount != 0)) formatFormat(sheet);
- int detailRowIndex = wRow;
- futPrime(sheet); //КОНЕЦ
- if (hideDetailRows) ExcelUtils.getRow(sheet, detailRowIndex - 1).setZeroHeight(true);
- if (topPageRowB >= 0 || bottomPageRowB >= 0) {
- if (!flagB) topPage(sheet);
- else modelDelete(sheet);
- }else modelDelete(sheet);
- if (!flagB && topPageRowB == -1 && bottomPageRowB == -1 && headPrimeDetail)
- hPCheck(); //двигаем разделители страниц
- ExcelUtils.deleteRow(sheet, ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow());
- wb.removeName(RANGE_DataRangeB);
- wb.removeName(RANGE_DataRangeE);
- wb.removeName(RANGE_DataPageE);
- // ActiveSheet.Calculate
- //+tolik
- uniOver = true;
- //-tolik
- // Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
- // Application.CutCopyMode = False: Application.ScreenUpdating = True
- sheet.setColumnHidden(0, true);
- // Range("A1").Activate
- if(calc) calculate(sheet, (byte)2);
- }
- // ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ тип 3
- private int headPage(HSSFSheet sh){
- rangeRowB = wRow;
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, headPageRowE);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, headPageRowE);
- wRow += headPageRowE;
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, "A"+(rangeRowB+1), ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, headPageRowB, headPageRowB+headPageRowE-1));
- // sh.getPrintSetup().
- // wb.setPrintArea(wb.getSheetIndex(sh), "$" + rangeRowB+":$"+ (wRow - 1));
- wRowB = wRow;
- wRowE = wRow;
- bitch(sh);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowB+1), Integer.toString(wRowB+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(wRowE+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- return headPageRowE;
- }
- private void bitch(HSSFSheet sh){
- }
- private void headPrime(HSSFSheet sh){
- rangeRowB = wRow;
- if (nameDataRangeE == null){
- Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- nameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_DataRangeE, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- }
- if (!headPrimeSeries.isEmpty()){
- ExcelUtils.fill(sh, headPrimeSeries+(wRow+1), 1, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- int indexCol = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(headPrimeSeries);
- Calendar calendar = null;
- double numValue = 0;
- Object value = null;
- int step = 0;
- for(int row = wRow; row <= ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1; row++){
- if (row == wRow){
- value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row, indexCol));
- if (value == null) break;
- if (value instanceof Date){
- calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
- calendar.setTime((Date)value);
- }else if(value instanceof Double){
- numValue = (Double) value;
- }
- }else{
- if (value instanceof Date){
- calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, step++);
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row, indexCol), calendar.getTime());
- }else if(value instanceof Double){
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row, indexCol), ++numValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, headPrimeRowE);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, headPrimeRowE);
- wRow += headPrimeRowE;
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, rangeRowB, 0, ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, headPrimeRowB, headPrimeRowB+headPrimeRowE-1));
- wRowB = wRow; wRowE = wRow;
- bitch(sh);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$" + (detailRowB+1), Integer.toString(wRowB+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$" + (detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(wRowE+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- //TODO ? условие или > или >=
- if (headPrimeRowHPageBreak >= 0){
- pBPrev(sh);
- sh.setRowBreak(rangeRowB + headPrimeRowHPageBreak - headPrimeRowB-1);
- }
- if (headPageAfterRow == headPrimeRowB && headPageRowB != -1) headPage(sh);
- }
- private void pBPrev(HSSFSheet sh){
- /*
- On Error Resume Next
- ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True: ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True: MsgBox ("Синсталлируйте принтер, Excel не может страницы расставить!"): End
- End If
- On Error GoTo 0
- */
- sh.setGridsPrinted(true);
- // wb.setPrintArea(wb.getSheetIndex(sh), 0, 4, 0, 30);
- }
- private void formatLine(HSSFSheet sh){
- int xxx, yyy , zzz;
- CellRangeAddressList workR;
- boolean flagVal;
- flagVal = false;
- workR = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, new CellRangeAddress(detailRowB, detailRowB, 0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumCol-1), ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeAllValidation);
- if (workR != null) flagVal = true;
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, detailRowB, detailRowB);
- xxx = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- yyy = wRow; zzz = 4096;
- while( xxx >= yyy){
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, yyy, (xxx - yyy > zzz?yyy + zzz - 1:xxx), buff, ExcelUtils.xlFormulasAndNumberFormats);
- if (flagVal)
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, yyy, (xxx - yyy > zzz?yyy + zzz - 1:xxx), buff, ExcelUtils.xlValidation);
- yyy = (xxx - yyy > zzz?yyy + zzz:xxx+1);
- }
- }
- private void formatFormat(HSSFSheet sh) throws JUniPrintException{
- int xxx , begF, endF;
- xxx = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- for(int i = 0; i < pageFormatCount; i++)
- format1(sh, xxx, pageFormatRowB[i], pageFormatRowE[i], pageFormatFormula[i]);
- for(int i = 0; i < totFormatCount; i++)
- format1(sh, xxx, totFormatRowB[i], totFormatRowE[i], totFormatFormula[i]);
- if (pageFormat > 2 || totFormat > 2) sh.autoSizeColumn((short)formatCol, true);
- if (pageFormat > 2){
- // ActiveSheet.Outline.SummaryRow = xlAbove
- begF = wRowB - 1;
- endF = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- if(totFormatCount == 0) ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, endF, formatCol), 2);
- for(int i = 2; i < pageFormat; i++) format2(sh, begF, endF, i, pageFormat - 1);
- }else if (totFormat > 2){
- // ActiveSheet.Outline.SummaryRow = xlBelow
- begF = wRowB - 1;
- endF = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- if(pageFormatCount == 0) ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, begF, formatCol), 2);
- for(int i = 2; i < totFormat; i++) format2(sh, begF, endF, i, totFormat - 1);
- }
- if (pageFormat > 2 || totFormat > 2){
- ExcelUtils.clearColumn(sh, formatCol);
- sh.setColumnHidden(formatCol, true);
- }
- // If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
- }
- private void format1(HSSFSheet sh, int xxx, int kFRowB, int kFRowE, boolean kFFormula) throws JUniPrintException{
- int yyy, zzz;
- CellRangeAddressList workR, sArea, workFormul;
- HSSFCell cell;
- boolean fl;
- if (kFFormula) {
- for(int row = kFRowB; row <= kFRowB+kFRowE; row++){
- for(int col = 1; col <= modelColE - 1; col++){
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row, col);
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(cell, "");
- }
- }
- }
- yyy = wRowB; zzz = ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1;
- while (xxx >= yyy){
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, yyy - 1, 0, xxx, 0, null);
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, yyy - 1, 0, xxx, 0, ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, kFRowB, 0)));
- mods:{
- workR = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, new CellRangeAddress(yyy, xxx - yyy > zzz?yyy + zzz - 1:xxx, 0, 0), ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeVisible);
- if (workR != null)
- if (yyy == xxx)
- if (ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, yyy).getZeroHeight()) break;
- else {
- workR = new CellRangeAddressList();
- workR.addCellRangeAddress(yyy, yyy, 0, 0);
- }
- if(zzz <= 1) break;
- if (workR != null && workR.countRanges() > 0){
- if(kFRowE > 1){
- CellRangeAddress cellReff = workR.getCellRangeAddress(0);
- if(cellReff.getLastRow()-cellReff.getFirstRow()+1 != kFRowE){
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, yyy - 1, 0, xxx, 0, null);
- throw new JUniPrintException("Несовпадение числа строк типа "+
- ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, kFRowB, 1))+" в шаблоне и данных!");
- }
- cellReff = workR.getCellRangeAddress(workR.countRanges()-1);
- if(cellReff.getLastRow()-cellReff.getFirstRow()+1 != kFRowE){
- zzz++;
- break mods;
- }
- }
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, yyy - 1, 0, xxx, 0, null);
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, kFRowB, kFRowB+kFRowE-1);
- // workR.EntireRow.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
- CellRangeAddressList areas = ExcelUtils.getEntireRow(workR);
- for(int iArea=0; iArea < areas.countRanges(); iArea++)
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, areas.getCellRangeAddress(iArea), buff, ExcelUtils.xlFormats);
- if (kFFormula){
- workFormul = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, new CellRangeAddress(kFRowB, kFRowB+kFRowE-1, 1, modelColE - 1),
- ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeFormulas);
- sArea = ExcelUtils.getEntireColumn(workFormul);
- if (sArea != null)
- for(int indexArea=0; indexArea <sArea.countRanges(); indexArea++){
- CellRangeAddress crA = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(sArea.getCellRangeAddress(indexArea),
- new CellRangeAddress(kFRowB, kFRowB+kFRowE-1, 0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumCol-1));
- if (crA != null){
- buff = ExcelUtils.copy(sh, crA);
- crA = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(sArea.getCellRangeAddress(indexArea),
- areas.getCellRangeAddress(0));
- if (crA != null) ExcelUtils.paste(sh, crA, buff, ExcelUtils.xlFormulas);
- }else{
- //!!!!
