100+ results results for 'database file:content' (231 ms)
84 85 // check that the comic exists in the database 86 $this->comic = new Comic(); 163 // search for the value of the chapter, so we don't bother anymore 164 // if it doesn't exist in database - though it should 165 $found = FALSE; 169 { 170 // update the comic in the database 171 $comic = new Comic($result["comic"]["id"]);ContentView.js https://gitlab.com/x33n/phantomjs | JavaScript | 303 lines
47 48 if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseTableObject) 49 return new WebInspector.DatabaseTableContentView(representedObject); 50 51 if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseObject) 52 return new WebInspector.DatabaseContentView(representedObject); 107 return true; 108 if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseTableObject) 109 return true; 109 return true; 110 if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseObject) 111 return true;Content_Model_Template_ServiceTest.php https://github.com/ArchiCroc/Tower-Web-Platform.git | PHP | 357 lines
219// $this->setExpectedException('NotFoundException'); 220// $result = $this->service->getObjectByUrl("testnotindatabase"); 221//ContentProviderTest.java.in https://github.com/diogogmt/mozilla-central.git | Autoconf | 236 lines
13import android.content.res.Resources; 14import android.database.Cursor; 15import android.os.Build; 221 222 String databaseName = null; 223 try { 223 try { 224 Method getDatabasePath = 225 mProviderClass.getDeclaredMethod("getDatabasePath", String.class, boolean.class); 227 String defaultProfile = (String) mProviderContract.getField("DEFAULT_PROFILE").get(null); 228 databaseName = (String) getDatabasePath.invoke(mProvider, defaultProfile, true /* is test */); 229 } catch (Exception e) {} 231 if (databaseName != null) 232 mProviderContext.deleteDatabase(databaseName); 233content.php https://bitbucket.org/dreamriks/gift.git | PHP | 307 lines
50 51 // some special handling, that need not hit the database 52 switch( $type ) { 64 65 // everything else requires the database 66 if ( $this->view == 'article' ) {ContentProviderNative.cs https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | C# | 183 lines
67 68 public abstract android.database.Cursor query(System.Uri arg1, string[] arg2, string 69 arg3, string[] arg4, string arg5); 92 [Sharpen.ImplementsInterface(@"android.content.IContentProvider")] 93 public android.database.Cursor query(System.Uri url, string[] projection, string 94 selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)content_configuration_edit.php https://github.com/AwkwardDev/wowarmory.git | PHP | 140 lines
11 <label><span style="color: red;">MySQL connection info:</span></label> 12 <label>Armory database host:</label> 13 <input type="text" name="host_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['host_armory']; ?>" /> 13 <input type="text" name="host_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['host_armory']; ?>" /> 14 <label>Armory database user:</label> 15 <input type="text" name="user_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['user_armory']; ?>" /> 15 <input type="text" name="user_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['user_armory']; ?>" /> 16 <label>Armory database user password:</label> 17 <input type="text" name="pass_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['pass_armory']; ?>" /> 17 <input type="text" name="pass_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['pass_armory']; ?>" /> 18 <label>Armory database name:</label> 19 <input type="text" name="name_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['name_armory']; ?>" /> 19 <input type="text" name="name_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['name_armory']; ?>" /> 20 <label>Armory database charset:</label> 21 <input type="text" name="charset_armory" value="<?php echo Armory::$mysqlconfig['charset_armory']; ?>" />ContentProviderAccessor.java https://bitbucket.org/kavi707/fkf_resturent_app.git | Java | 333 lines
1package com.fkf.resturent.database.dbprovider; 2 5import android.content.Context; 6import android.database.Cursor; 7import android.net.Uri; 8import android.util.Log; 9import com.fkf.resturent.database.LocalDatabaseSQLiteOpenHelper; 10import com.fkf.resturent.database.PopularOrLatestRecipe; 10import com.fkf.resturent.database.PopularOrLatestRecipe; 11import com.fkf.resturent.database.Recipe; 12 27 /** 28 * save new updated time stamp in database 29 * @param newModifiedTimeStamp 33 ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); 34 values.put(LocalDatabaseSQLiteOpenHelper.MODIFIED_TIME_STAMP, newModifiedTimeStamp); 35ContentObserverTest.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_rk3066_r-box_android4.4.2_sdk | Java | 215 lines
16 17package android.database.cts; 18 19 20import android.database.ContentObserver; 21import android.net.Uri;Content_Library_Video.php https://github.com/gogbuehi/BMCD.com.git | PHP | 152 lines
1<?php 2require_once 'models/database_object.php'; 3require_once 'models/Content_Library_Thumbnail.php'; 123 if (!$this->isPersistent){ 124 $msg = 'AMFPHP is trying to save data for an object that is not in the database:'.$this->__toString(); 125 $this->tLog->error($msg);contentparser.py https://gitlab.com/sunkistm/gitlab-web2py | Python | 132 lines
57 path = 'contenttype.py' 58 vregex = re.compile('database version (?P<version>.+?)\.?\n') 59 sys.stdout.write('Checking contenttype.py database version:') 71 exit() 72 sys.stdout.write('Checking freedesktop.org database version:') 73 sys.stdout.flush() 88 if cversion == nversion: 89 sys.stdout.write('\nContenttype.py database is up to date\n') 90 exit() 91 try: 92 raw_input('\nContenttype.py database updates are available from:\n%s (approx. 0.5MB)\nPress enter to continue or CTRL-C to quit now\nWARNING: this will replace contenttype.py file content IN PLACE' % url) 93 except: 94 exit() 95 sys.stdout.write('\nDownloading new database:') 96 sys.stdout.flush()content.php https://github.com/raeldc/nooku-server.git | PHP | 191 lines
