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Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-3.0, LGPL-2.1, GPL-3.0, CC-BY-SA-3.0
  1. 00-database-info BL Nv
  2. 00-database-info O6 DQ
  3. 00-database-short s f
  4. 00-database-url A s
  5. 00-icon-000 SK Us
  6. a FxM Bv
  7. a few Qnt BY
  8. a little QpF +
  9. a long time QqD k
  10. a lot of Qqn 2
  11. aback Fy7 h
  12. abacus Fzc BS
  13. abandon F0u Br
  14. abandoned F2Z BD
  15. abandonment F3c q
  16. abase F4G r
  17. abash F4x f
  18. abashment F5Q +
  19. abate F6O f
  20. abatement F6t BJ
  21. abbey F72 Y
  22. abbot F8O X
  23. abbreviate F8l 0
  24. ABC m2 e
  25. ABC book nU j
  26. abdicate F9Z i
  27. abdicate to F97 o
  28. abdomen F+j BC
  29. abdominal F/l 1
  30. aberrance GAa l
  31. aberration GA/ BE
  32. abet GCD CI
  33. abhor GEL j
  34. abhorrence GEu t
  35. abide GFb Dv
  36. abiding GJK d
  37. ability GJn Cb
  38. abject GMC BG
  39. abjure GNI Bf
  40. ablative GOn h
  41. able Fdx k
  42. able GPI BK
  43. abnegation GQS BD
  44. abnormal GRV s
  45. abnormality GSB y
  46. abnormity GSz 8
  47. abode GTv BB
  48. abolish GUw BQ
  49. abominate GWA p
  50. abomination GWp y
  51. aboriginal GXb Bx
  52. abort GZM g
  53. abortion GZs v
  54. abortive Gab 5
  55. abound GbU p
  56. about GdD Bu
  57. aboutface Gb9 BG
  58. above GgB BW
  59. above all GhX B8
  60. aboveboard Gex BQ
  61. abrade GjT y
  62. abridge GkF BV
  63. abridgement Gla r
  64. abroad GmF 5
  65. abrogate Gm+ BS
  66. abrupt GoQ BX
  67. abscess Gpn 1
  68. abscond Gqc BW
  69. absence Gry BH
  70. absence of mind Gs5 z
  71. absent Gts f
  72. absent onself GuL 5
  73. absinth GvE o
  74. absolute Gvs Cm
  75. absolute power G0z BE
  76. absolute rule G13 BC
  77. absolute ruler G25 BD
  78. absolutely GyS Ch
  79. absolution G38 BQ
  80. absolutism G5M v
  81. absolve G57 BJ
  82. absorb G7E Bn
  83. abstain from G8r 0
  84. abstemious G9f 9
  85. abstention G+c 0
  86. abstinence G/Q z
  87. abstract HAD EY
  88. abstraction HEb r
  89. abstruse HFG 1
  90. absurd HF7 BR
  91. absurdity HHM 6
  92. abundance HIG t
  93. abundant HIz l
  94. abundantly HJY 6
  95. abuse HKS Cg
  96. abusive HMy 9
  97. abysmal HNv Bk
  98. abyss HPT h
  99. Abyssinia n3 y
  100. Abyssinian op 1
  101. acacia HP0 e
  102. academic HQS i
  103. academy HQ0 k
  104. academy of music HRY +
  105. acanthus HSW w
  106. accede HTG BT
  107. accelerate HUZ Ba
  108. accent HVz BM
  109. accept HW/ 1
  110. acceptance HX0 BD
  111. access HY3 Bh
  112. accessible HaY 2
  113. accession HbO BT
  114. accessories Hch 2
  115. accessory matter HdX 2
  116. accidence HeN q
  117. accident He3 h
  118. accidental HfY m
  119. acclaim Hf+ B+
  120. acclamation Hh8 BN
  121. acclimatize HjJ w
  122. acclivity Hj5 0
  123. accommodation Hkt CS
  124. accomodate Hm/ Co
  125. accomodate with Hpn 0
  126. accompaniment Hqb s
  127. accompanist HrH q
  128. accompany Hrx o
  129. accompanying HsZ t
  130. accomplish HtG CH
  131. accomplished HvN B9
  132. accomplishment HxK BB
  133. accord HyL CP
  134. accordance H0a Bi
  135. according as H2n w
  136. according to H3X w
  137. accordingly H18 r
  138. accordion H4H r
  139. accost H4y g
  140. account H5S Fl
  141. account for IAN BZ
  142. accountable H+3 t
  143. accountant H/k p
  144. accredit IBm 4
  145. accretion ICe BB
  146. accrue IDf Bp
  147. accumulate IFI 0
  148. accumulation IF8 8
  149. accumulator IG4 w
  150. accuracy IHo p
  151. accurate IIR B1
  152. accursed IKG i
  153. accurst IKo h
  154. accusation ILJ p
  155. accusative ILy p
  156. accuse IMb B/
  157. accuser IOa k
  158. accustom IO+ BB
  159. accustomed IP/ w
  160. ace IQv Y
  161. acerbic IRH BW
  162. acetate ISd e
  163. acetous IS7 j
  164. acetylene ITe l
  165. ache IUD B6
  166. Acheron pe q
  167. achievable IV9 0
  168. achieve IWx D6
  169. achievement Iar BQ
  170. Achilles qI h
  171. achromatic Ib7 m
  172. achrostic Ich m
  173. acid IdH BT
  174. acidness Iea j
  175. acknowledge Ie9 Bp
  176. acknowledgement Igm Bk
  177. acme IiK m
  178. acolyte Iiw BT
  179. aconite IkD f
  180. acorn Iki c
  181. acoustics Ik+ k
  182. acquaint Ili CC
  183. acquaintance Ink BY
  184. acquiescence Io8 p
  185. acquire Ipl Bp
  186. acquisition IrO BN
  187. acquisitive Isb 8
  188. acquit ItX BG
  189. acquittal Iud k
  190. acre IvB Y
  191. acrobat IvZ h
  192. across Iv6 B3
  193. across from Ixx 8
  194. act Iyt EO
  195. act as a middleman JCs z
  196. act as agent JB9 v
  197. act for JDf +
  198. act of grace JEd BD
  199. act on JFg f
  200. act out JF/ t
  201. act upon JGs j
  202. action I27 Bk
  203. activate I4f BN
  204. active I5s BY
  205. activist I7E k
  206. activity I7o 2
  207. actor I8e h
  208. actual I8/ Bv
  209. actuality I+u 4
  210. actually I/m BK
  211. actuary JAw j
  212. actuate JBT q
  213. acuity JHP y
  214. acute JIB BB
  215. ad JJm w
  216. adage JKW f
  217. adagio JK1 k
  218. Adam qp X
  219. adapt JLZ /
  220. add JMY BF
  221. add up JUf 2
  222. addendum JNd h
  223. adder JN+ a
  224. addiction JOY o
  225. addition JPA Bi
  226. additional JQi 1
  227. additive JRX f
  228. addled JR2 u
  229. address JSk 2
  230. addressee JTa BF
  231. adept JVV BW
  232. adequate JWr 8
  233. adherence JXn j
  234. adherent JYK w
  235. adherents JY6 u
  236. adieu JZo 2
  237. adjacent Jae Bt
  238. adjectival JcL t
  239. adjective Jc4 2
  240. adjoining Jdu 0
  241. adjourn Jei BN
  242. adjournment Jfv 5
  243. adjudge Jgo BD
  244. adjudication Jhr 6
  245. adjunct Jil CG
  246. adjust Jkr s
  247. adjustable wrench JlX BA
  248. adjustment JmX +
  249. adjutant JnV z
  250. adlib JJC k
  251. administer JoI Bu
  252. administration Jp2 +
  253. administrator Jq0 5
  254. admirable Jrt 2
  255. admiral Jsj h
  256. admirality JtE 7
  257. admire Jt/ h
  258. admission Jug B9
  259. admit Jwd BU
  260. admittance Jxx s
  261. admixture Jyd 5
  262. admonish JzW 3
  263. admonition J0N z
  264. ado J1A g
  265. adopt J1g r
  266. adoption J2L k
  267. adorable J2v p
  268. adore J3Y 0
  269. adorer J4M i
  270. adorn J4u BB
  271. adornment J5v Bh
  272. Adriatic rA z
  273. Adriatic Sea rz 7
  274. adroit J7Q CE
  275. adult J9U 5
  276. advance J+N Bi
  277. advancement J/v u
  278. advantage KAd 6
  279. advantageous KBX Bs
  280. advent KDD d
  281. adventitious KDg r
  282. adventure KEL n
  283. adventurer KEy s
  284. adventurous KFe t
  285. adverb KGL s
  286. adversary KG3 9
  287. adverse KH0 x
  288. advert KIl BI
  289. advertence KJt 3
  290. advertency KKk 6
  291. advertise KLe Ba
  292. advertisement KM4 BI
  293. advice KOA +
  294. advise KO+ 5
  295. advise against KP3 2
  296. advocate KQt 4
  297. Adzharia su n
  298. aerate KRl w
  299. aerial KSV q
  300. aeronaut KS/ q
  301. aeronautics KTp BB
  302. aeroplane KUq +
  303. aesthetics KVo n
  304. aetiology KWP s
  305. afar KW7 X
  306. affable KXS h
  307. affair KXz 9
  308. affect KYw Bz
  309. affectation Kaj n
  310. affecting KbK l
  311. affection Kbv Be
  312. affectionate KdN BQ
  313. affiliate Ked BG
  314. affiliation Kfj Bc
  315. affined Kg/ r
  316. affinity Khq p
  317. affirm KiT BO
  318. affirmation Kjh BN
  319. affix Kku BI
  320. afflict Kl2 3
  321. affluence Kmt j
  322. affluent KnQ 2
  323. afford KoG BO
  324. Afghan tV p
  325. Afghanistan t+ u
  326. afoot KpU a
  327. afraid Kpu 2
  328. afresh Kqk Bu
  329. Africa us d
  330. African vJ v
  331. Afrikaans v4 BM
  332. Afrikaner xE k
  333. AfroAsian xo h
  334. after KsS 0
  335. afternoon KtG p
  336. afterwards Ktv Bj
  337. again KvS Bs
  338. against Kw+ z
  339. agape Kxx l
  340. agate KyW Z
  341. age Kyv BB
  342. agency Kzw r
  343. agenda K0b q
  344. agent K1F Bo
  345. agglomerate K2t v
  346. agglomeration K3c BB
  347. agglutinate K4d +
  348. aggrandizement K5b 1
  349. aggravate K6Q BF
  350. aggregate K7V r
  351. aggression K8A s
  352. aghast K8s i
  353. agile K9O Bg
  354. agitate K+u DH
  355. agitated LB1 2
  356. agitation LCr BW
  357. agitator LEB o
  358. agog LEp 8
  359. agonize LFl z
  360. agony LGY w
  361. agrarian LHI n
  362. agree LHv CO
  363. agreeable LJ9 BC
  364. agreement LK/ CX
  365. agricultural LNW w
  366. agriculture LOG r
  367. ague LOx a
  368. ah LPL a
  369. aha LPl e
  370. ahead LQD 1
  371. aid LQ4 CD
  372. aidedecamp LS7 s
  373. ailment LTn h
  374. aim LUI DE
  375. air LYs b
  376. air out Lei f
  377. airballoon LXM u
  378. aircraft LZH l
  379. airiness LZs i
  380. airless LaO 9
  381. airplane LbL 6
  382. airport LcF j
  383. airpressure LX6 c
  384. airtight Lco u
  385. airvalve LYW W
  386. airyfairy LdW BM
  387. AixlaChapelle yJ e
  388. akin LfB m
  389. alabaster Lfn m
  390. alacrity LgN 3
  391. alarm LhE Dg
  392. alarmclock Lkk m
  393. alas LlK m
  394. Alaska yn e
  395. Albania zF i
  396. Albanian zn Bp
  397. Albanian language 1Q BG
  398. Albanian woman 2W y
  399. album Llw a
  400. albumen LmK h
  401. alchemy Lmr r
  402. alcohol LnW 3
  403. alcoholism LoN 6
  404. alcove LpH d
  405. alder Lpk b
  406. alderman Lp/ l
  407. ale Lqk R
  408. alert Lq1 BO
  409. alga LsD X
  410. algebra Lsa 2
  411. Algeria 3I l
  412. Algerian 3t y
  413. alibi LtQ a
  414. alien Ltq 2
  415. alike Lug k
  416. alimony LvE u
  417. alkali Lvy q
  418. all Lw4 BA
  419. all about L4O 7
  420. All Hallows 43 p
  421. all of a sudden L5J n
  422. all of it L5w o
  423. all over again L6Y BK
  424. All Saints' Day 5g +
  425. all sorts L7i i
  426. all sorts of L8E o
  427. All Souls' Day 6e r
  428. all the L8s BA
  429. all the same L9s i
  430. all the time L+O Bk
  431. Allah 4f Y
  432. allegory Lx4 v
  433. alley Lyn Z
  434. alligator LzA m
  435. allknowing Lwc c
  436. allot Lzm c
  437. allow L0C BX
  438. alloy L1Z d
  439. allude L12 u
  440. allusion L2k k
  441. alluvion L3I k
  442. alluvium L3s i
  443. almanac L/y k
  444. almond MAW e
  445. almost MA0 +
  446. alms MBy a
  447. aloe MCM W
  448. alone MCi z
  449. along MDV c
  450. alongside MDx i
  451. alp MET Z
  452. alpaca MEs e
  453. Alpenrose 7J w
  454. alphabet MFK s
  455. Alps 75 X
  456. already MF2 p
  457. AlsaceLorraine 8Q p
  458. Alsatian 85 y
  459. also MGf v
  460. alt MHO Y
  461. altar MHm c
  462. alteration MIC CH
  463. alternate MKJ r
  464. alternation MK0 v
  465. alternative MLj v
  466. although MMS 8
  467. altitude MNO h
  468. altogether MNv 1
  469. alum MOk Y
  470. aluminium MO8 n
  471. aluminum MPj l
  472. always MQI BP
  473. amaranthus MRX r
  474. amass MSC n
  475. amateur MSp 0
  476. amaze MTd 2
  477. Amazon 9r f
  478. ambassador MUT BU
  479. amber MVn l
  480. ambition MWM i
  481. ambitious MWu l
  482. ambrosia MXT z
  483. ambush MYG z
  484. amen MY5 W
  485. America +K g
  486. American +q BN
  487. American Indian /3 x
  488. American woman BAo z
  489. amethyst MZP i
  490. amidst MZx i
  491. ammonia MaT r
  492. ammunition Ma+ n
  493. amnesty Mbl 9
  494. among Mci BA
  495. amorphous Mdi j
  496. amortize MeF y
  497. amount Me3 7
  498. ampersand Mfy BT
  499. amphibian MhF k
  500. amphitheatre Mhp v
  501. amphora MiY g
  502. ampère Mj0 T
  503. amputate Mi4 8
  504. Amsterdam BBb z
  505. amuck MkH b
  506. amulet Mki e
  507. amuse MlA BE
  508. an MmE X
  509. anachronism Mmb w
  510. anaemia MnL j
  511. anagram Mnu h
  512. analogy MoP m
  513. analyse Mo1 8
  514. anapaest Mpx k
  515. anarchism MqV o
  516. anarchy Mq9 h
  517. anathema Mre z
  518. Anatolia BCO m
  519. anatomy MsR 5
  520. anchor MtK c
  521. anchorage Mtm j
  522. anchovy MuJ v
  523. ancient Mu4 t
  524. and Mvl T
  525. and ... as well Mv4 r
  526. and also Mwj k
  527. Andes BC0 Z
  528. Andorra BDN i
  529. anecdote MxH i
  530. anemone Mxp i
  531. anew MyL 6
  532. angel MzF a
  533. angelica Mzf m
  534. angelus M0F i
  535. angina M0n p
  536. angle M1Q Y
  537. Anglican BDv o
  538. AngloSaxon BEX u
  539. Angola BFF f
  540. Angora BFk h
  541. angry M1o h
  542. anguish M2J e
  543. aniline M2n f
  544. animal M3G h
  545. anise M3n X
  546. Ankara BGF f
  547. ankle M3+ c
  548. annex M4a t
  549. anniversary M5H t
  550. annotation M50 BS
  551. announce M7G BW
  552. announcement M8c 5
  553. annoy M9V Bm
  554. annoyance M+7 BJ
  555. annual NAE g
  556. annul NAk BL
  557. Annunciation BGk 4
  558. anoint NBv g
  559. anomaly NCP 4
  560. anonymous NDH u
  561. another ND1 w
  562. answer NEl BK
  563. ant NGK W
  564. Antarctic BHc 0
  565. anteater NFv b
  566. antelope NGg i
  567. antenna NHC q
  568. anthem NHs n
  569. anthology NIT s
  570. anthracite NI/ o
  571. anthropology NJn BF
  572. Antichrist BIQ o
  573. anticipate NKs 4
  574. Antilles BI4 g
  575. antimony NLk k
  576. antipode NMI x
  577. antique NM5 s
  578. antique dealer NNl v
  579. antiseptic NOU 6
  580. antithesis NPO BC
  581. anus NQQ Y
  582. anvil NQo a
  583. anxious NRC 8
  584. any NR+ B7
  585. anybody NT5 BO
  586. anything NVH 2
  587. anyway NV9 u
  588. anywhere NWr j
  589. aorta NXO c
  590. apart NXq BQ
  591. apart from NZ7 BA
  592. apartment NY6 BB
  593. apathetic Na7 l
  594. apathy Nbg 0
  595. ape NcU T
  596. Apennines BJY k
  597. aperture Ncn q
  598. aphorism NdR 3
  599. aplomb NeI o
  600. apocalypse New 2
  601. apocryphal Nfm n
  602. apology NgN 5
  603. apoplectic fit NhG 5
  604. apostate Nh/ l
  605. apostle Nik e
  606. apostrophe NjC q
  607. apotheosis Njs 4
  608. appal Nkk BP
  609. apparatus Nlz y
  610. apparently Nml BT
  611. appeal Nn4 r
  612. appeal to Noj s
  613. appear NpP q
  614. appear to be Nrn o
  615. appearance Np5 Bu
  616. appease NsP g
  617. appellation Nsv l
  618. appetite NtU g
  619. applaud Nt0 BP
  620. apple Nvd X
  621. appletree NvD a
  622. applicant Nv0 n
  623. apply Nwb n
  624. appointment NxC r
  625. appointment book Nxt 6
  626. appraise Nyn BT
  627. appreciate Nz6 BT
  628. apprehension N1N u
  629. approach N17 l
  630. appropriate N2g BL
  631. appropriately N3r w
  632. approval N4b BL
  633. approve N5m BF
  634. approximate N6r t
  635. approximately N7Y BF
  636. apricot N8d q
  637. April BJ8 a
  638. aptitude N9H i
  639. aquarium N9p m
  640. Arab BKW Z
  641. arabesque N+P j
  642. Arabia BKv f
  643. Arabian BLO i
  644. Arabian woman BLw u
  645. Arabic BMe f
  646. arbiter N+y i
  647. arbitrary N/U BF
  648. arbitration OAZ BA
  649. arbitrator OBZ p
  650. arbor OCC p
  651. arbutus fruit OCr z
  652. arc ODe e
  653. arch OD8 U
  654. arch OEQ c
  655. archaeology OEs BB
  656. archaic OFt h
  657. archaism OGO n
  658. archbishop OG1 3
  659. archduke OHs p
  660. archipelago OIV BC
  661. architect OJX l
  662. architecture OJ8 BC
  663. architrave OK+ n
  664. archive OLl e
  665. archives OMD g
  666. Arctic BM9 q
  667. Ardennes BNn u
  668. are OMj T
  669. area OM2 j
  670. arena ONZ o
  671. Argentina BOV u
  672. Argentine BPD 5
  673. Argentinean BP8 z
  674. Argentinian woman BQv BA
  675. argon OOB b
  676. argue OOc s
  677. argument OPI t
  678. Argus BRv i
  679. aria OP1 Z
  680. arise OQO BR
  681. aristocrat ORf 0
  682. arithmetic OST 2
  683. ark OTJ W
  684. arm OTf x
  685. armature OUQ l
  686. armchair OU1 8
  687. Armenia BSR j
  688. Armenian BS0 x
  689. armour OVx w
  690. armoury OWh 2
  691. armpit OXX j
  692. army OX6 s
  693. Arnhem BTl e
  694. arnica OYm e
  695. aroma OZE h
  696. around OZl m
  697. arouse OaL w
  698. arrack Oa7 q
  699. arrange Obl BP
  700. arrangement Oc0 /
  701. arrest Odz BE
  702. arrested person Oe3 w
  703. arrival Ofn 4
  704. arrivals Ogf l
  705. arrive OhE BK
  706. arrogance OiO k
  707. arrogant Oiy B1
  708. arrow Okn Y
  709. arrowroot Ok/ l
  710. arse Olk X
  711. arsenal Ol7 0
  712. arsenic Omv f
  713. artery OnO 3
  714. artesian OoF n
  715. arthritis Oos j
  716. artichoke OpP p
  717. article Op4 BO
  718. article of clothing OrG BE
  719. article of dress OsK BL
  720. articulate OtV 6
  721. artillery OuP p
  722. artist Ou4 d
  723. Aruba BUD e
  724. Aryan BUh k
  725. as OvV Bh
  726. as ... as PUc BG
  727. as a matter of fact PVi BG
  728. as a result of PWo t
  729. as a whole PXV m
  730. as for the rest PX7 BA
  731. as if PY7 l
  732. as regards PZg z
  733. as though PaT q
  734. as to Pa9 o
  735. as well as Pbl l
  736. asafoetida Ow2 v
  737. asbestos Oxl h
  738. ascend OyG BI
  739. ascertain OzO BB
  740. ash O0P e
  741. Ash Wednesday BVF x
  742. ashtray O0t k
  743. Asia BV2 Z
  744. Asia Minor BXY q
  745. Asian BWP m
  746. Asiatic BW1 j
  747. ask O1R y
  748. ask for O2D o
  749. asparagus O2r m
  750. aspect O3R n
  751. aspen O34 n
  752. asphalt O4f o
  753. aspire O5H BS
  754. aspire to O6Z BY
  755. ass O7x T
  756. assault O8E CU
  757. assemblage O+Y BK
  758. assemble O/i Bh
  759. assembly PBD r
  760. assent PBu m
  761. assert PCU g
  762. asset PC0 w
  763. assign PDk 3
  764. assign a number PFU y
  765. assigned job PEb 5
  766. assimilate PGG 7
  767. assist PHB BT
  768. assistant PIU 9
  769. assistent PJR j
  770. association PJ0 BG
  771. assortment PK6 p
  772. assumingness PLj r
  773. assure PMO 6
  774. Assyria BYC g
  775. Assyrian BYi s
  776. aster PNI a
  777. asteroid PNi l
  778. asthma POH b
  779. astonishment POi BC
  780. astringent PPk BA
  781. astrology PQk 6
  782. astronomer PRe p
  783. astronomy PSH BE
  784. Asturias BZO m
  785. astute PTL j
  786. asylum PTu u
  787. at PcK BL
  788. at a strech P45 +
  789. at all P38 9
  790. at first P53 m
  791. at home P6d t
  792. at last P7K q
  793. at least P70 k
  794. at long last P8Y r
  795. at most P9D f
  796. at night P9i x
  797. at once P+T Bc
  798. at present P/v 1
  799. at some time QAk Bj
  800. at that place QCH r
  801. at the outset QCy s
  802. at the right time QDe BK
  803. at the same time QEo u
  804. atavism PdV s
  805. atheism PeB /
  806. atheist PfA f
  807. Athena BZ0 c
  808. Athene BaQ a
  809. Athenian Baq v
  810. Athens BbZ b
  811. athlete Pff f
  812. Atlantean Bb0 p
  813. Atlantic Bcd 6
  814. Atlantic Ocean BdX 6
  815. Atlas BeR a
  816. atlas Pf+ a
  817. atmosphere PgY q
  818. atmospheric phenomenon PhC 8
  819. atom Ph+ X
  820. atpersand PiV q
  821. atrophy Pi/ u
  822. attach Pjt BL
  823. attaché PmG V
  824. attachement Pk4 n
  825. attachment Plf n
  826. attack Pmb Bn
  827. attain PoC B4
  828. attempt Pp6 D7
  829. attend Pt1 BG
  830. attendance Pu7 u
  831. attention Pvp z
  832. attentive Pwc 5
  833. attest PxV 4
  834. attic PyN 8
  835. attitudinize PzJ BH
  836. attitudinizer P0Q s
  837. attract P08 x
  838. attraction P1t 2
  839. attribute P2j u
  840. attune P3R r
  841. aubergine QFW o
  842. auction QF+ w
  843. audience QGu i
  844. audit QHQ 6
  845. auditory QIK w
  846. Augean stable Ber w
  847. Augeas Bfb d
  848. August Bf4 e
  849. Augustus BgW j
  850. aureole QI6 x
  851. aurochs QJr l
  852. Aurora Bg5 h
  853. Australia Bha n
  854. Australian BiB 2
  855. Australian woman Bi3 3
  856. Austria Bju j
  857. Austrian BkR 4
  858. authentic QKQ 5
  859. author QLJ BM
  860. authoritative source QMV 6
  861. authority QNP +
  862. authorize QON BJ
  863. autobiography QPW 6
  864. autobus QQQ n
  865. autocracy QQ3 9
  866. autocrat QR0 2
  867. autodidact QSq r
  868. automoton QTV n
  869. autonomy QT8 8
  870. autopsy QU4 5
  871. autumn QVx d
  872. avail QWO s
  873. avalanche QW6 l
  874. avarice QXf c
  875. avaricious QX7 l
  876. avenge QYg e
  877. avenge oneself QY+ u
  878. avenue QZs o
  879. average QaU BS
  880. averse Qbm g
  881. aversion QcG BA
  882. aviation QdG j
  883. avidity Qdp z
  884. avoid Qec BI
  885. await Qfk 5
  886. awake Qgd Y
  887. awaken Qg1 z
  888. award a prize Qho +
  889. aware Qim h
  890. awareness QjH o
  891. away Qjv 4
  892. awfully Qkn j
  893. awkward QlK u
  894. axe Ql4 g
  895. axiom QmY m
  896. axis Qm+ Y
  897. axle QnW X
  898. Azerbaijan BlJ BD
  899. Azerbaijani BmM 2
  900. baboon Qrd d
  901. Babylonia BnC o
  902. Babylonian Bnq r
  903. bachelor Qr6 z
  904. back Qst q
  905. back and forth Qvy x
  906. back of the neck Qwj z
  907. backpack QtX i
  908. backside Qt5 u
  909. backward Qun g
  910. backwards QvH r
  911. bacon QxW a
  912. bacterium Qxw n
  913. bad QyX t
  914. badge QzE v
  915. badger Qzz d
  916. bag Q0Q q
  917. bagasse Q06 g
  918. baggage Q1a z
  919. Bahrein BoV g
  920. bairn Q2N Y
  921. bait Q2l X
  922. bake Q28 X
  923. baked goods Q3T u
  924. baker Q4B c
  925. bakery Q4d t
  926. baking oven Q5K n
  927. balance Q5x d
  928. balance sheet Q6O 7
  929. balcony Q7J o
  930. baldachin Q7x q
  931. Balkans Bo1 e
  932. ball Q9x 1
  933. ballad Q+m d
  934. ballade Q/D g
  935. ballast Q/j f
  936. ballbearing Q8b g
  937. ballframe Q87 2
  938. ballgame RAC i
  939. ballistics RAk m
  940. balloon RBK 8
  941. balm RCG Z
  942. balsam RCf q
  943. Baltic BpT o
  944. Baltic Sea Bp7 3
  945. balustrade RDJ +
  946. bamboo REH d
  947. ban REk m
  948. banana RFK o
  949. band RFy s
  950. bandage RGe +
  951. bandit RHc l
  952. bang RIB c
  953. Bangkok Bqy g
  954. Bangladesh BrS q
  955. banisters RId 7
  956. bank RJ9 X
  957. bank clerk RLz n
  958. bank manager RMa t
  959. bank official RNH q
  960. banker RKU f
  961. banknote RJY l
  962. bankruptcy RKz BA
  963. banner RNx r
  964. banquet ROc BC
  965. Bantu Br8 l
  966. baptism RPe f
  967. baptize RP9 e
  968. bar RQb CC
  969. barbarian RSd n
  970. barbarism RTE 9
  971. barber RUB x
  972. bard RUy h
  973. bare RVT f
  974. barefoot RVy s
  975. barely RWe f
  976. bargain RW9 y
  977. baritone RXv h
  978. barium RYQ f
  979. bark RYv Bk
  980. barking dear RaT q
  981. barley Ra9 e
  982. barn Rbb BH
  983. barometer Rci n
  984. baron RdJ k
  985. baroness Rdt i
  986. barque ReP i
  987. barrack Rex r
  988. barracks Rfc p
  989. barrel Rgu 5
  990. barrelorgan RgF p
  991. barren Rhn n
  992. barricade RiO s
  993. barrier Ri6 BT
  994. barrister RlD 5
  995. barristeratlaw RkN 2
  996. basalt RmW f
  997. base Rm1 e
  998. basement RnT g
  999. basilica Rnz j
  1000. basin RoW 3
  1001. basket RpN c
  1002. Basque Bsh t
  1003. Basque language BtO w
  1004. basrelief Rl8 a
  1005. bass RqC d
  1006. bass voice Rqf g
  1007. bassviol Rpp Z
  1008. bast Rq/ W
  1009. bastard RrV q
  1010. bastion Rr/ z
  1011. bat Rsy c
  1012. Batavian Bt+ u
  1013. bath RtO c
  1014. bathe Rtq Y
  1015. bathing suit Rue t
  1016. bathingsuit RuC c
  1017. bathroom RvL p
  1018. batiste Rv0 f
  1019. baton RwT p
  1020. battalion Rw8 m
  1021. battery Rxi v
  1022. battle RyR j
  1023. battlefront Ry0 x
  1024. Bavaria Bus q
  1025. Bavarian BvW 4
  1026. bay Rzl Z
  1027. bayonet Rz+ g
  1028. bazaar R0e v
  1029. be R1N S
  1030. be able to Syb 2
  1031. be about SzR t
  1032. be acquainted with Sz+ w
  1033. be afraid of S0u Bd
  1034. be alive S2L d
  1035. be allowed to S2o n
  1036. be angry S3P r
  1037. be answerable S36 u
  1038. be appropriate S4o BF
  1039. be ashamed S5t p
  1040. be asleep S6W j
  1041. be aware of S65 BL
  1042. be bankrupt S8E p
  1043. be bored S8t n
  1044. be born S9U g
  1045. be called S90 h
  1046. be closed S+V h
  1047. be conscious of S+2 BQ
  1048. be delirious TAG 1
  1049. be detained TA7 q
  1050. be different TBl BI
  1051. be effective TCt 4
  1052. be fitting TDl BD
  1053. be fond of TEo i
  1054. be found TFK BD
  1055. be full TGN u
  1056. be glad TG7 t
  1057. be in command TJt BP
  1058. be in labour TK8 o
  1059. be in opposition TLk y
  1060. be in the habit of TMW 3
  1061. be indignant THo BS
  1062. be interested TI6 z
  1063. be kept in TNN o
  1064. be lacking TN1 1
