PageRenderTime 76ms CodeModel.GetById 27ms RepoModel.GetById 1ms app.codeStats 0ms

Ruby | 2838 lines | 2568 code | 252 blank | 18 comment | 594 complexity | d8889a806d50625ee040a142319975ce MD5 | raw file
  1. require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb')
  2. unless defined?(POSTGRES_DB)
  3. POSTGRES_URL = 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/reality_spec' unless defined? POSTGRES_URL
  5. end
  7. def POSTGRES_DB.sqls
  8. (@sqls ||= [])
  9. end
  10. logger =
  11. def logger.method_missing(m, msg)
  12. POSTGRES_DB.sqls << msg
  13. end
  14. POSTGRES_DB.loggers << logger
  15. #POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@server_version, 80200)
  16. describe "PostgreSQL", '#create_table' do
  17. before do
  18. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  19. POSTGRES_DB.sqls.clear
  20. end
  21. after do
  22. @db.drop_table?(:tmp_dolls)
  23. @db.drop_table?(:unlogged_dolls)
  24. end
  25. specify "should create a temporary table" do
  26. @db.create_table(:tmp_dolls, :temp => true){text :name}
  27. check_sqls do
  28. @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "tmp_dolls" ("name" text)']
  29. end
  30. end
  31. specify "should create an unlogged table" do
  32. @db.create_table(:unlogged_dolls, :unlogged => true){text :name}
  33. check_sqls do
  34. @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE "unlogged_dolls" ("name" text)']
  35. end
  36. end
  37. specify "should not allow to pass both :temp and :unlogged" do
  38. proc do
  39. @db.create_table(:temp_unlogged_dolls, :temp => true, :unlogged => true){text :name}
  40. end.should raise_error(Sequel::Error, "can't provide both :temp and :unlogged to create_table")
  41. end
  42. end
  43. describe "PostgreSQL temporary views" do
  44. before do
  45. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  46. @db.drop_view(:items_view) rescue nil
  47. @db.create_table!(:items){Integer :number}
  48. @db[:items].insert(10)
  49. @db[:items].insert(20)
  50. end
  51. after do
  52. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  53. end
  54. specify "should be supported" do
  55. @db.create_view(:items_view, @db[:items].where(:number=>10), :temp=>true)
  56. @db[:items_view].map(:number).should == [10]
  57. @db.create_or_replace_view(:items_view, @db[:items].where(:number=>20), :temp=>true)
  58. @db[:items_view].map(:number).should == [20]
  59. @db.disconnect
  60. lambda{@db[:items_view].map(:number)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  61. end
  62. end unless POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :do # Causes freezing later
  63. describe "A PostgreSQL database" do
  64. before(:all) do
  65. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  66. @db.create_table!(:public__testfk){primary_key :id; foreign_key :i, :public__testfk}
  67. end
  68. after(:all) do
  69. @db.drop_table?(:public__testfk)
  70. end
  71. specify "should provide the server version" do
  72. @db.server_version.should > 70000
  73. end
  74. specify "should not typecast the int2vector type incorrectly" do
  75. @db.get(Sequel.cast('10 20', :int2vector)).should_not == 10
  76. end
  77. cspecify "should not typecast the money type incorrectly", :do do
  78. @db.get(Sequel.cast('10.01', :money)).should_not == 0
  79. end
  80. specify "should correctly parse the schema" do
  81. @db.schema(:public__testfk, :reload=>true).should == [
  82. [:id, {:type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"integer", :default=>"nextval('testfk_id_seq'::regclass)", :oid=>23, :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>false}],
  83. [:i, {:type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"integer", :default=>nil, :oid=>23, :primary_key=>false, :allow_null=>true}]]
  84. end
  85. specify "should parse foreign keys for tables in a schema" do
  86. @db.foreign_key_list(:public__testfk).should == [{:on_delete=>:no_action, :on_update=>:no_action, :columns=>[:i], :key=>[:id], :deferrable=>false, :table=>Sequel.qualify(:public, :testfk), :name=>:testfk_i_fkey}]
  87. end
  88. specify "should return uuid fields as strings" do
  89. @db.get(Sequel.cast('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000', :uuid)).should == '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'
  90. end
  91. end
  92. describe "A PostgreSQL dataset" do
  93. before(:all) do
  94. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  95. @d = @db[:test]
  96. @db.create_table! :test do
  97. text :name
  98. integer :value, :index => true
  99. end
  100. end
  101. before do
  102. @d.delete
  103. @db.sqls.clear
  104. end
  105. after do
  106. @db.drop_table?(:atest)
  107. end
  108. after(:all) do
  109. @db.drop_table?(:test)
  110. end
  111. specify "should quote columns and tables using double quotes if quoting identifiers" do
  112. check_sqls do
  113. == 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"'
  114.'COUNT(*)')).sql.should == 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "test"'
  115., :value)).sql.should == 'SELECT max("value") FROM "test"'
  116. == 'SELECT NOW() FROM "test"'
  117., :items__value)).sql.should == 'SELECT max("items"."value") FROM "test"'
  118. @d.order(Sequel.desc(:name)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC'
  119.' AS item_name')).sql.should == 'SELECT AS item_name FROM "test"'
  120.'"name"')).sql.should == 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"'
  121.'max(test."name") AS "max_name"')).sql.should == 'SELECT max(test."name") AS "max_name" FROM "test"'
  122. @d.insert_sql(:x => :y).should =~ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("x"\) VALUES \("y"\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/
  123., :abc, 'hello')).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\", 'hello') FROM \"test\""
  124., :abc__def, 'hello')).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') FROM \"test\""
  125., :abc__def, 'hello').as(:x2)).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') AS \"x2\" FROM \"test\""
  126. @d.insert_sql(:value => 333).should =~ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("value"\) VALUES \(333\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/
  127. end
  128. end
  129. specify "should quote fields correctly when reversing the order if quoting identifiers" do
  130. check_sqls do
  131. @d.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC'
  132. @d.reverse_order(Sequel.desc(:name)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC'
  133. @d.reverse_order(:name, Sequel.desc(:test)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC, "test" ASC'
  134. @d.reverse_order(Sequel.desc(:name), :test).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "test" DESC'
  135. end
  136. end
  137. specify "should support regexps" do
  138. @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1}
  139. @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2}
  140. @d.filter(:name => /bc/).count.should == 2
  141. @d.filter(:name => /^bc/).count.should == 1
  142. end
  143. specify "should support NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST" do
  144. @d << {:name => 'abc'}
  145. @d << {:name => 'bcd'}
  146. @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2}
  147. @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:first), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[abc bcd bcd]
  148. @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:last), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd abc bcd]
  149. @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:first), :name).reverse.select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd bcd abc]
  150. end
  151. specify "#lock should lock tables and yield if a block is given" do
  152. @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')}
  153. end
  154. specify "should support exclusion constraints when creating or altering tables" do
  155. @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t; exclude [[Sequel.desc(:t, :nulls=>:last), '=']], :using=>:btree, :where=>proc{t > 0}}
  156. @db[:atest].insert(1)
  157. @db[:atest].insert(2)
  158. proc{@db[:atest].insert(2)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Postgres::ExclusionConstraintViolation)
  159. @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t}
  160. @db.alter_table(:atest){add_exclusion_constraint [[:t, '=']], :using=>:btree, :name=>'atest_ex'}
  161. @db[:atest].insert(1)
  162. @db[:atest].insert(2)
  163. proc{@db[:atest].insert(2)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Postgres::ExclusionConstraintViolation)
  164. @db.alter_table(:atest){drop_constraint 'atest_ex'}
  165. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000
  166. specify "should support Database#do for executing anonymous code blocks" do
  167. @db.drop_table?(:btest)
  169. @db[:btest].select_map(:a).should == [1]
  170. "BEGIN EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE btest; CREATE TABLE atest (a INTEGER)'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO atest VALUES (1)'; END", :language=>:plpgsql
  171. @db[:atest].select_map(:a).should == [1]
  172. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000
  173. specify "should support adding foreign key constarints that are not yet valid, and validating them later" do
  174. @db.create_table!(:atest){primary_key :id; Integer :fk}
  175. @db[:atest].insert(1, 5)
  176. @db.alter_table(:atest){add_foreign_key [:fk], :atest, :not_valid=>true, :name=>:atest_fk}
  177. @db[:atest].insert(2, 1)
  178. proc{@db[:atest].insert(3, 4)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  179. proc{@db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  180. @db[:atest].where(:id=>1).update(:fk=>2)
  181. @db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk}
  182. proc{@db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk}}.should_not raise_error
  183. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200
  184. specify "should support :using when altering a column's type" do
  185. @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t}
  186. @db[:atest].insert(1262304000)
  187. @db.alter_table(:atest){set_column_type :t, Time, :using=>Sequel.cast('epoch', Time) + Sequel.cast('1 second', :interval) * :t}
  188. @db[:atest].get(Sequel.extract(:year, :t)).should == 2010
  189. end
  190. specify "should support :using with a string when altering a column's type" do
  191. @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t}
  192. @db[:atest].insert(1262304000)
  193. @db.alter_table(:atest){set_column_type :t, Time, :using=>"'epoch'::timestamp + '1 second'::interval * t"}
  194. @db[:atest].get(Sequel.extract(:year, :t)).should == 2010
  195. end
  196. specify "should be able to parse the default value for an interval type" do
  197. @db.create_table!(:atest){interval :t, :default=>'1 week'}
  198. @db.schema(:atest).first.last[:ruby_default].should == '7 days'
  199. end
  200. specify "should have #transaction support various types of synchronous options" do
  201. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:on){}
  202. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>true){}
  203. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:off){}
  204. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>false){}
  205. @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = on", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = on", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = off", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = off"]
  206. @db.sqls.clear
  207. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>nil){}
  208. check_sqls do
  209. @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'COMMIT']
  210. end
  211. if @db.server_version >= 90100
  212. @db.sqls.clear
  213. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:local){}
  214. check_sqls do
  215. @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = local"]
  216. end
  217. if @db.server_version >= 90200
  218. @db.sqls.clear
  219. @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:remote_write){}
  220. check_sqls do
  221. @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = remote_write"]
  222. end
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end
  226. specify "should have #transaction support read only transactions" do
  227. @db.transaction(:read_only=>true){}
  228. @db.transaction(:read_only=>false){}
  229. @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :read_only=>true){}
  230. @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :read_only=>false){}
  232. end
  233. specify "should have #transaction support deferrable transactions" do
  234. @db.transaction(:deferrable=>true){}
  235. @db.transaction(:deferrable=>false){}
  236. @db.transaction(:deferrable=>true, :read_only=>true){}
  237. @db.transaction(:deferrable=>false, :read_only=>false){}
  238. @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :deferrable=>true, :read_only=>true){}
  239. @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :deferrable=>false, :read_only=>false){}
  241. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90100
  242. specify "should support creating indexes concurrently" do
  243. @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :concurrently=>true
  244. check_sqls do
  245. @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "test_name_value_index" ON "test" ("name", "value")']
  246. end
  247. end
  248. specify "should support dropping indexes only if they already exist" do
  249. @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv1'
  250. @db.sqls.clear
  251. @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :if_exists=>true, :name=>'tnv1'
  252. check_sqls do
  253. @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "tnv1"']
  254. end
  255. end
  256. specify "should support CASCADE when dropping indexes" do
  257. @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv2'
  258. @db.sqls.clear
  259. @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :cascade=>true, :name=>'tnv2'
  260. check_sqls do
  261. @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX "tnv2" CASCADE']
  262. end
  263. end
  264. specify "should support dropping indexes concurrently" do
  265. @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv2'
  266. @db.sqls.clear
  267. @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :concurrently=>true, :name=>'tnv2'
  268. check_sqls do
  269. @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY "tnv2"']
  270. end
  271. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200
  272. specify "#lock should lock table if inside a transaction" do
  273. @db.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'); @d.insert(:name=>'a')}
  274. end
  275. specify "#lock should return nil" do
  276. @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')}.should == nil
  277. @db.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE').should == nil; @d.insert(:name=>'a')}
  278. end
  279. specify "should raise an error if attempting to update a joined dataset with a single FROM table" do
  280. proc{@db[:test].join(:test, [:name]).update(:name=>'a')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error, 'Need multiple FROM tables if updating/deleting a dataset with JOINs')
  281. end
  282. specify "should truncate with options" do
  283. @d << { :name => 'abc', :value => 1}
  284. @d.count.should == 1
  285. @d.truncate(:cascade => true)
  286. @d.count.should == 0
  287. if @d.db.server_version > 80400
  288. @d << { :name => 'abc', :value => 1}
  289. @d.truncate(:cascade => true, :only=>true, :restart=>true)
  290. @d.count.should == 0
  291. end
  292. end
  293. specify "should truncate multiple tables at once" do
  294. tables = [:test, :test]
  295. tables.each{|t| @d.from(t).insert}
  296. @d.from(:test, :test).truncate
  297. tables.each{|t| @d.from(t).count.should == 0}
  298. end
  299. end
  300. describe "Dataset#distinct" do
  301. before do
  302. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  303. @db.create_table!(:a) do
  304. Integer :a
  305. Integer :b
  306. end
  307. @ds = @db[:a]
  308. end
  309. after do
  310. @db.drop_table?(:a)
  311. end
  312. it "#distinct with arguments should return results distinct on those arguments" do
  313. @ds.insert(20, 10)
  314. @ds.insert(30, 10)
  315. @ds.order(:b, :a) == [20, 30]
  316. @ds.order(:b, Sequel.desc(:a)) == [30, 20]
  317. @ds.order(:b, :a).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [20]
