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  1800. },
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  1888. },
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  1896. },
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  1900. },
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  1904. },
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  1908. },
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  1912. },
  1913. {
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  1916. },
  1917. {
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  1920. },
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  1924. },
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  1928. },
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  1932. },
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  1936. },
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  1940. },
  1941. {
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  1944. },
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  1960. },
  1961. {
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  1964. },
  1965. {
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  1968. },
  1969. {
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  1972. },
  1973. {
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  1976. },
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  1980. },
  1981. {
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  1984. },
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  1988. },
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  1992. },
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  1996. },
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  2000. },
  2001. {
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  2003. "y": 383.6
  2004. },
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  2007. "y": 380.64
  2008. },
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  2012. },
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  2016. },
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  2020. },
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  2028. },
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  2032. },
  2033. {
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  2036. },
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  2040. },
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  2044. },
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  2048. },
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  2052. },
  2053. {
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  2056. },
  2057. {
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  2060. },
  2061. {
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  2064. },
  2065. {
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  2068. },
  2069. {
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  2072. },
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  2076. },
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  2080. },
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  2084. },
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  2088. },
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  2092. },
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