  1065. be late TOq k
  1066. be lenient with TPO BM
  1067. be liable TQa m
  1068. be located TRA BJ
  1069. be lucky TSJ l
  1070. be married TSu Bi
  1071. be missing TUQ 0
  1072. be obstinate TVE BM
  1073. be on duty TWQ BA
  1074. be painful TXQ BE
  1075. be proud TYU h
  1076. be quiet TY1 i
  1077. be responsible TZX w
  1078. be similar TaH t
  1079. be situated Ta0 m
  1080. be sorry about Tba t
  1081. be stubborn TcH BJ
  1082. be succesful TdQ BU
  1083. be suitable Tek BH
  1084. be taken ill Tfr 2
  1085. be thirsty Tgh n
  1086. be tired of something ThI BD
  1087. be vacant TiL +
  1088. be valid TjJ e
  1089. be willing to Tjn m
  1090. be worth TkN BF
  1091. be worthy of TlS s
  1092. beach R1f b
  1093. beak R16 a
  1094. beam R2U g
  1095. bean R20 X
  1096. bear R3L Co
  1097. bear witness of R7E BL
  1098. beard R5z X
  1099. beardless R6K i
  1100. bear's‐ear R6s Y
  1101. beast R8P Y
  1102. beat R8n h
  1103. beautiful R9I s
  1104. beaver R90 c
  1105. because R+Q 6
  1106. because of R/K Bb
  1107. Bechuanaland BwO t
  1108. become SAl BL
  1109. becoming SBw BF
  1110. bed SC1 k
  1111. bedbug SDZ b
  1112. Bedouin Bw7 d
  1113. bedroom SD0 k
  1114. bee SE1 V
  1115. beech SFK a
  1116. beef SFk d
  1117. beefsteak SGB l
  1118. beehive SGm v
  1119. beekeeping SEY d
  1120. beer SHV W
  1121. beet SHr t
  1122. beetle SIY j
  1123. befit SI7 8
  1124. before SJ3 u
  1125. beg SKl f
  1126. beggar SLE c
  1127. begin SLg BE
  1128. beginning SMk 4
  1129. beguine SNc e
  1130. behave SN6 BS
  1131. behavior SPM BP
  1132. behaviour SQb BQ
  1133. behead SRr e
  1134. behind SSJ 0
  1135. behold SS9 v
  1136. belch STs o
  1137. Belgian BxY 1
  1138. Belgian woman ByN u
  1139. Belgium By7 g
  1140. Belgrade Bzb g
  1141. belief SUU l
  1142. believe SU5 e
  1143. bell SVX o
  1144. belladonna SV/ 1
  1145. belleslettres SW0 h
  1146. belly SXV w
  1147. belong to SYF +
  1148. beloved SZD y
  1149. below SZ1 8
  1150. belt Sax e
  1151. bench SbP BT
  1152. bend Sci B/
  1153. beneath Seh p
  1154. Benedictine Bz7 4
  1155. Benedictine monk B0z 1
  1156. benefit SfK Ba
  1157. benefit performance Sgk 3
  1158. Benelux B1o h
  1159. Bengal B2J p
  1160. bengallight Shb l
  1161. bengallights SiA m
  1162. bent Sim m
  1163. bequeath SjM 3
  1164. Berber B2y e
  1165. beret SkD Z
  1166. bergamot Skc m
  1167. Berlin B3Q n
  1168. Berlin lady B4o t
  1169. Berlin woman B5V t
  1170. Berliner B33 x
  1171. Berne B6C Y
  1172. berry SlC Z
  1173. beryl Slb a
  1174. beryllium Sl1 l
  1175. beseech Sma s
  1176. beside SnG 3
  1177. besides Sn9 Bn
  1178. besiege Spk h
  1179. Bessarabia B6a q
  1180. best SqF V
  1181. bet Sqa c
  1182. Bethlehem B7E o
  1183. betray Sq2 d
  1184. betrayal SrT r
  1185. betrothal Sr+ x
  1186. better Ssv b
  1187. between StK 1
  1188. beverage St/ q
  1189. bevy Sup x
  1190. bewitch Sva BY
  1191. beyond Swy Bp
  1192. Bhutan B7s f
  1193. biased Tl+ g
  1194. Bible B8L Y
  1195. bible Tme Y
  1196. bibliography Tm2 x
  1197. bicolour Tnn k
  1198. bicoloured ToL m
  1199. bicycle Tox 4
  1200. bid Tpp g
  1201. big TqJ U
  1202. bike Tqd y
  1203. bile TrP W
  1204. bill Trl Bd
  1205. bill of exchange TuH y
  1206. billiards TtC h
  1207. billow Ttj k
  1208. bind Tu5 2
  1209. binding Tvv w
  1210. binocular Twf y
  1211. binoculars TxR BG
  1212. birch TyX b
  1213. bird Tyy Y
  1214. birds TzK c
  1215. birth Tzm b
  1216. birthday T0B l
  1217. Biscay B8j n
  1218. biscuit T0m w
  1219. bishop T1W d
  1220. bismuth T1z e
  1221. bison T2R Y
  1222. bit T3B c
  1223. bite T3d e
  1224. bite off T37 h
  1225. bitplayer T2p Y
  1226. bitter T4c b
  1227. black T43 j
  1228. Black Forest B9K s
  1229. blackberry T5a o
  1230. blackbird T6C i
  1231. blackness T6k k
  1232. bladder T7I d
  1233. blade T7l v
  1234. blame T8U CO
  1235. blanch T+i q
  1236. blank T/M k
  1237. blanket T/w p
  1238. blaspheme UAZ k
  1239. blasphemy UA9 r
  1240. bleak UBo BT
  1241. bleed UC7 a
  1242. blend UDV i
  1243. bless UD3 Y
  1244. blind UEP i
  1245. blindness UEx l
  1246. blink UFW m
  1247. block UF8 Bw
  1248. blockade UHs t
  1249. blond UIZ Z
  1250. blood UJZ X
  1251. bloodrelationship UIy n
  1252. bloody UJw m
  1253. bloom UKW Z
  1254. blot UKv o
  1255. blotter ULX k
  1256. blotting paper UL7 y
  1257. blouse UMt Z
  1258. blow UNG 1
  1259. blue UN7 W
  1260. Bluebeard B92 o
  1261. blueberry UOR 0
  1262. bluebottle UPF m
  1263. blunt UPr m
  1264. blush UQR o
  1265. blushing UQ5 d
  1266. boa URW p
  1267. board UR/ g
  1268. board of directors UUT /
  1269. boarding house USf 4
  1270. boarding school UTX 8
  1271. boast UVS +
  1272. boat UWQ g
  1273. bobbin UWw i
  1274. Bodensee B+e j
  1275. body UXS h
  1276. Boer B/B X
  1277. Bohemia B/Y i
  1278. Bohemian B/6 u
  1279. boil UXz x
  1280. boiled egg UYk k
  1281. boiler UZI d
  1282. bold UZl W
  1283. Bolivia CAo h
  1284. bolt UZ7 z
  1285. bomb Uau W
  1286. bombard UbE z
  1287. bonbon Ub3 U
  1288. bonbon UcL d
  1289. bond Uco BG
  1290. bone Udu g
  1291. bonnet UeO x
  1292. book Ufb f
  1293. bookcase Uf6 m
  1294. bookkeeper Ue/ c
  1295. bookseller Ugg o
  1296. bookshop UhI l
  1297. bookstore Uht o
  1298. boot UiV Z
  1299. booty Uiu h
  1300. booze UjP e
  1301. borax Ujt d
  1302. Bordeaux CBJ i
  1303. border UkK v
  1304. bore Uk5 u
  1305. boring Uln 0
  1306. Borneo CBr d
  1307. boron Umb a
  1308. borrow Um1 BX
  1309. borscht UoM j
  1310. borstch Uov k
  1311. Bosnia CC4 e
  1312. BosniaHercegovina CCI w
  1313. Bosnian CDW 0
  1314. bosom UpT n
  1315. boss Up6 Bk
  1316. botany Ure v
  1317. botch UsN c
  1318. both Usp X
  1319. bother UtA BZ
  1320. Botswana CEK m
  1321. bottle UuZ l
  1322. bottom Uu+ i
  1323. bottom of the sea Uvg 1
  1324. bough UwV b
  1325. bouillon Uww 4
  1326. boulder Uxo k
  1327. boulevard UyM o
  1328. bound Uy0 c
  1329. boundary UzQ q
  1330. bouquet Uz6 8
  1331. bourgeois U02 o
  1332. bourgeoisie U1e w
  1333. boutique U2O 9
  1334. bovine U3L a
  1335. bovine animal U3l p
  1336. bow U4O BP
  1337. bowl U5d f
  1338. box U6s Bg
  1339. boxer U8M b
  1340. boxroom U58 Y
  1341. boxtree U6U Y
  1342. boy U8n 2
  1343. Brabant CEw g
  1344. Brabantine CFQ 1
  1345. brace U9d r
  1346. bracelet U+I p
  1347. braces U+x i
  1348. bracket U/T m
  1349. brag U/5 9
  1350. braid VA2 /
  1351. brain VB1 f
  1352. brake VCU Z
  1353. branch VCt Bh
  1354. brandish VEO u
  1355. brandy VE8 z
  1356. brass VFv s
  1357. brat VGb f
  1358. brave VG6 Ba
  1359. Brazil CGF f
  1360. Brazilian CGk 3
  1361. Brazilian woman CHb BD
  1362. breach VIU m
  1363. bread VI6 W
  1364. break VJQ BM
  1365. break down VLC l
  1366. break into VLn m
  1367. break of a habit VMw BA
  1368. break off VMN j
  1369. break oneself of a habit VNw BE
  1370. break up VO0 p
  1371. breakfast VKc m
  1372. bream VPd j
  1373. breast VQA 0
  1374. breath VQ0 f
  1375. breathe VRT c
  1376. breed VRv BO
  1377. Bretagne CIe u
  1378. Breton CJM f
  1379. bribe VS9 /
  1380. brick VT8 w
  1381. bride VUs f
  1382. bridge VVL c
  1383. bridle VVn s
  1384. brief VWT Y
  1385. brigade VWr e
  1386. bright VXJ 3
  1387. brilliant VYA g
  1388. brim VYg o
  1389. brimstone VZI j
  1390. bring VZr BM
  1391. bring along Va3 1
  1392. bring away Vbs /
  1393. bring up Vcr +
  1394. brinjal Vdp y
  1395. brink Veb r
  1396. brisk VfG BL
  1397. bristly VgR g
  1398. Britain CJr f
  1399. British CKK f
  1400. Briton CKp Z
  1401. Brittany CLC z
  1402. broach Vgx f
  1403. broad VhQ g
  1404. broken Vhw d
  1405. broker ViN d
  1406. bronze Viq n
  1407. brooch VjR d
  1408. broom Vju Z
  1409. brothel VkH e
  1410. brother VlE f
  1411. brotherinlaw Vkl f
  1412. brothers and sisters Vlj 8
  1413. brow Vmf b
  1414. brown Vm6 Y
  1415. brownie VnS c
  1416. Bruges CL1 g
  1417. bruise Vnu r
  1418. Brunhild CMV m
  1419. Brunswick CM7 n
  1420. brush VoZ b
  1421. Brussels COC s
  1422. Brusselssprouts CNi g
  1423. brutal Vo0 n
  1424. brute Vpb a
  1425. bubble Vp1 Z
  1426. Bucharest COu n
  1427. bucket VqO a
  1428. buckle Vqo k
  1429. bud VrM r
  1430. Budapest CPV l
  1431. Buddha CP6 a
  1432. buddy Vr3 l
  1433. budget Vsc e
  1434. buffalo Vs6 n
  1435. buffer Vth c
  1436. buffet Vt9 n
  1437. buffoon Vuk r
  1438. bug VvP d
  1439. build Vvs BJ
  1440. build from wood Vxq r
  1441. building Vw1 1
  1442. bulb VyV g
  1443. Bulgar CQU e
  1444. Bulgaria CQy n
  1445. Bulgarian CRZ z
  1446. Bulgarian woman CSM 0
  1447. bulk Vy1 BJ
  1448. bull Vz+ V
  1449. bullet V0T Z
  1450. bulletin V0s q
  1451. bumblebee V1W i
  1452. bump V14 h
  1453. bumper V2Z d
  1454. bumpy V22 c
  1455. bunch V3S 2
  1456. bundle V4I 2
  1457. bungle V4+ e
  1458. buoy V5c V
  1459. burden V5x Bt
  1460. bureau V7e h
  1461. burgomaster V7/ BB
  1462. Burgundian CTA 3
  1463. Burgundy CT3 l
  1464. burial V9A 4
  1465. Burma CUc b
  1466. Burmese CU3 k
  1467. burn V94 7
  1468. burp V+z n
  1469. burst V/a BH
  1470. Burundi CVb g
  1471. bury WAh n
  1472. bus WBI c
  1473. bush WBk y
  1474. Bushman CV7 i
  1475. business WCW BA
  1476. business deal WEH BC
  1477. businessman WDW x
  1478. busy WFJ a
  1479. but WFj BY
  1480. butcher WG7 5
  1481. butter WH0 c
  1482. butterfly WIQ x
  1483. button WJB 2
  1484. buy WJ3 CO
  1485. buzz WMF X
  1486. by WMc CC
  1487. by chance WPP o
  1488. by day WP3 a
  1489. by heart WQR z
  1490. by marriage WRE s
  1491. by means of WRw BI
  1492. by night WS4 y
  1493. by no means WUO BZ
  1494. by now WTq k
  1495. by twos WVn i
  1496. bye WOe x
  1497. Byzantine CWd o
  1498. Byzantium CXF j
  1499. cab WWJ g
  1500. cabbage WWp c
  1501. cabin WXF x
  1502. cabinet WX2 q
  1503. cable WYg Y
  1504. cachalot WY4 m
  1505. cactus WZe d
  1506. cadaver WZ7 r
  1507. cadger Wam s
  1508. cadmium WbS g
  1509. cadre Wby p
  1510. Caesar CXo d
  1511. caesium Wcb g
  1512. café WdY P
  1513. caftan Wc7 d
  1514. cage Wdn g
  1515. Cairo CYF Z
  1516. cake WeH X
  1517. calabash Wee j
  1518. Calabria CYe j
  1519. calcium WfB g
  1520. calculate Wfh BG
  1521. calculation Wgn BA
  1522. calendar Whn j
  1523. calf WiK d
  1524. calibre Win g
  1525. California CZB s
  1526. Californian CZt v
  1527. calk WjH c
  1528. call Wjj BG
  1529. call on Wkp 6
  1530. call out Wlj i
  1531. calm WmF Bf
  1532. calm down Wnk l
  1533. Calvin Cac c
  1534. cambric WoJ e
  1535. camel Won a
  1536. camp of tents WrU z
  1537. camp out WsH i
  1538. camphor WpB f
  1539. camping ground Wpg 8
  1540. camping site Wqc 4
  1541. can opener W2j v
  1542. Canada Ca4 e
  1543. Canadian CbW v
  1544. Canadian woman CcF y
  1545. canal Wsp i
  1546. Canary Cc3 k
  1547. canary WtL o
  1548. Canary Islands Cdb 8
  1549. cancel Wtz BO
  1550. candidate WvB u
  1551. candle Wvv h
  1552. Candlemas CeX l
  1553. candy WwQ h
  1554. cane Wwx 5
  1555. canine Wxq f
  1556. cannibal WyJ 0
  1557. cannon Wy9 j
  1558. canoe Wzg a
  1559. canopy Wz6 i
  1560. canteen W0c k
  1561. cantharides W1A 8
  1562. canvas W18 n
  1563. cap W3S k
  1564. capability W32 8
  1565. capable W4y 6
  1566. capital W5s s
  1567. capital city W6Y u
  1568. Capitol Ce8 e
  1569. capitol W7G e
  1570. capitulate W7k 6
  1571. caprice W8e y
  1572. Capricorn Cfa n
  1573. capsule W9Q g
  1574. captain W9w 0
  1575. capture W+k BS
  1576. car W/2 W
  1577. carafe XAM d
  1578. caravan XAp i
  1579. carburettor XBL q
  1580. card XB1 g
  1581. cardboard XCV r
  1582. care XDA 5
  1583. care for XIV 2
  1584. career XD5 p
  1585. careful XEi BZ
  1586. careless XF7 u
  1587. caress XGp BC
  1588. caressing XHr q
  1589. Caribbean CgB l
  1590. Caribbean Sea Cgm z
  1591. carillon XJL n
  1592. carnation XJy k
  1593. carnival XKW 5
  1594. carousel XLP y
  1595. carp XMB a
  1596. carp at XNh BC
  1597. Carpathian mountains CiD 5
  1598. Carpathians ChZ q
  1599. carpenter XMb o
  1600. carpet XND e
  1601. carriage XOj Bd
  1602. carrion XQA g
  1603. carrot XQg w
  1604. carrousel XRQ z
  1605. carry XSD b
  1606. carry away XSe BB
  1607. carry out XTf w
  1608. cart XUP n
  1609. cartridge XU2 x
  1610. carve XVn 8
  1611. case XWj BE
  1612. cash XXn e
  1613. cashier XYF k
  1614. cashier's stand XYp 4
  1615. casino XZh y
  1616. casserole XaT BF
  1617. cassette XbY f
  1618. Castile Ci8 i
  1619. castle Xb3 7
  1620. castrate Xcy 9
  1621. cat Xdv V
  1622. catalogue XeE w
  1623. cataract Xe0 v
  1624. catarrh Xfj g
  1625. catastrophe XgD u
  1626. catch Xgx Bw
  1627. catechism Xih p
  1628. category XjK m
  1629. caterpillar Xjw l
  1630. cathedral XkV 4
  1631. catholic XlN h
  1632. Catholisism Cje w
  1633. cauldron Xlu i
  1634. cauliflower XmQ z
  1635. caulk XnD e
  1636. cause Xnh CP
  1637. cause pain Xpw m
  1638. cause pain to XqW s
  1639. cause to take place XrC 5
  1640. caution Xr7 2
  1641. cautious Xsx BF
  1642. cavalier Xt2 z
  1643. cavalry Xup l
  1644. cave XvO BD
  1645. cavern XwR j
  1646. caviar Xw0 f
  1647. cavity XxT 9
  1648. caw XyQ a
  1649. cease Xyq c
  1650. ceaselessly XzG 8
  1651. cedar X0C b
  1652. cede X0d u
  1653. ceiling X1L q
  1654. celebrate X11 p
  1655. celebrating one's birthday X2e BO
  1656. celebration X3s s
  1657. celebrity X4Y p
  1658. celery X5B o
  1659. cell X5p d
  1660. cellar X6G b
  1661. cello X6h g
  1662. Celsius CkO f
  1663. cement X7B c
  1664. cemetery X7d 6
  1665. censor X8X n
  1666. censure X8+ w
  1667. cent X9u V
  1668. centavo X+D g
  1669. centimetre X+j 2
  1670. central X/Z f
  1671. Central African Republic Ckt BX
  1672. Central Asia CmE w
  1673. central heating X/4 2
  1674. centre YAu q
  1675. Cerberus Cm0 j
  1676. ceremonious YBY z
  1677. ceremony YCL BY
  1678. cerium YDj b
  1679. certain YD+ /
  1680. certainly YE9 CS
  1681. certainty YHP BN
  1682. certificate YIc BS
  1683. cession YJu y
  1684. chain YKg Z
  1685. chair YK5 b
  1686. chalice YLU l
  1687. chalk YL5 c
  1688. chamber YMV v
  1689. chameleon YNE o
  1690. chamois YNs BH
  1691. chamois leather YOz BP
  1692. champagne YQC m
  1693. chance YQo B4
  1694. chandelier YSg z
  1695. change YTT DS
  1696. channel YWl 8
  1697. chaos YXh Z
  1698. chapel YX6 d
  1699. chapter YYX h
  1700. character YY4 B0
  1701. characterize Yas BB
  1702. charge Ybt BG
  1703. chariot Ycz u
  1704. charity Ydh y
  1705. charlatan YeT 1
  1706. charm YfI t
  1707. charming Yf1 BJ
  1708. chase Yg+ Bq
  1709. chase away Yio BW
  1710. chasm Yj+ j
  1711. chaste Ykh m
  1712. chastity YlH i
  1713. chat Ylp x
  1714. chatter Yma s
  1715. chauffeur YnG r
  1716. chauvinism Ynx p
  1717. cheap Yoa j
  1718. cheat Yo9 Br
  1719. Chechenia CnX s
  1720. check Yqo Bo
  1721. check up on Ys8 BF
  1722. checkers YsQ s
  1723. cheek YuB h
  1724. cheerful Yui /
  1725. cheese Yvh b
  1726. chemist Yv8 f
  1727. chemistry Ywb i
  1728. chemist's shop Yw9 r
  1729. cheque Yxo p
  1730. cherry Yyt e
  1731. cherrytree YyR c
  1732. chess Yzo m
  1733. chessboard Y0O p
  1734. chessboard YzL d
  1735. chest Y03 /
  1736. chestnut Y2m 0
  1737. chestnuttree Y12 w
  1738. chew Y3a Y
  1739. chick Y3y a
  1740. chicken Y4M y
  1741. chicory Y4+ j
  1742. chief Y52 CA
  1743. chief Y5h V
  1744. chief of police Y9P x
  1745. chiefly Y72 BZ
  1746. child Y+i BT
  1747. childbirth Y+A i
  1748. Chile CoD Y
  1749. Chilean Cob s
  1750. chimera Y/1 i
  1751. chimes ZAX i
  1752. chimney ZA5 3
  1753. chin ZBw W
  1754. China CpH b
  1755. Chinaman Cpi k
  1756. Chinese CqG 5
  1757. Chinese language Cq/ 4
  1758. chirp ZCG o
  1759. chisel ZCu BA
  1760. chive ZDu g
  1761. chlorine ZEO h
  1762. chocolate ZEv o
  1763. choice ZFX j
  1764. choke ZF6 /
  1765. cholera ZG5 g
  1766. choose ZHZ +
  1767. chop ZIX g
  1768. chord ZI3 c
  1769. chorus ZJT p
  1770. chrestomathy ZJ8 x
  1771. Christ Cr3 d
  1772. christen ZKt c
  1773. christening ZLJ h
  1774. Christian CsU i
  1775. Christianity Cs2 7
  1776. Christmas Ctx l
  1777. chromium ZLq f
  1778. chronicle ZMJ h
  1779. chuck ZMq BB
  1780. chunk ZNr k
  1781. chunk of wood ZOP 9
  1782. church ZPo n
  1783. churchbuilding ZPM c
  1784. cider ZQP v
  1785. cigar ZR9 d
  1786. cigarend ZQ+ f
  1787. cigarette ZSa j
  1788. cigarstub ZRd g
  1789. cinder ZS9 b
  1790. Cinderella CuW r
  1791. cinema ZTY b
  1792. cinnamon ZTz m
  1793. cipher ZUZ v
  1794. circle ZVI BX
  1795. circular ZWf 0
  1796. circulate ZXT z
  1797. circulation ZYG v
  1798. circumcise ZY1 r
  1799. circumference ZZg w
  1800. circumflex ZaQ r
  1801. circumstance Za7 2
  1802. circumstances Zbx BI
  1803. circumvent Zc5 n
  1804. circus Zdg e
  1805. cistern Zd+ q
  1806. citadel Zeo i
  1807. citation ZfK h
  1808. cite Zfr 3
  1809. city Zgi d
  1810. city hall Zg/ l
  1811. city state Zhk r
  1812. civil ZiP m
  1813. civilian Zi1 s
  1814. civilization Zjh BR
  1815. civilize Zky +
  1816. civilized Zlw j
  1817. claim ZmT BH
  1818. clamp Zna j
  1819. clan Zn9 9
  1820. clap Zo6 Bh
  1821. clarify Zqb BF
  1822. clasp Zrg t
  1823. class ZsN p
  1824. classic Zs2 g
  1825. classical ZtW j
  1826. clatter Zt5 g
  1827. claw ZuZ g
  1828. clay Zu5 q
  1829. clean Zvj x
  1830. cleanliness ZwU BA
  1831. clear ZxU Bb
  1832. clear away ZzV p
  1833. clearly Zyv m
  1834. Cleopatra CvB p
  1835. clergyman Zz+ BR
  1836. clerk Z1P Bk
  1837. clever Z2z CN
  1838. click Z5A t
  1839. client Z5t l
  1840. climate Z6S d
  1841. climb Z6v 4
  1842. clinic Z7n b
  1843. clip Z8C 7
  1844. cloak Z89 h
  1845. cloakroom Z9e l
  1846. clock Z+D W
  1847. clod Z+Z g
  1848. clog Z+5 6
  1849. close Z/z Cn
  1850. closed aCa k
  1851. closet aC+ d
  1852. cloth aDb r
  1853. clothe aEG 8
  1854. clothes aFC e
  1855. clothing aFg h
  1856. cloud aGB Y
  1857. cloudy aGZ o
  1858. club aHB 8
  1859. club member aIW 0
  1860. clubs aH9 Z
  1861. cluster aJK 7
  1862. clutch aKF 9
  1863. co aLC X
  1864. coach aLZ Br
  1865. coal aNE W
  1866. coarse aNa w
  1867. coast aOK Z
  1868. coat aOj BY
  1869. cobalt aP7 f
  1870. Coblenz Cvq g
  1871. cock aQa V
  1872. cockroach aQv i
  1873. cocoa aRR Z
  1874. coconut aRq j
  1875. cocoon aSN c
  1876. cod aSp g
  1877. coddle aTJ BF
  1878. code aUO f
  1879. codfish aUt o
  1880. coffee aWJ c
  1881. coffeehouse aVV Y
  1882. coffeepot aVt c
  1883. coffin aWl Z
  1884. cognac aW+ d
  1885. coil aXb f
  1886. coin aX6 k
  1887. coincide aYe l
  1888. coir aZD l
  1889. coir loft aZo i
  1890. cold aaK w
  1891. collar aa6 c
  1892. colleague abW BD
  1893. collect acZ q
  1894. collection adD g
  1895. collective adj 1
  1896. college aeY h
  1897. collision ae5 j
  1898. Cologne CwK c
  1899. Colombia Cwm l
  1900. colonel afc d
  1901. colonize af5 k
  1902. colony agd 4
  1903. colossus ahV h
  1904. colour ah2 k
  1905. columbine aia w
  1906. column ajK 1
  1907. comb aj/ e
  1908. combine akd j
  1909. come alA BO
  1910. come about anh CI
  1911. come across app y
  1912. come close aqb n
  1913. come closer arC r
  1914. come into art 1
  1915. come on asi j
  1916. come out atF 9
  1917. come to a halt av3 BW
  1918. come to an agreement auC BC
  1919. come to an end avE z
  1920. come true axN p
  1921. comedy amO s
  1922. comet am6 n
  1923. comfort ax2 BH
  1924. comfortable ay9 7
  1925. comic az4 v
  1926. comical a0n y
  1927. comma a1Z Z
  1928. command a1y Cs
  1929. commander a4e p
  1930. commence a5H BJ
  1931. commencement a6Q /
  1932. commend a7P Bj
  1933. commerce a8y g
  1934. commercialat sign a9S k
  1935. commission a92 8
  1936. commit adultery a/f 1
  1937. committee a+y t
  1938. commodity bAU l
  1939. common bA5 By
  1940. commonplace bCr BC
  1941. commotion bDt v
  1942. communicate bEc BX
  1943. communication bGV Bg
  1944. communicationcord bFz i
  1945. communion bH1 o
  1946. communism bId p
  1947. communist bJG l
  1948. community bJr o
  1949. commute bKT w
  1950. compact bLD u
  1951. companian bLx n
  1952. companion bMY BL
  1953. company bNj 5
  1954. compare bOc l
  1955. comparison bPB y
  1956. compartment bPz BJ
  1957. compass bQ8 f
  1958. compel bRb d
  1959. compensate bR4 Br
  1960. compensation bTj z
  1961. compete bUW x
  1962. competent bVH y
  1963. competition bV5 Bh
  1964. compile bXa j
  1965. complain bX9 6
  1966. complaint bY3 t
  1967. complete bZk y
  1968. completed baW k
  1969. completely ba6 z
  1970. complex bbt u
  1971. complexion bcb 0
  1972. complicate bdP 9
  1973. complicated beM t
  1974. compliment be5 Bb
  1975. compose bgU r
  1976. composing bg/ t
  1977. comprise bhs 3
  1978. computation bij 4
  1979. comrade bjb o
  1980. concave bkD c
  1981. conceal bkf BY
  1982. conceited bl3 u
  1983. concentrated bml BB
  1984. concept bnm f
  1985. conception boF r
  1986. concern bow Bt
  1987. concerning bqd Bh
  1988. concert br+ z
  1989. concise bsx 4
  1990. conclusion btp 5
  1991. concord bui BX
  1992. concrete bv5 q
  1993. concurrence bwj Bj
  1994. condemn byG t
  1995. condition byz Bt
  1996. condolences b0g p
  1997. conduct b1J B3
  1998. conduct oneself b3v Bm
  1999. conductor b3A v
  2000. cone b5V d
  2001. confectionery b5y y
  2002. confederation b6k 1
  2003. conference b7Z y
  2004. confess b8L BC
  2005. confession b9N BO
  2006. confide b+b BS
  2007. confidence b/t /
  2008. confine cAs +
  2009. confirm cBq BB
  2010. confirmation cCr t
  2011. confiscate cDY BA
  2012. conflict cEY 3
  2013. conforming cFP 9
  2014. confuse cGM BQ
  2015. confusion cHc BB
  2016. congenital cId o
  2017. congentital cJF q
  2018. congratulate cJv BD
  2019. congratulation cKy BF
  2020. congregate cL3 Bd
  2021. congress cNU i
  2022. conjecture cN2 1
  2023. conjunction cOr 7
  2024. connect cPm BL
  2025. connection cQx Bh
  2026. conscience cSS l
  2027. conscientious cS3 w
  2028. conscious cTn m
  2029. consciousness cUN u
  2030. consecutively cU7 1
  2031. consent cVw Bq
  2032. consequence cXa BB
  2033. consequently cYb s
  2034. conservative cZH v
  2035. conserve cZ2 BQ
  2036. consider cbG CM
  2037. consideration cdS 8
  2038. consignee ceO n
  2039. consist ce1 g
  2040. consist of cgJ q
  2041. consistency cfV 0
  2042. consolation cgz o
  2043. console chb v
  2044. consonant ciK y
  2045. conspiracy ci8 BH
  2046. conspire ckD t
  2047. Constance CxL k
  2048. constant ckw BU
  2049. constantly cmE 2
  2050. constitution cm6 +
  2051. constringent cn4 BE
  2052. construct co8 BD
  2053. consul cp/ b
  2054. consul general csM 2
  2055. consulate cqa l
  2056. consult cq/ BN
  2057. consume ctC Ba
  2058. consumption cuc 3
  2059. contact cvT s
  2060. contagion cv/ o
  2061. contain cwn h
  2062. container cxI 1
  2063. contamination cx9 w
  2064. contempt cyt k
  2065. contented czR l
  2066. contents cz2 o
  2067. contest c0e BM
  2068. continent c1q 5
  2069. contingent c2j y
  2070. continual c3V BX
  2071. continuation c4s w
  2072. continue c5c BE
  2073. continuous c6g q
  2074. contort c7K w
  2075. contour c76 y
  2076. contraband c8s BG
  2077. contract c9y z
  2078. contradict c+l s
  2079. contralto c/R y
  2080. contralto voice dAD y
  2081. contrary dA1 1
  2082. contrast dBq w
  2083. contribution dCa 9
  2084. control dDX BO
  2085. controversy dEl s
  2086. convenient dFR 9
  2087. convention dGO z
  2088. converge dHB 5
  2089. conversance dH6 r
  2090. conversation dIl Bv
  2091. converse dKU r
  2092. conversion dK/ CF
  2093. convert dNE 3
  2094. convey dN7 BU
  2095. convince dPP w
  2096. convulsion dP/ 7
  2097. cook dQ6 f
  2098. cookie dRZ v
  2099. cooking pot dSI k
  2100. cool dSs X
  2101. Copenhagen Cxv r
  2102. copious dTD h
  2103. copper dTk j
  2104. copy dUH BE
  2105. copyright dVL n
  2106. coquettish dVy y