  318. @ds.order(:b, Sequel.desc(:a)).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [30]
  319. end
  320. end
  321. if POSTGRES_DB.pool.respond_to?(:max_size) and POSTGRES_DB.pool.max_size > 1
  322. describe "Dataset#for_update support" do
  323. before do
  324. @db = POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:items) do
  325. primary_key :id
  326. Integer :number
  327. String :name
  328. end
  329. @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:items]
  330. end
  331. after do
  332. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:items)
  333. POSTGRES_DB.disconnect
  334. end
  335. specify "should handle FOR UPDATE" do
  336. @ds.insert(:number=>20)
  337. c, t = nil, nil
  338. q =
  339. POSTGRES_DB.transaction do
  340. @ds.for_update.first(:id=>1)
  341. t = do
  342. POSTGRES_DB.transaction do
  343. q.push nil
  344. @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim')
  345. c = @ds.first(:id=>1)
  346. q.push nil
  347. end
  348. end
  349. q.pop
  350. @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:number=>30)
  351. end
  352. q.pop
  353. t.join
  354. c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>30, :name=>'Jim'}
  355. end
  356. specify "should handle FOR SHARE" do
  357. @ds.insert(:number=>20)
  358. c, t = nil
  359. q =
  360. POSTGRES_DB.transaction do
  361. @ds.for_share.first(:id=>1)
  362. t = do
  363. POSTGRES_DB.transaction do
  364. c = @ds.for_share.filter(:id=>1).first
  365. q.push nil
  366. end
  367. end
  368. q.pop
  369. @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim')
  370. c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>20, :name=>nil}
  371. end
  372. t.join
  373. end
  374. end
  375. end
  376. describe "A PostgreSQL dataset with a timestamp field" do
  377. before(:all) do
  378. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  379. @db.create_table! :test3 do
  380. integer :value
  381. timestamp :time
  382. end
  383. @d = @db[:test3]
  384. end
  385. before do
  386. @d.delete
  387. end
  388. after do
  389. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = false if @db.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  390. end
  391. after(:all) do
  392. @db.drop_table?(:test3)
  393. end
  394. cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for Time objects", :do, :swift do
  395. t =
  396. @d << {:value=>1, :time=>t}
  397. t2 = @d[:value =>1][:time]
  398. @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t)
  399. t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
  400. (t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000).should == t.usec
  401. end
  402. cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for DateTime objects", :do, :swift do
  403. t =
  404. @d << {:value=>1, :time=>t}
  405. t2 = @d[:value =>1][:time]
  406. @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t)
  407. t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
  408. (t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000).should == t.strftime('%N').to_i/1000
  409. end
  410. if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  411. specify "should handle infinite timestamps if convert_infinite_timestamps is set" do
  412. @d << {:time=>Sequel.cast('infinity', :timestamp)}
  413. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil
  414. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil
  415. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string
  416. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 'infinity'
  417. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float
  418. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 1.0/0.0
  419. @d.update(:time=>Sequel.cast('-infinity', :timestamp))
  420. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil
  421. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil
  422. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string
  423. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == '-infinity'
  424. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float
  425. @db[:test3].get(:time).should == -1.0/0.0
  426. end
  427. specify "should handle conversions from infinite strings/floats in models" do
  428. c =
  429. @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float
  430.>'infinity').time.should == 'infinity'
  431.>'-infinity').time.should == '-infinity'
  432.>1.0/0.0).time.should == 1.0/0.0
  433.>-1.0/0.0).time.should == -1.0/0.0
  434. end
  435. end
  436. specify "explain and analyze should not raise errors" do
  437. @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test3]
  438. proc{@d.explain}.should_not raise_error
  439. proc{@d.analyze}.should_not raise_error
  440. end
  441. specify "#locks should be a dataset returning database locks " do
  442. @db.locks.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset)
  443. @db.locks.all.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  444. end
  445. end
  446. describe "A PostgreSQL database" do
  447. before do
  448. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  449. @db.create_table! :test2 do
  450. text :name
  451. integer :value
  452. end
  453. end
  454. after do
  455. @db.drop_table?(:test2)
  456. end
  457. specify "should support column operations" do
  458. @db.create_table!(:test2){text :name; integer :value}
  459. @db[:test2] << {}
  460. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value]
  461. @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000'
  462. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz]
  463. @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111}
  464. @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == '000'
  465. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz]
  466. @db.drop_column :test2, :xyz
  467. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value]
  468. @db[:test2].delete
  469. @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000'
  470. @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 'qqqq'}
  471. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz]
  472. @db.rename_column :test2, :xyz, :zyx
  473. @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx]
  474. @db[:test2].first[:zyx].should == 'qqqq'
  475. @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :float
  476. @db[:test2].delete
  477. @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 56.78}
  478. @db.set_column_type :test2, :xyz, :integer
  479. @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == 57
  480. end
  481. end
  482. describe "A PostgreSQL database" do
  483. before do
  484. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  485. @db.drop_table?(:posts)
  486. @db.sqls.clear
  487. end
  488. after do
  489. @db.drop_table?(:posts)
  490. end
  491. specify "should support resetting the primary key sequence" do
  492. @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a}
  493. @db[:posts].insert(:a=>20).should == 20
  494. @db[:posts].insert.should == 1
  495. @db[:posts].insert.should == 2
  496. @db[:posts].insert(:a=>10).should == 10
  497. @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == 21
  498. @db[:posts].insert.should == 21
  499. @db[:posts].order(:a).map(:a).should == [1, 2, 10, 20, 21]
  500. end
  501. specify "should support resetting the primary key sequence with default_schema" do
  502. begin
  503."DROP SCHEMA p") rescue nil
  504."CREATE SCHEMA p")
  505. @db.default_schema = :p
  506. @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a}
  507. @db[:p__posts].insert(:a=>20).should == 20
  508. @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 1
  509. @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 2
  510. @db[:p__posts].insert(:a=>10).should == 10
  511. @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == 21
  512. @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 21
  513. @db[:p__posts].order(:a).map(:a).should == [1, 2, 10, 20, 21]
  514. ensure
  515. @db.default_schema = nil
  517. end
  518. end
  519. specify "should support specifying Integer/Bignum/Fixnum types in primary keys and have them be auto incrementing" do
  520. @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Integer}
  521. @db[:posts].insert.should == 1
  522. @db[:posts].insert.should == 2
  523. @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Fixnum}
  524. @db[:posts].insert.should == 1
  525. @db[:posts].insert.should == 2
  526. @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Bignum}
  527. @db[:posts].insert.should == 1
  528. @db[:posts].insert.should == 2
  529. end
  530. specify "should not raise an error if attempting to resetting the primary key sequence for a table without a primary key" do
  531. @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :a}
  532. @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == nil
  533. end
  534. specify "should support opclass specification" do
  535. @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; integer :user_id; index(:user_id, :opclass => :int4_ops, :type => :btree)}
  536. check_sqls do
  537. @db.sqls.should == [
  538. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text, "user_id" integer)',
  539. 'CREATE INDEX "posts_user_id_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("user_id" int4_ops)'
  540. ]
  541. end
  542. end
  543. specify "should support fulltext indexes and searching" do
  544. @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; full_text_index [:title, :body]; full_text_index :title, :language => 'french'}
  545. check_sqls do
  546. @db.sqls.should == [
  547. %{CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text)},
  548. %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_body_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))))},
  549. %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))))}
  550. ]
  551. end
  552. @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa')
  553. @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby')
  554. @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x')
  555. @db.sqls.clear
  556. @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}]
  557. @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['yowsa', 'rails']).all.should == [:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa']
  558. @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'scooby', :language => 'french').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x'}]
  559. check_sqls do
  560. @db.sqls.should == [
  561. %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'rails'))},
  562. %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'yowsa | rails'))},
  563. %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('french'::regconfig, 'scooby'))}]
  564. end
  565. @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).call(:select, :n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}]
  566. @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).prepare(:select, :fts_select).call(:n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}]
  567. end
  568. specify "should support spatial indexes" do
  569. @db.create_table(:posts){box :geom; spatial_index [:geom]}
  570. check_sqls do
  571. @db.sqls.should == [
  572. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("geom" box)',
  573. 'CREATE INDEX "posts_geom_index" ON "posts" USING gist ("geom")'
  574. ]
  575. end
  576. end
  577. specify "should support indexes with index type" do
  578. @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'hash'}
  579. check_sqls do
  580. @db.sqls.should == [
  581. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))',
  582. 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING hash ("title")'
  583. ]
  584. end
  585. end
  586. specify "should support unique indexes with index type" do
  587. @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'btree', :unique => true}
  588. check_sqls do
  589. @db.sqls.should == [
  590. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))',
  591. 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("title")'
  592. ]
  593. end
  594. end
  595. specify "should support partial indexes" do
  596. @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}}
  597. check_sqls do
  598. @db.sqls.should == [
  599. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))',
  600. 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')'
  601. ]
  602. end
  603. end
  604. specify "should support identifiers for table names in indicies" do
  605. @db.create_table({varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}}
  606. check_sqls do
  607. @db.sqls.should == [
  608. 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))',
  609. 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')'
  610. ]
  611. end
  612. end
  613. specify "should support renaming tables" do
  614. @db.create_table!(:posts1){primary_key :a}
  615. @db.rename_table(:posts1, :posts)
  616. end
  617. end
  618. describe "Postgres::Dataset#import" do
  619. before do
  620. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  621. @db.create_table!(:test){primary_key :x; Integer :y}
  622. @db.sqls.clear
  623. @ds = @db[:test]
  624. end
  625. after do
  626. @db.drop_table?(:test)
  627. end
  628. specify "#import should a single insert statement" do
  629. @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
  630. check_sqls do
  631. @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'INSERT INTO "test" ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)', 'COMMIT']
  632. end
  633. @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}]
  634. end
  635. specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys" do
  636. @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key).should == [1, 3]
  637. @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}]
  638. end
  639. specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys with :slice option" do
  640. @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key, :slice=>1).should == [1, 3]
  641. @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}]
  642. end
  643. specify "#import should work correctly with an arbitrary returning value" do
  644. @ds.returning(:y, :x).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [{:y=>2, :x=>1}, {:y=>4, :x=>3}]
  645. @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}]
  646. end
  647. end
  648. describe "Postgres::Dataset#insert" do
  649. before do
  650. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  651. @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value}
  652. @db.sqls.clear
  653. @ds = @db[:test5]
  654. end
  655. after do
  656. @db.drop_table?(:test5)
  657. end
  658. specify "should work with static SQL" do
  659. @ds.with_sql('INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (10)').insert.should == nil
  660. @db['INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (20)'].insert.should == nil
  661. @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}, {:xid=>2, :value=>20}]
  662. end
  663. specify "should insert correctly if using a column array and a value array" do
  664. @ds.insert([:value], [10]).should == 1
  665. @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}]
  666. end
  667. specify "should use INSERT RETURNING" do
  668. @ds.insert(:value=>10).should == 1
  669. check_sqls do
  670. @db.sqls.last.should == 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (10) RETURNING "xid"'
  671. end
  672. end
  673. specify "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record" do
  674. h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10)
  675. h[:value].should == 10
  676. @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].should == 10
  677. end
  678. specify "should correctly return the inserted record's primary key value" do
  679. value1 = 10
  680. id1 = @ds.insert(:value=>value1)
  681. @ds.first(:xid=>id1)[:value].should == value1
  682. value2 = 20
  683. id2 = @ds.insert(:value=>value2)
  684. @ds.first(:xid=>id2)[:value].should == value2
  685. end
  686. specify "should return nil if the table has no primary key" do
  687. @db.create_table!(:test5){String :name; Integer :value}
  688. @ds.delete
  689. @ds.insert(:name=>'a').should == nil
  690. end
  691. end
  692. describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables" do
  693. before do
  694. POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SCHEMA schema_test"
  695. POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@primary_keys, {})