- }
- }
- }
- if (pageFormat > 2 || totFormat > 2) {
- for(int iArea=0; iArea < areas.countRanges(); iArea++){
- CellRangeAddress crA = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(new CellRangeAddress(0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, formatCol, formatCol),
- areas.getCellRangeAddress(iArea));
- ExcelUtils.fill(sh, new CellRangeAddress(kFRowB, kFRowB+kFRowE-1, formatCol, formatCol), crA, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- }
- }
- if (lastCol >= formatCol){
- if (ExcelUtils.hasFormula(sh, kFRowB, formatCol, kFRowB+kFRowE-1, lastCol - formatCol + 1) == null){
- buff = ExcelUtils.copy(sh, kFRowB, formatCol, kFRowB+kFRowE-1, lastCol - formatCol);
- for(int iArea=0; iArea < areas.countRanges(); iArea++){
- CellRangeAddress crA = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(
- new CellRangeAddress(0,
- ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1,
- formatCol,
- lastCol - formatCol),
- areas.getCellRangeAddress(iArea));
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, crA, buff, ExcelUtils.xlFormulas);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- yyy = xxx - yyy > zzz ? yyy + zzz: xxx+ 1;
- }
- }
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, yyy - 1, 0, xxx, 0, null);
- // If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
- }
- private void format2(HSSFSheet sh, int begF, int endF, int numOutl, int maxOutl){
- int begRow =0, xxx, yyy, zzz;
- CellRangeAddressList workR, sArea;
- boolean flagBegin;
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, begF, formatCol, endF, formatCol, null);
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, begF, formatCol, endF, formatCol, new Double(numOutl));
- xxx = endF; yyy = begF; zzz = ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1; flagBegin = true;
- while(xxx > yyy){
- mods:
- {
- workR = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, new CellRangeAddress(yyy, xxx - yyy > zzz?yyy + zzz - 1:xxx, formatCol, formatCol), ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeVisible);
- if (yyy == xxx){
- if (ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, yyy).getZeroHeight()) break;
- else {
- workR = new CellRangeAddressList();
- workR.addCellRangeAddress(yyy, yyy, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- if(zzz <= 1) break;
- if (workR != null){
- CellRangeAddress cRA = workR.getCellRangeAddress(workR.countRanges()-1);
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(
- ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, cRA.getLastRow()+ 1, formatCol));
- if(value != null && value instanceof Double && value.equals(new Double(numOutl))){
- zzz++;
- break mods;
- }
- for(int i=0; i< workR.countRanges(); i++){
- if(flagBegin){
- begRow = workR.getCellRangeAddress(i).getLastRow()+1;
- flagBegin = false;
- }else{
- // Rows(BegRow & ":" & sArea.row - 1).OutlineLevel = NumOutl
- sh.groupRow(begRow, workR.getCellRangeAddress(i).getFirstRow()-1);
- begRow = workR.getCellRangeAddress(i).getLastRow()+1;
- }
- }
- if (maxOutl != numOutl) {
- for(int i=0; i< workR.countRanges(); i++){
- cRA = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(workR.getCellRangeAddress(i),
- new CellRangeAddress(0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, formatCol, formatCol));
- ExcelUtils.fill(sh, cRA, numOutl + 1, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- }
- }
- }
- yyy = xxx - yyy > zzz ? yyy + zzz : xxx + 1;
- }
- }
- ExcelUtils.autoFilter(sh, begF, formatCol, endF, formatCol, null);
- // If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
- }
- private int keyPage(HSSFSheet sh){
- int insertedRows = 0;
- if(nameDataRangeE == null){
- Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- nameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_DataRangeE, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- }
- rangeRowB = wRow;
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, keyPageRowE[k]);
- insertedRows = insertedRows + keyPageRowE[k];
- wRow += keyPageRowE[k];
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, wRow + keyPageRowE[k]);
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, keyPageRowB[k], keyPageRowB[k]+keyPageRowE[k]-1);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, rangeRowB, 0, buff);
- bitch(sh);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowB+1), Integer.toString(wRow+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (flagB && headPageAfterRow == keyPageRowB[k] && headPageRowB != -1)
- insertedRows = insertedRows + headPage(sh); //Есть ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ тип 3
- if (!keyPageSeries[k].isEmpty()){
- int rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow()-1;
- ExcelUtils.fill(sh, keyPageSeries[k]+""+(wRow+1), 1, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- AreaReference areaRef = new AreaReference(keyPageSeries[k] +""+(wRow+1) + ":" + keyPageSeries[k]+""+(rowNameDataRangeE+1));
- if(!areaRef.isSingleCell()){
- for(int col = areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol(); col <= areaRef.getLastCell().getCol(); col++){
- Double numValue = 0d;
- for(int row = areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow(); row <= areaRef.getLastCell().getRow(); row++){
- if (row == areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow()){
- HSSFRow row0 = sh.getRow(row);
- if (row0 != null){
- HSSFCell cell = row0.getCell(col);
- if (cell != null){
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(cell);
- if (value != null && value instanceof Number){
- numValue = ((Number)value).doubleValue();
- numValue +=1;
- }else break;
- }else break;
- }
- else break;
- }else{
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row, col), numValue);
- numValue +=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return insertedRows;
- }
- /**
- * Проверяет не изменилось ли значение в одной из колонок содержащих ключи для итогов.
- * Если изменение найдено, вставляет строки итогов в соответствии с шаблоном и
- * возвращает индекс элемента keyTotGroup (в т.ч. keyTotRowD и т.п.), по которому было найдено изменение.
- * Если изменения нет, возвращает -1.
- *
- * @param sh - worksheet
- * @return индекс элемента keyTotGroup (в т.ч. keyTotRowD и т.п.)