  2107. cord dWk 9
  2108. cordon dXh p
  2109. core dYK i
  2110. cork dYs r
  2111. corkscrew dZX q
  2112. corn daB 5
  2113. corner da6 0
  2114. cornflower dbu p
  2115. corporal dcX 0
  2116. corporation ddL BN
  2117. corps deY Z
  2118. corpse dex l
  2119. corpulent dfW j
  2120. correct df5 Bn
  2121. correspond dhg BS
  2122. corridor diy 6
  2123. corridor train djs u
  2124. corroborate dka BI
  2125. corrosive sublimate dli 3
  2126. Corsica Cya h
  2127. Corsican Cy7 r
  2128. Corsican woman Czm u
  2129. cosmetic powder dmZ t
  2130. cosmos dnG d
  2131. cost dnj i
  2132. Costa Rica C0U p
  2133. costly doF d
  2134. costume doi 4
  2135. cottage dpa p
  2136. cotton dqa l
  2137. cottonwool dqD X
  2138. couch dq/ 0
  2139. cough drz g
  2140. counsel dsT Bo
  2141. count dt7 BX
  2142. count down dyu l
  2143. count in dzT u
  2144. countertenor dvS o
  2145. countingframe dv6 6
  2146. countless dw0 i
  2147. country dxW s
  2148. countryside dyC s
  2149. coupé d1d g
  2150. couple d0B w
  2151. coupon d0x s
  2152. courage d19 b
  2153. courageous d2Y BG
  2154. courier d3e m
  2155. course d4E 9
  2156. court d5B BO
  2157. courteous d6P z
  2158. courtroom d7C k
  2159. courtyard d7m q
  2160. cousin d8Q w
  2161. cover d9A Dl
  2162. covet eAl d
  2163. covetousness eBC 7
  2164. cow eB9 S
  2165. cower eCP a
  2166. cowl eCp e
  2167. crab eDH Y
  2168. crack eDf 0
  2169. cradle eET a
  2170. crampiron eEt Y
  2171. crane eFF j
  2172. crane's‐bill eFo r
  2173. crawl eGT d
  2174. crayfish eGw e
  2175. craze eHO W
  2176. craziness eHk k
  2177. crazy eII 3
  2178. creak eI/ x
  2179. cream eJw f
  2180. crease eKP t
  2181. create eK8 BA
  2182. creature eL8 u
  2183. credit eMq BO
  2184. credulous eN4 q
  2185. creep eOi c
  2186. crevice eO+ c
  2187. crew ePa c
  2188. cricket eP2 m
  2189. crime eQc v
  2190. criminal eRL u
  2191. crimson eR5 e
  2192. crippled eSX +
  2193. crisis eTV j
  2194. criticize eT4 z
  2195. croak eUr c
  2196. Croatia C09 g
  2197. crockery eVH t
  2198. crockery set eV0 8
  2199. crocodile eWw l
  2200. crook eXV 9
  2201. cross eYS BF
  2202. cross roads eZX u
  2203. crouch eaF c
  2204. crow eah f
  2205. crowbar ebA t
  2206. crowd ebt o
  2207. crucifix ecV k
  2208. crucify ec5 j
  2209. crude edc 1
  2210. crude oil eeR i
  2211. cruel eez b
  2212. cruise efO c
  2213. crumble efq 6
  2214. crumble away egk s
  2215. crumble off ehQ n
  2216. crush eh3 Be
  2217. cry ejV W
  2218. cry down ekJ u
  2219. cry out ek3 f
  2220. crystal ejr e
  2221. Cuba C1d Z
  2222. Cuban C12 p
  2223. cube elW h
  2224. cubic el3 f
  2225. cuckoo emW c
  2226. cucumber emy j
  2227. cuddlesome enV r
  2228. cuddly eoA m
  2229. cult eom Y
  2230. culture eo+ g
  2231. cultured epe t
  2232. cunning eqL BZ
  2233. cup erk V
  2234. cupboard er5 f
  2235. cupola esY z
  2236. cure etL BS
  2237. curiosity eud 3
  2238. curious evU BL
  2239. curl ewf s
  2240. currant exL BJ
  2241. currant bush eyU 0
  2242. currency ezI y
  2243. current ez6 Bs
  2244. curry e1m e
  2245. curse e2E 2
  2246. curtain e26 n
  2247. curtsy e3h BF
  2248. curve e4m Z
  2249. curved e4/ k
  2250. cushion e5j d
  2251. cuspidor e6A m
  2252. cuss e6m Z
  2253. custom e6/ Bl
  2254. customary e8k y
  2255. customer e9W p
  2256. customs e9/ g
  2257. cut e+f Bm
  2258. cut into fAj j
  2259. cut off fBG i
  2260. cut up fBo r
  2261. cutlet fAF e
  2262. cycle fCT 5
  2263. cyclone fDM q
  2264. cylinder fD2 p
  2265. cylinder phonograph fEf 8
  2266. cymbal fFb a
  2267. cynical fF1 d
  2268. cypres fGS f
  2269. Cypriot C2f p
  2270. Cypriote C3I j
  2271. Cyprus C3r d
  2272. czar fGx W
  2273. Czech C4I BB
  2274. Czech language C5J BI
  2275. dad fHH a
  2276. daddy fHh f
  2277. daffodil fIA i
  2278. dagger fIi b
  2279. daily fI9 0
  2280. daily paper fJx y
  2281. dainty fKj z
  2282. dairy fLW l
  2283. daisy fL7 BD
  2284. dam fM+ o
  2285. damage fNm BX
  2286. dame fO9 V
  2287. dance fPS n
  2288. dandelion fP5 1
  2289. dandy fQu y
  2290. Dane C6R W
  2291. danger fRg f
  2292. dangerous fR/ 2
  2293. Danish C6n e
  2294. Danish woman C7F o
  2295. Danube C7t b
  2296. daring fS1 c
  2297. dark fTv 7
  2298. darkness fUq l
  2299. darkroom fTR e
  2300. dashboard fVP X
  2301. data fVm i
  2302. date fWI q
  2303. daughter fWy h
  2304. dawn fXT f
  2305. day fXy S
  2306. daybreak fYE l
  2307. daydream fYp +
  2308. dazed fZn d
  2309. décor j52 w
  2310. de luxe hOn f
  2311. deacon faE d
  2312. dead fah 1
  2313. Dead Sea C8I h
  2314. deaden fbW p
  2315. deadly fb/ e
  2316. deaf fcd U
  2317. deaf and dumb fcx q
  2318. deal fdb w
  2319. deal in secondhand goods feL /
  2320. deal with ffK +
  2321. dean fgI g
  2322. dear fgo 3
  2323. death fhf V
  2324. death throes fh0 x
  2325. debate fil 1
  2326. debauch fja /
  2327. debit fkZ Y
  2328. debris fkx l
  2329. debt flW g
  2330. decametre fl2 m
  2331. decanter fmc i
  2332. decapitate fm+ o
  2333. decayed fnm BD
  2334. deceitful fop p
  2335. deceive fpS BA
  2336. December C8p i
  2337. decent fqS e
  2338. decently fqw k
  2339. decide frU BC
  2340. decider fsW f
  2341. decimetre fs1 n
  2342. decipher ftc z
  2343. decision fuP 2
  2344. decisive fvF y
  2345. deck fv3 q
  2346. declaim fwh t
  2347. declaration fxO x
  2348. declaration of policy fx/ BB
  2349. declare fzA k
  2350. decoction fzk s
  2351. decorate f0Q BF
  2352. decoration f1V BZ
  2353. decoy f2u l
  2354. decrease f3T 9
  2355. decree f4Q 0
  2356. decrepit f5E BG
  2357. dedicate f6K x
  2358. deduce f67 0
  2359. deduct f7v n
  2360. deem f8W CJ
  2361. deep f+f W
  2362. deer f+1 Y
  2363. defeat f/N Bi
  2364. defence gAv r
  2365. defend gBa 4
  2366. defense gCS i
  2367. defiantly gC0 7
  2368. deficit gDv q
  2369. defile gEZ 6
  2370. define gFT q
  2371. definite gF9 4
  2372. definitely gG1 Bd
  2373. definition gIS o
  2374. definitive gI6 y
  2375. degenerate gJs BA
  2376. degrade gKs s
  2377. degree gLY x
  2378. delay gMJ Bg
  2379. delegate gNp Bk
  2380. delegation gPN 0
  2381. delete gQB d
  2382. deliberate gQe BF
  2383. deliberately gRj y
  2384. deliberation gSV 5
  2385. delicate gTO 1
  2386. delight gUD 3
  2387. delight in gVi 0
  2388. delightful gU6 o
  2389. deliver gWW f
  2390. delivery gW1 0
  2391. delta gXp Z
  2392. delude gYC +
  2393. delusion gZA g
  2394. deluxe gZg f
  2395. demand gZ/ Bs
  2396. democracy gbr p
  2397. democrat gcU j
  2398. demolish gc3 v
  2399. demon gdm a
  2400. demonstrate geA t
  2401. demonstration get z
  2402. demonstrative gfg BP
  2403. demonstrative pronoun ggv Bf
  2404. den giO 8
  2405. Denmark C9L i
  2406. denounce gjK BF
  2407. dense gkP v
  2408. dental gk+ b
  2409. dentist glZ f
  2410. deny gl4 k
  2411. depart gmc q
  2412. department gnG 8
  2413. departure goC +
  2414. depend gpA e
  2415. dependent gpe l
  2416. depict gqD d
  2417. deportment gqg BU
  2418. depose gr0 f
  2419. deposit gsT v
  2420. depression gtC q
  2421. depth gts m
  2422. depute guS r
  2423. deputy gu9 y
  2424. derision gvv 0
  2425. derive gwj Bf
  2426. derrick gyC c
  2427. describe gye k
  2428. description gzC s
  2429. descry gzu BK
  2430. desert g04 Bg
  2431. deserter g2Y j
  2432. deserve g27 h
  2433. deserving g3c q
  2434. design g4G Bt
  2435. desirable g5z o
  2436. desire g6b 2
  2437. desk g7R V
  2438. despair g7m l
  2439. desperate g8L o
  2440. despite g8z BG
  2441. despot g95 t
  2442. dessert g+m q
  2443. destine g/Q 3
  2444. destiny hAH BT
  2445. destroy hBa BP
  2446. detachment hCp 2
  2447. detailed hDf BK
  2448. detain hEp i
  2449. detective hFL o
  2450. detention hFz o
  2451. deter hGb k
  2452. determine hG/ Bu
  2453. develop hIt l
  2454. deviate hJS i
  2455. device hJ0 p
  2456. devil hKd a
  2457. devilish hK3 j
  2458. devote hLa t
  2459. devoted hMH +
  2460. dew hNF U
  2461. dexterous hNZ BO
  2462. diabetes hPG 9
  2463. diabolical hQD o
  2464. diagram hQr BY
  2465. dial hSD z
  2466. dialect hS2 p
  2467. dialogue hTf v
  2468. diameter hUO x
  2469. diamond hU/ h
  2470. diarrhoea hVg v
  2471. diary hWP f
  2472. dictate hWu BC
  2473. dictator hXw j
  2474. dictionary hYT q
  2475. die hY9 p
  2476. diet hZm Y
  2477. differ hZ+ /
  2478. difference ha9 m
  2479. different hbj 3
  2480. differently hca 7
  2481. difficult hdV h
  2482. difficulty hd2 s
  2483. dig hei p
  2484. dig up hhD e
  2485. digest hfL r
  2486. digit hf2 u
  2487. dignity hgk f
  2488. dike hhh i
  2489. dilapidated hiD BO
  2490. dilemma hjR e
  2491. diligent hjv BQ
  2492. dim hk/ f
  2493. dimension hle Bq
  2494. diminish hnI k
  2495. diminutive hns q
  2496. din hoW e
  2497. diningroom ho0 BE
  2498. dinner hp4 n
  2499. dip hqf 1
  2500. diploma hrU BF
  2501. diplomat hsZ j
  2502. direct hs8 CE
  2503. direction hvA q
  2504. directions hvq BQ
  2505. directly hw6 Bu
  2506. director hyo 1
  2507. directory hzd y
  2508. dirty h0P f
  2509. dis h0u Q
  2510. disabled person h0+ v
  2511. disagreement h1t u
  2512. disappear h2b 2
  2513. disappoint h3R q
  2514. disappointment h37 BU
  2515. disarm h5P h
  2516. disc h5w k
  2517. discharge h6U Bt
  2518. discharge pus h8B t
  2519. disciple h8u q
  2520. disciples h9Y p
  2521. discipline h+B k
  2522. discord h+l j
  2523. discount h/I Bp
  2524. discourage iAx u
  2525. discover iBf 6
  2526. discrete iCZ v
  2527. discretion iDI l
  2528. discuss iDt Be
  2529. discussion iFL BO
  2530. disease iGZ g
  2531. disgust iG5 n
  2532. dish iHg 1
  2533. dish cloth iI6 m
  2534. dishevel iIV l
  2535. disinfect iJg o
  2536. disintegrate iKI 0
  2537. dislike iK8 6
  2538. dismal iL2 Ci
  2539. dismay iOY BO
  2540. dismiss iPm B1
  2541. disobedient iRb w
  2542. dispatch iSL BT
  2543. display iTe Bl
  2544. disposal iVD q
  2545. dispose of iVt z
  2546. disposition iWg n
  2547. dispute iXH BR
  2548. dissect iYY 1
  2549. dissemble iZN z
  2550. disseminate iaA 0
  2551. dissension ia0 n
  2552. dissolve ibb h
  2553. dissuade from ib8 0
  2554. distance icw BG
  2555. distant id2 BA
  2556. distil ie2 h
  2557. distinct ifX /
  2558. distinction igW t
  2559. distinctive ihD s
  2560. distinguish ihv BH
  2561. distract ii2 k
  2562. distraction ija p
  2563. distress ikD h
  2564. distribute ikk Bk
  2565. distributor imI s
  2566. district im0 Bb
  2567. disturb ioP Bb
  2568. ditch ipq Z
  2569. divan iqD r
  2570. dive iqu y
  2571. diverse irg s
  2572. diversion isM n
  2573. divert isz 7
  2574. divide itu CQ
  2575. divine iv+ e
  2576. division iwc g
  2577. divorce iw8 h
  2578. do ixd BS
  2579. do a favor jDv p
  2580. do a favour jEY q
  2581. do away with jCR Be
  2582. do business jFC 1
  2583. do penance jF3 k
  2584. dock iyv V
  2585. doctor izE r
  2586. document izv 4
  2587. doe i0n W
  2588. dog i09 U
  2589. dogma i1R o
  2590. doll i15 W
  2591. dollar i2P c
  2592. dolphin i2r o
  2593. dome i3T q
  2594. domestic i39 w
  2595. Dominican Republic C9t BG
  2596. donate i4t BK
  2597. done i53 X
  2598. donkey i6O c
  2599. door i6q X
  2600. dose i7B W
  2601. dot i7X V
  2602. double i7s x
  2603. doubt i8d 5
  2604. doubtful i9W g
  2605. dough i92 j
  2606. dove i+Z W
  2607. down i+v B8
  2608. downstairs jAr j
  2609. dowry jBO o
  2610. doze jB2 b
  2611. draft jGb w
  2612. drag jHL 9
  2613. dragon jII d
  2614. dragonfly jIl 0
  2615. drain jJZ q
  2616. drama jKD o
  2617. drape jKr 8
  2618. drastic jLn w
  2619. draw jMX Bc
  2620. draw back jQG p
  2621. draw lots jQv i
  2622. draw out jRR z
  2623. drawer jNz w
  2624. drawers jOj g
  2625. drawing jPk i
  2626. drawingpaper jPD h
  2627. dreadful jSE BI
  2628. dream jTM BJ
  2629. dreary jUV Bg
  2630. dress jWR BR
  2631. dresscoat jV1 c
  2632. dresser jXi e
  2633. drill jYA Y
  2634. drink jYY 8
  2635. drink to excess jZ6 0
  2636. drinkable jZU m
  2637. drip jau 1
  2638. drive jbj BI
  2639. drive away jeO Bp
  2640. drive off jf3 s
  2641. drive on jgj BH
  2642. drive out jhq BH
  2643. driver jcr Bj
  2644. drivinglicence jix x
  2645. dromedary jji o
  2646. droop jkK b
  2647. drop jkl q
  2648. dropsy jlP j
  2649. drown jly y
  2650. drug jmk x
  2651. drugstore jnV m
  2652. drum jn7 Z
  2653. drummer joU p
  2654. drunk jo9 y
  2655. drunkenness jpv t
  2656. dry jqc BY
  2657. dual jr0 m
  2658. duchy jsa g
  2659. duck js6 V
  2660. dude jtP v
  2661. duke jt+ Z
  2662. dull juX q
  2663. dumb jvB h
  2664. dump jvi b
  2665. duplicate jv9 u
  2666. during jwr g
  2667. during the day jxL p
  2668. during the night jx0 BB
  2669. dusk jy1 b
  2670. dust jzQ i
  2671. dust rag jzy j
  2672. Dutch C+z /
  2673. Dutchman C/y BA
  2674. duty j0V d
  2675. dwarf j0y j
  2676. dwell j1V g
  2677. dwelling j3D p
  2678. dwellingplace j2d m
  2679. dwellingplaceresidence j11 o
  2680. dye j3s u
  2681. dynamite j4a i
  2682. dyspepsia j48 6
  2683. each j6m BM
  2684. each other j7y o
  2685. each time j8a t
  2686. eager j9H y
  2687. eagerness j95 1
  2688. eagle j+u Y
  2689. eagle owl j/G d
  2690. ear j/j a
  2691. earl j/9 W
  2692. early kAT q
  2693. earmark kA9 6
  2694. earn kB3 k
  2695. earnest kCb x
  2696. earth kDM /
  2697. earthen kEL y
  2698. earthenware kE9 v
  2699. earthly kFs v
  2700. earthquake kGb m
  2701. earthworm kHB n
  2702. easel kHo BM
  2703. East DAy f
  2704. east kI0 2
  2705. East Asia DBu m
  2706. East Germany DCU BM
  2707. Easter DBR d
  2708. eastern kJq g
  2709. eastward kKK v
  2710. eastwards kK5 x
  2711. easy kLq BA
  2712. eat up kMq p
  2713. eavesdrop kNT m
  2714. ecclesiastic kN5 s
  2715. Echo DDg V
  2716. echo kOl r
  2717. economy kPQ w
  2718. ecstasy kQA u
  2719. Ecuador DD1 i
  2720. Eden DEX W
  2721. edge kQu o
  2722. edging kRW t
  2723. edible kSD m
  2724. edify kSp k
  2725. edit kTN o
  2726. edition kT1 8
  2727. editor kUx u
  2728. editorial office kVf 0
  2729. educate kWT +
  2730. educated kXR u
  2731. education kX/ BR
  2732. eel kZQ T
  2733. eelworm kZj m
  2734. effect kaJ BM
  2735. effective kbV x
  2736. effectual kcG 1
  2737. efficacious kc7 3
  2738. effort kdy BG
  2739. efforts ke4 h
  2740. egg kfZ Q
  2741. eggfruit kfp k
  2742. eggplant kgN m
  2743. Egypt DEt d
  2744. Egyptian DFK v
  2745. eight kgz V
  2746. eighteen khI g
  2747. eighty kho c
  2748. either ... or kiE x
  2749. elastic ki1 q
  2750. Elbe DF5 U
  2751. elbow kjf b
  2752. elder kj6 c
  2753. elderly kkW g
  2754. elect kk2 7
  2755. election klx n
  2756. electric fan knG r
  2757. electric plug knx 8
  2758. electricity kmY u
  2759. elegant kot u
  2760. elegy kpb p
  2761. element kqE 1
  2762. elemental kq5 j
  2763. elementary krc n
  2764. elements ksD i
  2765. elephant ksl i
  2766. elevator ktH y
  2767. eleven kt5 X
  2768. elf kuQ S
  2769. eliminate kui BM
  2770. elk kvu j
  2771. elm kwR c
  2772. eloquent kwt 1
  2773. else kxi Bh
  2774. elsewhere kzD j
  2775. Elysium DGN f
  2776. embalm kzm e
  2777. embankment k0E x
  2778. embarrass k01 l
  2779. embarrassment k1a BE
  2780. embassy k2e 1
  2781. embellish k3T m
  2782. emblem k35 x
  2783. embody k4q j
  2784. embrace k5N 1
  2785. embroider k6C k
  2786. emerald k6m g
  2787. emerge k7G i
  2788. emergency k7o v
  2789. emigrate k8X j
  2790. emissary k86 3
  2791. emmet k9x Y
  2792. emotion k+J 3
  2793. emperor k/A q
  2794. emphasis k/q 3
  2795. emphasize lAh p
  2796. empire lBK t
  2797. employ lB3 B2
  2798. empty lDt v
  2799. enamel lEc c
  2800. enchanter lE4 o
  2801. enchantment lFg z
  2802. encore lGT k
  2803. encounter lG3 6
  2804. encourage lHx B2
  2805. encyclopaedia lJn 0
  2806. end lKb Bp
  2807. end up lS4 Bb
  2808. endeavour lME CX
  2809. ending lOb Z
  2810. endive lO0 b
  2811. endorsement lPP l
  2812. endow lP0 n
  2813. endure lQb Cd
  2814. energetic lUT t
  2815. energy lVA 4
  2816. engage in a controversy lWs BJ
  2817. engagement lV4 0
  2818. engine lX1 x
  2819. engineer lYm l
  2820. England DGs p
  2821. English DHV BL
  2822. English language DJ4 BH
  2823. Englishman DIg p
  2824. Englishwoman DJJ v
  2825. engrave lZL g
  2826. engraving lZr w
  2827. engulf lab i
  2828. enhance la9 i
  2829. enigma lbf d
  2830. enjoy lb8 BI
  2831. enjoyable ldE BD
  2832. enlargement leH Bf
  2833. enlighten lfm l
  2834. ennumeration lgL u
  2835. enormously lg5 BO
  2836. enough liH Bs
  2837. entangle ljz +
  2838. enter lkx Bx
  2839. enterprise lmi p
  2840. entertain lnL Bf
  2841. enthusiasm loq 9
  2842. entice lpn BL
  2843. entire lqy i
  2844. entirely lrU 5
  2845. entrance lsN i
  2846. entrust lsv Bp
  2847. envelop luY BS
  2848. envelope lvq 4
  2849. environment lwi 0
  2850. environs lxW l
  2851. envoy lx7 w
  2852. envy lyr b
  2853. epaulet lzG u
  2854. epic poem lz0 3
  2855. epilepsy l0r v
  2856. Epiphany DK/ q
  2857. episode l1a +
  2858. epistle l2Y r
  2859. epoch l3D q
  2860. equal l3t v
  2861. equality l4c m
  2862. equally l5C 2
  2863. equator l54 h
  2864. equilibrium l6Z t
  2865. equip l7G p
  2866. equivalent l7v BA
  2867. era l8v t
  2868. eradicate l9c y
  2869. eraser l+O c
  2870. erect l+q BI
  2871. erecting l/y p
  2872. erotic mAb e
  2873. err mA5 b
  2874. errand mBU 0
  2875. erroneous mCI o
  2876. error mCw r
  2877. erysipelas mDb r
  2878. escort mEG 9
  2879. Eskimo DLp c
  2880. especially mFD CG
  2881. Esperantist DMF s
  2882. Esperanto DMx n
  2883. essay mHJ X
  2884. essence mHg h
  2885. establish mIB B5
  2886. establishment mJ6 y
  2887. estate mKs 3
  2888. esteem mLj CB
  2889. estimate mNk BU
  2890. Estonia DNY g
  2891. Estonian DN4 o
  2892. etc. mO4 V
  2893. etching mPN k
  2894. eternal mPx c
  2895. ether mQN c
  2896. ethic mQp l
  2897. ethics mRO n
  2898. Ethiopia DOg n
  2899. Ethiopian DPH q
  2900. ethnic group mR1 BM
  2901. etiquette mTB g
  2902. eunuch mTh 6
  2903. Europa DPx n
  2904. Europe DQY d
  2905. European DQ1 +
  2906. European bizon DSx w
  2907. European Union DRz +
  2908. evade mUb BG
  2909. evangelic mVh r
  2910. even mWM CL
  2911. evening mYX d
  2912. evening dress mY0 t
  2913. evening meal mZh /
  2914. evening paper mag x
  2915. Evening Star DTh p
  2916. evening twilight mbR BV
  2917. event mcm CS
  2918. eventual me4 t
  2919. ever FeV g
  2920. ever mfl CO
  2921. ever since mqk g
  2922. everlasting mhz z
  2923. every mim BB
  2924. every kind of mn1 4
  2925. every one mot BJ
  2926. every time mp2 u
  2927. everybody mjn BK
  2928. everyday mkx 3
  2929. everyone's mlo t
  2930. everything mmV h
  2931. everywhere mm2 /
  2932. evident mrE BT
  2933. evoke msX t
  2934. ex mtE P
  2935. exact mtT BK
  2936. exaction mud m
  2937. exactly mvD p
  2938. exactness mvs o
  2939. examination mwU p
  2940. examine mw9 CQ
  2941. example mzN r
  2942. exceed mz4 BY
  2943. exceedingly m1Q q
  2944. excellency m16 BP
  2945. except m3J BP
  2946. except for m48 w
  2947. exception m4Y k
  2948. excess m5s p
  2949. exchange m6V k
  2950. excise m7j t
  2951. exciseduty m65 q
  2952. excitation m8Q y
  2953. excite m9C Bs
  2954. excitement m+u w
  2955. exclude m/e x
  2956. exclusively nAP Bi
  2957. excommunication nBx BD
  2958. excursion nC0 x
  2959. excuse nDl 0
  2960. execute nEZ /
  2961. executioner nFY r
  2962. exercise nGb BJ
  2963. exercisebook nGD Y
  2964. exert nHk i
  2965. exhibition nIG p
  2966. exhortation nIv 2
  2967. exile nJl BQ
  2968. exist nK1 BB
  2969. existence nL2 2
  2970. exit nMs v
  2971. Exodus DUK e
  2972. expansion nNb z
  2973. expect nOO 7
  2974. expectation nPJ u
  2975. expel nP3 BK
  2976. expenses nRB 7
  2977. expensive nR8 0
  2978. experience nSw z
  2979. experienced nTj BO
  2980. experiment nUx y
  2981. expert nVj BE
  2982. expertness nWn 9
  2983. expire nXk v
  2984. explain nYT BE
  2985. explanation nZX BI
  2986. explode naf s
  2987. exploit nbL 7
  2988. exploration ncG v
  2989. explore nc1 BX
  2990. explosion neM l
  2991. export nex v
  2992. exposition nfg r
  2993. express ngL BG
  2994. express condolences nin BO
  2995. expression nhR BW
  2996. extend nj1 CH
  2997. extension nl8 j
  2998. extensive nmf 2
  2999. exterior nnV u
  3000. exterminate noD BJ
  3001. extinguish npM 0
  3002. extort nqA h
  3003. extortion nqh p
  3004. extra nrK l
  3005. extract nrv v
  3006. extraordinarily nse 0
  3007. extraordinary ntS 1
  3008. extreme nuH s
  3009. extremely nuz BK
  3010. eye nv9 T
  3011. eyebrow nwQ g
  3012. eyelid nww c
  3013. façade oli T
  3014. fable nxM Y
  3015. fabric nxk k
  3016. fabricate nyI BM
  3017. face nzU s
  3018. facile n0A BC
  3019. facilitate n1C p
  3020. fact n1r a
  3021. faction n2F p
  3022. factory n2u p
  3023. factual n3X t
  3024. faculty n4E i
  3025. fade n4m 5
  3026. fag out n5f j
  3027. fail n6C c
  3028. failure n6e BL
  3029. faint n7p BR
  3030. fair n86 BQ
  3031. fairly n+K g
  3032. fairy n+q a
  3033. fairy tale n/E o
  3034. faith n/s d
  3035. faithful oAJ 3
  3036. falcon oBA e
  3037. fall oBe 1
  3038. fall ill oCT w
  3039. fall off oDD u
  3040. false oDx j
  3041. falsify oEU k
  3042. fame oE4 BS
  3043. familiarity oGK w
  3044. family oG6 g
  3045. family tree oHa Bj
  3046. famous oI9 z
  3047. fan oJw +
  3048. fanatical oKu 3
  3049. fancier oLl r
  3050. fancy oMQ Bf
  3051. fanfare oNv o
  3052. fantasy oOX 2
  3053. far oPN +
  3054. far away oUz g
  3055. fare oQL g
  3056. farewell oQr BL
  3057. farm oR2 V
  3058. farm oSL BK
  3059. farmer oTV d
  3060. farming oTy h
  3061. farther oUT g
  3062. fashion oVT j
  3063. fast oV2 CX
  3064. fast train oZo t
  3065. fasten oYN Bb
  3066. fat oaV BC
  3067. fate obX BY
  3068. fateful ocv u
  3069. father oeB l
  3070. fatherinlaw odd k
  3071. fatherland oem y
  3072. fatty ofY u
  3073. faucet ogG p
  3074. fault ogv d
  3075. favor ohM Be
  3076. favour oiq Bf
  3077. favourable okJ +
  3078. fawn olH b
  3079. fear ol1 Bl
  3080. feast ona +
  3081. feather ooY c
  3082. feature oo0 q
  3083. February DUo j
  3084. federation ope BB
  3085. fee oqf X
  3086. feed oq2 BA
  3087. feel or2 Bi
  3088. feeling otY c
  3089. feign ot0 c
  3090. felloe ouQ Z
  3091. fellow oup n
  3092. felly ovQ Y
  3093. felt ovo V
  3094. female cat ov9 k
  3095. female cook owh m
  3096. female teacher oxH x
  3097. fence ox4 B6
  3098. fennel ozy a
  3099. ferment o0M e
  3100. fern o0q v
  3101. ferry o1Z h
  3102. fertile o16 s
  3103. fertilize o2m l
  3104. fertilizer o3L v
  3105. fervor o36 n
  3106. fervour o4h o
  3107. festival o5J l
  3108. fetch o5u BT
  3109. fever o7B c
  3110. fewer o7d d
  3111. fiancé o76 W
  3112. fiancée o8Q S
  3113. fiasco o8i p
  3114. fiber o9L h
  3115. fibre o9s h
  3116. fief o+N X
  3117. field o+k BR
  3118. fifteen o/1 h
  3119. fifty pAW d
  3120. fig pBY U
  3121. fight pBs a
  3122. figtree pAz l
  3123. figure pCG Bx
  3124. file pD3 /
  3125. files pE2 Z
  3126. fill pFP l
  3127. fill in pGW q
  3128. fill up pHA r
  3129. fillet pF0 i
  3130. film pHr V
  3131. filter pIA t
  3132. filthy pIt f
  3133. fin pJM V
  3134. finally pJh i
  3135. find pKD Bm
  3136. find oneself pLp BO
  3137. find out pM3 s
  3138. fine pNj CJ
  3139. finger pPs d
  3140. finish pQJ Bo
  3141. finished pRx 4
  3142. Finnish DVL j
  3143. fir pSp f
  3144. fire pTI CQ
  3145. fire off pWX 5
  3146. firebox pVY e
  3147. fireplace pV2 h
  3148. firingcap pXQ X
  3149. firm pXn CW
  3150. first pZ9 BB
  3151. first aid pbu BO
  3152. first name pc8 l
  3153. first of all pdh 1
  3154. firstly pa+ w
  3155. fish peW W
  3156. fishing rod pes o
  3157. fist pfU W
  3158. fit pfq BM
  3159. fit out pjR /
  3160. fit together pkQ t
  3161. fitness pg2 y
