100+ results results for 'gets' (366 ms)

Not the results you expected?
CatmullClarkLevel.cpp https://github.com/williamwaterson/protolayer.git | C++ | 416 lines
277    HalfEdge& firstHalfEdge = edge.getFirstHalf();
278    HalfEdge& secondHalfEdge = edge.getSecondHalf();
355      break;
356    } else if (edge.getSecondHalf().isEquivalent(from, to)) {
357      result = &(edge.getSecondHalf());
VideoCapture.cpp https://bitbucket.org/odellus/opencv.git | C++ | 434 lines
384JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_opencv_highgui_VideoCapture_n_1getSupportedPreviewSizes
385  (JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong self);
387JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_opencv_highgui_VideoCapture_n_1getSupportedPreviewSizes
388  (JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong self)
400        LOGD("highgui::VideoCapture_n_1getSupportedPreviewSizes() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
408        LOGD("highgui::VideoCapture_n_1getSupportedPreviewSizes() catched unknown exception (...)");
410        jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
411        env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {highgui::VideoCapture_n_1getSupportedPreviewSizes()}");
412        return env->NewStringUTF("");
TargetRunner.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 356 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a part of an Ant build tool integration for the Eclipse IDE. It creates a custom console for running Ant commands, allowing users to customize the command path and output settings. The code handles user input, sets up logging and error handling, and runs the selected Ant script in a separate process.

83    {
84        Target target = (Target) project.getTargets().get(project.getDefaultTarget());
85        init(target, buildFile, view, output, userProperties);
277            Console console = AntFarmPlugin.getConsole(_view);
278            Shell antShell = console.getShell();
280            Shell systemShell = ConsolePlugin.getSystemShell();
281            console.run(systemShell, _output, command);
287            // Wait for and stop system shell animation.
288            // ConsolePlugin.getSystemShell().waitFor(console);
289            // console.setShell(ConsolePlugin.getSystemShell());
transform_component.cpp https://github.com/octoon/octoon.git | C++ | 577 lines
75	const math::float3&
76	TransformComponent::getScale() const noexcept
77	{
SignalTimers.cpp https://gitlab.com/dahbearz/CRYENGINE | C++ | 434 lines
375		if (m_vecPersonalSignalTimers[uIndex]->GetEntityId() == IdEntity &&
376		    m_vecPersonalSignalTimers[uIndex]->GetSignalString().compareNoCase(sSignal) == 0)
377		{
spatial_classeso.cpp https://github.com/achoch/mapnik.git | C++ | 314 lines
68OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::string SDOPointType::getSQLTypeName() const
73void SDOPointType::getSQLTypeName(oracle::occi::Environment *env, void **schemaName,
74    unsigned int &schemaNameLen, void **typeName, unsigned int &typeNameLen) const
76  PObject::getSQLTypeName(env, &SDOPointType::readSQL, schemaName,
77        schemaNameLen, typeName, typeNameLen);
147oracle::occi::Number SDOGeometry::getSdo_gtype() const
157oracle::occi::Number SDOGeometry::getSdo_srid() const
LanguageCategory.cpp https://bitbucket.org/freebsd/freebsd-base.git | C++ | 227 lines
68  if (match_data.GetTypeForCache()) {
69    if (m_format_cache.GetSummary(match_data.GetTypeForCache(), format_sp))
70      return format_sp.get() != nullptr;
91  if (match_data.GetTypeForCache()) {
92    if (m_format_cache.GetSynthetic(match_data.GetTypeForCache(), format_sp))
93      return format_sp.get() != nullptr;
ConstructTreeHandler.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 245 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code constructs a tree data structure from an XML parser using the SAX (Simple API for XML) framework. It creates nodes in the tree based on the XML elements encountered, and handles attributes, text content, and element boundaries. The resulting tree is used to represent the XML document’s structure.

100		String currentURI = xml.PathUtilities.urlToPath(loc.getSystemId());
174		if(!buffer.getPath().equals(xml.PathUtilities.urlToPath(loc.getSystemId())))
175			return;
BuddyScreen.java http://btalk.googlecode.com/svn/ | Java | 155 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a UI screen for a Buddy List application, displaying a list of buddies and providing options to chat with them, add new buddies, remove existing ones, view options, exit, and about information. It also handles events such as opening a buddy’s conversation, retrying a failed connection, and logging off the JXA session.

29			public void run() {
30				int idx = buddyList.getSelectedIndex();
31				if (idx >= 0) {
87					return;
88				final Buddy b = buddyList.getBuddyAt(buddyList.getSelectedIndex());
89				String str;
SuperAbbrevsIO.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 153 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code provides an interface for managing abbreviations and macros in a text editor, specifically jEdit. It allows reading and writing abbreviations for specific modes, creating default abbreviations and macro files, and checking if the abbrevs directory exists. It also handles file operations such as copying and deleting old macro files.

13		MiscUtilities.constructPath(
14			jEdit.getSettingsDirectory(),
15			"SuperAbbrevs");
18		MiscUtilities.constructPath(MiscUtilities.constructPath(
19				jEdit.getSettingsDirectory(),
20				"macros"),
57	private static File getModeFile(String mode){
58		String configDir = jEdit.getSettingsDirectory();
59		File modeDir = 
SubversionGUILogHandler.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 331 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a part of a logging system for a GUI application, specifically designed for use with the Subversion plugin. It displays log messages in a text area and allows users to control the display of the log, including whether to show the tail of the log. The code also includes features like clearing the log and selecting all text.

132    /**
133     * Gets the textArea attribute of the AntelopeGUILogHandler object
134     *
196    /**
197     * Gets the size attribute of the optional frame.
198     *
200     */
201    public Dimension getSize() {
202        return _frame.getSize();
271                    StyleConstants.setItalic( set, _font.isItalic() );
272                    StyleConstants.setFontSize( set, _font.getSize() );
273                }
ParseException.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 307 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a custom exception class ParseException that extends the built-in Exception class. It provides additional functionality for parsing errors, including getting the error text, line number, and source file name. The class also includes methods to add escaped characters to strings and convert raw characters to their escaped versions.

