PageRenderTime 941ms CodeModel.GetById 18ms RepoModel.GetById 1ms app.codeStats 0ms

Lua | 2536 lines | 2521 code | 7 blank | 8 comment | 6 complexity | 20faf3df45f0fa4ffce5c5aef8a0221d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause, LGPL-2.1, Unlicense, LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0
  1. --[[
  2. Name: LibBabble-Boss-3.0
  3. Revision: $Rev: 363 $
  4. Maintainers: ckknight, nevcairiel, Ackis
  5. Website:
  6. Dependencies: None
  7. License: MIT
  8. ]]
  9. local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibBabble-Boss-3.0"
  10. local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Rev: 363 $"):match("%d+"))
  11. if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub.") end
  12. local lib = LibStub("LibBabble-3.0"):New(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
  13. if not lib then return end
  14. local GAME_LOCALE = GetLocale()
  15. lib:SetBaseTranslations {
  16. ["\"Captain\" Cookie"] = "\"Captain\" Cookie",
  17. Acidmaw = "Acidmaw",
  18. ["Admiral Ripsnarl"] = "Admiral Ripsnarl",
  19. Aeonus = "Aeonus",
  20. ["Aerial Command Unit"] = "Aerial Command Unit",
  21. ["Agathelos the Raging"] = "Agathelos the Raging",
  22. ["Aggem Thorncurse"] = "Aggem Thorncurse",
  23. Ahune = "Ahune",
  24. ["Akil'zon"] = "Akil'zon",
  25. ["Aku'mai"] = "Aku'mai",
  26. ["Al'Akir"] = "Al'Akir",
  27. ["Al'ar"] = "Al'ar",
  28. ["Algalon the Observer"] = "Algalon the Observer",
  29. Altairus = "Altairus",
  30. Altarius = "Altarius",
  31. Alysrazor = "Alysrazor",
  32. ["Alzzin the Wildshaper"] = "Alzzin the Wildshaper",
  33. Amanitar = "Amanitar",
  34. ["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "Ambassador Flamelash",
  35. ["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "Ambassador Hellmaw",
  36. Ammunae = "Ammunae",
  37. ["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "Amnennar the Coldbringer",
  38. ["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "Ancient Stone Keeper",
  39. Anetheron = "Anetheron",
  40. ["Anger'rel"] = "Anger'rel",
  41. Anomalus = "Anomalus",
  42. Anraphet = "Anraphet",
  43. Anshal = "Anshal",
  44. ["Antu'sul"] = "Antu'sul",
  45. ["Anub'Rekhan"] = "Anub'Rekhan",
  46. ["Anub'arak"] = "Anub'arak",
  47. ["Anub'shiah"] = "Anub'shiah",
  48. ["Anubisath Defender"] = "Anubisath Defender",
  49. ["Anubisath Guardian"] = "Anubisath Guardian",
  50. Anzu = "Anzu",
  51. ["Arcane Watchman"] = "Arcane Watchman",
  52. ["Arcanist Doan"] = "Arcanist Doan",
  53. Arcanotron = "Arcanotron",
  54. Archaedas = "Archaedas",
  55. ["Archavon the Stone Watcher"] = "Archavon the Stone Watcher",
  56. ["Archbishop Benedictus"] = "Archbishop Benedictus",
  57. Archimonde = "Archimonde",
  58. ["Archivist Galford"] = "Archivist Galford",
  59. ["Archmage Arugal"] = "Archmage Arugal",
  60. Arcurion = "Arcurion",
  61. Argaloth = "Argaloth",
  62. ["Argent Confessor Paletress"] = "Argent Confessor Paletress",
  63. Arion = "Arion",
  64. ["Arugal's Voidwalker"] = "Arugal's Voidwalker",
  65. Asaad = "Asaad",
  66. ["Ascendant Council"] = "Ascendant Council",
  67. ["Ascendant Lord Obsidius"] = "Ascendant Lord Obsidius",
  68. ["Asim al Akir"] = "Asim al Akir",
  69. ["Asira Dawnslayer"] = "Asira Dawnslayer",
  70. ["Assault Bot"] = "Assault Bot",
  71. ["Assembly of Iron"] = "Assembly of Iron",
  72. ["Atal'alarion"] = "Atal'alarion",
  73. Atramedes = "Atramedes",
  74. ["Attumen the Huntsman"] = "Attumen the Huntsman",
  75. Auriaya = "Auriaya",
  76. Avalanchion = "Avalanchion",
  77. ["Avatar of Hakkar"] = "Avatar of Hakkar",
  78. ["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "Ayamiss the Hunter",
  79. Azgalor = "Azgalor",
  80. ["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "Azshir the Sleepless",
  81. Azuregos = "Azuregos",
  82. ["Bael'Gar"] = "Bael'Gar",
  83. Baelog = "Baelog",
  84. Baleroc = "Baleroc",
  85. Balnazzar = "Balnazzar",
  86. ["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus the Warborn",
  87. ["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "Bannok Grimaxe",
  88. ["Baron Aquanis"] = "Baron Aquanis",
  89. ["Baron Ashbury"] = "Baron Ashbury",
  90. ["Baron Charr"] = "Baron Charr",
  91. ["Baron Geddon"] = "Baron Geddon",
  92. ["Baron Kazum"] = "Baron Kazum",
  93. ["Baron Rivendare"] = "Baron Rivendare",
  94. ["Baron Silverlaine"] = "Baron Silverlaine",
  95. ["Baroness Anastari"] = "Baroness Anastari",
  96. ["Battleguard Sartura"] = "Battleguard Sartura",
  97. ["Bazil Thredd"] = "Bazil Thredd",
  98. Bazzalan = "Bazzalan",
  99. Beauty = "Beauty",
  100. ["Beth'tilac"] = "Beth'tilac",
  101. ["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "Black Guard Swordsmith",
  102. ["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "Blackheart the Inciter",
  103. ["Blind Hunter"] = "Blind Hunter",
  104. ["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Blindeye the Seer",
  105. ["Blood Council"] = "Blood Council",
  106. ["Blood Guard Porung"] = "Blood Guard Porung",
  107. ["Blood Prince Council"] = "Blood Prince Council",
  108. ["Blood Princes"] = "Blood Princes",
  109. ["Blood Steward of Kirtonos"] = "Blood Steward of Kirtonos",
  110. ["Blood-Queen Lana'thel"] = "Blood-Queen Lana'thel",
  111. ["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Bloodlord Mandokir",
  112. ["Bloodmage Thalnos"] = "Bloodmage Thalnos",
  113. Boahn = "Boahn",
  114. ["Bomb Bot"] = "Bomb Bot",
  115. ["Brain of Yogg-Saron"] = "Brain of Yogg-Saron",
  116. ["Brainwashed Noble"] = "Brainwashed Noble",
  117. Broggok = "Broggok",
  118. Brokentoe = "Brokentoe",
  119. Bronjahm = "Bronjahm",
  120. ["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "Broodlord Lashlayer",
  121. ["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "Bruegal Ironknuckle",
  122. Brutallus = "Brutallus",
  123. ["Burning Felguard"] = "Burning Felguard",
  124. ["Buru the Gorger"] = "Buru the Gorger",
  125. ["C'Thun"] = "C'Thun",
  126. ["Cache of the Firelord"] = "Cache of the Firelord",
  127. ["Cache of the Legion"] = "Cache of the Legion",
  128. ["Cannon Master Willey"] = "Cannon Master Willey",
  129. ["Captain Greenskin"] = "Captain Greenskin",
  130. ["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Captain Kromcrush",
  131. ["Captain Skarloc"] = "Captain Skarloc",
  132. ["Captain Varo'then"] = "Captain Varo'then",
  133. ["Celebras the Cursed"] = "Celebras the Cursed",
  134. ["Charlga Razorflank"] = "Charlga Razorflank",
  135. ["Chess Event"] = "Chess Event",
  136. ["Chest of The Seven"] = "Chest of The Seven",
  137. ["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "Chief Ukorz Sandscalp",
  138. Chimaeron = "Chimaeron",
  139. ["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Cho'Rush the Observer",
  140. ["Cho'gall"] = "Cho'gall",
  141. Chromaggus = "Chromaggus",
  142. ["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Chrono Lord Deja",
  143. ["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "Chrono-Lord Epoch",
  144. Claw = "Claw",
  145. ["Coilfang Elite"] = "Coilfang Elite",
  146. ["Coilfang Strider"] = "Coilfang Strider",
  147. ["Commander Kolurg"] = "Commander Kolurg",
  148. ["Commander Malor"] = "Commander Malor",
  149. ["Commander Sarannis"] = "Commander Sarannis",
  150. ["Commander Springvale"] = "Commander Springvale",
  151. ["Commander Stoutbeard"] = "Commander Stoutbeard",
  152. ["Commander Ulthok"] = "Commander Ulthok",
  153. ["Conclave of Wind"] = "Conclave of Wind",
  154. ["Constructor & Controller"] = "Constructor & Controller",
  155. Cookie = "Cookie",
  156. Corborus = "Corborus",
  157. ["Coren Direbrew"] = "Coren Direbrew",
  158. ["Corla, Herald of Twilight"] = "Corla, Herald of Twilight",
  159. ["Cosmic Infuser"] = "Cosmic Infuser",
  160. ["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "Crimson Hammersmith",
  161. ["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Crowd Pummeler 9-60",
  162. ["Crystal Fang"] = "Crystal Fang",
  163. Cyanigosa = "Cyanigosa",
  164. Daakara = "Daakara",
  165. ["Dalliah the Doomsayer"] = "Dalliah the Doomsayer",
  166. ["Dalronn the Controller"] = "Dalronn the Controller",
  167. ["Dark Coffer"] = "Dark Coffer",
  168. ["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Dark Iron Ambassador",
  169. ["Darkmaster Gandling"] = "Darkmaster Gandling",
  170. ["Darkweaver Syth"] = "Darkweaver Syth",
  171. ["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "Death Knight Darkreaver",
  172. ["Death Knight Understudy"] = "Death Knight Understudy",
  173. ["Death Speaker Jargba"] = "Death Speaker Jargba",
  174. ["Deathbound Ward"] = "Deathbound Ward",
  175. ["Deathbringer Saurfang"] = "Deathbringer Saurfang",
  176. ["Deathspeaker High Priest"] = "Deathspeaker High Priest",
  177. ["Deathstalker Visceri"] = "Deathstalker Visceri",
  178. ["Deathsworn Captain"] = "Deathsworn Captain",
  179. Devastation = "Devastation",
  180. ["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Deviate Faerie Dragon",
  181. ["Devourer of Souls"] = "Devourer of Souls",
  182. ["Dextren Ward"] = "Dextren Ward",
  183. ["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "Digmaster Shovelphlange",
  184. ["Doctor Theolen Krastinov"] = "Doctor Theolen Krastinov",
  185. ["Doom Lord Kazzak"] = "Doom Lord Kazzak",
  186. ["Doom'rel"] = "Doom'rel",
  187. Doomwalker = "Doomwalker",
  188. ["Dope'rel"] = "Dope'rel",
  189. Dorothee = "Dorothee",
  190. ["Drahga Shadowburner"] = "Drahga Shadowburner",
  191. ["Drahga Shodowburner"] = "Drahga Shodowburner",
  192. ["Drakkari Colossus"] = "Drakkari Colossus",
  193. ["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "Drakos the Interrogator",
  194. Dreadscale = "Dreadscale",
  195. Dreamscythe = "Dreamscythe",
  196. ["Dust Covered Chest"] = "Dust Covered Chest",
  197. Dustwraith = "Dustwraith",
  198. ["Eadric the Pure"] = "Eadric the Pure",
  199. ["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "Earthcaller Halmgar",
  200. ["Earthrager Ptah"] = "Earthrager Ptah",
  201. Ebonroc = "Ebonroc",
  202. ["Echo of Baine"] = "Echo of Baine",
  203. ["Echo of Jaina"] = "Echo of Jaina",
  204. ["Echo of Sylvanas"] = "Echo of Sylvanas",
  205. ["Echo of Tyrande"] = "Echo of Tyrande",
  206. ["Eck the Ferocious"] = "Eck the Ferocious",
  207. ["Edwin VanCleef"] = "Edwin VanCleef",
  208. ["Elder Brightleaf"] = "Elder Brightleaf",
  209. ["Elder Ironbranch"] = "Elder Ironbranch",
  210. ["Elder Nadox"] = "Elder Nadox",
  211. ["Elder Stonebark"] = "Elder Stonebark",
  212. ["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "Electrocutioner 6000",
  213. Electron = "Electron",
  214. ["Elementium Monstrosity"] = "Elementium Monstrosity",
  215. ["Emalon the Storm Watcher"] = "Emalon the Storm Watcher",
  216. Emeriss = "Emeriss",
  217. ["Emperor Dagran Thaurissan"] = "Emperor Dagran Thaurissan",
  218. ["Emperor Vek'lor"] = "Emperor Vek'lor",
  219. ["Emperor Vek'nilash"] = "Emperor Vek'nilash",
  220. Entropius = "Entropius",
  221. ["Eonar's Gift"] = "Eonar's Gift",
  222. ["Epoch Hunter"] = "Epoch Hunter",
  223. Erekem = "Erekem",
  224. ["Eressea Dawnsinger"] = "Eressea Dawnsinger",
  225. ["Eric \"The Swift\""] = "Eric \"The Swift\"",
  226. Erudax = "Erudax",
  227. ["Erunak Stonespeaker"] = "Erunak Stonespeaker",
  228. ["Essence of Anger"] = "Essence of Anger",
  229. ["Essence of Desire"] = "Essence of Desire",
  230. ["Essence of Suffering"] = "Essence of Suffering",
  231. Eviscerator = "Eviscerator",
  232. ["Exarch Maladaar"] = "Exarch Maladaar",
  233. ["Expedition Commander"] = "Expedition Commander",
  234. ["Eydis Darkbane"] = "Eydis Darkbane",
  235. ["Eye of C'Thun"] = "Eye of C'Thun",
  236. ["Faction Champions"] = "Faction Champions",
  237. ["Fallen Champion"] = "Fallen Champion",
  238. Falric = "Falric",
  239. ["Falric and Marwyn"] = "Falric and Marwyn",
  240. ["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "Fankriss the Unyielding",
  241. ["Fathom-Lord Karathress"] = "Fathom-Lord Karathress",
  242. Felmyst = "Felmyst",
  243. Feludius = "Feludius",
  244. ["Fenrus the Devourer"] = "Fenrus the Devourer",
  245. ["Feral Defender"] = "Feral Defender",
  246. Festergut = "Festergut",
  247. Feugen = "Feugen",
  248. ["Fineous Darkvire"] = "Fineous Darkvire",
  249. Firemaw = "Firemaw",
  250. ["Fjola Lightbane"] = "Fjola Lightbane",
  251. ["Flame Leviathan"] = "Flame Leviathan",
  252. Flamegor = "Flamegor",
  253. ["Foe Reaper 5000"] = "Foe Reaper 5000",
  254. ["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "Foreman Thistlenettle",
  255. ["Forgemaster Garfrost"] = "Forgemaster Garfrost",
  256. ["Forgemaster Throngus"] = "Forgemaster Throngus",
  257. ["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "Four Horsemen Chest",
  258. ["Fras Siabi"] = "Fras Siabi",
  259. Freya = "Freya",
  260. ["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
  261. ["Gahz'rilla"] = "Gahz'rilla",
  262. ["Gal'darah"] = "Gal'darah",
  263. ["Galgann Firehammer"] = "Galgann Firehammer",
  264. Garr = "Garr",
  265. ["Garrosh Hellscream"] = "Garrosh Hellscream",
  266. Gasher = "Gasher",
  267. ["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill",
  268. ["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "Gatewatcher Iron-Hand",
  269. ["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "Gathios the Shatterer",
  270. Gehennas = "Gehennas",
  271. Gelihast = "Gelihast",
  272. Gelk = "Gelk",
  273. ["General Angerforge"] = "General Angerforge",
  274. ["General Bjarngrim"] = "General Bjarngrim",
  275. ["General Drakkisath"] = "General Drakkisath",
  276. ["General Husam"] = "General Husam",
  277. ["General Rajaxx"] = "General Rajaxx",
  278. ["General Umbriss"] = "General Umbriss",
  279. ["General Vezax"] = "General Vezax",
  280. ["General Zarithrian"] = "General Zarithrian",
  281. ["Ghamoo-ra"] = "Ghamoo-ra",
  282. ["Ghaz'an"] = "Ghaz'an",