89 /** 90 * @param database A database connector object 91 */Content.php https://github.com/lillem4n/kohana-module-pajas.git | PHP | 343 lines
6 /** 7 * The database driver 8 * 45 { 46 parent::__construct(); // Connect to the database 47 306 /** 307 * Set the database driver 308 *ContentService.cs https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | C# | 356 lines
51 public override void registerContentObserver(System.Uri uri, bool notifyForDescendents 52 , android.database.IContentObserver observer) 53 { 58 [Sharpen.ImplementsInterface(@"android.content.IContentService")] 59 public override void unregisterContentObserver(android.database.IContentObserver 60 observer) 66 [Sharpen.ImplementsInterface(@"android.content.IContentService")] 67 public override void notifyChange(System.Uri uri, android.database.IContentObserver 68 observer, bool observerWantsSelfNotifications, bool syncToNetwork) 77 78 internal readonly android.database.IContentObserver mObserver; 79 82 [Sharpen.Stub] 83 internal ObserverCall(android.content.ContentService.ObserverNode node, android.database.IContentObserver 84 observer, bool selfNotify)ContentObserver.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 239 lines
16 17package android.database; 18content_types.rb https://github.com/pettair/engine.git | Ruby | 243 lines
56 def content_types 57 database['site']['content_types'] 58 endContentHistory.php https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git | PHP | 219 lines
12use Joomla\CMS\Factory; 13use Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver; 14use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; 24 * Array of object fields to unset from the data object before calculating SHA1 hash. This allows us to detect a meaningful change 25 * in the database row using the hash. This can be read from the #__content_types content_history_options column. 26 * 44 * 45 * @param DatabaseDriver $db A database connector object 46 * 48 */ 49 public function __construct(DatabaseDriver $db) 50 {content_table_list.php https://github.com/Int007/wowarmory.git | PHP | 80 lines
3 <div class="grid_9"> 4 <h1 class="content_edit">Database</h1> 5 <?php 5 <?php 6 echo sprintf('<a href="?action=database&subaction=open&type=%s&name=%s&realm=%d">Go Back</a>', $_GET['type'], $_GET['name'], $_GET['realm']); 7 ?> 19 $page_count = round(Admin::GetDB()->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s`", $_GET['table']) / 20)+1; 20 $str = sprintf('action=database&subaction=open&type=%s&name=%s&realm=%d&table=%s', $_GET['type'], $_GET['name'], $_GET['realm'], $_GET['table']); 21 echo sprintf('%s%s%s%s',ContentEngine.cs https://github.com/lundbeck/n2cms.git | C# | 238 lines
94 95 /// <summary>Gets N2 persistence manager used for database persistence of content.</summary> 96 public IPersister Persistercontent.php https://bitbucket.org/seyar/kinda.local.git | PHP | 222 lines
77 78 $query = DB::query(Database::SELECT, 79 'SELECT content.* FROM content 'contenthistory.php https://github.com/elinw/joomla-cms.git | PHP | 183 lines
22 * Array of object fields to unset from the data object before calculating SHA1 hash. This allows us to detect a meaningful change 23 * in the database row using the hash. 24 * 32 * 33 * @param JDatabaseDriver $db A database connector object 34 *ContentAwareGenerator.php https://gitlab.com/reasonat/test8 | PHP | 320 lines
65 * 66 * @throws RouteNotFoundException If there is no such route in the database 67 */ContentHasContent.php https://github.com/jiiarra/site.git | PHP | 246 lines
2/** 3 * ContentHasContent -> ContentHasContent database model for content has content link table. 4 *Content.java https://bitbucket.org/novelli/josser.git | Java | 365 lines
9 * Description: JOSSER - A Java Tool capable to parse DMOZ RDF dumps and export them to 10 * any JDBC compliant relational database 11 *content.md https://gitlab.com/apachipa/docs | Markdown | 134 lines
88 89To start a Zend Server cluster you must provide a Mysql compatible database: 90 116 117- MYSQL\_HOSTNAME - ip or hostname of MySQL database 118- MYSQL\_PORT - MySQL listening port 120- MYSQL\_PASSWORD 121- MYSQL\_DBNAME - Name of the database Zend Server will use for cluster ops (created automatically if it does not exist). 122ContentResolver.java https://github.com/JTroniks/CyanogenMod-7.git | Java | 62 lines
5public final java.lang.String getType(android.net.Uri url) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 6public final android.database.Cursor query(android.net.Uri uri, java.lang.String[] projection, java.lang.String selection, java.lang.String[] selectionArgs, java.lang.String sortOrder) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 7public final java.io.InputStream openInputStream(android.net.Uri uri) throws java.io.FileNotFoundException { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 18public final android.content.ContentProviderClient acquireContentProviderClient(java.lang.String name) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 19public final void registerContentObserver(android.net.Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendents, android.database.ContentObserver observer) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 20public final void unregisterContentObserver(android.database.ContentObserver observer) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 20public final void unregisterContentObserver(android.database.ContentObserver observer) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 21public void notifyChange(android.net.Uri uri, android.database.ContentObserver observer) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); } 22public void notifyChange(android.net.Uri uri, android.database.ContentObserver observer, boolean syncToNetwork) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }content-update.sql https://github.com/iuri/PWTI.git | SQL | 211 lines