  696. POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@primary_key_sequences, {})
  697. end
  698. after do
  699. POSTGRES_DB << "DROP SCHEMA schema_test CASCADE"
  700. POSTGRES_DB.default_schema = nil
  701. end
  702. specify "should be able to create, drop, select and insert into tables in a given schema" do
  703. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i}
  704. POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil
  705. POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].insert(:i=>1).should == 1
  706. POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == {:i=>1}
  707. POSTGRES_DB.from(Sequel.lit('schema_test.schema_test')).first.should == {:i=>1}
  708. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:schema_test__schema_test)
  709. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(Sequel.qualify(:schema_test, :schema_test)){integer :i}
  710. POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil
  711. POSTGRES_DB.from(Sequel.lit('schema_test.schema_test')).first.should == nil
  712. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(Sequel.qualify(:schema_test, :schema_test))
  713. end
  714. specify "#tables should not include tables in a default non-public schema" do
  715. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i}
  716. POSTGRES_DB.tables.should include(:schema_test)
  717. POSTGRES_DB.tables.should_not include(:pg_am)
  718. POSTGRES_DB.tables.should_not include(:domain_udt_usage)
  719. end
  720. specify "#tables should return tables in the schema provided by the :schema argument" do
  721. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i}
  722. POSTGRES_DB.tables(:schema=>:schema_test).should == [:schema_test]
  723. end
  724. specify "#schema should not include columns from tables in a default non-public schema" do
  725. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i}
  726. sch = POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains)
  727. cs ={|x| x.first}
  728. cs.should include(:i)
  729. cs.should_not include(:data_type)
  730. end
  731. specify "#schema should only include columns from the table in the given :schema argument" do
  732. POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:domains){integer :d}
  733. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i}
  734. sch = POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains, :schema=>:schema_test)
  735. cs ={|x| x.first}
  736. cs.should include(:i)
  737. cs.should_not include(:d)
  738. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:domains)
  739. end
  740. specify "#schema should raise an exception if columns from tables in two separate schema are returned" do
  741. POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:public__domains){integer :d}
  742. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i}
  743. begin
  744. proc{POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error)
  745. POSTGRES_DB.schema(:public__domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:d]
  746. POSTGRES_DB.schema(:schema_test__domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:i]
  747. ensure
  748. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:public__domains)
  749. end
  750. end
  751. specify "#table_exists? should see if the table is in a given schema" do
  752. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i}
  753. POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:schema_test__schema_test).should == true
  754. end
  755. specify "should be able to get primary keys for tables in a given schema" do
  756. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i}
  757. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i'
  758. end
  759. specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables in a given schema" do
  760. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i}
  761. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test"."schema_test_i_seq"'
  762. end
  763. specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do
  764. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){primary_key :i}
  765. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."schema test_i_seq"'
  766. end
  767. specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables in a given schema" do
  768. POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.kseq"
  769. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>Sequel.lit("nextval('schema_test.kseq'::regclass)")}
  770. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test".kseq'
  771. end
  772. specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do
  773. POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.\"ks eq\""
  774. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>Sequel.lit("nextval('schema_test.\"ks eq\"'::regclass)")}
  775. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."ks eq"'
  776. end
  777. specify "#default_schema= should change the default schema used from public" do
  778. POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i}
  779. POSTGRES_DB.default_schema = :schema_test
  780. POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:schema_test).should == true
  781. POSTGRES_DB.tables.should == [:schema_test]
  782. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i'
  783. POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test"."schema_test_i_seq"'
  784. end
  785. end
  786. describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables and eager graphing" do
  787. before(:all) do
  788. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  789. "DROP SCHEMA s CASCADE" rescue nil
  790. "CREATE SCHEMA s"
  791. @db.create_table(:s__bands){primary_key :id; String :name}
  792. @db.create_table(:s__albums){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands}
  793. @db.create_table(:s__tracks){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :album_id, :s__albums}
  794. @db.create_table(:s__members){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands}
  795. @Band =
  796. @Album =
  797. @Track =
  798. @Member =
  799. def; :Band; end
  800. def; :Album; end
  801. def; :Track; end
  802. def; :Member; end
  803. @Band.one_to_many :albums, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name
  804. @Band.one_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :order=>:name
  805. @Album.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name
  806. @Album.one_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :order=>:name
  807. @Track.many_to_one :album, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name
  808. @Member.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name
  809. @Member.many_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :join_table=>:s__bands, :right_key=>:id, :left_key=>:id, :left_primary_key=>:band_id, :right_primary_key=>:band_id, :order=>:name
  810. @Band.many_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :join_table=>:s__albums, :right_key=>:id, :right_primary_key=>:album_id, :order=>:name
  811. @b1 = @Band.create(:name=>"BM")
  812. @b2 = @Band.create(:name=>"J")
  813. @a1 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM1", :band=>@b1)
  814. @a2 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM2", :band=>@b1)
  815. @a3 = @Album.create(:name=>"GH", :band=>@b2)
  816. @a4 = @Album.create(:name=>"GHL", :band=>@b2)
  817. @t1 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-1", :album=>@a1)
  818. @t2 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-2", :album=>@a1)
  819. @t3 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-1", :album=>@a2)
  820. @t4 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-2", :album=>@a2)
  821. @m1 = @Member.create(:name=>"NU", :band=>@b1)
  822. @m2 = @Member.create(:name=>"TS", :band=>@b1)
  823. @m3 = @Member.create(:name=>"NS", :band=>@b2)
  824. @m4 = @Member.create(:name=>"JC", :band=>@b2)
  825. end
  826. after(:all) do
  828. end
  829. specify "should return all eager graphs correctly" do
  830. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums).all
  831. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  832.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  833. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  834. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  835.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  836.{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]
  837. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all
  838. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  839.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  840.{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]
  841.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  842. end
  843. specify "should have eager graphs work with previous joins" do
  844. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select_all(:s__bands).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).from_self(:alias=>:bands0).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  845. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  846.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  847.{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]
  848. end
  849. specify "should have eager graphs work with joins with the same tables" do
  850. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select_all(:s__bands).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all
  851. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  852.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  853.{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]
  854.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  855. end
  856. specify "should have eager graphs work with self referential associations" do
  857. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all
  858. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  859.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  860.{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]
  861.{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []]
  862. members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:members).all
  863. members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]
  864.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]]
  865. members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:band, :members=>:band).all
  866. members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]
  867.{|x|}.should == [@b2, @b2, @b1, @b1]
  868.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]]
  869.{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b2, @b2], [@b2, @b2], [@b1, @b1], [@b1, @b1]]
  870. end
  871. specify "should have eager graphs work with a from_self dataset" do
  872. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from_self.eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all
  873. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  874.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  875.{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]
  876.{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []]
  877. end
  878. specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of aliased from tables" do
  879. bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(:s__bands___tracks).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  880. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  881.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  882. bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as(:tracks)).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  883. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  884.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  885. bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as(Sequel.identifier(:tracks))).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  886. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  887.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  888. bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as('tracks')).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  889. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  890.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  891. end
  892. specify "should have eager graphs work with join tables with aliases" do
  893. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums___tracks, :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  894. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  895.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  896.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  897. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, :tracks), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  898. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  899.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  900.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  901. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, 'tracks'), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  902. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  903.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  904.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  905. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, Sequel.identifier(:tracks)), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  906. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  907.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  908.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  909. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>:tracks).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  910. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  911.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  912.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  913. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>'tracks').eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  914. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  915.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  916.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  917. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>Sequel.identifier(:tracks)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all
  918. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  919.{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]
  920.{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]]
  921. end
  922. specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of qualified from tables" do
  923. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(Sequel.qualify(:s, :bands)).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  924. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  925.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  926. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(Sequel.identifier(:bands).qualify(:s)).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  927. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  928.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  929. bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(, 'bands')).eager_graph(:tracks).all
  930. bands.should == [@b1, @b2]
  931.{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]
  932. end
  933. end
  934. if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 80300
  935. describe "PostgreSQL tsearch2" do
  936. before(:all) do
  937. POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test6 do
  938. text :title
  939. text :body
  940. full_text_index [:title, :body]
  941. end
  942. @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:test6]
  943. end
  944. after do
  945. POSTGRES_DB[:test6].delete
  946. end
  947. after(:all) do
  948. POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:test6)
  949. end
  950. specify "should search by indexed column" do
  951. record = {:title => "oopsla conference", :body => "test"}
  952. @ds << record
  953. @ds.full_text_search(:title, "oopsla").all.should include(record)
  954. end
  955. specify "should join multiple coumns with spaces to search by last words in row" do
  956. record = {:title => "multiple words", :body => "are easy to search"}
  957. @ds << record
  958. @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record)
  959. end
  960. specify "should return rows with a NULL in one column if a match in another column" do
  961. record = {:title => "multiple words", :body =>nil}
  962. @ds << record
  963. @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record)
  964. end
  965. end
  966. end
  967. if POSTGRES_DB.dataset.supports_window_functions?
