PageRenderTime 1019ms queryTime 114ms sortTime 378ms getByIdsTime 27ms findMatchingLines 19ms

100+ results results for 'while' (1019 ms)

Not the results you expected? git:// | Java | 321 lines
277		while (filterPos < filterLen && topicPos < topicLen) {
278			if (topicFilter.charAt(filterPos) == '#') {
293				int nextpos = topicPos + 1;
294				while (nextpos < topicLen && topicName.charAt(nextpos) != '/')
295					nextpos = ++topicPos + 1;
formal_pbt.tex git:// | LaTeX | 254 lines
105Of course, if the property evaluates to $\True$, we say that the 
106property holds (is a successful test evaluation), while for $\False$,
107a failure.  But this is not the only method by which a test can ``fail'':
179While a test suite is any collection of tests, this does not mean that each
180of these will actually be run.  We can use different methods of choosing 
metastrings_expand.d git:// | D | 386 lines
128            size_t eaten = 0;
129            while (eaten < s.length && pred(s[eaten]))
130                ++eaten;
210                    tail);
211                while (s.exist && !s.chomp(`"`))
212                {
237                    tail);
238                while (s.exist && !s.chomp("`"))
239                {
262                    tail);
263                while (s.exist && !s.chomp(`"`))
264                {
371            while (exist && mixin(endCheck))
372            {
        git:// | Java | 501 lines
90		while(activityStackIterator.hasNext()){
91			Activity  activity =;
178		Iterator<WeakReference<Activity>> activityStackIterator = activityStack.iterator();
179		while(activityStackIterator.hasNext()){
180			Activity activityFromWeakReference =;
259				Activity activity = activityMonitor.getLastActivity();
260				while (activity == null){
261					sleeper.sleepMini();
338		if(found){
339			while(!getCurrentActivity().getClass().getSimpleName().equals(name))
340			{
480		public void run() {
481			while (shouldMonitor()) {
482				monitorActivities();
        git:// | Java | 395 lines
276   * This may occur if a task is eligible to be dequeued, but has
277   * not yet been, while some other task is added with a delay of
278   * Long.MAX_VALUE.
        | Java | 346 lines
71		int len;
72		while ((len = != -1) {
73			out.write(buf, 0, len);
84		boolean startOfLine = true, tilde = false, interrupted = true;
85		while (true) {
86			if (interrupted && job.length > 3) {
160				int b;
161				while ((b = != -1) {
162					signalStream.write(b);
188		File pwd = new File(".").getCanonicalFile();
189		while (true) {
190			pout.print("! ");
192			String cmd = in.readLine();
193			while (cmd.indexOf("\0$") != -1) {
194				cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmd.indexOf("\0$")) + cmd.substring(cmd.indexOf("\0$") + 2);
ArrayAdapter.php git:// | PHP | 393 lines
216            // Iterate items and vacuum expired ones while we are at it
217            foreach ($this->values as $k => $v) {
        git:// | Java | 255 lines
74    Set<String> randomTerms = new HashSet<>();
75    while (randomTerms.size() < numTerms) {
76      randomTerms.add(TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random()));
        git:// | Java | 271 lines
211        int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();
212        while ((eventCode = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT
213                && (eventCode != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) {
node-event-simulate-coverage.js git:// | JavaScript | 14 lines
9if (!__coverage__['build/node-event-simulate/node-event-simulate.js']) {
10   __coverage__['build/node-event-simulate/node-event-simulate.js'] = {"path":"build/node-event-simulate/node-event-simulate.js","s":{"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0},"b":{},"f":{"1":0,"2":0,"3":0},"fnMap":{"1":{"name":"(anonymous_1)","line":1,"loc":{"start":{"line":1,"column":31},"end":{"line":1,"column":50}}},"2":{"name":"(anonymous_2)","line":16,"loc":{"start":{"line":16,"column":28},"end":{"line":16,"column":53}}},"3":{"name":"(anonymous_3)","line":181,"loc":{"start":{"line":181,"column":35},"end":{"line":181,"column":64}}}},"statementMap":{"1":{"start":{"line":1,"column":0},"end":{"line":187,"column":80}},"2":{"start":{"line":16,"column":0},"end":{"line":19,"column":2}},"3":{"start":{"line":18,"column":4},"end":{"line":18,"column":61}},"4":{"start":{"line":181,"column":0},"end":{"line":184,"column":2}},"5":{"start":{"line":183,"column":4},"end":{"line":183,"column":53}}},"branchMap":{},"code":["(function () { YUI.add('node-event-simulate', function (Y, NAME) {","","/**"," * Adds functionality to simulate events."," * @module node"," * @submodule node-event-simulate"," */","","/**"," * Simulates an event on the node."," * @param {String} type The type of event (i.e., \"click\")."," * @param {Object} options (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object."," * @for Node"," * @method simulate"," */","Y.Node.prototype.simulate = function (type, options) {","","    Y.Event.simulate(Y.Node.getDOMNode(this), type, options);","};","","/**"," * Simulates the higher user level gesture of the given name on this node."," * This method generates a set of low level touch events(Apple specific gesture"," * events as well for the iOS platforms) asynchronously. Note that gesture"," * simulation is relying on `Y.Event.simulate()` method to generate"," * the touch events under the hood. The `Y.Event.simulate()` method"," * itself is a synchronous method."," *"," * Supported gestures are `tap`, `doubletap`, `press`, `move`, `flick`, `pinch`"," * and `rotate`."," *"," * The `pinch` gesture is used to simulate the pinching and spreading of two"," * fingers. During a pinch simulation, rotation is also possible. Essentially"," * `pinch` and `rotate` simulations share the same base implementation to allow"," * both pinching and rotation at the same time. The only difference is `pinch`"," * requires `start` and `end` option properties while `rotate` requires `rotation`"," * option property."," *"," * The `pinch` and `rotate` gestures can be described as placing 2 fingers along a"," * circle. Pinching and spreading can be described by start and end circles while"," * rotation occurs on a single circle. If the radius of the start circle is greater"," * than the end circle, the gesture becomes a pinch, otherwise it is a spread spread."," *"," * @example"," *"," *     var node =\"#target\");"," *"," *     // double tap example"," *     node.simulateGesture(\"doubletap\", function() {"," *         // my callback function"," *     });"," *"," *     // flick example from the center of the node, move 50 pixels down for 50ms)"," *     node.simulateGesture(\"flick\", {"," *         axis: y,"," *         distance: -100"," *         duration: 50"," *     }, function() {"," *         // my callback function"," *     });"," *"," *     // simulate rotating a node 75 degrees counter-clockwise"," *     node.simulateGesture(\"rotate\", {"," *         rotation: -75"," *     });"," *"," *     // simulate a pinch and a rotation at the same time."," *     // fingers start on a circle of radius 100 px, placed at top/bottom"," *     // fingers end on a circle of radius 50px, placed at right/left"," *     node.simulateGesture(\"pinch\", {"," *         r1: 100,"," *         r2: 50,"," *         start: 0"," *         rotation: 90"," *     });"," *"," * @method simulateGesture"," * @param {String} name The name of the supported gesture to simulate. The"," *      supported gesture name is one of \"tap\", \"doubletap\", \"press\", \"move\","," *      \"flick\", \"pinch\" and \"rotate\"."," * @param {Object} [options] Extra options used to define the gesture behavior:"," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `tap` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates"," *        where the tap should be simulated. Default is the center of the node"," *        element."," *      @param {Number} [options.hold=10] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds."," *        This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation."," *      @param {Number} [options.times=1] (Optional) Indicates the number of taps."," *      @param {Number} [options.delay=10] (Optional) The number of milliseconds"," *        before the next tap simulation happens. This is valid only when `times`"," *        is more than 1."