100+ results results for 'import glob lang:python' (332 ms)
1/** 2 Run a command in its own in its own private global namespace, with its 3 own class manager and interpeter context. (kind of like unix "chroot" for 8 extended it is effectively read only / copy on write... 9 e.g. you can change directories in the child context, do imports, change 10 the classpath, etc. and it will not affect the calling context. 35{ 36 // Our local namespace is going to be the new root (global) 37 // make local copies of the system stuff. 40 // this is problematic... probably need more here... 41 this.bsh=extend(global.bsh); 42 this.bsh.help=extend(bsh.help); 47 48 // Cut us off... make us the root (global) namespace for this command 49 // Prune() will also create a new class manager for us.histcache.py https://bitbucket.org/beqa/nvdadependencyvirtualenvironment.git | Python | 262 lines
23#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# 24# Imports 25 26#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# 27# Globals 28HIST_CACHE_UNLIMITED = -1replace_dimensions.py https://bitbucket.org/iimarckus/pokered-greenified.git | Python | 245 lines
3#replace dimensions with constants 4import sys #for non-newline-terminated output :/ 5from add_map_labels_to_map_headers import find_with_start_of_line 5from add_map_labels_to_map_headers import find_with_start_of_line 6from pretty_map_headers import map_name_cleaner, spacing, offset_to_pointer, map_constants 7from connection_helper import print_connections 7from connection_helper import print_connections 8from ctypes import c_int8 9 39def load_asm(): 40 global asm, asm_lines 41 asm = open("../main.asm", "r").read() 73def find_line_starting_with(value): 74 global asm_lines 75 id = 0test_dummy_thread.py https://bitbucket.org/x893/sirflive.git | Python | 181 lines
7""" 8import dummy_thread as _thread 9import time 9import time 10import Queue 11import random 11import random 12import unittest 13from test import test_support 169 170def test_main(imported_module=None): 171 global _thread, DELAY 171 global _thread, DELAY 172 if imported_module: 173 _thread = imported_moduletest_context.py https://github.com/ioggstream/pysmbc.git | Python | 195 lines
1#!/usr/bin/env python 2import os 3import smbc 3import smbc 4import settings 5import nose 5import nose 6from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest 7 30def setUp(): 31 global ctx 32 ctx = smbc.Context() 37def tearDown(): 38 global ctx 39 del ctx__init__.py https://github.com/ichiro101/l2adena-l2j-datapack.git | Python | 210 lines
3# Visit http://www.l2jdp.com/forum/ for more details 4import sys 5from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State 5from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State 6from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState 7from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest 7from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest 8from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SocialAction 9 113 st.giveItems(MARK_OF_RAIDER,1) 114 isFinished = st.getGlobalQuestVar("1ClassQuestFinished") 115 if isFinished == "" : 125 st.exitQuest(False) 126 st.saveGlobalQuestVar("1ClassQuestFinished","1") 127 st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish")otl2table.py https://github.com/companygardener/vimoutliner.git | Python | 222 lines
39 40import sys 41from string import * 41from string import * 42#from time import * 43 44########################################################################### 45# global variables 46 96def getArgs(): 97 global inputfile, debug, noTrailing, formatMode 98 if (len(sys.argv) == 1): 158def closeLevels(): 159 global level,columns,noTrailing,formatMode 160 if noTrailing == 1 :pyenv.py https://gitlab.com/ricardo.hernandez/salt | Python | 326 lines
10''' 11from __future__ import absolute_import 12 12 13# Import python libs 14import os 14import os 15import re 16import logging 18try: 19 from shlex import quote as _cmd_quote # pylint: disable=E0611 20except ImportError: 20except ImportError: 21 from pipes import quote as _cmd_quote 22test_Counter.py https://gitlab.com/grayhamster/pycrypto | Python | 155 lines
28 29import sys 30if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 1: 30if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 1: 31 from Crypto.Util.py21compat import * 32from Crypto.Util.py3compat import * 33 34import unittest 35 37 def setUp(self): 38 global Counter 39 from Crypto.Util import Counter 147def get_tests(config={}): 148 from Crypto.SelfTest.st_common import list_test_cases 149 return list_test_cases(CounterTests)test_example_iauthfunctions.py https://gitlab.com/iislod/ckan | Python | 261 lines
3''' 4import paste.fixture 5import pylons.test 5import pylons.test 6import pylons.config as config 7import webtest 8 9import ckan.model as model 10import ckan.tests.legacy as tests 10import ckan.tests.legacy as tests 11import ckan.plugins 12import ckan.tests.factories as factories 25 # Return a test app with the custom config. 26 app = ckan.config.middleware.make_app(config['global_conf'], **config) 27 app = webtest.TestApp(app)graph_visitor.py https://github.com/srossross/Meta.git | Python | 402 lines
5''' 6from meta.asttools import Visitor, visit_children 7 7 8import _ast 9from meta.asttools.visitors.symbol_visitor import get_symbols 10try: 11 from networkx import DiGraph 12except ImportError: 162 163class GlobalDeps(object): 164 def __init__(self, gen, nodes): 182 def depends_on(self, nodes): 183 return GlobalDeps(self, set(nodes)) 184Create.py https://github.com/PerilousApricot/WMCore.git | Python | 357 lines
6 7import threading 8 8 9from WMCore.Database.DBCreator import DBCreator 10 39 valid_status VARCHAR2(20), 40 global_tag VARCHAR2(255), 41 parent VARCHAR2(500),pytracer.py https://gitlab.com/jorjpimm/lldb | Python | 328 lines
1import sys 2import inspect 2import inspect 3from collections import OrderedDict 4 201def enable(t=None): 202 global tracer_impl 203 if t:test_plot3d.py https://github.com/thearn/OpenMDAO-Framework.git | Python | 214 lines
4 5import logging 6import os.path 6import os.path 7import tempfile 8import shutil 8import shutil 9import unittest 10 10 11from openmdao.lib.datatypes.domain import read_plot3d_q, write_plot3d_q, \ 12 read_plot3d_f, write_plot3d_f, \ 14 15from openmdao.lib.datatypes.domain.test.wedge import create_wedge_2d, \ 16 create_wedge_3dpoly.py https://github.com/tnorth/PyTables.git | Python | 192 lines
8 9import os 10import sys 10import sys 11from time import time 12import numpy as np 12import numpy as np 13import tables as tb 14import numexpr as ne 22 23# Global variable for the x values for pure numpy & numexpr 24x = None 57 """Populate the values in x axis for numpy.""" 58 global x 59 # Populate x in range [-1, 1]xpath.py https://github.com/openhatch/oh-mainline.git | Python | 333 lines
14try: 15 import cStringIO as StringIO 16except ImportError: 16except ImportError: 17 import StringIO 18 103 klassname = "_%s_Function" % fname 104 c = globals()[klassname]() 105 return c 280 self.queryStr = queryStr 281 from twisted.words.xish.xpathparser import parse 282 self.baseLocation = parse('XPATH', queryStr)args.py https://gitlab.com/pooja043/Globus_Docker_3 | Python | 398 lines
10 11import os 12from sys import argv 12from sys import argv 13from glob import glob 14from collections import OrderedDict 16def _expand_path(path): 17 """Expands directories and globs in given path.""" 18 28 else: 29 paths.extend(glob(path)) 30 356 def not_files(self): 357 """Returns a list of all arguments that aren't files/globs.""" 3580004_auto__add_heading__add_genericcontent__add_link__add_field_remote_styl.py https://bitbucket.org/mohjive/automagically.git | Python | 152 lines
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2import datetime 3from south.db import db 3from south.db import db 4from south.v2 import SchemaMigration 5from django.db import models 69 }, 70 'core.globalvariable': { 71 'Meta': {'object_name': 'GlobalVariable'}, 135 'Meta': {'object_name': 'VariableValue', '_ormbases': ['remote.Widget']}, 136 'var': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.GlobalVariable']"}), 137 'widget_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': "orm['remote.Widget']", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'})XDMF.py https://bitbucket.org/pefarrell/dolfin.git | Python | 239 lines