  968. describe "Postgres::Dataset named windows" do
  969. before do
  970. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  971. @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :group_id; Integer :amount}
  972. @ds = @db[:i1].order(:id)
  973. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :group_id=>1, :amount=>1)
  974. @ds.insert(:id=>2, :group_id=>1, :amount=>10)
  975. @ds.insert(:id=>3, :group_id=>1, :amount=>100)
  976. @ds.insert(:id=>4, :group_id=>2, :amount=>1000)
  977. @ds.insert(:id=>5, :group_id=>2, :amount=>10000)
  978. @ds.insert(:id=>6, :group_id=>2, :amount=>100000)
  979. end
  980. after do
  981. @db.drop_table?(:i1)
  982. end
  983. specify "should give correct results for window functions" do
  984. @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id, :order=>:id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win){}}.all.should ==
  985. [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]
  986. @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win, :order=>id){}}.all.should ==
  987. [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]
  988. @ds.window(:win, {}).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id){}}.all.should ==
  989. [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}]
  990. @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id, :frame=>:all){}}.all.should ==
  991. [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]
  992. end
  993. end
  994. end
  995. describe "Postgres::Database functions, languages, schemas, and triggers" do
  996. before do
  997. @d = POSTGRES_DB
  998. end
  999. after do
  1000. @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true)
  1001. @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>%w'integer integer')
  1002. @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1003. @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true)
  1004. @d.drop_table?(:test)
  1005. end
  1006. specify "#create_function and #drop_function should create and drop functions" do
  1007. proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  1008. args = ['tf', 'SELECT 1', {:returns=>:integer}]
  1009. @d.send(:create_function_sql, *args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE FUNCTION tf\(\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+AS 'SELECT 1'\s*\z/
  1010. @d.create_function(*args)
  1011. rows = @d['SELECT tf()'].all.should == [{:tf=>1}]
  1012. @d.send(:drop_function_sql, 'tf').should == 'DROP FUNCTION tf()'
  1013. @d.drop_function('tf')
  1014. proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  1015. end
  1016. specify "#create_function and #drop_function should support options" do
  1017. args = ['tf', 'SELECT $1 + $2', {:args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer], :replace=>true, :returns=>:integer, :language=>'SQL', :behavior=>:immutable, :strict=>true, :security_definer=>true, :cost=>2, :set=>{:search_path => 'public'}}]
  1018. @d.send(:create_function_sql,*args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tf\(a integer, integer\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+IMMUTABLE\s+STRICT\s+SECURITY DEFINER\s+COST 2\s+SET search_path = public\s+AS 'SELECT \$1 \+ \$2'\s*\z/
  1019. @d.create_function(*args)
  1020. # Make sure replace works
  1021. @d.create_function(*args)
  1022. rows = @d['SELECT tf(1, 2)'].all.should == [{:tf=>3}]
  1023. args = ['tf', {:if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer]}]
  1024. @d.send(:drop_function_sql,*args).should == 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tf(a integer, integer) CASCADE'
  1025. @d.drop_function(*args)
  1026. # Make sure if exists works
  1027. @d.drop_function(*args)
  1028. end
  1029. specify "#create_language and #drop_language should create and drop languages" do
  1030. @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql'
  1031. @d.create_language(:plpgsql, :replace=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1032. proc{@d.create_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  1033. @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE plpgsql'
  1034. @d.drop_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1035. proc{@d.drop_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1036. @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql, :replace=>true, :trusted=>true, :handler=>:a, :validator=>:b).should == (@d.server_version >= 90000 ? 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b' : 'CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b')
  1037. @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE IF EXISTS plpgsql CASCADE'
  1038. # Make sure if exists works
  1039. @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1040. end
  1041. specify "#create_schema and #drop_schema should create and drop schemas" do
  1042. @d.send(:create_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'CREATE SCHEMA "sequel"'
  1043. @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'DROP SCHEMA "sequel"'
  1044. @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "sequel" CASCADE'
  1045. @d.create_schema(:sequel)
  1046. @d.create_table(:sequel__test){Integer :a}
  1047. @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true)
  1048. end
  1049. specify "#create_trigger and #drop_trigger should create and drop triggers" do
  1050. @d.create_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000
  1051. @d.create_function(:tf, 'BEGIN IF NEW.value IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION \'Blah\'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;', :language=>:plpgsql, :returns=>:trigger)
  1052. @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON "test" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf()'
  1053. @d.create_table(:test){String :name; Integer :value}
  1054. @d.create_trigger(:test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true)
  1055. @d[:test].insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1)
  1056. @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}]
  1057. proc{@d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  1058. @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}]
  1059. @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>3)
  1060. @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>3}]
  1061. @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity).should == 'DROP TRIGGER identity ON "test"'
  1062. @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity)
  1063. @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :after=>true, :events=>:insert, :args=>[1, 'a']).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity AFTER INSERT ON "test" EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf(1, \'a\')'
  1064. @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS identity ON "test" CASCADE'
  1065. # Make sure if exists works
  1066. @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true)
  1067. end
  1068. end
  1069. if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1070. describe "Postgres::Dataset #use_cursor" do
  1071. before(:all) do
  1072. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1073. @db.create_table!(:test_cursor){Integer :x}
  1074. @db.sqls.clear
  1075. @ds = @db[:test_cursor]
  1076. @db.transaction{1001.times{|i| @ds.insert(i)}}
  1077. end
  1078. after(:all) do
  1079. @db.drop_table?(:test_cursor)
  1080. end
  1081. specify "should return the same results as the non-cursor use" do
  1082. @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all
  1083. end
  1084. specify "should respect the :rows_per_fetch option" do
  1085. @db.sqls.clear
  1086. @ds.use_cursor.all
  1087. check_sqls do
  1088. @db.sqls.length.should == 6
  1089. @db.sqls.clear
  1090. end
  1091. @ds.use_cursor(:rows_per_fetch=>100).all
  1092. check_sqls do
  1093. @db.sqls.length.should == 15
  1094. end
  1095. end
  1096. specify "should handle returning inside block" do
  1097. def @ds.check_return
  1098. use_cursor.each{|r| return}
  1099. end
  1100. @ds.check_return
  1101. @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all
  1102. end
  1103. end
  1104. describe "Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES" do
  1105. before do
  1106. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1107. Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES[:interval] = lambda{|v| v.reverse}
  1108. @db.reset_conversion_procs
  1109. end
  1110. after do
  1111. Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES.delete(:interval)
  1112. @db.reset_conversion_procs
  1113. @db.drop_table?(:foo)
  1114. end
  1115. specify "should look up conversion procs by name" do
  1116. @db.create_table!(:foo){interval :bar}
  1117. @db[:foo].insert(Sequel.cast('21 days', :interval))
  1118. @db[:foo].get(:bar).should == 'syad 12'
  1119. end
  1120. end
  1121. end
  1122. if ((POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG) || POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :jdbc) && POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000
  1123. describe "Postgres::Database#copy_into" do
  1124. before(:all) do
  1125. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1126. @db.create_table!(:test_copy){Integer :x; Integer :y}
  1127. @ds = @db[:test_copy].order(:x, :y)
  1128. end
  1129. before do
  1130. @db[:test_copy].delete
  1131. end
  1132. after(:all) do
  1133. @db.drop_table?(:test_copy)
  1134. end
  1135. specify "should work with a :data option containing data in PostgreSQL text format" do
  1136. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>"1\t2\n3\t4\n")
  1137. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1138. end
  1139. specify "should work with :format=>:csv option and :data option containing data in CSV format" do
  1140. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :format=>:csv, :data=>"1,2\n3,4\n")
  1141. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1142. end
  1143. specify "should respect given :options" do
  1144. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :options=>"FORMAT csv, HEADER TRUE", :data=>"x,y\n1,2\n3,4\n")
  1145. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1146. end
  1147. specify "should respect given :options options when :format is used" do
  1148. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :options=>"QUOTE '''', DELIMITER '|'", :format=>:csv, :data=>"'1'|'2'\n'3'|'4'\n")
  1149. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1150. end
  1151. specify "should accept :columns option to online copy the given columns" do
  1152. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>"1\t2\n3\t4\n", :columns=>[:y, :x])
  1153. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[2, 1], [4, 3]]
  1154. end
  1155. specify "should accept a block and use returned values for the copy in data stream" do
  1156. buf = ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]
  1157. @db.copy_into(:test_copy){buf.shift}
  1158. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1159. end
  1160. specify "should work correctly with a block and :format=>:csv" do
  1161. buf = ["1,2\n", "3,4\n"]
  1162. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){buf.shift}
  1163. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1164. end
  1165. specify "should accept an enumerable as the :data option" do
  1166. @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"])
  1167. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  1168. end
  1169. specify "should have an exception, cause a rollback of copied data and still have a usable connection" do
  1170. 2.times do
  1171. sent = false
  1172. proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy){raise ArgumentError if sent; sent = true; "1\t2\n"}}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
  1173. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == []
  1174. end
  1175. end
  1176. specify "should handle database errors with a rollback of copied data and still have a usable connection" do
  1177. 2.times do
  1178. proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\ta\n"])}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError)
  1179. @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == []
  1180. end
  1181. end
  1182. specify "should raise an Error if both :data and a block are provided" do
  1183. proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]){}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error)
  1184. end
  1185. specify "should raise an Error if neither :data or a block are provided" do
  1186. proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error)
  1187. end
  1188. end
  1189. describe "Postgres::Database#copy_table" do
  1190. before(:all) do
  1191. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1192. @db.create_table!(:test_copy){Integer :x; Integer :y}
  1193. ds = @db[:test_copy]
  1194. ds.insert(1, 2)
  1195. ds.insert(3, 4)
  1196. end
  1197. after(:all) do
  1198. @db.drop_table?(:test_copy)
  1199. end
  1200. specify "without a block or options should return a text version of the table as a single string" do
  1201. @db.copy_table(:test_copy).should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n"
  1202. end
  1203. specify "without a block and with :format=>:csv should return a csv version of the table as a single string" do
  1204. @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv).should == "1,2\n3,4\n"
  1205. end
  1206. specify "should treat string as SQL code" do
  1207. @db.copy_table('COPY "test_copy" TO STDOUT').should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n"
  1208. end
  1209. specify "should respect given :options options" do
  1210. @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :options=>"FORMAT csv, HEADER TRUE").should == "x,y\n1,2\n3,4\n"
  1211. end
  1212. specify "should respect given :options options when :format is used" do
  1213. @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv, :options=>"QUOTE '''', FORCE_QUOTE *").should == "'1','2'\n'3','4'\n"
  1214. end
  1215. specify "should accept dataset as first argument" do
  1216. @db.copy_table(@db[:test_copy].cross_join(:test_copy___tc).order(:test_copy__x, :test_copy__y, :tc__x, :tc__y)).should == "1\t2\t1\t2\n1\t2\t3\t4\n3\t4\t1\t2\n3\t4\t3\t4\n"
  1217. end
  1218. specify "with a block and no options should yield each row as a string in text format" do
  1219. buf = []
  1220. @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b}
  1221. buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]
  1222. end
  1223. specify "with a block and :format=>:csv should yield each row as a string in csv format" do
  1224. buf = []
  1225. @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b}
  1226. buf.should == ["1,2\n", "3,4\n"]
  1227. end
  1228. specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following copy_table" do
  1229. buf = []
  1230. proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError)
  1231. buf.should == ["1,2\n"]
  1232. buf.clear
  1233. proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError)
  1234. buf.should == ["1,2\n"]
  1235. buf.clear
  1236. @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b}
  1237. buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]
  1238. end
  1239. specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following regular query" do
  1240. buf = []
  1241. proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError)
  1242. buf.should == ["1,2\n"]
  1243. buf.clear
  1244. proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError)
  1245. buf.should == ["1,2\n"]
  1246. @db[:test_copy].select_order_map(:x).should == [1, 3]
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG && POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000