150   * error message and returns it.  If this object has been created
151   * due to a parse error, and you do not catch	it (it gets thrown
152   * from the parser), then this method	is called during the printing
153   * of	the final stack	trace, and hence the correct error message
154   * gets displayed.
155   */
SourceFolder.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 45 lines
21 * @author dsl
22 * @see ContentEntry#getSourceFolders()
23 */
JSDirectoryEntry.cpp https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C++ | 256 lines
98    return getStaticValueSlot<JSDirectoryEntryConstructor, JSDOMWrapper>(exec, &JSDirectoryEntryConstructorTable, this, propertyName, slot);
103    return getStaticValueDescriptor<JSDirectoryEntryConstructor, JSDOMWrapper>(exec, &JSDirectoryEntryConstructorTable, this, propertyName, descriptor);
138    return getStaticFunctionSlot<JSObject>(exec, getJSDirectoryEntryPrototypeTable(exec), this, propertyName, slot);
143    return getStaticFunctionDescriptor<JSObject>(exec, getJSDirectoryEntryPrototypeTable(exec), this, propertyName, descriptor);
166    return getStaticValueSlot<JSDirectoryEntry, Base>(exec, getJSDirectoryEntryTable(exec), this, propertyName, slot);
q3dockwindow.cpp https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C++ | 2115 lines
602    setMouseTracking(true);
603    QStyleOptionTitleBar opt = getStyleOption();
604    setFixedHeight(style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_TitleBarHeight, &opt, this));
795    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_qt3support_widgets_q3dockwindow.cpp 0
803    cases the widget can be set by calling setWidget(). If you're
804    constructing a dock window that contains multiple widgets, e.g. a
805    toolbar, arrange the widgets within a box layout inside the dock
806    window. To do this use the boxLayout() function to get a pointer
807    to the dock window's box layout, then add widgets to the layout
808    using the box layout's QBoxLayout::addWidget() function. The dock
813    Although a common use of dock windows is for toolbars, they can be
814    used with any widgets. When using larger
815    widgets it may make sense for the dock window to be resizable by
widgetboxtreewidget.cpp https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C++ | 1001 lines
294        break;
295    case QDesignerWidgetBox::LoadCustomWidgetsOnly:
296        addCustomCategories(true);
333    if (replace) {
334        // clear out all existing custom widgets
335        if (const int numTopLevels =  topLevelItemCount()) {
336            for (int t = 0; t < numTopLevels ; ++t)
337                categoryViewAt(t)->removeCustomWidgets();
338        }
451 *  <widget class="MultiPageWidget" name="multipagewidget"> ... </widget>
452 *  <customwidgets>...</customwidgets>
453 * <ui>
613    const QDesignerPluginManager *pm = m_core->pluginManager();
614    const QDesignerPluginManager::CustomWidgetList customWidgets = pm->registeredCustomWidgets();
615    if (customWidgets.empty())
flymake-css.el https://bitbucket.org/shuangxinyu/emacspack.git | Lisp | 162 lines
139This function replaces numeric entities in the input STRING and
140returns the modified string.  For example \"&#42;\" gets replaced
141by \"*\"."
XMLFragmentsString.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 237 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a sequence of XML fragments as a string. It takes a NodeList of nodes and constructs an XML fragment for each node, appending them to a StringBuffer. The resulting string is then returned. It also handles various types of nodes (elements, text, attributes, comments, etc.) and provides methods to access the fragment positions and count.

76   */
77  public String getString() {
78    return buffer.toString();
Log.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 258 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code generates a log of changes made to a SVN repository. It takes a list of paths, a start and end revision, and prints out the author, date, and log message for each change. Additionally, it displays the changed paths and their type (added, deleted, or modified). The output is printed to the console.

110                client.doLog( svnurl, null, data.getPegRevision(), data.getStartRevision(),
111                    data.getEndRevision(), data.getStopOnCopy(), data.getShowPaths(), data.getMaxLogs(), handler );
112                entries.put( handler.getPath(), handler.getEntries() );
129                client.doLog( rep_url, rep_paths, data.getPegRevision(), data.getStartRevision(),
130                    data.getEndRevision(), data.getStopOnCopy(), data.getShowPaths(), data.getMaxLogs(), handler );
131                entries.put( handler.getPath(), handler.getEntries() );
MethodNode.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 174 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a method node in an abstract syntax tree (AST). It extends TigerNode and provides methods to manipulate its parameters, return type, and throws clause. The toString() method returns a string representation of the method node, including its name, modifiers, parameter types, and return type.

138            ThrowsNode thn = new ThrowsNode(tn.getName());
139            thn.setStartLocation(tn.getStartLocation());
140            thn.setEndLocation(tn.getEndLocation());
ObjectAllocationInLoopInspection.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 130 lines
19import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
20import com.siyeh.InspectionGadgetsBundle;
21import com.siyeh.ig.BaseInspection;
29  public String getDisplayName() {
30    return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message(
31      "object.allocation.in.loop.display.name");
35  protected String buildErrorString(Object... infos) {
36    return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message(
37      "object.allocation.in.loop.problem.descriptor");
ArrayVariableDeclaration.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 115 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents an array variable declaration in a PHP script, allowing for key-value pairs to be defined within an array. It provides methods for getting modified and used variables, analyzing code, and converting expressions to strings. The class extends another Expression class and has two main components: the key and value expressions.

45                                  int endColumn) {
46    super(Type.UNKNOWN, key.getSourceStart(), sourceEnd, beginLine, endLine, beginColumn, endColumn);
47    this.key = key;
b2Fixture.h https://github.com/gamemaker20/wck.git | C Header | 352 lines
122	/// Manipulating the shape may lead to non-physical behavior.
123	b2Shape* GetShape();
124	const b2Shape* GetShape() const;
250inline b2Shape* b2Fixture::GetShape()
255inline const b2Shape* b2Fixture::GetShape() const
TagsOptionsPanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 527 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a GUI component for managing tag index files, which are used to store file paths and their corresponding tags. The component allows users to add, remove, and edit tag index files, as well as enable/disable individual files. It also updates the UI in response to changes made by the user.

176                                   "options.tags.tag-search-all-files.label"));
177    searchAllFilesCheckBox_.setSelected(Tags.getSearchAllTagFiles());
178    addComponent(searchAllFilesCheckBox_);
202                                "options.tags.tags-search-parent-dirs.label"));
203    searchInParentDirs_.setSelected(Tags.getSearchInParentDirs());
204    addComponent(searchInParentDirs_);
212                            JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
213    table_.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(listSelectionListener_);
214    table_.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(250, 110));
258    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
259      int selectedRow = table_.getSelectedRow();
260      if (selectedRow == -1)
281        table_.getSelectionModel().clearSelection();
282        table_.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(selectedRow,
SessionChanged.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 49 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, SessionChanged, represents an edit bus message that notifies of a session change. It extends another class, SessionMessage, and takes four parameters in its constructor: the source component, old and new sessions, and the current session. The class provides a method to retrieve the current session.

39	public final Session getSession()
40	{
launcher-guide.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 593 lines
118          <command>jedit.exe</command> validates the paths for the Java
119          and jEdit targets as well as the working directory. It will complain if
120          the paths are invalid. It will not validate command line options, but it
TemplateDockable.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 233 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a TemplateDockable class that extends JPanel. It creates a dockable template tree component with features like mouse click actions, keyboard shortcuts, and edit functionality. The component interacts with the jEdit text editor and provides options for editing templates, setting accelerators, and reloading templates.