  283. ["Ghok Bashguud"] = "Ghok Bashguud",
  284. Gilnid = "Gilnid",
  285. ["Gizrul the Slavener"] = "Gizrul the Slavener",
  286. ["Gloom'rel"] = "Gloom'rel",
  287. Glubtok = "Glubtok",
  288. Gluth = "Gluth",
  289. Glutton = "Glutton",
  290. ["Golem Lord Argelmach"] = "Golem Lord Argelmach",
  291. ["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "Golemagg the Incinerator",
  292. ["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "Goraluk Anvilcrack",
  293. ["Gormok the Impaler"] = "Gormok the Impaler",
  294. ["Gorosh the Dervish"] = "Gorosh the Dervish",
  295. ["Gortok Palehoof"] = "Gortok Palehoof",
  296. ["Gothik the Harvester"] = "Gothik the Harvester",
  297. ["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "Grand Astromancer Capernian",
  298. ["Grand Champions"] = "Grand Champions",
  299. ["Grand Crusader Dathrohan"] = "Grand Crusader Dathrohan",
  300. ["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "Grand Magus Telestra",
  301. ["Grand Vizier Ertan"] = "Grand Vizier Ertan",
  302. ["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "Grand Warlock Alythess",
  303. ["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "Grand Warlock Nethekurse",
  304. ["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "Grand Widow Faerlina",
  305. ["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "Grandmaster Vorpil",
  306. Grandmother = "Grandmother",
  307. ["Grethok the Controller"] = "Grethok the Controller",
  308. ["Gri'lek"] = "Gri'lek",
  309. Grimlok = "Grimlok",
  310. Grizzle = "Grizzle",
  311. Grobbulus = "Grobbulus",
  312. Grubbis = "Grubbis",
  313. ["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul the Dragonkiller",
  314. ["Guard Fengus"] = "Guard Fengus",
  315. ["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Guard Mol'dar",
  316. ["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Guard Slip'kik",
  317. ["Guardian of Yogg-Saron"] = "Guardian of Yogg-Saron",
  318. ["Gurtogg Bloodboil"] = "Gurtogg Bloodboil",
  319. Gyth = "Gyth",
  320. Hadronox = "Hadronox",
  321. ["Hagara the Stormbinder"] = "Hagara the Stormbinder",
  322. Hakkar = "Hakkar",
  323. Halazzi = "Halazzi",
  324. ["Halfus Wyrmbreaker"] = "Halfus Wyrmbreaker",
  325. Halion = "Halion",
  326. Halycon = "Halycon",
  327. Hamhock = "Hamhock",
  328. ["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "Harbinger Skyriss",
  329. ["Hate'rel"] = "Hate'rel",
  330. ["Hazza'rah"] = "Hazza'rah",
  331. Hazzas = "Hazzas",
  332. ["Headless Horseman"] = "Headless Horseman",
  333. ["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "Hearthsinger Forresten",
  334. ["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "Hedrum the Creeper",
  335. ["Heigan the Unclean"] = "Heigan the Unclean",
  336. ["Helix Gearbreaker"] = "Helix Gearbreaker",
  337. ["Hellfire Channeler"] = "Hellfire Channeler",
  338. ["Henry Stern"] = "Henry Stern",
  339. ["Herald Volazj"] = "Herald Volazj",
  340. Herod = "Herod",
  341. ["Hex Lord Malacrass"] = "Hex Lord Malacrass",
  342. ["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "High Astromancer Solarian",
  343. ["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "High Botanist Freywinn",
  344. ["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "High Inquisitor Fairbanks",
  345. ["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "High Inquisitor Whitemane",
  346. ["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "High Interrogator Gerstahn",
  347. ["High King Maulgar"] = "High King Maulgar",
  348. ["High Marshal Whirlaxis"] = "High Marshal Whirlaxis",
  349. ["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "High Nethermancer Zerevor",
  350. ["High Overlord Saurfang"] = "High Overlord Saurfang",
  351. ["High Priest Thekal"] = "High Priest Thekal",
  352. ["High Priest Venoxis"] = "High Priest Venoxis",
  353. ["High Priestess Arlokk"] = "High Priestess Arlokk",
  354. ["High Priestess Azil"] = "High Priestess Azil",
  355. ["High Priestess Jeklik"] = "High Priestess Jeklik",
  356. ["High Priestess Kilnara"] = "High Priestess Kilnara",
  357. ["High Priestess Mar'li"] = "High Priestess Mar'li",
  358. ["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "High Priestess of Thaurissan",
  359. ["High Prophet Barim"] = "High Prophet Barim",
  360. ["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "High Warlord Naj'entus",
  361. ["Highlord Mograine"] = "Highlord Mograine",
  362. ["Highlord Omokk"] = "Highlord Omokk",
  363. Hodir = "Hodir",
  364. Hogger = "Hogger",
  365. ["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "Houndmaster Grebmar",
  366. ["Houndmaster Loksey"] = "Houndmaster Loksey",
  367. Hukku = "Hukku",
  368. Hungarfen = "Hungarfen",
  369. ["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "Hurley Blackbreath",
  370. ["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "Hyakiss the Lurker",
  371. ["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "Hydromancer Thespia",
  372. ["Hydromancer Velratha"] = "Hydromancer Velratha",
  373. Hydrospawn = "Hydrospawn",
  374. ["Hydross the Unstable"] = "Hydross the Unstable",
  375. ["Ice Sphere"] = "Ice Sphere",
  376. ["Icecrown Gunship Battle"] = "Icecrown Gunship Battle",
  377. Icehowl = "Icehowl",
  378. Ichoron = "Ichoron",
  379. Ick = "Ick",
  380. Ignacious = "Ignacious",
  381. ["Ignis the Furnace Master"] = "Ignis the Furnace Master",
  382. ["Illidan Stormrage"] = "Illidan Stormrage",
  383. ["Illidari Council"] = "Illidari Council",
  384. ["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "Illyanna Ravenoak",
  385. ["Immol'thar"] = "Immol'thar",
  386. ["Infinite Corruptor"] = "Infinite Corruptor",
  387. ["Infinity Blades"] = "Infinity Blades",
  388. ["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "Ingvar the Plunderer",
  389. ["Instructor Galford"] = "Instructor Galford",
  390. ["Instructor Malicia"] = "Instructor Malicia",
  391. ["Instructor Razuvious"] = "Instructor Razuvious",
  392. ["Interrogator Vishas"] = "Interrogator Vishas",
  393. Ionar = "Ionar",
  394. Ironaya = "Ironaya",
  395. Ironspine = "Ironspine",
  396. Isalien = "Isalien",
  397. Isiset = "Isiset",
  398. Jade = "Jade",
  399. ["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "Jammal'an the Prophet",
  400. ["Jan'alai"] = "Jan'alai",
  401. ["Jandice Barov"] = "Jandice Barov",
  402. ["Jed Runewatcher"] = "Jed Runewatcher",
  403. ["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "Jedoga Shadowseeker",
  404. ["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "Jergosh the Invoker",
  405. ["Jin'do the Godbreaker"] = "Jin'do the Godbreaker",
  406. ["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "Jin'do the Hexxer",
  407. ["Jormungar Behemoth"] = "Jormungar Behemoth",
  408. Jormungars = "Jormungars",
  409. Julianne = "Julianne",
  410. ["Junk Bot"] = "Junk Bot",
  411. ["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Kael'thas Sunstrider",
  412. Kalecgos = "Kalecgos",
  413. ["Kam Deepfury"] = "Kam Deepfury",
  414. ["Karsh Steelbender"] = "Karsh Steelbender",
  415. ["Kaz'rogal"] = "Kaz'rogal",
  416. ["Kazkaz the Unholy"] = "Kazkaz the Unholy",
  417. ["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Kel'Thuzad",
  418. ["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "Keli'dan the Breaker",
  419. Keristrasza = "Keristrasza",
  420. ["Kiggler the Crazed"] = "Kiggler the Crazed",
  421. ["Kil'jaeden"] = "Kil'jaeden",
  422. ["Kil'rek"] = "Kil'rek",
  423. ["King Dred"] = "King Dred",
  424. ["King Gordok"] = "King Gordok",
  425. ["King Llane Piece"] = "King Llane Piece",
  426. ["King Ymiron"] = "King Ymiron",
  427. ["Kirtonos the Herald"] = "Kirtonos the Herald",
  428. ["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "Knot Thimblejack's Cache",
  429. Kolk = "Kolk",
  430. Kologarn = "Kologarn",
  431. ["Koralon the Flame Watcher"] = "Koralon the Flame Watcher",
  432. Kormok = "Kormok",
  433. Kresh = "Kresh",
  434. Krick = "Krick",
  435. ["Krick and Ick"] = "Krick and Ick",
  436. ["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "Krik'thir the Gatewatcher",
  437. ["Krosh Firehand"] = "Krosh Firehand",
  438. Krystallus = "Krystallus",
  439. Kurinnaxx = "Kurinnaxx",
  440. ["Lady Anacondra"] = "Lady Anacondra",
  441. ["Lady Blaumeux"] = "Lady Blaumeux",
  442. ["Lady Deathwhisper"] = "Lady Deathwhisper",
  443. ["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "Lady Illucia Barov",
  444. ["Lady Malande"] = "Lady Malande",
  445. ["Lady Naz'jar"] = "Lady Naz'jar",
  446. ["Lady Sacrolash"] = "Lady Sacrolash",
  447. ["Lady Sarevess"] = "Lady Sarevess",
  448. ["Lady Vashj"] = "Lady Vashj",
  449. Laj = "Laj",
  450. Landslide = "Landslide",
  451. Lavanthor = "Lavanthor",
  452. ["Left Arm"] = "Left Arm",
  453. ["Leotheras the Blind"] = "Leotheras the Blind",
  454. Lethon = "Lethon",
  455. Lethtendris = "Lethtendris",
  456. ["Leviathan Mk II"] = "Leviathan Mk II",
  457. ["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "Ley-Guardian Eregos",
  458. ["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Lieutenant Drake",
  459. ["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "Lieutenant General Andorov",
  460. Loatheb = "Loatheb",
  461. Lockmaw = "Lockmaw",
  462. Loken = "Loken",
  463. ["Lord Alexei Barov"] = "Lord Alexei Barov",
  464. ["Lord Aurius Rivendare"] = "Lord Aurius Rivendare",
  465. ["Lord Cobrahn"] = "Lord Cobrahn",
  466. ["Lord Godfrey"] = "Lord Godfrey",
  467. ["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "Lord Hel'nurath",
  468. ["Lord Incendius"] = "Lord Incendius",
  469. ["Lord Jaraxxus"] = "Lord Jaraxxus",
  470. ["Lord Kazzak"] = "Lord Kazzak",
  471. ["Lord Kri"] = "Lord Kri",
  472. ["Lord Marrowgar"] = "Lord Marrowgar",
  473. ["Lord Overheat"] = "Lord Overheat",
  474. ["Lord Pythas"] = "Lord Pythas",
  475. ["Lord Rhyolith"] = "Lord Rhyolith",
  476. ["Lord Roccor"] = "Lord Roccor",
  477. ["Lord Sanguinar"] = "Lord Sanguinar",
  478. ["Lord Serpentis"] = "Lord Serpentis",
  479. ["Lord Skwol"] = "Lord Skwol",
  480. ["Lord Valthalak"] = "Lord Valthalak",
  481. ["Lord Victor Nefarius"] = "Lord Victor Nefarius",
  482. ["Lord Vyletongue"] = "Lord Vyletongue",
  483. ["Lord Walden"] = "Lord Walden",
  484. ["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "Lorekeeper Polkelt",
  485. ["Lorgus Jett"] = "Lorgus Jett",
  486. Loro = "Loro",
  487. Lucifron = "Lucifron",
  488. ["M'uru"] = "M'uru",
  489. ["Mad Magglish"] = "Mad Magglish",
  490. ["Madness of Deathwing"] = "Madness of Deathwing",
  491. Maexxna = "Maexxna",
  492. ["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "Mage-Lord Urom",
  493. ["Magister Kalendris"] = "Magister Kalendris",
  494. ["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "Magistrate Barthilas",
  495. Magmadar = "Magmadar",
  496. Magmatron = "Magmatron",
  497. Magmaw = "Magmaw",
  498. Magmus = "Magmus",
  499. Magra = "Magra",
  500. Magtheridon = "Magtheridon",
  501. ["Maiden of Grief"] = "Maiden of Grief",
  502. ["Maiden of Virtue"] = "Maiden of Virtue",
  503. ["Majordomo Executus"] = "Majordomo Executus",
  504. ["Majordomo Staghelm"] = "Majordomo Staghelm",
  505. ["Mal'Ganis"] = "Mal'Ganis",
  506. Malacrass = "Malacrass",
  507. ["Maleki the Pallid"] = "Maleki the Pallid",
  508. Maloriak = "Maloriak",
  509. Malygos = "Malygos",
  510. Mannoroth = "Mannoroth",
  511. Maraudos = "Maraudos",
  512. ["Marduk Blackpool"] = "Marduk Blackpool",
  513. ["Marisa du'Paige"] = "Marisa du'Paige",
  514. Marwyn = "Marwyn",
  515. ["Master Engineer Telonicus"] = "Master Engineer Telonicus",
  516. ["Maur Grimtotem"] = "Maur Grimtotem",
  517. Meathook = "Meathook",
  518. ["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "Mechano-Lord Capacitus",
  519. Medivh = "Medivh",
  520. ["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "Mekgineer Steamrigger",
  521. ["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "Mekgineer Thermaplugg",
  522. ["Mennu the Betrayer"] = "Mennu the Betrayer",
  523. ["Meshlok the Harvester"] = "Meshlok the Harvester",
  524. Midnight = "Midnight",
  525. Mijan = "Mijan",
  526. Mimiron = "Mimiron",
  527. ["Mindbender Ghur'sha"] = "Mindbender Ghur'sha",
  528. ["Miner Johnson"] = "Miner Johnson",
  529. ["Mistress of Pain"] = "Mistress of Pain",
  530. Moam = "Moam",
  531. Mogor = "Mogor",
  532. ["Mokra the Skullcrusher"] = "Mokra the Skullcrusher",
  533. Moorabi = "Moorabi",
  534. ["Mor Grayhoof"] = "Mor Grayhoof",
  535. Moragg = "Moragg",
  536. Morchok = "Morchok",
  537. ["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "Mordresh Fire Eye",
  538. Moroes = "Moroes",
  539. ["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "Morogrim Tidewalker",
  540. Morphaz = "Morphaz",
  541. ["Mother Shahraz"] = "Mother Shahraz",
  542. ["Mother Smolderweb"] = "Mother Smolderweb",
  543. ["Mr. Smite"] = "Mr. Smite",
  544. ["Muradin Bronzebeard"] = "Muradin Bronzebeard",
  545. ["Murkblood Twin"] = "Murkblood Twin",
  546. ["Murkblood Twins"] = "Murkblood Twins",
  547. Murmur = "Murmur",
  548. Murozond = "Murozond",
  549. ["Murta Grimgut"] = "Murta Grimgut",
  550. Mushgog = "Mushgog",
  551. ["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "Mutanus the Devourer",
  552. Nalorakk = "Nalorakk",
  553. Nazan = "Nazan",
  554. Nefarian = "Nefarian",
  555. ["Nefarian's End"] = "Nefarian's End",
  556. ["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "Nekrum Gutchewer",
  557. ["Nerub'enkan"] = "Nerub'enkan",
  558. ["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "Nethermancer Sepethrea",
  559. Netherspite = "Netherspite",
  560. ["Netherstrand Longbow"] = "Netherstrand Longbow",
  561. ["Nexus-Prince Shaffar"] = "Nexus-Prince Shaffar",
  562. Nezir = "Nezir",
  563. Nightbane = "Nightbane",
  564. ["Noth the Plaguebringer"] = "Noth the Plaguebringer",