34 mesh2 = Mesh("output/mesh.xdmf") 35 self.assertEqual(mesh.size_global(0), mesh2.size_global(0)) 36 dim = mesh.topology().dim() 36 dim = mesh.topology().dim() 37 self.assertEqual(mesh.size_global(dim), mesh2.size_global(dim)) 38 43 mesh2 = Mesh("output/mesh_2D.xdmf") 44 self.assertEqual(mesh.size_global(0), mesh2.size_global(0)) 45 dim = mesh.topology().dim() 45 dim = mesh.topology().dim() 46 self.assertEqual(mesh.size_global(dim), mesh2.size_global(dim)) 47 52 mesh2 = Mesh("output/mesh_3D.xdmf") 53 self.assertEqual(mesh.size_global(0), mesh2.size_global(0)) 54 dim = mesh.topology().dim()test_hog.py https://github.com/neurodebian/scikits.image-1.git | Python | 142 lines
1import numpy as np 2from scipy import ndimage 2from scipy import ndimage 3from skimage import data 4from skimage import feature 4from skimage import feature 5from skimage import img_as_float 6from skimage import draw 6from skimage import draw 7from numpy.testing import (assert_raises, 8 assert_almost_equal, 66 if False: 67 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 68 plt.figure() 122 if False: 123 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 124 plt.figure()test_poisson_extravacuum.py https://gitlab.com/asod/gpaw | Python | 178 lines
1import pytest 2from gpaw.mpi import world 2from gpaw.mpi import world 3import time 4import numpy as np 5 6from gpaw.poisson import PoissonSolver 7from gpaw.poisson_extended import ExtendedPoissonSolver 7from gpaw.poisson_extended import ExtendedPoissonSolver 8from gpaw.poisson_extravacuum import ExtraVacuumPoissonSolver 9from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor 26 else: 27 from gpaw.test import equal 28 49 if gd.comm.rank == 0: 50 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 51 fig, ax_ij = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(20, 10))abc.py https://github.com/atoun/jsrepl.git | Python | 185 lines
5 6import types 7 7 8from _weakrefset import WeakSet 9 80 81 # A global counter that is incremented each time a class is 82 # registered as a virtual subclass of anything. It forces thefileutils.py https://gitlab.com/mattyhead/easyengine | Python | 268 lines
1"""EasyEngine file utils core classes.""" 2import shutil 3import os 4import sys 5import glob 6import shutil 6import shutil 7import pwd 8import fileinput 8import fileinput 9from ee.core.logging import Log 10tagreading.py https://github.com/MM294/Soprano-Player.git | Python | 232 lines
1from mutagenx.mp3 import MP3 2from mutagenx.id3 import ID3 2from mutagenx.id3 import ID3 3from mutagenx.mp4 import MP4 4from mutagenx.oggvorbis import OggVorbis 4from mutagenx.oggvorbis import OggVorbis 5from mutagenx.flac import FLAC 6from mutagenx.asf import ASF 7import os.path, magic 8from settings import sopranoGlobals, settings 9 55 def radioInfo(self, filepath): 56 self.editPref = settings.IconoPrefs(sopranoGlobals.RADIO_DATA) 57 stations = self.editPref.get_radioStations() 91 def id3Info(self, filepath): 92 #from time import time as systime 93 #systime1 = systime()Stream.py https://github.com/randfb/sim42.git | Python | 310 lines
7""" 8from sim.solver.Error import SimError 9from sim.solver.Variables import * 9from sim.solver.Variables import * 10from sim.solver import S42Glob 11from sim.solver.Ports import SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE 11from sim.solver.Ports import SIGNAL_TYPE_NONE 12from sim.solver.Messages import MessageHandler 13import UnitOperations 254 if PropTypes[currName].unitType != PropTypes[validateName].unitType: 255 equivalent = S42Glob.unitSystem.IsEquivalentType(PropTypes[currName].unitType, PropTypes[validateName].unitType) 256 except:formats.py https://gitlab.com/benji-bou/urotechchallenge-Serenity | Python | 258 lines
1import datetime 2import decimal 3import unicodedata 3import unicodedata 4from importlib import import_module 5 5 6from django.conf import settings 7from django.utils import dateformat, datetime_safe, numberformat, six 7from django.utils import dateformat, datetime_safe, numberformat, six 8from django.utils.encoding import force_str 9from django.utils.functional import lazy 9from django.utils.functional import lazy 10from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe 11from django.utils.translation import (test_http_connection.py https://gitlab.com/shpeely/game-stats | Python | 207 lines
1from integration_tests.http_test import HttpBaseTest 2import json 2import json 3import pytz 4from datetime import datetime 4from datetime import datetime 5from unittest.mock import MagicMock 6from game_stats.connection import Mutation, Query 95 96 def test_set_global_meta(self): 97 # given 105 self.connection.handle_request.assert_called_with( 106 Mutation.set_global_meta, meta 107 ) 108 109 def test_set_global_meta_datetime(self): 110 # givengradient_descent_test.py https://gitlab.com/hrishikeshvganu/tensorflow | Python | 169 lines
16"""Functional test for GradientDescent.""" 17from __future__ import absolute_import 18from __future__ import division 18from __future__ import division 19from __future__ import print_function 20 20 21import numpy as np 22import tensorflow as tf 115 116 def testWithGlobalStep(self): 117 for dtype in [tf.half, tf.float32]: 125 zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]), 126 global_step=global_step) 127 tf.initialize_all_variables().run()scrobbler.py https://github.com/andersbll/sonata.git | Python | 222 lines
5Example usage: 6import scrobbler 7self.scrobbler = scrobbler.Scrobbler(self.config) 7self.scrobbler = scrobbler.Scrobbler(self.config) 8self.scrobbler.import_module() 9self.scrobbler.init() 13 14import logging 15import os 15import os 16import sys 17import threading # init, np, post start threads init_thread, do_np, do_post 17import threading # init, np, post start threads init_thread, do_np, do_post 18import time 19test_funcattrs.py https://github.com/lalitjsraks/pypy.git | Python | 414 lines
1from test.test_support import verbose, TestFailed, verify 2import types 122 123from UserDict import UserDict 124d = UserDict({'four': 44, 'five': 55}) 134# im_func may not be a Python method! 135import new 136F.id = new.instancemethod(id, None, F) 272 273def test_func_globals(): 274 def f(): pass 274 def f(): pass 275 verify(f.func_globals is globals()) 276 cantset(f, "func_globals", globals()) 287 verify(f.func_name == "h") 288 cantset(f, "func_globals", 1) 289 cantset(f, "__name__", 1)test_rule_management_views.py https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contentrules.git | Python | 156 lines
4from plone.app.contentrules.rule import Rule 5from plone.app.contentrules.tests.base import ContentRulesTestCase 6from plone.contentrules.engine.interfaces import IRuleStorage 6from plone.contentrules.engine.interfaces import IRuleStorage 7from zope.component import getMultiAdapter 8from zope.component import getUtility 145 146 portal.restrictedTraverse("@@contentrule-globally-enable").globally_enable() 147 self.assertTrue(storage.active) 148 149 portal.restrictedTraverse("@@contentrule-globally-disable").globally_disable() 150 self.assertFalse(storage.active) 151 152 portal.restrictedTraverse("@@contentrule-globally-enable").globally_enable() 153 self.assertTrue(storage.active)evolution.py https://gitlab.com/hassanbot/NEATram | Python | 228 lines
1import copy # For copying genome 2import collections # For making Population into a list with MutableSequence 2import collections # For making Population into a list with MutableSequence 3import logging 4import random 49 """Constructor: Creates a new minimal individual, or from genome if supplied""" 50 global next_gene_id 51 global next_neuron_id 125 return 126 global next_gene_id 127 new_connection = Connection(from_neuron, to_neuron, weight, next_gene_id, enabled=enabled) 136 The old connection is disabled""" 137 global next_neuron_id 138 x_pos = (connection.to_neuron.position[0] + connection.from_neuron.position[0]) / 2.0hibeamlattice.py https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/warp.git | Python | 179 lines
2# DPG 7/22/99 3import re 4import string 122 def __init__(self,parent,**changes): 123 self.parent = eval(parent,globals()) 124 self.__dict__.update(changes) 176 if mfinish.group('u'): 177 return eval(mfinish.group('use'),globals()) 178 else: 178 else: 179 exec(d,globals()) 180templating.py https://github.com/bowlingb/flask.git | Python | 310 lines