  3162. fitting pho 9
  3163. fitting up pil s
  3164. five pk9 W
  3165. fix plT Bt
  3166. fix up pnc BM
  3167. fixed pnA c
  3168. fjord poo a
  3169. flag ppC BB
  3170. flame pqD Z
  3171. flan pqc Y
  3172. Flanders DVu i
  3173. flannel pq0 d
  3174. flare prR d
  3175. flare up pru j
  3176. flash on psR u
  3177. flask ps/ h
  3178. flat pt7 Bf
  3179. flatiron ptg b
  3180. flatter pva j
  3181. flavour pv9 j
  3182. flax pwg s
  3183. flay pxM i
  3184. flea pxu W
  3185. fleet pyE a
  3186. Flemmish DWQ t
  3187. flesh pye a
  3188. flexible py4 v
  3189. flight pzn Y
  3190. fling pz/ n
  3191. flint p0m t
  3192. flirt p1T +
  3193. flit p2R 6
  3194. float p3L c
  3195. flog p3n a
  3196. flood p4B 2
  3197. floor p43 BY
  3198. flounder p6P x
  3199. flour p7A Z
  3200. flourish p7Z n
  3201. flow p8A 2
  3202. flow down p93 l
  3203. flow off p+c j
  3204. flower p82 b
  3205. flowerpot p9R m
  3206. flu p+/ X
  3207. fluent p/W p
  3208. fluff p// r
  3209. fluid qAq s
  3210. fluorine qBW g
  3211. flute qB2 a
  3212. flutter qCQ BX
  3213. fly qDn o
  3214. fly away qEP y
  3215. foam qFB p
  3216. focus qFq m
  3217. fog qGQ V
  3218. fold qGl u
  3219. folder qHT b
  3220. folk qHu V
  3221. follow qID l
  3222. followers qIo i
  3223. following qJK BP
  3224. fondle qKZ 3
  3225. food qLQ BX
  3226. fool qMn /
  3227. foolish qNm k
  3228. foot qOK 6
  3229. football qPE i
  3230. fop qPm s
  3231. for qQS Bk
  3232. for ... together qrx BH
  3233. for a long time qs4 s
  3234. for ever qtk m
  3235. for every reason quK 5
  3236. for example qvD u
  3237. for instance qvx t
  3238. for no reason qxN BX
  3239. for nothing qwe v
  3240. for sake of qyk BI
  3241. for sale qzs /
  3242. for some reason q0r BL
  3243. for the reason that q12 /
  3244. for the rest q21 6
  3245. for the time being q3v 3
  3246. forbid qR2 s
  3247. force qSi B6
  3248. fore qUc Y
  3249. forecast qU0 BS
  3250. forefather qWG 1
  3251. forehead qW7 e
  3252. foreign qXZ q
  3253. foreign country qY9 v
  3254. foreigner qYD 6
  3255. foreseeable qZs p
  3256. forest qaV h
  3257. foretell qa2 v
  3258. forever qbl n
  3259. foreward qcM t
  3260. foreword qc5 s
  3261. forge qdl f
  3262. forget qeq e
  3263. forgetful qfI n
  3264. forgetmenot qeE m
  3265. forgive qfv u
  3266. fork qgd Y
  3267. forks, knives and spoons qg1 BH
  3268. form qh8 BF
  3269. form a group qlg t
  3270. former qjB k
  3271. formerly qjl r
  3272. formidable qkQ v
  3273. formula qk/ h
  3274. forsake qmN BI
  3275. fortification qnV BM
  3276. fortify qoh k
  3277. fortunate qpF o
  3278. fortune qpt BK
  3279. forty qq3 e
  3280. forum qrV c
  3281. fossil q4m a
  3282. found q5A y
  3283. foundation q5y BB
  3284. fountain q7Z BP
  3285. fountain pen q8o x
  3286. fountainpen q6z m
  3287. four q9Z X
  3288. fourteen q9w j
  3289. fowl q+T n
  3290. fox q+6 W
  3291. fraction q/Q j
  3292. fragment q/z /
  3293. fragrant rAy n
  3294. frame rBZ w
  3295. framework rCJ v
  3296. France DW9 h
  3297. Frankfort DXe l
  3298. Frankfort upon the Main DYD BH
  3299. freckle rC4 i
  3300. free rDa w
  3301. free and easy rGW u
  3302. freedom rEK h
  3303. freemason rEr m
  3304. freeze rFR c
  3305. freezing cold rFt p
  3306. French DZK BH
  3307. French language Da2 BN
  3308. Frenchman DaR l
  3309. frequent rHE j
  3310. frequently rHn r
  3311. fresh rIS q
  3312. fresh water rI8 6
  3313. Friday DcD e
  3314. friend rJ2 k
  3315. friendly rKa k
  3316. friendship rK+ o
  3317. frieze rLm q
  3318. fright rMQ Z
  3319. frighten rMp CC
  3320. frindge rOr m
  3321. fringe rPR t
  3322. Frisian Dch r
  3323. frivolous rP+ BD
  3324. frog rRB Y
  3325. frolic rRZ CK
  3326. frolicsome rTj BZ
  3327. from rU8 0
  3328. from there rVw i
  3329. from where rWS j
  3330. front rW1 m
  3331. frontage rXb t
  3332. frontier rYI r
  3333. frost rYz g
  3334. froth rZT 1
  3335. fruit rah a
  3336. fruitful ra7 j
  3337. fruittree raI Z
  3338. fry rbe f
  3339. frying pan rcU k
  3340. fryingpan rb9 X
  3341. ful Fe1 R
  3342. full rdt a
  3343. full of zeal rei m
  3344. fullgrown rc4 1
  3345. fully reH b
  3346. fume rfI m
  3347. fun rfu 4
  3348. function rgm BW
  3349. fund rh8 j
  3350. fundamental rif z
  3351. funeral rjS +
  3352. fungus rkQ o
  3353. funnel rk4 c
  3354. funny rlU w
  3355. fur rmE x
  3356. fur coat rso d
  3357. fur piece rtF d
  3358. furious rm1 7
  3359. furlough rnw f
  3360. furnace roP i
  3361. furnish rox s
  3362. furniture rpd z
  3363. furrow rqQ q
  3364. further rq6 /
  3365. furthermore rr5 v
  3366. fuse rti Y
  3367. futile rt6 t
  3368. future run 6
  3369. fuzzy rvh c
  3370. gadfly rv9 d
  3371. Gaelic DeB 6
  3372. Gaelic language De7 BE
  3373. gag rwa i
  3374. gain rw8 Cg
  3375. gaiter rzc s
  3376. Galicia Df/ q
  3377. gall r0I h
  3378. gallant r0p 2
  3379. gallery r1f 2
  3380. gallium r2V f
  3381. gallop r20 c
  3382. galosh r3Q r
  3383. game r37 j
  3384. gamut r4e l
  3385. gang r5D z
  3386. gangway r52 i
  3387. gaol r6Y +
  3388. gap r7W f
  3389. gape r71 a
  3390. gape at r8P g
  3391. garage r8v o
  3392. garden r9X k
  3393. gardener r97 j
  3394. gardenia r+e m
  3395. gargle r/E m
  3396. garland r/q 2
  3397. garlic sAg n
  3398. garment sBH BT
  3399. garnish sCa BC
  3400. garret sDc t
  3401. garrison sEJ r
  3402. gas sE0 T
  3403. gasolene sFH i
  3404. gasoline sFp i
  3405. gate sGL U
  3406. gateway sGf a
  3407. gather sG5 Ce
  3408. gathering sJX 3
  3409. gaunt sKO BT
  3410. gauze sLh Y
  3411. gawk sL5 c
  3412. gay sMV +
  3413. gaze sNT j
  3414. gazelle sN2 d
  3415. gazette sOT d
  3416. GDR DdM 1
  3417. gear sOw W
  3418. gem sPG X
  3419. gendarme sPd k
  3420. gene sQB X
  3421. genealogical sQY 0
  3422. genealogy sRM Bl
  3423. general sSx BA
  3424. generally sTx 0
  3425. generalship sUl o
  3426. generation sVN 4
  3427. generative sWF BC
  3428. generous sXH l
  3429. Genesis Dgp h
  3430. Geneva DhK e
  3431. genius sXs g
  3432. Genoa Dho c
  3433. gentian sYM g
  3434. gentle sYs h
  3435. gentleman sZN h
  3436. genuine sZu 1
  3437. genuinely saj r
  3438. genuinly sbO BI
  3439. geography scW BF
  3440. geology sdb n
  3441. geometry seC o
  3442. germ seq b
  3443. German DiE Ba
  3444. German Federal Republic DkH Bn
  3445. German language Dlu BH
  3446. German woman Dm1 u
  3447. Germany Dje p
  3448. germinate sfF BH
  3449. gesture sgM q
  3450. get sg2 Fk
  3451. get angry sma n
  3452. get drunk snB q
  3453. get in snr e
  3454. get into a car soJ x
  3455. get married so6 Bl
  3456. get mouldy sqf 1
  3457. get off the subject srU 2
  3458. get out ssK s
  3459. get out of a car ss2 0
  3460. get out of a habit stq 3
  3461. get rid of suh BY
  3462. get tired sv5 t
  3463. get up swm Bx
  3464. ghastly syX o
  3465. ghost sy/ x
  3466. giant szw k
  3467. gift s0U BA
  3468. gifted s1U b
  3469. gild s1v a
  3470. gill s2J X
  3471. gin s2g U
  3472. ginger s20 g
  3473. giraffe s3U h
  3474. gird s31 s
  3475. girder s4h e
  3476. girdle s4/ j
  3477. girl s5i i
  3478. gist s6E g
  3479. give s6k Cv
  3480. give a ring tA5 8
  3481. give an account s9T BZ
  3482. give an airing s+s s
  3483. give as an excuse s/Y Bh
  3484. give back tB1 9
  3485. give birth tCy m
  3486. give birth to tDY 9
  3487. give in tEV x
  3488. give notice tFG Bb
  3489. give off an odour tGh 4
  3490. give pain to tHZ o
  3491. give rise to tIB BS
  3492. give tongue tJT m
  3493. give up tJ5 BI
  3494. give utterance to tLB BD
  3495. give way tME z
  3496. glad tM3 W
  3497. gladness tNN g
  3498. glamor tNt g
  3499. glamour tON h
  3500. Glasgow Dnj f
  3501. glass tOu f
  3502. glasses tPN t
  3503. glaze tP6 Z
  3504. glide tQT v
  3505. globe tRC z
  3506. glorify tR1 BB
  3507. glorious tS2 v
  3508. glory tTl s
  3509. gloss tUR g
  3510. glove tUx c
  3511. glow tVN 4
  3512. glow with heat tWF 0
  3513. glue tW5 g
  3514. gnash tXZ n
  3515. gnat tYA Y
  3516. gnome tYY W
  3517. go tYu r
  3518. go around trK j
  3519. go astray trt z
  3520. go away tsg t
  3521. go back ttN k
  3522. go beyond ttx 7
  3523. go broke tus i
  3524. go fast tvO n
  3525. go for a walk tv1 7
  3526. go in tww c
  3527. go on txM s
  3528. go on pilgrimage tx4 /
  3529. go out ty3 p
  3530. go through tzg BL
  3531. go to court t0r 1
  3532. go up t1g BH
  3533. goal tZZ c
  3534. goat tZ1 W
  3535. goblet taL y
  3536. goblin ta9 s
  3537. God DoC U
  3538. god tbp U
  3539. godfather tb9 u
  3540. God's acre DoW 9
  3541. gold tcr n
  3542. golden tdS m
  3543. goldfinch td4 y
  3544. goldsmith teq n
  3545. golf tfR u
  3546. gonorrhea tf/ v
  3547. good tjJ h
  3548. good taste tln o
  3549. goodbye tgu e
  3550. goodbye tjq BI
  3551. goodfornothing thM k
  3552. goodhearted thw c
  3553. goodnatured tiM d
  3554. goodness tky d
  3555. goods tlP Y
  3556. goodsmelling tip g
  3557. goose tmP X
  3558. gooseberry tmm p
  3559. gorilla tnP f
  3560. gospel tnu g
  3561. Goth DpT W
  3562. Gothic Dpp d
  3563. gourd toO j
  3564. gout tox k
  3565. govern tpV 0
  3566. governess tqJ l
  3567. gown tqu c
  3568. grab t2n v
  3569. grace t3W g
  3570. graceful t32 y
  3571. gracefulness t4o o
  3572. grade t5Q BO
  3573. gradually t6e BG
  3574. grain t7k h
  3575. gram t8F X
  3576. grammar t8c u
  3577. gramme t9K Z
  3578. grand t+d o
  3579. granddaughter t/F r
  3580. grandfather t/w t
  3581. grandiose uAd x
  3582. grandmother uBO s
  3583. grandnephew t9j d
  3584. grandniece t+A d
  3585. grandparents uB6 w
  3586. grandson uCq f
  3587. granite uDJ d
  3588. granule uDm e
  3589. grape uEE l
  3590. grapevine uEp q
  3591. grapple uFT BO
  3592. grasp uGh Bd
  3593. grass uH+ Z
  3594. grasshopper uIX 6
  3595. grate uJR BB
  3596. gratis uKS l
  3597. gratitude uK3 i
  3598. grave uLZ e
  3599. gravel uL3 /
  3600. graveyard uM2 8
  3601. gravy uNy x
  3602. graze uOj Z
  3603. grease uO8 Z
  3604. greasy uPV x
  3605. great uRo BX
  3606. Great Britain DqG q
  3607. greataunt uQG b
  3608. greatgrand uS/ e
  3609. greatgrandfather uQh r
  3610. greatgrandson uTd 4
  3611. greatuncle uRM c
  3612. Greece Dqw f
  3613. greediness uUV 3
  3614. greedy uVM 1
  3615. Greek DrP n
  3616. green uWB g
  3617. Greenland Dr2 y
  3618. greet uWh 3
  3619. greeting uXY f
  3620. grenade uX3 e
  3621. grey uYV V
  3622. grid uYq X
  3623. grief uZB BB
  3624. grieve uaC By
  3625. grill ub0 Y
  3626. grimace ucM n
  3627. grind ucz w
  3628. grip udj 2
  3629. grisly ueZ k
  3630. grit ue9 d
  3631. groan ufa BK
  3632. groin ugk p
  3633. groom uhN l
  3634. grope uhy BJ
  3635. groschen ui7 j
  3636. grotesque uje t
  3637. grotto ukL c
  3638. ground ulF r
  3639. groundfloor ukn e
  3640. grounds ulw f
  3641. group umP e
  3642. grow umt Bl
  3643. growl uoS b
  3644. grownup uot a
  3645. growth upH Be
  3646. grub uql o
  3647. gruel urN f
  3648. gruesome urs BJ
  3649. gruff us1 k
  3650. grumble utZ f
  3651. guarantee ut4 Bc
  3652. guard uvU Ci
  3653. guelder rose ux2 BD
  3654. guess uy5 BE
  3655. guest uz9 W
  3656. guide u0T Bq
  3657. guilder u19 d
  3658. guileless u2a f
  3659. guilt u25 a
  3660. guiltless u3T h
  3661. guilty u30 e
  3662. guineapig u4S g
  3663. gulden u4y c
  3664. gulf u5O +
  3665. gum u6M i
  3666. gun u7I 2
  3667. guncarriage u6u a
  3668. gunpowder u7+ y
  3669. gush u8w a
  3670. gymnastics u9K p
  3671. Gypsy Dso f
  3672. gypsy u9z f
  3673. habit u+S BT
  3674. habitation u/l u
  3675. hack vAT e
  3676. haemorhoids vAx q
  3677. haggle vBb u
  3678. hail vCJ W
  3679. hailstone vCf 4
  3680. hair vDr k
  3681. hairdo vDX U
  3682. hairdresser vEP w
  3683. hairpiece vE/ k
  3684. hairs vFj f
  3685. hairy vGC 7
  3686. halberd vG9 i
  3687. halcyon vHf h
  3688. half vIA g
  3689. hall vIg Y
  3690. halo vI4 y
  3691. halt vJq Bf
  3692. ham vLJ Y
  3693. Hamburg DtH h
  3694. hammer vLh c
  3695. hammock vL9 i
  3696. hamper vMf h
  3697. hand vNA CG
  3698. hand over vV8 CB
  3699. handicap vPG j
  3700. handicraft vPp 5
  3701. handkerchief vQi t
  3702. handle vRP Ce
  3703. handlebars vTt 1
  3704. handsome vUi o
  3705. handy vVK y
  3706. hang vX9 BD
  3707. hang onto vaI u
  3708. hanging lamp vZA p
  3709. hangman vZp f
  3710. Hanover Dto i
  3711. Hanse DuK Y
  3712. Hanseatic League Dui u
  3713. happen va2 CB
  3714. happiness vc3 h
  3715. happy vdY k
  3716. harbor vd8 d
  3717. harbour veZ e
  3718. hard ve3 y
  3719. harden vfp /
  3720. hardly vgo d
  3721. hardness vhF h
  3722. hardworking vhm Bv
  3723. hare vjV X
  3724. harem vjs d
  3725. haricot vkJ g
  3726. harm vkp j
  3727. harmful vlM j
  3728. harmonica vlv o
  3729. harmony vmX 6
  3730. harness vnR BK
  3731. harp vob Y
  3732. harrow voz a
  3733. harsh vpN Bi
  3734. harvest vqv 6
  3735. hat vrp T
  3736. hatch vr8 f
  3737. hatch out vsb l
  3738. hate vtA d
  3739. hated vtd c
  3740. haul vt5 k
  3741. Havana DvQ e
  3742. have vud BK
  3743. have at one's disposal vvn BR
  3744. have compassion on vw4 BY
  3745. have confidence in vyQ Bm
  3746. have effect vz2 4
  3747. have enough v0u 3
  3748. have faith v1l BC
  3749. have faith in v2n BH
  3750. have good luck v3u u
  3751. have got v4c z
  3752. have the right to v5P u
  3753. have to v59 m
  3754. hawk v6j a
  3755. hay v69 S
  3756. hazard v7P BG
  3757. hazardous v8V m
  3758. haze v87 6
  3759. hazelnut v91 k
  3760. he v+x g
  3761. head v/R /
  3762. head of cattle wBq m
  3763. head of state wCQ 1
  3764. headache wAQ k
  3765. header wA0 b
  3766. heading wBP b
  3767. heal wDF 0
  3768. health wD5 e
  3769. healthy wEX k
  3770. heap wE7 BA
  3771. hear wF7 4
  3772. hearsay wGz q
  3773. heart wHd g
  3774. heartburn wH9 x
  3775. hearth wIu n
  3776. heat wJV v
  3777. heath wKE l
  3778. heating wKp f
  3779. heaven wLI Z
  3780. heavenly body wLh s
  3781. Hebrew Dvu BT
  3782. Hebrew language DxB BL
  3783. hectolitre wMN r
  3784. hectometre wM4 p
  3785. hedgesparrow wNh e
  3786. hedonism wN/ p
  3787. heel wOo m
  3788. hegoat v+Z Y
  3789. height wPO f
  3790. helium wPt e
  3791. helix wQL u
  3792. hell wQ5 i
  3793. hellebore wRb k
  3794. Hellenian DyM 2
  3795. Hellenic DzC z
  3796. helm wR/ n
  3797. helmet wSm l
  3798. help wTL Bx
  3799. helper wU8 o
  3800. Helsinki Dz1 k
  3801. hemp wVk V
  3802. hen wV5 T
  3803. her wWM 7
  3804. herald wXH c
  3805. heraldry wXj x
  3806. herb wYU Y
  3807. herd wYs V
  3808. here wZB r
  3809. here are wah y
  3810. here is wbT u
  3811. heresy wZs 1
  3812. hermit wcB p
  3813. hero wcq m
  3814. heroic wdQ e
  3815. heroin wdu c
  3816. heroine weK d
  3817. heroism wen j
  3818. heron wfK a
  3819. herring wfk c
  3820. herself wgA n
  3821. hesitate wgn Bf
  3822. hey wiG e
  3823. hiccup wik r
  3824. hidden wjP b
  3825. hide wjq Bt
  3826. high wlX d
  3827. high school wmV n
  3828. high tide wm8 d
  3829. highway wl0 h
  3830. hill wnZ d
  3831. hillside wn2 u
  3832. him wok t
  3833. himself wpR l
  3834. hind wp2 7
  3835. hinder wqx Cl
  3836. hindmost wtW 8
  3837. hindrance wuS k
  3838. Hindu D0Z a
  3839. hinge wu2 o
  3840. hint wve p
  3841. hip wwH c
  3842. hippo wwj d
  3843. hippopotamus wxA u
  3844. hire wxu 7
  3845. his wyp 1
  3846. hiss wze f
  3847. history wz9 s
  3848. hit w0p /
  3849. hitch on w1o 1
  3850. hither w2d x
  3851. hoarse w3O b
  3852. hoax w3p 6
  3853. hoe w4j U
  3854. hog w43 X
  3855. hoist w5O a
  3856. hoist up w5o g
  3857. hold w6I z
  3858. hold against w7p BI
  3859. hold back w8x o
  3860. holder w67 u
  3861. hole w9Z d
  3862. Holland D0z 9
  3863. Hollander D1w n
  3864. hollow w92 Z
  3865. holly w+P f
  3866. holy w+u a
  3867. home w/I n
  3868. homy w/v e
  3869. honest xAN BH
  3870. honey xBU a
  3871. honeysuckle xBu o
  3872. honor xCW y
  3873. honour xDI z
  3874. hood xD7 BZ
  3875. hoof xFU V
  3876. hook xFp Bp
  3877. hook on xHS y
  3878. hoop xIE e
  3879. hoopoo xIi h
  3880. hooter xJD n
  3881. hop xJq f
  3882. hope xKJ h
  3883. hope for xLR BT
  3884. hopefully xKq n
  3885. hops xMk Y
  3886. horizon xM8 v
  3887. horizontal xNr z
  3888. horn xOe p
  3889. hornbeam xPH x
  3890. horoscope xP4 l
  3891. horrible xQd Bg
  3892. horror xR9 l
  3893. horse xT6 f
  3894. horsechestnut xSi d
  3895. horsefly xS/ W
  3896. horsepower xUZ s
  3897. horseradish xTV l
  3898. horseradish xVF z
  3899. horsewoman xV4 m
  3900. hospitable xWe m
  3901. hospital xXE 4
  3902. host xX8 W
  3903. hostage xYS f
  3904. hostel xYx 0
  3905. hot xZl V
  3906. hotel xZ6 Z
  3907. hour xaT d
  3908. house xaw W
  3909. house of worship xcO v
  3910. housefly xbG f
  3911. housewife xbl p
  3912. hovel xc9 m
  3913. how xdj BM
  3914. how many xgM q
  3915. how much xg2 q
  3916. however xev 0
  3917. howl xfj p
  3918. hub xhg U
  3919. hue xh0 z
  3920. hug xin u
  3921. hum xjV W
  3922. human being xko q
  3923. humane xjr 9
  3924. humble xlS 2
  3925. humility xmI j
  3926. humour xmr BG
  3927. hump xnx h
  3928. humus xoS c
  3929. hundred xou g
  3930. Hungarian D2X x
  3931. Hungary D3I i
  3932. hungry xpO g
  3933. hunt xpu X
  3934. hunter xqF n
  3935. hurdygurdy xqs o
  3936. hurray xrU b
  3937. hurricane xrv g
  3938. hurry xsP 4
  3939. hurt xtH BR
  3940. husband xuY 4
  3941. husk xvQ u
  3942. hut xv+ W
  3943. hyaena xwU e
  3944. hybrid xwy i
  3945. hygiene xxU h
  3946. hygienic xx1 r
  3947. hymn xyg g
  3948. hypnosis xzA h
  3949. hypnotic trance xzh w
  3950. hypnotize x0R p
  3951. hypocritical x06 u
  3952. hypothesis x1o BB
  3953. hysteria x2p k
  3954. ibis x3N W
  3955. ible FfG k
  3956. ice x3j u
  3957. iceberg x4R r
  3958. icecream x48 3
  3959. Iceland D3q e
  3960. icing x5z f
  3961. icy x6S X
  3962. idea x6p BE
  3963. ideal x7t m
  3964. idealist x8T j
  3965. identical x82 BX
  3966. identify x+N p
  3967. idiom x+2 r
  3968. idiot x/h 4
  3969. idol yAZ l
  3970. idyll yA+ X
  3971. if yBV r
  3972. ignition yCA i
  3973. ignore yCi BM
  3974. il yDu P
  3975. ill yEj T
  3976. ill fate yI9 i
  3977. ill humor yJf j
  3978. ill humour yKC k
  3979. illfated yD9 m
  3980. illiterate yE2 n
  3981. illness yFd f
  3982. illuminate yF8 q
  3983. illusion yGm /
  3984. illustrate yHl p
  3985. illustration yIO v
  3986. im yKm P
  3987. image yK1 5
  3988. imagine yLu BD
  3989. imitate yMx 3
  3990. imitation yNo x
  3991. immaterial yOZ 6
  3992. immediate yPT z
  3993. immediately yQG Bq
  3994. immensely rich yRw /
  3995. immerse ySv 9
  3996. immune yTs b
  3997. imp yUH f
  3998. impartial yUm j
  3999. impatient yVJ z
  4000. impediment yV8 m
  4001. impel yWi Bw
  4002. imperialism yYS BD
  4003. impertinent yZV BD
  4004. impetus yaY Bg
  4005. implicate yb4 /
  4006. imply yc3 o
  4007. import ydf i
  4008. important yeB Bf
  4009. impose yfg BC
  4010. impose upon ygi n
  4011. imposing yhJ i
  4012. imposter yhr x
  4013. impotent yic t
  4014. impress yjJ Bb
  4015. impressible ykk q
  4016. impression ylO 2
  4017. imprison ymE i
  4018. improve ymm BB
  4019. impulse ynn /
  4020. in yo1 e
  4021. in yom P
  4022. in a way 0vm p
  4023. in action 0tx 4
  4024. in addition 0up 9
  4025. in case 0wP b
  4026. in cash 0wq o
  4027. in consequence of 0xS y
  4028. in detail 0yE z
  4029. in easy circumstances 0y3 BC
  4030. in every way 0z5 2
  4031. in exchange for 00v BG
  4032. in fact 011 BF
  4033. in front of 026 r
  4034. in good condition 03l x
  4035. in no way 04W BS
  4036. in order to 05o w
  4037. in principle 06Y BI
  4038. in spite of 07g BN
  4039. in the beginning 08t w
  4040. in the daytime 09d m
  4041. in the evening 0+D p
  4042. in the final analysis 0+s 7
  4043. in the meantime 0/n BO
  4044. in the middle of 1A1 w
  4045. in time 1Bl 5
  4046. in vain 1Ce 0
  4047. in what way 1DS BF
  4048. in which 1EX d
  4049. inborn ypT r
  4050. inbred yp+ p
  4051. incendiary bomb yqn z
  4052. incense yra f
  4053. inch yr5 W
  4054. incinerate ysP m
  4055. incite ys1 BG
  4056. incitement yt7 8
  4057. inclination yu3 y
  4058. incline yvp o
  4059. inclined ywR j
  4060. include yw0 h
  4061. including yxV 2
  4062. inclusively yyL 7
  4063. income yzG BM
  4064. inconvenient y0S r
  4065. incorrect y09 j
  4066. increase y1g CI
  4067. incubate y3o h
  4068. indeed y4J Cd
  4069. index y6m BG
  4070. India D4I h
  4071. Indian D4p u
  4072. Indian corn D5X l
  4073. indicate y7s Ci
  4074. indication y+O BO
  4075. indicative y/c m
  4076. indicative mood zAC w
  4077. indifference zAy m
  4078. indifferent zBY 4
  4079. indigestion zCQ BB
  4080. indignant zDR k
  4081. indistinct zD1 k
  4082. individual zEZ BE
  4083. IndoChina D58 d
  4084. induce zFd q
  4085. indulge zGH +
  4086. indulgence zHF u
  4087. industrious zHz BU
  4088. industry zJH 2
  4089. inebriety zJ9 s
  4090. inert zKp b
  4091. inexpensive zLE t
  4092. infant zLx a
  4093. infantry zML m
  4094. infect zMx q
  4095. infection zNb 8
  4096. infer zOX p
  4097. infirm zPA +
  4098. influence zP+ BQ
  4099. influenza zRO i
  4100. inform zRw CA
  4101. information zTw 8
  4102. infuse zUs 9
  4103. ingenious zVp l
  4104. inhabitant zWO BQ
  4105. inherit zXe l
  4106. inheritance zYD 2
  4107. inhibit zY5 BW
  4108. initial zaP m
  4109. initiate za1 w
  4110. inject zbl u
  4111. injure zcT BL
  4112. injured zde c
  4113. injury zd6 3
  4114. ink zex V
  4115. inlaw Ffq c
  4116. inlet zfG Y
  4117. inn zfe t
  4118. innate zgL o
  4119. inner zgz u
  4120. inner tube zhh m
  4121. innkeeper ziH g
  4122. innocence zin h
  4123. innocent zjI f
  4124. inoculate zjn 5
  4125. inoffensive zkg k
  4126. inquiry zln 3
  4127. inquiryoffice zlE j
  4128. inquisitive zme BI
  4129. insane znm 2
  4130. insanity zoc k
  4131. insatiable zpA r
  4132. insect zpr b
  4133. insert zqG BK
  4134. inside zrQ By
  4135. insidious ztC n
  4136. insignia ztp 1
  4137. insignificant zue v
  4138. insist zvN /
  4139. insistence zwM k
  4140. inspect zww 7
  4141. inspector zxr 3
  4142. inspire zyi Bc
  4143. install zz+ BI
  4144. instant z1G q
  4145. instantly z1w u
  4146. instead of z2e 5
  4147. instigate z3X BJ
  4148. instinct z4g 1
  4149. institute z5V u
  4150. institution z6D BF
  4151. instruction z7I BT
  4152. instructor z8b l
  4153. instrument z9A y
  4154. insubordinate z9y BT
  4155. insulate z/F BI
  4156. insulator 0AN m
  4157. insult 0Az Bj
  4158. insurance 0CW 2
  4159. insurance policy 0DM BK
  4160. insure 0EW h
  4161. intellect 0E3 1
  4162. intellectual 0Fs x
  4163. intelligence 0Gd q
  4164. intelligent 0HH BI
  4165. intend 0IP Bq
  4166. intense 0J5 e
  4167. intensive 0KX i
  4168. intention 0K5 p
  4169. intentional 0Li w
  4170. intercessor 0MS 8
  4171. interchange 0NO Bg
  4172. interest 0Ou BI
  4173. interesting 0P2 7
  4174. interjection 0Qx BB
  4175. interment 0Ry BA
  4176. intermission 0Sy m
  4177. internal 0TY 1
  4178. international 0UN x
  4179. international express 0U+ 6
  4180. international express train 0V4 BF
  4181. interpret 0W9 Ba
  4182. interpreter 0YX r
  4183. interpunction 0ZC z
  4184. interrogate 0Z1 n
  4185. intervene 0ac 6
  4186. interview 0bW l
  4187. intestine 0b7 e
  4188. intestines 0cZ m
  4189. intimate 0c/ BI
  4190. into 0eH j
  4191. intolerant 0eq q
  4192. intoxicated 0fU /
  4193. intractable 0gT r
  4194. intrigue 0g+ 3
  4195. introduce 0h1 Bh
  4196. invade 0jW e
  4197. invasion 0j0 h
  4198. invent 0kV BH
  4199. inventory 0lc l
  4200. inverted comma 0mB BK
  4201. invest 0nL s
  4202. investigate 0n3 Bc
  4203. investigation 0pT BW
  4204. invite 0qp d
  4205. invite tenders for 0rG BP
  4206. invoice 0sV 3
  4207. invoke 0tM l
  4208. iodine 1E0 b