  565. ["Novos the Summoner"] = "Novos the Summoner",
  566. Noxxion = "Noxxion",
  567. ["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Obsidian Sentinel",
  568. ["Occu'thar"] = "Occu'thar",
  569. ["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "Odo the Blindwatcher",
  570. Oggleflint = "Oggleflint",
  571. ["Ogom the Wretched"] = "Ogom the Wretched",
  572. Ohgan = "Ohgan",
  573. ["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "Ok'thor the Breaker",
  574. Olaf = "Olaf",
  575. ["Old Serra'kis"] = "Old Serra'kis",
  576. ["Olm the Summoner"] = "Olm the Summoner",
  577. ["Omnitron Defense System"] = "Omnitron Defense System",
  578. Omnotron = "Omnotron",
  579. ["Omnotron Defense System"] = "Omnotron Defense System",
  580. ["Omor the Unscarred"] = "Omor the Unscarred",
  581. Onyxia = "Onyxia",
  582. ["Opera Event"] = "Opera Event",
  583. ["Orgrim's Hammer"] = "Orgrim's Hammer",
  584. ["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "Ormorok the Tree-Shaper",
  585. ["Oro Eyegouge"] = "Oro Eyegouge",
  586. ["Ossirian the Unscarred"] = "Ossirian the Unscarred",
  587. Ouro = "Ouro",
  588. ["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "Overlord Ramtusk",
  589. ["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "Overlord Wyrmthalak",
  590. ["Overmaster Pyron"] = "Overmaster Pyron",
  591. ["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "Overseer Tidewrath",
  592. Ozruk = "Ozruk",
  593. Ozumat = "Ozumat",
  594. Pandemonius = "Pandemonius",
  595. ["Panzor the Invincible"] = "Panzor the Invincible",
  596. Patchwerk = "Patchwerk",
  597. ["Pathaleon the Calculator"] = "Pathaleon the Calculator",
  598. ["Peroth'arn"] = "Peroth'arn",
  599. Phalanx = "Phalanx",
  600. ["Phaseshift Bulwark"] = "Phaseshift Bulwark",
  601. Pimgib = "Pimgib",
  602. ["Plaguemaw the Rotting"] = "Plaguemaw the Rotting",
  603. ["Plugger Spazzring"] = "Plugger Spazzring",
  604. ["Postmaster Malown"] = "Postmaster Malown",
  605. ["Priestess Delrissa"] = "Priestess Delrissa",
  606. ["Prince Keleseth"] = "Prince Keleseth",
  607. ["Prince Malchezaar"] = "Prince Malchezaar",
  608. ["Prince Skaldrenox"] = "Prince Skaldrenox",
  609. ["Prince Taldaram"] = "Prince Taldaram",
  610. ["Prince Tenris Mirkblood"] = "Prince Tenris Mirkblood",
  611. ["Prince Tortheldrin"] = "Prince Tortheldrin",
  612. ["Prince Valanar"] = "Prince Valanar",
  613. ["Princess Huhuran"] = "Princess Huhuran",
  614. ["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "Princess Moira Bronzebeard",
  615. ["Princess Tempestria"] = "Princess Tempestria",
  616. ["Princess Theradras"] = "Princess Theradras",
  617. ["Princess Yauj"] = "Princess Yauj",
  618. ["Professor Putricide"] = "Professor Putricide",
  619. ["Pure Spawn of Hydross"] = "Pure Spawn of Hydross",
  620. Pusillin = "Pusillin",
  621. ["Pyroguard Emberseer"] = "Pyroguard Emberseer",
  622. ["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "Pyromancer Loregrain",
  623. Quagmirran = "Quagmirran",
  624. ["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "Quartermaster Zigris",
  625. ["Queen Azshara"] = "Queen Azshara",
  626. ["Rage Winterchill"] = "Rage Winterchill",
  627. Ragglesnout = "Ragglesnout",
  628. ["Raging Spirit"] = "Raging Spirit",
  629. Ragnaros = "Ragnaros",
  630. Rajh = "Rajh",
  631. ["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "Ramstein the Gorger",
  632. ["Randolph Moloch"] = "Randolph Moloch",
  633. ["Ras Frostwhisper"] = "Ras Frostwhisper",
  634. Rattlegore = "Rattlegore",
  635. ["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "Razorclaw the Butcher",
  636. ["Razorgore the Untamed"] = "Razorgore the Untamed",
  637. Razorlash = "Razorlash",
  638. Razorscale = "Razorscale",
  639. ["Reliquary of Souls"] = "Reliquary of Souls",
  640. Renataki = "Renataki",
  641. ["Restless Skeleton"] = "Restless Skeleton",
  642. Rethilgore = "Rethilgore",
  643. Revelosh = "Revelosh",
  644. ["Rhahk'Zor"] = "Rhahk'Zor",
  645. ["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "Ribbly Screwspigot",
  646. ["Right Arm"] = "Right Arm",
  647. ["Ring of Law"] = "Ring of Law",
  648. ["Risen Hammersmith"] = "Risen Hammersmith",
  649. Roar = "Roar",
  650. Rohash = "Rohash",
  651. ["Rokad the Ravager"] = "Rokad the Ravager",
  652. ["Rokdar the Sundered Lord"] = "Rokdar the Sundered Lord",
  653. ["Rokmar the Crackler"] = "Rokmar the Crackler",
  654. ["Rom'ogg Bonecrusher"] = "Rom'ogg Bonecrusher",
  655. Romulo = "Romulo",
  656. ["Romulo & Julianne"] = "Romulo & Julianne",
  657. Roogug = "Roogug",
  658. Rotface = "Rotface",
  659. Rotgrip = "Rotgrip",
  660. ["Runemaster Molgeim"] = "Runemaster Molgeim",
  661. ["Runok Wildmane"] = "Runok Wildmane",
  662. Ruuzlu = "Ruuzlu",
  663. ["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "Salramm the Fleshcrafter",
  664. ["Sanctum Sentry"] = "Sanctum Sentry",
  665. ["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "Sandarr Dunereaver",
  666. ["Sandfury Executioner"] = "Sandfury Executioner",
  667. Sapphiron = "Sapphiron",
  668. Sara = "Sara",
  669. ["Saronite Animus"] = "Saronite Animus",
  670. Sartharion = "Sartharion",
  671. ["Sathrovarr the Corruptor"] = "Sathrovarr the Corruptor",
  672. ["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Ragefire",
  673. ["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "Scarlet Commander Mograine",
  674. ["Scourgelord Tyrannus"] = "Scourgelord Tyrannus",
  675. ["Seeth'rel"] = "Seeth'rel",
  676. ["Selin Fireheart"] = "Selin Fireheart",
  677. ["Sergeant Bly"] = "Sergeant Bly",
  678. Setesh = "Setesh",
  679. ["Shade of Akama"] = "Shade of Akama",
  680. ["Shade of Aran"] = "Shade of Aran",
  681. ["Shade of Eranikus"] = "Shade of Eranikus",
  682. ["Shadikith the Glider"] = "Shadikith the Glider",
  683. ["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin",
  684. ["Shadow of Leotheras"] = "Shadow of Leotheras",
  685. ["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz",
  686. Shadron = "Shadron",
  687. Shannox = "Shannox",
  688. Shazzrah = "Shazzrah",
  689. ["Shirrak the Dead Watcher"] = "Shirrak the Dead Watcher",
  690. ["Siamat, Lord of South Wind"] = "Siamat, Lord of South Wind",
  691. Sindragosa = "Sindragosa",
  692. Sinestra = "Sinestra",
  693. ["Sir Zeliek"] = "Sir Zeliek",
  694. ["Sjonnir The Ironshaper"] = "Sjonnir The Ironshaper",
  695. ["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "Skadi the Ruthless",
  696. ["Skarr the Unbreakable"] = "Skarr the Unbreakable",
  697. ["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "Skarvald the Constructor",
  698. ["Skra'gath"] = "Skra'gath",
  699. Skul = "Skul",
  700. Skum = "Skum",
  701. Slabhide = "Slabhide",
  702. ["Slad'ran"] = "Slad'ran",
  703. Sneed = "Sneed",
  704. ["Sneed's Shredder"] = "Sneed's Shredder",
  705. ["Solakar Flamewreath"] = "Solakar Flamewreath",
  706. ["Solarium Agent"] = "Solarium Agent",
  707. ["Solarium Priest"] = "Solarium Priest",
  708. ["Spine of Deathwing"] = "Spine of Deathwing",
  709. ["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "Spirestone Battle Lord",
  710. ["Spirestone Butcher"] = "Spirestone Butcher",
  711. ["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "Spirestone Lord Magus",
  712. ["Staff of Disintegration"] = "Staff of Disintegration",
  713. Stalagg = "Stalagg",
  714. Steelbreaker = "Steelbreaker",
  715. ["Stomper Kreeg"] = "Stomper Kreeg",
  716. Stonespine = "Stonespine",
  717. ["Stormcaller Brundir"] = "Stormcaller Brundir",
  718. Strawman = "Strawman",
  719. ["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "Sulfuron Harbinger",
  720. Supremus = "Supremus",
  721. ["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "Svala Sorrowgrave",
  722. ["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "Swamplord Musel'ek",
  723. Taerar = "Taerar",
  724. ["Tainted Spawn of Hydross"] = "Tainted Spawn of Hydross",
  725. ["Talon King Ikiss"] = "Talon King Ikiss",
  726. ["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "Taragaman the Hungerer",
  727. ["Targorr the Dread"] = "Targorr the Dread",
  728. Tavarok = "Tavarok",
  729. Techbot = "Techbot",
  730. ["Temple Guardian Anhuur"] = "Temple Guardian Anhuur",
  731. Temporus = "Temporus",
  732. ["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Warpwood",
  733. Tenebron = "Tenebron",
  734. ["Terestian Illhoof"] = "Terestian Illhoof",
  735. ["Teron Gorefiend"] = "Teron Gorefiend",
  736. Terrastra = "Terrastra",
  737. Thaddius = "Thaddius",
  738. ["Thaladred the Darkener"] = "Thaladred the Darkener",
  739. ["Thane Korth'azz"] = "Thane Korth'azz",
  740. ["The Beast"] = "The Beast",
  741. ["The Beasts of Northrend"] = "The Beasts of Northrend",
  742. ["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "The Big Bad Wolf",
  743. ["The Black Knight"] = "The Black Knight",
  744. ["The Black Stalker"] = "The Black Stalker",
  745. ["The Blue Brothers"] = "The Blue Brothers",
  746. ["The Bug Family"] = "The Bug Family",
  747. ["The Crone"] = "The Crone",
  748. ["The Curator"] = "The Curator",
  749. ["The Eredar Twins"] = "The Eredar Twins",
  750. ["The Four Horsemen"] = "The Four Horsemen",
  751. ["The Illidari Council"] = "The Illidari Council",
  752. ["The Iron Council"] = "The Iron Council",
  753. ["The Lich King"] = "The Lich King",
  754. ["The Lost Dwarves"] = "The Lost Dwarves",
  755. ["The Lurker Below"] = "The Lurker Below",
  756. ["The Maker"] = "The Maker",
  757. ["The Prophet Skeram"] = "The Prophet Skeram",
  758. ["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "The Prophet Tharon'ja",
  759. ["The Ravenian"] = "The Ravenian",
  760. ["The Razza"] = "The Razza",
  761. ["The Seven Dwarves"] = "The Seven Dwarves",
  762. ["The Skybreaker"] = "The Skybreaker",
  763. ["The Tribunal of Ages"] = "The Tribunal of Ages",
  764. ["The Twin Emperors"] = "The Twin Emperors",
  765. ["The Twin Val'kyr"] = "The Twin Val'kyr",
  766. ["The Unforgiven"] = "The Unforgiven",
  767. ["The Windreaver"] = "The Windreaver",
  768. ["Theka the Martyr"] = "Theka the Martyr",
  769. Theralion = "Theralion",
  770. Thorim = "Thorim",
  771. ["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "Thorngrin the Tender",
  772. ["Tidewalker Lurker"] = "Tidewalker Lurker",
  773. ["Timmy the Cruel"] = "Timmy the Cruel",
  774. Tinhead = "Tinhead",
  775. ["Tinkerer Gizlock"] = "Tinkerer Gizlock",
  776. ["Tirion Fordring"] = "Tirion Fordring",
  777. Tito = "Tito",
  778. ["Toravon the Ice Watcher"] = "Toravon the Ice Watcher",
  779. Toxitron = "Toxitron",
  780. ["Trigore the Lasher"] = "Trigore the Lasher",
  781. Trollgore = "Trollgore",
  782. ["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
  783. ["Tuten'kash"] = "Tuten'kash",
  784. ["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "Twilight Lord Kelris",
  785. Ultraxion = "Ultraxion",
  786. ["Urok Doomhowl"] = "Urok Doomhowl",
  787. ["VX-001"] = "VX-001",
  788. ["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "Vaelastrasz the Corrupt",
  789. ["Val'kyr Shadowguard"] = "Val'kyr Shadowguard",
  790. Valiona = "Valiona",
  791. ["Valiona and Theralion"] = "Valiona and Theralion",
  792. ["Valithria Dreamwalker"] = "Valithria Dreamwalker",
  793. ["Vanessa VanCleef"] = "Vanessa VanCleef",
  794. ["Varian Wrynn"] = "Varian Wrynn",
  795. ["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "Varos Cloudstrider",
  796. Vazruden = "Vazruden",
  797. ["Vazruden the Herald"] = "Vazruden the Herald",
  798. Vectus = "Vectus",
  799. Vem = "Vem",
  800. Veng = "Veng",
  801. ["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Darkshadow",
  802. ["Verdan the Everliving"] = "Verdan the Everliving",
  803. Verek = "Verek",
  804. Vesperon = "Vesperon",
  805. Vexallus = "Vexallus",
  806. ["Veyzhak the Cannibal"] = "Veyzhak the Cannibal",
  807. ["Vile'rel"] = "Vile'rel",
  808. Viscidus = "Viscidus",
  809. ["Viscous Fallout"] = "Viscous Fallout",
  810. ["Void Reaver"] = "Void Reaver",
  811. Volkhan = "Volkhan",
  812. ["War Master Voone"] = "War Master Voone",
  813. ["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Warbringer O'mrogg",
  814. ["Warchief Blackhand Piece"] = "Warchief Blackhand Piece",
  815. ["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Warchief Kargath Bladefist",
  816. ["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "Warchief Rend Blackhand",
  817. ["Warden Mellichar"] = "Warden Mellichar",
  818. ["Warder Stilgiss"] = "Warder Stilgiss",
  819. ["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "Warlord Kalithresh",
  820. ["Warlord Zon'ozz"] = "Warlord Zon'ozz",
  821. ["Warmaster Blackhorn"] = "Warmaster Blackhorn",
  822. ["Warmaul Champion"] = "Warmaul Champion",
  823. ["Warp Slicer"] = "Warp Slicer",
  824. ["Warp Splinter"] = "Warp Splinter",
  825. ["Watchkeeper Gargolmar"] = "Watchkeeper Gargolmar",
  826. Weaver = "Weaver",
  827. ["Willey Hopebreaker"] = "Willey Hopebreaker",
  828. ["Witch Doctor Zum'rah"] = "Witch Doctor Zum'rah",
  829. ["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "Wolf Master Nandos",
  830. ["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates",
  831. Wushoolay = "Wushoolay",
  832. ["XT-002 Deconstructor"] = "XT-002 Deconstructor",
  833. Xevozz = "Xevozz",
  834. ["Yogg-Saron"] = "Yogg-Saron",
  835. Yor = "Yor",
  836. ["Yor'sahj the Unsleeping"] = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping",
  837. Ysondre = "Ysondre",
  838. Zanzil = "Zanzil",
  839. Zekkis = "Zekkis",
  840. ["Zelemar the Wrathful"] = "Zelemar the Wrathful",
  841. ["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "Zereketh the Unbound",
  842. Zerillis = "Zerillis",
  843. ["Zevrim Thornhoof"] = "Zevrim Thornhoof",
  844. Zolo = "Zolo",
  845. ["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Zul'Farrak Dead Hero",