- */
- private int checkKeyTot(HSSFSheet sh){
- int keyTotIndex = -1;
- boolean flagType6;
- int countWorkRow, rangeRowHid =0;
- int numModSer;
- Object modSerVal;
- for (int j = keyTotCount - 1; j >= 0; j--){
- CellValue value1 = new CellValue(ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, wRowE, keyTotColTest[j])));
- CellValue value2 = new CellValue(ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, wRow, keyTotColTest[j])));
- if (!value1.equals(value2)){
- //System.out.println("checkKeyTot... values differs");
- flagType6 = true;
- for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++){
- if (keyTotGroup[k] > 0){
- // ActiveSheet.Outline.SummaryRow = xlBelow
- sh.groupRow(keyTotRowD[k], wRow - 1);
- }
- countWorkRow = 0;
- if (addKeyTot != 0) { //есть строка типа 6
- for(int iRow=keyTotRowD[k]; iRow <=wRow - 1; iRow++){
- Object obj =
- ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, iRow, 0));
- if (obj != null && obj instanceof Double && obj.equals(0d))
- countWorkRow++;
- }
- if (countWorkRow == 1 && flagType6){
- flagType6 = false;
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, 1);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, 1);
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, addKeyTot, addKeyTot);
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, wRow, wRow, buff, ExcelUtils.xlAll);
- wRow = wRow + 1;
- rangeRowHid = wRow;
- }
- }
- rangeRowB = wRow; //печать ИТОГИ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- HSSFCell cell = null;
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, keyTotRowE[k]); //!!! долго работатет метод shiftRows !!!!!
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, keyTotRowE[k]);
- wRow += keyTotRowE[k];
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, keyTotRowB[k], keyTotRowB[k]+keyTotRowE[k]-1);
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, rangeRowB, rangeRowB+keyTotRowE[k]-1, buff, ExcelUtils.xlAll);
- bitch(sh);
- //System.out.println("replace " + "$"+(detailRowB+1) + " to " + (keyTotRowD[k]+1));
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow, "$"+(detailRowB+1), new Integer(keyTotRowD[k]+1).toString(), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- //System.out.println("replace " + "$"+(detailRowE+1) + " to " + (wRowE+1));
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow, "$"+(detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(wRowE+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- //System.out.println("replace " + "$"+(detailRowB) + " to " + (keyTotRowD[k]));
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow, "$"+(detailRowB), Integer.toString(keyTotRowD[k]), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (countWorkRow == 1)
- for(int iRow=rangeRowHid; iRow <= wRow - 1; iRow++)
- ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, iRow).setZeroHeight(true);
- if (keyTotModSerP1[k] != null && !keyTotModSerP1[k].isEmpty()){ //Есть модифицированная серия
- numModSer = 0;
- modSerVal = null;
- for (int workI = keyTotRowD[k]; workI <= wRowE; workI++){
- Object cellValue = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, workI, 0));
- if (cellValue != null && cellValue instanceof Double && cellValue.equals(0d)){
- Object cellValue2 = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(
- ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, workI, CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(keyTotModSerP1[k])));
- if (numModSer == 0 || cellValue2 != null && !cellValue2.equals(modSerVal)){
- numModSer = numModSer + 1;
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, workI, CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(keyTotModSerP2[k])), numModSer);
- modSerVal = cellValue2;
- }else{
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, workI, CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(keyTotModSerP2[k]));
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(cell, numModSer);
- cell.setCellStyle(arrCellStyleTextWhiteColor[cell.getColumnIndex()]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- keyTotIndex = j;
- for (int k = 0; k <= keyTotIndex; k++) keyTotRowD[k] = wRow;
- break;
- }
- if (value1.equals(value2) && keyTotFlagHide[j]){ //Значение ключа не изменилось - мочи его!!!
- int k = 0;
- while(!keyTotColHide[j][k].isEmpty()){
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, wRow, CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(keyTotColHide[j][k]));
- cell.setCellStyle(arrCellStyleTextWhiteColor[cell.getColumnIndex()]);
- k++;
- }
- }
- }
- return keyTotIndex;
- }
- /**
- * Проверяет не изменилось ли значение в одной из колонок содержащих ключи для заголовков.
- * Если изменение найдено, вставляет строки заголовков в соответствии с шаблоном и
- * возвращает количество вставленных строк.
- * Если изменения нет, возвращает 0.
- *
- * @param sh - worksheet
- * @return количество вставленных строк
- */
- private int checkKeyPage(HSSFSheet sh){
- int insertedRows = 0;
- boolean flagNewPage = false;
- for (int j = 0; j<=keyPageCount - 1; j++){
- CellValue value1 = new CellValue(ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, wRowE, keyPageColTest[j])));
- CellValue value2 = new CellValue(ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, wRow, keyPageColTest[j])));
- if(!value1.equals(value2)){
- //System.out.println("checkKeyPage #" + j + "... values differs ([" + value1.value + "], [" + value2.value + "])");
- rowWork = wRow;
- for (k = j; k<= keyPageCount - 1; k++){
- //System.out.println("keyPage from checkKeyPage #" + k);
- insertedRows = insertedRows + keyPage(sh); //печать
- if (keyPageRowD[k] > 0) flagNewPage = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!flagB && flagNewPage){
- pBPrev(sh);
- sh.setRowBreak(rowWork-1);
- // ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
- }
- return insertedRows;
- }
- private void futPrime(HSSFSheet sh){
- int workFutPrimeRowHPageBreak = -1, ll ;
- if (!flagB) checkKeyTot(sh);// 'Запомним строку, чтобы вставить НИЗ СТРАНИЦЫ
- nameDataPageE = ExcelUtils.createNameRange(RANGE_DataPageE, "'"+name_WorkSheet+"'!$A$"+(wRow - 1), wb);
- namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- if (futPrimeRowB >= 0){ //Есть ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ КОНЕЦ
- bitch(sh);
- rangeRowB = wRow;
- if (indexPageUniq == 0) { //'Нет Uniq(X:X)
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, futPrimeRowE);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, futPrimeRowE);
- wRow += futPrimeRowE;
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, futPrimeRowB, futPrimeRowB+futPrimeRowE-1);
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, rangeRowB, rangeRowB+futPrimeRowE-1, buff, ExcelUtils.xlAll);
- if (futPrimeRowHPageBreak >= 0){
- workFutPrimeRowHPageBreak = rangeRowB + futPrimeRowHPageBreak - futPrimeRowB;
- }
- if (flagB) { wRowB = wRow; wRowE = wRow;}//нет детальных строк
- }else{//Есть Uniq(X:X)
- for (int i = futPrimeRowB; i<= futPrimeRowB + futPrimeRowE - 1; i++){
- if (futPrimeRowHPageBreak >= 0 && futPrimeRowHPageBreak == i)
- workFutPrimeRowHPageBreak = wRow;
- int posSer = -1;
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){// 'Поиск Uniq(X:X)
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, i, j);
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- String formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- if (formula != null){
- posSer = formula.indexOf("uniq(");
- if (posSer >= 0){
- unC = formula.substring(posSer + 5, posSer+8); //определить колонку
- unC = unC.substring(0, unC.indexOf(":", 1));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (posSer >= 0){