180 dbms_output.put_line('Creating CR_SCHEDULED_RELEASE_JOB table ' || 181 'for tracking database job for scheduled publishing...'); 182ContentProviderNative.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 648 lines
20import android.database.BulkCursorDescriptor; 21import android.database.BulkCursorNative; 22import android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor; 22import android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor; 23import android.database.Cursor; 24import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; 24import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; 25import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 26import android.database.IBulkCursor; 398 399 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 400 String out = reply.readString(); 439 440 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 441 int count = reply.readInt();ContentProviderNative.java https://github.com/richardfickling/android_frameworks_base.git | Java | 572 lines
20import android.database.BulkCursorNative; 21import android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor; 22import android.database.Cursor; 23import android.database.CursorWindow; 24import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 25import android.database.IBulkCursor; 25import android.database.IBulkCursor; 26import android.database.IContentObserver; 27import android.net.Uri; 329 330 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 331 407 408 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 409 Uri out = Uri.CREATOR.createFromParcel(reply);ContentElementTableField.php https://github.com/MaBelleEcole/Main.git | PHP | 127 lines
8 * to manage multi lingual sites especially in all dynamic information 9 * which are stored in the database. 10 *ContentProviderNative.java https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | Java | 624 lines
21import android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor; 22import android.database.Cursor; 23import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; 24import android.database.CursorWindow; 25import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 26import android.database.IBulkCursor; 26import android.database.IBulkCursor; 27import android.database.IContentObserver; 28import android.net.Uri; 299 } catch (Exception e) { 300 DatabaseUtils.writeExceptionToParcel(reply, e); 301 return true; 393 394 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 395 String out = reply.readString();content_view_definition.py https://bitbucket.org/guymatz/katello.git | Python | 437 lines
169 parser.add_option('--name', dest='name', 170 help=_("content view definition name eg: Database (required)")) 171 opt_parser_add_org(parser, required=1)ContentMapBuilder.php https://bitbucket.org/ferOnti/processmaker.git | PHP | 84 lines
7/** 8 * This class adds structure of 'CONTENT' table to 'workflow' DatabaseMap object. 9 * 27 /** 28 * The database map. 29 */ 32 /** 33 * Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we 34 * don't have to re-build it every time. 35 * 36 * @return boolean true if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built, false otherwise. 37 */ 43 /** 44 * Gets the databasemap this map builder built. 45 *content.php https://github.com/alanbarrett/moodle.git | PHP | 345 lines
63 // A record with the id must exist in 'contentbank_content' table. 64 // To improve performance, we are only checking the id is set, but no querying the database. 65 if (!isset($record->id)) { 118 // A record with the id must exist in 'contentbank_content' table. 119 // To improve performance, we are only checking the id is set, but no querying the database. 120 if (!isset($this->content->id)) {ContentProviderNative.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 763 lines
20import android.database.BulkCursorDescriptor; 21import android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor; 22import android.database.Cursor; 23import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; 24import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 25import android.database.IContentObserver; 359 } catch (Exception e) { 360 DatabaseUtils.writeExceptionToParcel(reply, e); 361 return true; 496 497 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 498 int count = reply.readInt(); 543 544 DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply); 545 int count = reply.readInt();ContentProviderClient.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 460 lines
19import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; 20import android.database.Cursor; 21import android.net.Uri;ContentQueryMapTest.java https://gitlab.com/chprasanna93/platform_cts | Java | 379 lines
23import android.content.Context; 24import android.database.Cursor; 25import android.os.Handler;ContentUpdateWorkItem.cs https://github.com/fitzchak/ravendb.git | C# | 216 lines
7using Raven.Abstractions.Logging; 8using Raven.Database.Config; 9using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Storage; 9using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Storage; 10using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Synchronization.Multipart; 11using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Synchronization.Rdc; 11using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Synchronization.Rdc; 12using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Synchronization.Rdc.Wrapper; 13using Raven.Database.FileSystem.Util; 17 18namespace Raven.Database.FileSystem.Synchronization 19{ContentServerService.java https://github.com/ccrouch/rhq.git | Java | 219 lines
100 * server from the agent will take care of that. This method should return the fully populated package descriptions. 101 * If the package was not found in the package database, it will be omitted from the returned set. 102 *content_block_test.rb https://github.com/Doap/browsercms.git | Ruby | 333 lines