  846. ["Zul'Lor"] = "Zul'Lor",
  847. ["Zul'jin"] = "Zul'jin",
  848. ["Zul'tore"] = "Zul'tore",
  849. ["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = "Zuramat the Obliterator",
  850. }
  851. if GAME_LOCALE == "enUS" then
  852. lib:SetCurrentTranslations(true)
  853. elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhCN" then
  854. lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
  855. ["\"Captain\" Cookie"] = "“船长”曲奇",
  856. Acidmaw = "酸喉",
  857. ["Admiral Ripsnarl"] = "撕心狼将军",
  858. Aeonus = "埃欧努斯",
  859. ["Aerial Command Unit"] = "空中指挥单位",
  860. ["Agathelos the Raging"] = "暴怒的阿迦赛罗斯",
  861. ["Aggem Thorncurse"] = "阿格姆",
  862. Ahune = "埃霍恩",
  863. ["Akil'zon"] = "埃基尔松",
  864. ["Aku'mai"] = "阿库麦尔",
  865. ["Al'Akir"] = "奥拉基尔",
  866. ["Al'ar"] = "奥",
  867. ["Algalon the Observer"] = "观察者奥尔加隆",
  868. Altairus = "阿尔泰鲁斯",
  869. Altarius = "阿尔泰鲁斯",
  870. Alysrazor = "奥利瑟拉佐尔",
  871. ["Alzzin the Wildshaper"] = "奥兹恩",
  872. Amanitar = "埃曼尼塔",
  873. ["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "弗莱拉斯大使",
  874. ["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "赫尔默大使",
  875. Ammunae = "阿穆纳伊",
  876. ["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "寒冰之王亚门纳尔",
  877. ["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "古代的石头看守者",
  878. Anetheron = "安纳塞隆",
  879. ["Anger'rel"] = "安格雷尔",
  880. Anomalus = "阿诺玛鲁斯",
  881. Anraphet = "安拉斐特",
  882. Anshal = "安舍尔",
  883. ["Antu'sul"] = "安图苏尔",
  884. ["Anub'Rekhan"] = "阿努布雷坎",
  885. ["Anub'arak"] = "阿努巴拉克",
  886. ["Anub'shiah"] = "阿努希尔",
  887. ["Anubisath Defender"] = "阿努比萨斯防御者",
  888. ["Anubisath Guardian"] = "阿努比萨斯守卫者",
  889. Anzu = "安苏",
  890. ["Arcane Watchman"] = "奥术看守",
  891. ["Arcanist Doan"] = "奥法师杜安",
  892. Arcanotron = "奥能金刚",
  893. Archaedas = "阿扎达斯",
  894. ["Archavon the Stone Watcher"] = "岩石看守者阿尔卡冯",
  895. ["Archbishop Benedictus"] = "大主教本尼迪塔斯",
  896. Archimonde = "阿克蒙德",
  897. ["Archivist Galford"] = "档案管理员加尔福特",
  898. ["Archmage Arugal"] = "大法师阿鲁高",
  899. Arcurion = "阿奎里恩",
  900. Argaloth = "阿尔加洛斯",
  901. ["Argent Confessor Paletress"] = "银色神官帕尔崔丝",
  902. Arion = "艾里昂",
  903. ["Arugal's Voidwalker"] = "阿鲁高的虚空行者",
  904. Asaad = "阿萨德",
  905. ["Ascendant Council"] = "升腾者议会",
  906. ["Ascendant Lord Obsidius"] = "升腾者领主奥西迪斯",
  907. ["Asim al Akir"] = "焦化披风",
  908. ["Asira Dawnslayer"] = "埃希拉·黎明克星",
  909. ["Assault Bot"] = "突击机器人",
  910. ["Assembly of Iron"] = "钢铁议会",
  911. ["Atal'alarion"] = "阿塔拉利恩",
  912. Atramedes = "艾卓曼德斯",
  913. ["Attumen the Huntsman"] = "猎手阿图门",
  914. Auriaya = "欧尔莉亚",
  915. Avalanchion = "阿瓦兰奇奥",
  916. ["Avatar of Hakkar"] = "哈卡的化身",
  917. ["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "狩猎者阿亚米斯",
  918. Azgalor = "阿兹加洛",
  919. ["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "永醒的艾希尔",
  920. Azuregos = "艾索雷葛斯",
  921. ["Bael'Gar"] = "贝尔加",
  922. Baelog = "巴尔洛戈",
  923. Baleroc = "贝尔洛克",
  924. Balnazzar = "巴纳扎尔",
  925. ["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "战争之子巴尔萨鲁斯",
  926. ["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "班诺克·巨斧",
  927. ["Baron Aquanis"] = "阿奎尼斯男爵",
  928. ["Baron Ashbury"] = "埃什博瑞男爵",
  929. ["Baron Charr"] = "火焰男爵查尔",
  930. ["Baron Geddon"] = "迦顿男爵",
  931. ["Baron Kazum"] = "卡苏姆男爵",
  932. ["Baron Rivendare"] = "瑞文戴尔男爵",
  933. ["Baron Silverlaine"] = "席瓦莱恩男爵",
  934. ["Baroness Anastari"] = "安娜丝塔丽男爵夫人",
  935. ["Battleguard Sartura"] = "沙尔图拉",
  936. ["Bazil Thredd"] = "巴基尔·斯瑞德",
  937. Bazzalan = "巴扎兰",
  938. Beauty = "如花",
  939. ["Beth'tilac"] = "贝丝缇拉克",
  940. ["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "黑衣守卫铸剑师",
  941. ["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "煽动者布莱卡特",
  942. ["Blind Hunter"] = "盲眼猎手",
  943. ["Blindeye the Seer"] = "盲眼先知",
  944. ["Blood Council"] = "鲜血议会",
  945. ["Blood Guard Porung"] = "血卫士伯鲁恩",
  946. ["Blood Prince Council"] = "鲜血王子议会",
  947. ["Blood Princes"] = "鲜血王子",
  948. ["Blood Steward of Kirtonos"] = "基尔图诺斯的卫士",
  949. ["Blood-Queen Lana'thel"] = "鲜血女王兰娜瑟尔",
  950. ["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血领主曼多基尔",
  951. ["Bloodmage Thalnos"] = "血法师萨尔诺斯",
  952. Boahn = "博艾恩",
  953. ["Bomb Bot"] = "炸弹机器人",
  954. ["Brain of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格-萨隆的大脑",
  955. ["Brainwashed Noble"] = "被洗脑的贵族",
  956. Broggok = "布洛戈克",
  957. Brokentoe = "断蹄",
  958. Bronjahm = "布隆亚姆",
  959. ["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "勒什雷尔",
  960. ["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "布鲁高·铁拳",
  961. Brutallus = "布鲁塔卢斯",
  962. ["Burning Felguard"] = "燃烧地狱卫士",
  963. ["Buru the Gorger"] = "吞咽者布鲁",
  964. ["C'Thun"] = "克苏恩",
  965. ["Cache of the Firelord"] = "火焰之王的宝箱",
  966. ["Cache of the Legion"] = "军团宝箱",
  967. ["Cannon Master Willey"] = "炮手威利",
  968. ["Captain Greenskin"] = "绿皮队长",
  969. ["Captain Kromcrush"] = "克罗卡斯",
  970. ["Captain Skarloc"] = "斯卡洛克上尉",
  971. ["Captain Varo'then"] = "禁卫队长瓦罗森",
  972. ["Celebras the Cursed"] = "被诅咒的塞雷布拉斯",
  973. ["Charlga Razorflank"] = "卡尔加·刺肋",
  974. ["Chess Event"] = "国际象棋",
  975. ["Chest of The Seven"] = "七贤之箱",
  976. ["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "乌克兹·沙顶",
  977. Chimaeron = "奇美隆",
  978. ["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "观察者克鲁什",
  979. ["Cho'gall"] = "古加尔",
  980. Chromaggus = "克洛玛古斯",
  981. ["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "时空领主德亚",
  982. ["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "时光领主埃博克",
  983. Claw = "克劳恩",
  984. ["Coilfang Elite"] = "盘牙精英",
  985. ["Coilfang Strider"] = "盘牙巡逻者",
  986. ["Commander Kolurg"] = "指挥官库鲁尔格",
  987. ["Commander Malor"] = "狂热的玛洛尔",
  988. ["Commander Sarannis"] = "指挥官萨拉妮丝",
  989. ["Commander Springvale"] = "指挥官斯普林瓦尔",
  990. ["Commander Stoutbeard"] = "指挥官斯托比德",
  991. ["Commander Ulthok"] = "指挥官乌尔索克",
  992. ["Conclave of Wind"] = "风之议会",
  993. ["Constructor & Controller"] = "建筑师与控制者",
  994. Cookie = "曲奇",
  995. Corborus = "克伯鲁斯",
  996. ["Coren Direbrew"] = "科林·烈酒",
  997. ["Corla, Herald of Twilight"] = "柯尔拉",
  998. ["Cosmic Infuser"] = "宇宙灌注者",
  999. ["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "红衣铸锤师",
  1000. ["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群体打击者9-60",
  1001. ["Crystal Fang"] = "水晶之牙",
  1002. Cyanigosa = "塞安妮苟萨",
  1003. Daakara = "达卡拉",
  1004. ["Dalliah the Doomsayer"] = "末日预言者达尔莉安",
  1005. ["Dalronn the Controller"] = "控制者达尔隆",
  1006. ["Dark Coffer"] = "黑暗宝箱",
  1007. ["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑铁大师",
  1008. ["Darkmaster Gandling"] = "黑暗院长加丁",
  1009. ["Darkweaver Syth"] = "黑暗编织者塞斯",
  1010. ["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "死亡骑士达克雷尔",
  1011. ["Death Knight Understudy"] = "见习死亡骑士",
  1012. ["Death Speaker Jargba"] = "亡语者贾格巴",
  1013. ["Deathbound Ward"] = "缚亡守卫",
  1014. ["Deathbringer Saurfang"] = "死亡使者萨鲁法尔",
  1015. ["Deathspeaker High Priest"] = "亡语高阶祭司",
  1016. ["Deathstalker Visceri"] = "死亡猎手维赛里",
  1017. ["Deathsworn Captain"] = "死亡之誓",
  1018. Devastation = "毁坏",
  1019. ["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "变异精灵龙",
  1020. ["Devourer of Souls"] = "噬魂者",
  1021. ["Dextren Ward"] = "迪克斯特·瓦德",
  1022. ["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "挖掘专家舒尔弗拉格",
  1023. ["Doctor Theolen Krastinov"] = "瑟尔林·卡斯迪诺夫教授",
  1024. ["Doom Lord Kazzak"] = "末日领主卡扎克",
  1025. ["Doom'rel"] = "杜姆雷尔",
  1026. Doomwalker = "末日行者",
  1027. ["Dope'rel"] = "多普雷尔",
  1028. Dorothee = "多萝茜",
  1029. ["Drahga Shadowburner"] = "达加·燃影者",
  1030. ["Drahga Shodowburner"] = "达加·燃影者",
  1031. ["Drakkari Colossus"] = "达卡莱巨像",
  1032. ["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "审讯者达库斯",
  1033. Dreadscale = "恐鳞",
  1034. Dreamscythe = "德姆塞卡尔",
  1035. ["Dust Covered Chest"] = "灰尘覆盖的箱子",
  1036. Dustwraith = "灰尘怨灵",
  1037. ["Eadric the Pure"] = "纯洁者耶德瑞克",
  1038. ["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "唤地者哈穆加",
  1039. ["Earthrager Ptah"] = "地怒者塔赫",
  1040. Ebonroc = "埃博诺克",
  1041. ["Echo of Baine"] = "贝恩的残影",
  1042. ["Echo of Jaina"] = "吉安娜的残影",
  1043. ["Echo of Sylvanas"] = "希尔瓦娜斯的残影",
  1044. ["Echo of Tyrande"] = "泰兰德的残影",
  1045. ["Eck the Ferocious"] = "凶残的伊克",
  1046. ["Edwin VanCleef"] = "艾德温·范克里夫",
  1047. ["Elder Brightleaf"] = "明叶长老",
  1048. ["Elder Ironbranch"] = "铁枝长老",
  1049. ["Elder Nadox"] = "纳多克斯长老",
  1050. ["Elder Stonebark"] = "石树长老",
  1051. ["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "电刑器6000型",
  1052. Electron = "电荷金刚",
  1053. ["Elementium Monstrosity"] = "源质畸体",
  1054. ["Emalon the Storm Watcher"] = "风暴看守者埃玛尔隆",
  1055. Emeriss = "艾莫莉丝",
  1056. ["Emperor Dagran Thaurissan"] = "达格兰·索瑞森大帝",
  1057. ["Emperor Vek'lor"] = "维克洛尔大帝",
  1058. ["Emperor Vek'nilash"] = "维克尼拉斯大帝",
  1059. Entropius = "熵魔",
  1060. ["Eonar's Gift"] = "艾欧娜尔的礼物",
  1061. ["Epoch Hunter"] = "时空猎手",
  1062. Erekem = "埃雷克姆",
  1063. ["Eressea Dawnsinger"] = "埃蕾希·晨歌",
  1064. ["Eric \"The Swift\""] = "埃瑞克",
  1065. Erudax = "埃鲁达克",
  1066. ["Erunak Stonespeaker"] = "石语者埃鲁纳克",
  1067. ["Essence of Anger"] = "愤怒精华",
  1068. ["Essence of Desire"] = "欲望精华",
  1069. ["Essence of Suffering"] = "苦痛精华",
  1070. Eviscerator = "剜眼者",
  1071. ["Exarch Maladaar"] = "大主教玛拉达尔",
  1072. ["Expedition Commander"] = "远征军指挥官",
  1073. ["Eydis Darkbane"] = "黑暗邪使艾蒂丝",
  1074. ["Eye of C'Thun"] = "克苏恩之眼",
  1075. ["Faction Champions"] = "阵营冠军",
  1076. ["Fallen Champion"] = "死灵勇士",
  1077. Falric = "法瑞克",
  1078. ["Falric and Marwyn"] = "法瑞克和玛维恩",
  1079. ["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "顽强的范克瑞斯",
  1080. ["Fathom-Lord Karathress"] = "深水领主卡拉瑟雷斯",
  1081. Felmyst = "菲米丝",
  1082. Feludius = "费伦迪乌斯",
  1083. ["Fenrus the Devourer"] = "吞噬者芬鲁斯",
  1084. ["Feral Defender"] = "野性防御者",
  1085. Festergut = "烂肠",
  1086. Feugen = "费尔根",
  1087. ["Fineous Darkvire"] = "弗诺斯·达克维尔",
  1088. Firemaw = "费尔默",
  1089. ["Fjola Lightbane"] = "光明邪使菲奥拉",
  1090. ["Flame Leviathan"] = "烈焰巨兽",
  1091. Flamegor = "弗莱格尔",
  1092. ["Foe Reaper 5000"] = "死神5000",
  1093. ["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "工头希斯耐特",
  1094. ["Forgemaster Garfrost"] = "熔炉之主加弗斯特",
  1095. ["Forgemaster Throngus"] = "铸炉之主索格乌斯",
  1096. ["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "四骑士之箱",
  1097. ["Fras Siabi"] = "弗拉斯·希亚比",
  1098. Freya = "弗蕾亚",
  1099. ["Gahz'ranka"] = "加兹兰卡",
  1100. ["Gahz'rilla"] = "加兹瑞拉",
  1101. ["Gal'darah"] = "迦尔达拉",
  1102. ["Galgann Firehammer"] = "加加恩·火锤",
  1103. Garr = "加尔",
  1104. ["Garrosh Hellscream"] = "加尔鲁什·地狱咆哮",
  1105. Gasher = "加什尔",
  1106. ["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "看守者盖罗基尔",
  1107. ["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "看守者埃隆汉",
  1108. ["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "击碎者加西奥斯",
  1109. Gehennas = "基赫纳斯",
  1110. Gelihast = "格里哈斯特",
  1111. Gelk = "吉尔克",
  1112. ["General Angerforge"] = "安格弗将军",
  1113. ["General Bjarngrim"] = "比亚格里将军",
  1114. ["General Drakkisath"] = "达基萨斯将军",
  1115. ["General Husam"] = "胡辛姆将军",
  1116. ["General Rajaxx"] = "拉贾克斯将军",
  1117. ["General Umbriss"] = "乌比斯将军",
  1118. ["General Vezax"] = "维扎克斯将军",
  1119. ["General Zarithrian"] = "萨瑞瑟里安将军",
  1120. ["Ghamoo-ra"] = "加摩拉",
  1121. ["Ghaz'an"] = "加兹安",
  1122. ["Ghok Bashguud"] = "霍克·巴什古德",
  1123. Gilnid = "基尔尼格",
  1124. ["Gizrul the Slavener"] = "奴役者基兹鲁尔",
  1125. ["Gloom'rel"] = "格鲁雷尔",
  1126. Glubtok = "格拉布托克",
  1127. Gluth = "格拉斯",
  1128. Glutton = "暴食者",
  1129. ["Golem Lord Argelmach"] = "傀儡统帅阿格曼奇",
  1130. ["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "焚化者古雷曼格",
  1131. ["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "古拉鲁克",
  1132. ["Gormok the Impaler"] = "穿刺者戈莫克",
  1133. ["Gorosh the Dervish"] = "修行者高罗什",
  1134. ["Gortok Palehoof"] = "戈托克·苍蹄",
  1135. ["Gothik the Harvester"] = "收割者戈提克",
  1136. ["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "星术师卡波妮娅",
  1137. ["Grand Champions"] = "总冠军",
  1138. ["Grand Crusader Dathrohan"] = "大十字军战士达索汉",
  1139. ["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "大魔导师泰蕾丝塔",
  1140. ["Grand Vizier Ertan"] = "大宰相埃尔坦",
  1141. ["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "高阶术士奥蕾塞丝",
  1142. ["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "高阶术士奈瑟库斯",
  1143. ["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "黑女巫法琳娜",
  1144. ["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "沃匹尔大师",
  1145. Grandmother = "老奶奶",
  1146. ["Grethok the Controller"] = "黑翼控制者",
  1147. ["Gri'lek"] = "格里雷克",
  1148. Grimlok = "格瑞姆洛克",
  1149. Grizzle = "格里兹尔",
  1150. Grobbulus = "格罗布鲁斯",
  1151. Grubbis = "格鲁比斯",
  1152. ["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "屠龙者格鲁尔",
  1153. ["Guard Fengus"] = "卫兵芬古斯",
  1154. ["Guard Mol'dar"] = "卫兵摩尔达",
  1155. ["Guard Slip'kik"] = "卫兵斯里基克",
  1156. ["Guardian of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格-萨隆的卫士",
  1157. ["Gurtogg Bloodboil"] = "古尔图格·血沸",
  1158. Gyth = "盖斯",
  1159. Hadronox = "哈多诺克斯",
  1160. ["Hagara the Stormbinder"] = "缚风者哈格拉",
  1161. Hakkar = "哈卡",
  1162. Halazzi = "哈尔拉兹",
  1163. ["Halfus Wyrmbreaker"] = "哈尔弗斯·碎龙者",
  1164. Halion = "海里昂",
  1165. Halycon = "哈雷肯",
  1166. Hamhock = "哈姆霍克",
  1167. ["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "预言者斯克瑞斯",
  1168. ["Hate'rel"] = "黑特雷尔",
  1169. ["Hazza'rah"] = "哈扎拉尔",
  1170. Hazzas = "哈扎斯",
  1171. ["Headless Horseman"] = "无头骑士",
  1172. ["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "弗雷斯特恩",
  1173. ["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "爬行者赫杜姆",
  1174. ["Heigan the Unclean"] = "肮脏的希尔盖",
  1175. ["Helix Gearbreaker"] = "赫利克斯·破甲",
  1176. ["Hellfire Channeler"] = "地狱火导魔者",
  1177. ["Henry Stern"] = "亨利·斯特恩",
  1178. ["Herald Volazj"] = "传令官沃拉兹",
  1179. Herod = "赫洛德",
  1180. ["Hex Lord Malacrass"] = "妖术领主玛拉卡斯",
  1181. ["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "大星术师索兰莉安",
  1182. ["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "高级植物学家弗雷温",
  1183. ["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "大检察官法尔班克斯",