  4209. Ireland D6Z f
  4210. iridium 1FP k
  4211. Irishman D64 e
  4212. iron 1Fz 3
  4213. iron clothes 1HJ y
  4214. irony 1Gq f
  4215. Islam D7W b
  4216. island 1H7 j
  4217. ism FgG T
  4218. isolate 1Ie BH
  4219. Israel D7x j
  4220. issue 1Jl 3
  4221. it 1Kc d
  4222. Italian D8U v
  4223. Italy D9D d
  4224. itch 1K5 X
  4225. its 1LQ Y
  4226. itself 1Lo j
  4227. ity FgZ b
  4228. ivory 1ML g
  4229. ivy 1Mr W
  4230. jack 1NB n
  4231. jackal 1No h
  4232. jacket 1OJ p
  4233. jade 1Oy f
  4234. jaguaro 1PR h
  4235. jail 1Py BK
  4236. jam 1Q8 n
  4237. January D9g i
  4238. Japanese D+C BP
  4239. Japanese language D/R BP
  4240. jargon 1Rj g
  4241. jaw 1SD j
  4242. jawbone 1Sm r
  4243. jaws 1TR q
  4244. jay 1T7 d
  4245. jealous 1UY l
  4246. jealousy 1U9 m
  4247. jeer at 1Vj 9
  4248. jellyfish 1Wg X
  4249. jerk 1W3 BN
  4250. jest 1YE b
  4251. jester 1Yf r
  4252. Jew EAg n
  4253. jewel 1ZK BE
  4254. jeweller 1aO v
  4255. Jewish EBH s
  4256. jingle 1a9 o
  4257. job 1bl BK
  4258. jocular 1cv i
  4259. join 1dR B7
  4260. joining 1fM f
  4261. joint 1fr Bt
  4262. joke 1hY v
  4263. jolt 1iH x
  4264. journal 1i4 p
  4265. journalist 1jh 3
  4266. journey 1kY m
  4267. joy 1k+ Y
  4268. joystick 1lW 1
  4269. jubilee 1mL 8
  4270. judge 1nH 8
  4271. judgment 1oD BA
  4272. jug 1pD BR
  4273. juggle 1qU p
  4274. juggler 1q9 i
  4275. juice 1rf Z
  4276. July EBz a
  4277. jumbled up 1r4 o
  4278. jump 1sg k
  4279. junction 1tE j
  4280. June ECN Y
  4281. june bug 1tn l
  4282. jurist 1uM w
  4283. just 1u8 Cg
  4284. just now 1yK 1
  4285. justice 1xc u
  4286. jute 1y/ Y
  4287. Jute ECl Y
  4288. Jutlander EC9 k
  4289. kangaroo 1zX m
  4290. keel 1z9 W
  4291. keen 10T BK
  4292. keep 11d D4
  4293. keep house 153 0
  4294. keep on 16r o
  4295. keepsake 15V i
  4296. kernel 17T l
  4297. kettle 174 p
  4298. key 18h BB
  4299. keyboard 19i u
  4300. kick 1+Q t
  4301. kid 1+9 X
  4302. kidney 1/U b
  4303. kill 1/v g
  4304. kiln 2AP b
  4305. kilo 2Aq d
  4306. kilometre 2BH m
  4307. kind 2Bt BZ
  4308. kindle 2DG o
  4309. kindness 2Du 0
  4310. king 2Ei X
  4311. kingdom 2E5 j
  4312. kingfisher 2Fc m
  4313. kingship 2GC m
  4314. kiss 2Go d
  4315. kitchen 2HF d
  4316. kite 2Hi W
  4317. kitten 2H4 c
  4318. klaxon 2IU g
  4319. knapsack 2I0 i
  4320. knead 2JW Z
  4321. knee 2Jv V
  4322. knife 2KE Y
  4323. knight 2Kc BD
  4324. knit 2Lf Y
  4325. knob 2L3 9
  4326. knock 2M0 t
  4327. knock off 2Nh i
  4328. knot 2OD f
  4329. know 2Oi e
  4330. know how 2QX d
  4331. knowledge 2PA BX
  4332. Koblenz EDh g
  4333. Koran EEB c
  4334. Korea EEd a
  4335. laboratory 2Q0 t
  4336. laborer 2Rh k
  4337. labour 2Sg f
  4338. labourer 2S/ j
  4339. labourunion 2SF b
  4340. lace 2Ti X
  4341. lack 2T5 m
  4342. lackey 2Uf m
  4343. lacquer 2VF 2
  4344. lad 2V7 c
  4345. ladder 2WX k
  4346. laddie 2W7 i
  4347. ladies and gentlemen 2Xd CJ
  4348. lady 2Zm m
  4349. Lady Day EE3 v
  4350. ladybug 2aM l
  4351. lagoon 2ax d
  4352. lake 2bO U
  4353. lamb 2bi V
  4354. lame 2b3 e
  4355. lament 2cV r
  4356. lamp 2dA X
  4357. lance 2dX h
  4358. land 2d4 BN
  4359. landlord 2fF g
  4360. landscape 2fl m
  4361. lane 2gL W
  4362. language 2gh j
  4363. lantern 2hE f
  4364. lanthanum 2hj u
  4365. lap 2iR m
  4366. Lapland EFm h
  4367. Laplander EGH p
  4368. Lapp EGw c
  4369. lapsed 2i3 BC
  4370. larch 2j5 d
  4371. large 2kW b
  4372. lark 2kx Z
  4373. larva 2lK b
  4374. larynx 2ll o
  4375. lass 2mN g
  4376. lasso 2mt j
  4377. last 2nQ BL
  4378. lasting 2ob e
  4379. late 2o5 d
  4380. lath 2pW Z
  4381. Latin EHM m
  4382. latrine 2pv v
  4383. laud 2qe BU
  4384. laugh 2ry i
  4385. laughter 2sU s
  4386. laundress 2tA l
  4387. laundry 2tl y
  4388. laurel 2uX q
  4389. lava 2vB Z
  4390. lavender 2va k
  4391. law 2v+ X
  4392. lawless 2wV t
  4393. lawn 2xC Z
  4394. lawsuit 2xb h
  4395. lawyer 2x8 BO
  4396. lay 2zK f
  4397. lay down 212 3
  4398. lay hold of 22t t
  4399. lay out 23a c
  4400. layer 2zp BD
  4401. layer of earth 20s w
  4402. layman 21c a
  4403. lazy 232 Y
  4404. lead 24O BH
  4405. leader 25V Bg
  4406. leaf 261 X
  4407. leaflet 27M i
  4408. league 27u BM
  4409. lean 286 BU
  4410. leap 2+o i
  4411. leapyear 2+O a
  4412. learn 2/K a
  4413. learn of 3AN t
  4414. learned 2/k p
  4415. lease 3A6 m
  4416. leather 3Bg k
  4417. leave 3CE Cc
  4418. leave behind 3Eg v
  4419. leave out 3FP j
  4420. leave out of account 3Fy Bk
  4421. lectern 3HW b
  4422. lector 3Hx c
  4423. lecture 3IN g
  4424. lecturer 3It j
  4425. leech 3JQ j
  4426. leek 3Jz i
  4427. leg 3KV v
  4428. legend 3LE f
  4429. legible 3Lj i
  4430. legion 3MF d
  4431. legitimize 3Mi r
  4432. lemon 3NN b
  4433. lemonade 3No k
  4434. lend 3OM BI
  4435. lentil 3PU Z
  4436. leopard 3Pt d
  4437. leprosy 3QK h
  4438. less 3Qr X
  4439. lesson 3RC 6
  4440. let 3R8 BJ
  4441. let know 3WY BJ
  4442. let off 3Xh e
  4443. lethargy 3TF z
  4444. letter 3T4 BL
  4445. letterbox 3VD n
  4446. lettuce 3Vq u
  4447. level 3Yh Bn
  4448. levelcrossing 3X/ i
  4449. lever 3aI 3
  4450. Levite EHy c
  4451. lewd 3a/ e
  4452. Leyden EIO Z
  4453. liberal 3bd q
  4454. librarian 3cH s
  4455. library 3cz l
  4456. licence 3dY 2
  4457. license 3eO 2
  4458. licentious 3fE y
  4459. lick 3f2 W
  4460. lid 3gM 5
  4461. lie 3hF BA
  4462. lie down 3is y
  4463. lieutenant 3iF n
  4464. life 3kZ W
  4465. lifebelt 3je f
  4466. lifebelt 3kv o
  4467. lifeboat 3j9 c
  4468. lift 3lX B3
  4469. Liège EJ+ T
  4470. light 3nO Bi
  4471. lighten 3ow j
  4472. lighter 3pT c
  4473. lighthouse 3pv l
  4474. lightning 3qU f
  4475. like 3qz Bj
  4476. like that 3uJ s
  4477. likely 3sW l
  4478. likewise 3s7 BO
  4479. lilac 3u1 c
  4480. lily 3v6 Y
  4481. lilyofthevalley 3vR p
  4482. limb 3wS f
  4483. lime 3xS m
  4484. limetree 3wx h
  4485. limit 3x4 BL
  4486. limp 3zD g
  4487. lindentree 3zj j
  4488. line 30G BS
  4489. lineage 31Y /
  4490. linen 32X j
  4491. lineseed oil 326 t
  4492. lining 33n p
  4493. link 34Q b
  4494. lion 34r Y
  4495. lip 35D U
  4496. liqueur 35X e
  4497. liquid 351 +
  4498. liquidate 36z BD
  4499. liquor 372 g
  4500. lira 38W Z
  4501. list 38v j
  4502. listen 39S 6
  4503. litany 3+M f
  4504. liter 3+r Z
  4505. literal 3/E i
  4506. literature 3/m o
  4507. lithium 4AO g
  4508. Lithuania EIn k
  4509. Lithuanian EJL z
  4510. litigate 4Au u
  4511. litre 4Bc b
  4512. litter 4B3 j
  4513. little 4Ca u
  4514. little by little 4DI BL
  4515. little owl 4ET e
  4516. liturgy 4Ex j
  4517. live 4FU m
  4518. live to see 4H7 m
  4519. lively 4F6 0
  4520. liver 4Gu Z
  4521. livestock 4HH 0
  4522. living room 4I9 p
  4523. livingroom 4Ih c
  4524. lizard 4Jm d
  4525. load 4KD Bv
  4526. loaf 4Ly V
  4527. loan 4MH BX
  4528. loathe 4Ne g
  4529. lobster 4N+ q
  4530. local 4Oo i
  4531. locate 4PK k
  4532. location 4Pu BH
  4533. loch 4Q1 b
  4534. lock 4RQ BX
  4535. locust 4Sn v
  4536. lofty 4TW j
  4537. logic 4T5 b
  4538. logical 4UU g
  4539. logical reasoning 4U0 BO
  4540. loin 4WC X
  4541. London EKR d
  4542. lonely 4WZ d
  4543. long 4W2 d
  4544. long for 4X8 0
  4545. longing 4XT p
  4546. look 4Yw CH
  4547. look after 4bS Bp
  4548. look askance 4c7 o
  4549. look at 4dj BO
  4550. look for 4ex 6
  4551. look forward to 4fr 2
  4552. lookingglass 4a3 b
  4553. loom 4gh a
  4554. loop 4g7 i
  4555. lord 4hd d
  4556. Lorraine EKu j
  4557. lorry 4h6 BR
  4558. lose 4jL b
  4559. loss 4jm h
  4560. lost 4kH a
  4561. lot 4kh Y
  4562. Lothringen ELR r
  4563. lottery 4k5 y
  4564. lotus 4lr a
  4565. loud 4mF V
  4566. loudly 4ma b
  4567. lounge 4m1 h
  4568. louse 4nW W
  4569. Louvain EL8 e
  4570. love 4ns 5
  4571. loved 4ol a
  4572. loved one 4o/ t
  4573. lovely 4ps C1
  4574. lover 4sh v
  4575. low 4tQ l
  4576. low relief 4xc m
  4577. low tide 4yC c
  4578. lower 4uN n
  4579. lower case letter 4u0 7
  4580. lower part 4vv s
  4581. lower part of the body 4wb BB
  4582. lowerarm 4t1 Y
  4583. loyal 4ye i
  4584. Lucerne EMa g
  4585. Lucifer EM6 y
  4586. luck 4zA BP
  4587. luggage 40t z
  4588. luggagevan 40P e
  4589. lull 41g X
  4590. lump 413 Bc
  4591. lunacy 43T i
  4592. lunatic 431 e
  4593. lunch 44T a
  4594. lung 44t X
  4595. lupine 45E e
  4596. lure 45i h
  4597. lurid 46D h
  4598. lust 46k BD
  4599. lute 47n X
  4600. luxurious 47+ o
  4601. luxury 48m p
  4602. lyceum 49P f
  4603. lye 49u V
  4604. lynx 4+D Y
  4605. lyre 4+b Y
  4606. lyric 4+z X
  4607. macaroni 4/K n
  4608. machine 4/x h
  4609. machinery 5AS s
  4610. mackerel 5A+ g
  4611. mad 5Be x
  4612. madam 5CP Z
  4613. madness 5Co g
  4614. Madonna ENs g
  4615. Madrid EOM c
  4616. maestro 5DI f
  4617. magazine 5Dn 3
  4618. magic 5Ee BL
  4619. magical 5Fp s
  4620. magician 5GV l
  4621. magnanimous 5G6 r
  4622. magnesium 5Hl o
  4623. magnet 5IN c
  4624. magnificent 5Ip z
  4625. magpie 5Jc c
  4626. maid 5J4 3
  4627. mail 5Kv V
  4628. mailbox 5LE k
  4629. main 5Lo BG
  4630. mainland 5Mu 2
  4631. mainly 5Nk BX
  4632. maintain 5O7 Bn
  4633. maize 5Qi W
  4634. majestic 5Q4 y
  4635. majesty 5Rq BM
  4636. major 5S2 2
  4637. majoram 5Ts j
  4638. make 5UP Bf
  4639. make a contract 5Vu BA
  4640. make a draft 5Wu BC
  4641. make a mistake 5Xw u
  4642. make a noise 5Ye BC
  4643. make a note 5Zg BL
  4644. make a project of 5ar BM
  4645. make a stroke 5b3 r
  4646. make a uvular R 5ci z
  4647. make a will 5dV w
  4648. make eyes at 5eF l
  4649. make fast 5eq 9
  4650. make fun of 5fn BC
  4651. make glad 5gp j
  4652. make music 5hM p
  4653. make smooth 5h1 n
  4654. make use of 5ic Be
  4655. make war 5j6 u
  4656. make war against 5ko w
  4657. make war on 5lY o
  4658. malaria 5mA j
  4659. Malay EOo a
  4660. male cat 5mj e
  4661. malicious 5nB BX
  4662. mallow 5oY a
  4663. malt 5oy Y
  4664. mam 5pK 3
  4665. mammy 5qB 6
  4666. man 5q7 c
  4667. mana 5rX Y
  4668. manage 5rv CM
  4669. management 5t7 q
  4670. manager 5ul Be
  4671. mandate 5wD n
  4672. maneuver 5wq h
  4673. manganese 5xL l
  4674. manger 5xw k
  4675. manifest 5yU x
  4676. manipulate 5zF 2
  4677. manna 5z7 Z
  4678. manner 50U o
  4679. manoeuvre 508 z
  4680. mantle 51v j
  4681. manufacture 52S BU
  4682. manure 53m l
  4683. manuscript 54L 2
  4684. manœuvre 55i W
  4685. many 55B h
  4686. map 554 r
  4687. maple 56j Y
  4688. marble 567 c
  4689. march 57X 4
  4690. March EPC b
  4691. margarine 58P q
  4692. margin 585 d
  4693. marguerite 59W 9
  4694. marigold 5+T m
  4695. marionette 5+5 n
  4696. mark 5/g B+
  4697. market 6Be BP
  4698. marketplace 6Ct r
  4699. marmelade 6DY z
  4700. marriage 6EL m
  4701. married 6Ex u
  4702. married people 6Ff q
  4703. marry 6GJ Bx
  4704. Mars EPd X
  4705. marsh 6H6 a
  4706. marten 6IU c
  4707. martyr 6Iw h
  4708. marvel 6JR 4
  4709. marvel at 6KJ +
  4710. mask 6LH Z
  4711. mason 6Lg Z
  4712. Mason EP0 d
  4713. mass 6L5 BC
  4714. massacre 6M7 n
  4715. massage 6Ni q
  4716. massive 6OM c
  4717. mast 6Oo Y
  4718. master 6PA 6
  4719. mat 6P6 V
  4720. match 6RV +
  4721. matchmake 6QP j
  4722. matchmaker 6Qy j
  4723. material 6ST BE
  4724. mathematical 6TX v
  4725. mathematics 6UG s
  4726. matrimony 6Uy i
  4727. matrix 6VU l
  4728. matter 6V5 BP
  4729. Matterhorn EQR p
  4730. mattress 6XI h
  4731. mature 6Xp c
  4732. matzo 6YF m
  4733. Mauretanian EQ6 t
  4734. maw 6Yr g
  4735. maxim 6ZL w
  4736. maximum 6Z7 h
  4737. may 6ac f
  4738. May ERn S
  4739. maybe 6a7 /
  4740. mayhap 6b6 BC
  4741. mayor 6c8 /
  4742. me 6d7 2
  4743. meadow 6ex BB
  4744. meager 6fy 8
  4745. meal 6gu 2
  4746. mealies 6hk b
  4747. mean 6h/ CM
  4748. meander 6kL p
  4749. meaning 6k0 BW
  4750. means 6mK s
  4751. meanwhile 6m2 BG
  4752. measles 6n8 c
  4753. measurable 6oY m
  4754. measure 6o+ 4
  4755. measured 6p2 l
  4756. measurement 6qb 6
  4757. meat 6rt Z
  4758. meatfly 6rV Y
  4759. mechanic 6sG j
  4760. mechanics 6sp j
  4761. medal 6tM m
  4762. meddlesome 6ty k
  4763. meddlesomeness 6uW 5
  4764. medical 6vP h
  4765. medicine 6vw d
  4766. meditate 6wN 5
  4767. Mediterranean ER5 v
  4768. meet 6xG Bl
  4769. meet with 6zd 4
  4770. meeting 6yr y
  4771. melancholy 60V Bf
  4772. mellowness 610 l
  4773. melodrama 62Z z
  4774. melody 63M m
  4775. melon 63y a
  4776. melt 64M /
  4777. melting 65L g
  4778. member 65r BC
  4779. memento 66t g
  4780. memory 67N 5
  4781. menace 68G BQ
  4782. mend 69W k
  4783. mention 696 q
  4784. menu 6+k BJ
  4785. merchandise 6/t n
  4786. merchant 7AU BD
  4787. mercifulness 7BX y
  4788. mercury 7CJ n
  4789. Mercury ESo q
  4790. mercy 7Cw 5
  4791. merit 7Dp n
  4792. merry 7E/ BD
  4793. merrygoround 7EQ v
  4794. mesh 7GC h
  4795. mess 7Gj Z
  4796. message 7G8 v
  4797. messenger 7Hr 5
  4798. Messiah ETS e
  4799. metal 7Ik k
  4800. metalled 7JI e
  4801. metallic 7Jm j
  4802. metamorphosis 7KJ /
  4803. metaphor 7LI i
  4804. meteoric stone 7Lq 8
  4805. meteorology 7Mm 0
  4806. method 7Na d
  4807. methylated spirit 7N3 4
  4808. metre 7Ov b
  4809. metric 7PK d
  4810. metropolis 7Pn 1
  4811. mica 7Qc a
  4812. microbe 7Q2 e
  4813. micrometre 7RU q
  4814. microphone 7R+ n
  4815. microscope 7Sl o
  4816. midday meal 7TN x
  4817. middle 7T+ BL
  4818. middleclass 7VJ r
  4819. middleclass citizen 7V0 3
  4820. midget 7Wr b
  4821. midwife 7XG e
  4822. migrant 7Xk u
  4823. migrate 7YS g
  4824. Milan ETw b
  4825. mild 7Yy W
  4826. mile 7ZI W
  4827. military division 7Ze y
  4828. milk 7aQ e
  4829. mill 7au X
  4830. millet 7bF Z
  4831. millimetre 7be p
  4832. milliner 7cH h
  4833. million 7co e
  4834. millionaire 7dG q
  4835. mind 7dw Bm
  4836. mine 7fW Ba
  4837. miner 7gw 0
  4838. mineral 7hk t
  4839. mingle 7iR k
  4840. minimum 7i1 f
  4841. minister 7jU i
  4842. ministry 7j2 z
  4843. mint 7kp W
  4844. minute 7k/ a
  4845. minutes 7lZ f
  4846. miracle 7l4 x
  4847. miraculous 7mp p
  4848. mirage 7nS m
  4849. mirror 7n4 c
  4850. miscarry 7oU l
  4851. miscellaneous 7o5 r
  4852. mischievous 7pk Bn
  4853. miser 7rL c
  4854. miserable 7rn B8
  4855. miserliness 7tj k
  4856. miserly 7uH g
  4857. misery 7un i
  4858. miss 7vJ k
  4859. Miss EUL Z
  4860. mission 7vt e
  4861. missionary 7wL n
  4862. mist 7wy W
  4863. mistake 7xI v
  4864. mistaken 7x3 o
  4865. Mister EUk a
  4866. mistress 7yf q
  4867. misty 7zJ c
  4868. misunderstand 7zl y
  4869. mite 70X W
  4870. miter 70t a
  4871. mitre 71H a
  4872. mitten 71h c
  4873. mix 719 f
  4874. mixture 72c h
  4875. moan 729 BI
  4876. mobile 74F g
  4877. mobilize 74l m
  4878. mock 75L 0
  4879. mockery 75/ BV
  4880. mode 77U w
  4881. model 78E Bc
  4882. moderate 79g v
  4883. modern 7+P a
  4884. modest 7+p u
  4885. modesty 7/X 0
  4886. modify 8AL j
  4887. Mohammedan EU+ t
  4888. mole 8Au Z
  4889. molecule 8BH k
  4890. molybdenum 8Br p
  4891. mom 8CU 1
  4892. moment 8DJ p
  4893. mommy 8Dy 6
  4894. monastery 8Es n
  4895. Monday EVr d
  4896. money 8F0 Z
  4897. money box 8GN v
  4898. moneybox 8FT h
  4899. mongrel 8G8 m
  4900. monk 8Hi Z
  4901. monkey 8H7 c
  4902. monkshood 8IX i
  4903. monocle 8I5 f
  4904. monologue 8JY j
  4905. monopolize 8J7 2
  4906. monopoly 8Kx l
  4907. monotonous 8LW 9
  4908. monster 8MT BG
  4909. month 8NZ Z
  4910. monument 8Ny t
  4911. mood 8Of o
  4912. moon 8PH W
  4913. moor 8Pd m
  4914. Moor EWI d
  4915. moorage 8QD g
  4916. mooring 8Qj d
  4917. moose 8RA n
  4918. moped 8Rn Y
  4919. moral 8R/ o
  4920. morality 8Sn 9
  4921. more 8Tk 2
  4922. morel 8Ua e
  4923. moreover 8U4 Bb
  4924. mores 8WT h
  4925. morning 8W0 n
  4926. Morocco EWl g
  4927. morphia 8Xb q
  4928. morphine 8YF s
  4929. mortal 8Yx f
  4930. morter 8ZQ f
  4931. mortgage 8Zv v
  4932. mosaic 8ae d
  4933. mosaic work 8a7 o
  4934. Moslem EXF j
  4935. mosque 8bj b
  4936. mosquito 8b+ w
  4937. moss 8cu V
  4938. most 8dD j
  4939. most charming 8dm x
  4940. moth 8eX X
  4941. mother 8eu d
  4942. motion 8fL h
  4943. motion picture 8gQ s
  4944. motionless 8fs k
  4945. motive 8g8 2
  4946. motor 8hy a
  4947. motorcycle 8iM 0
  4948. motto 8jA t
  4949. mouldy 8jt n
  4950. mount 8kU y
  4951. mountain 8mV b
  4952. mountain chain 8mw q
  4953. mountain pasture 8na 0
  4954. mountain ridge 8oO m
  4955. mountainash 8lG c
  4956. mountainash berry 8li z
  4957. mounting 8o0 p
  4958. mourn 8pd o
  4959. mourning 8qF g
  4960. mouse 8ql W
  4961. moustache 8q7 o
  4962. mouth 8rj 3
  4963. mouthful 8sa g
  4964. move 8s6 CN
  4965. movement 8vH t
  4966. movie 8v0 a
  4967. movie theatre 8wO r
  4968. moving 8w5 h
  4969. mow 8xa f
  4970. Mr. EXo S
  4971. Mr. and Mrs. EX6 B1
  4972. Mrs. EZv T
  4973. much 8x5 v
  4974. mucus 8yo e
  4975. mud 8zG s
  4976. mudguard 8zy l
  4977. mulberrytree 80X u
  4978. mule 81F l
  4979. multiply 81q 7
  4980. multitude 82l z
  4981. mummy 83Y a
  4982. Munich EaC f
  4983. munition 83y l
  4984. muntjac 84X i
  4985. murk 845 d
  4986. murmur 85W BC
  4987. muscatel 86Y m
  4988. muscle 86+ a
  4989. muscular 87Y l
  4990. muse 879 X
  4991. museum 88U f
  4992. mush 88z b
  4993. mushroom 89O 1
  4994. music 8+D b
  4995. musical 8+e k
  4996. musical time 8/C m
  4997. musician 8/o k
  4998. musk 9AM h
  4999. musket 9At e
  5000. Muslim Eah h
  5001. muslin 9BL p
  5002. mussel 9B0 f
  5003. Mussulman EbC p
  5004. must 9CT n
  5005. mustard 9C6 m
  5006. musty 9Dg d
  5007. mute 9D9 j
  5008. mutineer 9Eg 6
  5009. mutiny 9Fa 0
  5010. mutter 9GO l
  5011. mutton 9Gz h
  5012. mutual 9HU BD
  5013. mutual understanding 9JX BH
  5014. mutually 9IX BA
  5015. muzzle 9Ke i
  5016. my 9LA T
  5017. myriad 9LT d
  5018. myrrh 9Lw a
  5019. mysterious 9MK 5
  5020. mystery 9ND u
  5021. mystic 9Nx d
  5022. mystical 9OO g
  5023. mysticism 9Ou o
  5024. mystification 9PW y
  5025. mystify 9QI BA
  5026. myth 9RI X
  5027. mythology 9Rf r
  5028. nadir 9SK b
  5029. naïf 9mg O
  5030. nag 9Sl c
  5031. naiad 9TB a
  5032. nail 9Tb s
  5033. naked 9UH f
  5034. nakedness 9Um j
  5035. name 9VJ V
  5036. namely 9Ve b
  5037. nap 9V5 a
  5038. nape 9WT f
  5039. naphthalene 9Wy q
  5040. naphthaline 9Xc p
  5041. napkin 9YF f
  5042. narcissus 9Yk l
  5043. narrate 9ZJ g
  5044. narrative 9Zp x
  5045. narrow 9aa b
  5046. narrow space 9a1 k
  5047. nasty 9bZ Cy
  5048. nation 9eL j
  5049. national 9eu i
  5050. nationality 9fQ 4
  5051. native 9gI p
  5052. natural 9gx k
  5053. naturally 9hV p
  5054. nature 9h+ 3
  5055. naught 9i1 Z
  5056. nausea 9jO n
  5057. nauseate 9j1 Bc
  5058. nave 9lR V
  5059. naïve 9mu P
  5060. navel 9lm a
  5061. navigate 9mA g
  5062. near 9nb BW
  5063. near to 9sL m
  5064. nearby 9ox Cb
  5065. nearly 9rM /
  5066. nearsighted 9m9 e
  5067. necessary 9sx 9
  5068. neck 9tu U
  5069. necktie 9uC y
  5070. nectar 9u0 c
  5071. need 9vQ BI
  5072. needle 9wY m
  5073. needless 9w+ n
  5074. needy 9xl i
  5075. negative 9yH g
  5076. neglect 9yn i
  5077. negligent 9zJ y
  5078. negotiate 9z7 BQ
  5079. Negro Ebr b
  5080. neighbour 91L g
  5081. neighbourhood 91r +
  5082. neighbouring 92p BB
  5083. neither 93q 8
  5084. neither ... nor 94m y
  5085. neologism 95Y u
  5086. nephew 96G b
  5087. nerve 96h Y
  5088. nervous 965 g
  5089. ness Fg0 c
  5090. nest 97Z k
  5091. net 979 Z
  5092. nettle 98W d
  5093. network 98z j
  5094. neutral 99W h
  5095. never 993 o
  5096. nevertheless 9+f BH
  5097. new 9/m U
  5098. New Year's Day EcG w
  5099. newness 9/6 g
  5100. news +Aa s
  5101. newspaper +BG 4
  5102. next +B+ DI
  5103. next to +FG t
  5104. négligé ++h W
  5105. nice +Fz BM
  5106. nice smell +G/ l
  5107. niche +Hk Z
  5108. nickel +H9 Z
  5109. niece +IW Z
  5110. niggard +Iv e
  5111. night +JN X
  5112. nightingale +Jk p
  5113. nightmare +KN n
  5114. nimbus +K0 c
  5115. Nimwegen Ec2 k
  5116. nine +LQ V
  5117. nineteen +Ll i
  5118. ninety +MH e
  5119. nipple +Ml Y
  5120. no +OI Z
  5121. no doubt +yK k
  5122. no longer +yu 0
  5123. nobility +Oh m
  5124. noble +PH s
  5125. nobleman +Pz s
  5126. nobleness +Qf i
  5127. nobody +RB 3
  5128. nocturnal +R4 x
  5129. node +Sp X
  5130. noise +TA i
  5131. nomad +Ti b
  5132. nonattendance +T9 g
  5133. noncom +Vu k
  5134. noncommissioned officer +Ud s
  5135. none +WS v
  5136. nonmilitary +VJ l
  5137. nonsense +XB 7
  5138. noone +M9 r
  5139. noone's +No g
  5140. nor +X8 U
  5141. norm +YQ k
  5142. normal +Y0 c
  5143. North Eda b
  5144. north +ZQ b
  5145. North Africa Ed1 u
  5146. North Korea Eej r
  5147. North Sea EfO k
  5148. northern +Zr k
  5149. Norway Efy f
  5150. Norwegian EgR 1
  5151. nose +aP V
  5152. nostalgia +ak m
  5153. not +bK U
  5154. not an ace +lw n
  5155. not at all +mX CD
  5156. not on any account +oa Bo
  5157. not well +qC j
  5158. notary +be e
  5159. note +b8 CN
  5160. notebook +eJ c
  5161. nothing +el e
  5162. notice +fD DF
  5163. notification +iI BI
  5164. notify +jQ g
  5165. notion +jw BG
  5166. notwithstanding +k2 6
  5167. nought +ql Z
  5168. noun +q+ m
  5169. nourish +rk 9
  5170. nourishment +sh BU
  5171. novel +t1 f
  5172. novelty +uU 0
  5173. November EhG j
  5174. novice +vI b
  5175. now +vj 6
  5176. now and then +w+ BM
  5177. nowhere +wd h
  5178. nuance +zi +
  5179. nucleus +0g q
  5180. nude +1K f
  5181. nudity +1p h
  5182. null +2K V
  5183. number +2f r
  5184. numberplate +3K s
  5185. numeral +32 9
  5186. numismatics +4z t
  5187. nun +5g V
  5188. nurse +51 CA
  5189. nut +71 k
  5190. nutmeg +8Z c
  5191. nuts +81 z
  5192. nutty +9o h
  5193. nymph ++J Y
  5194. oak ++3 U
  5195. oar +/L W
  5196. oasis +/h Z
  5197. oath +/6 U
  5198. oats /AO W
  5199. obedient /Ak BH
  5200. obeisance /Br u
  5201. obey /CZ u
  5202. obituary /DH n
  5203. object /Du w
  5204. obligation /Ee n
  5205. obliging /FF p
  5206. oblique /Fu 7
  5207. oboe /Gp d
  5208. observation /HG BU
  5209. observe /Ia B/
  5210. obstacle /KZ s
  5211. obstinate /LF Bl
  5212. obstruct /Mq 3
  5213. obtain /Nh BR
  5214. obtuse /Oy c
  5215. obvious /PO BT
  5216. obviously /Qh m
  5217. occasion /RH m
  5218. occult /Rt c
  5219. occupation /SJ Bj
  5220. occupy /Ts BJ
  5221. occur /U1 BR
  5222. occur intermittently /Xr Bs
  5223. occurence /WG Bl
  5224. ocean /ZX k
  5225. Oceania Ehp i
  5226. Oceanica EiL l
  5227. o'clock BBdC i
  5228. October Eiw h
  5229. oculist /Z7 r
  5230. odd /am BC
  5231. ode /bo S
  5232. odor /b6 b
  5233. odour /cV a
  5234. of /cv b
  5235. of all sorts /pn o
  5236. of course /qP o
  5237. of sand /q3 e
  5238. of silk /rV d
  5239. of the winter /ry 3
  5240. of two colours /sp v
  5241. of use /tY p
  5242. of which /uB u
  5243. of yesterday /uv p
  5244. offend /dK Bi
  5245. offer /es Ec
  5246. office /jI BY
  5247. officer /kg p
  5248. official /lJ 8
  5249. offset /mF v
  5250. offspring /m0 CV
  5251. often /pJ e
  5252. ogle /vY X
  5253. oh /vv b
  5254. oil /wK T
  5255. oilcloth /wd o
  5256. okay /xF l
  5257. old /xq u
  5258. old man /yY d
  5259. olive /zl Y
  5260. olivetree /y1 w
  5261. Olympus EjR e
  5262. omen /z9 BB
  5263. omit /0+ o
  5264. omnibus /1m u
  5265. omnipotence /2U z
  5266. omniscient /3H o
  5267. on /3v Cr
  5268. on account of BAEa Bh
  5269. on end BAF7 3
  5270. on every side BAGy 5
  5271. on foot BAHr e
  5272. on occasion BAIJ BD
  5273. on purpose BAJM p
  5274. on that account BAJ1 Bb
  5275. on the contrary BALQ CY
  5276. on the left BANo j
  5277. on the other hand BAOL 2
  5278. on the other side of BAPB BQ
  5279. on the right BAQR l
  5280. on the whole BAQ2 p
  5281. on time BARf m
  5282. on top BASF b
  5283. once /6a y
  5284. once more /7M BN
  5285. one /8Z Ba