104      TemplatesPlugin plugin = (TemplatesPlugin) jEdit.getPlugin("templates.TemplatesPlugin");
105      plugin.processTemplate(templates.getSelectedTemplate(), view, view.getTextArea());
106      view.getEditPane().getTextArea().requestFocus();
167         TreePath path = templates.getPathForLocation(evt.getX(), evt.getY());
168         if (templates.isLastPathComponentATemplate(path) && path.equals(templates.getSelectionPath())) {
169            processSelectedTemplate();
185         jEdit.openFile(view, MiscUtilities.concatPath(TemplatesPlugin.getTemplateDir(),
186                                                       templates.getSelectedTemplate()));
187      } else if (SET_ACCELERATOR.equals(evt.getActionCommand())) {
210         AcceleratorManager.getInstance().addAccelerator(mode, accelerator,
211                                                         templates.getSelectedTemplate());
212      }
219      {
220         TreePath path = templates.getSelectionPath();
221         if (templates.isLastPathComponentATemplate(path)) 
actions.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 45 lines
31				String s = "";
32				List list = pv.getSelectedFilePaths();
33				if (list !=null) {
ImportDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 270 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code creates a dialog box for importing data into a version control system, specifically Subversion (SVN). The dialog allows users to input the URL of the SVN repository, the local directory to import from, and their username and password. Once entered, the user can click “OK” to generate a CopyData object containing the necessary information for importing the data into the SVN repository.

128                            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae ) {
129                                String selection = burp.getSelectionPath();
130                                dialog.setVisible( false );
DefaultInputHandler.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 246 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, DefaultInputHandler, is a default implementation of an input handler for a text editor. It maps keystrokes to actions and inserts key typed events into the text area. It handles various keyboard inputs, including modifier keys, and invokes actions based on user input. The class also manages key bindings and prefix keys, providing a basic framework for handling user input in a text editing application.

95	{
96		view.getStatus().setMessage((String)bindings.get(PREFIX_STR));
97		currentBindings = bindings;
141					readNextChar = null;
142					view.getStatus().setMessage(null);
143				}
218	//{{{ getSymbolicModifierName() method
219	/**
226	 */
227	public static char getSymbolicModifierName(int mod)
228	{
228	{
229		return KeyEventTranslator.getSymbolicModifierName(mod);
230	} //}}}
Tag.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 102 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a tag in a source file, used by an integrated development environment (IDE). It stores information about the tag, such as its name, line number, and icon, and provides methods to access this information. The class extends another class called SourceAsset and uses a Hashtable to store icons for different types of tags.

98			return true;
99		return (getShortString().equals(obj));
100	}
cosa.c http://omnia2droid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C | 2060 lines
✨ Summary

This C code implements a COSA (Controller for Serial Ports) driver, which manages serial ports on a system. It handles interrupts, I/O operations, and debugging routines to monitor data transfer between the controller and external devices. The code provides a framework for managing serial port communication, including receiving and transmitting data, handling status updates, and responding to interrupt requests.

259#define cosa_getstatus(cosa)	(cosa_inb(cosa->statusreg))
260#define cosa_putstatus(cosa, stat)	(cosa_outb(stat, cosa->statusreg))
CBListCellRenderer.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 176 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a custom JListCellRenderer class, CBListCellRenderer, which displays information about buffers in a file system view. It renders the buffer name with its assigned color and path, truncated to fit within the cell width, with an ellipsis if necessary. The renderer also indicates whether the buffer is saved or has unsaved changes, and highlights selected buffers in bold font.

86		if(selected) f=f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD);
87		Font fi=f.deriveFont((selected)?Font.BOLD|Font.ITALIC:Font.ITALIC,f.getSize()-1);
88		FontRenderContext frc=new FontRenderContext(null,true,false);
93		Rectangle2D r2d=f.getStringBounds("   ",frc);
94		int spacesWidth=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
94		int spacesWidth=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
95		r2d=fi.getStringBounds("...",frc);
96		int elipsesWidth=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
105		r2d=f.getStringBounds(name,frc);
106		int nl=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
106		int nl=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
107		r2d=fi.getStringBounds(path,frc);
108		int pl=(int)Math.ceil(r2d.getWidth());
PHPItem.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 65 lines
✨ Summary

This is a Java interface definition for a PHPItem, which represents an item in a PHP project. It defines constants and methods to describe the type, name, location, and other properties of the item. The interface provides a way to access and manipulate this information, likely used in a parser or editor for PHP projects.

53	int getSourceStart();
HistoryText.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 353 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class provides a history functionality for text components, allowing users to navigate through previously entered text. It displays a popup menu with options to select from previous entries, and when selected, updates the current text component with the chosen entry. The class also supports instant navigation to the most recent entry.

128		if(text.getSelectionEnd() != getDocument().getLength())
129		{
134		String t = getText().substring(0,
135			text.getSelectionStart() - start);
136		if(t == null)
142		for(int i = index + 1; i < historyModel.getSize(); i++)
143		{
164		if(text.getSelectionEnd() != getDocument().getLength())
165		{
170		String t = getText().substring(0,
171			text.getSelectionStart() - start);
172		if(t == null)
ExportDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 285 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code creates a graphical user interface (GUI) for exporting data from an application to a file. The GUI allows users to select files, choose export options such as recursive and revision selection, and specify end-of-line style. Once options are set, the user can click “Export” to save the data to a file.

70        }
71        if ( data.getSourceFiles() == null && data.getSourceURLs() == null ) {
72            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no source file(s) to copy" );
84        List paths;
85        if ( data.getSourceFiles() != null ) {
86            paths = data.getSourceFiles();
88        else {
89            paths = data.getSourceURLs();
90        }
126        // revision selection panels
127        revision_panel = new RevisionSelectionPanel( "Export from this revision:", SwingConstants.VERTICAL, data.getSourceURLs() == null );
128        peg_revision_panel = new RevisionSelectionPanel( "Using this peg revision:", SwingConstants.VERTICAL, false, false, true, false, false );
168                        }
169                        if ( data.getSourceFiles() != null ) {
170                            List<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>();
dsc.c http://omnia2droid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C | 55 lines
✨ Summary

This C code sets the drive strength control (DSC) value for a specific GPIO pin on an S3C2440 processor. It takes two arguments: the pin number and the desired DSC value, then writes the new value to the corresponding register using I/O operations. The function is exported as a symbol, making it accessible from other parts of the kernel.

40	base = (pin & S3C2440_SELECT_DSC1) ? S3C2440_DSC1 : S3C2440_DSC0;
41	mask = 3 << S3C2440_DSC_GETSHIFT(pin);
LineElement.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 112 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, LineElement, represents a single line of text in a document. It provides methods to access information about the line, such as its start and end offsets, and is used for backwards compatibility with an older version of the jEdit 3.2.2-style document model. The class implements the Element interface and has private members to store the buffer and line number associated with it.

71	//{{{ getStartOffset() method
72	public int getStartOffset()
EnhancedButton.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 103 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, EnhancedButton, extends RolloverButton to create a custom toolbar button with enhanced functionality. It sets up an action listener and mouse handler to display a message when the button is hovered over, and resets the message when the mouse is released. The button’s enabled state is also determined by its associated action context.