  1251. describe "Postgres::Database LISTEN/NOTIFY" do
  1252. before(:all) do
  1253. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1254. end
  1255. specify "should support listen and notify" do
  1256. notify_pid = @db.synchronize{|conn| conn.backend_pid}
  1257. called = false
  1258. @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}) do |ev, pid, payload|
  1259. ev.should == 'foo'
  1260. pid.should == notify_pid
  1261. ['', nil].should include(payload)
  1262. called = true
  1263. end.should == 'foo'
  1264. called.should be_true
  1265. # Check weird identifier names
  1266. called = false
  1267. @db.listen('FOO bar', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('FOO bar')}) do |ev, pid, payload|
  1268. ev.should == 'FOO bar'
  1269. pid.should == notify_pid
  1270. ['', nil].should include(payload)
  1271. called = true
  1272. end.should == 'FOO bar'
  1273. called.should be_true
  1274. # Check identifier symbols
  1275. called = false
  1276. @db.listen(:foo, :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify(:foo)}) do |ev, pid, payload|
  1277. ev.should == 'foo'
  1278. pid.should == notify_pid
  1279. ['', nil].should include(payload)
  1280. called = true
  1281. end.should == 'foo'
  1282. called.should be_true
  1283. called = false
  1284. @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar')}) do |ev, pid, payload|
  1285. ev.should == 'foo'
  1286. pid.should == notify_pid
  1287. payload.should == 'bar'
  1288. called = true
  1289. end.should == 'foo'
  1290. called.should be_true
  1291. @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}).should == 'foo'
  1292. called = false
  1293. called2 = false
  1294. i = 0
  1295. @db.listen(['foo', 'bar'], :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar'); @db.notify('bar', :payload=>'foo')}, :loop=>proc{i+=1}) do |ev, pid, payload|
  1296. if !called
  1297. ev.should == 'foo'
  1298. pid.should == notify_pid
  1299. payload.should == 'bar'
  1300. called = true
  1301. else
  1302. ev.should == 'bar'
  1303. pid.should == notify_pid
  1304. payload.should == 'foo'
  1305. called2 = true
  1306. break
  1307. end
  1308. end.should be_nil
  1309. called.should be_true
  1310. called2.should be_true
  1311. i.should == 1
  1312. end
  1313. specify "should accept a :timeout option in listen" do
  1314. @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001).should == nil
  1315. called = false
  1316. @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil
  1317. called.should be_false
  1318. i = 0
  1319. @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001, :loop=>proc{i+=1; throw :stop if i > 3}){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil
  1320. i.should == 4
  1321. end unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # Ruby freezes on this spec on this platform/version
  1322. end
  1323. end
  1324. describe 'PostgreSQL special float handling' do
  1325. before do
  1326. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1327. @db.create_table!(:test5){Float :value}
  1328. @db.sqls.clear
  1329. @ds = @db[:test5]
  1330. end
  1331. after do
  1332. @db.drop_table?(:test5)
  1333. end
  1334. check_sqls do
  1335. specify 'should quote NaN' do
  1336. nan = 0.0/0.0
  1337. @ds.insert_sql(:value => nan).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('NaN')}
  1338. end
  1339. specify 'should quote +Infinity' do
  1340. inf = 1.0/0.0
  1341. @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('Infinity')}
  1342. end
  1343. specify 'should quote -Infinity' do
  1344. inf = -1.0/0.0
  1345. @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('-Infinity')}
  1346. end
  1347. end
  1348. if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1349. specify 'inserts NaN' do
  1350. nan = 0.0/0.0
  1351. @ds.insert(:value=>nan)
  1352. @ds.all[0][:value].nan?.should be_true
  1353. end
  1354. specify 'inserts +Infinity' do
  1355. inf = 1.0/0.0
  1356. @ds.insert(:value=>inf)
  1357. @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should > 0
  1358. end
  1359. specify 'inserts -Infinity' do
  1360. inf = -1.0/0.0
  1361. @ds.insert(:value=>inf)
  1362. @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should < 0
  1363. end
  1364. end
  1365. end
  1366. describe 'PostgreSQL array handling' do
  1367. before(:all) do
  1368. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1369. @db.extension :pg_array
  1370. @ds = @db[:items]
  1371. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1372. @jdbc = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :jdbc
  1373. @tp = lambda{@db.schema(:items).map{|a| a.last[:type]}}
  1374. end
  1375. after do
  1376. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  1377. end
  1378. specify 'insert and retrieve integer and float arrays of various sizes' do
  1379. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1380. column :i2, 'int2[]'
  1381. column :i4, 'int4[]'
  1382. column :i8, 'int8[]'
  1383. column :r, 'real[]'
  1384. column :dp, 'double precision[]'
  1385. end
  1386. == [:integer_array, :integer_array, :bigint_array, :float_array, :float_array]
  1387. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([1], :int2), Sequel.pg_array([nil, 2], :int4), Sequel.pg_array([3, nil], :int8), Sequel.pg_array([4, nil, 4.5], :real), Sequel.pg_array([5, nil, 5.5], "double precision"))
  1388. @ds.count.should == 1
  1389. rs = @ds.all
  1390. if @jdbc || @native
  1391. rs.should == [{:i2=>[1], :i4=>[nil, 2], :i8=>[3, nil], :r=>[4.0, nil, 4.5], :dp=>[5.0, nil, 5.5]}]
  1392. end
  1393. if @native
  1394. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1395. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1396. @ds.delete
  1397. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1398. @ds.all.should == rs
  1399. end
  1400. @ds.delete
  1401. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([[1], [2]], :int2), Sequel.pg_array([[nil, 2], [3, 4]], :int4), Sequel.pg_array([[3, nil], [nil, nil]], :int8), Sequel.pg_array([[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]], :real), Sequel.pg_array([[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]], "double precision"))
  1402. rs = @ds.all
  1403. if @jdbc || @native
  1404. rs.should == [{:i2=>[[1], [2]], :i4=>[[nil, 2], [3, 4]], :i8=>[[3, nil], [nil, nil]], :r=>[[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]], :dp=>[[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]]}]
  1405. end
  1406. if @native
  1407. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1408. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1409. @ds.delete
  1410. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1411. @ds.all.should == rs
  1412. end
  1413. end
  1414. specify 'insert and retrieve decimal arrays' do
  1415. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1416. column :n, 'numeric[]'
  1417. end
  1418. == [:decimal_array]
  1419. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')], :numeric))
  1420. @ds.count.should == 1
  1421. rs = @ds.all
  1422. if @jdbc || @native
  1423. rs.should == [{:n=>['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')]}]
  1424. end
  1425. if @native
  1426. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1427. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1428. @ds.delete
  1429. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1430. @ds.all.should == rs
  1431. end
  1432. @ds.delete
  1433. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]], :numeric))
  1434. rs = @ds.all
  1435. if @jdbc || @native
  1436. rs.should == [{:n=>[['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]]}]
  1437. end
  1438. if @native
  1439. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1440. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1441. @ds.delete
  1442. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1443. @ds.all.should == rs
  1444. end
  1445. end
  1446. specify 'insert and retrieve string arrays' do
  1447. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1448. column :c, 'char(4)[]'
  1449. column :vc, 'varchar[]'
  1450. column :t, 'text[]'
  1451. end
  1452. == [:string_array, :string_array, :string_array]
  1453. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], 'char(4)'), Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :varchar), Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :text))
  1454. @ds.count.should == 1
  1455. rs = @ds.all
  1456. if @jdbc || @native
  1457. rs.should == [{:c=>['a ', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :vc=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :t=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c']}]
  1458. end
  1459. if @native
  1460. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1461. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1462. @ds.delete
  1463. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1464. @ds.all.should == rs
  1465. end
  1466. @ds.delete
  1467. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], 'char(4)'), Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :varchar), Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :text))
  1468. rs = @ds.all
  1469. if @jdbc || @native
  1470. rs.should == [{:c=>[[['a '], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :vc=>[[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :t=>[[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]]}]
  1471. end
  1472. if @native
  1473. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1474. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1475. @ds.delete
  1476. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1477. @ds.all.should == rs
  1478. end
  1479. end
  1480. specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of other types' do
  1481. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1482. column :b, 'bool[]'
  1483. column :d, 'date[]'
  1484. column :t, 'time[]'
  1485. column :ts, 'timestamp[]'
  1486. column :tstz, 'timestamptz[]'
  1487. end
  1488. == [:boolean_array, :date_array, :time_array, :datetime_array, :datetime_timezone_array]
  1489. d =
  1490. t = Sequel::SQLTime.create(10, 20, 30)
  1491. ts = Time.local(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  1492. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([true, false], :bool), Sequel.pg_array([d, nil], :date), Sequel.pg_array([t, nil], :time), Sequel.pg_array([ts, nil], :timestamp), Sequel.pg_array([ts, nil], :timestamptz))
  1493. @ds.count.should == 1
  1494. rs = @ds.all
  1495. if @jdbc || @native
  1496. rs.should == [{:b=>[true, false], :d=>[d, nil], :t=>[t, nil], :ts=>[ts, nil], :tstz=>[ts, nil]}]
  1497. end
  1498. if @native
  1499. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1500. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1501. @ds.delete
  1502. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1503. @ds.all.should == rs
  1504. end
  1505. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1506. column :ba, 'bytea[]'
  1507. column :tz, 'timetz[]'
  1508. column :o, 'oid[]'
  1509. end
  1510. == [:blob_array, :time_timezone_array, :integer_array]
  1511. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.blob("a\0"), nil], :bytea), Sequel.pg_array([t, nil], :timetz), Sequel.pg_array([1, 2, 3], :oid))
  1512. @ds.count.should == 1
  1513. if @native
  1514. rs = @ds.all
  1515. rs.should == [{:ba=>[Sequel.blob("a\0"), nil], :tz=>[t, nil], :o=>[1, 2, 3]}]
  1516. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1517. rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)}
  1518. @ds.delete
  1519. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1520. @ds.all.should == rs
  1521. end
  1522. end
  1523. specify 'use arrays in bound variables' do
  1524. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1525. column :i, 'int4[]'
  1526. end
  1527., {:i=>[1,2]}, {:i=>:$i})
  1528. @ds.get(:i).should == [1, 2]
  1529. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,2]).should == {:i=>[1,2]}
  1530. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,3]).should == nil
  1531. # NULL values
  1532. @ds.delete
  1533., {:i=>[nil,nil]}, {:i=>:$i})
  1534. @ds.first.should == {:i=>[nil, nil]}
  1535. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1536. column :i, 'text[]'
  1537. end
  1538. a = ["\"\\\\\"{}\n\t\r \v\b123afP", 'NULL', nil, '']
  1539., {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a))
  1540. @ds.get(:i).should == a
  1541. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a}
  1542. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>['', nil, nil, 'a']).should == nil
  1543. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1544. column :i, 'date[]'
  1545. end
  1546. a = []
  1547., {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'date'))
  1548. @ds.get(:i).should == a
  1549. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a}
  1550. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([], 'date')).should == nil
  1551. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1552. column :i, 'timestamp[]'
  1553. end
  1554. a = [Time.local(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]
  1555., {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'timestamp'))
  1556. @ds.get(:i).should == a
  1557. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a}
  1558. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([a.first-1], 'timestamp')).should == nil
  1559. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1560. column :i, 'boolean[]'
  1561. end
  1562. a = [true, false]
  1563., {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'boolean'))
  1564. @ds.get(:i).should == a
  1565. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a}
  1566. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([false, true], 'boolean')).should == nil
  1567. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1568. column :i, 'bytea[]'
  1569. end
  1570. a = [Sequel.blob("a\0'\"")]
  1571., {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'bytea'))
  1572. @ds.get(:i).should == a
  1573. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a}
  1574. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.blob("b\0")], 'bytea')).should == nil
  1575. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  1576. specify 'with models' do
  1577. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1578. primary_key :id
  1579. column :i, 'integer[]'
  1580. column :f, 'double precision[]'
  1581. column :d, 'numeric[]'
  1582. column :t, 'text[]'
  1583. end
  1584. c =[:items]))
  1585. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :f, :d, :t unless @native
  1586. o = c.create(:i=>[1,2, nil], :f=>[[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]], :d=>[1,'1.000000000000000000001')], :t=>[%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']])
  1587. o.i.should == [1, 2, nil]
  1588. o.f.should == [[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]]
  1589. o.d.should == ['1'),'1.000000000000000000001')]
  1590. o.t.should == [%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']]
  1591. end
  1592. specify 'operations/functions with pg_array_ops' do
  1593. Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops
  1594. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'integer[]'; column :i2, 'integer[]'; column :i3, 'integer[]'; column :i4, 'integer[]'; column :i5, 'integer[]'}
  1595. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([1, 2, 3]), Sequel.pg_array([2, 1]), Sequel.pg_array([4, 4]), Sequel.pg_array([[5, 5], [4, 3]]), Sequel.pg_array([1, nil, 5]))
  1596. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) > :i3).should be_false
  1597. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) > :i).should be_true