  5286. one and a half /9z x
  5287. one another /+k q
  5288. one hundred //O o
  5289. one more time //2 v
  5290. one thousand BAAl n
  5291. one time BABM f
  5292. onion BABr c
  5293. only BACH BY
  5294. only just BADf k
  5295. Ontario Ejv l
  5296. onyx BAED X
  5297. opal BASg V
  5298. open BAS1 s
  5299. open up BAUU r
  5300. opening BATh z
  5301. opera BAU/ a
  5302. operate BAVZ i
  5303. operation BAV7 o
  5304. operative BAWj l
  5305. ophtalmologist BAXI 8
  5306. opine BAYE BI
  5307. opinion BAZM BD
  5308. opium BAaP a
  5309. opossum BAap l
  5310. opponent BAbO 5
  5311. opportune BAcH 8
  5312. opportunity BAdD Br
  5313. opposed to BAeu 5
  5314. opposite BAfn Bf
  5315. opposition BAhG p
  5316. oppress BAhv BI
  5317. oppressive BAi3 BB
  5318. optician BAj4 i
  5319. optimism BAka m
  5320. optimist BAlA i
  5321. option BAli i
  5322. or BAmE S
  5323. orache BAmW Z
  5324. orange BAnZ z
  5325. orangetree BAmv q
  5326. orator BAoM o
  5327. oratory BAo0 i
  5328. orchestra BApW m
  5329. orchid BAp8 g
  5330. ordain BAqc 4
  5331. order BArU EI
  5332. ordinary BAvc m
  5333. organ BAwC i
  5334. organic BAwk j
  5335. organism BAxH o
  5336. organization BAxv BA
  5337. organize BAyv 0
  5338. orgy BAzj c
  5339. Oriental EkU j
  5340. origin BAz/ g
  5341. original BA0f Bu
  5342. originate BA2N BT
  5343. ornament BA3g CM
  5344. orphan BA5s +
  5345. orthodox BA6q BF
  5346. orthography BA7v BA
  5347. osmium BA8v b
  5348. ostrich BA9K g
  5349. other BA9q r
  5350. other than BA/t q
  5351. otherwise BA+V BY
  5352. ought to BBAX o
  5353. ounce BBA/ W
  5354. our BBBV u
  5355. ours BBCD o
  5356. out BBCr k
  5357. out of BBIr o
  5358. out of order BBJT p
  5359. outfit BBDP BE
  5360. outing BBET n
  5361. outline BBE6 Bd
  5362. outside BBGX /
  5363. outside of BBHW u
  5364. outskirts BBIE n
  5365. oval BBJ8 X
  5366. ovation BBKT h
  5367. oven BBK0 l
  5368. over BBLZ q
  5369. over there BBXs m
  5370. overall BBMD m
  5371. overalls BBMp j
  5372. overbearingness BBNM x
  5373. overcoat BBN9 Bh
  5374. overdrive BBPe o
  5375. overestimate BBQG x
  5376. overflow BBQ3 l
  5377. overhead BBRc d
  5378. overlay BBR5 t
  5379. overlook BBSm i
  5380. overpower BBTI o
  5381. override BBTw m
  5382. overshoe BBUW v
  5383. overthrow BBVF BM
  5384. overture BBWR y
  5385. overwhelm BBXD p
  5386. owe BBYS l
  5387. owing to BBY3 BL
  5388. owl BBaC T
  5389. own BBaV e
  5390. owner BBaz b
  5391. ox BBbO T
  5392. oxygen BBbh s
  5393. oyster BBcN d
  5394. ozone BBcq Y
  5395. pace BBdk y
  5396. pack BBeW BP
  5397. package BBfl p
  5398. packet BBgO u
  5399. pad BBg8 m
  5400. paddle BBhi b
  5401. page BBh9 w
  5402. paid up BBjO q
  5403. paidup BBit h
  5404. pail BBj4 W
  5405. pain BBkO d
  5406. paint BBkr h
  5407. paintbrush BBlM r
  5408. painter BBl3 k
  5409. painting BBmb n
  5410. pal BBnC g
  5411. palace BBni k
  5412. pale BBoG k
  5413. Palestine Ek3 m
  5414. palisade BBoq Ba
  5415. palladium BBqE m
  5416. palm BBqq l
  5417. palmtree BBrP h
  5418. pamper BBrw BI
  5419. pamphlet BBs4 t
  5420. panel BBtl Z
  5421. panic BBt+ Z
  5422. pansy BBuX m
  5423. panther BBu9 g
  5424. panties BBvd g
  5425. pantomime BBv9 m
  5426. pantry BBwj y
  5427. pants BBxV j
  5428. paper BByV 6
  5429. paperback BBzP m
  5430. paperbasket BBx4 d
  5431. paprika BBz1 g
  5432. parade BB0V Bk
  5433. paradise BB15 j
  5434. paradox BB2c k
  5435. paradoxical BB3A p
  5436. paraffin BB4F h
  5437. paraffinoil BB3p c
  5438. paragraph BB4m 4
  5439. parallel BB5e x
  5440. paralyse BB6P 8
  5441. paralysis BB7L w
  5442. parapet BB77 4
  5443. parasite BB8z Bb
  5444. parcel BB+O 5
  5445. parchment BB/H o
  5446. pardon BB/v BS
  5447. parenthesis BCBB 8
  5448. parents BCB9 h
  5449. Paris Eld Z
  5450. parish BCCe e
  5451. park BCC8 X
  5452. parliament BCDT p
  5453. parlour BCD8 k
  5454. parrot BCEg d
  5455. parsley BCE9 k
  5456. part BCFh BE
  5457. parterre BCGl k
  5458. Parthian El2 2
  5459. partial BCHJ i
  5460. partially BCHr k
  5461. participate BCIP BC
  5462. participle BCJR +
  5463. particular BCKP BZ
  5464. particularly BCLo BG
  5465. partition BCMu n
  5466. partly BCNV e
  5467. partridge BCNz k
  5468. parturition BCOX z
  5469. party BCPK BF
  5470. pass BCQP C4
  5471. pass away BCXG m
  5472. pass by BCXs BM
  5473. pass through BCY4 BH
  5474. passable BCTH i
  5475. passage BCTp 2
  5476. passenger BCUf x
  5477. passion BCVQ BK
  5478. passport BCWa s
  5479. past BCZ/ BF
  5480. paste BCbE l
  5481. pastel BCbp c
  5482. pastor BCcF BP
  5483. patch BCdU n
  5484. patch up BCd7 t
  5485. pate BCeo e
  5486. patent BCfG b
  5487. path BCfh u
  5488. patience BCgP g
  5489. patient BCgv q
  5490. patriarch BChZ w
  5491. patriot BCiJ g
  5492. patriotism BCip t
  5493. patrol BCjW h
  5494. patrolman BCj3 m
  5495. patron BCkd y
  5496. pattern BClP d
  5497. pause BCls k
  5498. pave BCmQ a
  5499. pavement BCmq BC
  5500. pavilion BCns j
  5501. paw BCoP r
  5502. pawn BCo6 Z
  5503. pay BCpT BL
  5504. pay attention BCrI BK
  5505. pay attention to BCsS BQ
  5506. pay off BCti e
  5507. pay out BCuA r
  5508. payment BCqe q
  5509. pea BCur V
  5510. peace BCvA Z
  5511. peaceful BCvZ 8
  5512. peach BCwV d
  5513. peacock BCwy c
  5514. peak BCxO 7
  5515. peal BCyJ 8
  5516. pear BCzd X
  5517. pearl BCz0 Z
  5518. peartree BCzF Y
  5519. peat BC0N W
  5520. peculiar BC0j BP
  5521. pedagogue BC1y k
  5522. pedal BC2W Z
  5523. peddle BC2v q
  5524. pedestal BC3Z s
  5525. pedestrian BC4F p
  5526. pedigree BC4u Ba
  5527. peel BC6I u
  5528. peep BC62 k
  5529. peer BC7a k
  5530. Peiping Ems d
  5531. Peking EnJ d
  5532. pelican BC7+ f
  5533. pelvis BC8d j
  5534. pencil BC9A l
  5535. penetrate BC9l z
  5536. peninsula BC+Y n
  5537. penny BC+/ Z
  5538. Pentecost Enm l
  5539. penthouse BC/Y h
  5540. people BC/5 n
  5541. pepper BDAg m
  5542. pepsin BDBG s
  5543. per BDBy 3
  5544. perceive BDCp Bx
  5545. percent BDEa k
  5546. percentage BDE+ r
  5547. perchance BDFp BK
  5548. perfect BDGz Bd
  5549. perfection BDIQ 4
  5550. perform BDJI DZ
  5551. perfume BDMh t
  5552. perhaps BDNO BE
  5553. peril BDOS a
  5554. perimeter BDOs m
  5555. period BDPS m
  5556. periodical BDP4 BH
  5557. periphery BDQ/ o
  5558. perish BDRn 6
  5559. periwinkle BDSh x
  5560. permanent BDTS BY
  5561. permission BDUq 8
  5562. permit BDVm q
  5563. perpendicular BDWQ BB
  5564. perplexed BDXR l
  5565. perplexity BDX2 BA
  5566. persecute BDY2 /
  5567. persecution BDZ1 7
  5568. perseverance BDaw 4
  5569. persevere BDbo BQ
  5570. Persia EoL f
  5571. Persian Eoq q
  5572. persist BDc4 B5
  5573. persistent BDex 7
  5574. person BDfs c
  5575. personal BDgI t
  5576. personality BDg1 2
  5577. personnel BDhr l
  5578. persons BDiQ d
  5579. perspective BDit +
  5580. perspiration BDjr u
  5581. persuade BDkZ x
  5582. Peru EpU Y
  5583. Peruvian Eps j
  5584. pessimism BDlK n
  5585. pessimist BDlx j
  5586. pestilence BDmU h
  5587. pestle BDm1 j
  5588. pet BDnY BA
  5589. petition BDoY l
  5590. petrol BDo9 c
  5591. petroleum BDpZ m
  5592. petticoat BDp/ q
  5593. petulant BDqp BW
  5594. pfennig BDr/ c
  5595. phantom BDsb 3
  5596. pharmacy BDtS m
  5597. phase BDt4 X
  5598. pheasant BDuP b
  5599. phenomenon BDuq 3
  5600. philately BDvh q
  5601. philosopher BDwL BD
  5602. philosophy BDxO q
  5603. phlegm BDx4 j
  5604. phoenix BDyb f
  5605. phonetics BDy6 u
  5606. phosphorus BDzo m
  5607. photograph BD0O v
  5608. photographer BD09 t
  5609. physician BD1q n
  5610. physics BD2R c
  5611. physiognomy BD2t t
  5612. piano BD3a c
  5613. pianoforte BD32 +
  5614. pick BD5P Bi
  5615. pick out BD7W /
  5616. pick up BD8V BA
  5617. pickaxe BD40 b
  5618. pickle BD6x l
  5619. picnic BD9V d
  5620. picture BD9y BO
  5621. picture writing BD/p z
  5622. picturesque BD/A p
  5623. pie BEAc e
  5624. piece BEA6 Bi
  5625. piece of furniture BECc 0
  5626. pig BEDQ W
  5627. pigeon BEDm j
  5628. pigeonhole BEEJ u
  5629. piglet BEE3 b
  5630. pigmy BEFS j
  5631. pike BEF1 W
  5632. pile BEGL m
  5633. pile up BEGx q
  5634. pilgrimage BEHb n
  5635. pill BEIC V
  5636. pillar BEIX s
  5637. pillow BEJD m
  5638. pilot BEJp y
  5639. pimple BEKb h
  5640. pin BEK8 g
  5641. pincers BELc i
  5642. pinch BEL+ k
  5643. pine BENA f
  5644. pineapple BENf g
  5645. pinetree BEMi e
  5646. pink BEN/ X
  5647. pioneer BEOW u
  5648. pious BEPE q
  5649. pip BEPu T
  5650. pipe BEQB v
  5651. pirate BEQw a
  5652. pistol BERK b
  5653. piston BERl c
  5654. pit BESB m
  5655. pitch BESn X
  5656. pitcher BES+ j
  5657. pitiful BETh j
  5658. pity BEUE 8
  5659. pivot BEVA d
  5660. placard BEVd 7
  5661. place BEWY Cq
  5662. place of refuge BEZC BN
  5663. place of worship BEaP w
  5664. plague BEa/ Y
  5665. plaice BEbX k
  5666. plain BEb7 /
  5667. plaintain BEc6 j
  5668. plait BEdd v
  5669. plan BEeM CX
  5670. plane BEg7 B9
  5671. planet BEi4 c
  5672. planetree BEgj Y
  5673. plank BEjU h
  5674. plant BEj1 Bw
  5675. planting BEll BQ
  5676. plash BEm1 q
  5677. plaster BEnf 2
  5678. plastic BEoV h
  5679. plate BEo2 z
  5680. platform BEpp Bc
  5681. platinum BErF h
  5682. platter BErm p
  5683. plausible BEsP w
  5684. play BEtU q
  5685. playful BEt+ r
  5686. playoff BEs/ V
  5687. plaza BEup c
  5688. plea BEvF u
  5689. plead BEvz e
  5690. pleasant BEwR 8
  5691. pleasantness BExN t
  5692. please BEx6 BE
  5693. pleased BEy+ g
  5694. pleasure BEze BB
  5695. pledge BE0f g
  5696. plentiful BE0/ w
  5697. plenty of BE1v o
  5698. plot BE2X 8
  5699. plough BE3T i
  5700. pluck BE31 /
  5701. plug BE40 y
  5702. plug up BE5m BA
  5703. plum BE6m j
  5704. plume BE7J Z
  5705. plunder BE7i 0
  5706. pocket BE8W b
  5707. podium BE8x d
  5708. poem BE9O f
  5709. poet BE9t f
  5710. poetry BE+M 0
  5711. point BE/A BL
  5712. point out BFAo CA
  5713. pointed BFAL d
  5714. poison BFCo k
  5715. poisonous BFDM j
  5716. Poland EqP c
  5717. pole BFDv 9
  5718. Pole Eqr V
  5719. police BFFZ e
  5720. policeman BFF3 BS
  5721. policestation BFEs t
  5722. policy BFHJ 9
  5723. polish BFIG w
  5724. Polish ErA e
  5725. Polish provincial governor Ere BC
  5726. polite BFI2 t
  5727. political BFJj k
  5728. politics BFKH h
  5729. polka BFKo a
  5730. polyp BFLC Z
  5731. pomegranate BFLb 1
  5732. pomp BFMQ h
  5733. pond BFMx o
  5734. pony BFNZ g
  5735. poop BFN5 X
  5736. poopdeck BFOQ d
  5737. poor BFOt 4
  5738. pope BFPl W
  5739. poplar BFP7 d
  5740. poppy BFQY Z
  5741. popular BFQx x
  5742. population BFRi t
  5743. porch BFSP 1
  5744. porcupine BFTE s
  5745. pork BFTw i
  5746. port BFUS Y
  5747. port side BFYX k
  5748. portal BFUq i
  5749. portent BFVM BI
  5750. porter BFWU BR
  5751. portrait BFXl y
  5752. Portugal Esg k
  5753. Portuguese EtE Bh
  5754. Portuguese language Eul Ba
  5755. pose BFY7 BX
  5756. poseur BFaS c
  5757. positive BFau h
  5758. possess BFbP e
  5759. possession BFbt BQ
  5760. possible BFc9 r
  5761. possibly BFdo BI
  5762. post BFew Bq
  5763. post office BFmQ l
  5764. postage BFga p
  5765. postage stamp BFhD v
  5766. postcard BFhy l
  5767. poster BFiX 4
  5768. postman BFjP l
  5769. postpone BFj0 BM
  5770. postulate BFlA BQ
  5771. pot BFm1 o
  5772. potassium BFnd j
  5773. potato BFoA r
  5774. potter BFor d
  5775. pottery BFpI r
  5776. poultry BFpz i
  5777. pound BFqV BK
  5778. pound sterling BFrf 0
  5779. pour BFsT w
  5780. pour in BFtD j
  5781. pour out BFtm v
  5782. poverty BFuV f
  5783. powder BFu0 1
  5784. power BFvp p
  5785. powerful BFwS 5
  5786. practicable BFxL n
  5787. practical BFxy 0
  5788. practice BFym Bf
  5789. practice of medicine BF0F 0
  5790. practise BF05 0
  5791. practised BF1t h
  5792. Prague Ev/ a
  5793. praise BF2O Ba
  5794. pray BF3o W
  5795. prayer BF3+ b
  5796. preach BF4Z f
  5797. precious BF44 f
  5798. precipice BF5X o
  5799. precise BF5/ BX
  5800. precision BF7W l
  5801. precursor BF77 1
  5802. predominant BF8w 8
  5803. prefer BF9s /
  5804. preferably BF+r 6
  5805. prefix BF/l f
  5806. pregnant BGAE 5
  5807. prehistory BGA9 s
  5808. prejudice BGBp l
  5809. prelude BGCO j
  5810. premium BGCx 3
  5811. preparation BGDo BS
  5812. prepare BGE6 5
  5813. prepay BGFz f
  5814. preposition BGGS BA
  5815. presage BGHS BI
  5816. prescription BGIa o
  5817. present BGJx Fq
  5818. present with BGSi Bj
  5819. presentation BGPb Cf
  5820. presentday BGJC v
  5821. presentiment BGR6 o
  5822. preserve BGUF Bs
  5823. preside BGVx /
  5824. press BGWw Ba
  5825. pressure BGYK BI
  5826. prestige BGZS k
  5827. presume BGZ2 Bb
  5828. presumption BGbR z
  5829. pretence BGcE g
  5830. pretend BGck BY
  5831. pretext BGd8 3
  5832. pretty BGez d
  5833. prevent BGfQ BW
  5834. previous BGgm g
  5835. previous to BGh1 r
  5836. previously BGhG v
  5837. prey BGig d
  5838. price BGi9 Y
  5839. pricey BGjV c
  5840. prick BGjx c
  5841. pride BGkN r
  5842. priest BGk4 7
  5843. primeval forest BGlz x
  5844. primitive BGmk i
  5845. primrose BGnG w
  5846. prince BGn2 h
  5847. princess BGoX s
  5848. principal BGpD BQ
  5849. principality BGqT v
  5850. principally BGrC Bj
  5851. principle BGsl t
  5852. print BGtS BG
  5853. printed matter BGuY s
  5854. prior BGvE a
  5855. prism BGve b
  5856. prison BGv5 /
  5857. prisoner BGw4 u
  5858. private BGxm e
  5859. privilege BGyE BY
  5860. prize BGzc h
  5861. probable BG0r o
  5862. probably BG1T 3
  5863. problem BG2K g
  5864. proboscis BG2q j
  5865. procedure BG3N p
  5866. proceed BG32 6
  5867. proceed with BG4w 5
  5868. process BG5p g
  5869. procession BG6J o
  5870. proclaim BG6x w
  5871. proclamation BG7h BC
  5872. procure BG8j BH
  5873. produce BG9q +
  5874. product BG+o u
  5875. production BG/W 1
  5876. proEnglish BGz9 u
  5877. profane BHAL 7
  5878. profess BHBG 4
  5879. profession BHB+ 4
  5880. professional BHC2 Bg
  5881. professor BHEW l
  5882. profile BHE7 e
  5883. profit BHFZ CO
  5884. profound BHHn e
  5885. profuse BHIF j
  5886. prognosis BHIo l
  5887. programme BHJN j
  5888. progress BHJw BV
  5889. prohibit BHLF v
  5890. project BHL0 9
  5891. prologue BHMx f
  5892. promenade BHNQ k
  5893. promise BHN0 Bh
  5894. promote BHPV j
  5895. promotion BHP4 n
  5896. prompt BHQf x
  5897. prompter BHRQ k
  5898. pronounce BHR0 v
  5899. pronunciation BHSj x
  5900. proof BHTU q
  5901. prop BHT+ Z
  5902. propaganda BHUX r
  5903. propeller BHVC 0
  5904. proper BHV2 7
  5905. properly BHWx j
  5906. property BHXU C0
  5907. prophesy BHaI w
  5908. prophet BHa4 f
  5909. proportion BHbX BE
  5910. proportional BHcb BE
  5911. prose BHdf Y
  5912. prosecute BHd3 +
  5913. proselyte BHe1 l
  5914. prospectus BHfa n
  5915. prosper BHgB BM
  5916. prostitute BHhN 0
  5917. protect BHiB CJ
  5918. protection BHkK BI
  5919. protest BHlS Ba
  5920. protocol BHms l
  5921. prototype BHnR 1
  5922. proud BHoG x
  5923. prove BHo3 z
  5924. proverb BHpq BB
  5925. provide BHqr BD
  5926. provided that BHru BC
  5927. province BHsw u
  5928. provincial BHte 4
  5929. provisional BHuW 4
  5930. provoke BHvO +
  5931. provost BHwM 0
  5932. prow BHxA U
  5933. prudence BHxU g
  5934. prudent BHx0 BA
  5935. prudish BHy0 r
  5936. Prussia EwZ g
  5937. Prussian Ew5 t
  5938. psalm BHzf Z
  5939. pseudonym BHz4 m
  5940. psychiatry BH0e q
  5941. psychic BH1I f
  5942. psychology BH1n t
  5943. public BH2U r
  5944. public prosecutor BH3n 8
  5945. public square BH4j q
  5946. public tender BH5N BH
  5947. publicity BH2/ o
  5948. publish BH6U BA
  5949. publisher BH7U t
  5950. publishing house BH8B u
  5951. pudding BH8v d
  5952. puff BH9M d
  5953. puff out BH9p g
  5954. pug BH+b U
  5955. pugdog BH+J S
  5956. pull BH+v BF
  5957. pull out BIAi x
  5958. pull to pieces BIBT 6
  5959. pull up BICN g
  5960. pullover sweater BH/0 u
  5961. pulpit BICt m
  5962. pulse BIDT X
  5963. pulverize BIDq j
  5964. pump BIEN f
  5965. pumpkin BIEs f
  5966. punch BIFL b
  5967. punctual BIFm s
  5968. punctuate BIGS p
  5969. punctuation BIG7 y
  5970. punish BIHt 8
  5971. punishment BIIp +
  5972. punk BIJn Z
  5973. pupil BIKA d
  5974. puppet BIKd m
  5975. purchase BILD Bu
  5976. pure BIMx X
  5977. purgatory BINI o
  5978. puritan BINw k
  5979. purity BIOU BD
  5980. purple BIPX w
  5981. purpose BIQH i
  5982. purse BIQp a
  5983. purser BIRD j
  5984. pursue BIRm 3
  5985. pursuit BISd v
  5986. pus BITM V
  5987. push BITh BB
  5988. push along BIUi m
  5989. push down BIVI j
  5990. push off BIVr h
  5991. put BIWM u
  5992. put away BIYW Bj
  5993. put down BIZ5 3
  5994. put in BIaw y
  5995. put off BIbi i
  5996. put on BIcE w
  5997. put on airs BIdg BD
  5998. put on stamps BIej u
  5999. put on the stage BIfR Bs
  6000. put onto BIc0 s
  6001. put out BIg9 r
  6002. put out to tender BIho BN
  6003. put to shame BIi1 1
  6004. put up BIjq BB
  6005. put up with BIkr Bz
  6006. putrefy BIW6 BB
  6007. putty BIX7 b
  6008. puzzle BIme CO
  6009. puzzle over BIos n
  6010. pyjamas BIpT p
  6011. pyramid BIp8 g
  6012. Pyrenees Exm k
  6013. quack BIqc p
  6014. quail BIrF a
  6015. quaint BIrf x
  6016. Quaker EyK e
  6017. qualify BIsQ m
  6018. quality BIs2 BM
  6019. quantity BIuC 2
  6020. quarrel BIu4 Bz
  6021. quarter BIwr 5
  6022. quarter of an hour BIxk BG
  6023. quash BIyq 1
  6024. quay BIzf i
  6025. queen BI0B c
  6026. quell BI0d y
  6027. quest BI1P t
  6028. question BI18 g
  6029. <question particle> BiSn a
  6030. <question particle> BiSn Z
  6031. quibble BI2c +
  6032. quick BI3a z
  6033. quickly BI4N x
  6034. quicksilver BI4+ q
  6035. quiet BI5o 9
  6036. quilt BI6l a
  6037. quince BI6/ a
  6038. quinine BI7Z e
  6039. quinsy BI73 m
  6040. quit BI8d BM
  6041. quite BI9p BX
  6042. quiver BI/A s
  6043. quotation BI/s j
  6044. quotation mark BJAP BM
  6045. quote BJBb Be
  6046. rabbi BJC5 c
  6047. rabbit BJDV e
  6048. rabble BJDz c
  6049. rabies BJEP e
  6050. race BJEt Be
  6051. rack BJGL m
  6052. rack one's brains BJGx x
  6053. radiate BJHi t
  6054. radical BJIP p
  6055. radio BJI4 c
  6056. radish BJJU g
  6057. radium BJJ0 d
  6058. raffle BJKR s
  6059. raft BJK9 Z
  6060. rag BJLW l
  6061. rail BJL7 Y
  6062. railing BJMT 2
  6063. railroad BJNJ o
  6064. railway BJNx m
  6065. railway carriage BJOX BH
  6066. railway platform BJPe BA
  6067. rain BJQe e
  6068. rainbow BJQ8 h
  6069. raise BJRd By
  6070. rake BJTP e
  6071. ram BJTt W
  6072. Ramadan Eyo l
  6073. rampart BJUD e
  6074. ranch BJUh 5
  6075. rancid BJVa c
  6076. rand BJV2 W
  6077. random BJWM g
  6078. rank BJWs BZ
  6079. rapid BJYF 1
  6080. rapier BJY6 c
  6081. rapsody BJZW k
  6082. rare BJZ6 Z
  6083. rasp BJaT b
  6084. raspberry BJau n
  6085. rat BJbV V
  6086. rate BJbq CY
  6087. rather BJeC DU
  6088. rational BJhW +
  6089. Ratisbon EzN l
  6090. rattle BJiU v
  6091. raven BJjD X
  6092. ravine BJja f
  6093. raw BJj5 f
  6094. ray BJkY f
  6095. re BJk3 6
  6096. reach BJlx 7
  6097. reaction BJms j
  6098. reactionary BJnP t
  6099. read BJn8 d
  6100. ready BJoZ s
  6101. real BJpF Bj
  6102. realist BJqo f
  6103. reality BJrH i
  6104. realization BJrp BE
  6105. realize BJst Bj
  6106. really BJuQ BP
  6107. realm BJvf e
  6108. rear BJv9 n
  6109. rearguard BJwk j
  6110. reason BJxH CA
  6111. reasonable BJzH BO
  6112. rebate BJ0V Bn
  6113. rebel BJ18 Bf
  6114. rebellion BJ3b 1
  6115. rebellious BJ4Q 6
  6116. rebound BJ5K g
  6117. rebuke BJ5q BL
  6118. recall BJ61 Bw
  6119. receipt BJ8l BT
  6120. receive BJ94 BV
  6121. recent BJ/N t
  6122. recess BJ/6 i
  6123. recipe BKAc e
  6124. recipient BKA6 m
  6125. reciprocal BKBg BF
  6126. reciprocally BKCl BF
  6127. recite BKDq BC
  6128. recline BKEs r
  6129. recognizable BKFX s
  6130. recognize BKGD BS
  6131. recollect BKHV Bq
  6132. recollection BKI/ BD
  6133. recommend BKKC k
  6134. recommendable BKKm y
  6135. recommendation BKLY x
  6136. record BKMJ Bt
  6137. records BKN2 f
  6138. recover BKOV o
  6139. recovery BKO9 h
  6140. recreation BKPe BH
  6141. recruit BKQl w
  6142. rector BKRV c
  6143. red BKRx c
  6144. red currant BKTM s
  6145. redeem BKSN e
  6146. reduce BKSr h
  6147. reed BKT4 k
  6148. reef BKUc e
  6149. reek BKU6 h
  6150. refashioning BKVb 6
  6151. reference BKWV i
  6152. refine BKW3 s
  6153. refined BKXj z
  6154. reflect BKYW y
  6155. reflect on BKZI BB
  6156. reform BKaJ d
  6157. Reformation Ezy s
  6158. refractory BKam s
  6159. refresh BKbS s
  6160. refuge BKb+ n
  6161. refusal BKcl w
  6162. refuse BKdV Bi
  6163. refute BKe3 u
  6164. regal BKfl g
  6165. regard BKgF Df
  6166. regeneration BKjk BK
  6167. regiment BKku k
  6168. region BKlS 4
  6169. register BKmK z
  6170. registered BKm9 BM
  6171. registered letter BKoJ BN
  6172. regret BKpW f
  6173. regrettable BKp1 4
  6174. regrettably BKqt 0
  6175. regularly BKrh q
  6176. regulate BKsL l
  6177. regulation BKsw l
  6178. regulations BKtV z
  6179. reign BKuI l
  6180. reject BKut Bi
  6181. rejoice BKwP w
  6182. relate BKw/ 5
  6183. related BKx4 s
  6184. relation BKyk Bi
  6185. relations BK0G r
  6186. relationship BK0x x
  6187. relative BK1i j
  6188. relatively BK2F n
  6189. relatives BK2s p
  6190. release BK3V CL
  6191. reliable BK5g 2
  6192. religion BK6W r
  6193. religious BK7B l
  6194. relinquish BK7m 6
  6195. relinquishment BK8g BC
  6196. relish BK9i n
  6197. remain BK+J 7
  6198. remainder BK/E Bc
  6199. remaining BLAg h
  6200. remark BLBB n
  6201. remedy BLBo BC
  6202. remember BLCq Bp
  6203. remind BLET e
  6204. remit BLEx BK
  6205. remote BLF7 BJ
  6206. remotely BLHE i
  6207. removal BLHm f
  6208. remove BLIF BR
  6209. remove the cloth BLJW x
  6210. rendezvous BLKH n
  6211. renegate BLKu g
  6212. renew BLLO d
  6213. renounce BLLr s
  6214. renown BLMX Bk
  6215. rent out BLN7 h
  6216. renunciation BLOc /
  6217. repair BLPb h
  6218. repay BLP8 c
  6219. repeat BLQY s
  6220. repent BLRE l
  6221. repentance BLRp i
  6222. repertoire BLSL o
  6223. repetition BLSz 2
  6224. replete BLTp c
  6225. reply BLUF BI
  6226. report BLVN EA
  6227. repose BLZN v
  6228. represent BLZ8 BL
  6229. representation BLbH 9
  6230. representative BLcE Ba
  6231. reproach BLde Bn
  6232. reproof BLfF d
  6233. reprove BLfi BM
  6234. republic BLgu t
  6235. republican BLhb 6
  6236. reputation BLiV 4
  6237. repute BLjN q
  6238. request BLj3 BK
  6239. require BLlB Bv
  6240. requisition BLmw r
  6241. rescue BLnb x
  6242. research BLoM Bm
  6243. resemblance BLpy r
  6244. resemble BLqd p
  6245. reserve BLrG BM
  6246. reservoir BLsS y
  6247. residence BLtE /
  6248. resign BLuD 9
  6249. resignation BLvA p
  6250. resin BLvp X
  6251. resistance BLwA y
  6252. resolution BLwy r
  6253. resonance BLxd l
  6254. resources BLyC i
  6255. respect BLyk Bb
  6256. respectable BLz/ 5
  6257. respiration BL04 v
  6258. resplendant BL1n n
  6259. respond BL2O BD
  6260. responsible BL3R u
  6261. rest BL3/ Bt
  6262. rest of BL+H d
  6263. restaurant BL5s 0
  6264. restrain BL6g B9
  6265. restraints BL8d r
  6266. restrict BL9I /
  6267. result BL+k CQ
  6268. resumé BMA0 W
  6269. retain BMBK i
  6270. retired person BMBs u
  6271. return BMCa B2
  6272. reveal BMEQ x
  6273. revenge BMFB d
  6274. revenue agent BMFe x
  6275. reverie BMGP j
  6276. reverse BMGy p
  6277. reversed BMHb r
  6278. review BMIG u
  6279. revise BMI0 f
  6280. revolt BMJT BZ
  6281. revolution BMKs r
  6282. revolver BMLX j
  6283. revue BML6 n
  6284. reward BMMh BD
  6285. rezignation BMNk q
  6286. régime BNkK a
  6287. rhetoric BMOO h
  6288. rheumatism BMOv s