11 12import flask 13import unittest 13import unittest 14from flask.testsuite import FlaskTestCase 15 256 257 def test_add_template_global(self): 258 app = flask.Flask(__name__) 258 app = flask.Flask(__name__) 259 @app.template_global() 260 def get_stuff(): 261 return 42 262 self.assert_in('get_stuff', app.jinja_env.globals.keys()) 263 self.assert_equal(app.jinja_env.globals['get_stuff'], get_stuff)mock_objects.py https://github.com/wdzhou/mantid.git | Python | 215 lines
1from __future__ import (absolute_import) 2 2 3from ui.sans_isis.sans_data_processor_gui import SANSDataProcessorGui 4from ui.sans_isis.settings_diagnostic_tab import SettingsDiagnosticTab 4from ui.sans_isis.settings_diagnostic_tab import SettingsDiagnosticTab 5from ui.sans_isis.masking_table import MaskingTable 6from sans.gui_logic.presenter.run_tab_presenter import RunTabPresenter 6from sans.gui_logic.presenter.run_tab_presenter import RunTabPresenter 7from sans.common.enums import (RangeStepType, OutputMode) 8from sans.test_helper.test_director import TestDirector 9 10import sys 11if sys.version_info.major == 3: 11if sys.version_info.major == 3: 12 from unittest import mock 13else:conversion.py https://github.com/mcahriman/Skype4Py.git | Python | 526 lines
5 6import os 7 7 8import enums 9 13# are included in the package built by py2exe. The tool looks just at 14# the imports, it ignores the 'if' statement. 15# 18if False: 19 import lang 20 513 try: 514 self._Module = __import__('lang.%s' % Language, globals(), locals(), ['lang']) 515 self._Language = str(Language)0002_auto__add_localprofile__add_localflusurvey.py https://github.com/asdahlborg/epiwork-website.git | Python | 199 lines
1# encoding: utf-8 2import datetime 3from south.db import db 3from south.db import db 4from south.v2 import SchemaMigration 5from django.db import models 189 'Meta': {'object_name': 'SurveyUser'}, 190 'global_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'83aac21f-dc32-44d9-894d-54f72337a890'", 'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '36'}), 191 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),Vtf.py https://gitlab.com/envieidoc/Clover | Python | 197 lines
17# 18from GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable 19import Common.LongFilePathOs as os 19import Common.LongFilePathOs as os 20from CommonDataClass.FdfClass import VtfClassObject 21from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open 74 " = " + \ 75 GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(self.ResetBin)) + \ 76 T_CHAR_LF) 124 if BinPath != '-': 125 BinPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(BinPath)) 126 BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_BIN" + \ 132 if SymPath != '-': 133 SymPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(SymPath)) 134 BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_SYM" + \unsupervised.py https://github.com/bvtrach/scikit-learn.git | Python | 193 lines
6 7import numpy as np 8 8 9from ...utils import check_random_state 10from ..pairwise import pairwise_distances 50 The generator used to initialize the centers. If an integer is 51 given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random 52 number generator.0025_auto__add_valuehistorymem__add_valuehistory.py https://bitbucket.org/mohjive/automagically.git | Python | 186 lines
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2import datetime 3from south.db import db 3from south.db import db 4from south.v2 import SchemaMigration 5from django.db import models 73 'command': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.Command']"}), 74 'condition': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.GlobalVariable']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 75 'device': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.Device']"}), 79 }, 80 'core.globalvariable': { 81 'Meta': {'object_name': 'GlobalVariable'}, 123 'command': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.Command']"}), 124 'condition': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.GlobalVariable']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 125 'device': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['core.Device']"}),compat.py https://gitlab.com/billyprice1/tribler | Python | 146 lines
6 7import io 8import os 8import os 9import glob 10import json 10import json 11import pickle 12import cPickle 17from Tribler.Core.SessionConfig import SessionStartupConfig 18from Tribler.Main.globals import DefaultDownloadStartupConfig 19from Tribler.Core.simpledefs import PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION 122 if os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): 123 for old_filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, '*.pickle')): 124 old_checkpoint = Nonethunk.py https://github.com/alemacgo/pypy.git | Python | 223 lines
3 $ py.py -o thunk 4 >>> from __pypy__ import thunk, lazy, become 5 >>> def f(): 30 31from pypy.objspace.proxy import patch_space_in_place 32from pypy.interpreter import gateway, baseobjspace, argument 32from pypy.interpreter import gateway, baseobjspace, argument 33from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError 34from pypy.interpreter.function import Method 122def become(space, w_target, w_source): 123 """Globally replace the target object with the source one.""" 124 w_target = force(space, w_target) 208 # for now, always make up a wrapped StdObjSpace 209 from pypy.objspace import std 210 space = std.Space(*args, **kwds)test_fixedwidth.py https://github.com/jiffyclub/astropy.git | Python | 408 lines
1import re 2import glob 3import numpy as np 3import numpy as np 4from ... import ascii as asciitable 5 7 8from .common import (raises, 9 assert_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_true,debugger.py https://github.com/kumaryu/IronLanguages-main.git | Python | 203 lines
1import sys, traceback, string 2 2 3from win32com.axscript import axscript 4from win32com.axdebug import codecontainer, axdebug, gateways, documents, contexts, adb, expressions 4from win32com.axdebug import codecontainer, axdebug, gateways, documents, contexts, adb, expressions 5from win32com.axdebug.util import trace, _wrap, _wrap_remove 6 6 7import pythoncom 8import win32api, winerror 8import win32api, winerror 9import os 10 123 expressionProvider = _wrap(expressions.ProvideExpressionContexts(), axdebug.IID_IProvideExpressionContexts) 124 self.expressionCookie = self.app.AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider(expressionProvider) 125generatedssuper.py https://github.com/botondus/generateds.git | Python | 210 lines
1 2import sys 3from generateds_definedsimpletypes import Defined_simple_type_table 6# 7# Globals 8labels.py https://github.com/arianepaola/tg2jython.git | Python | 195 lines
1import testenv; testenv.configure_for_tests() 2from sqlalchemy import * 2from sqlalchemy import * 3from sqlalchemy import exc as exceptions 4from testlib import * 4from testlib import * 5from sqlalchemy.engine import default 6 19 def setUpAll(self): 20 global metadata, table1, table2, maxlen 21 metadata = MetaData(testing.db)ascii_colossal.py https://github.com/al8/sublimetext-colossal.git | Python | 201 lines
1from __future__ import absolute_import 2from __future__ import division 2from __future__ import division 3from __future__ import print_function 4from __future__ import unicode_literals 5 6import string 7 147def load(debug_print = False): 148 global g_char_dict 149 print("ASCII COLOSSAL: Loading") 172if __name__ != "__main__": 173 import sublime, sublime_plugin 174node_minimal.py https://github.com/exosite-garage/synapse_nodes.git | Python | 121 lines
37# Use Synapse Evaluation Board definitions 38from synapse.evalBase import * 39 74#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75 global secondCounter, timerCounter, node_name 76 secondCounter = 0 # Used by the system for one second count 90#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 91 global secondCounter 92 secondCounter += 1 100#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 global timerCounter 102 timerCounter += 1 111#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 112 global node_name 113 mcastRpc(DEVICE_GROUP, 10, "publishData",node_name,resource_name,resource_value)GlobalOptions.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 103 lines
This Java class, GlobalOptions
, extends OptionsDialog
and provides a global options dialog for the jEdit text editor. It creates an option tree model with two main groups: “jedit” and “browser”, which contain various options related to editing, syntax highlighting, and browser settings. The dialog is customizable through its constructors and can be used to store user preferences.