- HSSFSheet uniqShete = wb.getSheetAt(indexPageUniq);
- int indexCol = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(unC);
- ll = (int)((Double)ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(uniqShete, 0, indexCol))-2);
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, ll);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, ll);
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, i, i);
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, wRow, wRow+ll-1, buff, ExcelUtils.xlAll);
- for (int j = 2; j<= ll + 1; j++){
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(uniqShete, 1, indexCol));
- Object value2 = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(uniqShete, j, indexCol));
- if (value2 != null)
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, wRow, wRow, value, value2, ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- else
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, wRow, wRow, value, "0", ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- wRow++;
- }
- }else{
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, wRow, 1);
- ExcelUtils.upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(namesMap, new String[]{name_WorkSheet}, wRow, 1);
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, i, i);
- ExcelUtils.pasteRows(sh, wRow, wRow, buff, ExcelUtils.xlAll);
- wRow++;
- }
- }
- if(flagB) {wRowB = wRow; wRowE = wRow; }//нет детальных строк}
- //Application.DisplayAlerts = False
- wb.removeSheetAt(indexPageUniq);
- //Application.DisplayAlerts = True
- //Worksheets(Name_WorkSheet).Activate
- }
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowB+1), Integer.toString(wRowB+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(wRowE+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rangeRowB, wRow - 1, "$"+(detailRowB), Integer.toString(wRowB), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (futPrimeRowHPageBreak >= 0){
- pBPrev(sh);
- sh.setRowBreak(workFutPrimeRowHPageBreak-1);
- // ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
- }
- }
- }
- private void modelDelete(HSSFSheet sh){
- int lastRow0, replaceRow;
- HSSFShape shape;
- boolean dZeros;
- double findValue;
- /*
- For Each Sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
- On Error Resume Next
- If Sh.TopLeftCell.row <= ModelRowE And Sh.BottomRightCell.row <= ModelRowE _
- Then Sh.Visible = False
- On Error GoTo 0
- Next
- */
- // DZeros = ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros
- // if (nameDataRangeE == null){
- // Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- // nameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_DataRangeE, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- // }
- for (int i = 0; i <= keyPageCount - 1; i++){
- if (keyPageSecondRow[i] || keyPageGroup[i] > 0) {
- //If Not DZeros Then ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = True
- findValue = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j<= keyTotCount - 1; j++)
- if (keyPageColTest[i].equals(keyTotColTest[j])){
- findValue = ((Double)ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, keyTotRowB[j], 0))).intValue();
- break;
- }
- int rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- HSSFCell findCell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, rowNameDataRangeE, 0, findValue, ExcelUtils.xlValues,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious);
- if (findCell != null){
- lastRow0 = findCell.getRowIndex();
- replaceRow = findCell.getRowIndex();
- if (findValue != 0) replaceRow -= keyTotRowE[j];
- while(true){
- Object searchValue = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, keyPageRowB[i], 0));
- findCell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, findCell.getRowIndex(), 0, searchValue, ExcelUtils.xlValues,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious);
- if(keyPageSecondRow[i]){
- bitch(sh);
- if (findCell != null)
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, findCell.getRowIndex()-keyPageRowE[i]+1, findCell.getRowIndex(),
- "$"+(detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(replaceRow+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- }
- if (keyPageGroup[i] > 0){
- //ActiveSheet.Outline.SummaryRow = xlAbove
- if (findCell != null)
- sh.groupRow(findCell.getRowIndex()+1, replaceRow);
- }
- if (findCell != null)
- findCell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, findCell.getRowIndex(), 0, findValue,
- ExcelUtils.xlValues, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious);
- if (findCell != null) replaceRow = findCell.getRowIndex();
- if (findCell == null || lastRow0 == replaceRow) break;
- if (findValue != 0) replaceRow -= keyTotRowE[j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = DZeros
- bitch(sh);
- dZeros = true;
- int rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- if (rowNameDataRangeE >= 100){
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, 0, modelRowE,
- "$"+(detailRowB+1), Integer.toString(detailRowB+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, 0, modelRowE,
- "$"+(detailRowE+1), Integer.toString(detailRowE+1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, 0, modelRowE,
- "$"+(detailRowB), Integer.toString(detailRowB), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- HSSFCell findCell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, modelRowE, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow, "$1", ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (findCell== null) dZeros = false;
- }
- if (dZeros){
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, 0, rowNameDataRangeE-1,
- "$"+1, Integer.toString(1), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, 0, rowNameDataRangeE-1,
- "$"+2, Integer.toString(rowNameDataRangeE), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- }
- //удаления ОБРАЗЦА
- //очистка хвостовичка
- //ExcelUtils.deleteRow(sh, rowNameDataRangeE);
- // sh.getRow(rowNameDataRangeE).setZeroHeight(true);
- for(int iRow=0; iRow <= modelRowE; iRow++){
- HSSFRow delRow = sh.getRow(iRow);
- if (delRow != null){
- delRow.setZeroHeight(true);
- Iterator it = delRow.cellIterator();
- while(it.hasNext())
- delRow.removeCell((HSSFCell)it.next());
- }
- }
- // sh.shiftRows(modelRowE+1, sh.getLastRowNum(), -(modelRowE+1));
- if(cellsAutoHeight != null && !cellsAutoHeight.isEmpty()){
- calculate(sh, (byte)1);
- // ActiveSheet.Calculate
- if (hideOneRow != null){
- int i = 1024;
- rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- int j = sh.getFirstRowNum();
- while(rowNameDataRangeE -1 >=j){
- CellRangeAddress crB = new CellRangeAddress(j, i, 0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumCol-1);
- for(AreaReference area:hideOneRow){
- CellRangeAddress res = ExcelUtils.intersectRectangular(new CellRangeAddress(
- area.getFirstCell().getRow(), area.getLastCell().getRow(),
- area.getFirstCell().getCol(), area.getLastCell().getCol()), crB);
- if (res != null){
- CellRangeAddressList list = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, res, ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeFormulas);
- if (list != null){
- CellRangeAddressList l = ExcelUtils.getEntireRow(list);
- if (l != null){
- for(int ii=0; ii<l.countRanges(); ii++){
- CellRangeAddress workRange = l.getCellRangeAddress(ii);
- for(int row = workRange.getFirstRow(); row <= workRange.getLastRow(); row++)
- ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, row).setZeroHeight(false);
- CellRangeAddressList rHeight = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, workRange , ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeVisible);
- if (rHeight != null){