92 93 test "Destroying a block should mark it as deleted, rather than remove it from the database" do 94 @block.destroy 97 assert_equal 1, found.size, "Should find one record" 98 assert_not_nil found[0], "A block should still exist in the database" 99 assert_equal true, found[0].deleted, "It's published flag should be true"contents.html https://github.com/ogen-project/ogen.git | HTML | 635 lines
101 <img src="treenodedot.gif" class="treeNoLinkImage" /> 102 <a href="OGen.lib.datalayer.cDBConnection.Connectionstring_database.html" target="main" class="treeUnselected" onclick="clickAnchor(this)">Connectionstring_database Method</a> 103 </div>ContentUIManagerLocal.java https://github.com/ccrouch/rhq.git | Java | 268 lines
51 * version is loaded into inventory or not, and, if the content is loaded, whether or not that content is stored in 52 * the database. 53 * 60 /** 61 * Loads the installed package identified by the ID from the database. 62 * 70 /** 71 * Loads the package type identified by the ID from the database. 72 * 244 * 245 * @param resourceId must refer to a valid resource in the database 246 * @param pc pagination controller 253 * 254 * @param resourceId must refer to a valid resource in the database 255 * @param pc pagination controllercontenthistory.php https://gitlab.com/ricardosanchez/prueba | PHP | 214 lines
20 * Array of object fields to unset from the data object before calculating SHA1 hash. This allows us to detect a meaningful change 21 * in the database row using the hash. This can be read from the #__content_types content_history_options column. 22 * 40 * 41 * @param JDatabaseDriver $db A database connector object 42 *ContentResolverTestMock.java https://github.com/zhangyongjiang/SORMA.git | Java | 374 lines
14import android.content.ContentValues; 15import android.database.Cursor; 16 34 final Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); 35 ormDefinition.createDatabase(new SqlExecutor() { 36 public void execute(String sql) throws Exception {ContentProviderClient.java https://github.com/tezet/android_frameworks_base.git | Java | 265 lines
18 19import android.database.Cursor; 20import android.net.Uri;ContentProvider.cs https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | C# | 363 lines
61 [Sharpen.ImplementsInterface(@"android.content.IContentProvider")] 62 public override android.database.Cursor query(System.Uri uri, string[] projection 63 , string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder) 248 [Sharpen.Stub] 249 public abstract android.database.Cursor query(System.Uri uri, string[] projection 250 , string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder);ContentObservableTest.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 156 lines
16 17package android.database.cts; 18 19 20import android.database.ContentObservable; 21import android.database.ContentObserver;ContentItemGen.class.php https://github.com/quinta/quintacms.git | PHP | 997 lines
186 /** 187 * Protected member variable that maps to the database column content_item.type_id 188 * @var integer intTypeId 258 /** 259 * Protected internal member variable that specifies whether or not this object is Restored from the database. 260 * Used by Save() to determine if Save() should perform a db UPDATE or INSERT. 287 * Static method to retrieve the Database object that owns this class. 288 * @return QDatabaseBase reference to the Database object that can query this class 289 */ 346 // Get the Database Object for this Class 347 $objDatabase = ContentItem::GetDatabase(); 348 483 // Get the Database Object for this Class 484 $objDatabase = ContentItem::GetDatabase(); 485ContentCategoryGen.class.php https://github.com/quinta/quintacms.git | PHP | 1122 lines
149 * Static method to retrieve the Database object that owns this class. 150 * @return QDatabaseBase reference to the Database object that can query this class 151 */ 709 // Get the Database Object for this Class 710 $objDatabase = ContentCategory::GetDatabase(); 711 776 // Get the Database Object for this Class 777 $objDatabase = ContentCategory::GetDatabase(); 778 793 // Get the Database Object for this Class 794 $objDatabase = ContentCategory::GetDatabase(); 795 807 // Get the Database Object for this Class 808 $objDatabase = ContentCategory::GetDatabase(); 809content.asp https://bitbucket.org/jlundstocholm/usedbooks.git | ASP | 78 lines
57 Der kan være flere årsager til, at din søgning ikke gav noget resultat. 58 Det kan selvf�lgelig skyldes, at bogen ikke findes i vores database. Det 59 kan dog også skyldes, at din søgning er for specifik. Hvis du fx har søgtContentQueryMapTest.java https://github.com/mkedwards/android_cts.git | Java | 431 lines
27import android.content.ContentValues; 28import android.database.Cursor; 29import android.os.Handler; 99 method = "ContentQueryMap", 100 args = {android.database.Cursor.class, java.lang.String.class, boolean.class, 101 android.os.Handler.class}ContentTypesTable.php git://github.com/QuickAppsCMS/QuickApps-CMS.git | PHP | 132 lines
20/** 21 * Represents "content_types" database table. 22 *ContentBlock.php https://gitlab.com/RonLab1987/YupePlusClear | PHP | 240 lines
64 /** 65 * @return string the associated database table name 66 */contentcodes.class.php https://github.com/pijulius/jcore.git | PHP | 316 lines
254 'SQL_HOST', 255 'SQL_DATABASE', 256 'SQL_USER',content_index_database.h https://github.com/chromium/chromium.git | C Header | 191 lines
4 5#ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_CONTENT_INDEX_CONTENT_INDEX_DATABASE_H_ 6#define CONTENT_BROWSER_CONTENT_INDEX_CONTENT_INDEX_DATABASE_H_ 32 33// Handles interacting with the Service Worker Database for Content Index 34// entries. This is owned by the ContentIndexContext. 34// entries. This is owned by the ContentIndexContext. 35class CONTENT_EXPORT ContentIndexDatabase { 36 public: 36 public: 37 ContentIndexDatabase( 38 BrowserContext* browser_context, 40 41 ContentIndexDatabase(const ContentIndexDatabase&) = delete; 42 ContentIndexDatabase& operator=(const ContentIndexDatabase&) = delete;content_settings_observer.h https://bitbucket.org/peixuan/chromium_r197479_base.git | C Header | 113 lines