1/* 2 * GlobalOptions.java - Global options dialog 3 * :tabSize=8:indentSize=8:noTabs=false: 24 25//{{{ Imports 26import java.awt.Dialog; 26import java.awt.Dialog; 27import java.awt.Frame; 28import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.OptionsDialog; 28import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.OptionsDialog; 29import org.gjt.sp.jedit.options.*; 30import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*; 30import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*; 31import org.gjt.sp.util.Log; 32//}}}test_pkg.py https://github.com/akheron/cpython.git | Python | 295 lines
6import textwrap 7import unittest 8from test import support 35# __init__ importing submodule 36# __init__ importing global module 37# __init__ defining variables 39# submodule importing global module 40# submodule import submodule via global name 41# from package import submodule 68 def run_code(self, code): 69 exec(textwrap.dedent(code), globals(), {"self": self}) 70 117 s = """ 118 import t2 119 from t2 import *test_threads.py https://github.com/openhatch/oh-mainline.git | Python | 164 lines
9 10from weakref import ref 11import gc 12 13from twisted.internet.test.reactormixins import ReactorBuilder 14from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool 163 164globals().update(ThreadTestsBuilder.makeTestCaseClasses()) 165pasterapp.py https://gitlab.com/chaifegn/myblog | Python | 210 lines
4# See the NOTICE for more information. 5from __future__ import print_function 6 12 import configparser as ConfigParser 13except ImportError: 14 import ConfigParser 29 30def paste_config(gconfig, config_url, relative_to, global_conf=None): 31 # add entry to pkg_resources 36 cx = loadwsgi.loadcontext(SERVER, config_url, relative_to=relative_to, 37 global_conf=global_conf) 38 gc, lc = cx.global_conf.copy(), cx.local_conf.copy() 68 return loadapp(config_url, relative_to=relative_to, 69 global_conf=global_conf) 70test_plugins.py https://bitbucket.org/WscriChy/vim-configuration.git | Python | 213 lines
2import unittest 3import tools 4 88 def test_plugin_oder(self): 89 self.app.install(MyPlugin()).add_content = ';global-1' 90 self.app.install(MyPlugin()).add_content = ';global-2' 97 def a(): return 'plugin' 98 self.assertBody('plugin;global-2;global-1', '/a') 99 self.assertBody('plugin;local-2;local-1;global-2;global-1', '/b') 102 g1 = self.app.install(MyPlugin()) 103 g1.add_content = ';global-1' 104 g2 = self.app.install(MyPlugin()) 112 def a(): return 'plugin' 113 self.assertBody('plugin;global-1', '/a') 114 self.assertBody('plugin;local-1;global-1', '/b')test_interpnd.py https://github.com/mantidproject/3rdpartylibs-win64.git | Python | 216 lines
1import numpy as np 2from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_allclose, assert_almost_equal, \ 4 5import scipy.interpolate.interpnd as interpnd 6import scipy.spatial.qhull as qhull 7 8import pickle 9 94 95class TestEstimateGradients2DGlobal(object): 96 def test_smoketest(self): 111 z = func(x[:,0], x[:,1]) 112 dz = interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, z, tol=1e-6) 113fix_next.py https://github.com/atoun/jsrepl.git | Python | 103 lines
7 8# Local imports 9from ..pgen2 import token 9from ..pgen2 import token 10from ..pygram import python_symbols as syms 11from .. import fixer_base 11from .. import fixer_base 12from ..fixer_util import Name, Call, find_binding 13 13 14bind_warning = "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed by global binding" 15 30 | 31 global=global_stmt< 'global' any* 'next' any* > 32 """test_formextender.py https://github.com/plone/plone.app.portlets.git | Python | 266 lines
3from plone.app.portlets.portlets import news 4from plone.app.portlets.storage import PortletAssignmentMapping 5from plone.app.portlets.tests.base import PortletsTestCase 5from plone.app.portlets.tests.base import PortletsTestCase 6from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletAssignment 7from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletAssignmentSettings 12from plone.z3cform.fieldsets.interfaces import IFormExtender 13from z3c.form import field 14from zope import schema 15from zope.component import adapter 16from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager 17from zope.component import getMultiAdapter 165 # Register our schemaextender 166 gsm = getGlobalSiteManager() 167 gsm.registerAdapter(PortletCssClassAdapter, (IPortletAssignment,))query.py https://github.com/vitormazzi/django-jython.git | Python | 136 lines
6 7import datetime 8from django.db.backends import util 18 The 'Database' module (cx_Oracle) is passed in here so that all the setup 19 required to import it only needs to be done by the calling module. 20 """ 20 """ 21 global _classes 22 try: 35 def convert_values(self, value, field): 36 from django.db.models.fields import DateField, DateTimeField, \ 37 TimeField, BooleanField, NullBooleanField, DecimalField, FloatField, FieldInstall.py https://github.com/dtgit/dtedu.git | Python | 170 lines
6from Products.Archetypes import listTypes 7from Products.FAQ import PROJECTNAME,product_globals 8 23 @type _layer: string 24 @ivar _prodglobals: Globals from this Product. 25 @type _propglobals: mapping object 32 @type skinsdir: string 33 @param prodglobals: Globals from this Product. 34 36 37 C{product_globals = globals()} 38 43 self._skinsdir = skinsdir 44 self._prodglobals = prodglobals 45 returnsymtable.py https://github.com/atoun/jsrepl.git | Python | 242 lines
3import _symtable 4from _symtable import (USE, DEF_GLOBAL, DEF_LOCAL, DEF_PARAM, 5 DEF_IMPORT, DEF_BOUND, OPT_IMPORT_STAR, OPT_EXEC, OPT_BARE_EXEC, 5 DEF_IMPORT, DEF_BOUND, OPT_IMPORT_STAR, OPT_EXEC, OPT_BARE_EXEC, 6 SCOPE_OFF, SCOPE_MASK, FREE, GLOBAL_IMPLICIT, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT, CELL, LOCAL) 7 144 145 def get_globals(self): 146 if self.__globals is None: 146 if self.__globals is None: 147 glob = (GLOBAL_IMPLICIT, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT) 148 test = lambda x:((x >> SCOPE_OFF) & SCOPE_MASK) in glob 192 def is_global(self): 193 return bool(self.__scope in (GLOBAL_IMPLICIT, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT)) 194test_content.py https://github.com/kcleong/plone.app.page.git | Python | 85 lines
1import unittest2 as unittest 2 14 def test_attributes_and_reindexing(self): 15 from zope.lifecycleevent import modified 16 33 def test_behavior_registered(self): 34 from zope.component import getUtility 35 from plone.behavior.interfaces import IBehavior 35 from plone.behavior.interfaces import IBehavior 36 from plone.app.blocks.layoutbehavior import ILayoutAware 37 43 def test_behavior_defaults(self): 44 from plone.app.blocks.layoutbehavior import ILayoutAware 45 58 from zope.component import provideUtility 59 from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager 60trail.py https://gitlab.com/pgeorgiev_vmw/idem-aws | Python | 334 lines
1import copy 2from collections import OrderedDict 2from collections import OrderedDict 3from typing import Any 4from typing import Dict 4from typing import Dict 5from typing import List 6 77 sns_topic_name: str, 78 include_global_service_events: bool, 79 is_multi_region_trail: bool, 93 "SnsTopicName": sns_topic_name, 94 "IncludeGlobalServiceEvents": include_global_service_events, 95 "IsMultiRegionTrail": is_multi_region_trail, 136 "SnsTopicName": "sns_topic_name", 137 "IncludeGlobalServiceEvents": "include_global_service_events", 138 "IsMultiRegionTrail": "is_multi_region_trail",cob_exporter.py https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3188_rk3066_r-box_android4.4.2_sdk | Python | 75 lines
1import os, bpy, struct 2from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper 2from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper 3from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty 4 20 "tracker_url": "", 21 "category": "Import-Export" 22 } 25 '''Exports the current scene into a Compressed Object format.''' 26 bl_idname = "export.cob_exporter" # this is important since its how bpy.ops.export.cob_exporter is constructed 27 bl_label = "COB Exporter" 30 31 filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.cob", options={'HIDDEN'}) 32DuckLib.py https://github.com/vranki/wiishooter.git | Python | 426 lines
7 8import pygame, random 9pygame.init() 326 self.negaCounter = 0 327 global score 328 334 335 global score 336test_current_flow_betweenness_centrality_subset.py https://bitbucket.org/shenli/socialgraph.git | Python | 181 lines
1#!/usr/bin/env python 2from nose.tools import * 3from nose import SkipTest 3from nose import SkipTest 4import networkx 5from nose.plugins.attrib import attr 6 7from networkx import edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality \ 8 as edge_current_flow 9 10from networkx import edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality_subset \ 11 as edge_current_flow_subset 16 def setupClass(cls): 17 global np 18 try:Visitor.py https://github.com/tylergreen/mython.git | Python | 296 lines
11# ______________________________________________________________________ 12# Module imports 13 57 """ 58 global flags 59 retVal = []test_zcml.py https://github.com/plone/plone.resource.git | Python | 111 lines