74			{
75				GUIUtilities.getView((Component)evt.getSource())
76					.getStatus().setMessage(null);
85			{
86				GUIUtilities.getView((Component)evt.getSource())
87					.getStatus().setMessage(msg);
95			{
96				GUIUtilities.getView((Component)evt.getSource())
97					.getStatus().setMessage(null);
Cut_Lines.bsh https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Unknown | 42 lines
13	selections = textArea.getSelectedLines();
Kconfig http://omnia2droid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Unknown | 954 lines
560	string "Additional default image types"
561	help
562	  List additional targets to be built by the bootwrapper here (separated
563	  by spaces).  This is useful for targets that depend of device tree
566	  Targets in this list will be build as part of the default build
567	  target, or when the user does a 'make zImage' or a
RESearchMatcher.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 180 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, RESearchMatcher, implements a regular expression string matcher for the jEdit text editor. It allows users to search and replace text in a buffer using Perl5 syntax with character classes enabled. The class provides methods for searching, replacing, and substituting text, as well as handling special cases such as matching from the start or end of the buffer.

111		int _start = match.getStartIndex();
112		int _end = match.getEndIndex();
131			{
132				_start = match.getStartIndex() + 1;
133				_end = match.getEndIndex() + 1;
Type.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 694 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class appears to be a part of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementation, specifically for handling primitive types and method invocation. It provides methods for computing the size of values of different types, adapting JVM instruction opcodes to these types, and determining the opcode for specific instructions like IALOAD or IREM.

36  /**
37   * The sort of the <tt>void</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}.
38   */
42  /**
43   * The sort of the <tt>boolean</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}.
44   */
48  /**
49   * The sort of the <tt>char</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}.
50   */
54  /**
55   * The sort of the <tt>byte</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}.
56   */
60  /**
61   * The sort of the <tt>short</tt> type. See {@link #getSort getSort}.
62   */
Endpoint.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 420 lines
316        public DataSource getSystemVersionJson()
317            throws IOException, MalformedURLException
Constants.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 274 lines
✨ Summary

This is a table of values for the visitInsn method, which appears to be part of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) specification. It maps integer codes to their corresponding bytecode instructions, providing a reference for developers working with JVMs. The codes represent various operations, such as arithmetic, comparison, and control flow instructions.

248  int RETURN = 177;           // -
249  int GETSTATIC = 178;        // visitFieldInsn
250  int PUTSTATIC = 179;        // -
LCMOptions.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 135 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a plugin options pane for a text editor, specifically for managing dirty line providers. It allows users to select a provider from a dropdown list and view its specific options in a panel. The selected provider’s options are saved when the user clicks “Save”. The code uses a combination of Swing components and service management to interact with the text editor.

53	{
54		String [] services = ServiceManager.getServiceNames(
55			DirtyLineProvider.class.getCanonicalName());
83			currentPanel.setVisible(false);
84		int providerIndex = provider.getSelectedIndex();
85		DirtyLineProviderOptions opts = providerOptions[providerIndex];
87		{
88			String selectedName = provider.getSelectedItem().toString();
89			DirtyLineProvider selProvider= (DirtyLineProvider)
89			DirtyLineProvider selProvider= (DirtyLineProvider)
90				ServiceManager.getService(
91					DirtyLineProvider.class.getCanonicalName(), selectedName);
116		jEdit.setProperty(PROVIDER_SERVICE_PROP,
117			provider.getSelectedItem().toString());
118		for (int i = 0; i < providerOptions.length; i++)
SVNInfoPanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 185 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code creates a graphical user interface (GUI) component that displays information about a file or directory from a version control system, such as Git. It fetches and formats various metadata, including timestamps, checksums, and conflict information, into a table for easy viewing. The GUI is designed to be compact and readable, with features like automatic row packing and mouse event handling.

109        }
110        if ( info.getSchedule() == null && !info.isRemote() ) {
111            info_table_model.addRow( new String[] {jEdit.getProperty("ips.Schedule", "Schedule"), jEdit.getProperty("ips.normal", "normal")} );
113        else if ( !info.isRemote() ) {
114            info_table_model.addRow( new String[] {jEdit.getProperty("ips.Schedule", "Schedule"), info.getSchedule() } );
115        }
SessionManagerDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 321 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is for a graphical user interface (GUI) dialog box that manages sessions, likely related to software development or debugging. It allows users to rename and delete existing sessions, and provides an option to close the dialog. The GUI displays a list of available sessions, with options to change the current session, rename a session, and delete a session.

64		lSessions = new JList(SessionManager.getInstance().getSessionNames());
65		lSessions.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
75		// try to show as many sessions as possible (maximum 25)
76		int numSessions = lSessions.getModel().getSize();
77		if (numSessions > 25)
122	{
123		if (lSessions.getSelectedValue() != null)
124			selectedSession = lSessions.getSelectedValue().toString();
144	 */
145	public String getSelectedSession()
146	{
166	{
167		if (evt.getSource() == bClose)
168			cancel();
Name.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 1068 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of a BeanShell interpreter, which allows users to execute dynamic Java code. It provides methods for parsing and executing compound names (e.g., “this.myMethod()”), invoking local methods, and loading commands from namespaces. The code also handles errors, exceptions, and command invocation. Its purpose is to provide a flexible and dynamic way to interact with the BeanShell interpreter.

402				if ( Interpreter.DEBUG ) 
403					Interpreter.debug("Name call to getStaticField, class: " 
404						+clas+", field:"+field);
404						+clas+", field:"+field);
405				obj = Reflect.getStaticField(clas, field);
406			} catch( ReflectError e ) { 
521			// Allow getSuper() to through BlockNameSpace to the method's super
522			This ths = thisNameSpace.getSuper( interpreter );
526	// XXXX re-evaluate this
527	// can getSuper work by itself now?
528			// If we're a class instance and the parent is also a class instance
customwidgetplugin.qdoc https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | Unknown | 239 lines
36    In this example, the custom widget used is based on the
37    \l{widgets/analogclock}{Analog Clock example}, and does not provide any custom
38    signals or slots.
43    self-contained implementation and provide a plugin interface. In this
44    example, we reuse the \l{widgets/analogclock}{Analog Clock example} for
45    convenience.
47    Since custom widgets plugins rely on components supplied with \QD, the
48    project file that we use needs to contain information about \QD's
64    \o \c designer: Since custom widgets plugins rely on components
65    supplied with \QD, this value ensures that our plugin links
203    Most widgets in Qt can contain child widgets, but it only makes sense
204    to use dedicated container widgets for this purpose in \QD. By returning
BibTeXTablePanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 167 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a panel for displaying and editing BibTeX entries within a LaTeX editor. It creates a table to display the entries, allows users to select multiple entries and insert them into the current document with formatting options. The panel is designed to be used in conjunction with other tools and features of the LaTeX editor.

147        int[] sels = table.getSelectedRows();
148        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
ReferencePanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 209 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a ReferencePanel class that extends a default tool panel for a LaTeX editor. It displays a list of references and allows users to insert cross-references into their document. The panel also provides functionality to visit labels, expand folds, and set the current cursor position. It is designed to work with the jEdit text editor.