- rHeight = ExcelUtils.getEntireRow(rHeight);
- ExcelUtils.hiddenRows(sh, rHeight, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- j = i + 1;
- i = i + 1024;
- }
- }
- if (hideFewRow != null){
- boolean wRHidden = false;
- for(AreaReference area:hideFewRow){
- CellRangeAddress cra = new CellRangeAddress(
- area.getFirstCell().getRow(), area.getLastCell().getRow(),
- area.getFirstCell().getCol(), area.getLastCell().getCol());
- CellRangeAddressList list = ExcelUtils.getSpecialCells(sh, cra, ExcelUtils.XlCellType.xlCellTypeFormulas);
- if (list != null && list.getSize() >0){
- for(int jj=0; jj < list.countRanges(); jj++){
- CellRangeAddress crb = list.getCellRangeAddress(jj);
- wRHidden = ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, crb.getFirstRow()).getZeroHeight();
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, crb.getFirstRow(), crb.getFirstColumn());
- //System.out.println("value0 "+ExcelUtils.getCellValue(cell));
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- AreaReference area2 = new AreaReference(cell.getCellFormula());
- evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell);
- CellRangeAddress cra2 = ExcelUtils.mergeArea(sh, area2.getAllReferencedCells()[0]);
- short mergeHeigh = 0;
- for (int row = cra2.getFirstRow(); row <=cra2.getLastRow(); row++)
- mergeHeigh += ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, row).getHeight();
- rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, rowNameDataRangeE, cra.getFirstColumn());
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex(), ExcelUtils.copy(sh, crb));
- cell.getCellStyle().setWrapText(true);
- //RHeight.Rows.AutoFit
- short hCell = ExcelUtils.getRow(sh, cell.getRowIndex()).getHeight();
- AreaReference area3 = new AreaReference(crb.formatAsString());
- if(hCell < mergeHeigh){
- Short h = ExcelUtils.getRowHeight(sh, area3);
- if (h == null) h = 0;
- ExcelUtils.setRowHeight(sh, area3, (short)(h + hCell + mergeHeigh));
- if (wRHidden)
- ExcelUtils.hiddenRows(sh, area3, true);
- }
- ExcelUtils.clear(sh, area3);
- ExcelUtils.clear(sh, new CellReference(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int i = 1;
- for (int j = keyTotCount - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- if (keyTotGroup[j] > 0){
- if (keyTotGroup[j] == 2){
- //ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=i
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- i = 1;
- for (int j = 0; j<= keyPageCount-1; j++)
- if (keyPageGroup[j] > 0){
- if (keyPageGroup[j] == 2){
- //ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=i
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- // 'сворачивание оутлайнов
- if(pageFormat > 2){
- i = 1;
- for(int j =0; j<=pageFormatCount - 1; j++)
- if(pageFormatGroup[j] > 0 ){
- if (pageFormatGroupHide[j]){
- if (groupYes){
- specHidden(sh, i);
- }else{
- //ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=i 'при большом количестве строк дает ошибку
- specHidden(sh, i);
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- }else if(totFormat > 2){
- i = 1;
- for(j =totFormatCount - 1; j>=0; j--)
- if(totFormatGroup[j] > 0){
- if (totFormatGroupHide[j]){
- if (groupYes){
- specHidden(sh, i);
- }else{
- //ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=i 'при большом количестве строк дает ошибку
- specHidden(sh, i);
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- private void specHidden(HSSFSheet sh, int hOut){
- int br = 0;
- int er = 0;
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, 0,
- 1d, ExcelUtils.xlValues, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious);
- if (cell != null)
- br = cell.getRowIndex()+1;
- cell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, 0,
- 1d, ExcelUtils.xlValues, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (cell != null)
- er = cell.getRowIndex()-1;
- boolean flagB = true;
- k = 1;
- for(int row = br; row <= er; row++){
- /*
- If WorkRange.OutlineLevel > HOut Then
- If FlagB Then
- Set WR = WorkRange: FlagB = False
- Else
- Set WR = Union(WR, WorkRange)
- End If
- K = K + 1
- If K = 1000 Then
- WR.EntireRow.Hidden = True: FlagB = True: K = 1
- End If
- */
- }
- if (k > 1){
- //WR.EntireRow.Hidden = True
- }
- }
- //13, 4 typ's
- private void topPage(HSSFSheet sh) throws JUniPrintException{
- int indexPageSave = wb.getNumberOfSheets();
- wb.createSheet();
- HSSFSheet sheetSave = wb.getSheetAt(indexPageSave);
- ExcelBuffer buffTopPage = null;
- ExcelBuffer buffBottomPage = null;
- if (bottomPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, bottomPageRowB, bottomPageRowB+bottomPageRowE-1);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sheetSave, "A" + (bottomPageRowB+1), buff);
- buffBottomPage = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sheetSave, bottomPageRowB, bottomPageRowB+bottomPageRowE-1);
- }
- if (topPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelBuffer buff = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sh, topPageRowB, topPageRowB+topPageRowE-1);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sheetSave, "A" + (topPageRowB+1), buff);
- buffTopPage = ExcelUtils.copyRows(sheetSave, topPageRowB, topPageRowB+topPageRowE-1);
- }
- modelDelete(sh);
- //Property[] pr = wb.getSummaryInformation().getProperties();
- // ExcelUtils.breakDownPrintedPage(sh);
- // if(true) return;
- boolean dZeros = sh.isDisplayZeros();
- if (!dZeros) sh.setDisplayZeros(true);
- int rowNameDataPageE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataPageE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- HSSFCell findCell =ExcelUtils.find(sh, 0, 0, rowNameDataPageE, 0, 0d, ExcelUtils.xlValues, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- int row0 = -1, rowP1 = -1;
- if (findCell != null){
- row0 = findCell.getRowIndex();
- for(rowP1 = row0; rowP1 >= 0; rowP1--)
- if (sh.isRowBroken(rowP1)) break;
- }
- if (rowP1 < 1) rowP1 = 1;
- boolean flagHP = false;
- int rowP2 = -1;
- HSSFPrintSetup ps = sh.getPrintSetup();
- float[]sizePage = ExcelUtils.PrintPagesFormat.get(ps.getPaperSize());
- if (sizePage == null) throw new JUniPrintException("Неизвестный формат печатный страницы!");
- float baseSizePage = 0;
- if (ps.getLandscape()) baseSizePage = sizePage[0];
- else baseSizePage = sizePage[1];
- float scale = ps.getScale() / 100;
- double len = baseSizePage -(((ps.getFooterMargin()+ps.getHeaderMargin())*ExcelUtils.Factotr_MM_Inches)+50);
- while(true){
- row0 = -1;
- findCell = ExcelUtils.find(sh, rowP1, 0, rowNameDataPageE, 0, 0d, ExcelUtils.xlValues, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlWhole, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (findCell != null)
- row0 = findCell.getRowIndex();
- if(row0 == -1 || row0 < rowP1) break;
- else{
- if (bottomPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, row0, bottomPageRowE);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, row0, 0, buffBottomPage);
- }
- if (topPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, row0, topPageRowE);
- ExcelUtils.upadteRowBrokenAfterInsertRows(sh, row0, topPageRowE);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, row0, 0, buffTopPage);
- }
- if (rowP2 != -1 && rowP1 > 0) sh.setRowBreak(rowP1);
- int rowNameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- double currSizePage = 0;
- for (rowP2 = row0 + 1; rowP2 <= rowNameDataRangeE; rowP2++){
- HSSFRow hSSFRow = sh.getRow(rowP2);
- if (hSSFRow != null && !hSSFRow.getZeroHeight())
- currSizePage += hSSFRow.getHeightInPoints()*ExcelUtils.Factotr_MM_Points*scale;
- if (currSizePage >= len || sh.isRowBroken(rowP2)){
- // currSizePage = 0;
- // if (!sh.isRowBroken(rowP2)) sh.setRowBreak(rowP2);
- break;
- }
- // if (sh.isRowBroken(rowP2)){