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `doubletap` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates"," *        where the doubletap should be simulated. Default is the center of the"," *        node element."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `press` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates"," *        where the press should be simulated. Default is the center of the node"," *        element."," *      @param {Number} [options.hold=3000] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds."," *        This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation."," *        Default is 3000ms (3 seconds)."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `move` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Object} [options.path] (Optional) Indicates the path of the finger"," *        movement. It's an object with three optional properties: `point`,"," *        `xdist` and  `ydist`."," *        @param {Array} [options.path.point] A starting point of the gesture."," *          Default is the center of the node element."," *        @param {Number} [options.path.xdist=200] A distance to move in pixels"," *          along the X axis. A negative distance value indicates moving left."," *        @param {Number} [options.path.ydist=0] A distance to move in pixels"," *          along the Y axis. A negative distance value indicates moving up."," *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the"," *        gesture in milliseconds."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `flick` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x, y] coordinates"," *        where the flick should be simulated. Default is the center of the"," *        node element."," *      @param {String} [options.axis='x'] (Optional) Valid values are either"," *        \"x\" or \"y\". Indicates axis to move along. The flick can move to one of"," *        4 directions(left, right, up and down)."," *      @param {Number} [options.distance=200] (Optional) Distance to move in pixels"," *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the"," *        gesture in milliseconds. User given value could be automatically"," *        adjusted by the framework if it is below the minimum velocity to be"," *        a flick gesture."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `pinch` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where"," *        two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element."," *      @param {Number} [options.r1] (Required) Pixel radius of the start circle"," *        where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are"," *        centered at the center of the element."," *      @param {Number} [options.r2] (Required) Pixel radius of the end circle"," *        when this gesture ends."," *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the"," *        gesture in milliseconds."," *      @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first"," *        finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0"," *        (i.e., 12:00 on a clock)."," *      @param {Number} [options.rotation=0] (Optional) Degrees to rotate from"," *        the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the"," *        counter-clockwise direction."," *"," *      Valid options properties for the `rotate` gesture:"," *"," *      @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where"," *        two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element."," *      @param {Number} [options.r1] (Optional) Pixel radius of the start circle"," *        where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are"," *        centered at the center of the element. Default is a fourth of the node"," *        element width or height, whichever is smaller."," *      @param {Number} [options.r2] (Optional) Pixel radius of the end circle"," *        when this gesture ends. Default is a fourth of the node element width or"," *        height, whichever is smaller."," *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the"," *        gesture in milliseconds."," *      @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first"," *        finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0"," *        (i.e., 12:00 on a clock)."," *      @param {Number} [options.rotation] (Required) Degrees to rotate from"," *        the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the"," *        counter-clockwise direction."," *"," * @param {Function} [cb] The callback to execute when the asynchronouse gesture"," *      simulation is completed."," *      @param {Error} cb.err An error object if the simulation is failed."," * @for Node"," */","Y.Node.prototype.simulateGesture = function (name, options, cb) {","","    Y.Event.simulateGesture(this, name, options, cb);","};","","","}, '3.17.2', {\"requires\": [\"node-base\", \"event-simulate\", \"gesture-simulate\"]});","","}());"]};
StringUtils.cs | C# | 305 lines
68            int next;
69            while (maxComponents > 1 && i < str.Length && (next = str.IndexOf(separator, i)) != -1) {
99            int next;
100            while (maxComponents > 1 && i < str.Length && (next = str.IndexOfAny(separators, i)) != -1) {
129            int next;
130            while (maxComponents > 1 && i < str.Length && (next = IndexOfWhiteSpace(str, i)) != -1) {
151            while (start < str.Length && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[start])) start++;
171            int start = 0, len = lineWidth;
172            while (start != text.Length) {
173                if (len >= lineWidth) {
        | Java | 352 lines
43 * The level-0 queue has the highest priority
44 * while the level-<code>(<i>m</i>-1)</code> queue has the lowest.
45 * It uses a {@link} to
        | ActionScript | 418 lines
137			}
138		} while (p = p.getParentProcess());
139		parent = p;
include_exibe_produtos_em_promocao.asp | ASP | 241 lines
29    texto = texto & "</tr>"
30    While Not objRS_secoes.EOF
31      Set objRS_produtos = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
54		    n = 0
55		    While n = 0
56		      n = Int(Recno *Rnd)
80		  n = 0
81		  While n = 0
82		    n = Int(Recno *Rnd)
105		y = 0
106        While Not objRS_produtos.EOF And y < 1
107            texto = texto & "<tr>"
        | Perl | 385 lines
35    $sth->execute();
36    while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) 
37    {
214    $airPk = 0;
215    while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
216    {
282    $airPk = 0;
283    while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
284    {
340    $sth->execute();
341    while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
342    {
juce_MessageManager.cpp | C++ | 344 lines
155    while ((millisecondsToRunFor < 0 || endTime > Time::currentTimeMillis())
156            && ! quitMessageReceived)
216/*  The only safe way to lock the message thread while another thread does
217    some work is by posting a special message, whose purpose is to tie up the event
290            {
291                while (! MessageManager::instance->lockingLock.tryEnter())
292                {
307            while (! events->lockedEvent.wait (50))
308            {
juce_GIFLoader.cpp | C++ | 470 lines
186    }
187    while (n > 0);
275        }
276        while (firstcode == clearCode);
284    while ((code = getCode (codeSize, false)) >= 0)
285    {
315            int n;
316            while ((n = readDataBlock (buf)) > 0)
317            {}
331        while (code >= clearCode)
332        {
scheme.scm git:// | Scheme | 340 lines
58;Repeat a function while another (a test) returns #t. The return value of proc does NOT matter
59;;Warning: From all Repeat functions this one has the highest probability to be stuck in a loop forever. Always use tests that MUST return #f in the end. Do NOT use the Denemo tests like (None?) or (Music?) for example, they know nothing about a staffs end.
59;;Warning: From all Repeat functions this one has the highest probability to be stuck in a loop forever. Always use tests that MUST return #f in the end. Do NOT use the Denemo tests like (None?) or (Music?) for example, they know nothing about a staffs end.