138    LaTeXAsset refTagPair = (LaTeXAsset) refList.getSelectedValue();
139    String ref = refTagPair.name;
192    LaTeXAsset asset = (LaTeXAsset) refList.getSelectedValue();
193    int line = buffer.getLineOfOffset(asset.start.getOffset());
SelectLineRange.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 185 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a GUI dialog for selecting a line range in a text editor. It allows users to input two line numbers and, when “OK” is clicked, selects the specified lines in the current document. If invalid input is provided, it beeps and cancels the operation. The dialog also includes a “Cancel” button to exit without making any changes.

126	{
127		Object source = evt.getSource();
128		if(source == ok)
MutableFilterOptions.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 129 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, MutableFilterOptions, represents filter options for JBrowse. It provides a way to customize which types of information are displayed in a graphical representation. The class has boolean fields for each type of information and corresponding getter and setter methods. It also includes methods for setting the visibility index for top-level and member elements.

46        MutableFilterOptions fo = (MutableFilterOptions)o;
47        return showImports == fo.getShowImports() &&
48               showFields == fo.getShowFields() &&
48               showFields == fo.getShowFields() &&
49               showThrows == fo.getShowThrows() &&
50               showVariables == fo.getShowVariables() &&
50               showVariables == fo.getShowVariables() &&
51               showPrimitives == fo.getShowPrimitives() &&
52               showInitializers == fo.getShowInitializers() &&
52               showInitializers == fo.getShowInitializers() &&
53               showGeneralizations == fo.getShowGeneralizations() &&
54               topLevelVisIndex == fo.getTopLevelVisIndex() &&
59    public final boolean getShowImports() { return showImports; }
60    public final boolean getShowFields()      { return showFields; }
TigerLabeler.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 787 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of a class that generates HTML labels for Java syntax elements, such as methods, fields, and classes. It takes into account various options to customize the appearance of these labels, including icons, formatting, and alignment. The output is an HTML string that can be used in a graphical user interface or other application.

557            if (options.getShowLineNum()) {
558                sb.append(tn.getStartLocation().line).append(": ");   //.append(tn.getStartLocation().column).append("::").append( tn.getEndLocation().line ).append( ": " ).append(tn.getEndLocation().column);
559            }
587            // but I think it means more like "show keywords beside icons"
588            if (options.getShowIconKeywords()) {
589                switch (tn.getOrdinal()) {
667                if (tn.getOrdinal() == TigerNode.CONSTRUCTOR) {
668                    sb.append('(').append(((ConstructorNode) tn).getFormalParams(options.getShowArgumentNames(), options.getTypeIsSuffixed(), options.getShowMiscMod(), options.getShowTypeArgs())).append(')');
669                }
670                else if (tn.getOrdinal() == TigerNode.METHOD || tn.getOrdinal() == TigerNode.BNF_PRODUCTION) {
671                    sb.append('(').append(((MethodNode) tn).getFormalParams(options.getShowArgumentNames(), options.getTypeIsSuffixed(), options.getShowMiscMod(), options.getShowTypeArgs())).append(')');
672                }
715    /**
716     * Gets the toolTipText attribute of the TigerLabeler class
717     *
ErrorListDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 186 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a dialog box called ErrorListDialog that displays a list of errors, including I/O and plugin load errors. The dialog has an “OK” button to dismiss the error message and potentially launch a plugin manager for further troubleshooting. It also includes a cancel button. The dialog is designed to be used in a text editor application.

173		{
174			if(evt.getSource() == ok)
175				dispose();
175				dispose();
176			else if(evt.getSource() == pluginMgr)
177			{
TextUtilities.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 714 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code provides various string manipulation and formatting functions, including:

  • String case detection (mixed, lower case, upper case, title case)
  • String conversion to title case
  • Line wrapping and formatting for text with a specified maximum line length
  • Leading whitespace trimming and calculation
  • Tokenization of strings into words

These functions can be used in various applications, such as text editing or formatting.

597	//{{{ getStringCase() method
598	public static final int MIXED = 0;
608	 */
609	public static int getStringCase(String str)
610	{
GeneralOptions.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 259 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, GeneralOptions, represents general options for a JBrowse application. It stores and manages various settings, such as displaying the status bar, automatic parsing, sorting, filter options, display options, and custom style settings. The class provides methods to load and save these options from/to a PropertyAccessor object.

159        //----------------
160        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showStatusBar", getShowStatusBar());
161        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.automaticParse", getAutomaticParse());
161        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.automaticParse", getAutomaticParse());
162        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.sort", getSort());
167        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showAttr",
168                filterOpt.getShowFields());
169        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showPrimAttr",
169        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showPrimAttr",
170                filterOpt.getShowPrimitives());
171        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showVariables",
171        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showVariables",
172                filterOpt.getShowVariables());
173        props.setBooleanProperty("sidekick.java.showInitializers",
Marker.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 120 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a marker in a buffer, which is a textual bookmark that can be used to navigate within a document. It has attributes such as a buffer, line number, and optional shortcut character, allowing users to quickly jump to specific locations in the text using a keyboard shortcut. The class provides methods for setting and retrieving these attributes, as well as managing cached positions.

43	//{{{ getShortcut() method
44	/**
47	 */
48	public char getShortcut()
49	{
Copy_Lines.bsh https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Unknown | 37 lines
12	selections = textArea.getSelectedLines();
qabstractprintdialog.cpp https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C++ | 497 lines
429    Set a list of widgets as \a tabs to be shown on the print dialog, if supported.
JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.cpp https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C++ | 184 lines
90    return getStaticValueSlot<JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor, JSDOMWrapper>(exec, &JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorTable, this, propertyName, slot);
95    return getStaticValueDescriptor<JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor, JSDOMWrapper>(exec, &JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorTable, this, propertyName, descriptor);
144    return getStaticValueSlot<JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent, Base>(exec, getJSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventTable(exec), this, propertyName, slot);
149    return getStaticValueDescriptor<JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent, Base>(exec, getJSXMLHttpRequestProgressEventTable(exec), this, propertyName, descriptor);
test_pkgutil.py https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distutils2/ | Python | 609 lines
✨ Summary

This is a Python script that tests the functionality of the pkgutil module, which provides tools for working with Python packages and distributions. The test suite checks various aspects of the module’s behavior, including parsing package metadata, finding distributions, and handling obsolete versions. It ensures that the module behaves correctly in different scenarios.

199            digest = get_hexdigest(file)
200            size = os.path.getsize(file)
201            return [path, digest, size]
LoginDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 335 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a GUI application for managing FTP connections and private keys. It allows users to input host, user, and password information, as well as select a private key file. The application checks if a private key file exists for each user-host combination and provides a button to select a new private key file.

195	{
196		Object source = evt.getSource();
197		if(source == ok)
318				try{
319					privateKeyField.setText(chooser.getSelectedFile().getCanonicalPath());
320				} catch(java.io.IOException err) {
Make_Bug_Report.bsh https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Unknown | 119 lines
31	Log.flushStream();
32	path = jEdit.getSettingsDirectory() + File.separator
33		+ "activity.log";
ProjectOptionsPanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 193 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a ProjectOptionsPanel class that extends JPanel. It creates a GUI component for managing project options, including setting the project root, excluding folders, and saving the project. The panel includes various components such as text fields, buttons, lists, and menus, which are used to interact with the project settings.