- // sh.removeRowBreak(rowP2);
- // break;
- // }
- }
- rowNameDataPageE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataPageE).getFirstCell().getRow()+1;
- if (rowP2 > rowNameDataPageE) rowP2 = rowNameDataPageE + 1;
- bitch(sh);
- if (topPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, row0, row0+topPageRowE, "$"+(detailRowB+1),
- Integer.toString(row0 + topPageRowE + bottomPageRowE), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, row0, row0+topPageRowE, "$"+(detailRowE+1),
- Integer.toString(rowP2), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart,
- ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (topPageColPgNmb >= 0) ExcelUtils.setCellValue( ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, row0 + topPageRowPgNmb, topPageColPgNmb), pgNmb);
- }
- if (bottomPageRowB >= 0){
- ExcelUtils.insertRows(sh, rowP2, bottomPageRowE);
- ExcelUtils.upadteRowBrokenAfterInsertRows(sh, rowP2, bottomPageRowE);
- flagHP = sh.isRowBroken(rowP2);
- ExcelUtils.paste(sh, rowP2, 0, buffBottomPage);
- //видимо из-за толщины линий разделитель иногда убегает вверх
- if (flagHP && !sh.isRowBroken(rowP2)){
- }
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rowP2, rowP2+bottomPageRowE, "$"+(detailRowB+1),
- Integer.toString(row0 + topPageRowE + bottomPageRowE), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- ExcelUtils.replaceRows(sh, rowP2, rowP2+bottomPageRowE, "$"+(detailRowE+1),
- Integer.toString(rowP2), ExcelUtils.xlFormulas,
- ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- if (bottomPageColPgNmb >= 0) ExcelUtils.setCellValue( ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, rowP2 + bottomPageRowPgNmb, bottomPageColPgNmb), pgNmb);
- //sh.shiftRows(row0 + topPageRowE-1, sh.getLastRowNum(), -(topPageRowE + bottomPageRowCount+1));
- //ExcelUtils.deleteRow(sh, row0 + topPa geRowE-1);
- for(int row =0; row < bottomPageRowE; row++){
- HSSFRow hSSFRow = ExcelUtils.clearRow(sh, row0 + topPageRowE+row);
- if (hSSFRow!= null) hSSFRow.setZeroHeight(true);
- }
- rowP2 +=bottomPageRowE-1;
- }
- }
- rowP1 = rowP2;
- Object value = ExcelUtils.getCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sh, rowP1, 0));
- if (value != null && value instanceof Double){
- double val = ((Double)value).doubleValue();
- if (val >= 51d && val <= 60d) pgNmb = 1;
- else pgNmb++;
- }
- }
- sh.setDisplayZeros(dZeros);
- wb.removeSheetAt(indexPageSave);
- }
- private void hPCheck(){
- }
- private void model()throws JUniPrintException{
- int typeKeyTot, typeKeyPage;
- int typeFormat, insOutLine;
- int posSer1, posSer2, posSer3;
- int posCom1, posCom2, posBr;
- HSSFSheet activeSheet = null;
- namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- nameDataBeg = useGeneral? ExcelUtils.getNamedRange(wb, dataBegName): ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, dataBegName, sheets);
- if (nameDataBeg != null){
- AreaReference areaDataBeg = new AreaReference(nameDataBeg.getRefersToFormula());
- name_WorkSheet = areaDataBeg.getFirstCell().getSheetName();
- activeSheet = wb.getSheet(name_WorkSheet);
- rowWork = areaDataBeg.getFirstCell().getRow();
- }else{
- int activeIndexSheet = wb.getActiveSheetIndex();
- activeSheet = wb.getSheetAt(activeIndexSheet);
- name_WorkSheet = wb.getSheetName(activeIndexSheet);
- rowWork = modelRowE + 1;
- }
- //HSSFFormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
- modelColE = ExcelUtils.realLastColumnHide(activeSheet); //Послед.колонка
- lastCol = modelColE;
- nameDataRangeB = ExcelUtils.createNameRange(RANGE_DataRangeB, "'"+name_WorkSheet+"'!$A$"+(rowWork+1), wb);
- rowWork = ExcelUtils.realLastRow(activeSheet)+1;
- int localRow = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeB).getFirstCell().getRow();
- if(rowWork < localRow) rowWork = localRow;
- nameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.createNameRange(RANGE_DataRangeE, "'"+name_WorkSheet+"'!$A$"+(rowWork+1), wb);
- namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- localRow = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, localRow, 0), new Double(999));
- ExcelUtils.fillPathRow(activeSheet, localRow, 1, modelColE, "End's", ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- indexPageUniq = 0; headPrimeRowB = -1; headPrimeRowE = 0; headPrimeSeries = "";
- headPrimeDetail = false; headPrimeRowHPageBreak = -1; cellsAutoHeight = "";
- futPrimeRowB = -1; futPrimeRowE = 0; futPrimeRowHPageBreak = -1;
- topPageRowB = -1; topPageRowE = 0; bottomPageRowB = -1; bottomPageRowE = 0;
- headPageRowB = -1; headPageRowE = 0; headPageAfterRow = -1;
- detailRowB = -1; detailRowE = -1; keyTotCount = 0; keyPageCount = 0; addKeyTot = 0;
- groupYes = false;
- formatCol = 0; maxFormat = 0;
- pageFormat = 2; pageFormatCount = 0;
- totFormat = 2; totFormatCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i< dimensions; i++){
- keyTotColTest[i] = 0; keyTotRowB[i] = 0; keyTotRowE[i] = 0; keyTotRowD[i] = 0;
- keyPageColTest[i] = 0; keyPageRowB[i] = 0; keyPageRowE[i] = 0; keyPageRowD[i] = 0;
- keyPageSeries[i] = ""; keyPageGroup[i] = 0; keyTotFlagHide[i] = false;
- keyTotModSerP1[i] = ""; keyTotModSerP2[i] = ""; keyTotGroup[i] = 0;
- pageFormatRowB[i] = -1; pageFormatRowE[i] = 0; pageFormatFormula[i] = false;
- pageFormatGroup[i] = 0; pageFormatGroupHide[i] = false;
- totFormatRowB[i] = -1; totFormatRowE[i] = 0; totFormatFormula[i] = false;
- totFormatGroup[i] = 0; totFormatGroupHide[i] = false;
- keyPageSecondRow[i] = false;
- for (int j = 0; j< dimensions2; j++) keyTotColHide[i][j] = "";
- }
- typeKeyTot = 0; typeKeyPage = 0; bottomPageColPgNmb = 0; bottomPageRowPgNmb = 0;
- typeFormat = 0; topPageColPgNmb = 0; topPageRowPgNmb = 0; pgNmb = 1;
- for(int i=0; i<modelRowE; i++){
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, 0);
- int value = -1;
- switch(cell.getCellType()){
- //TODO Дата - это тоже числовой формат. Как её получить?!
- value = (int)cell.getNumericCellValue();
- break;
- HSSFRichTextString rich = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
- if (rich != null) value = Integer.parseInt(rich.getString());
- }
- if (value == 0){ //Тип ДЕТАЛЬНОЙ СТРОКИ
- detailRowE = i;
- if(detailRowB == -1) {
- arrCellStyleTextWhiteColor = new HSSFCellStyle[modelColE+1];
- for(int indexCol = 0; indexCol <= modelColE; indexCol++){
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, indexCol);
- HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
- cellStyle.cloneStyleFrom(cell.getCellStyle());
- cellStyle.setFont(fontWhiteColor);
- cellStyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_NONE);
- cellStyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_NONE);
- cellStyle.setWrapText(false);
- arrCellStyleTextWhiteColor[indexCol] = cellStyle;
- }
- detailRowB = i;
- hideDetailRows = ExcelUtils.getRow(activeSheet, i).getZeroHeight();
- System.out.println("hideDetailRows = " + hideDetailRows);
- }
- }else if (value == 1){ //Тип ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАГОЛОВОК
- headPrimeRowE = headPrimeRowE + 1;
- if (headPrimeRowB == -1) {
- headPrimeRowB = i;
- if (headPageRowB == -1) headPageAfterRow = i;
- }
- for (int j=1; j <= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer = 0; posSer1 = 0; posSer2 = 0; posSer3 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Series.toUpperCase());
- posSer1 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_PageFromDetail.toUpperCase());
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_HPageBreak.toUpperCase());
- posSer3 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_AutoHeight.toUpperCase()+"(");
- int startIndex = posSer + RESWORD_Series.length()+1;
- if(posSer >= 0) {