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2import os.path 3import unittest 4 5from plone.resource.interfaces import IResourceDirectory 6from six import StringIO 6from six import StringIO 7from zope.component import getUtility 8from zope.component.testing import tearDown 8from zope.component.testing import tearDown 9from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError 10from zope.configuration.xmlconfig import XMLConfig, xmlconfig 14 # Copy from ``zope.component.tests.examples`` 15 from zope.configuration.xmlconfig import XMLConfig 16 import zope.componentmeta.py https://github.com/ashwoods/Python-Markdown.git | Python | 96 lines
10 11 >>> import markdown 12 >>> text = '''Title: A Test Doc. 42""" 43import re 44 44 45import markdown 46 46 47# Global Vars 48META_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,3}(?P<key>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+):\s*(?P<value>.*)') 53 54 def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): 55 """ Add MetaPreprocessor to Markdown instance. """ShortcutScopeExample.py https://github.com/rwl/muntjac.git | Python | 92 lines
1 2from muntjac.api import \ 3 VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout, Panel, TextField, Button 4 5from muntjac.event.shortcut_listener import ShortcutListener 6from muntjac.ui.component import IFocusable 6from muntjac.ui.component import IFocusable 7from muntjac.ui.abstract_field import FocusShortcut 8from muntjac.event.shortcut_action import KeyCode, ModifierKey 8from muntjac.event.shortcut_action import KeyCode, ModifierKey 9from muntjac.ui.button import ClickShortcut, IClickListener 10 40 41 # Using firstname.addShortcutListener() would add globally, 42 # but we want the shortcut only in this panel:transaction.py https://github.com/GoodCloud/johnny-cache.git | Python | 318 lines
3 4from django.db import transaction as django_transaction 5from django.db import connection 6try: 7 from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS 8except: 11try: 12 from functools import wraps 13except ImportError: 13except ImportError: 14 from django.utils.functional import wraps # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallback. 15 16 17import django 18test_properties.py https://github.com/geojeff/kivy.git | Python | 393 lines
4 5import unittest 6from kivy.event import EventDispatcher 6from kivy.event import EventDispatcher 7from functools import partial 8 19 def test_base(self): 20 from kivy.properties import Property 21 31 def test_observer(self): 32 from kivy.properties import Property 33 37 self.assertEqual(a.get(wid), -1) 38 global observe_called 39 observe_called = 0analytical_solver.py https://gitlab.com/gmarciani/pydes | Python | 215 lines
1from core.analytical.analytical_solution import AnalyticalSolution 2from core.utils.logutils import ConsoleHandler 2from core.utils.logutils import ConsoleHandler 3from core.simulation.model.scope import TaskScope 4from core.utils.report import SimpleReport as Report 4from core.utils.report import SimpleReport as Report 5from core.random.rndvar import Variate 6from core.simulation.model.scope import SystemScope 6from core.simulation.model.scope import SystemScope 7from core.markov import markovgen 8import logging 146 self.solution.performance_metrics.population[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.TASK_2] = N_sys_2 147 self.solution.performance_metrics.population[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.GLOBAL] = N_sys 148 self.solution.performance_metrics.response[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.TASK_1] = T_sys_1 149 self.solution.performance_metrics.response[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.TASK_2] = T_sys_2 150 self.solution.performance_metrics.response[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.GLOBAL] = T_sys 151 self.solution.performance_metrics.throughput[SystemScope.SYSTEM][TaskScope.TASK_1] = X_sys_1hw2_part2_sol1.py https://github.com/andrewdyates/CSE-630.git | Python | 304 lines
3 4import sys 5 5 6# GLOBAL AGENT STATES 7item1 = 0 # int >= 0, 0: empty 24 """ 25 global item1 26 global item2 26 global item2 27 global hand 28ssh.py https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/aws-cli | Python | 187 lines
20from awscli.customizations.emr import sshutils 21from awscli.customizations.emr.command import Command 22 42 session=self._session, 43 parsed_globals=parsed_globals, 44 cluster_id=parsed_args.cluster_id) 81 session=self._session, 82 parsed_globals=parsed_globals, 83 cluster_id=parsed_args.cluster_id) 127 session=self._session, 128 parsed_globals=parsed_globals, 129 cluster_id=parsed_args.cluster_id) 166 session=self._session, 167 parsed_globals=parsed_globals, 168 cluster_id=parsed_args.cluster_id)DTField.py https://gitlab.com/liuxin429go/H2D2-tools | Python | 268 lines
9 10from . import FEMesh 11from . import DTData 12try: 13 from .DTReducOperation import REDUCTION_OPERATION as Operation 14except ImportError: 14except ImportError: 15 from .DTReducOperation_pp import REDUCTION_OPERATION as Operation 16 16 17import numpy as np 18 257 import os 258 p = 'E:/Projets_simulation/EQ/Dry-Wet/Simulations/GLOBAL_01/Simulation/global01_0036' 259 f = os.path.join(p, 'simul000.pst.sim')SearchAction.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 219 lines
This Java code defines an Action
class called SearchAction
, which is used to open a search dialog for a selected directory or project in a text editor. When executed, it searches for files within the specified path and allows users to filter results by file type. The action also handles recursive searching of directories and excludes binary files if configured to do so.
20 21//{{{ Imports 22import java.io.FileInputStream; 22import java.io.FileInputStream; 23import java.io.InputStream; 24import java.io.IOException; 24import java.io.IOException; 25import java.io.Reader; 26 26 27import java.util.HashSet; 28import java.util.Enumeration; 29 30import java.util.regex.Matcher; 31import java.util.regex.Pattern;trainer.py https://gitlab.com/hrishikeshvganu/tensorflow | Python | 75 lines
15 16from __future__ import absolute_import 17from __future__ import division 21 22from tensorflow.python.framework import ops 23from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops 23from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops 24from tensorflow.python.ops import clip_ops 25from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops 27from tensorflow.python.ops import variables 28from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs 29from tensorflow.contrib.layers import optimizers 47 loss: Tensor, loss value. 48 global_step: Tensor, global step of the model. 49 feed_dict_fn: Function that will return a feed dictionary.test_gibbs.py https://github.com/arokem/dipy.git | Python | 265 lines
1import numpy as np 2from dipy.denoise.gibbs import (_gibbs_removal_1d, _gibbs_removal_2d, 3 gibbs_removal, _image_tv) 4from numpy.testing import (assert_, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises) 5 8 """Module-level setup""" 9 global image_gibbs, image_gt, image_cor, Nre 10updateMismatchAndMiddleFlatOLD.py https://github.com/JasonAng/ResearchScripts.git | Python | 91 lines
1import bioLibCG 2import cgNexusFlat 2import cgNexusFlat 3import cgPeaks 4import cgAlignmentFlat 88if __name__ == "__main__": 89 import sys 90 bioLibCG.submitArgs(globals()[sys.argv[1]], sys.argv[1:])operation_tracker.py https://github.com/heyman/django-debug-toolbar-mongo.git | Python | 236 lines
1import functools 2import traceback 2import traceback 3import time 4import inspect 4import inspect 5import os 6import SocketServer 7 8import django 9from django.conf import settings 10 11import pymongo 12import pymongo.collection 12import pymongo.collection 13import pymongo.cursor 14storage.py https://github.com/koder-ua/megarepo.git | Python | 98 lines
1import glob 2 18try: 19 import couchdb 20 81 82except ImportError: 83 CouchDBStorage = None 91 for name, hwip in s.get_all(): 92 if glob.fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, template): 93 yield name, hwiptest_numpad.py https://bitbucket.org/abotev/ssnasa_r2_simulator.git | Python | 183 lines
13 14import math 15import roslib 17 18import sys, unittest 19import os, os.path, threading, time 19import os, os.path, threading, time 20import rospy, rostest 21 21 22from std_msgs.msg import String 23from helper import * 23from helper import * 24from gazebo_taskboard.msg import * 25from gazebo_taskboard.srv import *utils.py https://github.com/opevans/Sahana-Timeline.git | Python | 192 lines
35 36import rpy2.rinterface as r 37 48 r.initr () 49 R._execute = r.globalEnv.get 50 R._library = R._execute ('library') 56 @staticmethod 57 def importLibrary (string): 58 R._start () 110def Group (arg=None): 111 global groupCounter 112 if arg is None:murphy.py https://bitbucket.org/imotai/diffviewer.git | Python | 80 lines
11 12from pygments.style import Style 13from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, \ 44 Name.Variable.Class: "#ccf", 45 Name.Variable.Global: "#f84", 46 Name.Constant: "bold #5ed",ScatterPlot.py https://gitlab.com/pkormos/phase_python | Python | 102 lines
8## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) 9import initExample 10 10 11from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore 12import pyqtgraph as pg 12import pyqtgraph as pg 13import numpy as np 14 48def clicked(plot, points): 49 global lastClicked 50 for p in lastClicked: 98if __name__ == '__main__': 99 import sys 100 if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):caabatools.py https://gitlab.com/RolfSander/caaba-mecca | Python | 70 lines
8 9import sys, os 10assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6) 10assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6) 11import re # regexp 12from netCDF4 import Dataset 41 Dataset('caaba_mecca_rr.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') as ncid_out2: 42 # copy global attributes all at once via dictionary: 43 ncid_out1.setncatts(ncid_in.__dict__)pystone.py https://bitbucket.org/x893/sirflive.git | Python | 266 lines
117 IntLoc1 = IntLoc1 + 1 118 Proc8(Array1Glob, Array2Glob, IntLoc1, IntLoc3) 119 PtrGlb = Proc1(PtrGlb) 160def Proc3(PtrParOut): 161 global IntGlob 162 170def Proc4(): 171 global Char2Glob 172 178 global Char1Glob 179 global BoolGlob 180 208def Proc8(Array1Par, Array2Par, IntParI1, IntParI2): 209 global IntGlob 210test_attribute_customize.py https://bitbucket.org/mdavid/dlr.git | Python | 272 lines
15 16from iptest.assert_util import * 17 17 18global flag 19 63def test_setattr_alone(): 64 global flag 65 68 def f(self): self.x = 10 69 def simply_record(self, name, value): global flag; flag = "%s %s" % (name, value) 70 def simply_throw(self, name, value): raise AssertionErrorjedit_gui.props https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | MSBuild | 1824 lines
15 <!-- Add lines like the following, one for each edit mode you add: -->\n\ 16 <!-- <MODE NAME="foo" FILE="foo.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.foo" /> -->\n\ 17 \n\ 54 undo redo cut copy paste - find find-next - new-view unsplit \ 55 split-horizontal split-vertical - buffer-options global-options - \ 56 plugin-manager - help 73buffer-options.icon=Properties24.gif 74global-options.icon=Preferences24.gif 75plugin-manager.icon=BeanAdd24.gif 118 Host24.gif \ 119 Import24.gif \ 120 Information24.gif \ 532buffer-options.label=$Buffer Options... 533global-options.label=$Global Options... 534#}}}ArrayVariableDeclaration.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 161 lines
This Java class represents an array variable declaration in a PHP script. It extends the Expression
class and contains two expressions: a key and a value, which can be either another expression or null. The class provides methods to analyze code, get modified variables, used variables, and more, allowing it to work with PHP’s syntax tree.
22 23import gatchan.phpparser.parser.PHPParser; 24import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.ast.declarations.VariableUsage; 25 26import java.util.List; 27 103 /** 104 * Get the variables from outside (parameters, globals ...) 105 *Mode.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 285 lines
This Java class, Mode
, represents an edit mode for a text editor. It defines settings and properties for editing specific types of files, such as syntax highlighting and folding. The class provides methods to initialize, load, and set properties, as well as check if the current buffer matches the specified file name and first line.
64 { 65 String filenameGlob = (String)getProperty("filenameGlob"); 66 if(filenameGlob != null && filenameGlob.length() != 0) 71 72 String firstlineGlob = (String)getProperty("firstlineGlob"); 73 if(firstlineGlob != null && firstlineGlob.length() != 0) 226 String filenameGlob = (String)this.props.get("filenameGlob"); 227 String firstlineGlob = (String)this.props.get("firstlineGlob"); 228 String filename = (String)this.props.get("file"); 230 if(filenameGlob != null) 231 props.put("filenameGlob",filenameGlob); 232 if(firstlineGlob != null) 232 if(firstlineGlob != null) 233 props.put("firstlineGlob",firstlineGlob); 234 if(filename != null)qt_cocoa_helpers_mac.mm https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | Objective C++ | 1824 lines
101 102Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMacWindowFader, macwindowFader); 103 237 238Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DnDParams, currentDnDParameters); 239DnDParams *macCurrentDnDParameters() 440 441Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMacTabletHash, tablet_hash) 442QMacTabletHash *qt_mac_tablet_hash() 913 NSRect contentRect = [window contentRectForFrameRect:frameRect]; 914 qglobalPoint = QPoint(flipPoint(globalPoint).toPoint()); 915 QWidget *w = widgetToGetEvent->childAt(widgetToGetEvent->mapFromGlobal(qglobalPoint)); 918 if (fakeNCEvents || (!NSMouseInRect(globalPoint, contentRect, NO) && !w)) { 919 qglobalPoint = QPoint(flipPoint(globalPoint).toPoint()); 920 qlocalPoint = widgetToGetEvent->mapFromGlobal(qglobalPoint);ViewOptionPane.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 213 lines
This Java code defines a custom dialog box for editing view options in an editor application. It includes settings such as dock layout, toolbar layout, showing full path and search bar, and buffer switcher behavior. The dialog box updates the application’s properties when changed and provides buttons to toggle between different layouts.
24 25import javax.swing.border.*; 26import javax.swing.*; 26import javax.swing.*; 27import java.awt.event.*; 28import java.awt.*; 28import java.awt.*; 29import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*; 30import org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSet; 30import org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSet; 31import org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSetManager; 32 124 defaultBufferSet = new JComboBox(); 125 defaultBufferSet.addItem(BufferSet.Scope.global); 126 defaultBufferSet.addItem(BufferSet.Scope.view);actionscript.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 830 lines
135 136 <!-- Global functions --> 137 <LITERAL2>Boolean</LITERAL2> 209 <LITERAL2>getDepth</LITERAL2> 210 <LITERAL2>globalToLocal</LITERAL2> 211 <LITERAL2>hitTest</LITERAL2> 211 <LITERAL2>hitTest</LITERAL2> 212 <LITERAL2>localToGlobal</LITERAL2> 213 <LITERAL2>setMask</LITERAL2> 419 <!-- Function --> 420 <LITERAL2>_global</LITERAL2> 421 <LITERAL2>apply</LITERAL2> 803 804 <KEYWORD2>import</KEYWORD2> 805 <KEYWORD1>instanceof</KEYWORD1>example-vc.vcproj https://swig.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swig | Unknown | 159 lines
38 SubSystem="2" 39 ImportLibrary="$(OutDir)/example-vc.lib" 40 TargetMachine="1"/> 85 EnableCOMDATFolding="2" 86 ImportLibrary="$(OutDir)/example-vc.lib" 87 TargetMachine="1"/> 155 </Files> 156 <Globals> 157 </Globals>perlkw.swg https://swig.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swig | Unknown | 252 lines
126PERLBN(fcntl); 127PERLBN(glob); 128PERLBN(ioctl); 162PERLKW(caller); 163PERLKW(import); 164PERLKW(local); 202PERLKW(do); 203PERLKW(import); 204PERLKW(no); 227PERLBN(formline); 228PERLBN(glob); 229PERLBN(import);perl.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 733 lines
179 180 <!-- file globs / IO operators --> 181 <SEQ_REGEXP HASH_CHAR="<" TYPE="KEYWORD4"><[\p{Punct}\p{Alnum}_]*></SEQ_REGEXP> 432 <KEYWORD3>fcntl</KEYWORD3> 433 <KEYWORD3>glob</KEYWORD3> 434 <KEYWORD3>ioctl</KEYWORD3> 465 <!--<KEYWORD1>caller</KEYWORD1>--> 466 <!--<KEYWORD1>import</KEYWORD1>--> 467 <KEYWORD1>local</KEYWORD1> 503 <!--<KEYWORD1>do</KEYWORD1>--> 504 <KEYWORD1>import</KEYWORD1> 505 <KEYWORD1>no</KEYWORD1>build.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 207 lines
21 command line by adding '-Ddocs-proc.target=xalan' or in any of the 22 build.properties files that are imported. If you do not have any 23 documentation, set the 'build-docs.not-required' property to any value and 40 because it allows you to specify properties that affect all plugins. 41 - ${user.home}/.build.properties : Allows you to specify global properties 42 that are to be shared across all Ant projects. This file is hidden by 43 unix file standard. 44 - ${user.home}/.build.properties : Allows you to specify global properties 45 that are to be shared across all Ant projects. 117 <echo file="docbook-wrapper.xsl" append="true" 118 message="<xsl:import href='${docbook.xsl}/html/chunk.xsl'/>"/> 119 <echo file="docbook-wrapper.xsl" append="true"freemarker.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 205 lines
69 <SPAN_REGEXP TYPE="KEYWORD1" DELEGATE="EXPRESSION" HASH_CHAR="<"> 70 <BEGIN><#?(if|elseif|switch|foreach|list|case|assign|local|global|setting|include|import|stop|escape|macro|function|transform|call|visit|recurse)(\s|/|$)</BEGIN> 71 <END>></END> 74 <SEQ_REGEXP TYPE="KEYWORD1" HASH_CHAR="</" 75 ></#?(assign|local|global|if|switch|foreach|list|escape|macro|function|transform|compress|noescape)></SEQ_REGEXP> 76P4FileInfoAction.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 81 lines
This Java code defines a custom action for a Perforce plugin, allowing users to view file information by executing a customizable p4 command. The action retrieves the selected node’s path and passes it as an argument to the chosen command, displaying the output in a dialog box if desired. It also handles configuration settings and provides a visible menu item based on the node type.
22 23import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 24 24 25import org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit; 26 26 27import projectviewer.vpt.VPTNode; 28 29import p4plugin.Perforce; 30import p4plugin.config.P4GlobalConfig; 31 68 if ("diff".equals(getCommand()) && 69 P4GlobalConfig.getInstance().getIgnoreDiffOutput()) 70 {host-design.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 474 lines
16 plugins by outlining how jEdit loads and displays them. This section 17 only provides a broad overview of the more important components that 18 make up jEdit; specifics of the API will be documented in 278 <classname>View</classname> class 279 performs two important operations that deal 280 with plugins: creating plugin menu items, and managing dockable 335 manager iterates through the list of registered dockable windows and 336 examines options supplied by the user in the <guilabel>Global 337 Options</guilabel> dialog box. It displays any windows that the userLiteral.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 40 lines
This Java class represents a superclass of literal expressions in an abstract syntax tree (AST). It provides methods to retrieve variables from outside, modified variables, and used variables, as well as a method to get an expression at a specific line and column. The class is abstract, meaning it cannot be instantiated directly, and serves as a base for concrete subclasses that implement its methods.
2 3import java.util.List; 4 15 /** 16 * Get the variables from outside (parameters, globals ...) 17 *FieldDeclaration.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 249 lines
This Java class represents a Field Declaration in PHP, which is a variable declaration for a php class. It extends Statement and implements various interfaces to provide information about the field, such as its name, path, and variables. It also provides methods to analyze code and get the field’s expression at a specific line and column.
2 3import gatchan.phpparser.parser.PHPParser; 4import gatchan.phpparser.project.itemfinder.PHPItem; 4import gatchan.phpparser.project.itemfinder.PHPItem; 5import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Outlineable; 6import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.OutlineableWithChildren; 6import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.OutlineableWithChildren; 7import org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities; 8import sidekick.IAsset; 9 10import javax.swing.*; 11import javax.swing.text.Position; 11import javax.swing.text.Position; 12import java.util.List; 13NATObject.java http://ambienttalk.googlecode.com/svn/ | Java | 1012 lines
This Java code defines a class for an object in a programming language, likely called “ChibiML”. It provides methods for accessing and manipulating objects’ properties, such as fields and methods, as well as their inheritance hierarchy. The class also includes type testing and flag management functionality.
29 30import edu.vub.at.actors.ATActorMirror; 31import edu.vub.at.actors.ATAsyncMessage; 31import edu.vub.at.actors.ATAsyncMessage; 32import edu.vub.at.eval.Evaluator; 33import edu.vub.at.exceptions.InterpreterException; 33import edu.vub.at.exceptions.InterpreterException; 34import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XArityMismatch; 35import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XDuplicateSlot; 35import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XDuplicateSlot; 36import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XSelectorNotFound; 37import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XTypeMismatch; 37import edu.vub.at.exceptions.XTypeMismatch; 38import edu.vub.at.objects.ATBoolean; 39import edu.vub.at.objects.ATClosure;JEditMode.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 106 lines
This Java class, JEditMode
, represents a mode for the jEdit text editor. It extends the Mode
class and provides methods to retrieve properties from the mode’s configuration, load the mode from disk if necessary, and handle loading issues. The class is designed to work with jEdit’s configuration system.
24 25import org.gjt.sp.util.Log; 26 73 74 String global = jEdit.getProperty("buffer." + key); 75 if(global != null) 78 { 79 return new Integer(global); 80 } 82 { 83 return global; 84 }totop.php http://sewebar-cms.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 34 lines
This PHP code defines a custom feature for the Joomla framework, specifically for the RocketTheme Quasar Template. It adds a “To Top” button to the page that links back to the top of the content when clicked. The script and HTML are generated dynamically based on the feature’s settings.
13 14gantry_import('core.gantryfeature'); 15 19 function init() { 20 global $gantry; 21jEdit.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 4373 lines
This Java code is part of a text editor application, managing views and user interactions. It handles view creation, closing, and switching between views. It also manages settings, garbage collection, and memory usage. The code provides methods for getting and setting various properties, such as the number of open views, the currently active view, and whether jEdit is running in background mode.
23 24//{{{ Imports 25import org.gjt.sp.jedit.visitors.JEditVisitor; 25import org.gjt.sp.jedit.visitors.JEditVisitor; 26import java.awt.Color; 27import java.awt.Component; 27import java.awt.Component; 28import java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager; 29import java.awt.Font; 29import java.awt.Font; 30import java.awt.Frame; 31import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; 31import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; 32import java.awt.Toolkit; 33import java.awt.Window;ForeachStatement.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 110 lines
This Java class represents a Foreach statement in a programming language, encapsulating an expression, variable, and associated statement. It provides methods to convert the statement to a string representation, retrieve variables from outside the statement, track modified variables, and identify used variables. The class extends another Statement
class and is part of a larger compiler or interpreter system.
2 3import java.util.List; 4 78 /** 79 * Get the variables from outside (parameters, globals ...). 80 *Jamroot.jam http://hadesmem.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | text | 0 lines
8 9if [ glob ../../../boost-build.jam ] 10{ 14{ 15 import modules ; 16 use-project /boost : [ MATCH --boost=(.*) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; 18 19if ! [ glob ../src/process_jam_log.cpp ] 20{malloc_extension.h http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C Header | 403 lines
This is a C header file that defines an interface for a memory allocation system, specifically a malloc extension. It provides functions and data structures for managing memory pools, tracking allocations, and sampling allocation points. The code appears to be part of a larger project, possibly a browser or operating system, and is used to implement a custom memory allocator.
54 55// Annoying stuff for windows -- makes sure clients can import these functions 56#ifndef PERFTOOLS_DLL_DECL 57# ifdef _WIN32 58# define PERFTOOLS_DLL_DECL __declspec(dllimport) 59# else 92 93 // Call this very early in the program execution -- say, in a global 94 // constructor -- to set up parameters and state needed by allperl.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 547 lines
270 <KEYWORD3>fcntl</KEYWORD3> 271 <KEYWORD3>glob</KEYWORD3> 272 <KEYWORD3>ioctl</KEYWORD3> 304 <!--<KEYWORD1>caller</KEYWORD1>--> 305 <!--<KEYWORD1>import</KEYWORD1>--> 306 <KEYWORD1>local</KEYWORD1> 341 <!--<KEYWORD1>do</KEYWORD1>--> 342 <KEYWORD1>import</KEYWORD1> 343 <KEYWORD1>no</KEYWORD1>progress.xml https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | XML | 1040 lines
36// 37// IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to limitation of the C++ language, we have to 38// leave some internal implementation details in this header file. 70// 71// The user can define GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING to 1 to indicate that 72// ::string is available AND is a distinct type to ::std::string, or 75// If the user's ::std::string and ::string are the same class due to 76// aliasing, he should define GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING to 0. 77// 77// 78// If the user doesn't define GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING, it is defined 79// heuristically. 99 100// This flag sets up the filter to select by name using a glob pattern 101// the tests to run. If the filter is not given all tests are executed.Name.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 1067 lines
This Java code is part of a BeanShell interpreter, which allows users to execute dynamic Java code. It handles method invocations, command loading, and error handling for a scripting language. The code parses user input, resolves compound names (e.g., “this.myMethod”), and invokes methods or commands accordingly.