53              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
54                Object[] selectedValues = excludedList.getSelectedValues();
55                if (selectedValues != null) {
158      String currentPath = rootField.getText();
159      if (e.getSource() == reparse) {
160        project.rebuildProject();
160        project.rebuildProject();
161      } else if (e.getSource() == browse) {
162        String[] choosenFolder = GUIUtilities.showVFSFileDialog(null, currentPath, VFSBrowser.CHOOSE_DIRECTORY_DIALOG, false);
167        }
168      } else if (e.getSource() == excludedBrowse) {
169        String[] choosenFolder = GUIUtilities.showVFSFileDialog(null, currentPath, VFSBrowser.CHOOSE_DIRECTORY_DIALOG, true);
178        }
179      } else if (e.getSource() == save) {
180        project.setRoot(currentPath);
PHPHyperlink.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 115 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, PHPHyperlink, implements a hyperlink functionality for a text editor. It represents a hyperlink to a PHP file and provides methods to get its start and end offsets, lines, and tooltip. When clicked, it opens the corresponding PHP file in the text editor and moves the caret position to the line where the hyperlink is located.

55    @Override
56    public int getStartOffset()
57    {
67    @Override
68    public int getStartLine()
69    {
99                /*
100                Selection[] s = getSelection();
101                if (s == null)
Log.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 294 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a log retrieval tool for SVN (Subversion) version control systems. It takes a list of file paths, a start and end revision date, and connects to an SVN repository. It then retrieves log entries for each file path within the specified revision range and prints them to the console.

132                out.println( "\t  peg revision: " + data.getPegRevision() );
133                out.println( "\tstart revision: " + data.getStartRevision() );
134                out.println( "\t  end revision: " + data.getEndRevision() );
134                out.println( "\t  end revision: " + data.getEndRevision() );
135                out.println( "\t  stop on copy: " + data.getStopOnCopy() );
136                out.println( "\t    show paths: " + data.getShowPaths() );
147                client.doLog( repositoryUrl, pathToCheck, data.getPegRevision(), data.getStartRevision(),
148                        data.getEndRevision(), data.getStopOnCopy(), data.getShowPaths(), data.getMaxLogs(), handler );
149            }
155                out.println( "\t  peg revision: " + data.getPegRevision() );
156                out.println( "\tstart revision: " + data.getStartRevision() );
157                out.println( "\t  end revision: " + data.getEndRevision() );
168                client.doLog( pathToCheck, data.getPegRevision(), data.getStartRevision(),
169                        data.getEndRevision(), data.getStopOnCopy(), data.getShowPaths(), data.getMaxLogs(), handler );
170            }
seeds.txt http://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/ | Unknown | 94 lines
43com.menny.android.anysoftkeyboard.dictionary.BinaryDictionary: boolean isValidWordNative(int,char[],int)
44com.menny.android.anysoftkeyboard.dictionary.BinaryDictionary: int getSuggestionsNative(int,int[],int,char[],int[],int,int,int,int)
pl.UTF-8.po https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/vim-qt.git | Portable Object | 6525 lines
416msgid "E687: Less targets than List items"
417msgstr "E687: Mniej celów niż elementów Listy"
419msgid "E688: More targets than List items"
420msgstr "E688: Więcej celów niż elementów Listy"
TagStack.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 298 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a GUI component, TagStack, which displays a list of stack positions for a text editor. It allows users to navigate through these positions by clicking on them, and provides options to remove, pop, or clear the current position. The component also includes a popup menu with actions to perform on the selected position.

84													evt.getY()));
85			if(index > -1 && index != list.getSelectedIndex())
86				list.setSelectedIndex(index);
96					StackPosition pos = (StackPosition)
97											list.getSelectedValue();
98					if(pos != null)
118		goTo.setEnabled(list.getSelectedValue() != null);
119		remove.setEnabled(listModel.size() > 0);
152			StackPosition pos = null;
153			pos = (StackPosition)list.getSelectedValue();
154			pos.goTo(view);
182			StackPosition pos = null;
183			pos = (StackPosition)list.getSelectedValue();
184			if(pos != null)
XQueryGUI.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 705 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of an XQuery adapter for the JEdit text editor. It provides a way to interact with XQuery queries, including evaluating expressions, handling performance output, and accessing JEdit properties. The code uses JEdit’s built-in functionality without importing it directly into the adapter, allowing adapters to be written independently.

403				errorSource.addError(new DefaultErrorSource.DefaultError(errorSource, ErrorSource.ERROR, getXQueryPath(), ae.getLine(), 
404									ae.getStart(), ae.getEnd() ,ae.getMessage()));
405				//ae.printStackTrace();
442		private void saveInputSettings() {
443			jEdit.setProperty("xquery.selectXmlInput.last-source", inputPanel.browsePanel.getSourceFieldText());
444			jEdit.setProperty("xquery.selectBaseUriInput.last-source", inputPanel.uriSelectionPanel.getSourceFieldText());
444			jEdit.setProperty("xquery.selectBaseUriInput.last-source", inputPanel.uriSelectionPanel.getSourceFieldText());
445			jEdit.setProperty("xquery.selectXQueryInput.last-source", queryPanel.browsePanel.getSourceFieldText());
446		}
497			String uri = "";
498			uri = inputPanel.uriSelectionPanel.getSourceFieldText();
499			if (uri.trim().equals(jEdit.getProperty("xquery.selectBaseUriInput.prompt").trim())) {
527			} else if (inputPanel.isFileSelected()) {
528				context = inputPanel.browsePanel.getSourceFieldText();
529			}
SelectionPanel.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 126 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a custom panel for a text editor, specifically jEdit. It provides a label, a browse button, and a text field to select a file or directory. The panel is designed to be reusable and can be customized with various properties, such as icon names and tooltips. It also implements an ActionListener interface to handle the browse button’s click event.

108	 */
109	public String getSourceFieldText() {
110		return sourceField.getText();
IndentingTransformer.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 543 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a parser for XML documents, specifically handling the parsing of XML declarations, processing instructions, comments, and text content. It reads an input XML string, tokenizes it into individual elements, and then writes the parsed XML to an output writer. The parser also handles various edge cases such as closing tags, doc types, and processing instructions.

242    private int writeElement( int start ) throws IOException, SAXException {
243        int end = getStartTagEnd( start );
244        writeRemaining( start, end );
282     */
283    private int getStartTagEnd( int start ) {
284        int end = -1;
jEdit.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 4373 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of a text editor application, managing views and user interactions. It handles view creation, closing, and switching between views. It also manages settings, garbage collection, and memory usage. The code provides methods for getting and setting various properties, such as the number of open views, the currently active view, and whether jEdit is running in background mode.