46 // These correspond to WebKit::WebPermissionClient methods. 47 bool AllowDatabase(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, 48 const WebKit::WebString& name,content.php https://gitlab.com/elasa/vb-elasa.ir | PHP | 205 lines
95 * The id passed will usually be the primary key of the model data in the 96 * database but as this is model specific it can be interpreted in other ways. 97 *ContentValues.java https://gitlab.com/drgroovestarr/frameworks_base | Java | 533 lines
429 // for booleans is an integer with a value of 0 or 1. Without this check, boolean 430 // values obtained via DatabaseUtils#cursorRowToContentValues will always return 431 // false.ContentProviderClient.java https://gitlab.com/drgroovestarr/frameworks_base | Java | 595 lines
21import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; 22import android.database.CrossProcessCursorWrapper; 23import android.database.Cursor;ContentQueryMapTest.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 373 lines
22import android.content.ContentValues; 23import android.database.Cursor; 24import android.os.Handler;ContentImporter.php https://github.com/lloc/Multisite-Language-Switcher.git | PHP | 371 lines
352 * 353 * Empty posts would not be saved to database but it's fine if in 354 * the context of a content import as it will be populated.ContentHandler.java https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra.git | Java | 215 lines
50 * within the versioned file-system. The specified domainObj 51 * will become associated with the newly created database. 52 * @param fs the file system in which to create the folder item 139 * @return the set of changes that were made 140 * @throws VersionException if a database version change prevents reading of data. 141 * @throws IOException if a folder item access error occurs or change set wasContentFolder.cs https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxAPI.git | C# | 340 lines
319 // Move items 320 Editor.Instance.ContentDatabase.Move(_dragOverItems.Objects, this); 321 result = DragDropEffect.Move;content_history_backend_db_unittest.cc https://github.com/chromium/chromium.git | C++ | 134 lines
15// the history backend (since there is a lot of logic) but gets can come 16// directly from the HistoryDatabase. This is because the backend generally 17// has no logic in the getter except threading stuff, which we don't want 103 << "\"." << std::endl 104 << "**This will cause database conflicts with persisted values**" 105 << std::endl 114 << cur_reason.value << ")" << std::endl 115 << "This may cause database conflicts with persisted values" 116 << std::endlcontent.php https://bitbucket.org/adatux_/uakami.git | PHP | 1139 lines
130 __( $this->pluginname, $this->hook ) . ' - ' . __( 'Change Database Prefix', $this->hook ), 131 __( 'Database Prefix', $this->hook ), 132 $this->accesslvl, 369 array( __( 'Before You Begin', $this->hook ), 'databasebackup_content_1' ), //information to prevent the user from getting in trouble 370 array( __( 'Backup Your WordPress Database', $this->hook ), 'databasebackup_content_2' ), //backup switch 371 array( __( 'Schedule Automated Backups', $this->hook ), 'databasebackup_content_3' ), //scheduled backup options 390 array( __( 'Before You Begin', $this->hook ), 'databaseprefix_content_1' ), //information to prevent the user from getting in trouble 391 array( __( 'Change The Database Prefix', $this->hook ), 'databaseprefix_content_2' ) //databaseprefix options 392 ), 525 array( __( 'Before You Begin', $this->hook ), 'logs_content_1' ), //information to prevent the user from getting in trouble 526 array( __( 'Clean Database', $this->hook ), 'logs_content_2' ), //Clean Database 527 array( __( 'Current Lockouts', $this->hook ), 'logs_content_3' ), //Current Lockouts log 675 <?php } else { ?> 676 <span style="color: blue;"><?php _e( 'You are not scheduling regular backups of your WordPress database.', $this->hook ); ?> <a href="admin.php?page=better-wp-security-databasebackup"><?php _e( 'Click here to fix.', $this->hook ); ?></a></span> 677 <?php } ?>ContentProviderTest.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3288_r-box_android4.4.2_sdk | Java | 349 lines
24import android.database.Cursor; 25import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; 26import android.net.Uri; 45 protected void tearDown() throws Exception { 46 mContext.deleteDatabase(TEST_DB_NAME); 47 mContext.deleteFile(TEST_FILE_NAME); 302 private class OpenFileContentProvider extends ContentProvider { 303 private SQLiteDatabase mDb; 304 305 OpenFileContentProvider(String fileName, String dbName) { 306 // delete the database if it already exists 307 mContext.deleteDatabase(dbName); 307 mContext.deleteDatabase(dbName); 308 mDb = mContext.openOrCreateDatabase(dbName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); 309 mDb.execSQL("CREATE TABLE files ( _data TEXT );");ContentService.php https://gitlab.com/madebycloud/derekman | PHP | 447 lines
236 /** 237 * Saves a content model to the database. 238 *content.php https://github.com/Shigaru/shigaru.git | PHP | 138 lines
44 * @param object cpContentElement $content_element Content elements 45 * @return array Array of objects containing the data from the database 46 */ 52 53 $database = JFactory::getDBO(); 54 109 110 $database->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit); 111 $this->_list = $database->loadObjectList(); 113 // If there is a db query error, throw a HTTP 500 and exit 114 if ($database->getErrorNum()) { 115 JError::raiseError(500, $database->stderr()); 118 else{ 119 $database->setQuery('SELECT FOUND_ROWS();'); //no reloading the query! Just asking for total without limit 120 jimport('joomla.html.pagination');ContentCest.php https://github.com/Hackwar/joomla-cms.git | PHP | 148 lines