60(define (RepeatProcWhileTest proc test)
61	(RepeatUntilFail 		
        | Python | 401 lines
254        while True:
255            token = None
306        while True:
307            token = None
        | Java | 351 lines
227        Iterator it = super.getSubEntities();
228        while (it.hasNext()) {
229            RefEntity o = (RefEntity);
264        Iterator it = dest.getSubEntities();
265        while ( it.hasNext()) {
266            AttributeImpl att = (AttributeImpl);
dump-tree.c git:// | C | 541 lines
444	    }
445	} while (cnt == 1);
446    }
01-events.t git:// | Perl | 385 lines
210    while(!defined($self->{_exitcode})) {
211        if(join('-', @{ $process->GetStdOutBuffer() }) eq 'WXTEST INPUT') {
246        my $stillrunning = 1;
247        while($stillrunning) {
248            $stillrunning = 0;
275        if($^O =~ /^MSWin/) {
276            $cmd = [ $perl, '-e', q($x = 1200; while($x){ print qq($x\n); $x--; };) ];
277        } else {
277        } else {
278            $cmd = [ $perl, '-e', q($x = 1200; while($x){ print qq($x\n); $x--; };) ];
279        }
339    my $self = shift;
340    while(!defined($self->{_exitcode})) {
341        Wx::Perl::ProcessStream::Yield();
packet-distcc.c git:// | C | 420 lines
285    while(1){
286        /* we must have at least 12 bytes so we can read the
except.c git:// | C | 455 lines
109	return h;
110      while (pc >= h->end_pc)
111	{
146	struct eh_range **pr = &(outer->outer->first_child);
147	while (*pr != outer)
148	  pr = &(*pr)->next_sibling;
231  while (range) 
232    {
428  range = find_handler (start_pc);
429  while (range != NULL_EH_RANGE && range->start_pc == start_pc
430	 && range->end_pc < end_pc)
448  while (current_range != NULL_EH_RANGE && current_range->end_pc <= end_pc
449	 && current_range->start_pc >= start_pc)
linseg.html | HTML | 240 lines
72        <p>
73      These units generate control or audio signals whose values can pass through 2 or more specified points. The sum of <span class="emphasis"><em>dur</em></span> values may or may not equal the instrument's performance time: a shorter performance will truncate the specified pattern, while a longer one will cause the last-defined segment to continue on in the same direction.
74    </p>
MainForm.cs | C# | 336 lines
86			while (i < _emitters.Count)
87			{
PlateFiberMaterial.cpp | C++ | 487 lines
241    count++;
242  } while (norm > tolerance && count < 10);
ogrs57layer.cpp | C++ | 317 lines
169/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
170    while( TRUE )
171    {
IntB10100101.f90 git:// | FORTRAN Modern | 244 lines
21!    While you may do as you like with this software, the GNU license requires
22!    that you clearly mark derivative software.  In addition, you are encouraged
JvSpellCheckerForm.pas | Pascal | 328 lines
167  Result := false;
168  while ASpellChecker.SpellChecker.Next(FStartIndex, FLength) do
169  begin
        | Perl | 467 lines
41	while (<LOGFILE>) {
TokenContent.cs | C# | 463 lines
387            while (reader.Read())
388            {
JurikMovingAverage.cs | C# | 687 lines
385						while (_s68 > 1)
386						{
427					while (_s68 > 1)
428					{
About.frm | Visual Basic | 337 lines
175    D = Now
176    While DateDiff("s", D, Now) < 1
177      DoEvents
cle_flatannoterms.c git:// | C | 452 lines
138   while((handle = NumTreeTraverseNext(stack)))
139   {
166   while((cell = NumTreeTraverseNext(stack)))
167   {
241   while((handle = NumTreeTraverseNext(stack)))
242   {
286   while((handle = NumTreeTraverseNext(stack)))
287   {
319   PStackPushP(stack, term->term);
320   while(!PStackEmpty(stack))
321   {
xblock.htm git:// | HTML | 282 lines
42<TR><TH ALIGN="LEFT">EDEADLK<TD>Deadlock condition
43<TR><TH ALIGN="LEFT">EINTR<TD>Process was interrupted by a signal while it was waiting
67However, Xbase can be safely used for multi-user access when it is not 
68simultaneously updating DBF or NDX files while other products/programs are.
e-picture-gallery.c git:// | C | 435 lines
177		g_free (iter_uri);
178	} while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, iter));
250		while ((basename = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) {
251			gchar *filename;
EfiLocalTransforms.cs | C# | 309 lines
16	/// <remarks> Actual replacement shall be done inside the delegate, 
17	/// while root replacement and iterator replacement is actually done 
18	/// outside this method. The graph is deduced as a property of target. </remarks>
ArgumentParser.cs | C# | 434 lines
37			TagPrecedence precedence;
38			while (argumentList.Count > 0)
39			{
        git:// | Java | 294 lines
157     * Returns the formatted Search URL, replacing the ctxs param with the ctxr param, so that
158     * the SearchBox will becomes visible, while preserving the Answers Mode.
159     *
paths.c | C | 367 lines
175                                            _
176                                            ("An error occured while migrating user settings: %s"),
177                                            g_strerror (errno)));
181        while ((dir_name = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL)
182        {
196                                        _
197                                        ("An error occured while migrating user settings: %s"),
198                                        g_strerror (errno)));
        git:// | C++ | 311 lines
28// In some cases we get a network change while fetching the digital asset
29// links file. See
        | Java | 308 lines
75    {
76      while(values.hasNext()) {
77        output.collect(key, new UTF8(;
        git:// | C++ | 297 lines
196  // Send a hint while the aggregator says it's unpromotable, and verify that
197  // the state reflects it.
        | Java | 283 lines
110        String line = file.readLine();
111        while (line != null) {
112          result.append(line);
        git:// | Java | 341 lines
142            int i = 0;
143            while (countTokens-- > 0) {
144                toReturn[i] = tkns.nextToken();
Sharper_IO.cs | C# | 314 lines
111            }
112          } while (b != -1);
113        })
131          }
132        } while (line != null);
133      });
273            }
274          } while (bytes > 0);
275        } finally {
paste.js | JavaScript | 285 lines
83                    di.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpP, di);
84                    while (di.firstChild) {
85                        tmpP.appendChild(di.firstChild);
172                while (!domUtils.isBody(range.startContainer)
173                    ) {
193                }
194                while (!domUtils.isBody(range.endContainer)
195                    ) {
254            var rng = me.selection.getRange();
255            while (!domUtils.isBody(rng.startContainer) && !rng.startOffset &&
256                rng.startContainer[rng.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length
Intercessor.cpp | C++ | 553 lines
129	while ( ( bRet = ::GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) != 0 )
130	{
243	 */
244	while ( pAccSvrClient )
245	{
bz2_filter.c | C | 417 lines
81	while (buckets_in->head) {
82		size_t bin = 0, desired;
84		bucket = php_stream_bucket_make_writeable(buckets_in->head TSRMLS_CC);
85		while (bin < bucket->buflen) {
86			if (data->finished) {
134		status = BZ_OK;
135		while (status == BZ_OK) {
136			status = BZ2_bzDecompress(&(data->strm));
204	while (buckets_in->head) {
205		size_t bin = 0, desired;
209		while (bin < bucket->buflen) {
210			desired = bucket->buflen - bin;
profile.php | PHP | 373 lines
82	while( $data = $roster->db->fetch($result) )
83	{
177      $chars = '';
178	while( $row = $roster->db->fetch($result) )
179	{
214		$query = $roster->db->query($sql);
215		while($row = $roster->db->fetch($query))
216		{
241      $src = '';
242	while( $row = $roster->db->fetch($result) )
243	{
ReadBookBufferedDoc.cpp | C++ | 595 lines
113			while(true)
114			{
118				while (ch == wxEOT && !m_pInput->Eof())
119				{
153				size_t byteCount = 0;
154				while(m_lastBytes[byteCount])
155				{
187				}
188			}//while line
222	}
223	while (IsEmptyLine(strLine) && !m_pInput->Eof() || filter_invalid_char);
eeprom.h | C Header | 265 lines
95//! This return code bit indicates that an attempt was made to read from
96//! the EEPROM while a write operation was in progress.