  1184. ["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "大检察官怀特迈恩",
  1185. ["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "审讯官格斯塔恩",
  1186. ["High King Maulgar"] = "莫加尔大王",
  1187. ["High Marshal Whirlaxis"] = "大元帅维拉希斯",
  1188. ["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "高阶灵术师塞勒沃尔",
  1189. ["High Overlord Saurfang"] = "萨鲁法尔大王",
  1190. ["High Priest Thekal"] = "高阶祭司塞卡尔",
  1191. ["High Priest Venoxis"] = "高阶祭司温诺希斯",
  1192. ["High Priestess Arlokk"] = "高阶祭司娅尔罗",
  1193. ["High Priestess Azil"] = "高阶女祭司艾苏尔",
  1194. ["High Priestess Jeklik"] = "高阶祭司耶克里克",
  1195. ["High Priestess Kilnara"] = "高阶祭司基尔娜拉",
  1196. ["High Priestess Mar'li"] = "高阶祭司玛尔里",
  1197. ["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "索瑞森高阶女祭司",
  1198. ["High Prophet Barim"] = "高阶预言者巴林姆",
  1199. ["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "高阶督军纳因图斯",
  1200. ["Highlord Mograine"] = "大领主莫格莱尼",
  1201. ["Highlord Omokk"] = "欧莫克大王",
  1202. Hodir = "霍迪尔",
  1203. Hogger = "霍格",
  1204. ["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "驯犬者格雷布玛尔",
  1205. ["Houndmaster Loksey"] = "驯犬者洛克希",
  1206. Hukku = "胡库",
  1207. Hungarfen = "霍加尔芬",
  1208. ["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "霍尔雷·黑须",
  1209. ["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "潜伏者希亚其斯",
  1210. ["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "水术师瑟丝比娅",
  1211. ["Hydromancer Velratha"] = "水占师维蕾萨",
  1212. Hydrospawn = "海多斯博恩",
  1213. ["Hydross the Unstable"] = "不稳定的海度斯",
  1214. ["Ice Sphere"] = "寒冰之球",
  1215. ["Icecrown Gunship Battle"] = "冰冠炮舰战斗",
  1216. Icehowl = "冰吼",
  1217. Ichoron = "艾库隆",
  1218. Ick = "伊克",
  1219. Ignacious = "伊格纳休斯",
  1220. ["Ignis the Furnace Master"] = "掌炉者伊格尼斯",
  1221. ["Illidan Stormrage"] = "伊利丹·怒风",
  1222. ["Illidari Council"] = "伊利达雷议会",
  1223. ["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "伊琳娜·暗木",
  1224. ["Immol'thar"] = "伊莫塔尔",
  1225. ["Infinite Corruptor"] = "永恒腐蚀者",
  1226. ["Infinity Blades"] = "无尽之刃",
  1227. ["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "劫掠者因格瓦尔",
  1228. ["Instructor Galford"] = "档案管理员加尔福特",
  1229. ["Instructor Malicia"] = "讲师玛丽希亚",
  1230. ["Instructor Razuvious"] = "教官拉苏维奥斯",
  1231. ["Interrogator Vishas"] = "审讯员韦沙斯",
  1232. Ionar = "艾欧纳尔",
  1233. Ironaya = "艾隆纳亚",
  1234. Ironspine = "铁脊死灵",
  1235. Isalien = "伊萨利恩",
  1236. Isiset = "伊希斯特",
  1237. Jade = "玉龙",
  1238. ["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "预言者迦玛兰",
  1239. ["Jan'alai"] = "加亚莱",
  1240. ["Jandice Barov"] = "詹迪斯·巴罗夫",
  1241. ["Jed Runewatcher"] = "杰德",
  1242. ["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "耶戈达·觅影者",
  1243. ["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "祈求者耶戈什",
  1244. ["Jin'do the Godbreaker"] = "碎神者金度",
  1245. ["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "妖术师金度",
  1246. ["Jormungar Behemoth"] = "蛰猛巨虫",
  1247. Jormungars = "冰虫",
  1248. Julianne = "朱丽叶",
  1249. ["Junk Bot"] = "废物机器人",
  1250. ["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "凯尔萨斯·逐日者",
  1251. Kalecgos = "卡雷苟斯",
  1252. ["Kam Deepfury"] = "卡姆·深怒",
  1253. ["Karsh Steelbender"] = "卡尔什·断钢",
  1254. ["Kaz'rogal"] = "卡兹洛加",
  1255. ["Kazkaz the Unholy"] = "邪恶的卡萨卡兹",
  1256. ["Kel'Thuzad"] = "克尔苏加德",
  1257. ["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "击碎者克里丹",
  1258. Keristrasza = "克莉斯塔萨",
  1259. ["Kiggler the Crazed"] = "疯狂的基戈尔",
  1260. ["Kil'jaeden"] = "基尔加丹",
  1261. ["Kil'rek"] = "基尔里克",
  1262. ["King Dred"] = "暴龙之王爵德",
  1263. ["King Gordok"] = "戈多克大王",
  1264. ["King Llane Piece"] = "莱恩国王",
  1265. ["King Ymiron"] = "伊米隆国王",
  1266. ["Kirtonos the Herald"] = "传令官基尔图诺斯",
  1267. ["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "诺特·希姆加克的储物箱",
  1268. Kolk = "考尔克",
  1269. Kologarn = "科隆加恩",
  1270. ["Koralon the Flame Watcher"] = "火焰看守者科拉隆",
  1271. Kormok = "库尔莫克",
  1272. Kresh = "克雷什",
  1273. Krick = "科里克",
  1274. ["Krick and Ick"] = "科里克和伊克",
  1275. ["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "看门者克里克希尔",
  1276. ["Krosh Firehand"] = "克洛什·火拳",
  1277. Krystallus = "克莱斯塔卢斯",
  1278. Kurinnaxx = "库林纳克斯",
  1279. ["Lady Anacondra"] = "安娜科德拉",
  1280. ["Lady Blaumeux"] = "女公爵布劳缪克丝",
  1281. ["Lady Deathwhisper"] = "亡语者女士",
  1282. ["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "伊露希亚·巴罗夫",
  1283. ["Lady Malande"] = "女公爵玛兰德",
  1284. ["Lady Naz'jar"] = "纳兹夏女士",
  1285. ["Lady Sacrolash"] = "萨洛拉丝女王",
  1286. ["Lady Sarevess"] = "萨利维丝",
  1287. ["Lady Vashj"] = "瓦丝琪",
  1288. Laj = "拉伊",
  1289. Landslide = "兰斯利德",
  1290. Lavanthor = "拉文索尔",
  1291. ["Left Arm"] = "左臂",
  1292. ["Leotheras the Blind"] = "盲眼者莱欧瑟拉斯",
  1293. Lethon = "莱索恩",
  1294. Lethtendris = "蕾瑟塔蒂丝",
  1295. ["Leviathan Mk II"] = "巨兽二型",
  1296. ["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "魔网守护者埃雷苟斯",
  1297. ["Lieutenant Drake"] = "德拉克中尉",
  1298. ["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "安多洛夫中将",
  1299. Loatheb = "洛欧塞布",
  1300. Lockmaw = "锁喉",
  1301. Loken = "洛肯",
  1302. ["Lord Alexei Barov"] = "阿雷克斯·巴罗夫",
  1303. ["Lord Aurius Rivendare"] = "奥里克斯·瑞文戴尔领主",
  1304. ["Lord Cobrahn"] = "考布莱恩",
  1305. ["Lord Godfrey"] = "高弗雷勋爵",
  1306. ["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "赫尔努拉斯",
  1307. ["Lord Incendius"] = "伊森迪奥斯",
  1308. ["Lord Jaraxxus"] = "加拉克苏斯大王",
  1309. ["Lord Kazzak"] = "末日领主卡扎克",
  1310. ["Lord Kri"] = "克里勋爵",
  1311. ["Lord Marrowgar"] = "玛洛加尔领主",
  1312. ["Lord Overheat"] = "灼热勋爵",
  1313. ["Lord Pythas"] = "皮萨斯",
  1314. ["Lord Rhyolith"] = "雷奥利斯领主",
  1315. ["Lord Roccor"] = "洛考尔",
  1316. ["Lord Sanguinar"] = "萨古纳尔男爵",
  1317. ["Lord Serpentis"] = "瑟芬迪斯",
  1318. ["Lord Skwol"] = "斯古恩男爵",
  1319. ["Lord Valthalak"] = "瓦塔拉克公爵",
  1320. ["Lord Victor Nefarius"] = "维克多·奈法里奥斯",
  1321. ["Lord Vyletongue"] = "维利塔恩",
  1322. ["Lord Walden"] = "沃登勋爵",
  1323. ["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "博学者普克尔特",
  1324. ["Lorgus Jett"] = "洛古斯·杰特",
  1325. Loro = "洛若尔",
  1326. Lucifron = "鲁西弗隆",
  1327. ["M'uru"] = "穆鲁",
  1328. ["Mad Magglish"] = "疯狂的马格利什",
  1329. ["Madness of Deathwing"] = "疯狂的死亡之翼",
  1330. Maexxna = "迈克斯纳",
  1331. ["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "法师领主伊洛姆",
  1332. ["Magister Kalendris"] = "卡雷迪斯镇长",
  1333. ["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "巴瑟拉斯镇长",
  1334. Magmadar = "玛格曼达",
  1335. Magmatron = "熔岩金刚",
  1336. Magmaw = "熔喉",
  1337. Magmus = "玛格姆斯",
  1338. Magra = "玛格拉",
  1339. Magtheridon = "玛瑟里顿",
  1340. ["Maiden of Grief"] = "悲伤圣女",
  1341. ["Maiden of Virtue"] = "贞节圣女",
  1342. ["Majordomo Executus"] = "管理者埃克索图斯",
  1343. ["Majordomo Staghelm"] = "管理者鹿盔",
  1344. ["Mal'Ganis"] = "玛尔加尼斯",
  1345. Malacrass = "玛拉卡斯",
  1346. ["Maleki the Pallid"] = "苍白的玛勒基",
  1347. Maloriak = "马洛拉克",
  1348. Malygos = "玛里苟斯",
  1349. Mannoroth = "玛诺洛斯",
  1350. Maraudos = "玛拉多斯",
  1351. ["Marduk Blackpool"] = "马杜克·布莱克波尔",
  1352. ["Marisa du'Paige"] = "玛里莎·杜派格",
  1353. Marwyn = "玛维恩",
  1354. ["Master Engineer Telonicus"] = "首席技师塔隆尼库斯",
  1355. ["Maur Grimtotem"] = "玛尔·恐怖图腾",
  1356. Meathook = "肉钩",
  1357. ["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "机械领主卡帕西图斯",
  1358. Medivh = "麦迪文",
  1359. ["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "机械师斯蒂里格",
  1360. ["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "麦克尼尔·瑟玛普拉格",
  1361. ["Mennu the Betrayer"] = "背叛者门努",
  1362. ["Meshlok the Harvester"] = "收割者麦什洛克",
  1363. Midnight = "午夜",
  1364. Mijan = "米杉",
  1365. Mimiron = "米米尔隆",
  1366. ["Mindbender Ghur'sha"] = "蛊心魔古厄夏",
  1367. ["Miner Johnson"] = "矿工约翰森",
  1368. ["Mistress of Pain"] = "痛苦女王",
  1369. Moam = "莫阿姆",
  1370. Mogor = "穆戈尔",
  1371. ["Mokra the Skullcrusher"] = "碎颅者莫克拉",
  1372. Moorabi = "莫拉比",
  1373. ["Mor Grayhoof"] = "莫尔·灰蹄",
  1374. Moragg = "摩拉格",
  1375. Morchok = "莫卓克",
  1376. ["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "火眼莫德雷斯",
  1377. Moroes = "莫罗斯",
  1378. ["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "莫洛格里·踏潮者",
  1379. Morphaz = "摩弗拉斯",
  1380. ["Mother Shahraz"] = "莎赫拉丝主母",
  1381. ["Mother Smolderweb"] = "烟网蛛后",
  1382. ["Mr. Smite"] = "重拳先生",
  1383. ["Muradin Bronzebeard"] = "穆拉丁·铜须",
  1384. ["Murkblood Twin"] = "暗血双子",
  1385. ["Murkblood Twins"] = "暗血双子",
  1386. Murmur = "摩摩尔",
  1387. Murozond = "姆诺兹多",
  1388. ["Murta Grimgut"] = "穆尔塔",
  1389. Mushgog = "姆斯高格",
  1390. ["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "吞噬者穆坦努斯",
  1391. Nalorakk = "纳洛拉克",
  1392. Nazan = "纳杉",
  1393. Nefarian = "奈法利安",
  1394. ["Nefarian's End"] = "奈法利安的末日",
  1395. ["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "耐克鲁姆",
  1396. ["Nerub'enkan"] = "奈鲁布恩坎",
  1397. ["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "灵术师塞比瑟蕾",
  1398. Netherspite = "虚空幽龙",
  1399. ["Netherstrand Longbow"] = "灵弦长弓",
  1400. ["Nexus-Prince Shaffar"] = "节点亲王沙法尔",
  1401. Nezir = "尼希尔",
  1402. Nightbane = "夜之魇",
  1403. ["Noth the Plaguebringer"] = "药剂师诺斯",
  1404. ["Novos the Summoner"] = "召唤者诺沃斯",
  1405. Noxxion = "诺克赛恩",
  1406. ["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
  1407. ["Occu'thar"] = "欧库塔尔",
  1408. ["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "盲眼守卫奥杜",
  1409. Oggleflint = "奥格弗林特",
  1410. ["Ogom the Wretched"] = "可悲的奥戈姆",
  1411. Ohgan = "奥根",
  1412. ["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "破坏者奥科索尔",
  1413. Olaf = "奥拉夫",
  1414. ["Old Serra'kis"] = "瑟拉吉斯",
  1415. ["Olm the Summoner"] = "召唤者沃尔姆",
  1416. ["Omnitron Defense System"] = "全能金刚防御系统",
  1417. Omnotron = "全能金刚",
  1418. ["Omnotron Defense System"] = "全能金刚防御系统",
  1419. ["Omor the Unscarred"] = "无疤者奥摩尔",
  1420. Onyxia = "奥妮克希亚",
  1421. ["Opera Event"] = "歌剧院",
  1422. ["Orgrim's Hammer"] = "奥格瑞姆之锤",
  1423. ["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "塑树者奥莫洛克",
  1424. ["Oro Eyegouge"] = "欧罗·血眼",
  1425. ["Ossirian the Unscarred"] = "无疤者奥斯里安",
  1426. Ouro = "奥罗",
  1427. ["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "主宰拉姆塔斯",
  1428. ["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "维姆萨拉克",
  1429. ["Overmaster Pyron"] = "征服者派隆",
  1430. ["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "工头泰德瓦斯",
  1431. Ozruk = "欧泽鲁克",
  1432. Ozumat = "厄祖玛特",
  1433. Pandemonius = "潘德莫努斯",
  1434. ["Panzor the Invincible"] = "无敌的潘佐尔",
  1435. Patchwerk = "帕奇维克",
  1436. ["Pathaleon the Calculator"] = "计算者帕萨雷恩",
  1437. ["Peroth'arn"] = "佩罗萨恩",
  1438. Phalanx = "方阵",
  1439. ["Phaseshift Bulwark"] = "相位壁垒",
  1440. Pimgib = "匹姆吉布",
  1441. ["Plaguemaw the Rotting"] = "腐烂的普雷莫尔",
  1442. ["Plugger Spazzring"] = "普拉格",
  1443. ["Postmaster Malown"] = "邮差马龙",
  1444. ["Priestess Delrissa"] = "女祭司德莉希亚",
  1445. ["Prince Keleseth"] = "凯雷塞斯王子",
  1446. ["Prince Malchezaar"] = "玛克扎尔王子",
  1447. ["Prince Skaldrenox"] = "斯卡德诺克斯王子",
  1448. ["Prince Taldaram"] = "塔达拉姆王子",
  1449. ["Prince Tenris Mirkblood"] = "特里斯·黯血王子",
  1450. ["Prince Tortheldrin"] = "托塞德林王子",
  1451. ["Prince Valanar"] = "瓦拉纳王子",
  1452. ["Princess Huhuran"] = "哈霍兰公主",
  1453. ["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "铁炉堡公主茉艾拉·铜须",
  1454. ["Princess Tempestria"] = "泰比斯蒂亚公主",
  1455. ["Princess Theradras"] = "瑟莱德丝公主",
  1456. ["Princess Yauj"] = "亚尔基公主",
  1457. ["Professor Putricide"] = "普崔塞德教授",
  1458. ["Pure Spawn of Hydross"] = "纯净的海度斯爪牙",
  1459. Pusillin = "普希林",
  1460. ["Pyroguard Emberseer"] = "烈焰卫士艾博希尔",
  1461. ["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "控火师罗格雷恩",
  1462. Quagmirran = "夸格米拉",
  1463. ["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "军需官兹格雷斯",
  1464. ["Queen Azshara"] = "艾萨拉女王",
  1465. ["Rage Winterchill"] = "雷基·冬寒",
  1466. Ragglesnout = "拉戈斯诺特",
  1467. ["Raging Spirit"] = "暴怒的灵魂",
  1468. Ragnaros = "拉格纳罗斯",
  1469. Rajh = "拉夏",
  1470. ["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "吞咽者拉姆斯登",
  1471. ["Randolph Moloch"] = "兰多菲·摩洛克",
  1472. ["Ras Frostwhisper"] = "莱斯·霜语",
  1473. Rattlegore = "血骨傀儡",
  1474. ["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "屠夫拉佐克劳",
  1475. ["Razorgore the Untamed"] = "狂野的拉佐格尔",
  1476. Razorlash = "锐刺鞭笞者",
  1477. Razorscale = "锋鳞",
  1478. ["Reliquary of Souls"] = "灵魂之匣",
  1479. Renataki = "雷纳塔基",
  1480. ["Restless Skeleton"] = "无法安息的骷髅",
  1481. Rethilgore = "雷希戈尔",
  1482. Revelosh = "鲁维罗什",
  1483. ["Rhahk'Zor"] = "拉克佐",
  1484. ["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "雷布里·斯库比格特",
  1485. ["Right Arm"] = "右臂",
  1486. ["Ring of Law"] = "秩序竞技场",
  1487. ["Risen Hammersmith"] = "红衣铸锤师",
  1488. Roar = "胆小的狮子",
  1489. Rohash = "洛哈西",
  1490. ["Rokad the Ravager"] = "蹂躏者洛卡德",
  1491. ["Rokdar the Sundered Lord"] = "裂石之王洛卡达尔",
  1492. ["Rokmar the Crackler"] = "巨钳鲁克玛尔",
  1493. ["Rom'ogg Bonecrusher"] = "摧骨者罗姆欧格",
  1494. Romulo = "罗密欧",
  1495. ["Romulo & Julianne"] = "罗密欧与朱丽叶",
  1496. Roogug = "鲁古",
  1497. Rotface = "腐面",
  1498. Rotgrip = "洛特格里普",
  1499. ["Runemaster Molgeim"] = "符文大师莫尔基姆",
  1500. ["Runok Wildmane"] = "鲁诺克·蛮鬃",
  1501. Ruuzlu = "卢兹鲁",
  1502. ["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "塑血者沙尔拉姆",
  1503. ["Sanctum Sentry"] = "圣所警卫",
  1504. ["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "杉达尔·沙掠者",
  1505. ["Sandfury Executioner"] = "沙怒刽子手",
  1506. Sapphiron = "萨菲隆",
  1507. Sara = "萨拉",
  1508. ["Saronite Animus"] = "萨隆邪铁畸体",
  1509. Sartharion = "萨塔里奥",
  1510. ["Sathrovarr the Corruptor"] = "腐蚀者萨索瓦尔",
  1511. ["Saviana Ragefire"] = "塞维娅娜·怒火",
  1512. ["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "血色十字军指挥官莫格莱尼",
  1513. ["Scourgelord Tyrannus"] = "天灾领主泰兰努斯",
  1514. ["Seeth'rel"] = "西斯雷尔",
  1515. ["Selin Fireheart"] = "塞林·火心",
  1516. ["Sergeant Bly"] = "布莱中士",
  1517. Setesh = "塞特斯",
  1518. ["Shade of Akama"] = "阿卡玛之影",
  1519. ["Shade of Aran"] = "埃兰之影",
  1520. ["Shade of Eranikus"] = "伊兰尼库斯的阴影",
  1521. ["Shadikith the Glider"] = "滑翔者沙德基斯",
  1522. ["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "暗影猎手沃什加斯",
  1523. ["Shadow of Leotheras"] = "莱欧瑟拉斯之影",