  1598. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) >= :i3).should be_false
  1599. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) >= :i).should be_true
  1600. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) < :i).should be_false
  1601. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) < :i3).should be_true
  1602. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) <= :i).should be_false
  1603. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) <= :i).should be_true
  1604. @ds.get(Sequel.expr(5=>Sequel.pg_array(:i).any)).should be_false
  1605. @ds.get(Sequel.expr(1=>Sequel.pg_array(:i).any)).should be_true
  1606. @ds.get(Sequel.expr(1=>Sequel.pg_array(:i3).all)).should be_false
  1607. @ds.get(Sequel.expr(4=>Sequel.pg_array(:i3).all)).should be_true
  1608. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2)[1]).should == 2
  1609. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2)[2]).should == 1
  1610. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i4)[2][1]).should == 4
  1611. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i4)[2][2]).should == 3
  1612. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contains(:i2)).should be_true
  1613. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contains(:i3)).should be_false
  1614. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2).contained_by(:i)).should be_true
  1615. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contained_by(:i2)).should be_false
  1616. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).overlaps(:i2)).should be_true
  1617. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2).overlaps(:i3)).should be_false
  1618. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).dims).should == '[1:3]'
  1619. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).length).should == 3
  1620. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).lower).should == 1
  1621. if @db.server_version >= 90000
  1622. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join).should == '15'
  1623. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join(':')).should == '1:5'
  1624. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join(':', '*')).should == '1:*:5'
  1625. end
  1626. == 3 if @db.server_version >= 80400
  1627. if @native
  1628. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).push(4)).should == [1, 2, 3, 4]
  1629. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).unshift(4)).should == [4, 1, 2, 3]
  1630. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).concat(:i2)).should == [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
  1631. end
  1632. end
  1633. end
  1634. describe 'PostgreSQL hstore handling' do
  1635. before(:all) do
  1636. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1637. @db.extension :pg_hstore
  1638. @ds = @db[:items]
  1639. @h = {'a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil, 'd'=>'NULL', 'e'=>'\\\\" \\\' ,=>'}
  1640. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1641. end
  1642. after do
  1643. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  1644. end
  1645. specify 'insert and retrieve hstore values' do
  1646. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1647. column :h, :hstore
  1648. end
  1649. @ds.insert(Sequel.hstore(@h))
  1650. @ds.count.should == 1
  1651. if @native
  1652. rs = @ds.all
  1653. v = rs.first[:h]
  1654. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  1655. v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  1656. v.to_hash.should == @h
  1657. @ds.delete
  1658. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1659. @ds.all.should == rs
  1660. end
  1661. end
  1662. specify 'use hstore in bound variables' do
  1663. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1664. column :i, :hstore
  1665. end
  1666., {:i=>Sequel.hstore(@h)}, {:i=>:$i})
  1667. @ds.get(:i).should == @h
  1668. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.hstore(@h)).should == {:i=>@h}
  1669. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.hstore({})).should == nil
  1670. @ds.delete
  1671., {:i=>Sequel.hstore('a'=>nil)}, {:i=>:$i})
  1672. @ds.get(:i).should == Sequel.hstore('a'=>nil)
  1673. @ds.delete
  1674., {:i=>@h}, {:i=>:$i})
  1675. @ds.get(:i).should == @h
  1676. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>@h).should == {:i=>@h}
  1677. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>{}).should == nil
  1678. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  1679. specify 'with models and associations' do
  1680. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1681. primary_key :id
  1682. column :h, :hstore
  1683. end
  1684. c =[:items])) do
  1685. def
  1686. 'Item'
  1687. end
  1688. unrestrict_primary_key
  1689. def item_id
  1690. h['item_id'].to_i if h
  1691. end
  1692. def left_item_id
  1693. h['left_item_id'].to_i if h
  1694. end
  1695. end
  1696. Sequel.extension :pg_hstore_ops
  1697. c.plugin :many_through_many
  1698. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :h unless @native
  1699. h = {'item_id'=>"2", 'left_item_id'=>"1"}
  1700. o2 = c.create(:id=>2)
  1701. o = c.create(:id=>1, :h=>h)
  1702. o.h.should == h
  1703. c.many_to_one :item, :class=>c, :key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer)
  1704. c.one_to_many :items, :class=>c, :key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer), :key_method=>:item_id
  1705. c.many_to_many :related_items, :class=>c, :join_table=>:items___i, :left_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), :right_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer)
  1706. c.many_to_one :other_item, :class=>c, :key=>:id, :primary_key_method=>:item_id, :primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer)
  1707. c.one_to_many :other_items, :class=>c, :primary_key=>:item_id, :key=>:id, :primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer)
  1708. c.many_to_many :other_related_items, :class=>c, :join_table=>:items___i, :left_key=>:id, :right_key=>:id,
  1709. :left_primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer),
  1710. :left_primary_key=>:left_item_id,
  1711. :right_primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer),
  1712. :right_primary_key_method=>:left_item_id
  1713. c.many_through_many :mtm_items, [
  1714. [:items, Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer), Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer)],
  1715. [:items, Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer)]
  1716. ],
  1717. :class=>c,
  1718. :left_primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer),
  1719. :left_primary_key=>:item_id,
  1720. :right_primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer),
  1721. :right_primary_key_method=>:left_item_id
  1722. # Lazily Loading
  1723. o.item.should == o2
  1724. o2.items.should == [o]
  1725. o.related_items.should == [o2]
  1726. o2.other_item.should == o
  1727. o.other_items.should == [o2]
  1728. o.other_related_items.should == [o]
  1729. o.mtm_items.should == [o]
  1730. # Eager Loading via eager
  1731. os = c.eager(:item, :related_items, :other_items, :other_related_items, :mtm_items).where(:id=>1).all.first
  1732. os.item.should == o2
  1733. os.related_items.should == [o2]
  1734. os.other_items.should == [o2]
  1735. os.other_related_items.should == [o]
  1736. os.mtm_items.should == [o]
  1737. os = c.eager(:items, :other_item).where(:id=>2).all.first
  1738. os.items.should == [o]
  1739. os.other_item.should == o
  1740. # Eager Loading via eager_graph
  1741. c.eager_graph(:item).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.item.should == o2
  1742. c.eager_graph(:items).where(:items__id=>2).all.first.items.should == [o]
  1743. c.eager_graph(:related_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.related_items.should == [o2]
  1744. c.eager_graph(:other_item).where(:items__id=>2).all.first.other_item.should == o
  1745. c.eager_graph(:other_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.other_items.should == [o2]
  1746. c.eager_graph(:other_related_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.other_related_items.should == [o]
  1747. c.eager_graph(:mtm_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.mtm_items.should == [o]
  1748. # Filter By Associations - Model Instances
  1749. c.filter(:item=>o2).all.should == [o]
  1750. c.filter(:items=>o).all.should == [o2]
  1751. c.filter(:related_items=>o2).all.should == [o]
  1752. c.filter(:other_item=>o).all.should == [o2]
  1753. c.filter(:other_items=>o2).all.should == [o]
  1754. c.filter(:other_related_items=>o).all.should == [o]
  1755. c.filter(:mtm_items=>o).all.should == [o]
  1756. # Filter By Associations - Model Datasets
  1757. c.filter(:item=>c.filter(:id=> == [o]
  1758. c.filter(:items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o2]
  1759. c.filter(:related_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o]
  1760. c.filter(:other_item=>c.filter(:id=> == [o2]
  1761. c.filter(:other_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o]
  1762. c.filter(:other_related_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o]
  1763. c.filter(:mtm_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o]
  1764. end
  1765. specify 'operations/functions with pg_hstore_ops' do
  1766. Sequel.extension :pg_hstore_ops, :pg_array, :pg_array_ops
  1767. @db.create_table!(:items){hstore :h1; hstore :h2; hstore :h3; String :t}
  1768. @ds.insert(Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil), Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b'), Sequel.hstore('d'=>'e'))
  1769. h1 = Sequel.hstore(:h1)
  1770. h2 = Sequel.hstore(:h2)
  1771. h3 = Sequel.hstore(:h3)
  1772. @ds.get(h1['a']).should == 'b'
  1773. @ds.get(h1['d']).should == nil
  1774. @ds.get(h2.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1775. @ds.get(h1.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3
  1776. @ds.get(h2.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1777. @ds.get(h1.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3
  1778. unless [:do].include?(@db.adapter_scheme)
  1779. # Broken DataObjects thinks operators with ? represent placeholders
  1780. @ds.get(h1.contain_all(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a c'))).should == true
  1781. @ds.get(h1.contain_all(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))).should == false
  1782. @ds.get(h1.contain_any(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))).should == true
  1783. @ds.get(h1.contain_any(Sequel.pg_array(%w'e d'))).should == false
  1784. end
  1785. @ds.get(h1.contains(h2)).should == true
  1786. @ds.get(h1.contains(h3)).should == false
  1787. @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h1)).should == true
  1788. @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h3)).should == false
  1789. @ds.get(h1.defined('a')).should == true
  1790. @ds.get(h1.defined('c')).should == false
  1791. @ds.get(h1.defined('d')).should == false
  1792. @ds.get(h1.delete('a')['c']).should == nil
  1793. @ds.get(h1.delete(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))['c']).should == nil
  1794. @ds.get(h1.delete(h2)['c']).should == nil
  1795. @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil).op.each).order(:key).all.should == [{:key=>'a', :value=>'b'}, {:key=>'c', :value=>nil}]
  1796. unless [:do].include?(@db.adapter_scheme)
  1797. @ds.get(h1.has_key?('c')).should == true
  1798. @ds.get(h1.include?('c')).should == true
  1799. @ds.get(h1.key?('c')).should == true
  1800. @ds.get(h1.member?('c')).should == true
  1801. @ds.get(h1.exist?('c')).should == true
  1802. @ds.get(h1.has_key?('d')).should == false
  1803. @ds.get(h1.include?('d')).should == false
  1804. @ds.get(h1.key?('d')).should == false
  1805. @ds.get(h1.member?('d')).should == false
  1806. @ds.get(h1.exist?('d')).should == false
  1807. end
  1808. @ds.get(h1.hstore.hstore.hstore.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1809. @ds.get(h1.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1810. @ds.get(h2.keys.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1811. @ds.get(h1.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1812. @ds.get(h2.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1813. @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s').op.populate(, :items))).select_map(:t).should == ['s']
  1814. @ds.from(:items___i).select(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s').op.record_set(:i).as(:r)).from_self(:alias=>:s).select(Sequel.lit('(r).*')).from_self.select_map(:t).should == ['s']
  1815. @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b') == %w'a t'
  1816. @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a c')).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1817. @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'd c')).keys.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1818. @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'd e')).keys.pg_array.length).should == nil
  1819. @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b') == %w'b s'
  1820. @ds.get(h1.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 4
  1821. @ds.get(h2.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1822. @ds.get(h1.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1823. @ds.get(h2.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1824. @ds.get(h1.values.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1825. @ds.get(h2.values.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1826. @ds.get(h1.avals.pg_array.length).should == 2
  1827. @ds.get(h2.avals.pg_array.length).should == 1
  1828. end
  1829. end if POSTGRES_DB.type_supported?(:hstore)
  1830. describe 'PostgreSQL json type' do
  1831. before(:all) do
  1832. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1833. @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_json
  1834. @ds = @db[:items]
  1835. @a = [1, 2, {'a'=>'b'}, 3.0]
  1836. @h = {'a'=>'b', '1'=>[3, 4, 5]}
  1837. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1838. end
  1839. after do
  1840. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  1841. end
  1842. specify 'insert and retrieve json values' do
  1843. @db.create_table!(:items){json :j}
  1844. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_json(@h))
  1845. @ds.count.should == 1
  1846. if @native
  1847. rs = @ds.all
  1848. v = rs.first[:j]
  1849. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  1850. v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  1851. v.should == @h
  1852. v.to_hash.should == @h
  1853. @ds.delete
  1854. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1855. @ds.all.should == rs
  1856. end
  1857. @ds.delete
  1858. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_json(@a))
  1859. @ds.count.should == 1
  1860. if @native
  1861. rs = @ds.all
  1862. v = rs.first[:j]
  1863. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)
  1864. v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  1865. v.should == @a
  1866. v.to_a.should == @a
  1867. @ds.delete
  1868. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1869. @ds.all.should == rs
  1870. end
  1871. end
  1872. specify 'insert and retrieve json[] values' do
  1873. @db.create_table!(:items){column :j, 'json[]'}
  1874. j = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_json('a'=>1), Sequel.pg_json(['b', 2])])
  1875. @ds.insert(j)
  1876. @ds.count.should == 1
  1877. if @native
  1878. rs = @ds.all
  1879. v = rs.first[:j]
  1880. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)
  1881. v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  1882. v.should == j
  1883. v.to_a.should == j
  1884. @ds.delete