        | Java | 326 lines
313        java.util.Set<String> set = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
314        while (iter.hasNext())
315        {
CSMScriptMenu.m | Objective C | 295 lines
93    id tItem = nil;
94    while(tItem = [tEnum nextObject]){
95        [aMenu removeItem:tItem];
101    while(tItem = [tEnum nextObject]){
102        [aMenu addItem:tItem];
110    NSMutableArray* tCommandItems = [NSMutableArray array];
111    while(tPath =[tEnum nextObject]){
112        if(![tPath hasPrefix:@"."]){
119    NSMutableArray* tMenuItems = [NSMutableArray array];
120    while(tCommand = [tEnum nextObject]){
121        [tMenuItems addObject:[tCommand menuItem]];
131    unsigned int tCount = 0;
132    while(tLoc = [tLocEnum nextObject]){
133        NSEnumerator* tEnum = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] subpathsAtPath:tLoc] objectEnumerator];
adStack.c git:// | C | 475 lines
42  mmctraffic += nbChars ;
43  while (mmctraffic >= 1000000) {
44     mmctraffic -= 1000000 ;
54    if (nbmax>0) memcpy(curStackTop,inx,nbmax) ;
55    while (inx>x) {
56      /* Create new block: */
63	  int nbBlocks = (stack?-1:0) ;
64	  while(stack) {
65	      stack = stack->prev ;
109    x+=nbmax ;
110    while (x<tlx) {
111      curStack = curStack->prev ;
144    x+=nbmax ;
145    while (x<tlx) {
146      lookStack = lookStack->prev ;
TestMethod.cs git:// | C# | 404 lines
230                while (repeatCount-- > 0)
231                {
323                    int index = tearDownMethods.Length;
324                    while (--index >= 0)
325                        Reflect.InvokeMethod(tearDownMethods[index], tearDownMethods[index].IsStatic ? null : this.Fixture);
CSCode.cs git:// | C# | 355 lines
278        /// displayed and extra data to make basic syntax coloring at rendering time,
279        /// while keeping a low memory footprint.
280        /// 
        | ActionScript | 497 lines
370			// clear our controls, etc
371			while (files.numChildren) {
372				var control:FileControl = files.removeChildAt(0) as FileControl;
381				while (folders.numChildren > 0) {
382					var folder:FolderControl = folders.removeChildAt(0) as FolderControl;
OgreOverlayContainer.cpp | C++ | 389 lines
51        OverlayContainer::ChildIterator ci = getChildIterator();
52        while (ci.hasMoreElements())
53        {
104        ChildIterator it = cont->getChildIterator();
105        while (it.hasMoreElements())
106        {
212        ChildIterator it = getChildIterator();
213        while (it.hasMoreElements())
214        {
226        ChildIterator it = getChildIterator();
227        while (it.hasMoreElements())
228        {
242        ChildIterator it = getChildIterator();
243        while (it.hasMoreElements())
244        {
thread.h | C++ Header | 449 lines
285/* DETACH(t) must only be called while holding t->mutex */
286#ifndef DETACH
        | Java | 279 lines
74        int hval = first(in, inPos);
75        while(true) {
76            if(inPos < inLen - 4) {
86                    int len = 3;
87                    while(len < maxlen && in[ref + len] == in[inPos + len]) {
88                        len++;
95                            out[outPos++] = in[inPos + literals++];
96                        } while(literals != 0);
97                    }
122                    out[outPos++] = in[inPos + literals++];
123                } while(literals != 0);
124            }
167                out[outPos++] = out[ref++];
168                while(outPos < len) {
169                    out[outPos++] = out[ref++];
missing git:// | Shell | 365 lines
1#! /bin/sh
2# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing.
183	   sed 's/\.am$/.in/' |
184	   while read f; do touch "$f"; done
185    ;;
vtkVolumeContourSpectrumFilter.cxx git:// | C++ | 305 lines
171        }
172      } while (eIt->HasNext());
238        double temp = min + (i + 1.0) * ((max - min) / ((double)NumberOfSamples));
239        while ((pos < scalarValues.size()) && (scalarValues[pos] < temp))
240        {
Ultrasonic.cpp git:// | C++ | 361 lines
32 * This code runs as a task and assumes that none of the ultrasonic sensors will change while it's
33 * running. If one does, then this will certainly break. Make sure to disable automatic mode before changing
38	Ultrasonic *u = NULL;
39	while (m_automaticEnabled)
40	{
236		// disabling automatic mode. Wait for background task to stop running.
237		while (m_task.Verify())
238			Wait(0.15);	// just a little longer than the ping time for round-robin to stop
        git:// | Java | 336 lines
84        if (maxPoint > 1) {
85            while (tmp >= 10) {
86                powCounter++;
89        } else {
90            while (tmp < 1) {
91                powCounter--;
141            while (i < length && !match) {
142                if (!((String.valueOf(maxPoint)).substring(i, i + 1).equals("0") || (String.valueOf(maxPoint).substring(i, i + 1)).equals("."))) {
lr0.c git:// | C | 621 lines
120        j = i;
121        while (j > 0 && shift_symbol[j - 1] > symbol)
122        {
158    while (this_state)
159    {
201        found = 0;
202        while (!found)
203        {
210                while (found && isp1 < iend)
211                {
280    isp = itemset;
281    while (isp < itemsetend)
282    {
        git:// | Python | 417 lines
82    t = lexer.get_token()
83    while t:
84        t = next_token(t)
199            return value
200        while
201            nvalue = _interpolate(value)
dataloop_create_indexed.c git:// | C | 452 lines
286 *
287 * Output displacements are always output in bytes, while block
288 * lengths are always output in terms of the base type.