  1524. ["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "暗影祭司塞瑟斯",
  1525. Shadron = "沙德隆",
  1526. Shannox = "沙恩诺克斯",
  1527. Shazzrah = "沙斯拉尔",
  1528. ["Shirrak the Dead Watcher"] = "死亡观察者希尔拉克",
  1529. ["Siamat, Lord of South Wind"] = "南风之主希亚玛特",
  1530. Sindragosa = "辛达苟萨",
  1531. Sinestra = "希奈丝特拉",
  1532. ["Sir Zeliek"] = "瑟里耶克爵士",
  1533. ["Sjonnir The Ironshaper"] = "塑铁者斯约尼尔",
  1534. ["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "残忍的斯卡迪",
  1535. ["Skarr the Unbreakable"] = "无敌的斯卡尔",
  1536. ["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "建筑师斯卡瓦尔德",
  1537. ["Skra'gath"] = "瑟克拉加斯",
  1538. Skul = "斯库尔",
  1539. Skum = "斯卡姆",
  1540. Slabhide = "岩皮",
  1541. ["Slad'ran"] = "斯拉德兰",
  1542. Sneed = "斯尼德",
  1543. ["Sneed's Shredder"] = "斯尼德的伐木机",
  1544. ["Solakar Flamewreath"] = "索拉卡·火冠",
  1545. ["Solarium Agent"] = "日晷密探",
  1546. ["Solarium Priest"] = "日晷祭司",
  1547. ["Spine of Deathwing"] = "死亡之翼的背脊",
  1548. ["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "尖石统帅",
  1549. ["Spirestone Butcher"] = "尖石屠夫",
  1550. ["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "尖石首席法师",
  1551. ["Staff of Disintegration"] = "瓦解法杖",
  1552. Stalagg = "斯塔拉格",
  1553. Steelbreaker = "断钢者",
  1554. ["Stomper Kreeg"] = "践踏者克雷格",
  1555. Stonespine = "石脊",
  1556. ["Stormcaller Brundir"] = "唤雷者布隆迪尔",
  1557. Strawman = "稻草人",
  1558. ["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "萨弗隆先驱者",
  1559. Supremus = "苏普雷姆斯",
  1560. ["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "席瓦拉·索格蕾",
  1561. ["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "沼地领主穆塞雷克",
  1562. Taerar = "泰拉尔",
  1563. ["Tainted Spawn of Hydross"] = "污染的海度斯爪牙",
  1564. ["Talon King Ikiss"] = "利爪之王艾吉斯",
  1565. ["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "饥饿者塔拉加曼",
  1566. ["Targorr the Dread"] = "可怕的塔格尔",
  1567. Tavarok = "塔瓦洛克",
  1568. Techbot = "尖端机器人",
  1569. ["Temple Guardian Anhuur"] = "神殿守护者安努尔",
  1570. Temporus = "坦普卢斯",
  1571. ["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
  1572. Tenebron = "塔尼布隆",
  1573. ["Terestian Illhoof"] = "特雷斯坦·邪蹄",
  1574. ["Teron Gorefiend"] = "塔隆·血魔",
  1575. Terrastra = "泰拉斯卓",
  1576. Thaddius = "塔迪乌斯",
  1577. ["Thaladred the Darkener"] = "亵渎者萨拉德雷",
  1578. ["Thane Korth'azz"] = "库尔塔兹领主",
  1579. ["The Beast"] = "比斯巨兽",
  1580. ["The Beasts of Northrend"] = "诺森德猛兽",
  1581. ["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "大灰狼",
  1582. ["The Black Knight"] = "黑骑士",
  1583. ["The Black Stalker"] = "黑色阔步者",
  1584. ["The Blue Brothers"] = "蓝色兄弟",
  1585. ["The Bug Family"] = "虫子一家",
  1586. ["The Crone"] = "巫婆",
  1587. ["The Curator"] = "馆长",
  1588. ["The Eredar Twins"] = "艾瑞达双子",
  1589. ["The Four Horsemen"] = "四骑士",
  1590. ["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利达雷议会",
  1591. ["The Iron Council"] = "钢铁议会",
  1592. ["The Lich King"] = "巫妖王",
  1593. ["The Lost Dwarves"] = "失踪的矮人",
  1594. ["The Lurker Below"] = "鱼斯拉",
  1595. ["The Maker"] = "制造者",
  1596. ["The Prophet Skeram"] = "预言者斯克拉姆",
  1597. ["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "先知萨隆亚",
  1598. ["The Ravenian"] = "拉文尼亚",
  1599. ["The Razza"] = "拉扎尔",
  1600. ["The Seven Dwarves"] = "七贤矮人",
  1601. ["The Skybreaker"] = "破天号",
  1602. ["The Tribunal of Ages"] = "远古法庭",
  1603. ["The Twin Emperors"] = "双子皇帝",
  1604. ["The Twin Val'kyr"] = "瓦格里双子",
  1605. ["The Unforgiven"] = "不可宽恕者",
  1606. ["The Windreaver"] = "烈风掠夺者",
  1607. ["Theka the Martyr"] = "殉教者塞卡",
  1608. Theralion = "瑟纳利昂",
  1609. Thorim = "托里姆",
  1610. ["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "看管者索恩格林",
  1611. ["Tidewalker Lurker"] = "踏潮潜伏者",
  1612. ["Timmy the Cruel"] = "悲惨的提米",
  1613. Tinhead = "铁皮人",
  1614. ["Tinkerer Gizlock"] = "工匠吉兹洛克",
  1615. ["Tirion Fordring"] = "提里奧·弗丁",
  1616. Tito = "托托",
  1617. ["Toravon the Ice Watcher"] = "寒冰看守者图拉旺",
  1618. Toxitron = "剧毒金刚",
  1619. ["Trigore the Lasher"] = "鞭笞者特里高雷",
  1620. Trollgore = "托尔戈",
  1621. ["Tsu'zee"] = "苏斯",
  1622. ["Tuten'kash"] = "图特卡什",
  1623. ["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "梦游者克尔里斯",
  1624. Ultraxion = "奥卓克希昂",
  1625. ["Urok Doomhowl"] = "乌洛克",
  1626. ["VX-001"] = "VX-001",
  1627. ["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "堕落的瓦拉斯塔兹",
  1628. ["Val'kyr Shadowguard"] = "瓦格里暗影戒卫者",
  1629. Valiona = "瓦里昂娜",
  1630. ["Valiona and Theralion"] = "瓦里昂娜和瑟纳利昂",
  1631. ["Valithria Dreamwalker"] = "踏梦者瓦莉瑟瑞娅",
  1632. ["Vanessa VanCleef"] = "梵妮莎·范克里夫",
  1633. ["Varian Wrynn"] = "瓦里安·乌瑞恩",
  1634. ["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "瓦尔洛斯·云击",
  1635. Vazruden = "瓦兹德",
  1636. ["Vazruden the Herald"] = "传令官瓦兹德",
  1637. Vectus = "维克图斯",
  1638. Vem = "维姆",
  1639. Veng = "温格",
  1640. ["Veras Darkshadow"] = "维尔莱斯·深影",
  1641. ["Verdan the Everliving"] = "永生者沃尔丹",
  1642. Verek = "维雷克",
  1643. Vesperon = "维斯匹隆",
  1644. Vexallus = "维萨鲁斯",
  1645. ["Veyzhak the Cannibal"] = "食尸者维萨克",
  1646. ["Vile'rel"] = "瓦勒雷尔",
  1647. Viscidus = "维希度斯",
  1648. ["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性辐射尘",
  1649. ["Void Reaver"] = "空灵机甲",
  1650. Volkhan = "沃尔坎",
  1651. ["War Master Voone"] = "指挥官沃恩",
  1652. ["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "战争使者沃姆罗格",
  1653. ["Warchief Blackhand Piece"] = "黑手酋长",
  1654. ["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "酋长卡加斯·刃拳",
  1655. ["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "大酋长雷德·黑手",
  1656. ["Warden Mellichar"] = "监护者梅里卡尔",
  1657. ["Warder Stilgiss"] = "典狱官斯迪尔基斯",
  1658. ["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "督军卡利瑟里斯",
  1659. ["Warlord Zon'ozz"] = "督军佐诺兹",
  1660. ["Warmaster Blackhorn"] = "战争大师黑角",
  1661. ["Warmaul Champion"] = "战槌勇士",
  1662. ["Warp Slicer"] = "迁跃切割者",
  1663. ["Warp Splinter"] = "迁跃扭木",
  1664. ["Watchkeeper Gargolmar"] = "巡视者加戈玛",
  1665. Weaver = "德拉维沃尔",
  1666. ["Willey Hopebreaker"] = "炮手威利",
  1667. ["Witch Doctor Zum'rah"] = "巫医祖穆拉恩",
  1668. ["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "狼王南杜斯",
  1669. ["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "天怒预言者苏克拉底",
  1670. Wushoolay = "乌苏雷",
  1671. ["XT-002 Deconstructor"] = "XT-002拆解者",
  1672. Xevozz = "谢沃兹",
  1673. ["Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格-萨隆",
  1674. Yor = "尤尔",
  1675. ["Yor'sahj the Unsleeping"] = "不眠的约萨希",
  1676. Ysondre = "伊森德雷",
  1677. Zanzil = "赞吉尔",
  1678. Zekkis = "泽基斯",
  1679. ["Zelemar the Wrathful"] = "愤怒者塞雷玛尔",
  1680. ["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "自由的瑟雷凯斯",
  1681. Zerillis = "泽雷利斯",
  1682. ["Zevrim Thornhoof"] = "瑟雷姆·刺蹄",
  1683. Zolo = "祖罗",
  1684. ["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖尔法拉克阵亡英雄",
  1685. ["Zul'Lor"] = "祖罗尔",
  1686. ["Zul'jin"] = "祖尔金",
  1687. ["Zul'tore"] = "祖尔托",
  1688. ["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = "湮灭者祖拉玛特",
  1689. }
  1690. elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhTW" then
  1691. lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
  1692. ["\"Captain\" Cookie"] = "『隊長』餅乾",
  1693. Acidmaw = "酸喉",
  1694. ["Admiral Ripsnarl"] = "利普斯納爾上將",
  1695. Aeonus = "艾奧那斯",
  1696. ["Aerial Command Unit"] = "空中指揮裝置",
  1697. ["Agathelos the Raging"] = "暴怒的阿迦賽羅斯",
  1698. ["Aggem Thorncurse"] = "阿葛金·棘咒",
  1699. Ahune = "艾胡恩",
  1700. ["Akil'zon"] = "阿奇爾森",
  1701. ["Aku'mai"] = "阿庫麥爾",
  1702. ["Al'Akir"] = "奧拉基爾",
  1703. ["Al'ar"] = "歐爾",
  1704. ["Algalon the Observer"] = "『觀察者』艾爾加隆",
  1705. Altairus = "艾塔伊洛斯",
  1706. Altarius = "艾塔伊洛斯",
  1707. Alysrazor = "艾里絲拉卓",
  1708. ["Alzzin the Wildshaper"] = "『狂野變形者』奧茲恩",
  1709. Amanitar = "毒蕈魔",
  1710. ["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "弗萊拉斯大使",
  1711. ["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "海爾瑪大使",
  1712. Ammunae = "安姆內",
  1713. ["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "『寒冰使者』亞門納爾",
  1714. ["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "古代的石頭看守者",
  1715. Anetheron = "安納塞隆",
  1716. ["Anger'rel"] = "安格雷爾",
  1717. Anomalus = "艾諾瑪路斯",
  1718. Anraphet = "安拉斐特",
  1719. Anshal = "安蕭爾",
  1720. ["Antu'sul"] = "安圖蘇爾",
  1721. ["Anub'Rekhan"] = "阿努比瑞克漢",
  1722. ["Anub'arak"] = "阿努巴拉克",
  1723. ["Anub'shiah"] = "阿努希爾",
  1724. ["Anubisath Defender"] = "阿努比薩斯防衛者",
  1725. ["Anubisath Guardian"] = "阿努比薩斯守衛者",
  1726. Anzu = "安祖",
  1727. ["Arcane Watchman"] = "秘法警備者",
  1728. ["Arcanist Doan"] = "秘法師杜安",
  1729. Arcanotron = "秘法石像",
  1730. Archaedas = "阿札達斯",
  1731. ["Archavon the Stone Watcher"] = "『石之看守者』亞夏梵",
  1732. ["Archbishop Benedictus"] = "大主教本尼迪塔斯",
  1733. Archimonde = "阿克蒙德",
  1734. ["Archivist Galford"] = "檔案管理員加爾福特",
  1735. ["Archmage Arugal"] = "大法師阿魯高",
  1736. Arcurion = "阿奇里森",
  1737. Argaloth = "阿加羅斯",
  1738. ["Argent Confessor Paletress"] = "銀白告解者帕爾璀絲",
  1739. Arion = "艾理奧",
  1740. ["Arugal's Voidwalker"] = "阿魯高的虛無行者",
  1741. Asaad = "亞沙德",
  1742. ["Ascendant Council"] = "卓越者議會",
  1743. ["Ascendant Lord Obsidius"] = "卓越者統領奧希迪厄斯",
  1744. ["Asim al Akir"] = "亞沙德",
  1745. ["Asira Dawnslayer"] = "阿希拉黎明殺戮者",
  1746. ["Assault Bot"] = "突襲機器人",
  1747. ["Assembly of Iron"] = "鐵之集會",
  1748. ["Atal'alarion"] = "阿塔拉利恩",
  1749. Atramedes = "亞特拉米德",
  1750. ["Attumen the Huntsman"] = "獵人阿圖曼",
  1751. Auriaya = "奧芮雅",
  1752. Avalanchion = "阿瓦蘭奇奧",
  1753. ["Avatar of Hakkar"] = "哈卡的化身",
  1754. ["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "『狩獵者』阿亞米斯",
  1755. Azgalor = "亞茲加洛",
  1756. ["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "不眠的艾希爾",
  1757. Azuregos = "艾索雷葛斯",
  1758. ["Bael'Gar"] = "貝爾加",
  1759. Baelog = "巴爾洛戈",
  1760. Baleroc = "巴勒羅克",
  1761. Balnazzar = "巴納札爾",
  1762. ["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "『戰爭之子』巴爾薩魯斯",
  1763. ["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "班諾克·巨斧",
  1764. ["Baron Aquanis"] = "阿奎尼斯男爵",
  1765. ["Baron Ashbury"] = "艾胥柏利男爵",
  1766. ["Baron Charr"] = "火焰男爵查爾",
  1767. ["Baron Geddon"] = "迦頓男爵",
  1768. ["Baron Kazum"] = "卡蘇姆男爵",
  1769. ["Baron Rivendare"] = "瑞文戴爾男爵",
  1770. ["Baron Silverlaine"] = "席瓦萊恩男爵",
  1771. ["Baroness Anastari"] = "安娜絲塔麗男爵夫人",
  1772. ["Battleguard Sartura"] = "沙爾圖拉",
  1773. ["Bazil Thredd"] = "巴基爾·斯瑞德",
  1774. Bazzalan = "巴札蘭",
  1775. Beauty = "美麗",
  1776. ["Beth'tilac"] = "貝絲堤拉克",
  1777. ["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "黑衣守衛鑄劍師",
  1778. ["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "『煽動者』黑心",
  1779. ["Blind Hunter"] = "盲眼獵手",
  1780. ["Blindeye the Seer"] = "先知盲眼",
  1781. ["Blood Council"] = "血腥議會",
  1782. ["Blood Guard Porung"] = "血衛士波洛克",
  1783. ["Blood Prince Council"] = "血親王議會",
  1784. ["Blood Princes"] = "血親王",
  1785. ["Blood Steward of Kirtonos"] = "基爾圖諾斯的衛士",
  1786. ["Blood-Queen Lana'thel"] = "血腥女王菈娜薩爾",
  1787. ["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血領主曼多基爾",
  1788. ["Bloodmage Thalnos"] = "血法師薩爾諾斯",
  1789. Boahn = "博艾恩",
  1790. ["Bomb Bot"] = "炸彈機器人",
  1791. ["Brain of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格薩倫的腦部",
  1792. ["Brainwashed Noble"] = "被洗腦的貴族",
  1793. Broggok = "布洛克",
  1794. Brokentoe = "斷趾",
  1795. Bronjahm = "布朗吉姆",
  1796. ["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "龍領主勒西雷爾",
  1797. ["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "布魯戈·艾爾克納寇",
  1798. Brutallus = "布魯托魯斯",
  1799. ["Burning Felguard"] = "燃燒惡魔守衛",
  1800. ["Buru the Gorger"] = "『暴食者』布魯",
  1801. ["C'Thun"] = "克蘇恩",
  1802. ["Cache of the Firelord"] = "火焰之王的寶箱",
  1803. ["Cache of the Legion"] = "軍團貯藏箱",
  1804. ["Cannon Master Willey"] = "砲手威利",
  1805. ["Captain Greenskin"] = "綠皮隊長",
  1806. ["Captain Kromcrush"] = "克羅卡斯",
  1807. ["Captain Skarloc"] = "史卡拉克上尉",
  1808. ["Captain Varo'then"] = "瓦羅森隊長",
  1809. ["Celebras the Cursed"] = "被詛咒的塞雷布拉斯",
  1810. ["Charlga Razorflank"] = "卡爾加·刺肋",
  1811. ["Chess Event"] = "西洋棋事件",
  1812. ["Chest of The Seven"] = "七賢之箱",
  1813. ["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "烏克茲·沙頂",
  1814. Chimaeron = "奇瑪隆",
  1815. ["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "『觀察者』克魯什",
  1816. ["Cho'gall"] = "丘加利",
  1817. Chromaggus = "克洛瑪古斯",
  1818. ["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "時間領主迪賈",
  1819. ["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "紀元時間領主",
  1820. Claw = "裂爪",
  1821. ["Coilfang Elite"] = "盤牙精英",
  1822. ["Coilfang Strider"] = "盤牙旅行者",
  1823. ["Commander Kolurg"] = "指揮官寇勒格",
  1824. ["Commander Malor"] = "指揮官瑪洛爾",
  1825. ["Commander Sarannis"] = "指揮官薩瑞尼斯",
  1826. ["Commander Springvale"] = "指揮官斯普林瓦爾",
  1827. ["Commander Stoutbeard"] = "指揮官厚鬚",
  1828. ["Commander Ulthok"] = "指揮官烏索克",
  1829. ["Conclave of Wind"] = "風之議會",
  1830. ["Constructor & Controller"] = "『建造者』與『控制者』",
  1831. Cookie = "廚師",
  1832. Corborus = "寇伯拉斯",
  1833. ["Coren Direbrew"] = "寇仁·恐酒",
  1834. ["Corla, Herald of Twilight"] = "柯爾菈,暮光信使",
  1835. ["Cosmic Infuser"] = "宇宙灌溉者",
  1836. ["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "紅衣鑄錘師",
  1837. ["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群體打擊者9-60",
  1838. ["Crystal Fang"] = "水晶之牙",
  1839. Cyanigosa = "霞妮苟莎",
  1840. Daakara = "達卡拉",
  1841. ["Dalliah the Doomsayer"] = "末日預言者達利亞",
  1842. ["Dalronn the Controller"] = "『控制者』達隆恩",
  1843. ["Dark Coffer"] = "黑暗寶箱",
  1844. ["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑鐵大使",
  1845. ["Darkmaster Gandling"] = "黑暗院長加丁",
  1846. ["Darkweaver Syth"] = "暗法師希斯",
  1847. ["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "死亡騎士達克雷爾",
  1848. ["Death Knight Understudy"] = "死亡騎士實習者",
  1849. ["Death Speaker Jargba"] = "亡語者賈格巴",
  1850. ["Deathbound Ward"] = "亡縛守衛",
  1851. ["Deathbringer Saurfang"] = "死亡使者薩魯法爾",
  1852. ["Deathspeaker High Priest"] = "亡頌者高階祭司",
  1853. ["Deathstalker Visceri"] = "亡靈哨兵威瑟瑞",
  1854. ["Deathsworn Captain"] = "死亡誓言者隊長",
  1855. Devastation = "毀滅",
  1856. ["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "變異精靈龍",
  1857. ["Devourer of Souls"] = "眾魂吞噬者",