  6289. Rhine E0e X
  6290. rhino BMPb b
  6291. rhinoceros BMP2 n
  6292. rhododendron BMQd 3
  6293. rhombus BMRU f
  6294. rhyme BMRz e
  6295. rhythm BMSR e
  6296. rhythmic BMSv i
  6297. ribbon BMTR Z
  6298. rice BMTq V
  6299. rich BMT/ u
  6300. rich man BMUt h
  6301. rickety BMVO BG
  6302. riddle BMWU a
  6303. ride BMWu f
  6304. ridicule BMXN 1
  6305. ridiculous BMYC p
  6306. riffraff BMYr Y
  6307. rifle BMZD b
  6308. rig BMZe k
  6309. right BMbA B1
  6310. right away BMe5 BQ
  6311. right now BMgJ BL
  6312. rightangle BMaC e
  6313. righteous BMc1 q
  6314. righteousness BMdf 4
  6315. righthand BMeX i
  6316. righthand side BMag g
  6317. rigid BMhU q
  6318. rigour BMh+ c
  6319. rigourous BMia i
  6320. rim BMi8 t
  6321. ring BMjp Bi
  6322. ring the bell BMlL +
  6323. rinse BMmJ i
  6324. riot BMmr /
  6325. riotous BMnq t
  6326. rip BMoX +
  6327. ripe BMpV V
  6328. rise BMpq Bt
  6329. risk BMrX x
  6330. risky BMsI f
  6331. rite BMsn W
  6332. ritual BMs9 f
  6333. rival BMtc BB
  6334. rivalry BMud k
  6335. river BMvB Z
  6336. rôle BNkk P
  6337. road BMva t
  6338. roam BMwH Bb
  6339. roar BMxi r
  6340. roast BMyN q
  6341. rob BMy3 1
  6342. robber BMzs t
  6343. robe BM0Z c
  6344. robes of office BM01 q
  6345. robust BM1f BD
  6346. rock BM26 BJ
  6347. rockcrystal BM2i Y
  6348. rocket BM4D b
  6349. rod BM4e q
  6350. roe BM5I Z
  6351. rogue BM5h Bq
  6352. role BM7L W
  6353. roll BM7h BS
  6354. roll up BM++ m
  6355. roller BM9Y l
  6356. rollerblind BM8z l
  6357. rolling in money BM99 BB
  6358. Roman E01 d
  6359. romance BM/k f
  6360. Romania E1S j
  6361. Romanian E11 v
  6362. romantic BNAD l
  6363. romanticism BNAo r
  6364. Rome E2k U
  6365. roof BNBT W
  6366. room BNBp 1
  6367. rooster BNCe d
  6368. root BNC7 Y
  6369. rope BNDT 0
  6370. rosary BNEH j
  6371. rose BNEq V
  6372. rostrum BNE/ h
  6373. rot BNFg 2
  6374. rotation BNGW k
  6375. rotten BNG6 g
  6376. Rotterdam E24 l
  6377. rouble BNHa a
  6378. rough BNH0 8
  6379. rough draft BNIw o
  6380. round BNJY p
  6381. roundabout BNKB BO
  6382. rouse BNLP CR
  6383. route BNNg v
  6384. routine BNOP g
  6385. row BNOv 2
  6386. rowan BNPl d
  6387. rowan berry BNQC 6
  6388. royal BNQ8 f
  6389. royalty BNRb o
  6390. rub BNSD s
  6391. rubber BNSv 0
  6392. rubbish BNTj 9
  6393. rubble BNUg h
  6394. rubidium BNVB k
  6395. ruble BNVl Z
  6396. ruby BNV+ a
  6397. rudder BNWY s
  6398. rude BNXE w
  6399. rudiments BNX0 m
  6400. Ruhr E3d W
  6401. ruin BNYa BD
  6402. rule BNZd BO
  6403. ruler BNar s
  6404. rules BNbX l
  6405. rum BNb8 T
  6406. Rumanian E3z n
  6407. rumor BNcP p
  6408. rumour BNc4 q
  6409. rump BNdi n
  6410. run BNeJ +
  6411. run across BNfn l
  6412. run down BNgM u
  6413. run up BNg6 c
  6414. rung BNfH g
  6415. ruse BNhW e
  6416. rush BNh0 f
  6417. Russia E4a e
  6418. Russian E44 BE
  6419. Russian language E58 BH
  6420. rustle BNiT c
  6421. rusty BNiv c
  6422. ruthenium BNjL p
  6423. rye BNj0 W
  6424. Sabbath E7D e
  6425. sack BNkz BM
  6426. sacrament BNl/ n
  6427. sacred BNmm c
  6428. sacrilege BNnC o
  6429. sad BNnq r
  6430. saddle BNoV a
  6431. sadness BNov i
  6432. safety BNqT t
  6433. safety pin BNrA u
  6434. safetybelt BNpR h
  6435. safetypin BNpy h
  6436. sagacious BNru Bb
  6437. sage BNtJ w
  6438. Sagittarius E7h t
  6439. sail BNt5 W
  6440. sailor BNuP d
  6441. Saint Gotthard pass E8O BA
  6442. Saint Nicholas E9O BB
  6443. salad BNus a
  6444. salamander BNvG y
  6445. salary BNv4 t
  6446. sale BNwl 6
  6447. sales activity BNy9 s
  6448. salesman BNxf y
  6449. saleswoman BNyR s
  6450. saliva BNzp g
  6451. sallow BN0J o
  6452. salmon BN0x h
  6453. salon BN1S g
  6454. salt BN1y g
  6455. salt water BN24 t
  6456. salty BN2S m
  6457. salute BN3l 6
  6458. salvage BN4f d
  6459. salvation BN48 i
  6460. same BN5e BD
  6461. samovar BN6h j
  6462. sample BN7E 7
  6463. sanctify BN7/ s
  6464. sanction BN8r z
  6465. sanctuary BN9e r
  6466. sanctum BN+J j
  6467. sand BN++ e
  6468. sand BN+s S
  6469. sandal BN/c c
  6470. sandwich BN/4 j
  6471. Sanskrit E+P i
  6472. sap BOAb U
  6473. sarcasm BOAv l
  6474. sarcastic BOBU p
  6475. sardine BOB9 r
  6476. Sassenach E+x m
  6477. Satan E/X i
  6478. satellite BOCo j
  6479. satisfied BODL r
  6480. satisfy BOD2 2
  6481. saturate BOEs m
  6482. Saturday E/5 t
  6483. sauce BOFS v
  6484. saucepan BOGB BE
  6485. saucer BOHF i
  6486. sausage BOHn d
  6487. savage BOIE b
  6488. save BOIf BR
  6489. saw BOJw e
  6490. Saxe FAm Z
  6491. Saxon FA/ m
  6492. Saxony FBl h
  6493. say BOKO 4
  6494. say yes BOLG n
  6495. scabbard BOLt g
  6496. scaffold BOMN v
  6497. scald BOM8 d
  6498. scale BONZ 9
  6499. scales BOOW a
  6500. scandal BOOw p
  6501. Scandinavian FCG 9
  6502. scandium BOPZ j
  6503. scar BOP8 Z
  6504. scarcely BOQV i
  6505. scare BOQ3 l
  6506. scatter BORc +
  6507. scene BOSa n
  6508. scenery BOTB l
  6509. scent BOTm Y
  6510. sceptre BOT+ n
  6511. scheme BOUl z
  6512. schism BOVY d
  6513. scholar BOV1 g
  6514. school BOWV k
  6515. school desk BOW5 j
  6516. science BOXc g
  6517. scientific BOX8 u
  6518. scissors BOYq d
  6519. scold BOZH Bm
  6520. scorpion BOat k
  6521. Scot FDD Z
  6522. Scotland FDc l
  6523. Scotsman FEB i
  6524. Scottish FEj j
  6525. scoundrel BObR BH
  6526. scrap BOcY p
  6527. scrape BOdB 5
  6528. scratch BOd6 BN
  6529. scream BOfH m
  6530. screen BOft g
  6531. screw BOgN n
  6532. screw up BOg0 i
  6533. script BOhW g
  6534. scrupulous BOh2 q
  6535. scuffle BOig l
  6536. sculpture BOjF BJ
  6537. scythe BOkO g
  6538. sea BOlf Z
  6539. seabottom BOku c
  6540. seadog BOlK V
  6541. seagull BOl4 d
  6542. seal BOmV u
  6543. search BOnD x
  6544. seasickness BOn0 r
  6545. seaside BOof e
  6546. season BOo9 n
  6547. seaweed BOpk d
  6548. seclude BOqB BG
  6549. second BOrH c
  6550. secret BOrj BP
  6551. secret code BOtY u
  6552. secretary BOsy m
  6553. sect BOuG W
  6554. section BOuc w
  6555. sector BOvM c
  6556. secure BOvo 3
  6557. security BOwf 1
  6558. seduce BOxU s
  6559. see BOyA Br
  6560. see again BO3Z n
  6561. seed BOzr W
  6562. seek BO0B 0
  6563. seem BO01 a
  6564. seemingly BO1P BH
  6565. seemly BO2W BD
  6566. seize BO4A 9
  6567. seized with emotion BO49 /
  6568. seizure BO58 s
  6569. seldom BO6o b
  6570. selenium BO7D h
  6571. self BO9P f
  6572. selfassurance BO7k n
  6573. selfheal BO8L k
  6574. selfinterest BO9u 3
  6575. selfishness BO+l 0
  6576. selfless BO/Z /
  6577. selftaught man BO8v g
  6578. sell BPAY m
  6579. sell doortodoor BPA+ x
  6580. Semite FFG c
  6581. Semitic FFi g
  6582. send BPBv s
  6583. send for BPC5 4
  6584. send off BPDx BR
  6585. sender BPCb e
  6586. sensation BPFC 4
  6587. sensational BPF6 s
  6588. sense BPGm BX
  6589. sensible BPH9 BB
  6590. sensitive BPI+ BK
  6591. sentence BPKI Bb
  6592. sentry BPLj c
  6593. separate BPL/ Di
  6594. separately BPPh 0
  6595. separation BPQV p
  6596. sepia BPQ+ o
  6597. September FGC l
  6598. Serb FGn g
  6599. serenade BPRm t
  6600. serene BPST o
  6601. serfdom BPS7 8
  6602. sergeant BPT3 l
  6603. serial BPUc i
  6604. series BPU+ p
  6605. serious BPVn B3
  6606. sermon BPXe f
  6607. serpent BPX9 i
  6608. servant BPYf BE
  6609. serve BPZj BB
  6610. service BPak /
  6611. servitude BPbj BB
  6612. set BPck BN
  6613. set a trap BPes z
  6614. set a trap for BPff 7
  6615. set straight BPga q
  6616. settlement BPdx 7
  6617. seven BPhE Y
  6618. seventeen BPhc j
  6619. seventy BPh/ f
  6620. several BPie j
  6621. several times BPjB q
  6622. severe BPjr c
  6623. severity BPkH i
  6624. sew BPkp l
  6625. sew on BPlo c
  6626. sew together BPmE o
  6627. sewer BPlO a
  6628. sex BPms f
  6629. sexual BPnL 6
  6630. sexual love BPoF l
  6631. sexual pleasure BPoq 9
  6632. shack BPpn v
  6633. shade BPqW BO
  6634. shadow BPrk e
  6635. shaft BPsC k
  6636. shaggy BPsm 7
  6637. shah BPth Y
  6638. shake BPt5 B5
  6639. shallop BPvy h
  6640. shallow BPwT c
  6641. shame BPwv X
  6642. shanty BPxG s
  6643. shape BPxy 7
  6644. share BPyt DC
  6645. shareholder BP1v 6
  6646. shark BP2p i
  6647. sharp BP3L s
  6648. sharpen BP33 r
  6649. shatter BP4i w
  6650. shave BP5S m
  6651. shawl BP54 p
  6652. she BP7u k
  6653. sheaf BP8S 8
  6654. shear BP9O +
  6655. shebear BP6h V
  6656. shed BP+M Bi
  6657. shed tears BP/u j
  6658. sheen BQAR Z
  6659. sheep BQAq h
  6660. sheet BQBL 8
  6661. sheet metal BQCH j
  6662. shegoat BP62 i
  6663. shelf BQCq 1
  6664. shell BQDf 3
  6665. shelter BQEW Bm
  6666. shepherd BQF8 q
  6667. shewolf BP7Y W
  6668. shield BQGm d
  6669. shilling BQHD h
  6670. shinbone BQHk a
  6671. shine BQH+ BN
  6672. shingle BQJL t
  6673. ship BQJ4 BS
  6674. ship FhQ c
  6675. ship's boat BQLK m
  6676. shirt BQLw Z
  6677. shiver BQMJ s
  6678. shock BQM1 Bb
  6679. shoe BQOx X
  6680. shoelace BQOQ h
  6681. shoemaker BQPI z
  6682. shoo BQP7 /
  6683. shoot BQQ6 l
  6684. shoot dead BQRf 0
  6685. shop BQST BA
  6686. shore BQTT b
  6687. short BQUN f
  6688. short story BQYt s
  6689. shortage BQUs x
  6690. shortcoming BQVd 3
  6691. shorten BQWU t
  6692. shorthand BQXB 3
  6693. shortness of breath BQX4 1
  6694. shortsighted BQTu f
  6695. should BQZZ i
  6696. shoulder BQZ7 q
  6697. shoulderblade BQal +
  6698. shout BQbj b
  6699. shove BQb+ b
  6700. shovel BQcZ 0
  6701. show BQdN CQ
  6702. shower BQfd u
  6703. shrapnel BQgL u
  6704. shrew BQg5 h
  6705. shrewd BQha h
  6706. shrub BQh7 1
  6707. shuffle BQiw l
  6708. shut BQjV BG
  6709. shut off BQkb i
  6710. Siberia FHH j
  6711. siblings BQk9 k
  6712. Sicily FHq g
  6713. sick BQlh V
  6714. side BQmU w
  6715. sideboard BQnE j
  6716. sideissue BQnn p
  6717. sideshow BQoQ j
  6718. sidewalk BQoz 5
  6719. sidewhiskers BQl2 e
  6720. siege BQps f
  6721. sight BQqL BE
  6722. sightless person BQrP v
  6723. sightseeing trip BQr+ 6
  6724. sign BQtQ Cu
  6725. signal BQv+ Bq
  6726. signature BQxo q
  6727. signboard BQs4 Y
  6728. signify BQyS s
  6729. signpost BQy+ j
  6730. silence BQzh p
  6731. silent BQ0K v
  6732. silhouette BQ05 z
  6733. silicon BQ1s q
  6734. silk BQ2o e
  6735. silk BQ2W S
  6736. silken BQ3G c
  6737. silkworm BQ3i 3
  6738. sill BQ4Z Y
  6739. silver BQ4x c
  6740. similar BQ5N g
  6741. similarity BQ5t s
  6742. simple BQ6Z n
  6743. simplify BQ7A m
  6744. simultaneous BQ7m t
  6745. sin BQ8T 0
  6746. since BQ9H m
  6747. sincere BQ9t i
  6748. sincerity BQ+P r
  6749. sinew BQ+6 j
  6750. sing BQ/d X
  6751. singer BQ/0 0
  6752. singing BRBE d
  6753. singingbird BRAo c
  6754. single BRBh k
  6755. sink BRCF z
  6756. sip BRC4 +
  6757. siphon BRD2 c
  6758. sir BRES W
  6759. sirocco BREo h
  6760. sister BRFJ f
  6761. sit BRFo e
  6762. sit down BRHw w
  6763. sittingroom BRGG q
  6764. situation BRGw BA
  6765. six BRIg V
  6766. sixteen BRI1 h
  6767. sixty BRJW d
  6768. size BRJz BR
  6769. skate BRLE Z
  6770. skeleton BRLd BU
  6771. skeptic BRMx g
  6772. skeptical BRNR j
  6773. sketch BRN0 7
  6774. ski BROv V
  6775. skilful BRPE e
  6776. skilfulness BRPi 9
  6777. skill BRQf v
  6778. skilled BRRO b
  6779. skillful BRRp BU
  6780. skillfulness BRS9 +
  6781. skimpy BRT7 c
  6782. skin BRUX BF
  6783. skinflint BRVc j
  6784. skinny BRV/ b
  6785. skirt BRWa l
  6786. skull BRW/ b
  6787. sky BRXa X
  6788. sky blue BRXx t
  6789. slab BRYe X
  6790. slam BRY1 e
  6791. slander BRZT BZ
  6792. slanting BRas /
  6793. slap BRbr f
  6794. slat BRcK X
  6795. slate BRch g
  6796. slaughter BRdB y
  6797. Slav FIK X
  6798. slave BRdz h
  6799. Slavic FIh e
  6800. slay BReU h
  6801. sleep BRe1 k
  6802. sleepingaccomodation BRfZ o
  6803. sleepingcar BRgB e
  6804. sleepingplace BRgf h
  6805. sleeve BRhA b
  6806. slice BRhb v
  6807. slip BRiK t
  6808. slipper BRi3 g
  6809. slogan BRjX p
  6810. sloop BRkA d
  6811. slope BRkd q
  6812. sloping BRlH u
  6813. slot BRl1 W
  6814. slothful BRmL n
  6815. slug BRmy a
  6816. sluice BRnM d
  6817. slumber BRnp j
  6818. sly BRoM BT
  6819. smack BRpf c
  6820. small BRp7 i
  6821. small letter BRrK z
  6822. small room BRr9 t
  6823. smallpox BRqd t
  6824. smart BRsq BX
  6825. smash BRuB s
  6826. smear BRut d
  6827. smell BRvK 7
  6828. smile BRwF b
  6829. smith BRwg a
  6830. smock BRw6 Z
  6831. smoke BRxT h
  6832. smokers BRx0 l
  6833. smokestack BRyZ 7
  6834. smooth BRzU BE
  6835. snack BR0Y Y
  6836. snail BR0w o
  6837. snake BR1Y b
  6838. snare BR1z a
  6839. sneer BR2N b
  6840. sneeze BR2o j
  6841. snore BR3L f
  6842. snow BR3q h
  6843. snowball BR4L BA
  6844. snowflake BR5L n
  6845. so BR5y z
  6846. so ... as BSy2 2
  6847. so that BSzs j
  6848. so to speak BS0P u
  6849. soak BR6l 3
  6850. soap BR7c e
  6851. sober BR76 y
  6852. soccer ball BR8s p
  6853. social BR9V b
  6854. socialism BR9w q
  6855. socialist BR+a m
  6856. society BR/A BU
  6857. sociologist BSAU t
  6858. sociology BSBB t
  6859. sock BSBu j
  6860. socket BSCR s
  6861. sodium BSC9 e
  6862. sofa BSDb n
  6863. soft BSEC e
  6864. soften up BSEg z
  6865. softness BSFT j
  6866. soil BSF2 CI
  6867. soiled BSH+ d
  6868. solder BSIb p
  6869. soldier BSJE f
  6870. sole BSJj BM
  6871. solemn BSKv p
  6872. solicitor BSLY 6
  6873. solid BSMS j
  6874. solidarity BSM1 t
  6875. soliloquy BSNi m
  6876. solitary BSOI BC
  6877. soloist BSPK f
  6878. solution BSPp 8
  6879. solve BSQl Z
  6880. somber BSQ+ e
  6881. some BSRc Cz
  6882. some kind of BSfa BW
  6883. some one BSgw BN
  6884. somebody BSUP BQ
  6885. somehow BSVf v
  6886. someone BSWO BM
  6887. someone's BSXa 4
  6888. something BSYS 7
  6889. something new BSZN BA
  6890. sometime BSaN Bd
  6891. sometimes BSbq +
  6892. sometimes ... sometimes BSco BB
  6893. somewhat BSdp BA
  6894. somewhere BSep x
  6895. son BSik U
  6896. sonata BSi4 e
  6897. song BSjv e
  6898. songbird BSjW Z
  6899. soninlaw BSh9 n
  6900. soon BSkN n
  6901. soot BSk0 U
  6902. soothe BSlI e
  6903. soprano BSlm r
  6904. sorcerer BSmR l
  6905. sorcery BSm2 8
  6906. sore BSny c
  6907. sorrow BSoO f
  6908. sorrowful BSot l
  6909. sort BSpS 1
  6910. soul BSqH e
  6911. sound BSql BT
  6912. soup BSr4 X
  6913. sour BSsP BS
  6914. source BSth h
  6915. south BSuC 8
  6916. South Africa FI/ s
  6917. South America FJr v
  6918. southern BSu+ h
  6919. southward BSvf v
  6920. southwards BSwO x
  6921. souvenir BSw/ l
  6922. sovereign BSxk t
  6923. sow BSyR l
  6924. spa BS09 X
  6925. space BS1U f
  6926. spacious BS1z 1
  6927. spade BS2o +
  6928. spades BS3m f
  6929. Spain FKa a
  6930. Spaniard FK0 h
  6931. Spanish FLV 9
  6932. Spanish fly FMS 8
  6933. Spanish language FNO BH
  6934. spanner BS4F r
  6935. spare BS4w BY
  6936. spare time BS6I k
  6937. spark BS6s h
  6938. spark plug BS7N k
  6939. sparrow BS7x m
  6940. spasm BS8X l
  6941. spawn BS88 a
  6942. speak BS9W j
  6943. speaker's platform BS95 3
  6944. spear BS+w g
  6945. special BS/Q BQ
  6946. speciality BTAg w
  6947. specially BTBQ BD
  6948. species BTCT i
  6949. specific BTC1 k
  6950. specify BTDZ l
  6951. specimen BTD+ 9
  6952. spectacle BTE7 k
  6953. spectacles BTFf x
  6954. spectator BTGQ m
  6955. speculative BTG2 q
  6956. speech BTHg q
  6957. speechless BTIK v
  6958. speed BTJh BH
  6959. speed limit BTLp 1
  6960. speed up BTMe BG
  6961. speedlimit BTI5 o
  6962. speedy BTKo BB
  6963. spell BTNk Y
  6964. spend BTN8 BU
  6965. sperm BTPQ i
  6966. sperm whale BTPy n
  6967. sphere BTQZ c
  6968. spice BTQ1 1
  6969. spider BTRq d
  6970. spiderweb BTSH p
  6971. spiked BTSw a
  6972. spill BTTK e
  6973. spin BTTo Y
  6974. spinach BTUA e
  6975. spindle BTUe k
  6976. spine BTVC BA
  6977. spiral BTWC g
  6978. spirit BTWi i
  6979. spirits BTXE i
  6980. spiritual BTXm BA
  6981. spiritualism BTYm x
  6982. spit BTZX BH
  6983. spittoon BTae i
  6984. splash BTbA s
  6985. splender BTbs p
  6986. splinter BTcV t
  6987. split BTdC u
  6988. spoil BTdw B8
  6989. sponge BTfs e
  6990. sponger BTgK v
  6991. spontaneous BTg5 o
  6992. spool BThh h
  6993. spoon BTiC b
  6994. sporadic BTid w
  6995. sport BTjN a
  6996. spot BTjn CK
  6997. spray gun BTlx i
  6998. spread BTmT x
  6999. spread out BTnE s
  7000. spring BTnw Ba
  7001. springtime BTpK 3
  7002. sprinkle BTqB j
  7003. spruce BTrF m
  7004. sprucefir BTqk h
  7005. spur BTrr Z
  7006. spur on BTtF BJ
  7007. spurt BTsE d
  7008. spurt out BTsh k
  7009. spy BTuO 2
  7010. squad BTvE Z
  7011. square BTvd q
  7012. square decametre BTwH u
  7013. squash BTw1 d
  7014. squat BTxS a
  7015. squeeze BTxs BJ
  7016. squint BTy1 d
  7017. squirrel BTzS w
  7018. squirt BT0C p
  7019. St. Nicholas FOV 8
  7020. stab BT0r 2
  7021. stable BT1h BZ
  7022. stableman BT26 t
  7023. stack BT3n m
  7024. stadium BT4N g
  7025. staff BT4t Z
  7026. stage BT5j BC
  7027. stagemanager BT5G d
  7028. staid BT6l BL
  7029. stain BT7w 5
  7030. stair BT8p j
  7031. staircase BT9M q
  7032. stairs BT92 k
  7033. stake BT+a 9
  7034. stalk BT/X BT
  7035. stall BUAq a
  7036. stallion BUBE g
  7037. stammer BUBk q
  7038. stamp BUCv z
  7039. stampcollecting BUCO h
  7040. stanchion BUDi t
  7041. stand BUEP B3
  7042. stand guard BUI0 t
  7043. stand up BUJh BV
  7044. standard BUGG BF
  7045. standing on end BUHL x
  7046. standing together BUH8 4
  7047. staple BUK2 k
  7048. star BULa Z
  7049. stare BULz n
  7050. stare at BUMa h
  7051. starling BUM7 f
  7052. start BUNa CJ
  7053. start running BUQF s
  7054. starter BUPj i
  7055. state BUQx BO
  7056. statement BUR/ r
  7057. statement of policy BUSq 7
  7058. States General FPR 0
  7059. station BUUL 2
  7060. stationer's shop BUVB +
  7061. stationmaster BUTl m
  7062. statistics BUV/ n
  7063. statue BUWm 2
  7064. stature BUXc p
  7065. stay BUYF z
  7066. stay on BUY4 m
  7067. stay over BUZe y
  7068. steak BUaQ c
  7069. steal BUas m
  7070. steam BUbS Z
  7071. steamship BUbr j
  7072. steel BUcO Z
  7073. steep BUcn m
  7074. steepness BUdN l
  7075. steer BUdy 5
  7076. steeringwheel BUer 4
  7077. stem BUfj z
  7078. stench BUgW d
  7079. stenography BUgz 8
  7080. step BUhv BC
  7081. steppe BUix Z
  7082. stereotype BUjK n
  7083. stern BUjx Z
  7084. sterness BUkK g
  7085. steward BUkq g
  7086. stick BUlK 2
  7087. stick to the pan BUmA v
  7088. stiff BUmv n
  7089. stiffling BUnW BA
  7090. still BUoW h
  7091. stimulate BUo3 DG
  7092. stimulus BUr9 5
  7093. sting BUs2 BM
  7094. stinginess BUuC k
  7095. stingray BUum f
  7096. stingy BUvF f
  7097. stipulation BUvk /
  7098. stir BUwj 7
  7099. stir up BUxe C5
  7100. stitch BU0X c
  7101. stock exchange BU1T /
  7102. Stockholm FQF k
  7103. stocking BU0z g
  7104. stodgy BU2S 1
  7105. stoic BU3H b
  7106. stoical BU3i e
  7107. stoke BU4A Z
  7108. stomach BU4Z d
  7109. stomach ache BU42 o
  7110. stone BU56 p
  7111. stonecutter BU5e c
  7112. stonemason BU6j m
  7113. stool BU7J c
  7114. stoop BU7l x
  7115. stop BU8W CW
  7116. stop up BU/d BA
  7117. stopper BU+s x
  7118. storage battery BVAd 4
  7119. storage room BVBV u
  7120. store BVCD Bn
  7121. storey BVDq 6
  7122. stork BVEk b
  7123. storm BVE/ a
  7124. story BVFZ Bn
  7125. stout BVHA e
  7126. stove BVHe d
  7127. stow BVH7 1
  7128. straigh ahead BVL1 Bb
  7129. straight BVIw BG
  7130. straight past BVKw BF
  7131. straightforward BVJ2 6
  7132. strained BVNQ g
  7133. strange BVNw Bg
  7134. stranger BVPQ v
  7135. strap BVP/ a
  7136. Strasbourg FQp p
  7137. strategy BVQZ o
  7138. straw BVRB a
  7139. strawberry BVRb n
  7140. stray off BVSC n
  7141. streak BVSp c
  7142. stream BVTF l
  7143. strech BVTq BH
  7144. strech out BVVY BT
  7145. strecher BVUx n
  7146. street BVWr d
  7147. streetcar BVXI r
  7148. strength BVXz v
  7149. stress BVYi p
  7150. strict BVZL b
  7151. stride BVZm BE
  7152. strike BVaq Cw
  7153. strike a balance BVda y
  7154. string BVeM Bf
  7155. stringent BVfr l
  7156. strip BVgQ /
  7157. stripe BVhP d
  7158. stroke BVhs Bf
  7159. stroke of apoplexy BVjL BE
  7160. stroll BVkP 4
  7161. strong BVlH l
  7162. strong drink BVls t
  7163. strontium BVmZ m
  7164. structure BVm/ v
  7165. struggle BVnu BS
  7166. stubborn BVpA Bi
  7167. student BVqi g
  7168. studio BVrC i
  7169. study BVrk x
  7170. stuff BVsV 3
  7171. stumble BVtM r
  7172. stupid BVt3 /
  7173. sturdy BVu2 BF
  7174. sturgeon BVv7 i
  7175. stutter BVwd q
  7176. sty BVxH V
  7177. style BVxc X
  7178. stylus BVxz e
  7179. subdue BVyR B2
  7180. subject BV0H o
  7181. subjective BV0v o
  7182. subjugate BV1X B8
  7183. subjunctive BV3T BH
  7184. subjunctive mood BV4a 3
  7185. submit BV5R BK
  7186. subordinate BV6b t
  7187. subscribe BV7I m
  7188. subscription BV7u t
  7189. subsequently BV8b Bx
  7190. subsidy BV+M l
  7191. substance BV+x k
  7192. substantive BV/V 1
  7193. substitute BWAK 6
  7194. subterfuge BWBE q
  7195. subtle BWBu n
  7196. subtract BWCV x
  7197. suburb BWDG g
  7198. succeed BWDm v
  7199. success BWEV n
  7200. successor BWE8 5
  7201. such BWF1 BO
  7202. such a BWHD Bn
  7203. such as BWIq s
  7204. suck BWJW h
  7205. suckle BWJ3 b
  7206. sudden BWKS e
  7207. suddenly BWKw e
  7208. sue BWLO l
  7209. suet BWLz g
  7210. suffer BWMT Bj
  7211. suffice BWN2 BD
  7212. sufficient BWO5 BM
  7213. sufficiently BWQF BM
  7214. suffix BWRR c
  7215. suffocate BWRt 8
  7216. sugar BWSp b
  7217. suggest BWTE BI
  7218. suit BWUM Bs
  7219. suitability BWV4 +
  7220. suitable BWW2 Bj
  7221. suitcase BWYZ v
  7222. sulfuric BWZI n
  7223. sulphur BWZv g
  7224. sulphureous BWaP q
  7225. sulphuric BWa5 m
  7226. sultan BWbf f
  7227. sultry BWb+ +
  7228. sum BWc8 f
  7229. sum up BWhS g
  7230. summarize BWdb 1
  7231. summer BWeQ c
  7232. summery BWes k
  7233. summit BWfQ Be
  7234. summon BWgu k
  7235. sun BWhy T
  7236. superb BWiF t
  7237. superficial BWiy l
  7238. superintendant BWjX y
  7239. superior BWkJ 2
  7240. superscription BWk/ 0
  7241. superstition BWlz w
  7242. superstitious BWmj 1
  7243. supervise BWnY BC
  7244. supper BWoa z
  7245. supply BWpN Bq
  7246. support BWq3 CQ
  7247. supporter BWtH 5
  7248. supporters BWuA u
  7249. supporting actor BWuu z
  7250. supporting base BWvh u
  7251. suppose BWwP t
  7252. supposition BWw8 u
  7253. suppress BWxq BS
  7254. sure BWy8 7
  7255. surely BWz3 BN
  7256. surface BW1E 2
  7257. surgeon BW16 s
  7258. surgery BW2m 8
  7259. surgical operation BW3i 8
  7260. surly BW4e o
  7261. surmise BW5G BE
  7262. surname BW6K l
  7263. surpass BW6v Bb
  7264. surplus BW8K BJ
  7265. surprise BW9T Bs
  7266. surrender BW+/ BT
  7267. surround BXAS s
  7268. surroundings BXA+ p
  7269. suspect BXBn x
  7270. suspenders BXCY q
  7271. suspicion BXDC u
  7272. suspicious BXDw q
  7273. sustain BXEa B4
  7274. sustained BXGS BU
  7275. swallow BXHm 1
  7276. swallow up BXIb p
  7277. swamp BXJE Z
  7278. swan BXJd Y
  7279. swap BXJ1 BQ
  7280. swarm BXLF y
  7281. sway BXL3 l
  7282. swear BXMc BA
  7283. sweat BXNc l
  7284. Swede FRS b
  7285. Sweden FRt e
  7286. Swedish FSL j
  7287. sweep BXOB r
  7288. sweet BXOs Z
  7289. sweet smell BXQd o
  7290. sweetheart BXPF x
  7291. sweetness BXP2 n
  7292. swell BXRF l
  7293. swelling BXRq k
  7294. swift BXSO 0
  7295. swiftly BXTC y
  7296. swim BXT0 a
  7297. swimming trunks BXUO v
  7298. swindle BXU9 8
  7299. swine BXV5 a
  7300. swing BXWT BV
  7301. swish BXXo b
  7302. Swiss FSu q
  7303. switch BXYD g
  7304. switch off BXYj l
  7305. switch on BXZI l
  7306. Switzerland FTY 0
  7307. swoon BXZt 6
  7308. sword BXan b
  7309. sycamore BXbC q
  7310. syllable BXbs d