spool.c git:// | C | 492 lines
156       or we hit an error (ph_error) */
157    while ((c = prot_getc(fin)) != EOF) { /* examine each character */
158	/* reject \0 */
227		/* i want to avoid confusing dot-stuffing later */
228		while (c == '.') {
229		    if (fout && !skip) fputc(c, fout);
318    clinit = cl = hashheader(name);
319    while (cache[cl] != NULL && strcmp(name, cache[cl]->name)) {
320	cl++;		/* resolve collisions linearly */
389    clinit = cl = hashheader(head);
390    while (cache[cl] != NULL) {
391	if (!strcmp(head, cache[cl]->name)) {
434    /* -2: Might need room to add a \r\n\0 set */
435    while (prot_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-2, fin)) {
436	p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
ec_pop.c git:// | C | 444 lines
122   /* skip the whitespaces at the beginning */
123   while(*ptr == ' ' && ptr != end) ptr++;
mgmt_ipc.c git:// | C | 561 lines
221	while (left) {
222		uint32_t len;
449	while (len) {
450		n = read(fd, ptr, len);
        git:// | Java | 405 lines
278				// positions are the same - the lists are the same
279				while (i.hasNext()) {
280					ISectionDescriptor source = (ISectionDescriptor);
301		Iterator i = this.getSectionDescriptors().iterator();
302		while (i.hasNext()) {
303			ISectionDescriptor section = (ISectionDescriptor);
        git:// | Java | 241 lines
85        try {
86            while ((packet = != null ) {
87                if(packet.contains(":")){
splined.m git:// | Objective C | 512 lines
129    while (!pack_feof(fp)) {
130	ControlPoint *cp;
303	if (key[KEY_SPACE]) {
304	    while (key[KEY_SPACE]);
305	    snap_to_grid = !snap_to_grid;
331	    if (key[KEY_UP]) {
332		while(key[KEY_UP]);
333		[cp_in_use setSteps:[cp_in_use steps] + 1];
440	}
441    } while (!key[KEY_Q]);
colbrowser.c git:// | C | 450 lines
169    while ( *p )
170    {
214    while ( db < dbs && read_entry( fp, &r, &g, &b, name ) )
215    {
icqcontact.cpp git:// | C++ | 437 lines
58	QMutableHashIterator<QWeakPointer<IcqContact>, ChatState> it(m_states);
59	while (it.hasNext()) {
60		IcqContact *contact =;
        git:// | Java | 358 lines
257            while (getState() == ExecHandleState.STARTING) {
258                try {
Connections.cs | C# | 274 lines
120                while (client.ReadMessage(this.netBuffer, out messType))
121                {
174                    }//if (données)
175                }// while(messages)
179                if (this.client.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
180                    while (this.outData.Count > 0)
181                        this.sendData(this.outData.Dequeue().NetString);
stacklet.c | C | 342 lines
148       the area to clear. */
149    while (current != NULL && current->stack_stop <= target_stop) {
150        struct stacklet_s *prev = current->stack_prev;
        git:// | Java | 408 lines
66    while (!expr.isNotPair()) {
67      if (isUnQuote(expr) || isQuasiQuote(expr)) { // catch post-dot unquotes
122    while (!expr.isNotPair()) {
123      if (isUnQuote(expr) || isQuasiQuote(expr)) { // catch post-dot unquotes
221    while (!expr.isNotPair()) {
222      if (isUnQuote(expr) || isQuasiQuote(expr)) { // catch post-dot unquotes
274    while (!expr.isNotPair()) {
275      if (isUnQuote(expr) || isQuasiQuote(expr)) { // catch post-dot unquotes
327    while (!expr.isNotPair()) {
328      if (isUnQuote(expr) || isQuasiQuote(expr)) { // catch post-dot unquotes
PluginSession.cpp | C++ | 421 lines
271	QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator i = hash.constBegin();
272	while (i != hash.constEnd()) {
273	  _receivesTypes[i.key()].insertMulti(i.value(), eventHandler);
287    = _receivesTypes.constBegin();
288  while (i != _receivesTypes.constEnd()) {
289    MClientEventHandler *previous = NULL;
291    QMultiMap<int, MClientEventHandler*>::const_iterator j = map.constBegin();
292    while (j != map.constEnd()) {
293      // If we start at the front then this is the head
355      QHash<QString, MClientEventHandler*>::iterator it = _receivesType.find(s);
356      while (it != _receivesType.end() && it.key() == s) {
357	MClientEvent* nme = new MClientEvent(*me);
396	  = _receivesType.find("SocketWriteData");
397	while (it != _receivesType.end() && it.key() == "SocketWriteData") {
398	  MClientEvent* nme = new MClientEvent(*me);
semantic-bovine.el git:// | Emacs Lisp | 286 lines
127    (condition-case debug-condition
128        (while nt-loop
129          (catch 'push-non-terminal
131                  end (semantic-lex-token-end (car stream)))
132            (while (or nt-loop nt-popup)
133              (setq nt-loop nil
134                    out     nil)
135              (while (or nt-popup matchlist)
136                (if nt-popup
150                (while (and lte
151                            (not (byte-code-function-p (car lte)))
        | Java | 527 lines
292		int writeTotalLen = 0;
293		while(writeTotalLen < length)
294		{
310		int length = bytes.remaining();
311		while(writeTotalLen < length)
312		{
340	// int length = src.writableBytes();
341	// while(writeTotalLen < length)
342	// {
355	// int writeTotalLen = 0;
356	// while(writeTotalLen < length)
357	// {
385		int readTotalLen = 0;
386		while(readTotalLen < length)
387		{
General.cs | C# | 314 lines
96                int fpos = 0, pos = 0;
97                while ((pos = list.IndexOf('\n', pos + 1)) != -1)
98                {
120            while (lln != null)
121            {
209            if (list != "")
210                while ((pos = list.IndexOf('\n', pos + 1)) != -1)
211                {
230            while (lln != null)
231            {
        | Python | 384 lines
50        # we do the loop ourselves instead of calling remove_simple_mallocs()
51        while True:
52            progress = remover.remove_mallocs_once(graph)
176            i = 0
177            while i < x:
178                a = A()
254            x = lltype.malloc(BIG)
255            while x.z < 10:    # makes several blocks
256                x.z += 3
ForageManager.cpp git:// | C++ | 373 lines
185    ForagePocket* it = pHead;
186    while(it != NULL)
187    {
200    ForagePocket* previousHead = NULL;
201    while(it != NULL)
202    {
218    ForagePocket* previousHead = NULL;
219    while(it != NULL)
220    {
282    unsigned int AttemptCount = 0;
283    while(it != attempts.end())
284    {
        | Java | 409 lines
71      keys.removeAllElements();
72      while (newKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
73        keys.addElement(newKeys.nextElement());
77      values.removeAllElements();
78      while (newValues.hasMoreElements()) {
79        values.addElement(newValues.nextElement());
        | Java | 303 lines
110        {
111            while (argvIterator.hasNext())
112            {
165                    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
166                    while (argvIterator.hasNext())
167                    {
174                    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
175                    while (argvIterator.hasNext())
176                    {
183                    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
184                    while (argvIterator.hasNext())
185                    {
192                    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
193                    while (argvIterator.hasNext())
194                    {
        | Python | 445 lines
170        f = sys._getframe()
171        while f:
172            Assert(f.f_code is not None)
224    while done != 10:
225       pass    
231    outer_frame = frame.f_back
232    while outer_frame is not None:
233        frame = outer_frame
373    ids = []
374    while frame:
375        ids.append(id(frame))
381    new_ids = []
382    while frame:
383        new_ids.append(id(frame))