885		setProperty(name,value.getFamily());
886		setIntegerProperty(name + "size",value.getSize());
887		setIntegerProperty(name + "style",value.getStyle());
DictionaryAddOnAndBuilder.java http://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/ | Java | 93 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, DictionaryAddOnAndBuilder, is a custom implementation of an Android dictionary add-on. It provides methods to create and manage dictionaries, auto-texts, and initial suggestions for a keyboard. The class takes various parameters in its constructors to customize the behavior and settings of the dictionary add-on.

76		{
77			String[] initialSuggestions = getPackageContext().getResources().getStringArray(mInitialSuggestionsResId);
78			if (initialSuggestions != null)
CHANGES.txt https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Plain Text | 1078 lines
211{{{ API Changes
212- MiscUtilities.getEncodings(boolean getSelected) added
213  to get only the user-chosen encodings, e. g. in encoding dialogs.
221- GUIUtilities.addSizeSaver(Frame frame, String name) added to
222  save a Frames size and position correctly, even if it gets
223  maximized.  (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
256- Fixed the storing of Frame size and position
257  if the Frame gets maximized. (bug #1325358)
258  (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
394- Macros.Macro.invoke() has been rewritten to begin the compoundEdit on the buffer that is
395  active buffer before the macro gets invoked, and end the compoundEdit on the buffer that is active
396  after the macro is invoked opposed to end the compoundEdit on the buffer it was started on.
MiscUtilities.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 1332 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of a file system utility, specifically handling environment variable expansion and compression. It maps certain directory prefixes to their corresponding environment variables, compressing paths by replacing them with these variables. The VarCompressor class uses a reverse mapping to quickly replace paths with their prefixed versions, allowing for efficient expansion in the future.

721		else
722			encoding = buffer.getStringProperty(JEditBuffer.ENCODING);
723		boolean gzipped = false;
979	 *       jEdit's list of known jars using jEdit.addPluginJAR(),
980	 *       so that it gets loaded through JARClassLoader.
981	 * </ol><p>
ContentPane.js http://enginey.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | JavaScript | 236 lines
✨ Summary

This JavaScript code defines a custom widget called dojox.layout.ContentPane that extends the built-in dijit.layout.ContentPane. It provides additional features such as support for inline scripts, external script references, and relative path adjustments. The widget also includes error handling and deferred loading capabilities.

45	//		NOTE that dojo.require in script in the fetched file isn't recommended
46	//		Many widgets need to be required at page load to work properly
SetupIsPublicVoidNoArg.html https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | HTML | 12 lines
10<small>Powered by InspectionGadgets</small>
ViewRegisters.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 184 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code creates a dialog window for viewing registers in an integrated development environment (IDE). It displays a list of register names and their corresponding values, with each value represented as a single character. The user can select a register name from the list to view its value in a text area. The dialog includes buttons for closing the window and canceling the operation.

67		if(registerModel.getSize() == 0)
68			registerModel.addElement(jEdit.getProperty("view-registers.none"));
158		{
159			if(evt.getSource() == close)
160				cancel();
167		{
168			Object value = registerList.getSelectedValue();
169			if(!(value instanceof Character))
description.html https://freespeech.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/freespeech | HTML | 530 lines
✨ Summary

This is a technical documentation of an acoustic speech recognition system, written in HTML format. It outlines the system’s components, including data collection, front-end processing, decoding, and integration with audio servers. The document also includes a to-do list for future development and maintenance tasks.

318(given utterance, HMM-graph)
319<P>1. produce targets for the states (Baum-Welch, Viterbi)
320<BR>2. accumulate statistics, weighted by targets
EncapsulateVariableFix.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 82 lines
25import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringActionHandler;
26import com.siyeh.InspectionGadgetsBundle;
27import com.siyeh.ig.InspectionGadgetsFix;
30public class EncapsulateVariableFix extends InspectionGadgetsFix {
40  public String getName() {
41    return InspectionGadgetsBundle.message("encapsulate.variable.quickfix",
42                                           fieldName);
Delete.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 69 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class handles the deletion of items from a Subversion (SVN) repository. When an item is selected and the “Delete” action is performed, it extracts the paths to the selected items, creates a DeleteData object with these paths, and then calls the DeleteAction to perform the actual deletion.

41    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae ) {
42        TreePath[] tree_paths = tree.getSelectionPaths();
43        if ( tree_paths.length == 0 ) {
IntegerArray.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 90 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, IntegerArray, is a simple dynamic array that stores integers and automatically grows when full. It provides methods to add elements, retrieve an element by index, get the current size, set the size, clear the array, and access the underlying array. The array’s initial size can be specified during construction or defaults to 2000 if not provided.

61	//{{{ getSize() method
62	public final int getSize()
AndroidInlineStyleReferenceAction.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 100 lines
49    }
50    final StyleUsageData usageData = AndroidInlineUtil.getStyleUsageData(tag);
76    final Style style = (Style)domElement;
77    String styleName = style.getName().getStringValue();
89  protected boolean isEnabledForTags(@NotNull XmlTag[] tags) {
90    return tags.length == 1 && AndroidInlineUtil.getStyleUsageData(tags[0]) != null;
91  }
MainViewModel.cs https://hg01.codeplex.com/mvvmlight | C# | 75 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code defines a MainViewModel class that exposes a single property, WelcomeTitle, which is bound to data retrieved from an IDataService. The view model initializes with an instance of IDataService and uses it to fetch data when the view is loaded, updating the WelcomeTitle property accordingly.

11    /// <para>
12    /// See http://www.galasoft.ch/mvvm/getstarted
13    /// </para>
26        /// <summary>
27        /// Gets the WelcomeTitle property.
28        /// Changes to that property's value raise the PropertyChanged event. 
SimpleCharStream.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 440 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a text input buffer with line and column numbers, tokenization, and string manipulation capabilities. It provides methods for initializing the buffer, reading and writing strings, adjusting line and column numbers, and handling tokenization. The class also includes features like image extraction and suffix retrieval. It appears to be designed for use in a text editor or similar application.

368  public char[] GetSuffix(int len)
369  {
PluginRunConfiguration.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 299 lines
77  public RunProfileState getState(@NotNull final Executor executor, @NotNull final ExecutionEnvironment env) throws ExecutionException {
78    if (getModule() == null){
81    final ModuleRootManager rootManager = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(getModule());
82    final Sdk jdk = rootManager.getSdk();
83    if (jdk == null) {
90    }
91    String sandboxHome = ((Sandbox)ideaJdk.getSdkAdditionalData()).getSandboxHome();
124          }
125          final SdkModificator sdkToSetUp = usedIdeaJdk.getSdkModificator();
126          sdkToSetUp.setHomePath(getAlternativeJrePath());
181        params.getClassPath().addFirst(libPath + File.separator + "idea_rt.jar");
182        params.getClassPath().addFirst(((JavaSdkType)usedIdeaJdk.getSdkType()).getToolsPath(usedIdeaJdk));
Chunk.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 589 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is part of a text rendering engine, responsible for laying out and rendering text on a screen. It uses font substitution to find suitable fonts for characters that can’t be rendered by the default font. The code creates glyph vectors, which represent the visual representation of text, and calculates their widths based on the chosen font.