  7311. symbol BXcJ a
  7312. symmetric BXcj l
  7313. symmetry BXdI 5
  7314. sympathetic BXeB r
  7315. sympathy BXes l
  7316. symphony BXfR k
  7317. symptom BXf1 f
  7318. synagogue BXgU j
  7319. syndicate BXg3 j
  7320. syntax BXha d
  7321. syphilis BXh3 g
  7322. Syrian FUM l
  7323. syringe BXiX g
  7324. syrup BXi3 Z
  7325. system BXjQ c
  7326. systematic BXjs r
  7327. table BXky u
  7328. tablecloth BXkX b
  7329. tablet BXlg q
  7330. tabulation BXmK 1
  7331. tact BXm/ W
  7332. tactic BXnV c
  7333. tactics BXnx e
  7334. tadpole BXoP i
  7335. Tagus FVi X
  7336. tail BXox BW
  7337. tailor BXqH r
  7338. tails BXqy e
  7339. take BXrQ B0
  7340. take a break BXyb p
  7341. take a rest BXzE n
  7342. take a switch to BXzr w
  7343. take action BXtv BN
  7344. take along BXu8 +
  7345. take an interest BXv6 6
  7346. take away BXw0 Bn
  7347. take care BX0b w
  7348. take fire BX1L v
  7349. take in BX16 1
  7350. take into account BX2v Bh
  7351. take note BX4Q BA
  7352. take off BX5Q k
  7353. take one's measure for BX50 7
  7354. take over BX6v v
  7355. take part BX7e x
  7356. take refuge BX8P BK
  7357. take steps BX9Z BY
  7358. take the place of BX+x 6
  7359. taken aback BXtE r
  7360. tale BX/r n
  7361. talent BYAS d
  7362. talented BYAv 1
  7363. talisman BYBk i
  7364. talk BYCG i
  7365. talkative BYCo l
  7366. tall BYDN g
  7367. tallow BYDt i
  7368. Talmud FV5 c
  7369. tambourine BYEP n
  7370. tame BYE2 BA
  7371. tan BYF2 W
  7372. tangle BYGM b
  7373. tank BYGn x
  7374. tannin BYHY m
  7375. tantalum BYH+ i
  7376. tap BYIg q
  7377. tape BYJK g
  7378. taper BYJq f
  7379. tapestry BYKJ i
  7380. tar BYKr W
  7381. tarantula BYLB n
  7382. tard BYLo Z
  7383. tardy BYMB c
  7384. target BYMd i
  7385. tart BYM/ BG
  7386. Tartar FWV d
  7387. task BYOF r
  7388. taste BYOw 6
  7389. tasteless BYPq f
  7390. tasty BYQJ d
  7391. Tatar FWy e
  7392. tax BYQm t
  7393. tax collector BYRy t
  7394. taxi BYRT f
  7395. tea BYTg T
  7396. teach BYTz Bm
  7397. teacher BYVZ q
  7398. teahouse BYSf p
  7399. teapot BYTI Y
  7400. teapot BYWD f
  7401. tear BYWi BV
  7402. tear off BYX3 BF
  7403. teat BYY8 k
  7404. technical BYZg i
  7405. technics BYaC f
  7406. technique BYah h
  7407. technology BYbC t
  7408. teeth BYbv a
  7409. teetotaller BYcJ s
  7410. telegram BYc1 j
  7411. telegraph BYdY 2
  7412. telephone BYeO 6
  7413. telescope BYfI j
  7414. television set BYfr BA
  7415. tell BYgr B5
  7416. tell a lie BYjG 2
  7417. tellurium BYik i
  7418. temper BYj8 BX
  7419. temperament BYlT r
  7420. temperate BYl+ 5
  7421. temperature BYm3 2
  7422. temple BYnt k
  7423. temporarily BYoR s
  7424. temporary BYo9 1
  7425. tempt BYpy z
  7426. temptation BYql p
  7427. ten BYrO S
  7428. tench BYrg b
  7429. tend to BYzZ m
  7430. tendency BYr7 BJ
  7431. tender BYtE FL
  7432. tenderness BYyP m
  7433. tendon BYy1 k
  7434. tenor BYz/ Z
  7435. tenor violin BY0Y r
  7436. tension BY1D j
  7437. tent BY1m e
  7438. tented camp BY2E v
  7439. tenth BY2z a
  7440. term BY3N r
  7441. terminate BY34 Bg
  7442. termite BY5Y g
  7443. terms BY54 y
  7444. terrace BY6q l
  7445. terrain BY7P d
  7446. terrestrial BY7s 0
  7447. terrible BY8g BH
  7448. terrify BY9n BL
  7449. territorial BY+y t
  7450. territory BY/f 4
  7451. terror BZAX 6
  7452. tertian fever BZBR 1
  7453. test BZCG Bh
  7454. testament BZDn 0
  7455. testicle BZEb c
  7456. testify BZE3 7
  7457. testimony BZFy BG
  7458. Teuton FXQ f
  7459. text BZG4 W
  7460. textile BZHO m
  7461. thallium BZH0 k
  7462. than BZIY V
  7463. thank BZIt 1
  7464. thank you BZME h
  7465. thankful BZJi 5
  7466. thankless BZKb m
  7467. thanks BZLB i
  7468. thanks to BZLj h
  7469. that BZMl Bk
  7470. that ... over there BZOJ Bn
  7471. that is BZPw q
  7472. that kind of BZQa Bd
  7473. that much BZR3 Bd
  7474. that one BZTU 5
  7475. that one over there BZU3 BP
  7476. that one's BZUN q
  7477. that over there BZWG 4
  7478. that way BZW+ BO
  7479. thaw BZYM t
  7480. the BZY5 8
  7481. the ... the BZxv k
  7482. the day after tomorrow BZyT BB
  7483. The Hague FXv c
  7484. the Netherlands BZuF BC
  7485. the power of suggestion BZzU BD
  7486. the same BZ0X z
  7487. the Sleeping Beauty BZvH 8
  7488. the Ukraine BZwD BG
  7489. the Vatican BZxJ m
  7490. theatre BZZ1 g
  7491. theatrical BZaV 1
  7492. thee BZbK t
  7493. theft BZb3 c
  7494. their BZcT Z
  7495. them BZcs n
  7496. theme BZdT Z
  7497. then BZds BA
  7498. thence BZes a
  7499. theocracy BZfG p
  7500. theologian BZfv p
  7501. theology BZgY o
  7502. theorem BZhA g
  7503. theory BZhg f
  7504. therapy BZh/ i
  7505. there BZih Bk
  7506. thereabout BZkF BP
  7507. thereabouts BZlU BR
  7508. thereafter BZml o
  7509. thereby BZnN f
  7510. therefore BZns BP
  7511. therein BZo7 d
  7512. thermometer BZpY s
  7513. thermos BZqE r
  7514. thermos bottle BZqv 3
  7515. thermos flask BZrm 5
  7516. these BZsf e
  7517. thesis BZs9 c
  7518. they BZtZ s
  7519. thick BZ1K 1
  7520. thief BZ1/ Y
  7521. thigh BZ2X o
  7522. thin BZ2/ k
  7523. thing BZ3j x
  7524. think BZ4U B1
  7525. think about BZ6J BD
  7526. think ahead BZ7M 6
  7527. think to oneself BZ8G BK
  7528. think well of BZ9Q 3
  7529. thirst BZ+H c
  7530. thirteen BZ+j k
  7531. thirty BZ/H h
  7532. this BZ/o BK
  7533. this afternoon BaBT 5
  7534. this evening BaCM t
  7535. this here BaC5 k
  7536. this way BaDd 0
  7537. thisle BaAy h
  7538. thither BaER 6
  7539. thorium BaFL g
  7540. thorn BaFr o
  7541. thoroughgoing BaGT s
  7542. those BaG/ u
  7543. thou BaHt m
  7544. though BaIT 1
  7545. thought BaJI e
  7546. thoughtfulness BaJm u
  7547. thousand BaKU f
  7548. thrash BaKz e
  7549. thread BaLR u
  7550. threat BaL/ m
  7551. threaten BaMl +
  7552. three BaNj Y
  7553. thresh BaN7 d
  7554. threshold BaOY l
  7555. thrifty BaO9 g
  7556. throat BaPd i
  7557. throne BaP/ a
  7558. through BaQZ Cq
  7559. throw BaTl l
  7560. throw away BaUK 0
  7561. throw up BaU+ BG
  7562. throwback BaTD i
  7563. thrush BaWE d
  7564. thrust BaWh 4
  7565. thrust down BaXZ o
  7566. thumb BaYB h
  7567. thunder BaYi o
  7568. Thuringia FYL Y
  7569. Thursday FYj l
  7570. thus BaZK t
  7571. thwart BaZ3 h
  7572. tibia BaaY e
  7573. tic Baa2 X
  7574. ticket BacK t
  7575. ticketwindow BabN 9
  7576. tickle Bac3 a
  7577. tide BadR e
  7578. tidy Badv p
  7579. tie BaeY Bj
  7580. tie on Baf7 x
  7581. tie up Bags n
  7582. tiger BahT a
  7583. tightly Baht j
  7584. tile BaiQ f
  7585. till Baiv m
  7586. tillage BajV f
  7587. tilt Baj0 i
  7588. timber BakW a
  7589. timbrel Bakw g
  7590. time BalQ n
  7591. time off Bal3 e
  7592. time to consider BamV 0
  7593. timid BanJ g
  7594. tin BaoJ b
  7595. tin plate BarO g
  7596. tinder Baok c
  7597. tinkle BapA m
  7598. tinopener Banp g
  7599. tint Bapm BO
  7600. tiny Baq0 a
  7601. tip Baru BD
  7602. tipsy Basx t
  7603. tire Bate Z
  7604. tired Bat3 f
  7605. tiresome BauW 2
  7606. Titan FZI Y
  7607. title BavM u
  7608. titmouse Bav6 d
  7609. to BawX v
  7610. to her BbVk Z
  7611. to him BbV9 Y
  7612. to it BbWV W
  7613. to me BbWr k
  7614. to some extent BbXP BM
  7615. to some place BbYb t
  7616. to the BbZI W
  7617. to the letter Bbaz u
  7618. to thee BbZe y
  7619. to them BbaQ j
  7620. to us Bbbh Z
  7621. to you Bbb6 Bg
  7622. toad BaxG X
  7623. toast Baxd 2
  7624. today BayT Z
  7625. toe Bays T
  7626. toga Bay/ X
  7627. together BazW BX
  7628. together with Ba0t 5
  7629. toilet Ba2I u
  7630. toiletpaper Ba1m i
  7631. token Ba22 By
  7632. tolerate Ba4o h
  7633. tolling Ba5J e
  7634. Tom Thumb FZg l
  7635. tomato Ba5n g
  7636. tomb Ba6H d
  7637. tomorrow Ba6k g
  7638. tone Ba7E U
  7639. tongs Ba7Y o
  7640. tongue Ba8A i
  7641. too Ba8i BC
  7642. too much BbAu v
  7643. tool Ba9k i
  7644. tooth Ba/J n
  7645. toothache Ba/w +
  7646. toothbrush Ba+G d
  7647. toothpaste Ba+j m
  7648. top BbBd 2
  7649. top of the head BbEs s
  7650. topaz BbCT a
  7651. topgallant mast BbCt 6
  7652. topic BbDn Z
  7653. topical BbEA s
  7654. torch BbFY c
  7655. torment BbF0 BI
  7656. torpedo BbG8 j
  7657. torrent BbHf d
  7658. tortoise BbH8 n
  7659. total abstainer BbIj 0
  7660. touch BbJX BI
  7661. touch lightly BbLD +
  7662. touch upon BbMB n
  7663. touching BbKf k
  7664. tourism BbMo k
  7665. tourist BbNM f
  7666. tourist agency BbNr 1
  7667. tournament BbOg n
  7668. tousle BbPH f
  7669. tow BbPm n
  7670. toward BbQN +
  7671. towards BbRL BS
  7672. towel BbSd c
  7673. tower BbS5 h
  7674. towingline BbTa c
  7675. town BbUN b
  7676. town hall BbUo j
  7677. townhall BbT2 X
  7678. toy BbVL Z
  7679. trade Bbef CB
  7680. tradeunion Bbda BF
  7681. trading Bbgg l
  7682. tradition BbhF 2
  7683. traffic Bbh7 i
  7684. traffic rules Bbid 3
  7685. tragedy BbjU 9
  7686. trail BbkR a
  7687. train Bbkr BU
  7688. trait Bbl/ j
  7689. trajectory Bbmi r
  7690. tram BbnN e
  7691. tranquil Bbnr 8
  7692. transact money Bbon BH
  7693. transfer Bbpu 8
  7694. transform Bbqq BJ
  7695. transformation Bbrz C/
  7696. transgress Bbuy 5
  7697. transgression Bbvr q
  7698. transitive BbwV 0
  7699. translate BbxJ 0
  7700. translation Bbx9 8
  7701. transmit Bby5 1
  7702. transport Bbzu BA
  7703. trap Bb0u X
  7704. travel Bb1F l
  7705. travel agency Bb2x 0
  7706. traveller Bb1q j
  7707. travelling Bb2N k
  7708. travesty Bb3l m
  7709. tray Bb4L 9
  7710. treacherous Bb5I BS
  7711. treachery Bb6a v
  7712. tread Bb7J u
  7713. treasure Bb73 n
  7714. treat Bb8e CW
  7715. treat to BcBI o
  7716. treatment Bb+0 Bp
  7717. treaty BcAd r
  7718. tree BcBw W
  7719. tremble BcCG s
  7720. trench BcCy o
  7721. tressle BcDa BO
  7722. trial BcEo Z
  7723. triangle BcFB i
  7724. tribe BcFj +
  7725. tribunal BcGh k
  7726. tribute BcHF f
  7727. trick BcHk BT
  7728. trickery BcI3 k
  7729. tricycle BcJb g
  7730. trifle BcJ7 t
  7731. trifling BcKo l
  7732. trigger BcLN 4
  7733. trigonometry BcMF z
  7734. trill BcM4 j
  7735. trillion BcNb h
  7736. trim BcN8 6
  7737. trimming BcO2 v
  7738. Trinity FaF BB
  7739. trip BcPl c
  7740. trite BcQB s
  7741. triumph BcQt f
  7742. trombone BcRM h
  7743. troop BcRt a
  7744. tropical BcSH h
  7745. tropics BcSo s
  7746. trot BcTU h
  7747. trouble BcT1 Bw
  7748. trough BcVl f
  7749. troupe BcWE b
  7750. trousers BcWf o
  7751. trout BcXH a
  7752. truck BcXh BP
  7753. true BcYw Bd
  7754. truly BcaN BN
  7755. trump Bcba h
  7756. trumpet Bcb7 r
  7757. truncate Bccm h
  7758. trunk BcdH BF
  7759. trust BceM CC
  7760. trustworthy BcgO BA
  7761. truth BchO n
  7762. try Bch1 B5
  7763. tub Bcju 0
  7764. tube Bcki 7
  7765. tuberculosis Bcld BK
  7766. Tuesday FbG h
  7767. tuft Bcmn a
  7768. tug BcnB BH
  7769. tugboat BcoI h
  7770. tulip Bcop b
  7771. tumble down BcpE y
  7772. tummy Bcp2 l
  7773. tummy ache Bcqb l
  7774. tumult BcrA BG
  7775. tuna Bcsf e
  7776. tunafish BcsG Z
  7777. tune Bcs9 BA
  7778. tungsten Bct9 i
  7779. tunic Bcuf c
  7780. tunnel Bcu7 a
  7781. tunny BcvV e
  7782. tup Bcvz Y
  7783. Turk Fbn Z
  7784. turkey BcwL g
  7785. Turkey FcA s
  7786. Turkish Fcs i
  7787. turn Bcwr Dd
  7788. turn around Bc1S BW
  7789. turn away Bc2o Bu
  7790. turn off Bc4W j
  7791. turn on Bc45 j
  7792. turn over Bc5c Bk
  7793. turn round Bc7A BT
  7794. turnip Bc0I n
  7795. turnover Bc0v j
  7796. turtledove Bc8T d
  7797. tutor Bc8w 9
  7798. TV set FUx x
  7799. Twelfthnight FdO j
  7800. twelve Bc9t a
  7801. twenty Bc+l e
  7802. twentyone Bc+H e
  7803. twich Bc/D c
  7804. twill Bc/f Y
  7805. twine Bc/3 v
  7806. twins BdAm b
  7807. twist BdBB 7
  7808. twitter BdB8 p
  7809. two BdDA U
  7810. twofooted BdCl b
  7811. type BdDU e
  7812. typeset BdDy g
  7813. typewriter BdES t
  7814. typhus BdE/ c
  7815. typical BdFb d
  7816. tyrannize BdF4 o
  7817. tyranny BdGg h
  7818. tyrant BdHB n
  7819. tyre BdHo s
  7820. udder BdIU Z
  7821. ugly BdIt d
  7822. Ukraine Fjf BA
  7823. ulcer BdJK e
  7824. ultimately BdJo q
  7825. ultimatum BdKS n
  7826. umbrella BdK5 l
  7827. un BdLe P
  7828. unanimous BdLt k
  7829. uncle BdMR Z
  7830. unclean BdMq h
  7831. uncover BdNL 5
  7832. under BdOE l
  7833. underground BdOp s
  7834. underline BdPV q
  7835. underneath BdP/ Bw
  7836. underpants BdRv o
  7837. understand BdSX 9
  7838. understandable BdTU BK
  7839. understanding BdUe +
  7840. undertake BdVc Bz
  7841. undoubtedly BdXP t
  7842. undress BdX8 r
  7843. undue BdYn BC
  7844. undulate BdZp o
  7845. unemployment BdaR z
  7846. unfaithful BdbE m
  7847. unfortunately Bdbq BA
  7848. ungrateful Bdcq o
  7849. unhappy BddS l
  7850. unicorn Bdd3 j
  7851. uniform Bdea v
  7852. unilateral BdfJ s
  7853. unimportant Bdf1 s
  7854. unique Bdgh e
  7855. unit Bdg/ i
  7856. unite Bdhh BH
  7857. United States of America Fkf BQ
  7858. unity Bdio q
  7859. universal BdjS o
  7860. universe Bdj6 v
  7861. university Bdkp 8
  7862. unkind Bdll o
  7863. unlearn BdmN k
  7864. unleavened bread Bdmx 3
  7865. unload Bdno e
  7866. unlock BdoG j
  7867. unpack Bdop f
  7868. unpleasant BdpI t
  7869. unthankful Bdp1 q
  7870. untidy Bdqf h
  7871. untie BdrA e
  7872. until Bdre X
  7873. untroubled Bdr1 v
  7874. untrue Bdsk d
  7875. up Bdtp 5
  7876. uphill Bdui BA
  7877. upholster Bdvi m
  7878. upon BdwI Bf
  7879. upper Bdx+ y
  7880. upper arm Bdyw k
  7881. upper hand BdzU 4
  7882. upperarm Bdxn X
  7883. upset Bd0M Bg
  7884. upstairs Bd1s f
  7885. uptodate BdtB o
  7886. upwards Bd2L BD
  7887. urban Bd3O g
  7888. urchin Bd3u l
  7889. urge Bd4T BY
  7890. urge on Bd6Q u
  7891. urgency Bd5r l
  7892. urinate Bd6+ g
  7893. urine Bd7e f
  7894. us Bd79 p
  7895. US citizen Fi1 q
  7896. USA FiP m
  7897. use Bd8m B5
  7898. use up BeA+ BX
  7899. used to Bd+f r
  7900. useful Bd/K 9
  7901. useless BeAH 3
  7902. usual BeCV BC
  7903. usurp BeDX h
  7904. uterus BeD4 u
  7905. utilize BeEm 8
  7906. utopian BeFi k
  7907. utter BeGG t
  7908. vacation BeGz q
  7909. vain BeHd 5
  7910. valerian BeIW l
  7911. valiant BeI7 BA
  7912. valid BeJ7 o
  7913. valise BeKj s
  7914. valley BeLP Z
  7915. valuable BeLo 5
  7916. value BeMh u
  7917. valve BeNP h
  7918. vampire BeNw o
  7919. vandal BeOY c
  7920. Vandal Fme c
  7921. vanilla BeO0 f
  7922. vanity BePT h
  7923. vapor BeP0 a
  7924. vapour BeQO b
  7925. varied BeQp q
  7926. variety BeRT l
  7927. various BeR4 t
  7928. varnish BeSl q
  7929. vase BeTP r
  7930. vaseline BeT6 t
  7931. vast BeUn v
  7932. vat BeVW 0
  7933. VAT Flv v
  7934. Vatican Fm6 g
  7935. veal BeWK d
  7936. vegetable BeWn k
  7937. vegetarian BeXL x
  7938. vegetate BeX8 l
  7939. vehicle BeYh w
  7940. veil BeZR BA
  7941. vein BeaR b
  7942. velvet Beas b
  7943. vend BebH n
  7944. vengeance Bebu h
  7945. Venice Fna b
  7946. ventilate BecP v
  7947. ventilator Bec+ p
  7948. venture Bedn p
  7949. Venus Fn1 i
  7950. veranda BeeQ h
  7951. verb Beex p
  7952. verbatim Befa l
  7953. verdict Bef/ s
  7954. verify Begr 7
  7955. vermouth Behm h
  7956. verse BeiH h
  7957. vertebra Beio 9
  7958. vertical Bejl t
  7959. verve BekS w
  7960. very BelC X
  7961. very much BelZ i
  7962. vessel Bel7 BP
  7963. vest BenK h
  7964. vetch Benr Y
  7965. veteran BeoD g
  7966. vex Beoj BW
  7967. vibrate Bep5 r
  7968. vibration Beqk y
  7969. vice Ber5 X
  7970. vicepresident BerW j
  7971. vicious BesQ BS
  7972. victory Beti e
  7973. Vienna FoX Z
  7974. Viennese Fow f
  7975. view BeuA C6
  7976. viewpoint Bew6 n
  7977. vigour Bexh i
  7978. vile BeyD e
  7979. village Beyh g
  7980. villager BezB j
  7981. vine Bezk q
  7982. vinegar Be0O d
  7983. viola Be0r e
  7984. violate Be1J BY
  7985. violet Be2h g
  7986. violin Be3B t
  7987. violoncello Be3u t
  7988. viper Be4b b
  7989. virgin Be42 BC
  7990. virginal Be54 7
  7991. virtue Be6z k
  7992. virtuoso Be7X w
  7993. visé Be/X V
  7994. visa Be8H f
  7995. visible Be8m +
  7996. vision Be9k w
  7997. visit Be+U BD
  7998. vivacity Be/s 4
  7999. vixen BfAk q
  8000. viz. BfBO U
  8001. vocabulary BfBi u
  8002. voice BfCQ Z
  8003. void BfCp W
  8004. volcano BfC/ g
  8005. Volga FpP a
  8006. volley BfDf b
  8007. volume BfD6 u
  8008. voluntary BfEo o
  8009. vomit BfFQ BB
  8010. vote BfGR Z
  8011. vowel BfGq Z
  8012. voyage BfHD i
  8013. vulgar BfHl /
  8014. vulture BfIk f
  8015. wadding BfJD c
  8016. wade BfJf W
  8017. waffle BfJ1 a
  8018. wage BfKP n
  8019. wage war BfME w
  8020. wage war against BfM0 y
  8021. wage war on BfNm q
  8022. wager BfK2 k
  8023. wages BfLa q
  8024. waggon BfOQ 1
  8025. wail BfPF l
  8026. wainscot BfPq g
  8027. waist BfQK Z
  8028. waistcoat BfQj f
  8029. waistline BfRC h
  8030. wait BfRj 2
  8031. wait for BfU6 +
  8032. waiter BfSZ d
  8033. waiting BfTd o
  8034. waiting room BfUF 1
  8035. waitingroom BfS2 n
  8036. wake BfV4 BB
  8037. wake up BfW5 BH
  8038. Wales Fpp Y
  8039. walk BfYA Bc
  8040. walk upon BfZc n
  8041. wall BfaD k
  8042. wall covering BfbC s
  8043. wallet Bfan b
  8044. Wallonia FqB k
  8045. walnut BfcS g
  8046. walnuttree Bfbu k
  8047. waltz Bfcy b
  8048. wand BfdN d
  8049. wander Bfdq Bh
  8050. wander about BffL q
  8051. want Bff1 BC
  8052. wanton Bfg3 l
  8053. war Bfhc U
  8054. warehouse Bfhw BZ
  8055. wares BfjJ Y
  8056. warlock Bfjh h
  8057. warm BfkC X
  8058. warmth BfkZ d
  8059. warn Bfk2 Z
  8060. warning BflP g
  8061. warrant Bflv BX
  8062. Warsaw Fql h
  8063. wart BfnG Y
  8064. wash Bfne 2
  8065. wash up BfoU i
  8066. wasp Bfo2 X
  8067. waste BfpN 1
  8068. watch BfqC BW
  8069. watch out for Bfsx BK
  8070. watch over Bft7 BG
  8071. watchmaker BfrY p
  8072. watchword BfsB w
  8073. water BfwY p
  8074. waterbottle BfvB e
  8075. watercolour Bfvf b
  8076. waterfall BfxB /
  8077. watermelon Bfv6 e
  8078. wave BfyA y
  8079. wave about Bfzw x
  8080. waver Bfyy +
  8081. wax Bf0h e
  8082. wax candle Bf0/ o
  8083. way Bf1n CA
  8084. way out Bf3n d
  8085. we Bf4E W
  8086. weak Bf4a o
  8087. weaken Bf5C v
  8088. wealth Bf5x c
  8089. wealthy Bf6N 0
  8090. wear Bf7B Z
  8091. weasel Bf7a b
  8092. weather Bf71 o
  8093. weave Bf8d g
  8094. weaverbird Bf89 b
  8095. wed Bf9Y h
  8096. wedding Bf+x e
  8097. weddingfeast Bf95 c
  8098. weddingparty Bf+V c
  8099. wedge Bf/P X
  8100. Wednesday FrG h
  8101. weed Bf/m j
  8102. weed out BgAJ q
  8103. week BgAz X
  8104. weep BgBK h
  8105. weigh BgBr +
  8106. weight BgCp h
  8107. weightlessness BgDK BC
  8108. well BgIX 4
  8109. well then BgJP r
  8110. wellbeing BgEM 1
  8111. wellbeloved BgFB l
  8112. wellinformed BgFm m
  8113. wellknown BgGM Y
  8114. wellmannered BgGk r
  8115. welloff BgHP r
  8116. welltodo BgH6 d
  8117. wench BgJ6 j
  8118. Weser Frn Z
  8119. west BgKd 0
  8120. West FsA s
  8121. western BgLR f
  8122. wet BgLw p
  8123. whale BgMZ Z
  8124. wharf BgMy i
  8125. what BgNU j
  8126. what a BgOz o
  8127. what for BgPb Bf
  8128. what kind of BgQ6 BJ
  8129. what sort of BgSD BK
  8130. what's more BgN3 8
  8131. wheat BgTN Z
  8132. wheel BgTm W
  8133. wheelbarrow BgT8 k
  8134. wheeziness BgUg j
  8135. when BgVD BQ
  8136. whence BgWT W
  8137. where BgWp y
  8138. where ... to BgaK q
  8139. whereas BgXb i
  8140. whereby BgX9 n
  8141. wherefore BgYk u
  8142. wherein BgZS l
  8143. whereupon BgZ3 T
  8144. which Bga0 CB
  8145. which one's Bgc1 z
  8146. while Bgdo g
  8147. whilst BgeI c
  8148. whim Bgek p
  8149. whimstone BgfN g
  8150. whip Bgft BR
  8151. whipped cream Bgg+ r
  8152. whirl Bghp b
  8153. whiskers BgiE i
  8154. whiskey Bgim d
  8155. whisky BgjD c
  8156. whisper Bgjf g
  8157. whist Bgj/ X
  8158. whistle BgkW j
  8159. white Bgk5 e
  8160. white man Bgl8 j
  8161. whiten BglX l
  8162. whither Bgmf j
  8163. Whitsunday Fss n
  8164. who BgnC BZ
  8165. whole Bgob w
  8166. wholesale BgpL g
  8167. wholly Bgpr n
  8168. whom BgqS V
  8169. whose Bgqn o
  8170. why BgrP CL
  8171. wick Bgta V
  8172. wide Bgtv s
  8173. widely Bgub c
  8174. widow Bgu3 Y
  8175. widower BgvP e
  8176. width Bgvt h
  8177. wife BgwO f
  8178. wig Bgwt X
  8179. wild BgxE W
  8180. wild boar Bgxa u
  8181. will BgyI u
  8182. willing Bgy2 c
  8183. willingly BgzS 2
  8184. willingness Bg0I i
  8185. willow Bg0q Z
  8186. win Bg1D h
  8187. win over Bg9K Ba
  8188. wind Bg1k 8
  8189. wind around Bg4y w
  8190. wind up Bg5i Bk
  8191. windlessness Bg2g q
  8192. window Bg3r BH
  8193. windowglass Bg3K h
  8194. wine Bg7G V
  8195. wing Bg7b h
  8196. winter Bg78 j
  8197. winter Bg8f r
  8198. wipe Bg+k Y
  8199. wipe off Bg+8 f
  8200. wipe out Bg/b /
  8201. wire BhAa Y
  8202. wireless BhAy f
  8203. wisdom BhBR y
  8204. wise BhCD m
  8205. wisent BhCp a
  8206. wish BhDD /
  8207. wit BhEC U
  8208. witch BhEW X
  8209. witchcraft BhEt v
  8210. with BhFc B3
  8211. with one accord BhL4 x
  8212. with reference to BhMp 9
  8213. with young BhNm w
  8214. withdraw BhHT o
  8215. wither BhH7 n
  8216. within BhIi m
  8217. without BhJI d
  8218. without delay BhJl 2
  8219. without fail BhKb Bd
  8220. witness BhOW c
  8221. witticism BhOy g
  8222. witty BhPS x
  8223. wizard BhQD d
  8224. wizardry BhQg q
  8225. Wodan FtT a
  8226. Woden Ftt b
  8227. woe BhRK Y
  8228. wolf BhRi V
  8229. woman BhR3 e
  8230. womb BhSV m
  8231. wonder BhS7 BX
  8232. wonderful BhUS m
  8233. wonted BhU4 o
  8234. woo BhVg q
  8235. wood BhWK U
  8236. wooden cloth BhWe j
  8237. woodpecker BhXB i
  8238. woodpile BhXj m
  8239. woods BhYJ d
  8240. wool BhYm V
  8241. word BhZa g
  8242. wordforword BhY7 f
  8243. work BhZ6 p
  8244. work out BhfM BQ
  8245. workbench Bhaj BX
  8246. worker Bhb6 q
  8247. working man Bhck p
  8248. workman BhdN i
  8249. workplace Bhdv v
  8250. workshop Bhee u
  8251. world Bhgc Z
  8252. worldglobe Bhg1 x
  8253. worldwar Bhhm l
  8254. worldwide BhiL m
  8255. worm Bhix X
  8256. worry BhjI Bx
  8257. worship Bhk5 3
  8258. worship service BhmX 1
  8259. worshipper Bhlw n
  8260. worth BhnM t
  8261. worthless Bhn5 k
  8262. worthy Bhod m
  8263. worthy Fhs V
  8264. wound BhpD BG
  8265. wounded BhqJ c
  8266. wrap up BhsB o
  8267. wrapper Bhql 6
  8268. wrappingpaper Bhrf i
  8269. wreath Bhsp x
  8270. wreathe Bhta y
  8271. wrench BhuM f
  8272. wrest Bhur b
  8273. wrestle BhvG a
  8274. wretched Bhvg 2
  8275. wring BhwW b
  8276. wrinkle Bhwx r
  8277. wrist Bhxc o
  8278. write BhyE w
  8279. write down Bhzj Bf
  8280. writer Bhy0 v
  8281. writhe Bh1C r
  8282. writing Bh2M i
  8283. writingpaper Bh1t f
  8284. written Bh2u r
  8285. wrong Bh3Z q
  8286. Xanthippe FuI o
  8287. xylophone Bh4D k
  8288. y FiB O
  8289. yacht Bh4n e
  8290. yam Bh5F b
  8291. yard Bh5g f
  8292. yawn Bh5/ j
  8293. ye Bh6i W
  8294. year Bh7Q X
  8295. yearbook Bh64 Y
  8296. yearly Bh7n v
  8297. yearn Bh8W u
  8298. yell Bh9E e
  8299. yellow Bh9i Y
  8300. yen Bh96 Y
  8301. yes Bh+S X
  8302. yesterday Bh+p s
  8303. yet Bh/V BA
  8304. yewtree BiAV a
  8305. yield BiAv w
  8306. yoke BiBf V
  8307. yon BiB0 Y
  8308. yonder BiCM BD
  8309. you BiDP CB
  8310. young BiFQ BX
  8311. young of a wild boar BiHM 8
  8312. young woman BiII n
  8313. youngster BiGn l
  8314. your BiIv BA
  8315. yours BiJv BT
  8316. youth BiLC t
  8317. Yugoslavia Fuw v
  8318. Yule Fvf d
  8319. zeal BiLv h
  8320. Zealand Fv8 n
  8321. zealous BiMQ c
  8322. zebra BiMs Z
  8323. zenith BiNF a
  8324. zephyr BiNf b
  8325. zero BiN6 X
  8326. Zeus Fwj X
  8327. zigzag BiOR +
  8328. zilch BiPP Y
  8329. zinc BiPn W
  8330. zirconium BiP9 o
  8331. zither BiQl c
  8332. zodiac BiRB q
  8333. zone BiRr V
  8334. zoology BiSA n
  8335. Zurich Fw6 S