        | Python | 452 lines
147    After a while, the php print peak.html ...
148    '''
149    i = 12345
150    while True:
151	    try:
207    url = ''
208    while True:
209        try:
336    i = 0
337    while i < len(lines):
338        line = lines[i]
342            first = ''
343            while len(line):
344                line = lines[i]
        | Perl | 592 lines
42 print STDERR "\n";
43 while ($pkg = shift @do)
44  {
283 while(1)
284  {
316 while(1)
317  {
372 while($len)
373  {
        | Java | 608 lines
192				int sx = i * iw;
193				while (dx < dlim) {
194					int index = ((int) pixels[sx++]) & 0xff;
339				}
340				while (code > clear) {
341					pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code];
396				int count = 0;
397				while (n < blockSize) {
398					count =, n, blockSize - n);
427			int j = 0;
428			while (i < ncolors) {
429				int r = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
439		boolean done = false;
440		while (!(done || err())) {
441			int code = read();
PlistSaxDriver.m | Objective C | 431 lines
198  keys = [_dict keyEnumerator];
199  while ((key = [keys nextObject])) {
200    id value;
block2.c git:// | C | 446 lines
77    while (nDest != i)
78    {
133    while (nPos != i)
134    {
200  nCol = 0;
201  while (*p1)
202  {
213  nCol = 0;
214  while (*p2)
215  {
225  /*
226  Walk through both the lines while:
227  -- finding difference
FBChannel+Model.m | Objective C | 317 lines
67    while ((row = [self fetchAttributes:resultDescription withZone:NULL])) {
68      EOAttribute *attribute    = nil;
144    while ((row = [self fetchAttributes:resultDescription withZone:NULL]))
145      [primaryKeys addObject:[row objectForKey:columnNameKey]];
305  while ((row = [self fetchAttributes:resultDescription withZone:NULL]))
306    [tableNames addObject:[row objectForKey:attributeName]];
loaderLoadKernel.s | Assembly | 529 lines
441	;; We failed to load the kernel.  The following call will determine
442	;; the type of error encountered while loading the kernel, and print
443	;; a helpful error message about the reason.	
        | Python | 361 lines
49class BugCrawlerError(Exception):
50  """Generic error thrown when something goes wrong while craling bugs."""
51  pass
115        raise BugCrawlerError(
116            'Error while trying to get details for %s. Error %s' %
117            (str(bug_id), str(e)))
195  except gdata.client.RequestError, e:
196    logging.exception('Error while getting the comments for %s. Error %s',
197                      bug_id, e)
pem.js git:// | JavaScript | 285 lines
103  var match;
104  while(true) {
105    match = rMessage.exec(str);
127    var li = 0;
128    while(match && li < lines.length) {
129      // get line, trim any rhs whitespace
atomic.c git:// | C | 353 lines
190  v = *addr;
191  while (! __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (addr, v, v))
192    v = *addr;
205  v = *addr;
206  while (! __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (addr, v, v))
207    v = *addr;
220  v = *addr;
221  while (! __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (addr, v, v))
222    v = *addr;
235  v = *addr;
236  while (! __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (addr, v, v))
237    v = *addr;
250  v = *addr;
251  while (! __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (addr, v, v))
252    v = *addr;
htab_map_batch_ops.c git:// | C | 283 lines
156		nospace_err = false;
157		while (true) {
158			err = bpf_map_lookup_batch(map_fd,
190		count = step;
191		while (total < max_entries) {
192			if (max_entries - total < step)
219		nospace_err = false;
220		while (true) {
221			err = bpf_map_lookup_and_delete_batch(map_fd,
        git:// | Java | 430 lines
116    frameCount = 1;
117    while (Thread.currentThread() == thread) {
118      final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
222        } while (value == GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT);
223      }
bitpath_stubs.c git:// | C | 475 lines
91	c -= a + b;  c ^= (b >> 22); \
92    } while (0)
101	c -= b;  c ^= WORD_ROT(b,  4);  b += a; \
102    } while (0)
console.php git:// | PHP | 361 lines
144	function main($command = null) {
145		while (true) {
146			if (empty($command)) {
Makefile.PL git:// | Perl | 364 lines
58	$noLibDir = 1;
59	while ($noLibDir) {
60	  $LibDir = find_files(["$snmp_lib_file"],\@LibDirs);
219    }
220    while (<C>) {
221	$has_ssl++, last if /^\s*#define\s+NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL/;
320    open(I,"<Makefile");
321    while (<I>) {
322	if (/^VERSION = (.*)/) {
sql_priv.h git:// | C Header | 305 lines
44   Note that in macro arguments BAD is not quoted, while 'GOOD' is.
45   Note that the version is TWO numbers, separated with a comma
59                        (Old), (New));                                      \
60  } while(0)
        git:// | Perl | 480 lines
88				Wx::MessageBox(
89					sprintf( Wx::gettext('Error while trying to perform Padre action: %s'), $error ),
90					Wx::gettext('Error'),
93				);
94				TRACE("Error while trying to perform Padre action: $error") if DEBUG;
95			} else {
289	$self->_show_recent_while_idle;
294# Shows recently opened stuff while idle
296sub _show_recent_while_idle {
297	my $self = shift;
        git:// | Perl | 415 lines
244    while (@$need_handle) {
245        my $task = shift @$need_handle;
250    while (my ($shandle, $tasklist) = each( %$waiting )) {
251        foreach my $task (@$tasklist) {
NameGenerator.cs | C# | 408 lines
261			}
262			while (!GoodWord);
QueryVisitor.cs | C# | 268 lines
28        private static Expression StripQuotes(Expression e) {
29            while (e.NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote) {
30                e = ((UnaryExpression)e).Operand;
qxtabstracthttpconnector.cpp git:// | C++ | 313 lines
80        }
81        while (requests.contains(nextRequestID)); // yeah, right
82        requests[nextRequestID] = connection;
FunctionInstance.cs | C# | 255 lines
143            var instancePrototype = ((ObjectInstance)instance).Prototype;
144            while (instancePrototype != null)
145            {
Box2DSpatialComponent.cs | C# | 400 lines
321            Fixture fixture = _body.GetFixtureList();
322            while (fixture != null)
323            {
mpzzp.h | C Header | 286 lines
247        set(b, 1);
248        while (mask <= k) {
249            if (mask & k)
CssStyleDeclaration.cs | C# | 314 lines
11	/// The CSSStyleDeclaration interface represents a single CSS declaration block. This interface may be used to determine the style properties currently set in a block or to set style properties explicitly within the block.
12	///	While an implementation may not recognize all CSS properties within a CSS declaration block, it is expected to provide access to all specified properties in the style sheet through the CSSStyleDeclaration interface. Furthermore, implementations that support a specific level of CSS should correctly handle CSS shorthand properties for that level. For a further discussion of shorthand properties, see the CSS2Properties interface.
13	/// This interface is also used to provide a read-only access to the computed values of an element. See also the ViewCSS interface.