- headPrimeSeries = textComment.substring(startIndex, startIndex+1).toUpperCase();
- }
- if(posSer1 >= 0) headPrimeDetail = true;
- if(posSer2 >= 0) {
- headPrimeRowHPageBreak = i;
- }
- if(posSer3 >= 0) {
- posBr = textComment.indexOf(")", posSer3);
- cellsAutoHeight = textComment.substring(posSer3+RESWORD_AutoHeight.length()+1, posBr);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }else if (value == 2){ //Тип ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ КОНЕЦ
- futPrimeRowE = futPrimeRowE + 1;
- if (futPrimeRowB == -1) futPrimeRowB = i;
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer2 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_HPageBreak.toUpperCase());
- }
- if (posSer2 >= 0) futPrimeRowHPageBreak = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- searchUniq(activeSheet, i);
- }else if (value == 3){//Тип ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ
- headPageRowE = headPageRowE + 1;
- if (headPageRowB == -1) headPageRowB = i;
- }else if (value == 4){//Тип НИЗ СТРАНИЦЫ
- bottomPageRowE = bottomPageRowE + 1; if(bottomPageRowB == -1) bottomPageRowB = i;
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- bottomPageColPgNmb = j;
- bottomPageRowPgNmb = i - bottomPageRowB;
- }
- }
- }else if (value == 5){//Тип ПУСТАЯ СТРОКА
- }else if (value == 6){//ДОБАВКА К ИТОГАМ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- addKeyTot = i;
- }else if (value == 13){//Тип ВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ
- topPageRowE = topPageRowE + 1; if (topPageRowB == -1) topPageRowB = i;
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- topPageColPgNmb = j;
- topPageRowPgNmb = i - topPageRowB;
- }
- }
- }else if (value >= 21 && value <= 40){//Типы ИТОГОВ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- if(typeKeyTot != (int) value){ //Обработка перв.строки
- typeKeyTot = (int) value;
- keyTotRowB[keyTotCount] = i;
- keyTotColTest[keyTotCount] = 1;
- keyTotCount++;
- }
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer = 0; posSer1 = 0; posSer2 = 0; posSer3 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_MultiHide.toUpperCase()+"(");
- posSer1 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_ModSer.toUpperCase());
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Group.toUpperCase());
- posSer3 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_GroupHide.toUpperCase());
- int startIndex = posSer + RESWORD_Series.length()+1;
- if(posSer >= 0) {
- keyTotFlagHide[keyTotCount - 1] = true;
- k = 0; posCom1 = posSer + RESWORD_MultiHide.length()+1;
- posBr = textComment.indexOf(")", posSer);
- String[] params = textComment.substring(posCom1, posBr).split(",");
- for(int i_params = 0; i_params < params.length; i_params++){
- keyTotColHide[keyTotCount - 1][i_params] = params[i_params];
- }
- }
- if(posSer1 >= 0) {
- posSer = textComment.indexOf(",", posSer1);
- keyTotModSerP1[keyTotCount - 1] = textComment.substring(posSer1+RESWORD_ModSer.length()+1, posSer);
- keyTotModSerP2[keyTotCount - 1] = textComment.substring(posSer+1, textComment.indexOf(")", posSer1));
- }
- if(posSer2 >= 0) {
- keyTotGroup[keyTotCount - 1] = 1;
- }
- if(posSer3 >= 0) keyTotGroup[keyTotCount - 1] = 2;
- }
- keyTotColTest[keyTotCount - 1] = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- keyTotRowE[keyTotCount - 1] += 1;
- }else if (value >= 51 && value <= 70){//Типы ЗАГОЛОВКИ ПО КЛЮЧУ
- //System.out.println("found grouping row with code = " + value);
- if (typeKeyPage != (int) value ){ //Обработка перв.строки
- typeKeyPage = (int) value;
- keyPageRowB[keyPageCount] = i;
- keyPageColTest[keyPageCount] = 2;
- keyPageCount++;
- if (headPageRowB == -1) headPageAfterRow = i;
- }
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer = 0; posSer2 = 0; posSer3 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Series.toUpperCase());
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Group.toUpperCase());
- posSer3 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_GroupHide.toUpperCase());
- if(posSer >= 0) {
- int startIndex = RESWORD_Series.length() + 1;
- keyPageSeries[keyPageCount - 1] = textComment.substring(startIndex, startIndex+1).toUpperCase();
- }
- if(posSer2 >= 0) keyPageGroup[keyPageCount - 1] = 1;
- if(posSer3 >= 0) keyPageGroup[keyPageCount - 1] = 2;
- }
- keyPageColTest[keyPageCount-1] = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- keyPageRowE[keyPageCount - 1] +=1;
- if (value >=51 && value<=60) keyPageRowD[keyPageCount - 1] = 1;
- //System.out.print("keyPageCount = " + keyPageCount + ", keyPageRowB = " + Arrays.deepToString(keyPageRowB) + ", keyPageColTest = " + Arrays.deepToString(keyPageColTest));
- //System.out.print("keyPageSeries = " + Arrays.deepToString(keyPageSeries));
- //System.out.println("keyPageGroup = " + Arrays.deepToString(keyPageGroup));
- }else if (value >= -50 && value <= -41){//Типы ЗАГОЛОВОКИ для ФОРМАТИРОВАНИЯ
- if (typeFormat != (int) value ){ //Обработка перв.строки
- typeFormat = (int) value;
- pageFormatRowB[pageFormatCount] = i;
- pageFormatCount++;
- }
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer2 = 0; posSer3 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Group.toUpperCase());
- posSer3 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_GroupHide.toUpperCase());
- if(posSer2 >= 0) {
- pageFormatGroup[pageFormatCount - 1] = pageFormat;
- pageFormat++;
- }
- if(posSer3 >= 0) pageFormatGroupHide[pageFormatCount - 1] = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ExcelUtils.hasFormulaRow(activeSheet, i) == null) pageFormatFormula[pageFormatCount - 1] = true;
- pageFormatRowE[pageFormatCount - 1]++;
- }else if (value >= 41 && value <= 50){//Типы ИТОГИ для ФОРМАТИРОВАНИЯ
- if (typeFormat != (int) value ){ //Обработка перв.строки
- typeFormat = (int) value;
- totFormatRowB[totFormatCount] = i;
- totFormatCount++;
- }
- for (int j = 1; j<= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFComment comment = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, i, j).getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- posSer2 = 0; posSer3 = 0;
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();
- posSer2 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_Group.toUpperCase());
- posSer3 = textComment.indexOf(RESWORD_GroupHide.toUpperCase());
- if(posSer2 >= 0) {
- totFormatGroup[totFormatCount - 1] = totFormat;
- totFormat++;
- }
- if(posSer3 >= 0) {
- totFormatGroupHide[totFormatCount - 1] = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ExcelUtils.hasFormulaRow(activeSheet, i) == null) totFormatFormula[totFormatCount - 1] = true;
- totFormatRowE[totFormatCount - 1]++;
- }else if(value >=100 && value <=200){//Типы пользователя
- }else throw new JUniPrintException("В ОБРАЗЦЕ строка недопустимого типа!");
- }
- //есть группировка в типах для ФОРМАТИРОВАНИЯ, проставляем уровень группировки в колонке группировки
- formatCol = lastCol + 1;
- if (pageFormat > 2 || totFormat > 2){
- // MaxFormat = ActiveSheet.Rows.OutlineLevel
- if (pageFormat > 2){
- maxFormat = pageFormat - 1;
- insOutLine = pageFormat;
- for (int i = pageFormatCount - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if (pageFormatGroup[i] != 0) insOutLine--;
- if (insOutLine != pageFormat){
- for(int offsetRow = 0; i<pageFormatRowE[i]; offsetRow++)
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, pageFormatRowB[i]+offsetRow, formatCol), insOutLine);
- j = pageFormatCount - i - 1;
- if (totFormatRowB[j] != 0)
- for(int offsetRow = 0; i<totFormatRowE[j]; offsetRow++)
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, totFormatRowB[j], formatCol), insOutLine);
- }
- }
- }else{
- maxFormat = totFormat - 1;
- insOutLine = totFormat;