33 $desiredUserId = 3; 34 $I->updateInDatabase('users', ['id' => 3], []); 35 $I->updateInDatabase('user_usergroup_map', ['user_id' => 3], []); 37 $tokenData = ['user_id' => $desiredUserId, 'profile_key' => 'joomlatoken.token', 'profile_value' => 'dOi2m1NRrnBHlhaWK/WWxh3B5tqq1INbdf4DhUmYTI4=']; 38 $I->haveInDatabase('user_profiles', $enabledData); 39 $I->haveInDatabase('user_profiles', $tokenData); 74 'catid' => 2, 75 'articletext' => 'A dummy article to save to the database', 76 'language' => '*',content_model_spec.rb https://github.com/jjuglans/Webiva.git | Ruby | 143 lines
14 DataCache.reset_local_cache 15 connect_to_migrator_database 16 ContentModel.connection.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cms_spec_tests') 18 19 it "should be able to create a database table and a content type" do 20 cm = ContentModel.create(:name => 'spec_test') 73 DataCache.reset_local_cache 74 connect_to_migrator_database 75 ContentModel.connection.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cms_spec_tests')ContentDefinitionManagerTests.cs https://bitbucket.org/oleg_ator/orchard.test.git | C# | 249 lines
21 public class ContentDefinitionManagerTests { 22 private string _databaseFileName; 23 private ISessionFactory _sessionFactory; 28 public void InitFixture() { 29 _databaseFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); 30 _sessionFactory = DataUtility.CreateSessionFactory( 30 _sessionFactory = DataUtility.CreateSessionFactory( 31 _databaseFileName, 32 typeof(ContentTypeDefinitionRecord), 78 public void TermFixture() { 79 File.Delete(_databaseFileName); 80 }Content.php https://bitbucket.org/ferOnti/processmaker.git | PHP | 142 lines
122 { 123 $conn = Propel::getConnection(ContentPeer::DATABASE_NAME); 124content.md https://gitlab.com/apachipa/docs | Markdown | 102 lines
30 314. If this is a new database, you'll need to run `upgrade` 32 77 78Database credentials for your Postgres server. These values aren't needed if a linked `postgres` container exists. 79Content.php https://bitbucket.org/coolhihi/ccms.git | PHP | 208 lines
44 /** 45 * @return string the associated database table name 46 */content_types_controller_spec.rb https://github.com/next-l/enju_leaf.git | Ruby | 174 lines
111 content_type = ContentType.create! valid_attributes 112 # Assuming there are no other content_types in the database, this 113 # specifies that the ContentType created on the previous lineContentReviewQueueServiceImpl.java https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai.git | Java | 279 lines
62 * not be the best way to do this - perhaps use contentId as the primary 63 * key for now id is the primary key and so the database won't complain 64 * if we put in repeats necessitating the checkContentType.php https://gitlab.com/mktcode/widget-management-system | PHP | 203 lines
27 */ 28 protected $database; 29 53 * @param Config $config 54 * @param Database $database 55 * @param Routing $routing 56 */ 57 public function setServices(Config $config, Database $database, Routing $routing, Translator $translator) 58 { 59 $this->config = $config; 60 $this->database = $database; 61 $this->routing = $routing; 117 if (file_exists($formfile)) { 118 $content = $this->database->getLoader('App\Entity\Content')->load(['id' => $contentId]); 119 ob_start();ContentProviderProxy.java https://bitbucket.org/chaos_rom/miui_frameworks.git | Java | 469 lines
3import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; 4import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 5import android.net.Uri; 294 // ERROR // 295 public android.database.Cursor query(Uri paramUri, String[] paramArrayOfString1, String paramString1, String[] paramArrayOfString2, String paramString2, ICancellationSignal paramICancellationSignal) 296 throws RemoteException 363 // 134: aload 7 364 // 136: invokevirtual 190 android/database/BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor:getObserver ()Landroid/database/IContentObserver; 365 // 139: invokeinterface 194 1 0 383 // 184: aload 9 384 // 186: invokestatic 104 android/database/DatabaseUtils:readExceptionFromParcel (Landroid/os/Parcel;)V 385 // 189: aload 9 392 // 209: checkcast 202 android/database/BulkCursorDescriptor 393 // 212: invokevirtual 207 android/database/BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor:initialize (Landroid/database/BulkCursorDescriptor;)V 394 // 215: aload 8ContentProvider.java https://bitbucket.org/chaos_rom/miui_frameworks.git | Java | 520 lines
7import android.content.res.Configuration; 8import android.database.Cursor; 9import android.net.Uri; 275 { 276 Log.w("ContentProvider", "implement ContentProvider shutdown() to make sure all database connections are gracefully shutdown"); 277 }ContentManagerRemote.java https://github.com/metlos/RHQ-old.git | Java | 230 lines
127 * @param subject The logged in subject 128 * @return list of all architectures in the database 129 */content_message_generator.h https://gitlab.com/jonnialva90/iridium-browser | C Header | 74 lines
15#include "content/common/clipboard_messages.h" 16#include "content/common/database_messages.h" 17#include "content/common/device_sensors/device_light_messages.h"ContentController.spec.js https://github.com/popcorn-official/popcorn-api.git | JavaScript | 326 lines
10 ContentService, 11 Database, 12 PopApi 27/** 28 * Test suite for fetching content from the database. 29 * @param {!string} content - The content to test. 59 /** 60 * The database middleware from `pop-api`. 61 * @type {Database} 62 */ 63 let database: Database 64 89 90 database = new Database(PopApi, { 91 database: namecontent.php https://github.com/ProjectBenelux/Website.git | PHP | 234 lines
38 39 /** database record **/ 40 private $record; 203 204 /**** returns the database record 205 *ContentChangeTracker.cs https://github.com/lundbeck/n2cms.git | C# | 114 lines
23 24 public ContentChangeTracker(IAsyncIndexer indexer, IPersister persister, ConnectionMonitor connection, DatabaseSection config) 25 {content.php https://github.com/brettjamin/appleseed.git | PHP | 341 lines
139 140 // Grab the fields from the database. 141 $this->Fields(); 252 253 // Grab the fields from the database. 254 $this->Fields(); 334 335 // Grab the fields from the database. 336 $this->Fields();content.php https://github.com/ot2sen/Molajo.git | PHP | 270 lines
23 * 24 * @param database A database connector object 25 *ContentQueryMap.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 182 lines
18 19import android.database.ContentObserver; 20import android.database.Cursor; 29 * keeps the cache fresh by registering for updates on the content backing the cursor. The column of 30 * the database that is to be used as the key of the map is user-configurable, and the 31 * ContentValues contains all columns other than the one that is designated the key.ContentEngine.java https://github.com/jelford/360-Engine-for-Android.git | Java | 259 lines
30 31import com.vodafone360.people.database.DatabaseHelper; 32import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType; 53 * the super class 54 * @param dbHelper Instance of DatabaseHelper 55 */ 55 */ 56 public ContentEngine(final IEngineEventCallback eventCallback, final DatabaseHelper dbHelper) { 57 super(eventCallback); 77 /** 78 * Instance of DatabaseHelper. 79 */ 91 */ 92 public final DatabaseHelper getDatabaseHelper() { 93 return mDbHelper;ContentmapField.php https://github.com/Hackwar/joomla-cms.git | PHP | 127 lines
45 46 // Get the database object and a new query object. 47 $db = Factory::getDbo();ContentFilesystem.java https://gitlab.com/gregtyka/Ionic_Music_Player | Java | 215 lines
32import android.content.Context; 33import android.database.Cursor; 34import android.net.Uri;content_settings_observer.h https://gitlab.com/0072016/Facebook-SDK- | C Header | 166 lines
61 // blink::WebContentSettingsClient implementation. 62 bool allowDatabase(const blink::WebString& name, 63 const blink::WebString& display_name,ContentUIManagerBeanTest.java https://github.com/metlos/RHQ-old.git | Java | 335 lines
92 assert !composite.isPackageBitsAvailable(); 93 assert !composite.isPackageBitsInDatabase(); 94 106 assert composite.isPackageBitsAvailable(); 107 assert !composite.isPackageBitsInDatabase(); 108 126 assert composite.isPackageBitsAvailable(); 127 assert composite.isPackageBitsInDatabase(); 128 146 assert composite.isPackageBitsAvailable(); 147 assert composite.isPackageBitsInDatabase(); 148 154 assert !composite.isPackageBitsAvailable(); 155 assert !composite.isPackageBitsInDatabase(); 156ContentDatabase.cpp https://github.com/u-voelkel/fuppes.git | C++ | 405 lines
18object_id_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::m_objectId = 0; 19uint32_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::m_systemUpdateId = 0; 20 31 32ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase(Configuration& configuration, CFileDetails& fileDetails, Plugin::Manager& pluginManager, VirtualContainer::Manager& virtualContainerMgr) : 33 m_configuration(configuration), 43 44ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::~ContentDatabase() 45{ 81 82void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::insertDirectory(const std::string path, const std::string name, const object_id_t parentId, Database::ObjectManager& objMgr) 83{ 102 103void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::insertFile(const std::string path, const std::string name, const object_id_t parentId, Database::ObjectManager& objMgr) 104{ContentUploader.php https://gitlab.com/yousafsyed/easternglamor | PHP | 150 lines
8use Magento\MediaStorage\Helper\File\Storage; 9use Magento\MediaStorage\Helper\File\Storage\Database; 10use Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\Uploader; 52 /** 53 * @param Database $coreFileStorageDb 54 * @param Storage $coreFileStorage 60 public function __construct( 61 Database $coreFileStorageDb, 62 Storage $coreFileStorage,ContentItem.class.php https://github.com/quinta/quintacms.git | PHP | 140 lines
7 * Object Relational Model. It represents the "content_item" table 8 * in the database, and extends from the code generated abstract ContentItemGen 9 * class, which contains all the basic CRUD-type functionality as well as 71 // Get the Database Object for this Class 72 $objDatabase = ContentItem::GetDatabase(); 73 73 74 // Properly Escape All Input Parameters using Database->SqlVariable() 75 $strParam1 = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($strParam1); 75 $strParam1 = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($strParam1); 76 $intParam2 = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($intParam2); 77 89 // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Result 90 $objDbResult = $objDatabase->Query($strQuery); 91 return ContentItem::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult);content_manager_unittest.cpp https://github.com/wrimle/booxsdk.git | C++ | 410 lines
26 27/// Open database that does not exist. 28/// Results: It can create a new database. 39 40/// Open database on readonly file system like CDROM. 41/// Results: It throws exception. Not sure where to catch it 48 49/// Put a new content into the database and query it. 50TEST(ContentManagerTest, GetContentNodeByName) 84 85/// Put a new content into the database and query it by url. 86TEST(ContentManagerTest, GetContentNodeByUrl)content.hxx https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/libreoffice.git | C++ Header | 154 lines
56 57 class Databases; 58 80 ::com::sun::star::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier, 81 Databases* pDatabases ); 82 125 URLParameter m_aURLParameter; 126 Databases* m_pDatabases; 127content-provider.ftl https://github.com/greenrobot/greenDAO.git | Freemarker Template | 221 lines