  1858. ["Dextren Ward"] = "迪克斯特·瓦德",
  1859. ["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "挖掘專家舒爾弗拉格",
  1860. ["Doctor Theolen Krastinov"] = "瑟爾林·卡斯迪諾夫教授",
  1861. ["Doom Lord Kazzak"] = "毀滅領主卡札克",
  1862. ["Doom'rel"] = "杜姆雷爾",
  1863. Doomwalker = "厄運行者",
  1864. ["Dope'rel"] = "多普雷爾",
  1865. Dorothee = "桃樂絲",
  1866. ["Drahga Shadowburner"] = "德拉卡·燃影者",
  1867. ["Drahga Shodowburner"] = "德拉卡·燃影者",
  1868. ["Drakkari Colossus"] = "德拉克瑞巨像",
  1869. ["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "『審問者』德拉高斯",
  1870. Dreadscale = "懼鱗",
  1871. Dreamscythe = "德姆塞卡爾",
  1872. ["Dust Covered Chest"] = "滿佈灰塵箱子",
  1873. Dustwraith = "灰塵怨靈",
  1874. ["Eadric the Pure"] = "『純淨者』埃卓克",
  1875. ["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "喚地者哈穆加",
  1876. ["Earthrager Ptah"] = "地怒者普塔",
  1877. Ebonroc = "埃博諾克",
  1878. ["Echo of Baine"] = "貝恩的回音",
  1879. ["Echo of Jaina"] = "珍娜的回音",
  1880. ["Echo of Sylvanas"] = "希瓦娜斯的回音",
  1881. ["Echo of Tyrande"] = "泰蘭妲的回音",
  1882. ["Eck the Ferocious"] = "『兇猛』埃克",
  1883. ["Edwin VanCleef"] = "艾德溫·范克里夫",
  1884. ["Elder Brightleaf"] = "亮葉長者",
  1885. ["Elder Ironbranch"] = "鐵枝長者",
  1886. ["Elder Nadox"] = "老那杜斯",
  1887. ["Elder Stonebark"] = "石木長者",
  1888. ["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "電刑器6000型",
  1889. Electron = "電石像",
  1890. ["Elementium Monstrosity"] = "卓越者議會",
  1891. ["Emalon the Storm Watcher"] = "『風暴看守者』艾瑪隆",
  1892. Emeriss = "艾莫莉絲",
  1893. ["Emperor Dagran Thaurissan"] = "達格蘭·索瑞森大帝",
  1894. ["Emperor Vek'lor"] = "維克洛爾大帝",
  1895. ["Emperor Vek'nilash"] = "維克尼拉斯大帝",
  1896. Entropius = "安卓普斯",
  1897. ["Eonar's Gift"] = "伊歐娜的贈禮",
  1898. ["Epoch Hunter"] = "紀元狩獵者",
  1899. Erekem = "伊銳坎",
  1900. ["Eressea Dawnsinger"] = "艾瑞西雅·曦詠",
  1901. ["Eric \"The Swift\""] = "『迅捷』艾利克",
  1902. Erudax = "伊魯達克斯",
  1903. ["Erunak Stonespeaker"] = "伊魯納克·石語者",
  1904. ["Essence of Anger"] = "憤怒精華",
  1905. ["Essence of Desire"] = "慾望精華",
  1906. ["Essence of Suffering"] = "受難精華",
  1907. Eviscerator = "剜眼者",
  1908. ["Exarch Maladaar"] = "主教瑪拉達爾",
  1909. ["Expedition Commander"] = "遠征隊指揮官",
  1910. ["Eydis Darkbane"] = "艾狄絲·暗寂",
  1911. ["Eye of C'Thun"] = "克蘇恩之眼",
  1912. ["Faction Champions"] = "陣營勇士",
  1913. ["Fallen Champion"] = "亡靈勇士",
  1914. Falric = "法勒瑞克",
  1915. ["Falric and Marwyn"] = "法勒瑞克和麥爾溫",
  1916. ["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "不屈的范克里斯",
  1917. ["Fathom-Lord Karathress"] = "深淵之王卡拉薩瑞斯",
  1918. Felmyst = "魔龍謎霧",
  1919. Feludius = "費魯迪厄斯",
  1920. ["Fenrus the Devourer"] = "『吞噬者』芬魯斯",
  1921. ["Feral Defender"] = "野性防衛者",
  1922. Festergut = "膿腸",
  1923. Feugen = "伏晨",
  1924. ["Fineous Darkvire"] = "弗諾斯·達克維爾",
  1925. Firemaw = "費爾默",
  1926. ["Fjola Lightbane"] = "菲歐拉·光寂",
  1927. ["Flame Leviathan"] = "烈焰戰輪",
  1928. Flamegor = "弗萊格爾",
  1929. ["Foe Reaper 5000"] = "敵人收割者5000",
  1930. ["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "工頭希斯耐特",
  1931. ["Forgemaster Garfrost"] = "鍛造大師加弗羅斯",
  1932. ["Forgemaster Throngus"] = "鍛造大師瑟隆葛斯",
  1933. ["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "四騎士箱子",
  1934. ["Fras Siabi"] = "弗拉斯·希亞比",
  1935. Freya = "芙蕾雅",
  1936. ["Gahz'ranka"] = "加茲蘭卡",
  1937. ["Gahz'rilla"] = "加茲瑞拉",
  1938. ["Gal'darah"] = "蓋爾達拉",
  1939. ["Galgann Firehammer"] = "加加恩·火錘",
  1940. Garr = "加爾",
  1941. ["Garrosh Hellscream"] = "卡爾洛斯·地獄吼",
  1942. Gasher = "加什爾",
  1943. ["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "看守者蓋洛奇歐",
  1944. ["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "看守者鐵手",
  1945. ["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "粉碎者高希歐",
  1946. Gehennas = "基赫納斯",
  1947. Gelihast = "格里哈斯特",
  1948. Gelk = "吉爾克",
  1949. ["General Angerforge"] = "安格弗將軍",
  1950. ["General Bjarngrim"] = "畢亞格林將軍",
  1951. ["General Drakkisath"] = "達基薩斯將軍",
  1952. ["General Husam"] = "胡薩姆將軍",
  1953. ["General Rajaxx"] = "拉賈克斯將軍",
  1954. ["General Umbriss"] = "昂布里斯將軍",
  1955. ["General Vezax"] = "威札斯將軍",
  1956. ["General Zarithrian"] = "扎里斯利安將軍",
  1957. ["Ghamoo-ra"] = "加摩拉",
  1958. ["Ghaz'an"] = "高薩安",
  1959. ["Ghok Bashguud"] = "霍克·巴什古德",
  1960. Gilnid = "基爾尼格",
  1961. ["Gizrul the Slavener"] = "『奴役者』基茲盧爾",
  1962. ["Gloom'rel"] = "格魯雷爾",
  1963. Glubtok = "格魯巴托克",
  1964. Gluth = "古魯斯",
  1965. Glutton = "暴食者",
  1966. ["Golem Lord Argelmach"] = "魔像領主阿格曼奇",
  1967. ["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "『焚化者』古雷曼格",
  1968. ["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "古拉魯克",
  1969. ["Gormok the Impaler"] = "「穿刺者」戈莫克",
  1970. ["Gorosh the Dervish"] = "『修行者』高羅什",
  1971. ["Gortok Palehoof"] = "戈托克·白蹄",
  1972. ["Gothik the Harvester"] = "『收割者』高希",
  1973. ["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "大星術師卡普尼恩",
  1974. ["Grand Champions"] = "大勇士",
  1975. ["Grand Crusader Dathrohan"] = "大十字軍戰士達索漢",
  1976. ["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "大魔導師特雷斯翠",
  1977. ["Grand Vizier Ertan"] = "首相伊爾丹",
  1978. ["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "大術士艾黎瑟絲",
  1979. ["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "大術士奈德克斯",
  1980. ["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "大寡婦費琳娜",
  1981. ["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "宗師瓦皮歐",
  1982. Grandmother = "外婆",
  1983. ["Grethok the Controller"] = "『控制者』葛瑞托克",
  1984. ["Gri'lek"] = "格里雷克",
  1985. Grimlok = "格瑞姆洛克",
  1986. Grizzle = "格里茲爾",
  1987. Grobbulus = "葛羅巴斯",
  1988. Grubbis = "格魯比斯",
  1989. ["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "弒龍者戈魯爾",
  1990. ["Guard Fengus"] = "衛兵芬古斯",
  1991. ["Guard Mol'dar"] = "衛兵摩爾達",
  1992. ["Guard Slip'kik"] = "衛兵斯里基克",
  1993. ["Guardian of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格薩倫守護者",
  1994. ["Gurtogg Bloodboil"] = "葛塔格·血沸",
  1995. Gyth = "蓋斯",
  1996. Hadronox = "哈卓諾克斯",
  1997. ["Hagara the Stormbinder"] = "『暴風守縛者』哈甲拉",
  1998. Hakkar = "哈卡",
  1999. Halazzi = "哈拉齊",
  2000. ["Halfus Wyrmbreaker"] = "哈福斯•破龍者",
  2001. Halion = "海萊恩",
  2002. Halycon = "哈雷肯",
  2003. Hamhock = "哈姆霍克",
  2004. ["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "先驅者史蓋力司",
  2005. ["Hate'rel"] = "黑特雷爾",
  2006. ["Hazza'rah"] = "哈札拉爾",
  2007. Hazzas = "哈札斯",
  2008. ["Headless Horseman"] = "無頭騎士",
  2009. ["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "弗雷斯特恩",
  2010. ["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "『蠕行者』赫杜姆 ",
  2011. ["Heigan the Unclean"] = "『不潔者』海根",
  2012. ["Helix Gearbreaker"] = "赫利克斯•碎輪者",
  2013. ["Hellfire Channeler"] = "地獄火導魔師",
  2014. ["Henry Stern"] = "亨利·斯特恩",
  2015. ["Herald Volazj"] = "信使沃菈齊",
  2016. Herod = "赫洛德",
  2017. ["Hex Lord Malacrass"] = "妖術領主瑪拉克雷斯",
  2018. ["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "高階星術師索拉瑞恩",
  2019. ["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "大植物學家費瑞衛恩",
  2020. ["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "高等審判官法爾班克斯",
  2021. ["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "高等審判官懷特邁恩",
  2022. ["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "審訊官格斯塔恩",
  2023. ["High King Maulgar"] = "大君王莫卡爾",
  2024. ["High Marshal Whirlaxis"] = "大元帥維拉希斯",
  2025. ["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "高等虛空術師札瑞佛",
  2026. ["High Overlord Saurfang"] = "薩魯法爾霸王",
  2027. ["High Priest Thekal"] = "高階祭司塞卡爾",
  2028. ["High Priest Venoxis"] = "高階祭司溫諾希斯",
  2029. ["High Priestess Arlokk"] = "哈卡萊先知",
  2030. ["High Priestess Azil"] = "高階祭司艾吉兒",
  2031. ["High Priestess Jeklik"] = "高階祭司耶克里克",
  2032. ["High Priestess Kilnara"] = "高階祭司基爾娜拉",
  2033. ["High Priestess Mar'li"] = "哈卡萊安魂者",
  2034. ["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "索瑞森高階女祭司",
  2035. ["High Prophet Barim"] = "高階預言者巴瑞姆",
  2036. ["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "高階督軍納珍塔斯",
  2037. ["Highlord Mograine"] = "大領主莫格萊尼",
  2038. ["Highlord Omokk"] = "歐莫克大王",
  2039. Hodir = "霍迪爾",
  2040. Hogger = "霍格",
  2041. ["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "馴犬者格雷布瑪爾",
  2042. ["Houndmaster Loksey"] = "馴犬者洛克希",
  2043. Hukku = "胡庫",
  2044. Hungarfen = "飢餓之牙",
  2045. ["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "霍爾雷·黑鬚",
  2046. ["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "潛伏者亞奇斯",
  2047. ["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "海法師希斯比亞",
  2048. ["Hydromancer Velratha"] = "水占師維蕾薩",
  2049. Hydrospawn = "海多斯博恩",
  2050. ["Hydross the Unstable"] = "不穩定者海卓司",
  2051. ["Ice Sphere"] = "寒冰球體",
  2052. ["Icecrown Gunship Battle"] = "寒冰皇冠空中艦艇戰",
  2053. Icehowl = "冰嚎",
  2054. Ichoron = "伊仇隆",
  2055. Ick = "艾克",
  2056. Ignacious = "伊格納修斯",
  2057. ["Ignis the Furnace Master"] = "『火爐之主』伊格尼司",
  2058. ["Illidan Stormrage"] = "伊利丹·怒風",
  2059. ["Illidari Council"] = "伊利達瑞議會",
  2060. ["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "伊琳娜·鴉橡",
  2061. ["Immol'thar"] = "伊莫塔爾",
  2062. ["Infinite Corruptor"] = "恆龍墮落者",
  2063. ["Infinity Blades"] = "無盡之刃",
  2064. ["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "『盜掠者』因格瓦",
  2065. ["Instructor Galford"] = "檔案管理員加爾福特",
  2066. ["Instructor Malicia"] = "講師瑪麗希亞",
  2067. ["Instructor Razuvious"] = "講師拉祖維斯",
  2068. ["Interrogator Vishas"] = "審訊員韋沙斯",
  2069. Ionar = "埃歐納",
  2070. Ironaya = "艾隆納亞",
  2071. Ironspine = "鐵脊死靈",
  2072. Isalien = "依薩利恩",
  2073. Isiset = "伊希賽特",
  2074. Jade = "玉龍",
  2075. ["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "『預言者』迦瑪蘭",
  2076. ["Jan'alai"] = "賈納雷",
  2077. ["Jandice Barov"] = "詹迪斯·巴羅夫",
  2078. ["Jed Runewatcher"] = "傑德",
  2079. ["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "潔杜佳·尋影者",
  2080. ["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "『塑能師』耶戈什",
  2081. ["Jin'do the Godbreaker"] = "破神者金度",
  2082. ["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "『妖術師』金度",
  2083. ["Jormungar Behemoth"] = "蟄猛巨獸",
  2084. Jormungars = "巨蟲",
  2085. Julianne = "茱麗葉",
  2086. ["Junk Bot"] = "垃圾機器人",
  2087. ["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "凱爾薩斯·逐日者",
  2088. Kalecgos = "卡雷苟斯",
  2089. ["Kam Deepfury"] = "卡姆·深怒",
  2090. ["Karsh Steelbender"] = "卡爾許·控鋼者",
  2091. ["Kaz'rogal"] = "卡茲洛加",
  2092. ["Kazkaz the Unholy"] = "邪惡的卡薩卡茲",
  2093. ["Kel'Thuzad"] = "科爾蘇加德",
  2094. ["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "『破壞者』凱利丹",
  2095. Keristrasza = "凱瑞史卓莎",
  2096. ["Kiggler the Crazed"] = "瘋癲者奇克勒",
  2097. ["Kil'jaeden"] = "基爾加丹",
  2098. ["Kil'rek"] = "基瑞克",
  2099. ["King Dred"] = "崔德王",
  2100. ["King Gordok"] = "戈多克大王",
  2101. ["King Llane Piece"] = "萊恩王棋子",
  2102. ["King Ymiron"] = "依米倫王",
  2103. ["Kirtonos the Herald"] = "傳令官基爾圖諾斯",
  2104. ["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "諾特·希姆加克的儲物箱",
  2105. Kolk = "考爾克",
  2106. Kologarn = "柯洛剛恩",
  2107. ["Koralon the Flame Watcher"] = "『烈焰看守者』寇拉隆",
  2108. Kormok = "科爾莫克",
  2109. Kresh = "克雷什",
  2110. Krick = "克瑞克",
  2111. ["Krick and Ick"] = "艾克與克瑞克",
  2112. ["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "『守門者』齊力克西爾",
  2113. ["Krosh Firehand"] = "克羅斯·火手",
  2114. Krystallus = "克利斯托魯斯",
  2115. Kurinnaxx = "庫林納克斯",
  2116. ["Lady Anacondra"] = "安娜科德拉",
  2117. ["Lady Blaumeux"] = "布洛莫斯女士",
  2118. ["Lady Deathwhisper"] = "亡語女士",
  2119. ["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "伊露希亞·巴羅夫女士",
  2120. ["Lady Malande"] = "瑪蘭黛女士",
  2121. ["Lady Naz'jar"] = "納茲賈爾女士",
  2122. ["Lady Sacrolash"] = "莎珂蕾希女士",
  2123. ["Lady Sarevess"] = "薩利維絲女士",
  2124. ["Lady Vashj"] = "瓦許女士",
  2125. Laj = "拉杰",
  2126. Landslide = "蘭斯利德",
  2127. Lavanthor = "拉方索",
  2128. ["Left Arm"] = "左臂",
  2129. ["Leotheras the Blind"] = "『盲目者』李奧薩拉斯",
  2130. Lethon = "雷索",
  2131. Lethtendris = "蕾瑟塔蒂絲",
  2132. ["Leviathan Mk II"] = "戰輪MK II",
  2133. ["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "地脈守護者伊瑞茍斯",
  2134. ["Lieutenant Drake"] = "中尉崔克",
  2135. ["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "安多洛夫中將",
  2136. Loatheb = "憎恨者",
  2137. Lockmaw = "鎖喉",
  2138. Loken = "洛肯",
  2139. ["Lord Alexei Barov"] = "阿萊克斯·巴羅夫領主",
  2140. ["Lord Aurius Rivendare"] = "奧里爾斯·瑞文戴爾領主",
  2141. ["Lord Cobrahn"] = "考布萊恩領主",
  2142. ["Lord Godfrey"] = "高佛雷領主",
  2143. ["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "赫爾努拉斯領主",
  2144. ["Lord Incendius"] = "伊森迪奧斯領主",
  2145. ["Lord Jaraxxus"] = "賈拉克瑟斯領主",
  2146. ["Lord Kazzak"] = "毀滅領主卡札克",
  2147. ["Lord Kri"] = "克里領主",
  2148. ["Lord Marrowgar"] = "瑪洛嘉領主",
  2149. ["Lord Overheat"] = "歐玻西特王",
  2150. ["Lord Pythas"] = "皮薩斯領主",
  2151. ["Lord Rhyolith"] = "萊爾利斯領主",
  2152. ["Lord Roccor"] = "洛考爾領主",
  2153. ["Lord Sanguinar"] = "桑古納爾領主",
  2154. ["Lord Serpentis"] = "瑟芬迪斯領主",
  2155. ["Lord Skwol"] = "斯古恩領主",
  2156. ["Lord Valthalak"] = "瓦薩拉克領主",
  2157. ["Lord Victor Nefarius"] = "維克多·奈法利斯領主",
  2158. ["Lord Vyletongue"] = "維利塔恩領主",
  2159. ["Lord Walden"] = "瓦爾登領主",
  2160. ["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "博學者普克爾特",
  2161. ["Lorgus Jett"] = "洛古斯·傑特",
  2162. Loro = "洛若爾",
  2163. Lucifron = "魯西弗隆",
  2164. ["M'uru"] = "莫魯",
  2165. ["Mad Magglish"] = "瘋狂的馬格利什",
  2166. ["Madness of Deathwing"] = "死亡之翼的狂亂",
  2167. Maexxna = "梅克絲娜",
  2168. ["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "法師領主厄隆",
  2169. ["Magister Kalendris"] = "卡雷迪斯鎮長",
  2170. ["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "巴瑟拉斯鎮長",
  2171. Magmadar = "瑪格曼達",
  2172. Magmatron = "火石像",
  2173. Magmaw = "熔喉",
  2174. Magmus = "瑪格姆斯",
  2175. Magra = "瑪格拉",
  2176. Magtheridon = "瑪瑟里頓",
  2177. ["Maiden of Grief"] = "悲嘆少女",
  2178. ["Maiden of Virtue"] = "貞潔聖女",
  2179. ["Majordomo Executus"] = "管理者埃克索圖斯",
  2180. ["Majordomo Staghelm"] = "管理者鹿盔",
  2181. ["Mal'Ganis"] = "瑪爾加尼斯",
  2182. Malacrass = "瑪拉克雷斯",
  2183. ["Maleki the Pallid"] = "蒼白的瑪勒基",
  2184. Maloriak = "瑪洛里亞克",
  2185. Malygos = "瑪里苟斯",
  2186. Mannoroth = "瑪諾洛斯",
  2187. Maraudos = "瑪拉多斯",
  2188. ["Marduk Blackpool"] = "馬杜克·布萊克波爾",
  2189. ["Marisa du'Paige"] = "瑪里莎·杜派格",
  2190. Marwyn = "麥爾溫",
  2191. ["Master Engineer Telonicus"] = "工程大師泰隆尼卡斯",