550				{
551					f = f.deriveFont(dflt.getStyle(), dflt.getSize());
AbstractInplaceIntroducer.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 631 lines
216          myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(caretOffset);
217          myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE);
278    if (identifier != null) {
279      final int startOffsetInParent = identifier.getStartOffsetInParent();
280      setPreviewText(variableText.substring(0, startOffsetInParent) + value + variableText.substring(startOffsetInParent + identifier.getTextLength()));
343    if (!shouldSelectAll()) {
344      myEditor.getSelectionModel().removeSelection();
345    }
439      else if (getExpr() != null) {
440        final int startOffset = getExprMarker().getStartOffset();
441        highlightManager.addOccurrenceHighlight(editor, startOffset, startOffset + variableNameLength, attributes, 0, highlighters, null);
482          RangeMarker marker = occurrenceMarkers.get(i);
483          if (getExprMarker() != null && marker.getStartOffset() == getExprMarker().getStartOffset() && myExpr != null) {
484            myOccurrences[i] = myExpr;
GroovyCompilerBase.java https://bitbucket.org/nbargnesi/idea.git | Java | 425 lines
102    //assert !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread();
103    final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk();
104    assert sdk != null; //verified before
104    assert sdk != null; //verified before
105    SdkTypeId sdkType = sdk.getSdkType();
106    assert sdkType instanceof JavaSdkType;
117    final Library[] libraries = GroovyConfigUtils.getInstance().getSDKLibrariesByModule(module);
118    if (libraries.length > 0) {
227      for (CompilerMessage compilerMessage : processHandler.getCompilerMessages()) {
228        final String url = compilerMessage.getSourcePath();
229        compileContext.addMessage(getMessageCategory(compilerMessage), compilerMessage.getMessageText(),
235      List<GroovycOSProcessHandler.OutputItem> outputItems = processHandler.getSuccessfullyCompiled();
236      ArrayList<OutputItem> items = new ArrayList<OutputItem>();
pathdeform.h https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C Header | 153 lines
45#include "arthurwidgets.h"
IMEUtil.java http://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/ | Java | 174 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code provides utility classes for managing input methods, garbage collection, and character buffers. It includes functionality for canceling asynchronous tasks, trying to perform garbage collection, checking if multiple IMEs are enabled, and manipulating a ring buffer of characters with coordinates. The classes also include static instances and initialization methods.

37    public static void cancelTask(AsyncTask<?, ?, ?> task, boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
38        if (task != null && task.getStatus() != AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED) {
39            task.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);
81    public static boolean hasMultipleEnabledIMEs(Context context) {
82        return ((InputMethodManager) context.getSystemService(
83                Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)).getEnabledInputMethodList().size() > 1;
Write_HyperSearch_Results.bsh https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Unknown | 216 lines
130        sb.append("search term:  ");
131    sb.append(SearchAndReplace.getSearchString());
132    sb.append("  (case ");
160    result = new StringBuffer();
161    fileSet = SearchAndReplace.getSearchFileSet();
162    if(fileSet instanceof CurrentBufferSet)
notify.c https://bitbucket.org/freebsd/freebsd-head/ | C | 175 lines
✨ Summary

This C code implements the notify mechanism as specified in RFC1996 for DNS servers. It processes incoming notify messages from other DNS servers, verifying that they are valid and intended for a specific zone. If the message is valid, it notifies the server’s zone master of the changes, allowing the server to update its cache accordingly.

151		respond(client, dns_zone_notifyreceive(zone,
152			ns_client_getsockaddr(client), request));
153		break;
AdGroupServiceLocator.html http://google-api-adwords-java.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | HTML | 554 lines
217<td class="colFirst"><code>javax.xml.namespace.QName</code></td>
218<td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../../com/google/api/adwords/v201209/cm/AdGroupServiceLocator.html#getServiceName()">getServiceName</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
428<a name="getServiceName()">
429<!--   -->
432<li class="blockList">
436<dt><strong>Specified by:</strong></dt>
437<dd><code>getServiceName</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>javax.xml.rpc.Service</code></dd>
439<dd><code>getServiceName</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>org.apache.axis.client.Service</code></dd>
QuickNotepadOptionPane.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 128 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code defines a custom dialog box for a text editor plugin, QuickNotepad. It allows users to customize settings such as file path, font, and display options. The dialog box includes fields for selecting a file path, choosing a font, and toggling the display of file paths. When the user saves their changes, the settings are stored in the plugin’s properties.

84		jEdit.setProperty(QuickNotepadPlugin.OPTION_PREFIX + "fontsize", String
85				.valueOf(_font.getSize()));
86		jEdit.setProperty(QuickNotepadPlugin.OPTION_PREFIX + "fontstyle",
86		jEdit.setProperty(QuickNotepadPlugin.OPTION_PREFIX + "fontstyle",
87				String.valueOf(_font.getStyle()));
88		jEdit.setProperty(QuickNotepadPlugin.OPTION_PREFIX + "show-filepath",
quickfix.txt https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/vim-qt.git | Plain Text | 1456 lines
51When a window with a location list is split, the new window gets a copy of the
52location list.  When there are no references to a location list, the location
HelpViewer.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 691 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code is a part of a web browser implementation, specifically for navigating and displaying a table of contents (TOC). It handles user interactions such as clicking on links, pressing enter, and using back/forward navigation to navigate between URLs. The code uses various components like JTree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer, and HyperlinkListener to display the TOC and handle link clicks.

615		{
616			Object source = evt.getSource();
617			if(source == back)
frag_test.c git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/mhash | C | 136 lines
69	{
70		mutils_memset(buf1, val, input_size + 1);  /* the first instance gets framgments */
71		mhash(td1, buf1, input_size + 1);   /* of size (input_size+1)             */
73		left = input_size - offs;           /* the second instance gets fragments */
74		mutils_memset(buf2 + offs, val, left);     /* of size input_size                 */
89	{
90		mutils_memset(buf1, val, input_size - 1);	/* the first instance gets framgments */
91		mhash(td1, buf1, input_size - 1);		/* of size (input_size-1)             */
93		if (offs == 0)					/* the second instance gets fragments */
94		{						/* of size input_size                 */
override.php https://bitbucket.org/kraymitchell/fcd.git | PHP | 202 lines
42		$client		= $this->getState('filter.client', 'site');
43		$language	= $this->getState('filter.language', 'en-GB');
91		$pk	= (!empty($pk)) ? $pk : JRequest::getCmd('id');
92		$filename = constant('JPATH_'.strtoupper($this->getState('filter.client'))) . '/language/overrides/' . $this->getState('filter.language', 'en-GB').'.override.ini';
93		$strings = LanguagesHelper::parseFile($filename);
184	 *
185	 * Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
186	 *
SbbAlias.java http://mobicents.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 110 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents an XML element called sbb-alias. It has two properties: id and value, which are used to store and retrieve data from an XML file. The class provides getter and setter methods for these properties, allowing users to access and modify the data. It is generated by JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) Reference Implementation.

61    /**
62     * Gets the value of the id property.
63     * 
85    /**
86     * Gets the value of the value property.
87     * 