  1885. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1886. @ds.all.should == rs
  1887. end
  1888. end
  1889. specify 'use json in bound variables' do
  1890. @db.create_table!(:items){json :i}
  1891., {:i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)}, {:i=>:$i})
  1892. @ds.get(:i).should == @h
  1893. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).should == {:i=>@h}
  1894. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json({})).should == nil
  1895. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).should == 1
  1896., {:i=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)}, {:i=>:$i})
  1897. @ds.get(:i).should == @a
  1898. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)).should == {:i=>@a}
  1899. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json([])).should == nil
  1900. @ds.delete
  1901., {:i=>Sequel.pg_json('a'=>nil)}, {:i=>:$i})
  1902. @ds.get(:i).should == Sequel.pg_json('a'=>nil)
  1903. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'json[]'}
  1904. j = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_json('a'=>1), Sequel.pg_json(['b', 2])], :text)
  1905., {:i=>j}, {:i=>:$i})
  1906. @ds.get(:i).should == j
  1907. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, 'text[]')=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>j).should == {:i=>j}
  1908. @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, 'text[]')=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([])).should == nil
  1909. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  1910. specify 'with models' do
  1911. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  1912. primary_key :id
  1913. json :h
  1914. end
  1915. c =[:items]))
  1916. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :h unless @native
  1917. c.create(:h=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).h.should == @h
  1918. c.create(:h=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)).h.should == @a
  1919. end
  1920. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200
  1921. describe 'PostgreSQL inet/cidr types' do
  1922. ipv6_broken = ('::1'); false) rescue true
  1923. before(:all) do
  1924. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  1925. @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_inet
  1926. @ds = @db[:items]
  1927. @v4 = ''
  1928. @v4nm = ''
  1929. @v6 = '2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1'
  1930. @v6nm = '2001:4f8:3:ba::/64'
  1931. @ipv4 =
  1932. @ipv4nm =
  1933. unless ipv6_broken
  1934. @ipv6 =
  1935. @ipv6nm =
  1936. end
  1937. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  1938. end
  1939. after do
  1940. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  1941. end
  1942. specify 'insert and retrieve inet/cidr values' do
  1943. @db.create_table!(:items){inet :i; cidr :c}
  1944. @ds.insert(@ipv4, @ipv4nm)
  1945. @ds.count.should == 1
  1946. if @native
  1947. rs = @ds.all
  1948. rs.first[:i].should == @ipv4
  1949. rs.first[:c].should == @ipv4nm
  1950. rs.first[:i].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1951. rs.first[:c].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1952. @ds.delete
  1953. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1954. @ds.all.should == rs
  1955. end
  1956. unless ipv6_broken
  1957. @ds.delete
  1958. @ds.insert(@ipv6, @ipv6nm)
  1959. @ds.count.should == 1
  1960. if @native
  1961. rs = @ds.all
  1962. v = rs.first[:j]
  1963. rs.first[:i].should == @ipv6
  1964. rs.first[:c].should == @ipv6nm
  1965. rs.first[:i].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1966. rs.first[:c].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1967. @ds.delete
  1968. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1969. @ds.all.should == rs
  1970. end
  1971. end
  1972. end
  1973. specify 'insert and retrieve inet/cidr/macaddr array values' do
  1974. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'inet[]'; column :c, 'cidr[]'; column :m, 'macaddr[]'}
  1975. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([@ipv4], 'inet'), Sequel.pg_array([@ipv4nm], 'cidr'), Sequel.pg_array(['12:34:56:78:90:ab'], 'macaddr'))
  1976. @ds.count.should == 1
  1977. if @native
  1978. rs = @ds.all
  1979. rs.first.values.all?{|c| c.is_a?(Sequel::Postgres::PGArray)}.should be_true
  1980. rs.first[:i].first.should == @ipv4
  1981. rs.first[:c].first.should == @ipv4nm
  1982. rs.first[:m].first.should == '12:34:56:78:90:ab'
  1983. rs.first[:i].first.should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1984. rs.first[:c].first.should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr)
  1985. @ds.delete
  1986. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  1987. @ds.all.should == rs
  1988. end
  1989. end
  1990. specify 'use ipaddr in bound variables' do
  1991. @db.create_table!(:items){inet :i; cidr :c}
  1992., {:i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c})
  1993. @ds.get(:i).should == @ipv4
  1994. @ds.get(:c).should == @ipv4nm
  1995. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == {:i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm}
  1996. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == nil
  1997. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:delete, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == 1
  1998. unless ipv6_broken
  1999., {:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c})
  2000. @ds.get(:i).should == @ipv6
  2001. @ds.get(:c).should == @ipv6nm
  2002. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == {:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm}
  2003. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == nil
  2004. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:delete, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == 1
  2005. end
  2006. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'inet[]'; column :c, 'cidr[]'; column :m, 'macaddr[]'}
  2007., {:i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m})
  2008. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:first, :i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']).should == {:i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']}
  2009. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:first, :i=>[], :c=>[], :m=>[]).should == nil
  2010. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:delete, :i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']).should == 1
  2011. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2012. specify 'with models' do
  2013. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  2014. primary_key :id
  2015. inet :i
  2016. cidr :c
  2017. end
  2018. c =[:items]))
  2019. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :c unless @native
  2020. c.create(:i=>@v4, :c=>@v4nm).values.values_at(:i, :c).should == [@ipv4, @ipv4nm]
  2021. unless ipv6_broken
  2022. c.create(:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).values.values_at(:i, :c).should == [@ipv6, @ipv6nm]
  2023. end
  2024. end
  2025. end
  2026. describe 'PostgreSQL range types' do
  2027. before(:all) do
  2028. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  2029. @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_range
  2030. @ds = @db[:items]
  2031. @map = {:i4=>'int4range', :i8=>'int8range', :n=>'numrange', :d=>'daterange', :t=>'tsrange', :tz=>'tstzrange'}
  2032. @r = {:i4=>1...2, :i8=>2...3, :n=>'1.0')'2.0'), :d=>, :t=>Time.local(2011, 1)..Time.local(2011, 2), :tz=>Time.local(2011, 1)..Time.local(2011, 2)}
  2033. @ra = {}
  2034. @pgr = {}
  2035. @pgra = {}
  2036. @r.each{|k, v| @ra[k] = Sequel.pg_array([v], @map[k])}
  2037. @r.each{|k, v| @pgr[k] = Sequel.pg_range(v)}
  2038. @r.each{|k, v| @pgra[k] = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_range(v)], @map[k])}
  2039. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  2040. end
  2041. after do
  2042. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  2043. end
  2044. specify 'insert and retrieve range type values' do
  2045. @db.create_table!(:items){int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz}
  2046. [@r, @pgr].each do |input|
  2047. h = {}
  2048. input.each{|k, v| h[k] = Sequel.cast(v, @map[k])}
  2049. @ds.insert(h)
  2050. @ds.count.should == 1
  2051. if @native
  2052. rs = @ds.all
  2053. rs.first.each do |k, v|
  2054. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Range)
  2055. v.to_range.should be_a_kind_of(Range)
  2056. v.should == @r[k]
  2057. v.to_range.should == @r[k]
  2058. end
  2059. @ds.delete
  2060. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2061. @ds.all.should == rs
  2062. end
  2063. @ds.delete
  2064. end
  2065. end
  2066. specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of range type values' do
  2067. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'}
  2068. [@ra, @pgra].each do |input|
  2069. @ds.insert(input)
  2070. @ds.count.should == 1
  2071. if @native
  2072. rs = @ds.all
  2073. rs.first.each do |k, v|
  2074. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2075. v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2076. v.first.should_not be_a_kind_of(Range)
  2077. v.first.to_range.should be_a_kind_of(Range)
  2078. v.should == @ra[k].to_a
  2079. v.first.should == @r[k]
  2080. end
  2081. @ds.delete
  2082. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2083. @ds.all.should == rs
  2084. end
  2085. @ds.delete
  2086. end
  2087. end
  2088. specify 'use range types in bound variables' do
  2089. @db.create_table!(:items){int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz}
  2090. h = {}
  2091. @r.keys.each{|k| h[k] = :"$#{k}"}
  2092. r2 = {}
  2093. @r.each{|k, v| r2[k] =, v.end+2)}
  2094., @r, h)
  2095. @ds.first.should == @r
  2096. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @r).should == @r
  2097. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @pgr).should == @r
  2098. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, r2).should == nil
  2099. @ds.filter(h).call(:delete, @r).should == 1
  2100. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'}
  2101. @r.each{|k, v| r2[k] = [, v.end+2)]}
  2102., @ra, h)
  2103. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @ra).each{|k, v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a}
  2104. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @pgra).each{|k, v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a}
  2105. @ds.filter(h).call(:first, r2).should == nil
  2106. @ds.filter(h).call(:delete, @ra).should == 1
  2107. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2108. specify 'with models' do
  2109. @db.create_table!(:items){primary_key :id; int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz}
  2110. c =[:items]))
  2111. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i4, :i8, :n, :d, :t, :tz unless @native
  2112. v = c.create(@r).values
  2113. v.delete(:id)
  2114. v.should == @r
  2115. unless @db.adapter_scheme == :jdbc
  2116. @db.create_table!(:items){primary_key :id; column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'}
  2117. c =[:items]))
  2118. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i4, :i8, :n, :d, :t, :tz unless @native
  2119. v = c.create(@ra).values
  2120. v.delete(:id)
  2121. v.each{|k,v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a}
  2122. end
  2123. end
  2124. specify 'operations/functions with pg_range_ops' do
  2125. Sequel.extension :pg_range_ops
  2126. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(2..4)).should be_true
  2127. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(3..6)).should be_false
  2128. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(0..6)).should be_false
  2129. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(0..6)).should be_true
  2130. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(3..6)).should be_false
  2131. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(2..4)).should be_false
  2132. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.overlaps(5..6)).should be_true
  2133. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :int4range).op.overlaps(5..6)).should be_false
  2134. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(6..10)).should be_true
  2135. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(5..10)).should be_false
  2136. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(-1..0)).should be_false
  2137. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(-1..3)).should be_false
  2138. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(6..10)).should be_false
  2139. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(5..10)).should be_false
  2140. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(-1..0)).should be_true
  2141. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(-1..3)).should be_false
  2142. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(6..10)).should be_true
  2143. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(5..10)).should be_true
  2144. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(-1..0)).should be_false
  2145. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(-1..3)).should be_false
  2146. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(6..10)).should be_false
  2147. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(5..10)).should be_false
  2148. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(-1..0)).should be_true
  2149. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(-1..3)).should be_true
  2150. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_true
  2151. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :int4range).op.adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false
  2152. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op + (6..10)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false
  2153. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op + (6..10)).adjacent_to(11..20)).should be_true
  2154. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op * (2..6)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_true
  2155. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..4, :int4range).op * (2..6)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false
  2156. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op - (2..6)).adjacent_to(2..10)).should be_true
  2157. @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op - (3..6)).adjacent_to(4..10)).should be_false
  2158. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.lower).should == 0
  2159. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.upper).should == 5
  2160. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.isempty).should be_false
  2161. @db.get(Sequel::Postgres::PGRange.empty(:int4range).op.isempty).should be_true
  2162. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :numrange).op.lower_inc).should be_true
  2163. @db.get(, 5, :exclude_begin=>true, :db_type=>:numrange).op.lower_inc).should be_false
  2164. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :numrange).op.upper_inc).should be_true
  2165. @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :numrange).op.upper_inc).should be_false
  2166. @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.lower_inf).should be_false
  2167. @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.lower_inf).should be_true
  2168. @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.upper_inf).should be_false
  2169. @db.get(, nil, :db_type=>:int4range).op.upper_inf).should be_true
  2170. end
  2171. end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200
  2172. describe 'PostgreSQL interval types' do
  2173. before(:all) do
  2174. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  2175. @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_interval