72			Match match = styleRegex.Match(cssText);
73			while(match.Success)
74			{
276				IDictionaryEnumerator enu = styles.GetEnumerator();
277				while(enu.MoveNext())
278				{
        git:// | Java | 326 lines
163        Iterator itEntries = entries.iterator();
164        while (itEntries.hasNext()) {
165            CmsListItem item = (CmsListItem);
170                Iterator itVariations = helper.getVariations(resName).iterator();
171                while (itVariations.hasNext()) {
172                    String var = (String);
203        Iterator itResources = helper.getAllCachedImages().iterator();
204        while (itResources.hasNext()) {
205            String resource = (String);
News.php git:// | PHP | 416 lines
106            while (($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result))) {
219        if ($this->_config->getDb()->numRows($result) > 0) {
220            while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
221                $expired = ($now > $row->date_end);
CachedPager.h git:// | C Header | 346 lines
142    *  @return  True if the execution was successful.  False is
143    *           returned if the user cancelled the plug-in while in
144    *           interactive mode.
        git:// | ActionScript | 412 lines
123							///////////////////////////
124							while((c = format.charAt(i)) == "+" || c == "-" || c == "#" || c == " " || c == "0") {
125								switch(c) {
160										width = -1;
161										trace("ERR NaN while parsing width");
162										break;
164								} else {
165									trace("ERR index out of bounds while parsing width");
166									break;
170								var hasWidth:Boolean = false;
171								while(c >= "0" && c <= "9") {
172									if(width == -1) { width = 0; }
177								if(width != -1 && i == format.length) {
178									trace("ERR eof while parsing width");
179									break;
reyes.h git:// | C Header | 329 lines
143									j	= i >> 1;
144									while ((i > 1) && (cObject->zmin < allItems[j]->zmin)) {
145										allItems[i]	=	allItems[j];
168										while (i <= numItems / 2) {
169											j = 2 * i;
fsmmin.c git:// | C | 523 lines
264  n1 = -1;
265  while( fsm_LoopNodes(hm->fsm, &n1) != 0 )
266  {
277      n2 = -1;
278      while( fsm_LoopNodes(hm->fsm, &n2) != 0 )
279      {
336  loop = -1;
337  while( fsm_LoopNodeInNodes(fsm, n, &loop, &in_n) != 0 )
338  {
442  e1 = -1;
443  while ( fsm_LoopNodeOutEdges(fsm, n1, &l1, &e1) != 0 )
444  {
446    e2 = -1;
447    while ( fsm_LoopNodeOutEdges(fsm, n2, &l2, &e2) != 0 )
448    {
getdate.y git:// | Happy | 533 lines
212	for (;;) {
213		while (isspace(*lptr)) lptr++;
224			yylval = 0;
225			while (isdigit(c = *lptr++)) yylval = 10*yylval + c - '0';
226			yylval *= sign;
231			p = idbuf;
232			while (isalpha(c = *lptr++) || c=='.')
233				if (p < &idbuf[sizeof(idbuf)-1])
246				else if (c == ')') pcnt--;
247			} while (pcnt > 0);
248		}
buildconf git:// | Shell | 397 lines
55    find . -depth -name $1 -print > buildconf.tmp.$$
56    while read fdname
57    do
MySqlQuery.cs | C# | 391 lines
127            {
128                while (q.Read())
129                {
148            {
149                while (q.Read())
150                {
170            {
171                while (q.Read())
172                {
189            {
190                while (q.Read())
191                {
        git:// | Java | 493 lines
62     *
63     * To be used while popup open.<p>
64     */
        git:// | Java | 500 lines
83		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
84			_persistence.remove(;
        git:// | Java | 245 lines
168        while (bytesRead == 0) {
169            bytesRead = readChannel();
211                                .log(Level.FINE,
212                                        "Exception while registering or waiting for new content",
213                                        e);
        git:// | Java | 165 lines
146         * @param connection the wrapped connection to commit
147         * @throws java.sql.SQLException when an error occurs while committing the connection
148         */
bcgen.d git:// | D | 255 lines
22        case IR.Type.if_: return generate_if(ir, env, bc);
23        case IR.Type.while_: return generate_while(ir, env, bc);
24        //case IR.Type.switch_: return generate_switch(ir, env, bc);
72size_t generate_while(IR ir, CTEnv env, ref ByteCode[] bc) {
73    auto ret = bc.generate_jump();
73    auto ret = bc.generate_jump();
74    auto body_start = ir.while_.body_.generate_bytecode(env, bc);
75    auto test_start = ir.while_.condition.generate_bytecode(env, bc);
85IR unwind_up_ref(IR ir, ref ByteCode[] bc) {
86    while (ir.type == IR.Type.up_ref) {
87        bc ~= ByteCode(ByteCode.Type.get_parent_env);
filemonitor.d git:// | D | 266 lines
244	size_t len = 0;
245	while(*str++)
246		len++;
252	size_t len = 0;
253	while(*str++)
254		len++;
        git:// | Java | 331 lines
88    // TODO: deletions
89    while (numDocs < NUM_DOCS) {
90      final Document doc = new Document();
ps_guistart.m | Objective C | 253 lines
18    psList=[];
19    while ~isnumeric(fline)
20      t=regexp(fline,'^epscDriverInit("PS(\d+)','tokens');
35    psList=[];
36    while ~isnumeric(fline)
37      t=regexp(fline,'^epscDriverInit("PS(\d+)','tokens');
186end % if doBulk
187while 1
188  % Clear monitor channels and exit if main GUI closed
stats.php | PHP | 407 lines
81	$playerCount = 0;
82	while (!feof($fp)):
83		$line = fgets($fp, 2048);
161		$fp++;
162	endwhile;
396$html_fp = fopen("stats_$server.html", "rt");
397while (!feof($html_fp)):
398	$line = fgets($html_fp, 2048);
400	$html_fp++;
ID3v2.cs | C# | 310 lines
138            int count = 0;
139            while (count < _dataOffset) {
140                // ??Tag
171                MemoryStream bufferStream = new MemoryStream();
172                while ((count = _fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) {
173                    bufferStream.Write(buffer, 0, count);
        | Perl | 263 lines
21open (F,"testseq")||die "cant open  :$!";
22while ($line = <F>)
76#print "total seq=$#seq\n";
77while ( $count!=1)
78{       @copydistij=@distij;
230while ($row!=0 or $column!=0)
231    {
run.c git:// | C | 455 lines
19	/*
20	 * It should be impossible to preempt a context while an exception
21	 * is being processed, since the context switch code is specially
109	out_be64(mfc_cntl, MFC_CNTL_PURGE_DMA_REQUEST);
110	while ((in_be64(mfc_cntl) & MFC_CNTL_PURGE_DMA_STATUS_MASK)
138	timeout = jiffies + HZ;
139	while (((status = ctx->ops->status_read(ctx)) & status_loading) ==
140				status_loading) {
268 * thread. Here instead, the handler runs on PowerPC user space code,
269 * while the syscall was called from the SPU.