- for(int i = 0; i<=totFormatCount - 1; i++){
- if (totFormatGroup[i] != 0) insOutLine--;
- if (insOutLine != totFormat){
- ExcelUtils.fillPathCol(activeSheet, formatCol, (int)totFormatRowB[i], (int)(totFormatRowB[i]+totFormatRowE[i]-1), insOutLine, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- int j = totFormatCount - i - 1;
- if (pageFormatRowB[j] != -1)
- ExcelUtils.fillPathCol(activeSheet, formatCol, (int)pageFormatRowB[j], (int)(pageFormatRowB[j]+pageFormatRowE[j]-1), insOutLine, ExcelUtils.xlValues);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- autoHeight(activeSheet);
- for(int i = 0; i<= keyPageCount - 1; i++){ //поиск ссылки на вторую дет.строку
- for(int offsetRow = 0; offsetRow < keyPageRowE[i]; offsetRow++){
- HSSFRow row = ExcelUtils.getRow(activeSheet, keyPageRowB[i]+offsetRow);
- Iterator it = row.cellIterator();
- while(it.hasNext()){
- HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)it.next();
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- String formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- if (formula != null && formula.indexOf("$"+detailRowE)>=0){
- keyPageSecondRow[i] = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(keyPageSecondRow[i]) break;
- }
- }
- if(detailRowE - detailRowB > 1) throw new JUniPrintException("В ОБРАЗЦЕ больше двух строк с кодом 0!");
- for(int indexRow = 0; indexRow < modelRowE; indexRow++){
- HSSFRow row = ExcelUtils.getRow(activeSheet, indexRow);
- Iterator it = row.cellIterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) ((HSSFCell)it.next()).setCellComment(null);
- }
- }
- private void autoHeight(HSSFSheet activeSheet){
- double mergeWidth;
- HSSFCellStyle defaultCellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
- if (!cellsAutoHeight.isEmpty()){
- String[] arrCellAH = cellsAutoHeight.split(",");
- for(String cellAH: arrCellAH){
- //if (cellAH.equals("B4")) continue;
- AreaReference cellAHRef = new AreaReference(cellAH);
- if(cellAHRef.isSingleCell() && ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getRow(), cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getCol()).getCellStyle().getWrapText()){
- CellRangeAddress workMergeRef = ExcelUtils.mergeArea(activeSheet, cellAHRef.getFirstCell());
- mergeWidth = 0;
- for(int col=workMergeRef.getFirstColumn(); col <=workMergeRef.getLastColumn(); col++){
- mergeWidth += activeSheet.getColumnWidth(col)+ 0.353*FACTOR_PIXEL_TO_EXCEL;
- }
- activeSheet.setColumnWidth(++lastCol, (int)mergeWidth);
- //ExcelUtils.paste(activeSheet, ExcelUtils.xlc(lastCol + 2)+(cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getRow()+1), ExcelUtils.copy(activeSheet, workMergeRef), ExcelUtils.xlFormats);
- ExcelUtils.paste(activeSheet, cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getRow(), lastCol + 1, ExcelUtils.copy(activeSheet, workMergeRef), ExcelUtils.xlFormats);
- CellRangeAddress workMergeRef1 = ExcelUtils.mergeArea(activeSheet, new CellReference(cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getRow(), lastCol + 1));
- //System.out.println("workMergeRef1 "+ workMergeRef1.formatAsString());
- for(int i =0; i<activeSheet.getNumMergedRegions(); i++)
- if(activeSheet.getMergedRegion(i).equals(workMergeRef1)){
- activeSheet.removeMergedRegion(i);
- break;
- }
- HSSFCell srcCell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, workMergeRef1.getFirstRow(), workMergeRef1.getFirstColumn());
- HSSFCell distCell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, cellAHRef.getFirstCell().getRow(), lastCol);
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(distCell, ExcelUtils.getCellValue(srcCell));
- distCell.getCellStyle().cloneStyleFrom(srcCell.getCellStyle());
- for(int row=workMergeRef1.getFirstRow(); row <=workMergeRef1.getLastRow(); row++)
- for(int col=workMergeRef1.getFirstColumn(); col <=workMergeRef1.getLastColumn(); col++)
- ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, row, col).setCellStyle(defaultCellStyle);
- activeSheet.setColumnHidden(lastCol, true);
- //distCell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat((short)0);
- if (workMergeRef.getLastRow()-workMergeRef.getFirstRow() > 0 ||
- workMergeRef.getLastColumn()-workMergeRef.getFirstColumn() > 0){
- distCell.setCellFormula(cellAHRef.getFirstCell().formatAsString());
- }
- else
- distCell.setCellFormula("\".\"");
- if (workMergeRef.getLastRow()-workMergeRef.getFirstRow() > 0 ){
- HSSFCellStyle defaultCellStyle2 = wb.createCellStyle();
- defaultCellStyle2.cloneStyleFrom(distCell.getCellStyle());
- defaultCellStyle2.setWrapText(false);
- distCell.setCellStyle(defaultCellStyle2);
- //distCell.getCellStyle().setWrapText(false);
- if (hideFewRow == null) hideFewRow = new ArrayList<AreaReference>();
- hideFewRow.add(new AreaReference(new CellReference(0, lastCol), new CellReference(ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, lastCol)));
- }else{
- if (hideOneRow == null) hideOneRow = new ArrayList<AreaReference>();
- hideOneRow.add(new AreaReference(new CellReference(0, lastCol), new CellReference(ExcelUtils.xlMaxNumRow-1, lastCol)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Поиск Uniq(X:X) и построение уникальных списков
- private void searchUniq(HSSFSheet activeSheet, int currRow){
- String unF;
- int unLast;
- if (nameDataRangeB == null || nameDataRangeE == null){
- Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> namesMap = ExcelUtils.createNamesMap(wb);
- nameDataRangeB = ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_DataRangeB, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- nameDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getNamedRangeInSheets(namesMap, RANGE_DataRangeE, new String[]{name_WorkSheet});
- }
- int rowDataRangeB = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeB).getFirstCell().getRow();
- int rowDataRangeE = ExcelUtils.getReferanceNameRange(nameDataRangeE).getFirstCell().getRow();
- for(int j = 1; j <= modelColE; j++){
- HSSFCell cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, currRow, j);
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- String formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- if (formula != null && !formula.isEmpty()){
- posSer = formula.indexOf(RESWORD_Uniq+"(");
- //Есть "uniq(" и есть детальные строки
- if(posSer >= 0 && rowDataRangeB != rowDataRangeE){
- if (indexPageUniq == 0){
- // Name_WorkSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
- wb.createSheet();
- indexPageUniq = wb.getNumberOfSheets()-1;
- // Worksheets(Name_WorkSheet).Activate
- }
- int begPos = posSer + RESWORD_Uniq.length()+1;
- unC = formula.substring(begPos, formula.indexOf(":")); //определить колонку
- unF = formula.substring(posSer, formula.indexOf(")")+1);
- int numUnC = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(unC);
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, rowDataRangeB-1, numUnC), unF);
- ExcelUtils.replace(activeSheet, rowDataRangeB-1, numUnC, rowDataRangeE, numUnC, "\"", "'", ExcelUtils.xlFormulas, ExcelUtils.XlLookAt.xlPart, ExcelUtils.XlSearchDirection.xlNext);
- List<CellValue> list = new ArrayList<CellValue>();
- for(int row=rowDataRangeB-1; row<=rowDataRangeE;row++){
- cell = ExcelUtils.getCell(activeSheet, row, numUnC);
- CellValue obj = new CellValue(ExcelUtils.getCellValue(cell));
- if (list.indexOf(obj) < 0) list.add(obj);
- }
- unLast = list.size();
- HSSFSheet sheetUniq = wb.getSheetAt(indexPageUniq);
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sheetUniq, 0, numUnC), unLast);
- int indexRow = 1;
- for(CellValue obj:list){
- ExcelUtils.setCellValue(ExcelUtils.getCell(sheetUniq, indexRow++, numUnC), obj.getValue());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }