100+ results for 'os.system mplayer %s'
Not the results you expected?
CameraSound.java (https://github.com/Kali-/android_frameworks_base.git) Java · 217 lines
20 import android.media.MediaPlayer;
21 import android.os.SystemProperties;
22 import android.util.Log;
112 private int mSoundId;
113 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
114 private Thread mThread;
146 }
147 mPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
148 try {
149 mPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED);
150 mPlayer.setDataSource(soundFilePath);
151 mPlayer.setLooping(false);
152 mPlayer.prepare();
MediaThrottler.java (https://gitlab.com/jonnialva90/iridium-browser) Java · 218 lines
11 import android.os.Looper;
12 import android.os.SystemClock;
35 // Watch dog player. Used to listen to all media server crashes.
36 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
71 synchronized (mLock) {
72 if (mRequestCount == 0 && mPlayer != null) {
73 mPlayer.release();
74 mPlayer = null;
75 }
104 synchronized (mLock) {
105 if (mPlayer != null || mRequestCount == 0) return null;
106 mPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(mContext, R.raw.empty);
HardwareLayersUpdatesPreferenceControllerTest.java (https://gitlab.com/SkyDragon-OSP/platform_packages_apps_settings) Java · 101 lines
Timer.java (https://github.com/tigerking/sudoku-grabber.git) Java · 289 lines
LaunchActivity.java (https://github.com/gerges/apollo67.git) Java · 143 lines
16 import android.os.PowerManager;
17 import android.os.SystemClock;
18 import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;
60 am.setRepeating(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, firstTime, 300*1000, mCamcorderSender);
61 MediaPlayer mPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.launch_countdown);
62 mPlayer.start();
TransitionDrawable.java (https://github.com/richardfickling/android_frameworks_base.git) Java · 255 lines
plugNetwork2SVM.py (https://github.com/lisa-lab/PLearn.git) Python · 121 lines
PickContact.java (https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_rk3066_r-box_android4.4.2_sdk) Java · 114 lines
import_maps.py (https://github.com/cholmes/mapstory.git) Python · 143 lines
expcleanup.py (https://github.com/lisa-lab/PLearn.git) Python · 115 lines
s.java (https://github.com/HelloHuDi/AndroidReverseNotes.git) Java · 275 lines
quantize-constituency-model.ipynb (https://github.com/huseinzol05/Malaya.git) Jupyter · 471 lines
Visualization1.java (https://github.com/MIPS/packages-wallpapers-MusicVisualization.git) Java · 186 lines
pytorch_tests.py (https://github.com/Tessellate-Imaging/monk_v1.git) Python · 1129 lines
AccuTime_Statistic.py (https://gitlab.com/m10774708/dotcode) Python · 746 lines
140 #print("seconds:", seconds, "i_count:", i_count, "try", i_try, "i_correct:", i_correct/i_count)
141 #os.system("pause")
142 AccuTime_sta_dict = {"gameCode":game,
330 #print("seconds:", seconds, "i_count:", i_count, "try", i_try, "correct:", i_correct/i_count)
331 #os.system("pause")
332 AccuTime_sta_dict = {"gameCode":game,
TimeRange.java (https://gitlab.com/gossiks/bormotushek) Java · 202 lines
Metronome.py (https://github.com/litdream/Metronome.git) Python · 143 lines
MediaPlayerGlueTest.java (https://gitlab.com/SkyDragon-OSP/platform_frameworks_support) Java · 142 lines
IWifiStaIface.java (https://github.com/SivanLiu/HwFrameWorkSource.git) Java · 1218 lines
Amarok.py (https://github.com/csuarez/emesene-1.6.3-fixed.git) Python · 120 lines
backend_driver.py (https://github.com/ericliang/matplotlib.git) Python · 107 lines
mesh_mount_stl.py (https://gitlab.com/Aaeinstein54/specfem3d) Python · 198 lines
33 os.system('rm -f topo_brick.stl topo_vol.stl topo_vol2.stl')
120 os.system('awk \'BEGIN{print \"solid Body_1\";}{if($0 !~ /solid/) print $0;}END{print \"endsolid Body_1\";}\' topo_vol.stl > topo_vol2.stl')
121 #checks if new file available
187 # cleanup
188 os.system('rm -f topo_brick.stl topo_vol.stl topo_vol2.stl')
192 os.system('mkdir -p MESH')
193 cubit2specfem3d.export2SPECFEM3D('MESH')
PlaylistItem.java (https://gitlab.com/vicidroiddev/platform_development) Java · 130 lines
EmergencyTonePlayer.java (https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_services_Telephony) Java · 133 lines
C8675b.java (https://github.com/HelloHuDi/AndroidReverseNotes.git) Java · 146 lines
PhoneDisplayMessage.java (https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_services_Telephony) Java · 102 lines
ui.py (https://github.com/Shaywei/Innovation.git) Python · 157 lines
agg_tests.py (https://github.com/pnnl/safekit.git) Python · 259 lines
29 print('\n\ncert dnn autoencoder w/diag covariance, batch norm, input norm, replay\n\n\n')
30 ok = os.system('python %s/dnn_agg.py %scert_head.csv /tmp %s/cert_all_in_all_out_agg.json -dist diag -norm batch -replay 2>> %s' % (modelpath, args.cert_datapath, specpath, args.logfile))
31 num_finished += ok == 0
36 print('\n\ncert dnn autoencoder w/diag covariance, batch norm, input norm\n\n\n')
37 ok = os.system('python %s/dnn_agg.py %scert_head.csv /tmp %s/cert_all_in_all_out_agg.json -dist diag -input_norm -alpha 0.5 -norm batch 2>> %s' % (modelpath, args.cert_datapath, specpath, args.logfile))
38 num_finished += ok == 0
43 print('\n\ncert dnn autoencoder w/diag covariance, layer norm, input norm\n\n\n')
44 ok = os.system('python %s/dnn_agg.py %scert_head.csv /tmp %s/cert_all_in_all_out_agg.json -dist diag -input_norm -alpha 0.5 -norm layer 2>> %s' % (modelpath, args.cert_datapath, specpath, args.logfile))
45 num_finished += ok == 0
50 print('\n\ncert dnn autoencoder w/ identity covariance, no model norm, input norm\n\n\n')
51 ok = os.system('python %s/dnn_agg.py %scert_head.csv /tmp %s/cert_all_in_all_out_agg.json -dist ident -input_norm -alpha 0.5 2>> %s' % (modelpath, args.cert_datapath, specpath, args.logfile))
52 num_finished += ok == 0
57 print('\n\ncert dnn autoencoder w/ full covariance, no model norm, no input norm\n\n\n')
58 ok = os.system('python %s/dnn_agg.py %scert_head.csv /tmp %s/cert_all_in_all_out_agg.json -dist full -input_norm -alpha 0.5 2>> %s' % (modelpath, args.cert_datapath, specpath, args.logfile))
59 num_finished += ok == 0
test_update_normal.py (https://github.com/Tessellate-Imaging/monk_v1.git) Python · 354 lines
16 if(not os.path.isdir("datasets")):
17 os.system("! wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt \"https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1rG-U1mS8hDU7_wM56a1kc-li_zHLtbq2' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1rG-U1mS8hDU7_wM56a1kc-li_zHLtbq2\" -O datasets.zip && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt")
18 os.system("! unzip -qq datasets.zip")
DummyPlayer.java (https://gitlab.com/0072016/Facebook-SDK-) Java · 236 lines
hookutils.py (https://github.com/Kapernikov/Erfgoedstats.git) Python · 90 lines
TelephonyProperties.java (https://github.com/integralnd/android_frameworks_base.git) Java · 112 lines
C6828d.java (https://github.com/HelloHuDi/AndroidReverseNotes.git) Java · 140 lines
backend_driver.py (https://github.com/ericliang/matplotlib.git) Python · 131 lines
MediaSourceEventListener.java (https://github.com/Zeus64/alcinoe.git) Java · 491 lines
hangman.py (https://github.com/nielsbom/Hangman.git) Python · 138 lines
Boggle.java (https://bitbucket.org/liuzzi/demo-android-app.git) Java · 143 lines
GetReady.java (https://gitlab.com/14cpark/wmp-lab-lineup) Java · 120 lines
magnetizer.py (https://github.com/aleray/datateb.git) Python · 95 lines
AlbumsPlaybackStress.java (https://github.com/yeffel/android_packages_apps_Music.git) Java · 91 lines
Canvas.py (https://github.com/engineer-man/youtube.git) Python · 323 lines
129 globVar.numPlayers = int(n)
131 if globVar.numPlayers < 2:
132 random.seed(a=None)
133 if globVar.numPlayers == 0:
134 globVar.noPlayers = True
215 if platform.system() == "Linux":
216 os.system("clear")
217 if platform.system() == "Darwin":
218 os.system("clear")
219 elif platform.system() == "Windows":
RotateTwoLaunchedAppsRotateAndEnterAppPairsMode.kt (https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base.git) Kotlin · 116 lines
pforensic.py (https://github.com/m4n3dw0lf/pythem.git) Python · 193 lines
minesweeper_dependencies.py (https://gitlab.com/Nunuvin/minesweeper) Python · 198 lines
gradual-prg.py (https://github.com/litdream/Metronome.git) Python · 43 lines
AsyncPlayer.java (https://bitbucket.org/chaos_rom/miui_frameworks.git) Java · 189 lines
6 import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock;
7 import android.os.SystemClock;
8 import android.util.Log;
16 private final LinkedList<Command> mCmdQueue = new LinkedList();
17 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
18 private int mState = 2;
62 localMediaPlayer.start();
63 if (this.mPlayer != null)
64 this.mPlayer.release();
65 this.mPlayer = localMediaPlayer;
66 long l = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - paramCommand.requestTime;
150 continue;
151 if (AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer != null)
152 {
Logger.java (https://github.com/zhaolewei/MusicVisualizer.git) Java · 282 lines
GameSoundPlayer.java (https://gitlab.com/smcdermott25/NightOfTheLivingGoat) Java · 62 lines
RunningSessionActivity.java (https://github.com/andyskw/Shisha-Manager.git) Java · 191 lines
AsyncPlayer.java (https://github.com/dstmath/HWFramework.git) Java · 186 lines
7 import android.os.PowerManager;
8 import android.os.SystemClock;
9 import android.util.Log;
16 private final LinkedList<Command> mCmdQueue = new LinkedList<>();
17 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
18 private int mState = 2;
49 player.start();
50 if (this.mPlayer != null) {
51 this.mPlayer.release();
52 }
53 this.mPlayer = player;
54 long delay = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - cmd.requestTime;
80 } else if (i == 2) {
81 if (AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer != null) {
82 long delay = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - cmd.requestTime;
SystemClock.java (https://github.com/NekoX-Dev/NekoX.git) Java · 55 lines
SystemClock.java (https://gitlab.com/gossiks/bormotushek) Java · 28 lines
MediaPlayerGlueTest.java (https://github.com/androidx/androidx.git) Java · 142 lines
DisplayDevice.java (https://github.com/SivanLiu/HwFrameWorkSource.git) Java · 195 lines
C41613s.java (https://github.com/HelloHuDi/AndroidReverseNotes.git) Java · 292 lines
AsyncPlayer.java (https://github.com/wildfirechat/android-chat.git) Java · 185 lines
16 import android.os.PowerManager;
17 import android.os.SystemClock;
18 import android.util.Log;
58 player.start();
59 if (mPlayer != null) {
60 mPlayer.stop();
61 mPlayer.release();
62 }
63 mPlayer = player;
64 } catch (IOException e) {
91 Log.e(mTag, "STOP CMD");
92 if (mPlayer != null) {
93 Log.e("AsyncPlayer", "mediaPlayer stop & release");
PlaylistPlayer.java (https://github.com/jsjohnst/moby-scheme.git) Java · 128 lines
RandomTrackSelection.java (https://github.com/TelePlusDev/TelePlus-Android.git) Java · 132 lines
musicplayer.py (https://gitlab.com/Rakowski/linsw_zad4) Python · 85 lines
RepeatingImageButton.java (https://github.com/PhoenixDevTeam/Phoenix-for-VK.git) Java · 161 lines
views.py (https://github.com/dennisjlee/icenine.git) Python · 76 lines
VideoPlayerContainer.java (https://github.com/18Gray/ProCamera.git) Java · 211 lines
SystemStateMgr.cs (https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx.git) C# · 106 lines
voip.py (https://github.com/levigross/Scapy.git) Python · 150 lines
layerStackContextMenu.py (https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD.git) Python · 219 lines
SubtitleRenderer.java (https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/MultimediaForAndroidLibrary.git) Java · 239 lines
VideoView.java (https://github.com/dstmath/HWFramework.git) Java · 101 lines
MediaServerCrashListener.java (https://github.com/chromium/chromium.git) Java · 109 lines
7 import android.media.MediaPlayer;
8 import android.os.SystemClock;
25 // Watchdog player. Used to listen to all media server crashes.
26 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
49 public void releaseWatchdog() {
50 if (mPlayer == null) return;
52 mPlayer.release();
53 mPlayer = null;
57 public boolean startListening() {
58 if (mPlayer != null) return true;
handler.py (https://github.com/mackstann/htpicker.git) Python · 126 lines
65 os.system(command + ' &')
70 # the above "should" work but results in a mysterious situation
71 # on my eeepc: mplayer outputs one line ("MPlayer SVN-r29237-4.4.1
72 # (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team") to the shell, and then everything
73 # stops. mplayer is hung, and htpicker has mysteriously received a
74 # SIGSTOP from somewhere. i don't get it AT ALL.
backend_driver.py (https://github.com/ericliang/matplotlib.git) Python · 124 lines
MediaAppPlaybackState.java (https://github.com/alexa/aac-sdk.git) Java · 201 lines
Clock.java (https://gitlab.com/gossiks/bormotushek) Java · 31 lines
azucar.py (https://github.com/lesthack/azucar.git) Python · 81 lines
musicplayer.py (https://gitlab.com/Rakowski/linsw_zad4) Python · 109 lines
GifView.kt (https://github.com/Cutta/GifView.git) Kotlin · 227 lines
converting.py (https://github.com/MechanisM/YTupload.git) Python · 69 lines
paths.py (https://code.google.com/p/sugar-clic/) Python · 104 lines
jtvepg.py (https://github.com/technic/iptvdream.git) Python · 95 lines
scale.py (https://github.com/ARM-software/SCALE-Sim.git) Python · 206 lines
136 if not os.path.exists("./outputs/"):
137 os.system("mkdir ./outputs")
147 if not os.path.exists(path):
148 os.system("mkdir " + path)
149 else:
151 new_path= path + "_" + str(t)
152 os.system("mv " + path + " " + new_path)
153 os.system("mkdir " + path)
156 cmd = "mv *.csv " + path
157 os.system(cmd)
159 cmd = "mkdir " + path +"/layer_wise"
160 os.system(cmd)
AmisGuiGtk.py (https://github.com/daisy/amis.git) Python · 92 lines
__init__.py (https://gitlab.com/Aituglo/Onyx) Python · 88 lines
views.py (https://github.com/neskie/Secwepemc-Radio.git) Python · 122 lines
89 def play(request):
90 os.system("ssh -i %s -p %d %s@%s 'source init_dbus.sh; rhythmbox-client --play'" % (IDENTITY_FILE, PORT, USER, REMOTE_HOST))
91 return HttpResponseRedirect('/rb/player/')
94 def pause(request):
95 os.system("ssh -i %s -p %d %s@%s 'source init_dbus.sh; rhythmbox-client --pause'" % (IDENTITY_FILE, PORT, USER, REMOTE_HOST))
96 return HttpResponseRedirect('/rb/player/')
99 def next(request):
100 os.system("ssh -i %s -p %d %s@%s 'source init_dbus.sh; rhythmbox-client --next'" % (IDENTITY_FILE, PORT, USER, REMOTE_HOST))
101 return HttpResponseRedirect('/rb/player/')
PicturePlayerView1.java (https://github.com/a483210/PicturePlayerView.git) Java · 124 lines
train_mnist.py (https://gitlab.com/alvinahmadov2/mxnet) Python · 122 lines
test_play_music.py (https://github.com/Melissa-AI/Melissa-Core.git) Python · 200 lines
ArtistAdapter.kt (https://github.com/Charlieras262/BeatPlayer.git) Kotlin · 136 lines
spotify-lyrics.py (https://github.com/metalelf0/dot-files.git) Python · 58 lines
TimeRange.java (https://github.com/pwrtelegram/pwrtelegram-app.git) Java · 203 lines
Connect4.py (https://github.com/JoryD/Connect4AI.git) Python · 323 lines
61 os.system('cls||echo -e \\\\033c')
207 if showPotentialWinner(board): return
208 Drop(board, getMoveFromPlayer(board), CIRCLE_RED)
209 printGameBoard(board)
219 if showPotentialWinner(board): return
220 Drop(board, getMoveFromPlayer(board, CIRCLE_RED), CIRCLE_RED)
242 def getMoveFromPlayer(b, color):
243 potentialPlayerMove = -1
266 if showPotentialWinner(board): return
267 Drop(board, getMoveFromPlayer(board, CIRCLE_RED), CIRCLE_RED)
268 printGameBoard(board)
AdaptiveMediaSourceEventListener.java (https://github.com/ButterflyTV/ExoPlayer-with-RTMP-and-FLV-seek.git) Java · 323 lines
train.py (https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models.git) Python · 78 lines
RecordAudioFragment.kt (https://github.com/nglauber/dominando_android3.git) Kotlin · 141 lines
convex_hull.py (https://github.com/ranahanocka/point2mesh.git) Python · 99 lines
PlaylistItem.java (https://github.com/android/media-samples.git) Java · 130 lines
MusicCommentTitleView.java (https://github.com/Yuye584312311/iMusic.git) Java · 136 lines
PlaybackManager.java (https://github.com/vpaliyX/Melophile.git) Java · 272 lines
RootDetectReport.java (https://github.com/dstmath/HWFramework.git) Java · 168 lines
default.py (https://github.com/elum/OpenELEC.tv.git) Python · 23 lines
AsyncPlayer.java (https://github.com/SivanLiu/HwFrameWorkSource.git) Java · 210 lines
7 import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock;
8 import android.os.SystemClock;
9 import android.util.Log;
16 private final LinkedList<Command> mCmdQueue = new LinkedList();
17 private MediaPlayer mPlayer;
18 private int mState = 2;
67 case 2:
68 if (AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer == null) {
69 Log.w(AsyncPlayer.this.mTag, "STOP command without a player");
80 }
81 AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer.stop();
82 AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer.release();
83 AsyncPlayer.this.mPlayer = null;
84 break;