  2176. @ds = @db[:items]
  2177. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  2178. end
  2179. after(:all) do
  2180. Sequel::Postgres::PG_TYPES.delete(1186)
  2181. end
  2182. after do
  2183. @db.drop_table?(:items)
  2184. end
  2185. specify 'insert and retrieve interval values' do
  2186. @db.create_table!(:items){interval :i}
  2187. [
  2188. ['0', '00:00:00', 0, [[:seconds, 0]]],
  2189. ['1 microsecond', '00:00:00.000001', 0.000001, [[:seconds, 0.000001]]],
  2190. ['1 millisecond', '00:00:00.001', 0.001, [[:seconds, 0.001]]],
  2191. ['1 second', '00:00:01', 1, [[:seconds, 1]]],
  2192. ['1 minute', '00:01:00', 60, [[:seconds, 60]]],
  2193. ['1 hour', '01:00:00', 3600, [[:seconds, 3600]]],
  2194. ['1 day', '1 day', 86400, [[:days, 1]]],
  2195. ['1 week', '7 days', 86400*7, [[:days, 7]]],
  2196. ['1 month', '1 mon', 86400*30, [[:months, 1]]],
  2197. ['1 year', '1 year', 31557600, [[:years, 1]]],
  2198. ['1 decade', '10 years', 31557600*10, [[:years, 10]]],
  2199. ['1 century', '100 years', 31557600*100, [[:years, 100]]],
  2200. ['1 millennium', '1000 years', 31557600*1000, [[:years, 1000]]],
  2201. ['1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds', '1 year 2 mons 25 days 05:06:07', 31557600 + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]]],
  2202. ['-1 year +2 months -3 weeks +4 days -5 hours +6 minutes -7 seconds', '-10 mons -17 days -04:54:07', -10*86400*30 - 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 - 5*3600 + 6*60 - 7, [[:months, -10], [:days, -17], [:seconds, -17647]]],
  2203. ['+2 years -1 months +3 weeks -4 days +5 hours -6 minutes +7 seconds', '1 year 11 mons 17 days 04:54:07', 31557600 + 11*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 - 4*86400 + 5*3600 - 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 11], [:days, 17], [:seconds, 17647]]],
  2204. ].each do |instr, outstr, value, parts|
  2205. @ds.insert(instr)
  2206. @ds.count.should == 1
  2207. if @native
  2208. @ds.get(Sequel.cast(:i, String)).should == outstr
  2209. rs = @ds.all
  2210. rs.first[:i].is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true
  2211. rs.first[:i].should ==, parts)
  2212. rs.first[:i].parts.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}.should == parts.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}
  2213. @ds.delete
  2214. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2215. @ds.all.should == rs
  2216. end
  2217. @ds.delete
  2218. end
  2219. end
  2220. specify 'insert and retrieve interval array values' do
  2221. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'interval[]'}
  2222. @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds'], 'interval'))
  2223. @ds.count.should == 1
  2224. if @native
  2225. rs = @ds.all
  2226. rs.first[:i].is_a?(Sequel::Postgres::PGArray).should be_true
  2227. rs.first[:i].first.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true
  2228. rs.first[:i].first.should == + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]])
  2229. rs.first[:i]{|k,v| k.to_s}.should == [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]].sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}
  2230. @ds.delete
  2231. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2232. @ds.all.should == rs
  2233. end
  2234. end
  2235. specify 'use intervals in bound variables' do
  2236. @db.create_table!(:items){interval :i}
  2237. @ds.insert('1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds')
  2238. d = @ds.get(:i)
  2239. @ds.delete
  2240., {:i=>d}, {:i=>:$i})
  2241. @ds.get(:i).should == d
  2242. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>d).should == {:i=>d}
  2243. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>'0').should == nil
  2244. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>d).should == 1
  2245. @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'interval[]'}
  2246., {:i=>[d]}, {:i=>:$i})
  2247. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[d]).should == {:i=>[d]}
  2248. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[]).should == nil
  2249. @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>[d]).should == 1
  2250. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2251. specify 'with models' do
  2252. @db.create_table!(:items) do
  2253. primary_key :id
  2254. interval :i
  2255. end
  2256. c =[:items]))
  2257. c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :c unless @native
  2258. v = c.create(:i=>'1 year 2 mons 25 days 05:06:07').i
  2259. v.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true
  2260. v.should == + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]])
  2261.{|k,v| k.to_s}.should == [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]].sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}
  2262. end
  2263. end if (begin require 'active_support/duration'; require 'active_support/inflector'; require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'; true; rescue LoadError; false end)
  2264. describe 'PostgreSQL row-valued/composite types' do
  2265. before(:all) do
  2266. @db = POSTGRES_DB
  2267. Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops, :pg_row_ops
  2268. @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_row
  2269. @ds = @db[:person]
  2270. @db.create_table!(:address) do
  2271. String :street
  2272. String :city
  2273. String :zip
  2274. end
  2275. @db.create_table!(:person) do
  2276. Integer :id
  2277. address :address
  2278. end
  2279. @db.create_table!(:company) do
  2280. Integer :id
  2281. column :employees, 'person[]'
  2282. end
  2283. @db.register_row_type(:address)
  2284. @db.register_row_type(Sequel.qualify(:public, :person))
  2285. @db.register_row_type(:public__company)
  2286. @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres
  2287. end
  2288. after(:all) do
  2289. @db.drop_table?(:company, :person, :address)
  2290. @db.row_types.clear
  2291. @db.reset_conversion_procs if @native
  2292. end
  2293. after do
  2294. [:company, :person, :address].each{|t| @db[t].delete}
  2295. end
  2296. specify 'insert and retrieve row types' do
  2297. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345']))
  2298. @ds.count.should == 1
  2299. if @native
  2300. # Single row valued type
  2301. rs = @ds.all
  2302. v = rs.first[:address]
  2303. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  2304. v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  2305. v.to_hash.should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}
  2306. @ds.delete
  2307. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2308. @ds.all.should == rs
  2309. # Nested row value type
  2310. p = @ds.get(:person)
  2311. p[:id].should == 1
  2312. p[:address].should == v
  2313. end
  2314. end
  2315. specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of row types' do
  2316. @ds = @db[:company]
  2317. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])]))
  2318. @ds.count.should == 1
  2319. if @native
  2320. v = @ds.get(:company)
  2321. v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  2322. v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash)
  2323. v[:id].should == 1
  2324. employees = v[:employees]
  2325. employees.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2326. employees.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2327. employees.should == [{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}]
  2328. @ds.delete
  2329. @ds.insert(v[:id], v[:employees])
  2330. @ds.get(:company).should == v
  2331. end
  2332. end
  2333. specify 'use row types in bound variables' do
  2334., {:address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1})
  2335. @ds.get(:address).should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}
  2336. @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345']))[:id].should == 1
  2337. @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])).should == nil
  2338. @ds.delete
  2339., {:address=>Sequel.pg_row([nil, nil, nil])}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1})
  2340. @ds.get(:address).should == {:street=>nil, :city=>nil, :zip=>nil}
  2341. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2342. specify 'use arrays of row types in bound variables' do
  2343. @ds = @db[:company]
  2344., {:employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])])}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1})
  2345. @ds.get(:company).should == {:id=>1, :employees=>[{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}]}
  2346. @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])]))[:id].should == 1
  2347. @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])])])).should == nil
  2348. @ds.delete
  2349., {:employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row([nil, nil, nil])])])}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1})
  2350. @ds.get(:employees).should == [{:address=>{:city=>nil, :zip=>nil, :street=>nil}, :id=>1}]
  2351. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2352. specify 'operations/functions with pg_row_ops' do
  2353. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345']))
  2354. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:street]).should == '123 Sesame St'
  2355. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:city]).should == 'Somewhere'
  2356. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:zip]).should == '12345'
  2357. @ds = @db[:company]
  2358. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])]))
  2359. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:id]).should == 1
  2360. if @native
  2361. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees]).should == [{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}]
  2362. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1]).should == {:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}
  2363. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address]).should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}
  2364. end
  2365. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:id]).should == 1
  2366. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:street]).should == '123 Sesame St'
  2367. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:city]).should == 'Somewhere'
  2368. @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:zip]).should == '12345'
  2369. end
  2370. context "#splat and #*" do
  2371. before(:all) do
  2372. @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a}
  2373. @db.create_table!(:b){a :b; Integer :a}
  2374. @db.register_row_type(:a)
  2375. @db.register_row_type(:b)
  2376. @db[:b].insert(:a=>1, :b=>@db.row_type(:a, [2]))
  2377. end
  2378. after(:all) do
  2379. @db.drop_table?(:b, :a)
  2380. end
  2381. specify "splat should reference the table type" do
  2382. @db[:b].select(:a).first.should == {:a=>1}
  2383. @db[:b].select(:b__a).first.should == {:a=>1}
  2384. @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b)[:a]).first.should == {:a=>2}
  2385. @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1}
  2386. if @native
  2387. @db[:b].select(:b).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}}
  2388. @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}
  2389. @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat(:b)).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}}
  2390. end
  2391. end
  2392. specify "* should expand the table type into separate columns" do
  2393. ds = @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat(:b)).from_self(:alias=>:t)
  2394. if @native
  2395. ds.first.should == {:b=>{:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}}
  2396.*).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}
  2397.[:b]).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}}
  2398.*).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}
  2399.[:b]).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}}
  2400. end
  2401.[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1}
  2402.[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1}
  2403. end
  2404. end
  2405. context "with models" do
  2406. before(:all) do
  2407. class Address < Sequel::Model(:address)
  2408. plugin :pg_row
  2409. end
  2410. class Person < Sequel::Model(:person)
  2411. plugin :pg_row
  2412. end
  2413. class Company < Sequel::Model(:company)
  2414. plugin :pg_row
  2415. end
  2416. @a =>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345')
  2417. @es = Sequel.pg_array([>1, :address=>@a)])
  2418. end
  2419. after(:all) do
  2420. Object.send(:remove_const, :Address) rescue nil
  2421. Object.send(:remove_const, :Person) rescue nil
  2422. Object.send(:remove_const, :Company) rescue nil
  2423. end
  2424. specify 'insert and retrieve row types as model objects' do
  2425. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>@a)
  2426. @ds.count.should == 1
  2427. if @native
  2428. # Single row valued type
  2429. rs = @ds.all
  2430. v = rs.first[:address]
  2431. v.should be_a_kind_of(Address)
  2432. v.should == @a
  2433. @ds.delete
  2434. @ds.insert(rs.first)
  2435. @ds.all.should == rs
  2436. # Nested row value type
  2437. p = @ds.get(:person)
  2438. p.should be_a_kind_of(Person)
  2439. == 1
  2440. p.address.should be_a_kind_of(Address)
  2441. p.address.should == @a
  2442. end
  2443. end
  2444. specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of row types as model objects' do
  2445. @ds = @db[:company]
  2446. @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>@es)
  2447. @ds.count.should == 1
  2448. if @native
  2449. v = @ds.get(:company)
  2450. v.should be_a_kind_of(Company)
  2451. == 1
  2452. employees = v[:employees]
  2453. employees.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2454. employees.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
  2455. employees.should == @es
  2456. @ds.delete
  2457. @ds.insert(, v.employees)
  2458. @ds.get(:company).should == v
  2459. end
  2460. end
  2461. specify 'use model objects in bound variables' do
  2462., {:address=>@a}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1})
  2463. @ds.get(:address).should == @a
  2464. @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>@a)[:id].should == 1
  2465. @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12356')).should == nil
  2466. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2467. specify 'use arrays of model objects in bound variables' do
  2468. @ds = @db[:company]
  2469., {:employees=>@es}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1})
  2470. @ds.get(:company).should ==>1, :employees=>@es)
  2471. @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>@es)[:id].should == 1
  2472. @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])])])).should == nil
  2473. end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG
  2474. specify 'model typecasting' do
  2475. Person.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :address unless @native
  2476. a =>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345')
  2477. o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])
  2478. o.address.should == a
  2479. o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'})
  2480. o.address.should == a
  2481. o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>a)
  2482. o.address.should == a
  2483. Company.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :employees unless @native
  2484. e =>1, :address=>a)
  2485. unless @db.adapter_scheme == :jdbc
  2486. o = Company.create(:id=>1, :employees=>[{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}])
  2487. o.employees.should == [e]
  2488. o = Company.create(:id=>1, :employees=>[e])
  2489. o.employees.should == [e]
  2490. end
  2491. end
  2492. end
  2493. end