270 * This means we can only do a very rough approximation of POSIX
416			ret = -ERESTARTSYS;
417	} while (!ret && !(status & (SPU_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_STOP |
        | Java | 276 lines
144        Iterator<RemoteRepository> iterator = repositories.iterator();
145        while ( iterator.hasNext() )
146        {
ZincHTTPURLConnectionOperation.m git:// | Objective C | 323 lines
75    NSRange range = NSMakeRange([indexSet firstIndex], 1);
76    while (range.location != NSNotFound) {
77        NSUInteger nextIndex = [indexSet indexGreaterThanIndex:range.location];
77        NSUInteger nextIndex = [indexSet indexGreaterThanIndex:range.location];
78        while (nextIndex == range.location + range.length) {
79            range.length++;
        git:// | Java | 528 lines
366		{
367			//don't change the viewport center (rotation point) while the user is in the middle of changing the view
368			return false;
ejs.js git:// | JavaScript | 505 lines
5	var result = regex.exec(string),retArr = new Array(), first_idx, last_idx, first_bit;
6	while (result != null)
7	{
Serialize.js git:// | JavaScript | 338 lines
123    var ar = [], li = new List(), cur = val, inf = needsInflate(enclosing);
124    while (cur.tail != null) {
125        ar.push(inf ? inflate(cur.head, enclosing, path) : cur.head);
        git:// | Java | 357 lines
329        int end = 0;
330        while (matcher.find()) {
331            for (int group = 0; group < matcher.groupCount(); group++) {
CodSelfLinkCanvas.cpp git:// | C++ | 438 lines
115  // goes outside object;
116  while (obj->contains(p.x(), p.y())) {
117    p.setX(p.x() + delta_x);
rangeable.php git:// | PHP | 262 lines
122					$reps = 0;
123					while ($count < $range_out_till_count_is && $reps < $this->settings[$Model->alias]['range_out_limit']) {
124						$range = $range + $this->settings[$Model->alias]['range_out_increment'];
162				if (array_key_exists($distanceSortable, $resultsByRange)) {
163					while (array_key_exists($distanceSortable, $resultsByRange)) {
164						$distanceSortable++;
http_server.c git:// | C | 401 lines
185  /**** Thanks for Makela Aapo (10/31/05) ****/
186  while (mupnp_http_request_read(httpReq, clientSock) == true && mupnp_thread_isrunnable(thread) == true) {
187    /* Check some validity of the request */
253  serverSock = httpServer->sock;
254  while (mupnp_thread_isrunnable(thread) == true) {
255    clientSock = mupnp_socket_stream_new();
mpu3050.c git:// | C | 483 lines
8 *
9 * This is a 'lite' version of the driver, while we consider the right way
10 * to present the other features to user space. In particular it requires the
time.c git:// | C | 456 lines
178	while (1) {
179		update_process_times(user_mode(get_irq_regs()));
207		 */
208		while (!time_after(new_itm, ia64_get_itc() + local_cpu_data->itm_delta/2))
209			new_itm += local_cpu_data->itm_delta;
211		/* double check, in case we got hit by a (slow) PMI: */
212	} while (time_after_eq(ia64_get_itc(), new_itm));
213	return IRQ_HANDLED;
408	while (time_before(ia64_get_itc(), end))
409		cpu_relax();
446	/* normalize */
447	while (fsyscall_gtod_data.monotonic_time.snsec >=
448					(((u64)NSEC_PER_SEC) << tk->tkr_mono.shift)) {
        git:// | C++ | 473 lines
76    ival /= 10;
77  } while ((strsize > 0) && (ival > 0));
333  A.tv_usec += B.tv_usec;
334  while (A.tv_usec > util::MICROSECOND) {
335    ++A.tv_sec;
409  int destinationLen = 0;
410  while ((destinationSize > 0) && (sourceLength > 1)) {
411    unsigned char h1 = *source++;
441  if ((res == -1) || (sz < maxRecvSize)) {	// only change if it results in an increase
442    while (maxRecvSize > sz) {
443      msl = sizeof(maxRecvSize);
452  if ((res == -1) || (sz < maxSendSize)) {	// only change if it results in an increase
453    while (maxSendSize > sz) {
454      msl = sizeof(maxSendSize);
snd_alsa.c | C | 476 lines
115	while (sz & mask) {
116		sz &= mask;
        git:// | Java | 353 lines
183				IJavaElement parent = element.getParent();
184				while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot)) {
185					parent = parent.getParent();
258				IJavaElement searchedElement = element;
259				while (searchedElement != null) {
260					if (searchedElement.equals(scopeElement)) {
        git:// | Python | 361 lines
103        rlog = log.sublog("convoy-resolver", LOGLVL_DEBUG)
104        while True:
105            for r in should_process:
265        sorter = op.attrgetter("reschedule_at")
266        while True:
267            wait = (1.0 if not deferred else 
289            t = time()
290            while deferred and deferred[-1].due(t):
291                i = deferred.pop()
forum_rss.php git:// | PHP | 423 lines
173			}
174			while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result));
175		}
249			}
250			while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result));
251		}
321			}
322			while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result));
323		}
382			}
383			while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result));
384		}
najio.c git:// | C | 810 lines
204        while (1)
205        {
275        while (1)
276        {
375/* copies while flipping the bits of each byte, for example
432    while(1)
433    {
484	while (1)
485	{
ruby.rb git:// | Ruby | 430 lines
38        buffer = nbytes, encoding: Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
39        result << _read_from_socket(nbytes - result.bytesize, buffer) while result.bytesize < nbytes
44      def gets
45        while (crlf = @buffer.index(CRLF)).nil?
46          @buffer << _read_from_socket(16_384)
class_group.php git:// | PHP | 412 lines
48		$idx = array();
49		while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result))
50		{
116		$idx = array();
117		while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result))
118		{
244		$list = array();
245		while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result))
246		{
275		$modo_groups = array();
276		while ($row = Fsb::$db->row($result))
277		{
dma_port.c git:// | C | 519 lines
258		usleep_range(50, 100);
259	} while (time_before(jiffies, end));
391		buf += nbytes;
392	} while (size > 0);
441		buf += nbytes;
442	} while (size > 0);
ServerResultUtils.scala git:// | Scala | 322 lines
164          val msg =
165            s"Exception occurred while converting Result with headers $prettyHeaders. Calling HttpErrorHandler to get alternative Result."
166          logger.error(msg, conversionError)
211   *
212   * While theoretically, an Akka streams Source is not supposed to hold resources, in practice, this is very often not
213   * the case, for example, the response from an Akka HTTP client may have an associated Source that must be consumed
common.h git:// | C Header | 344 lines
41 * Experimental code that let's NPC parties move around the wilderness while
42 * the player is in a temporary combat map.
cache_response.c git:// | C | 428 lines
57		return;
58	while (vct_isdigit(*r)) {
59		has_low = 1;
74		high = 0;
75		while (vct_isdigit(*r)) {
76			high *= 10;
399		 */
400		while (1) {
401			st = VTAILQ_FIRST(&sp->obj->store);
        git:// | C++ | 366 lines
70    int	     finalByteCount = 0;
71    while( cptr ) {
72	finalChunkCount++;
118	while( currentChunk ) {
119		chunk = currentChunk;
283	chunk = currentChunk;
284	while( chunk && chunk->next ) {
285		MASSERT( chunk->freeOffset >= 0 );
News_User.asp | ASP | 371 lines
86  Table.CellAlign  = "top"
87    Do While Not sobjRS.EOF
88      Table.Row Strings.FormatText( "<a href=""$s?O=$s&T=$s"" title=""$s"">$s</a>",  Initializer.ScriptName, _
114    Do While Not sobjRS.EOF
admin.js | JavaScript | 468 lines
271		var node = list.firstChild;
272		while (node) {
273			var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
287			element = element.offsetParent;
288		} while (element);
289		return [valueL, valueT];
Notepad.cs | C# | 290 lines
129        {
130            MessageBox.Show("This is a simple and straight forward notepad for all notes you can do while code searching.. store addresses here you found or store breakpoint traces here. These notes are stored per game (region independent - so if you have multiple regions of a game these lists will be identical)! When closing this window, the notes you made will be immediately stored to your harddisk!");
131        }