36 37import java.lang.reflect.Array; 38import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; 232 Doing this first gives the correct Java precedence for vars 233 vs. imported class names (at least in the simple case - see 234 tests/precedence1.bsh). It should also speed things up a bit. 537 538 if ( varName.equals("global") ) 539 obj = thisNameSpace.getGlobal( interpreter ); 625 @throws ClassPathException (type of EvalError) on special case of 626 ambiguous unqualified name after super import. 627 */ 879 If the method is not already declared in the namespace then try 880 to load it as a resource from the imported command path (e.g. 881 /bsh/commands)Display_Abbreviations.bsh https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Unknown | 386 lines
29 * in a dialog. A combo box lists all eidting modes for which abbreviations 30 * are currently defined, as well as the "global" abbreviation set. 31 * 36 * 37 * The macro has two global constants defined to permit customization of the 38 * script's behavior. STARTING_SET contains the name of the abbreviation set 44 * The table being displayed at any time is not updated if changes are made to 45 * the abbreviation set in the "Global Options" dialog. If EXCLUDE_EMPTY_SETS 46 * is set to true, the drop-down list will not by updated. Clsoing the dialog 53 54import javax.swing.table.*; 55 58 * This returns an array with the names of the abbreviation sets 59 * (beginning with "global"). If EXCLUDE_EMPTY_SETS is set to true, only sets 60 * with abbreviations are included.SessionPropertiesDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 279 lines
This Java code defines a dialog for managing session properties, displaying registered property panes and allowing users to save changes. It creates a tree view of property groups and panes, with buttons for applying and canceling changes. When a pane is selected, its settings are initialized and displayed in the dialog.
4 * 5 * Based on GlobalOptionsDialog.java 6 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Slava Pestov 26 27import javax.swing.*; 28import javax.swing.border.*; 28import javax.swing.border.*; 29import javax.swing.tree.*; 30import javax.swing.event.*; 30import javax.swing.event.*; 31import java.awt.*; 32import java.awt.event.*; 32import java.awt.event.*; 33import java.util.Enumeration; 34import java.util.Vector;DockableWindowManager.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 754 lines
This Java code defines a docking area for an integrated development environment (IDE). It provides functionality to show and hide dockable windows, manage keyboard shortcuts, and save/load layouts of window arrangements. The layout is stored in XML files and can be loaded from the IDE’s settings directory. The code uses various classes and interfaces to implement the docking area’s behavior.
2 3// {{{ imports 4import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; 4import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; 5import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 6import java.awt.event.KeyListener; 6import java.awt.event.KeyListener; 7import java.io.File; 8import java.io.FilenameFilter; 8import java.io.FilenameFilter; 9import java.util.*; 10import java.util.Map.Entry; 11 12import javax.swing.JComponent; 13import javax.swing.JPanel;VFSBrowser.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 1700 lines
This Java code is part of a file manager application, specifically a VFS (Virtual File System) browser. It handles events such as directory changes, selection updates, and action invocations for various actions like opening files, creating directories, and filtering files. The code uses BeanShell scripting and interacts with the underlying GUI components to provide functionality for navigating and managing files in a virtual file system.
24 25//{{{ Imports 26import bsh.*; 26import bsh.*; 27import gnu.regexp.*; 28import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; 28import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; 29import javax.swing.event.*; 30import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; 30import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; 31import javax.swing.*; 32import java.awt.event.*; 32import java.awt.event.*; 33import java.awt.*; 34import java.io.File;makeplots.py git://github.com/clawpack/clawpack-4.x.git | Python | 56 lines
This Python script generates plots and .rst files for each setplot function in a directory. It searches for all files named setplot_*.py
, loops over them, creates plots using the plotclaw
function, and writes documentation for each example to an accompanying .rst
file. The resulting files are used to generate HTML documentation.
11 12import os, glob, re 13from pyclaw.plotters.plotclaw import plotclaw 19 20filenames = glob.glob('setplot_*.py') 21compile.el git://github.com/emacsmirror/emacs.git | Emacs Lisp | 2829 lines
This code starts a compilation process by creating a new buffer and setting its major mode to compilation-mode'. It also sets the default directory to the current directory, as specified in the
default-directory’ variable. The `compilation-environment’ variable is used to set environment variables for the compilation process.
The code then checks if there is already a running compilation process in the current buffer. If so, it prompts the user whether to kill the process or not. If the user chooses to kill the process, the code deletes it using the `delete-process’ function.
After checking for any existing processes, the code creates a new process and sets its query on exit flag to nil. This means that when the process exits, Emacs will prompt the user whether to kill it or not. The code then runs the compilation command in the new process using the `start-process’ function.
Finally, the code displays the output of the compilation process in a separate window using the `display-buffer’ function.
275 (makepp 276 "^makepp\\(?:\\(?:: warning\\(:\\).*?\\|\\(: Scanning\\|: [LR]e?l?oading makefile\\|: Imported\\|log:.*?\\) \\|: .*?\\)\ 277`\\(\\(\\S +?\\)\\(?::\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?\\)['(]\\)" 317 318 ;; "during global destruction": This comes out under "use 319 ;; warnings" in recent perl when breaking circular references 322 " at \\([^ \n]+\\) line \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:[,.]\\|$\\| \ 323during global destruction\\.$\\)" 1 2) 324 782(defcustom compilation-skip-threshold 1 783 "Compilation motion commands skip less important messages. 784The value can be either 2 -- skip anything less than error, 1 -- 955;; Internal function for calculating the text properties of a directory 956;; change message. The compilation-directory property is important, because it 957;; is the stack of nested enter-messages. Relative filenames on the followingexception_partial_info_runme.lua https://swig.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swig | Lua | 13 lines
This Lua code tests an exception handling implementation by attempting to call two throwing methods (f1
and f2
) on an object imp
. The pcall
function is used to catch any exceptions that might be thrown, and if the method call succeeds, it returns true
, otherwise false
. If the code runs without errors, it indicates a potential issue with the exception handling implementation.
1require("import") -- the import fn 2import("exception_partial_info") -- import code 3 4-- catch "undefined" global variables 5setmetatable(getfenv(),{__index=function (t,i) error("undefined global variable `"..i.."'",2) end})Prime Numbers, Factorization and Euler Function .html http://mycila.googlecode.com/svn/ | HTML | 784 lines
This HTML code is a TopCoder competition page, displaying problem information and related content. It includes a table with problem details, a right column with additional content, and a footer with copyright information and links to other TopCoder resources. The page also tracks user interactions using Google Analytics.
50<div id="shortcutBar"> 51 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scHome.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Home'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 52 <div class="icon"><a href="javascript:arena();"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scAlgo.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Algorithm Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 52 <div class="icon"><a href="javascript:arena();"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scAlgo.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Algorithm Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 53 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ActiveContests&pt=23"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scConceptualization.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Software Conceptualization Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 54 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ActiveContests&pt=6"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scSpecification.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Software Specification Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 54 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ActiveContests&pt=6"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scSpecification.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Software Specification Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 55 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ActiveContests&pt=7"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scArchitecture.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Software Architecture Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 56 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ViewActiveContests&ph=112"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scDesign.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Component Design Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 56 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ViewActiveContests&ph=112"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scDesign.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Component Design Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 57 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ViewActiveContests&ph=113"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scDevelopment.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Component Development Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 58 58 59 <div class="icon"><a href="http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=ViewAssemblyActiveContests"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scAssembly.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','Software Assembly Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div> 60 <div class="icon"><a href="javascript:arena();"><img src="Prime%20Numbers,%20Factorization%20and%20Euler%20Function%20_files/scTCHS.png" alt="" onmouseover="postPopUpText('globalPopupText','High School Competitions'); popUp(this,'globalPopup');" onmouseout="popHide()"></a></div>