  2192. ["Maur Grimtotem"] = "瑪爾·恐怖圖騰",
  2193. Meathook = "肉鉤",
  2194. ["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "機械王卡帕希特斯",
  2195. Medivh = "麥迪文",
  2196. ["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "米克吉勒·蒸氣操控者",
  2197. ["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "麥克尼爾·瑟瑪普拉格",
  2198. ["Mennu the Betrayer"] = "背叛者曼紐",
  2199. ["Meshlok the Harvester"] = "『收割者』麥什洛克",
  2200. Midnight = "午夜",
  2201. Mijan = "米杉",
  2202. Mimiron = "彌米倫",
  2203. ["Mindbender Ghur'sha"] = "屈心者哥爾薩",
  2204. ["Miner Johnson"] = "礦工約翰森",
  2205. ["Mistress of Pain"] = "痛苦仕女",
  2206. Moam = "莫阿姆",
  2207. Mogor = "莫古",
  2208. ["Mokra the Skullcrusher"] = "『碎顱者』莫克拉",
  2209. Moorabi = "慕拉比",
  2210. ["Mor Grayhoof"] = "莫爾·灰蹄",
  2211. Moragg = "摩拉革",
  2212. Morchok = "魔寇",
  2213. ["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "火眼莫德雷斯",
  2214. Moroes = "摩洛",
  2215. ["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "莫洛葛利姆·潮行者",
  2216. Morphaz = "摩弗拉斯",
  2217. ["Mother Shahraz"] = "薩拉茲女士",
  2218. ["Mother Smolderweb"] = "煙網蛛后",
  2219. ["Mr. Smite"] = "重拳先生",
  2220. ["Muradin Bronzebeard"] = "穆拉丁·銅鬚",
  2221. ["Murkblood Twin"] = "黑暗之血雙子",
  2222. ["Murkblood Twins"] = "黑暗之血雙子",
  2223. Murmur = "莫爾墨",
  2224. Murozond = "姆多茲諾",
  2225. ["Murta Grimgut"] = "莫爾塔",
  2226. Mushgog = "姆斯高格",
  2227. ["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "『吞噬者』穆坦努斯",
  2228. Nalorakk = "納羅拉克",
  2229. Nazan = "納桑",
  2230. Nefarian = "奈法利安",
  2231. ["Nefarian's End"] = "奈法利安之末日",
  2232. ["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "耐克魯姆",
  2233. ["Nerub'enkan"] = "奈幽布恩坎",
  2234. ["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "虛空術師賽菲瑞雅",
  2235. Netherspite = "尼德斯",
  2236. ["Netherstrand Longbow"] = "虛空之絃長弓",
  2237. ["Nexus-Prince Shaffar"] = "奈薩斯王子薩法爾",
  2238. Nezir = "涅茲爾",
  2239. Nightbane = "夜禍",
  2240. ["Noth the Plaguebringer"] = "『瘟疫使者』諾斯",
  2241. ["Novos the Summoner"] = "『召喚者』諾沃司",
  2242. Noxxion = "諾克賽恩",
  2243. ["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
  2244. ["Occu'thar"] = "歐庫薩",
  2245. ["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "『盲眼守衛』奧杜",
  2246. Oggleflint = "奧格弗林特",
  2247. ["Ogom the Wretched"] = "可悲的奧戈姆",
  2248. Ohgan = "奧根",
  2249. ["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "『破壞者』奧科索爾",
  2250. Olaf = "奧拉夫",
  2251. ["Old Serra'kis"] = "老瑟拉吉斯",
  2252. ["Olm the Summoner"] = "召喚者歐莫",
  2253. ["Omnitron Defense System"] = "全能魔像防禦系統",
  2254. Omnotron = "全能魔像",
  2255. ["Omnotron Defense System"] = "全能魔像防禦系統",
  2256. ["Omor the Unscarred"] = "『無疤者』歐瑪爾",
  2257. Onyxia = "奧妮克希亞",
  2258. ["Opera Event"] = "歌劇院",
  2259. ["Orgrim's Hammer"] = "奧格林之錘",
  2260. ["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "『樹木造形者』歐爾莫洛克",
  2261. ["Oro Eyegouge"] = "歐魯·鑿眼",
  2262. ["Ossirian the Unscarred"] = "『無疤者』奧斯里安",
  2263. Ouro = "奧羅",
  2264. ["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "拉姆塔斯主宰",
  2265. ["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "維姆薩拉克主宰",
  2266. ["Overmaster Pyron"] = "征服者派隆",
  2267. ["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "監督者泰洛斯",
  2268. Ozruk = "歐茲魯克",
  2269. Ozumat = "歐蘇瑪特",
  2270. Pandemonius = "班提蒙尼厄斯",
  2271. ["Panzor the Invincible"] = "無敵的潘佐爾",
  2272. Patchwerk = "縫補者",
  2273. ["Pathaleon the Calculator"] = "操縱者帕薩里歐",
  2274. ["Peroth'arn"] = "佩洛薩恩",
  2275. Phalanx = "法拉克斯",
  2276. ["Phaseshift Bulwark"] = "相位壁壘",
  2277. Pimgib = "匹姆吉布",
  2278. ["Plaguemaw the Rotting"] = "腐爛的普雷莫爾",
  2279. ["Plugger Spazzring"] = "普拉格·史帕齊林",
  2280. ["Postmaster Malown"] = "郵差瑪羅恩",
  2281. ["Priestess Delrissa"] = "女牧師戴利莎",
  2282. ["Prince Keleseth"] = "凱雷希斯親王",
  2283. ["Prince Malchezaar"] = "莫克札王子",
  2284. ["Prince Skaldrenox"] = "斯卡德諾克斯王子",
  2285. ["Prince Taldaram"] = "泰爾達朗親王",
  2286. ["Prince Tenris Mirkblood"] = "坦瑞斯·暗血王子",
  2287. ["Prince Tortheldrin"] = "托塞德林王子",
  2288. ["Prince Valanar"] = "瓦拉納爾親王",
  2289. ["Princess Huhuran"] = "哈霍蘭公主",
  2290. ["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "茉艾拉·銅鬚公主",
  2291. ["Princess Tempestria"] = "泰比斯蒂亞公主",
  2292. ["Princess Theradras"] = "瑟萊德絲公主",
  2293. ["Princess Yauj"] = "亞爾基公主",
  2294. ["Professor Putricide"] = "普崔希德教授",
  2295. ["Pure Spawn of Hydross"] = "純正的海卓司子嗣",
  2296. Pusillin = "普希林",
  2297. ["Pyroguard Emberseer"] = "烈焰衛士艾博希爾",
  2298. ["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "火占師羅格雷恩",
  2299. Quagmirran = "奎克米瑞",
  2300. ["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "軍需官茲格雷斯",
  2301. ["Queen Azshara"] = "艾薩拉女王",
  2302. ["Rage Winterchill"] = "瑞齊·凜冬",
  2303. Ragglesnout = "拉戈斯諾特",
  2304. ["Raging Spirit"] = "狂怒的鬼魂",
  2305. Ragnaros = "拉格納羅斯",
  2306. Rajh = "拉頡",
  2307. ["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "『暴食者』拉姆斯登",
  2308. ["Randolph Moloch"] = "藍道夫·摩洛克",
  2309. ["Ras Frostwhisper"] = "萊斯·霜語",
  2310. Rattlegore = "血骨傀儡",
  2311. ["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "屠夫拉佐克勞",
  2312. ["Razorgore the Untamed"] = "狂野的拉佐格爾",
  2313. Razorlash = "銳刺鞭笞者",
  2314. Razorscale = "銳鱗",
  2315. ["Reliquary of Souls"] = "靈魂之匣",
  2316. Renataki = "雷納塔基",
  2317. ["Restless Skeleton"] = "永不安息的骷髏",
  2318. Rethilgore = "雷希戈爾",
  2319. Revelosh = "魯維羅什",
  2320. ["Rhahk'Zor"] = "拉克佐",
  2321. ["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "雷布里·斯庫比格特",
  2322. ["Right Arm"] = "右臂",
  2323. ["Ring of Law"] = "秩序競技場",
  2324. ["Risen Hammersmith"] = "紅衣錘類鍛造師",
  2325. Roar = "獅子",
  2326. Rohash = "洛哈許",
  2327. ["Rokad the Ravager"] = "劫毀者拉卡",
  2328. ["Rokdar the Sundered Lord"] = "『碎裂領主』洛克達",
  2329. ["Rokmar the Crackler"] = "爆裂者洛克瑪",
  2330. ["Rom'ogg Bonecrusher"] = "羅姆歐格·裂骨者",
  2331. Romulo = "羅慕歐",
  2332. ["Romulo & Julianne"] = "羅慕歐與茱麗葉",
  2333. Roogug = "魯古格",
  2334. Rotface = "腐臉",
  2335. Rotgrip = "洛特格里普",
  2336. ["Runemaster Molgeim"] = "符文大師墨吉姆",
  2337. ["Runok Wildmane"] = "魯諾克·蠻鬃",
  2338. Ruuzlu = "盧茲魯",
  2339. ["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "『血肉工匠』塞歐朗姆",
  2340. ["Sanctum Sentry"] = "聖所哨兵",
  2341. ["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "杉達爾·沙掠者",
  2342. ["Sandfury Executioner"] = "沙怒劊子手",
  2343. Sapphiron = "薩菲隆",
  2344. Sara = "薩拉",
  2345. ["Saronite Animus"] = "薩倫聚惡體",
  2346. Sartharion = "撒爾薩里安",
  2347. ["Sathrovarr the Corruptor"] = "『墮落者』塞斯諾瓦",
  2348. ["Saviana Ragefire"] = "薩薇安娜‧怒焰",
  2349. ["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "血色十字軍指揮官莫格萊尼",
  2350. ["Scourgelord Tyrannus"] = "天譴領主提朗紐斯",
  2351. ["Seeth'rel"] = "西斯雷爾",
  2352. ["Selin Fireheart"] = "賽林·炎心",
  2353. ["Sergeant Bly"] = "布萊中士",
  2354. Setesh = "賽特胥",
  2355. ["Shade of Akama"] = "阿卡瑪的黑暗面",
  2356. ["Shade of Aran"] = "埃蘭之影",
  2357. ["Shade of Eranikus"] = "伊蘭尼庫斯之影",
  2358. ["Shadikith the Glider"] = "滑翔者薛迪依斯",
  2359. ["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "暗影獵手沃許加斯",
  2360. ["Shadow of Leotheras"] = "李奧薩拉斯的陰影",
  2361. ["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "暗影祭司塞瑟斯",
  2362. Shadron = "夏德朗",
  2363. Shannox = "夏諾克斯",
  2364. Shazzrah = "沙斯拉爾",
  2365. ["Shirrak the Dead Watcher"] = "死亡看守者辛瑞克",
  2366. ["Siamat, Lord of South Wind"] = "希亞梅特,南風領主",
  2367. Sindragosa = "辛德拉苟莎",
  2368. Sinestra = "賽絲特拉",
  2369. ["Sir Zeliek"] = "札里克爵士",
  2370. ["Sjonnir The Ironshaper"] = "『塑鐵者』斯雍尼爾",
  2371. ["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "無情的斯卡迪",
  2372. ["Skarr the Unbreakable"] = "無敵的斯卡爾",
  2373. ["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "『建造者』史卡沃",
  2374. ["Skra'gath"] = "史卡拉克斯",
  2375. Skul = "斯庫爾",
  2376. Skum = "斯卡姆",
  2377. Slabhide = "岩革",
  2378. ["Slad'ran"] = "史拉德銳",
  2379. Sneed = "斯尼德",
  2380. ["Sneed's Shredder"] = "斯尼德的伐木機",
  2381. ["Solakar Flamewreath"] = "索拉卡·火冠",
  2382. ["Solarium Agent"] = "日光之室密探",
  2383. ["Solarium Priest"] = "日光之室牧師",
  2384. ["Spine of Deathwing"] = "死亡之翼的脊椎",
  2385. ["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "尖石戰鬥統帥",
  2386. ["Spirestone Butcher"] = "尖石屠夫",
  2387. ["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "尖石首席魔導師",
  2388. ["Staff of Disintegration"] = "瓦解之杖",
  2389. Stalagg = "斯塔拉格",
  2390. Steelbreaker = "破鋼者",
  2391. ["Stomper Kreeg"] = "踐踏者克雷格",
  2392. Stonespine = "石脊",
  2393. ["Stormcaller Brundir"] = "風暴召喚者布倫迪爾",
  2394. Strawman = "稻草人",
  2395. ["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "薩弗隆先驅者",
  2396. Supremus = "瑟普莫斯",
  2397. ["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "絲瓦拉·悲傷亡墓",
  2398. ["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "沼澤之王莫斯萊克",
  2399. Taerar = "泰拉爾",
  2400. ["Tainted Spawn of Hydross"] = "腐化的海卓司之子",
  2401. ["Talon King Ikiss"] = "鷹王伊奇斯",
  2402. ["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "『飢餓者』塔拉加曼",
  2403. ["Targorr the Dread"] = "可怕的塔高爾",
  2404. Tavarok = "塔瓦洛克",
  2405. Techbot = "尖端機器人",
  2406. ["Temple Guardian Anhuur"] = "神殿守護者安胡爾",
  2407. Temporus = "坦普拉斯",
  2408. ["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
  2409. Tenebron = "坦納伯朗",
  2410. ["Terestian Illhoof"] = "泰瑞斯提安·疫蹄",
  2411. ["Teron Gorefiend"] = "泰朗·血魔",
  2412. Terrastra = "特拉斯特拉",
  2413. Thaddius = "泰迪斯",
  2414. ["Thaladred the Darkener"] = "扭曲預言家薩拉瑞德",
  2415. ["Thane Korth'azz"] = "寇斯艾茲族長",
  2416. ["The Beast"] = "比斯巨獸",
  2417. ["The Beasts of Northrend"] = "北裂境巨獸",
  2418. ["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "大野狼",
  2419. ["The Black Knight"] = "黑騎士",
  2420. ["The Black Stalker"] = "黑色捕獵者",
  2421. ["The Blue Brothers"] = "憂鬱兄弟黨",
  2422. ["The Bug Family"] = "蟲子家族",
  2423. ["The Crone"] = "老巫婆",
  2424. ["The Curator"] = "館長",
  2425. ["The Eredar Twins"] = "埃雷達爾雙子",
  2426. ["The Four Horsemen"] = "四騎士",
  2427. ["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利達瑞議事",
  2428. ["The Iron Council"] = "鐵之集會",
  2429. ["The Lich King"] = "巫妖王",
  2430. ["The Lost Dwarves"] = "失蹤的矮人",
  2431. ["The Lurker Below"] = "海底潛伏者",
  2432. ["The Maker"] = "創造者",
  2433. ["The Prophet Skeram"] = "預言者斯克拉姆",
  2434. ["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "預言者薩隆杰",
  2435. ["The Ravenian"] = "拉文尼亞",
  2436. ["The Razza"] = "拉札",
  2437. ["The Seven Dwarves"] = "七賢人",
  2438. ["The Skybreaker"] = "破天者號",
  2439. ["The Tribunal of Ages"] = "歲月議庭",
  2440. ["The Twin Emperors"] = "雙子皇帝",
  2441. ["The Twin Val'kyr"] = "華爾琪雙子",
  2442. ["The Unforgiven"] = "不可寬恕者",
  2443. ["The Windreaver"] = "烈風搶奪者",
  2444. ["Theka the Martyr"] = "『殉教者』塞卡",
  2445. Theralion = "瑟拉里恩",
  2446. Thorim = "索林姆",
  2447. ["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "『看管者』索古林",
  2448. ["Tidewalker Lurker"] = "潮行者潛伏者",
  2449. ["Timmy the Cruel"] = "悲慘的提米",
  2450. Tinhead = "機器人",
  2451. ["Tinkerer Gizlock"] = "技工吉茲洛克",
  2452. ["Tirion Fordring"] = "提里奧·弗丁",
  2453. Tito = "多多",
  2454. ["Toravon the Ice Watcher"] = "『寒冰看守者』拓拉梵",
  2455. Toxitron = "毒石像",
  2456. ["Trigore the Lasher"] = "『鞭笞者』特里高雷",
  2457. Trollgore = "血角食人妖",
  2458. ["Tsu'zee"] = "蘇斯",
  2459. ["Tuten'kash"] = "圖特卡什",
  2460. ["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "暮光領主克爾里斯",
  2461. Ultraxion = "奧特拉賽恩",
  2462. ["Urok Doomhowl"] = "烏洛克",
  2463. ["VX-001"] = "VX-001",
  2464. ["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "墮落的瓦拉斯塔茲",
  2465. ["Val'kyr Shadowguard"] = "華爾琪影衛",
  2466. Valiona = "瓦莉歐娜",
  2467. ["Valiona and Theralion"] = "瓦莉歐娜和瑟拉里恩",
  2468. ["Valithria Dreamwalker"] = "瓦莉絲瑞雅·夢行者",
  2469. ["Vanessa VanCleef"] = "凡妮莎·范克里夫",
  2470. ["Varian Wrynn"] = "瓦里安·烏瑞恩",
  2471. ["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "瓦羅斯·雲行者",
  2472. Vazruden = "維斯路登",
  2473. ["Vazruden the Herald"] = "『信使』維斯路登",
  2474. Vectus = "維克圖斯",
  2475. Vem = "維姆",
  2476. Veng = "溫格",
  2477. ["Veras Darkshadow"] = "維拉斯·深影",
  2478. ["Verdan the Everliving"] = "永生的沃爾丹",
  2479. Verek = "維雷克",
  2480. Vesperon = "維斯佩朗",
  2481. Vexallus = "維克索魯斯",
  2482. ["Veyzhak the Cannibal"] = "『食人者』維薩克",
  2483. ["Vile'rel"] = "瓦勒雷爾",
  2484. Viscidus = "維希度斯",
  2485. ["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性輻射塵",
  2486. ["Void Reaver"] = "虛無搶奪者",
  2487. Volkhan = "渥克瀚",
  2488. ["War Master Voone"] = "將領沃恩",
  2489. ["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "戰爭使者歐姆拉格",
  2490. ["Warchief Blackhand Piece"] = "黑手大酋長棋子",
  2491. ["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "大酋長卡加斯·刃拳",
  2492. ["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "大酋長雷德·黑手",
  2493. ["Warden Mellichar"] = "看守者米利恰爾",
  2494. ["Warder Stilgiss"] = "護衛斯迪爾基斯",
  2495. ["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "督軍卡利斯瑞",
  2496. ["Warlord Zon'ozz"] = "督軍松奧茲",
  2497. ["Warmaster Blackhorn"] = "將領黑角",
  2498. ["Warmaul Champion"] = "戰槌勇士",
  2499. ["Warp Slicer"] = "扭曲分割者",
  2500. ["Warp Splinter"] = "扭曲分裂者",
  2501. ["Watchkeeper Gargolmar"] = "看護者卡爾古瑪",
  2502. Weaver = "德拉維沃爾",
  2503. ["Willey Hopebreaker"] = "威利•希望破除者",
  2504. ["Witch Doctor Zum'rah"] = "巫醫·祖穆拉恩",
  2505. ["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "狼王南杜斯",
  2506. ["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "怒鐮者索寇斯瑞特",
  2507. Wushoolay = "烏蘇雷",
  2508. ["XT-002 Deconstructor"] = "XT-002拆解者",
  2509. Xevozz = "基沃滋",
  2510. ["Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格薩倫",
  2511. Yor = "約兒",
  2512. ["Yor'sahj the Unsleeping"] = "未眠者尤沙吉",
  2513. Ysondre = "伊索德雷",
  2514. Zanzil = "贊吉爾",
  2515. Zekkis = "澤基斯",
  2516. ["Zelemar the Wrathful"] = "憤怒的賽勒瑪爾",
  2517. ["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "無約束的希瑞奇斯",
  2518. Zerillis = "澤雷利斯",
  2519. ["Zevrim Thornhoof"] = "瑟雷姆·刺蹄",
  2520. Zolo = "祖羅",
  2521. ["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖爾法拉克陣亡英雄",
  2522. ["Zul'Lor"] = "祖羅爾",
  2523. ["Zul'jin"] = "祖爾金",
  2524. ["Zul'tore"] = "祖爾拓",
  2525. ["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = "『消滅者』舒拉邁特",
  2526. }
  2527. else
  2528. error(("%s: Locale %q not supported"):format(MAJOR_VERSION, GAME_LOCALE))
  2529. end