14import org.greenrobot.greendao.DaoLog; 15import org.greenrobot.greendao.database.StandardDatabase; 16import org.greenrobot.greendao.database.Database; 67 68 protected Database getDatabase() { 69 if(daoSession == null) { 112 int uriType = sURIMatcher.match(uri); 113 Database db = getDatabase(); 114 int rowsDeleted = 0; 148 int uriType = sURIMatcher.match(uri); 149 Database db = getDatabase(); 150 int rowsUpdated = 0; 196 197 Database db = getDatabase(); 198 Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.query(((StandardDatabase) db).getSQLiteDatabase(), projection, selection,ContentResolverTest.java https://github.com/Macarse/robolectric.git | Java | 127 lines
5import android.content.ContentValues; 6import android.database.Cursor; 7import android.net.Uri; 8import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.WithTestDefaultsRunner; 9import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.tester.android.database.TestCursor; 10import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; 42 public void insert_shouldReturnIncreasingUris() throws Exception { 43 shadowContentResolver.setNextDatabaseIdForInserts(21); 44ContentProviderNative.java https://bitbucket.org/chaos_rom/miui_frameworks.git | Java | 240 lines
3import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; 4import android.database.BulkCursorDescriptor; 5import android.database.Cursor; 6import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; 7import android.database.DatabaseUtils; 8import android.database.IContentObserver; 8import android.database.IContentObserver; 9import android.database.IContentObserver.Stub; 10import android.net.Uri; 125 { 126 DatabaseUtils.writeExceptionToParcel(paramParcel2, localException); 127 bool = true;ContentRepository.Parser.cs https://github.com/siteserver/cms.git | C# | 537 lines
148 149 private async Task<List<ContentSummary>> GetContentsDataSourceAsync(IDatabaseManager databaseManager, Site site, int channelId, int contentId, string groupContent, string groupContentNot, string tags, bool isImageExists, bool isImage, bool isVideoExists, bool isVideo, bool isFileExists, bool isFile, bool isRelatedContents, int startNum, int totalNum, string orderByString, bool isTopExists, bool isTop, bool isRecommendExists, bool isRecommend, bool isHotExists, bool isHot, bool isColorExists, bool isColor, ScopeType scopeType, string groupChannel, string groupChannelNot, NameValueCollection others) 150 { 170 171 public async Task<List<ContentSummary>> GetSummariesAsync(IDatabaseManager databaseManager, Site site, int channelId, int contentId, string groupContent, string groupContentNot, string tags, bool isImageExists, bool isImage, bool isVideoExists, bool isVideo, bool isFileExists, bool isFile, bool isRelatedContents, int startNum, int totalNum, string orderByString, bool isTopExists, bool isTop, bool isRecommendExists, bool isRecommend, bool isHotExists, bool isHot, bool isColorExists, bool isColor, ScopeType scopeType, string groupChannel, string groupChannelNot, NameValueCollection others) 172 { 245 .WhereNot(nameof(Content.GroupNames), groupContent) 246 .WhereNotInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent}") 247 .WhereNotInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent},") 257 .Where(nameof(Content.TagNames), tagName) 258 .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $",{tagName}") 259 .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $",{tagName},") 259 .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $",{tagName},") 260 .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $"{tagName},")); 261 }ContentResolver.java https://github.com/sefirot/androidStuff.git | Java | 115 lines
7 8import android.database.ContentObserver; 9import android.database.Cursor;content_filters_pb2.py https://github.com/mmcloughlin/finsky.git | Python | 289 lines
8from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection 9from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database 10from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 12 13_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() 14Person.html http://hoipolloi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | HTML | 2309 lines
This is a documentation page for a Java class, likely used for testing and debugging purposes. It displays information about the class’s methods, parameters, and return types in a formatted table. The page also includes navigation links and a summary of the package. The content is written in HTML and uses various tags to format the text and layout.
104<P> 105The Person Class stores people objects and has methods to send and retrieve their information from the database. 106<P> 269<BR> 270 The Person ID for this Person in the Database</TD> 271</TR> 331<BR> 332 Creates a new instance of Person given a Person ID and populates it from the database.</TD> 333</TR> 622<CODE>protected boolean</CODE></FONT></TD> 623<TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../hoipolloi/Person.html#loadFromDatabase()">loadFromDatabase</A></B>()</CODE> 624 671<CODE> boolean</CODE></FONT></TD> 672<TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../hoipolloi/Person.html#saveToDatabase()">saveToDatabase</A></B>()</CODE> 673sqliteAdapter.php http://swx-format.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 50 lines
This PHP code defines a class sqliteAdapter
that extends RecordSetAdapter
. It creates an adapter for interacting with SQLite databases, allowing data to be retrieved and translated into specific local variables. The adapter sets up properties such as column names and rows from the database, making it easier to work with the data in other parts of the application.
2/** 3 * This Adapter translates the specific Database type links to the data and pulls the data into very 4 * specific local variables to later be retrieved by the gateway and returned to the client.